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-Ap October 27, 1952 My dear General Smith: on November 11, the CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM will open its third annual drive to get the popular support of the American people in order to help Truth fight Communism. I am enclosing for your information a 10-page Fact Sheet which tells the story of Radio Free Europe; its aims; how it operates; and its effective- ness. Beginning at-page 6 of this Fact Sheet are set forth the operations of the CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM against Communism in Asia. You may recall that the first campaign of the CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM opened in September, 1950, th General Clay as National Chairman. This year Henry Ford II heads the Crusade as Chairman; and Charles E. Wilson, former Director of the office of War Mobilization, is serving as Campaign Chairman. In a letter dated October 15, 1952 to Mr. Harold B. Miller, President -cif the CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM, President Truman said: 'fI understand that on the success of the 1952 Crusade rests the plans of the Crusade for Freedom to build more radio stations in Free Europe and Asia. If this can be done, and I believe that it will be done, the free world can more effectively get the truth behind the Iron Curtain. "It is essential that people everywhere know that we are working for peace, freedom and prosperity for all mankind.'' The goal this year is to enroll 140 million Americans in the fight between Truth and Communism. At the same time it is hoped to raise $4 million for the purpose of constructing additional transmitters, by which Radio Free Europe may increasingly help Truth fight Communism behind the Iron Curtain; to expand the facilities of Radio Free Asia to carry the battle to China's Red masters behind the bamboo curtain, and to combat Communit inroads into neighboring countries in the Far East. If each enrollment should be accompanied by a Approved For R ,%263/05/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 SIP Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 10-cent contribution enough money would be raised to take care of current needs. Undoubtedly many persons will want to give more, and larger con- tributions would, of course, be highly acceptable. The purpose of this letter is to solicit the support of your department in the 1952 CRUSADE "FOR FREEDOM, both in Washington and in the field. One of the ways in which your department could contribute to the success of the 1952 CRUSADE would be to arrange for as many group meetings of employees as possible, particularly among the supervisory staffs who would be in a position to convey the message to the employees under their respective jurisdiction. Also, it would be helpful if the CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM might have your endorse- ment and if the head of each bureau ai office would address an appropriate letter to all field offices calling attention to the CRUSADE and requesting their cooperation. A general meeting has been scheduled for 12 o'clock, Noon, on Thursday, November 13, in the General. Services Auditorium on F Street, N.':'J.,~etween 18th and 19th Streets. Mr. H. B. Miller, President of the CRUSADE P)R FREEDOM, is scheduled to address this meeting. I would appreciate it very much if you would designate someone to represent your department, and if you viould also make arrangements for at least one person and preferably two, or even more, to be present at this meeting. It will be a short meeting and should be concluded not later than 12:145 P.M. This year the CRUSADE FOR FREFL94 is using an enrollment form called a "FREEDOAi-!'=RAt ," a specimen of which is enclosed. It is desired to have as many employees sign this FREEDOM-GRP2:4 as possible. Very sincerely yours, National Chairman for Federal Employees General Walter B. Smith Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 DO YOU LISTEN TO RADIO FREE EUROPE? I HOPE YOU DO, FOR I AM ONE OF MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS WHO HAVE VOLUNTARILY CONTRIBUTED TO BUILD THESE STATIONS, WHICH BRING TRUTH TO YOU WHO ARE DEPRIVED OF IT. IN AMERICA MILLIONS REGULARLY PRAY FOR AN UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN OUR PEOPLES. PLEASE ADD YOUR PRAYERS TO OURS. SURELY OUR COMMON FAITH IN GOD IS THE PLACE WHERE HOPE FOR FREEDOM BEGINS. I am a (occupation) Name Address NOTE TO CONTRIBUTOR: Replies to this Freedom-Gram may be received written in a foreign language. If Wdc't u ele see ~PrQt Qthtem free translations may be o)''?o`"'~i ~QR$0Bi6c1~6R004000070032-8 obtained by forwarding lhe letters to rusa e o Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 (fEit e of *Afbaxn v ((,e r xdt October 23, 1952 Honorable Edward F. Bartelt National Chairman for Federal Employees Crusade for Freedom, Inc. Main Treasury Building 15th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Bartelt: It is my hope that the 1952 Crusade for Freedom, which you have the honor of serving as National Chairman for Federal Employees, will be marked with complete success. In these troubled times there is no more important cause than the fight against Communism. Truth is the most devastating weapon against Communism. To broadcast the truth is the high objective of the distinguished Americans sparking this noble mission - the mission to destroy the Iron Curtain that deprives hundreds of millions of enslaved persons from learning the real facts about this vicious ideology and its tyrannical leaders. I heartily endorse the effort to enroll 110,000,000 Americans in this vital fight. To win through peaceful methods of education, Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Asia greatly need more facilities to combat the evil forces so that truth will ultimately pre- vail. The success of the Crusade for Freedom spells peace and happiness for mankind everywhere. Sincerely, Attorney General / pt7C AF Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Appr po" For Release 2 3/05/ n:rCIIA- 060116676 n04000070032-8 rr ~~J\ $0 H11 t 9 HENRY FORD II Chairman This Fall the Crusade for Freedom will open its third annual drive to get popu- lar support for one of the free world's most successful weapons against Communism. At stake will be the continued vigorous operation and expansion of Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Asia, both of them living proof that the average American citizen has a means of attacking Communism behind the Iron Curtain. The Crusade for Freedom, headed by Henry Ford II, and with Charles E. Wilson, former President of General Electric as its campaign chairman, will conduct its drive for funds from November 11 to December 15. During this time it will present a new idea in psychological warfare to back up and bolster its primary job, operation of the two radio voices. During the period of the campaign millions of Americans who subscribe to the anti-Communist aims of the Crusade for Freedom will be able to sign their names and addresses to messages of greeting and encouragement in the language of the satellite nations of Central Europe and in Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese for Asia. At the close of the campaign the messages will be sent through the Iron Curtain. These messages will have a strong psychological effect on those who receive them, and will prove that American opposition to Communism springs from the grass roots. Any encouragement we can give these peoples will be of tremendous value. They have been cut off from contact with the free world for so long that their will to resist Communism tends to be weakened by the feeling that the free world may be indifferent to their fate. However, this use of psychological warefare is meant to supplement and not to replace continuing radio broadcasts through the Iron Curtain. The main purpose of the Crusade for Freedom is to obtain popular support for Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Asia. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : C ,4. RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 THE STORY OF RADIO FREE EUROPE When it became apparent after the war that Russia had no interest in building a peaceful world, the free nations were caught off guard. Our attempts to cooperate with the Kremlin were interpreted as signs of weakness. While we disbanded our arm- ed forces, Russia strengthened hers. We were caught as flat-footed in the field of psychological warefare as in military preparedness, and Communist propaganda made great headway. The free world worked hard to make up for lost time, and the Voice of America, BBC, Radio France, and other democratic radio outlets concentrated on the counterattack against Kremlin propaganda.' It was against this background that a group of freedom-minded Americans met, in 1949, in the belief that the struggle against Communism was everybody's business and not a government monopoly. Out of that conviction grew an organization known as the National Committee for a Free Europe. Its program was a practical one: to pierce the Iron Curtain with the truth, to build for the future by educating young refugees from the Communist satellite nations, to develop unity and a platform for the future among exile groups, to gather and distribute information about conditions in the captive areas, and to create active public support for the fight against Communism in America.' From these objectives has grown a program of increasing effectiveness. For instance, the Committee has helped exile leaders to band together into National Councils or Committees which work to frame a democratic program looking toward the day of liberation. The Free University in Exile, on the other hand, provides a way for young exiles to continue their college training in a democratic atmosphere, to ,prepare them to go back some day and aid in the rebuilding of their homelands. These and other NCFE activities are providing a well-rounded attack on many facets of Communism. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 :i -RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 But the most dramatic activity of the Committee, and the one which reaches directly behind the Curtain, is Radio Free Europe. Because it is privately operated, this radio voice can swing from the shoulder, doing things which no government-operated organization could attempt. There is no thought of competing with the Voice of America and no intent to duplicate its work. With each opera- ting in its own sphere, the West now has a unified attack on Communism where its domination is strongest. 1) To make it plain that the basic issue is the struggle between freedom and tyranny. 2) To fight the lies and distortions of the Reds with the truth. By de- pending only on provable facts, Radio Free Europe has gained the confidence of its audience. Moreover, the truth about Communism is far more damning than any synthetic approach ever could be. 3) To appeal to the hopes and aspirations of the satellite peoples by re- vealing the fraud and brutality of Communism as compared to the benefits of life in a democracy. 4) To divide the satellite slaves from their masters. Communism can be secure only when it has eliminated all opposition. Russia will hesitate to start any military adventures if it knows that millions of its subjects are looking forward only to their freedom. 5) To keep alive the spirit of freedom among the captive peoples in readiness for the day when liberation comes. 6) To let these peoples know that we are deeply concerned about what is hap- pening to them, and that we desire their liberation and support their wish to set up free governments of their own choice. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : qLX-RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 The target nations for RFE broadcasts are Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. In this area the struggle still goes on, at least in the hearts of the people, between Soviet domination and nationalistic aspirations, between tyranny and a tradition of freedom. Radio Free Europe reaches minds re- ceptive to its message. Radio Free Europe uses the talents of exiles from the six target countries who speak to their imprisoned countrymen in their own idioms and with the conviction of men and women who themselves have suffered under Communism. These exiles not only do the broadcasting but also do all planning, programming, and preparation of scripts. While Americans are in charge of the entire operation, they act mainly as advisers and insure that basic policy is being followed. Programming is effective and flexible, able to respond quickly to any changing situation on either side of the Iron Curtain. Programs are varied and all are designed to play a part in the basic plan. Musical programs, for example, lean heavily to compositions banned by the Communists, especially folk songs and national music which is a reminder of pre-Soviet days. Special programs on the anniversary dates of historical events and the birthdays of national heroes also help to keep alive memories of a happier past. Discussions of current events in America, such as the national conventions and elections, are interpreted from the point of view of their meaning to the captive peoples and to the struggle against Communism. Religious programs sustain the spiritual feelings of an audience which has been deeply religious and resists the atheistic program of the Kremlin. News, of course, is paramount because the satellite peoples have no other way of learning the truth about events in the rest of the world -- or in their own countries. The weapon of satire is used with good effect. One Czech performer composes and sings satirical songs about the Communist newscasts which he (and his audience) hea P RY9daF% eat-%SOMgq/ap,: C 4 R?PAQ'AVgW ruling Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : C-RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 the actions and sacred cows of the dictatorship earned the highest possible praise -- the Communists started broadcasting a pallid imitation. One of the most dramatic RFE actions is its continuing denunciations of in- formers and traitors. It identifies such persons by name and locality and unmasks them as stool pigeons for the secret police, often responsible for the hitherto un- explained arrest and disappearance of persons in their communities. As a result, such informers lose all value to their masters and are ostracized by their neighbors. In a similar way, guards in prisons and slave labor camps with a reputation for brutality are exposed and as a result often have modified their evil actions. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF RFE This approach to psychological warfare has had a remarkable record of success. Obviously, no one takes radio audience surveys behind the Iron Curtain, but there are other ways of measuring effectiveness. 1) The reactions of the Communists themselves is one of the best indicators; When they protest one knows that they have been hurt. Less than a month after RFE opened its first all-Czechoslovak station the Czech government made an official pro- test to our State Department demanding the closing of the station -- a request which, of course, was ignored because RFE is privately owned. Red counter-propaganda aimed at refuting RFE statements is frequent and a sure sign that blood is being drawn. 2) Persons escaping from behind the Iron Curtain are carefully questioned, and provide much information on the success of the broadcasts. 3) Many letters, all unsigned for obvious reasons, slip through the censor- ship and reach RFE through the regular mail. Criticisms are just as valuable as praise because they often point the directions in which programming can be aimed to keep it dynamic and up-to-date. 4) The Communists have launched vituperative attacks on RFE personnel, especially the exiles, using all the old cliches such as calling them "tools of Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23.CCIA-RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 Wall Street warmongers and imperialists" in order to try to discredit them with listeners. Once it threatened to execute all Germans working for RFE when western Germany is "liberated". 5) The Communists have resorted to jamming techniques to stop the programs from coming through. Although jamming creates a problem, the increasing number of RFE transmitters makes it impossible to blank out the broadcasts -- especially since the Red jammers also have to worry about programs from many other free world outlets: Voice of America, BBC, Radio Vatican, Radio France, and others. OPERATIONS AGAINST COMMUNISM IN ASIA Just as the National Committee for a Free Europe with its several operating arms has been organized to fight Communism behind the Iron Curtain, so is there a similar organization whose field is Asia. The Committee for Free Asia was formed in 1951. Although it is patterned generally after the National Committee for a Free Europe, there are substantial differences because of the more complex pattern of national viewpoints across the Pacific, and because of the different pattern of Red aggression in Asia. For one thing, CFA is not only engaged in fighting Communism where it has already seized control, but is also waging a preventive battle to keep Kremlin doctrine from spreading to other Eastern nations. The two organizations are com- pletely separate: the only link is mutual support by the Crusade for Freedom. One significant project which can be told was the sending of one-thousand tons of newsprint to Korea where it was used to produce 4,500,000 elementary school textbooks to replace those lost during the war. Another important operation was "Seeds for Democracy" which, in two annual campaigns brought donations of some one-and-a-half million packets of seeds from all over the United States. These seeds were sent to the Philippines for distri- bution to replace seeds which formerly were imported from China. The project, simple in concpepprtovphas ?heevery pra/nt 5/Ca 'relsul oz~a~ ~P3Ps~b~-~rith the -7- Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 means of raising vegetables which are an important part of their balanced diet, and thereby checkmating one of the appeals of Communism which makes its strongest propaganda headway among people who are inadequately fed. Still another project was the translation of the Boy Scout Manual into two active dialects for use in Ceylon. The new manual makes it possible to bring Scouting, with its anti-Communist message, into rural areas where Red propaganda has made its greatest progress. The project has already produced requests for translations for use in India and Malaya. Where Communism already exists -- in China -- Radio Free Asia is the para- mount weapon. Like Radio Free Europe, it is supported by the American people, through the Crusade for Freedom. Although younger than RFE, the Asian radio net is growing fast and is giving a good account of itself. Radio Free Asia, with main offices in San Fran- cisco, now operates three transmitters -- two in Manilla, one on Guam -- and hopes to increase the number. Programs are broadcast in three Chinese dialects -- Mandarin, Cantonese, and Hakka -- and in English. Programs are prepared and broadcast by Chinese. News and commentaries, along with music now forbidden by the Chinese Reds, make up the bulk of the pro- gramming. Special programs lean strongly to humor and satire which have a strong appeal to the Chinese. A program called "Communist Bad Checks", for instance, satirizes the big gap between Red promises and performance. "Big Mouth and the Professor" plays up the perfidy of Red leaders and doctrines, and "Answer Man" gives its listeners the answer to common questions about Communism and democracy. Reactions to the broadcasts have been good. Not many, for obvious reasons, have come from behind the Iron Curtain in China, but Chinese in other Asiatic nations have praised the programs. These Chinese are an important objec- tive of RFA because Communism is trying to win them over as a bridgehead into other nations of Asia, and because they have channels of communication with their country- Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 men in China. Approved For Release 2003/05/23$.CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 THE CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM When Radio Free Europe went on the air in July of 1950, the group of Ameri- cans interested in it decided that this fight against Communism was actually a crusade of the American people, and that they should be allowed to express their feelings. The Crusade for Freedom was born to serve as a sister organization of Radio Free Europe and to rally support behind it. Later it also accepted responsi- bility for supporting Radio Free Asia. The first Crusade for Freedom Campaign opened in September, 1950, with General Dwight D. Eisenhower making the kick-off speech. General Lucius D. Clay, hero of the Berlin blockade, was made National Chairman of the organization. The first campaign was sparked by the 20-ton Freedom Bell which toured the nation, while millions of American citizens signed their names to scrolls signify- ing their opposition to Communism. At the close of the campaign the bell was taken to Berlin and hung in the city hall in the Western Sector, where it daily rings out its reminder of freedom. When the second Crusade campaign got underway last September, it had a year of successful operation of Radio Free Europe to report. Its appeal was for support to expand the network still more. During the two campaigns more than 25-million people signed scrolls indi- cating their support of the fight against Communism, and they contributed approxi- mately three-and-a-half million dollars. This money was translated into anti- Communist action by using it to build new transmitters for Radio Free Europe. The Crusade for Freedom has also undertaken one important propaganda cam- paign of its own, its Winds of Freedom operation in which thousands of balloons carrying messages were loosed in the American Zone of Germany to be carried on the prevailing westerly winds into Czechoslovakia and Poland. The first message, a small, single-sheet leaflet, was designed to encourage the finders apC?v~~~u~3+'e~YA42~re~IAv~814Q 4ft7Q~Q Some Approved For Release 2003/05/23 lCIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 13,000 balloons, carrying 11-million leaflets were sent into the two countries in an operation that continued over the first half of September. The balloon launch- ings were closely coordinated with Radio Free Europe operations; day-long broad- casts told the captive peoples how to distribute the leaflets to give them the widest possible circulation. The enslaved people did their part because leaflets were reported from areas far from the target areas of the balloon flights. The operation was highly successful. It had a strong effect on the morale of the people, who were especially elated at the inability of the Communists to cope with the showers of leaflets. In some areas the people were forbidden even to touch the sheets, in others they were ordered to help in picking them up. Communist organizations scurried over the countryside, trying to cope with the impossible task of seizing millions of leaflets which had fallen on cities, farms and in woods. Two weeks later another Winds of Freedom operation was carried out, this time with a very definite objective. In September one of the most daring escapes ever made from behind the Iron Curtain occurred when a Czech engineer drove his passenger train down a spur track and across the border into Free Germany. The Communist propaganda mills set out to try to counteract the electrifying effect of the escape on the Czech people by grinding out a fantastic story of a plot by Czech spies and traitors led by American agents. Radio Free Europe told the story, but it was so dramatic that it needed to be brought to the attention of those without radios and those in certain areas where Red jamming might have kept the RFE story out. So several thousand more balloons with two million leaflets tel- ling the true story of the escape and bearing pictures taken of the Freedom Train and some of its happy passengers were launched. The Communists stopped their propaganda campaign and turned to other measures, such as putting up barricades on all rail lines crossing the borders. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 r A-RDP80B01676R004000070032-8 This year, 1952, Henry Ford II heads the Crusade as Chairman, and Charles E. Wilson, formerly President of General Electric and Director of the Office of War Mobilization will serve as Campaign Chairman. The goal of the campaign is 94,000,000. In the past only a small part of the total amount raised has come as large gifts; most of it has come from the dimes and dollars given by millions of Americans with a deep sense of the dangers of Communism. The pattern undoubtedly will be the same this year, and it is impor- tant that tens of millions join the Crusade. Those who do can sign their names and addresses to messages printed in the languages of the Iron Curtain countries, which read: "Do you listen to Radio Free Europe? I hope you do, for I am one of millions of American citizens who have volun- tarily contributed to build these stations, which bring truth to you who are deprived of it. "In America millions regularly pray for an understanding between our peoples. Please add your prayers to ours. Surely our common faith in God is the place where hope for freedom begins." Thus, the campaign will not only raise money to fight Communism in Asia and Europe; but it also will give added hope and encouragement to the captive peoples who will receive the messages which not only prove that the average American is fighting Communism but is willing to publish the fact in Stalin's own territory. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8 a~+r?Y~? t L '' ~ AAA Crusade for Freedom moal -it See" 6" -VMU- R E T 11 NE? YCHLK...19- N Y. General Walter Be Director of Centr Central Intelligen Washington 25, D. Co rye-' Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004000070032-8