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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 9, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 5, 1980
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. Approved For Release 2000/08/
REVIEW ON: March 2000
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
GittuL ic.LAME
Approved For Release 2000/ ? RDP96-00788R000200200001-8
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1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information on a target of
2. (S) At the time of the session the remote viewer was provided
the geographic coordinate of the target area. Ambient room noise
did not appear to disturb the viewer and his level of concentration
appeared to be good. The viewer felt that he had been able to
concentrate and that the session had been successful.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol
(S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by
the viewer reference his impressions of the target site.
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#43.5: This will be a remote viewing session for 5 March
1980. The time is 0900 hours.
It is time to start the session for today.
Relax. Relax and concentrate. The target for
today is designated by the coordinate:
Relax. Relax and concentrate. And describe
that area to me.
I'll read the coordinate again for you.
Relax. Focus your attention on that area.
Describe the area to me.
+01 #19.5: Back at the table shape building. . but its a little
bit different this time from . . last time. It has
a . . . . small like and H shape to it. Where the
legs kind of go all the way through. And its wider
than it was the last time.
Also what appears to be . . . . things I saw that
looked like fencing. Last time. Has sort of a bowed
shape to it. Like just a section. A section of fence
or . . gate to a fence standing by itself.
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+04 #19.5: I see a rather peculiar form of road pattern on
the ground. It looks like a pattern of . . . .
curves off of curves. Sort of like all road inter-
sections are a Y. Y shaped intersections.
And, . . . feel like I'm on fairly high ground.
I still got an impression that this complex is
very large. And this particular building's only
a . . . small part of it.
I see what apparently is a small airstrip of some
sort. . . off to the side. I said its small. Its
either small or the angle I'm looking at it is . .
some distance. But its only a . . . just a very
simple airstrip. Like its got one, one apron and
that's all.
See the same circus tent pattern that I saw last
time. It appears to be some kind of radial pattern.
Its radial. Like spokes on a hub. Only this time
they're. . . I'm seeing it sort of from a side angle.
I'm getting a . . an impression of a . . . Oh, I
don't know, like a droop. . . . droop in the spokes.
#43.5: Okay, I want you to focus your attention on the
building. Tell me how that you get inside this
building. Focus your attention on this building.
Tell me how you would get inside it.
+07 #19.5: There's . . . a very, very simple door. Its . .
nothing to it really. Its dark, sort of a dark gray
on a light colored background. A white or an off-
color white background. Its kind of down on the
side of the building. That's the entry door.
#43.5: Okay, go through the entry door and tell me what
you see.
#I9.5: Black. Its a . I get a sensation like I . . .
I pass through a screen of some sort when I went
through the door.
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#19.5: There's a. . . a . . . . like a . . I want to say
its a blackout curtain but that's not what it is.
Its . . like a curtain for light, keep light out.
Its darker in the building. Sunlight is very bright
here. The impression of very bright, warm sun.
There's . . . just a straight hallway that goes to
a T intersecting hallway.
#43.5: Okay, go to that T intersection. Go to the T
intersection and tell me what you see.
#19.5: On the left section . . . there's . . short hallway
that goes to the left again. The right section . .
of the T, there's a. . . appears to be a
a door at the end. I kind of lose the right section
for some reason. I think there's . . . maybe a set
of swinging doors or something in the middle of a
corridor and then there's another set of doors at the
end of the corridor. I don't know what that is. It
looks like. . looks like you go through swinging doors
or something. . as you go down the corridor.
#43.5: I want you to move around in here. Move around inside
the building and tell me what you feel about this
building or what the function of this building is.
Move around so you get a feel for the building. Take
your time.
+12 #19.5: I get a . . . its a . . . doesn't make sense. Its like
a . . a . . . its built alot like a tracking type
center that I was in once. Or, it has a flavor of
collection, like . . its not a SIGINT collection, its
a . . more of a . . Oh. . . . like a Downlink collection
site. I would call it like a Downlink collection site
from the . . . (not audible) type.
#43.5: Tell me what you . . . . okay. Tell me what made
you say that. Why do you feel that way?
#19.5: I get a sensation that everything here is pointed up.
I don't know that . . Let me break that down.
I get an impression that . . . that like everything
is. . . the interest lies within an angular . . . .
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#19.5: Like a sort of an Ionispheric early warning system
of some sort. Like you would look at a horizon but
the very high part of the horizon. The angle would
be like 20/22 degrees off of perpendicular to a flat
surface on the earth. Looking North. Not quite North.
I'd say North/Northeast. For some reason, it just . .
. . Oh shit, pardon me.
#43.5: Relax.
#19.5: I see . . I see this pattern like running down the
globe from a very high altitude and its . . . the
pattern is very much like the . . what used to be
the old Eastern test range type. . pattern. . when
Canaveral was still . . was way back launching rockets.
The old Van Guards and things and. . .
#43.5: Um hm.
#19.5: Only this isn't part . . This isn't part of the
old Eastern test range, but its looking into the
Eastern test range area. I don't . . I don't . .
understand that. Its like diagonally off the . . . .
the. . the grid. . the pattern. Its like a . . peri-
phial collector of some sort.
#43.5: Okay. Relax. Relax. Don't try to figure everything
out. Don't worry about that. All right. As you
moved around, did you see any personnel in the area?
#19.5: Yeah. There's . . . a . . . military and there's
para-military. Paramilitary are wearing what appear
to be khaki uniforms but they're not complete.
I get a feeling that they might be . . civilians
that are military associated. Wearing white lab coats.
Strong. . . I'm getting a strong impression. Let me
think about it a minute here.
There's . . . There's computer type people here.
But I don't . . I don't sense a very sophisticated
computer effort. Its like first generation or some-
thing. Its not like ours. Its not as sophisticated.
Its what I call a number, number cruncher. Lot of
. . I'm just getting a feel for a lot of open/shut
type arm mechanical gates.
#43.5: Okay. What's the role of the military people that
are there?
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#19.5: Political. I don't know why I said that, but
it's political. That's...I guess first word
association to the question. Not something to
do with politics Trade-off of some sort.
Cover. I think the military are...the military
are there for another reason but ...this facility
operates under that cover.
#43.5: Ok. Is there anything else that attracts your
attention inside this building?
+20 #19.5: There's a shielded room. Some kind of a shielded
room in the building. I see gray, gray metallic
walls. I get a strong impression of power output.
But, it's not electrical power output. It's ...
someother frequency that requires shielding. I
don't know what it is.It's a grid shielding.
Like cross-hatch wiring, peross that cabling or
something .
#43.5: Ok. I want you to move outside the building now.
Move outside the building...move a short distance
away from the building and turn around and look
back at the building, and tell me how you feel
about the size of this building.
#19.5: Trying to...scale it against the fence. Getting
impression of...perhaps 220 feet long by maybe
80 feet wide. Fairly large but not anything
excessive, really.
#43.5: How tall is this building?
#19.5: Taller inside than outside. One story outside...
story and a half inside.
Ok. One last thing #19.5. I want you to change
your perspective. I want you to change your
perspective. Go up in the air 500 feet and look
down at this area and tell me how it looks from
that perspective.
#19.5: Cluttered. Get the impression I'm in a city.
#43.5: Ok. Looking down from 500 feet...maintain that
perspective I want you to look away from this
building over to the east about 200 meters, and
tell me what you see.
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#19.5: Some kind some kind of storage tanks.
Not...not your big oil storage or anything, but
...smaller tanks. Get a feeling that there is...
if I got too far east I'll be in the water.
Weird feeling. Tanks look like they're laying on
their sides in a row and they're inside frame squares.
It's like if you drew a square around them.
#43.5: Ok. Is there anythin9 else you' would like to add
#19.5: There's...I think this is either on the edge or
inside the edge of a city. It's extremely cluttered.
I'm just overwhelmed with all the things that are
around the building. There's just roof tops and
exhaust vents and, and...tower type chimneys and
smoke coming from forms of industrial type buildings,
I guess. Uh...roads, parked vehicles. Just a
conglomerate of things. Poles, wires. I just get
that impression.
#43.5: Ok. I have no further questions #19.5. Is there
anything else you want to say?
#19.5: No.
#43.5: Ok. I want you to relax now. Relax. We'll have
the analyst come on in if he wants to, and we'll
go over this and make some drawings. Ok?
I'll put this thing on hold for now.
Ok #19.5. Why don't you go ahead and start off with
number 1, there.
#19.5: Ok. On page 1. I feel...the shape of the building I
feel like it's changed a little bit. At least I
get the impression it has to me. Maybe I'm getting
a clear picture what the building looks like. So on
page do the building again, and there's...
there's a difference in the...what I called fencing
before...I got a different impression for what I
called fencing before. It was really a strange
change. Maybe it's just a gestaltic change in the
building, and I got the impression that the,..the
door was like here. That's not really the scale,
I don't think, but that's the general impression of
the way the building changed. Back here where the
arrow is...I had drawn fence. So I'll call it old
fence location. I'll show you on dotted likes what
appears to be now, to me, is this kind of design.
This being ground. Sort of like a...a gate standing
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there by itself, and...
#07: That's an elevator here. Is that correct?
#19.5: Uh, this is looking at it from the side. Side
view. It's that kind of thing. Just looks like
a...a gate standing there. I had gotten a piece
of that before and assumed it to be fencing. That
was probably an erroneous thought. There might be
fencing there but...I, I was getting that impression.
Let me put a north arrow on this too. Feeling like
this was north. Not immediately off the top of the
page for angling off to the left, I think that's...
by virtue of the way we draw on these papers is
probably why north is always there, but...going
inside the building I got the impression that you
went through a door and indoor corridor that went
down into a T intersection, and there's...there's
something, ok, something across the front of the
door. It's either to drop the light level...
deliberately drop the light level or it's a blackout
curtain type thing right immediately inside of the
door. And the T intersection...this one goes to the
right and there's like a...sort of double doors...
swinging doors, and then it goes on down a little
ways. About the same distance to a door, and this
way goes down a little ways and makes a left like
this to a door. When I was down in this double
door area...down in this area of a sudden I
had an impression that...I have to call an impression
that there an old stype computer type
system back up in here.
#07: That's the area circled with the dash lines.
#19.5: Yeah. Right. I'll right in here. These are
cOrridors and this is old style computer system.
Somewhere in this area. I saw the...
Page 3. I saw that circular radio pattern, and this
time I got an it was...if I can
do this justice I was looking
bow shapes in it Can you see that? Does that make
any sense to you? You know what I'm talking about.
Like, like drooping wires, ok with poles or something.
These are heavier when they're drooping wire. And...
this might be where I'm getting....I'm just getting
a really strong impression this
thing is...if this was an exact perpendicu1aline
right, but the...the face orientation of this thing
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? would be 20 to 22 degrees north northeast, ok.
You know...the plain.
#07: Do you think this is an antenna?
#19.5: I don't...I don't know if it's an antenna or if it's for something under it. I don't know
if this is a clothes line. You know. I'm just saying
I get a real strong impression that there's some form
of...of collection being done but it's not a SIGINT
sight. It's different kind of collection.
#07: This thing you've drawn here...was this result of
awareness or was this result of imagery that you were
looking at? Do you have a feeling about this it
was other than imagery.....because you said you had
an impression a moment ago and I
#19.5: Well, my impressions are sort of a mixture of both.
Sometimes they're stronger on the imagery side and
sometimes they're not imagery at all. It's just...
words that come into my mind that I have to say.
#07: This concept..,conceptual here or is....
#19.5: This Is a concept is what I'm trying to say. This
I feel the pattern, ok. These support things with
drooping lines I would say exist somewhere on that
target. The impression I get is that the plain or
the face...the facial plain of this is 20 to 20 degrees
20 to22 degrees off perpendicular to the earth's face,
When I went up in the air, over the target I got...
I got an impression of looking over the horizon of
globe ok. I got the impression that we're somewhere
here this being the equator, and that there's
what they call the eastern test range that comes down
like this across the equator. This is the old eastern
test range, ok. It doesn't exist anymore. This dates
back to when Canaveral was open and operating and
everything, and that this point on the globe is looking
through the eastern test range. This being..,target.
It's actually looking through the eastern test range.
Do you see what I'm saying? Some form of peripheral
collection of some sort.
Page 5. Saw a room. Shielded room and it had...the
shielding shielding was like wires.
Just all woven together like this, and they had about
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the same gauge as...that would be a cross section.
#07: Did you get a feel for the spacing of...for that
#19.5: These.!..these...yeah. Spacing would be about that,
and they were bronze colored. That might be overlay,
ok. Rdom was fairly large, and it was gray. All
I had seen was scorner with a shielding in it.
sensed alot of power in this room, and it's not
electrical power. It's like output power of.some
other frequency. Possibly telemetric type output.
I don't know. That sort of thing.
#07: I missed part of it. Did he have anything to draw?
I heard you Mention something look down there
200 meters east
Oh. Page 6. Yeah. This is the building over here,
and you went to the east 200 meters.
I got an impression of some kind of storage tanks
layed !end to end on their sides, and these were like
in boxes or on boxes or in frames of some sort.
Might be fencing or something...something defined as
square around them, and from those all the way across
here..and down in here I got slot of poles and wires.
I got slot of parking. here. Parking here with vehicles.
I got: commercial and military mixed...roof tops
over here, and I had a feeling if I went too far in
this direction, somewhere in here was water. All
water. If I went too far to the east I would fall in
the water.
#07: I have no further questions.
#43.5: Ok. Early in the session #19.5, you talked about the
road pattern in the area.
#19.5: Oh, yeah. That's right. I don't know what made me
say anything about the road...I got...I got this about the road.. .the
patterns of the road were like Ys. I'm not really
Sure that these are roads. Just like...all the
interconnecting roads are' Ys. And I mentioned it
because it was really eye-appealing. It
might have something to do with the target.. Just call
It ground patterns,
#43.5: In relationship to all this where was the small
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#19.5: Small airfield was....on page 6 was back in this
direction, and it was just a simple strip with
a taxi. This would be...all my orientation is the same
as the first page. Guess that's it unless you got
anymore questions.
#43.5: You got anymore on the personnel? Do you want to
ask any questions on the personnel? He saw the
military in paramilitary.
#19.5: Well I call them paramilitary because they're wearing
less than a uniform, but very much like a uniform.
I just got a real strong feeling that it was like a
cover..: Like the military was a political cover,
you know. Like we would allow some of these military
into our country and we wouldn't really knew that
their paramilitary types werettdoing something other
than what we allowed the military (not audible) to do.
That sort of thing.
#07: Did you feel the military types were doing anything
inside that building now?
#19.5: Oh, they were helping, yes. Most surely.
#07: You say they were working on the same thing (not
#19.5: Yeah. Right. Exactly.
#07: Not audible.
#19.5: Nothing bothered me.
#43.5: Yeah. It didn't seem to. There was an awful lot
of footsteps and walking around, but didn't seem
to be bothering you too much.
#19.5: ?Didn't hear them.
#43.5: Ok. Analyst do you have any questions?
#07: Don't have any.
#43.5: Very good. That'll be it then.
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