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JPRS L/9914
_ 14 August 1981
USSR Re ort
cFOUO , 2is > >
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JPRS L/9914
1~ August 1981
~FOUO 12/81)
Development of Power Engineering in Light Industry Reviewed
(M. A. Kochetkov, et al.; PROMYSHLENNAYA ~NERGETIKA, Jun 81) 1
Call for Development of Fuels Industry Revi.ewed
(Editorial; GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA, May 81) 6
- Future Economic Development of Oil Industry Outlined .
Apx 81) 16
Use of Maximum PriGe To Stimulate Innovation Described
(M. Aleksandrov, I. Ye. Rudavskiy; NEFTYANAYA
Terminology Related to Power Systems Reliability
NEFTI I NEFTEPRODUK~~V, No 4, 1981) 26
- a - [III - USSR - 37 FOUO]
~no nF~rr s T i TCF IINT Y
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UDC [658.26 :67] .004.68
Moscow PROMYSHLENNAYA ENERGETIKA in Russian No 6, Jun 81 pp 2-4
[Article by M. A. Kochetkov, V. L. Gromova and N. D. Slobodskaya, engineers at the
USSR Ministry of Light Industry: "The Development of Power Engineering in Light
[Text] In the lOth Five-Year Plan, collectives of enterprises in light industry
~ conducted a great deal of work with regard to fulfilling the established plans for
manufacturing products (including consumer goods), expanding their selection and
improving their quality. In the years 1976-1980, the average growth of the basic,
most energy-intensive types of produ~ction (fauric, tricot, etc.) in crude form
amounted to 9.5 percent. This increase in production output was achieved due ta
the technical re-equipping of industry, the construction of new enterprises and
the modernization of a portion of the existing enterprises as we11 as to an increase
3n labor productivity.
Of the power equipment used at enterprises in light industry, 95 percent is elec-
~ trical equipment and only 5 percent is thermal and general-purpose plant equipment
(steam and water-heating boilers, ventilators, compressors, etc.). However, despite
such a ratio, light industry on the whole is a thermal-intensive sector, since 60
percent of the overall consumption of power resources (converted to conventional
fuel) is expended in the form of thermal energy, about 32 perCent is electric power
and 8 percent is production-process fuel (firing and drying of porcelain, drying
of raw cotton, singeing of fabrics, etc.). The most energy-intensive are the enter-
prises of the textile industry which consume about 60 percent of the electric power
and more ~han 5Q percent of the thermal power f rom the overall expenditure of power
The increase in the production output, the re-equipping of enterprises and the in-
troductiori of new facilities have required an increase in the constmiption of fuel ~
and power resources as well as an expansion and modernization of the power industry.
For the lOth Five-Year Plan, the consumption of thermal pawer increased by 17.5
percent, electric power by 13.5 percent and fuel by 10.2 percent. The overall con-
sumption of power resources converted to conventional fuel grew by 12.8 percent.
Below is shown the structure of the consumption of electr~.c and thermal power in
the overall consumption of power resources in the industry:
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Consumption of electric power,
to derive production and auxiliary equipment 78�2
including ventilation 13.8
for electrical production processes 6�2
for lighting 13.5
f or other needs 2�1
Consumption of thermal power.
for production needs 71.5
, for ventilation and heating 2~
for other needs 1.5
In the period f rom 1975 to 1980, ~he extent of electrif ication of labor has in-
creased considerably: by 13.5 percent throughout the ministry as a whole, by 9
percent in the textile industry.
The enterprises' need for electric power is practically totally provided for by
Minenergo's systems (internal power production comprises less than 0.2 percent)
while two-thirds of the requirement for thermal power is covered using interaal
boiler plants.
The technical re-equipping of enterprises in light industry has been accomplished
by introducing advanced technology, automated ~.ines in place of individual machines
and new types of production equipment with increased speeds and productivity; by
the mechanization of labor-intensive operations as well as by the implementation
of ineasures to improve working conditions for the laborers (improved lighting in
the work areas and increased output of ventilation units).
New, higher-output production equipment has been introduced whose operation requires
a lesser expenditure of labor. Basically, however, this equipment is more energy-
intensive, since the requirement for reduced consumption of power resources was
not considered when the equipment was built. This was a result of the insignif icant
share of power resources in the cost of production (1 to 2 percent). The rise in
the power consumption of the equipment brought about an increase in the output of
ventilation units as a result of the increased heat released into the surroundings.
This has required an additional expenditure of energy. For example, the replacement
of ring-spinning machines with higher-output hydraulic spinning machines in the
same work area (taking into consideration the increase in ventilation-system output)
brought about an increase in the consumption of electric power by a factor of 2
to 2.5. An increase in the consumption of power is also necessitated by the re-
placement of AT-100 autc.matic looms with operator-less ATPR looms.
In connection with the technical re-equipping of industry, changes have also taken
place in the composition of power equipment: the number of electric motors has
increased by 25 percent, while their average individual output has risen by 12 per-
cent; the number of steam boilers has increased by 2 percent, while their average
output has increased by 14 percent; the nwnber of power transformers has risen by
25 percent, their output by 16 percent. The great increase in the number of elec-
- tric motors in comparison with their average output has been dictated by the intro-
. duction of multimotor equipment (lines, etc.) with comparatively small individual
outputs. On the other hand, the average output of steam boilers has increased more,
since obsolete boilers have been replaced with more powerful ones.
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' : ONLY
The increase in the enterprises' power consumption has likewise brought about a
rise in the standardized and actual rates of consumption of thermal and electric
power per unit of raw product. T'ne greatest influence on the growth of energy re-
source cnnsumption rates has been exerted by the technical re-equipping and modern-
ization of operating enterprises and the introduction of new power-intensive in-
stallations (as a result of great mechanization, better lighting and ventilation).
In order to insure normal operation and an increase in production output, the minis-
try developed in the lOth Five-Year Plan a long-range plan for raising the technical
level and increasing the modernization of the enterprises' power-production facili-
ties. Over a period of five years, 60 enterprises with shut-down low-output boiler
plants have been supplied with central h~at (from Minenergo TETs's); 86 boiler
plants have bee~i converted to gas; 780 boilers have been replaced with more
powerful im its; 321 boilers have been automated; 170 chemical water-purif ication
installations have been put into operation; 100 enterprises have been converted
to an increased electric power-supply voltage; transformer substations have been
modernized at 195 enterprises.
In add3tion to this work bei~g done on modErnizing and renovating the power-gener-
ating im its, the enterprises have yearly implemented additicnal measures for con-
serving f uel and power, among which one can name the following: improved f uel-
storag~ conditions at depots and reduced transportaCion losses; an increased degree
of utilization of the heat contained in exhaust gases; improved boiler.hydrolycity;
increased condensate recovery ratios; reduced losses of heat to the environment
in boiler an.d fuel-burning installations; the introduction of modern, less energy-
intensive production processes; the modernization and replacement of obsolete power-
consuming equipm~nt and the regulation of its operation; the renovation of heat-
supply systems; the opt~.mization of electrical installations (including lighting);
the change-over of production-shop heating f rom steam to water and air; an improve-
ment in the quality of repair work and equipment relubrication schedules.
_ During the lOth Five-Year Plan, enterprises of light industry conserved 630?000 t
of conventional fuel, 9.4 million GCa~ of thermal power and 3.31 b illion kWh of
electric power.
In addition, testing has shown that, despite implementation of ineasures to conserve
fuel and improve t~he condition and operation of power installations, there still
exist deficiencies at enterprises which bring about inefficient consumption and
losses of power resources. For example, about one-third of the steam boilers are
operating without economizers; the production and release of thermal energy is not
taken into consideration at 50 percent of the boiler plants; a portion of the boil-
ers are operated without operational charts; at many enterprises there is a lack
of consideration given to the consumption of power resources in the shops, which
interferes with the engineers' participation in the battle to conserve energy. The
recovery of condensate and the utilization of power resources is insuff icient; op-
timum load schedules for power transformers are lacking; schedules f or preventive
maintenance and lubrication of the equipment are violated; many enterprises use
a total lighting system which does not allow a portion of the lights to be discon-
nected when an equipment line ia shut down.
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A serious deficiency at certain enterprises is the insufficient number of power ser-
vice personnel as well as the lack of personnel in the power bureau whose primary
mission is the daily control over the efficient use and conservation of utilities.
At the present time, the efficient and economical consumption of fuel and power re-
sources is acquiring ever greater signif icance. In connection with this, the minis-
try is adopting measures to eliminate def iciencies in the utilization of fuel and
power and the mob ~lization of the enterprises' collectives in the search for re-
s~rves incorporated in the future development of industry (and in the application
of energy-conserving teehnology and the utilization of internal power reserves).
Mvch systematic worlc on the conservation of power resources is being conducted by
the Khersonskiy cotton combine whose experience in the utilization of internal power
reserves through the introduct:[on of a water reflux in the f inishing industry has
been disseminated (thr.ough order of the USSR Minlegprom) to other enterprises. This
measure provides for a great saving of heat and wat~r. At this same combine work
- has begun on the utilization of the low-potential heat of waste dye solutions. How-
ever, as a result of the high degree of contamination of the waste solutions, it
is necessary to organize the production of epecial heat exchangers at machine-
construction plants.
At the Ternopol' and Riga porcelain plants, the waste-gas heat from the f iring kilns
is used to dry the formed crocks.
Great attention is being devoted to questions regarding the conservation of power
resources at the Orekhovo-Zuevka cotton combine, at the spinning and weaving plant
imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy and the Krasnaya Talka textile-f inishing plant in ivanovo,
at the Krengol'mskaya Manufaktura and Baltiyskaya Manufaktura combines, at the
Darnitskiy silk and Minsk worsted plants and elsewhere.
The "Basic Directions for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for the
Years 1981-1985 and the Period to 1990," approved by the 26th CPSU Congress, pz'ovide
for the further re-equipping of the enterprises of~light industry based on the more
extensive introduction of high-output machines and composite mechanized lines in
various subsectors and on continuous-production processes for finishing fabric and knit-
w ear; for the increase in the volume of production by 18 to 20 percent with par-
ticular attention being devoted to expanding the selection and improving the quality
of the product.
In its long-range plan for conserving power resources for the llth Five-Year Plan,
the ministry has provided for improving the economy's position by introducing abbre-
viated, up-to-date production processes and new equipment: mercerizing lines with
bolling treatment and an accelerated method of boiling and bleaching cottons and
_ other fabrics; fulling and washing mach:nes in the silk industry; lines for fulling
and relaxing; bleaching and drying machines for knit line.n; pressure apparatus oper-
ating at elevated steam temperatures to intensify the f inishing, etc.
Great significance is attached to creating and introducing automated production-
process control systems at enterpriaes and the introduction of automated enterprises.
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The major tasks in the development of power engineering in light industry during
_ the llth Five-Year Plan are:
the implementation of ineasures that provide for a long--range plan to increase the
technical level of the enterprises' power systems (the central heating of 85 enter-
prises with the shut-down of their small-scale internal boiler installations; the
gasif ication of 115 boiler plants; the replacement of 870 obsolete bo~lers; the
automation of 501 boilers; the installation of 287 economizers; the introduction
of 184 chemical purification units and 150 deaerators; the transition of 223 enter-
prises to higher voltages; the renovation of transformer substations at 279 enter-
prises) ;
the development and introduction at enterprises of efficient systems for accounting
for the consumption of utilities; the generation and output of heat energy in inter-
nal boiler roo~s as well as the shop-wide accounting of power expen3itures;
the improvement of heat and power-supplq systems in order to reduce energy lossess
the improvement of utility consumption schedules (by t~our and by day af the week)
and the development of efficient operating conditions for production equipment in
order to optimize loads on power transformers and boilers;
the development and implementation of ineasures to improve the recovery and utiliza.-
tion of conden sate;
the determination of the volume and feasibility of using internal power reserves
on hand at entErprises, including low-potential reserves, the heat from solutions
used in the f inishing process in textile and knit-good enterprises, ventilation ex-
haust from dryer air, etc.; the development of a long-range plan based on theae ma-
terials with a determination of the requirement for the number and types of neces-
sary equipment and materials; ~
the development and introduction (at large enterprises, f irst of a11) of automated
control systems for controlling the operation of the primary power equipment
the consolidation of the enterprises' power services and the creatir~n of power bureaus
- or power-control groups within them.
COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, "Promyshlennaya energetika," 1981
CSO: 1822/182
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Moscow GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA in Russian No 5, May 81 pp 1-8
/Editorial: "The Decisions of the 26th CPSU Congress We Will Carry Them Out:"/
/Text/ The 26th CPSU Congress made decisions that are determining the present and
future of our Motherland. In the report given by CC CPSU General Secretary
Comrade L.I. Brezhnev, he summarized the results of the CPSU's multifaceted activi-
ties and the heroic labor of the Soviet people during the Ninth Five-Year Plan,
presented an extensive program for the further building of communism in the USSR,
conducted a thorough and truly scientific analysis of this country's internal life,
the international situation and the worldwide revolutionary process, and developed
the general party line for the 1980's.
The 26th CPSU Congress unanimously approved the "Basic Directions for the Economic
and Social Development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and the Period to 1990." A com-
prehensive analysis of our economic and social structure in the 1970's and the last
five-year plan was given at the congress. As Comrade L.I. Brezhnev emphasized in
his report, the results of the development of our national economy confirm convin-
cingly the corr.ectness of the economic strategy that the party worked out at the
24th and 25th CPSU Congresses. The country has moved forward substantially in all
areas of the creation of communism's material and technical base.
A special feature of the last decade was large alterations in the disposition of
our productive forces. In accordance with the decisions of the 25th Party Congress,
the formation of territorial production complexes is taking place in many economic
regions. The last decade was a period of steady growth in heavy industry. The
output of capital goods was maintained at the same rates as in the preceding 20
years. In comparison with the 1960's, electricity production increased by a fac-
tor of two. Oil extraction (including gas condensate) reached 603 million t in
1980, while gas extraction reached 435 billion m3. "In northwestern Siberia," as
Comrade L.I. Brezhnev mentioned in his report, "in 1970 oil extraction (including
gas condensate) was at a level of 31 million t, while in 1980 it exceeded 312 mil-
lion; gas extraction during this period increased from 9.5 to 156 billion m3. The
Orenburg gas workers now produce more than 48 billion m3. The miners of the
Pavlodar-Ekibastuz complex dug about 67 million t of coal in 1980, almost 3 times
as much as in 1970."
During the lOth Five-Year Plan, oil extraction in Tyumenskaya Oblast increased by
165 million t, while for gas the figure was 122 billion m3. The new region now
, ,
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supplies considerably more gas and oil than were extracted in the entire country on
the eve of the 23d CPSU Congress.
The gas industry was developed at a very rapid rate in the lOth Five-Year Plan, in
full accordance with the decisions of the 25th Party Congress. The level of gas
extraction stipulated for the end of the five-year plan (400 billion m3) was ex-
ceeded in 1979 and reached 435 billion m3 in 1980. In this 5-year period the highest
increase in gas extra~tion--146 billion m3--was secured. The national economy
- received 20 billion m more gas than planned.
Turkmengazprom /Turkmen All-Union Industrial Association/ began working 14 deposits
in the lOth Five-Year Plan and increased gas extraction by a factor of 1.4, wttile
the collective of gas workers fulfilled their 5-year ~ssignment in October 1980 and
succeeded in producing another 15 billion m3 beyond that.
As the result of work done in Western Siberia, the surveying of a number of oil
(Var'yeganskoye, Severo-Var'yeganskoye, Kholmogorskoye and others) and gas (Yuzhno-
Russkoye; the Cenomanian Urengoyskoye and Yamburgskoye fields and others) deposits
was completed. A new gas extraction base was created on the Yamal Peninsula, where
preparations are being made to work the Kharasaveyskcye deposit and survey a number
of others. New fields have been opened in the Central Priob'ye and the northern
part of Tyumenskaya Oblast (Muravlenkovskoye, Novogodneye, Kharampurskoye,
Kruzenshternskoye and others).
The surveying of a number of deposits (Vozeyskoye, Vasilkovskoye, Vaneyvisskoye and
others) has been completed in the Timano-Pechorskaya Province and the goal for the
increase in oil reserves in the Udmurt ASSR has been exceeded.
In the Pre-Caspiari Depression there has been a significant increase in. the reserves
of the Astrakhanskoye deposit's gas and promising new deposits of oil, gas and con-
densate (Karachaganak, Zhanazhol and others) have been discovered in the part of
the depression that is in Kazakhstan. Preparations have been made to work the oil
deposit on the Buzachi Peninsula. Surveying has been completed in the
Zevardinskoye, Shurtanskoye and other deposits in the Uzbek SSR, and the new .
Dauletabadsko-Donmezskoye gas de~osit has been discovered in the Turkmen SSR.
- The oil workers of Tatneft' /Tatar Petroleum Association7 are doing a great deal of
work on increasing the oil yield factor by creating fundamentally new methods for
acting on the beds. They have drawn up 19 production plans for working deposits by
- new methods that provide for the introduction of different methods of acting on
productive beds. Among them, the one most widely used is intrabed desulfurization
of the oil. In the lOth Five-Year Plan, about 6,000 t of surface-active substances
were pumped into the bowel~ of the earth. The experimental use of intrabed combus-
tion, high pressure steam, polymers and other reagents was begun. As a result, an
additional 2.6 million tons of oil (almost quadruple what was achieved during the
Ninth Five-Year Plan) was extracted in the Tatar ASSR. However, far from all their
reserves have been put to use. They are concealed primarily in improving the
interrelationships between science and production, the oil workers and other de-
A unified gas supply system has taken shape for this country, and in the last two
five-year plans the length of the main gas pipelines has increased by 64,000 km, or
by a factor of 2.
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The main oil and gas lines are an important romponent part of this country's trans-
portation complex. The total length of our pipelines is now such that they could
circle the globe at the equator five times. The scales and rates of their con-
struction are determining the rapid growth of the oil and gas extraction induatry
in the regions of Siberia, Centrat Asia and Kazakhstan. Und~erground mains reliably
- connect the industrial center with these regions.
In the lOth Five-Year Plan alone, 50,000 km of pipeline was laid. Among them were
the multibranch gas system from northern Western Siberia to Ukhta-Torzhok-Minsk-
Ivatsevichi-Dolina and Urengoy-Tyumen'-Chelyabinsk-Petrovsk and the Kuybyshev-
Lisichansk-Kremenchug and Omsk-Pavlodar oil lines. In addition, more than 300
powerful transfer and compressor stations were built. Pipeline transportation is
one of the most economical methods. It makes the transfer of gas and oil over long
distances considerably cheaper and aiso makes it possible to insure the rhythmic
delivery of fuel, combustibles and chemical raw materials to consumefs.
In 1979 the gigantic "Soyuz" gas pipeline, which was constructed jointly with the
European member nations of CEMA, went into operation. Every year these countries
can receive 15.5 billior, m3 of Orenburg gas through this pipeline. The realization
of such large-scale programs on a collective basis made it possible to supply our
fraternal nations with ~ower, fuel and raw materials.
For their remarkable production achievements and fulfillment of lOth Five-Year Plan
assignments and socialist obligations ahead of schedule, as well as the prowess in
labor they manifested, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet conferred the title
of Hero of Socialist Labor on 13 of the foremost labor collectives in the gas and
oil industry and organizations for the construction of gas and oil industry enter-
Orenburggazprom /All-Union Orenburg Scientific Production Association/, the
Nizhnevartovskneft' NGDU /Petroleum and Gas Extraction Association/ imeni V.t.
Lenin and Glavsibtruboprovodstroy /Main Administration for Construction of Pipe-
lines in Siberia/ were awarded the Order of Lenin. The Order of the Labor Red
Banner was awarded to the A1'met'yevsk UBR /Drilling Operations Administration/,
Tatneft' imeni V.D. Shashin, the Arlanneft' NGDU, Bashneft' ~Bashkir Petroleum
Association/ and the Nadym and Shatlyk Gas ExCraction Associations. The "Badge of
Honor" order was given to the Tyumen' Association for the Transportation and
Delivery of Gas.
, For their successes in fulfilling lOtti Five-Year Plan assignments for increasing
reserves and extracting oil and gas, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet con-
ferred medals and orders on the most distinguished workers, engineering and techni-
cal personnel and employees of enterprises and organizations belonging_to the USSR
Mingeo /Minist~ of GeologY/, Mingazprom /Ministr of the Gas Industr~?/ and
Minnefteprom /Ministry of the Petroleum Industry.~
In evaluating the results of the work donP during the lOth Five-Year Plan, dele-
gates to the congresses of the Communist Parties of Turkmeniya and Azerbaijan
discovered many unused production reserves and noted that a significant number of
enterprises did not achieve the planned production volumes and efficiency. For in-
stance, Turkmenneft' /Turkmen Petroleum Association7 systematically did not fulfill
its planned quotas for the lOth Five-Year Plan: its enCerprises underproduced more
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than 14 million t of oil and condensate during the five-year plan, as well as a
large amount of by-product gas. Many shortcomings in the use ~f their well assets,
in drilling, in setting up fields and in introducing new areas were also not elimi-
Azneft' /Azerbaijan Petroleum Association/ also lagged seriously behind and
underproduced hundreds of thousands of tons of oil during the lOth Five-Year Plan.
Some gas and oil surveying organizations did not fulfill their 5-year assignments
for increasing surveyed reserves of gas and oil and confirming them with the USSR
GKZ /State Commission on Mineral Resources/, and also did not carry out the planned
amount of deep drilling.
The scientific research institutes still have not achieved a substantial improve-
ment in the reliability of local predictions of the existence of gas and oil depos-
its. Scientific developments are still being introduced into practical use rather
slowly. A number of important economic problems have not been solved, and not all
scientific research has been aimed at the final results of geological surveying
In the 1980's the CPSU will consistently continue to realize its economic strategy,
the final goal of which is a steady rise in the material and cultural level of the
life of its citizens and the creation of betCer conditions for the comprehensive
development of the individual on the basis of a further improvement in the effect-
iveness of all public production, an increase in the productivity of labor, and an
intensification of the social and labor activities of the Soviet people.
The main goal of the llth Five-Year Plan is to insure a further improvement in the
welfare of the Soviet people on the basis of the steady, Progressive development of
the national economy, the acceleration of scientific and technical progress and the
conversion of the economic system to an intensive path of development, the more ra-
, tional utilization of the country's productive potential, and the savings of all
types of resources and an improvement in the quality of work in all ways possible.
In order to realize this main goal, it is intended to implement a system of ineas-
ures for the consistent improvement of the nation's welfare; to insure steady eco-
nomic growth and improve the structure of public production; to persistently im-
prove the efficiency of.public production on the basis of comprehensive intensifi-
cation and improve the quality of production and services in all branches; to in-
sure a further acceleration of scientific and technical progress; to strengthen the
protection of the environment; to improve the administration and raise the level of
management in all branches of the economy and to strengthen the orientation on the
achievement of the best final national economic results; to improve the effective-
ness of external economic relationships. In order to achieve these goals, it is
stipulated that the oil industry will insure the extraction of 620-645 million t of
oil (with gas condensate) in 1985; will develop at increased rates the oil extrac-
tion industry in Western Siberia, the Kazakh SSR and the northern section of the
: European part of the country and introduce new oil deposits for industrial develop-
ment more quickly; will expand the use of new methods of acting on oil beds and
with their help increase the extraction of oil from the earth; will improve the
technology for the extraction of high-viscosity and bituminous oils; will improve
the technical and economic indicators of drilling work through accelerated techni-
cal re-equipping and a further improvement in its technology and organization.
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The gas industry's most important assignment is to implement a program for the
, forced development of gas extraction. It is proposed that the volume of gas ex-
- tracted be raised to 600-640 billion m3 in 1985; that conditions be created for the
further accelerated development of the branch; that there be an expansion of Lhe
capacities for integrated of casing-head and natural gas, with ethane,
sulfur and other associated components being extracted from thern; that the extrac-
tion of gas condensate be increased and that it be utilized more fully; that high-
- capacity main gas pipelines with a high degre~ of automation and operational relia-
bility be constructed; that the efficiency and operational reliability of the coun-
try's unified gas supply system be improved; that underground gas reservoirs in the
- basic fuel-consuming regions continue to be built; that the productivity of labor
be increased by 33-35 percent.
In the coal industry, it will be necessary to mine 770-800 million t of coal in
The following extraction figures have been set for the RSFSR in 1985: oil (includ-
ing gas condensate) 560-580 million t; gas 420-460 billion m3. That includes
the following figures for Western Siberia: oil with condensate 385-395 million
- t(of which 375-380 million t will come from Tyumenskaya Oblast); gas 330-370
billion m3. In this five-year plan it will be necessary to produce as much oil as
was produced in the last 15 years, while for gas the figure will be double that
amount. The acceleration of prospecting for and surveying gas and oil deposits in
Tyumenskaya Oblast, in order to increase its output in 1990, is a matter of partic-
ular importance. The formation of the Timano-Pechorskiy territorial production
complex, on the basis of the fuel and energy resources of the Komi ASSR and the
Nenetskiy Autonomous Okrug, will continue. For the Povolzh'ye, it is stipulated
that measures will be implemented to maintain the level of gas and oil extraction
and that an industrial complex will be formed for the extraction and processing of
gas and condensate, as well as the production of sulfur (on the basis of the
Astrakhanskoye gas condensate deposit). Geological prospecting for gas and oil
will be expandeu in the western part of the Kazakh SSR, while on the Buzachi
Peninsula the exploitation of the oil deposits will be accelerated.
The most important goals of our industry are the more nearly complete satisfaction
- of the national economy's requirements for production facilities and the populace's
need for goods for popular consumption, as well as an improvement in the quality of
our output on the basis of the utilization of the achievements of scientific ar[d
technical progress in every way possible. In order to achieve these goals it is
necessary to improve the utilization of fuel and energy resources, reduce the con-
sumption of oil and petroleum products as boiler and furnace fuel, and develop
atomic power engineering as rapidly as possible. It is also necessary to construct,
on an accelerated basis, thermal electric power stations to use coal from the
Ekibastuz and Kansk-Achinsk basins and natural and by-product gas from the deposits
in Western Siberia.
In his report at the 26th CPSU Congress, Comrade L.I. Brezhnev said: "It is neces-
sary to reduce the proportion of oil used as fuel, replace it with gas and coal,
and develop atomic power engineering including breeder reactors--more
rapidly. Finally, life demands that we continue the search for fundamentally new
energy sources, including the creation of the foundations of thermonuclear power
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"I consider it necessary to single out a rapid increase in the extraction of
Siberian gas as a task of primary economic and political importance. The deposits
in the Western Siberian region are unique. Urengoyskoye, the largest of them, is
notable for such gigantic reserves that the country's internal needs can be taken
care of for many years and we can still export gas, even to the capitalist coun-
tries. The extraction of gas and oil in Western Siberia and their transportation
to the European part of the country will become extremely important links in the
energy program of the llth and even the 12th Five-Year Plan."
From the data that have been presented it is obvious that while the extraction of
oil (including gas condensate) will increase by 3-7 percent in the 1981-1985 period
and that of coal by 7-12 percent, gas extraction will increase by 38-47 percent.
In the report given by the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, Comrade N.A.
Tikhonov, the following was noted: "The development of our country's economic po-
ten~ial is largely determined by the state of our mineral raw material resources.
In the new five-year plan, geological prospecting work ~aill be conducted more per-
sistently and on an even broader scale. Our duty, no matter how great are our re-
serves of natural resources, is to search constantly for more rational ways of ex-
tract,ing them and using them economically."
In order to solve these pr~blems, it is necessary to insure the rapid development
of work on the geological study of this country's territory and enlarge tha sur-
veyed reserves of mineral raw material resources, with special emphasis on fuel and
energy resources. It is necessary to implement measures to discover gas and oil
deposits in Western and Eastern Siberia, the European part of the USSR, Central
Asia and the Kazakh SSR, as well as on the continental shelf.
It is necessary to develop progressive forms of geophysical and geochemical inves-
tigations of the depths of the earth more rapidly, make wide use in geology of the
; ^apabilities of high-altitude aerial and space facilities for studying the earth's
; natural resources, and develop and use methods for the accelerated geological-
, economic evaluation of useful mineral deposits. It is also necessary to provide
for the further technical re-equipping of geological surveying organizations and to
provide them with highly efficient equipuient, technology and transportation facili-
The 26th CPSU Congress's decisions defined future paths for improving the pipeline
system and increasing its basic production assets. It is necessary to improve the
_ efficiency and reliability of the country's unified gas supply system. In order to
do this it will be necessary to build large underground reservoirs in Che basic
fuel-consuming regions. Pipeline transport will be developed at accelerated rates
during the llth Five-Year Plan, particularly in Western Siberia. The scientists
and specialists will be faced with the problem of creating and introducing the
technology for the year-round construction of underground lines in remote regions.
This will increase the work tempo sharply and make it possible to develop new gas
and oil deposits more rapidly.
The construction of high-capacity main pipelines with a high degree of automation
- and operational reliability is of particular importance. This can be done by the
widespread introduction into practice of the plant method of manufacturing oil
transfer and compressor stations and the use of multilayer, large-diameter pipes.
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In the llth Five-Year Plan the development of science and technology must be subor-
dinated to an even greater degree to the solution of the economic and social prob-
le~s of the Soviet society, t~e acceleration of the changeover of the economy to a
path of intensive development, and an improvement in the effectiveness of public
production. Starting from this, it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of
scientific research; reduce significantly the amount of time it takes to introduce
the achievements of science and technalogy into the production process; improve the
coordination of the activities of scientific establishments; insure the rapid de-
velopment of basic research and improve the effectiveness of applied research;
strelgthen the material and technical base of scientific research, investigative
planning and design organizations and higher educational institutions.
It is necessary to strengthen the mutual ties between science and production; in-
crease the responsibility of ministries and departments for the level of research
in scientific establishments and use the results of finished scientific develop-
ments and inventions in the production process; increase the production of instru-
ments, equipment, automation facilities, reagents and preparations for conducting
scientific research; determine and change, on a timely basis, th~ direction of re-
search and development and the organizational structure of scientific establish-
ments in accordance with the requirements of the scientific and technical revolu-
tion. It is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the utilization of the high-
er educational institutions' scientific potential for the solution of national eco-
nomic problems; improve the training and raise the level of qualification and cer-
_ tification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. We need to improve
the scientific and technical information system and patent and licensing work; as-
sist in the further development of massive creativity on the part of inventors and
rationalizers in every way possible; strengthen the role of scientific and techni-
. cal socieries in improving the production process. On the basis of utilization of
the achievements of science and technology it is intended, in particular, to insure
the creation and widespread use of technical facilities and technology for the in-
tegrated and more nearly complete extraction of useful mineral~ and the development
of poor and complex deposits; study the structure, composition and evolutiion of the
earth, the biosphere, the climate and the world ocean (including the shelf) for the
purpose of.the rational utilization of their resources and improving the effective-
ness of ineasures in the field of protecting the environment.
A thorough scientific approach to the life of society and tlie prospects for improv-
ing it is the basis of planning not only for the next 5 years, as was previously
~ the case, but with a simultaneous study of the prospects for the next decade.
While planning new boundaries for the growi~h of this country's productive forces,
at the same time we are determining to what degree this will be achieved because of
scientific and technical progress. Today, science encompasses all aspects of life
in our country. The complex assignments formulated for it by the 26th CPSU
Congress raise to a new and higher level the demands that a developed socialist so-
ciety makes on the scientists and engineering and technical personnel in all the
research collectives in the struggle for our country's tomorrow and for the accel-
eration of our movement toward a communist future. The honorable duty of Soviet
scientists is to meet these demands with new successes in the investigations of the
laws governing the development of nature and new efforts aimed at the most rapid
possible introduction of the achievements of science and technology into life.
For the last 10 years Chere has been a tendency to draw into survPying and indus-
trial development ever more remote and hard to reach gas and oil deposits in the
~ r
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northern and eastern parts of our country. There has been a significant increase
in the depth to which surveying and geophysical investigations extend. The depth
of gas and oil wells on land and the ocean shelf has reached 6 km. The probability
of discovering new deposits that will be highly efficient to exploit in the devel-
oped regions of this country, such as the Romashkinskoye, Samotlorskoye,
Urengoyskoye, Orenburgskoye and other deposits, has been reduced considerably.
Consequently, increasing the surveyed reserves of gas and oil is a complicated eco-
nomic, scientific and technical problem, and its solution is one of the most impor-
- tant conditions for the further economic and social development of the USSR. The
preparation of surveyed resources of fuel and energy raw material from 1981 to 1985
and for the period up to 1990 will require a significant increase in the amount of
geological surveying work done (including deep exploratory drillxng) in comparison
with the lOth Five-Year Plan. An important reserve for reducing the cost and
shortening the surveying time, as well as accelerating the beginning of exploita-
tion of new deposits is optimi.zation of the drilling network and the more extensive
utilization in the surveying process of. advanced exploitation-evaluation wells.
As far as geological prospects are concerned, our country has the capabilities of
enlarging its surveyed resources of gas and oil as well as increasing tY?eir extrac-
tion. At the same time, we should expect a further reduction in the proportion of
, gigantic and large deposits in the tota,l number of discovered gas and oil deposits
and, consequently, an increase in the monetary and material expenditures necessary
for their surveying and the extraction process. In connection with this, there
will be more stringent requirements for improving the methods used to search for
and survey gas and oil deposits and increasing the effectiveness of scientific pre-
- dictions of the presence of gas and oil. A great deal of attention be de-
voted to improving the resolution of seismic surveying, which is the basic form of .
geophysical work during the preparation of an area for deep drilling.
The fuel and energy complex always was and still is the heart of our economic sys-
tem. In 1981, 1.385 billion kWh of electricity will be generated and 610 million t
of oil and gas condensate will be extracted, along with 458 billion m3 of gas and
738 million t of coa1.
As was previously the case, thermal and hydroelectric power stations will be con-
structed in the eastern regions of the USSR, while atomic power engineering will be
expanded in the European part of the country.
This strategy for the development of power engineeringt is related to the fact that
our main fuel bases Western Siberia, the Kuzbass /Kuznetsk Coal Basin/,
Ekibastuz, the Kansk-Achinsk basin are concentrated in the east. These regions
will also supply the basic increase in the extraction of gas, oil and coal.
As the extraction of gas and oil increases, so will the number of enterprises en-
gaged in processing them, and pipeline construction will be expanded. The Urengoy-
Petrovsk and Punta-Ukhta-Gryazovets-Torzhok main pipelines (and branches from them)
will be constructed.
At the same time, in the older gas- and oil-producing regions of the European part
of the USSR (the Trans-Caucasus and Northern Caucasus, Uralo-Povolzh'ye, the
Ukraine), where the gas- and oil-bearing territories have been very well surveyed,
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we cannot count on significant increases in the gas and oil reserves, so it is pos-
sible there will be a gradual decline in the level of extraction. In these terri-
tories it is assumed that there are new deposits at depths of greater than 4 km,
and in the coming decade geological surveying work will be done there that will
make it possible to slow down the rate of decline and possibly stabilize the level
of gas and oil extraction.
~ From the first days of Soviet power, socialist competition has been a powerful ac-
celerating force for all matters concerning the Soviet people. In the precongress
period and after the completion of the 26th CPSU Congress's work, throughout the
entire country and in all collectives, socialist competitions were organized to in-
crease the productivity of labor, to improve the quality and efficiency of the work
done in all sectors and at all working places, and to fulfill the national economic
plans of the first year of the llth Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule.
For example, the collective at Glavtyumenneftegaz's /Main Administration for
Petroleum and Gas for the Tyumen' Region/ Yuganskneftegaz association took upon it-
self as its socialist obligation for 1981 to fulfill its annual plan for the ex-
traction of oil ahead of schedule, on 29 December. Through the acceleration of the
introduction into exploitation of new oil deposits, a further improvement in tech-
~ niques, technology and the organization of production, and a more efficient utili-
zation of production capacities, they propose: to increase oil extraction in 1981
to 50.2 million t; to extract 310,000 t of oil above their annual plan; to drill
25,000 m of oil wells more than assigned; to implement measures for the fuller
- utilization of their wells; to reduce labor exnenses for the maintenance of a sin-
gle well by 4.6 percent in comparison with 1980; to increase the level of oil ex-
traction by complexly automated enterprises to 90 percent and to improve the oil
well exploitation factor.
This association's collective has called on all oil workers throughout the country
to develop a socialist competition for the fulfillment of the assignments for the
first year of the llth Five-Year P?an ahead of schedule.
The oil workers of the Azerbaijan SSR have vowed to extract 208 million m3 of gas
and produce 30,000 t of fuel above plan in 1981.
The oil workers of the Kazakh SSR have sworn to extract an additional 115,000 t of
- oil and 27.2 million m3 of gas in 1981.
The gas field workers of the Uzbek SSR have assumed an obligation to exceed their
plan by 105 million m3 of gas in 1981.
For 1981, the gas and oil workers of the Turkmen SSR have obligaCed themselves to
extract 43,200 t of oil and 320 million m3 of gas above plan.
The oil workers of the Tajik SSR are determined to extract an additional 2,000 t
of oil and 8 million m3 of natural gas.
The gas field workers of the Ukrainian SSR have vowed to extract 820 million m3 of
_ gas more than was planned.
The gas and oil workers of the RSFSR have sworn to extract 2.8 million t of oil and
1.7 billion m3 of gas more than was assigned.
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For 1981, the collectives of the organizations and enterprises of USSR Mingeo have
assumed the following socialist obligations: through improving the organization
and techniques of geological surveying work, the introduction of achievements of
sc~entific and technical progress and progressive experience, to provide an in~
crease in reserves per ruble of expenditure and to overfulfill, without enlarging
allocations, t.he plan for the increase in oil and condensate reserves by 3 percent
and natural gas by 4 percent; to discover 11 new gas and oil deposits in 1981; to
prepare and hand over for industrial development the Dauletabad-Danmezskoye natural
gas deposit in the Turkmen BSR.
The Megionneftegazgeologiya association's collective has assumed high obligations
for 1981 by deciding to overfulfill its annual plan for the increase in surveyed
oil reserves by 9 percent and to reduce the planned cost for the preparation of 1 t
of oil reserves by 8 percent.
For the purpose of accelerating scientific and technical progress, improving tech-
nical and economic indicators, and increasing the quality and efficiency of their
work, USSR Mingeo's collectives have sworn to fulfill ahead of schedule (on 25
December 1981) all their planned assignments for solving the most important scien-
tific and scientific-technical problems and the introduction of progressive tech-
niques and technology into practical geological surveying work; to finish ahead of
schedule, by 7 December 1981, the formulation of integrated and purposeful programs
for the geological and geophysical investigation of gas and oil deposits in the
northern part of Tyumenskaya Oblast; to develop suggestions on the optinum tech-
nique for conducting geological and geophysical work with respect to gas and oil in
Eastern Siberia.
The 26th CPSU Congress emphasized that the realization of the extensive program for
this country's economic and social development in the new five-year plan is the
most important economic and political assignment for all party, Soviet, profession-
al trade union, Komsomol and managerial organizations. The congress expressed its
confidence that the workers in all branches of the national economy, under the
leadership of the Leninist Communist Party, will develop socialisC competition even
further and apply their creative efforts, knowledge and experience for the success-
ful solution of the problems involved in building communism. There is no doubt
that the collectives of the working organizations and enterprises of USSR Mingeo,
Mingazprom and Minnefteprom will carry out the decisions of the 26th CPSU Congress
successfully, as well as the State Plan for Social and Economic Development and
their socialist obligations for 1981, the first year of the llth Five-Year Plan, and
will make a significant contribution to a further increase in our gas and oil re-
sources, the accelerated development of gas extraction, and an increase in the vol-
ume of oil extracted.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", "Geologiya nefti i gaza", 1951
11746 ~ ,
CSO: 1822/189
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UDC /622.323+622.24/003.1
/Editorial: "Basic Directions for the Branch's Economic Work in the llth Five-Year
/Text7 As did many other branches of industry, the oil industry greeted the 26th
CPSU Congress with ?abor successes. A considerable volume of the gas and oil that
were extracted was obtained because of an increase in the productivity of labor,
and profitability was increased in many oil-producing regions. Oil and gas conden-
sate production in 1980 was 603 million t.
Many large programs were realized in the branch during the lOth Five-Year Plan. In
accordance with the decisions of the 25th CPSU Cong~ess, development of the coun-
try's main oil-producing base the Western Siberian gas and oil complex was
continued. The amount of oil extracted in this region more than doubled in the
_ last 5 years.
A substantial contribution to the total amount of oil extracted was made by the
Uralo-Volzhskaya gas and oil province, primarily by such regions in it as the Tatar
and Bashkir ASSR's and Kuybyshevskaya and Permskaya Oblasts.
In the "Basic Directions for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for
1981-1985 and the Period to 1990," it is said that in 1985 the level of oil (with
_ gas condensate) extraction must be 620-645 million t. Great importance is attached
to the accelerated introduction into industrial development of new oil deposits on
the basis of the extensive use of industrial methods of construction and new meCh-
_ ods for acting on oil beds. In 1985 the proportion of oil extracted by complex
automated enterprises will reach 85-90 percent, while the labor expenses for the
maintenance of a single well will be reduced by 15-18 percent.
Considerable attention is being devoted to the problem of enlarging the role of
planning, which is the central link in the administration of the branch.
Work on improving planning in the branch was intensified considerably after the is-
suance of a decree by the CC CPSU and USSR Council of Ministers on 12 July 1979.
The "Methodological Propositions for Branch Planning of Oil Extraction" were con-
firmed in 1980. The principle that is the basis of this document makes it possible
to combine centralized branch planning with planning in the oil-producing regions.
Thus, the technical and economic substantiation of the extraction plan's indicators
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can now be according to a unified methodological plan based on engineering calcula-
tions for technological and economic planning. The planning calculations substan-
tiate not only the projected levels of oil extraction, but also the amounts of
drilling work, capital investments and material and technical resources needed to
achieve them.
The development of mathematical methods for evaluating the intensity of oil extrac-
tion plans contributes to a decreased risk of their underfulfillment in each oil
region. The introduction into operation of the first stage of an automated branch
system for planning calculations makes it possible to improve the stability, uni-
form intensity and effectiveness of plans.
Branch planning now has at its disposal rigorous methods substantiated by both the
theory of the development of oil deposits and statistical analysis.
The further development and introduction of guidance and methodological documents .
will make it possible to determine an order for the compilation of prospective 5-
year and annual plans in all subbranches. The critic~l assignment of the oil in-
dustry's economic services in carrying out the 26th Congress's decisions is to or-
ganize �he performance of work to improve the economic effectiveness of the conduct
of oil extraction and drilling work by all structural units of enterprises and all
collectives and workers. It is necessary to improve the technical and economic in-
dicators of drilling work by accelerated technical re-equipping and a further im-
provement in the organization of drilling work.
In the period 1981-1985, an important place will be given to the development of
prospective planning techniques.
During the llth Five-Year Plan we will work on introducing methods for the optimum
conCrol of the development of oil deposits, with due consideration for the effect
of natural geological conditions on the technical and economic indicators of depos-
it exploitation. For this purpose we will develop criteria regulating the utiliza-
tion of the earth's oil resources: reserves will be categorized as "balance" and
~ "transbalance"; economically justified limits of expenditures for the preparation
of industrial oil reserves will be established; the feasibility and sequence of the
introduction of deposits into development will be determined; the development vari-
ant will be chosen and methods for increasing the oil yield will be substantiated;
the limits of the exploitation of wells, deposits and fields will be determined.
The solution of problems related to the optimization of the fuel and energy balance
will occupy an important place. The special mathematical models developed for this
purpose inc?ude all links of the oil complex's production cycle: preparation of
reserves, development of dePosits, oil transportation, its processing at NPZ's
/petroleum-processing plant/, and the system for the distribution of petroleum
products to the consumption bases.
These are the goals and strategy for the development of the oil industry in the
long-term perspective. In connection with this, the problem of optimizing the oi1
complex is viewed not only within the framework of the fuel and energy complex, but
also with due consideration for satsifying the national economy's structural re-
quirement for motor vehicle fuel and raw materials for petrochemistry.
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Further research in this area will make it possible to work out specific sugges-
tions for the rational utilization of oil because of its more thorough processing,
the use of alternative energy sources and the economical utilization of our fuel
and energy resources. In order to satisfy the national economy's requirement fcir
special-purpose petroleum products and provide export supplies, projects are being
formulated for a more reliable substantiation of the size of our oil reserves and
production capacities for the extraction, transportation and processing of oil.
The branch's economic services have done a considerable amount of work on carrying
out the CC CPSU's and USSR Council of Ministers' decree "On Improving the Planning
and Intensifying the Effect of the Economic Mechanism on Improving Produc~tion Effi-
ciency and Work Quality."
The development and introduction of an interconnected system of planning and evalu-
ation indicators for the branch and its associations, enterprises, shops and work
crews make it possible to insure the unity of the economic interests of all sub-
units in the oil-extraction complex, which will promote a significant improvement
in produccion efficiency. The main feature of the new system is that fund allot-
ment and the awarding of bonuses to all the subunits of an association have been
placed in direct relationship to and dependence on the interests of the branch as a
whole. Such an integrated evaluation creates the economic conditions necessary for
insuring the fulfillment of assignments for both oil extraction and the increase of
The experience gained in using the new system of planning and evaluation indicators
in the Bashneft' /Bashkir Petroleum Association/ and Tatneft' /Tatar Petroleum
Association/ organizations demonstrated ita effectiveness. The results of these
associations' production and economic activities improved significantly. The plan
for 1981-1985 provides for the introduction of this system in all oil-producing re-
An important place is occupied by work to improve the effectiveness of drilling
production by financing work for wells where construction has been completed, which
presumes the coverage of expenses for uncompleted construction through bank credit
until it is completed. This makes it possible to use the drilling organizations'
fixed capital better and to shorten the duration of the construction process.~
A collective of branch specialists is working on the compilation of a new SUSN
/Handbook of Consolidated Estimate Norms/ and PPR's /work plan/ for the construc-
tion of gas and oil wells. The conversion of the branch to the new well construc-
tion financing conditions at the beginning of the llth Five-Year Plan will insure a
significant reduction in the length of the construction period,
Great and important work is being done in the branch in the area of pricesetting. ~
At the present time new wholesale prices for gas and oil have been worked out and
approved; these prices will insure the profitable operation of all associations.
- In order to increase production efficiency in the branch, plans are being made to
develop proposals on the order of utilization of charges, profits, deductions,
rents and fees for funds.
The branch's economic work on improving planning and the economic mechanism also
provides for the development and introduction methodological proposals for the
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compilation of the technical, industrial and financial plan for a gas-extracting
association and its enterprises, as well as geophysical and gas-processing enter-
prises and main line transportation organizations.
The wage and bonus systems need further improvement.
It is necessary to do considerable work in the branch in order to improve the eco-
nomic methods of controlling scientific and technical progress. Much has already
been done in this area in connection with the conversion of the branch and its sci-
entific research, design, planning and production organizations to the autonomous
financing system for creating, mastering and introducing new technology.
For the branch it is necessary to solve problems related to the planning of oil
production on the basis of purposeful programs of scientific and technical progress.
In the llth Five-Year Plan they will be solved with due consideration for the re-
quirements for the technical and economic indicators of equipment and processes, as
well as the optimum location of equipment and materials among the regions.
The realization of this work will facilitate the achievement of high final branch
_ results.
, Work in the area of capital construction is extremely complicated and important.
We are faced with developing a system for capital construction in the oil industry
for the period up to 1990. In it, capital construction is regarded as a purposef.ul
system that provides for the development of the entire complex and the subsystems
in it as an integrated whole that is correlated with all indicators. The program
will provide for the entire construction cycle, from the moment a decision is made
about the creation of an object until it is liquidated.
In recent years a great deal of work has been done on the development of a series
of guidr~nce documents defining the legal and methodological basis and the rules for
the reception of initial information for the planning of construction projects.
Documents are being prepared for the basic indicators of scientific and technical
In order to improve the planning of capital investments, great importance is at-
tached to the development and introduction of guidance documents on the current and
; 5-year planning of capital investments, allowing for the construction reserves at
. the association and branch level.
We are faced with the performance of a great deal of work to improve the system for
controlling scientific research and development. As a result of this work, gui-
dance documents for selecting the directions of scientific research and experimen-
tal design work and the rational utilization of scientific potential will be intro-
duced into the branch. The creation of a purposeful program for controlling scien-
tific research and development and its realization will result in a significant im-
provement in the effectiveness of science and production in the oil industry.
Wikhin the framework of the program for improving the economic development and ar-
rangement of the oil industry, there will be an analysis of the branch's develop-
ment in the llth Five-Year Plan and proposals will be developed for realizing pro-
duction reserves.
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The goals placed before the economic subdivisions of this branch by the Directives
of the 26th CPSU Congress are extraordinarily important and in order to a~hieve
them it is necessary to combine the efforts of all collectives in the branch.
COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy instit~st organizatsii, upravleni-
ya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennosCi (VNIIOENG), 1981
CSO: 1822/190
, ,
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UDC 622.24
/Article by M.A. Aleksandrov and I.Ye. Rudavskiy, All-Union Scientific Research
' Institute for Drilling Techniques: "Using the Maximum Price to Stimulate the
Creation of Progressive Drilling Equipment"/
/Text/ The enterprises of the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry act as the cus-
tomer (basic consumer) of new equipment (products) used in the branch.
In accordance with the requirements of GOST /All-Union State Standard7 15.001.73,
~ "Development and Delivery of Products for Production Purposes," the developer re-
, ceives from the customer the basic requirements for the product that is to be de-
' veloped, including the maximum price and its substantiation.
In the "Instructions Concerning the Order for Coordinate Development, Approval and
, Implementation of Specifications and Prices for Machine Building Products for
Technical and Production Purposes" (RDI 79-76), it is pointed out that the economic
' substantiation for the creation of a new article in the development stage must be
! presented in the form of a maximum price (based on the customer`s application), a
- projected price (based on the projected cost) and the economic effect.
' In connection with this, the maximum price remains unchanged throughout all stages
; of the development process, with the exception of cases of a change in the original
; properties of the article being developed as required by or by agreement with the
, Price-setting agencies do not handle materials concerning the approval of wholesale
; prices in the absence of a maximum price agreed upon between the customer and the
i manufacturer.
, From what has been said it follows that the maximum price is one of the basic eco-
' nomic criteria in evaluating the effectiveness of planning decisions for developing
~ examples of new articles, making decisions about the presentation of a new product
~ for production, and determining the wholesale price levels for it.
The maximum price of a new article characterizes that highest price that, given the
new article's technical and economic properties, guarantees the user a benefit that
; is sufficient enough so that he will be interested in changing over to the new
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The highest (maximum) price is a means directed at mobilizing planners (designers)
and technologists for the creation and introduction of the most progressive and ef-
ficient equipment used in the drilling of gas and oil wells. If, as *he result of
planning, it turns out that the production cost of a new article exceeds the maxi-
mum price or that the difference between the manufacturing cost and the maximum
price is so small as not to insure the necessary level of production profitability,
this serves as evidence of the economic ineffectiveness and low level of planning
of the new product, whereas when the production cost is considerably lower than the
maximum price, this is indicative of the new article's progressive nature.
At.the planning stage, maximum prices enable the designers to turn down economical-
ly unprofitable projects and force them to look for and find more economically sub-
stantiated solutions to technical problems and create only that new equipment rhat
will contribute to a reduction in expenditures of human and embodied labor.
Maximum prices for equipment for drilling enterprises are determined according to
the "Techniques for Determining the Highest (Maximum) Price for New Drilling
Equipment," which were developed by VNIIBT /All-Union Scientific Research Institute
for Drilling Techniques/ and VNIIOENG /A1~-Union Scientific Research Institute for
the Organization and Economics of Petroleum and Gas/, with due consideration for
the specific conditions encountered when drilling gas and oil wells.
It is very important to establish the factors that are used to evaluate the lec~l
of the maximum price.
The first factor that is subject to evaluation for the consumer is the price of Che
basic article (l~b). He then evaluates the qualitative aspect of the new article
(higher equipment productivity, operating time and so forth), which is determined
by the replaceability factor of a previou~ly used article by the new one, as far as
technical and economic parameters are concerned, as well as for labor resources by
the change in service life (T). Finally, the last factor is the savings in current
expenditures achieved by the customer (consumer) as the result of the use of the
- new equipment.
Allowing for the factors that have been listed, the highest price is determined
with the following formulas:
for articles with an extended (more than 1 year) service life:
1 +En ~ 1)
~vP=ub' nn ' 1~� -f-. --I1b-11n ~
b T -~-Fn -
n n
for labor articles:
uy =u� yb Hb-1'ln�_~-n�.'~. r=. ~2)
P y� y~ ~~n
where ~vp = upper limit of the price of the new equipment (article), in rubles;
_ l.~ = cost of the basic article, in rubles; I1/flb = replaceability factor; (nn and
. (lb = annual output volumes, given in units of the new and basic article, respect-
ively); Tb and Tn = service lives of the basic and new equipment, in years;
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En = normative coefficient of comparative effectiveness of capital investments =
0.15; jlln and yb = consumer's operating (current) expenses for production output
when using the new and basic articles, in rubles; QK = change in the consumer's
c$pital investments in connection with the use of the new article instead of the
basic one, in rubles; Yb/Y = replaceability factor (Yb and Yn = specific cansump-
tion ~f the basic and new articles, respectively, per unit of production output on
the part of the consumer). ,
. These formulas indicate that the new article's price can be higher than that of the
_ one being replaced, but that because of improvements in the technical and economic
factors it will be equally profitable.
However, the upper limit may not be the maximum price. The fact of the matter is
' that equal profitability of the new equipment and that being replaced gives the ad-
vantage to the basic equipment, both for the manufacturer (as being an article al-
ready in production) and for the consumer (tested and familiar).
Therefore, ttie price for a new product must guarantee not equal profitability, but
an increased profit in comparison with the product being replaced. The maximum
, price for a new article must be cheaper than the equally profitable price, to a
certain degree. If this degree ~f cheapness for the consumer is designated as
which is less than unity, we then have the following formula for the new article's
maximum price (y~):
u�,=u~ a. c3~
On the basis of factual data on the annual reduction in the production cost of a
new product during the years in which it is being assimilated (2-3 years), in the
oil industry this coefficient is taken to be 0.9.
Below we present two examples of the calculation of the maximum prices for both
equipment and labor articles.
Example 1. The calculations are made for D2-172M screw-type face motors for the
conditions under which drilling is performed by Permneft' /Perm' Petroleum
Association/. As the basis for comparison, we use the drilling indicators obtained
when using 3TSSh1-172 turbodrills in exploitation drilling with an electric drive
at depths of 939-2,159 m(drilling with an interval H= 1,220 m). Because of the
increase in cutting per bit from 15.09 m to 45.20 m, with some lessening of the
drilling rate from 6.38 m/h (Vb) to 4.47 m/h (Vn), the drilling time changed from
682.08 ~Tbas~ to 436.55 (TneW) hours. Bit consumption was reduced from 81 (nb) to
27 (nn), with the price for a Type III 215.9T-TsV-3 bit (allowing for the
increase in the supply ~l~d) price) being 112.52 rubles. The estimated
cost per hour for drilling rig operation, without overhead expenses, expenditures
- for amortization of the face motors, and corrected for face motor maintenance, the
overhaul period and the commercial drilling rate, was 44.52 rubles for the
3TSSh-172 (Chb) and 46.66 rubles for the D2-172M ~~hn~�
In this case, the operating expenses per meter of drilling are:
35_ ~~b Tli_~tb ~.1 ^ 99.52 6R2_p~.}.gl 11''.�~:_ _,-3:.' 36 rubles/m;
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C Tn-}-nn LId 4i',Gf~�~36,~5-}-27� 112,52
~ 1~ - 1220 = I 9,19 rub les /m.
- For a guaranteed 3TSSh1-172 operating time (tsb) of 800 ti, wl~ile that of the
- D2-172M (tgn) is 250 h, and given service lifes for the former (Tb) and laCter (Tn)
of 3 and 1.5 years, respectively, the annual drilling volume (fl) is:
for the 3TSSh1-172:
I'btsb_ 6,33�800�0,85=1~96m~
llb~ Tb
for the D2-172M:
Vn t sn 4,47
~?5` 0� 0,85 =~33 m
Iln - Tn - - 1,5
(0.85 is a factor allowing for the work of the face motor in mechanical drilling).
The operating expenses for the annual drilling volume using the new face motor are:
~ ~~I6=3yX~~e =32,36X633=20483,88 rubles;
~n =?rXrln = 19~19X633=12147 rubles.
The price of a 3TSSh1-172 turbodrill (l.~b) is 4,200 rubles.
Since the D2-172M screw-type face motor is labor means, and also considering the
fact that when it is used there arises no need for a change in capital investments
(6K = 0), Che upper limit of its price is:
II T +E^ ~ i 633 ~ . . :
udp - ~ b' ~ � b ~b " = 4200 � - - ,
IIb 1+~ + 1+E~ 1446 1~
T� n T~ 1,5 0,15
+ 20483,88-1214 i ,27 _ 11:90, 88
1 ' ' rubles;
1,5 +0,15
1'he maximum price is: l~m = y~P x 0.9 = 11,290.88 x 0.9 = 10,161.7 rubles.
Example 2. 1fie calculations are made for a Type III 269.9 S-GNU bit, which is used
in the low-speed drilling method. As a basis for comparison we use the operating
indicators of Type III 269.9 S-GN bits, as supplied by Ukrneft' /Ukrainian
Petroleum Association/, for rotary drilling with an electric drive in exploration
drilling in the depth interval 2,728-3,232 m(drilling with an interval H= 5U4 m).
Because of the increase in cutting per bit from 32.47 m(hb) to 42.Sa m(hn) and
th~ drilling rate~from 1.77 to 2.15 m/h, the drilling time was reduced from 424.43
(Tb) to 339.18 (Tn) hours. The estimated cost per hour of drilling rig operation
for expenses that are a function of time but without overhead expenses, and cor-
- rected for the commercial rate, were (Ch) was 39.35 rubles. The price of a Type
III 269.9 S-GN bit (LJb) is 288 rubles. ~
The operating costs per meter of drilling for mechanical drilling, raising and low-
ering operations, preparatory and concluding operations and auxiliary work, without "
overhead expenses and the cosC of the bit, are:
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ChT~_.. ,,5�~'?~.43 =33.14 rubles;
l 1 b ~ _ : . . . ;~04 .
~'ti _ 39,35 � 339,18 _ 26,48 rub les .
~.~n= -..H _ - . 504
The specific bit consumption per meter of drilling was:
- _ _ _
Yb = ~i = 3~ 4 ~ =0,0308; .
b ~
b;,= ~n = ~,,~5'=0,0235.
Keeping in mind that in connection with the use of the new bit, for the consumer
there arises no need to change the capital investments (l!K = 0), and also the fact
that the bit is a labor means, the upper limit of the price is determined by the
~ u_~'b T~'ib-~~ _ 288 0,0308 33,14-26,48
~"P b yn ~'n 0,0235 + 0,0235 =660,88 rubles.
The maximum price is: u m=~vp x 0.9 = 660.88 x 0.9 = 594.79 rubles.
Thus, by being oriented on the maximum national economic effect, maximum prices
thereby exercise control over the effectiveness of new equipment and create the
economic conditions needed to interest manufacturers in producing and systematical-
ly improving new products and to interest consumers in introducing them.
COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, upravleni-
ya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennoeti (VNIIOENG), 1981
CSO: 1822/190
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. .
NEFTEPRODUKTOV in Russian No 4,1981 (signed to press 20 Apr 81) pp 31-37
[Articl:e in the reference handbook in the "Petroletm? and Petrole~ Product Storage
and Transportation" series, Ministry of the Petroleum Industry and the All-Union
Scientific Research Institute for the Or$anization, Management and Economics of
the Petroleum and Gas Industry: "Pawer 6ystems Reliability (Terminology):"]
[Text~ A collection of recommended terms for "Power Systems Reliability" has
been published by the Committee for Scientific and Engineering Terminology of the
USSR Academy of Science5. Specialists from all sectors of power engineering,
including the Ministry of Energyf Ministry of the Electrical Power Equipment
Industry, Ministry of the Petroleum Industry, Ministry of the Gas Industry and
the Ministry of the Construction of Petroleian and Gas Industry Enterprises of the
USSR participated in the development and discussion of the collection.
The utilization of the recommended terminology, wh~ck is thus of an intersectorial
nature, should aid in a better understanding of the problem area of reliabilit,y
by the scientific and engineering coBm?unity. Considering the increasing volume of
publications in the field of petrole~ supply systeln reliability and the import-
ance of terminological unity with the operation of the "Neft'-2" automated system
for scientific and technical information, the editorial staff of the reference
scientific and technical collection "Petroleum and Petroleum Products Storage and
Transportation" decided to bring the complete complement of the 114 recommended
terms to their readers. The editorial staff thereby hopes to turn the attention
of readers to the increased responsibility of trunk petroleum pipeline transport .
for the reliability of the petroleum supply system and to the necessity of utiliz-
ing unambiguous terminology for reliability in ~his regard in the scientific and
technical information sector. ~
I. Power Facilities and Their Operational Characteristics .
1. CHCTeMa aHepreTHKa. CHCTerta. Power System.,,System. An open man-machine system
intended for the extractior_ (generation, derivation), r~processing (conversion),
transmission, storage and distribution of the corresponding product and the supply
of this product to the consumers.
26 ~
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~ 1. Power systems, depending on their hierarchical level and ~utput product, are
Created as follows: the overall power system, encompassing the ma~or components
and links in the fuel and power complex of the nation; an electrical power sygtem
(for the simultaneous generation, conversion, transmission, storage and distri-
bution of electrical and thermal power); an electrical system (for the generation,
conversion, transmission and distribution of solely electrical power); a heat sup-
ply system (for the generation, conversion, transmission, storage and distribution
of solely thermal energy); a gas supply system (for the extraction and derivation,
: reprocessing, transmission, storage and distribution of gas and gas condensate);
a petroleum supply system (for the extraction and derivation, refining, transmis-
sion, storage and distribution of oil and petroletun products); a water supply
- system (for the extraction, reprocessing, transmission, starage and distribution
of water.
2. A power system product (output) is understood to be the kind of ene~gy, energy
carrier, as well as water, compressed air, etc.
3. Any power system or component of it is a power facility (ob~ect).
2. flponycKHa~ cnoco6HOCTb. Carrying capacity. The maximum long term value of the
power (productivity) which can be assured under the given operational conditions
for the system.
3. HOMNHc3116H8A MQL~HOCTb. HOMNHaJ16H8f~ flPON3BO,0,NT@libHOCTb. Nominal capacity.
Nominal productivity. The maximum long term permissible power (productivity)
level of a facility under its design (planned) operational conditions.
4. YCTc3HOB112HHc3f1 MQJ.~HOCTb. YCTaHOBlIeHHc3fl f'1PON3BO,QHT@J16HOCT6. Installed capacity.
; Installed productivity. The sum of the nominal capacities (productivities) of the
aggregate of facility components under consideration.
5. PacnonaraeMa~ MQ!�-9,14CTb. Pacnonaraeria~ f1PON380,f~NTElibHOCTb. Available capacity.
Available productivity. The installed capacity (productivity) of a facility re-
duced because of the mismatch of the capacities (productivit~es) of its series
connected components.
6. Pa6oyafl MQll,HOCTb. Pa6oya~ nPON3B0,4NTB116HOCT6. Working capacity. Working
productivity. The available capacity (productivity) of a facility minus the
value of the available capacity (productivity) of its components which are under-
going preventive maintenance or emergency repairs (32, 33) or are sub~ected to
an emergency or dependent shutdown (34, 35).
7. BH1104BHHafl MQIJ,HOCT6. ,C~,BNCTB~/IQL~aA f1PON3B0,f~NTBJI6HOCTb. Connected capacity.
On-line productivity. The working capacity (productivity) of a facility minus the
amount of the available capacity (productivity) of its components which are on
unloaded standby.
8. C~pyKTypa CNCTEMbI sHeprerHKH. CrpyKrypa CNCTBM61. Power SySt2m StTUCtuY'2.
System structure. The composition of power system components, their interrelat-
ionship and the relationship of the kinds of products, energy carrier stores,
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capacities (productivities) and carrying capacities of its components in the ex-
traction (production, derivation), reprocessing (conversion), transmission, stor-
age and distribution chain for the corresponding product.
tem with strong links. System with strong links. A power system, the network for
which in normal and repair modes (36, 38) does not limit the use of the available
capacity (productivity) of the generation centers for the feed to the consinnption
system with weak links. System with weak links. A power system, the network for
which in normal or repair modes limits the utilization of the available capacity
(productivity) of generation centers for the feed to consumption centers.
II. Properties Characterizing the Reliability of Power Facilities
11. Reliability. The property of a facility of performing the specified functions
in the specified amount under definite operational conditions.
1. As applied to power systems, included in the specified functions are the uninter-
rupted supply of the appropriate product with the requisite quality to consumers
and not allowing situations which are dangerous to people and the envirornnent.
2. Reliability is a comprehensive property which, depending on the function of a
facility and its operational condition, can include a number of properties (indi-
vidually or in certain combinations). The ma~or properties are the following:
failure-free service, durability, repair suitability, storability, stability,
mode controllability, survivability and safety.
12. E~B30TKc33HOCTb*. Failure-free Service. The property of a facility of continu-
ously maintaining its operability for a certain time or a certain non-failur~
operating time (86).
13. ,qonroeetiHOCrb*. Durability*. The property of a facility of maintaining its
operability until the onset of the ultimate state for an established system of
preventive maintenance and repairs.
14. PEMOHTOf1PNrO,qHOCTb~. Repair suitability. The property of a facility which con-
sists in its adaptability to the prevention and detection of the reasons for the
occurrence of its failures (54), and the elimination of their consequences
by means of preventive maintenance and repairs.
15. COXp8HA8MOCTb. Storability. The property of a facility of continuously main-
taining a good operating or ~ust operable status (20) during and after storage and
(or) transportation.
* In accordance with the 5tate Standards which are in force.
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16. YCTON4NBOCf'1OC06HOCTb. Stability. The property of a facility of continuously
preserving stability for a certain period of time.
17. PemHMHa~ ynpaan~eMOC-rb. Ynpaen~eMOCTb. Mode Controllability. Controllability.
The property of a facility of maintaining a normal operating mode by means of con-
18. ~NB~/4ECTb. Survivability. The property of a facility of standing up to per-
turbations and not allowing for their stage by stage spread with a massive disrup-
tion of power to conaumers.
19. 6esonacHOCTb. The property of a facility of not allowing situations which are
dangerous to people and the environment.
III. States Characterizing the Reliability of Power Facilities.
20. Pa6oTOCnoco6HOe cocTO~HHe. Pa6oTOCnoco6HOCTb. Operable Status. Operability.
The state of a facility in which it is capable of performing all or part of the
specified functions, either fully or partially.
21. flonHOCTbw pa6oTOCnoco6HOe cocTO~HHe. flonHa~ pa6o-rocnoco6HOCTb. Fully opera-
tional status. Fully operable. The operational state of a facility in which it
is capable of fully perforn?ing all of the specified functions.
22. yaCTN'iH0 Pa60TOCf10C06H06 COCTOflHNB. yaCTNyHaf~ P860TOCf10C06HOCTb. Partially
operational status. Partially operable. The operational state of a facility in
which it is capable of performing a portion of the specified functions, either
fully or partially, or a11 of the specified functions, but where even only one of
them is partially carried out.
23. Hepa6orocnoco6HOe coc-ro~HHe. Hepa6orocnoco6HOC-rb. Inoperable status. ~~In-
- operability. The state of a facility in whf~ch it is incapable of performing all
of the specified functions.
24. Pa6oyee cocTO~HHe. Working Status. The state of a facility in which it per-
forms all or part of the specified functions, either fully or partially.
25. flonHOCTbb pa6otiee cocTO~HHe. Full Working Status. The working state of a
facility in which it completely performs all of the specified functions.
26. ~-IBCTNyHO pa6oyee cocTO~HHe. Partially Working 9tatus. The working state of
a facility in which in performs a portion of the specified functions, either fully
or partially, or all of the specified functions, but in this case even if only one
of them is partially carried out.
27. Hepo6oyee cocro~HHe. Nonworking Status. The state of a facility in which it
does not perfo~-m all of the specified functions.
28. (1pe~enbHOe cocTOflHHe. Ultimate Status. The state of a facility in which its
further operation should be terminated because of a violation of safety require-
ments which cannot be eliminated, or a reduction in the level of operability (41)
which cannot be eliminated, or an impermissible reduction in operating efficiency.
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29. PesepeHOe cocTO~HHe. Standby Status. The working state of a facility in
which it is the back-up (61) f or other facilities.
9b. COCTOflHN6 Harpy~eHHOro pe3epea. Cocro~HHe eKnrotieHHOro pe3epea. Loaded
Standby Status. Actuated Standby Status. The standby state of a faeility it? whiCh
it is in operation.
31. COCTOflHNB HBH8r~1yFH8HHOr0 P83BPBa. Cocro~HHe HBBH11104EHHOrO P@38P88. Unloaded
Standby Status. De-activated Standby Status. The standby state of a facility in
which it is not in operation.
32. CocTO~HHe npe,qynpe,qHrenbHOro peMOHTa. P.reventive Maintenance Status. The
nonworking state of a facility in which work is underway to ascertain, prevent
and eliminate defects in it which could lead to the failure of the facility.
33. CocTOflHHe aeapHHHOro peMOHTa. Emergency Repair Status. The nonworking state
of a facility in which work is underway to restore its operability, disrupted as
a result of component failure in the facility:
34. A88PNNHbIN npocTOH. Emergency Shutdown. The nomaorking state of a facility in
which work is not underway to restore its aperability, disrupted as a result of
camponent failure in the facility.
35. 3aBNCNMbIN npocTOH. Dependent Shutdown. The nonworking state of a facility
which arises as a consequence of the disconnection of other facilities, or the
performance of work on them which requires the diseonnection of the g3ven facility,
the operability of which is not disrupted in this case.
36. HOPM8116HbIN pe?~HM. Normal mode. The working state of a facility in which the
values of the specified operating mode parameters and the backup are kept within
the established limits.
37. YTflH{E118HH6M P8}t{NM. Operation without Backup [literally: 'more weighted mode'].
The working state of a facility in which, regardless of the values of the speci-
fied operational parameters, no backup is provided within the set limits.
38. PBMOHTHbIN PEH{NM. Repair Mode. The working state of a facility in which part
of its components is undergoing preventive maintenance or emergency repair.
39. AeapHHHeiH PE}HNM. Emergency Mode. The working state of a facility in which it
is found as a result of a failure of its components, from the moment of f ailure
occurrence until the fault is contained.
40. flocneaeapHHHbiH pemHM. Postemergency Mode. The working state of a facility in
which it is found as a result of a failure of its components following the contain-
ment of the fault until the specified operating conditions are established.
IV. Events Characterizing the Reliability of Power Facilities.
41. OTKas pa6oTOCnoco6HOCTH. Operational Failure. The event whieh consists in the
transition of a facility from one level of operability to another, lower level.
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Note: The operability level is defined by a specified listing and specified volume
of functions which the facility is capable of performing.
42. (lonbHbn~ oTHas pa6orocnoco6HOCTH. Total Operational Failure. An operational
~ailure which places a facility in an inoperable state.
43. ~-IBCTN'iHbIN OTHa3 P860TOCf10C06HOCTN. Partial Operational Failure. A loss of
operability which places a facility in a partially operable state.
44. BHesanHbiH oTKa3 pa6oTOCnoco6HOCTH. Sudden Operational Failure. A loss of
operability characterized by a sudden reduction in the level of facility operabi-
45. I-IOCTenBHHbIN OTH83 Pa60TOCf10C06HOCTN. Gradual Operational Failure. A loss Of
operability characterized by a gradual reduction in the level of fa~cility operabi-
46. HB3aBNCNMbIN OTH83 Pa60TOCIlG]COBHOCTN. Independent Operational Failure. A loss
of operability of a facility which is not due ta failures of other facilities.
47. 38BNCNMbIN OTHc33 P860TOC1'IOCOCHOCTN. Dependent Operational Failure. A loss of
operability of a facility due to the failures of other facilities.
48. YCTOHyN661N OTHa3 PaFOTOCf10C06HOCTN. Persistent Operational Failure. A loss
of operability, the restoration of which requires the repair of the facility.
49. H@~/CTON'iNB6111 OTHc33 Pa60TOCnOCOCHOCTN. Intermittent Operational Failure. A
loss of operability, the restoration of which requires only the disconnection or
a change in the operatiohal mode of the facility, without repairing it.
50. OTttas ~~/HKI.4NOHNPOBBHNA. Functional Failure. The event which consists in the
transition of the facility from one relative functional 1eve1 to another lower
Notes: �
1. The functional level is defined by the listing and scope of function which the
facility performs.
2. The relative functional level is understood to be the ratio of its actual value
to the requisite value at a given point in time.
51. nO116HbIN OTK83 ~yHKL~tOHN(~OBBHNA. Total Functional Failure. A ZOSS of function
which places the facility in a nonworking state.
5z. y3CTN4H61N OTHc33 ~yHHL4NOHN~]OBaHNfI. Partial Functional Failure. L~ ZOSS of func-
tion which places the facility in a partially working state.
53. 8He3anHbiH oTKa3 ~~/HHI.~NOHNPOBBHNA. Sudden Functional Failure. A loss of func-
tion characterized by a sudden drop in the relative functional level of a facility.
54, flocTeneHHbiH orHaa ~~/HKI~NOPOBBHNF. Gradual Functional Failure. A loss of func-
tion characterized by a gradual reduction in the relative functional level of a
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Note for Terms 41-54: In cases where the possibility of incorrect interpretation
is precluded, the use of the term failure is permitted in place of the terms
operational fai~ure and functional failure.
55. OTttas cpa6aT~eaHHfl. Actuation Failure. A functional failure which consigtg
. in the failure of a facility to perform a necessary action.
56. N3nHwHee cpa6arbreaHHe. Excessive Actuation. A functional failure which con-
sists in the actuation of the facility when it is required that other facilities
react and there is no requirement for the actuation of the given facility.
57. Ib~tHOe cpa6aTbieaHHe. False Actuation. A functional failure which consists in
the actuation of the facility in the absence of any requirement for the actuation
of the given facility and other facilities.
58. AeapH~. Breakdown. The event which consists in the transition of a facility
from one level of operability or relative functional level to another substantially
lower one, with a great disruption of the operational mode of the facility.
Note: A breakdown can lead to either partial or total destruction of a facility,
a massive interruption of power to consumers, and the creation of condi~ions danger-
ou5 to man and the environment. The attributes of a breakdown are stipulated in the
technical standard setting documentation.
59. IbKanHSauH~ oTKasa ~J/HFSL~NOHNP088HNA. Localization of a Functional Failure. The
event which consists in limiting the consequences of the functional failure of a
60. BoccTaHOeneHHe. Restoration. The event which consists in increasing the level
of operability of a facility or its relative functional level.
V. Means of Assuring the Reliability of Power Facilities. Providing Back-Up.
61. Pe3epeHpoeaHHe. Providing Back-Up. Increasing the reliability of a facility
through the introduction of redundancy.
Note: ~Redundancy is the additional means and capabilities above the minimum neces-
sary requirements for the performance of the specified functions by the facility.
62. CTP~/KTyPHOB P836PBNPOBaHNB. Structural Redundancy. Redundancy which provides
for the use of redundant structural elements of a facility.
- 63. ~/HKL(NOHalibHOB P@3BPBNP088HN@. Functional Redundancy. Redundancy which pro-
vides for the use of the capability of components of performing additional func-
64. BpeMeHHOe peaepeHpoeaHHe. Time Redundancy. Redundancy which provides for the
use of surplus time. ~
65. VIH~opMauHOHHOe pesepeHpoeaHHe. Information Redundancy. Re~dundancy which pro-
vides for the use of excess information.
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66. 06u~ee peaepaHpoeaHHe. Redundancy in which a backup is provided for a facility
as a whole.
67. Paa,qenbHOe pe3epeHpoeaHHe. Individual Redundancy. Redundancy in which becktips
are provided for individual components of a facility or groups of them.
68. flocro~HHOe pe3epeHpoeaHHe. Permanent Redundancy. ~edundancy in which the back-
up components participate i~ the functioning of a facility on an equal basis with
the main components.
69. PeaepeHpoeaHHe saMaueHHeM. Substitution Redundancy. Redundancy in which the
functions of a main component are transferred to the backup only after the failure
of the main component.
70. CKOnbas~ee peaepeHpoeaHHe. Fluttering Redundancy. Substitution redundancy in
which the functions of a group of main components of a facility can be performed
by one or several backup components, each of which can replace any failed main com-
ponent in the given group.
71. ~HCHpoeaHHOe pesepeHpoeaHHe. Fixed Redundancy. Substitution redundancy in
which the functions of a group of main components of a facility can be performed
by one or more backup components, each of which can replace only a definite failed
- main component in the given group.
72. Pesepe MQll,HOCTN~ peaepe IlPON3BO,t~NTBJ1bHOCTN. Capacity Reserve, Productivity
Reserve. The difference between the available capacity (produetivity) of a faci-
lity and its load at a given point in time for the case of permissible values of
its operational mode and product quality indicators.
73. PBMOHTHbIN pe3eps. Repair Reserve. The portion of reserve capacity (producti-
vity) oi a facility intended to compensate for losses in its capacity (productivity)
due to preventive maintenance.
74. OnepaTHeHeiH pesepe. Operational Reserve. The portion of reserve capacity
(productivity) of a facility intended to compensate for the imbalance between the
product output and consumption, caused by failures of facility components, as well
as random and unforeseen increases in output product consumption.
75. A88PNNH6IN peaepe. Emergency Reserve. The portion of the operational reserve
of a facility, intended to compensate for losses in its capacity (productivity)
caused by failures by facility camponents.
76. HarP~/304HbIN peaepe. Load Reserve. The portion of the operational reserve of
- a facility intended to compensate for random and unforeseen increases in output
product consumption.
77. ~-ccnnyaYat~HOHHbiH pesepe. Operating Reserve. The difference between the work-
ing capacity (productivity) of a facility and its load at a given point in time at
the permissible values of its operational mode parameters and output product quality
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78. Pe3epe npoAyHuHH. 3anac npo,qyHuHH. Output Product Reserve. Output Product
Margin. The amount of the output product accumulated above that necessary for a
definite time interval.
79. HaPO,QHOX03flC1'BBHHbM peaepe. National Economic Reserve. The reserve capacity
(productivity) or reserve product output intended to compensate for a disruption
of the balance occurring as a consequence of the advanced development of related
sectors of the national economy.
80. TBXHOI10f'{~I'i2CKNl1 pe3epe. Production Process Reserve. The reserve capacity
(productivity) and/or reserve product output of a consumer which can b e used to
prevent a disruption, a reduction in the scope of a disruption or assure the
nonemergency termination of a production process of a consumer in case his supply
is cut off.
VI. Reliability Indicators for Power Facilities
1. General Concepts
81. f1oKa3arenb H~B}HHOCTN. Reliability Indicator. A quantitative characteristic
of one or more properties which comprise the reliability of a facility.
82. I-SPHTBPNN Hc'3AEH{HOCTN . Reliability Criterion. The stipulations, in accordance
with which dec~;sions are made concerning the reliability of a facility.
83. E,QNHN4HbIN IlOKa38TBlib HBAE}HHOCTN. Unit Reliability Indicator. A reliability
indicator applying to one of the properties comprising facility reliability.
84. HOM~'Il1BKCHbIH noka3aTenb H~QHHOCTN. Comprehensive Reliability Indicator. A
reliability indicator applying to several properties comprising facility reliabil=
85. HOPMNP~/EMbIN noka3aTenb H8A8~HHOCTN.:~ Standardized Reliability Indicator. A
reliability indicator, the value of which is established by the technical standards
setting documentation.
86. Hapa6oTHa. Nonfailure Operation. The duration or volume of operation of a
_ facility.
87. BpeM~ eoccraHOSneHH~. Restoration Time. The period of time from the mament
, of a reduction in th e level of operability or the relative functional level until
the moment of restorat ion of the requisite operabilitq level or relative functional
88. TEXHN4BCHNN pecypc. Pecypc. Technical Service Li�e. Service Lif e. The
nonfailure operating time fram the start of operation of a facility or its renewal
following preventive maintenance until the onset of the ultimate state of this
89. CpoH cny~+~6~. Useful Operating Life. The calendar duration of operation of
a facility from its beginning of its renewal following preventive maintenance
until the onset of the ultimate state of this facility.
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90. Yu~ep6 oT H8H~0HHOCTN. Losses Due to Nonreliability. National econamic losses
caused by the lack of reliability of a power facility, as well as the ecological
disturbances related to it.
2. Unit Indicators
' ~ Nonfailure Operation Indicators
91. Bepo~'rHOCTe 6830TIi83HOCTN pa6or~. Probability of Nonfailure Operation. The
probability that a failure wi11 not occur within the limits of the specified non-
failure operating time.
92. {'IHTEHCNBNOCTb oTHaaoe. Failure Rate. The limit of the ratio of the conditio~-
al probability of facility failure in a time intenial or nonfailure operating time -
immediatelq after the given point in time with the condition that there was no
failure of the facility prior to this point in time to the duration of this inter-
val, as it tends to become infinitely small.
93. flapaMerp noroKa oTKa3oe. Failure Flow Parameter. The limit of the ration of
the facility failure probability in a time interval or nonfailure operating time
~ immediately after the given point in time, to the duration of this interval, as
' it tends to become infinitely small.
' 94. CP@,~HNN IIaPaMETP nOTOHB oTHaaos. Average Failuxs Flow Parameter. The ratio
of the mean value of the numb er of facility failures ~ver a specified time interval
or the nonfailure operating time to the length of this time intenial.
95. Cpe,qH~~ Hapa~oTKa ,qo oTKa3a. Mean Time Before Failure. The mean value of the
; nonfailure operating time of a facility until the first failure.
96. Hapa6orKa Ha oTtta3. Time Between Failures. The ratio of the operating time
of a restorable facility to the mean value of its ntmmber of failures during this
operating time.
Note for Terms 91-96: The terms are also applicable to concepts characterizing both
operationa.l failures and functional failures of a facility.
Operating Life Indicators
9~. ~'c3MM8-f1P01..~8HTHbIN pecypc. Gamma Percentage Service Life. The nonfailure opera-
ting time, during which there is a specified percentage probability that the faci-
lity will not achieve the ultimate state.
98. CpeRHHH pecypc. Average Service Life. The mathematical mean value of the ,
service 1ife.
99. Ha3Ha'iEHHbIN pecypc. Designated Service Life. The accumulated operating time,
which when reached, the operation of a facility should be terminated, regardless
of its status.
100. Cpe~HHH cpoH cny~+c66i. Mean Operational Life. Mathematical mean value of the
operational life.
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Repair Suitability Indicators
10~. BBPOATHOCTb BOCCTaH08118HNA. Restoration Probability. The probability that
the time for facility restoration will not exceed the specified value.
102. I~IHT@HCNBHOCTb BOCCTaHOB118HNA. Restoration Rate. The limit of the ratio o~
the c~nditional probability of facility re~toration in the interval of time immed-
iately following the given point in time with the condition that prior to this
point in time there had as yet been no restoration, to~the duration of this time
interval as it tends to become infinitely small.
103. Cpe,qHee epeM~ eoccTaHOeneHH~. Mean Restoration Time. The mathematical mean ;
value of the restoration time of a facility. ,
Note: Terms applicable to the duration of a state in whi~h a fa�ility is found
can be construcfi ed in a similar fashion, for example, the mean emergency rapair
time. ~
Operational Controllability Indicators
104. I-S03~~NL~NBHT f1POTN80aB8PNNHON ynpaenAerioc-rH. The Counter-emergency Controlla- ;
bility Coefficient. The ratio of the mean value of the difference between the
number of effective actuations of the control sqstem in the case of emergency modes,
and the number of its superfluous and false actuations, to the mean value of the ,
number of its actuation demands over a specified time. . !
105. Cpe,qHee epeM~ noKanHaauHH oTKasa ~yHHL.~NOHNPOBaHNfI. Mean Time for Functional
Failure Containment. The mathematical mean value of the period of time from the
moment of functional failure to the moment of locali2ation of a facility functional ;
3. Comprehensive Indicators
Nonfailure Operation, Longevity and Repair Suitability Indicators
106. BL'POfiTHOCTb pa~OTOC~"IOC06HOI'O COCTOfIHNfi. Operable Status Probahility. The
probability that a facility will be in an operable state at an arb itrary point in
time. ~
Note: Terms for the probability characteristic and other kinds of states can be '
constructed~in a similar fashion, for example, emergency repair status probability.
107. I-I03~~Nl.~NBHT rOTOBHOCTN. Readiness Coefficient. The probability that a
facility will prove to be operable at an arbitrarq point in time, when it is r~-
quired that it be used for its function.
108. f-{03(~~NI.~N6HT T8XHN46CK0[~O NCn0116308aHNA. Technical Utilization Coetficient.
` The ratio of the mean value of the time that a facility is in the working state
over a certain operational period to the length of this period.
, ,
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400040026-5
109, I~O~~~NL~NBHT df18PaTNBHON rOTOBHOCTN. Operational Readiness Coefficient. The
probability that a facility, in a standby mode, will prove to b e operable at any
point in time, and starting with this point in time, will operate without failing
for a specified time interval.
110. Cpe,qHHH He,qooTnycK npo,qyKyHH. Average Output Product Shortfall. The mean
value of the quantity of output product by which consumers were deficient over a
specified period of time.
111. Fioa~~HuHeHT o6ecneyeHHOCTH npo,qyFCuHeH. Output Product Delivery Coefficient.
The ratio of the mean value of t:he amoufit._of product delivered to consumers over
a specified period of time, to the amount of it~required over this same time
112. I-S09~~NL~NEHT NCIlOl163088HNA MOU~HOCTN. H03~~NU,N2HT NCI'1011630Br3HNfl f1PON3BO,i~N.T8116-
HOCTN. Capacity Utilization Coefficient. Productivity Utilization Coefficient.
The ratio of the mean value of the working capacity (productivity) of a facility
to its installed capacity (productiv~ty) over a specified period of time.
Indicators Expressed in Terms of Cost
113. Cpe,qHHH ytt~ep6 Ha O,QNH OTK83. Average Losses per Failure. The mean value of
the losses incurred per failure of a power facility.
114. Y,qenb~bn~ yw,ep6. Specific Losses. The loss, referenced to a unit of output
product shortfall or to a unit of limited capacity (productivity), or to a unit
of time.
COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, upravleniya
i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (VNIIOENG), 1981.
CSO: 1822/185 END
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040026-5