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Approved For Release 2003/03/05: CIA-RDP80B01676R 04-1fl004Q 3 July 8, 1957 MR. ALLEN DULLES DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY At Governor Adams' request, I am sending you this copy of a revised draft of a letter pre- pared for the President's consideration as you requested. Provided you concur in this text we will proceed with it. A." J. Goodpaster Brigadier General, USA Staff Secretary Gen. Goodpaster advised of the Director's concurrence at 0920 on 10 July 1957. In response to my query he stated it would not be necessary to send him a note of formal concurrence. L0-217 Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100040011-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 The Crusade for Freedom has long enlisted my support. Together with Radio Free Europe and the Free Europe Committee, these organizations provide the peoples of eastern Europe with truth which is basic to the building of a just and peaceful world. Through the Crusade for Freedom millions of our citizens have voluntarily helped to finance Radio Free Europe's broadcasts. The stirring events of the last year are proof that the spirit of freedom is alive in the hearts of peoples everywhere and receptive to the message of Radio Free Europe. I am glad to learn you have accepted the national chairmanship of the 1958 Crusade for Freedom. Now, in asking others to assist you, I hope you will tell them of my deep and continuing interest in the Crusade, a private enterprise which serves the cause of freedom with truth and power. With warm regard, Sincerely, Mr. Gwilym A.. Price President Westinghouse Electric Corporation 3 Gateway Center Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvania Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/05: CIA-RDP80B01676R00410000011-3 R Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Price (Bill): F T Ever since their founding several years ago I have been an enthusiastic supporter of Radio Free Europe, the Free Europe Committee, and the Crusade for Freedom. These organizations work together to provide the oppressed peoples of eastern Europe with the unbiased truth. It is essential that this work continue. Through the Crusade for Freedom millions of private American citizens have helped to finance Radio Free Europe's broadcasts. The stirring events of the last year stand as proof that the same spirit of freedom which is the basis of our free society is alive in the hearts of the captive peoples. Radio Free Europe assures these people of our belief in their cause. It gives me great satisfaction that you have accepted the national chairmanship of the 1958 Crusade for Freedom. I know that you will make the same effective contribution as did the distinguished predecessors in the chairmanship, Henry Ford II and Eugene Holman. In asking others to assist you, you may tell them of my deep and continuing interest in the Crusade as a private enterprise which has so valuably served the cause of the free world. With my grateful thanks and warm personal regards. Sincerely, s/Dwight D. Eisenhower Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 THE WHITE HOUSE WAS "IN G T O N July 19, 1950 As you know, the Free Europe Committee, the Crusade for Freedom, and Radio Free Europe constitute a group of activities that I have enthusiastically supported since their inception some years ago. I have just heard that you have indicated a possible willingness to head up the Crusade for Freedom Drive for another year. I sins erely hope you will find your way clear to do so. Just at this moment, when developments on the other side of the Iron Curtain clearly show that the yearning for freedom remains alive and vibrant, it is particularly important that the Crusade continue its effective work. For maximum usefulness, wide contributions by American citizens and American enterprise are essential in this work. The list of those whom you would propose to associate with you in this work has been shown me. In inviting them to do so, I trust that you will tell them of the deep and continuing interest I take in the Crusade for Freedom because of its proven value to this country and the free world. With my grateful thanks and warm personal regard, Since rely, A 21 Eugene Holman, Esq. Chairman of the Board Standard Oil of New Jersey 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, New York Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100040011-3 CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM, INC. Meeting of the Executive Committee - April 15, 1957 A meeting of the Executive Committee was held in the Board Room of the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York at 2:45 P.M. on April 15, 1957. The following Committee Members and Directors were present: Eugene Holman Arthur W. Page Lt. General Willis D. Crittenberger Dr. Frank Stanton Cecil Morgan Also present were: John M. Patterson Executive Vice President of the Crusade for Freedom Leon F. Lundmark Secretary and Treasurer of the Crusade for Freedom Andre F. Rhoads Director of Field Operations of the Crusade for Freedom George W. Campbell Director of Public Information of the Crusade for Freedom Richard W. Kimball John Price Jones Company Incorporated Allan Wilson Vice President of The Advertising Council Inc. The meeting was called to order at 2:45 P.M. by Mr. Holman, Chairman. Mr. Patterson reviewed the minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings held on August 22, 1956, October 17, 1956 and January 4, 1957, which were unanimously approved by the Committee. Mr. Patterson reported on the progress of the 1957 Campaign including a comparison of personnel for this and the last Campaign; the scope of Crusade's Corporate work; the successful Newspaperboys Campaign with the total circulation of participating newspapers; and the support and assistance given by national Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100040011-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Meeting of the Executive Committee Page 2 organizations. Mr. Patterson gave an interim report of funds on hand and emphasized that more Americans than ever before had been reached by the various methods Crusade employed in the 1957 Campaign, Mr. Rhoads outlined the new plan employed this year by the Federal Govern- merit to combine the scliei'-t-ation of the Faderal Agencies and employees in the United States and overseas. Mr, Rhoads also exhibited the large and small printed awards and embossed cigarette lighters, which will he awarded this year to these who gave so generously of their time and efforts in the present Campaign. Mr. Patterson requested that the record show the full appreciation by Crusade's volunteer and professional workers, of the very generous assistance given to the 1957 campaign work by Mr. Eugene 'Tol nor.., ML. Patterson called on Par.. Allan Wilson, Vice President of The Advertising Council, Inc., who described the Council's a;ork including all forms of media, with comparisons showing increases in the effect'.,reness of the 1957 Campaign over last year's, including the number of people reached by Crusade's message. Mr. Holman stated that The Advertising Council had done an outstanding Job, the cost of which, if it could be obtained by paid advertising, would represent an expenditure of at least $5,000,000. Dr. Stanton observed that The Advertising, Council work had had a very great impact not only on the networks but also on individual radio stations. Mr, Patterson called on Mr. G. W. Campbell, w ','Lo described the extend and volume of publicity obtained through the efforts of Crusade's public information Staff. (See attached reports by Messrs. Patterson, Rhoads, Campbell and Kimball.) The Committee unanimously approved of the 19::7 Campaign work as outlined. Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Meeting of the Exepti min p ~ t 1 ase 03/05. CIA-RDP80B01676R004100040011-3 Aril 15, ove or e l _.~ a..F .._ Page 3 Mr. Holman called on Mr. Patterson who outlined the plans for the 1958 Campaign, They include an increase and intensification in field operations, and in the Corporate solicitations handled by the John Price Jones Company Incorporated lie reported that Crusade plans to retain the present volunteer State Chairmen where feasible and hopes to include a larger labor representation in the Corporate and Sponsors Lists. Mr. Patterson called on Mr. Rhoads, who stated Crusade must increase it's paid part-time State Campaign Directors because of the stiff competition of other soliciting organizations, and the trend towards the reduction of larger donations. Mr. Patterson told of the October Munich Trip which will cost $28,055 as com- pared with $29,500 in 1956; briefly described the 1958 Canw) film to be made in Munich, and touched or, films to develop a more effective speakers bureau. Mr. Holman called. on Mr. Patterson who described the d~t-ails of the 1958 Campaign budget of $1,C0C,000.00. After sonic discuussion, (-.he Committee unani- mously approved the budget. Mr. Holman asked for and obtained the Committee's unanimous approval of the contract with the Pan Americein World Airways System for the charter of an airplane to carry Crusade passengers to Europe and return in October for the sum of $28,055. Mr. Holman called on Mr. Patterson who explained the change in plans for our Washington Office, which changes the $25,000 fee basis of payment to Mr. John A.. De Chant to a fee of $15,000 per annum plus expenses, effective July 1, 19_57. The Committee unanimously approved the 1958 Campaign plans. Mr. Holman called for an official to be sant to the full Board of Directors for the nominations of Board Chairman and President. After a general discussion, Mr. Gwilym A. Price, was recommended as CL irma*.r of the Board and Mr. Arthur W. Page as President. il.r. Page moved that Mr. 'Io . uan be nominated as chairman of the Executive Committee. The three nominations were unanimously approved by the Committee as recommended. Mr. Holman raised the question of a Special Board Meeting to he held on May 13, 1957. After a discussicn the request met with general approval. of Committee. Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Meeting of the Executive Committee April 15, 1957 Page 4 There being no further business for the Committee to consider, it was moved and approved that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 P.M. Executive Vice Pr?esldent Secretary Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100040011-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100040011-3 - MEMORANDUM FOR: MR. DULLE5 25X1 feels t uld like to seed * He enthusiastic as he wo ersonally revised recalls that the President per year to do just this. the letter that was sent last y Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100040011-3