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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460048-9 FOR OFFI('lAL IItiF ONI.I' - JPR,S L/ 10071 26 October 1981 . ~ SS~ Re or~ p LIFE SCIENCES BIOMEDICAL AND B~HAVIORAL SCIENCES CFOUO 14/81) _ Fg~$ FOREI~N BROAl~CAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060048-9 NOTE JPRS publications contain information grimarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources dre translated; those from English-language ,ources are transcribe~ or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and roaterial enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Textj - ar [ExcerptJ in the line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original infor~ation was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extractec~. ~ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and er.closed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriat_e in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. _ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULA,TIONS GOV~RNING OFNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION - OF THIS PUBLICATION BE 'F:ESTKICTED FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONL.~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR 06FICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10071 26 Gctober 1981 ~ USSR REPORT _ LIFE $CIENCES BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (FOUO 14/81) CONTENTS _ BIOCHENISTRY . Factor Promoting ComplPte Translation of Encephalomyocarditis Viral Genome 1 IntegratiQn of Genomes of ttussian Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus (TEV) and Cell During Chronic Infection Induced by TEV and CV40 4 MEDICINE _ Interferons in Medical Theory and Practice 8 PHYSIOLOGY - How We See What We See i4 Methads of Mathematical Bio~ogy, Book 2: Methods for Synthesis of Algebraic and Probabilistic Models of Bioiogical Systems..... 17 Methods af Mathematical Biology, Book 3: Methods of Synthesizing Dynamic Models of Bialogical Systems (VITZ Textbook) 22 Changes in Endocrine Gland Function During Exercise: End~crine Mechanisms of Regulation of. the Body's Ada�~tation to Muscular . Activity 28 RADIATION BIOLOGY Biochemical Bases of Action of Radioprotective h.gents 30 - a- [III - USSR - 21.a S&T FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAI, I~SE ONI.Y HUMAN FACTORS Mathematical Model of Human Operator Used in Flight Simulators.�~�~�����~�~��~~.�r��.���~.~~��~~��~~~�~��~~~~~��~��� 34 Reduction in Adaptiation Time in Ergatic Control Systems........... 40 Automatic Speaker ldentification by Voi..e........��������.�������� 45 Specific Laws of ~iological Regulation............�.��������~��.�� 69 Visual Situation Simulators in Aircraft Trainers 73 PSYCHIATRY Clinical Aspects of psychopathic Dynamics 76 PSYCHOLOGY Problems of Group Unity 85 ~b ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE OPILY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 = F(1R ~FFt('141 1 ~cF. n~ll .l' BIOCHEMISTRY UDC 57E.858.23 FACTOR PROMOTING COMPLETE TRANSLATION OF ENCEPHALOMYOCARDITIS VIRAL GENOME - Moscow DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian Vo1 258, No 4, 1981 _ (manuscript received 13 Feb 81) pp 1013-1015 [Article by Yu. V. Svitkin and V. I. Agol, presented by Academician A. S. Spirin on 1 February 1981~ Institute of Poliumyeliris and Viral Encephalitides of the USSR - Academy of Medical Sciences~ Moscow~ M., V. Lomonosov Moscow State University] [Text] The RNA of the encephalomyocarditib (EMC) virus with cell-free protein- sqnthesizing systems, depending on the conditions is considered either completely, or the translation is limited primarily by the 5'-et.~ region of the viral genome [1-5]. Limited translation is governed ~y the functioning of a relatively weak "terminating signal" which is located in the viral RNA somewhere on the boundary between the 5'-end region that codes the precursor of the structural protein (preA), and the central region, in which the nonstructural polypeptide F is coded. Under optimal conditions, termination does not occ~~r at this site, however, ~~he rate of translation sti11 is noticeably reduced [6]. Similar, although weaker, "terminating" or"inhibiting" signals are apparently found on other sections of the RNA of the EMC virus. Slowing down of translation on definite sections of the matrices has been described in nonviral systems. We recently advanced a hypothesis on the existence of a special factor of trans- lation which promotes overcoming of similar weak "terminating signals," and called it the elongation factor~X (EF=X)' [4,5]. This report presents the first data which confirm this hypothesis. Our ~:cperiment~? wgFreach consisted oF the following. We initi~l ly c~blained ~i system by ~~rtificial meana in which tr~nslati~n on the bc,uncl~iry 1,~~~wc~rn ~I~~ R~A sec~t ic~n5 oC the f~:~1C virus which code the pr.eA ~nd 1~ components was drastically slowed ~:own. We then attempted to overcome this translation barrier by addition of different protein fractions isolated from the uninfected ceLls. t:lycerine to a final concentration of 1~% was added to an extract made of Krebs-2 cells (fraction S30) [1,2] treated with micrococcal nuclease. Nine millimeters of this extract were superposed on 4.5 ml of 1.25 M of sucrose prepared on buffer solution A(65 mM KC1; 3.3 mM '.`:gC12; 30 mM tris-HCl; pH 7.6; 0.1 mM EGTA; 2 mM dithiotreite, DTT) and centrifuged (12 h, 44,000 rpm, 2�C) in a Ti-50 rotor (geckman). 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USI; ONLY - The test tube contents were divided into ~ portions: upper 6 ml (fraction S120)' lower 4 ml ("sucrose layer") and precipitate (ribosomes). whereas the prot~ins contained in the sucrose layer were preci.pitated out by ammonium sulfate, the pro- teii~ precipitates were dissolved in bufrer B(100 mM KC1; 20 mM tris-HC1; pH 7.6; 0.1 mM EDTA; 1 mM DTT; 5% glycerine), dialyzed against the same buffer and stored at --70�C. Protein concentration was defined according to [7]. The reconstructed cell-free system (25 ul) contained 12 ul (0.05-4.07 units of A26Q) of f'raction S (preliminarily passed through a column with sephadex G-25 balanced by t~uffer A wi~~ 3.3 mM DTT), 0.5 U1 (0.4 units of AZ 0)of ribosomal suspension in t~uffer A, 2 ug c~f RNA of EMC virus, 2.5 of ~~e stu~ied factor preparation, KC1 ( concentration 130 mM), MgC?2 (3.3 mM), S-methionine (10 uCi, 2 uM), 19 unma.rked amino acids, nucleotides and ATP-regenerating system [1,2J. Incubation was doiie at 30�C under SO ul of Bayol F. The reaction was stopped by adding SO }~1 of dissociating mixture and the products were analyzed by electrophoresis in a 15-% polyacrylamide gel [1]. ~.ccnrding t~ the previously obtained results [1,2J, when an unfractionated ~ extract (S30) i~ used as the cell-free system, complete translation of viral RNA occurs (figure lA, track a, see insert). This is indicated by the presence among the products of translatfon, besides the preA polypeptide and products of its splitting (A, B, D1, a, G, p 14, p i2) coded in the 5`-end section of the genome, _ nJ_so of polypeptides F(centrul region), C, D. and E(3'-end region). In contrast to this, thz ~ystem which is reconstructed from the ribosomes and S120, having higl-: total ~protein-synthesizing activity, does not guarantee effective formation of F~olypeptides coded in the central a.nd 3'-end regions of the genome ~figure lAs track c). Since in the high-molecular region of the ge1, certain nonstructural pol}'peptides.are covered by incomplete chains of preA, it is convenient to judge the presence of a barrier ~ihich prevents translation of the central region of t.:he ~enome irom the presence or ab~ence of polypeptide F. Incomplete rranslation in the re~onstructed system is apparently not associated with a deficiency of tRNA, - sinc�e ~ddition of a surplus of tRNA practically does not affect the nature of the forcied products (figure lA, tr:;ck d) . The capacity of the reconstructed system to implement complete translation of RNA o~ the EMC virus is restored as a result of addition of protein fractions whi~~h are isolated from the "sucrose layer" by precipitation with ammonium sul- fate (fig lA, tracks e-i). We assume that the fractions contain EF-X. For further pt~rification, material was taken which was precipitated from the "sucrose layer" ti~ith saturation of (NH4)2SO4 betwe~n 50 ~nd 70%, since in this material, there are relati~:iely few ballast proteins. As is apparent on figure 1B, the activ~ beginning (EF-X) is adsorbed on DEAE-sephatsel and can be eluted at 225 (but not at 100) mM KCL. The obtained result can be explained by the presence in the "sucrose layer" of a factor which promotes the overcoming of weak terminating signals (i.e � EF-X). Hourever, the possibility of another interpre.tation also existed. It c4uld be as~~umed that our reconstructed system is defective not for elongation, but proteo- lyt.ic activity requir.ed for the formation of viral proteins (including F) from the corresponding precursors. From this viewpoint, the appearance of F in the pr~~sence of active fractions of the "sucrose layer" would be explained by the pr~~~ence in them of the necessary proteases. In order to clarify the correctness of. tt~is hypothesis, the reconstructed system was incubated with viral RNA for 3 h. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Elongation was stopped by adding cylcoheximide, and incubation was continued for another 15 h either in the presence or in the absence of material con~aining EF-X. It was found that incubation of polypeptides synthesized in the reconstructed system _ with EF-X preparation did not result in the appearance of polypeptide F(.fig 1C). Th�s, the hypothesis on protease nature of the factor we studied was not confirmed. _ We note that during lengthy incubztion (18 h), a certain quantity of polypeptide F is formed in the reconstructed system sven without the additic~n of ma.terial from ~ the sucrose layer. This agrees with the already mentioned concept that the block preventing synthesis of polypeptide F can be manifest not in complete stopping, but only in a considerable delay in translation. It still remains unclear whether this slow overcoming of the translation block is associated with residual quantities of EF-X, probably present in the reconstruct~ed system, or with the fact that slow movement of the ribosomes in the correspon~ing regian is also possible with complete absence of EF-X. An important question is whether EF-X corresponds to the known components of the protein-synthesizing apparatus. The answer to this question requires further studies. in particular, purification of EF-X. However, even no~a one can note that EF-X is apparently not the RI~;A-bonding grotein, since it is r.ot adsorbed on the poly- (V)-~ellulose (fig lI'). In this respect, it is distinguished from the previously described eukaryote factors of elongation (EF-1 and :F-2) and the majority of factors of initiation of eukaryote translztion [8,9]. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Svitkin, Yu. V. and Ahol, V. Z. DAN, VoZ 238, 1973, p 744. 2. Svitkin, Yu. V. and Agol, V. I. FEBS LETTS., Vol 87, No 7, 1978, 3. Pelham, HRB, EUROP. J. BIOCHEM. Vol 85, 1978, 457. 4. Agal, V. I., Chumakov, K. M. et al, in SOV.SCI. REV (BIOLOGY), Vol 1, 1980, 319. - Agol, V. I. in PROGR. MED. VIROL. Vol 26, 1980, p 119. ~ 6. Shih,D. S., Shih, C. T.. et al. J. VIROL., Vol 30, 1979, p 481. 7. Warburg, 0. and Christian W., BIOCHEM. ZS� Vol 310, 1941, p 384. 8. Vlasiky S. P.; Dom~gatsky, S. P~ et al. FEBS LETT. Vol 116, 1980, p 8. 9. Ovchinnikov, L. P., Spirin, A. S. et al., FEBS LETT., Vol 88, 1978, p 21. ~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR", 198i 9035 CSO: 1840/284 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 i'nR (1N ~1('1 ~1 i !C}' (1N1 UDC 576858.25 INTEGRATION OF GENOMES OF RUSSIAN TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS (TEV) AND CELL _ DURING CARONIC INFECTI~N INDUCED BY TEV AND OV40 Mascow DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian Vol 258~ No 4, 1981 (manuscript received 16 Jan 8I) pp 1000-1002 [Article by I. D. Drynov, L. V. Uryvayev, V. V. Nosikov and Active Member of the USSR Academy nf Medical Sciences V. M. Zhdanov, D. I~ Ivanovskiy Institute of Virology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Molecular Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow] ~ i [TextJ The development of a chronic viral inf ecti~n, according to one of the i theories, may be associated with integration of genomes of the virus and the ~ chr~nically infected ccll [1]. Experiments on transfection of sensitive cells with - DNA preparations made of chronically infected cells in a number of cases confirm the possibility of including the DNA-copy of the genome from an RNA-containing infectious nononcogrnic virus in the cPl~ular genome [2]. The presence of a lir.iited ' number of virus-sp~-cific sequences in nuclear DNA of chronically infected ce11s [3] has been shown by the met~od of molecular hybridization. I-~ order to study precisely the integrat~ion variant of. viral persistence develop- ment, we use;i combined infection of cells with Ru~sian tick-borne encephalitis virus (TEV) and CV40. In combined infection, it is hypothetically possible to conjugate rhe processes of reproduction of the genomes from both viruses, and to incorporate the TEV genome into the cellular DNA similarDirect detectiontofnvirushs eci~ficenome P into the DNA of the transformed cells [5]. - sequences in the cellular DNA is posaible by the method especially designed to establish localization of individual genes in the DNA fragments which develop under the influence of differ.ent rzstrictases [4]. This method was successfully used to ' study the nature of OV40 genome incorporation into the DNA of the transformed cell~ [5]. L1 10 cells were infected with TEV, strain "MF" which was isolated from chronically in~ected cells grown foY several years (11]. The original TEV strain "Sof'in" durin5 infection of the cells jointly with OV40 did not induce the appearance of transfixing activity of the DNA preparations made of infected cells. After incubation of the culture cells with TEV, reinfection with OV40 was done. The cells were then repassivated several_ times. DNA was isolated from the nuclei of the infected cells by the method of phenol deproteinization with prThemobtained treatment with pronase and subsequent treatment with RNA-ase [6]. DNA preparations were used for transfection and for work with the restrDNAasre- - In the experiments to transfect kidney cells of pia embryos with SPEV, p parations were used for the infection (20-40 ug/10~ cells). The control was DNA preparations treated with DNA-ase an3 RNA-ase (50 ug/ml). 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RNA of TEV was isolated from a purified virus by the standard method of phenol deproteinization. The genome RNA of TEV is typical messenger RNA with molecular weight on the order of 3.0 MD (40 S). Re~trictases were isolated by ths method of Green (7] ar.d Bickle [8J. DNA pre- parations from infected, uninfected cells and thymus of a calf were ex~osed to splitting by restric~ases. DNA from uninfected cells L121~ and the DNA of calf thymus were used as the control. The latter was selecfed as the control because during synthesis ~f 32p-kDNA by TEV RNA, the seed crystal was thymus DNA that was fragmented into short chains under the influence of DNA-ase I. The material was _ further applied to lamellar gel of 1% agarose. Fragments of DNA of the a-phage formed under the influence of restrictase were used during fractionating of the material by electrophoresis as the markers to determine the dimensions of the DNA fragments. DNA fragments from the agarose gel were transferred to nitrocellulose filters by - the method of Southern [4]. After drying, the filters were incubated for 24 h at 65�C in Denhardt's solution [9]. After addition of labelled preparations, kDNA hybridization was done in the same solution at 65�C for 48 h. The drie~ filters were exposed after hybridization and washed of the free labelled material with RT-1 films at room temperature for 3-12 days. 32P-kDNA was synthesized with the help of revertase using scattered or statistical inoculation, short DNA fragments formed under the influence of DNA-ase I on DNA of calf thymus. The reaction was done according to th~ method of Taylor [10] with concentration of the seed crystal 0.25 ug/ml. After a preliminary series of experiments to select suitable restrictases, the virus-specif~c sequences were detected in the DNA fragments of the cells infected with TEV and OV40. Figure 1~see insert between pp 916-917) presents the results of radio autographic finding of virus-specific seqaence~ in the restriction frag- - ments of nuclear DNA. The following are clearly revealed: DNA fragment after resctriction of Eco RI with weight of 6.0 M'il, DNA fragment after res- _ triction ofLgl II with molecular weight of 11.0 MD, and DNA fragment after res- triction of Pst I. In the case of DNA t-reated with Hind III, no obvious bands of hybridized material were noted. The latter can be govern~d by the fact that small - DNA fragments developed, while the rate and level of hybridization were propor- = tional to the molecular weight of the interacting fragments. With equal experimen- tal conditions, part of the DNA fragments with high molecular. weight first becomes a hybrid. In the control DNA of the L1210 cells and the DNA uf the calf thymus, no hybridization band was observed. The sizes of the restricticn fragments of DNA that hybridize with kDNA by TEV RNA, according to the molecular weight ~f one chain coincide with the dimensions of the ~;enome RNA of TEV in the ~ase of Eco RI, or exceE~d the dimensions of TcNA in the case of fragments wt~ich develop under the influei~~e of Bgl II and Pst I restrictases. Tl~e latter can be governed by the presence in the fragments of DNA sequences that adjoin the continuous sequence of the DNA-copy of the viral genome from two sides. Th~s may ~e entirely associated with the fact that under the influence of various restrictases, one DNA fragment develops which bears the virus-specific sequences. 5 ~ ~OR OFFICIAL CJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR O~FICIAL USE aNLY ~ The findings first of all confirm the possibility of incorporating the DNA-copy of the TEV genome as a single block. For more complete discussion of the results it is expedient to present data on the transfixing activity of cellular DNA [11], reducing them to Table 1 which is convenient for examination. The data presented in the table indicate the absence of infectious properties of the DNA from tlie cells infected with TEV only. The infectious properties of cellular DNA appear after combined infection with TEV and QV40 (TCD50/m1=6.0). Infection of the cells with TEV jointly with the virus of the Rous sarcoma (RSV) results in the er~ergence of infectious properties of DNA (TCD ~/m1=3.5). The greatest ~nf ectiousness is noted in DNA from cells jointly in~ected with TEV + OV40 + RSV (TCD ~/m1=6.25). It is noted that DNA infectiousness is completely removed by the eff ec~ ~f DNA-ase, but not RNA-ase. Data on titration of full-value infectious virus TE which develops after transfixing of sensitive cells with DNA preparations made of chronically infected cells not only confirm the incorporation of the full DNA- copy of the TEV genome into cellular DNA, but , mainly, indicate the complete ' expression of the DNA-provirus. Table 1. Transfection of SF'EV Cells with DNA Preparations Made of Cells Infected with TEV Jointly with Oncogenic Viruses Viruses Original quantity Final dilution Titer of transfixed virus, , of DNA, ug per 105 of DNA TCD50/ml cells without antiserum ~oith antiserum TGV 22.0 ~ ~ ~ TEV+RSV ?9.0 1:8~ 3'S 0 TEV+OV4n 24.4 1:120 6�~ ~ TEV+RSV~{)V40 37.0 1;160 6�25 ~ T'~e presencc~ of onco-RNA-viruses in the TEV-infecCed cells piays a significant role in the formation of the DNA copy o~ the TEV genome, the D~3A from cells which arejointly infected with TEV and RSV during transfection induce the appearance of an infection virus. The absence of infectiousness of the ce~lular DNA infected only with TEV forces us to assume a stimulating effect of OV40 on the activity oF the onco-RNA-virus usually present in the cells. Stimulation of activity of oncc-RNA-viruses on ~he part of OV40 is quite probable. The OV40 stimulates the output of adenovirus with the combined infection of cells [12],and OV40 in its action in this respect is analogous to the effect of iododesoxyuridine [13]. In terms of the studied question on incorporation of the TEV genome, all.'that has been listed in relation to OV40 is additionally strengthened by the known data on stimulation of cellular DNA synthesis during inf ection with OV40 [14]. Based on the available data, one can hypothasize a possible path for formation of a DNA-copy of the genome of an RNA-containing nononcogenic virus and its incorporation into ctiromosomal DNA of cells jointly infected with TEV and OV40. The initial stage, synthesis of the DNA-copy can be associated with manifestation of the activity of onco-Rl~A-viruses usually present in the cells. Their inverse transcriptase does not have specificity in relation to the matrix. The subsequent stage, incorporation of the DNA-copy can be associated with the possible conjugation nf the processes of preproduction of the TEV genome and the processes of repro- duction of viruses which reproduce in parallel and are capable of incorporation. 6 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 N'UR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY BIBLIOGRAI'HY 1. 'Lh~3anov, V. M. NATURE, Vol 256, 1975, p 471. 2. Zhc3ai~ov, V. M. MOI~. CEI.L. BIOCHF.~1. , Vol 15, 1977, p 45. 3. Andzhaparidze, 0. G. and Drynov, I. D. DAN, ~ol 239, 1978, 970. 4. Soutilern, E. M. J. MOL. BIOL., Vol 98, 1975, p 503. 5. Botchan, N., Topp, W. and Sambrook, J. CELL, Vol 9, 1976, p 26q. 6. Temin, H. CELL, Vol 18, 1978, p 387. 7. Grc~en, F'. J. and Heyneker, H. L. T~UCL. ACID RES. Vo] S, 1978, pp 2373. _ 8. fiickle, 'T'. A. and Pirrotta, L. IBID, Vol 4, 1977, p 2561. - 9. Denhardt, D. BIOCHEM. BIOPHYS. RES. COMMUN.,Vol 23, 1966, p 641. 10. Taylor, J. M. ar.d Il~~n~~nsee, P. BIOCHIM. ET BIOPHYS. ACTA, Vol 4, 42, 1976, p 324. 11. Uryvayev, V., Parasyuk, N. A.; et al. in "Virusy raka i leykoza" [Cancer and Leukosis Viruses], Moscow, 19�~0, p 41. 12. Jerkofsky, M. and Rapp, F. VIROLOGY, Vol S1, 1973, p 466. 13. Jerkofsky, M. and Rapp, F. IBI~ Vol 15, 1975, p'253. ~I , l4. Eckhart, W. COMPREHENS. VIROL., Vol 9, 1978, p 1. ~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR", 1981 i 9035 ~SO: 184U/284 7 FOR OFFICIAL tJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR OFF!CIAL USE ONLY MEDICINE UDC 615.3~9:578.245 INTERF'EROhS IN MEDICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE Moscow INTERFERONY V TEORII I PRAKTIKE MEDITSINY in Russian 1981 (signed to press 12 kt3r 81) pp 2-4, 398-400 [Summary, introduction and table of contents from "Interferons in Medical Theory and Practice" by Valentin Dmitriyevich Solov'yev and Tagir Abdullayevich Bektemirov, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Meditsina", 2021 copies. 400 pages] [TextJ Eleven years have elapsed since the publication of the first edition of this book. During this interval of time a very great amount of data~ both - experimental and clinical, has been amassed; these data dictated the need for t~e present edition. The monograph has been almost completely rewritten. It gives a description of viral interference, considering in detail interference not caused by interferons. The book examines the properties of interferon, the interferonogenic activity of different families and groups of viruses and their sensitivity to interferons. - C~nsiderable space is given to data on interferon production by leucocytes and macrophages, as well as to methods of obtaining and purifying ~eucocyte, lyenphoblastoid and fibroblast interferon. The role of interferons in the pathogenesis of viral infections and their significance as an index ~f reactivity under normal conditions and in pathology are presented in detail. The book correlates materials on experimental and clinical application of Exogenic interfer4n and stimulators of endogenic interferan of viral and nonviral nature. Great attention is given to nonantigenic inducers of interferon. Data are presented on the non-antiviral action of interferons and their inducers, including the effect on antibody production and cellular i~muni~y. A special chapter is devoted to oncogenic viruses and interferon. In it the mechanisms of the f~~mation and action of interferons are described. In conclusion, an evaluation is given of the theoretical s~gnificance of interferons and the prospects of their use in practice. The monograph is intended for virologists~ immunologists, biologists and physicians. The book contains 33 tables and 37 figures; the bibliography, 585 titles. For summary see page 396. Reviewer: Yu. Z. Gendon, doctor of inedical sciences, professor~ head of the 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460048-9 FOR OF~ICiAL USE 4NLY Department of General Virology of the NII [Scientific Research Institute] of Viral Prep~rations of the USSR MZ [Ministry of Health]. INTRODUCTION The first edition of our book~ "Interferon in Medical Theory and Practice" was published in 1970. In that edition the existing studies in the literature were correlated; the results of our own research were presented, and the outlook for further research was given. The book recPived a high appraisal from readers and was awarded the D. I. Ivanovskiy Prize. In 1973 the book was translated into - Czech and published in Prague by the Avicenum PubTishing House. In the same year a somewhat sugplemented edition was translated into English and published by Plenum Press in New Yark. Since then many experimental findings and results of clinical observations have been amassed. This fact accounts for the need for the present edition. Into it went completely revised materials and the results of studies by Soviet and foreign , scientists up to 1980. We are unable to give a complete bibliograph;~ of studies on interferons since it would exceed the scope of the present monograph. Accordingly the bibliography gives only studies published since 1970. The range of research has also expanded incommensurately with the past. Evidence of the existence of several types of interf'erons and their action has been _ obtained not only in viral infections but also in normal cells and cells undergoing malignant changes. It has also been demonstrated that interferon ' - obtained from human blood leucocytes is capab].e of being highly concentrated and purified of inactive proteins. Such a concentrated preparation, containing up to 1 million or more activity units per 1 ml of volume, may be, and is being, employed in diverse pathological conditions, not solely those of viral etiology. - The newest trend is the use of interferons in clinical oncoiogy. It is more advisable to use concentrated preparations for therapeutic use in this pathology. The difficulties associated with obtaining human donor blood~ which serves as a source for obtaining leucocyte interferon, necessitated a search for other producers. Foll~wing up the species specificity of interferon, we unexpectedly discovered that swine leucocytes are capable of producing interferon which acts on ~ human diploid cells in the same way as human interferon. In the USA, Englanr; and other countries research is being conducted in the direct�ion of obtaining interferon-forming cells outside the organism. Here two ~7 methods have been established: one consists of using cultured lymphoblastoid cells; the other, of using diploid producer cells. Both these methods are also being used in our country's laboratories. Up to now~ however, they have been at the stage of experimental study and have not entered medical practice. Ten years ago we formulated the so-called interferon reaction of leucocytes. It consists of the fact that the general immunoreactivity of an organism can be evaZuated according to the activaness of interferon product~:ion by lymphoid tissue. _ After namerous tests we recommended this reaction for evalu3ting the condition of the reticuloendothelial systen~ under normal conditions and in pathology. 9 FOR OFFICIA~, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Interferons are now viewed as an indispensible component of iromunological reactivity which to a significant extent ensures the stability of the organism's internal environment. The significance of interferons as factors of antivirai imrnunity is being increasingly evident. It is most likely that interferons are the regulators of many immunity reactions. They are known to influence cell - division, the activity of normai killer cells, DNA synthesis in lymphocytes, the delayed type of hypersensitivity reaction and transplantaton immunity. Recent years have been marked by numerous studies in immunobiological and c~togenetic directions, which have revealed new facts characterizing the mechanisms of the formation and action of interferons. - In conclusion~ a word must be said about the stages of development of the study of ~ interferons. For many years the scientists of the USA and England did not consider studies on a;:ogenic interferon of current interest and sought substances and means inducing the formation of endogenic interferon, working on different synthetic preparations of the type of polynucleotides. But beginning in 1976, foreign scientists' interest in exogenic interferon--i.e., in the direction which Soviet investigators had been developing since 1964--sharply increased. At the recent Fourth International Virology Congress the reports of foreign scientists were devoted to presentation of experimental and clinical experiments on successful use of exogenic interferon obtained fram leucocytes of donor blood. The monograph offered to the reader retains the previous title in only slightly changed form. The title successfully reflects the contents~ which have been almost completely rewritten. - The authors sought not only to present the current data as accurately as possible but also~ principally to reflect the resulcs of studies by Soviet scientists engaged in the study of interferons. Realizing the complexity of the task in hand, we will gratefully accept critical remarks and suggestions. CONTENTS ~~e Foreword. .......................................................................3 Chapter 1. Viral Interference ..................................................5 General considerati.ons ......................................................5 Interference between infectious and inactivated viruses .....................6 Canditions fo~ producing inteference .......................................12 Practical significance of interference .....................................19 Methods of inducing interference ...........................................22 The mechanism of interference ............................................24 Autointerference by viruses ................................................33 Chapter 2. The Concept of Interferons, Their Formation and Antiviral Action in Vitro ......................................................~...................42 Basic properties of interferons...��������~�����������~�~��~~~������������~~'2 Physicochemical properties .................................................43 10 FOR OFEICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400060048-9 ~~ciR ~F~~~t.�. ~~tiN' (1N11' Species specificity .........................................................53 - Antigenic properties .......................................................56 Chapter 3. The Interferogenic Activity of Viruses .......,,....................~.60 Smal~pox viruse~ ............................................................60 Herpes viruses .............................................................61 Adenoviruses.............e ..................................................63 Myxoviruses .................................................................64 Rhabdoviruses ...............................................................66 Arboviruses .................................................................67 - Enteroviruses ..............................................................69 Chapter 4. Factors Influencing the Intensity and Dynamics of Interferon Production ......................................................................70 Cell type ...................................................................70 Viral properties ............................................................73 Other ~'actors ...............................................................75 Dynamics of interferon formation in cell cultures ...........................81 Chapter 5. The Action of Interferons in Cell Cultures .........................�85 The sensitivity of viruses and cells to interferons .........................85 Methods of inducing and titering interferons ................................90 Blocking of the formation and actxon of interferons by viruses .............�95 Chapter 6. Interferon Formation by Human Leucocytes in Vitro ..................100 Production of virus induced interferon by animal leucocytes ................100 The formation of interferon by human leucocytes..����.�����~~���������~��~�104 The role of different elements of white blood in interferon production����~~�1~ Nonviral induction of interferon in leucocytes Iromune interferon..�.�~����117 Chapter 7. Lymphoblastoid and Fibroblast Interferon ...........................123 Lymphoblastoid interferon and its purification .............................123 Fibroblast interferon and its purification .................................126 Chapter 8. Interferon Formation and Vira~ Infections...����.~�~~~���~����~���~13~ Interferon formation in experimental viral infections�...���������~������~~13~ Interferon formaticn in viral and nonviral diseases of man��������~~�~~�~~�134 Chapter 9. The Role of Interferon in the Pathogenesis of Viral Infection�.��..142 The action of interferon in infection atria and the pathways of tr.e spread of viruses in the organism....�������~~����~~��~���~�����~���~����142 Virulence of viruses and interferon..��~������~��������~�~����~~~��������'�1~'7 Age and individual properties of interferon formation in animals...........152 The influence of stress and other factors on the formation of interferon in viva .......................................................156 The correlation between interferon formation and the susceptibility - of animals to certain viral infections.~����������~~�~~~�~~��������~�����159 Chapter 10. The Interferon Reaction of Leucocytes--An Index of the Reactivity - of the Organism Under Normal Conditions and in Patholagy.���~������������~~���.166 General aspects .........................................................156 - 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FnR (1F'F1('1:11. l~ti~' (1N1.1' ...............1~~ Age ar~d nutritional properties ..............................17U The factor of individuality The influence of cooling, irradiation and immunodepressive preparations�172 ....i73 The formation of leucocyte interferon in viral diseases...�~�~�~��~~~�� The formation of leucocyte interferon in patients with endocrine disorders ................................................................175 The formation of leucocyte interferon in patients receiving therapy��~�����i76 Chapter 11. The Effect of Exogenic Interferon and Stimulators of ~ndogenic Interferan on Viral Infectior~s ...................................������~��~����1~9 The effect of exogenic interferon on experimental viral infections........179 Clinical testing of exogenic interferon.........�.�����.��~��~~��~~��~�~'�187 Pharmacokinetics of interferons ...................................���~�~~�199 Stimulation of serum interferons by viral inducers ........................204 Serum interferon producer cells 208 T h e e f f e c t o f v i r a l i nducers on ex perimental viral infections.���~������~�214 Chapter 12. Stimulation of Productian of Endogenic Interferon by Double Strand RNA and Its Effect on Viral Infection .........................................�218 General considerations.. " " " " " " " " ~~~~~~~~~~~218 Interferon induction in cell cultures and in animal organisms�������~�����219 The effect on experimental viral infections....��.�.��~~�~~�~�����'�" 221 Correlation between interferonogec;ic activity and the structure of polyribonucleotides ..........................................o..........225 - Interaction between polyribonucleotides and cells .................�����.��230 Correlation betwe~n interferogenic zctivity and induction of antiviral resistance............~ .................................................234 Toxicity of polyribonucleotides for humans and animals~�����~~���~�~'��~��235 Modification of polyribonucleotides active in primate~j in vivo........�..�240 Modificatian of polyribonUCleotides of different molecular masses.........250 Chapter 13. Stimulation of Endogenic Interferon By Other Nonviral Inducers and ................z55 Their Effect on Experimental Viral Infections..�~�������������' General data ..............................................................258 Synthetic inducers .......261 Tiloron and its anologues " " " ' - Stains~ pyrimidi.nes and other inducers ...........................~..��~���263 ................266 Bacteria, yeast and products isolated from them....������~ ~ Chapter 14. The Influence of Different Factors on the Action of Nonviral Inducers of Interferon. Superinduction of Interferon����~��~���������~�������~��~������276 Effect on double strand RNA .............................................�.276 Effect on other nonviral inducers .........................................279 Superinduction of interferon " " " " " " '280 Chapter 15. Refractoriness in Interferonogenesis 286 - General considerations ....................................................286 Correlation between refractoriness and antiviral resistance ����~��~~��~�~�2 89 Mechanisms of refractoriness " " " " " '�'�'�����~~������290 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 16 Clinical Testing of Viral and Nonviral Stimulators of the Formation of Endogenic Interferon .........................................295 Viral inducers ............................................................295 Double strand polyribonucleotides ........................................~302 Tiloron and other low-molecular inducers ..................................305 Chapter 17. Non-Antiviral Action of Interferon and its Inducers ...............307 Action against nonviral infectious agents and their decomposition products ................................................................307 Effect on antibody formation~ cellular immunity and cell growth���~~������310 Chapter 18. Oncogenic Viruses and Interferon�..����~�����������~~�����~������~321 Induction of interferon by oncogenic viruses ..............................321 - Action of interferon and its inducers on the development and course of neoplasms and leucoses ..................................................324 Mechanism of the effect of interferon on oncogenesis����~��~���~���������~328 Interferon therapy in oncological clinical practice .......................341 Chapter 19. Mechanisms of Formation and Action of Interferon ..................345 Structural genes of interferon format.ion ..................................34-5 Priming mechanisms of interferon formation ................................347 Matrix RNA for interferons ................................................352 Regulation of interferon synthesis............ ...........................�354 Interaction of interfer~n with cells .................................~...�356 The mechanism of the suppression of virus reproduction by interferon.....�358 ; Conclusions ....................................................................36~ ' Bibliography ...................................................................367 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Heditsina" Moskva 1981 9380 . ' CSO: 1840/297 i ~ i 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460048-9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PHYSIOLOGY HOW WE SEE WHAT WE SEE rioscow KAK MY VIDIM T0, CHTO VIDLK in Russian 1979 (signed to press 29 Mar 79) PP 2-5, 207 [Annotation, foreword by Academician 0. G. Gazenko and table of contents from book "How 41e See What We See", by Vyacheslav Yevgen'yevich Demidov, "Science and Progress" series, Izdatel'stvo "Znaniye", 100,000 copies, 208 pages] [Text] The problem of perception of the outside world with the organ of sight is one of the interesting natural scientific problems. We find the names of many out- standing people of different times and nations am~ng those who made their contribu- ~ tion to it. At present, major scientific teams, armed with the mos~ modern , . investigative methods, are working on this problem. Among them is the Laboratory of Physiology of Sight, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, USSR Academy _ of Sciences, in Koltushi near Leningrad, which used the principles of holography to explain the "mechanism" of processing visual information of our brain. In discussing the work at this laboratory, the author makes broad use of material obtained by other Soviet and foreign researchers. This scientific and literary book is intended for a broad circle o.f readers. Foreword The author of this book is not only a reporter, but an engineer. The book itself is the result~f 5 years af fruitful collaboration with scientists from the Labora- tory of Physiology of Sight, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, USSR Academy of Sciences. For these entire 5 years, the author attentively watched the progress of its staff and constantly published articles about their work. - The problems discussed in this book are presented by V. Demidov on the basis of the - holographic hypothesis of brain function, which is being actively developed in t�ecent times by scientists of the entire world (in all fairness, let us mention that Lhis conception is not shared by all researchers). Among these studies, the work of Soviet scientists occupies a prominent place, particularly those working at the Ir.stitute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov. And, since holography is the child of engineers, it becomes understandable why one of them was able to make sense, easily and without constraint, out of the sea of diverse information that appears scattered outwardly but actually demonstrates a profound unity of material essences of the world revealed to us, using a holographic compass. The solitary approach the author used to the most varied problems brought him deserved success. Demidov finds good explanations tor "mysterious" phenomena 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and advances plausible hypotheses by examining from the same positions the ques- tion of identifying visual images and causes of the "whims" of fashion, perception of color and structure of diff erent systems of the optical tract, visual illusions _ and formation of the internal model of the world. Such discoveries include, For example, the hypothesis of reasons for changes in fashions, the explanation of the "secret" of Penrose's triangle and "impossible pictures"; the author uses a unique and curious approach to the problem of essence of abstractions and concept of beauty. There is convincing disclosure of a seemingly paradoxical thesis that ' visual illusions are a reflection of the automatic accuracy of function of the visual system, a reflection of accuracy of the model of the world formed as a result of man's prior experience. The lucidity, understandability and, at the same time, scientific strictness of presentation of material are definite qualities of the book that you have in your hands. The bibliography used by the author is referable to the works of the greatest scientists dealing with problems of vision, both Soviet and foreign. Demidov knows many af his heroes personally; he has visited scientific laboratories, witnessed experiments and, for this reason, he has conveyed the atmosphere of scientific search in an entertaining and convincing manner. A good, graphic Zanguage is used to present extremely complex problems of neurophysio- logy and psychology, cybernetics and medicine; the author never falls into vulgari- zation. He ouerates freely with the concepts of many sciences, cites good and vivid examples, so that it will be unquestionably interesting to the reader to - follow the logic of development of the subject. The problem of holography is a mathematical problem in many respects, and it is all the more pleasing that he succeeded in explaining it without formulas, on a level that is quite understandable to the broadest reader. It is very important that Demidov refers to the most recent works, the results of which were literally just published, in 1977, and one feels the pulse of modern times in the book, it is timely and fresh. The history of learning about the mechanisms of function of the visual system is the history of the struggle of science against idealism. The results of current - research confirm, again and again, the materialistic thesis that it is possible to gain knowledge about nature in all of its manifestations, including such extremely complex ones as sight and thinking. Science puts electrochemical processes in neuronal networks of the brain, which are amazing in their refinement, in the place ~ of the "soul." With each year, experimental techniques grow more and more sophisti- - cated, and we are delving deeper and deeper into the essence of things. Man is learning more and more about himself and penetrates into mysteries that make those of the oceans and space paler. At the same time, the language of science is growing increasingly complex; sc~ence is breaking down into more and more narrow disciplines, so that scientists working in one laboratory have difficulty in discerning problems of their neigtibors in the next laboratory. The volume of in- formation is growing like a snowball, and for this reason the role of scientific popularization, particularly when it generalizes the achievements in related and allied disciplines, is ever growing in our times. Not infrequently, a scientist will glean some useful information from such works. Demidov's book is one of them-- a successful attempt at summarizing results obtained by specialists working in the most varied areas of knowledge. He not only was able to summarize, but relate these results to vital problems that are close to literally everyone, blending the seriousness of the scientist's approach to the vitality of a writer's style. 15 ~'O~ OE:ICIAL USE ~NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Contents Page Cr~apter 1. Range of the Preconscious 9 Ctiapter 2. The Prediction of Galen 23 Cliapter 3. The Traps of Image Details 33 Cl.iapter 4. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil 49 _ C~napter 5. When We Cannot Say "a" We Say "b" 57 Chapter 6. C,ycles That Have a Reason 6~ Chapter 7. The World is Built of Parts [Details] Chapter 8. All Roads Lead to Rome 93 I (:hapter 9. The Flat Three-Dimensional World 109 Chapter 10. The Immediate Consequences of What Was Overturned 125 ~ ~~hapter 11. The Palette 133 Chapter 12. A Sieve for Images 149 Chapter 13. Deceptions Caused by the Desire for Truth 165 Chapter 14, A New Key for Old Mysteries? 181 Bibliography 206 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Znaniye", 1979 10,657 j CSO: 1840/999 ( ~ 16 FOR OFE'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY J UDC: (577.4+577.1)001.57 ~ METHODS OF MATIiEMATICAL BIOLOGY, BOOK 2: M~THODS FOR SYNTHESIS OF ALGEBRAIC AND PROBABILISTIC MODELS OF BIOLOGICAL SYS'PEMS Kiev METODY MATEMATICHESKOY BIOLOGII, KNIGA 2: METODY SINTEZA ALGEBRAICHESKIKH I VEROYATNOSTNYKH MODELEY BIOLOGICHESKIKH SISTEM in Russian 19~31 (signed to press 9 Jan 81) pp 4-8, 10 [Annotation, introduction to Part I and taL~le of contents from book "Methods of Mathematical Biology. Book 2: Methods for Synthesis of Algebraic and Probabilistic Models of Biological Systems", by Viktor Mikhaylovich Glushkov, Yuriy Gur'yevich Antomonov, Vasil Kabulovich Kabulov, Khusan Kadyrovich Kadyrov, Svetlana zvanovna , Kiforenko, Andrey Mikhaylovich Klochkov, Alina Borisovna Kotova, Todor Angelov ' Popov and Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Stogniy, edited by Academician V. M. Glushkov ' (chief editor), approved by the IIkrainian Ministry of Higher and Secondary I~ Specialized Education as a textbook f~r stud2nts in biological specialties at ~ VUZ's, Izdatel'skoye ob"yedine.r.iye "Vyshcha shkola". 2000 co~ies, 312 pagesJ ; [TextJ There is discussion of inethods of choice of experimental material in the i , structure of an algebraic model and determination of the coefficients of the mode ~ for describing various static functional modes of biological systems. The use of functions and regre~sioi: equations is demonstrated for synthesis of mathematical models of biological sy:;tems. Methods are described for primary proc~ssing of experimental data, for equalizing statistical series, determining the reliability of differen~es, determination of ' laws of distribution in correlation and spectral analysis of random biological processes and use of Markovian random processes. This book is a textbook for courses on "Biological Cybernetics," "Bionics," "Medical Cybernetics," "Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems" and "Biophysics" for srudents at universities, medical and pedagogic institutes and institutes of physical culture; it may be useful to scientists concerned with ;:roblems of mathe- matical biology. Figures 76, tables 37, references 69. Introduction [to Part I] Methods of modern algebra are used extensively in various branches of science-- mathematics, mechanics, physics, cybernetics and mathematical biology. They include linear algehra, logical algebr~, matrix albegra, set algebra and algorithm algebra. In constructing biosystem theory and solving various problems, modern biology and medicine make extensive use of inethods of quantitative analysis of the link between 17 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~,Y s output coordinates and input factors. Use is made of the conception of a link in the - form of tables and graphs, from which one turns to mathematical. descriptions. The simplest mathematical description of the link between output coordinates of biologi- _ cal systems and input factors can be obtaj.ned by means of various algebraic functions. In this case, the mathematical description is a functional model of the biosystem. The diversity of interactions between biological systems and the environment makes it necessary to use both elementary functions and superpositions thereof varying in complexity in order to describe them. There is discussion here of algebra methods that permit solving problems of synthesis of various functional models of biological systems; however, listing all of the methods of functional relations and equations used in modern mathematics is not an end in itselF. Attention is devoted chiefly ' to the methods and specific types of functions that have now become quite popular in mathematical biology. This book, which deals with applied algebra as a science but theory of biology, is concerned with methods of searching for types of functions according to experi- mental data, investigation of applicability of algebraic models to solving biological and medical problems. Contents Page Part I. Methods for Synthesis of Algebraic Models of Biological Systems - Introduction 10 Chapter 1. Functions "11 1.1. Elementary functions 11 Definition of function 11 Linear function 14 In~ersely proportional function 14 Exponential function 15 Step �unction 17 Logarithmic function 18 Trigonometric functions 19 Circular (inverse trigonometric) functions 20 1.2. Determination of parameters of functions from experimental data 21 Plotting graph of functions through typical points 21 Least squares method 24 Integral criterion 26 1.3. Elementary algebraic models of biological systems 27 Model of threshold properties of nervous tissue 2~ Empirical functions 33 Chapter 2. Polynomial (Regression) Models 34 2.1. Linear regressions 34 Types of regressions 34 Linear single-factor regression 3~ Linear multiple-factor regression 41 2.2. Nonlinear regressions 46 Nonlinear single-factor regression 46 Nonlinear multiple-factor regression 4~ Regression models based on the method of group consideration of arguments (MGUA) of A. G. Ivakhnenko 48 Method for insertion of time or parameter into regression equation 53 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2.3. Regression models of ~iologieal processes 58 - Modeling an epidemic process. Base data 58 Model of an epidemic process 68 Method of retrieving adequate model of an epidemic according to mathematical criteria 71 Insertion of time in regression model of an epidemic 73 Example of synthesis of regression model of the ecological system of the Rybinskiy Reservoir by the MGUA method 78 Chapter 3. Methods for S,ynthesis of Algebraic Models and Biological Identif ication 84 3.1. Schematization of modeling 84 General approach 84 Example 85 3.2. Choice and comparison or algebraic models 89 Biological identification--criterion for choice of structure of algebraic model 89 Example of choice of m~,del structure ~ 91 Chapter 4. Methods for Solving Equations 96 4.1. Matrix algebra 96 Main definitions 96 Properties of determinants 99 Operations with matrices 100 4.2. Solving systems of linear equations 106 Systems of linear equations 106 Kramer method of solving linear equations 108 Gauss method 109 General case of solving systems of linear equations 110 Systems of homogeneous linear equations 112 4.3. Algebraic equations 114 Lowest degree algebraic equations 114 Determination of real roots of algebraic equations 117 Bibliography Part II. Methods for Synthesis of Probabilistic Models of Biological Systems Introduction 124 Chapter 1. Methods of Primary Processing of Results of Biological Experiments 125 1.1. Specificity of biological experiments 125 Correlation between factors 125 Investigation of dynamics 128 1.2. Distributior~ series of random quantity, its parameters and estimation 131 Main definitions 131 Parameters of series 133 Set of sequences of random quantities and their characteristics according to experimental results 137 Analysis of time of animal death 137 Analysis of number of animal deaths 142 1.3. Choice and calculation of parameters of variable 3istribution series 144 Risk of death due to tumor 145 General risk of death 146 Dynamics of relative number of animal deaths due to cancer 153 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~,58 1.4. Systems of random quantities and their c?iaracteristics ~58 Dependence of random quantities Numerical characteristics of a system of two random quantities 159 Numerical characteristics of a system of several randon quantities 163 Evaluation of numerical characteristics 163 Coefficient or multiple correlation Coefficient of correlation as a criterion for choi~e of linearly 164 independen'~ param~ters - 1.5. Estimation of reliability of differences between mean values of 166 system~ of random quantities 167 Criterion of Student 168 Simplified criterion 1~2 - 1.6. Formula of Bayes 173 Bayes formula and its use in differential diagnostics 176 Chapter 2. Laws of ~Jistribution of Random Quantities 176 2.1. Function and density of distribution 1~8 Statistical function of distribution ~79 - Histogram 181 2.2. Equalization of statistical series 181 Choice of theoretical distribution curve 188 Criterion of agreemen* 191 2.3. ThPOretical distributions of continuous random q~antities 191 Normal law of distribution 1~~ Distributions related to normal ones 198 Law of uniform density 201 2.~. Theoretical distributions of discrete rar.3om quantities 201 Binomial distribution ' 2p2 Polynomial distribution 203 Hypergeometric distribution 204 Geometric distribution 204 Pascal distribution 204 Poisson distribution 205 Chapte.r 3. Correlation and Spectral Analysis of Random Processes 205 - 3.1. Main of random processes 206 Definition 206 Classification of random processes 209 Evaluation of stability 213 Ev aluation ofEEG stability 215 3.2. Characteristics of random processes 216 Mathematical expectation and dispersion of a random function 219 Laws of distribution 22p Evaluation of law of distribution 222 The XZ square criterion 22g The ~ criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Use of characteristics of random process~s in electroencephalo- 224 graphy 234 3.3. One-dimensional correlation-spectral analysis 234 Coefficient oi correlation 235 Autocorrelation function 236 Evaluation of autocorrelation function 238 Use of autocorrelation function for analysis of EEG 241 Spectral density 243 Evaluation of spectral density 248 Use of spectral analysis in electroencephalography 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 3.4. Two-dimens ional correlation-spectral analysis 26Q _ Reciprocal correlation function (VKF) 261 Use of reciprocal correlation function in encephalography 263 Reciprocal spectrum 265 Amplitude spectrum 266 Reciprocal spectrum of phases 266 Spectrum of coherence 26~ Evaluation of r~ciprocal spectra 268 Dispersion and confidence intervals of reciprocal spectrum evaluations 270 Planning the required accuracy of evaluations 2~2 Example of the reciprocal spectrum method in electroencephalography 2~3 Chapter 4. Methods of Describing the Dynamics of Markovian Random Processes 289 4.1. Main theses of Queueing Theory 28~ Subject of theory 289 Flow characteristics 290 Markov random process 292 4.2. Distinctions of information flow in medical institutions 295 Distinctions of health care organization 295 Biomedical information 2y~ 4.3. Analysis of inedical care systems 298 System of service [care] with loss of patients 298 System of service with expectation 301 System of inedical service with limited waiting line 305 Bibliography 308 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'skoye ob"yedineniye "Vyshcha shkola", 1981 10,657 CSO: ].840I999 21 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060048-9 FOR OFRICIAL USE ONLY UDC: (577.4-~577.1~001.5(07) METHODS OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY~ BOOK 3: METfiODS OF SYNTHESIZING DYNAMZC MODELS OF BIOLOGICAL SYSTIIy1S (WZ TEXTBOOK) ~ Kiev METODY MATEMATICHESKOY BIOLOGII, KNIGA 3: METODY SINTEZA DYNAMICHESRiKH MODELEY BIOLOGICHESKIKH SISTEM (UCHEB. POSOBIYE DLYA WZOV) in Russian 1981 _ pp 4-10 [Annotation, introduction and table of contents from book "Methods of Mathematical Biology. Book 3: Methods of Synthesizing Dynamic Models of Eiological Systems (Textbook for WZ's)" by A. M. Molchanov, Yu. G. Antomonov, A. B. Kotova and M. A. Khanin, Izdatel'skoye ob"yedineniye "Vyshcha shkola", 328 pages] [Text] Methods are described of theory of differential equation~, which permit synthesis of mathematical models of the dynamics of biological systems. There is discussion of linear equations with constant and variable coefficients, typical nonlinear equations, first and second order partial [differential?] equations. Much - attention is given to proper investigation of equations for phase and structure proriles. Methods are described for writing differential equations for biological - systems with gradual complication of physiological conditions, which permit expression in the model of different properties of biological systems. This book is a text for course of "Biological Cybernetics," "Bionics," "Medical ~y~ernetics," "Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems" and "Biophysics" for students at universities, medical and pedagogic institutes and institutes of physical culture; it may be useful to scientists concerned with problems of mathematical biology. Fi~ures 136, tables 2; references 46. Introduction In matt?ematical biology, wide use is made of inethods of differeatial equation theory for the synthesis of mathematical models of dynamic modes of biological systems. Thus, to describe the function of biological systems, use is made of theory of linear differential equations; first or second order differential equations are used to describe the function of biological systems with reference to one parameter; sys- t~ms of linear differential equations are used to synthesize mathematical models describing the dynamics of many para~neters; the entire spectrum of formal mathema- tical methods for solving differential equations, including methods of computation ["computing mathematics"?], is used for concrete modeling. - It is known that the dynamic behavior of biological systems is quite complex and so multifaceted that mathematical models based on linear differential equations can only be considered modeling in the first approxi~mation. 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY In this textbook, the biological are incl,uded virtually eyerywhere in the descriptions of inethods of writing and solving the appropriate di~ferential equa, ~ tions; they are often an adequate description of the dynamics of variables and - conform with the objectives and tasks of modeling. The distinction of the presentation also lies in the fact that the sections of differential equation tY?eory that are the easiest to comprehend and most used to solve biological and medical problems are very concise. The difficult sec- tions dealing with nonlinear equations, equations with v2riable coefficients are more comprehensive. . Unity of structure and function is inherent in the function of '~iological systems. Whenever this must be reflected in mathematical models, it is often (and will be more and more often in the futur.e) necessary to use methods of de^cribing the form of different structures (organ, vessels) and distribute among strurtures the _ variables (concentration, potential, pressure) that determine functional states. For this reason, we devoted much attention to description of tneory of partial equations with the use of examples. It is known that partial differential equations have found wide applications i.n physics as an effective tool that permits d escribing differ.ent physical phenomena , which include, in particular, heat conduction diffusion, electric and magnetic fields, propagation of diverse waves and quantum fields. The intensive development � of mathematical biology in the last decades ~as led to expansion of the area of application of partial differential equations of the second order. We can arbi- - trarily single out two main directions. The first is related to development of mathematical theory of biological phenomena, which are based on physical processes (diffusion, head conduction, etc.), described by second order partial equations. ~ Use of partial second order equations to describe the propagation of pulse waves ~ in bloo~ vessels, diffusion of oxygen and other substances in ~ells, in t~ie micro- circulatory system and other phenomena are illustrations of this direction. ~i -j The second direction of using second order partial equations is related to quantita- ~ tive description of biological processes which are in essence biological, even though they present some analogy to certain physical processes. This direction can ~ be illustrated with examples of theory of inf lammatory processes. Discussion of biological applications of second order partial equations is limited to a small section, which briefly describes the classification of second order partial equations and the most frequently encountered boundary value problems. The methods of solving partial equations are described in the sections dealing with specific biological problems. Of course, the material presented in the foregoing does not cover all of the branches of mathematical biology making use oi second " order partial equati_ons developed to date. The examples are given here in such a manner as to illustrate as broadly as possible the different methods of solving problems in the field of biol~gy to which these problems refer. In the presentation of specific sections, considerable attention is devoted to biological validation of the mathematical system used. _ 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 - FOR OFFICIAI. [JSE ONLY Conten.ts ~a~~ 9 Introduction 11 Chapte~ 1. Linear Equations 11 1.1. Concept of derivative and differential 12 . Definition of derivative function 13 Def inition of differential 14 Second order derivative 14 Partial derivatives and par*ial differentials 1~ Concept of differential equation 1.2. Linear f irst order diff erential equations with canstant coefficients 18 General appearance ~A Equations with P(x) = 0 22 Equations with P(x) = const - 1.3. Linear second order differential equations with constant coefficients 26 General appearance 2~ Homogeneous equation , 30 Partially homogeneous equation 31 Hete:cgeneous second order equation 39 1.4. Higher order equations. Differential equation of nth order 40 System of f irst order linear equations 4L Chapter 2. Linear Equations With Variable Coefficients 42 2.1. General concepts 42 Normal systems. Coordinate and vector methods of writing 43 Derivative along solution 45 Self-contained systems. Concept of first integral 46 Cauchy's problem. Equivalent integral equation 2.2. Theorem of existence and uniqueness of solution to Cauchy's problem. 49 Continuous dependence of solutions on base data 49 Picard's method 51 Theorem of existence and uniqueness 53 Nature of convergence 54 Euler's method of broken [lines?] 55 Concept of nonuniqueness Continuous dependence of solution on base data 5g Local continuity 61 A priori evaluation 63 Local theory of continuous dependence of solution on base ~lata 64 Local theorem of uniqueness 65 Theorem of uniqueness as a whole 6~ - 2.3. Neighborhood of regular solution 6~ Systems containing the parameter 68 Variation of parameter 69 Equations in variations ~1 Variation of base data 2.4. Linear systems with variable coefficients. Definitions. Theorem 72 of existence and uniqueness 73 Homogeneous systems. Elementary properties 74 Wronskian determinant 76 Properties of fundamental matrix 78 Liouville's formula 79 Definition of fundamental system of solutions 80 Structure of general solution of linear homogeneous system 81 Heterogeneou;; systems. Method of variation of arbitrary constants 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 3. Nonlinear Equations 83 3.1. Hamiltonian systems 83 � Hamiltonian form of system 84 First integral of Hacailtonian system 85 Investigation of geometry o~ Newtonian movement with set potential U(x) 86 Kinetics of system $8 Integration of Newtonian movement with U(x) = ax2 89 Planar Hamiltonian systPm. Necessary and sufficient condition of Hamiltonian system 91 Periodic movement (general case) 93 General appearance of s~Gtem with specified first integral 96 3.2. Special integration procedures 99 Lowering order of system ~ 99 Equation in complete differentiaZs 100 Equation with separating variables i01 _ Verhulst-Pearl equation 103 Distinctions of straight parts of system (3.60) 105 Limit cycles 106 Homogeneous equations 108 Linear equations 109 3.3. Equations that are unsolved with reference to derivative. Formulation ~f the question 111 Addition of parameter 112 Integration of Lagrange equation 115 Clai.raut's equation 116 Geometric aspect of t.he problem 118 3.4. Resistance [stability] 118 Formulation of the question 118 Neighborhood of stationary solution (stationary points) 120 Definitions of stability 124 Technique for testing stability. Lyapunov's function 125 Lyapunov's function in linear system 128 Differential inequality. A priori evaluation 129 Nonlinear systems 131 Chetayev's function 133 Chetayev's function for linear system 135 Chetayev's function for nonlinear system 137 Algorithm for testing stability 138 Chapter 4. ~lements of Qualitative [or goodJ Differential Equation Theory 142 - 4.1. Phase prcfile of system 142 - Phase space 142 Phase profile of Hamiltonian planar system 144 Algebraic Hamiltonian 146 Phase profile of linear system. Saddle, point, focus 147 Case of real roots 149 Case of complex roots. Focus 151 Correlation between geometry and kinetics 152 Algorithm for constructing phase profile of l~near system 153 Phase profile of Volterra system 154 'Cold flames' lEzl Simplified model of glycolysis 162 Stability of stationary mode lb4 Analysis of spe.cial points 17Q Local characteristics of pt:ase profile 17b 25 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Critical value of parameter 176 Generation of limit jr~aximum?] cycle l~g Destruction of limit cycle 179 ~+.2. Structural profile 18~ Structural profile of model of immune system ~ 186 - Local phase profile 190 Phase profile as a whole 192 Structure profile. Immune profile of population 193 Single-barrier immunity (.'step') 195 Structure prvfile of single-step i~ununity 200 Neighborhood of triple point 2~2 Multi:barrier immunity. Mechanical analogy 205 Chapter 5. Partial Equations 209 5.1. Quasilinear partial equations 209 Linear equation. Cauchyts problem 210 _ Quasilinear equation. Riemann's method 218 Lagrange's coordinate system Euler's equation 22~ 'Flow [or current] tube. Cauchy's problem Z23 Dynamic systems 224 Curvilinear coordinates 22~ Partial linear equations. Theoretical analysis Practical methods. Lowering order 23Q General quasilinear equation. Method of immersion 233 5.2. Second order paxtial equations 236 Classification of equations 236 Canonical appearanc.e of equations 238 Boundary problems 239 - 5.3. Use of parabolic equations to solve problems of mathematical 243 biology 243 Mathematical model of early stage of inflammatory process 249 Model of oxygen transport Mathematical model of sluggish inflammatory process in the presence 252 of necrotic area Mathematical model of inflammatory process in heterogeneous area 258 with consideration of spread of necrotic area 5.4. Asymptotic solution of nonlinear and quasilinear equation of tlie 264 parabolic type Mathematical model of cavernous tubercular inflammation with consideration of the effect of partial oxygen tension as a 264 limiting factor Incidence of dominant gene with selective advantage (with consideration 2~7 of migration) 5.5. Asymptotic and periodic solutions of system of parabolic nonlinear 281 equations Dynamics of two populations (predator-prey) with consideration of 281 migration 286 Dynamics of two populations without migration of prey 289 5.6. Solution of elliptic type of equations Stationary distribution of biologically active substances in the cell 292 Oxygen transport in the microcirculatory system 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY Chapter 6. Methods of Composing Equations for Dynamics of Biological Systems 298 6.1. Modeling the dynamics of nervous processes on an elementary level 298 Capabilities of differential equations as a modeling tool 298 Description of form of action potential 299 ' Model of dynamics of axonal excitation 301 Model of dynamics of conduction 304 Model of dynamics of synaptic processes 307 6.2. Modeling the dynamics of biocenoses 311 Model of elementary correlations ~1~- Modeling the dynamics of populations and biocenoses with consideration of structural and functional parameters of individuals and ecological conditions 313 3ibliography 325 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'skoye ob"yedineniye "Vyshcha shkola", 1981 10,657 _ CSO: 1840/999 I ~ I ~ i ~ I I I -I i ~ i i 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY CHANGES IN ENDOCRINE GLAND FUNCTION DURING EXERCISE: ENDOCRINE MECHANISMS OF REGULATION OF THE BODY'S ADAPTATION TO MUSCULAR ACTIVITY - TartuIZMENENIYA FUNKTSIY ENDOKRINNYKH ZHELEZ PRI FIZICHESKIKH NAGRUZKAKH: ' ENDOKRINNYYE MEKHANIZMY REGULYATSII PRISPOSOBLENIYA ORGANIZMA K MYSHECHNOY DEYATEL'NOSTI in Russian 1980 pp 166-167 [Table of contents from book "Changes in Endocrine Gland Functions With Physical Loads: Endocrine Mechanisms of Regulation of the Organism's Adaptation to - Muscular Activity", by N. N. Yakovlev et al., 167 pages] ~ ~ Contents Page Somatotrophic Pituitary Hormone and Adaptation to Muscular Activity (N. N. Yakovlev) 3 Evaluation of Condition and of Athletes in the Aspect of . Humoral-Hormonal Parameters (G. N. Kassil') 19 Changes in Concentration of Tropic Pituitary Hormones During Lengthy Ski Trip (A. A. Viru, A. P. Kallikorm, K. E. Tomson, T. A. Smirnova, �c. A. Masso, T. A. Matsin, Ya. P. Pyarnat, T. K. Savi, A. K. Eller) 29 Dynamics of Levels of Growth Hormone, Insulin~ Metabolites ~f Carbohydrate and Fat Metaboli~m in Blood of ~`.thletes During Bicycle Ergometer Test Varying in Power (T. D. Bol'shakova, V. A. Siluyanova, Ye. P. Gitel', A. B. Burkashov, E. V. Sokova, A. Nasonov) 34 Feedback Mechanism of Hypothalamus--Hypophysis-~-Adrenal Cortex System and Stressor Reaction During Athletic Activity (G. L. Shreyberg, N. N. Sharov) 43 Correlation Between Glucocorticoid Reaction and Physical Work Capacity 57 (T. A. Smirnova) Stereological Analysis of Changes in Myocardial Resistance During Exercise 66 _ (R. Masso) Actomyosin ATPase Activity of Myocardium and Skeletal Muscles of Thyroid- . ectomied and Adrenalectomied Rats During Physical Conditioning 84 (T. P. Seene, K. E. Tomson, A. K. Eller, K. P. Alev) Effect of Muscular Activity on Thyroid Homeostasis of the Body (K. E. Tomson) 95 Evaluation of Some Elements of the System of Energy Supply at Rest and During Exercise When There Are Excessive Thyroid Hormone Levels (Ye. S. Rom-Bugoslavskaya, M. R. Ozerova, G. I. Kharag) 117 Nonspecific Resistance in Ontogenesis During Muscular Conditioning in 131 the Presence of Hyperthyroidism (V. Ya. Rusin, I. V. Bykov) Effect of Exercise on Blood Serum Testosterone Level in Conditioned 138 [Trained] White Rats (T. P. Kotsegub, B. I. Fel'dkoren) 28 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Involve~ent of Calcitonin in Man's Reaction to Muscular Loads (I. A. Drzhevetskaya, N. N. Limanskiy) � 147 Hormonal Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Content of Osseous Tissue During Dynamic Physical Exercise (G. G. Tsybizov) 152 COPYRIGHT: Unknown 10,057 . CSO: 1840/999 ~ ~ ~ . i I I I ~i . 29 I FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFIC{AL USE ONLY � RADIATION BIOLOGY UDC: 535.23:577.1:591.443 BIOCHEMICAL BASES OF ACTION OF R?,DIOPR(1TECTIVE AGENTS I~oscow nIOKHIPtICHESK.IYE ~SNOVY DEYSTVI"YA RAI)IOPROTEKTOROV in Russian 1980 (signed to press 3 Jul 80) pp 2-5, 167-168 [Annotation, list of abbreviations used, foreword and table of contents from book i ~~Biochemical Bases ~f Action.of Radioprotective Ag~nts", by Yevgeniy Fedorovich Romantsev, Vera Dmitriyevna Blokhina, Zoya Ivanovna Zhulanova, Nikolay Nikolayevich _ Koshcheyenko and igor' Vladimirovich Filiup~vich, Atomizdat, 119~ copies, 168 pagesJ [Text] This book analyzes ~~he mechanism of action of agents that modify radiation I lesions on the molecular level. Much attention is devoted to molecular interactions ~ between radioprotective agents, radiosensitizers and biologically important endo- ! genous macromolecules. An original conception is developed of a complex biochemical i - mechanism of action of agents that modify radiation lesions; special attenti~n is given to processes of temporary inhibition of replicative processes and stimulation of DNA repair processes. Analysis is made of data on the significance of temporary formation of mixed disulfide bonds between radioprotective agents--amino thiols-- - ~nd protein-enzymes having a sulfhydryl group. The existing hypotheses conc~xning the mechanism of action of radioprotective agents are discussed critically. This book is intended for radiobioiogists, biochemists, physicians, se nior year students at biological VUZ's and medical institutes. Tables 1, figures 14; references 570. List of Used Abbreviations tsAMF-- adenosine 3':5'-cyclic phosphate APAETF--aninopropylaminoethyl thiophosphate (gammaphos) ATP--adenosine-S'-triphosphoric acid AET--2-aminoethylisothiuronium BSA--bovine serum albumin ~ GTF--guanosine-5'-triphosphoric acid GED--guanidoethyl disulf ide dATF~-deoxyadenosine triphosphate dGTF--deoxyguanosine triphosphate Diamide-bis--(N,N-dimethylamide)-diazene of dicarboxylic acid DNK--deoxyribonucleic acid - DTT--dithioerythrite dTsMF--deoxycytidine manophosphate 3TsTF--deoxycytidine triphosphate :iRNK--messenger RNA rIPA--S-mercaptoethylamine N'EG--2-mercaptoethylguanidine 30 FOR OFF[CIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY NADN--nicotinamide adenine dinucleotic~e NADFNZ--nicotinamide a3~nine dinucleotide phosphate OMF--orotidine monophosphate PGPS--prostaglandin-like compounds PPS--peroxide-like compounds PKhMB--n-chloromercuribenzoate RNK--ribonucleic acid rRNA--ribosomal RNA yaRNA--nucleic RNA TMF--thymidine monophosphate TTF--thymidine triphosphate ' UMF--uridine-5'-monophosphoric acid Foreword The problem of change in radiosensitivity of the organism by means of various chemi- cal compounds--modifiers--is still one of the most pressing ones that are being worked on intensively in modern radiobiology. In the Soviet Union, much attention is given to development of this direction. The first monograph analyzing the state of the ques~ion of chemical protection of or- ganisms against ionizing radiation was published by Ye. F. Romantsev and A. V. Savich in 1958. Since that time, many books have been published shedding light on different aspects of modification of radiation damage by means of chemicai compounds (Yu. B. Kudryashov, P. G. Zherebchenko, A. G. Sverdlov, N. N. Suvorov, V. S. Shashkov, S. P. Yarmonenko, L. Kh. Eydus, A. S. Mozzhukhin, F. Yu. Rachinskiy and others). _ However, radiobiology is developing so rapidly, that there is an urgent need to periodically report the achievements in this branch of natural science in the form of summarizing works. This book describes the concept of complex biochemical mechanism of radiation lesion modifiers, which is developed by the authors, and analyzes the status of the problem as a whole. Ir is of basic: importance to comprehension of the triggering effects of radiation to conduct studies of the molecular mechani~ms of action of radiation modifiers. At the sar~e time, identification of the molecular mechanisms of the effects of radiation on cells open~ up the prospect of new approaches to the search for effective radioprotective and radiosensitizing agents. For this reason, we deemed it expedient to shed light on a number of basic sections of radiation bio- chemistry, with emphasis on biochemical mechanisms of interphase death of irradi- ated cells. Modifiers intervene actively in virtually all biochemical processes that determine individual and species-specific radiosensitivity. For this reason, analysis is made in relevant chapters of data on the effects of radioprotective and radiosensitizing agents on DNA metabolism, RNA biosynthesis, processes of DNA replication and repair, protein synthesis in animals and energetic processes in the cell. It was judged necessary to discuss briefly the state of the question of possible role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and prostaglandins in the mechanism of radioprotective agents. Much attention is devoted to analysis of mole- cular. mechanisms of manifestation of activity of radiation damage modifiers, questions of temporary inhibition of replicative processes and optimization of c~nditions for DNA repair. At the end of the book, there is discussion of some ~eneral patterns in the molecular mechanism of radiation damage modifders, and a scheme is offered for different stages of their biological activity. 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY It so happened, historically, that radioprotective agents were studied as compounds intended to protect eukaryotes against absolute minimal lethal doses of ionizing radiation ("hemopoietic form" of radiation sickness). At the sa*_ne time, it is already ap~arent that it is possible, in principle, to provide protection against considerably larger doses of penetrating radiation. This increases ?nterest in the problem of modifying radiation effects with chemical compounds. . Modern molecular radiobiology and radiation biochemistry are d~hel~~egthistbook - rapidly. For this reason, we are aware of the fact that, by is published, new data will appear concerning the mechanism of radiation damag,e modifiers. The authors will be grateful to all readers for any critical comments they may have. Contents Page 4 Foreword 6 Chapter 1. Radiobiochemical Processes in Mammalian Tissues Possibility, in principle, of modifying radiosensitivity of mammalian cells 8 Direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation on living cells 9 Target molecules ~ Effect of ionizing radiation on biochemical processes in mammalian cell 11 _ culture 12 Biochemical mechanisms of interphase cell death Changes in structure and function of nucleic acids and nucleoprotein 12 complexes 22 - Impairment of bioenergetics 22 Ionizing radiation and membrane permeability 24 Biochemical mechanisms of reproductive cell death 25 Bibliography Chapter 2. The Role of Endogenous Thiols in Action of Radioprotective Agents 39 Bibliography Chapter 3. T:~e Role of Functional Protein-Enzyme Groups in Binding Amino 43 Thiols and Disulfides General conceptions of the role of SH and SS groups in biological 43 activity of enzymes 44 Reaction of thiol-disulfide exchange Formation and properties of miYed disulfides between proteins and 46 low molecular thiols and disulfides Formation of mixed disulfides between radioprotective amino thiols and 50 disulfides 52 Enzymology of thiol-disulfic~e exchange [metabolism?] Bibliography 63 Chapter 4. Effect of Amino Thiol Protective Agents on DNA Synthesis - General conceptions of correlation between intensity of inetabolism 63 and radiosensitivity of the organism 64 Effect of amino thiols on some aspects of DNA metabolism 66 riechanism of inhibitory effect of amino thiols on DNA synthesis 70 Bibliography Chapter 5. Molecular Bases of the Biochemical Mechanism of Radioprotective 73 Action of Amino Th~ols Evaluation of the role of formation of mixed disulfides of amino thiols 73 and proteins in the radioprotective action 32 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Amino thiols as a means of preventing formation and expression of primary damage in DNA molecules 77 Bibliography 85 Chapter 6. Molecular Mechanisms of Radioprotective Action of Agents on - Biosynthesis of Ribonucleic Acids 90 Introduction 90 Possible mechanisms of action of amino thiols and disulfides 90 Some information on the effects of indolyl alkylamines 99 Radioprotective eff icacy of ATP and j.ts derivatives 100 Effects of exogenous nucleic acids on postradiation metabolism of RNA 103 Conception of the mechanism of action of antibodies to DNA on the postradiation transcription process 105 Bibliography Chapter 7. Effects of Radioprotective Agents on Protein Synthesis in Animals 113 Isolated protein-synthesizing systems and effect of radioprotective agents on them (in vitro experiments) 113 Effect of protective agents on protein synthesis in nuclei of intact rat spleen and thymus 115 Effect ~f protective agents on protein ~ynthesis in splenic nuclei of - rats exposed to radiation at different dose rates 126 Bibliography 12$ Chapter 8 Effect of Chemical Protective Agents on Energy Processes in Cells 135 Bibliogr iphy 143 Chapter 9. Role of Adenosine 3':5'-Cyclic Phosphate (cAMP) in the Radioprotective Action of Amino Thiols 145 Bibliography Chapter 10. Prostaglandins and Mechanism of Action of Radioprotective Agents 152 Bibliography Chapter 11. General Patterns of Molecular Mechanisms of Action of Radiation Damage Modifiers 157 Bibliography COPYRIGHT: Atomizdat, 1980 10,657 csu; 1840/999 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY HUMAN FACTORS _ UDC 6297.06(082) MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF HUMAN OPERATOR USED IN FLIGHT SIMUI~ATORS Moscow AVIATSIONNYYE TRENAZHERY in Russian 1978 (signed to press 5 Jul 78) pp 14-20 [Section 1.3 from book "Flight Simulators", by ~,'asiliy Afanas'yevich Bodner, Rafael' Abdullovich Zakirov and Inna Ivanovna Smirnova, Izdatel'stvo "1K3shinostroyeniye", 3600 copies, 192 pages] [Text] 1.3. Mathematical Model of the Human Operator We will ~:xamine some psychophysiol~~~ical ~haracteristics of the onerator which should be considered i.n formulating the information similarity criteria. Of these charac- t:eristics, the most important are the transmission functions and transmission information capacity on visual, acceleration and auditory channels. The operator's trans~:~ssion runctions are determined by his psychophysiological features and properties of the control loop in which the operator is working. If the operator controls a stationary loop of control, for example, FV [flight vehicleJ, then his transmission function in the perception of visual information and trans- m:ssion of signals to the control units will look like ke `s(atis + 1) (1.19) WO~S~ (tls + 1)(tss + 1) ' . where k--amplification coefficient; T--time for formation of response reaction to inp�t signal; T1 and T2--time constants charactErizing the transmission of signals on nerve fibers; a--coefficient which takes into consideration the degree of train- ing, experience, simulation, fatigue and type assignment~ The average values for the transmission function coefficients (1.19) are presented in table 1. It is apparent that for different frequencies of the perceived signal, the para- meters of the transmission function adopt different values. This indicates the adaptive properties of the operator. The operator, working in the control ].oop, ~~dapts by changing the parameters T]~, T2 and k, striving, as studies have shown, to minimize the standard errur and Eo maintain the phase margin on the order of 40�. In other words, the operator is a natural system of optimization. - The operator's transmission function, presented in the form ~f expression (1.19) does not take into consideration all the features of the operator (nonlinearity, adaptivity). Expressions were therefore suggested which take more complete consi- deration of the psychophysiological characteristics of the operator. One of these 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1.1. Signal z1 sz ~a a k frequencies I I I 0,16 25 0,67 0,15 0,08 100 0,32 9,1 0,22 A,20 0,055 40 0,48 5 0,09 0,25 0~067 15 mathematical models which describes the operator's transmission properties is pre- sented in figure 1.4. This model takes into account the zone of insensitivity in signal perception, displacement equivalent to the noise generator~ (remnant), dynamics of formation of the response reactions in the central nervous system, and dynamics of signal transmission to the arm muscles. K~ M r . a 1J+1 e~t -r: sx +~+1 + ) ~ i' ~~t~ a, N~ (i.~,s, ~ir m1=+nt.f Figure 1. Structural Plan of Model of Perception of Human Operator The examined model of transmission properties of the operator can be presented in the form of an analytical expression Wo (s) = kTke-~: ( s+ 2E S~- 11 W~ ~S) kA, (1. 20) t Wrt ~R 1 where Wk(s)--transmission function of the arm, and do~ + 1 ; (1. 21) WR ~S) = atss azss + a3s + 1! i QTIz a 2 raTl e~`�T~ ;(1. 22) kr=1-erf~=~+~ n \arl at 2 aA (1. 23) k~ - V ~ , �a k--amplification coefficient. ' In these expressions, aA and aT are mathematical expectations, and Q~ and aT are the standard deviations of the element characteristic~ on the assumption of normal distribution. The numerical values of the coefficients which are included in expression (1.20) are given in table 1.2. Acceleration information plays a large role in flight control, therefore we *.~ill examine the features of its perception. The main biolagical sensor which per- ceivesaccel.Erationsand supplies man with information on the change in spatial position 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is the vestibular analyzer. Its purpose is static and dynamic orientation of the head and orientation of the eyes in any position of the head. Table 1.2. w c, c I ao, c I al, c3 ~ az~ ~2 ( a3~ ~ I rad/s E I b~ 0,2 0,05 0,098 0,007 0,002 4,17 0,523 2 - The vestibular analyzer contains otoliths and semicircular canals. 'Phe otolithic apparatus includes the utriculus and sacculus. The structure of these organs is characterized by a fixed part, the macula, and m~vable parts, like pendulums, the otoliths. Movement of the heavy otolith above the macula causes a sensation of i.nclination or movement. It is believed that the utriculus reacts to linear accelerations, while the sacculus perceives vibrations. Linear accelerations generated by the gravity force or active forces are the input quantity of the otolithic appparatus. In this case, the following con- clusion is correct: the utriculus perceives forces of any direction (vector quantities) and is stimulated by shearing forces in the plane of the otolith. The quantity of information obtained by man through the otoliths is determined by their dynamic characteristics. Studies have shown that a redamping pendulum which reacts to linear accelerations of an;~ direction is a mathematical model of the otoliths. The otoliths, like any pend~.,.lum~ do not distinguish accelerations of active forces and the gravity force. Man can therefore correctly determine the position of the local vertical only with u fixed position or with rectilinear uniform movement. The otolithic transmission function can be presented in the form ~X ~ ) - k' (1. 24) W S -~T1S + (T~~ + 1~ ' where T1=10...11 and T2=0.66--ti~ne constants, s; k~--ampl.ification co~fficient; j--inpuf acceleration; x--movement of otolith. The amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the atolith are shown in figure 1.5. The characteristics of the otolothic apparatus change de- pending an the frequency of the perceived acceleration: at low frequencies, w� 1/Tl, it operates as an acceleration sensor, at medium frequencies 1< W< 1/T2 T1 it operates as a velocity sensor, and at higt? frequPncies w> 1/T2, it operates as a sensor for human body movement in space. It follows from here that high-fre- quency, and partially medium frequancy accelerations play the main role in the human spatial orientation. In addition, because of the property of the body's adaptation to constant and low-frequency accelerations, information about these accelerations is not used to determine the spatial position. - 36 ~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY y. - _ eo -zo(~.coy~) ~ I ` p I I t~ W� ~ ~ ~ '/T~ I '/T T~ -do go~ o,~ fo w _ Figure 1.5. Amplitude- and Phase-Frequency Characteristics The otolothic apparatus has a threshold of insensitivity which is not reflected by transmission function (1.24). A more accurate mathematical model of tae otolithic apparatus is shown in figure 1.6. Inti~is model, the f irst link depicts the orien- tation of the otoliths, the second link is the d.ynamics, the third is the threshold of perception (sensitivity), the fourth is the amplification properties of the central nervous system, and the f ifth iink with transmission function F(s) is the boosting properties. Without consideraCion for the zone of sensitivity, the trans- mission function of the otoliths adopts the appearance of expression (1.24). r 2 ~ ~3~Om~umei ~ (]~qHC i0~9~t~r~e .?Beno ~ ~ I ~ d~unrenuA Cu~a opuenmuquu ~ M ~M ~ f(s) ~ OmonumoB MS~+CS+K I M ~9~ anaMUKa 10 enue 5~ omonumoB ~ 6~vjBcmBum. I ~ Bep uKan~� L_--__ _-------`--------.J - Figure 1.6. Structural Plan of Mathematical Model of Otolithic Apparatus Key:l. Force 6. Zone of insensitivity 2. Link of otolithic orientation 7. Central nervous system 3. Otoliths 8. Sensation of movement 4. Movement 9. Sensation of vertical S. Dynamics of otoliths The mathematical model of the semicircular canals as elements sensitive to angular accelerations e can be presented in the f orm of a transmission function ' ) k2 (i.2~) C?~ S =(Tas 1)(Tas.+ 1~ , - where T3=9...12 and T4=0.003-0.03--time constants, s; k2--amplification coefficient; n--di.splacement of endolymph during accelerations. The amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the semicircular canal are shown in figure 1.7. At low frequencies, man does not distinguish the _ constant angular rotatinn velocity and does not have low sensitivity to the Iow- frequency changes in this velocity. At medium frequencies, 0.07 < w< 300 s-1, the semicircular canals operate as rotation velocity sensors, and at high frequencies, w> 300 s-1~ they operate as sensors of human body rotation. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY x . ' +0~ - 3 rc ~r 4 ~ ~ ~ 20 o ~ ' _ o~ o,~ f fo ~00 ;~DD w ~p ~ _4 0 ~ E~ deg/s2 ~r - Figure 1.7. Amplitude-Phase-Frequency Figure 1.8. Thresholds of Perception of Character~stics of Otolithic Apparatus Angular Acceleration The s~micircular canals have a threshold of perception which depends on the delay - time, i.e., on the moment of development of the accelerati.on to the moment of its perception (fig 1.8). It is apparent that the maximum value of threshold accelera- tion is 0.5 deg/s2, while the threshold of perception with delay time of 0.1 s is - 5 deg/s2. F -~-I - ~ 3KCnrpur.r~~,~~ o 0 ~ 4 u ~1~ ,oa Qp~1-e~~%~ 0 i 1 m ~ ~ v - o zw ye ~1 ~3>lYO/1lLV2C/ACO dMFt[ Figure 1.9. Characteristi~~s of Degree of Training , Key: 1. Degree ef tra~.ning 2. F.xperiment 3. Number of days During the perception of an~ular velocities, the human operator also has threshold values which, with a delay of 0.1 s are: 3.2 deg/s for heeling; 2.6 deg/s for pitching, and 1.1 deg/s for yawing. The vestibular system and vision are linked so that the image an the retina i.s stabilized during rotation of the head. Discrepancy between movement of the eyes ~i~c! sensations of the vestibular system does not exceed 0.1 s. Negative illusians develop with greaCer discrepancy. The examined transmission functions are mathematical models of pilot activity in the control loop of a FV or simulator. Acquisition of habits and the knowledge necessary for correct functioning is attained in the training process, including on the simulator. During training on the simulator, the pilot acquires knowledge that increases as the training tinie increases. Experimental studies show [10] that increase in knowiedge during the training process occurs by the exponential law. 3$ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In examining the transmission function (1.19) the degree of operator training was characterized. by the c~efficient a. This coefficient increases in the training process and reaches a certain limiting value at which training can be considered finished. The transmission function which characterizes the training process accordin~ to the experimental data may be presented in the form of a lag network Il'~~a (S) _ ~ ~ r~s 1 where T~--time constant of training which averages 25 days. The coefficient of training a, according to the transmission function l~.o~(S) can - be presented in the form ~ ~S~ _ ao tos T 1 ~ where a~--limiring value of trainin~ coefficient. Figure 1.9 gives a graph for the process of increase in the degree of training as a function of time. It also shows the experimental points. It is apparent that the model of training in the form of the transmission function a(s) agrees well with the experimental data. The process of training the operator is several orders longer than the process of control, therefore the coefficient a in formula (1.19) should be considered constant. C~PYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1978 9035 cso: si44/1610 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 62-50 REDUCTION IN ADAPTATION TIME IN ERGATIC CONTROL SXSTEMS Kiev AVTOMATIKA in Russian No 5, Sep-Oct 79 (manuscript received 19 Feb 79) pp 59-62 [Article by V. V. Pavlov and A. M. Meleshev, Institute of Cybernetics, UkSSR Aca- demy of Sciences] [TextJ The possibility of rapid compensation for the consequences of failures in the control system plays an exceptionally important role in ergatic systems in which the human operator performs so-called manual control of an object and the control process takes a short time (less than S mi.nutes). Auring failures, the control object becomes somewhat different for the human operator. Time for "adap- tation" to the "new object" is needed in order to maintain the previoras control quality. The adaptation time for the mentioned processes can comprise a signifi- cant part of the time for the entire control process. Its reduction is therefore an important task for ergatic control systems. One of the methods for reducing the "adaptation" time t is visual depiction of the main properties of the control object (for examplea tables of a ship's maneuver characteristics [3], etc.). This - may be a graphic relationship, or any other picture illustrations which permit utiequivocal illustration of the necessary data. Images on cathode-ray tube screens are the most valuable. They permit rapid illustration in a real time scale of the characteristics.depending on the technical condition of the control object and the formed situation. For ergatic systems with manual control, iti is convenient to depict in axes associated with the cantrol object the quantities of the control- lin~ factor developed by the control units, depending on the deviation of the control lever from the neutral position. We will call this graphic picture DCF, "diagram of controlling factors." In order to clarify what has been said, we will examine a simple ergatic system oF compensator tracking (fig 1). The human operator sees in the visual indicator errors e, e which are proportional to the deviation of the center of mass of the control obje~t from the zero position in the OX~XO coordinate system (fig 1, b, d), By deviating the control lever in the necessary direction, the human operator creates the controlling factor T which is proportional to deviating the control _ lever from the neutral position Tx=cd, TY=cy (fig l, c d). Thus, the human opera- tor manually controls the object with the task of keeping, for example, the error modulus e,e less than the assigned value a(i.e., tracking with the assigned accuracy ~).y It is easy to see that under the conditions stipulated above, the orientation of the T vector uf the controlling factor coincides with ~he orienta- tion of the R vector of the contr.ol lever deviation, i.e., S=a. 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY If we now fix the vector modulus R and change the angle of orientatiun a=0-360, then the end of vector T outlines a curve in the plane of associated OXY coordi- nates whose visual depiction we will call the diagram of controlling factors. The DCF prov'des a graphic idea regarding the quantity of the controlling factor in the direction of control lever deviation. In our case, DCF will have the appear- ance of a circle with radius proportional .to the deviation of the control lever from the neutral position. We now assume that a malfunction develops in the control system (fig 1}. As a result, the component Ty of the controlling factor is reduced by 1/3: Tx=cd, Ty- 0.66 cy. In this case, the DCF will be considerably altered, i.e., the quantity of the modulus of the controlling fact.or and the angle of orientation of vector T will change, i.e., S~a. For this case, figure l,e presents the DCF where the yr 8' ~ 6' S~ - �,.3 c~~ f e 4, RN 4�U)~ yY 01i 9~ 3' yjoa Er !v Y l0~ ~ 6. L ' S 4 2~ u 1!' l0 9 / ~ 1 I y Ya y 12, n ~ / l _ ~R _ 1 j`; 4.-;, J I t T 1J / 1 f .~r E u i ' J' 14 15 Z~ 17 pJ~ \ - j ~ x , ~ !4' i6 ~9 17' /8 b c � d xo ~s~ 1~' . 70, - /8' /9' Figure 1. Structural Plan of Control System and Basic Correlations Key: a. structural plan b. picture observed by human operator in visual indicator (e , sX--quantities proportional to deviations of regulated coordinates from ~ssigned); c. R--vector of control lever deviation from neutral position (a--orientation angle of vector R in associated axes) d. T--vector of controlling factor applied in center of mass of control object (R--angle of orientation of vector T in associated axes; OX~Y~ -system of reference coordinates) e, yN, xn--axes of visual indicator for diagram of controlling factors that coincide in direction with the corresponding associated axes of the con- - trol object. - n~imbers with the stroke indicate the corresponding points for the DCF of~the original system. The points correspond to the 24 fixed values of a. It is apparent in figure 1, e that, for example, with a=45� (point 3') in the original system R=45�, and in the system wit'n failure S