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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 7, 1998
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Publication Date: 
April 14, 1980
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R000200340004-0.pdf81.51 KB
SG1A CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, HODA (DAMI-ISH) Dated 051630Z Jul 78 REVIEW ON: 14 April 2000 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200340004-0 roved For Release 2000/08/Ot7l,C,A-RDP96-00788R000200340004-0 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND FORT GEORGE 0. MADE, MARYLAND 20765 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS IAFM-0PS-HU-SA 14 April 1980 SUBJECT: Summary of Session CCC43 Conducted at 0900 hrs. 02 April 1980, Against the SG1A SG1A ~qt. Coordinates by 1/07. (S) SG1A to the viewer at the beginning of the session. The facilitator was informed that this was the first time this viewer was targeted against the coordinates provided. Specific cuing data was limited to; "Des- cribe the target!", and "What is the activity?", as shown in TAB B, Session folder #CCC43. 2. (S) The following information was provided by the viewer as relates to the target coordinates provided durinq the session: a. (S) The viewer reported being in an area surrounded by "...very old masonry structures." Also he could seo "...a structure on pillars with a rounded roof over there." Viewer statCd that there did not appear to be anything under the shed cover. h. (S) Viewer further described the area he was in as sort of a "Lown square", with an "oblisk shape" standing in the center with steps going up to it. c. (S) Activity reported by the viewer was "military type uniforms running across an open park square like area." He stated that he could see an "APC" and "six tanks" the the six tanks appeared to be "light tanks." d. (S) During the drawing session the viewer provided more detail of the buildings that he was seeing. He stated ftaL there were many supporting columns under the edge of a long ovcrhanca, and that there were ornate Lops to these pillars. He also stated that. the wide street like areas running through the buildings were more for walking on than riding on in a vehicle. 3. (S) The above information was provided to Mr. John Armstrong (ITAC, Estimates Division, Building #213), in a santized format, to review for accuracy and to provide comments. Therefore, comments provided within paragraph 4 of this document relfect Mr. Armstrong's assessment of accuracy for the information provided.