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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500340001-1
ILLEGIB The methodology of an exact science began to be realistically
applied to the problems of experimental parapsychology with the
development of statistical physics, technical cyber:actics and
digital (computer) mathematics. A distinctive feature of phys-
ical and physiological natural lairs, which is associated with the
parapsychological natural lags of the human organism, is the com-
plex combination of stochastic and deterministic factors. By
virtue of these factors, qualitative evaluations of similar states
are, to a considerable degree, subjective in character. There is
a tendency to apply qualitative criteria which are related to sig-
nificant methodological errors a .riving from inadequacy of fre-
quently used mathematical devices.
An increase in the precision of qualitative analysis of para-
psychological phenomena may be achieved by using specially dcv-
eloped oathematical equipment and by utilizing a wide range of
fast response computer techniques to analyze experimental data.
Belo,,Y, we zri 11 discuss the basic resui is of statistical anal; :fi_s
of clectrooncephalographical characteristics of the human organ-
ism, recorded in experiments during observations of differcat
types of parapsychological states.
The theory of random functions was widely used by us as a
mathematical device. The concept of random processes is an esson-
tial unification of fundamental concepts of random variables and
vectors in, the classical theory of probability.
Random processes may emerge in the form of a mathematical
recording model of tho electroph rsiologica.1 charac-t risticy of
the or anism, such as electrocardiogram, e teetroencepi a1ogram,
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500340001-1
myogram, bioplasmogram_, thermograms etc. 'Through the theoretical
methods of random processes the following problems can be re-
9e Investigations of psychophysiological reactions to select
a matched telepathic pair.
2. Analysis of spatial characteristics of the bioelectrical
field activity of the brain to forecast optimal conditions for a
telepathic experiment.
3. Evaluation of secondary physical phenomena (electrostatic
conductivity of the air, ionization, eiectrolization of external
objects) caused by the physical condition of the atmosphere and
also by the processes of the organism during the
time of extreme neuro-emotional stress.
Standard algorythms of statistical processes of electrophysio-
loicalcharacteristics will be considered before the review of
specific results is discussed. These results were obtained
through statistical analysis during parapsychological experiments.
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It is necessary to note that most electrophysioloical de-.'
vices provide registration of experimental data in the form of
continuous curves X (t,T), defined at a finite time interval, T.
Beside that there exist definite indications that primary pro-
cesses which form a field of bioelectrical activity in reality
have pulse characteristics. These pulses are produced by elect-
rical reactions of the cells whose time model is expressed through
a pulse series. Production of pulse reactions is caused by su-
perposition of a multitude of sources of a discrete time struc-
ture and integration of biosignals by the macromolecular structures
of the organism. The influence of the reaction of electr?ophysioa-
logical dev~_ces, as a rule, is not combined with wideband input
signals. In the light of this discussion, the problem of proces-
sing such algorythms of statistical analysis, and experimental
data, acquires an actual meaning; which would allow us to account
for structural characteristics simultaneously as continuous pro-
cesses, and as equivalent discrete random processes.- During the
processing of continuous type osci11ograms as obtained in (the
process of) experimental investigations, we have used the princi-
ple of equivalent discrete series.` According to this principle,
a continuous signal of any nature (determinant, random stationery,
random transient) may be transformed into a series of discrete
levels through quantitization of continuous function X(t) by
interval A to, which in general cases may be selected through
unequally spaced time intervals. After obtaining the sequence
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of discrete coordinates of random process X(to), X(L0 + A 11)o
m ., X( 10 + X(lo + An), specified at moments of
tine to' to + Ati ? ? ? to + ,Ati, to + ttn subsequently we
may evaluate entropy intervals between pulses on the basis of
the formula by R. L. Dobrushin.
H 3'
log Ati + 0
where A ti = pulse interval
0 = 0.577 = Fuler's constant.
During the analysis of a random steady state process with an
autocorrelation function of R11 (J ), the interval of the first
order correlation J1 can be chosen as an interval of uncertainty
t t a
o as by ti:^ cx preszion:
St I
The uncertainty interval of the transient random process (G. A.
Sergeev, A. F. Rom.anenko, 1964) is expressed in the form:
A number of pules R in equivalent pulse sequence of the' station-
ery random process with the duration T is defined by the relation-
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-R[96-00787R000500340001-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500340001-1
and the transient random process:
_ -T
J~ av5
The entropy of the first order is obtained by selecting dti
J 1 (t) in the steady state case:
H = 105 (~K: )
The entropy of the second order is defined by the transient
case: /Sti -- j 2 (t)
Earlier a possibility was established (G. Z. Sergeev, 1964)
of using the expression
of transiency.
as a generalized indicator
However, with the introduction of concepts of the entropy of
the first 111 and second orders HII, 'the physical interpretation
of this indicator over a considerable time period remained a diff-
icult problem: to establish a relationship betw?ree'n the transiency
indicator of the continuous random process Y (t) and entropy
characteristics Hl and HTI of the equivalent discrete process.
This relationship is given by the formula:
Hi- HZr
This equation may be reduced to the relationship: log Hx -- Hzi from which it follows that the higher the level of
transient random process is, the more difference there is be
tween the entropy levels of the first and second orders.
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Experimental investigations of the bioelectrical activity
phenomena in the processing of parapsychological experiments show
that the state of increased neuro-emotional stress is as a rule
associated with an increase of the transient indicator cu.
Physically, it is explained by the increase of intensity in
the bioelectric processes at the cell level and, in particular,
the displacement of the bioelectric reaction spectrum into a high
frequency region? A typical graph of this relationship, the-
transient indicator ' and the difference between entropy levels
A H = III - Hii, is presented in Figure 1. The shaded area corres-
ponds to the stability region in whose limits the steady state
reaction of bioelectrical activity processes are observed.
Investigations have shown that the steady state composition
is characteristic for an even--tempered, calm individi;ta3. hases
of increased neuro-aemotional stress, typical of the induction
mode, are characterized by the increased value of the transient
indicator relative to the lower threshold and stability region,
and appeared representative for the psychophysiological condition
of the percipients. The typical expressions for the transient
indicators of the bioelectric activity processes and fluctuations
of the physical field are presented In Table 1.
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A H min
H max
Newborn baby
Individual with
disturbed psychic
Normal individual
0.70 .
Earth Geomagnetic Field
Photosphere of the Sun
Considering the above table, it follows that the transiency
of bloelectric activity processes is characterized by a change
in the maximura limits from ~f 2.0 to max = 60, overlapping
the degree of transient disturbance of the internal physical fields.
The increased transiency of bioele,ctrical activity processes
An the human cerebral cortex, during solution of complex logical
problems, may be explained by the excitation of additional neur-
al ensembles. _
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500340001-1
At a specific degree of residual brain excitation as found,
for example, in individuals with disturbed psychic functions,
there is a displacement of the stable bioelectric activity react-
ion zones of the brain in the direction of increased values for
the transient indicator. As a result of this increase, them is
an increase in the probability of the ionization phenomena action
of atmospheric origin on the psychic condition of the man.
An Indicator, D , can be used in a number of cases to evalu-
ate transient temporary (time) indicators, The indicator e'is
called a transient radius, The transient radius is determined
by the expression:
is a correlation interval of the third.order.
Sometimes during analysis of the experimental data, it be-
comes necessary to account not only for the structural proper-
ties of random processes but also for its energetic characteris-
tics. The evaluation of the energetic and structural properties
of the random process can be conducted on the basis of the.ex-
where a2 (t) is the instantaneous energy of the investigated
signal. Considering the relationship in the form of
and considering the strength of the relationship, the uncertain-
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RC '96-00787R000500340001-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500340001-1
ty interval of the correlation of the first order e---* (t) is
related to the width of the energetic spectrum, Q F(t) in agree-
ment with the expression:
Finally, we can transform this equation by the following expres-
L () = 0-'(.).6 )' f.) q'( )
Substituting the expression:
14 MNTr
for \ (t), the energetic model of the transient signal can be
represented finally in the form:
r 3_L'
A graphical representation of the model of a?transient sig-
nal telepathic in nature is shown in Figure 2.
From Figure 2, it is evident that during stable spectral
and energetic patterns, the signal "volume" and consequently
the indicator L_3, essentially depend on the nature of the bio-
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500340001-1
electrical activity processes transiency, i. e., on the level
A N = 'a ' - H r
I - 14
Considering the fact that function ~ N is increas-
ing during the time of emotional stress in a human being, it is
-not difficult to see that one of the important qualities of:the
sender-is his ability to achieve a maximum degree of psychic ex-
citation at the moment of telepathic signal transmission.
To confirm the existence of a correlational relationship be-
tween the degree of human emotional stress, according to the data
of galvanic-skin reaction as registered through a contact methods
and indicator. L3, calculated from the bioplasmogram data, re-
cordin;of the volumetric electrostatic charges fluctuations in
the atmosphere (of the air) we-remade. The bioplasmogram was re-
corded at a distance of two meters from the subject ,:ho was in a
calm state solving logical problems of different degrees of emo-
tional stress.
Figure 3 shows the curves of indicators K G R ( )
and L3, as calculated on a computer, which were in agreement
with a psychological stress level. The recording of the bioplas-
mogram took six seconds. The maximum value of neuro-emotional
stress is accompanied by a sharp increase of the parameter, L3.
An analysis has shown that the range of changes for the parameter
reached the order of 30.
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During investigations of telepathic reactions, we have regis-
tered the following eleetrophysiological characteristics:
- tremorogram recording of vibrationary reactions of the hand
in any states of neuro-emotional stress,
- electroencephalogram recording of brain biopotentials,
- electrocardiogram recording of the heart's electrical
- bioplasmogram recording of the fluctuations in the volume
of electrostatic charges of the (air) atmosphere, chose entropic
properties may change in wide limits under the action of the elec-
tromagnetic radiation of the excited (activated) organism.
The establisl-mn ent of a correlation of up to 80% between par-
ameters of the bioplasinogram and the galvanic skin reaction of
the human body allows us to examine the methodology of the bio-
plasmaogram as an independent method of non-contact control for
neuro-emotional human stress. According to this, the bioplasiao-
gram may be considered as an example of the galvanic-skin reaction
volume chose sensitivity may be increased through the calculation
of indicator T3. Investigations of the tremorog-ram, during tele-
pathic experiments, have shown that essential change takes place
in the frequency domain and spectral composition of the vibra-
tion reaction in the hands of a subject at different phases of
the experiment.
Before the beginning of the telepathic session, Monin's par-
ameters of the tremorogram acre comprised of an average frequen-
cy fav. - 5.7 hz and coefficient of frequency variation
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Kf = a f = 0.378; Nikolaev's average frequency was fav = 7.1 hz
and Kf = 0.376.
Thus, a telepathic pair (Monin-- sender, and Nikolaev----
percipient) was noted by a more elevated tremor frequency com-
pared with the data of the subjects from the control group,
and also with its instability, which was related to the increased
human ability to direct the body's vibrational reactions in the
process of parapsychological experiments. At the end of the
experiment, the tremorogram changed substantially and consisted
of the following parameters:
Moiiinfay.=7.7hzand Kf=00148
hTikolaev fav = 9.1 hz and Kf = 0.238
The tremor frequency and its stability increased o A spec-
tral analysis has shown that at the end of the experiment the
widening of the tremorogram spectrum increased approximately two
times. This evidently Is related to the increase of the high.
frequency reaction intensity of the neural ensembles under the
influence of radiation on the human body by a plasma field of
biological origin.
A visual analysis of the tremorogram, immediately prior
the beginning of the session of long distance transmission, al--
loured us to reveal. the presence of a characteristic pulse modu-
lation from within its structure that as caused by a short per-
iodic overexcitati.on of the nervous system.
The tremorograph method may be used to select telepathic
pairs. The procedure must be divided into two steps: first a
contingent of subjects who do not have obvious psychic disturb-
ances is selected by careful medical control. Then the trem-
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orograms are recorded and subjects are selected with a tremor
frequency coefficient indicator with variations of 0.2 < Kf