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Publication Date:
December 19, 1980
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Approved For Release 200 7 ? 6-00788R000500770002-2
DATED: 051630Z31178
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-007C9aRD177F0124ME
Approved For Release 200LOpielfiqiit196-00788R000500770002-2
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information concerning a suspected event of
SG1C 15 Dec BO
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer. At TAB C are Control Monitor comments.
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1300 hours,
19 December 1980.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate. Relax.
Relax. Relax. Focus your attentions solely and completely
on the target, solely and completely on the target:
Solely and completely on the target. Solely and completely on
the target. Move now through time and space, move your percep-
tions now through time and space to the target area 15 December,
15 December 0930 GMT, 15 December 0930 GMT.
#01: A very bright light, it's flickering...a strobe light....
ship On a coastline on a city...we're in a city..
I keep coming down on this...kind of a strobe light. I can't
tell if it's like, uh, like one of those, uh, flashing lights
on top of a police car or it it's on a...some other kind of
vehicle... Some type of emergency vehicle or something...
#66: Okay. Now from the target, from the target, do you see a
coastline from the target or do you feel the coastline is at
this city?
#01: I think the, uh, coastline is away from the city...
I, uh, came down originally on the coast and moved to the
#66: All right. Let me read the coordinates again and let's make
sure we maintain a fixed position at the coordinate.
+07 A time window 15 December 1960. Now scan from 0930 to 10:00,
0930 to 10:00...
#01: I feel like I' a very great altitude and I'm looking at
this coastline...and off shore from the coastline is like a
group of five or six ships. And I get this like, uh, very
quick, very bright flash, it's very intense initially, and
then it gets softer in intensity and then it goes out...a very
powerful strobe...
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#66: What Makes you say that you're at a great altitude?
#01: I feel like I'm looking at the earth from a great altitude.
I see this coastline and a...specks in the water look like ships.
Everything's shimmering with light, like in the bright sunlight...
clouds... I don't know why I went to that altitude, I just
went to the altitOde for some reason. Below me I see this very
intense light flash and then it kinda dies out, like a slow
burning flashbulb....
I'm getting like a, uh, just a "V" shape of water, very high,
but a "V" shape of water.
#66: All right. From your perspective, from your perspective, what
altitude are you at at your perspective?
#01: Very high, 151 20 miles.
#66: The light that you perceive you call a strobe. At what altitude
above the earth is this?
#01: Uh...2,000 feet.
#66: Tell me what it is you experience that makes you say 2,000 feet.
#01: Like cast...doesn't cast any shadow out, there's no shadow,
just this brilliant light, and there would be shadow, it would
seem, if it was in the earth's surface it would be some shadow.
But there's none, it's like suspended in the air.
#66: It- do I understand you to say that it is of sufficient altitude
that it doesn't cast long shadows on the objects below it?
#01: That's correct,..
+11 #66: Co to the point in time before the flash and the strobe
illuminates things and describe to me what you see....
#01: See what looks like a, uh, small aircraft, like a fighter
aircraft, larger than a fighter, though, like a, like a night,
uh, like a night bomber or something like that. It's wings
are swept back. It's very powerful, it's got jets, twin jets,
and it's, uh, flying southward along this coast. This coast
runs, uh, runs like from the southwest to the northeast.
Seems he's flying like to the southwest along this coast.
#66: All right, let's freeze in time, freeze in timeoll things
stop in time. Now move into the aircraft and describe to me
what you find...
#01: Find.a...find a it's like a very complicated instrument
package with's like fastened to this plane and...there's
a pilot and a, two pilots sitting like back to back. I see
this box, very large box, it's got the instrumentation at...
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#01: Saw some kind of a...some kind of a sophisticated weapon.
I'm not sure if it's a guidance type device or...
#66: What is it you experience that makes you say sophisticated
#01: It's- I get a test feeling, uh, experimental feeling about it.
And it's got a funny shape to it, like it's, uh, like it's
meant to be dragged or dropped or guided. There's a lot of
electronics packed around it and in it. It's very sophisticated.
But it's also explosive, I think.
#66: And what is it you experience that makes you say explosive?
#01: It's a...I get a strong weapon feeling but it's, the business
part of this weapon is very small, so it would have to be
something very powerful.
#66: All right, we are now frozen in time. Move to the pilots and
describe them to me....
#01: They're both Caucasian, they're both wearing, uh, flight suits
that are heavily camouflaged. The, uh, insignia they're wearing
looks very British, same kind of insignia as the British wear,
but I don't, it's not exactly the same, it doesn't have the same
kind of tabbing under it.
#66: Not being familiar with the British insignia describe to me
what is it exactly you see?
#01: Stripes with, uh, it's like four,..four rows of stripes with
like buttons, triangulated buttons on top. They're worn on the
epaulets...these camouflaged flight suits. It's not a solid
color tab under the triangulated buttons. ..silver and black,
? stripes are silver and black. I see,- uh, both pilots have
mustache, both pilots are also armed, wearing like side arms
? shoulder holsters...speaking English....clipped, clipped English,
they also speak with a British accent but they're not British...
They're boots are wrap around, they're wearing boots that wrap
around and buckle.
I get a marking on the plane looks like, uh...uh, like a
flower, like sections of flowers with, it's a very modern type
marking, like, uh, a flower or two fleworswith stems radiating
#66: All right. Now tell me as you watch these pilots here, how do
they feel about what they're doing right now? How -do they,
what's their emotional content right now?
#01: Uh, they're in a, they're in a test mode, it's, uh, they're
like professional test pilots. They feel like there's some risk
to what they're doing, uh, but I don't get a risk of life
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#01: feeling, I get a...I don't know how to explain it, risk of
doing it, but not risk of life. Has something to do with the,
oh, the initiation point of this or when it's
#66: All right, let us walk now through time very carefully, remember-
ing you are only an observer, walking now very carefully through
time, and watch what happens in the next few minutes. Very
slowly and very carefully, remembering you are only an observer.
Time now moves forward.
#01: I got the, uh, rear pilot's doing some kind of a checklist.
+21 He's calling numbers or switches and main pilot is checking
switches. This is being relayed to a ground, uh, a ground
station. Ground station's relaying instructions. They're, uh,
initiating some form of an auto pilot, or pre-conditioned or
pre-programmed flight pattern...initiating a series of...of
arming type switches. And then there's a bright flash. I don't
have the plane anymore I think the plane's destroyed...
That's all I get.
#66: All right. I'd like to go back and. revalidate the imagery
you've reported. I want you to go back in time now to your
previous imagery when you were talking with the pilots and
watching them. Tell me when you've arrived.
#01: Okay.
#66: All right. Now at this time I want you to take up a different
perspective. Move back into the area where you saw some elec-
tronics and sophisticated gadgetry.
#01: Okay.
#66: Now at this different position let's move forward through time
again in a different perspective and see if we can see what
happens. All right, now time moves forward.
#01: Okay... I just feel different...different portions of this
+23 electronics element getting.,.getting turned on, becoming
Hactive. I get a auto mechanical shift or snapping type effect.
'I hear some kind of lock bolts, like slide bolts slamming.
More electronics, I get, uh, very, very intense explosion.
Just a very white intense explosion...felt like some form of
chemical explosion.
#66: DesCribe your: experience to me.
#01: Like, a very, very volatile fuel being consumed very
#66: Okay. Now let's focus,solely, solely right now on the point of
flash. And take a look again so that you might describe it,
the altitude of the point of flash
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#01: Uh, higher than 3,000 feet. The plane was going into
a climb though. Just broken into a climb, it's like the pilot
just, just kicked it back.
#66: -Okay, and what is it, what is the experience you have that
Makes you say 3,000 feet?
#01: I'm looking from the, uh, point where the pilot kicks it back
and it just feels like about 3,000 feet.
#66: Okay. Let me guide you through an experience now. Focus your
attention on the time, window in which you were observing the
pilots and their Checklist. There they are again. Now turn
and look at the pilot's instruments. Now find the altimeter,
now we are approaching the flash again. Seconds before the
flash read the altimeter to me...
#01: It's very high. I get 10,000 now, 10)000 in the altimeter. but
it doesn't seem right.
#66: All right, fine.
#01: I just see a 1 and a bunch of zeros.
#66: All right, fine
#01: I'm not sure that's an altimeter, either.
#66: That's fine, just relax, and I want you now to Move outside the
aircraft. I want you to move away and outside the aircraft,
further away and further away now.
#01: Okay.
#66: Now it's important for me to know if something is, if this
explosion occurs and the aircraft disappears as your imagery
now, indicates, or in fact is a weapon device dropped from the
#01: No, the whole vehicle is vaporized.
#66: All right.
#01: It's completely destroyed,
#66: Examine your concepts and your feelings then about the situation.
Do you have a nuclear feeling about this situation?
#01: I think it was, uh....I think it was nuclear, but it wasn't
a nuclear detonation.
#66: Explain the experience that you have that makes you say these
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#01: I don't, uh, I don't get a feeling of that magnitude. It seems
like that if it was nuclear it would be a lot larger magnitude._
#66: Am I correct in assuming that you have a nuclear feeling, but-
#01: Yes, but I don't interpret it as a nuclear explosion.
#66t And the reason you say that is because of the size Of the
#01: Correct.
#66: All right, fine. I have no further questions concerning this
particular event. I would like to provide you, however, to
+31 explore any area that you might think important, and report
when you wish....
#01: I don't have anything to add that I haven't said.
#66: All right, fine. Focus your attention then back on me in the
present time, here in the room. :Move your arms, move your legs,
take a few deep breaths and prepare to draw the imagery that
you have just perceived.
#01: Okay, uh, page one is kind of a very general outline of this, uh,
aircraft. And it was larger than a. standard size fighter, you
know. And I had this, this really overweight guppy type feeling,
you know, like it had two really huge engines, one on each side,
that were built right into a very large delta wing type con-
figuration. You know, like a guppy type feeling, you know, it
wasn't your standard, you know, light combat efficient type fight-
ari., for some reason. It was a modern enough fighter, but very
blunt know, heavy aircraft.
And, uh, up under the belly is where this package was hanging.
And it was molded into the body of the craft. You know, like
when it was affixed to the aircraft it looked like part of it's
skin, you know, the way it was fixed there.
Uh, page 2 is a drawing of the package itself. And, uh, this
entire thing fit to the base of the plane. The thing that I
labeled package I feel like was the explosive portion of the,
the weapon system. And then in the front up here was all the
electronics. And I felt like when this thing is detached from
the aircraft the electronics go with it, you know, like it
Might be some smart electronics or something. And then there
was some, uh, like auto mechanical devices in the back. And
there's .somei some flat, flat section back here and I don't know
what it was, but it was like an appearance of flat shiny metal.
And then, uh, page 3 is just, uh, the way I saw it happen was,
uh, the coastline. and these, these black ovals were ships.
And this aircraft was flying in the direction of the arrow,
and, uh, just vaporized. I wanna see your, uh, type pfft!
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#01: Uh, page 4, the left hand thing which was like two cloth,
dark cloth strips over two silver strips all side by side was
wOrn up on the shoulder boards, like shoulder boards. And they
had these 3 buttons like on theml one on each shoulder. That
:was, uh, what was on the uniform. And then the, uh, marking on
the plane looked like, uh, like this. This isn't exactly
correct, bUt gestalticly this is what it appeared to me as.
It looked like two incomplete flowers with stems going forward
into like a pointed or projectile point. And, uh, something like
that. And it was red. It mighta been just a little bit of
white in it..but it wasn't much, it was mostly red. Mighta
been outlined in real fine white stripes, but it was mostly
red. And that's essentially it. I can't draw the electronics
after they were vaporized. What can I say?
#66: Okay, anything else you wanna add? Your feeling about the
#01: No, uh, that's all I get.
#66: Okay, fine.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07_: CIA-RDP96-00788R000500770002-2
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the viewer was told that he Would be
provided geographic coordinates and that he would be working on a past time
2. (S/NOFORN) At the beginning of the session the viewer was provided the
following information:
150930 Dec 80 GMT
3. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to scan the time
period 0930 to 1000 hours GMT at the target. During the session the viewer
was asked to elaborate on his perceptions by the interviewer as directed by
the control monitor.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: ciA-Mea'96-00788R000500770002-2
1. (S/NOFORN) This session was conducted at the special request of the AF.
Data and questions to be utilized during the sessions were transmitted via
the secure DACOM system and only the control monitor (CM) had access to the
material. ed..Z7e17,7-ciL,4)
2. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session, the CM briefed the interviewer and
provided him with the following information.
a. This was a new project - 8041.
c. Interviewer was to have remote viewer focus
and move him back in time to 15 Dec 80,
on coordinates given
3. (S/NOFORN) During the session, the CM gave the following instructions
to the interviewer:
a. Have him (RVer) go down and examine flash and determine what it is.
b. What altitude did the flash occur at?
c. Have him go to point in time when strobe light first appears and
explain what causes it.
d. How 'high was this explosion?
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500770002-2
Approved For Release
SUBJECT: Summary of Report DC-53, Source O01
22 December 1980
1. (S/NOFORN) The following information was provided by source #01 and
was given to this office on 19 Dec 80 at 1300 hours:
a. (S/NOFORN) Source reported information concerning location at
SG1A and during time frame 15 Dec 80 at 0930-1000 hrs GMT.
b. (S/NOFORN) Reported very bright light, flickering like a strobe
c. (S/NOFORN) Reported 5/6 ships in the area. Coastline somewhere in
vicinity, not sure of relationship.
d. (S/NOFORN) Reported small aircraft - larger than a fighter, like a
night bomber, with wings swept back. Plane had 2 pilots and large box with
instrumentation package; some kind of sophisticated weapon; test feeling.
Reported strong weapon, small but powerful.
e. (S/NOFORN) Reported pilots to be Caucasian, wearing camouflaged
flight suits with insignia that was British-like but not exactly the same.
Plane had markings like two flowers with stems.
f. (S/NOFORN) Source reported that individuals were professional test
pilots and that they were checking switches and feeding data to ground station
when explosion occurred. Plane was destroyed!
g. (S/NOFORN) Explosion was very white, like chemical-volatile fuel
being consumed very quickly. This explosion occurred somewhere between
3-10 thousand feet.
h. (S/NOFORN) Source reported that he felt nuclear material involved,
but no detonation occurred.
2. WNOFORN) Complete report will be forwarded to your office ASAP.
Request evaluation of this data be forwarded to this office NLT 15 Jan 81.
3. (U) Included are 4 drawings made by the source pertaining to the above
4 Incl
As stated
r3. cLA
Project Manager
DATED: 051630Z JUL 78
DI =USABLE XU 1'02,10 NAII014114 REVIEW ON: Dec 2000
Approved For e ease 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500770002-2