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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500160001-1
After one of us was suddenly confronted with a case of
deformation of a metal specimen without apparent action of an
external force*, we considered it our obligation as metallur-
gical investigators to attempt systematically to study pheno-
mena of this type. Thus we contacted J. P. Girard, who
reputedly could produce "abnormal" effects in metals and
* Sciences et Avenir, No. 345 (November 1975) , 1108.
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other less satisfactory tests, since it would have been in-
correct to present too optimistic a selection. In these pre-
sentations, and to. expand the information on J. P. Girard, we
also showed films of various external origins and also of
unequal value. French and foreign illusionists observed cer-
tain presentations. They helped to firm our opinion on certain
points. One of them discovered a sign of fakery on a film
which J. P. Girard had obtained for us without telling us that
it had been faked. The opinions gathered in the course of all
these discussions helped us in the critical study of our docu-
ments, and in various checks which we have run since. J. P.
Girard agreed to some control experiments, at least one of
which is very interesting*. All this was time-consuming, and
explains the long delay between our first tests and the ap-
pearance of the present article. However, we believe that
this critical study has gone on long enough, if not too long,
and that the time has come to publish the most typical of our
The selection which we present therefore is the result of
prolonged screening work. Of 150 test specimens which J. P.
Girard deformed or transformed before us or our colleagues,
there are only twenty or so for which we might be able posi-
tively to affirm the "abnormal" character of the observed
effects. In the course of this article, we describe eight of
these most typical cases. However, we must point out that,
among the tests eliminated, the majority were certainly valid,
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but we rejected any demonstrations which did not follow a pre-
determined mode of operation. Thus our screening process was
too severe. Other tests with extensometers will be published
Our concern for rigor thus eliminated quite remarkable
observations on deformations at a distance, deformations of
objects or test specimens in the very hands of observers of
undoubted integrity, or of objects held in turn by J. P.
Girard and by an observer.
The tests which we are about to describe were performed
under our personal responsibility, with the authorization of
Pechiney-Ugine-Kuhlmann. We wish to thank those colleagues
who assisted us in the tricky study of this controversial
field, particularly J. Rauch, G. Jollant and B. Dubost. We
also wish to express our appreciation to Professor J. B.
Fasted, professor of physics at Birkbeck College of London
University, for kindly having sponsored a test in his laboratory.
Pending of metal test specimens
So that J. P. Girard could not surreptitiously bend a
test specimen, we often used fairly thick bars of various
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metals, particularly aluminum and light alloys (bars 250 to
350 mm long and 8 to 17 mm thick), but also copper, mild steel,
stainless steel and magnesium. We determined the forces
(bending moments) necessary to bend our specimens by measure-
ments and calculations. To be able to compare the values of
resistance of the specimens to the forces to which they could
have been subjected if fakery involving surreptitious bending
had been used, we determined the maximum moment that a man can
develop by grasping a bar in both hands and exerting all his
force... which does not go unnoticed. For this we used a
dynamometric wrench with handles, 400 mm long, which we had
numerous persons try. Depending on'the individual, the maxi-
mum moments varied from 20 to 38 N.m. The median was around
25 N.m. J. P. Girard developed 26 N.m with a,very visible
effort. These values were confirmed by direct tests on the
bars. We shall discuss one such example below (session of
October 27, 1976).
It is out of the question to describe all these tests
here, or to present a critical review. For this article, we
have chosen the two most typical tests:
Session of March 31, 1976,
at the Centre Technique de l'Aluminium.
J. Rauch and G. Jollant, with an assistant for video recording.
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During this session, in a room close to that in which
J',. P. Girard was waiting, G. Jollant took a bar of duralumin
hardened to AU4G alloy of state T4 (quenched, matured). The.
bar was 250 mm long and 8 mm in diameter. Its fairly high
critical bending moment (15 N?m) ruled out the possibility
that it could' be bent without visible effort. G. Jollant
rolled it on a table, confirmed that it did not have any
roundness defects, marked it and placed it in a glass tube
which he sealed with a stopper. This is the only time that
we were able to arrange that J. P. Girard did not touch a
bending-test specimen before it was enclosed in a tube.
G. Jollant carried the closed tube to J. Rauch, who gave
it immediately to J. P. Girard. From this moment, everything
was filmed. The stopper, or the bar in the tube, or both,
were always visible. After having concentrated and having
declared that he -felt something, J. P. Girard returned the
tube, still closed,''to J. Rauch. J. Rauch opened the tube,
removed the bar -- which was visibly bent -- and placed it on
the table and then on a flat bar, so as to highlight the de-
flection, which was thus made very visible. This deflection
was'2 mm.
Session of October 27, 1976,
at Grenoble.
J. Bouvaist and B. Dubost.
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Here we describe the test performed on the largest bar.
This was a bar of 17 mm diameter and 300 mm length, consisting
of AU2 alloy (with 2.05% Cu) in the T4 state (quenched in cold
water and matured for one year). This bar had been provided
with marks engraved in, the body. The positions of small
characteristic defects had been observed. It had been trans-
ported to the experimental station in a vehicle other than
that which brought J. P., Girard, and it was the only one of
its kind in the experimental lot.
This bar had previously been subjected to bending tests
by very strong men, and only one 300-pound individual had
been able to produce a small but significant deformation of
this bar, after coating his hands with magnesia (deflection
of 0.6 mm, corresponding to an applied moment of 38 N?m).
The bending plane had then been marked by scratches at the two
ends. Later tests'had permitted us to verify that an average
man could not increase this deformation, even by using a
support at the center of the bar and bringing his entire weight
(140 pounds) to bear on the two ends.
During the test, the Lwo investigators were seated on
opposite sides of J. P. Girard, approximately three feet from
him. J. P. Girard worked in shirt sleeves, with the sleeves
rolled up and unbuttoned. Ile produced four deformations of
this bar in succession, by holding one end in his right hand
and gently stroking the free part with his left hand (defor-
mations (1 and 2), or by,holding his left hand 5 cm above the
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specimen (deformations 3 and 4). After each deformation, one
observer recorded the profile of the specimen, while the other
remained close to J. P. Girard. The two largest deformations
0 and 4) could be followed visually. They both occurred
downwards over an interval of 10 to 20 seconds. After each
deformation, it was verified that no heating was detectable
by manually touching the bar, and that the deformations pro-
duced effortlessly by J. P. Girard were all in the same plane
(at an angle of 34? relative to the initial bending plane men-
tioned above), marked by the scratches indicated above.
These scratches also permitted the observers at each instant
.to verify that the same bar was always in view. Immediately
after the experiment, the specimens were locked in a briefcase
and taken to the laboratory.
We now describe the laboratory examinations:
First of all we verified in the laboratory that all the
.marks, scratches and defects initially present on the bar were
present on the bar returned from the experiment, thus permit-
ting us to affirm unequivocally that there had been no substi-
tution of the specimen. Figure 1 shows a photograph of the
bar after the experiment.
The following examinations were aimed at characterizing,
in non-destructive fashion, the modifications introduced into
the bar, and more particularly into section A, which corre-
sponds to the maximum curvature. We noted:
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Photograp:i of the AU2 bar of 17 mm diameter
after bending. Scale in centimeters.
- a significant hardness of the two fibers
located in the bending plane, attaining a maximum of 11 points
Vickers (i.e. 27%) in section A, which corresponds to the
maximum curvature. The length of the zone where the hardness
was greater than the initial hardness is ca. 120 mm (60 mm
on both sides of section A).
- in section A, and perpendicular to the bending plane,
the hardness measured at the circumference is maximum in the
bending plane, and varies linearly with height relative to the
neutral line, as in the case of simple bending.
To determine the moment which would have to be applied by
mechanical bending of the bar to obtain the observed permanent
deformation, we subjected a reference bar identical to the
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10041- - Calibration curve
jl =17em
L = 300 ns
R1 = 63 IN
R a = 162 IN
Me' = 30 to
A,5= 26,8 %
'75 IiT
'70 In
, nm Strongest men
Average men
using two-handed
A- -4-
Diagram of deformation as a function
of applied moment for a, reference bar
identical to that of Figure 1.
test bar to mechanical bending with a distance of 200 mm be-
tween fixed supports. The variation of residual deformation
pleasured as a function of applied moment is shown in Figure 2.
We can thus deduce that, to obtain the deformation observed
for the bar bent by J. P. Girard (deformation = 13.5 mm), a
moment M of ca. 75 N?m would have to be applied. This is two
and one half' times the critical moment Mc = 30 N?m, and twice
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the moment exerted by the strongest man we tested. The total
deformation energy can be calculated as 11 J.
The preceding results permit us completely to rule out
the hypothesis of surreptitious deformations of muscular origin
which would have escaped the notice of the observers. More-
over, the fact that "normal" consolidation of the deformed zone
was observed permits us to rule out the surreptitious use of
thermal or chemical means which had locally diminished the
mechanical strength of the alloy.
Finally, the group of observations made during and after
the experiment on the duralumin bar deformed by J. P. Girard
in the experiment of October 27, 1976, permits us to conclude:
- that the successive deformations achieved were not, and
could not have been produced by application of the normal mus-
cular force of the subject;
- that the final deformation obtained is comparable at
all points to what would be obtained by applying a point force
.of 1500 N to the center of the bar resting on two supports.
Tests on stainless steel in closed tubes
Materials and operating conditions
During a session at the Centre Technique de 1'Aluminium
on March 25, 1976, martensitic transformations, with or without
deformation, of test specimens were observed in front of three
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investigators (C. Crussard, J. Rauch and G. Jollant) and four
other spectators. These specimens had been obtained from a
casting of austenitic stainless steel of special, non-
commercial composition, which had previously been used in a
study of martensitic transformation by deformation. This
casting contained essentially: Cr = 17.8%, Ni = 7.4%, Mn =
1!,.56%, Si = 0.36%, C = 0.050%, N = 0.034%.
Two test specimens remaining from this study were used
for our purposes. They were cylindrical bodies (diameter 7
mm and length 85 mm) with smooth heads of 12 mm diameter.
These specimens had been subjected to quenching in air at
111050?C (1 hr in salt bath), finish machining and nitrofluoric
attack, giving the body of the specimen a satiny appearance.
The resulting structure is amagnetic, except for some parts
f the surface layer of machining. The martensitic transfor-
mation points in this state.are: Ms = -40?C and Md = +90?C.
These specimens had been entrusted to J. P. Girard for
few days. At the start of the session, they were marked
with an electric pencil with large figures, Nos. 2 and 3, sur-
rounded by an irregular circle. Another specimen, marked No.
1 in the same way, was used for another non-significant test,
and will be used again later for a simulation control experi-
ment. Its mark can be seen in Figure 5. This was the first
time with J. P. Girard that we used specimens of this type and
marked them in this manner. It was these specimens marked in
this way that were recollected at the end of the test under
conditions which we shall see: there was no possibility of
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After marking, one of us (C. Crussard) verified the
straightness of these specimens Nos. 2-and 3 by rolling them.
There was no "out-of-round". He also verified their magnetic
state. For this purpose, a rapid and simple method of evalu-
ating the magnetization from point to point consists in using
a small, powerful horseshoe magnet of Ticonal (pole areas
7 x 4 mm2, spacing 8.5 mm) suspended at the end of a small
chain. To perform the measurement, we start from a position
in which the magnet is in contact with the specimen and the
suspension is vertical. We then pull the specimen away until
the magnet detaches. By measuring the horizontal distance
from the magnet to the specimen at this point D, and knowing
the weight of the magnet (22 g) and the length of the suspen-
sion, we can calculate the force F of separation. During this
verification, which was performed on the center of the two
specimens and on the heads, the distance D defined above did
not exceed 2 to 3 mm, which corresponds to forces F of separa-
tion on the order of 0.01 N. These forces were due to some
traces of surface martensite produced by machining.
After this verification, the specimens were placed on the
table behind which J. P. Girard was operating (with rolled-up
shirt sleeves) in the field of the video camera, which kept
them in view constantly (while J. P. Girard disposed of other
specimens and made an attempt on a bar of light alloy, without
leaving his seat) until the moment when the following experi-
ments commenced:
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(a) J. P. Girard took specimen No. 2 lightly by one head
and, without exerting any force (the film confirms this),
placed it in a tube, closed the tube with a stopper (always in
front of the camera), took the closed tube full in the hand
(',left hand, the stopper always being visible), and concentrated.
He then gave the tube to C. Crussard and, from this moment on,
no longer touched the specimen.
C. Crussard removed the specimen from the tube: it had a
slight but distinct deformation close to one end. The deforma-
tion was visible to the eye, and was verified by rolling the
specimen. A check with the magnet revealed strong local mag-
n',etism close to this same end (see Table I). Since the entire
operation had been filmed, there was no possibility of sub-
stitution. C. Crussard replaced the specimen in its box for
subsequent study.
(b) J. P. Girard picked up specimen No. 3, which had
always remained in view. The operations were the same as for
No. 2, except that a spectator obstructed the camera for a
moment. After J. P. Girard had concentrated, C. Crussard
retrieved the closed tube, removed the specimen and rolled the
specimen. This remained straight, although it exhibited local
magnetism similar to that of specimen No. 2, this time without
deformation. It was also replaced in its box for further
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Preliminary measurements
The next day, C. Crussard evaluated the magnetism and the
deformations. The same magnet was always used for the mag-
netism. The separation forces F defined above are indicated
in Table I (to within ca. 0.01 N).. For the deformations Y,
one of the ends was applied against a straight-edge and the
distance between the other end (inner side) and the straight-
edge was measured. At the start of the test, it was verified
that the specimens "turned round".
Figure 3 very clearly reveals the deformation close to
one head.
Specimen Specimen
No. 2
Deflection from one side yl (mm) 2.5
Deflection from the other side y2 1.7
Average deflection y = yl + y2 2.1
Separation force F of the magnet (N):
one head 0.12*
one end of the cylindrical body 0.15
center 0.02
other end of the cylindrical body 0.02
other head 0.05
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Photograph of stainless steel
specimen No. 2, after the
Laboratory examinations
Various examinations (which, moreover, were destructive)
were performed on specimen No. 2. The bar was sawed electro-
lytically close to the magnetic head. We were thus able to
introduce the magnetic end of the cylindrical part of the bar
Into the coil of a Sigmatest apparatus: the specific magnet-
ization at saturation was 2.8, corresponding to a proportion
of 1.9% magnetic phase (a').
For Specimen No. 3, a non-destructive study with x-rays
revealed a' and c martensites, the :Latter in high proportion,
in addition to austenite in the magnetic zone.
Photomicrographs (specimen No. 2) on the surface polished
mechanically and then electrolytically (Figures 4a and ,4b)
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Photomicrograph of the locally transformed
zone of stainless steel specimen No. 2:
(a) near the surface; (b) at the core.
revealed a mixture of c and a' martensites. By
with the previous studies on this steel, we can
these structures have neither the appearance of
affirm that
a martensite
obtained by cooling, nor that of a martensite produced by de-
sensitization of austenite by heating it. It can only be a
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martensite of deformation (with some traces of martensite due
to preparation of the polished surface). The martensite den-
sity seems fairly uniform over the entire section. Despite
the uncertainty which always results in photomicrography due
to the choice of fields, Figures 4a and 4b exhibit comparable
appearances at the surface and at the core. The quantity of
martensite observed in these photomi.crographs corresponds to
that obtained in this steel by tensile deformations of 5 to
1,0%%. Thus it. is much higher than what would correspond to the
slight bending deformation observed (Figure 3). Its position
is very surprising.
Simulation tests
The local magnetism of the head of specimen No. 2 could
not have gone unnoticed in the verification performed before
the test, particularly on the ends.
Nevertheless, since two assurances are better than one,
we asked ourselves if we could imagine a metallurgical pro-
c,ess capable of producing these localized martensites while
leaving the specimens quite straight or only slightly bent.
Since the martensite involved here is the result of work-
hardening, it was necessary to operate by deformation. The
closest method of reproducing this position close to one head,
with this abundance, is alternating bending. We ran tests on
another specimen (No. 1), which initially was non-magnetic.
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It was necessary to clamp one head in a vise, and bend the
specimen by about 300 and then restraighten it. Then, however,
because of the special properties of this steel, the specimen
had a very visible S-shape (Figure 5). To restore the straight-
ness, it would be necessary to machine a die and recompress
the specimen with a press! Another difference: in specimen
No. 1 treated in this way, the magnetism of the end of the
shaft is comparable to that of specimen No. 2, but the head
is not magnetic, which is obviously normal.
Stainless steel specimen No. 1 after a
simulation test.
A photomicrographic examination of another specimen which
was bent even more strongly and then restraightened revealed
martensite of work-hardening, but with a very distinct hetero-
geneous distribution: the density of martensite is lower at
the heart than at the surface (Figures 6a and 6b), which is
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..?' .-.
Photomicrographs similar to those of Figure 4, but for a
specimen subjected to a similation test: (a) near the
surface; (b) at the core.
normal, but constitutes a difference with respect to specimen
No. 2. To obtain a uniform density in the cross section, and
in the concentration observed, it would be necessary to be
able to exert a tensile deformation localized in the end of
the shaft and in the head (of around 5 to 10% for specimen
No. 2,
and at least 10% for specimen No. 3), without appreciably
altering the diameters of the shaft and head*. A succession
of hammering and molding operations would be necessary, all
Without leaving a trace on the specimen!
In the case of specimen No. 3, we measured a very slight
decrease of cross section (0.5%) in the zone which had
become magnetic. Note that we could also have considered
simulation by torsion. However, we do not see how to
accomplish a localized deformation near a head and in
it by this method.
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The group of observations described above permits us to
- that a local martensitic transformation occurred during
the test on two specimens, accompanied in one test by a small
deformation near one of the heads;
-'that we have been unable to conceive of any simple
metallurgical operation capable of exactly reproducing the
structures observed in the transformed. zones.
Local modifications in hardness of metal plates
This experiment was performed four times by J. P. Girard
in different places and before different observers. During the
first session (October 27, 1976), one of the investigators un-
expectedly proposed a new type of test to him: to harden a
metal plate by trying to "compact" the metal. The experimental
routine used for this test and repeated for the other three,
with some minor exceptions which will be mentioned, was the
following: a duralumin plate of dimensions, composition and
mark known only to the investigator (and different for each
new experiment) was submitted to J. P. Girard. At the
outset, J. P. Girard made contact with the specimen by rub-
bing or stroking it with his fingers under close inspection by
the investigators. The specimen was then placed by the
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iinvestigator in a closed glass tube, after he had verified the
straightness and the marking. The tube was then returned to
J. P. Girard for the test. The specimen remained in the tube
until the laboratory examination. For test 4, the step with
the glass tube was eliminated, since it did not provide any
additional guarantee relative to the initial routine, which
accepted manual contact during the initial phase.
Test materials and operating conditions
The four modified plates all consisted of duralumin in
the T351_state (quenched at 505?C in cold water, stress-
relief stretching of 1.2 to 2%, maturing for at least 48 hr).
Two compositions were used (a quaternary alloy, A-U4SG, of
nbn-commercial composition, and an industrial alloy, 2017).
An anonymous symbol scratched by iron on the metal and dif-
ferent for each experiment permitted the observers unequivoc-
ally to identify the test plate at a glance. Each plate was
taken from a lot of identical plates which had been subjected
to the same treatment, and reference plates from each lot were
kept in the laboratory for comparison and for subsequent simu-
14tion tests.
Table II summarizes the places and the characteristics
of the test materials for the four experiments.
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Table II
Initial characteristics
of the
Oct 27, 1976
J.B. et B.D.
16 x 2.5 x 150
11 - I
Nov 25, 1976
J.B., P.G. et J.G.
14 x 2,4 x 160
11 - J
Nov 25, 1976
J.B., P.G. et J.G.
14 X 2,6 X 160
11 - H
+ ball-tested
Oct 10, 1977
J.B. et J.H.
12 x 3,0 x 160
machining +
Observations during the experiment
During the phase of contact at the ends of the fingers
(ca. 2 min), we observed two successive slight flexures of
the plate (11-I), in opposite directions, with deformations
of +1 mm and -0.5 mm. The specimen was then placed in a glass
tube with a total residual deformation of +0.5 mm (the slightly
convex fiber corresponded to the scratched face). The tube
was then given to J. P. Girard for two periods (5 min).
No flexure before being placed in the tube. Exposure time
3 min.
Specimen 11-H had been shot-peened over the entire length
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Of both faces, to determine whether supplementary local harden-
~ng was feasible. Duration: around 3 min, without deformation.
The specimen VG was held twice by J. P. Girard (exposure
time: 2 times 2 min).
Laboratory examinations
For the four tests, comparative examinations of the
scratched marks, dimensions, weights, and initial impressions
'of hardness of the specimens confirmed that the specimens sent
to the laboratory were indeed those which had been prepared
for the experiments.
After electrolytic polishing, hardness- measurements with
the Vickers microdurometer under 3-kg load (ca. 30 N) were
performed on both faces of the test specimens as well as on
reference specimens kept in the laboratory. The impressions
were produced with a step of 1 to 2 mm (depending on the case).
Duplicate control experiments by different operators working
"iblind" (for tests 2 and 4) led to equivalent results.
The results obtained by this technique, whose two cases
are represented on Figures 7 and 8, permitted us to detect
notable and simultaneous increases in hardness on the two
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Distance to the marked end
50 o 1> l+ryN
Hardnesses measured on both faces of the
light-alloy specimen ll-I, after the test.
opposite faces. The lengths of the modified zones and the
maximum increases in hardness are collected in Table III.
Allowing for the dispersion (characterized by the standard
deviation, indicated in parentheses in the second-last column),
these observations show in completely significant fashion that
modification of the metal had occurred during the four tests.
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Unmarked face
Hardness at half length o before the experiment
+ after
Hardness measured on both faces of the
light-alloy specimen VG, before and after
the test.
We see that the maximum hardenings observed range from
(test 4) to 12% (test 2), and that they are 8% on average.
For test 4, we had made six Vickers impressions at half-
length before the
the hardening had
experiment because, in the preceding tests,
always occurred in this zone, giving hard-
nesses of 1200 to 1210, which permits us completely to eliminate
12 r
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Maximum hardness
l hardness
c in the modified zone
End of
(standard deviation)
11 I
Face 1 1340
1220 (15)
Face 2 (R) 1290
1230 (14)
Face 1 1340
1180 (20)
Face 2 (R) 1310
1200 (21)
11 - H
Face 1 1420
Face 2 (R) 1380
Face 1 (R) 1270
1200 (7)
1210 (15)
Face 2 1290
1200 (9)
1200 (10)
the hypothesis of a pre-existing heterogeneity of hardness.
We should note in passing that this test is particularly in-
teresting, since it was performed in England, in the laboratory
of Professor J. Hasted, and that the hardnesses were remeasured
"blind" and confirmed in an independent English laboratory at
the Electrical Research Association.
Two techniques were used to detect possible differences
in longitudinal residual stresses of the modified zones. The
technique of surface measurement by x-ray diffraction (sing tU
method), used on specimen ll-I, indicated a large modification
of the longitudinal residual stress on the two opposite faces
of the modified zone: in fact, we observed a residual stress
of -80 MPa on the unmarked face (slightly concave) and of +80
MPa on the opposite fiber (marked). At the unmodified ends,
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we found the initial stress condition which is normal for this
metallurgical state (T351), i.e. oR = 15 MPa.
This point was confirmed by measuring the relative defor-
mations produced on face 2 of specimen 11-J by progressive
chemical shaping of the entire opposite face (1). By this
technique (the Rosenthal-Norton technique), we observed a
large and significant variation of the gauge situated verti-
cally above the modified zone, although a gauge situated on
the same fiber, 25 mm from the'modified zone, exhibited normal
behavior similar to that of the two gauges situated on the
reference. We can therefore conclude without ambiguity that
the local modification of hardness is associated with a local
modification, of the residual stress condition of this zone.
The specimens modified during tests 1 and 2, together
with.the corresponding reference specimens, were examined by
the transmission electron microscope (100 kV). Thin laminas
parallel to the surface and carefully machined down to avoid
any deformation were sampled at half' thickness and on the two
opposite faces of the modified zone of specimen 11-I, and also
the modified surface zone (face 2) of specimen 11-J.
In both cases, we observed that. the modified zones ex-
Iibited a characteristic microstructure consisting of a very
high density of small dislocation loops with diameter of ca.
2100 A (Figures 9a, l0a and 10b). At. half thickness, the
density of loops was less, but was significantly greater than
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11.1 j face 1
modified zone I HV = 1340
11.1 j face 2
modified zone I HV = 1290
Table IV
Density of visible
7,4 . 1013
in the initial metal sampled at the end of the specimen and
from a reference specimen.
In the case of specimen 11-I, we made a comparative count
of the loops which were visible in the (110) section, with
g = (ill] s > 0. After having measured the respective thick-
nesses of the different laminas, we found the results given in
Table IV (average of five fields).
In summary, we observed that the modifications produced
by J. P. Girard on duralumin plates submitted to him simul-
taneously involved-
a surface hardening on the order of 8%, localized on the
two faces of the plates, over a length which can attain 40 mm
and a width of 10 to 15 mm;
- modification of the surface residual stresses in the
modified zone;
- the creation, in this zone, of a particular micro-
structure, consisting of a very high density of small dis-
location loops (diameter = 200 A);
Relative density com-
pared with reference
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- the absence of macroscopic bending deformation (except
for test 1 -?- see above).
Simulation tests
As in the case of stainless steel, we searched for double
assurance by trying to conceive of simple methods of defor-
mation which could simulate the preceding states.
Let us note first that the electron photomicrographs show
that the Guinier-Preston zones are not dissolved and are the
same at the end of the test as during the original state. This
rules out any simulation by thermal treatment, specifically by
surface heating (inductive or radiative). We were therefore
led to conceive of mechanical simulation tests.
Considering that manual contact had been permitted during
the first step of the experiment, we could ask whether a sur-
reptitious operation of alternating bending in the plastic
domain might: be sufficient to lead to the observed modifica-
Alternating bending tests on reference specimens permitted
us to see that it was necessary to introduce a total plastic
deformation of at least 5% by alternating bending to obtain
hardening on the order of that observed previously (ca. 8%).
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?~" ' ? t.-" ..r. 1, "
I. "l
~3u[ c, eu nvpp ~. 0. 1 um
.. ~.,:_'~.r.Cs ~`7t~~,.rd~.`d....: ;'-?. ~' ~..~:... ..~.:.:.r~L`-y.L.. i'!~x~:.Y...w...~~.w.r,?_.7+'.'.:'a'.. ~.-. . !. r.:-.
Thin-film electron photomicrographs and electron-diffraction
diagrams of the light-alloy specimen 11-I: (a) hardened sur-
surface zone; (b) non-modified part. Contrast conditions
identical in both cases.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500160001-1
r i x ~' y
~~ Y ?~ M 7
a) Specimen 11-1, test with J. P. Girard, face 1.
c) Specimen for simulation by shot-peening.
b) Specimen 11-1. test with J. P. Girard, face 2.
? ~ "s -
ejA r~ r
Electron photomicrographs of modified surface
n',ification 64,500 (before reduction).
zones, at mag-
F,or this it 'would be necessary to bend the specimen very
strongly until a radius of curvature of 50 mm was attained
(',corresponding to a deformation on the order of 30 mm, which
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is incompatible with the observations made), and then to re-
store it by a deformation in the inverse direction.
However, this simulation did not permit us to reproduce.
the structural state observed in the specimens modified by
J. P. Girard. In fact, electron microscopy of the hardened
zones revealed tangles of dislocations, but not the signifi-
cant increase in the number of dislocation loops.
A local compression test of the referer..-::e plate 11-U was
carried out with the press under 300 MPa (s e = 220 MPa). This
permitted us to obtain hardening of the surfaces in contact
with the stamper and with the table, with values close to that
desired (A HV = 140 MPa). The microstructure was similar to
that observed in the modified specimens (Figure l0d), but had
a lower density of loops. However, we observed a 13% decrease
of thickness and a uniform modification in the cross section
of the structure and in the hardness, which. was not the case
for the specimens "hardened" by J. P. Girard. However, meas-
urements of the thickness of plate 11-J revealed a reduction
in thickness on the order of 2%, perpendicularly through the
modified zone.
A test involving surface shot-peening of the two opposite
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? Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500160001-1
faces of reference specimen 11-M* permitted us to simulate the
essential features of the points which.we were trying to re-
produce: surface hardening A HV of 70 MPa, absence of per-
manent deformation, similar microstructure (heterogeneous in
the thickness, with maximum density of the dislocation loops
close to the surfaces). By this method, however, we obtained
a dull surface with a very different: appearance from that of
the specimens modified by J. P. Girard, and it was necessary
to perform supplementary polishing to return to a comparable
surface condition.
The set. of obs?:rvations and simulations showed that it
would be necessary to exert a compression force on the plates
normal to the surface, creating a heterogeneous plastic defor-
mation through the section to reproduce the essential features
of the physical peculiarities observed in the metal plates
hardened locally and superficially by J. P. Girard. The
mechanical energy required to simulate such a modification can
be estimated from the test of simulation by compression: 1.6 J.
We can also produce loops of this type by neutron irradia-
* Operating conditions: Matrasur machine; air pressure 7 bars;
capacity 0.85 m3/mm; glass balls (diameter 75 to 110 microns);
duration 1 min.
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The group of observations on the duralumin plates sub-
mitted to J. P. Girard permits us to state:
- that the required hardening was achieved four times
during the test;
- that no simple metallurgical operation known to the
authors permits us exactly to reproduce the different physical
peculiarities observed in the locally hardened zones.
In this article we have described a certain number of
deformations and transformations of metals under particular
conditions. The places where these tests were performed, and
the persons who observed them were varied. The only constant
presence, common to all these tests, was that of J. P. Girard
himself. Thus there was a correlation between his presence
and the appearance of the particular effects observed. It
therefore seems that we have the right to say that J. P.
Girard was part of the "cause" of these effects. However,
during these deformations or transformations, we neither ob-
served nor recorded any use of muscular forces or of physical
effects on his part capable of producing such phenomena.
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It therefore seems that we can accept the "abnormal"
character of these effects, particularly if-we take the fol-
lowing observations into account:
for one of the deformed specimens (see "Session of
October 27, 1976"), the precautions taken to mark it and follow
its deformation by tracing successive profiles are such as to
prove that there was no substitution. The very high resist-
ance of this specimen seems sufficient to preclude any ex-
planation by a purely manual and muscular action;
- for the other specimen deformed in a glass tube (Ses-
s.on of March 31, 1376), the described method of operation
seems to establish that the deformation, although slight, is
quite distinct and was produced while the specimen was in the
- for the cases of local transformation of structure, by
martensitic transformation ("Tests on stainless steel in
closed tubes") or by creation of numerous small dislocation
loops ("Local modifications in hardness of metal plates"), the
described precautions show that substitution did not occur.
The production of these effects in a tube or with light con-
tact rules out any "normal" explanation. Even if substitution
had occurred, it would be necessary to note that we were com-
pletely unable to reproduce all the physical peculiarities of
the transformed pieces, nor could we conceive of any simple
metallurgical operation capable of doing so. Our simulation
tests actually did permit us to reproduce the new structural
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elements produced during the tests with J. P. Girard. By com-
bining several of these actions of simulation in complex
fashion (incidentally, such actions would have left marks on
the specimen), we would perhaps be able to simulate the local
texture and arrangement of these structural elements, but we
would produce-much larger variations in dimensions than those
observed, which are very slight or zero. The localized char-
acter of these transformations is surprising.
These experiments make up part of a group of much more
numerous tests, which we have screened and subjected to pro-
longed critical study under the conditions described in the
introduction. Within this group, we also had tests in which
nothing happened, and others in which we clearly observed
muscular efforts, in addition to effects which were positively
It is just as well to emphasize that the observed effects
exhibit a certain reproducibility: the deformations of bars
were produced many times, the local martensitic transformations
twice, and the local hardenings four times. The last of these
four tests, performed in the laboratory of Professor Hasted,
is the most significant, since it involved a measurement of
the hardness before the test in the zone where hardening was
subsequently produced, and because the increase in hardness
was verified in two independent laboratories, of which one
English laboratory was working "blind".
In no one of these tests did J. P. Girard produce unknown
structures. The structural modifications observed are similar
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to those produced by certain types of deformations. Their
distribution, is normal in the case of simple bending, but
abnormal in the transformations without deformation or with
slight deformation.
If these effects had been produced by application of
forces, the work to be expended in the case of the largest
specimen would have attained around 12 J. The corresponding
enthalpy increase would'be 2 to 3 J.
In this article, we by no
means intend to impose our
conclusions as complete scientific truths. However, we be-
lieved that it was our obligation objectiveJy to describe the
conditions and the results of these. experiences. We have not
found an explanation for the observed effects, either in _
modern physics or in possible fakeries. Perhaps someone else
will be able to conceive of such an explanation.
The above article was written following experiments re-
vealing the abnormal behavior of metals or alloys in the pres-
ence of J. P. Girard. I can assure that these experiments
were performed with great scientific rigor, such as to elimin-
ate trickery as much as possible. However, several of these
experiments are not convincing, since the possibility of
fakery always remains.
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Many phenomena are rejected by the learned world because
they are regarded as irrational. However, it does not prove
scientific honesty to refuse a priori to try and observe these
phenomena and monitor them in isolation, in the search for
Several scientific personalities did not hesitate to
participate in the experiments of J. P. Girard, simply to
"see" them objectively. I personally had this opportunity,
and I have sometimes been troubled by these experiments which,
as one of us has said, put us physicists in a very uncomfort-
able situation.
Of all these experiments, most of which were recorded on
film, with a considerable luxury of'controls, only those which
form the subject of this article were kept by C. Crussard and
J. Bouvaist. Until proof'to the contrary, it has not been
possible to give a rational explanation of the transformations
observed and described -- although naturally this does not
mean that such an explanation will not be found in the future.
It appeared interesting to the authors of the article to
publish their observations, knowing well that they would be
faced with fairly general scepticism -- but their decision
should be regarded as no more than the desire to obtain infor-
mation on phenomena which are obviously inexplicable at the
present state of our knowledge.
For my own part, I agreed to add these few lines -- having
had the opportunity to follow these experiments quite closely
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-- simply to give my guarantee of the scientific rigor with
which they were carried out by the authors. Too many factors
are still undetermined for it to be possible to give a valid-
interpretation of the results.
J. J. Trillat,
Member of the Academy of Sciences.
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