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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060009-2
JPRS L/ 10032
6 October 1981
- World~vide Re ort
(FOUO 46/81)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060009-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060009-2
JPRS puolications contain information primarily from foreign
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are rranslated; those from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, with the original and
other characteristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by ~PRS. Processing indicators such as [Text]
or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or fol'lowii.g tre
last line of a, ir.dicate how the original information was
processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
matior. was summarized or ex*_racted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentneses. Words or names prece3ed by a ques-
tion mark and enclose~' in parentheses were net clear in the
_ original but have been supplied as appropri:~te in context.
- Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body or an
item ~riginate with the source. Times within items are as
given by source.
TEie contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060009-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064009-2
JPRS L/10032
6 October 1981
(FOUO 46/81)
Marihuana Crop 1
Heroin Smuggling Conviction 1
Narcotics Chief: Go After Drug Traffic Funds, Assets
_ (SOUTH CEiINA MORNING P~06T, 15 Aug 81) . . e . . . . . 2
Customs Department Modernization Aids Narcotics Fight
(SOU'LH (~lINA MORNING POST, 17 Aug 81) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Female Custo~ Officer Has Top Drug Detection Rate
(SOUTH QiINA MORNING POST, i7 Aug 81)........> 4
Article Describes Life at Drug Rehabilitation Center
' (Tavier Lau, Lau Wai-Kong; SOU~i QiINA MORNING POST, 7 Sep 81) 5
Heroin Base Seized From Onduty Detective at Airport
(SOUTH Q-IINA MORNING POST, 29, 30 Aug 81) 7
First Such Arrest, by Walter QZetmg
Detective Charged
Editorial Comment
Detectives Make Record Haul of High-Grade Heroin Base
- (SOtI'n-I ~iINA MORNING POST, 26, 27 Aug 81) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Sei~.ure Total 25 Kg, by Frank Choi
Company Owner Charged
- a - [III - WW ~ 138 FOUOJ
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Amsterdam-Bound Woman Arrestea, Heroin Found in Baggage
(SOT;i1~ Q~II~?A MORNING POST, 27, 28 Aug 81) 13
Seizure at Airport
Customs Staff Boosted, 1~y Roy Edmonds
- Sh ip Owne rs , Qla r.te re rs To Face Tough New Drug Laws
(Halima Guterres; SOUTH (~IIINA NiORNING P06T, 3 Sep 81).......... 14
_ Briefs
Drug Syndicate Smashed 16
Thai Merchant Jailed 16
Minister Reports Opium Stocks Acrumulating
(~iE HINDU, 5 Sep 81) 17
- Rajya Sabha 17iscusses Steps To End Drug Smuggling
(THE TIMES OF INDIA, 8 Sep 81) 18
Calcu*_~a Marihuana Haul 19
Opium Seizure Near Amritsar 19
Indonesia Used as Transit Area by Drug Syndicate Members
_ (SINAR HARAPAN, 5 Jul 81) 20
_ Briefs
Narcotics Trafficking Centers in Jakarta 22
Fears of Large-Scale Henain Not Realized
(NEW ZEALAND HERALD, 31 Aug, 1 Sep 81} ........................0 23
- Seizure Total Increases
Other Drug Abuse Rises
Finance Minister Affirms Government~s Policy on Drugs
~ ~ (Editorial; THE PAKISTAN TIMES, 11 Sep 81) . . . 25
Quetta Heroin Seizure 26
Pakistan-Iran Bordei Eeruin 26
Heroin Extraction Plant Discovered 26
Charas, OpiuTn Seized 26
- b -
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International Ring of Cocaine Traffickers Arrested in Rio
(0 GLOBO, 29 Aug 81) 27
Bolivia-Netherlands Drug Route
Pe tails of Drug Operati.on
Arrests of Drug Traffickers Detailed
(0 GLUBO, various dates) 30
Arrest of Trafficker-Rapists
Arrest of Government Official
Arrest of Spaniards, Uruguayan
Drugs Burned in Caju 3~
Problems With Drug Incineration 32
Traffickers, False Cops Arrested
(EL TIEMPO, 26 Aug 81) 33
Traffickers' Arsenal Seized
(EL TIEMPO, 9 Aug 81) 36
Drug Raids Described 37
Former Judge S~ntenced 3~
Cocaine Seizure Described 3~
Trafficker Ordered ltaenty Murders
(Rafael Medina, Victor Payan; EXCEISIOR, 27 Aug 81)............ 38
Drug Raids in Five States Reported
(EXCEISIOR, 20 Fug 81) 40
- Briefs
Ecuadorean Women Arrested With Cocaine 41
Drugs Seized in Mexicali, Colima 41
Cocaine Seized in Chetumal 42
Opium, Other Drugs Seized 42
Cocaine Trafficker Seized at Airport 42
- SSA Incinerates Assorted Drugs 42
- c -
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' ERRATUM: In JPRS L/10011 of 25 September 1981, No FOUO 44/81 of
~ this series, please make the following corrections in the article
entitled "Cocaine, Heroin, Marihuana Smuggling Activities" on
page 26: ~
_ In the subslug and paragraph three, "Seaview" should read
In paragraph two, "tens of thousands of gilders" should read "tens
of millions of gilders."
- Briefs
Drug Burning Operation 43
Marihuana Pl~ntations Discovered 43
Anti-Drug Operations 43
Drug Ring DESerter 4?
Coca Ylanting Eradication Plan 43
, Dr~:g Seizure ~4
' Briefs
Opium Seized 45
Smuggling Operation Halted 46
Smuggler Sentnnced 46
Drug Arrests 46
Sabzevar Opium Haul 46
FARS Heroin Haul 46
- Opium Seizure 46
Narcotics Seizure 47
Drug Seizure 4~
- d -
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b'Ux c~F~F'i~'t.~t. t ;r u~t.l
Opium Seized 48
Narcotics Police Discuss Illegal Drugs Factories
Medical Authority To Tighten Prescription Cantrols
(UUSI SUOMI, 20 Aug 81) 51
Justice Mtnister Pledges Increased Funds To Stop Drugs ,
(Thorleif Andreassen; AFTENPOSTEN, 27 Aug 81) 52
Authorities Step Up Drive Against Drug Violators
(Jan-Ivar Askelin; SVENSK.A DAGBLADET, 13 Aug 81) 53
Hashish Spreading in Society 56
Ztao Swedes y Greek Handed Sentences in Narcotics Case
(Henrik Ekman; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 8 Aug 81~7 57
Police Break Up Gang Which Sold Hashish to Youth
(DAGENS NYHETER, 28 Aug 81) 58
Norrkoping Customs Seizes Record Amount of Cannabis
(Sture Ryman; DAGENS NYHETBR, 28 Aug 81) 59
Police Find Additional Drugs on Pakistani Ship in Port
(Sune Olofson; SVENSKA DAGBI~ADET, 29 Aug 81)...0 60
~ Restaurant Owner Accused of Smuggling Heroin
(C].aes von Hofsten; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 29 Aug 8I.) 62
Club Owner Charged in Heroin-Smuggiing Case
(Claes von Hofsten; SVENSKA DA(~ LADET, 1 Sep 81)....~,.......... 63
Pakistani Drug-Smuggling Ship Freed 64
Scandinavians Cooperate in Drug Fight 64
- e -
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MARIHUANA CROP-~The police yesterday released details of the discovery of a
marihuana crop at ~danneroo with a potential street value of $2 million. A CIB
spokesman eaid that the 23,000 seedlings were found in virgin bush north--west
~ of the Wanneroo lion park. two months ago. The disco~~ery was kept secret till
yesterday because drug--squad officers had hoped to clear up the matter quickly.
But their inquiries had met with no success. The CIB spokesm-~n said that 11
plots of plants had been found on private property. The ~lots were arranged in
- a rectangular shape. They were surrounded by overhanging trees~ which prevented
aerial detection. The potential.crop also was surrounded by steel posts and wire
mesh to protect it from grazing stock. No other details were available last
night. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 12 Aug 81 p 1]
~ HEROIN SMUGGLING CONVICTION--A mother of two young children who concealed 23
packages of heroin internally and tried i:~ bring them into WA was cnnvicted in
the Supreme Court yesterday~ Dianne Mar~orie Jeffries (26) was said tc, have
, bought the heroin in Penang~ Malaysia~ and packed into condoms which she swal-
Towed befor~ boarding an ~ircraft for Perth. Mrs Jeffries, of Kew Street,
Kewdale~ pleaded guilty to importing and possessing 26.5 grams of heroin on
February 7 at Perth Airport. She was remanded for a pre-sentence report.
[Excerpt] jPerth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 18 Aug 81 p 17]
CSO: 5300/7585
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Hong Kong SOUTH CHIVA MORNING POST in English 15 Aug 81 p 10
[Text ] Hongkong has been "it is estimated :hat be� tem of international co-opera-
more successful in dealing cween 1967 and 1974, ~Ig cior~ and exchange of infor-
with dangerous drugs than ~mPorted and sold atr~ut 36 mation and a much less cum-
anywhete else in the tonnes of upium and about bersome and legally-tortuous
world. the Commissioner ~WO tonnes of morphine:' he means of stripping convicted
said. major drug trafficktrs - and
; for Narcotics, Mr Peter char relatives - of cheir ill-
' Lee, said yesterday. ~'hen arrested he had gotton gains, than we have at
But he admitted that there considerable gambling con- present.
are still about 40,000 drug nections and interests in a �'For t6e exorbitant Profits
addicts here. number uf' legitimate busi- derived from drugs are ~ust as
nesses such as restaurants important targets for law en-
He estimated that up to and land investment, through forcement agencia as are the
5450 million is spent on the which Mr Lee said he p~ob- trafCckers and thz drugs
streets by local addicts each ably laundered some of the themselves," ;~ir Lee said.
year. mouey from illegal activities.
"This is a straight transfer He said they had no infor-
of funds from the least weil- mation as to the source of
educated and the most under- some of the inflows of funds
privileged members of our into Hongkong, nor their
commumty to the criminals eventual destination, either in
who manage the import and local investment or elsewhere.
distribution of dangerous "It must be clcar that the
drugs," he told the Peninsular next line of attack on this
Lions last night. international conspiracy must
He said there is little legis- be to go a~fter the mone ~ and
lative backing for detailed chc assets of those who ~irect,
investigation into the uses to finance and manage ;t;' said
which the illegal money is put Mr Lee. �
and said the only way they He said he was glad that
could deduce the uses was by the United Nations Commis-
looking at past criminal cases sion on tiarcotic Drugs, the
involving ma~or traffickers. international policy-making
He quoted the case of Ng ~y, had held a meeting to
Sik-ho, who is now serving 30 discuss narcotics cash flows
years after being conv~cted oi and the acquisition of assets
major drug oFfenca in 1975, by international trafPickers.
as an example.
- , Ng is thought to have "If we are to do anything
entered the narcot~cs trade in etfective in this field, it is
the late 1950s, said ~ir Lee, clear thac there must be a
as a street pusher. much more sophisticated sys-
CSO: 5320/9089
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Hong Kong SOUTA CHINA MORNING POST in English 17 Aug ~1 p 19
[Exeerpts] The modernisation of the ~Four years he has been with
Customs and Excise Depart- the department is in the Cus-
ment is nearing completion. toms Investigatiorr Bureau
The Commissioner of Cus- and the Intelligence Unit,
toms and Controls, Mr poug- which have h~d extremety fa-
. las Jordan, who was broup' vourable ruults in patrolling
- in from Britain four years b;, ~ air and sea routes into Hong-
to modernise the department, kong and seizing drugs and
said he was very satisf ed other contraband.
4 with the resulu achieved over "i must attribute the re-
the period. sults to the ofFcers of the
Mr Jordan said one of the CIB who have sometimes had
remaining items on his agen- to work continuously, night
da is to integrate the trade and day;' he said.
sxtion off the massive Trade Mt Jordan said plans are
Industry and Customs De- in hand for inereas?ng the
partment wi~h his own cus- department's sea patrols.
tocns section. In the very near future the
He hopes.that this can be fleet would be split up into
accomplished before his term sectors with the main base at
of office expires at the end of Tai Lam Chun~.
1983. "I think it is� very impor-
"The reason for the inte- tant that we keep the sea
gration is rather simple;' he routes covered so as to ensure
said. that nothing will be able to
"The two sections come slip through our Pingers."
under the same department, Plans to provide better
and although their tasks dif- accommodation and benefits
fer, they havt the same goal. for department w~orkers are
"That is to maintain gradually being realised.
Hongkong's good name With only six expatriates
abroad, whether ~t is in re- remaining in the whole of the
spect of trade, quotas or the Trade lndustry and Customs
smuggling of drugs" he said. Department there will be a
Mr Jordan said one of the day when the department will
biggest improvements in the be operated by an cntirely
CSO: 5320/9089
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060009-2
Hong Kong SOIITH CHINA MORNI~G POST in English 17 Aug 81 p 19
[Text] A woman customs ufficer When she emptied ~he
has twice been commended cream there ~~as a false bot-
by the Commissioner of Cus- tam containing thr heroin
toms for having the highest base.
single detection rate of drugs ~1iss Li also recalled her
smuggled through Kai Tak first big break two years ago
airport. when she had to search a man
Chief customs officer Li who was in a wheelchair .
Suk�han, who joined the Cus- '�He was abuu~ %0 and had
, toms Service 13 years ago, with him fi~�e small stools ~
detected morc drugs at the which he said werc a gift to
airport than any of her male hi's friends in Hongkong.
counterparts during her }~ears ��,~gain. W hy would any-
of service with the depart- one want to bring in stouls as
ment. gifts, especially when thc man
Miss Li's latest find at the had difficulty in moving and
airport last month was a con- was contined tp a w heel-
signment of ~l0 3 heroin base chair," shc said.
i which was conccaled in 36
haircream jars brought to "When I poked a pencil
i Hongkong by a man from through the legs uf ihe ~wuls
I Thailand. I found that all were stuffed
She told the SCM Post with plastic ba3s containing
~ that her high record of detec- heroin basc." `liss Li said.
, tion was mainly achieved '~tiss Li's rccord of dctcc-
through common ~ense. tion has a~rned her t�u com-
Miss Li re.alled that her mendation~ from the Cum-
~ find last munth w�as no sur- missioncr and she u pruud uf
prise, because "whu would them.
want to bring jars ui hair� \tiss Li, �ho is married
crcam to liongkong when and has a son and t~vin girls,
;here are so many cheaper enjovs her job in the Custums
brands available here." Department.
She said when she p~~ked a "I think t made thz right ,
pencil into the side uf one of chuice �hen I juined 13 }ears
the jars cuntaining the hair� ago," she said.
cream it looked as though it
was genuine.
Th~n s h~ repeated t h e
movc thruugh the centre :~nd
realised that the pencil was
being diverted.
- CSO: 5320/9089
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060049-2
~{ong Kong SOUTH CHINA `fORNING POST in English 7 Sep 81 p 25
[Article by Tavier Lau and Lau Wai-Kong]
[Text] There is an id}�Ilic is- But some staff inembers "It cannot be disputed
land in Hon kon - a on the island have expressed that smoking is really fasci-
B B the fear that while the nating," he sa~d.
Shangrila uF sorts - centrds treatmznt seems to "!t soothes your senses,
where tne inhabitants all be effective, more and ~more makes you Feel good and for- ~
call each other brothtr. former inmates are returning get all the worries oF everyday ~
For ?hem ~he pressures ot for treatment. life; ~
life are almost nil. They work One addict hulds the 'Back into the old filthy ,
or study pretty much as they undistinguished record of environment he was in before,
_ , want, are pru~�id~d w~ith three being admitted 11 times, and an ex�addict with a weak will
good meals a day and they go quite a number oC the inmates is likely to resort to heroin
swimming or hiking as tne now on the island have been again when he Feels frustrat-
mood moves them. in the centre about three or ed and depressed.
They can �ear whatever four times. "Sometimes, ,the~ may
they wish and most opt for "Those who come to the also smoke again ou~ oF a
only a pair of shorts and san� island now just don'[ hava the rebellious motive because
dals. wiU power to rid themselves the}� find that few believe
Their sun-tanned bodies of the habit," said a long-time them even if they are behav-
glow with good health. staff inember who is himself a ing themselves."
And it is all free. former addict. The problem is must seri-
The price of admission is He recalled that when he ous with young addicts who
drue addiction. came to Shek Kwu Chau have no strong family ties.
This Shangrila is Shek more than l0 years agu it was ~ "1 had my Famii y� to con-
Kwu Chau Rchabilitation with the utmost determina- sider when 1 decided tu cease
Cen~re for male drug abusers eion to give up the habit be� smoking," said another staff
run by the Society for the Aid cause it was the rule thcn that member who is an ex�addict
and Rchabilitation of Drug one was admitted for reha- and who has worked o~ the
Abusers. bilitation only once in his life� island for more than I S years.
- Since it was set up in time. "I knew that my family
] 963, the centre nas helped This rule has been abolish- would suffer and my sons and ,
chousands of addi~ts. ed and since then he has seen daughters would live a miser-
_ Ltany social workers and the same faces again and able life if 1 had continued
medical practitioners from a!I again. smokin�.
over the world have beer~ The addicts now don't "But now the young ad-
drawn to it b~~ its fame. seem to strive very hard to dicts are diiferenc.
The addicts are given keep away from drugs after "They hang around places
~�ocational training after they are discharged for they w�here no one is expected to
detoxification and are recom- know they ca n always go lead a normal life.
mended to stay on the island back to Shek Kwu Chau or "Some of them take her-
where chcy can fully recuver, other treatment centres which oin for sexual reasons even
ph}�sically by working and are open to them," said the though they know well that as
exercising and mentally with staff mcmber. time goes by they will luse
the help ot counsellurs who However, he admitted that interest in all oF it."
- are mosNy former addicts. it is not easy for an addict to L'ndoubtedly, S A R D A
turn a new leaf. has done virwally everything
it can to help the addicts.
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~ The Alumni Associatiun "But l just can't help when I am well f am prone to
~~f SARDA provides tempu- smoking again when 1 fcel become addicted again if I go
r,~rv lodging, ihort-terr: I.~ans depressed. to her workplace," he said.
und employmant senices for "Somatimes my family Asked whether they will
"sraduates" so that the~ can does not believe me even take heroin again when they
adjust to normal life more though [ am behaving mysPlf are discharged after their
~~s~'-` and so I puff again." present terms oF treatment,
~Vhile the results have Another young inmate, the three could not give s
been auite encouraging com- whuse family owns a tissuP deCinite answer.
pared with world seandards, facsory, also could not give a "Of course 1 don't like to
man}� of those treated have g~d reason why he became take it again after going
become addicted to drugs addicted again after being in through the treatment, but I
again and have returned tu and out of Shek Kwu Chau
Shek Kwu Chau. really cannot sav for sure,"
Of the 1.71~1 cases clused severaltimes. oneofthemsaid.~
' yty family tried to per- And, if some da the be-
during t he year endzd in suade me to stop smoking and y y
~larcn last year, about ~U per came addicted again, will
they have avo~ded exerting the ush dru s amon their
cent of the ex�addicts were Y P B B
pressure on me," he said. former addicted friends?
;ound to be drug frea - two ��1 would be put in charge
vears aftzr the~ werc dis- of the whole factory if I did "I would not encourage a
char;ed. ~ not puff again. friend to puff again; but if he
Sume counsellurs ac.mitted "In fact when 1 am not in says he ;eels bad and wants to ~
that they somc~imes ieel de- Shek Kwu Chau I help out in have soma to release hi~ frus-
?ressed when they sec former the factory most of thc time." trations. I cannot refuse be-
inmates returning to thc is- Both inmates said they cause of the friendship be-
13nd. could not help taking drugs eween us," said another.
wouldn't be surprised if because they could not sepa-
sume of :he ~ddicts regard rate themselves from drug-
- the island as some kind of inducive emironments where
;esort whero they seek refuge they have many friends
because of tough conditions '�It is hard to detach your-
uutside," said one statf mCm- selves from places you have
ber. been hanging around for a
"One can surely have a lot long time,' said another in-
more job satisfaction in doing mate who has been addicted
uther jobs. since he was 14.
"I stay on because I was "I have tried to move to a
~ an addict before and 1 know it new en~~ronment to start a
is not easy to stop smoking." new ;;:e but after one year I
Are the addicts really in- went back to my old friends...
curable? "It is eas~~ to say one can
"I know well that smoking find new friends in a new
is no good and 1 want to lead place, but it is not so."~
a normal liFe, have a wife and But what about moving to
a Family," said a 26-yaar�old a new place with one's spouse
i~mate ��ho has been admit- trom whom one can get con-
ted to Shek K�~u Chau three stant encouragement.
times. The inmate admitted that
''1 have tried to;et rid of his girlfriend works in a
che habi[ seven or eight t;mes dance hall.
bv myself by going back to "1 feel ashamed to visit
China where 1 cannot get he; if I am still addic~ed and
CSO: 5320/9091
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First Such Arrest
Hong Kong SOUTH CHI~IA i�IORNING POST in English 29 Aug 81 p 1
_ j~rticle by Walter Cheung]
[ Text] CllSi0IT1S O~~CeCS Following his arrest, invcs� che abdomen and anothe: to
tigators seized a note buok' the left leg.
yesterday seized two bclonging to the of(icer in his Follow-up;nquiries reveal-
bBP~s of heroin base locker a.t the airport. ed that thc man was an on-
f ro m a deteetive Sources said custums offi� duty detective constable who
cials were still studying t!~e had bzen stationed at Kai
constable on duty at addresses in the note buok ~o Tak for mure ;han one year.
Kai Tak air Oit. see if'the ptople mentionrd in The officer did r.ot have
~ it were involved. his revolver which was later
The officer was inter- C l B officials were also found in his locker.
cepted with the drugs - ~e~iing passenger lists of CIB officers last night
wOfth $900,000 Un the ~ighcs arriving near the time raided two premiscs - one m
of the seizure. Kun Tong and another in
retail market if convert- The detective constable's Boundary Street - but no
ed to No 3 heroin - as arrest came after fuur months further arrests were made.
he was leaving a t0ilet in of investigation into a local The suspect (29) is expec:-
- the air o~t'S ~est1'1Cted intelligence report that air- ed to appear at San Po I~ong
p port staff who had access tu Court today on a charge of
area. ssessing dangeroui drugs
the restricced area were in- ~r unlawful traffickin
It was the tirst ume a volved in drug trafficking. g~
police officer had becn arrest- The re~rl said airport Cf B officials said they
ed in connection with drug stafi �.~ith permission to enter Would intensify th fit vigi-
trafficking at Kai Tak, a reli- and leavc the restricted area lance in the wake o. ~he ex-
able source said: carried drugs for passengers. pected bumper crop of' vr~ium
U to earl this murnin , in Suutheast Asia's Galden
P Y 6 At Iirst investigators sus- Trian le.
invest~gators under the com- pected cleaners ?nd airline g
ma~d of the Senior Superin- staff who also have access tu Thry anticipate drug
tcndent of the Customs Inves- the restricted areas. traffickers will try to organise
tigation Bureau, ~ir K. S. They finally narrowed more sophisticated and
Tong, were still trving tu possible suspects to police better-organised methods to
trace the suurce of the heroin. ofticers and sespected that smugglc in the drugs, one
!t was believed that the drug traFfickers used the toi� official source said.
detective constable had help- let to transf'er drugs. He said the quantity oF
ed an arriving passenger l~'esterda~~,ClBufficerson drugs seized at the airport
transferdrugsinsidethetoil~t the lookout within the re- had increased by nearly 100
before the passenger went to st,-icted area noticcd ~ man ptr cent this year over that of
the customs counter for in- walkin� in and out ~~i !he the corresponding pericd last
spection. toilei hehind the cusiam~ year.
Customs of.' cials suspect c~~rter xt the arr~al curri~~r BeFore today's seizure the
that Hongkoi~g's high detcc- sever~! time. in ab~~ut 10 last one was made alsu at the
tion rate and tight watch at m:nu:es. airport on Wednesday when
the airport had forced drug Thew rotercepted the man 2.5 kg of ~l0 3 heroin was
traffickers to hire the consta- and found two bags of drugs found in the possession of a
- ble. on his persun - une tied to 26-year-old woman.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060009-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060009-2
On Tuasday, N~rcotics � Polic~ h,~�ve arrested 14
E3urcau de~ectiv~s mldr ;h~ teenagers and >~;zr,d two tuy
biggest single seizure h~Rh- ~ guns as well ~s ~l0 3 heroin
grade heroin oasc ever made worth abo~t SS0,000 in a raid
- ~n Hongkong wi~h ihe discov- in Central.
ery of 25 kg of the drug ~nside
a car boot in ~orth Point.
Detective Charoed
Hong Kong SOUTH CHI:IA 2~IORNING POST in English 30 Aug 81 p 9
[ T ex t] A detecHre coostable Rr_ On the applicahon of the
rested by c~coms o(rcers et prosecation, the magistrate
tbe Kai Tak airpo~t on Friday remanded Cheng in custody
in conneciion with t6e seizure until September S for further
of a quanHty of beroio, e~ enquiries.
peared in San po Kong court Senior inspector of Cus-
yesterdsy, charged "'~th Pos- toms, Mr H. Leung, appearing
yession ot dangerous dNg9 for for the prosecudun. opposed
~?~e purpose of unlawful tra{_ Cheng's application for bail
- ticlcin8� saying t6is was a very s~rious
No plea weS tpken from offence iorolring 1.8 kg o(
Cheng Ting-chi (29). "'ben he 6eroin with a retai] value of
appeared be(ore t b e~n a g i s- 5900,000.
tr~te, h1. R. G. EdNard9.
Editorial Comment
Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA ;IORNING POST in English 29 Aug 81 p 2
jEditorial: "War on Drugs IS Far From Over"]
Huge hauls of dangerous drugs during the past few co-operation of the authorities on the other side of the
~ months ha~e made it very clear tha<