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APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9813 25 June 1981 Worldwide Re ort ~ NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CF~UO 28/81) FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORIVIATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400020052-8 ~ NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the ~riginal phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material encloseci in brackets . are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [Excerpr] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original' information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or aames preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appr.opriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEYEIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O~TLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020052-8 F(DR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9813 25 June 1981 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 28/81) CONTENTS ASIA MAI,AYSIA Five Major Ilrug Syndicates Uncovered (NEW SUNDAY T1MES, 26 Apr 81) 1 Eighty Percent of Narcotics Used in Country Is Imported (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 20 Apr 81) 2 Rehabilitation, Chaxacteristics of 1?rug Addicts ~ (N~T STRAITS TIMES, 20 Apr 81) 3 Brief s Life Sentence ~ Heroin Fossession ~ Opium Seized ~ - PAKISTAN Bri ef s Qpium, Hashish Seized 5 EAST EUROPE i YUGOSZAVIA Bri ~'s ~ Drugs at Yugoslav Borders i 6 - a - [:II - WW - 138 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 FOR OFFILIAL USE ONLY I~ATIN AMERICA BAHAMAS Briefs Maxihuana Haul Statistics 7 BERMUDA Brief s Cocaine Import Sentence $ JA.~IAI CA Bri ef s Probe of Coptics 9 MEXICO PRG, Army Destroy Hidalgo Poppy Plantations (Jose Luis Martinez Vazquez; EI, SOI, DE MEXICO, 21 Ma~ 81) . 10 Briefs Peasants Killed by Traffickers 1? I~1I CARAGUA Brief s Drug Traffic to U.S. 13 PERU Civil Guards Seize 11L~ Kgs of Cocaine Base (EXPRESSO, 28 May 81) 1l.~ Briefs Narcotics L�boratories Discovered 15 Cuban Refugee Involved in Drugs 15 Rival I1rug Traffickers 15 NEAR E~T AND NORTH AFRICA Ai~GtIAN1STAN Bri ef s Alarcotics Seized 16 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440020052-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IRAN - Briefs Seizure of Opium 17 Drug Executions 17 I?rug Arrest 17 Opium Seizure 17 SUB-~AHARAN AFRICA NIGERIA , Trader Fined for Possessing Poisonous Drugs (NEtiJ NIGERIAN, 19 May 81) 18 Professor Urges Tighter Controls f~r Drugs (NEW NIGERIAN, 28 Apr 81) 19 Bri ef s Drug Abuse Measures 20 - Cash, Arms, Hemp Recovered 2p SWAZILAND Chief Justice Calls for Uniformity in Drug Sentencing (THE TIMES OF SWAZ2LAND, 1t Jun 81) 21 WEST EUROPE NETHERLANDS Official on Drug Problems in Rotterdam (J. A. Blaauw Interview; HET VRIJE VOLK, 12 May 81) 22 SWEDEN Police Break Up Gang Which S~nuggled Heroin From Netherlands, (Leii' Dahlin; DAGENS NYHETER, 27 May 81) ?1t Drug Smugglers Dump Cargo Off Gothenb~~rg for Zater Pickup (Leif Dahlin; DAGENS NYHETER, 22 May 81) 26 Narcotics Official Warns of Increasing Hashish Use (Katrin Hallman; SVENSKA DAGBLA.DET, 17 May 81) 28 Briefs Swedish-Greek Heroin Gang 30 _ -c- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444444424452-8 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TURKEY Narcotics 51nug~ling Operation Broken Up (CUN~iURIYET, 24 Apr 81) 31 Brief s Bolvadin Alkaloid Factory 32 - - d - FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444444424452-8 MALAY S IA FIVE y1~,.TOR DRUG SYNDICATES UNCOVERED Kuala Lumpur NEW SWiDAY TIMES in Englis?~ 26 Apr 81 p 1 (Text] PENqNG, Sst. - given prforit to the Prevent the ftt5~v of d8dah Mala aian ~e Y from hls car. elimination of the a ndi� into the reepective coun- the ~}~g~ ~ol1Ce tind cates. y trles," the communique ~g;g fish~ arcotics The meetin~, which added. Control Board have Mennwhtle, 900N uncovered at leg,yt five held at Hotel Merlln, gOON P1i1N re orta N~'cotica officers be- mnjor dadah traPfick- Waa a tollow�up to the one p I leved that aome em- held In Phuket last De- from Johore Baru that ployera purpoeely get ing syndicates operat- cember, many operators of illegal their girla hooked" on ing between Thailtind It w~ almed nt dia- massage parlours and dndah to control them. and MalaysIa, cuaeing dadah traf[ick- brothela are reaorting to "Onee the This was dlacioaed in a the uee of dadah to "con� Y get en- ing between the two coun-� uol" their girls to pre- tangled with parlour ope- jolnt communique lseued triea and "iliicit tralfick� rators they are hooked nfter a two�day meeting ing problems of acetlc. ~ent t6em from quitting., and almoat impoaelble to uf Malayaian po~jce of- Narcotica: qtflcers~ leave after beln ficials led by CID direc- anhydrlde and other came�to this conclusion B Blven tor Datuk Abdul Rahrnan aceteleating aubstances aftcr tlnding out that d~~y doses ot dadah," Iamail and Thallanct tor use In the procesaing more thaa 80 per cent ot7 said an ofllcer. Narcotica Control Board of opium tnto morphine the girla wero on dadah. Their boeaee uaually offlcials led by boxrd aec� And heroin." They were alao found tell them that the white retary-general Gen. Pow T h e c o m m u n! q u e either supporting thelr Powder would glve therM 3ara,yjn, sYated that it had been energy and make them declded that offfcersi of loved ones who were on more aexy to their cus- The statement said dadah or pushing [t to tumere, and theretore rirther investtgatlons ~th partie9 stntloned at thelr cuatomera. would be carrled out the border arete would ~urceesaldthedadah bigger tipa. beforeappropriateaction 'NOrk cloaely w;thln the� conneclton was dis� TheStateGovernment could be taken uccording framework of the lawa or covered ufter some of the 18 ~'gtching the aftuation. to the laws of each coun- ench country. ~ girle complnined that cloaely. try. The meeting la aware they were e;icouraged to Mentri Beaar Tan Sri The communique said that there is a bumper take "some w~hite powder HB~j Othman recently the syndlcates were un- crop of opium tn the which will make them Prompted to aay he covered '�di:rfng the ex� Golden Trtangle area more sexy" to iheir cua� auapected aome VIPa covcring Burmn, Thai- tomers. were involved in the traf- chnngc of lntelllgence" at land and I.uva whlch will. dcking o[ dadah because the talka, which ended to� no doubt lncresae the Narcotica oftlcera are of the huga eume of mon- dgy' flow of opium, morphlna ~'~'orried that thla prectice ey involved. Datuk Abdu! Rahman and heroin into Malayala might become wlde- Narcottea offlcers 9#~~ lhe tWU sldes hgd and other countriea. ~pr~~' have been unable to catch 'ome detall~ g Yesterday, pollce bout the seized more thnn;200,000 the "big' tiah." It la ~yndlcatea, lncludtng th~ ~O~Q$p~~~d worth ot heroin Prom n learnt that they arc peOP~~ 1nvolved. houae at Satu Pahat and tightening thelr neta and hnd alread COde names "Thia cnila for greater two dayd earlier, they de� ~t ls only a matter of time the s Y been g~~~n to combined eiforts o! both talned a nlghtclub man- they wlll tall into the yndicatea uncovered Q~orcement agencies to ager and aelzed about trap. and the two torcea had 585.000 worth of heroin cso: s3oo/s3ai 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400420052-8 ZiALAYS IA EIGHTY PERCENT OF NARCOTICS USED IN COUNTRY IS IMPORTED Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 20 Apr 81 p 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Anewering another [ Text ] Sun. - The drug prob- questlon, Encik Muetatfa lem in Malaysi$ is S~d the lucrativeneaa ot "imported", the secre� t h e d r u g t r a d e i n tary general of MB~ayaia wae only a Pamadam, Encik ghad�`N~ ita lucra- Mustaffa Ma said to- tiveness abroad. day Thls accounted tor the This ia because over 2~ Malayaiane who are 80 r cent of the da- serving ~entencea in tor- ~ elgn pHsona tor drug ut- dah uaed in the coun- fencea try - heroin - is,im- Encik Mustatfa eald ported, he said. the Malaysian pasaport Heroln, along with uaed to be a very "ueeful" opium and morphine, are document, allowtng - � !mp orted [rom the Malaysians to enter 'Golden Triangle' coun- many~countries without a triee ot Thalland, Laoe viae. and Burma and the 'Sil- The situation was now ver Creacent' countrles ot c h a n g e d, w i t h Atghanistan Turkey,Iran Maleyslana being ~ub- and Pakistan. j~~ to thorough and Encik ]suataffa Ma humlllattng body aearch said this when replying at the check polnta of tor- to questione on drug sup- ei countrles. ply !n Malayata whlch a Reaponding to a query partlcipant at an antl- trom the Iloor on whether drug abuse aeminar had the etteats of dru were ralsed. L~al trreveraibie, anotHer apeaker, Dr N. Ganeaan, The aeminar, with a eald a rehabilltated drug panel ot olght apeakera, ~dtct could never be the was organised by the Lio- sAme as he wae betore neas Club ot Kuala Lum- ~diction. , pur, and the L.lone Cluba D~g addiction. even ot Kuala Lumpur North up to three yeara, would and Shah Alam. impair a peraon's mental, Enclk Muataifa said phyalcat snd sexual there was no evldence ot ~apabillties to "some" ex- poppY plante gruwing in tent. Malaysia, mainly be- - The Kuala Lumpur cause the climate here la ~PO Daatuk Abdul not aultable. Kudus anewered a quea- However gania, also tton trom the tloor on ~he known ae cannabl~ and Poaelble reaeons why the marijuana~ was grown in Producers ot opium, the the countty, especfally in hill trlbea, were not ad- the south-weatern dp of dicta themaelvea. Johore in Pontian, artd Datuk Abdul Ku3ua aome !n Perak and M+ho had been to the Kelantan. Goldan Trlangle, and met - Moat ot the p~y- the trfbee, aafd the hill- chotroptc druge used tribea were addicta, but here, he added, were Im- they only uaed raw ported but there was opium. They did not r.on- evidence lndicating that aume the re[ined torma ot some of them were man- the drug, which are much / ufactured or reprocesaed I more potent, such as her- CSO: 5300 8341 ~~~~y. o~n. _ 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440020052-8 ' MALAYSIA REHABILITATION, CHARACTERISTICS OF DRUG ADDICTS Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 20 Apr 81 p 8 [Excerpt] , - K U A LA L.U M P U R j 12,o00'A~aicta regia- Sun. - About 82 penj tered with the Mtn- cent of drug addict9~ istry. About S,0o0 of ln the country haveq them had undergone some form of em- treatment at re- ployment, a seminarJ habilltation centres. on ~ci-a~,g abuse~ Opium smokers was told this morne ing. e Federal Tetritory police Rehabilltation Is there- chtet Datuk Abdul tore geared towards~ Kudua Alias said helping drug addict~ before 1870, drug ad� regaln cheir contidencei dicta were primaril and aelf-esteem, and~ elderly Chineae opium not aimed' direetly at � smokera. teaching them a trade] The pattern hea changed The actlvitlea In a rea since. Drug addiction habilltation centre~ is now a problem in- whlch atart about f1v9 volving youths ot all every morning, are tn.+ races and a wider tended to keep them~ range ot drugs are buay and help thertv being used. keep their mtnds oft Over 90 per cent o[ drug drug~, sald a Welfar~ dependenta are helow 3erviccs Mlnletry rep� the age oi 30 and heavy reaentalive, Mr Lealiei users are between 16 . and 2~. A drug addict, he addeds. Datuk Abdul Kudue eaid is someono who is aick. therewasevidenceof,a emotionally: He rejects dlrect correlation be- l~imeelf and cannot tween crime and drug l[ve without chemical addiction becauae of aubetancea te "prop", the high pricea of , hlm up. ; drugs. They shou!d not be identi: A hard core addict needa tled as crimtnals, he between ala and eight added. tubee ot heroln a day, The Mfniatry runs four one tube costing;30. rehabilitation centres To aupport thetr hablt, with tacfllttea tor over male addtcte are 30o people. in another drlven to commlt two yenra, two more crtme - pick�pocket- centrea will be ready. ing, bag-anatching, ex- Mr Lee sald that over the tortion - while temale paat Live yeare, about addicts go into proati- tutlon ~ CSO: 5300/8341 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 MALAYSIA BRIEFS LIFE SENTENCE--The Kangar High Court toda: sentenced a Thai national to life imprison- - ment and six strokes of the rattan for trafficking in narcotics. Yusoff bin Mohamed, 24, a rubber tapper from Satoon province in South Thailand was found guilty of traf- ficking in 1,105 grams of cannabis at the Padang Besar railway station. Bate of the oEfense was August 7, 1978. [Kuala Lumpur PIEW STRAITS TIMES in English 16 Apr 81 p 28] H~ROIN POSSESSION--An unemployed Singporean was sentenced to 15 months' jail by the magistrate's court today for possessing 27 tubes of heroin. Chian T.iang Seng, 27, ad- mitted committing the offence at a sawmill store at Lorong 5-C, Tampoi, at 10 pm on Dec. 16 last year. [Text) [Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 22 Apr 81 p 14] OPIUM SEIZED--A member of the special anti-smuggling unit seized a plastic package con- taining 8,500 gm ot opium at Je~awi, Perlis, during the weekend. The opium, worth mor.e than $17,000, was abandoned by two suspects who saw a unit member who had gone to tlie place following a tipoff. The suspects, one carrying the package, were on a motor- cycle when they stopped at Jejawi. They escaped into the nearby jungle after abandon- ing their machine and the package. [Text] [Kuala Lumpur vEW STRAITS TIMES in English 29 Apr 81 p 6J C50: 5300/8340 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440020052-8 PAKISTAN BRIEFS OPIUM, HASHISH SEIZED--The anti-burglary squad of the Civil Lines Police recovered over 60 kg of charas and opium and arrested one Nabi Shah Pathan during a raid at his godown in Kashmir colony yesterday. [GF131855 Karachi DAWN in English 12 Jun 81 p 18] CSO: 5300/4606 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 YUGOSLAVIA BRIEFS DRUGS AT YUGOSLAV BORDERS--Belgrade, 15 Jun (TANJUG)--The travela of drug smugglers this year also usually end at Yugoslavia's border crossings. Over the past five monthe, Yugoslav customa officials, with the full cooperation of interior affaira oxgans, discovered o~er 96 kg of hashish and over 75 kg of heruin among the baggage of so-called kouriats. According to some unofficial reports in 1978 Yugoslavia ranked fifth in Europe in the quantity of impounded heroin: one af the moat [word indis~inct] destructive drugs. The "catch" of heroin in 1980 indicates that one-third of the heroin impounded in Europe was the reault of the efforts of the Yugoslav customs authorities. Over 298 kg of heroin, 3.7 kg of raw opium, over 15 kg of marihuana and over one thousand kg of hashiah were discovered in 1980. As by rule, the druga are destined for buyers in Weatern Europe--Sweden, the Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland and some other countriea--while Yugoslavia is only a transit area. Over the past 10 years, 702 drug smugglers were discovered in Yugoslavia and 18.3 kg of raw opium, 36.8 kg of morphine base, 111.2 kg of heroin, 58.3 gk of marihuana and 11.8 thousand kg of hashish were found on them. [Textj [Belgrade TANJUG Domestic Service in Serbo-CroatiEn 0907 GMT 15 Jun 81] CSO: 5300/3009 . 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400020052-8 BAHAMAS BRIEFS MARIHUANA HAUL STATISTICS--With the largest seaborne drug bust in Bahamian history made over the weekend, over $130 million worth of marihuana--290 tons _ in al1--96 persons and 24 boats have been apprehended in Bahamian waters by members of the Bahamas def ense force in the past 2 months. Since 9 April to 9 June, nine separate arrested have been made by the Bahamas defense force in waters off New Providence, Andros, Acklins, Bimini and the Berry Islands with the lat~st arrest having been made on Sunday. [ExcerptJ [FL121500 Nassat~ THE TRIBUNE in English 9 Jun 81 n 1 FL] CSO: 5300/2366 I 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400020052-8 BERMUDA BRIEFS COCAINE IMPORT SENTENCE--A carpenter who imported cocaine in the heels of his boots was jailed for four years yesterday. And in passing sentence on 28-year- old Lee Foggo, Puisne Judge the Hon. Justice Melville made a lengthy statement on the evils of drugs. The jury had been told that the cocaine was valued at $46,000. It was calculated that Foggo brought in enough for 1,864 "doses" of 35 percent purity. Foggo claimed he did not know he was carrying the drug when arrested at the Airport on December 8 last year. The boots, he said, had been lent to him in Boston by a man called Chico. [Excerpts] [Hamilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE in English 29 May 81 pp 1,2] CSO: 5300 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 JAMAICA BRIEFS PROBE OF COPTICS--The Council of the Jamaican Bar Association has called on the Minister of National Security to investigate alleged breaches of the Dangerous Drugs Law by the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church. [Excerpt] [Kingston THE DAILY GLEANER in English 29 May 81 p 1] The police are investigating the possible involvement of the Coptics in ganja traffic "very extensively," Commissioner Wilbert Bowes told a press briefing at his Old Hope Road headquarters yester- day. The investigations will cover many aspects of the international traffic "as may have taken root in St Thomas and St Elizabeth" Mr Bowes said. Mr Bowes said the police were cooperating with Interpol on the international aspects of the traffic. The amount of ganja recovered since tihe beginning of this year was about two tons, the briefing was told. This is valued on the open U.S. market at $2 per ounce or a total of just over J$250,000. On the drug scene in general there is no problem with hard drugs--cocaine, heroin, etc-~Jamaica being used mainly as a transshipment port in this regard; though there might be one or two pockets where these drugs were being used, the brief ing was told. The Commis- sioner said there was some linkage between the ganja traffic and the general crime situation particularly in instances of mass killings which sometimes derived from gang disputes over the sharing of loot. [Excerpts] [Kingston THE DAILY GLEANER in English 30 May 81 p 1] CSO: 5300 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440020052-8 . MEXICO PGR, ARMY DESTROY HIDALGO POPPY PLANrATI4NS Mexico City EL SOL DE MEXICO in Spanish 21 May 81 p 3-F [Article by Jose Luis Martinez Vazquez, EL SOL DE HIDALGO correspondent] [Text] Pachuca, Hidalgo (OEM)--Poppy crops covering a total of 50,000 square meters have been destroyed in various municipalities of Hidalgo by the national attorney general's office and the army of the 28th military diatrict in the country. These actions against the planters have occurred mainly along the banks of the Moctezuma River within the b�orders of the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo. Jose Abel Corona Munguia, an agent of the federal public ministry in the area, reported the above and added: "We have instructions to prevent the area from becoming a drug producing center." While being interviewed in his offi.ce, Corona Munguia staCed that during the past 20 days 67 poppy fields have been sprayed. The federal official called attention to the fact that the plants, from which opium and cocaine are obtained, were 90 centimeters ar:d even 1 meter high. The official said that they were almost ready for harvesting. He said that up to now no one has been arrested for growing the drugs. He added, "The main thing is to destroy the drugs and later to investigate who is responsible for this illegal activity." Corona Munguia asserted that~in the municipalities of Mision Pisaflores and Jacala a large number of poppy fields have been destroyed. He said this is also true of the municipalities of San Bartolo Tutotepec y Agua Blanca, Tenango de Doria and others. He said that Mario Alberto Cuevas Cerpa is in charge of the campaign against the drug traffic. He has five helicopters under his command, three of which are sprayers and the other two for support, as well as a good small plane. 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404020052-8 ~ }{e spoke of the excellent cooperation on the part of elements of the 28th military district. ~ He stressed that Gen Roberto Heine Rangel has been of assistance in carrying out this task. ~ Corona Munguia pointed out that the cli.mate of Hidalgo, and especi\lly that of the municipalities named, is ideal for growing poppies and for this rea~on inspections are made periodically to locate poppy fields. He also said that a fight is being waged to prevent Hidalgo from becoming a center for the production of drugs. 9204 CSO: 5300/2342 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400020052-8 MEYICO BRIEFS PEASANTS KILLED BY TRAFFICKERS--Oaxaca, Oaxaca, 19 May--Four peasants from the Rio Verde de Santa Maria Chimalapa Ranch in the municipality of Matias Romero were riddled with bullets by presumed drug traffickers who were attempting to force them to plant marihuana. Gilberto Lievana Palma, state district attorney, reported that the murderers were identified as Eustaquio Canela Machuca and Jaime Lopez Santillan, who buried the bodies clandestinely. The victims were Gregorio Cruz, Gregorio Flores Luna, Alvaro Flores Sala and Antonio Lopez. Justo Monroy Mexicano, an agent of the Public Ministry, reported that when the cadavers were exhumed in - order to perform an autopsy they revealed multiple bullet wounds. The state security organization cordoned off a broad section of the municipality of Matias Romero and several patrols are searching for the murderers. [Article by Felipe Sanchez J., EXCELSIOR correspondent] [Text] [Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 20 May 81 p 8-D] 9204 CSO: 5300/2342 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400020052-8 N ICAItA(~11A BRIEFS DRUG TRAFFIC TO U.S.--The judge of the Third Criminal Court has ordered the arraignment of inembers of an international drug trafficking gang who were captured recently in Nicaraguan territorial waters. The gang members, Alfredo Miranda, a Colombian, Jose Felope Zelaya, a Cuban from M~ami, Ruben Antonio Casais, an Uruguayan resident in the United States, and Alonso Garay Escorcia, a Colombian, were captured aboard a yacht off the coast. Firearms, radio equipment and other items were found aboard. The criminals were returning from the United States, where they had delivered marijuana. [Managua Radio Sandino in Spanish 0300 GMT 4 Jun 81] CSO: 5300/2356 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 PERU CIVIL GUARDS SEIZE 114 KGS OF COCAINE BASE _ PY111413 Lima EXPRESSO in Spanish 28 Mav 81 p 31 [TextJ Decisive and energetic actions conducted by the 9th civil guards detachment headquartered in Ayacucho have led to the seizure of 114 kg of cocaine base and the arrest of 20 drug peddlers in one single week. Among the confiscated goods were also 222 liters of sulfuric acid and 134 bushels of coca leaves, all of which amounted to almost 90 million soles. The first lot of goods were seized on 9 May in San Francisco District where drug traffickers Leandro Acasio Valero Fabian, 37, Guillermo Rivera Media, 20, wanted in La Mar Province and Amador Huallpa Galindo, 30, were arrested. These persons were carrying 39 kg of cocaine base hidden in the gasoline tank of the pickup truck bearing the license plate PY-5676. On 13 May the peddlers Jacinto Jeri Nahui, 32, and Maximo Leandro Hilario, 24, were arrested along the bank of Quimbiri river in San Francisco, carrying 70 kg of cocaine base, while they were waiting for the buyer. Later, on 14, 15, 16 and 17 May personnel of the same civil guards detachment sezied cocaine base, sulfuric acid and coca leaves and arrested the following manu- - facturers and drug traffickers; Guillermo Rivera Miguel, 21; Pedro Morales Guevara, 18; Leonardo Cabrera Gamboa, 30; Grimalda Yance Ayala, ~+0; Diana Antezana Ovalle, 41; Elias Fernandez Valdez, 28; Victor Valle~o Quispe, 29; Roberto Villacrey Paucar, 18; Narciso Salco Lizana, 47; Idilio Villa Chavez, 20; Sonia Rey Sanchez Santa Cruz; and Rafael Jara Quispe, 54. = The prisoners and the confiscated goods have been placed at the disposal of the appropriate authorities according to the press communique released by the public relations bureau of the 2d region located in Ayacucho. CSO: 5300/2361 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020052-8 PERU BRIEFS NARCOTICS LABORATORIES DISCOVERED--The Peruvian investigations police has discovered four laboratories for making cocaine hydrochloride and cocaine base in luxury apart- - ments in the outskirts of Lima and arrested ten persons but their names have not been released. [PY142000 Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish 5 Jun 81 p 49] CUBAN REFUGEE INVOLVED IN DRUGS--The Peruvian investigations police have arrested Octavio Gonzalez Macuran, Cuban refugee living in the Tupac Amaru Camp and who was released from jail only 15 days ago, for trying to sell cocaine base. [PY142000 Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 3 Jun 81 p 10] RIVAL DRUG TRAFFICKERS--It has been reported that two rival powerful bands of drug traffickers got involved in an all out fight in an effort to take over drugs from four laboratories located in different parts of Lima and in Tinge Maria. The fight began when members of the two bands arrived to the laboratories to get 24 kilograms of cocaine base and 5 kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride. The drug was later con- fiscated by the Peruvian investigations police. [PY142000 Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 5 Jun 81 p 15] CSO: 5300/2361 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440020052-8 AFGHANISTAN BRIEFS NARCOTICS SEIZEB--Eight hundred seventy-five kg of opium were captured by the officials of the Department of Campaign Against Smuggling and Narcotics. The captured opium is valued at over 3 million Afghanis. [LD130436 Kabul Domestic Service in Persian 1230 GMT] CSO: 5300/2 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 IRAN BRIEFS SEIZURE OF OPIUM--According to an announcement by the Public Relations Office of the State Gendarmerie, 420 people been arrested between 30 May-6 June by gendarmerie officials in connection with smuggling. The contraband goods seized by the gendarmerie during this period are as follows: opium, some 215 kg; cigarettes, 120,000 pack,Pts; cigarette paper, 15,000; 15,000 playing cards; 2,000 decks; soap, 5,000; cloth, 100,000 meters; tea, 16,000 kg; radio, television and video sets, 118; cooking oil, 16,000 kg; and other goods, like watches, shoes, toys and cosmetics, 215,000. [Text] [LD150424 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 0730 GMT 14 Jun 81] DRUG EXECUTIONS--According to z. report by the Central News Bureau, by a verdict of the Islamic Revolution Court in its battle agains~ narcotics, 10 drug traffickers were declared guilty of being corrupt on earth and were sentencad to execution for dealing in narcotics and causing disorder in the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Excerpt] [LD040428 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1630 GMT 2 Jun 81] DRUG ARREST--According to the Central News Bureau, the gendarmerie personnel discovered 92 kg of opium in a Peykan van, driven by Ashraf 'Ali Khederi, and handed over to the judicial authorities. Also, last 21 April-21 May, 34.960 kg of opium, 12.880 kg of opi~n juice, 718 gr processed opium juice, 733 gr of ha.shish and 979 gr of heroin were discovered in H.amedan provincial towns by security officers and handed over to the Office for Narcotics' Supervision of the province. [Text] [LD040428 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 0730 GMT 3 Jun 81] OPIUM SEIZURE--According to the Central News Unit, officers of the Kameh gendarmerie post in Torbat-e Heydariyeh seized 92 kg of opium which had been concealed in a van. [Text] [LD050310 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1630 GMT 4 Jun 81] CSO: 5300/2 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400420052-8 Ntc~xx~ TRADER FINED FOR POSSESSING POISONOUS DRUGS Kaduna NEW NIGERIAN in English 19 Ma.y 81 p 15 ~Text~ A PATENT medicine dealec, team and other witnesses present Augustine Okoye, of No. 1 Matazu duringthesearchingexetcise. Road, Tudun Wada Kaduna, was at go~ ~~ct�. and lhe the weekend fined 200 Naira or to go _~-b w,~.e later to prison tor one year in default, brough[ to the State CID where the having been found guilty of unlaw[ul coavlet mede a~written statement possession of poisonous drugs. pp~~ ~ connection with the A Kaduna Senior Magistrate, ~gs ~vered from his shop. Malam Saifullahi Muntalce Coo- A1so arraigned before the senior massie, was told by the prosecuting maglstrate for being in an unlawtul police sergeant, 'Biodun Ariyo, that possession of two halt sack-full and on October 29, 1980, the ahop of the three rolls oi substance suspecled convict was searched by a team ot ~ pe Indian hemp was a housewife, detectives. During the , searct~ing ~tu~istiana Owen of Kawo exercise, various drugs suspected to Village, Kaduna. be poisonous were recovered in t~ie The court heard that the suspect's convict's shop, the court turther house was searched on June 21 1980, by a team of detectives from the A prosecution witness, Sergeant Kaduna State CID and during the Pius Ochogbu attached to the search led by Police Inspector Kaduna State CID told the court that Ibrahim Yar'adua, the substance on Octc~ber 29,1980, he was among a were recovered. team o[ detectives sent lo search the On September 9~, 1980, the ahopoftheconvict. recovered substence was sent to The team, he depo~ed, was led by the Government Chemist, Kaduna Police lnspector Ibrahim Yar'adua for examination and that a report and in company of one inspector of collected from the Government dru~s trom the Kaduna State Chemist on Decembet 8, 198U Ministryof Health. revealed that the substance was After the discovery . of the Indian hemp. poisonous drugs,' he further Ttu~ee prosecution witnesses deposed, the search warrant was gave evidence betore further endorsed by all members oi the hearic~ was adjourned to June 11, this year. CSO: 5300/4594 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400420052-8 ' NIGERIA PROFESSOR URGES TIGHTER CONTROLS FOR DRUGS Kaduna NEW NIGERIAN in English 28 Apr 81 p 9 [TextJ T~ x~aa.~oc :�n~enc..a ~?tm a ~,?�t ~c ~ Couimunity. Health an~ Nutritlon � emerB~ncY bealtb umfs in all local' at the Utriversity ot 1te, Pt~af~sor Ba?~ent arees. ~ " Taiwo Daramols. has called for Such ludts. he sai~, should be tt~e establlshment d a nsfiaoal ~ lid~ed by radio to the central . drug advisorq co~mmittee iit tbe ema'Benc3? service ~ country. . Pi^ofessor Da~. anola e~tpreased , DeIIvesiag an inaugural lecture ~.suzp~ise that 'e:pensive buildings' at the UNversity of Ife~. Pratesaor ' with sapl~aticated equipmeat put � Uaramola suggested that� tl~e . up in some statea, in implementing . committee s6ould. be ~respo~sible , the basic. health scheme 6ad not for `the tightening o[' cegulatlaos. , tieen commissioned because af ~ on th~ mainifa~ture~ distribution lack of pezsonnel. and admin~tration of' dn~gs and~ He said that the lacal govern- Control of narcotics. - menb whictt were supposed to be He said indigcriminate use of the focal points- of, the scheme~ drugs . in oar saciety sho~ild be ,leck+ed manpower and fund4. . ~scauraged because it conetituted ~ Zt~e ~ivptsify doa sug~ested . 8 t~lth hazard. ~ ~ tbe use of inedical experts who 6e - He also said that the aa4ion's said, were coxentrated in the heaith service lacked the facility, medical . schools~ ia consultancy for taking care of emergenc.y services td atad~ hospitals, local cases `and t~at lives tlmt cauId: governmeats.. miasion . hospitals' have been saved had, as a reault, ' a~induatries. - been los~ . TZ~e lecture was tifled "The Hp thea called for the establish- challenges of providing rompre- ment of a central emergency hentive health care for Niger. ians.' CSO: 5300 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020052-8 NIGERIA BRIEFS DRUG ABUSE MEASURES--The Oyo Government is to tackle the menace of drug abuse from the grass root, Governor Bola Ige, has assured. He said that the current move was aimed at checking the people who usually rush to produce drugs without considering how and when such drugs should be used and what their side effects would be. The governor was delivering an address at the opening ceremony of a week long Drug Abuse Control Week at Mapo Hall, Oja-Oba, Ibadan, when he said this. He said that four zones, namely, Ibadan/Ibarapa, Oyo, Osun and ife/ Ijesha had been set up in the state to fight the menace of drug abuse. Chief Ige declared that the Oyo Government had embarked on free health care service pro- gramme in a bid to build a virile and prosperous state. It would not be wise for the public to indulge in self-medication of any form since "no one in this state pays any money for drugs" the governor stressed. Chief Ige said "The more serious aspect, affects the school children, especially at the grammar school, polytechnic and university levels." "The aftermath of such self-medica- tior. was mental illness and failure in examinations which further ruined the health and well being of the patient," he observed. The governor then appealed to pharmaceutical drug houses not to distribute drugs indiscriminately "3ust for the sake of the financial returns." [Text] [Lagos DAILY TIMES in English 9 May 81 p 23] CASH, ARMS, HEMP RECOVERED--At least 10,000 Naira cash, two automatic pistols, 78 rounds of live ammunitions and a large quantity of Indian Hemp have been recovered by the police during road checks within the last one-month. Also, about 152 persons including 32 robbery suspects were arrested within the period. This is in addition to the 400 suspects arrested for various offences a couple _ of weeks ago. Lagos State Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr F Kwa3afa, dis- closed this while briefing newsmen on the activities of the Police in the last 30 days in the state. He said 19 vehicles out of the 32 missing ones had been recovered and released to their rightful owners. According to him, some of the robbery suspects who had made useful statements to the police have been charged to court and remanded in prison cus~ody. Other suspects, he said, were arraigned before different courts for various affences and the ones who pleaded guilty were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment or fines in li.~u. [Mike Opara] [Text] [Kaduna NEW NIGERIAN in English 25 Apr 81 p 9] CSO: 5300 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 SWAZILAND CI-IIEF JUSTICE CALLS FOR UNIFORMITY IN DRUG SENTENCING Mbabane THE TIMES OF SWAZILAND in English 4 Jun 81 p 1 CTextJ THE CH1EF JUSTICE, Mr. Justice C.J. Nathan has once again pointed out that courts of�~aw in 3wazilan~ should endeavour to achieve uniformity and consistency in the sentences they impose. At the same time. he said, it is unsaFe co adopt a purely mathematical approach as the appropriate yardstick. . Mr. Justice Nathan was commrnting on a submitsion made to him by a Mbabane Magistrate in his reasoas for� judgement regarding two cases in which two people wae convicted of contravening the drugs and opium habit forming act. The two, Mavis Mavuso and Maliwalive Dtamini were charged with iUegal possessioa and cultivatiort of dagga. Mavuso waz found.with 3.4kg of dagga and 586 plants. She was sentenced to a fine of ES00 ot S00 days imprisonment, In regard to Maliw~alive Dlamini's case, the Magimate the cwo counts being taken as one for the purposes of agreed that the sentence was heavy for the cultivadon of sencence. only 40 piants aznd he suggested that the sentencc be altered Dlannini was charged for illegal cultivation of 40 plants. to a fine of EI00 or !00 days impr,sonment or that the case She was convicted and sentenced to a fine of E300 or 300 be remitted to him to pass sentence afrah. days imprisonment. In his roview judgemrnt, Mr. Justice Nathan said that if In reply to a query by Mr. Justice Nathan concerning the it be acapted that the sentence (E200 or 200 days} imposed weight of the seMences imposed on the two people, the in a case wNere the accused was �convicted for the titagistrate sta[ed that large number of such cases come cultivation of 138 plan[s was a reasonabie one, then the ~ before him and that he mey have forgotten what sentenca sentence impoxd in Mavuso's case is such as not to call for he imposed in ocher cases. interfueace or alteradons by the High Court. "Ia reQard to Maliwalive Dlamini I think there is no doubt that the senience imposed by the Magistrate is unduly harsh and that it ca1Ls for alteration. Even the sentences of a fine� of EI00 or t00 days imprisonment suggested by the Magisuate appears to me to be too heavy, having regard to the personal circumstances of the accused." The Chicf Justice said. He also pointed that Dlamini has no fingers arSd is supporting nine children. In thr result, he confirmed the conviction and sentence passed on Mavuso. The sen[ence on Dlamim has been altered to a fine of E75 or 75 days imprisonment. CSO: 5300/4955 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400020052-8 NETHERLANDS POLICE OFFICIAL ON DRUG PROBLEMS IN ROTTERDAM Rotterdam HET VRIJE VOLK in Dutch 12 May 81 p 3 [Report on interview with Police Superintendent J. A. Blaauw: "Heroin Trade Becomes More Brutal All The Time"] [Text] Rotterdam--According to police superintendent J. A. Blaauw the heroin problem in Rotterdam is still growing at an alarming rate. The Rotterdam police is forced to operate with its back against the wall because of failing � government policies and drastic cutbacks. He says: "The smouldering ma.rihuana fire of the sixties has been fanned into a , big heroin blaze, and the fire brigade (read: narcotics brigade) can only try ' to keep adjacent buildings wet." The superintendent blames the political parties for their lack of attention to the heroin problem. Blaauw says: "All they want do to is help. However, the cause of the heroin wave can be found in the countries where it is produced. Nothing is being done about that. This problem should be dealt with on an international levea., ox as a European Community effort." There is an urgent need for a European information center where the various narcotics services can share their experiences, according to the Rotterdam policeman. But a lot more ought to be done. "There should be uniform legis- lation to fight smuggling rings effectively. Together we should be able to make a fist." Uf late there has already been close cooperation on a regional level in Rotterdam and its environs. Since about a year ago the police narcotics departments of Rotterdam, Schiedam, Vlaardingen, and Maassluis have established a system of cooperation. ~ This system, which will probably be expanded to include ozher cities in the Randstad, led in January to the liquidation of a Turkish organization. T~aelve persons were arrested and 9 kilos of heroin were confiscated. This cooperation is still in an experimental ~tage but according to Blaauw it has a "good chance of success." 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400020052-8 Weapons ihe Rotterdam police regularly finds weapons during raids on heroin locations. Blaauw says: "We are seriously worried about it. Heroin circles are becoming m~re and more aggressive." Rntterdam has about 2,000 heroin addicts. Seven hundred of them are foreigners. Although ever younger persons are using heroin, the average addict is between 2~ and 30 years of age. Blaauw ca11s the last-mentioned data somewhat relative. He notes: "They often do not get older than 30 years." During the past few years many people have also become addicted to cocaine. Its price is about the same as that of heroin. The superintendent tells us: "Formerly cocaine was used a lot in artistic circles, but in the meantime it has come down to street level." 10,319 CSO: 5300/2332 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 SWEDEN POLICE BREAK UP GANG WHICH SMUGGLED HEROIN FROM NETHERLANDS Stockholm llAGENS NYHETFR in Swedish 27 May 81 p 15 [Article by Leif Dahlin: "Narcotics Gang Seized: Chief Wanted to Buy a Tavern for Profit"] [TextJ A large new narcotics ring has been broken up by the Stockholm criminal police. Twelve persons were arrested and a pair have already been sentenced. The ring is suspected of having smuggled several kilograms of amphetamines from Holland to Sweden. One of the leaders used two kiosk owners in a suburb of Soder as pushers. The chief himself had plans to buy a tavern business in which he had already invested money. Both leaders, 33 and 40, were sentenced in 1978 for the robbery of a homeowner in Nacka. They committed the robbery for a third person who needed money immediately for a profitable narcotics transaction. When both robbers had served their sentences early this spring the narcotics police received information which caused them to decide to check the men out further. The police learned that the men traveled to Holland to buy four kilograms of amphetamines in Amsterdam. They traveled in a car together with another man, who was not allowed to enter Holland because his personal documents were not in order. It was intended that this man would take two kilograms of amphetamines, while the man who had planned the robbery ir_ Nacka would take the rest. But because of the complications with the travel documents at the Holland border, only two kilograms of amphetamines were purchased and smuggled to Stockholm. As recently as last week the police obtained an address in a suburb of Soder. One ot the leaders was seen entering a house. He went up to the attic where the police ar.rested him redhanded. He was holding a pair of scales, and 150 grams of ampheta- mines were found in the attic. At First the man claimed innocence, but when the police established that his finger- prints were on one of the narcotics bags he confessed to participation in the crime. Some of the smuggled narcotics were found in two other places. Altogether about one-half kilogram of amphetamines was seized. ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440020052-8 One of the leaders, suspected of having smuggled in large amounts of amphetamines, is being sought internationally. He is believed to be in hiding in an African country. 'Ttie trial of 12 of the approximately 20 members of the ring will begin in Stock- holm District Court next week. A branch of this ring is believed to have dealt with significant amounts of heroin. The investigation, however, is still in the early stages. 9287 CSO: 5300/2343 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 SWEDEN DRUG SMUGGLERS DUI~ CARGO OFF GOTHENBURG FOR LATER PICKUP Stockholm DAGENS NYHETER in Swedish 22 May 81 p 12 [Article by Leif Dahlin: "Smugglers Dumped Narcotics into the Sea"] [Text] Swedish police have now seen with their own eyes how narcotics smugglers dump narcotics from ships out at sea. It happened last Sunday near Trubaduren Island in the Gothenburg Archipelago. A 23-year-old man who was smuggling on a ferry trip Gothenburg-~msterdam-Gothenburg threw a package over the railing. The package, which contained amphetamines worth 50,000 kronor, was picked up by a man in a fast motorboat. Both men are now being held. Several months ago the police in Uddevalla received a tip that two brothers, 23 and 39, made frequent ferry trips to Amsterdam and bought amphetamines which were then sold in the narcotics traffic in Gothenburg and Uddevalla. The 23-year-old was placed under discreet surveillance. The police followed his movement on board the passenger ferry to Amsterdam at the end of last week. Swed- ish police were in Dlace at the ferry terminal in Amsterdam and the surveillance continued. He was followed to a hotel and was observed me~ting with a ivetherlander wtio had previously been suspected of selling narcotics. The Swede left the hotel trailed by his observer. He boarded a Tor Line ferry for the trip home to Gothen- burg. There were four or five police observers on board. - The liaison office at Uddevalla was notified, and when the ferry approached the Swedish coast late Sunday afternoon the smuggler began to stroll impatiently on the a�ter deck. The police observed that he had a package inside his jacket. The police on shore had the brother's fast motorboat under surveillance all day Sunday, and not far away a police helicopter was on standby. When the ferry neared Trubaduren Island the police saw through binoculars that a motorboat was approaching at high speed. At the same time the smuggler looked around to see that nobody was nearby, then took out the package and threw it into the sea. He was immediately surrounded by police. The brother in the motorboat picked up the package and set course for a fishing har.bor. 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400420052-8 The police helicopter was now in the air, and from there the police could see that the man in the boat was hiding something under a seat. He drove at high speed to an islet with the helicopter "hanging" over him. The man became panic-stricken, jumped ashore, and attempted to hide. The helicopter landed and a policeman with drawn pistol took up the pursuit. The man was arrested without resisting .:.nd was taken to the Uddevalla police station. Both brothers have now confessed and the police to not exclude the possibility that they could have carried out several similar smuggling trips and brought significant amounts of amphetamines to the west coast. 9287 � CSO: 5300/2343 - 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404020052-8 SWEDEN NARCOTICS OFFICIAL WARNS OF INCREASING HASHISH USE Stockholm SVENSKA DAGBLADET in Swedish 17 May 81 p 6 [Article by Katrin Hallman: "Difficult to Motivate for Treatment: Increasing Number of Youths Using Hashish"] [Text] The consequences of the increased flow of hashish last spring are now being felt. "We are seeing significantly more young, heavy drug abusers on hashish. And sometimes they are more difficult to motivate for treatment than heroin addicts," - said Ove Radberg of the Stockholm County Council's drug addition treatment section. At Maria Outpatient Clinic for Youths the number of cannabis addicts (hashish and marijuana) is now three times larger than it was in July 1980. More youths than before have psychotic traits, are confused and lack a conception of reality in a way that resembles schizophrenia. "Just since January we have received 60 new cannabis addicts. Many are 15-16 years old, some even younger," said Ann Palmgren-Keijser, who has worked for 8 years in admissions at Maria clinic in the Soder section of Stockholm. Pertiaps 60 does not sound like very much, but the youths seldom arrive at Maria clinic after their first hashish smoke. The obvious addicts are sent there by the district social bureaus, the police or the schools. There has even been a changed attitude toward hashish. "More youths come here voluntarily. More parents are beginning to understand that hashish is a drug, but many parents still know too little about hashish and belittle the risks." Changed Attitude The attitude at Maria clinic has also changed. When Ann Palmgren began wurking there they had a casual attitude toward hashish and other forms of cannabis. ' "Sometimes it was pure confusion. The kids could have girls in their rooms and vice versa. They could go out in the evenings if they returned the next day." 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 Today tlie 12 treatment rooms in the youth clinic have locked doors. The days are scheduled along the lines of the Hassela Collective. "We have set up clear regulations, and we must also follow them ourselves. I can not be late for a meeting and later demand that others be on time." Some of Maria clinic's youths will later go to the Hassela Collective. "The waiting period is several months. But we desire to have a sensitive relation- ship with the youths for 6 months before they move on to a treatment home. New Confidence It is largely a question of building up confidence. Most of them who come to Maria clinic never leave. Most of the treatment consists of the youths coming in for a conversation once a week. "Of those that we treat, 70-75 percent turn out right, meaning that they entirely c~uit using hashish or other drugs. We do not distinguish between those who smoke hashish every day and those who smoke once a month. In both cases it is drug abuse. "The problem is that we do not have more room. Our dream is to start a Maria lI in the northern part of the city," said Ann Palmgren. Those who break the rules and skip the conversation sessions are forced to return by means of the Child Welfare Law. "When we have built up a contact and later the youth leaves, we can not just sit and watch while he drugs himself to death." The law is now going to be changed so that preventive measures can not be carried out with force, but it will still be possible to send the youths to a treatment home. 9287 CS0:5300/2343 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020052-8 SWEDEN BRIEFS SWEDISH-GREEK HEROIN GANG--Huddinge District Court has sentenced four members of the Swedish-Greek narcotics gang which was broken up last winter by police in the Stockholm area. The gang dealt with heroin. A Greek citizen was senteaced to 3.5 years in prison plus lifetime expulsion for his part in the narcotics trade. Three Swedish gang members were sentenced to between 10 months and 2 years in prison. [Text) [Stockholm SVENSKA DAGBLADET in Swedish 17 May 81 p 6] 9287 CSO: 5300/2343 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 TURKEY ~ NARCOTICS SMUGGLING OPERATION BROKEN UP Istanbul CUMHUAIYET in Turkish 24 Apr 81 p 7 (Text] Heads of a smuggling ring whose members were arrested as they at- tempted to smuggle a large amount of drugs into Marseilles aboard the Gaziosmanpasa~ a Maritime 3ank Sea Transport Corporation ship~ have begun - to be apprehended. As a result of a series of operations, suspects ac- cused of engaging in the smuggling of narcotics have been apprehended. Among them are merchant Hasan Tahsin Mete~ who is one of the leaders of the ring~ and seven accessories~ who were seized along with various types of evidence and then were sent to Izmir. Immediately after the Maritime Bank Sea Transport Corporation ship~ the Caziosmanpasa~ left Istanbul en route to Izmir and Marseilles~ Istanbul � Security Directorate Narcotics and Finance Department detectives learned that a large quantity of drugs were aboard the ship. The Izmir Security Directorate was apprised of the situation~ and it was requested that mea- sures be taken. While this wes being done~ the Marit~ime Bank Sea Trans- - port ship~ the Mithatpasa~ docked. In a search of the ship~ smuggled electronic equipment and parts were confiscated. Found hidden in secret compartments on the Gaziosmanpasa~ which arrived on 17 April 1981, were 624 kilograms oE hashish, 5 kilograms of base ~rphine~ and 2.015 kilo- grams of pure heroin. Ten�additional persons were taken into custody on charges of being involved in the smuggling incident. They include Necati Kambur, Hasan Kut, Osman Sivri~ Kaya Taspinar~ Mustafa Abay~ Ramazan _ Yilmaz~ Arif Albar~ and Abdurrahman Kul. The identities of the remaining two suspects were not diclosed so as not to jeopardize the invesrigation. The ring~ which engaged in drug smuggling~ is said to be the largest ring apprehended to date. It was stressed that the operation conducted in Istanbul extended to leaders for the first time. Istanbul Security Direc- torate Narcotics Department detectives found the permit of Mete, one of - the heads who directed the drug smuggling ring~ and arrested him. Later, seven additional persons who worked with Mete were placed under arrest. The suspects accused of smuggling who were apprehended by the narcotics department were sent to Izmir under the supervision of a special police team. 11673 CSO: 5300/5573 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8 TURKEY BRIEFS BOLVADIN ALKALOID FACTORY--Ankara--On 29 April 1981, the smokestack of the alkaloid factory in Afyon's Bolvadin District will begin to smoke. This factory, which is to obtain morphine from the processing of opium capsules, has the distinction of - being the world's second largest alkaloid factory after the one in Holland. The factory, which will employ 260 persons, will produce 90 tons of morphine. The fac- tory will be supervised by the directorate general of security. Construction of the factory was begun in 1978, and it was scheduled to begin production in 1978. However, due to delays`it was put into production only this year. The morphine ob- tained from the opium capsules to be processed in the factory--built at a cost of 350 million lira--wi11 be used in the world drug industry. Officials, who indicated that the world drug industry required 180 tons of morphine per year, stated that henceforth, half of this requirement would be provided by Turkey. [Text] [Diyarbakir YENI YURT GAZETESI in Turkish 17 Apr 81 p 6] CSO: 5300/3 ~D 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020052-8