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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1976
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080010-3.pdf119.31 KB
Approved For Release 2p1/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787RO0?200080010-3 ' F } 0 +? ? I r ivA l _.~ 76 Sponsored by- IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Washington Section Wilt, the cooperation of: American Medical Association--.C0rnputei-s in Medicine College of American Pathologists Human Factors Society IEEE Control Systems Society IEEL Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society I n. trument Society of America Operations Research Society of America Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. Approved For Release. 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080010-3 April y -00080010-3 Noveitiber 1 : 2 flOOn 12:30 "Franklyn V, Taylcir A v arcl S54C Outstandin; Con inhu (jolt Award "A Scientific I ook at ESP" --Putioff and Targ (Siff) Chord Foundation Presentation Ncventbe'r 2: 12 noon Guest Speaker: Henry J, 11cintlich, MI). Ball Room Cash Bar Ball Room AWARDS LUNCIII"ON The Frarrl;lYtt 17 7,t 'lor Ateinorial Awarcl for ;lit Best Presentation at tits: 1975 Conference will be presented to Charles A. Rosen, Stanford Research Institute, for his paper, "Computation Requirements for A.1.--Basecl Manipulation Systems." The Sy',tents, Man and Cybernetics Society's Outstanding Contribution Ai.varil will be presented to It, Earle Vaughn, Bell Telephone laboratories, for his system engineering contributions to the introduction of digital switching technology to the nationwide telecomniunications network. As Mr. Vaught; will be out of the country, L, S. Tuontenoksa will be present to receive the award for Mr. Vaughn and will make a short presentation describing Vaughn's contributions 'to (lie (levelopnic nt of the Bell ESS `111 electronic switch, a truly awesome achievement ',vliich is now going into service. Ilarch I'ntltoff and Rus ell Tan* both of St;utft.rt' Research iitstit;ite will make a presentation entitled. "A Scientific Look at I. SP," based on their papi r, "A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer over Kilometer Distances: llistorical Perspective and Recent Research," which appeared in the March 1976 issue of the Ih'EE Proceedings. Bob Lucky, Editor of the Proceedings, introduced the Putlioff-Targ paper by stating: In a series of experiments carried out at Stanford Research Institute, both experienced subjects and inexperienced volunteers were able to describe scenes being viewed at unknown rernote locations by other members of the experimental team.-sometimes with great accuracy, and always under carefully designed experimental protocol.... We realize that marry of our readers will think this an ill-considered decision (to publish this papa), as did one of the engineers we consulted who said, "This is fife kind of thing that I would not believe in even if it existed."... We believe that the authors have been careful and sincere in firer design and reporting of this experiment. Their work deserves scientific consideration and objectit criticism... In any event, the paper itself map be the most readable ever published in this journa" , and few readers will finish without wondering for at least a moment if indeed /ESP aught be possible after all.. 5:00 pm: fast Room--Cash Bar The Chord Lionndation of Washington, D.C. will make a special presentation to the SMC Society to which Al participants are invited. Ball Room PRESIDENT'S LUNCHEON The guest speaker will be Henry J. 1leimlich, MD, whose topic will be, "The Machine as humanitarian." Dr. I lciuilich is known for the Ileinrlicb Maneuver which lias saved lives of hundreds of choking victims. A thoracic surgeon for the past 20 years he has developed systems to be used at surgury to assist surgical pattClttS. Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080010-3