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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :gEECERET0300490001-6 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/0 ORCON INSCOM GRILL FLAME . PROGRAM SESSION REPORT CLASSIFIED REVIEW ON: GRI ICPRET000300490001-6 BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 051630Z JUL 78 dA} adt-efe Ii .?; Approved For Release 2000/08/07-: CIA-RDP96701.667-600300490001-6 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CD-10 Is, 1. (S) Thsi report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest. 2. (S) The remote viewer was able to achieve his usual state of relaxed concentration. He did state, however, that he experienced some difficulty due to the multiple targeting technique used during this session. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the viewer at the time of the session. Approved For Release 2000/08/05. EQPROE31000300490001-6 Approved ForRelease2000/08/07-:, 9,1A-r1;450S-Er00300490001-6 rc TIME SG1A TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CD-10 #14: This will be a remote viewing session for 15 May 1980. On-target time is 1030 hours. PAUSE All right #46 the time is now 1030. Your mission for this session is to describe the activity at 3 different target sites. Your time window throughout this session will be 1000 hours on 25 May 1980. I want you now to relax, relax and focus on your target site at I want you now to go to that site and describe the activity. PAUSE +05 #46: It is just a very wide clearing. Beyond the clearing is a heavy tree line. This clearing and this tree line is being observed by, by people, military people in the bottom portion, that is, picture. #14: Who are these military people? SG1A #46: Ummm. They, they're wearing camoflage, combat fatigue. Strictly military. They're Army. #14: And, what is it that they are observing? #46: Waiting to see if anything is taking place beyond this no-man's land. It's to see as if something is going to be activated or not. A movement. I don't know. It's as if these guys in military fatigues at the bottom of the picture are in, in trenches, but they're, they're refined trenches. They're cement or something. Bunkers and cement walks and stuff. Yeah. PAUSE There is a, there is a grouping behind, beyond the forest. These guys are in very light tan, not light tan, brown, but much lighter than the dark brown and green fatigues at the other side. It's a presence; it's not, it's not. It is just a presence. Doesn't seem to be in action It's very military scene. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP98,9707,901300490001-6 GRET _ R000300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/k7) A #14: SG1A SG1A #46: #14: +08 #46: #14: #46 The guy's in the dark fatigues at the bottom of the picture. Swarthy (phonetic) brown. A lot of mustaches in there. That's all. All right. I want you now to erase that scene from your memory from your mind. At this time you will go to target site number 2. I want you to relax, focus your concentration on Go now to this target site and describe the activity. Say the numbers again. PAUSE God! Kind of tough to zero mon. The first impression is of's from very high. This is circles. Then I got closer this domed looks like an air strip or something hangers Uh...God! Very strong reoccurring image of a fuselage with a red star with a, with a white border around the star. It's as if I'm inside a hanger. Describe the level of activity at this location. Just maintenance. Maintenance on the aircraft. I want to say maintenance and readiness, but thats about all I can get. PAUSE There isa:Towofircraft. About 6 in here. Something about .a total of 8. But there's only 6 there. Anything else you want? #14: No. I think we're now ready to move on to the third target site. I want you now #46: Could you give me about 3 minutes here? #14: Okay. PAUSE #14: I want you now to relax and I'll call you back in about 3 minutes. PAUSE 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :ETTO-RET0300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : SEC #14: All right #46 #46: Go! 300490001-6 +15 #14: Again, your time window is 1000 hours 25 May 1980. SG1A Coordinates for your target site are want you to relax, focus on this target site, and describe the activity. PAUSE #46: Two very, very quick impressions here. The first one is those "treaded vehicles, like tanks or something. The second one is one of a metropolis. A built up area. Huge, huge red brick storage area, and a, and a built up almost, almost metropolitan area. Like this was the, the big red brick building, served as a means of these people in the (summer) able to earn their living. I keep seeing this isolated tank in the out portion if it were on display, or something. Now, I get the impression as if these were an assembly line for these treaded" vehicles. Lot of people working in there. These are Oriental people, I think. Hmmm.... Now, the picture of the assembly line comes back. It's like Detroit for tanks. There's alot of activity. Anything else you want to hear? #14: I have no further questions at this time. #01: Okay. We'll go ahead and start the debrief. Why don't you give me a single page drawing of the areas that you described in each of the 3 occurrences. Starting with target number 1. #46: Okay. First I came into a no-man's land, okay. This was kind of bare here. Just beyond that....this was quite wide, by the way.. .okay then there were heavy trees here, heavy tree line which extended quite far back. Bunch of trees. This extended quite far back, but in these there were clearings here and there these trees, okay. This, by the way, kind of sloped to the left over here. But, I had to come back. And, then what I picked up here, this was quite perceptible, as if they were in World War I trenches, but they weren't, it was quite modern. That's why I got the impression of cement and little bunkers, and walks in cement. But, this was into the ground here was a hollow so let me put this like this. I'll label this, the center portion, no-man's land and I'll put this, the tree portion, and then I picked these guys up in these areas much after I picked the first...uh...this bunch at the bottom of of the, of the drawing. And, this is where the guys in fatigues were located in. Dark green fatigues, camouflage. And, all they were doing was looking across here to see if there was any activity. Then I picked Approved For Release 2000/085.EUSE71000300490001-6 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 Up a presence which was different from these guys insofar as the clothing was definitely, definitely different. It was like sandy-brown, and they were just there. Like I said, they did not seem to pose a threat. But, these guys were waiting to determine if a threat was coming from here. But, they were just there. Like to make an act of presence to let 'em know that they were there. But, there was no impending activity crossing this. But, these guys were ready or were looking for or being readied for this activity. That was the overall impression. I don't know what to call these guys. just call 'em light tan troops because of their dress. These were troops in combat fatigues. Heavy green .and like blotches, like jungle, camouflage. That's the best way I can describe that. #01: Okay. Now, we'll do target number 2 on page 2. #46: All right. That was the....okay....... The overview was terribly high when I came in on 2, and the circles that I first perceived, then turned out to be huge domes, which gave me the impression that I was in a very huge building, and other impressions gave me the impression that I was in a damn hanger. I didn't get a good overview. I got stuck in, the hanger. But, what I saw, I may not have described there, later on was...uh...trees here, a strip here, and building that I was in was a huge dome building here, which I thought was a hanger. When I saw the 6 damn aircraft, and I said there should have been 8. Some- thing about the number 8 that was in there, supposedly. I think I described what I saw in there. Anything you want to emphasize? #01: No. That's okay. You just label that. #46: I'll just label that hanger strip, and I'll just put this tree line okay. #01: Target number 3 on page 3. #46: Target number 3 was the weirdest by far, because I ended up what seemed to be this huge. could be something other than the "L" shaped, but I kind of concentrated on the "L" shape. I have a feeling this might have gone on to the right here, just draw the left portion. Now, even before I got there, I got impressions of track vehicles. Okay. This was like a factory type building, and there was a perceptible entrance here, and here was that damn tank that stayed there. Okay. And this was located in built-up area. I had very strong impressions of telephone lines, power lines, electricity lines and the whole type big village or small city that was oriented Approved For Release 2000/08/07 4 90001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07_: CIA.F -RD.:96-00788R000300490001-6 towards this factory which I described as being somehow connected with the preparation or the putting together in assemblyline fashion of treaded vehicles. Which I only know as being tanks. It could be anything.. #01: Do you have a feel for how many vehicles might have been involved? #46: Here? Oh, God. The assembly line was full and moving. #01: Full and moving. #46: Yeah. I was particularly concentrating on what appeared to be this area and everybody was running back and forth and -getting parts, like in an assembly line in Detriot, and putting this stuff together. So, I never did go into this part, and like I say, there might have been something here, but I didn't go into it. My attention was attracted by this, by this vehicle. It was almost as if it were on display to indicate what type of building this was. #01: Okay. I don't have any other questions. #46: I don't have any other answers. #01: We'll terminate the sesSion. Approved For Release 2000/08/ 0 0300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 For Release 2000/08/07.; A- (? ct.T, ir\n, 00788R000300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R0003004 01-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 cE N Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 1 ?????????????????.????.,... L.) Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 B Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? 788R000300490001-6 TARGET CUING INFORMATION REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CD-10 1. (S) The only target information given to the remote viewar? SG1B SG1B this session was the following 2. (S) The remote viewer was asked to look at a time window of 1000 hours, 25 May 1980 local target time. He was directed to three different target sites during the session and was asked to describe the activity at each site. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300490001-6