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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 10, 1998
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Publication Date:
April 3, 1980
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1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing
session conducted in compliance with a request for information on a
target of high interest (Project 8002(a)).
2. The viewer was provided the geographic coordinates of the target
area in question at the start of the session. He appeared relaxed
throughout the session. Outside noise did not seem to bother him
although the interviewer had difficulty at times hearing the viewer
because of the talking and footsteps outside the facility. The viewer
was very reluctant to report some of the images he was perceiving. He
was not sure why.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document,
GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (s), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the viewer
reference his impressions of the target site.
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#20.5: This will be a remote viewing session for 3 April 1980.
We have an on-target time of 0900 hours.
Its now 9 o'clock. I'm going to start the session. I
want you to relax. Relax and concentrate. The target
today is designated by the geographic coordinate:
I want you to relax. . . concentrate. . . focus your
attention on that area.
Let me read the coordinate again.
Relax. . . Relax and focus your attention on that point
and tell me what you see.
+03 #8: Its a heavy Its a heavy, thick wall. Cement
type building.
For some reason. . . on one . . one. . one side of it
there's a . . . like one side of it is . . . resting
on top of a . . . a gulley or . . . (not audible) of
some sort.
While the other three sides are . . . on level ground.
The gulley side is kind of . . . like on the side of a
, . . rocky , craggy _mpqn:tain _?_.0that leads to
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+06 #8:
The ? ? II IP
Looks as if the one side of that building seems to
be surrounded by. . . wooded area, trees.
I keep getting the impression of a . . . of a hole or
an entrance at the bottom of this . . . . this precipice.
#20.5: Okay, you're doing very well. Just relax. Tell me
what makes you say . . . tell me more about that
#8: All right. Like a . . . rectangular black hole.
#20.5: Um hm.
#8: Was a. . . As I see it, facing the mountain. . . with
the hill side of it, the rocky side of it. . . .
Just black, dark, but its rectangular. . . Its . . Its
an entrance.
+10 #8: This is . . .
Just a salt water area. There's a . . .
There's a . . . sort of a . . . protruding
like a reef or a big rock to the . . . As I face
the entrance, to the left of the entrance. Its quite a
ways . . . quite a ways out.
#20.5: Um hm.
#8: Its . . It seems to be a prominent feature there.
#20.5: Okay. Now. Relax. I want you to walk up to that entrance.
Walk up to the entrance, look in and describe what you see.
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#8: I think its below the water level.
#20.5: What's below the water level?
#8: The entrance.
#20.5: Tell me more, why you say that.
#8: Its as if I follow the surface of the water
to the mountain. . . run into the rocks. . . I . .
. . I can't. . . I'm not sure where this
It seems below the water level or part of the
water level is pretty stout, predominantly
above the . . . I can't tell you any more. Except that
I see a very. . . a very thick, very thick entrance. The
entrance is very thick. Not the doors, but the entrance.
#20.5: Um hm.
#8: Something like 18 or 20 feet thick or something.
+15 #20.5: Okay, I want you to relax now. I want you to relax.
I want you to go through that entrance. Go through
the entrance and into the area behind the entrance and
describe it to me.
#8: Looks like a dry-dock.
Picture of submarine keeps popping up, but I . .
Overall the inside looks . . . appears very primitive.
And then . . . And then the . . . Its as if work had
been done to . . . smooth out the ceilings and put in
lighting and put in various things in there.
#20.5: Anything else that you can tell me about the area?
#8: The area or the inside?
#20.5: The inside.
#8: Okay.
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+20 #8: There seems to be room enough for . . . three or four
ships but there's only one . ? ? . there.
There seems to be only one . . one big berth. But
there would seem to be enough room for
I've got conflicting stuff here. I just see. . . At
one time . . . . room enough for just one. . . . and on
the other hand one mored and close to the entrnace with
room in front of it and two more on the right of it.
But 'I've got the impression of one right now.
#20.5: Okay. Relax. Relax now. One final thing.. I want you
to now change your perspective. Change your perspective
and go up 500 feet and look down. . right above this
point, look down and describe the area.
#8: The only other thing that stands out is the precipice.
The mountain. Craggy, rocky mountain. Hillside sort of
thing. . on top of which is . . seems to be pretty even.
#20.5: Um hm.
#8: And . . or wooded. Greenish area.
#20.5: Okay, I have no further questions. Do you have anthing
you want to add?
#8: No. No.
#20.5: Okay.
Relax now. And we'll take a short break and then do some
drawings, okay?
#8: Yeah.
#20.5: Okay, we're back on here now, we'll go ahead and do the
drawings, okay #8?
#8: Yeah.
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#8: Okay, then. . . First impression was from quite a high
perspective. And what I got a hold of was a cement
structure. This is going to be an overview. The three
sides of which were on level ground in a kind of a wooded
area - kind of green. But then I quickly got the impression
that this side of the structure - which I'm marking -
with a zigzag line was really on the side of a craggy,
precipice, a very rocky precipice. And that this was
almost flush - this is not the right perspective here.
But this was almost flush with . . with this side here.
Okay. This was made of . . very . . thick cement.
Quite thick. This was a one . . kind of a one story building.
Or looked/appeared to be a one story building.Then my entire
focus changed to the side of this . . high, craggy plateau
type. . . this would be the plateau and this would be this
side of the mountain. And then we concentrated on the
side of the mountain. Mountain or a hill.
Okay. Then. . . here I found water. Water and it was
salty (not audible) . . . Assume it was the ocean. This
was salt water. Okay. .Just from . . Just from the per-
spective of this damn thing, plateau with this building
and the walls, and this craggy hill which is quite deep,
very rocky. Water was here and there was a feature. I was
looking for some type of feature. There was a . . a
protrusion. . either a reef or a huge rock someplace around
here that protruded above the surface of the water. It was
some distance from the side of this mountain. I don't
know . . . 1,000 yards, maybe more. Something like that.
But, it was quite forward from this mountain. And I kept
seeing here, a rectangular entrance which was very, very
dark. It was all very dark.
#1: Did you label that?
#8: Yeah. I think I described it as a rectangular, dark,
entrance. Then you asked me to go to the entrance, I got
a bit confused because as I followed the surface of the
water towards . . . the side of this rocky hill, . ? ?
it did not seem as if it was even with the water. That's
why I said I think its below the water. And I kept
concentrating on it and . . . had the impression that a
portion of it might be out of the water but most of it
was under the water. Okay. This was extremely . . thick
entrance. I described it as 16 to 18 feet like it had
been carved from the side of a mountain.
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#8: And the impression of this rectangular black hole is
just about the way best to describe it is very predominant.
Okay. Then. . when. . Then when you asked me to go inside,
my first impression was of a . . . a very, . . . primitive,
I think that's the word I used, hole in the mountain and
all of the ceiling was quite craggy with rock. Then I
got a second impression as if this had been all worked
over into an oval type cement dome with lighting and made
a much more modern looking facility. Then I had a hell of
a problem. What I kept seeing was something like this.
A big rectangle inside that entrance.
And . . with drydrock capacities here. Like he had runways
or cement walks on the other side. Then I got conflicting
things that . . My first impression was . . I was very
reluctant to say this. I saw a submarine. When I first
saw it, it seems as if it occupied this entire space.
The more I concentrated on it. . to get a better impression,
. . . I then got the impression of a same type rectangular
thing with . . mooring facilities for four of these things.
But only one was there.
#1: Did you see water in that rectangle?
#8: Yes. It was full of water. In fact all of these things
was with water. So there were three emplacements. . .
but there was only one there. Okay, so this kept conflict-
ing. A berth wide enough for only one ship and then berths
wide enough for four ships with only one there.
Anything else I said?
#20.5: As you described that this entrance was partly below water
level, and then that it was, you know, black hole. . .
when you went through the entrance, as I asked you to,
what did you feel that you were in? Were you inside
#8: Yes.
#20.5: All right. Because you never really said that.
#8: No. I just assumed ? ? ? ?
#20.5: To me. I don't know. . . it was very confusing. I wasn't
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#8: I did. Not necessarily a gateway.
#20.5: Um hm.
#8: I just went inside.
#20.5: Um hm.
#8: And this thing, I just assumed that this was very heavy
metal. Very heavy metal. What I did was, I followed
the surface of the water. I didn't try and go in at
first. I just wanted to see what the dumb gate was and
when I got to the surface, that just didn't seem ?to be
the entrance there. I don't know if it had to do with
the tides covering it or not. That's why I couldn't make
up my mind whether it was . . . I thought that most of
the portion was below the water bit I don't know if it
has something to do with the tides. But you see it, you
couldn't see it, but the impression of darkness and
blackness was there. . throughout the entire thing. I
could see it from a distance but I couldn't tell if it
was under water or not. Except when I got very close I
just ran into the side of the hill, so I figured it just
had to be underneath.
#20.5: Okay. To get into this place, you had to approach it
from the water?
#8: I just went right through from the water inside. Through
the gate or whatever that was,
I have no questions. #1, do you have any questions?
#1: I have no more questions.
#20.5: Anything else you want to add?
#8: No. Except that the . . perhaps the greatest impression
I had was the rectangular black hole.
#20.5: Um hm.
#8: I shouldn't call it a hole. I guess I should call it an
entrance because it was actually solid.
#1: I have one question. At the outset of your session when
you were talking about the third wall of this. . or the
fourth wall of this building, being flush with the precipice
or gulley or something, did you see a gulley or is that
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gulley, or..
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#8: Its all the same. The rocky crag hill, the precipice. .
it was a very sharp dissent made of rock and craggy
rock. Now, its not high enough to be a mountain. But
it was . . . . what you would. . might find. . what someone
might describe as a gulley. Let's say 200 feet, maybe less,
maybe more. I don't know. Just a sharp drop from the
back wall of that cement building. It just dropped into
the water. Like you would find in some New England seashore
area where, sh0000, it just drops.
#20.5: You seem to be describing to me an edge of a cliff.
#8: Yes. Yes.
#20.5: Okay. That's what's confusing. To me a gulley is something
that goes down and then comes up. And you're not saying
#8: I didn't know there was water under there until I went to
find out and I didn't know if there was another side to
it that came up, you see, so .I took it one step at a time
and what .I did was just find the rock.
#20.5: Okay.
#8: And then I went down and I saw the water and I saw the
waves and impression of currents and tides and salt water
and then I Worked from then and then I backed up and looked
at the side,
#20.5: All right.
#8: Because I thought I might have been on land. Before.
And I figured if it goes down its got to come up someplace.
. . else but it didn't.
#20.5: All right. Well, that clears up the terminology. You know.
#8: Yes. I didn't want to call it a mountain. I guess a cliff
would be a more adequate word.
#20.5: Okay. Anything else you want to add?
#8: No.
#20.5: How'd you feel about the session?
#8: I feel reluctant as all hell to tell you that there was
a submarine in there.
#20.5: I thought you were reluctant, in fact I've got that comment
down here, I thought you were very reluctant to report a
lot of things today for some reason.
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#8: Well, I . . to pinpoint that kind of object and say its
a submarine. . . I was afraid that it would be a logical
conclusion that I would have drawn as opposed to viewing
. . . But when it kept popping up about five or six times,
then, that's it.
#20.5: Okay, you have anything else?
#8: No.
#20.5: I have nothing. Very good.
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