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Approved For Release 20 EP96-00788R000500240001-1 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL78 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREjjN. ATIONALS REVIEW ON: j~ec_ G>Jo'D Approved For Release 2000 IA-R PP96 Q' 0 dWE Approved For Release 2022/08/0T_, 6-OO788ROOO5OO24OOO1-1 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-26 SG1A 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in iance with a request for information concerning the activities o 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter- mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (5/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the docu- ment Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (5/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor- mation provided the remote viewer. NOT REL 4$A LE =TJ F -EII1)-NATIONALS I_?" C Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-26 TIME #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1400 hours, 3 December 1980. Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate. Focus your attention now solely and completely on SG1A whose picture I have shown you. Focus solely and 1 com letel on Now move backwards through time. Move Move backwards through time focusin on S G1A Move backwards through time to SG1A +08 #10.5: I got's off a window...I feel like I'm up several some sort of framing around it ............. I keep seeing cluttered desk... #66: What makes you say cluttered? #10.5: It has things scattered all over the top of it. #66: Describe these things to me... #10.5: Almost like a.... a pencil holder.... papers, loose papers.... +10 Upper left like a...a basket thing.... books, pam- phlets, sits against the wall...some sort of framing a window lookout or a...something square like a window would be...right over top of it...... I'll work on him for awhile. #66: I will wait. #10.5: Wait, I have a... .:..?:.: movement. Ie's, he, uh, just walked through a large doorway, like a office building or...hotel ... modern...overcoat...raincoat. Approved For Release 0788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2 #66: Remember we want only #10.5: (Mumbling)...a desk again... It's only a small room... I got him...sitting like very patiently the right side +17 of the room......... This little room is, uh, like someplace off the hallway. #66: Okay. #10.5: And you look through the door and you can see the back of his chair. #66: Okay. Now...standing behind him and looking over his shoulder,.what is he doing? What is he doing? #10.5: Well, it's like he' a half standing, half seated position. His back is to the back of the desk. He's facing more towards the door, offset to the left of his door. It's like he's leaning against something that is butt high... To the left of the door that. I got is this funny rack. some kind of a v-, a floor to ceiling...uh, rack thing, like a, uh, metallic bookcase. SG1A #66: Okay, now- #10.5: And, uh, I'm having this, uh, feeling that he's listening to a set of very funny earphones. #66: Okay, let's expand the time window from exactly SG1A to plus or minus 5 mi utes from that time frame, p us or SG1A minus 5 minutes from And as you look at that SG1A broader time window report wha is doing. #10.5: T.hi ?uh'i~.` . ? ? . ? I get, `uh....sitting, leaning over, writing at his table, sort of in a very cramped and scrunched-up way, like someone who sits and writes an awful lot, hunches over the paper....and makes a...some sort of a special writing, or drawing, like he's being very particular, like he's...almost draftsman, like he' a jeweler's eyepiece. And he's scrunched way over and the light shines down over his head. And there's some sort of a straight edge and there's... straight lines on the paper. That's one, but then the.... then he like gets up and goes to that 7.eaninq position. I see him in that position...Wait.... The guy I saw before... was different, he's waiting...they said. He's a different man... He was skinnier, andhe had a gray suit on. I don't know if it was him or not... Something to do with a, uh, the guy I first saw in here was.a...more of a hawk faced guy, narrower face, skinnier... wearing like a gray tweed suit. Approved For Release 200 6-00788R000500240001-1 0788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 20000 L19s~ 1188R000500240001-1 #10.5: The way he was sitting I thought it was very funny because he was like waiting. He was. He was like waiting with his hands crossed in his lap. In a leaning position like he was waiting for someone to come. #66: And the one at the desk? Is he #10.5: I think so, but he sits at the desk. And as I'm looking at .him he's leaning over the desk. I'm sitting on the desk amongst all his clutter. And that's where I have the...that's where I have him with the, uh, black caps on his black caps on his ears. #66: And is this the one who is writing? #10.5: Yeah... #66: Okay. In the precise time frame of him sitting at the desk and writing, look around the desk again as he's sitting there, when he writes, look around the desk again and tell me what else is on the that specific time frame where he's writing ............... - #10.5: There's a...(mumbling) looks like a...inch thick pamphlet. Not a bound book but a pamphlet.... There is something :a by my right here....which looks like earplug capsules, con- tainers, earplug containers. Something small, round, cylin- drical like that... They're just sorta haphazardly laid... to his upper right. And around under where I am is a...some more papers there I can't make out. There're like stacks of things on him desk, it's not-;four or five individuals. These are like four or five things that make a inch and a half, two inches places... Uh...most of- I'm getting this feeling of like...semi-formal pamphlets. Not bound textbooks, but...thick pamphlets of many pages that are final product, but they are not what you would buy in a store, they are what,you would send to your... you know, your review board or your final study board. #66: Okay. Now as he's sitting here writing, being very meticulous about what he's writing and lots of concentration, ask him to show you what it is he's doing. Ask him to show you what it is he's doing. #10.5: I'm, uh, completely the last work on this....a very funny word. First I thought he said in three, but it's like tricular...tricular or triculateral... #66: Ask him to show you how he does this. Approved For Release 2q 6&00788R000500240001-1 -00788R000500240001-1 #10.5: He points to the pamphlet by his right. It's a quarter i-, three eighths inch thick..;.? cardboard, heavy paper... Like he gets it from there. The word was like I take it from here, meaning he gets it from there... This document has a roundish. design on the blue cover that... reminiscent of a,'s roundish then it has another line on it. And it, for some reason it is reminiscent of a...the texture of the thing looked like a...fleetingly a husk of a... peanut. Like it had little marks all over it. Anyway I'm getting an idea that he transcribes specifically important things on...out of this light, light blue bound pamphlet... #66: Ask him what is the purpose of what he's doing? Ask him to tell you what is the purpose of what he's doing.......... #10.5: I got a, uh...ah, my friend, that is very difficult to say. He is sending this information on somewhere, I know. That came from the last question too... This...process is extremely important. It's a process that he is concerned with, not a thing, but a process. #66: I understand. What is the...ask him what is the...tool most important to this process. Ask him what is the tool most important to this process... #10.5: I had a, uh...ask him to show me the tool... Had the impres- sion it's inside of a, uh...plunging valve, uh, black cast steel or some such, and it's some sort of a movable part in it. You can imagine a short, squat, very stubby cast metal hypdermic of considerable weight. The thing thats plunges in and out is lighter polished bra-, uh...polished metal of some kind, like it's a valve or a special pump action. Some sort of a plunging action on the one end. #66: What's it's shape, it's general shape?... #10.5: Like a short, squat hypodermic needle. #66: All right. #10.5: But larger. #66: Are you saying it's cylindrical as opposed to pyramidal or cubic? #10.5: Yes,. and it' two things that stick out of the top and the bottom. #66: Okay. #10.5: At one end. The other end is a little bit tapered. #66: Okay. I understand this object. Now, I want to know about Approved For Release 200 -00788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 -r^- pfO788ROOO5OO24OOO1-1 #66: the thing that this object fits into. +40 #10.5: All right, let me focus again, I'm out. Let me get back down and sit on his ashtray or whatever it is here............ Well, this is a key control in a process factor...factor. It's a key control factor in the process. #66: Yes, I understand that. And we want to know- #10.5: I know, I'm working. #66: Okay. #10.5: I'm getting it as being a part of a large massive engine of some sort...not engine engine, but I mean the machine complexity of some sort that is here in this facility. It is long and black-and massive, like a large transformer is. Huge, huge transformer, 20 feet high and I mean maybe 12-15 feet high, maybe 24 feet long. has generally cylindrical shape tube, but it is not hollow or plunging or anything, it is packed with processing aspects and components. But the key thing that identifies this thing is some sort of a upsweeping rectangular on the end of it, like it's bulk is two different levels. It has one lower right hand level at 12 or 15 feet, but the left hand level is bigger and it comes out and up in a rec-, more rectangular feeling. #66: All right, I have- #10.5: It's on somewhere else, let me go back to him........... #66: We are, uh, out of tape time now, and I'm concerned about the accuracy of your drawings as they now exist. You have any final comments before closing? #66: Okay. Let's then turn to drawing as accurately as possible those things that you have at this time. Okay, go ahead. #10.5: Okay, um, sketch one here I have sitting here at the desk. He's bending over very methodically transcribing something. Uh, he's located in a very small cluttered office, scientist o-, scientific office type of place. And I had the impressions that what he was transcribing had to do with the document that's on his, by his right elbow which is blue and has a funny circle on the top of it. Okay, um... #66: You said things like, talked about a draftsman and paying attention to what he was doing, and that what he was doing took some mental effort. Approved For Release 2000 -8/a 1O7 ]7 d PJ6-OO788ROOO5OO24OOO1-1 Approved For Release 29~00788R000500240001-1 #10.5: Yes, I- also on the paper here you can see like there's a, there's a ruler out, there's a straight edge out. It's not like he is necessarily coding something, which is an abstract writing process. It's like he's copying something that is of a design nature and so he needs to draw straight lines... and he may need to label as well, but the, you know. 'Cause I saw lines on this paper that made like 72 degree angle. #66: Some sort of geometric shapes? #10.5: Some sort of geometric shape- #66: Okay. #10.5: -was on the paper. That would be unusual in a hand written letter. #66: Okay. #10.5: Or a- somethin' like that. #66: Okay. #10.5: In front of him there's a window. That's about it for sketch one, really. Now, I guess, I guess I went off the- #66: Okay, we've got the tape turned over now. #10.5: Okay. I guess I got off the bean when you asked me about... maybe I directed you off, or got you off the bean when I said this thing, what he's doing is concerned with an, with a process. He's concerned with a process. What I was getting at was he's cone-, he's reporting, he's writing about a pro- cess which is of interest, and he needs to write this and send it on somewhere. Or, or maybe copy the diagrams and send it on somewhere. And then in response to what is the main thing about this process, I was still tracking the item of his interest. So the process of his interest is directly related to this thing in sketch two, which looks like an eyedropper, or something like that. #66: Okay, so what you're saying, the information in the documents in front of him is about a process which concerns the thing that you've drawn in sketch two. #10.5: In sketch two, right. #66: Okay. #10.5: But it's not an eyedropper in the sense that it's not an inch and a half long, it is something which is rather large and is a larger mechanical device. Uh...three to four feet long. #66: Okay. Approved For Release 2000/08/07'?'rg R9' t00788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000 0788R000500240001-1 #10.5: And eight to ten inches in diameter. And this thing is like a "T" valve or something that regulates flow of something. The plunger on the.left moves in and out and therefore, and thereby regulates some flow in this process. And this is a key thing in the process that he's interest in. #66: Okay. And this is what he's writing about- #10.5: This is what he's writing about, yes. #66: Okay.. #10.5: And it's black, heavy black metal. Cylindrical, gently taper- ing on the right, the cylinder on the left is shiny and plunges in and out and does not taper that I.know of. It might- but there is some up and down flow out of these stubs that stick out of the thing up and down. Like flows into the big heavy metal cylinder and then is directed up and down to get out of it. And I know I have not drawn holes or.anything that would indicate that, but there is some sort of an out- ward movement outside, away from the cylinder. That's sketch two. Now, the thing in sketch two is a part of the large thing in 3A. This large thing in 3A is transformer in size, massive transformerness, 12 feet in diameter and 22 feet long. It's also black. heavy metal containing all sorts of complex, super complex functioning stuff. Only one minor part but the key part to the process that this equipment represents is sketch 2 and it's located down in the back end and under the rectan- gular part of it.. Somewhere down below in the bowels of this big piece of stuff. #66: Okay. And again this is all what he's writing about. #10.5: Writing about, not how he's writing. #66: Okay, I understand. #10.5: Okay. #66: And how 'bout three B now? #10.5: Three B is...I just put that in there, that's my version of what was like printed on pale blue cover of the document in under, or near his right elbow, which I believe is the source document for the thing about which he is writing. #66: Okay. #10.5: Okay. He's got some sort of a circle with a line around, a line around the middle of the circle design on it is all. And it looked like it was, oh, it looked like it was very Approved For Release 200 '0. 7D '4.` 6-00788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 200 788 R000500240001-1 #10.5: crudely printed, like almost mimeographed on- instead of really offset printing. You know, it wasn't a formal docu- ment, it was like a mimeographed document. #66: Okay...... #10.5: It had the.quality of the little programs that they give out in elementary. school whenyouu go to your kids schools PTA meeting, you know, it's all flaky and speckling and you can read the words but it's not Gets the job done but that's about it. All right. Now we come to session. Very beginning o beginning of the session I He was standing, leaning w corner of d sk but not looking at what desk, from the corner, and way. I couldn't see. I h And I thought that like it room that occupied catch him coming in to visi ing, and it was a very dis very - bam! right in front peek around him. Now...then, later on I, I you let me drift a little the feeling. that w bottom against this same d the headphone wire went do like thing that I was, tha And at that point, I think think when you let me drif my time window- #66: I opened your time window #10..5: Yeah, that that is an acti this room during this time beginning one but later on the other guy came from. #10.5: The other person that- whe the, sitting in a similar with his earphones on, the tape- that's when I said " first isn't the same one." had like a widow's peak, s hair, thin in face, uh, we tweed suit. That was some another confusing portion of the the session, somewhere in the had this man standing in the room. th his bottom up against like the Because I was later turned out to be this guy showed up righ in. my d to sorta like peek around him. was somebody that came into this to visit andI just-happened to t. Then al-, that was very fleet- inct intrusion in the area, it was of my face. And I had to like hink it was when you moved me and it wider in a time bracket, I had s standing over leaning with his sk'with his headphones on and that n into the bottom of the bookshelf was there in a corner by the door. that that was valid imagery. I in time, or when you let me expand y plus or minus five minutes. n that he performs in here, in window. Maybe not the specific But I don't know where the heck I saw- over there doing or leaning in a similar posture is when I- you'll hear me on the ait a minute. The guy I saw there The other fellow was thinner, vere widow's peak, had deeply dark ring like a light tan, gray tan hat sinister in feeling. I had the 6-00788R000500240001-1 tr~ SG1A SG1A SG1A SG1A Approved For Release 2000/ #10.5: feeling like he was, uh, th the guy that catches the sp in off the street and goes the.spy to return and catch situation. It's sort of G e ominous presence lurking ri investigator. You know, like type thing. The guy who walks nto the spy's room and waits for s the spy by surprise type of a tapo like, know, lurking, ht there, very self-assured and- 466: Okay. #10.5: -invest-, queer-, investigatory, queerying, or investigating. All right. So then, uh, in the widened time window- SG1A was over there. I finally resolved the problem that there was this other guy there that maybe had come and visited and left. I neversaw the two of them together, by the way. You know, another thought was that well, maybe they were run- ning a personal meeting or something. And, uh, the only other thing I have to add is that during the other parts of the session when - was sitting at the table drafting or SG1A whatever he was doing, he- at that time I felt he also was wearing earphones, and they're the old-fash-, older-fashioned kind with black cups on the ears and they have the... they have the metal rods that stick up out of the earphone part so you can adjust the length on the earphones. But I did not see an electrical cord on them. I didn't see that the cord ran back behind him back into this bookshelf like he was listening to the stereo or anything. It was like they were cordless. And for a fleeting. analytical moment somewhere in the session when I realized that I couldn't see a cord. I had the rememberance, a very quick flashback to early child- hood in playing with crystal sets, these little...they used to be about $2.98, little, when I was. a kid, little crystal sets. They were designed like a little rocket ship. All you had to do was plug 'em on to a ground and you'd get four of your favorite AM stations. #66: Okay. #10.5: You didn't really need an exterior power source or anything like that. Sorta had this idea of self-containment, possibly of crystal... crystal run rig. That's all I have.. #66: Okay. Um, I'd like you to return now to your thoughts of drawing number one here. Uh, and now apart from this session you will recall that you have visited previously, and in previous sessions you mentioned a ca cu ator like device that is, uh, you identified as being part of behavior. And I want-to ask you now in addressing his act- ivity in this room at his desk and doing his writing and so forth, does this feeling about a calculator play a part in what he does here in this room? #10.5: No. He's not doin' anything with that calculator type of thing. There's only one thing on his desk which vaguely res- embles it, and that is a...little square box that, square box Approved For Release 2000/ 0788R000500240001-1 SG1 SG1P Approved For Release 2000/ $ 0240001-1 #10.5: that's on his upper right next to his, on the sketch, next to his, uh, light, his desk lamp idea. But that box, I looked at that box.and the only thing I got out of that box was that it was like a paper slip holder, you know, like you do for your calls and, notes and stuff like that. When I looked-, I didn't look at it asking if it was the calculator 'cause of course I didn't realize you were after that at the time. #66: Okay. #10.5: Had no idea that you would have been interested in that. The calculator was nowhere around, so what I- essentially I'm saying this so that people who look at that sketch don't read into that little box drawn up there as being a calculator. 'Cause when I looked at that box it was plain and simple - a slip of paper holder, a box for messages and stuff, little plastic thing or somethin'. #66: Okay. #10.5: No, did not get any feeling of a technical type of apparatus at all. #66: All right. Good. Anything then that you have to add? #10.5: No. #66: Okay, fine. #10.5: That's it. Approved For Release 2000 -00788 R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/(7 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 / f . x &I 'fe #P I ? goal A l p0 Mgv t t w t }- ~? Ce 5 wPr o :4C. go W 0 61" I- rRftNr,~S o ~ -.-O~ LK SIK ' ~,,, S 44 Otc.c..- r wp P, - JWPWN 4w ease 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP9 ~"EO 50020101-1 ~94 ~,a ?09 Q Lq.CoNtMoerS Approved For Release 2000/08/! : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 744,/r ,rs AcrIv T7 WAS ,t,y to ?~ opt 0, Py ? .Tfj RO 14r (;e ,eOu W /frc 1# M W&-wo WRsr'n h fA-j tiI ALL QnE ICs-r I' Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 1 D Approved For Release 2000/08/ : CIA-RDP96-00788000500240001-1 i V .J619, 141 V A, F 0 `~~ Approved For Release 2000/08/ .1 0 CAo~~~ J~ SF Approved For ase 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-GAZW .W0240001-1 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 .TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000/Q, /97 L RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 REMOTE V IEWIN (RV) SESSION DC-26 1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was shown the attached picture and told that the individual was identified as The SG1A viewer was told that he would be focusing on events of past time during the session and that intense concentration on discipline would be required. 2. (S/NOFCR N Durin the session the viewer was told to focus on the time window of. and report the SG1A activity of The viewer was asked to elaborate on those per- SG1A ceptions he repor e w is seemed relevant to the interviewer. 3. (S/NOFORN) This remote viewer has worked this target before and as such was familiar with the general situation prior to the session. The viewer did not, however, know what to expect in the specific time window provided. The interviewer had been briefed on what might be expected during the time win- dow and attempted to elicit information relevant to use of a com- SG1A puter or calculator. NOT RELEA~AQIE -TP FORE N -NATIONALS IE C N.. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500240001-1