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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500030002-4
Esotera 28:107-110, Feb 77
/-Article b Scott Hill, biophysicist and parapsychologist,
Alma-Ata, the capital of the Kazakh SSR, was the scene of
an unusual conference in October 1976. Its theme was frontier
areas of science. Only three guests from the Kest were in-
vited. One of them was Esotera staffer Scott Hill (cf. Pic-
ture). In the second part of his report on the research re-
sults of Soviet experts in the frontier areas of biology, ag-
riculture and medicine, he describes their surprising advan-
ces in therapy involving laser techniques.
/Text? According to the definition of the Polish investigator
tzerski, a living organism is "a self-regulating system, equip-
ped with many interlocking and inter-dependent mechanisms. Ab-
sorption of radiant energy creates a disturbance within the
system which results in the activation of these mechanisms."
If we consider the known theories as to how radio waves and
microwaves and other electromagnetic frequencies are absorbed
by tissues, it is apparent that the effect of the wave should
be proportional to its thermic (heat) content. For example,
we know that a strong microwave ^r a radar beam can cause tis-
sues "to cook" within a very short time, even internally.
This is the principle underlying the microwave oven, a house-
hold appliance that is gradually coming on the market. Based
on this model of the relationship between the effect of a wave
and its thermal content, it was estimated that membranes of
nerve cells cannot be stimulated at a field intensity below
the temperature of frequencies above 100 megacycles. Various
experiments (e.g. Bawins and Adey's studies on-the effect of
waves of an intensity of only 1 mw per sq cm /T milliwatt =
one one-thousandth of a watt- ^n the brain of-cats) have
nevertheless yielded results which prompted the pure thermal
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hypothesis to be abandoned. The entire literature concerning
electromagnetic effects on biosystems is actually full ^f
unexplained manifestations.
Surgery with Laser Beams
Although work with microwaves and higher frequencies has been
going on for somei.time, experience with the effect of special
light is just being acquired.
In ophthalmological surgery, the fact that laser beams of
high intensity can be used to destroy certain cells in a
precisely delineated area is already being utilized. If
the beam is strong enough, a cell or part of an organ of which
the absorption corresponds to the laser can be vaporized with-
out so much as warming the surrounding cells. This procedure
is used in treatment of retinal diseases, to "bore" tiny holes
in tissue and to carry out similar surgical procedures. With
the use of microscopic lens systems, the light beam can be
very concentrated and its diameter can be kept extrerrel-y small.
However, this is the extent to which laser beams have been
used to date for medical research and therapy, at least in
the West.
The effect described is again thermal. However, this does
not mean that quite different effects could not be achieved
with much weaker laser light. This idea was enthusiastically
taken up by investigators in the Soviet province of Kazachstan
as early as 1965. However, to date noneof their work has ever
appeared in English.
In October 1976, the author had the opportunity to partici-
pate in an extraordinary conference in Alma Ata, the capital
of the Kazakh SSR, to which only two other guests from the
West were permitted to come. One ^f the principal topics
from the frontier areas of biology, agriculture and medicine
that were on the agenda and about which Soviet specialists
provided detailed reports, was the use of laser techniques
in medical therapy. The first surprise was the amazingly
high level of knowledge of the Russian investigators concern-
ing the effect of electromagnetic fields on the basic proces-
ses of life and reciprocal relationships between life and light
(cf. Part 1 of this report "Healing with Light," Esotera
p 13 ff, 1/77).
Unusual effects have also been reported occasionally with
strong laser beams. In 1965, a Western investigator re-
ported on a case of skin cancer (melanoma) where growth was
checked to some extent by laser light. The report was filed
but it was not pursued any further.
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Skin grafts "took" better if the destroyed or injured tissue
was irradiated with laser light. However, this did not ap-
pear to be related to the incineration or vaporization of the
Plants Grow Better and More Rapidly
Soviet scientists decided to investigate the effect of weak
laser light on tissues and plants.
At present, lasers can be manufactured to give off every color
of the spectrum, even invisible infrared (IR) and ultraviolet
NO. The Soviet scientists discovered very quickly that the
growth of plants can be promoted by laser light. The plants
not only grew more rapidly, but they also were larger and bore
more fruit (yield increment up to 30%). The experimental re-
sults were recorded on film (time-lapse photography).
These experiments could of course be highly significant for
a country that has to import grain. Agricultural testing sta-
tions discovered that the germination period of seed grain
could be reduced by exposing it to red laser light produced
by a gas laser supplied with a mixture of helium and neon gas.
Power was so slight (around 30 mUJ) that there was no rise in
Amazing effects were also observed in the field of medicine.
Large open wounds (purulent abscesses) that had been refrac-
tory to skin grafts or other conventional therapy healed
"magically." Even if only half of the wound was "lasered,"
the entire wound healed.
This technique was clinically tested in USSR hospitals and it
is now in general use.
It would be expected that superficial wounds would be the
easiest to treat. However, pathological conditions involving
internal organs surprisingly present just as good a response.
In some cases the reflex areas used in physiotherapy were se-
lected as the site of laser irradiation. In other cases, lasers
were directed to acupuncture points or special "motor points."
The list of diseases that can be treated with laser light is
growing daily.
Paralysis Heals in Laser Light
Facial paralysis, a condition.for which there is otherwise
scarcely any therapy also responds to laser treatment. But
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500030002-4
how much radiation is correct, how frequently and where?
The Russian scientists decided to use acupuncture points to
find an answer.
First, comparisons were made of the voltage conditions of the
facial acupuncture points on the left and right halves of the
face in paralyzed children. In the process, a "biological
semiconduction effect" was ascertained and a disturbance in
the balance between the "yin" and "yang" of several acupunture
meridians. This disturbed balance was corrected by the use
of the laser. Voltage differences in the halves of the face
were measured before and after every session. Major distur-
bances required longer and more intensive treatment. Therapy
was completed when the electrical voltage conditions were suc-
cessfully balanced and a large number of the children were
found to be without paralysis!
The idea of using laser beams for medicine was not taken up
only in the Soviet Union. Similar studies were reported from
West Germany,Canada, Hungary and the Scandinavian countries.
However, the technique is still in its infancy. Russian in-
vestigators should nevertheless receive recognition for the
fact that they took the initiative in this new and exciting
area of science.
In West Germany, messerschmidt-Boelkow-Blohm has gone into
the laser acupuncture market. However, it is strange that
the German manufacturers of these apparatus did not appear to
have any knowledge of the advances made in this area in the
Soviet Union. As in the rediscovery of the wheel, they worked
quite independently, developing their own apparatus for the
localization of acupuncture points and treatment with weak
laser light (2 mUi). In 1975 the Cybernetics Division of mes-
serschmidt marketed the "Akuplas" for the steep price of
DM 5000. At that time, it was not precisely known at the plant
whether or not the device would work. Except for the studies
by the German-Canadian Friedrich Plog (cf. Esotera p 1131,
12/75), who never described his investigation results in de-
tailed form, there was no medical experience available in this
In the meantime, according to our information, many German
physicians and practitioners have at least tested the Aku-
plaser in practice. It is hoped that an extensive study on
the results of the therapy will be available in the near
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500030002-4
Picture captions;
P 1081 The Congress building in Alma-Ata, the capital of
the Kazakh 55R (part of the Biophysical Research Institute
of the University of Kazakhstan), meeting place of Russian
frontier scientists.
P 109; The author (in the middle, with beard), with Dr J. Dob-
rowski, Warsaw (far left), the Congress director Prof Inyushin
(left) and Or Wilhelm Schelderup, Oslo, in the Biophysical In-
stitute of the University of Alma-Ata. In the foreground,
Soviet laser LG-75 (24 milliwatts, helium and neon).
P 110: Prof Inyushin, director of the conference at Alma-Ata,
at 35, the youngest biology professor in the Soviet
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500030002-4