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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 26, 1980
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Approved For Release 20 gun g-1 6-00788R000300210001-6 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC3 1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest. 2. (S) The remote viewer was provided the geographic coordinates of the target area at the time of the session and asked to describe the target based on his remote viewing imagery. The remote viewer was not able to achieve his usual state of relaxed concentration during the session. Ambient room noise was minimal and did not appear to bother the viewer. The viewer had a head cold on the day of the session and expressed his discomfort associated with the illness. The viewer had little confidence in his imagery because of his inability to relax and concentrate and resolve imagery meaningful to him. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R000300210001-6 Approved For Release 2d'0'Q ;01 96-00788R000300210001-6 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC3 #28 This will be a remote viewing session for the 26th of February 1980. We have an on-target time of 0900 hours. Relax and concentrate. Relax and concentrate. Relax and focus your attention to the day (phonetic) Focus your attention today on your target. Affix your attention on your target. SG1A Relax and concentrate. Relax and focus on your target. SG1A Relax, concentrate and describe the target to me. PAUSE +06 #11 I had appeared to be huge angular, concrete structures. #28 Tell me about them. #11 Very large, massive, angular...I saw also what looked like a...the nose of a rocket or missile. The nose is kind of blunt. Conical shaped. Then it...cylinder runs down a little ways. It flares out to a larger diameter and then goes straight down. #28 Tell me about the area where this is located. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300210001-6 a Approved For Release 2000/0 , g 6-00788R000300210001-6 #11 #11 I keep wanting to say it's a launch facility... tests...a launch test sight or something. #28 Tell me about the raw data that causes you to say that. #11 I get a feeling that there's a, a large cleared area, a large expansive area, and I get these massive, concrete structures. Sometimes, some of these massive structures appear to be huge towers. I keep seeing constantly this, this missile shape thing as it more often than not, it appears to be in a stage of being launched. #28 From what perspective are you seeing this imagery? PAUSE #11 From ground level. #28 Move over the target to a comfortable height and describe the terrain to me. The only thing I get is a, an area complex or installation or something. That it has clot of circular things in it. I feel I'm about 2 to 3000 feet looking down at this thing. It, it reminds me of a petroleum storage area, but doesn' is, it's not 3 dimension. #28 Explain. #11 The pattern of configuration. It reminds me of petroleum storage tanks, but as I looked at this area, there is no height or dimension to these circular patterns. It was a closed in area of circular patterns, that's all. #28 All right. From this comfortable altitude of 2 to 3000 feet focusing your attention on this that you see below you, move slowly, slowly down to ground level and watch carefully what happens to these, to this area and describe to me from a ground level perception this same area. Approved For Release 2000/08/7FcPI,B;I)P96-00788R000300210001-6 Approved For Release 2000/ 96-00788R000300210001-6 #11 I've been attracted to something else here. Huge +22 massive, funny shaped stacks. Like venturi towers used for cooling super-heated water in power plants. Perhaps that's what the massive structure relates to. These huge towers seem to be nearby, but I don't see the main structure. #28 Ok. I think we have enough information to work with this target now. I have no further questions. If there is anything you'd like to add please do so now. PAUSE #28 Is there anything else before drawing? #11 No. I can't think of anything. Oh, boy. Page 1. The first strong impression I had, I can't even think of it now. PAUSE This is all pretty much a wag (phonetic) from what I can remember, feel or, that's not (mumbling) expressing the feeling...but I had a feeling of huge, this would be huge. If somebody would be standing by it...uh.. I'll put a little stick man over here...that's the... even more so than that...huge...concrete structure. And it was angular. Something about it. It was blocky but it was angular at the same time, but very difficult to pin down a definite shape or form to it. On page 2. I saw a variety of this thing that... I felt looked like a, some type of cone attached to a cylinder ...and"A"--Was my first impression ...uh.. and I saw various forms and shapes of it. That's at "B!". Now, I analytically associated it with some type of rocket or missile or something, but that is not necessarily the case. I did not see any fins or anything it. One thing that most there were 2 different diameters of cylinders. The smaller one stacked on top of the larger one and it ended in a cone shape-and I saw this several times throughout the session. Uh...3. I had a feeling of-several massive towers standing close to each other, and I felt as if there was something in between these things, but I don't know what. It may have been that long. cylindrical Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :3CIA-RDP96-00788R000300210001-6 -ni Approved For Release 2000/0 96-00788R000300210001-6 object that I saw, but again, these were just absolutely huge and if I put a stick person down here you can get the idea of how I felt looking at these huge things. And, this, and in behind these was this huge massive structure. Very blocky, but somehow again angular. I don't know. Maybe the, the angles were up here, I don't know. Then I went up in the air, and felt as if I was looking from about 3000 foot to an area that was kind of irregular shaped on one side and rather straight on the other. I had this circular patterns, and they were irregular circles. They weren't all the same diameter. Some were larger. Some were smaller. The smaller ones seemed to be more in the background. And again, it reminded me of looking at a petroleum storage tanks were in ' ern .but Lbad, no feeling of depth, and then I tried to ......... #28 From what perspective were you seeing this, then? #11 Uh, at an (mumbling) angle from about 3000 feet. #28 Ok. So you're looking at what you say is a petroleum storage area, but there's no...uh...3 dimensional concept to it as you look at it. #11 Right. Well,the only thing I can relate to analytically is this pattern reminds me of a petroleum storage area. I have no idea what it might be and as I tried to get down and look at it from a different angle, I seemed to be drawn to something totally different, and, again, and it's really weird, I had this large venturi type tower. I had a feeling there were several of 'em. Again, I had large massive structure in the background. This thing always seemed to pop into view. I had a feeling, at that particular time of alot this whole area...pipes and towers, power lines and things, that reminded me so much of a, a power plant of some kind...uh...these towers, if used with a power plant are used to cool super-heated water. They're just huge and immense and tall. Again, putting a stick person down there to give you an idea of how I felt that's how those things were. #28 Ok. Anything else? Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300210001-6 Approved For Release 2000/ P96-00788R000300210001-6 #11 Uh, it was really odd when the session first started I had the feeling of..uh........... of being inside some type of inclosure. Like..uh.. a storm sewer or something and there was water in it. Looking out and there was water out there, too...and somehow, I wound up inside this thing...and this was all very dark. A low ceiling. Very low ceiling... and it was man-made, concrete. #28 Ok. You didn't mention this before. Does this have something...can you tell me how it relates to the other imagery? #11 No. I can't. But this was something... this was the first thing that popped into my mind and then, I said, ok, I went blank again and said what comes next and..uh..then all of a sudden this had nothing to do with anything else...I was..uh..coming up with, but this was...may may have been a part, somehow, of this target. But, may not have anything to do with what we're looking for. #28 Ok. Tell me about it again. Tell me about this perception again. #11 Uh.... whatever it is, it's man-made; it's like a tunnel, storm sewer ...uh...whatever. It's concrete. Smooth walls. It could be anything from a storm sewer to a submarine pen, I have no idea. But, I was inside looking out, and..uh..there was, there was nothing for me to stand on. There was just water there all the way across to the other wall, and there was water further out... #28 And that perception changed and went away and became these other .images., Ok. #11 Right. But, I figured that, you know, this, that part of the session it won't hurt to put it in. But, it didn't seem to have anything to do with...there was just nothing there ...uh...and so it seemed that I started looking for something else. #28 Ok. What about activity going on at the target area. You gave me alot about the physical descriptions. What do you feel about the activity that was going on? #11 Little activity, (mumbling) as far as people and things. Uh...I feel that if there is any activity, the majority of it was around these towers. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : PIA-RDP96-00788R000300210001-6 Approved For Release 2000/0 ^ P96-00788R000300210001-6 #11 Drawing 3. Uh...they seem to be there for some type of construction. In other words, there was something going on in between these towers. #28 Ok. #11 But, I really didn't have no...didn't see alot of activity., clot of people...uh..things coming and going, or anything. Except drawing 5, somewhere along this huge massive structure and the towers within there's alot of pipes and lines and..uh..industrial type.....situation. #28 Anything else? #11 I can't think of anything. 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