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Publication Date:
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 88R000100050001-6
REVIEW ON: 31 Oct 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R04I
Approved For Release 2000/08/0711CNO 000100050001-6
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing
session conducted at the request of the ADCSOPS-HUMINT, INSCOM,
SG1A against a This was the third session
against this particular target (see RV Sessions C51 and C57). The
mission was to locate, identify and report the status of the target
at the given geographic coordinate.
2. (S) The viewer was very relaxed at the beginning of the session
but became frustrated as the session progressed at his perceived
"lack of progress" in reporting valid, useful information. Ambient
room noise was rather loud but the viewer did not seem to be disturbed
by it. There appeared to be some target correlation factors present
but the viewer was still having difficulty in isolating and defining
the target area.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol
(S), undated.
4. (S) Following is the transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by
the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. TAB B will
contain analyst comments when completed.
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#6.5: (Not audible). On-target time is 1030 hours.
Okay, #29, its now 1030 hours and we'll start
our session. The target for today will be the
same one that we've been working on. We want
to go back to that same location. Describe the
activity that's going on. As I mentioned to you
before, some of the data you've already presented
looks interesting. We want to see if we can't
refine some of that data. So I want you to relax.
Let me read you the coordinate for the target.
Now I want you to relax. Concentrate on that
location. And describe what you see.
Let me read that coordinate one more time.
Focus your attention on that point on the Earth
and describe what you see.
#29: Something that's. .
(Not audible).
+07 Okay. Vertical cylinder, narrow, 3-4 inches
diameter with a top on it. (Not audible) and
from the base of the pipe. . . From the base
something which curves up and out. It appears
to be flat. Thing looks. . . shiney. Top is
dull. Looks like a tulip but only in similarity
of parts.
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+09 #29: There's another strong vertical. . . with a
shadow on the ground. It doesn't seem possible.
Either that or the vertical but this
isn't metal. Wood. Its a telephone pole.
#6.5: Okay. This is similar to the other vertical
#29: Height, yes. Diameter, no. First one is . .
narrower on the order. . close order of four or
five inches in diameter. Metal cylinder.
Second one is larger on the order of 8 to 10
inches like a telephone pole would be. Similar
in height. First one, close order of . . say,
20 feet to the top of the mast at the top. . .
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: No! Fifteen . . sixteen, eighteen feet.
Let's see. Second one. . . 30 feet, taller.
Metal thing at the top, spiked, point.
#6.5: On the second one or the first one?
#29: Second one.
#6.5: Okay.
Try to tell me more about the relationship, if
there is any, of these two.
#29: Not.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Analytical guess - antennas. Have the . . .
isolated. Stick it in the field, you know, by
+11 Flat area.
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#29: Very early I had the feeling of a figure at a
distance. Optical illusion box. Remind me of
optical illusion box and figure and I'll draw it.
#6.5: Um hm.
Do you feel that you're in the same area that
you were in before?
#29: That's an analytical answer question.
#6.5: Yeah.
#29: Because I'd have to go back.
#6.5: Okay. Don't worry about it.
#29: Hold that.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Need to dump that off.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: that thought, you know, to go . ? ?
+13 #6.5: Okay. Dump that thought then I want you to
look at something. I'm going to give you
something. I want you to look at it. This
picture I'm going to show you is part of the
target area. I want you to locate that and
describe the area around it.
Now remember that's part of the target area,
the coordinate I gave you. Concentrate on
that object there in the picture.
+16 Large curving wall. I'm looking down on it from
high above. Its a good size segment of a curve
. . of an arch. . Not arch. Arc. White concrete.
Reinforced. Sturdy. Heat. But not right now.
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#29: Something that looks like a star on a rod.
Took two tries at that. Don't like either
+19 Seems to be to the left of the object in the
If you were standing looking at the ting from
where the picture was taken, you'd go to the
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Go to the left.
#6.5: Go to the left.
#29: And. .
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Thirty-fifty feet, something like that.
+24 Behind the structure is a building. Behind. .
Near the building, maybe inside. I've been
trying to go inside that building. There's
something low relative to the height of the
building. If the building is . . . 60 feet high,
total height is 15 feet but its down into the
ground too.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Dome . and glowing.
#6.5: You said dome?
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#29: Yes.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Not . . .
Sense of power. Sense of force. Glowing.
Not neon lights. Electrical. Glowing.
Egg shape. . . top.
Gallery. . . . around it. Inside.
Where is it?
+28 Backwards "E". Huh, not backwards "E". Front-
wards "E". And a long tube, pipe like that with
the "E" supports.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Glass, plastic, shiney, hard. . . hot. Maybe
#6.5: Okay, go ahead.
#29: Glowing! But . . . If you look at it, you see
the pipe. The pipe is . . . but you wouldn't
touch it. Running along.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Supported. Like this.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Covered. I don't know. . . just supported like
that. And probably, here again, but this comes
through strong. And this is dark and . .
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#29: The wall?? No, just the support.
That appears. . . I'm losing it.
I better go back and do this thing.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: I'm losing the pieces.
#6.5: Take your time.
#29: Now. .
Not a true. . sphere. Not a true egg shape.
But its like that. And there is something
that does this. Like seams on a baseball, sort
of. I think pipes, maybe. And there's a large
power tower. Flat metal shape around it.
And the whole thing is glowing. Not glowing.
Bad term. Glowing!
This height, 15, 20 feet. But I have a feeling
it goes down for a ways. Down a good ways.
And this is .
#6.5: Um hm.
. this is near ground level.
#29: Now. Then, I had. . a perception of a rectangular
. . . gallery. A place to stand. And a railing
that I could see was strange because it seemed up
and then bent in. Goes all the way around. I'm
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only going to draw one corner of the thing.
And this is like . . . up and the . . . and
somehow the dome thing sits down here.
And this area out here is relatively dark.
That thing looks little inside. The first
perception of the thing is that it was little.
And then. . . Scrub this drawing.
Way up . . . what's called the space range. .
pipe gallery. No, not a pipe gallery. Grid
work feeling. Grid work (not audible).
Like that. That's tied together and junk like
that and then down. . . way out, way out, way
out someplace (not audible) walls.
I don't know what goes on, but then inside this
thing here is the square and inside the square is
the dome. That's better.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Now. Get that out of my mind.
+35 #6.5: What I want you to do is go back to that picture
now #29 and let's go directly up in the air about
800-1000 feet and look around from that perspective
and describe what you see from directly above the
. . . 1000 feet.
#29: Okay. The . . . first time I did the session, I
did a match stick.
#6.5: I remember.
#29: I don't know whether this is (not audible).
Looking down on the match stick.
There's a collar around it that I hadn't seen
(Not audible).
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#6.5: What's happening?
#29: I added a . . . . okay . ? ?
+40 Order of reading from left to right, match
stick, picture thing, large building. Connected
one, two, three. Or, actually, three, two, one.
At right angles to two, behind it
connected. Semi-cylinder. Shiney. Metal.
Quanset hut shape, but not. Shield, covering.
You know.
Flat cylinder. Fragmented. Fragmented?
Fragmented not corregated.
Down and away . ? ?
#6.5: Relax.
+45 #29: Think. I get staples.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Over a pipe.
Concrete area.
I don't know. I'm guessing.
#6.5: Yeah, well. Relax and why not, you know, from
800 feet up there #29, look down at that picture
and just real quickly describe the images that
flash through your mind that's in like a 360 degree
circle closely by that thing. Don't try to figure
out what it is just . .
#29: I've been trying #6.5.
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EApproved For Release 2000/08/07: CS .
#6.5: I know you have.
11:29: I'm just guessing.
#6.5: Okay, well.
#29: Okay. Image. Two poles loop between, have
a feeling that it goes on. That doesn't help
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: but I can't place it.
#29: I guess that's it.
#6.5: Okay, why don't we stop then. We've been going
over for 45 minutes. You want to go over any
of your comments and see if you can clarify some
or . .
#29: Sure I do.
#6.5: Put them all down. All right. Good, very good.
You were very relaxed although you looked like
you got a little tense there a couple times.
#29: I . . . don't want it to sound like criticism.
Please don't take it that way.
#6.5: Uh huh.
#29: Please, please, please. There. . . There was
implied in the change in method of operation
that there might be a sense of frustration built
in because I'm used to expressing things by draw-
ing them.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: And . . a couple of times I ran into it this time.
It sort of bothered me because I wanted . . I
wanted to draw things so that I can . . . I don't
#6.5: Oh no, that's all right. We. . I think we
explained that you know, we were gonna try to
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9 SE,
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find a happy medium for whatever works best
for you #29.
#29: Okay. Can you lead me back . .
#6.5: Don't feel that you can't draw, you know.
Because I don't, you know, I'm concerned with
. . . whether or not you would then lose some
of your detail, you know, if you didn't and I
think that's what concerns you.
Well, yeah, fine. You know, the. . your first
impressions were of this vertical cylinder,
something that curves up and out.
#29: Oh!
#6.5: Like a tulip.
#29: Yeah. Now. I'm going to draw two pictures
of it.
#6.5: Yeah that was very quickly followed by that
other vertical . . you know, with the shadow
on the ground.
#29: Okay. If you look at a little kid's drawing of
a tulip, he's liable to draw it like this.
Now, what I got . ? . at One was a sense of there
being a large bulbless mass atop a relatively
thin pipe. Came down like this and had a very
shiney, but flat, I think flat, curving member
to it.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Which is why the suggestion came to me, you know,
this to this.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: I couldn't see, because I was standing down
looking up at this thing, I couldn't see whether
this continued around or whether it was a cup
shape or what and I can't tell you that.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: I just got this and that. But I had the feeling
that there was more than one of these other elements
to it.
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#29: The leaf part, quote unquote, of the structure
is not the important part, the important part is
the cylinder and the device at the top of it.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Okay. That's One. Then Two was . . . Between
the two one was more important than two. Two
was this and then this. . . where I had a large
pole with either a ground shadow which doesn't
make any sense or maybe this is some kind of a
horizontal element part of the vertical element
and this seemed to be bigger in diameter and
softer in . . . Okay, this was shiney, metallic,
obviously metal. This one was not and I had the
feeling that at the top of this there was some
kind of a. . a spike. But I couldn't tell how
tall it was and that part of the top was metal.
#6.5: How tall is that, could you tell? Sense?
#29: This was order of . . . . Well, let me do it
two ways. Let me but a guesstimate. . . Let me
put a ratio on it, say this is "X" and then this
is 1.5 "X". Then let me go back to this and say
this is 18 feet and this is . . . yeah, 27. .
#6.5: Okay, sure.
#29: Okay. Next.
#6.5: You ought to come up with a mathematic formula
for masterto work on.
#29: I just did.
#6.5: Okay. But you couldn't see any connection between
the two of those objects?
#29: No. They're sitting out in the field, separated.
#6.5: Yeah.
#29: The tulip one is the important one. The other
one is just there.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Strikes me now, thinking about it analytically,
the second one might be a lightening rafter.
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#6.5: Um.
Okay and then you talked about the . . had a
feeling of some kind of figure in a distance.
#29: Oh, this was a very early thing.
#6.5: Right, well.
#29: I got this. . . and this. And at the distant
end of this. . . a figure. And it struck me
that we're playing to be . . .Is this, you know
the optical illusion thing, which figure is taller
this one or this one?
#6.5: Sure.
#29: Well, because of the fact that its inbetween
these two . . walls, light colored walls, dark
colored figure, it seemed to accentuate the fact
that the figure was smaller.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: I said figure and not person.
#6.5: That's correct.
#29: That may be important. It may only be a man-
shaped thing. . rather than a person. But its
sort of person size and person shape. Looking
back at it, looking back at the object, I remember
seeing a cylinder. . . up . . sort of a spheric
and cylindrical. . . something which might be
described as that. Okay.
#6.5: Okay. Right after I gave you the picture, told
you to look at the photo, you talked about a
curving wall, arch like. . . white concrete.
#29: Okay.
#6.5: Heat, but not right now.
#29: Now, this was an interesting thing because I had
something like that. Something like that and then
I had . . which . . I can't describe except to say
its cylindrical shaped. Tempted to use the word
nozzle. And that . . the things that I was looking
at are like this.
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1129: In analysis, looked like blast reflectors.
But there's a notch between them.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: I saw two. One is tempted to suppose three
and four.
Like that.
#6.5: Okay. I understand what you're talking about
there but. . I'm trying to understand this
feeling of heat but not right now, star like on
a rod. I don't know if those thoughts were
connected or what.
4129: Okay. I had the feeling that. . . I will give
you an analysis but it is not the way I feel about
the subject, okay. If you had a rocket motor test
stand, you'd have the feeling that the thing was
designed to dissapate heat to catch. . to render
harmless. . . a whole lot of heat and blast and
flames and stuff like that.
#6.5: Okay. Okay.
#29: But its designed for that;you have the feeling
its been used for that but its not hot right now.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: The star on a rod. . . are these two drawings,
so I'll call those Five. They are . . outside
of the area that I was working.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Lead to the area that I was working. It may be
that they are conducting down to this . . I don't
know. It may be that the star on the rod. . .
The rod is the important part. The star may only
be a support.
#6.5: Um hm.
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#29: Again, it may not be it may be some kind of a
heat dissapating thing. This feeling is the
whole thing's connected with heat of some kind.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: But I asked myself sort of mentally, is it, you
know, is it like blast and flame like a rocket
motor test stand would be and that doesn't seem
to be right. Doesn't seem to fit.
#6.5: Um hm.
Okay, then you talked about the dome and glowing.
(Not audible). Egg shaped top. Sense of power,
#29: That's this and then Six. And then it sits in
a gallery, that's Seven. Okay. It helps if
you hold it right side up.
#6.5: Oh.
#29: That's a sense of the interior of the structure
where the walls are a good distance away.
#6.5: What structure?
#29: Large, rectalinear building.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: Beyond the . . I'm making mistakes as I go.
Damn it, its a learning experience. But I'm
still making mistakes because I had a large
concrete wall before you showed me the picture.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: I know now it was a large concrete wall. I got
a rectalinear white surface.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: And I didn't put it down.
#6.5: That was nice.
#29: I know.
#6.5: That was sarcastic.
#29: I noticed.
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#6.5: Good.
Okay, about this time, and then you described
I think that "E" shape thing that you have on
one of the things.
#29: Anyplace.
#6.5: Yeah, right there.
I see some on the bottom of your other ones
that you've already labeled.
#29: Okay.
#6.5: The one with the star, okay.
#29: Eight. So that gets to be Nine. Yeah, I had
the feeling that the whole thing is designed
for handling something that's really hot. Hot
is a term which has a whole lot of connotations.
#6.5: Yeah.
#29: Hot ranges from acid inside a plexiglass pipe
. . not plexiglass, glass pipe which has no
significant temperature of itself but will burn
like fire if it gets on anything. . . to various
ranges of chemicals to an actually . . like steam
heat. Steam is hot to hot in the radio-active
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: All I'm getting is a sense of hot and I can't
define it.
#6.5: Fine. That's not up to you to define.
#29: I know.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: I understand that, that's why I didn't try to.
#6.5: Good. Okay. Then I asked you to get up in the
air and look down from about 800 or 1000 feet,
look around and you saw the match stick with a
#29: Okay. Now, I'm very frustrated. ? . frustrated.
#6.5: Well that's not my fault.
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#29: I know that. I'm frustrated because I can't
do what I want to do.
Which is. .go up and take a picture and take
a look at it.
Nine, so this is Ten.
#6.5: This is what I was hoping you could do, or
would do.
#29: I know that.
#6.5: I know you could do it but you're so damn stubborn.
#29: Not fair, 605.
What I did mentally and I'm afraid it is an
analytical process is like connect the dots with
all the elements that I picked up. The only new
element that was added at this point, okay, I'm
saying that this is the large building with the
dome shape thing inside of it. It is connected to
the structure which you showed me the picture of.
It is connected to the match stick which is
surrounded by the blast aflector concrete thing.
At right angles to that and out there, there is
a device which sits inside. . . Device!. . . .
Thing which sits inside, its own little quanset
hut shelter.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Beyond the object in the photograph .
#6.5: (Not audible) Do you want some light?
#29: No.
I can see clearly enough.
Anyway, out in the area beyond this, there's a
quanset hut shape but its not a quanset hut 'cause
a quanset hut is a metallic building. This is
just a half round shelter over something.
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#6.5: Um hm.
#29: That's what I thought anyway. Down here in the
foreground is a large concrete area. Of course
the whole area's concrete but this is just a
cleared off concrete area.
#6.5: Have you got that marked down there?
#29: I just. . Hmm?
#6.5: Okay.
#29: It was . . . helipad. But I don't . . I don't
. . you know.
#6.5: Um hm.
#29: Then from the building going out in this direction
I had a whole . . a whole series of staples which
support pipes.
#6.5: Okay.
#29: And that's all I can do for you.
#6.5: All right, let's wrap it up.
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