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Approved For Release 2000/08 00500550001-7 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL78 NOT RELE A UR ONALS REVIEW ON:" I ~~r.Lir ~f'1t~13 L. i rPY TT A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00050 LL. F Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP 6;QQ7JJ,$,R000500550001-7 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RU) SESSION DCC-79 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information. 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer!',s impressions of the. target are provided as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requester. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 Approved For Release 2000/ TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-79 TIME #14: This will be a remote viewing session for 24 June 1981. Mission time is 0900 hours. #01: Test. #14: All right #01, this.will be a pre-mission briefing. I've shown you a.photograph of a U.S. Embassy in a foreign country that you have worked against before. In addition, I've shown you photos of six individuals who are employed at this embassy. During the session I will ask you specific questions-about each individual. And they're numbered from one through six, from the top left hand to the right, and the bottom left hand to. the right. Any questions? #01: No. #14: Okay. You've got 30 minutes to prepare yourself this morning. All right #01, the time is now 0900 hours. I would like you now to focus on individual number one. Focus on individual number one and tell me should U.S. Intelligence be concerned about this individual?... #01: Just a minute...... No, I don't get a feeling for that. I get like a, uh...disassociated feeling for this person, but I don't get any feelings of concern. #14: Okay #01, I would like you now to focus on individual number two. And again, the question is should U.S. Intelligence be concerned about this individual?...... #01: I don't get any feelings about this individual either. #14: All right #01, individual number three. Should U.S. Intelli- gence be concerned about individual number three?.... #01: Get a feeling of some concern but not from a intelligence standpoint. It's more of a. characterization. I get a very.. +05 I get a psychological. instability. Get a, uh, feeling of... feeling of sternness and, uh, thickheadedness with intelligence and some reason I get a feeling of psychological imbalance. C al't expect mistakes from this person.... #14: All right #01, I would like yyoufnow four. toSfocfocus U.S. nindividual number four, individual number be concerned about this individual?... Approved For Release 2000/08/0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07! #01: I get a...two impressions when, uh, I look at this individual. First impression was picture of a Trojan house.-gift package. Second impression was close relationship-to one of the other six... .1 think this person ought to be very careful of... can't make up my mind for sure about the...I get feelings of espionage with this person but I'm not sure which side... I don't understand the symbolism of the Trojan horse, but that's very clear... That's all I get for this person. #14: All right #01, let's move on to.person number five. Should U.S. Intelligence be concerned about individual number five? #01: First impression's a name..Sandy, Sandra..something like that. Second's a...impression of closeness... I don't get any worries pro- with her though. Feeling that she might have..sste, uh, feelings blems relating to people but don't get any, uh, strong of concern. #14: All right #01- #01: Getting, uh...getting visions of mountains when I see her for some reason. Looks like lower Bavarian mountains.. Then I saw cook, something to do with cooking. #14: Okay #01, let's move on to individual number six. Should U.S. Intelligence be concerned about this individual?... #01: First image is a distinct yes. See a, see relationship with individual four. She's holding, uh... just, 'uh, get vision of her holding fragmentary documents in mind. Memory work... Get a strong ideological feeling about her. And that, uh, is probably the..just a minute..... Just get a criminal intent feeling. She's tied very closely to person four. Give me just a minute. There's something else here and I'm tryin' to isolate it. #14: We'll wait..... #01: Get a feeling like she's already, uh, acted as a informant of some kind for U.S., for U.S., uh, effort. I suspect a, at least some degree of disinformation purpose for that. The informant business might be connected to person number four. I can't tell who's handling who. She has the most, uh, outside contacts of the group of six. That's all I'm gettin'. #14: Okay #01, I want, I'd like you now to move forward in time.. forward in time to 30 September 1981. I would like you to focus on these individuals and tell me if all of these indi- viduals are still employed at the embassy....... +20 #01: Only one I see, uh, employed in September is individual one. Indi,~idual four is going to be moved. I don't know why. And I see none of the others... Approved For Release 2000/08/0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: M - 500550001-7 iM #14: Would it heap if we took each one at a time? #01: No. #14: Okay. You say individual number four is moved? #01: Moved. #14: Can you tell me where or why? #01: That's what I'm looking at. Just a minute... Iget a sense of problem with family. I don't know if it's live-in relative or relative away. This', uh...this will be his reason for not being there. Individual one I clearly have there in September. Individual two, three....two and three and six are not., there, I don't see them at all. Individual five may still be there, but sick. I get like homesidk. Getting like a hypochondria feeling about her too. I get, she's routinely sick for some reason. Getting a tie in between four and six again. I don't know why, I just sense that six leaves, or four leaves, or-they both leave the same time... I don't know why. #14: Okay. I have one final question, then I still want you to maintain your focus of 30 September 81. Do you pick up any strong feelings, any strong feelings of any of.these indivi- duals under a great deal of stress or concern about their future at this time in September?.... +25 #01: Person six. I don'.t know why,.I just get that... Had a, uh, just a flip impression of individual one as well. That was, uh, only for an instant, went away. There may be some pressure on individual one as well, but not as much as on six...... Uh, additional item on six..are,uh, keys. I don't, it's some thing important about keys with individual six. Just the word keys, and I'm not sure if it's code keys or door keys or... key questions or what they are but keys, the word keys. That's all I'm getting. #14: Okay #01, I have no further questions at this time. I'd like you now to leave your focus, leave the focus of 30 September 1981, and come back to 24 June 1981, back into this room where we're doing the session. I'd like you now to take a deep breath, stretch your arms, stretch your legs. We'll pause now while we prepare to draw. All nighty, we're now ready for debrief. If you would run over the people again. #01: Okay. I might have some problems 'cause I don't remember what I say in my sessions. #14: Okay. I've got some notes here, I.can help you. Uh, on number one you described the person as having a disassociated feeling, but that you didn't have any threat to U.S. Intelligence. Approved For Release 2000/08/0 Approved For Release 2000/08/ #01: Right. I, uh...that should be I had a disassociated feeling about the person. Uh...I think,.uh, it would be better in the way of debrief to make some additional comments, probably. I get a strong feeling that there are a couple control people in this group here. Control people I mean, you know, that were probably under no suspicion or were just picked at random to be entered in with the group so that there can be some kind of check or whatever. And like person number.two, I got, I don't know what I got about person number two, but it musta been zero. #14: Yeah, you mentioned you had no feeling for concern, that's the only thing you mentioned. #01: Yeah. It's like, I thinnk sure numbabeoutr uh, you know, like a...I'm U.. cz but, you know, they're just thrown in here for the control purpose. #14: Uh, number three you mentioned that there was some concern, but not from an Intel standpoint. #01: Yeah, but not from an Intelligence standpoint. I have concern for this person from a psychological balance standpoint, for some reason. I don't know if that's a..result of the person being psychologically imbalanced or..a result of the..person having been psychologically imbalanced. I don't know which. I don't know how to explain that. #14: Okay. Number four, you seemed to have some pretty heavy symbology. Picture of a Trojan horse, which you felt related something like a gift package. #01: Interesting thing, though...all the espionage feeling and everything I have about this person, this man..I don't have any strong negativism in that feeling. I had the espionage feeling, I had the Trojan horse, the gift package, the involve- ment in espionage and all this sort of thing, but for some reason I'm not getting a negative feeling with that. You know, it's almost as if- I'm not getting a feeling on.whose side he's on. You know? "It's almost as if he might be working for us, doing it for us-, that sort of thing. And in that event that he is, then I'm not getting any kind of a.negative thing that he's like been rolled or anything like that. So... #14: Okay. Number five. #01: 1 got more personality feelings about this person than I did anything else. #14: Yeah, you even mentioned a name- Sandy. #01: And, uh...I didn't get any, uh, any bad vibes about her. Approved For Release 2000/08/0 00500550001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 #14: And of course you mentioned something about you had visions of mountains and something to do with cooking. #01: Yeah, it's, I get a feeling of southern Bavaria or Austria or something. Maybe she goes hiking in Austria or, you know, something of this Nature. And number six. I think if there's a..there's a weasel in the woodpile it's her, for some reason I get that feeling. #14: And you had mentioned a relationship with- #01: Yeah, I don't know what the relationship is. I don't know if it' of know, I don't know if it's a deliberate exchange of information between the two or if it's a less formal relationship like, uh, sexual entanglement or something like that. But I feel like number four and number six are definitely related to one another in some way. #14: Okay. And there's something here that confused me, and I'll read you my notes. Uh, very close to person number four. Feeling already acted as informant for U.S. effort. Do you feel that's describing number four, or- #01: That's number four, yeah. #14: Okay, in other words number four, uh, you mentioned acted as informant, suspected some degree of disinformation for that purpose. #01: Yeah, I suspected that the information that he might have acted as an informant for might have been disinformation. #14: Okay. #01: Versus good information. Whether, you know, wittingly or unwittingly I don't know. But, uh, that may have something to do with the relationship with number six. #14: You also mentioned that number six had more outside contacts than- #01: Oh, lotta outside contacts. #14: -than any of the others. ##Ol: Certainly. And, uh, I get more of an ideological feeling about her, like she's.very strongly motivated ideologically. That's where I guess a lot of my concern comes.from too. 'Cause it's not U.S. of A. ideological outlook. Someone else's. #14: And then we moved to 30 September 1981. What we were trying to establish there is if this group of people numbers one through six were still employed at this embassy. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 Approved For Release 2000/08 #01: Correct. And, uh...other than what I told you I don't know what to add to that. #14: You mentioned that. the only one that you saw still there was individual number one. #01: Individual number one. I'm not so sure I'm looking at two, and I'm sure about two. It may be that I just didn't see two because I was looking at foreigners. #14: Okay. #01: I get, I keep getting a stronger feeling now that number two might not even be foreign, she might be a U.S. citizen working at the embassy. #14: But you did mention that number four was moved. #01: Yeah, number four moved for some reason. Had to do with family. #14: Number five is still there but a hypochondriac. #01: Yeah. Possibly sick at home. I didn't see her in the embassy. #14: Okay... And, uh, let's see-referring to individual number six, said towards the end the word or impression of keys was very strong and important. #01: I don't know what the keys applies to. I don't know if it applies to code keys, or door keys or..I just don't know. Just the word keys came in my mind. Very strong associated to her. #14: Okay. I have no further questions for debrief. #01: I don'.t have anything else to add. #14: End of session. Approved For Release 2000/08/0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500550001-7 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500550001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R000500550001-7 TARGET CUING INFORMATION REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-79 1. (S/NOFORN) Prior-to the remote viewing session the remote viewer was shown photographs of a U.S. Embassy and of six personnel who are employed at this embassy. 2. (S/NOFORN). During the session the remote viewer was asked if USI should be concerned about any or all of the personnel shown. 3. (S/NOFORN) The viewer was then.asked to move forward in time to 30 September 1981 and determine if any of the above personnel have left the employment of the U.S. Embassy. 4. (S/NOFORN) Attached are copies of the photographs shown to the remote viewer prior to this session. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/07/.. SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500550001-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500550001-7