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Publication Date:
November 12, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500600001-1
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788k Ti FT
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Approved For Releaser nRDP96-00788R000500600001-1
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information pertaining to a building of
interest to USI.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the docu-
ment Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer.
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1330 hours,
12 November 1980.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate and focus
your attention on the building in the photograph I have
shown you. Relax. Relax and concentrate. Holding your
focus in present time, holding your focus in present time,
move now to the building in the photograph and describe your
position of observation as you perceive the target building.
#01: K-kind of in the front...very close...almost centered in the's a little bit to the left of the door...
#66: Okay. you face the building as it appears in the
photograph, move to the right hand edge of this building
as it appears in the photograph. As you face it, move to
your right. As you face the building move down to your right
till you are at the right hand edge of just this building...
#01: Okay.
#66: Now in front of you there is a wall that is the right hand
boundary to this building, and this wall runs through the
basement all the way through the uppermost floors of the
building, and runs from the front of the building at your
location, to the back of the building.
#01: Mm.
#66: Now in your mind's eye...perceive nothing else but this
wall. All the rest of the building dissolves on both sides
of the wall, and perceive only this wall standing. But do
not move in time, focus on the present, simply adjust your
perception so that you see only the wall from the basement
through the uppermost floors, from the front to the back.
#01: Okay.
#66: Now as you look at this wall and this wall only, scan the
wall for any areas which may be of interest to United States
Intelligence. Scan the wall, and the wall only for any area
on that wall which may be of interest to U.S. Intelligence.
Focusing solely and only on this wall at this time.
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#01: Okay, I got's kind of a flower pattern...with a...
two radiating arms. It's like a daisy with a rod through
it. It's, uh...1'm very close to the floor...on a level with
...with some kind of a gray box. Can't tell if it's...part
of the gray. I think the gray box is, uh, installed on the
inside of the wall. The daisy with the rod through it is on
the outside of the wall. And there's some kind of a regularly
placed metal...metal tapes of some kind...feed into the wall.
Towards the front...towards the front edge where the windows
are there's a...fairly large pipe goes through the wall.
That's all belongs here, though, it's, uh, just the daisy
part with the rod through it...doesn't belong there.
#66: Now would this daisy part be on the...if you were perceiving
other than just the wall, would the daisy part be on the
inside of the building or on the outside of the target build-
#01: It's on the outside of the's outside the wall.
#66: All right.
#01: Then it's ins- inside, it's made out of stone. It's outside
the wall. I don't
#66: Now I have asked you to focus on that portion of the wall
which may be of interest to U.S. Intelligence. In what
position on the wall is this area?...
+07 #01: It's, uh, not very high up. It's closer to the floor.
#66: When you say floor do you mean ground level?
#01: No, second floor.
#66: Second floor, something near to the floor, but on the second
#01: Like if you were to sit in a chair on the second floor it'd
be exactly eye level.
#66: All right.
#01: Some kind of field device. I don't know. Puts up a field
of some kind, a balanced field going in two directions
I just see field lines coming from it.
#66: All right. Now holding your perspective on this area in the
wall of interest, bring the rest of the building back into
your perceptional arena, and describe for me the room in
which you are now located.....
#01: Okay, just a minute.
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+12 #66: I will wait.
#01: Hmm, okay, gold rug very, just a minute a very
large photograph or picture on the wall, very large. It's
on the same wall as this, uh, daisy with the rods.
#66: And is the daisy with the rods now on the wall to the inside
of the room here?
#01: No, it's Still,d outside of the wall.
#66: All right.
#01: Picture's on the inside of the wall. There's some kind of
a New England scene or something, covered bridge.
#66: This is in the picture?
#01: Yeah, it's, that's what it looks like. I don't...
#66: All right. Putting your back to this wall and looking out
into the room, what type of room is this?
#01: I wanna say it's a conference room 'cause it's got a table,
but, uh, there's another table on the side that's got, uh,
all the counterments for coffee and tea and all that. Like, know, it's some kind of a coffee table on the side.
It's all the makings for tea and coffee and everything. And
some cabinets under it. The large table to one side on the
left is, uh, 1'y back to the wall, it's on the left. Right
hand side is some kind of a...grouping of chairs. Not real
fancy chairs, just straight back chairs.
#66: All right.
+16 #01: I think it's kinda like a multi-purpose room. It's, uh,
it's like a small multi-purpose conference or meeting room.
#66: Okay. Focusing your attention now back on the wall, you
have mentioned to me a daisy with a rod, a small gray box,
and then a pipe through the wall in a lower section.
#01: Mmm.
#66: Is this correct?
#01: That's correct.
#66: Now is the gray box in the wall in the same room you are?
#01: Yeah, apparently it is. Some kind of a...a buzz bar assembly
there, or something, for phones, evidently. It's got a lot
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#01: of fine wires running through it. I don't see any phones
but I see a lot of fine wires. Like, uh, like a wire tree
in there with all these fine wires fastened to it. They
tun down either on top edge of or just under the edge of a
baseboard. I don't see any phones there.
#66: Okay.
#01i 'I don't know what the pipe is for. It's got nothin' in it,
it's just there.
#66: Okay. Focusing then on this area that you've discovered,
ask yourself the question..."Why is this important to U.S.
Intelligence?", Ask yourself the question "Why is this im-
portant to U.S. Intelligence?".
#01: I, uh...I think that, uh...think that by itself it's not
important. But it's some kind of a pickup device of some
kind, but it's, it's only good for that room, it's not...uh,
be too difficult to try to, uh, tune it or something. for
another room. It's only good for that room. I think the
concern should be that, uh...who uses the room. It's almost
likej get a feelin' like people are being steered to use
that room. That's more important for some reason.
#66: You say that by itself it is unimportant. What is it that
you're experiencing that makes you say this?
#01: I get's just a weird feeling like, uh, most of the
time...what would be done in the room wouldn't...wouldn't
be of value to who is usin' the pickup. But, uh, there's-
I just get this strong gut feeling that the only reason
people might use this room is that they're deliberately
steered to use the room. Uh, I don't know how to explain
that. Uh...uh...
#66: Okay, that's-
#01: Normal- normal conversations there are unimportant. But, but
some conversations are...are planned, I guess...would be the
right word.
#66: Okay, I understand... I have no further questions about the
target area. However, I'd like to provide you.the opportunity
to comment as you see fit
#01: Uh there's a...a, like a wire connected to the...the
+23 daisy thing and goes to the basement of the next building
over. Apparently there's sectioned off rooms in the basement
and...this goes to one of the rooms. Some kind of a black
box of some sort. There's another wire comes out of there
and goes through a wall in the backs so what_ whatever this
is is sort of automated...certain degree, or it's remoted.
That's all I got.
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#66: Okay. Remember clearly and cleanly and concisely what you
have seen so that you may draw it for me. And let's prepare
now to draw those perceptions you have had.
#01: Okay, on page one what I've drawn here is a side view looking
at the wall of interest from the inside. And, uh, I think
there's a basement in the building, and, uh, then the ground
floor street level, which I labeled. And these double lines
or "X's" are ground-are the floors. And, uhl.then the
second floor and the third floor, and there's a higher floor
than that, but I didn't go any further than that. 'Cause I
got as far a second floor 'fore I saw this daisy type device.
And the rods- there's two rods comm' out of the daisy type
device, equal size, one from each side. And, uh, they're not
connected in anyway, there's two separate rods.
And then directly under this is a gray box of wires. I don't
know what that is, but that's on the inside of the wall.
And then the pipe goes through the wall to the right bottom
corner. I drew it in approximate center to this wall, and
I'm not sure if, you know, what the size of the room is on
the inside of this building. But this approximate center is
the approximate center of building.
And, uh, I also sense that on the ground floor and the second
floor that they're suspended ceilings. They got 011 kinds
of crap in 'em. And, uh, that essentially is-
#66: Okay, and the daisy device, just to make it perfectly clear,
is not on the target building side of the wall. It is
#01: Exterior to the target building side of the wall, right.
#66: Okay.
#01: Like between a dual wall of some kind.
Now page two I got the device which I don't know how much
good these gonna do, but...uh, in "A" section it gives the
edge of the targetbuilding wall, and then shows the- the
device with the rods from the side view. I'll label that
device. It's sort of affixed to the target building wall on
the outside. But it's within the second wall of the connect-
ing building.
#66: Okay.
#01: And I don't know if that's a solid, wall or what it is, but
it's inside that wall. "B" shows the backside of this daisy
like apparatus with the two rods, and then a black wire comes
out of the bottom and runs straight down to the basement room.
Uhl and then "C" depicts the, uh, fields that radiate out from
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#01: these two rods. I got a feeling like it was a passive thing,
but_ I was getting these radiating fields anyway, and it may
be that there's some balance field or something that this
daisy rod type device is laying in. And, uh, it's really a
sensor for grounding this field or something. I don't know,
that's just what I had.
Page three is the room itself. Got, uh, just a table, gold
rug. There's a really large picture, like a New England
scene, or a, I don't know, it's got- it's got like a group-
ing of flags on it, and, uh, what appears to be a- either
a seashore ?or like a- some kind of a New England scene.
#66: Is it a large picture?
#01: Yeah, very lar- very large. And it's on the wall.
#66: Okay.
#01: And then I also depicted on here the placement of the metal
tapes, whatever those are.
#66: Okay.
#01: And the rest is self-explanatory on there. And then there's
a- page four I did a cut-away of the metal tape.
#66: Okay.
#01: The way it appears and how it's positioned,in the wall, and
it's different locations. That's it, I guess.
#66: Okay, fine. And you said, uh, on the tape you thought this
tape was some monitoring- was some sort of a monitoring
#01: Yeah, it's a pickup of some kind. I don't-
#66: It's not an explosive device, or it...
#01: Uh...
#66: You know, what I'm looking for is something of interest to
U.S. Intelligence and I don't know if we're looking for a
bomb or-
#01: Not no, I don't think we'rej looking for a bomb. I think
we're looking for some kind of a- this is a pickup type device.
Now, what- what's giving me a lotof trouble is I don't know
what it picks up. I don't know if it picks up voice, or if
it's picking up, you know, typewriter emissions or, you know,
what- what the hell it's picking up. But it's picking up
something that's of a vibratory or frequency rate type-
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#66: Okay.
#01: -emission. And I said I feel like it's passive, you know,
totally passive, like it- it doesn't put anything out that
would locate itself. It's, uh, possibly a, uh, balance
sensor for some other kind of field or something that might
be, uh, somewhere else in the building. But I also had a
really strong feeling that, uh, in order for the device to
be effective, what had to be picked up had to be in that room.
And I had a, I really had a strong feeling in the middle of
the session like, uh, perhaps someone in the building insures
that what they want picked up is put in that room.
#66: Okay.
#01: Or it's manipulated in some way that what they want done is
done in that room And I don't know, you know, if it's some-
body that's doesn't belong in the building, I don't know how
they would accomplish that, but I get that feeling.
#66: Okay.
#01: And that's all. Like it- it requires the assistance of a
person in order to accomplish what it's gotta do- effectively.
#66: Okay. Anything else?
#01: No, that's all.
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Num, Vi
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S taka
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was shown the attached
photograph. He was told that the building indicated would be his target.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to focus on the right
hand wall of the building and scan the entire wall for anything o_interest.
to USI. The viewer discovered a device on what he perceived as :
floor and the rest of the session was spent at this location. The rest of
the building was not scanned.
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