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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404070027-1 NOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 101 12 10 November 1981 Worldwide Re ort p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 52/81) FBIS FOREIGN BR(JADCAST INFORMATI~JN SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 ~ NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] ' or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the ~infor- ' mation was summarized or extracted. _ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Govern.ment. COPYRIGI-IT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT llISSE~IINATION - OF THIS PUBLICATIOiJ BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL "JSE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 FnR (IFFiC'lAi. l~~F. ONLY - JPRS L/10112 10 November 1981 WORLDWID~ REPORT - NARCOTICS AND DANGERQUS DRUGS (FOUO 52/81) CON~TENTS AS IA INDIA - Cotabato Addict Rehabilitation Center Urged (THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY, 18 Oct 81) 1 INDONESIA ~ Outsiders Pay Farnlers To Grow Marihuana ' ~KOMPAS, 12 Aug 81) 2 Briefs Drug Involvement Declining 4 PAKISTAN 'Itao Gangs of Arms Smugglers Busted � (MORNING NEWS, 9 Oct 81) ................................o........ 5 Briefs Course on Drug Inte.lligence 6 Opium, PAK Currency Seized 6 Opium Seizure in Quetta 6 Smuggled Goods ~ Liquor, Charas Seized ~ 1`wo Charas Smugglers Arreated 7 Heroin Smugglers Arrested 7 Smuggler Jailed, Fined 7 Peddlers Arrested in Pbsque 7 'Notorious' Opium Smuggler Arrested 7 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] FOR OFFI('TAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070027-1 FOR OFFIC1Ai. l!S~: ()R~1.1' PAILIPPINLS Fight Against Drug Tra�~ickers Getting Tougher (DAILY EXPRESS, 12 Oct 81) S - Plantation Raided (B ULLETIN TODAY, 17 ~Jct 81) 9 Reporting Large Marihuana Haul ~n Rsid (BULLETIN TODAY, 20 Oct 81) 10 - S RI LANKA Briefs _ CBI Annoim ces Heroin Seizure 11 CANADA Briefs .Jail f.or LSD Trafficker 12 - LATIN AMERICA BAHAMAS Briefs Cocaine Seizure 13 B ARB ADOS Briefs Drugs in Air Cargo 14 BE RMUDA Program To Attack Rising Drug Use Among School Children (THE ROYAL GAZETTE, 25, 26 Sep 81) 15 Government Plans invol.vement of Youngsters Education Department Probe BOLIVIA - Briefs National Antidrug Campaign 18 Cocaine Traffickers Arrest 18 Drug Traffickers Arrested 18 New Narcotics Division Head 1$ - b - FOR OFrICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 F'OR OFFIClAL USE ONCY B RAZI L Federal Police Crack Down on Cocaine Traf~ickers (Variou.4 sources, various dates) 19 Film Personalities Traffic Drugs Cocaine Sold to Students Paraguayan Drugs Seized Businessman Arrested With Cocaine ~ Police Superintendent Fired for Protecting Gr~caine Traffickers (0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO, 29 Sep 81) 21 Marihuana, Arms, Ammunition Trafficking Ring Msbanded (CORREIO BRAZILIENSE, 11 Sep 81) 22 Carbines, Marihuana Seized, Arrests Made in Encantado (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 20 Sep 81) 27 Cocaine, Marihuana Distribution Point Uncovered in Favela (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 18 Sep 81) 28 Briefs Cocaine Smugglers Use Plane 29 Trafficking Doctor Spotted 29 JAMAICA Briefs Marihuana Plane 31 Heroin on Tourists 31 PE RU Briefs � Drug Traffickers Arrested 32 _ Coca Growers 32 NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA = F. C5'?'~T Briefs - Heroin, Opium Smuggling 33 I liA."~ ' B rie fs Drug, Arms Arrests 34 Fas a Op ium Haul 34 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 I~UIl Or1~1CiAL USE ONLY Torbat Jam Heroin 34 Es�arayen Dru~ Haul 34 Gonabad Drug Haul 34 Khorasan Opium Haul 34 Shiraz Opium Haul 34 Shiraz Opium Haul 35 Torbat Opium Haul 35 Ne~,:habur Opium HauZ 35 Neyshabur Heroin Haul 35 Mashhad Opium Haul 35 - Narcotics Discoveries 35 Opium Discovery in Shiraz 35 Opium Find in Torbat 3~ ~ Mashhad Opium Discovery 35 SUB-SHARAN AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA Police Feel Unable To Eradicate Cocaine Market (Gherhard Pieterse, Geoffrey Allen; SUNDAY TIMES, 11 Oct 81)..... 36 Police Launch Crackdown on Mandrax Trade (Emielia Jaroschek; RAND DAILY MAIL, 5 Oct 81) 37 Opposition Calls for Probe Into Drug Abuse Probiem (Chris Olckers; RAND DAILY MAIL, 3 Uct 81) 38 India-S A Mandrax Connection Investigated (Emielia Jaroschek; RAND DAILY MAIL, 2 Oct 81) 39 SWAZILAND Zambian Fined for Mandrax Haul (THE TII~S OF SWAZILA.ND, 27 Oct 81) 41 UPPER VOLTA Marihuana Trafficking Organization Broken I3p (Vierax F. Sanou; L'OBSERVATEUR, 5 Oct 81) 42 WEST EU~tOPE AUS TRIA Briefs Heroin Dealers 44 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 M'l)R ()!~N'1('IA1, rl~M: UNLY DENMARK Rriefs Hashish Seized at Airport 45 Drug Profits Law Proposed 45 GREE CE Briefs Zaire Students Arrested 46 I TALY Health Minister Issues Report on Drug Problem (Maria R. Calderoni; L'UNITA, 1 Oct 81) 47 Ton of Hashish Seized; 8 Arrests in Milan (L'UNITA, 29 Sep $1) 50 Problems Facing Drug Treatment Centers (Gianpiero Borella, Valeria Gandus; PANORAMA, 12 Oct 81)........ 51 Briefs Heruin Haul in Naples 56 SWEDEN New Cannabis Smuggling Tra~ed Fram India Through Poland (Leif Dahlin; DAGENS NYHETER, 9 Oct 81) 57 Report on Stockholm Drug Trends Finds Increase in Amphetamines (Rolf Stengard; DAGENS NYHETER, 10 Oct 81) 60 TURKEY Noted F.ntertainers Arrested for Hasnish (HURRIYET, 19 Sep 81) 62 - e - FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 INDIA COTABATO ADDICT REHABILITATION CENTER URGED Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 18 Oct 81 p 7 ~Text~ Cotabato City--The establishment of a rehabilitation center in this city for drug addicts is being pressed by several concerned citizens here. "Definitely, the ~ail is not the right place for those arrested for violations - of the anti-drug abuse law, Sgt. Manual Fernandez, city jail ward~n, said. "For a fact, they should be regarded not as criminals but as victims of persons who, for selfish ends, take advantage of the youths' curiosity," cited another police officer. "We are not helping these youths if we put~them side by side with the common criminals. The most we can do is find a respectable place where they can be treated and rehabilitated dec~ntly until thac: c~nter is realized," commented another government doctor. "We become too overjoyed with our acco~mplishments against drug abuse by arresting so inany youths suspected of conducting pot sessions, taking dangerous drugs and the like when we cannot even give them a proper shelter like the DARE in Tagaytay City nor provide them with man's basic necessity--food," said another concerned citizen. These varied reactions followed the arrest of fifteen youth.s, most of them high - school students with ages ranging from 16 to 21, suspected of taking marijuana and using dangerous drugs. They were arr.ested by the Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) in separate occasions and places during the week.. CSO: 5300/4908 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404070027-1 INDONESIA 0'iTSIDERS PAY FARML�RS TO GROW MARIHL~�ANA .Jakarta KOMPAS in Indonesian 12 Aug 81 pp 1, 12 [Article: "Marihuana Crops in West Java; Unwitting Farmers Are Ordered to Plant Them" ] [Excerpts] Police of the District Command VIII/Langlangbuana, West Java, called attention t~o the continuing marihuana traffic in the West Java region, particularly in Bandung. This was supported by the evidence of thousands of marihuana plants found in the Gsrut and Majalengka areas by local poZice at the end of last week. On Tuesday [11 August) in Bandung, Lt Col (Police} brs Soeward~ono, chief of the Information Service of the Langlangbuana Police Command, noted to KOMPAS that a number of persons who planted the banned crop told police that certain individuals had ordered them to plant the marihuana and those involved had off ered them the seeds. Same who planted the seeds did not know what they were planting. Generally marihuana gardens are found in remote villages, on the mcintain slopes where few people live. Marihuana is planted along with other crops, for instance, with "lcatuncar" (cori~nder), which looks like marihuana plants, Soeward~ono remarked. lia said efforts continue to eradicate the banned crops from the West Java region. At the end of last weelc Sector Command police of the Maja Subdistrict, Ma~alengk,: regency, confiscated thousands of marihuana plants averaging 1 me~er in height. 't'he planter, AJ (41 years old), a resident of the Pasanggrahan Village, Ma~a Subdistrict, was arrested by the responsible authorities and made to account for ilis activities. l~ccordinY to preliminary estimates, marihuana plants confiscated from AJ were valued at tens of millions of rupiah. Therefore, the police judged AJ obtained capital from someone outside the area to plant the crop. A siunilar judgment was made in the case of the illegal marih~iana crop which was.destroyed by the local police same time ago. Drs Soewardj~no said plantings were also discovered some time ago in the :iouth Cianjur area, South Bandung, Garut, and in Kuningan. In general outsiders ordered and paid the local people to plant *~?e marihuana. 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 'I'wo w~+~+ks ri~;o iii (~arul ttie pol i~:~ Lound ~ marihuana croi~ ici tti~: Vill,~b~~, Malangbong Subdistrict. It was planted by two local youths who have been arrested by the police for further investigation. Thousands of plants were seized, about 4 months old and 15 centimeters high. A few plants had attainecl a height of 1.85 meters. The two youths confessed that the marih~:ana seeds had been obtained from sor..eone in Bandung and that some time ago they had traded a large amount of that city. 6804 CSO: 5300/8303 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 ~ INDONESIA I BRIEFS DRUG INVOLVEMENT DECLINING--As of the end of 1980 about 10,000 persons ~n Indonesia ~.~ere recorded as having been involved with drug abuse. The total is dropping due to government security activities concerned with these dangerous drugs. Police Maj Sriyono, from Regional Command 096/Yogyakarta, addressed this matter in providing information on narcotics and dangerous drugs Thursday afternoon [20 August] to 72 provincial druggists in the special region of Yogyakarta. The victims of drug abuse generally are young people, adol=scents, and children who are in good physical condition but who are psychologically unstable for some reason or because of numerous disappointments. Maj Sriyono pre:+ented data for the Yogyakarta Special Region for 1979-80 which showed three persons, narcotics dealers, we~e involved. I.n the following year, ttiere were 11 drug abuse cases and one person dealt in drugs. In 1981-82 there are thus far six drug abuse cases and ~hree sought profit from narcotics~ From 1979 through June 1981, 24 persons were tried for narcotics, seven were motivated to seek prof it from drugs while the amount o~ evidence seized totaled 338 envelops and 2 kilograms of dr}~ marihuana, 1,8 kilograms of procssed opium, and a marihuana cigarette. At the end of hi.s lecture Ma; 5riyono proposed that heavier sentences be levied on those guilty of criminal activities connected with narcotics. [Excer.pts] [Jakarta PEL~TA in Indonesian 22 Aug 81 PP 1~ 6804 CSU: 5300/8303 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070027-1 PAKISTAN TW;1 ~ANGS OF ARMS SMUGGLERS BUSTED - harachi MORNING NEWS in English 9 Oct 81 p 8 [Text) Attock, Oct 8: Attock Police have smashed two inter-provincial gangs oE arms smugglers during a campaign against anti-social elements last motith. This was disclosed by the Superintendent of Police Attock Mr Tanveer Hataeed, while talking to lo cal newsmen here. He said the members of the gangs were allegedly smuggling arms from NWFP +to other parts of the country on false Iicences. As many as 12 members of both the gangs liave been arrested and cases under Arms and Forgery Act have also been regis- tered in Talagang and Attock Khurd Police Station and post. The SP said that seven persons have been arrested from Talagang and five from Httock Khurd. Ttie Suj~erintendent of Police said that to curb crimes 11 five-rsember Crime Control Committees, comPrising elected councillors, citizens of the areas and journalists, will be set up at Police Station level in the di::trict. He said t!� Station Hc,use Officers (SHO) will be bound to accept the finding of those cummittees in disputed matters and the committee members will pinpoint the anti- soc~i.i:~ elements of their respective areas. He said the system of chowkidars is h~~ing reorganised. In this connection the particulars of all the chowkidars working in the district will be kept in all the police stations for the infor- mar_ion of the Police and p,eneral public. He said that awards will be given to dutiful chowkidars (watchmen) in the shape of arms li~ences. - Showing the illicit arms hauled by the At~ock police, the ~P said that during the two weeks of last month police recovered three stenguns, eight guns, 16 revolvers and pistols, two guns of 303, 12 big knifes, one barchi, one rifle oC 7 mm and manv cartridges, which is a record recovery in the Punjab province. }Ic said during ttie last month more than 404 vehicles were booked on the charge of traffic violation and Rs 42000 realised as fine. lle said the police also recevered 8964 grams of charas and 6440 grams of opium durin~ the same period. ~;SU: 5300/4527 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440070027-1 PAKISTAN BRIEFS COURSE ON DRUG INTELLI(:ENCE--Islamabad: A two-week course on intelligence analy- sis and record development concluded at the Advance Narcotics Law Enforcement School in Islamabad on Thursday. A team of highly qualified American specialists on thia sub~ ect imparted training in the courses Co the off icials of Pakistan Nar- cotics ~ontrol Board. It was first of its kind held in Pakistan in which Che participants were imparted training on development of drug intelligence, record maintenance and analysis of an infor4nation. The course was arranged with the col- laboraCion and assistance of drug enforcement administration of United States of America.--APP. [Text] [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 24 Oct 81 p 3] OPIUM, PAK CURRENCY SEIZED--The staff of the Directorate of Customs Intelligence foiled an attempt to smuggle out Pakistani currency amounting to Rs. 89,000 and - arrested a Dubai-bound passenger from the Karachi airport on Sunday. Th~ passen- ger, Ab dul Aziz Malik was apprehended before his boarding the Dubai-bound British Airways flight PA-146. A search resulted in the recovery of Pakistani curren~y. Aziz was arrested and booked under the Custom--Laws. The Customs Intelligence staff in Peshawar also seized three kg of opium powder. On a tip, the Intelli- gence staff kept a watch on Peshawar Road for many days and ultimately came across a Toyota Mark I(CRD 135) heading towards the city. However, the car driver, 3an Khan further pressed the accelerator when signalled to stop. He was later caugh t af ter a ho t chase . The Cus toms Intelligence s taf f impounded the car and opium pawder and sent the accused for trial. The value of the contraband goes into lakhs of rupees in underground narcotic world abroad.--APP. [Text] [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 20 Oct 81 p 5] OPIUM SEIZURE IN QUETTA--Mr G. A. Jehangir, Member CBR (Customs) who arrived here - from Islamabad on a 5-day visit to organise the working of Port Qasim and Gadani - Customs Houses, last evening, said that mobile squad of Quetta Customs nabbed two - persons wi th 3, 390 tolas of opium worth Rs . 67.8 million in the international - market yes terday. He said the news was given to him while he was emplaning that the squad after a hot chase on Sibi-Dalmandi route have intercep ted two trucks before they could cross over to Iran border. The trucks we~e coming from tribal area via D. I. I:t?an, Sukkur and had crossed Naukundi outpost when Che seizure took place. [TextJ [Karachi DAWN in English 22 Oct 81 p 8] 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 S,ii~CGLEI) ~,(~l)1~S---I',ii:i~t~il Coatit Cuards }iave undertAken a survey uE loc:il mfirk~~tN to 1SSESS r_he quantum of. smuggled goods in Karachi and surrounding areas. Accord- ing to a Press release the Coast Guards have taken steps to enforce long ranging _ a~iti-smuggling measures through enhanced vigilance and surveillance. The coast line (excluding the ports of enLries which fall outside the ~urisdiction of the Ccast Gusr~s) is being effectively covered by ground, air and sea patr.olling, the release added. [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 7 Oct 81 p 5] I.IQUOR, CHARAS SEIZED--Gujranwala, Oct 6--Foreign liquor 'charas' and opium ~�~orth lakhs have been recovered in a raid at an unspecified place from two females. The females, Tahira Bibi and Kalsum Begum, according to the police, are ~:i r~-:c nay cf the owner of the den, Ashraf, who managed to get away. Tahira, Icalstr.:: and As};raC have been booked alongwith Fazal and Tariq who were nabbed when Chey arrived to buy .'~iquor and opium, [T�~xt] [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 7 Oct 81 p 7] _ TWO CH_~RAS SMUCGLF.RS ARRESTED--Hyderabad, 27 Oct--The excise and taxation inspector (intellifience branch), Hyderabad, Mr Noor Nabi Pathan, arrested two alle~;edly notorious charas smu~glers--Aurangzeb and Yahya--and recovered from their possession 201 kg of contraband charas worth RS20 million in foreign market yesterday. According to the excise police, Aurangzeb belongs to a gang of international narcotics smugglers which has chosen Badin as its center of act ivities. [GF010510 Karachi DAWN in English 28 Oct 81 p 4 GF] HEROIN SMUGGLERS ARRESTED--The airport customs foiled an attempt to smuggle out over 4 kg of fine quality of heroin worth RS40 million in international - market and arrested two Paris-bound passengers a few minutes before their departure on Tuesday night. The accused were identified as 17-year-old Miss Josette Erik Wawrzinek, German national and Mr Mohammad Raza, an Irania~., student of Berlin University. Th e heroin was recovered from two suitcases. = Botti acc~~sed are suspected to be members of international gang of narcotic smuggling. They have been remanded in customs custody till 4 November for _ interrogation. [GF011333 Karachi DAWN in English 29 Oct 81 p 8 GF] . SMUGGLER JAILED, FINED--Narowal, Oct. 10--Narcotics smuggler Mohammad Aslam of Mul.tan who was arrested last year on the Narowal-Lahore Road with over a maund of opium and 'charas" in the cur he was driving, has been sentenced by a local cr~gistrate to a year's R.I. and a fine of Fis. 1 lakh. The s~;uggler's car was confiscated. [Text] [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 1.1 Oct 81 p 6] ' t~1:DlliLl~ 3RRESTED IN riOSQUE--Even mosques are not being spared by drug pedlars now. dne ~uc:h incident was detected on Tuesday when police on comp].aints from the Eidgah mosquP Pesh Imam arrested six persons with 25 tablets of mandrix and 7 " pawas ut charas from witlzin the mosque premises. The accused have been identi- f-ied as Hameed Abdul Wadood Sultan, Khadim Hussain, Haleemullah and Abdul Hussain. Police have registered a separate case against Abdul Wadood under Arms Ordinance on charge of possessing an unlicensed dagger. Meanwhile Kalakot po].ice have arrested a person Mohammad Aslam and recovered from him 200 grams of cl~aras. Police have registered the cases against the accused persons and are investigating further. [Text] [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 15 Oct $1 p 5] 'NOTORIGUS' OPIUM SMUGGLER ARRESTED--A notorious smuggler and dacoit, Mazar Hussain, son of Khair riohammad, was arrested dramatically by Pakistan Coast Guards on 24 October, says an official handout. He was wanted in the case of 39 maunds of charas and 4 maunds of opium hauled recently and is believed to be one of the key figures in a gang which deals in illegal business of narcotics. - [G1~301010 Karachi DA4JN in English 26 Oct 81 p 5] Csu : 5300 /45z9 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 PHILIPPINES - rIGHT AGAINST DRUG TRAFFICKERS GETTING TOUGHER DAILY EXPRESS in English 12 Oct 81 p 3 (TextJ CONT~?INER ships, � mail and agencs. pleasure yachts are among new methvds devised by moneyed AGEN'IS SAY they nave international dtug ryndicates to beat continuously been discussing how to a continuing and intensifying speed up and pass on information crackdown by narcotics agents. about suspects spotted at different Agents say they have been mak;ng ~orts and to shaie lists of people gradual inroads into what they known to make regular but describe as the world's most lucrative unexpected travels. - but illegal business but admit the Thus, with the increasing airport fight is getting mure tough. searches, smugglers are shifting to With heroin worth some 53,000 What they feel are safer methods. an ounce wholesale in the [.'nited Each day, dozens of container States, the oicking are big ir, a ships leave Asian ports with hundteds multi-bilion dollar business that of pleasure yachts, which are hardly _ respects na frontiers. searched by customs men, making connections at sea with other vessels. _ ONE BRIGHT note is cne Drugs are said to have arrived increasing cooperation among natio- from Southeast Asia in New Zealand nal enforcement agencies to be3t and Australia in this manner. these dealers, but agents admit the ~ syndicates aze changing their A EEW YEARS ago, over 100 � methods of shipment and distribu� ~mall boats were seized off the tion. United States after authorities They say that a courier, carrying discovered that large vessels were marijuana, raw opium, or heroin coming up ftom Colombia and might have once taken an aircraft transferring their illicit cargces to from Bang~ok, Singapore or them off the Florida Coast. Hongkong direct to a ~ity in North But whiie Burma and 'l~ailand are � America or Wescern Europe. beginning to make a tremendous But now he takes more devious impact on the trade in opium and and circuitous routes, aware that heroin from the so~called "golden - arrivals from these areas are prime tri~ngle " area they ahare with~.aos, suspects for customs officers and new areas are coming up. ~ ' CSO: 5300/4907 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400070027-1 PHILIPPINES MARIHliANA PLANTATION RAIDED Manila BULLETIN TODAY in Englisn 17 Oct 81 p 36 [Te:ct] ~ ~wmrm rai~fed a ma- R~,ynaldo AniUan y Ni- in the Metro Manila rijuann plai~tation b~ ing mol, 'l0, of 13ireo. Hu- area , th~rough an "in- ~cultivated for dissidents, cienda, Baggaa. flue,ntial" bulk purcha- anr,est~c~i four plantc~'s Asi~le from th;e nta- ser in San 13artolonie, and sciz~e~3 full-gro~vn rnjuana planls, the Nov~aaichea, Quezon ci- ~ ~narijunn;t p1a~71s worth raiders composed ot ty. P260,0(10 in sitio l~ir~o, ihtelligencc operAtives TJ[anglongat sald the i~ara:ngay Fl.a c i e nda. oP Regiom 11, ihe i'(: four suspecf.s have bcen Raggau, Cr~gayan ~evo Anti-narcoLics uniC a.n~l detained pending the ,i.ays aRo. integrated civilian home filing of appropriate A bnlated report ~:lef~ense of Ha4ienda~, charg~s against them flashc�d yes~erday to sclzed thaee kilos of 1n court. - Defcnse Minister, Ju~n d~rie~ ma,~ijuana pla,~ts. The main bull: ot the Ponce ~nrile by Col. T~~mas, according to u p r o o ts~ prohibiled Tomas Ma~iglcmgz~, ~ie- the raidtlrs, was being grass was burned an puty cammair~Cr af Re- s~~specte+~ of , havin~ the spot, with only a ~ion ]1, identified the connecttons wilh mari- poa'tion kept by ihe foun n1leRetl plante~rs as: ~uarra plants. ,raiders as court evl- 'L'omas. 15, Tomas, accarding to dence, Mamglongat told of Bineng, La Trinidnd, the randers, was be~ng Enrile. Banguet; Lito Lic~ilu y susp;ected of hraving _ Amtonio, 23; Itoyuc l.o- cannecxions with mnrl- pe y Balanben, 13, of juana plsnters S'n Iien- vi11a I~lorc~sca, Snn Jo- guet. He also supplies se, Nueva Ecija; And dricd marijuana plants cso: 530U/4907 ~ 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400404070027-1 PHILIPPINES REPURTING 1.~.RGE ~1ARIHpAi3t~ HAUL IN RAID ~Ianila BULLETI:d TOLIAY in English 20 Oct 81 p 28 ~Te:ct ~ Constabulary a n t i- Another 2,500 ~ mari- narcotics operatives up- juana plants were seiz- rooted yesterday 77,5W ed by the troopers in - marijuana piants and Namati~, Mt. Province. seedlings and arrested The previous high two of three suspected ~vas in Dada-ay, Alilim, ~ cultivators in one of Ilocos Sur where some the biggest cperations 60,000 marijuana plants ever conducted in Ifu- and seedlings were gao and the Mt. Pro- confiscated and des- ~ince. troyed by anti-narcotics _ The raids on four agents. plantations in the two Felix identified the province, also confirm- two amested staspected ed the existence of the cultivators as Aka Bu- sc-called Angeles city- � lik and ,e,ka Tuncab, Baguio-Mt, p r o vince- both of Ifugao, They Benguet-Ifugao connec- were arrested by gov tion on the sale and ernment troopers led traffic of marijuana bp Lt. Col, Alfonso which was revealed by Mora and Majs. Enrique twa arrested cultiva- Cuadra and Persie Al� tors. daba og CANU. Brig. Gen. Bienvenido Cuadra,.who acted as L. Felix, CANU com- spokesman of the raid� manding general and ers, said that represen~ Task Force Bagong Bu- fative samples of the hay commander. repor- seized "grass" were ted that close to 75,000 sent to the PC Crime marijuana planfs and Laboratory in Camp seediings were uprooted Crame, All the rest and destroyed in Ahin. were burned on site Hongdura, Ifugao and and witnessed and cer- accounted for the big- ttfied by baranga,y offi, gest single haul in the cials, teachers and me- government's i n tensi- diamen, ripd anti-drug opera~ � tlons in Region 1. CSO: ~300/4908 - 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 _ SRI LANKA - v BRIEFS CBI ANNOUNCES HEROIN SEIZURE--New Delhi, 16 Oct--The Indian Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said today it had seized two kilogrammes (four pounds) of heroin worth about 10 million dollars on the international t~arket from an Afghan na~ional. The CBI said narcotics agents arrested thc man in a Delhi hotel yesterday. The Afghani said during interrogation that he had bought the fir~c-grade heroin fram what he called a flourishing drug market operating on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and smuggled it into Delhi, the CBI said. - NAB/Reuter ~Text~ L~tangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S IlAILY in English 18 Oct 81 p 7~ - CSO:~ 5300/4908 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 CANADA BRIEFS ~AIL FOR LSD TRAFFICKER--A Toronto man who admitted being part of a conspiracy to traffic in LSD was sentenced Monday to two years less a day in reformatory. Daniel McKee, 29, was arrested near London last April 13 after RCMP officers, who were watching other suspects, saw him make contact and apparently buy the drugs. Court was told the tipoff on a drug deal came from telephone wiretaps. When McKee was stopped, officers found a package containing 1,600 "hits" of LSD under the dash- board of his car. Court was told McKee's criminal record, which dates back 10 years, included several previous drug-related convictions. Three other men, all facing charges arising out of the same investigation, are scheduled for a prelim- inary hearing in February. [TextJ [Windsor THE WINDSOR STAR in English 20 Oct 81 - P 1~ ~ CSO: 5320/006 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 BAHAMAS BRIEFS COCAINE SEIZURE--The largest drug hold in the Bahamas found on Norman's Cay over the weekend has been estimated at $63 million. The 417 lbs of cocaine wer.e found aboard a plane at the cay on Saturday. The two Colombians aboard that plane have been charged. [Text] ~FL132208 Nassau Domestic Service in English 1700 GMT 13 Oct 81) CSO: 5300/2043 ~ 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 _ BaxBaDOs BRIEFS DRUGS IN AIR CARGO--The cargo department at Grantley Adams airport is exper- more prohlems with drug trafficking now than the Customs Department, a Customs official has said. The official said that since the methods of drug detection at the airport had been improved and officers were exercising rigid security measures, that drug smuggling was being conducted more often through the cargo dep�artment. In the past, people smuggling drugs usually brought them in on their person, or as part of their luggage. Drugs sent to the car-- go section can be concealed in paints and other items and are therefore not as easily detectable. The official said that flights from areas known to have big trades in drug trafficking are scrutinised very thoroughly. [Text] [Bridgetown ADVOCATE-NEWS in English 23 Sep 81 p 2] CSU: 5300/7510 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 BERMUDA FR:i~;u,i1.~t TO A'TTACK RISING DRUG USE AMONG SCHOOL CHILDREN Government Plans I~amilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE in English 25 Sep 81 pp 1, 2 - [7'eVt] New measures to combat drug abuse among schoolchildren were announced bv Dr the Hon. Clarence James, Minister ~~f Health and Social Services. Following up recomme.ndations made by the Advisory Board on the.Misuse of Drugs a year ago, Dr James said that a consultant would be appointed next month to help develop a programme tailor-made for Bermuda schools. He said that the methadone clinic for heroin addicts would remain at St. Brenda~t's Hospital, despite the Board's proposal that it should be relocated. Dr ._lames Pron~ised that the c.linic would be "strengthened" and hoped that it - would soon bp able to take new admissions. 'I'hc_ new $100,000 moves were annoux~ced at a gress conference only hours after tl~c Commissioner of Police, Mr Frederick Bean said that some schoolgirls have ! prostitutes to raise money for 3rugs. (See separate story) They also +-~~11 ow Dr James' admission last week that methadone progra~ne had "failed ~~ver the last year," has stopped taking new patients since July and is now only treating four addicts. Dr James was joined at the conference by the Hon. Ernest Vesey Minister of i;ciucation and ttie Minister's Permanent Secretary Mr Mansfield Brock. They c~laimed they had not heard the Commissioner's statement and that their under- sranding from him was that drug ahuse in scho~ls was a small but serious p rot; ; em . ;~:iid rir Vesey: "Any drug ahuse is serious. But I think it tends to happen ~~ut , i dc~ scl~ool hours and at weekend rather than in the school itself Mr - 13rock added that th~ Mini.stry did not know which schools were hit by the drug ~,rr~hlem. I~r J;imes, tl~e new ~chool-based drug prevention programme, said pro- ~,c~s~~l;; had resulted from d.iscussions hetween both the Education and Health and ;;~~c~ial Services Ministries. "They agreed that young people with behavioural E- ~ ob l~~m~ l~ave mucl~ i n common whether they use or abuse drugs," he said. "It 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 would be artificial, uneconomic and potentially counter-productive to develop programmes sol.ely for those involved witl~ drugs. Instead it was suggested that it would be more appropriate to develop an additional programme for young - people with behavioural problems as par.t of the ~~hnols' family life and hezlth education programme which already in~lu:':es a section on drugs ~~id drug abuse. Further counselling should be an e:~tension and under the supervision of the home visiting service which is ttie responsibility of the school ps}~c}iologist." The new consultant's post is now heins; ~;~~vertised and sl~ould be filled by mid- October. Ttie successful applicant wi]_~ be expected to heln tlie two Ministries develop Proposals, and inform teachers, home visitors and guidance counsellors about the signs and symptoms of drug abuse. "In-service trainins will also be provided for teachers so they will be more knowledgeable and better able to teach students about drugs and drug abuse," Dr .lames went on. He said that Government had decided to stress prevention for tt~e time being and he was not prepared to support the Advisory Boar.d's pro- posals for a new commuriity-based drug treatment centre. '1'he Board's suggestions for extra specialist staf.f, including a sessiona]. psy-, three fulltime social workers and a fulltime secretary, tiad also been turned down. Dr .Tames said: "Instead I will be recommending that the metliadone clinic remain at St Brendan's but be strengthened so tliat tile present ' staffing difficulties are overcome. I liave asked the riedical llirector, Dr Michael Radford, to recommend to me what improvements he considers are essen- tial." Involvement of Youngsters Hamilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE in ~nglish 25 Sep 81 pp 1, 3 [Lxc~rptJ An outbreak of child prostitution and hard drug taking by youngsters was revealed yesterday hy Commissioner Fredericlc I3ean. - Chtl.dren as young as ten ycars old are experimenting with }ieroin and cocaine. And young girls are being encouraged to sell their bodies to enable pimps to buy drugs. Tlie Pol.i.ce Chief said thls was causing concern and distr.ess. "We must come to griPs with tlie s~i.t-uation now before our lovely Island is turned into a jungle," he ~aid. Corrunissioner I3ean said the informati_on had come from usually reliable sources suc}i as criminals, informants and the business community in tile baclc of town arca. 'Chere was no evidence to suggest that an organised was involved. Mr Iican would not identify schools hit by the problem, but said more tli~in OI1C was affected. Both hoys and girls aged ten to 14 are thought to he using hrird drug5. "In addition, it had heen reported that young girls are being encouraged to _ enga~;e in sexual. acts for money which is then passed on to older. men to pur- cl~asc drugs with," l~e said. 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 Education Department Probe Hamilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE in English 26 Sep 81 p 1 [Text] The Education Department is to probe the Police Commiss3oner's that nrostitut~on and drug taking has become rife in schools. Poli.ce Chief Frederick Bean revealed on Thursday that children as young as 1.0 years old were using heroin and cocaine and qoung girls were selling sex to enabie pimps to buy drugs. Eiis statement took Government by surprise as it had received no reports on the disturbing problem. But an Education spokeswoman said yester.3ay that Police tlad now been contacted to obtain f urther details. In the meantime Permanent Secretary, Mr Mansfield Brock has ordered an inquiry to assess the extent of the illicit sex and drug-taking. The spokeswonan said it was not known whether a formal report would be pre- - pared. "At this stage I cannot say how the assessment is being carried out," she said. "We hope more details will be forthcoming from the Police." Commissioner Be~n did not identify schools concerned, but said "usually reli- able sources" had informed him that boys and girls aged 10 and 14 were using hard drugs. CSO: 5300/7509 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070027-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440070027-1 BOLIVIA BRIEFS .iATlc:i