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Publication Date:
September 22, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300880001-3
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
c I a
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300880001-3
Approved For Release 2000/Q fA t ET 00788R000300880001-3
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300880001-3
Approved For Release 2000/ 8/ 00788R000300880001-3
#14: This will be a remote viewing session for 22 September 1980.
Mission time is 0900 hours.
All right, #36. The time is now 0900 hours. Your mission
for today is to go I want you to go back
to a target that is familiar to you. I want you to position
yourself outside the gate that you have been targeted against
before. I want you outside the gate, and looking north to-
wards the building and the compound beyond the gate.
#36: I got it.
#14: Okay. At this time I'd like a brief description of the gate
and the locking device.
+02 #36: Somethin' I hadn't noticed before was appears to be
a...a multiple vertical linearity to at least left side of
the gate as I'm looking in. Like...uh, maybe multiple, ver-
tical post of column shapes,, at least a small por-
tion of the gate appeared to be bronze... handle like device
was backed by a...roughly oval shape, uh...line in a verti-
cal position.'s not smooth, oval, edges are...
decorative. Seems to be a...funnel, funny,.funny, funny
handle not like a, not like doorknob.
#14: Okay, #36.
#36: But this chain and...lock... I'll be damned...Oh, okay.
The lock was hangin' open, but there's a, someone standing
just inside, so I thought it was, uh...I thought it was,
uh, open and unguarded....
#14: Was- just the lock that appeared open, or was the gate open?
#36: Just the lock and chain hangin' on the...hangin' on the
static portion..... There's a...big, uh...metal part that...
extends from the gate or the standing part, I'm not sure.
It...seems, uh, one seems to fit into the other. It must be
malfunctioning, doesen't have a chain on it. There's a...
it appears to me that the chain and lock are not necessary.
Perhaps... perhaps the old, initially installed locking sys-
tem is too vulnerable; chain and lock can be changed at
will... I don't know, just impressions.
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Approved For Release 2000/Q1 788R000300880001-3
#14: Okay, I want you to remain relaxed. Maintain your focus.
At this time I want to advise you that the analyst is now
listening in and giving direction. Just relax, take a few
more seconds to focus again. At this time I want you to
move through the gate, move through the gate. I want you
to move slowly until you are standing on the platform out-
side of the main entrance in front of you.
#14: I want you now to slowly turn and focus to your left. I
want you to remain in position and focus to your left. And
I want you to look at the stairwell that you described be-
fore that goes down to a basement level. I want you to look
in that direction. Describe for me what you see between
yourself and this stairwell...
+10 #36: I don't know what it is, but about, uh...15-20 feet to the
side...I see, uh, steel, metal...frame in the.back, masonry,
probably concrete. And nearby somewhere I see...I don't
know what it is...roughly circular, like a, might, looks like
it might be some kind of vent, uh .............
#14: Is this circular thing standing alone?
#36: I think there seems to the far right corner of the
metal square shape a few feet. It seems to have it's own
masonry support. Seems to be...closer to the buildin'.
#14: How would you describe it's position in relation to the
#36: Fifteen, 20 feet to the side, and 8 or 10 out from the
#14: How is this circular thing supported?
#36: I can't see it unless I move in on it.
#14: Okay, feel free to move in on the circular form.
#36: I can't see a support on it, I can see there's masonry under
and around it, but it, about 3 or 4 inches above the pave-
ment thing, there's masonry that-seemed to be, it doesn't
go all the way down. It could have smaller shape back under-
neath. I been tryin' to figure the size of this thing. At
first I thought it was 10 inches to a foot. Getting closer
it...angle of view seems to spread as, uh,the thing is...
perhaps larger than I had thought. It feels more like a...
feels more like input to the main building than...and output
or exhaust. Some kind...some kind of entryway for something.
I don't know, it could be air, it could be...I. don't know.
The shape is not familiar to me.
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Approved For Release 2000/08f7'74
#14: Okay #36.
#36: I sense a...I sense something underneath the surface curving
towards the building.
#14: I want you now to go underneath and take a look at this
curving thing you've described under the surface.....
#36: I'm having trouble here, I don't know what a...under-
ground room, or whether I just can't see the soil, but I'm
about 10 feet, uh, to the west of this thing it-comes down
about four feet and makes a elbow 90 degrees... .goes about
6 or 7 feet and the shape changes. And then it goes on
towards the buildin'. Appears to be metallic. I still can't
get a feel of the size of the damn thing.
#1.4: Okay, that's fine. Does it go into the building?
#36: I'm hitting a resistance in the vicinity of the building
foundation, but I feel that it must penetrate. It does not
curve, veer away at the foundation. It appears to go through.
#14: Okay. I want you now to follow it through, follow it into the
building, and describe what's around it.
+20 #36: I see a, big, uh, encased, multiple, multiple, multiple blade
...blowers. A big, uh...big, uh, insulated pipes and tanks
...very heavy, uh, very heavy insulation... Doesn't seem to
be anyone around.
#14: I want you to follow these pipes, follow these pipes. and
describe where they terminate, where they end...
#36: Well, one of 'em goes, rather big, must be...must be. I
don't know. Feel like 18, 20 inches or bigger. About
shoulder high, head, uh, way down there east towards the...
east end of the buildin'...for the next 50 feet from where
I am now it just seemed to big pipes. Maybe more than 50
feet. Just curves all over, makes bends and, uh, it's too
complicated for me...spaghetti.
#14: Okay, that's very good.
#36: Big, uh, big, big, big, uh, big, uh...I don't know whether
it's a gigantic pipe or gigantic, uh, tank, uh, on it's side.
It's insulated and tied in with other pipes. It doesn't look
like a water...mains, they're just too damn big. Building
could not require this much water.
#14: Okay, at this time-
#14: At this time I would like you to look around you, look around
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Approved For Release 2000/0 '-3
#14: you and give a brief description of anything else you might
see or notice, besides the pipes.......
#36 I saw a big desk over there with all kind of...I guess it's
not a desk, it's...seem to be a...I guess some kind of con-
trol station, uh...I see, uh, knobs, dials...looks like a
big desk. It spreads to the right and left and then has a
higher shelf like area towards the back of the desk-like
structure. Wait a minute. There seem to be, uh...some kind
of entryway to this the, uh...west of me. I...
I see white light instead of yellowish. Could be a stairway
that comes down at the west end from inside the building...
Feel there's some kind of...some kind of portal at the west
end, to this space.
#14: Okay, I want you to focus on the east end now. Go down to
the east end.
#36: Wait till I get through all these pipes here.
#14: Okay, take your time, move slowly.....
#36: I feel there's some, uh, rooms or voids of some kind on my
left. I'm moving east near the south wall. Oh, hell, I'm
in the basement.. This is a basement.....I don't know, near
the southeast, uh, corner I'm getting a big, uh...I see mason-
ry work and, uh...near the corner I see a big, uh, black, uh,
like black void............There's a....I don't know, I'm
havin' trouble with size... Seems I can, I can go down, down
deeper and east from this point... It's awful black and
vague, but I'm seeing steps down...and I see, I see pipes
overhead and along each side of me...ones on the side are,
I don't know if they're pipes, but they're round and long
and they're about, uh...some of 'em about 5 inches in dia-
meter. One big one'about a foot or 15 inches. I feel like
the space that I was in with all the spaghetti was, uh, be-
hind and above me...
+30 #14: All right, from the room that you have described as the spa-
ghetti room, I want you now to move to the room directly
eastward from the spaghetti room, and describe your impressions.
#36: I gotta go back to the...tanks and pipes.
#14: Okay.....
#36: For some reason the room I'm looking at doesn't seem to ex-
tend, uh...doesn't seem to extend all the way to the south
wall. I'm aware of a cavity the wide rooms face. Must be
to the east and roughly mid ships, uh, roughly center. And
there seems to be some smaller ones.... smaller voids or some
type, uh, that'd be to the north... I'm in that room now.
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Approved For Release 2000/08 8R000300880001-3
#36: There's...I think I'm in the the east of the,
the pipes, huh? I'm aware a tremendous amount of repeti-
tion... It's almost like catching a pendulum 2 or
3 hundred times at various positions in one, one swing. I
see shaft and round thing repeated in..a curve with a tangent
somewhat above, like one would expect to...various positions
of a pendulum to be in a swing. I don't think this is a
pendulum but I see that kind of repetition. It's fleeting,
it''s there and it's gone. To look at it again I have
to go back.
#14: Okay, look around the other parts of this room and describe
anything you may see.
#36: I don't know, what the hell, I don't even know what that...
I don't know, this is probably.... could be noise, I...the
words, uh, "500 cycle generator", hit me like a ton of bricks.
But I didn't see anything. And I had the feeling that the...
is some kind of generator near, near the northeast corner of
this room. Seem to be a lot of things that, uh...remind me
of bus bars, or...a lot of repetition.
#14: All right. At this time I want you to move very slowly from
this room you are presently in, move slowly through the
north wall and describe what you see.
+35 #36: Go through where? There's no door here. But I get
feeling like my right and left, and-
#14: Okay..
#36: -rooms across the way further to the north.
#14: I want you to now move slowly to your left, move slowly to
your left. I want you to stop at the first door that you
see, the first door, moving to your left.
#36: Oh, hell, I'm standing here looking at four of 'em.
#14: Okay, the first door to your left.
#36: Guess you mean that one there.
#14: Go through this door, and tell me-
#36: I'm sorry, you say the first door to my left or the first
door I see?
#14: The first door to your left.
#36: Oh, okay, I was lookin' at the ones straight ahead of me.
#14: Okay.
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Approved For Release 2000/0 8 8R000300880001-3
#36: .1 didn't even know there was one there........Matter of
fact, I don't see one, not to my left.... I don't see one to
my left, I-
#14: Okay.
#36: If I turn left there's one on my right, but there's ...if I'm
standing in the wall of the room I was in facing north I
don't see any...portal to my left in my wall.
#14: Okay... You just, you described a door looking left on the
right hand side. I want you to move through that doorway and
describe what you see...
#36: Are you talkin' about the place where I saw the different
colored light earlier ...all the way at the west end?
Well, I guess that makes two of us. I don't know where I am
either. I come through this wall there's a...openness to my
right and left like a hallway. Appears to be rooms across
the way. I see doors straight ahead and to my right and to
my left in that wall straight ahead of me. I feel if I go down
there's a open area to my left...
#14: Okay.
#36: Passage, whatever, that I will ...come out into a larger open
space that...
#14: Okay, I want you to focus-
#36: ...doesn't appear to be partitioned off.
#14: I want you to focus on the door that you described being to
your left. Focus on that doorway. Move slowly to the door-
way and through it and describe what is beyond the doorway.
+40 #36: I do not remember a door to my left....
#14: Okay, move to the one that is straight ahead........
#36: I'm getting a figure 6 for some reason. The door is not, uh
...not a strong door. It's not a barrier...wait a minute...
#36: On the east wall of this room there's a...something rolled
up, like a venetian blind, or, not a venetian blind, a...
like a Roman shade or a rolled up chart or map. It's about
10 feet long, hangin' near the ceiling of a right wall, in
the ceiling of the east wall. I'm facing north.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300880001-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/"' 'l A ~~`p IIJ1 8R000300880001-3
#14: I want you to take a close look-at this rolled up thing. If
you can, tell me what it is, what it looks like....
#36: I don't know, it looks like a city map or chart or something,
like very large scale, like a map of a city rather than a
map of a country or continent. Yeah, I can see now, it is
a.... city.
+45 #14: Okay, #36, the tape is ready to-
All right, #36, at this time the tape has been changed.
We're ready to continue. Tell me all you can about this map
or chart........
#36: We through yet? I'm sorry, what happened?
#14: I want you to focus on the rolled up chart. Tell me all you
can about this chart.
#36: Where's, uh....I forgot where I am. Okay. I got it. I'm
in room 6...........I can see a...geometric, uh...abstract
shapes with different colored shadings... browns and blues....
For some reason I would expect to see buildings. But I don't
feel that I'm...don't feel that I'm seeing building. It's...
#14: Okay, #36.
#36: Like districts, or...the thing has a very strong engineering
feel about it, this, uh, chart thing
was, uh, made for engineers.
#14: Okay, you're doing very well. I want you now to turn around
facing away from where this chart is. I want you to turn
around, look to your west, look to the west and describe what
you see.....
#36: I see lights near the ceiling... close to the wall. I would
expect 'em in the center of the room, but they appear close
to the wall. And, let's see... Yeah, I'm supposed to remem-
ber...I was supposed to remember... there was something on the
wall that I said I would....file that and go up and check
these lights out, and I...I can't get it back.
#14: Okay. Are the lights, are these lights on or are they off?
#36: They're off. Ah, there's some kinda...some kind of a...a
message data, uh...put information on the wall so great
chunks of information can be...can be mentally messaged with-
out addressing the nitty-gritty...Like lists, and I see stair
steps, so it must that the stair steps represent
some kind of a...a progressive chart or graph or something.
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Approved For Release 2000/0 R000300880001-3
#36: I sense there's some kind of space, like a table
between me and that wall. I sense that in the southwest
corner I could slack my thirst. I don't know what it is but
I feel that.... something liquid to drink. It could be, I
don't know. I could get something to drink there without
leaving the room.
#14: Okay, do you notice-
#36: Yes, cabinet ...some kind of cabinet or a file or something the north, that'd be to the west of the center of
the room...
#14: Move over to this cabinet or file. Take a very close look
at it. Describe it to me.
#36: Ah, gee, I...I can't, I'm havin' trouble with because it...
I seem to be bouncing around in time, it seems to look like
a...a plain old gray American, uh....file cabinet. Almost
like a drawer safe...gray, looks, uh, looks, American. I
just assume, I...I got balled up here. At first I had an
awareness...of files. Yeah...yeah, it's's a...what
I'm seeing is a...looks like a drawer safe... American. I'm
aware of a...rolled up, uh...paper materials in the same
vicinity in the room..... And this is just... for the record.
I don't know what the hell it means, but I, I see a palm
held up facing me with, uh...with a small digit to me, first
and second finger partially missin' ... see only the hand...
it's gone .................... By the way, I'm seeing an
incinerator... nearby. It's not in this room...
#14: I want you to move to this thing you described as an incin-
erator. Take a good look at it. Would you describe this as
an incinerator or a furnace?....
#36: I saw a lot of paper goin' into it, I just assumed it was an
incinerator,'s seemed to be taller than
me, about 6 or 8 feet wide. A lot of firebrick ... heavy
door about three feet above the floor. The door is facing
south... Ah, I'm aware of a 18, 20 inch steel pipe going
from this thing, a lot of heat. I saw a lot of paper goin'
into it, but I didn't see anyone. feeding it. It could be a
furnace, but it' me it seems a little small for a
structure of this size... What am I saying? I don't even
know how big this building is. Yeah, it's a tall building.
#14: Okay, let's-
#36: It's a big building.
#14: Let's focus on this incinerator furnace thing again. If you
can, describe the location of this furnace or incinator.
!-% r-,;f,
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Approved For Release 2000/08/ _ 7 888000300880001-3
#14: -in relation to the area that contains the rolled up chart.
#36: Well, I feel that while I'm standing here in front of the
safe like thing it...this thing my left and front.
Make it to the... northwest of me, I guess. And I seem to
feel that it's, uh...if I split this basement area up into
quarters it would be in the...into the northwest quarter,
and as I see it now the big door on the thing seemed to be
on the south side of it, uh......... It's funny, I can't,
uh...I can't get the thing into a room, it, uh...doesn't
appear to be in a room but to share space with, uh, other
strange shapes and devices.
#14: Okay. At this time I'd like you to move slowly, slowly back
to the room that contains the rolled up chart. Move slowly.
#36: Number 6, okay....... Okay, I got it.
#14: Okay, I want you to exit that room. I want you to move out
of that room, backing, backing up, retracing the steps that
you used to walk into the room. Walk out of the room into
the hallway....
#36: Okay.... I got it.
#14: Okay. From where you are standing with your back to the door-
way, are you looking north or are you looking south?
#36: I'm, uh, facing north, but I was looking east. My body is
facing north.
+65 #14: Okay. At this time I want you to turn around and face south.
#36: Okay.
#14: Tell me what you see. What are your impressions?
#36: A rather large expansive of wall, but I...I'm aware of a...
indentation in that expanse somewhere here to my left, that
would be to the east.
#14: Okay. Move down slowly-
#36: Could be a door, I don't know.
#14: Move down to this indentation. Take a closer look. Describe
it....... -
#36: Yeah, it's a....some kind of door that, uh...latch mechanism
is on the left, it opens to my right. There's light on
#14: Okay. Go on in to the lighted area ..............
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Approved For Release 2000/081,Q =8R000300880001-3
#36: It's extremely quiet in here, I...I thought I'd see where I
was before.
It's a small room......but there's somethin' funny about it,
it's awfully bright, glowing. It seems to reek of simplicity.
I just can't handle it....
#14: Look carefully around the room and describe your impressions.
#36: I'm looking but awareness is, uh, nothing but sim-
plicity and brightness for some reason. I'm getting a bright,
monotone... Everything seems the same... Simplicity...I
don't know. I guess I can't handle this room right now.
#14: Okay, back out of this room, back out of the room again.
Standing in the hallway. At this time move slowly, slowly,
all the way to the west wall, the west wall...........
#36: Okay. I'm against the wall to the west.
#14: Okay. I want you to turn south, face south. I want you to
slowly move through the wall and tell me what you see.
+70 #36: I don't know, uh, big shapes. The feeling is that they are
partially above me. ..blinking, flickering... Oh.......
#14: Okay. I want you to continue moving to the south. Move as
far south in this room as you can. Describe what you see.
#36: Just like a...running imagination around inside of a...a
dollhouse, you can see through walls, and... I'm aware of...
a large open, uh, passageway to my left that seems to run...
run south, I think. Oh, wait a minute. I think I see a
door over my left.
#14: Okay, at this time-
#36: Goes outside.
#14: -go to the door.
+75 #36: There's a bell, uh, up there. There's a bell in the overhead,
near the door. I guess it's to let you know when somebody
wants in.
#14: How do you activate this bell?
#36: I don't know. I just saw it and got excited about it and I
didn't know why I felt excited about it. It seemed impor-
tant at the time... I guess the people entering this build-
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Approved For Release 2000 CM A` ID I
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1. 440
#14: Where is the switch for this bell?
#36: Well, the darn thing is kinda complicated. It, uh...appar-
ently you don't have to touch the switch,'s like
an automatic door opener. If you get within a certain range
of the door the switch is automatically activated.
#14: And where...where does this ring?
#36: One place it rings is inside the door, but there's a...nother
wire, 'nother, 'nother cable....seem to be sheathed somehow,
keeps goin' somewhere, towards the north. I tried to follow
it but it just z-z-z-zig-zags in and out of stuff.
#14: Okay.
#36: And I didn't know where I was... following it or following
some other stuff that came in here.
#14: Would this door be activated, or would this bell be activated
if the door was open?
#36: I had the feeling this bell didn't have anything, uh, to do
with, um, the physical mechanism of the door, but was, uh,
concerned with the approach to the door. I gotta look at
#14: Okay, take your time.....
#36: I can't see, but I sense that, uh...the door itself activates
another mechanism that's, uh....both are visually and audibly
different, so that you can immediately recognize one from the
other. Oh, okay, this is not a door opening mechanism. This
is some kind of security system.
#14: Okay. Do you perceive any type of monitoring associated with
this system, visual monitoring?
#36: It's supposed to be, but, uh...I sense that, uh, a person
deciding to monitor this could kinda...doze on the job, and,
uh... I'll be damned. There's, uh,.yeah, that's what it
is. It's a...a monitored place. .Th-th-there's a...there's
TV like things in here, but you don't have to visually mon-
itor that door. If you dozed off it would activate, you'd
hear it...
Somethin', uh...while I was tracing around that door there,
there was somethin' I saw I saw supposed to...I was supposed
to talk about and I forgot what it was. Oh, there it is.
There's a big....big, I don't know. There's a cylinder like
thing, uh...near the door. I...sense it's some kind of coil,
uh...I don't know, I feel, senses proximity......
field. Some kind of field. Some kind of field. Disrupt
that field and....I don't know, somethin' happens.
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#14: Okay. I want you to go back to the monitor, the television
like thing that monitors. Where does the people who monitor
this, where are they located? .............
#36: I don't know, I had the feeling there was somethin' kind of
lax about this. That the person isn't always in the room
with the...with the TV sets.
#14: Where is this room located?
#36: I think it's on the first floor, ground floor.
#14: Okay.
#36: And I sense that it's...not too far from the front entrance.
I feel that, uh...the person _I saw near the entrance the other
day, uh...on occasions was, uh...forced to do some kind of
double duty. Uh...uh, monitor, apparently and, uh, something
else, whatever he does to, for short periods of time...
#14: Okay.
#36: Well, you. know, you're not supposed to bring,'re
not supposed to bring any transmitting device in here.
#14: Mm-hmm. I want you to:move up to this monitoring station,
and stand by for one final question and that will be it......
+85 #36: Okay. I got it, but I don't know how I got there. I think
I'm...within, uh...4O or 50 feet of the main entrance some-
#14: Is there anybody here at this time?
#36: Yeah, there's a.......there's a person lying down over here
... I'm having trouble seeing him, I don't know where he is.
I'm facing north, and...I have an awareness of someone close
to my left. But the lights are subdued in here ..............
There's other assistants somewhere nearby.. If....if, uh,
monitoring system. goes off, I sense that support, primary
support, would come from outside...the buildin'. There's
some...people inside that do other things, that are.......
would respond, uh, if monitoring system is activated.
#14: Okay, I have no further questions at this time, #36. Okay,
this will be the end of the formal session and side B of this
tape. The debriefing will take place on side C.
This is a continuation of. session D-52. This will be tape C.
We're now starting the debrief for project 8020. The first
thing of interest that we have is the gate with both lock
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#36: 1 think the main part of the gate is to the left here.........
Another diagram down here at the right, I had the feeling
that there was a...several vertical patterns that...near the
gate, that, uh, might have been vertical posts. I thought I
counted three of 'em, uh, with vertical patterns that stuck
out from the surface, like it could have been for strengthen-
ing purposes, since the wall terminated at that point and it
needs some strength to keep from being easily pushed over...
#14: Okay, the next item would be the circular thing you described,
and it's position in relationship to the building.
#36: Hell, I know what this is ............... .........
This is over to the left somewhere, and, you know, I can't
tie it with it.
#14: The next item of interest is the-
#36: Wait a minute, I think it was, uh...
#14: Generator room?
#36: I thought there was a question asked about the circular
thing underground. Is that tight?
#14: Okay.
#36: It was two, circular things, too...
#14: Right, drawing number 2.
#36: Okay, let's make that 2A.
#14: Okay.
#36: Have I done 4?
#14: No. We did 1, 2, 2a, and 3. We're on four now which is the
generator room.
#36: Oh, generator room. Shit! I didn't know it was a generator
room. How the hell'd I get in there? I guess it doesn't
matter ..... I guess it doesn't matter.
#14: Okay.
#36: I don't remember going through a door. I probably did, but
I don't remember it.
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#36: Wait a minute.
#14: I believe that I may have moved you through a wall instead
of a door at that point... I believe that's where you
started seeing this, this thing like a pendulum.
#36: Oh, this repetitious thing. I didn't know what the hell it
it was.
#36: I... I don't know, I'm getting lost, but over in this cor-
ner, let's see, um...north is that way..... I'm wondering
if I saw the...if I saw a control desk in this room or in
the spaghetti area. I just don't know. I, I just don't
know. I can't seem to remember. I was...uh....gosh, I can't
remember what else I saw in here. I remember, uh...........
I don't know what the hell it was, but in this room, some-
where I saw something that looked like that.......... How
do you spell "pendulum"?
#14: P-E-N-D-
#36: D-I?
#14: Uh, "U". DU..Pen...Pendulum.
#36: ULUM?...There was something I saw over here in this left
corner, this western corner, but I can't remember what the
hell it was... Was all kinds of things, most uninteresting
and hard to describe, you know, pipes, and... And I went
through this, I went through this wall..... I think I just
went through a wall, I don't remember going through a door.
#14: Okay, particular attention now the next drawing to room 6...
the charts...........safes, and a safe or file cabinet, or
#36: You know, I could make a whole session out of any one of
these places I was in. Just the dials and knobs I could
spend 2 hours on that, but, hit so many things so rapidly
I can't remember most of this stuff. Let me see, where am-
room #6, or chart?
#14: Yes, that was the room with the-
#14: With a chart..
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#36: I thought it was longer north and south than it was......
east and west. I thought there was shelves along this wall.
#36: There was somethin' else about that room, but I can't, uh...
remember what it was.... How do you spell "incinerator"?
#14: I-N-C-I-N-E-R-T-R. E-R...........
#36: Funny thing, it, later on, I didn't mention it, but later on
when I tried to sift it out, and I guess I got interrupted
or something, but I was aware of a very small, maybe a couple
of cubic-meters- thing for burning, over towards the spaghetti
area. But, uh, it had pipes that run over to the big thing.
But I didn't get to pursue it, so I don't know what happened..
#14: Okay, drawing number-
#14: Five. The next drawing will be six. Uh, and these have been
outlined by the analyst as being most important. The door
and the alarming system.
#36:. I, uh....don't know how to draw this..... Gonna draw a
overhead'view of this first..... Mmm, that's funny. The
other day I thought I saw a landing, I thought the thing
came in from the left and had a landing at the top but...
#36: I don't remember looking to see how they- activation of the
field was...signal was sent to the monitor room. Uh......
.......... Okay, not much more about this.
#14: Okay. Do you have any feeling on the video system? Any
#36: It wasn't down there. It was, uh, up on the first floor
somewhere several feet away.
#14: In other words, you didn't notice any cameras or stuff down
#36: No, I, when I saw the monitoring... TV monitors I assumed
that somewhere around the building there were video cameras.
But I tried to remember back if I'd seen any, and. 1 hadn't,
and-it didn't seem to be part of the task so I didn't go
lookin' for 'em.
#14: Okay. Right.
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#36: What number are we at?
#14: That was six. The next one will be seven, and...the final
drawing of the monitoring room.
#36: I don't know what the connection would be, but .............
Somewhere on the other side of this curvy line, I didn't
get the connection, I could see one and then the other, but
somewhere over in this position here ...was a room... I
thought it had some kind of a, a desk like....with monitors
........ Over here along this wall...I saw someone over
here, and I, I couldn't tell whether he was in a big easy
chair, or, they seemed asleep. But I, I tried to figure he
was, you know, lying in a cot, or just what the heck was,
but I, I thought there was, in a state of relaxed sleep,
but could be.... was a desk here somewhere ................
Hm...I don't know, this coulda been a, I don't know...
And this, I can't, it's a, it's vague, I kept seeing differ-
ent images. Big chair in a prone position.... I guess peo-
ple can walk around in this area here, uh, with the cross
hatching, without coming behind the counter like thing....
These things were inside of the room as a gate. It might
not be exactly in front of the entrance door, but there's
a gate in there and there's a counter that I see people on
the other side of. And the monitor seemed to be back of
the counter..... That's about it.
#14: Okay. Very good. End of session.
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I btdVET
against before.
1. (S/NOFORN) At the be innin of this session, the remote viewer was in-
structed to go back to a location that he has been targeted
2. (S/NOFORN) Upon establishing that the remote viewer was at the correct
location, the project analyst passed on direct tasking to the interviewer as
the session progressed.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300880001-3