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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500480001-5 GECRET INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM SESSION REPORT CLASSIFIED BY:MSG ,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630Z3UL78 NOT NATIONALS REVIEW ON: LArittiA Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500480001-5 I Approved For Release 200 0 7 ? - 6-00788R000500480001-5 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-56 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a requestufor information. 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. Approved For Release 20Z NOT REL OffriG-NATIONALS 9 6 -0 0 7 8 8 R 0 0 0 50 0 48 0 0 01-5 Approved For Release 200 7 ? - DP96-00788R000500480001-5 TIME TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-56 #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 21 May 1981. Mission time is 0900 hours. #46: 21 May. #14: All right #46, this will be a pre-mission briefing. Inside the sealed envelope that you have is a sheet of paper having a set of UTM coordinates written on it. When we get to the target, I want you to move to the target, accessing it at 1200 hours local time at the target, today, 21 May 1981. #46: Yes. #14: Okay. 0900 All right #46, the time is now 0900 hours. You have in your possession a sealed envelope with a set of coordinates inside which represent the target. I want you now to go to the target, move to the target, accessing it at 1200 hours today, 21 May 1981. Once you're at the target, I want you to describe your surroundings. PAUSE +02 #46: I'm in a I'm in a...I'm in a city, a, uh... overseeing, uh...a dome and a white building...that is, uh... located about, uh...about, uh, five or six miles, uh... southwest of the central point of the city.... Uh, let me get rid of all the overlay here, see what happens. #14: .Okay, just relax, concen- #46: They're in the, uh..during the cooling down period..I had to fight off the, uh..the, uh.. #14: Focus on the coordinate in the envelope... +06 #46: Well ..... I'm still in that city. There..there are roads that lead like the, uh, spokes of a big wheel, to a huge, uh, or would appear to be a huge...tower like monument... #14: Okay #46, slowly let yourself drift into the air to an altitude of 10,000 feet above the target. Describe the general area from that position Approved For Release 2pelEe RE196-00788R000500480001-5 Approved For Release 2000/0 788R000500480001-5 +09 #46: Okay, there's, there's water on the left. There's a country border up border on the west, with border on the east, where the water's, nearest. And there's a..somewhat of a tail, and then some- thing like Florida but not as pronounced in the southeast, and country in the south. Reminds me of Lebanon or some- +10 thing, but that's overlay, may be overlay #14: All right #46, I want you to bring your focus down a little bit, down. Come down to about 500 feet, being directly over the target site, the target location. Describe from your:. perspective at 500 feet very generally your surrounding area. #46: It's still city, it's still..still white arches.... #14: Describe the activity at this location #46: The activity that is attracting my attention is...smacks of, uh...official diplomatic, uh...activity connected with this dome like building..... I also......there is no pre- +13 cipitated or. .intense military activity taking place... In fact, the streets are pretty well deserted, which is kind of unnatural... #14: All right #46, at this time I want you to move forward in time, maintaining your focus on the target. I want you to move one week in time, maintaining your 1200 hours focus move to 28 May 1981, one week from today. Describe the activity taking place at this time......... +16 #46: There is a ah...the equivalent of a...street fighting activity... Uh, block to block, street to street, person to person, fire activity?like you would see in a civil war... Uh..small arms, sporadic fire activity... Not seem to be terribly consequential... #14: Who's doing this street fighting?......... +18 #46: Troops in, uh, light sandy fatigues against troops in camouflage fatigues..'.and, uh, a portion of the population in the...uh, uh, tag-tag Islamic dress or something, I can't be sure... #14: All right #46. I have no further questions. Is there any- thing you can add about the situation on 28 May? PAUSE #46: I get a distinct impression of heavy...tank activity and a hell of a lot more...activity immediately subsequent to 28 May, but,. Approved For Release 200QE 96-00788R000500480001-5 Approved For Release 2000/ 788R000500480001-5 #14: I want you to focus on that tank activity and other activity that you see, the heavy tank activity....Describe this activity in detail. +25 #46: It's as if, had columns or rows of tanks,.sweeping through the successfully, by the way. #14: Describe one of these tanks. Describe the tank #46: Well, I'll give you some characteristics. This is a... I don't know why I say this but it's medium to heavy. The turret is, uh, not rounded like the old World War II Sherman but kinds flattish. The, uh, gun tube is, uh, quite long, there's no choke at the end of it. There's also... something like a..what would seem to be sand bags in the rear, being carried in the rear portion of the tank... I think the the national markings appear to be a circle within circles within circles, #14: Okay, I want you to look at the side of one of these tanks and describe what you see from the side. Describe the tread and road wheels #46: I count, uh, about 15 wheels #14: I want you to take a? #46: The thread width is more difficult to obtain but I think it's about...18 inehes wide, I don't know. Go ahead. #14: Okay, I want you to remember, remember how this tank looks. #46: Yeah, okay, sure. #14: So we can draw it later. And at this time I have no further questions. #46: Okay, well let's call it quits. #14: Okay, I want you to defocus. Come back to this room. It's now 9:32 on the 21st of May 1981. I want you to take a deep breath, stretch your arms, stretch your legs, and at this time we'll pause for debrief. #46: Okay, in the, uh, in sketch number one, which I've labeled overview, given a general description of the, uh, country site with a, uh, uh, central focal point, which I consider the middle of whatever it was I saw, and the dome building within the city which I saw seemed to be, uh, west southwest, and it's indicated by an "X". Okay, to the west of that country appeared to be water. To the north seemed to have a boundary, geographical boundary with country, which I've labeled "A". To the east was country that I have labeled "B", and to the south was country "C". And Approved For Release -00788R000500480001-5 Approved For Release 2000/ 88R000500480001-5 #46: there's another country around here someplace, which I'll, then I lose track, country "D", and there's several others. Okay. Anything you wanna know more about that? #14: That's, uh- #46: Uhl funny thing I just- it's as if I were sitting on top of that dome building observing, uh, initially the lack of activity in the streets., and a very white type city with a predominance of like granite or marble and a lot of arches. Small streets, but it's not a cirty city by any means. Uh, but the lack of activity was brought to my attention. Okay, in sketch number two, uh, I tried to, uh, draw the impressions as I've seen 'em of the type of tank that I have described. Some of the characteristics that came to mind to try and pinpoint what type it was and to assist who- ever has cognizance of this type of tank. The, uh, turret was, uh, quite big, but flat as opposed to, uh, you know, the old hunch backed, top turret, dome part of a Sherman tank. Uh, I tried to count the number of, uh, I don't know what you call those wheels, cloggets wheels or whatever that runs on the track to give someone an idea, and I came up with a figure of about 15. Another characteristics were- characteristic was the, uh, lent and the size of the actual tube of gun coming out of the turret, which seemed to me terribly long, as if were almost out of proportion. Uh, also it was an open gun at the end with no choke, 'cause I've seen several tanks, or pictures of tanks with the old choke in front of the gun barrel. This one had none. Another very weird characteristic was that there was something in the back end, or behind the tank, back side of the tank, which looked to me like sand bags, something humpy thrown over the back end of the tank. Then I tried to look for nationals Markings and that became, uh, circles around circles like round L's, I guess, with a predominance of green and white. But I don't know. And that's, that's all I can tell you about the tank unless you have any more questions. #14: No, I have no more questions. #46: Okay. #14: End of session. Approved For Release 20 -00788R000500480001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500480001-5 TAB ? e. gepoar- 0A) /9my('vitc/1-f77) 77o/r9, 0 .6se--feve--b Approved For Release P96-00788R000500480001-5