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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: ScR?0'200360001-1 ORCON/NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 051630Z JUL 78 REVIEW ON: APR 2000 Pr 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 . - 00?00360001-1 zcLGRET Approved For Release 2000/08/0-o"" I 9 00788R000200360001-1 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC 45 1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest. 2. (S) This session represents the third attempt by this viewer to access this target (see CCC 31 and CCC 38). The viewer was able to achieve his usual state of relaxed concentration. He was only slightly disturbed by ambient room noise. He did have trouble maintaining his relaxed state during the targeting phase of the session. This was a new method of targeting with which the viewer was not familiar. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. Approved For Release 2000/08/ Oft Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 7888000200360001-1 0, WA &ONEf REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC 45 This will be a remote viewing session for 1400 hours for 3 April 1980. Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate. And, listen carefully to your viewing instructions. Relax and listen to your viewing instructions. A special target folder has been prepared for you this afternoon. It contains an overhead photo which you have not seen. Your target for this afternoon has been grid designated on this photo. Relax now and focus your attention on the area designated as = on the photo in the target folder. Access the target area at 1000 hours target time 2 April 1980. PAUSE Relax and concentrate. Relax. PAUSE Focus on the designated target area. And describe your perceptions to me. +07 #14: I see rows of buildings, single story. See a fence. At first, I didn't see a fence. Now it appears to be . . . between me and where these rows of buildings are. PAUSE #66: Describe your position of observation. PAUSE #14: As if I were . . . at the site standing on the ground. PAUSE #66: What is immediately behind you? PAUSE Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 , I.C-, Ra E I Approved For Release 2000/08/07 VFW?00788R000200360001-1 +11 #14: I'm getting three impressions and I don't know what's what. The first is . . . like a surface-to-air missile. Second impression is artillery, field artillery. And a third, star pattern - geometric shape, just star pattern. PAUSE #66: All right. Describe your position of observation now please. #14: Well, at the time I saw those perceptions, I . . . . felt as if I was at my original position. I tried to turn around and look. Had a difficult time. Then I said., I didn't have to turn around and look I just asked myself what's behind me. And just . . . and that's where I felt that I was when I got those impressions. #66: All right. #14: But as you asked . . . that question, I seemed to be fascinated. Was up in the air looking down at a there's a street corner and there's a masonry wall all . . . that I was looking at at this corner. Very high wall. I had the feeling that where I was was inside this wall there appeared to be an installation or a compound or something. #66: All right. #14: Where I was . . my first impressions, not where I was looking down. #66: All right. I want you to move 500 feet in the air and look down in the area where you perceived this military equipment. Its necessary to determine the greater area, the concept of the area. #14: I seem to be focused on a . . what must be one corner of a part of a complex and . . . . . I see . .. the same area while I was on the ground looking around. There are vehicle sheds. Long vehicle sheds. Lots of +18 vehicles all over. Like a vehicle storage area. Vehicles; lots of them in a row. And near the corner of this . . vehicle storage area, is also a mainten- ance area for these vehicles. Big qarages where these Approved For Release(10j(gff r9I R 91 907~8g"QAQQi1-~ Approved For Release 2000/08/07 -CRI %; 0788R000200360001-1 #66: Okay. #14: Wash racks, etc. etc. PAUSE #66: I have no further questions about the target at this time. Examine your imagery once more and if there's anything that you'd like to add, please do so now. #14: No. I had the feeling I was at some type of motor park or motor pool. #66: All right. PAUSE #14: Do we have any more of these pencils or pens? PAUSE #31: Okay. First imagery I guess of note is rows of wooden single story buildings. #14: Yeah. #31: And then you perceived a fence between your position and the . . . #14: That was really odd because I saw the buildings from where I was and I didn't change positions. Then all of a sudden when I looked again, then there appeared to be a wire fence between me and . . . these buildings. On Drawing 1, as I said there were rows and rows and rows of single story wooden long shed type buildings. Then, I perceived a wire type fence inbetween me and these buildings. Might even have been some concertina wire on the top. At one point, and I'm not even sure, at what point - if it was any point in time or whatever, I walked or kind of moved inbetween these buildings and tried to see what was inside. And that's. . . And I went in- between the nearest building and the next building and there was kind of . . . it appeared to be a truck like object. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-R[lR??FO0788R000200360001-1 ET 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CJIIFg l788R000200360001-1 #14: I . . I seem to be on. . . there might have been some type of path or roadway or something here that I was kind of standing on. And somewhere down the end of the row . . this is kind of like a squared off area. And somewhere down over in here, way in the background, is where the maintenance area was. And it had different type buildings than these. #31: Okay. Did you get a feeling for. what those buildings were? Configured to be? #14: Yeah. There was a . . . a large garage type building - square. It appeared to be masonry construction. That was for heavy-duty stuff. There was another - couple more support buildings and there was a . . . an out- door like a grease rack or a wash rack or something . made out of concrete where you drive up on it. #31: Okay. Why don't you do Number 2, since we just talked about that, why don't you do a sketch of that okay? #14: Okay. You mean kind of like an overhead? #31: Yeah. Or whichever your perspective is that you perceive that. The maintenance area. #14: Okay. I'm drawing a perimeter wall here which was either brick or concrete block or something like that. It was a solid wall. I'm up in the air now. There. appeared to be kind of . . . columns or something in there. That's not exactly how they were arranged. They were probably much further apart.. But . ... . and the wall was maybe about a foot thick or so. And I had the feeling like there was almost like a sidewalk around here. And that there was a . . a street that came out here.. I didn't feel that there was a sidewalk or anything. over on this side. I was focused right in there. And . . this was the big square maintenance type building. I don't know how the windows were facing. But it did appear to have a flat roof. And over here, in front of it, and a little bit off to the right, is this drive-up kind of like a grease rack thing. I'm not sure if it was solid or if it had supports or whatever. And, back in 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP9 - 000200360001-1 ZIL, '9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :jQQj88R00D200360001-1 L~ LO here were these rows of buildings. And there was more over here. And my position, where I was in Drawing Number 1 was somewhere down at the end of this row here. #31: When you were asked what was behind you. . . Well, let me ask one question on this first. After you had the feeling of the three things: SAM artillery, star shape, then #66 asked you where you were to check the position. You said you were. still at your original position when you saw that. .. you didn't turn around, da da da, then you said you were looking down the street corner with a high masonry wall, felt like inside of some installation. Am I right when I say that that's that? #14: Drawing Number 2 is my aerial perception of being up and looking back and this was the motor park area, motor pool area. #31: Fine. I just wanted to make sure that was right. Okay and at that time, go to 500 feet, focus on one corner of part of a complex, same area is underground long vehicle sheds, lots of vehicles around. In your corner is a large maintenance type area, okay. Okay, that's all 2. #31: Okay. Then we'll go back to the beginning part of the session when #66 asked you what was behind you, you said that you were quiet for some time and you said you had the feeling of three things like: surface to air missile and then artillery and then a star shape. Would you work on those? #14: Okay, I'll put that in 3, and its really. . . There were three different images but they all seemed to be related. Somehow. The . .. At A. . I had this smokey pattern.. And the smoke was even in kind of a star shape. That's at A - is the one that I somehow related to SAM - surface air missile. And then I dwelled on it . . so okay, give me another image of the same thing, something more to go on and I had the feeling I was looking down the burrow of a large artillery piece. And,. it was really odd, because somehow there seemed to be a door here that . . kind of hinged over back, you know. And, again, I had the feeling that this was sitting in some type of star- shaped pedistal or something. Only this one only appeared to have three. That's Drawing B. Now at C, I seem to be 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 r ar, Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : g788R000200360001-1 . . . it was . . I'm not sure if I was looking down aerial or whatever. All I got was a star-shaped pattern and that . . . That's at C. #14: Okay. That was it. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : Cl - 888000200360001-1 Approved For Release 2000108107` Tip %00788R000200360001-1 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC 45 1. (U) Reference: City Plan, Stock No. 2. (S/NOFORN) CUING DATA: a. This was #14's third session attempt against Project 8003. One earlier session had been cancelled due to noise interference after some acquisition of jumbled imagery. #66, having been involved in nine preceding sessions (most notably CCC 38 and CCC 41), was familiar with both the gestalt nature of the target (city, valley, industrial complexity) and also that foreign military equipment could be associated with the target. (1) #14 was not shown nor had he ever seen the gridded photo. He was merely informed of the above, and told his target was to be the area denoted by grid _ on the photograph. Attached is an example tracing of the grid placed on the photo. was provided geo coordinates of the installation to use in the even auxiliary targeting means proved necessary. #66 employed the coordinates and the grid method for targeting. (3) #14 was directed to access the target at 1000 hours, 2 Apr 80. 3. (S/NOFORN) ANALYSIS: SEU 'HR. SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 F L. OF 0 C Incl 1, Analyst Comment- CCC45 T3 L D Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA DP96-00788R000200360001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RW96-00' 8R000200360001-1 0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 IA-RDP96-00788R000200%0 , - Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 O Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200360001-1