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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10144 30 November 1981 USSR Re ort p LIFE SCIENCES BIOMEDICAL AND ~EHAVIORAL SCIENCES (FC~UO 1 ~ /81) Fg~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materaals from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. = Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [ExcerptJ in the first line of each item, ar following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfar~ilia: names rendered phonetically or transliterated are encl~sed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as _ given by ~ource. The c~ntents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYR7GHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' - JPRS L�/10144 30 November 1981 USS R REPORT LIFE $CIENCES BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (FOUO 16/81) CONTENTS B I OTECHNOLO(~Y Electrocardiographic Instruments: Basic Technical Specifications-- GoST 19687-74 1 MEDICINE Initial Evaluation of Cytogenetic Activity and Potential Mutagenic Hazaxd of 22 Pesticides 22 PHYSIOLOGY List of Materials of 8th All-Union Conference on Electrophysiology of Central Nervous S`ystem 32 HUMAN FACTORS Influence of Some Factors of Spaceflight on Human Vestibulax Analyzer (According to Data From Soviet and Foreign Press) 73 Modeling Pilot Control Activity 82 PSYCHOLOGY Correlative Parameter of Electroencephalogram in Presence of ~notional Stress 88 _ a- [III - USSR - 21a S&T FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL U~E QNLY BIOTECHNOLOGY ~ UDC 612.172.4---72(083.7~) ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTS: BASIC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS--GOST 19687-74 Moscow ELEKTROKARDIOGRAFY: OBSHCHIYE TEKHNICHESKIYE USLOVZYA (GOST 19687-74) - in Russian 1974 (signed to press 10 Jun 74) pp 1-18 [All-Uni4n State Standard, Group R24, L. A. Burmistrov, editor] [Text] Decree of the State Committee for Standards of USSR Council of Ministers, 9 April 1974~ No 8~7, period of validity set: from 1 Jar~uary 1975 to 1 Jan~ary 1978 ~ Nonobservance of the atandard will be prosecuted by law. The instant standard affects electrocardiographs (hereinafter EKG's) designed for diaEnostics in therapeutic and prophylactic medical institutions. 1. Technical Requirements 1.1 With respect to accuracy of signal form reproduction and recording of amplitudes and time intervals~ EKG's of three elasses--1, 2 and 3--must be manufactured. 1.2 With respect to the number of chennels~ the following types of EKG's must be ~ manufactured; single-channe~; . two-channel; four-channel; six-channel. . In technically valid cases it is acceptable to manufaeture three-channel EKG's. 1.3 With respect to the type of recording element and sort of recording medium~ the following kinds of EKG's must be manufactured: pen EKG's recording with ink on paper; pen EKG's recording on thermosensitive paper; - pen EKG's recording on paper and using a recorder chart; pen EKG's recording on an eleetrosensitive chart; . jet EKG's recording on paper; beam-type EKG's recowding on photographic paper or film with subsequent development; beam-type EKG's recording on paper with immediate development; beam-type EKG's recording on semiconductive paper; - 1 . FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY beam-type EKG's recording on paper. 1.~~ With respect to the type of power pack, EKG's must be manufactured: with a feed line; _ with an autonomous power supply; with a composite power supply; Note: At the purchaser's request, the EKG's must be fed from an alternating - current supply-line at a frequency of 50 and 60 Hz. 1.5 The standard labeling of the EKG's is governed by GOST 17562-72 - 1.6 The basic parameters of the EKG's must correspond to those presented in table 1. 1.7 The potential lead points and the electrocardiographic leads of the EKG's must have the labels presented in appendix 1. _ 1.8 The EKG must provide electrocardiogram recording at the leads the labelings of which are indicated in appendix 1. ~ 1.9 The external edges of the eleetrocnnductive part of the electrode for leading potentials from the thorax which interface with the skin, must form a circle of no more than 20 mm in diameter. 1.10 The EKG's must provide recording of processes in an orthogonal system of coordir.ates. 1.11 The input circuits of the EKG's must be asserobled in such a manner that connecting the source of constant voltage between the wires of the lead cable in the polarity indicated in table 2~ produces a positive (upwards) deviation of the recording line. 1.12 The labeling of the lead cable is presented in fig 1. 1.13. The technical documentation approved by the estat~lished procedure for EKG's of the specific types~ shall also contain the following additional requirements: for electrical safety; for resistance to climatic and mechanical influenees; _ for the time to establish operating conditions; for the input and output parameters for connecting aecessories or gages; for the power line parameters; for labeling and commutating leads; for the parameters of the battery volume indicator; for the accuracy o~' limb potential neutralization when the midpoints of - single-band leads are obtained; for the calibrator; for electrical power used; for overall dimensions; _ for mass. 2 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1. Hopue~ JA~ K7~G~0! TpVNOCTII ~z~ Hox~~eHOSaxiu napa~iclpoe 1 2 I A ~3/ ~.,IIH3i1230H H3~12p2HNA H8- ' npA;~er+u~ U, MB 0� 03-5 I 0� 03,;,c~, (4) I 2� ~F+ana3oH N3~12PCHHA HH� ' repea ~os epeMe?+H t, c I' 0.0~-2.00 / 3. Ilor ewHOCrb H3Ne eNNa 0 1 0�15 0.2 `5) HanpA~+:eH~~A ~U, MB P I�(~ U+O,OGU~I�f ~U ~ 0,1 U) +~EU -F 0,15U~ ~ - ~ 4. ]lorpew?rocTe H3MCP2HHA + ~=~-~0 O~t ~ a _ Ht+Tepeanos epeMeHN flc, c I -C t, ~ ) t( ~+O,1T1 ~ 7~ 5. 4yecre~i- *u~nNWa ~nHaA 5 TE'.1hHOCTb t~1CIlHAA IdMjIdB MBK~NMS.91.IIdA ~ 6. CNOPOCTb AHHMftHHA HOCN- ~7~ ~ ~J TenA 3anxcx u, ~~M/c )0; 25; 50; 50 50 100; 2.50 100 ~9~ 7.3Q~�exrHeHas wHpeHa aa� I 100 I 40 - n?+c~~ KaHana E, MM, ?+e MeHee ~ 10~ 8. Tlpene.nd cMeu~eHNA Hyne- �40 +1~ eoH AHHHH or cpeAHero nono� . ~EHHA IL, MTd (ii) 9. Ba~6poc Ha nepexoaxo~ 5 10 xapaKrepxrrHKe b, xe 6onee 1 (12) ~O. }~03~~HLiH2HT OTHOCN� ~ � ~0-~ TCJIbHOF1 N2CNM~12TPI1~1 xax, NC I - 6onee � ~ ~3~ 1 I. 3KeF~saneHTHOe conporee� 15' I 100 neHHe ci+x�+aatidx noMex, ~ ~ On+, He 6onee ( j,y~) I2. K03~~NUHCNT B3aHM0� ~ BIIIIAHNA Me~n,qy xaHanaMx , �b, He 6onee ~15~ 13. Mahcs~n~an~Haa HecHH� 0.4 xpoHHOCrb per?+cTpau?+N ~+e~Ay KaHanaMN, MM, He 6o.~ee _ ~ 16~ 14. TonulHea nNyyH sanH- I CN, MM Q �3-~ ~ 17~ 15. Cxopocrb ttpeN~a Hyne� ~ 30 50 BOf1 nNHHN, I1pHBEACHH2A I(0 - B%OAY Vpp, MKB~C, ee 6onee (',8) ~E. ~~p082Hb BH)'TpEHHNX IllY- ~ ~ MOB, i1PHBfACHHWFf KO BXO- 11' U~. MNB, He 6onee r'j(~l I~. ~NCTEp23NC 32I111CH MM, I ~ I ~~2 ~ ~ He Gonee ~ 20~ I8. BpeM~ ycnoKOeH~fA, c, He I 3 6onee ' 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400070059-6 NOR OFFICIAL t1SE ONLY (1) Hop~id ta� CA~tGO! TOVMOtYX (2,J H~M4tN0liM11Y nspa~ieTpos ~ Z ~ ~2i~ 19. Cxoporrs sanNCx u~, b/c. I ~p 1. . - xe ~~eHee _ ~22~ 20. HepaexoMepeocrb awnnx- �5 t~p t15 'ryAxo�vacrorHO~ xapaKrepxcrH- xN a, ~yb~ ~23~ 21. Bepzx~A rpaxNyHaA yao- IOr 800 1to 1000 Or 70 ,qo 100 Or 60 Ao 70 Tora I'u ~ � ~ 2~~ 22. 3aean eepwyHw nepexoA- ~ NOFI J(8p2K7CpNCiH~y 32 SptMA 2,2 c a, xe bonee Key: 1. Norms for classes of accuracy 2. Parameters 3. Range of voltage measurement~ U, in mV 4. Range of time interval measurement~ U~ in mV 5. Accuracy of voltage measurement~ o~, in mV 6. Accuracy of time interval measurements,p t, in seconds ~ 7. Sensitivity, in mm/mV Minimum Average Maximum 8. Rate of movement of recording medium, h~ in mm/s 9. Effective recording width of channel, E, in mm, no less than 10. Range of bias of zero line from median position, h, in mm 11. Rejection on transient response:b, in percent, no greater than 12. Coefficient of relative asymmetry, Kra, no greater than 13. Equivalent resistance to inphase interference, Re~i~ , no greater than 14. Coefficient of interferenee between channels, W, in percent, ~ no greater *han 15. Maximum asynchronicity of recording between channels, in mm~ no greater than 16. Thickness of recording line~mm 17. Drift rate of zero line attributed to input~ v~~ ~uV/s~ no more than 18. Level of internal noise attributed to input, Un,JaV, no more than 19. Recording hysteresis~ mm~ no greater than 20. Damping time~ s, no greater than 21. Recording rate, v3~ m/s~ no less than 22. Irregularity of amplit~~e-frequency characteristic, a, in percent 23. Upper edge frequency, f~ in Hz 24. Drop in peak of transient response in 2.2 s~ o, in percent, no greater than ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Notes: 1. EKG's intended for operation in sutomatic systems for analysis and processing vf electrocardiograms, may have an effective recording width of 30 mm. 2. In place of the coefficient of relative asymmetry and equivalent resistance to inphase interference, it is permissible to use as the standard the re~ection coefficient (Kr), the value of which must be no less than 60 dB for EKG's of all classes. 3. Single-channel EKG's may have a rate of recording medium movement equal to 25 and 50 mm/s. 4. EKG's of the first class of accuracy with ~et-on-paper recording may have a rate of recording medium movement equal to 5. 10, 25, 50 and 100 mm/s. 5. EKG's of the first class of accuracy must offer the possibility of limiting the upper edge frequency to 65-75 Hz and to ?50-300 Hz. 6. The dispersion of the rated values of resistances forming a unipolar lead must not exceed 2 percent for EKG's of the first class, 3 percent for the second class and 4 percent for the third class. Table 2. Polarity of Voltage Lead Marking in Wires of Lead Cable I II III aVR aVL aVF v,- v~ Minus R R L LF FR RL RLF Plus L F F R L F C 1- C 6 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY C+3e 4 ~ 30 ' I.t~cr. ~ ) ~ o;~~ ~too�r~n fc~~~a (5) c n c2~ ~6 ~ c6~ . ~ ~ C5 . ~ ~ - C ~ ~ ~ . ~ s 'SOOri ~ CP ~ ' 1000...,~000 ~'so . 6) - . Nl~rprr. 7) - y ( 8) Figure 1. . ~y ` - 1. Connector for connecting cable 4. Feliox to EKG or site of cable 16ad 5. Green to EKG 6. white 2. Common cord 7. 3. Device for connecting frire to 8. Red electrode Note: The number of wires in the lea.d cable for connection to the thoracic electrodes must be equa.l to the number of thora.cic electrodes employed simulta,neously or consecutively according to the commuta.tion of the EKG leads. If the EKG is designed for use of one thorac~.c electrode only, the wire for connecting to this electxode must be tmxiced with the letter S. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070059-6 FOR OFF'IC1AL USF ONLY 1.14 The probability of reliable operation of the EKG's for 500 hours of - relatively uninterrupted operation with confidence of ?�=0.8 shall be no less than 0.8. 2. Inspection Rules 2.1 In order to test the compliance of the EKG's With the requirements of the instan~ standard, the manufacturing enterprise must conduet state, acc~ptance, periodical and standard tests. 2.2 State testing of EKG's is governed by GOST 8.001--72. - 2.3 Each EKG is sub~ected to acceptance testing for compliance with the requirements of pars 1-22, table 1; 1.12; 1.14 (except for testing for resistance to climatic and mechnical influences). 2.4 EKG's from among those which passed acceptance testing are sub~ected to periodical testing. Periodical testing is conducted onee annually on three EKG's for compliance with all requirements of the instant standard except for par. 1.1u, and once every three years on eight EKG's for compliance to par 1.14. If during periodical testing the noncompliance of an EKG with at least one of the requirements of the instant standard is established, the test results are considered unsatisfactory, and repeat testing of a doubled number of test specimens for the complete program must be performed. The results of repeat testing are conclusive. 2.5 When the model, design, materials or industrial manufacturing process is changed, standard testing of EKG's is performed on three EKG's for compliance with all requirements of the instant standard, except for compliance with par. 1.14, and on eight EKG's for compliance with the requirements of par. 1.14. If during standard testing for compliance with all requirement~ of the instant standard except for par 1.14~ the EKG's d~ not meet at least one of the requirements, repeat tests are conducted on a doubled number for the complete program. 3. Methods of Testing 3.1 The basic parameters of the EKG's are tested using a source of a signal of subsonic and low frequencies having an output signal in the form of a sinusoid and a sequence of orthogonal pulses and separate serrate pulses. Measuremznt on the recording is performed using rulers with a scale division of 0.5 mm. Measurement _ of dimensions af les4 than 15 mm is performed using rulers with a scale division of no less than 0.1 mm. No allowance is made for the width of the recording line (fig 2). 3.2 The test signal to the input of the EKG channel is fed through the lead cable at any of the electrocardiographic leads which may be commutated to a given channel. As this takes place, the value of the mean level of constant voltage of any polarity between each of the pairs of aetive electrodes and the neutral electrode must be no less than 100 mV~ and between the active electrodes--not less than 50 mV. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICI~lL USE ONLY ~ Q N Figure 2. _ ~ 2~ (1) ~i~ 1~ ~ 2~ ~ ~ Figure 3. Key i 1. hi 2. h~ 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3.3 The basic parameters of the EKG's are tested after test voltages with a line frequency-inphase value of 2T0.2 V eff,and an antiphase value of 2+0.2 mVeff are first fed simultaneously to the inputs of the channels for three s. 3.4 The measurement and error ranges of the EKG's (par. 1-4, table 1) are tested - under the influence of extreme values of influential factors indicated in the technical documentation. 3.5 The complianee of the EKG's with the~requirements of pars 1.2; 1.~; 1.5; 1.7-1.10; 1.12; 4.1-4.6 is tested by external inspection ar~d a measuring instrument Which offers the required accuracy. 3.6 The accuracy of electrocardiogram recording ( par. 1.8), as well as of the input circuits wiring (par. 1.11), is tested at average sensitivity at the electrocardiographic leads listed in appendix 1 by recording an orthogonal pulse with an ~mplitude of 1+0.1 mV. The depiction of the impulse must be positive for each of the leads on all channels to which this lead may be commutated. 3.7 Error in voltage measurement (par 3, table 1) is determined by connecting to the EKG input the maximum values of the equivalents of electrode full resistance to the electrical equivalent of the sub~ect presented in appendix 2 and recording serrate nr orthogonal test pulses of positive and negative polarity in accordance with table 2, at nominal sensitivity values (gar 5, table 1) and at any location of the zero line, h(par 8, table 1), within the range of the effective recording Width of the channel, E. (par 7~ table 1) based on the correlation: - f UE~ 2+~h~ ahere h~ 0; �UE ~ 2 �~h~ where h>0. Pulse Amplitude Pulse Width mV s 5.00 0.015 4.00 0.015 2.00 0.010 1.00 0.100 0.40 0.150 0.20 0.200 0.10 0.100 0.03 0.100 Error in determing the amplitude of the test pulse must not exceed one-third of the acceptable error in voltage measurement for the accuracy class of the EKG's being tested. Error in determining pulse width must not exceed percent. The build-up time of the orthogonal test ~ulse must be no greater than 0.1 ms. 9 FOR OFFICIA~. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R004400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The period of the orthogonal pulse sequence must be no less than 1 s. Wh~n the requirements of par. 3, table 1 are met, the requirements of pp 1; 5; 7-9~ table 1 are considered to have been met. - Amplitudes hi and h~ are measured on the recordin~ (fig 3). Error in voltage measurement (par 3, table 1) is determined in mV according to the formula: - U = U - hi . Error in voltage measurement is determined in three ways: by the lapse of time to establish operating conditions; 2 hours after turning on the power; 4 hours after turning on the power. Rejection on the transient response (par 9~ table 1) is determined according to the formula: , h a = v ~ 100 percent hi Note. Up to 1977~ the method of testing by serrate pulses is optional. 3.8 Error in measurement of time intervals (par table 1) is determined at all the values of the rate of movement of the recording medium~ v, stipulated in par 6, table 1, by recording a sinusoidal or orthogonal-shaped periodie signal with a~ period of T='v s fed to the input of the EKG's for 5 s. Error in determining period duration must not exceed one-third of the aceeptable error of ineasurement of time intervals depending on the accuracy class of the EKG's being tssted. When the requirements of par 4, table 1 are met~ the requirements of pars 2 and 6, table 1 are cansidered to have been met. The time intervals t in the range specified in par 2, table 1 are determined by the number of periods n of the test signal : - n T. - The time intervals on the recording, t I(fig 4), which correspond to the time intervals t, are determined by measurement of the length 1, in mm, of any segment of the recording containing n periods of the test signal with allowance for the relation 0.5 ~1~50, and by computing ~t ta = . v 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY ~ l i � I II " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A ~ rl !Rt I~! i~ ~'I I III ` i~ I ~~i , II~;{~~ Figure 4. _ ~ ~ - r ~ Figure 5. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~i~ ~ ~2~ ~ I ? F'igure 6. ~Y= 1. A 2. Af . ~M ~ . ~ ~ � 910 Figure 7. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Error in measurement of t:~me intervals pt is determined according to the formula: A:=~-ta. - 3.9 The coefficient of relative asymmetry (par 10, table 1) is determined at all possible combinations of the equivalents of electrode full resistance in accordance with appendix 2 by recording a sequence of inphase orthogonal test pulses fed to the input of the EKG's at any sensitivity. The width of the pulses - in the seque~ce is 0.2+0.02 s. The on-off ti~e is 2. The amplitude of the pulses must be within the linearity range of the amplitude characteristic of the EKG's for the inphase signal. ' The amplitude of impulses, A, is measured in mm on the recording, with allowance for rejection. The coefficient of relative asymmetry is determined according to the formula: _ K _ A ra U�~~ 3.10 Equivalent resistance to inphase interference (par 11, table 1) is determined at maximum unbalances of the input circuits by recording a sinusoidal signal at a frequency of 50�2 Hz with voltage of U p(appendix 2). The double amplitude of the sinusoid A is measured on the recording. Equivalent resistance to inphase interference is determined according to the. formula: A-l0~ Re~ i~ = 2l~ 2~ Urp where A is the double amplitude of the sinusoid measured on the recording, in mm; ; is the sensitivity of the EKG's, in mm/mV; UP is the voltage fed to iche input of the EKG's in conformance with appendix 2' ~ eff' 3.11 The coefficient of interference between channels (par 12, table 1) is determined by recording a sequence of orthogonal test pulses fed to the input of one of the channels of the EKG while the inputs of the other ehannels are elosed. The width of the pulses in the sequence is 0.2+0.02. The on-off time ia 2. The sensitivity of the channel on which the test signal is fed must be minimum, and the intensity of the input signal, such as to ensure recording~ the double amplitude of which is equal to the effective recording width of the channel. The sensitivity of channels with closed inputs must be maximum, and the amplitude-frequency characteristie must not be restricted at the top. 13 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The test signal is fed in turn to all channels of the EKG. PUlse amplitude~ A, is measured in mm on a recording of the channels with cloaed inputs with allowance made for re~ection. The coefficient of interfzrence between eha~nnels is determined according to the formula: W = E ' 100 percent. 3.12 The maximum asynchronism of r~cording between channels (par 13, table 1) is determined by recording a discontinuity in constant voltage fed to all inputs simultaneously. The build-up time of the test voltage must be no greater than 0.4 ms. - The maximum deviation along the time axis for two channels between inphase points in the process is measured on the recording. The requirement of par 13~ table 1 must be met at any position of the zero line of the channel. 3.13 The thickness of the recording line (~ar 14, table 1) is determir~ed by recording the zero line with the channel input closed and ~t minimum sensitivity. ` 3.14 The drift rate of the zero line (par 15, table 1) and the level of internal _ noise (par 16, table 1) attributed to an input are determined at the maximum sensitivity of the EKG by recording the zero line for 5 s. The maximum values of equivalents of the electrode impedances of the electrie equivalent of the subject are connected to the input of the EKG (appendix 2). The size of the monotonic vertical displacement of the zere line caused by amplifier drift~ hdr, and the width of th~ noise track, hn (defined as exceeding the width of the zero line without making allowance for individual re~eetions) are measured in mm on the recording. The drift rate of the zero line attributed to an input is determined according to the formula: v~ = i o3 ' ~ar . . ~E where t is the time in which the drift of the zero line is measured~ in seconds. The level of internal noise attributed to an input is determined using the formula: Un = 103 � hn ~ . 14 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3�15 Recording hysteresis (par 17. table 1) is determined at maximum sensitivity _ by recording orthogonal pulses of first positive~ and then negative~ polarity at a rate of movement of' the recording medium equal to 50 mm/sec at any position df' the zero line. The input to which th~ test pulses are fed and a diagram of their feeding must be indi~cated in the technical documentation for EKG's of the specific type. The height of the fronts of test pulses on the recording, h, must be no less than 10 mm~ the duration of pulse decay~ no less than The interval between pulses must be from 0.2 to 0.4 seconds. Values h and o h are measured on the recording (fig 5). 3.16 The damping time (par 18. table 1) is determined at all values of sensitivity of tl~e EKG specified in par 5, table 1 by feeding to its input a discontinuity in constant voltage kith an amplitude of 50�5 m1f. No later than 3 seconds after feeding the voltage, the "damping" knob must be pressed. The zero line must be set in the initial stable position which preceded the feeding of the discontinuity in cons*ant voltage with error not exceeding 2 mm for a duration of not more than 3 seconds, including the time the knob is pressed. The damping time, which corresponds to the length of time the knob is pressed during which the zero line is set in the initial position, is measured on the recording by the length of zero line segments. Damping time is determined by test voltage of both polarities. 3.17 Recording speed (par 19~ table 1) is determined by recording a sinusoidal signal with double amplitude h and frequency f. The maximum recording speed v Z.~ is determined according to the formula: vZ = n . f . It. � The value of h must be no less than 10 mm. At the selected value of the maximum recording speed, there will be a corresponding maximum frequency f, in Hz, at which segmer.ts of the sinusoid are still di~tinguishable to the naked eye at points of transition across the origin. For EKG's recording with pen on thermosensitive paper, the requirements of par 19~ table 1 must be met within 5 seconds after the recurding system is turned on. 3.18 Irregularity of the amplitude-frequeney eharacteristics (par 20~ table 1) and the upper edge frequency (par 21~ table 1) are determined at the maximum value of sensitivity of the EKG's by recording a sinusoidal signal in the frequency range of 20 to 2f Hz and a sequence of orthogonal pulses fed to the input. The width of the pulses in the sequence is 0.2�0.02 seconds. The on-off time is 2. The amplitude of the orthogonal pulses and double amplitude of the sinusoid must 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USF, ONLY be equal to 1 mV. Error in determining amplitude must not exceed +2 pereent. The amplitude of the orthogonal pulses A and double amplitude of the sinusoid Af are measured on the recording (fig 6). 3.19 Irregularity of the amplitude-irequency characteristic in the frequency range lower than f is determined according to the formula: a= ~~AA �100~, At frequencies higher than f the amplitude-frequency characteristic must fall monotonically. The upper edge frequency of f is determined by the highest frequency for which the va~ue a~remaina negative and has the maximum acceptable value. 3.20 The probability of trouble-free operation (par 1.14) is tested at one level of reliability by the method of simultaneous sampling with the acceptable number ~ of failures equal to zero in complianee with GOST 13216-67. Test conditions are governed by GOST 13216-67. After every100 hours of operation the EKG's are tested _ for compliance with the requirements of table 1 using the methods of pars 3.7-3.19. An EKG is considered to have passed reliability testing if not one failure occurred during the test period. ~ During reliability tes~ing, each contaet of the commutating unit must close no - less than 30 times in 8 hours of uninterrupted operation. 3.21 The rejection coefficient (see note to table 1) is tested at all positions of the lead switch at a sensitivity of 10 rom/mV. The terminals of the lead cables - connected to the active electrodes are connected through resistors of 5 k,R +10 percent to a common point. When sinusoidal voltage at 100 mV (from peak to peak) is fed between this point and the ground at any ~'requency within the range of 0.05 to 100 Hz~ the amplitude of the signal on the recording (from peak to peak) must not exceed 1 mm. 3.22 The drop in the peak of the transient a~esponse (par 22, tabZe 1) is determined at the maximum sensitivity of the EKG's and a rate of recording medium movement equal to 50 mm/s~ by recording a discontinuity in constant voltage fed to the input at first positive~ then negative~ polarity. The duration of feeding of the voltage must be no shorter than 5 seconds. Plotting is done on the recording (fig 7), and linear dimensions hi and hZ are measured. The transient response of each channel must be a monotonic, inverted curvature to the side of the zero line and must not intersect it. The drop in the peak Q,is determined accarding to the formula: _ a _ ~ ' _ h ' 100 percent. i 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Marking, Packaging, Shipping and Storage _ 4.1 Attached to each EKG must be a metal plate made in compliance with GOST 12969-67 and containing: the trade mark of the manufacturing enterprise; standard marking of the EKG; the year of output; the serial nu:nber of the EKG according to the numbering system of the manufacturing enterprise; the inscription "Made in the USSR" (for equipment intended for export). 4.2 The metal parts of the structure of the EKG's must be subjected to corrosion proofing in accordance with GOST 13168-69. 4.3 Packaging of the EKG's is governed by GOST 9181-59. Marking of the shipping crate is governed by GOST 14192-71. 4.4 The t~chnical description, certificate and shipping invoice, enclosed in a polymer or polyethylene film. are placed in the shipping crate in accordance with ~ GOST 10354-73. 4.5 Shipment of the EKG's is governed by class S, and storage, by class L of GOST 15150-69. 5. Manufacturer's Guarantees _ 5.1. The manufacturing enterprise must guarantee the compliance of the EKG's with the requirements of the instant standard when the consumer observes the storage, shipping and operating conditions set by the present standard. 5.2 The guarantee period of the EKG's is no less than 18 months from the day of their placement in operation, and of EKG's intended for export~ from the time they cross the national border of the USSR. AppendiM 1 � Labeling of EKG Leads 1. The potential lead points must have the following labels: R--right hand; L--left hand; F--left foot; N--right foot; C1--to the right of the sternum at the fourth interspace; C2--to the left of the sternum at the fourth interspace; - C--at the fifth rib. geometrical roidpoint between C.~ and C4; C~--at the fifth interspace on l~ft midclavicular line; CS--between C4 and C6 along left anterior axillary line; - 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY C6--along left midaxillary line at level C. 2. The electrocardiographic leads must have the following labels: I--lead from L to R; II- lead from F to R; III-lead from F to L. - aVR--lead from R to midpoint LF, formed when the potential lead points from G and F are connected at equal resistance, aVL--lead from L to midpoint FR, formed when the potential lead points from F and R are connected at equal resistance; aVF--lead from F to the midpoint RL, formed when the potential lead points from R and L are connected at equal resistance; V1-V 6--lead from C1 -C6 to midpoint RLF, formed when the potential lead points from RL and F are connected at equal resistance. - Appendix 2 Electrical Equivalent of the Subject The electrical equivalent of the sub~ect (EES) is used in determining error in measurement of amplitude, the coefficient of relative asymmetry, equivalent resistance of inphase interference, the drift rate of the zero line and the internal noise level. A diagram of the connection of the EKG to the test signal source to determine the above enumerated parameters is presented in the illustration. The equivalents of electrode full resistance consist of condensers and resistors connect~d in parallel. The values of capacitanee and active resistance directed to 1 cm of surfacP of the electrode interfacing with the unin,jured skin of the person being examined are given in the table presented below. The values of the capacitances and active resistances for the~full resistances " presented in the chart are determined aecording to the formulas: . R' . R _ e e S ; - e Ce = Ce' � 8e, where Se ia the electroconductivz area of the electrode, interfacing with the subject's skin. Deviation of the values of resistances and capacitances from the reference values _ must not exceed the limits of ~ percent of the nominal values. In determining error in measurement of amplitude and the coefficient of relative asymmetry, the electrical equivalent of the subject, is eonnected by switch B1 to the test signal source at inputs R, L~ F~ N~ Ct=C~, to which a signal is fed in a pattern and polarity corresponding to table Z o the instant standard. In 18 I~OR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY R' C' eq, eq~ Site of Electrode Z~' Ohm�cm2 cm~ Forearms and shins Min. 3~~05 0.0166 Max. 10 0.01 Thorax Min. 105 0.0233 1~a~c. 2.7�105 o.oi66 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY determining equivalent resistance of inphase interference, inputs R, L~ F, N~ C are switched off from the test signal source, and the test signal is fed to inpu~ V. The drift rate of the zero line and level of internal noise lead to the input are determined in the absence of the test signal in the position of switch B1 which switches off inputs R~ L, F, N~ C1-C6. Switches B2-B10 serve to connect the maximum or minimum values of equivalents of _ electrode full resistances. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ 3 N~ Z9n ~ 7~ 90~ 2 N d~~ ly 3X!' ~ / ~ ~ I ~ MUM. ~ R ~ Na~'~�'-~ R _ I ~ � z�~ 6~ Muy 83 ~ ~ MoK ~ Z9x ( NUN B4 I f ' f I I MQX � Z _ . ~ - ~ nun. B5 . C1 I C1 ~ M0~ ~ z, s NflN 86 C~ C2 MCA' . ' I MUK Z~ 8~ C3 ~ B~ C3 MOK . I ~ z~r(s~l - Muy C4 ~ ~ ~ C4 MaR . Z . ~ n8 ~ MuN. 89 C5 C5 ~ Na?r . Z I s~( 8 "yN 8~~ C6 C6 I MQ z,~, ( ~ yn 1M ~ -------1 . Figure. Key: 1. Electrical equivalent of subject 7. Ze~ = equivalent of e~ectrode full 2. EKG undergoing testing resistance at neutral electxodes; 3. Test signal source Z = Z 4. Bl ~ test signal s?rltc:h e0 eq max 5. B2-B10 = switches for electrode 8. Z = equivalents of electrod,e . full resistances et full .resistances at thoracic 6. Z = equivalents caf electxode electxodes eq full resista,nces at 9. Minlmum potential electxodes 10. Maximum COPYRIGHTc Izdatel'stvo standaxtov, 1974 9380 CSOs 8144/1607 21 FOR OFFICIA,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ MEDICINE UDC 575.591 INITIAL EVALUATION OF CYTOGENETIC ACTIVITY AND POTENTIAL MUTAGENIC HAZARD OF 22 PESTICIDES Kiev TSIT~T.OGIYA I GENETIKA in Russian Vol 14, No 6, Nov-Dec 80 (manuscript.received 3 Jul 79) Pp 1~1-1t7 /Article by M. A. Pilinskaya, A. I. Kurinnyy, T. S. L'vova and I. V. German, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology of Pesticides, Polymers and Plastics of the UkSSR Ministry of Iiealth, Kiev/ /Text/ Introduction. The development of scientifically substantiated measures aimed at preventing the pollution of the environment with mutagens is one of the immediate tasks of environmental protection in the genetic aspect. Such a task requires a mass check for mutagenicity of widespread chemical compounds, as well as ttiose planned for an extensive use, including pesticides, for the pur- pose of detecting and identifying genetically active substances and distributing them according to the degree of potential mutagenic hazard. T.he authors were guided by the indicated ob~ective during the performance of this investigation devoted to an initial evaluation of the potential mutagenic hazard of 22 pesticides--representatives of nine classes of chemical compounds--on the basis of the results of their cytogenetic st'.udy on mice in accordance with the principle proposed earlier /1/, modif ied in the courae of performance of this in- vestigatio:~ and briefly set forth in a refined form in the presented report. Material and methods. The substances for the inveatigation were selected on the basis of a list of pesticides recommended for application in agriculture by the State Commission oz Chemical Agents for the Control of Peata and Diseases of Plants and Weeds. The list of the studied preparatians is presented in table 1. The initial check of pesticides for mutagenicity was made by the method of ineta- phasa analysis of bone marrow cells of white nonline mice, which meet most of the requirements placed upon an object used for mass investigations (relatively low material expenditures, simplicity, availability, good reproducibility of resu?ts and a~~ifficient rate of chromosome analysis). The cytogenetic activity of sub- stances was studied on 2- to 3-month old male mice. Chromosame preparations were made by Ford's standard method in our modification. Pesticides were studied with a single intragastri~ administration (in the form of a auspension on milk or wa- ter emulsion) and bone marrow fixation 20 hours after the effect. Some substances 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY were studied after a daily fivefold administratiou. The amount of the maximum dose of preparations depended on the degree of their toxicity and in each specific case was N1/2-1/5 LD50. When a mutagenic effect was detected, the study of pesticidzs continued up to the ineffective dose. A total of 33,100 metaphases were investi- - gated, including 2,000 in control animals. The difference between the frequency of aberrant cells in experimental and control groups of mice was eva.luated by stand- ard statistical methods /2/. , _ Table 1. List of Investigated Pesticides Investit~ated substance Chemical name Function Organochlorine Pesticides Kelthane 1,1-di-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethanol Acaricide Chlorocholine chloride (S-ethyl chloride)trimethyl ammonium chloride Retardant - Euparen N, N-dimethyl-~I-phenyl-N-fluorodichlorometh- Fungicide ylthiosulfamide _ Dith3ocarbamic Acid Derivatives Cuprocin A mixture of jointly obtained zinc and copper Fungicide salts of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid in a ratio of 9:1 Polymarcin A complex of zinc and m3nganese salts of eth- Fungicide ylenebisdithiocarbamic acid with ethylene- thiuramdisulf ide in a ratio of 2:1:2 Benzimidazole Derivatives ~ BNC Methyl-N-(2-benzimidazolyl)-carbamate Fungicide Uzgen Methyl ether-N-(1-butylcarbamoylbenzi- Fungicide midazolyl-2) of carbamic acid Alkyl Ethers of Aryl Carbamic Acid Betanal 3-methoxy-carbonyl-aminophenyl-N-(3-methyl- Herbicide phenyl) carbamate Pirimor 5,6-dimethylamino-4-pyrimidinyl-dimethyl Aphicide, . carbamate insecti- cide Thiocarbamic Acid Derivatives Alipur A mixture of N-cyclooctyl-N,N-dimethyl urea Herbicide - and BIPC Vernam S,N,N-tripropyl-thiocarbamate Herbicide Sutan S-ethyl-N,N-diisobutyl-thiocarbamate Herbicide Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 2M-4X 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid Herbicide 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONGY Pref ix 2,6-d~chlorothiobenzamide Herbicide _ Propanid 3,4-dichloranilide of propionic acid Herbicide Ramrod N-isopropyl-N-phenyl-chloracetamide Herbicide Pyridine Derivatives Reglone l,l-ethylene-2,2-dipyridylium-dibromide Arboricide, herb ic ide ~ Phenol Derivatives ~ Acrex 0-isopropyl-0-(2,4-dinitro-6-isobutyl- Acaricide, phenyl) carbonate fungicide Karathane 2,4-dinitro-6-(2-octyl)-phenyl crotonate Fungicide Organophosphoric Pesticides Anthio 0,0-dimethyl-S-(N-methyl-N-iormyl-carbamoyl- Insecti- methyl)-dithiophosphate cide Bromophos 0,0-dimethyl-0-(4-bromo-2,5-dichlorophenyl) Insecti- - ~ thiophosphate cide Khostathion 0,0-diethyl-0-(1-phenyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-3) Insecti- thiophosphate cide Results of investigations and their discussion. The evaluation of the potential genetic hazard of pesticides can be based on the principle of determination of the mutagenic potential of substances according to the following three parameters, which we suggested earlier: degree of manifestation of the effect, ]:evel of effec- tive doses and universality of the mutagenic effect /1/. The results of the study of the cyrogenetic effect of pesticides on mammals can serve as the basis for their initial evaluation according to the f irst two indicated criteria. The degree of manifestation of the effect is an indicator reflecting the relation- ship bEtween the induced and control levels of mutations, which is established ac- cording to the excess of the induced effect over the control level multiple to it and in case of a significant difference is quantitatively equal to this multiplic- - ity. In accordance with this the degree of manifeatation of the effect can have the following values: 0--when differences with control are insignificant; 1--when the control level is exceeded signif icantly; 2--when the twofold control level is exceeded significantly; n--when the n-fold control level is exceeded signif icantly. If the bone marrow of animals as the object of investigation is designated with the letter symbol the numerical index in it will correspond to the degree of man- ifestation of the effect (Ba...Bn). - The level of effective dose, which, according to the scheme presented in table 2, is determined according to the minimum effective dose with due regard for the deg- ree of its toxicity is the second indicator of the cytogenetic activity of pesti- cides. The degree of toxicity is evaluated with reapect to LD50 and is designated _ as "A" with a dose smaller than or equal to 1/5 LD50 and as "ct" with a dose exceed- ing 1/5 LD50� 21~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 2. Scheme of Determination of the Level of Effective Dose . Y~IOBCHb i~Qn�NNNHO(I J{031t O~09qsqlNNC ypOBHA 5Q1~1GKTHAfiOA ,AWW C y4lTOM CC ! ~ \ ~ ~ ~ '1'OKCp4HOCT= \ ! ~3~ ,,,ry,u. ~4~ ~+n~ (5) (16 ) 5MK -I- -1- ~ - Ltrcr. n~ [b~ 61 ~15~ (17) Y~rex (6exow~) -f- $ -I- ~ -I-' - ~r. no [b~6-9j~15~ - (18) Brraxan 0 - 0 0 0 ~ 0 L(at. no [5] ~15~ (19) n+P~P 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 (10J (Zp~ Anxnyp - 0 0' 0 0 0 0. L(pr. no (6] (15) (Zl) BepHaM - 0 0 0 0 0 0 To xsa ~22~ 2M-4X - 0 0 0 0 s ~ 2, ~ n~NK~ - o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ' ( 2 4~ IlponaeHA f 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ 2 5~ PaupoA 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 s ~26~ Pernox t 0 0 0 0 - s ~ 2 ~1 AxpeKC = 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 1 l~ Z 3S I(8P8T8H 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3] ~ 29~ Ax~o 0 0 - o 0 0 0 [12~ Remark. "0"--the substance was not studied; "+"--positive effect; "--"--negative effect; "�"--contradictory data; "+"--colchicine-Iike effect. ' Key: 1. Investigated substance 12. Kelthane 2. Mutagenicity on various ob~ects 13. Chlorocholine chloride 3. Microorganisms 14. Euparen 4. Fungi 15. Quoted from 5. Plants 16. BMC 6. Insects 17. Uzgen (benomyl) 7. Animal and human cells 18. Betanal 8. Laboratory animals 19. Pirimor 9. Cytogenetics 20. Alipur 10. Dominant lethals 21. Vernam 11. Literature 22. The eame - /Key continued on following page/ _ 26 . ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 23. Prefix 27. Acrex 24. Propanid 28. Ra.rathane 25~ Ramrod 29. Anthio 26. Reglone Itcan be seen from the results of the study of the cytogenetic effect of pestici- des on bone marrow cells of mice (table 5) that nine substances- betanal, pirimor, (alkyl ethers of aryl carbamic acid); alipur, vernam, sutan (thiocarbamic acid de- rivatives); prefix, propanid, ramrod (carboxqlic acid derivatives) and acrex (phe- nol derivative)--induced a significant increase in the frequencp of aberrant meta- phases as com~ared with control. As can be seen from the data presented in table 6, these pesticides differ in the _ degree of potential mutagenic hazard. Ramrod should be considered the most hazardous (group I). Its maximum cytogenetic effect (4.5Y) exceeded the threefold control level significantly and the minimum effec~ive dose (10 mg/kg, 1/30 LD50) pertained to the fourth level of effective doses. Pirimor. can be included in group II. It induced a cytogenetic effect in a wide range of doses, including in relatively low (both in terms of weight and taxicity) quantities. The minimum effective dose of pirimor was 2 mg/kg (,~1/50 LD50). The maxi~um effect (3.1%) exceeded the twofold cantrol level sigaif icantly. ~ Betanal and acrex also induced a signif icant excess over the twofold cantrol level. However, their minimum effeceive doses corresponded to the third level of effec- tive doses, which gave reason to include these pesticides in group III. It should be noted that betanal induced genome mutations, significantly increasing the fre- quency of polypl~id metaphases in the bone marrow of mice. Propanid was included in group IV. It induced a significant excess over.the cbn- trol level only in the dose of 100 mg/kg, amounting to 1/5 LD5 (it is the mini- mum effective dose and corresponds to the third level of effec~ive doses). Alipur, vernam,. sutan and prefix induced a cytogenetic effect of the first degree of manifestation only in high doses (500-1,000 mg/kg), which in all.cases exceeded - 1/5 LD This gave reason to assume the nonspecific nature of this effect and to include~the indicated pesticides in so-called "doubtful mutagens" (group V). A total of 13 pesticides did not have a mutagenic effect on bane marrow cells of mice and on the basis of the results of the cytogenetic study were included in group VI as the least hazardous compounds. It should be noted that the conclusion on the degree of potential genetic hazard of the investigated pesticides drawn an the basis of their cytogenetic investiga- tion is tentative and to some extent relative, which is due to the difficulty of presently introducing a parameter making it possible to evaluate the universality of the mutagenic effect. Theref ore, at this stage of investigations the practical recommendations with regard to the studied compounds can be only of a temporary comvromising nati~re with a tendency toward underestimatine pesticides as compo- nents of rhe mutagenic background of the environment. 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Tahle 5. Fx~equency of Chromosome Aberrations in Bone Marrow Cells Under the Effect of the Investigated Pesticidies _ - . - - ~3~ r/,l Sl 4ecno a6eppeuNi~- - - S }.fccle~ji~~+~+oe eeu~ecr- ~(o~, Konxvecrno ~~cTdra weta� ~ xa opxy Mera~asy ~6 ~ ~ eo ~r/Kr b~~tapp�xxdx ~aa c a6eppa- p Mera~a~ w+sma, npou� ecero yccneAo- I a6ep- pex~ � ~ eyro KCJIbT&H (lO) lOO 6OO 1~00~0,40 1Z O~OIO 2,00 ~O~OS b0 600 1,50�0,49 12 0~020 1,33 ~0,05 ~Z1~ XaopxonxaxnopaA 100 600 1~,OOy-0,40 6 Q,O10 1,00 ~0,05 50 600 1,17-!-0,44 7 0,011 1,00 ~0,05 , 50X5 600 0,67-!-0,33 4 0,006 I,00 ~0,05 9ynapea (1 2) 500 600 1,33~-0,47 8 0,013 1,00 >0,05 , 100 600 1,17~-0,44 ? O,OII 1,00 >0,05 ~ Kynpauae (13) 1000 600 0,50=0,29 b 0,008 1,67 ~0,05 ~ ' ' 500 600 1,001-0,41 6 0,010 1,00 ~U,05 f IionHn+apq~1H (14 1~ 600 1,50=0,50 9 0,015 I,00 )0,05 ~ 100 fi0p 1,17~0,44 7 0,012 1,00 )0,05 ~ BMK (15) 5~ 800 0,75-~0,30 6 0,075 1,00 ~0,05 1~ 800 1,50-~0,43 12 0,015 1,00 ]0,05 . Ysrex (16) l~ 600 1,17�0.44 7 0,012 l,pp >O,pS 5~ 600 0,83-!-0,37 b 0,008 1,00 >O,pS 500X5 600 1,33=0,47 8 O,Ol3 1,00 >0,05 Beraxan (1 7) l000 600 3,00=0,69 26 0,043 1,44 ~0,001 1~ 600 2,67-~0,66 1$ 0,030 1;12 C0,001 Ilxpxt~op (18) 50 1000 2,70-!-0,51 28 0,028 1,03 C0,001 . 1~ 1000 3,10-~0,55 34 0,034 1,10 C0,001 2 1000 2,40�0,48 ZT 0,027 1,15 C0,001 j ~.2 600 1,17=0,44 7 0,011 1,00 ]0,05 _ ~ Anenyp (19) ~ 600 2,33=0,61 15 0,02b 1,07 ~0,05 I 100 600 1,OOt0,40 6 0,010 1,00 >0,05 ~ ~ 300 0,33=0,31 1 0~003 1,00 >0,05 ~ Bepeau (20) ~ 600 3,00=0,69 18 0,030 1,00 0~05 ; cy,a� (21) ~ooo soo 2,si=o,si i4 0,02o i,oo ~o,os > 600 1,33~0,46 8 0,013 ~~pp )p~~ i 2M-4X 1~ 600 1,33~0,46 $ O,Ol3 l,pp >0,05 ~ ~ 600 0,33~0,22 6 0,010 3~pp >O,Ob ~ IIpe~Hxc (22) 100~b gpp ~~83_p~b,} 11 O,OlB 1,00 0~~ ~ nponanHll (23) 1 0 600 2,17~O,b9 14 0~020 1.p7 G0~05 ~ ~WO 0,?b~0~43 3 0,007 l,pp >0~05 PaMpoA ( 24 100 600 4, b0=p, 84 27 0, 040 pg ~0, 001 ~ ~ 600 3,17~0,71 20 0,030 i~p5 ~0.001 r 10 600 2,67_0,66 16 O,d27 l,pp ~G0~001 ~ ~ 600 I~17=0,43 8 0,010 l~~p >0,05 Pernox (25) b0 600 1,00~0,40 6 0,010 ~~pp >0,05 ~ AKpexc ~26~ 100 fi00 3,00-~0,69 18 0,030 1,00 C0,001 600 I,bO�0,49 16 0,030 1,80 >0.05 26 600 1,83=0,b4 I1 0,011 ~~pp C0,05 Kaparex (27) 2b 600 1,17~0;43 7 0,011 ~,pp >0,05 12,b fipQ 1,17~0,43 7 0,011 ~~pp ~0~~ 5 600 0,67~0,34 5 0,008 1;20 ~O,Ob AxTxo (28) 100 600 1,00�0,40 6 0,010 ~ pp j 1~ 300 1,00�0,57 3 0,010 ~,00 ~0,05 ~ spo~+~ ( 29 ) 5~ 600 1,16-!-0, 43 ? 0, O11 ~ pp ~0, 05 500Xb 600 1,00-!-0,40 6 0,010 ~~pp ~0,05 XocrarHOx ~gp~ 10 600 1,50~-0,49 9 0,015 1,00 >0,05 - 1 300 1,00=0,b7 3 0,010 1,00 >0,05 KOHTppJp~ ( 31) 2000 0, 70~ O, l y 17 0, 007 1, 00 - 28 /Key on following page/ FOR OFFICIAL U~~ ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key : 1. Investigated substance 16. Uzgea 2. Dose, mg/kg 17. Betanal 3. Number of investigated metaphases 18. Pirimor - 4. Frequency of inetaphases with aber- 19. Alipur rations, percent 20. Vernam 5. Number of aberrations 21. Sutan 6. Per metaphase 22. Prefix 7. Total 23. Propanid 8. Investigated 24. Ramrod 9. Aberrant 25. Reglone 10. Kelthane 26. Acrex 11. Chlorocholine chloride 27. Karathane 12. Euparen 28. Anthio 13. Cupracin 29. Bromophos _ 14. Polymarcin 30. ~ostathion 15. BMC 31. Control Table 6. Evaluation of the Degree of Potential Mutagenic Hazard of the Investigated Pesticides - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - . r ~ea ~T Mama....~ ~aa., (4)~ .5~~ i~ct~te A~P'"'"N" nores- Ayewx ~raoR ryn. ee~ec~rso x~p+~'nprctr~ rna~ o~e- pax~r~~t: r~ ~ 04eau rr/a' Anj,~ O~t~a ~ oocr~ 4wa. apon. . (10) ~~R 4�~='0,~ Ss l0 1/30 A+ A.6= I (11) .~PxKOp 3,14=0. b5 E~ 2 I/60 A~ A~B~ II ~ (lz)~ Beranan 3,00~0,69 6~ 100 1/2b A~ A~S~ III (13) AtcpeKC 3,00�0,69 6~ 2b 's�ai ~I R j suo taoo . x ~ ~;,o ~ so~ . , ms : i r'! ry^~ % rl ~ 1i n r ~ns ' . ~=-..y:#:..;~~~'~'~,~~i~iti,~ 7t~ t~ ~ ~r~r~~ -c,oo -tcvo ~+,~x~ ~ f ~11 x~ iu~, ~un,~ : '-~ow , jo~ suo~ ~J j~ 1 ' , ' i .'1 '1 , + � 2 ~ , r� 1 r mS t`< j,Q . s t ~ i: i. ~ (1 ~ R'1. '1 r( ms ..~..T,.,.;t,,,~. : i41: .'~`i"'""~,'X:�.. a ; ~ �,.,c.,~, - -UPO ..SOJJ ~SpP ' ~ : ~ , lOCO :5~0 ' �~j. ,~s~':~~~ t (~I'`' ms became restless, aggressive, presented more i 1 ~I.'. ti,': frequent motor reactions manifested by --.f.~--,= , . ' u,oo_ ~c:~~+ lo,~ ~oo I u o o t w i t c h i n g a n d e v e n c o n v u l s i v e seizures, r' attempts to break away; some of them chewed ~ through the wires; there were instances of _ ':,o , ms aggression against the experimenter. Some n 7~ h animals urinated and defecated. After the ~ ~ ~i ' ' ~ . .,.~;:,...c' experiments, th~re was heightened motor .~;,o~oi:~~~'o~~,oo` ~`iD01i activity in tfie rabbits' behavior� as soon as the cage door was opened to give them water or food, the rabbits lunged and ~ ms tipped the clish. This excited state was ? "..y~l-rr�!r~ ` often associated with distinctive "~rowling." < 1` n00 c:. ~ ` Ifi00 .100J Some of these symptoms were associated in some animals with passive defense reactions Figure 7. of the "anxiety" [alarm] and "fear" type, 19t1~ experiment; stable persistence of while others were overtly in the nature cross correlations. Conventional of aggressive "rage." designations are the same as in Flgure 4. After numerous stimuli, the changes in various directions referable to the hypothalamus- cortex and hypothalamus-ret~cular formation became very stable: no appreciable change to the end of the experiment in response to the stimuli or in the intervals between them, i.e., for 6-8 h(Figure 9). At this time, the coefficient of variation for the curves of distribution of maximums of cross- correlation functions was significantly lower than at the start of the experiment, which was indicative of stabilization of cross correlations. In the next 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY experiments (startinb wtth the second), such correlations were demonstrated in background EEG acttvity even prior to delivery of electrodermal stimuli, which was indicative of already formed pretriggering integration of the nociceptive emc,tional r~action. In view of the fact that stressor features in tension rhythm analogous to electrodermal stimuli were recorded also during the entire interval between stimuli and persisted in subsequent experiments, we can mention a rather important point: continuity of emotional tension in time during irregular delivery of stimuli, which is i.ndicative of the animal's constant readiness for nociceptive stimuli (Figure 9). ~ ~ ~~a-~ ,~~-,~!.1~~~.~; .,a, r~ r~ .r ~c r~: ~r n r i--s,, S;"IC .~~w" v.v,~:.vM'.H.~r TC w'rw~'^w~,�~'rwv~J4W~�y/~,wyKwr?.rM�av~,4n,MVrMW+~AN~'~'~1w.wN~~"'V/+M^P~,I~ OC ~-.~w�~M ~,~.+.wr,w.~w., KT~ ~ ~~wr,~ At~t ~ n~+a+'~w+~r~"vn+w'Iw~+~w'A~r~'hw,+w'~'~w+~'^+'~?'r~'~'w~M~h+'~M~+^~^~rrJ~~Y~kv~Mw~' T hr~wNw~~+~"~'+WAt~n'e~v~t~h~yti4~r~k~rr,wvw,wu~~ti*Y,U^'~+'A~"'~'''?~^h"~~"f~'~h1`ti!!'~ti'~r�,wN f HTp ~'~~~`~~~~~~~IY~1^~~II~iil~~n'A~~f'dA'"~i~~I~~i~}i~~~rtjY~~~~i~~'~~~~~I~Y~'nn~'~~il~~'~11i~~I1~Y':~If~l' ~ ~ ~~1~1~''~+r'~~''w~~4~~~t~~~~'h~~P~~~~~'~~~~fl~r~~~hk R ~~Rf~~4i~~+~i ~'~NIJ~~~~~ �''~N~~kn~~�~,~,in~u~~~Na11111~Illll~~pq~~'~1~~~~~lf d~+"i~l ~~I~~~puquu"f~~~~~ ~ lin,~ill~~uii~ll I ~~llll ll+ud~l uli .I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I~II~~i~i~ilil~d,i / i~~~'~i'~~~~III'^~ ~u~~,,,~~,,.,~~ ' EKG p~Wlll~ lP~~ � ~IV~jy~'. ;~~~iG~~~7i~d1G;,!�~~..;,~,., ,:I~� ,:~~:c;~;i{i: ~ . ~ ~ ~i EMG ~M~`n'~'~~`~ ' Figure 8. EEG, respiration (R), EKG and EMG following numerous deliveries or irre~ularly timed electrodermal stimuli [same key as Figure 2] Delivery of numerous irregularly timed stimuli [68, 76, 1 47] caused a decline of cortical energy level and attenuation of its functional relations to the hypo- thalamic emotiagenic zone, the excitability of which significantly increased (Figure 10). According to the conceptions of I. P. Pavlov, a decline of cortical functi4n and its functional relation to the "subcortex" could be indicative of development of "protective inhibition" in the higher parts of the brain when exposed to "excessive stimuli." Analysis of changes in parameters of tension rhythm of the cerebral cortex, as related to the hypothalamus, revealed certain differences. Thus, EEG changes 111~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY occurring between the posterior hypothalamus and sensorimotor projection region, where the most refined analysis of i~ociceptive stimuli is made, were the most significant. . _ Ccr lst experiment 21st experiment '�0 r HT' ~ RF a o,c - z , ~f SMC o z "r' TP _ ~ t(~ ms? ~ eu ~ MC , HTp b ,s az 16 o - I FjTP ~c RF t~ ms,j 0, relat.uni ~s _ _ _ _ m,1tl so +o � c ~o HTp to v ~ _ ,u = SMC n, relat.units 3co~ _ R G d .oo ioo . ~ BG + a w to ~o ~o fo co ~o eo ~x� uo to ~o co eo ~oo ~~o wo Number of nociceptive stiunuli Figure 9. Graphic illustration of averaged hypothalamo-cortical (SMC- - HTp [sensorimotor cortex--posterior hypothalamus] and hypotha- _ lamo-reticular (HTp-RF) cross correlations in first group of rabbits: 1} interval between stimuli D) dispersion of tension rhythm 2) during delivery of~electrodermal stimuli n) heart rate (EKG) and BG) background respiratory excurs~ons of mXt) mathematical expectation ~ the chest (R) This means that, in stress situations, the anterio~ parts of the brain were trie most sensitive, vulnerable, and this could, first of all, disrupt processes of afferent synthesis and affect making an adequate decision. Expressly these neocortical elements are essentially the acceptors of deep emotiogenic stimuli and participate in organization of complex forms of emotionally colored goal- oriented behavioral reactions. The question arises as to whether the above-described changes in parameters of ten- sion rhythm are limited solely to emotiogenic subcortical structures of nociceptive 11S FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ motivation and their projections in the cortex, or they also extend to interaction of ttie posterior hypothalamus with other subcortical structures of the brain also in- volved in forming negative emotional reactions. What distinctions are observed here? . Background Emotional tension SMC 1 _ ~ P ' . ` _r V ~ ~ R~t(TJCCY'�0~6J R~,t(il CCr'0,99 VS ~ SMC-HTp VS �-67ms SMC-HTp :o ~ + ~,o ' i ~ 9 ~ J ' raoo w~~ 7�0~ 7oI 000 mg':1)-rooo -JOO oCu Ccr � ~~d Ccr. ~0,99 . HTp-RF ~ VS' ~TS ms HTp-RF VS � o ta ''0 ~ I ,1 y/-~~ 7 ` ?000 2~~~ :Spp V~ I~. !JO l000 mglt) H'0 D~0 -1 . y~ DSMC - 5-10 DSMC - 1-2�5 = DHTp = 10-15 DHTp = 24-30 D~, = 11-15 RF _ Figure 10. Schematic illustration of hypothalamo-cortical (1) and hypothalamo- reticular (2) changes in different directions Key: Ccr) coefficient of cross correlation [?--"Kkr" in source] D) dispersion VS) expansion unknown See Figure 2 for other ahbreviations. To answer this question, we submitted tension rhythm of the posterior hypothalamus in relation to slow EEG waves of the ventromedial hypothalamus, amygdala and thalamus during formation of nociceptive stress to statistical processing. Analysis of cross-correlograms (Figure 4) revealed that the slow waves of the subcortical structures ~tudied were~es~entially synphasic before delivery of electrodermal stimuli in relation to the posterior hypothalamus. The functional relations determined from the maximum of cross-correlation functions of slow waves of the posterior hypothalamus in relation to slow waves of subcortical structures were on the average in the range of 0.6-0.7; they were highest in relation to the medial thalamic nucleus and lowest to the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. The _ first deliveries of electrodermal stimuli to the posterior leg of the rabbit induced slight (16-25 ms) phase shifts in tension rhythm, mainly of the posterior and ventro- medial hypothalamic nuclei and an increase in maximum of their cross-correlation functions. These ctianges were less markPd than the cortico-hypothalamic parameters. 1.16 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070059-6 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY After repeated electrodermal stimulation, the phase shifts betw~en these structures increased to 67 ms and functional relations to 0.74 (Figure 5). There3fter, the phase shifts reached an ave~age of 75 ms and became stabilized to the end of the experiment, but the maximums of cross-correlation functions dropped - to 0.3-0.35 (Figure 6). As for the amygdala, the phase shifts of electric poten- tials did not change in relation to slow waves of the posterior hypothalamus. Of course, there were analogous findings in the intervals between atimuli. However, in this time, the other parameter of tension rhythm--maximum of cross-correlation functions between these structures--increased (0.76). After SO-70 stimuli, the phase shifts of slow waves between the amygdala and pos- terior tiypathalamus began to increase to 68-70 ms, and they were associated with - decline of functional relations to 0.37-0.4. Subsequent delivery of numerous irregular electrodermal stimuli elicited an in- crease in phase shifts between slow waves of the medial center of the thalamus and posterior hypothalamus. Concurrently, the maximum of cross-correlation functions between them dropped to 0.4-0.43. These relations between the posterior hypo- - thalamus and analyzed subcortical structures became stabilized and persisted to the end of the experiment (Figures 6, 7). It should be noted that dispersion of tension rhythm increased in all of these sub- cortical structures, but less than in the posterior hypothalamus and reticular formation. In analyzing the physiological mechanisms of pretriggering integration, it should be noted that, as in the case of electrodermal stimuli, there were analogous changes over the entire interval between stimuli. This was indicative of the _ continuous nature of formed emotional tension with irregular stimuli. Under these conditions, synphasic correlations and a high level of functional relations of EEG tension rhythm between the ppsterior hypothalamus and reticular - formation were found to be the most stable (Figures 6, 7). - Thus, in the course of formation of nociceptive stress there were changes in correlations between pacemaker structures of nociceptive motivation and projection regions of the cortex, as well as various subcortical structures of the brain's limbic system. The process advanced against the attenuated background of interaction of projec- tion zones of the cerebral cortex with the posterior hypothalamus. There was an increase in phase discrepancies and decrease in functional relations of the ventro- medial hypothalamus, amygdala and medial thalamic center with the posterior hypo- thalamus. Disruption of relations b etween subcortical structures intensified the state of tension. Indeed, we know from the literature that not only the cerebral cortex, buC various subcortical structures of the limbic system can have a restraining effect on emotiogenic centers of the posterior hypothalamus and reticular formation. We know [39J that reciprocal relations between electrical activity of anterior and posterior parts of the hypothalamus xre disrupted under the influence of noci- ; ceptive stimuli. These changes alter hypothalamo-cortical correlations and cause formation of negative emotional states. 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070059-6 ~OR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ : ms ~ms ~ /y~ , : i ~ , 'f' . ~ ~ ' ~ A t ~ .i . . t f j � x t~, t a * r~~ c i ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,ti~ ~ 3 u ; _ ~co -i~ ; ' ' i ' f 1 ~ ~ _ < ~ - ~ ~sa ~cc ' c s e ...~~.s..yr~rn y+~+~+-~ . _ ~ ' l, . . " ~ 6 ~ ; ~ ~ ~'fi~Y'.U t . 1' ~ ~ ~ s . 2 t ._..r � , . ~y~ . ~ e . . . : ~ 2 a IIjs+ ~ q;.,. , ~ ~r.~ L i II1S ' ~ � ~ . :r are ~.f ~ : . . � ~.i.z t ~ ` # . z I~ ' "T ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~.Y ~ < i ~h ~~'~~a.s.~ t ~ _ ~ ~ ( : . i~r~ i , ~ ~ ~ T ~ ; j ~ '4~~, ~ ~ ~ '.~D F___~ ~ ~ 'Y :f3"2 F~ ~ t T 1~ ~ i~ p,3~t S!'~~> t, e~'!~''~ ' j ' xs' e # : : : ` ?~'^b'-^..- ~..:...-}y..,. -r.f . S, - ~Ee~~,~a t.ds7.~' ~ L x . ~ 7~t . . ~ �c .r ~ ~ Z . e r ( ~ r S E . i .-r 4K. _....:._.Gj.: ~ ms ~ ~ , , ; ' ms ~ ~ : f . j ~ ~ 1 ~ + ~ r t~~ , ' t ~ V' a ~ ' ' : ~t e ~ t ~ � i~.i->Y 2 f 1~ ~ e~, 1 f a r U' ~ ~ ~ry~ E ` K