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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL~I JPRS L/ 10127 19 November 1981 ~ USSR Re ort p TRANSPORTATIO~ CFOUO 7/81 ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORM~TION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070042-4 _ NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sou~ces are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and _ other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processir..g indicators such as [Text] _ or [Excerpt] in tt~e first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indi~ate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion marlc and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been sipplied as appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREI~t REQU~RE THAT DISSE~IINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTiTJ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10127 19 November 1981 USSR REPORT - TRANSPORTATION (~ouo ~/s1) CONTENTS MISCELLANEOUS Metrc~ in Ttaenty Cities: SOth Anniversary of Soviet Subway Construction (A. Lugovtsov; METROSTROY, No 3, 1981) 1 Improved Transportation Systema Needed for Tyumen (V. A. Vasilyuk; ?IEFTYANAYA PROMYSHLENNOST' SERIYA ~ NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE STROITEL'STVO, No 8, 1981) 2~ - a - [III - USSR - 38d FOUO] cnn nr. r, r~~ ~ r i rcrr n*tT v APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MISCELLANEOUS METRO IN TWENTY CITIES: SOTH ANNIVERSARY OF SOVIET SUBWAY CONSTRUCTION . Moscow METROSTROY in Russian No 3,1981 pp 6-18 [Article by A. Lugovtsov, chief of Metrogiprotrans: "50th Anniversary of Soviet Subway Construction: The Subway in ~aenty Cities"] [Excerpts] The Moscow Metrostroy [Administration for Construction of the Moscow Subway], which is celebrating its semicentennial, has become the springboard for development of Soviet subways. The main direct~~ons of tneir planning and construc- tion were the basis of this interview with A. S. Lugovtsov, c~tiief of the lead - Metrogiprotrans [exact expansion unknown~ planning and surveying institute: ~ ~ [Answer] It can be said definitively that the future of many ma~or cities is linked with constructicn of a subway. During the last decade the number of cities in the country with a pop~ilation of over a million persons doubled. Just from data of the All-Union Survey of 1979, 18 cities have surpassed the one-million level of inhabitants, and six have come close. In the majority of cases the crossing of thi.s threshold complicates the solution to the surface transport problem. Social need thus poses the task of expanding the geography of the most effective form of public transport--an off-street form providing mass high-speed, regular, comforta- - ble transportation. ~ The subway, born of the city's needs, becomes an active part of its life in the very period of its formatioti and later becomes an important city-f orming factor by giving rise to certain construction activities. Today it is difficult to picture Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Tbilisi, Baku, Khar'kov and Tashkent without high-speed underground lines. The Moscora Subway System is constantly increasing the overall length of the network. It will increase 29.4 km in the present five-year plan. - The Leningrad Subway is celebrating its 25th anniversary, the Kiev its 20th, and the Tbilisi its 15th. nuring every 24-hour period the 46 station lobbies of the city on the Neva and the 127 escalators deliver up to two million persons to the underground platforms. Three high-speed tunnel routes interconnect practically all rayons of the city. In Kiev, Tbilisi and Baku, where two lines each already are in operation, the subway takes up to one-third of citywide transportation. A subway has opened in Yerevan. The prestartup time is approaching in Minsk, Gor'kiy and Novosibirsk. Preparatory and tunneling work has begun in Kuybyshev, Sverdlovsk and Dnepropetrovsk. Feasibilit~ studies are being drawn up for subways in Rostov-na-Donu, Alma-Ata, Omsk, Chelyabinsk and Pern?'. A TEO [feasibility studyJ already has been approved for Riga. FOR OFFICIAL1USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 r Vn ur r l~.lrw u.s~ v....? - The overall amount of construction and installation work in subway construction will rise 45 percent in the current five-year plan in comparison with the previous plan. The start-up of some 100 km of new lines is planned. [Question] Anatoliy Stepanovich! Tell us how hydrogeological and other local features affect a solution to key technical problems, the selection of mzthods of performing the work, planning and technological struetures, and i.he configuration of transport complexes as a whole. [An~wer] There are no cities with identical geological engineering, urban develop- ment and other conditions, let alone combinations of these conditions. Every new city where a subway is born is a new page in planning and construction, an invaria-- ble creative search and enrichm2nt of experience previously obtained. For example, in surveying the Tashkent subway route, we encountered an unusual soil environment:unstable loessialrock. This required the development of effective . steps to design reliable foundations for facilities and continuous tunneling. The hot climate made it necessary to create special ventilation systems. A 2one of higti seismicity left an imprint on the nature of tunnel components, which were made of sectional elements with rigid and yielding joint connections and reinforcing seismic bands. Al1 these tasks had to be accomplished for the first time in our practice. _ In its three years of operationy the Tashkent Subway has withstood 25 earthquakes with an intensity to 6, and it must be said that it withstood them excellently. Let's take Minsk, which is not such an exotic example. The unique planning pattern of its center--two almost equivalent city nuclei stand out along the basic archi- tectural axis--forced more than one version of track construction to be studied. The geology forced the acceptance of shallow tunnels (usually deep tunnels are more preferable in a denseiy built-up center with monuments o� historical architecture). � There was a threat that surface transport would be shut down for the period of con- struction. ~ But the optimum design solution was found. In conformity with it, future transfer complexes were located in tr~c most important passenger-originating ~unctiotts. One of the central stations was laid out in the plan so that it would bP able to recEive simultaneous passenger flows from Lenin Square and the railroad station (at first we assumed it was possible to erect only subway stations.of the sec.ond sec- tion in the vicinity of the train station). Construction of shallow.r uns of tun - ne ls ~tas envisaged as being by the covered method convenient for the city. The nonsag tunneling is done by a unit with a set of equipment for erecting a continuous pressed concrete casing, designed in our institute. A significant part of the line under construction already has been developed successfully. A new "bouquet" of special features has been identified now in the TEO development stage of subways in Rostov-na-Donu and Alma-Ata, and they are forcing us to seek an approgriate approach both to the question of drawing up a general arrangement for high-speed underground transportation in each of these cities, and to selection of the depth of the routes. In Alma-Ata in particular the deep layers (Quaternary FOR OFFICIAL2USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY deposits) literally are larded with boulders. And in Rostov-na-Donu it will be necessary to undertake capital mining work under rather narrow streets, in unsta- ble, water-saturated soils, and with a difficult crossing of the Don and its tributary. In all probability, shallow t~inneling is contraindicated here, but deep tunneling is fraught with serious technical complications. L~That is to be done? We are deciding. There are no ready-made solutions. The conditions of Dnepropetrovsk advance a dif�erent range of problems: obtaining a smooth contour of the tunneling, mechanization of the building of deeply embedded single-vault stations in fractured granites, and so on. [Question] The Soviet school of subway planning is based on the diverse experi- ence in building them in different cities around the country. What long-range developments are contained in the latest plans of Metrogiprotrans and its affil- iates? [Answer] I w~uld have to answ~r this question rather diffusely. I'll note the most important ones. Among them are the compact transfer ~unctions of the combined type according to the direction af train traffic, with parallel station platforms, as well as of the central and central-end types with short passages. Architectural salutions of stations with an organic combination of functional and esthetic ele- ments. Highly effective syster~s of tunnel ventilation with new reversible devices; traction. units at electrical substations with semiconductor rectifiers and dry transformers; as well as an automatic speed regulating system permitting an increase in carrying capacity of the lines. More economic and less labor-intensive components of deeply embedded stations: columnar with double-row cofferdams, and pylons with a reduced pier width. Large-size reinforced cement and aluminum water- tight canopies for escalator tunnels. The technology and tunneling equipment for mechanized tunneling. The experience of Leningradites, who in January of this year set a world record f o r d i g g i n g t u n n e 1 runs in extending the Mo scow-Petrograd 1 ine--1, 250 m per - mon[h--gave a new impetus to the identificatiou of organizational and technical reserves for increasing average construction rates in each specific geological engineering situation. Uur immediate program includes an increase in the industrial features of components and methods of building stations by the open method and vestibules; a reduction in their material consumption; and the adoption of tieless tracks convenient to oper- ate, and ottier arrangements. [Question] Speaking of arcnitecture... [Answer] The underground space limited to standardized dimensions and the absence of a facade in the urdinary meaning of the word regulate the work of the subway architect. Moreover, far from all finishing materials can be used because of operating conditions. The station type and its volt:metric-spatial solution cannot var.y within broad limits, since it depends directly on geological engineering. Nevertheless, there are many known achievements in our underground architecture. I believe they stem from the special attention to the architecture of subway stations and the creation here of a pleasing, artistically sonorous spatial environment. This is a priority of Soviet subway construction. FOR OFFICIAL3 USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 r'utt ur~r~ll:lAL U5~ UNLY We proceed from the Moscow experience in developing an architectural concept of new subway lines. And it seems to me that we .are departing further from the extremes in interpreting the architectural and artistic "filling" of stations which occurred in a number of instances, and approaching that rea~onable measure of which much has been said but which is difficult to achieve. We still see attempts to oversaturate the appearance of subway stations in new cities. . Creative discussions of architectural plans greatly cantributP to their improve- ment. It is advisable to hold such discussions not only in the final planning - stage but even when the concept has jelled. In selecting means of architectural expression it is important to have a concrete disclosure of the interconnection of functional and estheta.c elements. The organic alloy of architectural, artistic and engineering solutions subordinated to a specific idea and assuming a laconicism of architectural expressiveness is the backbone of this interconnection. I emphasize that a synthesis of architecture and the fine arts in the subway must bear not a mechat~ical, but a naturally merged character. The creative union of architect, artist and engineer is so necessary for this reascn. The engineering interpreta- tion and creation of the optimum structural basis is of grea4 importance in the search f:,r aew volumetric-spatial solutions. One of the achievements of recent years was rhe rebirth of shal.low, single-vault stations in Moscow, Khar'kov and Tashkent. A vault of variable section with internally broadened abutment and tie beam reinforced with spaced frame~--that is the variety of single-vaulted s*_ations of the Khar'kov subway. These components have beer. gi~~en seismic sEability in Tashkent. The appearance of new arrangements in combination with a diversity of artistic treatment has enriched the architectural appearance o~ the subway as a whole. . The best models of underground architecture are being created in a unique, imagina-- tive manner by developing national traditions in a truly innovative way and in the process of mutual enrichment of experience. Every city where a subway is being built has many centuries of history. The interiors of subway stations uniquely recreate the spirit of revolutionary trans- formations and the traces of preceding centuries, and they accumulate the modern times rich in events. The ideological influence of the works of architecture is continuous, and the years are not lessening it. [Question] What milestones in the further development of the Moscow subway are being planned today? [Answer] The institute has begun a new phase for branching out the network of the capital subway in coordination with the long-range general plan for city develop- ment being drawn up by NIiPI Genplana [Scientific Research and Planning Institute for the General Plan]. Design decisions will be based on the radial-ring structure previously adopted and which has proven itseii. It is important to provide for a consolidation of the network and a more even dis- - tribution of passenger flows in connection with an increase in city size and size of the population. There unquestionably will be an increase in the number of dia- metrical lines. It will not be sufficient to have only the Ring Line as the dis- tributor of passenger flows. II1 speaking of this, we also have to consider their expected increase in concen~ric directions. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Which is more advisable? A second ring or a combination of chord lines? Or per- haps a combined system of phased adjoining ring and chord sectors will be the most acceptable. The main criterion for our feasibility studies is the speed and con- venience of transportation. [Question] Won't the question of building express subway lines in Moscow arise in connection with this? [Answer] I believe they will not be required in the foreseeable future. In New York, for example, express lines in combination with local lines in the Manhattan area were ~.he result of an excessive concentration of passenger flows in a narrow, elongated territory, and in some other cities they are the result of an uncon- trolled increase in travel distance on local lines. It also has to be borne in mind that the gain in time of travel through a consider- able increase in distances between stations turns out to be a loss for lesser travel distances. We adhere to the viewpoint that the lengths of runs must be set with consideration of providing comf ortable movement for the majerity of passen- gers. The rationally planned outlines of the structural basis being developed for the capital subway will contribute to a further increase in flexibility of its system, the degree of carrying capacity, and speed indicators. Precise coordination in development of the subway and city construction depends on us to a certain ext-ent. [QuestionJ Please comiuent on the basic provisions of general plans for development of other subways in the country. [Answer] Consideration is gi~~en in developing the plans not only to future city construction, estimated passenger flows and the foci of their gravitation, but also to the principle of building a subway network providing an opportunity for traveling from any given point to any other with no more than one transfer. As a rule we are using systems of three or more ].ines with their intersection in a cen- tral part of the city. The triangle formed by the transfer junctions is the struc- - tural basis of the plan. ~ A successful design version was found in forming the subway network in Dneprope- trovsk. Not an intersection, but the contiguity of two lines at the same level - with the shortest combined-type transfer has been provided in the vicinity of the future "Yrospekt I1'icha" station. Approximately the very same decision was planned for the Moskovskaya station in Gor'kiy. I wou?d also like to highlight such important provisions of the general layouts as assurance of an effective interaction of subway lines with other types of transpor- tation by creating multilevel traffic systems; and the organization of a uniform, maneuverable network of high-speed suburban-city lines by having subway lines adjoin railroads in peripheral areas. I believe that a redundancy of passenger vehicle parking areas in the vicinity of subway terminal stations also would be of significant importance. This should contriLute to a comprehensive improvement in transportation services for the population. S _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 Folt Ur~r~lC1[~. U5~ UNLY Facts and Figures The Glavtonnel'metrostroy [Main Administration for Construction of Tunnels and Subways] is the largest association of contracting, industrial and planning-design organizations carrying out the construction of subways, transportation tunnels and various underground facilities in our country. There are 13 administrations of construction prajects (trusts) with 86 primary line organizations engaged in building subways and tunnels. They are the terri- - torial construction and installation administrations (trusts)--Mosmetrostroy, Lenmetrostroy, Kievmetrostroy, Tbiltonnel'stroy (Tbilisi Tunnel Construction], Baktonnel'stroy [Baku Tunnel Construction], Armtonnel'stroy [Armenian Tunnel Con- struction], Khar'kovmetrostroy, Tashmetrostroy [Tashkent Subway Construction], Bamtonnel'stroy [Baikal-Amur Railroad Tunnel Construction.], Minskmetrostroy, Gor- metrostroy [exact expansion unknown] and others. They are equipped with highly productive tunneling and construction machinery, have skilled personnel and have a well-developed industrial base. These administrations build complete subways and tunnel facilities under general contract conditions, using specialized organiza- tions. The conduct of scientific research and development of new models of equipment is the responsibility of the Tunnels and Subways Department of the All-Un3.on Scien- tific Research Institute of Transport Construction and the SKTB [Special Design and Technological BureauJ of Glavtonnel'metrostroy. Thirteen industrial enterprises function in the Glavtonnel'metrostroy system. More than 220,OOU m3 of precast reinforced concrete, 360,000 m3 of concrete commodities, 32,000 tons of cast iron tubing, and almost 10,000 tons of inetal components are delivered to construction sites each year. The manufacture of precast reinforced concrete components for tunnel casings is accomplisheci at ZhBK [reinforced concrete componentsj plants of construction admin- ~ istrations. The largest of them is the Ochakovo Plant of Mosmetrostroy. The Cherkizovskiy ZhBK Plant of ylosmetrostroy produces 40,000 m2 of marble and 18,000 m2 of polished granite each year for finishing subway stations. ~'roduction of heading machines and tunnelling complexes and production ot cast iron tubing for large-diameter tunnels (8.5 m and 9.5 m) has been organized at the Moscow Machinery Plant of Glavtonnel'metrostroy. Nonstandard equipment, vehicles, machinery and means of small-scale mechanization for all kinds of tunneling work are manufactured at this same enterprise as well as at machinery plants of con- struction administrations. The Moscow Subway network is 193 km lang with 115 stations; the Leningrad Subway is 71.6 km inng with 41 stations; the Kiev Subway--28.4 km with 21 stations; the - Tbilisi--L9 km with 16 stations; the Baku--21.9 km with 12 stations; the Kh~~r'kov-- 18.2 km with 13 stations; the Tashkent--16.7 lan with 12 stations; and the Xerevan Subway is 7.6 km long with 5 stations. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Idedvedko � M(JSCOW ianozovo0 . : L : ;Rechnoy ~ Vokzal ~ ane naya ~ ~tradnoye � Preobrazhen- ~ S~ya A~~. Ploshctiad' Shche kov . � . & a , �~Sabelovski .V~k a1 . . . . ' ~Bibli t~ka ~ =~ovogireyevo im. Len na- iolode~hnaya ~ w ku , - ~ n s~ tarl:sistskaya . . .Ser ukhovsk ~ Zhdanov- .'~~O , ; skaya i (y~ Yugo- ~ Kashirskaya � $olntsev Zapadnaya ` Bel~~vaye ; Krasnog~ rdeyskay - l ~~Qxekt?o~1 ~ ~Yuzhnaya ~rp,a~ ~~Yasenevo ~~~a~~_ : . ~~tro~~ 1' Udel'r_aya LFNII~GRIW I Geroye KIEV Dnepra~ ~ O ~ K~msomol'-: ~ Pro,spe ~ ~ Petr gradskaya ~ Korneych Prirnors aya ~ Nevsl:iy . �~Ia akovskav Svyatoshinb~ Pionerskaya k ~ Al o Qin ~ I Prosp~ ~ t.r..,~ , g � Kr~shchat . Ok~yabr's y ~ Universite.t Revo yutsi~ . ~ . = G - � �~~~u~~~~~~~ ' 1 L~nonosov~kayda ~ ��~vet~~r~nkv / ~ , C~ Orekhovatsic~r~ C? u~ic~ii?n ~ / ixistin~ lines Under construction Future lines 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 1V1\ V+aaVl~~u Vv~+ v~~ua ~ldani T~ILISi EARL' ' ,~~~~uuu4 I ~ic~ube ~�:ikrorayon ? Ivef t - : chil~ar . Gol~zal'na~a � ~ Stiaumyan ~ ~Nizam i ~1arl~etil~ ~w� ~ 8 A Yel ~ _ Samgori~. . Baky soveti ~�'Delisi ' : O ' Q TAS~~K~TTT lek rolampo~y y YEREVAN ? ~ zavq,dL~ Q� - ~ Achaln~ak . ~ .v . ; O'i'"..~ ,~ruzhba ~ . ~ Pa~:r'�, P1~ hctaad' Yeritasardakan talcop ~ enina aksia~ ~ I Gor' ko a~m~~t~?~~~ ~~~~~~~a~~` ~ . a ~ Ploshchac~' ~ ~i Tashkr~ Spanaaryana 1 ; Sasuntsi ' 4. Lav~d Sabira ~ ~ ~On~Q ~akhimov~~,ll:a~ovsl:a a , ~ 4 KHAR' KOV p MI~1SK ~ O : - ~ ~ Moskov~ ; : ~ sl-.a~~~9 . : � annn . t ~ ~s~~~~' � ~ � ~ vetskayaj'Z:,~ Barabashova Oktyabr s y~ . nstitu~ ~~ploshct~d' , � s � L'lits~ � t ry � _~~en~na O~.� Sverdlo~'a ~ ~~''~~O : : ~ dJ :Proletarsk ~ ~ ~ ~ : 0 ~ ~ 8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL 1 . ~ ~ GOR'KIY ~ RUYBYSHEV Q I`��,,~~~~ ~ MO S O V S ICd S �A ~~~~~~~,,,0 ~��+~'1 Y ~rospekt~~.. . , ~ , ~loshc'h- � d .evo--+� � � ~ Q ~Yu~si. ~~.;~5:.~~''~~ ~ d ,~agar~na ~m~ . ~ Kryl'ya : Scvetov '',~,dKomsom~l's ya / : _ d o. Ko monavtov Q SVEP.DLOVSK ~a���,~~~~DNEPROPETROVSK ; Kalinovskay~ p � � ~ ~~i _ a 'Z.~ : n... ~O\~e~ ? PrdVa't,y Ploshchad' � ~ Ploshchad ~ ' � Studench ~o: ~~QPro~p~ 1905 goda ~~~~~~.,~.+.~pkay Petrovskogo~ ~r a'~r a ~~~~~~~~~u~~~"�~;~verdlova r ~StudenChes- Verkh ' ~Prospel~kaya Isetskay~.`'~~~uybyshev a~~~~~~~~~~~ I1'icl~~~ = 4 Zavodgkaya : : : ~ Vo 1 g r a d s kaya�~�.,~~, ~ ��~~i~~O Shch~et~akovskaya 0 4 ~ Q i1QVOSIBI-- R RIGti =Pl~shchad' QKa J in ina,~~~o`~A \ 4 Sib1L'ska.yd}~uuw~~~i~ ~ VEF ~'Y ~ Vnazal'-~~ ~i~,.",�Q Q � y ~ ~~Oktyabr'ska a ~~i~~~~~~'f" f V. I. = , Q.�.~~enina " � Imanta . . ~~�.r : , O ~i~^� f ~n~r~nQ . ~ Vokza , S Zasulauks +�`Wr, Pl j~avn' ye i ti~~=? Plost?chad ' '�e ~~~~~~~n+~~ I:. 1�tarksa ~~r~~~~~~~1~�~O 4` w ~I/1 ' ~ L . i ~ ~ `V ` = ~ ~ 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY Stages of the Great Path (Chronicle of Construction Starts) Length, Nr of Year in km stations o eration Moscow Operating lst Section Kirovskiy Radius: Sokol'niki-Park kul'tury Arbatskiy Radius: } 11.6 13 1935 Kaiininskaya-Smolenskaya 2d Section: Arbatskiy Radius: Smolenskaya-Kievs?=aya 1.3 1 1937 Pokrovskiy Radius: Ploshchad' Revolyutsii-Kurskaya 2.4 2 1938 ' Gor'kovskiy Radius: Ploshchad' Sverdlova-Sokol 9.6 6 1938 3d Section: Zamoskvoretskiy Radius: Ploshchad' Sverdlova-Avtozavodskaya 6.5 3 1943 Pokrovskiy Radius: Kurskaya-Izmaylovskiy park 7 4 1944 4th Section: Kol'tsevaya liniya: Park kul'tury-Kurskaya 6.7 6 1950 Kurskaya-Belorusskaya 6.9 4 1952 Arbatskiy Radius: Arbatskaya-Kievskaya 4.5 3 1953 Kol'tsevaya liniya: Belorusskaya-Park kul'tury 5.8 2 1954 Pokrovskiy Radius: Izmaylovskiy park-Pervomayskaya* 1.3 1 1954 Frunzenskiy Radius: Park kul'tury-Sportivnaya 2.5 2 195 Rizhskiy Radius: [sicJ Prospekt Mira-VDNKh 5.4 4 1958 Filevskiy Radius: ~ Kievskaya-Kutuzovskaya 2.1 2 1958 Frunzenskiy Radius: Sportivnaya-Universitet 4.5 2 1959 *The previously operated run was closed with the opening of the new Izmaylovs~Ciy park--Izmaylovskaya sector. 10 _ F~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400074042-4 FOR OFFICIAL liSE ONLY [Continued from previous ~age] Length, { Nr of Year in km ~ stations o eration Moscow Operating File~skiy Radius: Kutuzovskaya-Fi]_i 1.4 1 1959 Pokrovskiy Radius: Izmaylovskiy park-Pervomayskaya 3.2 2 1961 Filevskiy Radius: Fili-Pionerskaya 4.6 3 1961 Kaluzhskiy Radius: Oktyabr'skaya-Novyye Cheremushki 8.9 5 1962 Pokrovskiy Radius: Pervomayskaya-Shchelkovskaya 1.8 1 1963 rrunzenskiy Radius: Universitet-YuQo-Zapadnaya 4.4 2 1963 Kaluzhskiy Radius: Novyye Cheremushki-Kaluzhskaya 1.7 1 1964 - Gor'kovskiy Radius: Sokol-Rechnoy vokzal 6.5 3 1964 Filevskiy Radius: - Pionerskaya-Molodezhnaya 3.9 2 1965 Kirovskiy Radius: Sokol'niki-Preobrazhenskaya ploshchad' 2.6 1 1965 Zhdanovskiy Radius: Taganskaya-Zhdanovskaya 14.5 7 1966 . Zam~skvoretskiy Radius: Avtozavodskaya-Kakhovskaya 9.6 4 1969 Kaluzhskiy Radius: Oktyabr'skaya-Pl~~shchad' Nogina 4.2 2 197U 7hdanovskiy Radius: Taganskaya-Plostichad' Nogina 2.1 1 1970 Rizhskiy Radius: _ Ploshchad' Nogina-Prospekt Mira 3.2 2 1971 Krasnopresnenskiy Radius: Barrikadnaya-Oktyabr`skoye pole 8.1 5 1972 Kaluzhskiy Radius: Novyye Cheremusiiki-Bel.yayevo 3.8 2 1974 Krasnopresnenskiy Radius: Yloshctiad' Nogina-Barrikadnaya 3 2 1975 Oktyahr'skoye pole-Planernaya 9.7 4 1975 11 I'OR OFFICIAT. i1SF nNT v APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY � [Continued from previous page] Length, Nr of Year in km stations o eration - Tio s cow Operating Rizhskiy Radius: VDNKh-Medvedkovo 8.3 4 1978 - Gor'kovskaya 1 1979 Kalininskiy Radius: Marksistska~a-Novogireyevo 12 6 1979 Shabolovskaya 1 1980 Under Construction Serpukhovskiy Radius: Serpukhovskaya-Yuzhnaya 13.9 8 1983 Zamoskvoretskiy Radius: Kashirskaya-Orekhovo 6.4 3 1984 Serpuktiovskiy Radius: Serpukhovskaya-Biblioteka im. Lenina 2.8 2 1984 Zamoskvoretskiy Radius: Orekhovo-Brateyevo 3.4 2 1985 ~ Kalininskiy Radius: - Marksistskaya-Novokuznetskaya 1.6 1 1985 . Future Serpukhovskiy Radius: Yuzhnaya-Krasnyy mayak 1.3 2 1985 - Kaluzhskiy Radius: Belyayevo-Yasenevo 6.5 4 1986 Serpukhovskiy Radius: Krasnyy mayak-Krasnyy stroitel' 3.3 2 1987 Timiryazevskiy Radius:. - Novoslobodskaya-U1. Rustaveli 11.5 7 1988 U1. Rustaveli�Otradnoye } Novoslobodskaya-Biblioteka im. Lenina 3.5 2 1989 Leningrad Operating Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya Line: Avtovo-Ploshchad' Vosstaniya 10.8 8 1955 Ploshchad' Vosstaniya-Ploshchad'�Lenina 3.4 2 1958 rloskovsko-Petrogradskaya Line: Tekhnologicheskiy institut-Park Pobedy 6.6 5 1961 Tekhnologicheskiy institut-Petrog.radskaya 5.9 4 1963 � 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Continued from revious a e] Length, Nr of Year in km stations o eration Leningrad Operating Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya Line: Avtovo-Dachnoye 1.5 1 , 1966 Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya Line: Vasileostrovskaya-Ploshchad' Aleksandra Nevskogo 8.2 4 1967 - rioskovsko-Petrogradskaya Line: Park Pobedy-Moskovskaya 2.2 1 1969 Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya Line: Ploshchad' Aleksandra Nevskogo-Lomonosovskaya 6.1 2 1970 Moskovsko-Petrogradskaya Line: Moskovskaya-Kupchino 4.5 2 1972 Kirovska-Vyborgskaya Line: , Ploshchad' Lenina-Lesnaya 8.~5 2 1975 Lesnaya-Akademicheskaya 3 I975 Avtovo-Prospekt Veteranov 3.6 2 1977 Akademiches~:aya-Kamsomol'skaya 5.3 2 1978 Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya Line: Vasileostrovskaya-Primorskaya 2.36 1 1979 Lomonosovskaya-Obukho~*o 3.84 2 1981 Under Construction Moskovsko-Petrogradskaya Line: Petrogradskaya-Udel'naya 6.8 3 1982 Pravoberezhnaya Line: Ploshchad' Aleksandra Nevskogo-U1. Kollontay 6.9 4 1985 Future - Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya Line: Obukhovo-Rybatskoye 3.7 1 1984 Pravoberezhnaya Line: Ploshchad' Aleksandra Nevskogo-Ploshchad' Mira 4.3 3 1986 Moskovsko-Petrogradskaya Line: Udel'naya-Parnasskaya S.5 2 1987 Pravoberezhnaya Line: U1. Kollontay-U1. Narodnaya 4.4 2 1988 Zhdanovsko-Frunzenskaya Line: Ploshchad' Mira-Bogatyrskiy prospekt 9.3 6 1989 Ploshchad' Mira-U1. B. Kuna 7 S 1990 ~ 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = Continued from revious a e Length, Nr of Year in km stations o eration Kiev Existing Svyatoshino-Brovarskaya Line: Vokzal'naya-llnepr . 5.2 5 1960 Vokzal'naya-Zavod "Bol'shevik" 3.3 2 1963 Dnepr-Darnitsa 4.4 3 1965 Darnitsa-Komsomol'skaya 1.3 1 1968 Zavod "Bol'shevik"-Svyatoshino 4.5 3 1971 Kurenevsko-Krasnoarmeyskaya Line: Ploshchad' Kalinina-Krasnaya ploshchad' 3.3 3 1976 Svyatoshino-Brovarskaya Line: Komso~ol'skaya-Pionerskaya 1.7 1 1979 Kurenevsko-Krasnoarmeyskaya Line: Krasnaya ploshchad'-Prospekt Korneychuka 4.7 3 1980 Under Construction Kurenevsko-Krasnoarmeyskaya Line: ~ P1. Oktyabr'skoy Revolyutsii-Tsentral'nyy stadion 2.1 2 1981 Prospekt Korneychuka-Geroyev Dnepra 2.3 2 1982 Tsentral'nyy stadion-Orekhovatskaya ploshchad' 4 4 1985 Future S~retsko-Pechorskaya Line: Zolotyye~vorota-Mechnikova 3.1 3 1986 Tbilisi ' � Existing lst Section: ~ Didube-Rustaveli 6.3 6 1966 Rustavel3-300 aragvintsev 4 3 1967 300 aragvintsev-Samgori 2.5 2 1971 2d Section: Vokzal'naya-Delisi 6.2 5 1979 Under Construction lst Section: Didube-TEVZ 4.2 2 1984 TEVZ-Gldani 2.35 2 1985 Samgori-Varketili 2.04 1 1985 Future lst Section: Bol'shoye Digomi-Moskovskiy prospekt 24.2 17 ~ 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400074042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LContinued from revious a e Length, Nr of Year in _ km station~ o eration Baku Er.i s t ing lst Section: Baky Soveti-Narimanov 10 6 1967 2d Section: ~ 28 Aprel-Shaumyan 2.2 1 1968 lst Section: Narimanov-platforma Depo 0.72 1970 Narimanov-Ulduz 2.3 1 1970 Ulduz-Neftchilyar 5.1 3 1972 28 Aprel-Nizami 2.3 1 1976 Under Construction 2d Section: Nizami-Mikrorayon 6.7 4 1983 Future Mikrorayon-Ulduz 8 5 Neftchilyar-Akhmedly 6 4 28 Aprel 1 Khar'kov Existing Sverdlovsko-Zavodskoy Diameter: Ulitsa Sverdlova-Moskovskiy prospekt 10.6 8 1975 Moskovskiy prospekt-Proletarskaya 7.6 5 1978 Under Construction Saltovsko-Shevchenkovskiy Diameter: Sovetskaya-Barabashova 7.7 5 1984 Barabast~ova-Geroyev Truda 3.3 3 1985 Future Alekseyevsko-Gagarinskaya Line: Prospekt Pobedy-Odesskaya 15 11 1985 Tashkent Existing lst Section: _ Sabira Rakhimova-Oktyabr'skoy Revolyutsii 12.2 9 1977 Uktyabr'skoy Revolyutsii-Maksima Gor'kogo 4.5 3 1980 Under Construction 2d Section: - Pakhtakor-Tashkent 5.5 5 1985 15 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470042-4 L'Vl\ Va~avL[~v V~u va~~~ Continued from revious a e . Length, Nr of Year in km stations o eration Tashkent Future , Tashkent-Aviagorodok 2.2 2 1987 Yerevan Existing lst Section: David Sasuntsi-Druzhba 7.6 5 1981 Under Construction David Sasuntsi-Ploshchad' Spandaryana 3.9 3 Oktemberyan 1 Future 2d Section: Druzhba-Elek.trolampovyy zavod 5 3 Druzhba-Achapnyak 3.5 2 Minsk Under Construction Moskovskaya-Institut kul'tury 8.65 8 1984 Future Moskovskaya-Vostok 1.75 1 Prospekt Pushkina-Avtozavodskaya 13.4 10 Gor'kiy Under Construction 2�faskovskaya-Komsomol'skaya 9.6 8 1984 ~ Future � Kalininskaya-G~r'kovskaya 8 4 Moskovskaya-Meshcherskiye ozera 2.7 1 Novosibir~k Under Construction Leninskaya Line: Krasnyy prospekt-Studencheskaya 8.46 6 J.985 Sibirskaya-Vokzal'naya 1.8 2 Future Leninskaya Line: - Krasnyy prospekt-Ploshchad' Kalinina 2.4 2 Studencheskaya-Ploshchad' Karla Marksa 1.54 1 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404070042-4 FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Continued from revious a e Length, Nr of Year in kri stations o eration Kuybyshev Under Construction Oktyabr'skaya-Kirovskaya 11.2 9 1983 Future Oktyabr's~:aya-Ploshchad' Revolyutsii 4.4 3 Kirovskaya-Kryl'ya Sovetov 2.2 1 Sverdlovsk Under ~onstruction lst Section: Chkalovskaya-Prospekt Kosmonavtov 11.5 9 1988 Dnepropetrovsk Under Construction lst Section: _ Kommunarovskaya-Oktyabr'skaya ploshchad' 11.82 9 Future 2d Section: Zavodskaya-Pravda 9.81 5 Riga Future lst Section: VEF-Zasulauks 8.9 8 Zasulauks-Imanta 4.3 3 2d Section: Ploshchad' Lenina-Plyavniyeki 5.9 5 l.7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The Contribution to the Depository of Subway Construction Leningrad: The per�~rmance of high-speed tunneling at the Lenmetrostroy has become a tradition already numbering more than three decades. In 1949 a creative collective of scientific workers, designers and builders of Lenmetrostroy made the first Soviet mechanized heading machine. Beginning in iy50 allthe tunnel runsof the Leningrad Subway have been built with mechanized heading machines. The design of tfie KT 1-5.6 mechanized tunneling system was developed, with an arched conveyor block placer for installing casing pressed into the rock. Technology is being created for through heading of lateral tunnels using mechanized systems in a uniform cycle with adjoining tunnel runs; working of the rock and installation of the upper vault of a sing~~-vault station is being mechanized. Precast reinforced concrete casing of tunnel. runs has b eenintroduced, using units of a simple form, assembled ar,d pressed into the rock. In comparison with types used previously, this type of casing provides an opportunity to increase tunneling rates, to reduce consumption of material and labor expenditures, and to raise the quality and working conditions of production. Deep, single-vault stations have been built. The principle of press ing the casing into the rock is implemented for vau~lts of large span in bu~ilding single-vault stations. The design of columnar stattons is perfected. Steel columns rest through blocks on the lower monolithic reinforced concrete beam, which in turn hinges on precast reinforced concrete units closing the lower part of the casing. Such a design decision permits using the additional volume obtained for accommodating offices. ~ Reinforced cement components were introduced, particularly large-component water- tight canopies for stations and escalator tunnels. They are installed in the form - of triple-hinged arches which are not connected with the main bearing casing, and they have high technological~ operating and architectural qualities. Automatic control of train traffic is established on the basis of a centralized programming-modeling system. An automated sy~tem for control of the technological process (ASUTP) is being developed. This work is broken into several phases. In the first, which is to be completed in 1982, the work of the mine surveyor and heading machine operator will be replaced by an EVM [electronic computer]. It is planned to automate rock load- ing and mechanize the delivery and instal~.ation of bands. One person will direct these operations from a console. In subsequent phases automation is to take in all processes, including hauling the rock and taking it to the surface. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A brineless freezing of soils has been introduced, using liquid nitrogen which vaporizes in the refrigerating column (without refrigeration units). Thanks to the low evaporation temperature of liquid nitrogen (-195�), nine times less time is spent for freezing. Kiev: In constructing the Arsenal'naya Station in sticky clays and fluid loams an inter- , mediate vestib~ile was built at the surface and lowered to the design level under the protection of an ice and soil wall. The deep Polytechnical Institute Station was built of precast reinforced concrete components. = In cutting the city gravity-flow collector in clay soils, a casing was introduced made of reinforced concrete units str�essed by being thrust against the rock by the opening of a wedge block. This allowed complete elimination of in~ection and a reduction in consumption of reinforcement by 3-4 times. The technology of building tunnels with single-section casings was developed, using - the IQ~10-1 mechanized system. Tbilisi: A casing of single-section units 1.5 m long was used in building shallow - runs between the Komsomol'skaya and Delisi stations. Centrifugally precast, prestressed columns with spiral reinforcement and with high bearing power were installed in the Isani and Prospekt Tsereteli stations. The columns weigh 3.5 tons with an outer diameter of 64 cm. The components are econom- ical, transportable and easily installed. Two deap single-vault stations (Polytechnical Institute and Vokzal'na~a-ll) were built in rocky soil out of monolithic cancrete and reinforced concrete. A complex was built consisting of a mechanized underground passage with hori~ontal platform passenger conveyors from the Samgori subway station to the Kakhetinskiy Highway. The passage was built under difficult conditions under 13 operating rail- road tracks without interrupting train traffic. Carrying capacity of the conveyor in one direction is 61,000 persons per hour. Baku: A working method was used involving the simultaneous use of a caisson and deep water drawdown in t.unneling between the 26 Baky komissary and the 28 Aprel stations in fine sandy loams alternating with clays and in sandy loams with a hydrostatic ground water pressure of 4.5 gauge atmospheres. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 J PVic Vrrll,ltw UJ~ U1vLz Ttie 28 Aprel-Nizami tunnel runs were built under difficult hydrogeological _ conditions by the heading method in combination with a caisson, water draw- - down, freezing and cementation. A standardized reinforced concrete casing made of continuous section units with circular joints without connections has been used in tunnel run sectors. Wide use has been made of glued, bituminized, waterproof rolled materials made on a cellular fiberglass basis--fiberglass roofing material and bituminized fiberglass in place of waterproofing on bituminous cement. Khar'kov: A design has been introduced of a sing].e-vault station built by the open method with a monolithic reinforced concrete vault installed by using movable metal form work. This permits diversifying the architectural finishing of the vault by applying various elements on the form work. ' A method has been used for reinforcing silt-sand 5oils with a heavy inflow of ground waters ~on the Sovetskaya-Prospekt Gagarina run) by means of injecting ctiemical reagents through special holes bored in the tunne3_ casing. Carbamide resins (UKS [exact expansion unknown)) with a K bond were used as the binder, wtiile a three-percent solution of oxalic acid was used to speed up gelatinization. The Uzerzhinskaya columnar station is being built with a platform 13 m wide, and column spacing was increased to 9 meters at the Barabashova station. The progressive flow line method of building facilities has been adopted every- where, wliich reduces construction time 15-20 percent and lowers labor input 20-3U percent anri production cost Z2-15 percent. Tashkent: The problem has been solved concerning seismic stability of station components and subway tunnel runs being laid dokm ir_ very moist,unstable loessial rock. ~ Components, made of precast and monolithic reinforced concrete, are designed not only for receiving permanent and temporary loads, but also for the action of inertial forces of rock movement during an earthquake. Maximum use is being made of precast com~onents with continuous longitudinal rigid and yielding seismic bands. Ttie method of erecting a casing pressed into the rock under conditions of erector tunnelling has been tested in building the run between the Pakhtakor and Ploshchad' Lenina stations. Yerevan: A casing of precast reinforced concrete units with cylindrical joints without tension braces and with two supplementary inserts has been developed for build- ing tunnel runs. A reinforced concrete ~acket with metal insulation is installed within the component. The metal saved per running meter is 4,152 kg. - 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY New types of ties--welded angle braces between units and tie bolts along the axis of elements--have been developed for the purpose of preventing the deforma- tions of sectional rings of casings from seismic forces. The ties consist of metal rods ].8 mm in diameter, embedded in holes with expanding cement. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Moskovskaya pravda", "Metrostroy", 1981 6904 CSO: 8144/017U f 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MISCELLAN~OUS . IMPROVED TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS NEEDED FOR TYUMEN Moscow NEFTYANAYA PROMYSHLENNOST' SERIYA NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian No 8, 1981 pp 16-18 [Article by V.A. Vasilyuk: "The Economic Problems of Improving Transportation Ser- vices For the Tyumen' Petroleum and Gas Extracting Region"] ~ [Text] Transportation availability is one of the basic factors in the development of the petroleum and gas extracting areas of Tyumenskaya Oblast. At the present time the extracting industty of the Middle Priob'ye is shifting to the north and naCUr-~l-climatic and economic-geographic conditions are changing. 'rhe lake and swamp density of these territories comes to 80 percent. The new deposits have dif- ferent geological characteristics which make the process of drilling difficult and reduce productivity and the average yield of each new well compared to the Middle _ Priob'ye. tis a result of this, the volume of freight being supplied for drilling has been increasing substantially. The transportation system which serves the petroleum and gas extracting industry of the Tyumen' North includes railroad, river, maritime, motor vehicle, and air transport. All of the mainlines are iso- lated and removed from on~: another by 200-500 kilometers. The geographic location and length of the existing railroad network does not fully meet the needs of the areas extracting hydrocarbon raw materials. New railroad lines which would ensure the delivery of freight without excessive transshipments are needed. Practice shows that when freight is de~ivered by mixed transportation methods the cost of the hauls is lowered, but the expenditures for loading and un- loading operations increase substantially. In addition, with fivefold transshipments 15-20 percent of the freight is ruined while in route. The Main Administration for Petroleum and Tyumenskaya Oblast brings in 98 percent of its material and technical resources by railroad, and of this amount, only 40 percent directly into , � the pEtroleum extracting areas, and the other 60 percent is transferred onto river vessels and delivered to the bases of associations in the extraction areas. Then some of the freight is transferred to small ships and delivered to the deposits on small rivers, some of the freight is taken to the deposits by motor ~?ehic~le trans- port, and the rest is kept at the bases until the onset of winter and the beginning of the operation of wint~r roads. The winter roads are used for delivering as much as 700,000 tons of freight to the deposits. The development of the railroad net- work and an increase in the amount of freight deliveries by the Northern Sea Route _ has not decreased the role of river transport. The rivers of the Ob'-Irtysh basin continue to be chief waterways. Within Tyumenskaya Oblast the navigable river sys- 22 - FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070042-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY tem includes the rivers Ob', Irtysh, Tura, Tobol, Agan, Vakh, Lyamin, and also Pur, _ Taz, and Nadym. In the latitudinal current of the Ob' the river fleet performs hauls 160-190 days, and at the . m,ote northern small rivers and the Nizhnyaya Ob'-~from 120 to 80-30 days. _ Motor vehicle transportation performs most of the freight hauls in the petroleum and gas extracting areas. The relationship between interfield and intrafield motor roads with basic servicing is 2:1. On the average, there are 4.5 units of motor vehicle-tractor equipment per kilometer of motor vehicle roads with basic ser- facing in the Tyumen' North. The increase in the need for such equipment is con- nected with the constantly increased difficulties in developing new deposits. In the future the need for this equipment will increase. The experience connected with developing the deposits of the Tyumen` petroleum and gas extracting region has demonstrated the necessity for an overall approach to in- proving the transportation system. Different types of transportation are used in _ internal and external freight hauls, sometimes without regard to economic expedi- ency. In the development of new deposits intra-area and inter-field freight hauls will be performed at the level of 80 percent by motor vehicle transport, and the rest by helicopters (more rarely, airplanes). At the present time the lowest cost for freight hauls is on river transport, and the highest on railroads. Most of the frPight is brought to the Tyumen' North by river transport during the nav- ' igation period whose length is around five months in the north Priob'ye, and not more than four months in the Far North. As a result of the seasonal operation of river transport it is necessary to equip bases for the storing of material and technical resources, which leads to a substantial "freezing" of resources. In recent years the freight turnover of the riverports has been increasing annually and, for this reason, a large part of the freight is delivered through southern ports with a large overrun, which with the short navigation period reduces the in- dicators of fseet use. The experience in operating one of the railroads in this area during 1975--1980 _ shows a decrease in transportation expenditures in petroleum field construction. However, at the same time, on account of an insufficiently developed network of inter-field motor vehicle roads with hard cover, which holds back the work of the motor vehicle pool, the share of transportation expenditures increases. The over- all tendency in a change of transportation expenditures and the additional expend- itures connected with them can also be tzaced in analysis of the expenditures re- lated to one million rubles of canstruction and installation work. To a substant- ial degree an improvement of railroad and motor vehicle freight flows will be pro- ~ moted by an expansion of the network of rail and motor roads. New lines will en- sure supply for the petroleum and gas extracting industry and for construction subdivisions. However, to develop a system of motor vehicle roads in the Pri- polyar'ye on the basis of increasing the length of dirt-log roads and winter roads is economically inexpedient. It is essential to have a scientifically substanti- ated technology for the construction of inexpensive and reliable motor vehicle roads. Otherwise, it would be expedient to build railroad lines. Let us examine an example. The amo}znt of earth work in making an embankment for motor vehicle _ and railroads at a given latitude is the same, and the upper part of the construc- 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404070042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY tion of a motor vehicle road in its amount of cost is more and its operationa? - periods are shorter than a railroad. With a minimum width of the motor vehicle road of six meters per kilometer it is necessary to have 850 cubic meters of - ferroconcrete~ plates, and on the rail base with a width of two meters (replaCing the ballast and ties with ferroconcrete plates or frames)-200 cubic meters. When freight intensity falls off~the rails and the under-rail fuundation can be used repeatedly on newly built inter-field lines, while the motor vehicle road plates quickly become unserviceable as a result of active cryogen processes.l At this latitude the valley river complexes have sand~, pebl~.les, and sandy loam; the water 3ivide sectors are more frequently represented by sandy loams, loams, and clays. Since the vegetation and soil strata are of neg).i~ble strength, dirt can be taken by the open method for the earthen right-of-way; in zones where thawed ground is widespread hydromechanization is used. The forced development of the transport- - ation system is the result of the tendency for construction industry enterprises to move near to the sites of industrial and housing construction. - It would be useful to create enterprises for the production of road cover plates involving the th~:rmal. processing of f e r r o c o n c r e t e products . Local small grade _ sand is used to prepare heavy concrete; one cubic meter of mass for 2.4 tons of products. The _on-si.te production of road cover plates will make it possible to decrease the cost of road surfacing by 50 percent. However, the problem of intra- area freight hauls and of the thoroughfare itinportation of freight cannot be solved solely through the construction of inter-field roads and railroads. It is clear that in the North river transport will preserve its leading place for a long time, while urgent freight will be delivered from the bases to deposits by aviation. - In the development of the most remote petroleum deposits the basic freight will be delivered by motor vehicle transport on winter roads, while during the warm time of the year this will be done by aviation (helicopters). The MI-8 and MI-6 heli- copters are the basic ones in the petroleum extracting areas. In order to improve tne LransportaLion networic in the North it is necessary tirst or aii to soive the problems of the siting and construction of support railroads, and also of railroad = branches to individual deposits, railroad sidings, dead ends, and areas; and to determine the economic and geographic rationality of siting a network of motor vehicle inter-field roads with hard-top surfacing. This will make it possible to decrease the river freight flow and, consequently, the additional construction of storage bases, and also hauls on winter roads. It is also necessary to substant- ially decrease the use csf expensive air transport for inter-field communications.2 _ The chief task of the developmenz of the transportation system is to provide the necessary material and technical resources for areas where petroleum and gas de- posits are being developed. It is advisable to create a support transportation network in an area ou.t of railroad lines and hard-top motor vehicle roads. This will make it possible to decrease the adduced expenditures p~r ton of freight by ten times compared to the supply system which has developed. In order to increase the capacity of permanent railroads it is necessary to build sidings and loading and unloading areas and to raise the level of the mechaniza- _ tion of loading and unloading work. 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470042-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The successful work of river transport in petro~eum and gas extracting areas needs - an improvement. of the condition of piers, an expansion of.the_sphere o~ river trans- port on small rivers by means of lengthening, an increase in the transshipment cap- acities of ports, and the construction of new and expansion of existing take-off and landing strips at a number of deposits. A further increase in petroleum and gas extraction in the Tyumen' region depends upon the correct solution of th.. pro- blems of improving the transportation system. FOOTNOTES 1. A.V. Gruzdov, "Neslivayushchiyesya merzlotnyye porody v pripolyarnykh - rayonakh Zapadnoy Sibiri," "Prirodnyye Usloviya Zapadnoy Sibiri," No. 7, MGU, Moscow, 1980. _ 2. I.D. Karyagin and V.S. Bulatov, "Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti Severa Tyumenskaya Oblast, " Moscow, "Nedra," 1979. COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, upravleniya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (VNIIOENG), 1981 2959 CSO: 1829/U01 END 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070042-4