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Release 2Q&1/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R00{ 00130073-5
Investigation of Cosmic Rays on Atlantic Voya e
An ex edition for the study of cosmic rays in the Atlantic area
10 arc
.ing 10 tons of balloons with hydrogen under a pressure of 150 atm. Cosmic 11 ray observations were made with a three-section neutron monitor,-a stabil
ized system of 35 meson and electron-photon telescopes and with strato-
spheric balloons. About 40,000 individual measurements were made on
shipboard and 64 balloons were launched f'or measuring cosmic rays and
stratospheric temperature. The charged component was registered with a
crossed azimuthal telescope which made it possible to use 35 channels for
registry of the soft and hard components from different directions at
angles 0, 45, 55, 65, 70 and 76? to the vertical. Six additional'channels
were used for checking telescope operation and determining random coinci-
dences. A neutron monitor was used for studying the planetary distribution
of cosmic ray intensity. It was an IGY monitor with Simpson geometry con-
sisting of three sections, each with four SNM-8 counters. The statistical
error for the monitor was about +0.7 percent during 2 hours of registry.
It was calibrated using a'radium-beryllium neutron source. Sixty-four of
74 balloon launchings were successful (complete data for each launching
are given in a table). The collected information will make it possible
to find the barometric coefficients for different cosmic ray components
and estimate their dependence on the energy of primary particles in the
range 1-20.109 eV.
(Abstract: "Investigations of Cosmic Rays in the Atlantic," by L..I.
Dorman;. Moscow, Geofizicheskiy Byulleten', No 21, Izd-vo "Nauka,",1970,
was organized by the Siberian Institute of Terrestrial Magnet sm,
s here and Radio Wave Propa ation. The vessel returned to Leningrad on
A out 0 tons of special cargo had to be carried, includ-
departed from Riga on the "Kislovodsk" on 26 November 1967. The expedition
i T
pp 51-55)
Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130073-5
JWd efease 21/03126 C1A-RDP96.-00787R000013.0073-5
Cosmic Ray Expedition
mmendations of the Section on Cosmic Rays
Mathematical Sciences L. 1. Dorman.
.expedition was organized by the i
tism Ionosphere and Radio Wave ro a gat on Si er an ep_armen ?a emy
of Sciences USSR; the sc enti-fic director was Doctor of Physical and
the period of low solar activity over t e
ian Institute of Terrestrial Magne-
. Council on the rrooi-em ~U~~~,1~ .,may ~, --?- - - -
for investigating the distribution os the intensity of cosmic rays during
U territory of the USSR. The
e reco
In accordance with t
and Radiation Belts of the Soviet Geophysical Committee and the Scientific
vi __ AXnedition was organized
f h edition took place during July-October
of cosmic rays were ou
.plicities were found for the generation of secondary particles of different
correlation coefficients between pr. ma y
d '(including for oblique telescopes); total multi-
stratosphere were made with balloons. Investigations of the distribution
.of cutoff rigidities important for study of the world picture were made;
i r and different secondary components
try; a complex counter telescope with
of the h1.-meson, electron-photon and general componejts. Measurements in the
Irkutsk. The apparatus included two
24 different channels for the registry
Don, Sea of Azov), Tbilisi.-Ashkhabad-Kus
tron monitors.with different geome-
1965 along the profile r u
,.(Arctic Ocean), Murmansk-Kandalaksha (White Sea - Baltic Canal; Volga,
1,1. -Tashkent-Alma-Ata-Novosibirsk-
The first stage o , t e
p Dudinka
k-Krasnoyarsk (along the Yenisei),
I k t
tion coefficients and tots mu t p
p:cocessed for finding the spatial distribution o cosm y,9
1 1 i 14c4ties of generation of secondary parti
01 LRe UIVLItwL? ..__-a
measurements were made in the stratosphere with balloons. These data were
C is ra s the correla
-under conditions c ose p 9 .
series of tests made it possible to find measures for.improving operation
moms with a telescope and
monitor was designe
1 to tro ical a high temperature and humidity. A
d for work in the Arctic at low temperatures and also
September 1966. The route covered the eastern regions of the U
Ust'-Kut9 then along the Lena River to Tiksi, then by the Northern Sea Route
through Bering Strait into the Pacific Ocean to Vladivostok. For this stage
of the investigations a special expeditionary 12-counter neutron monitor was
. ---- t--2-- ._. -1--1. 1.. --rnein0 Saetions. The
..Of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L. I. Dorman was in August-
VCR Irkutsk
The second stage in the expedition for investigating the distribution
of cosmic ray intensity over the. territory of the USSR, organized by the
Siberian-Institute =of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave
Siberian Department Academy of Sciences USSR under the direction
by the committee. They are also to be publis e n
Investigations Under International Geophysica roj ec 9
d 4 the 3'ournal "Nuovo
The total resu s
tary Issledovaniy po Mezhdunatodnym Geofizicheskim Proyektam (Results of
p ts) a series published
of the expedition will be published in the Rezul
timenLu ~~Layyi.
(Complete translation: "Throughout the. Soviet Union," unsigned; Moscow,.
6 )
Geofizicheskiy Byulleten', No 20_,__19-69, pp 66-
50 1 26 M1y 70 S S rtlo L2 '~ PP
Approved For Release 2001/03/26 CIA-RDP96-00787R00050013.0073.5
1 A cved For Rase 2001/03/26 :CIA-RDP96-007 7R0005001~00 3-5
it is / 0.2%.
Cosmic Itay Station t Irkutsk z z r' 4122
The Irkutsk cosmic ray station includes a neutron supermonitor (3
sections), azimuthal telescope (four telescopes of cubic geometry), a 42
channel automatic recording system and an auxiliary recording device. The
mean value of the supermonitor (operative since 1967) intensity is 506,000
pulses/hours; for the azimuthal telescope it is 2+6,000 pulses/hour. The
instrument error for the supermonitor is / 0.35%; for the azimuthal telescope
(Abstract: "Technical Data for the Cosmic Ray Station at Irkutsk", by 2.
A. Kovalecn o and L. A. Shapovagva.; Apatity, Trudy 6-y Vses. Yezhegodn.
imn. Shkoly po }C 25sbofz ,, Part 2, 1969, p. 129)
flrom: Moscow, Referativnyy Zhurnal, Geofizika, Svodnyy Tom, No. 3, 1970,
Modification of Dipoles for Rocket Measurements
This article shows wind profiles to altitudes of 32 km obtained on
22 April 1968 using N5, CJ-5/1 and CJ-5/2 dipoles. The author describes
the merits of a new type of dipole (CJ-5/2) in comparison with type N5 used
earlier. The new type is a standard wind sensor for Polish meteorological
rockets. A method for designing-dipoles for wind measurements is described
on the basis of the new type (CJ-5/2) of dipole.
(Abstract: "Modification of Dipoles for Rocket Measurements), by Jacek
Walczewski; Warsaw, Wiadom. Sluzby Hydrol. i Meteorol., 5, No. 3P 1969,
p . 53-59)
/Prom: Moscow, Ref erativnyy Zhurnal, Geofizika, Svodnyy Tom, No. 3, 1970,
i F,
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