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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 10, 1998
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Publication Date:
August 1, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300800001-1
DATER: 051630ZJUL78
Q5 1e
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300800001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300800001-1
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information on a target of interest. The mis-
sion was to describe a tent at a designated intersection
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the docu-
ment Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (5/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. AT TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer.
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#66: This will be a remote veiwing session for 0900 hours,
1 August 1980.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and focus your attention on
the southwest corner of the intersection in the photograph I
have shown you. Relax and focus your attention. Focus your
attention on the southwest corner of the intersection in the
photo I have shown you. Position yourself so that you may see
clearly.the southwest corner of the intersection, and describe
your imagery to me.
+03 #8.5: I have an impression of's a
on the curb ....... seems to be...a street gutter, curb drain...
about 6-8 feet from the corner to
building...........there was a, was a display next to the build-
ing....metal objects, artifacts, brass...about four feet, four
or five feet...curb food concession.....I see...looks like a...
kiosk... there's something green after impression of
a....there's some kind of pole to the east of the concession on
the corner.....
#66: What is it that's green?
#8.5: I saw the green, I think it was some kind of vegetation, to the
west of the...structure, I can't tell if its on wheels, or...
sitting on the pavement, but there's green... green to the...west..
about 15-20 feet....
#66: Okay, let's try positioning over the target. Move up in the air
and look down obliquely at the target, and work your way up and
down the block there. Tell me what, the things you've told me
about, tell me what they look like from this angle.
#8.5: The food.concession looks like it.has a...canvas cover... parasol,
cover, sun cover ...... cover.from adjacent building sticks out
over sidewalk so.... photograph I just.saw corner
to that building, but I see an that corner, which
is contrary to...photograph I saw...
#66: Okay, tell me a little bit more about this food concession place.
#8.5: East end of it...appears...very open, you can see into...west
end seems.... masked, you can't see in very well, it's very
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#8.5: tiny ...four or five feet wide...eight, nine feet long...I...see
a cover on it...also see...some kind of parasol shape......
attached, very nearby....
#66: Tell me the raw imagery that makes you say this is a food
#8.5: 1 thought I saw...some kind of sweets, and peoples hands stand-
ing very close to it. When you spoke I was...looking around
inside of the thing...and I didn't see food.
#66: What did you see?
#8.5: Periodicals...newspapers..... person... doesn't seem to...
be doing much...I saw people standing there with food, I thought...
some kind of sweet pastry thing.
#66: Okay. Move outside on the sidewalk again and look at this and
tell me the nature of the construction of this that you're look-
ing at, what is the...
#8.5: I'm seeing two...two wheels towards the west end of the bank.
I still think it's 6-8 feet, maybe a little longer... There's a
bicycle leaning against it.
#66: Of what material is this?....
#8.5: Metal, I looks like metal...
#66: Okay. And the top?
#8.5: Canvas, canvas covered anyway....
#66: And how close is this to the corner?
#8.5: About 15 feet.
#66: Okay. And beyond this, on down, what comes next after this
away from the corner? Is there anything else there?
#8.5: To the west... cylinder shaped box, I thought was some kind of
kiosk or something.
#66: Beyond that?
+16 #8.5: Beyond that I just saw green......... I see-some kind of....
I don't know, I just an impression of.....some kind of'...plat-
form...I don't know what it was...
#66: Move back now to the canvas covered structure near the corner.
Move inside the structure. Move inside the structure. Examine
the walls of the structure,. working yourself very carefully
from the right all the way around to the left and.describe the
walls to me, and anything you might find on the walls..........
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#8.5: Difficulty with the.....some kind of shells....saw a lot of con-
flicting garbage... nothing to do.with the for
example started, moved to the image...but I had the, the distinct
feeling that...the north wall... was... configured for observation,
to the north and east.
#66: Explain configured for observation.
#8.5: I saw everything that went flying by I...tried to examine it of
having something to do with the area...I saw the shells and bi-
noculars...some kind of black boxes and camera equipment, I was
looking at the inside of the north wall... which seems rather
uninteresting... uninteresting...but I felt there was...opening
that I couldn't see that...allowed observation to the north...
#66: Okay.
#8.5: And to the-and to the west and east slightly to the west.
+24 #66: Focus your observations now on the floor. Look down and look
around the floor.........
#8.5: All I see is just...a metal frame...but it isn't...a couple...
steel plug...nothing of great interest.
#66: Tell me about the steel frame.
#8.5: Appears to be...some kind of textured material with about a...
I don't know, two by two foot...kind of rust colored metal
frame...and the rough texture's inside the frame too, I....
doesn't make much sense.
#66: Okay. What were the other things you saw on the floor?
#8.5: About a three or four inch metal screw in plug.
#66: Okay.... Anything else setting on the- what's the material,
what are you standing on? What is that?
#8.5: It's conflicting, but I felt it was...some.kind of masonry...
if the structure is...temporary, then it must have wood floors,
but I feel it is textured, mansonary.
#66: Okay. Now, I'm.gonna change your-.focus now. I want you to stand
inside where you are right now, standing.. inside where you are
right now, and change your mode of observation from that of
objects to activity. Ask yourself what. activity goes on in this
+28 place. Tell me the answer you receive.......
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#8.5: Nothings coming.
#66: Okay. Do.a 24 hour time scan from now forward for 24 hours, and
look for activity.
#8.5: A very vivid... yellow, mechanical device...first I thought it
was a...big bulldozer was sitting at the curb... completely
dominated the scene, I lost the structure I was examining.....
A lot of power..........sometimes...I lost it-something big
and yellow there, it seemed hard and cold, like metal...
I suddenly got very sensitive hearing...I felt I could...hear
people talking...150-200 feet away... couldn't understand it...
counldn't understand what they were saying.....
#66: Okay. In the structure, during the 24 hour time scan,' is the
structure occupied?
#8.5: I aware of three people...had something to do with...two of
them, two of them looked black americans... couldn't get a good
look at the third one.
#66: During what period of the 24 hour scan was this?
#8.5: I don't was towards the... first part of the scan, and
I was moving from present time out....
#66: Describe these two: age, so forth.
#8.5: About ...5'10"...5'9", 5'lO"....28-33 years old...the other third
person seems... somehow different...1 don't know where ...he's
more aloof, or...something about him is different.
#66: What is this third ones age?
#8.5: The third one...I can't get a handle on him, he seems slimmer
and taller...can't seem to...the other two are easy...they're
also, but...they're kind of easy to handle, the tall one...
I can't get information on him.
#66: What do these people do in this place?......
#8.5: I don't know.
#66: Explain their actions to me.
#8.5: The two young ones were...busy with something near the north
wall, the third one was...southwest corner of the structure
facing, facing west,.facing away from me, I'm near the, what
seems to be.the entrance, on the east end.... The second one
over.seems very bored. . .the one near me has his back to me and
appears to be talking to him.
#66: Okay.
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#8.5: There's a broad shelf, desk like area along the north wall.
These-two-are sitting... sitting there....I don't know what
they're supposed to do...but it certainly isn't food.....
#66: Okay, I.have one last question. I would like again to examine
the metal frame, tell me how it fits in, the masonry on the
floor, it's construction, what it's function is...
#8.5: Floor, rather cluttered, dirty... debris, and I think this floor
might be, might be the street itself, seems to be very hard
concrete... there are.some bolts, but I think this frame has been
there a long time, but I think it can be removed ...for...inspec-
tion below... I think it's equivalent of.a square manhole...
but that's ridiculous, I never heard of a square manhole...but
I think it can be removed...
#66: I have no further questions. I'd like to give you the opportun-
ity to comment on anything you feel is important at this time.
#8.5: My only comment sure has been noisy today.
#66: Yes.
#8.5: Very...very disturbing...
#66: Anything else now before we finish?
#8.5: I have a very strong feeling that...
#66: Yes?
#8.5a The structure not hostile....does not represent a threat...
to us. I just...examined it very carefully relative to threat,
and I didn't feel any.
#66: Okay... Any further comments?.... Let's prepare to draw then.
#8.5: Damn, I felt like a bobbing cork, I just, I'd barely get going
and I just bob right up.
#66: Okay, we're ready to draw now........
#8.5: Bad start.
#66: Okay, we'll try one over again......
#8.5: Sidewalk ............ I, certain places there was bolts,
what appeared like bolts in the pavement, I don't know what they
were. Uh, there's some overhang to this, which-like canvas...
um, overhang canvas, indicated by the scallops.
#66: Okay, well I'll have you draw some arrows and write some words.
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#8.5: Okay, and.somewhere, I think . right... right along in here...I
thought was, uh...parasol shape... And...this hexagonal shape,
or square, I'm notsure which, it was kind of like a kiosk...
#66: Okay... Okay, so label this as corner.
#8.5: Remember the photograph they showed it square just like I've
drawn, and yet I thought there was a entryway directly into the
corner, and that bothered me, it was disturbing.
#66: On this here, let's draw an arrow and call this your canvas
covered structure.... Okay. And on page two maybe you can draw
me a blow-up of that itself, and tell me about those other little
things you got there beside it.....
#8.5: There's something over in here... And in this area here there
was some... scattered bolt heads or something like that. Rusty
metal sticking up, and there was some plugs...about four inches
in diameter-thought they was closer than that...
#66: Label those as plugs?.........
#8.5: And there was a lot of debris and stuff lying around, it wasn't
really clean. But this seemed to be cement masonry, very hard...
#66: Okay..... How about the walls, now, had a whole lot of
trouble with the walls, apparently, but there was one area that
#8.5: Oh, there was a...shelf or something... it come out,.was along
here. I think it was a little wider than that.because people
sitting in. And I thought there was openings along... openings
somewhere along the north wall, it could be opened towards the
north... There was two people sitting near this shelf like thing
here, I'll draw it again. There was person over in here that
I just couldn't get a handle on.
#66: Why don't you label that as shelf so... Okay... And what was
this over here, this square...
#8.5: I don't know what it was, it.was just a little, another little
square... I don't know it was attached, or it went all the way
through the pavement, or what...
#66: And these two little things here by the steel frame?
#8.5: Looked like bolt heads or metal that was cast into the pavement.
#66: Okay.......... And then you saw two people sitting at this
shelf thing...
#8.5: This guy sitting here, with his elbow on the... And there was
a guy over here.
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#8.5: I wrote this person was doing over here, but the person was
facing to the west.
#66: That's the person you couldn't focus on?
#8.5: Mm-hmm.. It was conserve- a different, his attitude and every-
thing was different than these.two. These two were rather
casual, blase. But this one was, uh...bundle of energy and nerves,
I just couldn't bust through, I don't know what was wrong...
I somehow thought an entry could get in here, and I
thought along here was a way you could get in.
#66: Okay.
#8.5: Was there anything.else? I don't want to get next to that big
yellow thing, it just, uh, it seemed about, you know-
#66: When I asked you to do your 24 hour time scan you didn't have
much luck other than you saw a big yellow thing, uh, maybe in
the street outside the thing.
#8.5: It was very vivid,. very strong, but it had nothing to do with
the scene...because it so completely dominated the scene that
this, this thing here completely disappeared...
#66: And in the 24.hour time scan, did you know whether or not this
thing was occupied.for the full 24 hours, or when it was occu-
pied and when it wasn't.
#8.5: Uh, no, when I first started to do the 24, I started at the
present time out, and somewhere the early part of that I became
aware of the people in there, so I kept going, and all of a sudden
I found myself up in the air looking at this big monstrous-thing
sitting at the curb. And I didn't know how it got there, and
I was disturbed to find it that my structure had disappeared,
and uh...everything, nothing seemed right.
#66: Okay, well, we know you had some difficulty with this session,
disturbed by the outside noise in the hallway, and the noises
outside the building... Anything else you want to comment on?
#8.5: No, it just, one of the worst session I've felt like
one of the worst sessions I've had in a long time.
#66: Okay.
#8.5: Was very sporadic, disjointed.
#66: Okay, fine.
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1. (S/NOFORN) the session the viewer was shown the attached map
and an overhead photograph (not included due to classifica-
tion of the target area). His attention was directed towards the SW corner
of the intersection
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session once the viewer had located the target tent
without cuing, he was asked to elaborate on his impressions.
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