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Document Release Date:
June 9, 1998
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Publication Date:
May 7, 1981
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Approved For Release 2093EGREDT96-00788R000500570001-5
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
- 6-00
R 788R00 14 FLAME05005
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1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information on a building of interest.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours,
7 May 1981.
This will be a pre-session briefing to the remote viewer.
At this time I show you some pictures of a building, a target
which you have worked before several months ago. This morn-
ing we are going to return to this building in the present
time and scan the entire building for threats to U.S. person-
nel. Looking in this building for threats to U.S. personnel.
At the beginning of the session then I will ask you to focus
your attention on the building in the photographs I've shown
you. As you can see it's bound by arrows in the photographs
I've. shown you. It's one section in a block of buildings.
I want you to focus only on that building and we will then
scan the target building. Do you have any questions about
your mission this morning?
#08: No.
#66: All right. You have approximately 20 minutes then to prepare
yourself for this mornings session.
0900 Relax now, relax, relax and concentrate on the target for this
morning. Focus your attention now, focus, focus your atten-
tion on the building in the photographs I've shown you. Relax
and concentrate. Focus... Focus now... Holding your per-
ceptions in present time, in present time, right now, focus on
the building in the photograph I have shown you and scan the
building, rapidly scan the building for threats to U.S. per-
sonnel. Scan the building, asking of your greater self infor-
mation regarding threats to U.S. personnel. Focus now and
describe your perceptions to me
+02 #08: My attention was immediately drawn to the, uh...the back wall,
the rear wall of the basement, about, uh..about, uh..18 to
20 inches from the side wall, about, uh, 8 or 10 inches from
the floor. And there's a red dot there.
#66: Okay. Let's-
#08: That's in the basement.
#66: Let's relax now and allow your perceptions to continue and see
what develops. Just relax, relax and ask now for more infor-
mation concerning this threat.
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+06 #08: It is a, it is a sphere, it is metal. It would seem to me
like a size of a baseball but that's only because I'm close
to it. It's got,'s got,'s got, uh..the, uh,
some kind of electronic stuff in it. I don't understand that.
It's not, uh, connected to anything... Can I leave this one?
#66: Yes.
#08: I have impression of a ''Z" pattern developing and it's
+09 a right rear, it's a rear wall, back wall?from floor to floor..
If there were a black line starting from the (mumble)...upper
portion of the cellar wall from left to right with a straight
line going across the upper portion of the basement wall to
that globe that I..mentioned. And then it seemed to cross
diagonally to the left, cross to the other floor to- god, it's
hard to describe. And then diagonally to the right, to the
other floor and then diagonally to the left to the other floor
and so on.. And it describes a..a pattern, and it's not an
installation of anything, it describes a pattern..
#66: Okay... Take this opportunity then to remind your greater
perceptual self that you desire information on threats.
#08: Yeah, it's there, it's connected Can I leave the
rear wall now?
+14 #08: There's a...a persistent impression of a silver
probe in the, of the left wall. I think it's
on the third floor. Seems to be like lit up, activated.
It's in the middle of the wall
+16 #66: Okay Continue your scan
#08: There's a distinct impression that Some things
that I can't find are dormant, and some of these things can
be activated at will?or turned off.
#66: And what is the perception you have that makes you say-
+19 #08: I don't know. It's..somebody's tryin' to kid me. Its as if..
it's as if..if somebody, somebody knowing that's- not parti-
cularly myself but anybody looking for something they could
deactivate... And then..and subsequently reactivate at will.
#66: That being the case tell me where they are.
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#08: The left wall... There's just a..the one that's active now,
it's just a?silvery, uh, silvery, uh, probe that I described
earlier in the left center with the wall, third floor.
#66: So I understand you to feel that there are others-
#08: Yes, and I just can't- it's like there were....dormant some-
place. The one in the center of the wall is definitely active.
+21 It's shining like a, a light, a white blue light
#66: Okay. I have no further questions about the target, but
before we leave the target area take a moment on your own to
continue your scan and comment as you see fit.
#08: I can see a distinct impression of the front wall is the most
vulnerable. I'd rather not do it though.
#66: Tell me about the experience that makes you say this.
#08: Because of the, uh the number of opportunities due to the
cavities and the construction Let me have just
two more minutes and
#66: Fine, I have plenty of time. I will wait.
#08: Okay, I'm all done now.
#66: I didn't understand you.
#08: I'm all through: if you're also through.
#66: Okay. Bring your attention then to focus back on me in the
room here, but remember, remember all the imagery you have
observed and let's prepare now to draw those perceptions you
have had.
#08: Okay.
Okay, in sketch number one where we started from, uh, my
attention was immediately focused to the cellar floor, the
basement floor, uh, and to the rear wall of the basement floor,
where this metal sphere as I've described it previously during
the session located in the, uh, uh, embedded in the wall.
There seemed to be no connection, that is, wires leading to
or from this, this sphere. It's simply there. I got the im-
pression that it was the size of a baseball, but I think that's
only because I was so very close to it and it appeared, pro-
bably appeared bigger than it really was. Maybe very small.
Okay? Any questions on my sketch?
#66: You- if I understand what you're saying this is, if I stood
in the basement this would be up high to me.
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#03: Yes.
#66: Okay.
#08: Yes, yes. This would be the height.
#66: Okay.
#08: Going up north.
#66: And you thought it was the size of a baseball, but you're ndt
sure how close you were to it when you-
#08: Yeah, I was very close to the son of a gun. I was tryin' to
get as close as possible to try and get a feel-
#66: And you said before there were some electronic things or some-
#08: Yeah, in the sphere.
#66: Okay.
#08: That I don't understand.
#66: Okay.
#08: Okay.
#66: Okay, I understand.
#08: And there are very few wires in fact. Okay. In sketch number
two later on in the session while I was trying to scan the
entire rear wall of the, uh, building. And that is from my
perspective, uh, from this picture, from the street looking
in again, talking about the rear wall. I got the distinct im-
pression of a black line, the significance of which I do not
understand or know, which tended- start from the upper portion
of the cellar, basement wall and went up the floors into a
"Z" motion. And I-
#66: Okay, in drawing two am I around behind the building, facing
the back of the building?
#08: No, no. You're inside the building looking at the rear wall.
#66: Okay, I'm looking at the entire rear wall but from the per-
spective of the front.
#08: That's right. That's a panel- yes, from the front.
#66: All right.
#08: Okay.
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#66: So we have your sphere down at the lower right here, which
is actually in the basement?
#08: Yes.
#66: And then this line going up from there.
#08: Yes.
#66: All right. You asked then, uh, for more information?
#08: Yes, and it's,'s not a wire or something. It's a, uh, it's
a pattern of something, tryin' to tell VP it's a pattern of
reflection or something and it's covering those areas in the
"Z" motion, the entire rear wall. And apparently it's connected
to the sphere. I stopped at the sphere. And that's as much
as I could do with the rear wall. Okay.
In the left wall, again facing..from the street, facing the
building, if I were going to go to this arrow to the left,
okay. I found that- all right, got the impression of a very,
uh, active blue white, like little surgical probe in what I
thought was the center of the wall. And it could be- I thought
it was in the third floor.
#66: The center of the left wall, left being as you face the
#08: Face the building, your left wall. Okay.
#66: Okay,
#08: That's what I thought I saw,
#66: Okay. You made some statement during the session about a
feeling of activity and inactivity of devices.
#08: Yeah, it was, uh...I hesitated to say that. But I wouldn't-
it's an impression that wouldn't go away so I had to say it.
And that is that..I felt I was being deceived, in a sense,
only I couldn't detect 'en if I really looked at 'em, or found
'em, except that they were brownish dormant things. And I
got the distinct impression they could be turned on or off at
will be an outside party.
#66: Tell me now where these brownish dormant things were.
#08: It's in the left wall. Okay. And the- and I really wasn't
looking forward to looking at the front wall. And I thought
I'd just go through that, uh, in a very peremptory manner,
just give it a quick scan. And I got the impression that of
the vulnerability and opportunities involved in the front
wall, which were probably loaded, but I didn't wanna go through
the trouble of..I think it should take another session or have
somebody else do it, see what they see.
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#66: Okay.
#08: And it's just a bit overwhelming.
#66: All right. This, um, you have a feeling that there are
brown or what you call dormant devices perhaps in the left
#08: Yes, yes.
#66: On which floor?
#08: All over. I can't tell you that.
#66: All right.
#08: I took it as a whole.
#66: Do you have any further comments you'd like to make then
about the session?
#08: No. No, I was hoping I wasn't getting carried away with the
enthusiasm of the, of the session. That's why I was reluctant
to work on the front wall.
#66: Okay. How do you feel about the imagery you did have?
#08: Oh, imagery was all right. No problem.
#66: Okay.
#08: Uh, what was very clear to me as far as imagery goes was this
little probe in the third floor that was very active. Every
time I see something that I think is active it comes out as
light, white blue metal. And I thought I would gauge myself,
gear myself at first to looking for red dots. I've used that
system before. That's how I found what I thought would be that
little red sphere in the basement as described in sketch one.
But that turned out to be light, white metal as well.
#66: Okay. Anything else?
#08: No.
#66: Okay, fine.
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1. (S/NOFORN) Information provided the remote viewer prior to the session
is documented as a pre-session briefing and is included in the transcript.
Attached are the building photographs shown to the remote viewer.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the remote viewer was asked to elaborate
on those portions of his descriptions which seemed relevant to the task at hand.
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