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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00
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Ive than any other lie-detector tech-
niques and the Israelis are also examin.
ing the application of Kilian photo-
graphy in intelligence.
To monitor Soviet experiments In this
field Is a tremendous undertaking and,
in the normal way, for any secret service
to attempt this would be so costly it
would hardly be worth while. The
Israelis have cut the cost by ensuring
that the monitoring Is only done by
-trained psychic researchers and by set-
ting up paraphysical laboratories where
information passed through from agents
.behind the Iron Curtain can be assessed.
The agents gathering such intelligence
are themselves practitioners in this
As my Israeli contact told me: "The
really big clamp-down on psychic and
gpit raphysical data In the Soviet Union
has not yet come. At the moment they
are still as anxious to learn from the
West as they are to guard their own
motives for research. Their policy
seems to be that they are prepared to
-leak a certain amount of Information
to the West In the hope that they will
get something In return. -
"To some extent they areg hhigph1~, sue
-esrur'--in ufla,-.:.largely De('attss uses
Western world as a whole is still luke-
warm towards the menace of psychic
espionage, in the long term. So the
result is that this type of research is left
to scientists and others who have no
connection with intelligence. They see
no reason why they should not exchange
information with the Soviet Union.
.Thus, at the moment, it is not too diffi.
cult to get a general piicture of what
is going on in the USSR and East
European countries, providing the moni-
toring of such intelligence is conducted
solely by scientists In this particular
sphere or research.
"Our best sources are in Bulgaria,
where the secret police use trained
clairvoyants to assist them in crime de-
tection. The Bulgarians have some of
the finest clairvoyants and telepathy ex-
perts in the game. They also have Insti-
tutes of Suggestology and Parapsycho.
logy In Sofia and Petrich."
Israel's own Uri Geller is, of course,
already world famous through his
demonstrations of psychic phenomena.
The Russians set up a special committee
O Richard Deacon, 1977. Reproduction only
by arrangement with the author.
Former US Secretary of Stale, Henry Kissinger (right), with the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezh-
nev. The KGB,a "Disinformation Section" alleged that Kissinger was a former secret service
agent working for Poland, a canard first uncovered.and scotched by the Chinese
to study him and his experiments three
years ago. "We found out that they
were doing this In a roundabout way
from Paris," said my contact. "At the
same time we discovered that they were
developing a new form of music to help
induce and maintain a state of trance-
heliphonic music."
Israel is already far ahead of the
Western world in these techniques, but
this is in no small measure due to the
fact that during the past century. Jews
have led the world in much of this re-
search and have shown a remarkable
talent for It. There is no better ex-
ample than the telepathist Wolf Messing,
a Polish Jew who fled from the German
advance in Poland in 1939 by escaping
to the Soviet Union hidden under a
cart-load of hay. He had little to offer
the Russians other than his own tele-
pathic talents which, if somewhat re-
luctantly at first, they accepted as being
worthy of consideration.
Eventually, he was given personal
audiences by Stalin. By the 1950s he
was one of the beat-known men In Rus-
sia and the one man who was able, to
use his telepathic talents to get thro h
the gnarls Into 'Stalin's presence -
our being challenged. In lass a
biography, "I am a Telepathist," Mes-
sing refers to the occasion when he
managed to walk out of a building past
guards ordered to stop him at all costs:
I am sure the guards would not have
let me pass if I had directed at them
the suggestion to let me pass as myself,
but, using my mental power, I made
them see in me the high official whom
they would let through without a pass.
Similarly, a man under hypnosis can
be told to shoot a rabbit. when, in fact,
he would be shooting at a man."
During the Second World War Mes-
sing was officially evacuated to Siberia
for his own safety, but he still offered
advice to the authorities and was on
countless occasions proved to be accu-
rate in his divination. When his auto-
biography was published by Sovietskaya
Rossiya In 1967, the book was suddenly
withdrawn, though no official reason for
this was given. Messing is as cele-
brated as a stage artist as he is a serious
telepathist and researcher and has given
many exhibitions of his talents.
He is not an Orthodox Jew, but he has
retained a devotion to his race, as was
exemplified before the Second World
War when he refused a reward from a
Uri Geller practising spoon-bending and mind bending. The Russians set up a spacial
committee to study him and his experiments
Polish count for locating some missing
family jewellery, but asked for the
count's influence to he used with the
Polish Government to have a law in-
fringing the rights of Jews to be annul-
led. This was, in fact, done. -
"Just as there was a space race be-
tween the super-Powers, eventually
there will be a race in PSI," my Israeli
contact continued. "The West hasn't
woken up to the urgency of this yet.
All we can hope is that that race ends
in a stalemate. Only then will there
be any safety.
"We must somehow ensure that we
attain the same kind of deadlock in the
sphere of psychic espionage that we
have in nuclear warfare, with no side
daring to run the appalling risks of re-
leasing this type of secret warfare to
the full. Certainly, our aim is to make
sure that there is such a deadlock and
stalemate and that the Western world
as a whole, and not just Israel, benefits
from this."
This digression into what is still
largely an unexplored area of espionage
and counter-espionage as far as the
Western world is concerned Is yet an-
other example of how the Israeli B9cret
Service is very often not only diligently
trying to ensure the survival of her own
people, but doing much of the work
which is essential to the survival of the
whole Western world.
There are many who will take a con-
trary view and equate Zionism with mili-
tant nationalism, and not all who do
this are necessarily pro-Soviet. Therein
lies Israel's dilemma: she Is beset with
the problem of living with enemies in
both camps-the Western world and the
Soviet Union's orbit. Yet it is hard to
see how Western civilisation as we know
it can survive in the long run without
the co-operation of Israel's Secret
Already the West has benefited to a
remarkable degree from a certain
amount of co-operation in this respect,
just as Israel has acquired certain
advantages from the assistance of
Western Intelligence. What should be
borne In mind is that the work of a
Soviet spy placed inside Israel is direct-
ed not only against that country, but
against the West as well. The greatest
Soviet espionage success, so far as is
known, was the placing of a top agent
in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and
it was the Western world, perhaps even
Davidovitch Kilian and his wife using their
revolutionary system of photography
The man, a Swlae Jew, had farmed
part of Leopold Trapper's Rote Kapelle
("Red Orchestra") network In Belgium
before the Second World War. After
having been thoroughly trained in
Russia, he was sent to Israel as a
"sleeper agent" after the war and his
talents were so remarkable that two
Israeli Ministries fought over which
should take his services. Eventually,
and disastrously, it was the Israeli Mini
stry for Foreign Affairs which secured
him. When he was finally caught,
enormous damage had been done.
One thing is certain: persecution of
the Jews-continues today as virulently
inside the Soviet Union as ever it did
in Nazi Germany. There is only one
difference-the Russians are prepared
to tolerate the Jews as long as they
prove themselves to be good Soviet citi.
zens. This may seem a distinct advance
on the Hltlerian attitudes, but there are
no accurate figures on how many Jews
have been eliminated in the USSR.
Worse still, the Soviet Secret Service
goes to the most bizarre lengths to
plant anti-Jewish propaganda round the
world. One of the most mysterious of
these operations is the attempt to show
that It was the Jews who smuggled the
Taarlst millions and jewels out of Russia
during the Revolution and that it was
a Jew, Aaron Simonovitch, secretary to
the notorious Rasputin, who not only
organised this, but enabled the Russian
Royal Family to be rescued from
Nor do the Russians just rely on rum-
ours; they back them up with forged
coded messages (of which a number
have come into my possession) purport-
ing to show how the Tsar and his family
were not murdered by the Bolsheviks,
but enabled to escape by a diabolical
American-Japanese-British-Jewish plot.
The notorious "Chivers Papers," which
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are alleged to be in American CIA
archives, include all manner of faked
telegrams, alleged accounts of rescue
operations and "proofs" that members
of the Russian Royal Family are still
alive today.
That there was an attempt to rescue
the Royal Family Is now undoubted and
it is equally certain that the events at
Ekaterinburg were not as described in
the "White Russian" report by Judge
Nicholas Sokolov. But the detailed dos-
sier on the bogus rescue concocted by
Soviet intelligence is just blatant pro-
paganda, though sufficiently clever and
semi-factually manufactured as to have
provoked exhaustive inquiries into the
subject in both the USA and Britain.
From the same "Disinformation Sec-
tion" of the KGB has also come the
smear on Henry Kissinger, alleging that
he was formerly a secret service agent
working for the Polish intelligence!
Naturally, the Russians are clever
enough to use Right-wing organisations
and personnel to spread these stories,
always providing sufficient bogus factual
detail to give them some substance.
It was the Chinese Secret Service which
first scotched that canard, informing
both the Americans and the Israelis of
its origins.
But the propaganda of hate, the
spreading of false information, will con-
tinue, just as It did under the Tsarist
regime, under the Nazis and today under
the Brezhnev administration, as long as
there are sufficient fools in the world
to accept the nonsense about the Proto-
cols of the Elders of Zion, about the
rescuing of the Tsar and the storie-,
about Henry Kissinger. Only when
sanity prevails over romantic credulih-
will the propaganda cease and perse-
cution stop. Until then Israel will need
to have one of the world's finest secret
services. CONCLUDED
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500280002-7
The weird
C ESPIONAGE aims, in effect,
a devastating short cut through
nal processes of espionage and
espionage. Any nation which
to acquire a distinct lead in
e could achieve something like
periority in a war. So far no
tas acquired this lead, not even
let Union, which has the un-
edge in the extent of its re-
md experimental work. But the
have taken this sufficiently
y to have monitored what the
Union and other Communist
-s are doing In this field. What
;tressed the Israelis Is the fact
is not only Soviet Russia which
loping the theme of psychic
;e. but bar East European
ersatility of the Jew1ln scienti-
well as cultural fields is well
but their pre-eminence In what
aferred to as PSI is not generally
.ted. One of the most remark-
their early practitioners in
and paranormal experiments.
s Stefan Ossowiecki, who was
Russia In 1877, and who found
psychic gifts, which he de-
with the aid of a rabbi. In
ssowlecki was Imprisoned for
crimes and in 1921, when he
free, he went to Poland. There
loped his psychic talents to the
carried out a number of tele-
xperiments, including one long.
transmission. A journalist in
made a drawing at his home,
opy of it to scientists at Marten-
world.of psychic espionage
bad while, at a distance of 900 miles,
Ossowiecki telepathically drew the same
picture fit the sand.
Ossowiecki never accepted any mone-
tary rewards for his work and during
the Second World War he used his
talents to help the Polish underground.
"Documentary accounts speak of him
locating specific bodies In mass
graves..... On the day of the Warsaw
Uprising he remarked, 'I see that
I shall shortly the a terrible death.
But I have had a wonderful life!'"
Before the end of the war he
was executed by the Nazis. In the
annals of the Jewish ? underground
movement the name of Stefan Osso-
wiecki is still honoured and one [secret]
paraphysical laboratory inside Poland
today 18 named aft& him and services
Iarrayl withintelligence gleaned through
PSI'techniques. So highly is the PSI
work carried out by this agency re-
garded that, in case it Is eventually
located by the KGB, a duplicate labora-
tory working on parallel lines has been
set up in Western Europe.
Such work is more effectively carded
on outside of Israel for a number of
reasons. First, there Is the undeniable
fact that Israel is not only a democracy,
but a small and compact nation where
gossip spreads as fast as it does in a
village. Anything unusual or bizarre in
the realm of intelligence needs to be
experimented with outside Israeli. terri-
tory. A great deal of this experiment-
ation can fairly easily be conducted
under the guise of other aspects of the
paranormal-faith healing, psychometry
and extra-sensory perception.
led from "The Israeli Secret Ser- ' But there are other reasons for work-
be published by Hamish Hamilton ing outside Israeli territory: psychic re-
+nber 14, price #6.95. search is still a comparatively new
e ycz von a
,v 1j ,Jt, d, la, ? ` *)
An original drawing contained in a sealed
envelope and copied telepathically by Stefan
Ossowiecki, a Russian Jew who was one of
the earliest practitioners in psychic and para.
normal experimentation
science and it can only be developed by
a free exchange of ideas with inter-
national bodies. American research in
this field is nowhere near as advanced
or intensive as In the USSR, but at least
American scientific studies are freely
available for others to study. It is also
fairly certain that only among the
East European Communist States is
psychic espionage being developed and
put on a military basis. So Israel's
espionage in this field is mainly direct-
ed to that quarter.
The Israelis have found that there is
widespread indifference and scepticism
In Western Europe about the develop-
ment of psychic espionage, even if in
the USA there is a little more enthus-
iasm. But Dr Milan Ryzl, a scientist
who lived in Prague until 1967, when
be went to the USA, has made it quite
clear that he regards Soviet experiments
in this direction as menacing: "The
military and the secret police in the
USSR display an unusual, disproportio-
nate interest in parapsychology. Some
years ago a project was begun in the
USSR to apply telepathy to indoctrinate
and 're-educate anti-social elements.' It
was hoped that suggestion at a distance
could induce individuals, without their
being aware of it to adopt the officially
desired political and social attitudes....
The dangers of possible misuse of PSI
should not be overlooked."
The Israelis have not overlooked this
and they probably now have a closer
Insight into what the Russians are
doing in psychic espionage than any
other nation. "This Isn't just a question
of telepathy or ESP alone;" my Israeli
contact told me. "The USSR is spend-
log vast sums of money in developing
research and experimentation in some
very sinister directions. Their telepathic
research, for instance, Is being devoted
to what they call the transference of
behaviour impulses-the subliminal con-
ditioning of a person's character. We
know they are concerned with develop-
ing this technique to try to control
agents and even to create traitors.
There Is some evidence that they have
experimented with this technique In the
Middle East.
"One young Israeli who was studying
at a European university was marked
down by the KGB as a possible candi-
date for 'subliminal control.' He was
Invited to various telepathic seances
organised by a Bulgarian and he at once
suspected something devious was being
practised on the participants. In these
seances -a third person was Introduced,
known so 4 g?Interpolator.' Be was
t Oriily buy '.a