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May 11, 1976
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, ~ , : /,9 ~i d .? ' 5a /43 61 :j I !g , X -~ i7 '` I Q L'. l l4 `l (. i S ~+ 14.I) VFORIAL AIM-* 1~ ee 12`.132(7, %I()(' K113, ~i i?H p11>i4CKHN 2 E"ervy Rlzhsky v rouIo :, tiiosrow, 1-110, (r.SI', USSit, I!'ti.~ti. {S ?, .s.. ??-...-wr? v . ,a,T y.a ...,ti r. Dr. W. Reed Crone Managing Editor. PROCEi,DINGS Or THE E r;E .545 Bast 47th Str ee Now York, N.Y., 100 U.S.A. I acknowlegG th I regret to have be We appreciate y preface to be inclu your generally flexi May 11, 107 61 1.. LlAy ctrlw. A. AY 18 10.4`6j 111-2 ? EDITORIAL NEW YORK receipt of your letter of April 9. n unable to answer you promptly, ur consent for the Russian editor's cd in the translated issue. fag well as he three-year term expires that is approach to our translation project. stipulated in the ' a ereement between the IEEE and Mezhlcn iga regarding the Russia edition of PROCEEDINGS. Para. 14 ..of the agreement provides for the possibility of its automatic renewal on a one--ye. r basis if not cancelled by either side. We feel that the renewal of the agreement for a longer period (.say, for another three years) would' provide a. more sound ground for our translation project. We would appreciate it if ,you could let us know at your earliest convenience your ,position on these matters so that appropriate arrangements could be made with the VAA]? (the USSR. Copyright Agency which is at present responsible for copyright transactions) and the Soyuzpechat (the Soviet agency for the aistributi.on of periodicals). In the Janlu ry issue, Theorem 4.b, part b is referred -to on p. 157 (left column, line 19) in the paper by Helton Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080044-6 Approved For Release 01/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROW200080044-6 whereas in fact there is no theorem between Theorem 4. and Theorem 4.7. On p. 154 of the & urne paaper, the last sentence in the paragraph immediately . preco,. ding Theorem 4.3 seems somewhat obscure (what doe; 'tine het"?) . In the paper by Brockett, two different theorems appear under the same heaa-- ing "Theorem 11". Were we right when we denoted the second one as Theorem 12? Though the maxnuscr ipt is now with the printers it will still be possible to make minor corrections. Therefore we would be grateful for any suggestions you may wish to make on the above points. The rub ject of the paper by Puthoff and Targ in the-March issue is indeed extremely controversial, with attitudes rang- ing from frenetic "nonsense" to a mild "perhaps". We are inclined to side with the editors' opinion in Scanning the Issue that the, great care taken by the authors in the design and reporting.4 'the experiment maices their paper worthy of scientific consideration and objective criticism. Unfortunately, for their survey of the state of the art in the USSR (p. 333) they relied only on papers either trans? a_ted or originally published in rglish. As a result, their information is inevitably somewhat incomplete and/or'outd.ated. This may well compromize the entire. paper in the eyes of the Russian- speaking reader to whom Russian publications are available at first hand. It would appear, however, that this survey is intended for the, En lieh-speaking reader and is of minor importance for the pri4cipal subject. In order to reduce the risk of severe criticism, the easiest way out in translating the paper may be one of the following alternatives (in order of increasing preference) : 1) to leave out the names of Soviet institutions while retaining all the references to relevant publications, 2) to present an abridged version of the relevant paragraphs keeping all the essential points and the references made, or 3) to replace the relevant' paragraphs by one or two summarizing sentences referring the reader to literature for the description of Soviet work in this area. Whatever the choice, we shall be prepared to inuert a ' footnote informing the reader Approved ForMelease 81i66?: 6f4- bO" k6 197k0o6i s ' t44 9 Approved For Release 2O1/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R0 200080044J6 iY 1 of thio paper carries an inocription "rrida 4/12173" which appaarr3 to contradict the fact that April 12, 19 7) wao Thursday. Sha).l thdi s -inscription be retained or ?tny notification of the true date be made in the Rursuian edition? It would alr3o be highly' de jirable . to have a footnote to the effect that although the translation editors realize the controversial nature of the, subject they believe, tna.t the autnors well known for their research in electronics have presented a careful deucr4ption of true. facts which deserve consideration and can be used by both F .Sp protagonists and adeverearieu. Sincerely, D. G. Zaidin, Editor in Chief, TITER the Ijussian edition of ..`......y TiM1VYTY IE ~E 4~f \Y,l ,the I~lt(J~La4I. i~v OF TnE Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080044-6