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Approved For Release 2-002/01144 CIA-RDP78-06362A0001 0220002-9 1WWRPND 3 FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Staff Study on Presidential Library Program Attached is a study on the Presidential Library Program. The study concludes with certain suggestions and recd ended action which I feel should be brought to the attention of the Executive Director and possibly the Director. At this point the study is primarily intended to bring you up to date on this program and to seek your guidance on where we should go from here. 2. The focus of the study is on what if anything should be done now to prepare for the Agency's contribution to the Nixon Library. In answering this question the study reviews the Agency's efforts and contributions to the Kennedy and. Johnson Libraries. A careful review of the Director's remarks on the Johnson Library suggests that he was sincerely interested in having the Agency make a meaningful contribution. therefore assume that the Director will expect a similar and perhaps more comprehensive contribution to the Sixon Library. As far as we can determine, neither the Direct 25X1 A his Deputies ever reviewed the final product Nabs S and 3.1) for the Johnson Library, hence we are in no position to judge whether or not the Director was satisfied with the Agency's efforts on this program, The major gaps in the Johnson Library collection as it now stands area (1) there is very little from the Office of the Director, and no records of correspondence, special reports, meetings, etc. between the Director and the President and (2) there Is nothing on OXCART even though this was specifically mentioned by the DCI as a subject he wanted included in the collection. In regards to the OXCART material, we understand that a major history of the program has now been completed and we may wish to ask the DDSIT to earmark a copy of this history and supporting reference material to be act aside for eventual inclusion in the Johnson Library. L nxt t~slcdad is 1 4 171 dcwn;,rMdin a.;d Approved For Release 2002/01/14t 3C A F DF 78 6, 3t R~OO jQQL20002-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: -RDP78-06362A0001'00220002-9 T 4. In assembling information for the study we worked very closely with Hugh Cunningham and he has concurred in our paper. Hugh indicated that the final product for the Johnson Library repre- sents a significant contribution, However, Hugh in quick to point out that the program may have succeeded in spite of itself, as it was a haphazard and unsystematic affair and he endorses our recommen-- datious that we should start doing something now to ease the burden of responding to a call for the Nixon Library when it comes. 25X1 A 25X1 A DDS/SSS/HEP:rf (22 April 1971) Distribution: Orig. & 1-Addressee am 1-SSS Subject 1-SSS Chrono Approved For Release 2002/01F1R 717 `0836'1 &0100220002-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-0636.~A0004Q0220002-9 DTR- 6239 M FOR: Deputy Director fo; Program ho as you know was President Johnson's private retary, and stm confirmed 1. 1 belieme Hal has unwittingly overstated the deet iene lee of the CIA. contribution to the Johnson Library In paragraph three of his covering niemrandum. I have checked theft points with Mrs. Marie Fehmer Chtarodo, pression that the two subjects mentioned are not lacking from the be preserved for the President's flies as a matter of course. Any special reports or other documents known to have been fen the President were also preserved as a matter of course. Meetings which the Director attended 2. All correspondence between the Director and the Pr e also attended by a note taker who wrote them up for Since I had been assured of these points early in the co it n they explain why I did not myself devote special e eentlon to this phase of the subject. . Chiarodo believes that there Is a good deal of information on 25X1 A OXCART In the Presidential files for the reasons cited above. It was In the expectation that the history of OXCART then in progress could be made avails to the CIA. collection for the Johnwn Library that I myself did not try to bring about any other collection Opp ROM on OXCART for theLibrary. I therefore would like to reinforce Ha 's su"estiou that the DD/S&T earmark a copy of this history for inclusion in the Johnson collection HUGH T. CUNNINGI Director of Training cc: C/SSS/DDS Distribution: 0 & 1 - adse 1 - C/SSS/DDS Approved Fj- elease 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-06362A000100220002-9 OTR/HTCunningham: kdc (27 Apr 71) 25X1 A 25X1 A