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July 29, 1981
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Approved For Release 2 C. RElD96OO788ROOO5OO53OOO1 - 9
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requester.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S),
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A is target cuing information provided
the remote viewer.
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Approved For Release srrjl~f P96-00788R000500530001-9
NOW, you've 2%-t ii " --- -- -
his name now, for the first time. Now, he works in that
building. So, today your mission's going to be to focus
on that building and on that individual in particular, and
then we will discuss him when we start the session.
#6.5: This will be a remote viewing session for 29 July 1981
with a start time of 0800.
Okay the information I'm going to give you is that first
picture there is of the U.S. Embassy overseas in some
country. Okay. And is depicted by those red arrows, side
of that red arrow, okay. Now, the picture of the gentleman
#07: Okay.
#6.5: Are there any questions?
#07: I don't think so.
#6.5: I remind you that you have worked this project before, and
that the data that you gave has given the analyst some clues
in direction to work, and he's pretty interested in some
of the information you reported, and wanted us to get some
more. Okay? All right. You have about 23 minutes before
we start the session. Okay?
#07: Okay.
#6.5: Okay #07, it is time to start the session. I want you to
relax, concentrate and focus your attention on the building
that we have been discussing. Relax, and focus your attention
on the picture of the building that I have shown you. When
you have attained your focus on the building let me know.
I will wait.
+02 #07: I got it.
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#6.5: Okay. Now, what we want to do is focus, fix your attention
on the individual that we've been discussing. The individual
S G1A named And,.we will refer to him as
SG1A from now on. Now, focus your attention on him as he
works in that building, and describe his activities to me.
#07: Umm...I can (phonetic) tell if he's in that building I see,
but I don't know where it is. (Mumble)...dim light in the
room...bright light close to him...deep concentration. I got a
secondary image...two white silhouettes of men approaching
a top of a's tall preparing to go down long
SG1A stairway....briefcase or something in right hand.....
I seem to feel this about...I had
a feeling that a meeting o se two men will take place
It has not yet occurred.... Someplace with a long,
long an escalator.
#6.5: Okay. Now, I want you to relax, listen carefully. As only
you can do, I want you to expand your awareness because we S G1A
+08 have to ensure ourselves that we locate when he's in
work in that building. So ou expand your awareness and
S G1A focus on any time that is working in that Embassy
building. As only you can expand your awareness, and then
report to me. Remember time is not essential.
#07: I see him...won't stay put...he...moving, moves around
Embassy a lot. Seems to move around a lot. I see.....
strange, electronic components associated with...must be
a close to commo...commo equipment. Something is actually
very strange. I don't know what I think is strange, but...
I see...moving around a lot... I can see his feet. Quite
often he seems to have shoes that are. brown or tan on rather
than black. I say that because it bothers me. Something....
big room desk .... lots of papers on the desk....lots of
space in front of the desk. See reds and creams and, I
guess a.dark blue or black in a big, fancy carpet in front
of desk. Seems to be a lot of space in the room. Desk top
is not neat .... really concentrating on some papers.......
right in front of him.. He doesn't seem like ...... a board
executive. He seems very, very interested in. paper crunching.
+14 #6.5: Okay. Again as only you can do, I want you to expand your
awareness of and follow him quickly through a couple
SG1A of days at the office without reporting to me. Expand your
awareness, follow as he goes about his job for a
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#6.5: couple of days, and then summarize the type of work or
activity that he's involved in. So, relax and expand your
SG1A awareness and follow through a couple of days at
the office, and, then summarize for me.
#07: I don't know. I see him talking to a lot of people
one-on-one. I tried to get him..-it was a (mumble) position,
but, I saw him in a conference room sitting in a chair away
from the table. I saw him being very friendly with a lot of
people who, for some reason, acted though they were in a
subordinate position. One thing, while I was following him,
I saw someone take a clear plastic bag of something with a
twist'em thing at the end that could have rendered a pint,
maybe quart size...... dump it. I don't know what the hell it
#6.5 : Okay.
#07: I don't think it would be anything definitive. Got the
feeling that he's very friendly to a lot of people. But,
I keep getting him back in this office alone. I don't
even know-if it's his office. It just gets all scrambled
when I move too fast SG1A
#6.5: Okay. Just focus on himself, and what can you tell
me about him?
#07: His personality is strange. He's very intelligent but he
seems to delight in'passing himself off as less astute than
he actually is. He's very good at conversing with people on
their level, and seeming genuine. Even'though he is often
thinking at a considerably higher level. Appears casual,
often appears casual. He is a highly complex individual that
appears very casual on the outside with several people.....
I got a sense that...private life that is totally private to
him. There is a side of him that he doesn't share with
#6.5: Tell me what makes you say that?
#07: Oh, it's a very serious,.very serious inquiring side of him
that (mumble) he doesn't...he doesn't share. I sense that
there's a smiling, congenial side of him that most people see.
Type of individual that appears to be interested in a person's,
person's private life. He comes on as being interested.and
genuinely interested in the person he's conversing with.
Good listener type.
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#6.5: Okay. Is there anything else you want to share with me
about him?
#07: No.-Just I can't understand, can't understand the, the
private side of him that he shares with noa.,one. Someone
expects him to, but he doesn't really share that side of
#6.5: Ask him to share it with you.
#07: Aha...he apparently grew up, apparently grew up......
not very popular with his contemporaries. He did a lot
of sitting and sulking.....prides himself on knowing things
that he doesn't believe anyone else in the world knows.
Gives him a feeling of superiority. Damn stubborn.....
It's a matter of principle. He won't share these things
.....except when it suits his needs. That's about it.
One thing, one final thing. Ask, ask to tell
#6.5: Okay.
you about what his primary interests are at.the U.S.
Embassy that he works at. What is his primary interest?
Ask him that question.
#07: 1 don't know. I....some of the things I see him in just says
that he's somehow or other concerned with protocol, but...
I also saw some...what I thought to be commo equipment. It
...I thought he was interested in.
#6.5: Have him tell you what he's interested in.
#07: Ah...he's interested in commo.
#6.5: Ask him to tell you why.
#07: I don't get anything I understand.
#6.5: Tell me about what you can't understand.
#07: Smirk on his face, and he looked at me and that's it.
Ah...he thought.....I don't get anything.
#6.5: Okay. I have no further questions at this time. Do you have
anything else you want to report on?
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#07: (Mumble) there seemed to be something going on between
him and some female. I think it's there at the Embassy.
#6.5: What makes you say that?
#07: Ah....moving around the building, and...way one...when one
kept glancing at him-some kind of a personal knowing look,
smile. At least she thought there was something going on.
#6.5: Okay. Is there anything else?
#07: That's about it.
#6.5: Okay. I want you to return your focus to the present time
now, turn your focus to the present time. I have no further
questions. Relax now, move your hands, move your feet.
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Approved For Release d P96-00788R000500530001-9
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to this session, the remote viewer was shown the
attached photographs of a U.S. Embassy and one individual identified as
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session, the viewer was asked to focus on the
SG1A building and a time whe would be working there. The viewer was
then asked to describe I job within the Embassy.
3. (S/NOFORN) This viewer had worked this project before but had not
been targeted against any one individual. See DCC-80.
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