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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100066-5
- JPRS L/9703
30 April 1981
USSR Re ort
(FOl~O 13/81)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100066-5
JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign =
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
_ transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from for2ign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
ar~ transcribed or reprin~ed, with the original phrasing and
other characteristics retained. -
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processino indicators such as [Text] -
or [Excerpt] in tfie first line of each item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was
prucessed. Where no pracessing indicator is given, the irfor-
mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the -
original but have been supplied as appropriate in context.
Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
item originate with the sourcee Times within items are as
given by source. -
The contents of this publication in no wa}~represent the poli-
cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Goverr.ment.
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100066-5
JPRS L/9 70 3
30 April 1981
(FOUO 13/81)
Letter to Gen~ral Secretary of CPSU Central Committee, Chairman
of Presidium of USSR Supreme Soviet,
Corarade Leonid I1'ich Brezhnev 1
Instrument Building for the 26th CPSU Congress 3
Some Problems of Science in Development of Control Systems......... ~l
T~ward New Positions of Automation of Control in Basic Sectors '
of Industry 20
Problems Orientation of Computer Complexes of the International
Small Computer 21
The International Small Computer System--Status and Prospects
for Development 33
Pxesent Status of the Problem of Lesigning Data Flow Computers
- With Non-~raditional Structures aiid Architecture 47
Task Orientation of Computer Systems by Means of Associative
Learning............~.. 7~
Abstracts From the Journal 'MICROELECTRONICS'....e 75
Systems BaseZ on ~1'brus Family of Computing P~Iachines 78
The P-[-10 Computer System 94
- a- [III - USSR - 21C S&T F~L'O]
- F~'3R O~ F'Tt"I 4~ i,'~F. ~~i,Y
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Microcomputers Based on n-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (MOS LSIC's) Described........... 100
Microelectronic Analog Processor for Matrix Reading of Images...... 109 -
- Basic Characteristics af YeS System Magnetic Disk Storage Units.... 118 _
Organizational Analysis of Common Compufier Resources in
Homogeneous Multiprocessor Computer Syst~ms 120
Problems of Developing Automated Design Systems 121
Programming Fundamentals for the Unified Computer System........... 130 _
Software for M-400 Minicomputer of VTsKP of Uzbek Academy of
Sciences 138
Principal Directions of Developm2nt and Standardi.zation of
Languages and Packages of Applied Programs for Automated
Process Control Systems 140
Prospects for Deve~opment of i~utomated Control Systems 149
~ The Principles of Collective-Use Functionally
Distributed Systems ...............o.............................. 151
Application of Microprocessors in Instrument Buildir_g............... 163
, Architecture of Computer Networks 170
= Computer Netwo~rk Analysis and Synthesis Methods 181 -
~ Structure, Function of Br3ncr~ Cumputer Network. tntroduced.......... 1$5
New Book on Compurers and Computer Networks 189
Basic Telegraph, Telephone Units in Computing Systems ReviPwed..... 192
Basic Characteristics of YeS Remote Data Transmission System
Reviewed 2G2
- - b -
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New Book on Automating Control of Production Processes..v.......... 216
Equipment of Collective-Use Data Processing System Reviewed........ 220
Control Systems for Data Banks and Bases Reviewed 227
_ Specifications of Microprocessors Listed 234
Microprocessors Used in Control Systems for Industrial Processes... 237
ASV'I.'-M and SM Minicomputer Specifications 242
- c -
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100066-5
; :~oscow PRIEORY I SIST~tiY UPRAVLENIiCA in Russian No 2, Feb 81 p 2
[Letter to general secrefiary of CPSU Central Committee, chariman of Presidium of
USSR Supreme Soviet, Comrade Leonid I1'ich Brezhnev trom Ministry of Instrument
~ Making, Means of Automation and Control Systems]
_ [T~xt] Dear Leonid Il'ich! t+le are ~lad to report to you that, fulfilling the
decisions of the 25th CPSU Congress and your instructions on economic problems and
~ being guided by the decree of the CPSU Central Committee "On the socialist compe-
i tition to meet the 26th CPSU Congress with honor," the F~orkers, scientists, engin-
eering and technical personnel and employees of the Ministry of Instrument Making,
Means of Automation and Control Systems completed fnlfillment of the plan of the
lOth Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule by rates of growth in the vo].ume of produc-
tion. The volume of production of instruments, equipment, means of au~omation,
computer equipment and other products of instrument building increased 1.7-fold
~ during the five-year plan. Labor productivity during the five-year plan as a whole
will increase by more than 52 percent, which ~xceeds the task of the five-year
~ plan. The cost of produced products will decrease by more than 10 percent. The
~ tasks of the five-year plan for production of the most important nomenclature and
~ national consumer goods are also being fulfilled anead of schedule.
! The work indicators of t1-,e sector are the resul.t of extensive use of the ad-
vances of scientific and technical progress, developmPnt and introduction of mod-
ern equipment into production, of leading methods of labor organi.zation and pro-
I gressive technology and of improving the economic mechanism and economic methods
, of ma.naq~ment. More than 2,500 of the most important types of instruments, means
; of automation, computer equi.pmer_t a~id national consumer goods were produced during
- the five-year plan; more than 1,500 automated control systems, including 350 ASU
[Automated control system] for production processes in the leading sectors of the
- national economy, were put into operation. The volume of autput of articles using
microelectronic e~;uipment--integrated circuits, micropr.ocessors and microcomputers
--increased more than thr.eefold and exceeded two billion rubles in 1980. In this
c~se the main operating characteristics of the instruments and facilities of com-
puter equi.pment--accuracy, speed and reliability--were improved significantly. Of
_ tize total volume of products produced, approximately half comprise articles assirn-
, i.lated during the lOth Five-Year Plan. A program is being realized to organize and
develop production of numerical proyram control devices for metalworking eq~;:ipmEr_t
- and robot manipula~ors and instriunents for scientific research, agriculture and
environmei.tal monitoring.
- 1
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P.pproximately 50 percent of the collectives of sector enterprises reported on ful- _
filling the tasks of the lOth Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule. r.monq them are
the ~toscow PO [Production Association] Manometr, the PO Leninqrad~Electrical En-
gineering Plant, the Kiev PO Kochelectropribor, the Orel PO Prompribor, the Moscow
NPO [S~ientific Production Association] Spektr, the Kishinev NPO Valna, the Minsk
~ Clock Plant imeni 60-letiya of the Belorussian Communist Part,y and others. _
The workers, scientists, enqineerinq and technical personnel and employees of the
_ sector, realizing the tasks advanced by the party at the October (1980) Plenary
Session of the CPSU Central Committee, are laboring to fulfill the new increased
socialist pledges in honor of the 26th CPSU Congress. Instruments, equipment,
means of automation and computer equipment worth no less than 31~ million rubles
and national consumer goods worth 117 million rubles will be produced above the
five-year task prior to the end of the current year. A number of investigations
impo~tant to the r~ational economy will be fulfilled ahead of. schedule by the open-
- ing of the Party Conqress including the fact that state trials will be completed
and industrial pr~~iuction of highly productive computers for geophysical computsr
complexes f?r processing the data of geological oil and gas prospecting work will _
be begun. National consumer goods worth no less than 10 million rubles will be
manufactured above the plan for two months of 1981.
- The instrument builders assure the CPSU Central Committee anu you personally,
Leonid I1'ich, that they wi11 struggle persistently to increase production effi-
ciency and work quality, to fulfill the plans of the party in building of communism =
and will welcome the 26th Part~~ Congress with honor. (27 November 1980)
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981
CSO: 1863
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Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 2, Feb 81 pp 2-5
[Article by Doctor of Technical Sciences M. S. Shkabardnya, USSR minister oi'
instrument buiTdinb, means of automation and control systems]
[Text] Implementation of the course planne3 by the 25th CPSU Congress to increase
produc~cion efficienc,y and product quality and acceieration of scientific and techni-
cal progress are related to harmonious development of the entire national economy of
our country. Reducing the fraction of manual labor, support of com.plex mecharziza-
; tion and automation and improving mettods and means of management are conditions for
- increasing material production effiaiency. Solution of these most important prob-
lems posed by the party makeG no sense aithout modern d~velopment of instrument
building, computer technology and electronics. It is the given complex of sectors
on the eve of the lOth Five-Year Plan that was identified by Comxade L. I. Brezhnev
as the "catalyst of technical progress" and as the tasks of the five-year plan that -
provided for their leadinq developmen~.
- The instrument builders successfully completed fulfillment of the tasks of the lOth
Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule. The selfless labor of our workers, engineers and
scientists brings visible fruits. The extensive quali.tative progressive changes in
the structure of production, terhnical level and organization of the instrument
building industry are the results of this labor.
Instrument building during the lOth Five-Year Plan compared to the previous period .
was developed more intensively and is characterized by a significant expansion of
the nomenclature of instruments and means of automation according to the growth of
the needs of the national economy, especially such leading sectors,as power engin-
eering, chemistry, nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy, machine building and so on, -
according to an increase of their technical level, accuracy and reliability, to an
expansion of functional and to an increase of production volume.
Tlie results of fulfilling the state plan and socialist pledges for 1976-1980 indi-
cate the collectives of the enterprises and organizations of Minpribor [Minis-
try of Instrument r~Taking, Means of Automation and Control Systems of the USSR] coped
- successfully with the tasks posed to them.
- The growth of production volume was 171.3 percent compared to 167.1 percent provided =
by the five-year plan, with an average annual growth rate of 11.35 percent (10.8
percent according to the pl:an) and labor productivity increased 1.52 times. More
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F'OR Oi~'FIC1:1L IItiE ONi.Y
than 7~ percent of the gn~wth of product output was achieved as the result of an _
increase of labor }~roc~uctivity. D1or.e than 2,500 new articles were developed and _
' assimilated and more than 1,500 obsolete articles were taken out of production.
A~~:proxisnately 40 percent of the total product volume of the sector was produced
- with the state EmblcM of Quality. As in previous years, productio^ of ineans of
control computer e~uipment, output of which increased 1.~-fold in 1980 compared
to 1975, developed at the fast.est rates. The production of instruments for mon-
itoring and regulation of production processes and also of electric measuring in- _
struments increased 1.8-f.old, that of instruments for measurinq mechanical vGlues
and F~ei.ght-measuring and weight-proportioning devices increased 1.7-fold and that
of instruments for scientific research increased 1.75-fold.
, Much h~zs also been done by instrument builders in developing the production of con-
sumer. go~ds: clocks, fountain pens, typewriters, jew~lry, games, stationery and
wr.iting implements. The sector is now manufacturing several thousand types or these
articles anr~ approximat~ly f30 ~ercent of them have been renewed or newly assimilat.~d,
while the v~lume of their output increased 1.5-fold during the five-year plan.
Based on the syste~r.s approach, formulated during previous years, to establishment
and development of nroduction and complex use of devices and means of automation of
different designation in the national economy, the technical policy of the sector ;
oriented toward ir.creasing the efficiency and expansion of util~zation of modern I
methods and means of ineasurement, monitoring, automatic control and information
~ processing, is being formulated and implemented in the form of a number of large ~
purposeful programs.
_ They include a com~.>lex program of work to establish and organize production of an
ic~ternational small system--SM EVM, carried out by enterprises of Minpribor
_ jointly with a nurr~er of enterprises ~~f the socialist countries. More than 200 new .
devices of this unit sy.stem of computer equipment with developed peripheral equi~-
ment and software has been developed and assimilated. The enterprises of the sec-
tor have orqanized large-serial production of control computer complexes (WK) of
tl:e new generation of SM EVP~1 designed for automated production control systems,
scientific experiment management systems and automated design control systems. At
the same t une, the laboriousness of producing most mo~els of the SM EVM has been
reduced more than one-half compared to previously produced machines, which made it
possible to increase significantly the output of UVK of SM EVM in 1980. The serial
output in various configurations and in the form of problem-oriented computer com-
plexes creates a strong scientific and technical base for extensive use of computer
ecZuipment in this class for automation of production and labor processes of the
most diverse nature in all sectors of the national economy.
An extensive progr:~m of worl: is beinq implemented to deve].op new seismic prospect-
inq equipment and s~ecialized computer complexes for processing geophysical informa- ~
tion, trc~ use of w:~~ich will make it possible to increase significantly the ef_fi-
ciency of geological prospectiny f.or oil and qas and also to evaluate and an3lyze
- thF status of natural resources on large scales. Ne~ field digital seismic prospect- '
ing stations Progress have been develQped and put into production and multiprocessor
geophysical expedition computer complexes PS-2000 and ather equipment have been
deve].oped within the framework ot this program.
The praduction of devices and systems for numerical program control (ChPU) of inetal-
- cutting machines ar~:i industrial manipulator robots, including those on a modern
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microelectronic comr,onent base with biiilt-in microprocessors and microcom~uters, _
- i s being developei: at hi~rh rates. Production of ChPU devices of different de~ictna-
t ioii incrPased 2. 6-fol,i c:uring the lOth rive-Year Plan and mod~ls of chem were
corr,~letely renovat:~d. More than 65 percent of the ChPU devic~s are being produce~l
G:ith th~ state ~lem of QL:ality. The decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the
USSR Coiincil of ~finisters adopted at the beginning of 1980 "On a significant in-
crease of the tecnnical level and competitiveness of inetal o~orking, casting and -
wc~odworking equipMent and ~ools" also provided for accelerated development and 1~r.o- -
ducti.on of ChPU devices for all mairi groups of industrial machinir.g equipment
(machine tools of vari~~us types, forginq-press and foundry equipnent, automati.c
lines and machinii,g centers and sections) ror sul..~sequent years. The existing sci-
- ~ntific basis in r~~achine control theory and in production oneration prograr,aning
theory and the extensive experience of development and complex debu~ginq ~f com~lex
~.leciromechanical machine tool systems--liChPU--permit comnlex solution o� the~~e
~~roblems at a hig:: srientific and technical level.
7':iP develop~ent an~? further improvement of the State System of Industrial Devices
anc3 hleans o� Rutoraation (cSP) , w}zich encompasses all the most important tunctional
qrou~~s measurement, monitoring and regulation hardware for production Processes -
ar.;] ~�r,lich coinprisa the ba:~is for constructi~n of ASU TP [AutoMatec~ pmduction _
r~rocess control s~,~stP.m] of various classes and designat~.ons, ~aas continued duriny -
tile tOth Five-Year Plan. Based on GSP standards and using new physics and techno- _
logical principles, a large number of types of sensors of physical values (pressure,
r:l~w rate, level, temperature, eler_tric output and so on), normali.zing and func-
ti~nal measuring ~_:onv~rters, servo m~chanisms, local and qroup regu].ators, means
of r.eler.iechanics ;~nc? otiler devices, including those oriented toward us~ under se-
- vere operatinq conciitions, was developed and put into production.
F.xpansion oF industrial output of efficier.tly built series of GSP instruments and
~evices technically compatihle to each other made it possible to design anc~ use the
most diverse and c~m}~lex monitoring, regulation and control systems for the needs
of practically all sectors of industry with analog and analog-diqital nature of -
production and primarily of power enqineering, ferrous and nonf.errous metall~:rSY,
chemistrv, oil anc.'. gas production and petroleum refining.
7'he nomencl~ture of CSP devices, considerab2y renewed during the lOth Five-Year
P;.an, n~.imbers more than 2, C~0 typAs o~ instrtunents and devices an~ their production
vnLum~ reached approximately two hillion rubles in 1980. The main speci.fications---
,-~rc~cisioil of moni'~oring and regulatio;i, ranges of ineasured values and reliahility--
i:nr.roved si~~iiificantly. GSP devices and specialized unitized complexes o1 instru-
~,n ts built with n'r,servation of GSP standards now make it possible to measure znd
, .~~~,~ul.ate mor~ than E00 varieties of physical values and production parameters (in- ~ those b~[ .itu3irect r,lethods) over a wide range of values and under different
r,~~~~rles and standards with ttle national
_ ;;y:;rr~:,s: of i:~:i-7n ,r.c~^~b~rs, has no equzl in tne worldwide practice oL instrument
1;117. i.�ti ~ Ii~{ 1it ~tlriCY; onal. completeness ~ SC0~~8 of ineasurPment, ITlOTl1.t.OY111Cj dI7C~ Y@C7lll.d-
ri~~,r r~;-~.,~~l~~rs, ur1i~�c~rsality of applicar.ions, level of unitiza~ion, unification and
st,sndar~iizati.on, netrological support ancl scaies of production and use in the na-
:~.i~nal ~~conar~~y. -
FOR +7Fr"r'PC'1AI. [_~~E ~sed on modern scientific principles of construction and funr_tiening were estab- direct d7gi`al control, adaptive and intec~rated, mLltll.~vel hierarchical
~~nd also complex queueir~g syste;ns and the first "distributed control" syste~s. Stich
larcJ~ F~Si? as the F~:,tJ ot the PO [Production Association] Uralmash~ PO postsel`mash _
~ at;d the corzi~ler, o� autor~ated systems of AS['-Olypiada became operational.
Automation of control of production processes, unita and plants based on the use of
modern coi~puters is the main trend of scientific and teci~nical proq.ress in sectors
or"_ inc?ustry with analog and analog-digital nat;zr.e of production. The accumulated
e.:perience clearly shows that developm~~nt of ASU TP for m.:~ny large-capacity pro~?uc- _
tion tacilities n~~-; ~perating ensures a signiricant increase of their operati.nq ef-
: iciency by operational optimization of control processes, which is essentially im-
oossible w.hen usir~r, traditional meth~cs of monitoring and local auLOmation.
'~'~:e scientific re:,earch and planning organizations of. Minpribor concentrat~~d their
etfort.s c]uring the lOth Five-Year Plan primarily on development oi pilot FSi; ~or
niqhly productive large-capacity units of new types in power engin~ering, terious
~..i:.~ nonierrous met~~llurgy and the ciierr.ical, petroleum refininq an~' petrocner~ical,
i;'~ ;~etCOlE?UP.I~ c~d5~ COui~ jiUlp driC paper and constructi.or. ;n~~tEY':.~i~S 1ri~l:SLYlE?S. _
'.o~e th~.n 150 ilir,i~ly nff icient pilot 1~SU TP for new producti~n iacilit:.cs ir, the in-
~~c,01 /Ip 1 . . . /Ip-i ~
~ . . . '
~ ' ~
; , ,y-~ 4 ~ 5 ) ~ 3 )
I ~ - 1
A CBAJNO' _ ~ I ~
- J
. I ~
~ i (61 AmruA(k,1J -----------~7~'luyua (k i,, 4~
~ ,!l ~
j ~ /Ip-> /l,o-? � � � /1~!-t ~ 3 ~ /1p 1 Op? � � � /lp i I
i ~
i ~
~ ~ 4 y-k ~ g i
I ~ ~ ti-A G1~F3N~ I '
Figure 6.4. Structural Diagram of a Combined-Type System
Key: (1) Line (l, 1);
(2) Line (1, j);
(3) [Processors: "7T~-1" - Processor No 1.., etc.];
_ (4) [Control Units: "y~-1" - Control Unit No 1,,, etc.];
I (5) First Bundle;
i (6) Line (k, 1);
, (7 ) Line (k, j ) ;
(8) Bundle k. _
~ -
- Now let us look at the M-10 system itself.
'['he M-10 is a multiprocessor synchronous system with an average productivity
of more than 5 million operations a second and memory capacity of
5 megabytes (1,310,7L0 32-bit words). It has a cycle of 1.8 microseconds.
The system operates with numbers in three formats. The number.s of the first
. format occupy I6 bit positions (a half-word) and are entirely numbers wi~h
fixed decimal points (whole numbers and fractions). The numbers of the second
and third form3ts occupy 32 bit positions (a word) and 64 bit positions (a -
double word) respectively and can be 2ither numbers with a fixed decimal '
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decimal point (whole numbErs or fractions) or numbers with a floating
~ decimal point. In the latter case eight bit positions are allocated in the
order for numbers of both formats with floating decimal points. Numbers
with 128 bit positions may also be used; an incomplete list of operations
of the M-10 system is used for operating with them.
The main functions of data processing in the system are performed by two
- lines, which can be rearranged by program means, of the processors. De-
_ pending on the op code each line is either ei~ht 16-bit processors, or
four 32-bit processors, or a pair of 64-bit processors which perform the
- same operation on (different) data. The processors of a line are combined
in a single vector process by means of definite op codes. For example,
when computing the scalar product of vectors the processors of a line in
one cycle of the system perform by-pair multiplication of eight pairs of 16-
bit numbers or four pairs of 32-bit numbers, sum the products of these
multiplications, and add them to the sum accumulated in the preceding cycle.
- The two lines may perform the same operation or different operations at
one time.
Computation of. the results of operations on numbers is accompan~ed by
the production of up to five lines of values of Bo~lean variables in the
lines. Each value describes one of the operands or the result of an opera-
tion. For example, when performin~ addition of eight paixs of 16-bit num-
bers, four pairs of 32-bit numbers, or two pairs of 64-bit numbers, the
lines produced ha~~e eight, four, or two values of Bool.ean variales re-
- spectively, containing signs to indicate: (1) overflow; (2) equality
of the components; (3) one component exce~ding the other; (4) a result
equal to zero; (5) a negative result. These indicators may be trans-
~ mitted directly or through memory to a special processor that processes
line.s of Boolean variables. It has a full set of logical operations on
Boolean variables and functions simultaneously with the lines of the main
The lines of values of Boolean variables received directly during the per-
~ Formance of o~erations on numbers in the lines of the primary processors,
- when performing operations in the special processor, or resulting from
fetching from memory may be used for provisional transf ers of control and
to impose masks on the primary processors.
T~~e internal memory of the system contains a main operational memory with
a capacity of 512,000 bytes (131,072 words), a main permanent memory
with the same capacity, and a large operational memory a capacity of
4,000,000 (1,048,576 words). The main operational memory and main per-
manent memory are directly connected to the system processors, and the
main operational and large aperational memories fiave two-way exchange with
a speed of roughly 20 million bytes per second in each direction, per-
formed simultaneously with computations in the processors of the lines.
External exchange is carried on through both the main operational and large
operational memory units. All three internal memory devices are a single
memory field from the standpoint of the user. The entire internal memory
has uniform virtual addressing. Addressing is done with a precision down
to the half-word; the actuating address contains 22 bits.
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- Thirty bit positions in the co~nand are allocated for the address; four
. bits contain the number of the register for basing, four contain the
number of the register for indexing, and 22 are used for displacement.
There are 16 special registers that perform tne functions of ba~e and index
- registers. They are connected to memory and to the special processes to
perform index c;erations. Formation of the actuating address for access
to memory is organize~? by analogy with the IBM 360/85 system and the IBM
370 family [202]. Fortir~~ion of the mathematical address is controlled by
the user, w~hile the actuating address is con~:rolled by the operations sys-
- tem with the he~p of descriptors.
- The system has a broad, variable format for access to main memory: 2-64
bytes of infoi-mation may be extracted in one q~:ary.
The format of the co~ands that are iiiterpretable by the central control
unit is variable: from four to 24 bytes. During the execution of a full-
format command, in one cycle of the system the following are performed:
one operation of the contrcl unit; two arithmetic-logical operations in two
; lines of the main processo:rs; two references to main memory for operands at
different addresses; and, one more reference for the next command (and
the immediate operand). In addition, information arrays can be exchanged
in this way with other M-10 systems.
~ External exchange is carried on through a multiplex channel which provides
a total carrying capacity of about seven megabytes a second and has 24
~ duplex subchannels. Up to six units of one type, such as terminals with
i typewriters and punched tape equipnlent, alphanumeric printers, punched
; card equipment, and a keyboard on an e:~ineering console to keep a hardware
log, may be com.:cted to each subchannel. Peripheral YeS [Unified System]
i devices such as hatchured disglays with keyboards and light pencils or mag-
; nettc disks and tapes can also be r_onnected to the channel through addi-
tional interlinking units.
i Three basic parallel processes can be identified in the M-10 system: (1) com-
! pu~ations in tt~.e central parts, which are in turn, parallel synchronous
~ processes; (2) exchange of infcrmation between the main and large opera-
~ tional memory units; (3) external exchange through the multiplex channel.
I The processes of monitoring (by special circuits) the worlcing condition
' of the equipment and monitoring user progzans (for example, whether they
~ have privileged operations) can be sdded to these The inter-
action of these independent and simultaneous processes is accomplished
~ through a multilevel ~rogram interrupt system whose free input may receive
up to 32 exter.nal_ signals.
The operations system of the M-10 computer system provides the following:
user dialog in a time-sharing mode; access to translatars and program de-
~ bugging means in algorithmic languages; reference to peripheral equipment
on the logical 1eve1; reference to standard procedures; and, use of
standard programs of the library as ready-loading modules. The library
also includes model programs of linear algebra, approximation of functions,
quadratures, integration of conventional differential equations, equa-
t~ons in partiat derivatives, and others.
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The resident parts of the operations system are stored in the main per-
manent memory. ,During the work process the operations system and the ~
- automatic excl~ange device move the necessary segments from the large mE~.mory
to the main operational memory. When working in the time-sharing mode
each user is assigned 20-80 microseconds, which insures balance in the
character~stics of the main processors and the main and large memories
The calculated productivity of the system is assured when solving problems
with natural parallelism that usually require performance of operations
on multidimensional vectors or functions, given by values in sets of dis-
crete values of variables. When solving problems of this sort which re-
quire large memory v~olume, the actual productivity may significantly
exceed calculated productivity.
Tha primary logical circuits of the M-10 systems are built with
circuits. Both operational memory units are constructed with ferrite
cores. The data medium in the permanent memory is metallic
punched cards; it is a condenser-type memory. The first_ industrial
models of the M-10 system demonstrated high performance characteristics.
The M-10 system provides for circuits that make it possible to join up i
to seven systems into a synchronous complex with a common cycle gener- ;
ator and virtual addressing of the system in the complex. In each work
cycle the system can output an array of 64 bytes on its output lines and
receive an array of the same size from any other system of the complex.
No such complexes have t~een built as yet, but the communications registers
of the computing systems are used as supplementary high-speed ~nemory.
The M-10 system can be classified as an OIQrIDS/Vs [expansion unknown] with -
vector data flow (see Section 2.1) if we disregard the possibility of _
using two independent op codes in two lines.
_ Bibliographic Note. The general conception of the M-10 is described in ,
- [196, 197, 881], and the M-10 system itself is described in the article
referred to in the footnote at the beginning of this section. Some ques-
tions of software and programming for systems of this kind (translation, -
standard programs, and paralleling) are considered in [33, 425, and 526].
- 33. Belyakov, M. I., and Natanson, L. G., "Metalanguage, the Scheme of
Translation, and Syntactic Analysis in the System of Constructing
. High-Performance Translators," PROGRAMMIROVANI~E 1975, No 1, pp 40-47.
196. Kartsev, M. A., "Questions of the Construction of Multiprocessor Com-
VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA 1970, Vyp 5-6, pp 3-19.
197. Kartsev, M. A., "Struktury Vychislitel'nykh Sistem i Ikh Effektivnost'
pri Reshenii Raznykh Klassov Zadach" [Structure of Computer Systems
and Their Efficiency in Solvir:g Var~.ous Classes of Problems], Moscow, -
ITM i VT AN SSSR, I977, Preprint No 11, 14 pages.
- 98 _
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- 198. y:artsev, M. A., "Arkhitektura Tsifrovykh Vychislitel'nykh Mashin"
[The Architecture of Digital Computers], Moscow, Nauka, Glavnaya -
Redaktsiya Fiziko-Matematicheskoy Literatury, 1978.
2Q2. Kattsan, G., "Vychislitel'nyye Mashiny Sistemy 370" [System 370
ComputersJ, Moscow, Mir, 1974, 508 pages (translated from English).
- 425. Shavlovskaya, S. A., "The Library of Standard Programs for a Multi-
426. Shavlovskaya, S. A., "Paralleling in the Computation of Defined
VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEI~INIKA 1973, Vyp 7, pp 3-10.
881. Kartsev, M. A., "On the Structure of Multiprocessor Systems," PROC.
; IFIP CONGRESS 71, L3ubljana, 1971, Amsterdam, North Holland Publ.
I ~a., 1972, pp 559-564.
~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", Glavnaya redaktsiya fiziko-matematicheskoy
_ litaratury, 1980
- CSO: 1863
99 ~
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UDC 681.32~181.48(47+57)
- Moscow MIKRO-EV'M 'ELEKTRONTKA S5' I II~I PRIl~IENENT'XE in Russian 1980 (signed to
press 3 Nov 80) pp 64~72 '
' [Chapter 3 from book "'Elektronika SS' 'Microcamputers and Their Application", by
Mark Petrovich Gal'perin, 'Vladimir Yakovlevich Kuznetsov, Yuriy Aleksandrovich
Maslenikov, Vladimir Yefimovich Pankin, Viktor Panteleymonovich Tsvetov and
Aleksandr Ivanovich Borovskoy, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 35,000 copies,
160 pages]
- [Text] Chapter 3. Microcomputers Based on n-Channel MOS LSIC's
3.1. Basic Set of n-Channel MOS LSIC's
The element base of the "Elektronika S5-21" single-board microcomputer and of
microprocessor functional modules is a set of n-channel LSIC's. LSIC's fabricated
according to the n-channel technology are characterized by higher speed and degree
of integration of elements on a chip, as compared with p-channel MOS LSIC's.
Heightening of the degree of integration of elements on a chip has made it possible
to increase considerably the functional capacity of LSIC's and at the same time to
reduce considerably the minimum set of LSIC's required for constructing microcom-
The following are the key characteristics of n-MOS LSIC's: number of transistors
_ on a chip for irregular structures--8000 maximum, for regular structures--20,000
maximum; supply voltage--+5 v+ 5 percent, +12 V+ 5 percent and -5 + 5 percent;
clock frequency--2 MHz; levels of input and output signals conform ta levels of
TTL [transistor-transistor logic) circuits.
n-LSIC chips are mounted in ceramic packages with 48 terminals and in glassy alloy
packages with 24 terminals. The composition of a set of MOS LSIC~s is presented
in table 3.1.
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~ab],e 3.1.
Designation 0~ ~S~C Puxpose
K586zK1 ~.6~bi.t ~ticropxocessoz
K5g6RU1 i~TS jrandom access me~naryJ
K586RYe1 RpM [read~only memoxy]
K586IK2 Multifunctional digital data I/0 [input/
output] unit
Single-Ghip Multiprocessor (K586TR1)
The single-chip 16-bit microprocessor (fyMP) executes the instructions o~ the
"Elektronika S5 " instruction set. Zn order to perform the same functions, in the
previous generation o~ compufiers the microprocessor contained 11 p-LSTC's. Another
j advantage of the OMP is its high speed, which is 20 times faster than that of a
~ p-ryEinnel microprocessor.
Let us note one more property o~ an OMP. As a rule, the cha:.~eover from a multi-
chip to a single-chip multiprocessor is accompanied by the rejection of micropro-
~ gramming and the use of a control logic based on a programmed logic array (PLA).
Furthermore, the possibility is eliminated of the processor's emulating certain
additional functions for more flexible utilization of the computer. In order to
avoid this, in developing the K586IK1 OI~ a solution was implemented which makes it
possible to create a microprocessor based on a PLA and poss~ssing the property of
so-called external microprogramming. In other words, in addition to macroinstruc-
tions from the "Elektronika S5" instruction set structure, 16-bit microinstructions ~
~ can en~ter the OT~'s information input lines. Thus, there is the possibility of .
I using microprograms for performing additional functions not provided by the instruc-
zion set. A structural diagram of the OI~ is presented in fig 3.1. It includes
the tollowing: a 16-bit parallel ALU [arithmetical unit]; a control unit based on
a FLA; 16 16-bit general-purpose program registers; an instruction register; an
address register; an information register; a data, address and control signal line;
and additional circuits for comparison, lockout, and .for forming synchronization
The external interface of the single-chip microprocessor is a bidirectional combined
~ address and information line and a control signal line. Combining the address and
I information lines is a means o� reducing the amount of terminals :.zd of economizing
; on the area ~f the OMP's LSIC chip (by reducing the number of buffer circuits).
A line of this sort makes it possible also to utilize economically the area of the
- printed circuit board of a mlcrocomputer, which is especially important in creating
single-board configurations ~or computers. With this, of course, it is necessary
to take into account some 7,oss in speed in microco4putere.
The microprocessor can operate in real ttme an~i in the multiprogram mode, and also ~
make passible the mode o~ d~rect access to the microc:~puter~s memory. The ~o11o~a-
ing are the key specificat~ons of OMP LSTC's ~f the K586TK1 type: word length--
_ 16 bits; address--15 bits; direct addressfng o.f ;L,768 words; number of key in-
structions---31; speed-~2Q,000 operations per :zcond o~ the "register-register"
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, type; cl,ock ~xequency~~,2 Ml~z; package~--cerau~~.c with 48 ~e~~na.~,s.; sup~ly ~Vo7.tage~--
-h15 V and +J.2 and pqwer rec~uixement 900 mW.
1~ 06~ya~ natvcmpana �
_ 2) 6)
~ 7)
Perucmp o =
odryrroP01 4~ 5~ a8peca ~
a A Jpec
16 x 16 Perucmp a ~ NN~vpMa-
uN~opnayuu ,a, F qun
b~ 8~
, 3~ KOMONB 13 ) ' 15 ) 16 )
'~k~KponpuKa~ei ~ b ~ e
A/ISl o
A'oMnymamop j
~.0~ CuC 3
a~ E � s
nnM ~1~ ~ ~ ~i ~ : m
a O
Y i .
dd eca ~
Figure 3.1. Structural Diagram of Single-Chip 16-Bit Microprocessor
1. Common line 9. Microinstructions
_ 2, 16 X 16 general-purpose 10. Microinstruction distributor
registers 11. PLA
3. Instruction register 12. Microinstruction address register
4. Information register 13. ALU
5. Add.ress register 14. Microinstruction line
6, Bu�fers - level converters 15. Time sequence monitor and control
7. Address 16. Control signals
- 8. Information
Memory LSZC's (K586RU1 and K586RYel)
The K586RU1 RAI"~ microcircuit is executed on the basis o~ s~x transistor static
storage e],e~ents. 7,'he in~oar~ation capacity o~ RAM LSZC's is 1024 bits and has a
= 256 X 4 organization~ A1,1 ~oux nunql~ez inputs and outputs are combined. The output
bu~,Per circuiCs ha~re three states, whereby after the arrival of an inhibit signal
the output assutqes the high-impedance state. The RAM access cyc~e occupies four
clock pulses (2 ~s) and inPormation is trans~exxed at the end p~ the third clock
- 102
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The power dissipatesi by the ~A?1 LSI~ is 150 The p~~kag~ is a glassy alloy one
with 24 ter~ina~s.
The K586gXe1 ROM has an in~orn~tion capacity o,~ 16K bits and a 1024 X 16 ozganiza--
tion. Address tnputs are combined w;ith fn~ orntatton outputs. As in the RAM, in-
formation is read out at the end o~' the third clock pulse. The power dissipated
by the RdM LS~C is 240 mW. The package is a ceramic one with 48 terminals.
The RAM and ROM microcircuits have been unified to the maximum, Their components,
, such as the address register, synchronizer, output buffer stages, etc., have been
made identical. Tt should be noted that a number of structural and circuitry
decisions forming the basis ~or the de;?elopment of the RAM and ROM LSIC's, such as
the combi.ning o~ address and informatf~n lines with time sharing of signals, the
16-bit structure of the RUM and the four-bit structure of the RAM, and the employ-
ment of a storage cell of the static type, were aimed at reducing the
' printed circuit board area of a single-board microcomputer and of functional modules
~ with an internal storage arrangment.
Digital Input/Output LSIC (K586IK2)
This has a rearrangeable structure and is a multif unctional device. The TsW
[digital T/OJ LSIC makes possible the following: the exchange of parallel codes
through two eight-bit channels, the exchange of serial codes through a single eight-
I bit channel (or the organization of a program controlled timing mode) and the pro-
cessing of interrupt signals for eight inputs, thereby occupying eight-bit parallel
I information I/0 channels. A diagram of a UW (I/0 device] LSIC (K586IK2) is pre-
~ sented in f ig 3.2.
ChannEls for exchanging e~.~ht-bit parallel codes can be adjusted r_o receive (read
out) information or to proce~s interrupt signals. In the latter case ~~ask is
entered into one of the channels via the software, and external interrupt signals
enter the other.
The serial I/0 channel can operate both as an eight-bit counter (for adding or
subtracting input pulses with a frequency up to 300 kHz) or as a shift register
(shifting informat{on to the left or to the right in relation to external clock
pulses with a frequency of up to 600 kHzj, whereby in both modes can be formed a
signal for equality of the counter - shift register's contents with the contents
of the program controlled control point reg ister,
3.2. "Elektronika 55-21" Microcomputer
The creation Qf the "~lektr~nika 55-21" microcomputer on the basis of the set of
n-MOS LS~C's described above repzesented a~urthex' deyelopment of single-board
= models of m~.crocomputexs for the purpoge o~ increasing capacity and reducing cost.
Thfs computer is pxogram-compatfble with the "Elektronika S5 " sezies of microcom-
~ puters and ~~ou; the ~riewpoint o~ the progxammer-usEr represents a 16-bft computer
with an address ~iel,d o~ up to 32K 16~bit words. This address field also
the addresses of T/0 units, whtch are accessed by ~eans o~ the same onerations as
~or acc,gss to the me~ory [9).
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. - - ynpaBnAro~ue
CdCMO ~OpNtlQOOGN(/R CU2Ntl/1Q Cxeroa ycmaBKU u
npepaBaNUA CpOBH~NtlA 4
~ 5~ . .
KaNd~ l KaHan 2 6) KaHan 3
i, d-pa3pABNare napan- B-palpAdNOrn napan- nocneda0amenaNOZo
' neniNOro OBoBa-OeiBoda nenaynzv BJada=4aiBoBo BBoo'a-OdiBvda
B B J 1
7~ ~ .
- Figure 3.2. Stx'uctural Aiagram of K586TK2 LSIC
1. Control signals 5. 8-bi.t parallel I/0 channel 1 and 2
2. In~ormation 6~ Serial I/0 channel. 3
3. Circuit ~or ~orming interrupt 7~ Channels ~oz with peripherals
4. Control point and comparison
A~tructural diagram o~ the "Elektronika SS-21" microcozv~uter is presented in
- �ig 3.3. The bidirectional combined address and information line cpu~les the
microprocessor with storage and I/0 units placed on the boaxd. 7.'he 1ZA,M with a
capacity of 256 16-bit words is executed with ~our K586$U1. LSZC~s. The ~0~ with
_ a capacity of 2048 16-bit words is executed with two K586RXe1 LSZC~s.
= The I/0 unit is executed with four type K586IK2 LSIC's and makes possible the
~ollowing: the reception from peripherals of eight-bit pulse, sy~zichxonous, asyn-
chronous ox potential data through one to eight channels, the transmission to
external linea o~ eight~bit potential or pulse information through one to eight
channels (the total numbex o~ eight~bit I/0 channels is eight~, the conversion o~
a serial eight~bit code into a para11e1 and vice versa through one ~o ~our chan-
nels with a clock frequency of not less than 600 Hz, division o~ the input ~re-
quency over each of ~our channels with a program-chan~eable~~actor from 1. to 256
- with the possibility of reversal with a~requency o~ not less than 300 Hz, count~
- ing o# an assigned number o~ ~ulses Frithin the zange o~ ~rom 1 to 256 with a
- 104
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Erequency of not J.ess than 300 kHz w-ith the formation o~ a si~na~, ~oz e~uality
- to the assigned nun~bez ~or eact~ of ~our serial channels (the tptal nu~ber o~ eig~t--
bit channel.s ~ox the input/output o~ serial codes: and ~or processing ,~rec~uency
signals is foux) , the formation o~ a me~h of quartz--controlled ~rec~uencies o�
- 1200, 600, 120, 15, 7.5, and 1 kHz and 100, 10 and 1 Hz, and the reception of inter-
rupt signals through efght prioxity channels [12],
Bacene B-pu~pAdHax nopan-
1 ~ " neneHeix yu~poBax ~raHanoO
. ff f f if Tf
- 4emeipe B-paspAdNOix nocne-
2 ~ do9amenaN,vx yu~~nBaix,raNana
_ ; 3~
' f ,
~ ~
` ~ a a a a a a r i r i
~ �i b b m m o m ~ m 0 ~
i I ~ q h b h `q y b `n
~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-'I ~ yc~npoucmBo BBoda-Bei6ad~
~ .
~ ~
I I ~
~ ~QPAV/A~A~ 90CR70/A6/ Adanme~ uHmep�euca
~ ~
I ~ ~ $ ~iNepomop `7 ` `7 `7 ` `y. K BNeutNUrf
vdcmome~` o~^ o o.~ lo~ ycmpoucmBaH
~ 9) 8 b .
~ .
i Figure 3.3. Structural Diagram of "Elektronika 55-21" Microcomputer ,
; Key:
~ 1. Eighr 8-bit parallel digital 6. Frequency divider
~ channels 7. Interface adapter
~ 2. Four 8-bit serial digital 8. Clock
' channels 9. 1200 kHz
~ 3. K586IK1 OMP 10. To peripherals
4. I/0 unit
5. Address and information line
Structurally these microcomputers are in the form of a printed circuit board with
components mounted on one side. At two opposite ends are installed two type
GRPM-61 connectors each~ The printed circuit board is attached to a,frame to which
covers are att~.:hed. Openings are p~ovided in the computer's structure for the
purpose o~ attaching guides which are camponents o~ user's systems. The external
appear~ance of the "Elektronika 55-21" mfcrocomputer is shown in ~ig 3,4 [photograph
not reproduced].
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The ~ollowing are the key s~eci~icattons oi the "~lektzonika 55~21" micxoco~-
puter: word 7,en~th--J.6 bits; numbex' o~. basic instructions.-~-37,; ca,pacity o~
, internaJ. RAl`~~-512 b}rtes; capaci:ty~ o~ fnternal RO'I~^-4096 bytes; addxess~_ng capabi].~
it} of up to 64K bytes; clock ~requency-~2 ~1Hz; 64 paral.lel 3igita~ channtels;
f~ur serial digttal channels; input and output levels compatible with le~rels o~
TTL circuits; sup~ly voltage +S V' 5 percent and -F~12 V+ 5 percent; power con--
sumption--20 VA; overall dimensfons~-309 X 252 X 29 ~nnn; weight--1.2 kg; operating
temperature-- -10 to +50 �C.
3.3. Microprocessox xunctional Modules for "Elektronika S5-21" Microcomputers
The set of microprocessor .functional modules based on n-MOS LSIC's is designed
to broaden the utilization capabilities and to improve the capacity o~ systems
based on "Elektronika S5-21" microcomputers [9]. The composition of the set of
modules is Fresented fn table 3.2.
- Tab1e 3.2.
~ Designation o~ module Purpose of module
_ "Elektronika S5-2101" Module for coupling microcomputers with
transuiitters and receivers of analog
signals (d.c. voltage)
"Elektronik3 S5-2102" Module for coupling microcomputers with
transmitters and receivers of digital
"Elektronilca 55-2103" Module for coupling with terminal equip-
_ ment and punched tape I/0 units
"Elektronika 55-2105" RAM module
~ "Elektronilca S5-2106" Display adapter module
"Elektronika S5-2107" Program debugging unit module
"Eiektronika SS-2108" ROM module
- The structural design of all MFM's [microprocessor functional modules] is the same
as for "Elektronika 55-21" microcomputers (overall dimensions--309 X 252 X 29 mm).
"Elektronika S5-2101" MFM
This module makes possible distribution over 32 channels and the analog-digital
= conversion o~ d.c. signals varying over the range ~rom -5 to +5 V; the access
and conversion time for a single channel is not greatPr than 200 us and the dis~
- tribution and conversion error is r_ot greater than 0.2 percent.
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"Elektronika 55,21~02" M,FM
This module makes it ~ossible to coup7.e "~lektronika 55~21" ~icrocompu~ers witti
peripherals thxoug,h d~gitaJ. x~p unf.ts, contains six t~pe K586~K2 I,SIC's and
_ has the ~ollowing:
Digital outputs (eight bgtes) designed for the connection o~ TTL circ>,~its with a
load current of up to 16 mA.
Digital inputs or outputs (four bytes) designed ~or connection of TTL circuits with
a load current through output channeis of up to 50 mA (ad~ustment ~or input or
output is accomplished by appropriate switching in the module's external connector).
_ Serial input/output (six channels). Each channel when appropriate switching is
perf ormed in the output connector of the module can operate as an eight-bit counter
with an input frequency of up to 300 kHz (for adding or subtracting) or as an eight-
bit reversible shift register with a shif t clock frequency of up to 600 kHz. Each
-i serial channel in any operating mode issues a signal for equality of the contents
of the shif t regis.ter - count~r and the contents of the program controlled control
- point register. .
~ "Elektronika SS-2103" MFM
This module makes it possible to ccuple the "Elektronika SS-21" microcon~puter with ~
the f ollowing units: an FS-1501 or SP-3 facsimile vnit, a PL-150 or PL-80 puncher,
- an RTA-6, RTA-7, RTA-60 and T-63 teletype, and others operating in MKT-2 code with ~
~ a transmission speed of up to 100 bauds. ,
~ "Elektronika S5-2105" MFM
' This is a RAM with a capacit~l of 16K 16-bit words, designed on the basis of a `
i K535RU3 LSIC (16K bits), and,contain~ a hardware-controlled restoration circuit.
' "Elektronika SS-2106" MFM -
This module makes it possible to couple urith a VKU [video monitor] (based on a -
; CRT [cathode ray tubeJ) for the purpose of forming on the CRT's screen alphanumeric
! ir_formation with a capacity of up to 1024 characters with a program controlled
; format. The number o.f lines is 8, 16 and 24, the number of char4.:ters in a line _
, is 16, 32 and 64, and the input language is KLI-7 with a 128-character alphabet.
This i~IFM has an editin~ function: characters are entered in reference to a con-
trolled tag; it is possible to shif.t characters in a line and to shi~t lines up
and down.
"Elektronika S5,21.07'~ N(Fl`~
_ This module is a console containing a keyboard and displays and together with the
"Elektronika S5~21" microcomputer, containing a program for processing signals from
107 -
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- the consol.e, ~qa,ke.s i,~ po$Sib~e ~o tsrip].e~qent a~~. conspl,e a7.goxith~s ~ox opexa~iaz~
o~ thF micxocaW~u~er~
"Elektronika SS-21,08" ~k1
This is an IiOM ~rith a ca~acitp o~ 4R 16-bit words and is designed on the basis of
KR55RT5 LSTC~s having a 512 X 8 structure,
" COPYRIGHT: Tzdatel's~vo "Sovetskoye radio", 1980
~ [136-8831]
- 8831
- CSO: 1863
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Moscow MIKROELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 10, No 1, Jan-Feb 81 nr 87-94
' [Article by S. V. Svechnikov and M. A. Popov]
j (Text] Digital an~d analog technic{ues, based on a general purpose or special
; computer, are being used more and more fox optical image processing and recogni-
i tion.
; When a general purpose computer is used an optical image is converted with a
~ scanner and single-channel photoelectric transducer to an electrical signal, digital
~ samples of which are fed serially into the computer for future digital processing.
~ The advantages of using a general purpose computer are the ability to use a very
broad class of processing and recognition algorithms, and high precision [1, 2].
~ However, the sequential nature of the operation of most modern general purpose
I computers and their transmission capacity (speed) are not sufficien.t for the pro-
; cessing and recognition of images in real time [3].
~ In this connection preference is given to special computers for solving numerous
; image recognition and processing problems. The functioning of such computers can
~ be based on different principles, and there are specialized computers both with
t digital, and with analog representation and processing of image signals [4-7].
~ We note that the main method of increasing the transmission capacity of a computer,
I irrespective of how signals are represented, is to parallelize processing and
, computing operations. For instance, the special digital computer described in ~6]
! can parallel-process images as large as 96 x 96 elements.
~ In parallel computations image signals usually are fed into computer memory ahead
of time, and they are processed by means of access to memory. This makes it
possible to use traditional single-channel photoelectric transducers for reading
- and feeding images into a parallel computer, but it greatly hampers the utiliza-
tion of the potential capabilities of such computers in terms of speed.
A microelectronic processor for parallel (matrix) reading and input of images into
a parallel-computing computer is examined in this article. The processor reads
the image of a multielement aperture, formed by a matrix photoreceiver. T'he
current positions and sizes of the aperture, which is rectangular, are set with the
= aid of a control logic system, based on analog neurons.
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- An important feature of the contralled parallel reading technique used in the work
- is the feasibility of combining the image reading process with preprocessing, for
example by dividing an image into individual fragments of different sizes.
The described properties of the processor make it possible not only to speed up
image input, but in many cases also to shorten the time the computer needs to pro-
_ cess the image.
Structure of Processor
In the main functional element of the processor is a neuron. The .teuron used in
this work is similar in terms of properties to the element examined earlier [9], but
unlike the latter, it has a static characteristic that can be tuned in a wide range.
_ A schematic electrical diagram of the neuron, built on the basis of an operations
amplifier, and its conventional designation are shown in Figure 1. The neuron is
used in the processor in four different functional circuits: aperture, key, control
and threshold. To each circuit of the neuron corresponds a certain static
characteristic (see the table).
R~ y~
- u
~ R ~5
~4 R ~aoix Uv ~ ix
u3 o-- + U3
_ , vz Uz
uZ R Ui
u, a , b
RZ .
Figure 1. Electrical diagram of neuron (a) and its conventional r
- symbol (b~. Arrow indicates stimulating (noninverting) input,
circle indicates retarding ( or threshold input:
1-- image being read; 2-- lens; 3-- photoreceiver matrix;
_ 4-- aperture neuron matrix; X and Y-- aperture neuron control
channels in mutually orthogonal r_'.irections; in X channel: 5,
9-- voltage dividers; 6-- threshold neuron unit; 7-- weight
cell unit; 8-- adder; 10 control neuron unit; 11 key
neuron unit. Double connecting lines denote vector connections
between units; u voltage. [ebix=out]
- A structural functional diagram of the processor is presented in Figure 2. The
processor also contains a weight cell and a voltage riivider. The weight cell is an
amplifier with the corresponding gain (weight) k. A combination of weight cells in
the X channel comprises a line of elements, the spatial distribution of the weights
of which obeys the law
k,=K(i-n)/(1-n), i~1,2,...,2n-1 ~1~
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- and which is shown in Figure 3a. It follows from expression (1) that k~ 0,
~k~ < K. The analogous distribution is fixed in the Y channel.
- Variations of Functional Connection of Neuron in Processor
- ?Jnits
- ~yHxuwoxaneHdA 2~ CseNa Ilt~fo�ceeu~e ue- ~ CT8TH9ECK8A
� 1, r~~n xeflpoxa , exnavet+an pP1~7I10987'E71A S I 4, rnN8
. AnepType~ic Q~=const ~
Heupoa ~st cNs
5) � ~
em ij-~~ml-
n arMnuKa 6 B~ tU
IIo~oro~w~ B2 ~ ~"s
' Heupoi~ -./p_
~ , U
~ Bz U
f l
j Yn~idBnnwn~H~c ' ~ers .
_ ` He~cpox ~i
I ,u
H 9t~9eeun aea- U~"T
poH uZ ~~NZ _~o_
u~ gJ p,
Key: 1. Functional type of neuron 6. from i j-th photoreceiver
~ 2. Connection diagram 7. Threshold neuron
3. Position of switch S 8. Control neuron
:.~a~~c characteristic 9. Key neuron
5. Aperture neuron [e~x=out]
~ T}~e voltage divider consists of a chain of series-connected resistors. 'I'he distri-
~ ~~ution of the output voltages of divider 9 obeys the law
_ ! u~~1~=u2(i-n)l(n-1), im1,2,...,2n-1 ~Z~
! a,~d is shown in Figure 3b. The distribution of the output voltages of divider S
obeys the law
- r~;~�'=u,(i-1)/2(n-1), i=1,2,...,2n-1 ~3~
and is shown in Figure 3c. The voltage dividers in the Y channel are of the
analogous design.
The processor operates as follows (Figure 2). Image 1 to be read is projected in
_ parallel by lens 2 onto photoreceiver matrix 3, where i.t is converted to a set of
electrical signals. Each photoreceiver of the matrix has an independent output,
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which is connected to the input of the corresponding aperture neuron matrix 4. The
number of aperture neurons here is equal to the number of photoreceiver~ and the
- ij-th phatoreceiver is connected to just the ij-th aperture neuron, i.e., a one to
_ one correspondence exists between the elements of matrices 1 and 4. By virtue of
this correspondence it is possible to accomplish controlled (selective~ reading of
the output signals of th~e matrix photoreceiver (and thus of individual fragments of
the image), for which purpose a reading aperture is formed on the aperfure neuron
matrix. The reading aperture is rectangular (Figure 4) and the shape is determined
unequivocally by the following parameters: the coordinates of the bot t om left ele-
, ment i~j~ and~two linear dimensions ~i = il + 1- i~ and = ji + 1- j~. The
largest possible reading apertur^ obviously measures ~i x _(2n - 1) X(2m - 1).
r------ y
~~o �-1 ~ ~ ~ -K
~ar.~l - - - J
~uyi ~ ~ ~ _
_ ~1
, Z n Z? Z Zn 1
~ f � ~Z J 4 1~ ~ , a '
n 3BAf ~
~ u
. } ~ o . . ,
r--- . .
~ ~
~ ~ ~_uZ b
. , I 9 f0 I
, ~ 8 i ~ ul
I ~ i
~ , ~ ~ ~
. ~ j 6s ~ ~
. ~ I
U!o ~ - L 6i ~ - ~ � C
Figure 2. Structural functional diagram Figure 3. Diagrams of spati al distribu-
of microelectronic analog processor for tion: of corresponding weights k(gains)
matrix image reading. of weight cells (a), of output voltages
Key: 1. To computer of divider 9(b) and of d~vi der 5(c):
I-- weight of B7; II outputs of B9;
a III outputs of B5.
The principle on which the reading aperture is formed is the followin g. Each
aperture neuron operates in t}~e threshold amplification mode (see the table), i.e.,
a neuron can either pass (amplify) the photoreceiver signal that stimulates its
input, or not pass that signal. In the initial state the identical v oltage u= 61
is applied to all the aperture neurons through the threshold input. This voltage
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is set above the maximum possible photoreceiver signal, and therefore all the
output signals of the aperture neurons are zero in the initial state.
In order to read an image it is necessary to ch:~~ge at least some of the aperture
neurons to the zero threshold state. Then these neurons will proportionata_ly
- amplify the signals of the corresponding photoraceiver, and thus a reading a~~erture
is formed.
- The aperture neurons are controlled through two control channels X and Y. To the
irrputs of the X channel are fed external control signals
u~.'maoio/2(n-i), i,=1, 2, . . . , 2n-1, (4)
_ uaaae~,l2 (n-1), Ar=!, 2, . . . , 2n-1, (5 )
where a~ and a~ are constant coefficients. Signals (4) and (5) determine the
position of the aperture and its linear dimension in direction X, respectively.
To the inputs o� the Y channel are fed external control signals
I �
i ui.~aojo/2(m-!), 10=1, 2, 2m-1, � (6)
~ lle~=Cte~~/Z~rit-~~~ Af~1, 2,`.. 2m-1,
which determine the position of the aperture and its linear dimension in direction
Y, respectively. It follows from expressions (4)-(7) that the control signals are
multilevel signals.
Depending on the magnitude of the control signals, vector signal {uX ; i= 1, 2,
I 2n - 1} is generated at the outputs of channel X, each element of which may
acquire just one of two possible values: uX, = 0 or uX = 0.561. Likewise for
- i i
channel Y{uY~, j= 1, 2, 2m - 1}, and uY = 0 or uY, = 0.561.
The ~utputs of the X and Y chanx~els are
I � di connected to the stimulating inputs of the
2n_~ aperture neurons through a system of
I orthogonal bars, so that all 2n. - 1 aperture
; � neurons of the i-th column of the matrix are
connec~:ed to the i-th output of the X
! channel, and all 2n - 1 aperture neurons of
! v
� jo j-th line are connected to the j-th output
of the Y channel.
Y ~
~1 Z co i~ 2n-l To switch any aperture neuron to the zero
threshold state it is necessary to apply
Y ~ simultaneously equal 0.561 signals to both
Figure 4. Image fiel~ and possible its stimulating inputs, connected to the X
position and parameters of reading and Y channels, Then the neuron passes
aperture (shaded area). (amplifies) the signal of the corresponding
- 113
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~ photoreceiver, and the combination of these "photoreceiver-aperture neuron" pai.r~
forms a reading aperture.
Let us examine ~lOFV signals are generated in the X and Y channels, which determine
the state of the aperture neurons, depending on the external control signal. Both
channels are of the identical design; the only possible difference i~ in tlie number
of elements in a layer. Therefore we will describe just one channel, the X channel,
- a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure S(the same enumeration of the units
and symbols is used as above). We assume that the inputs of the channel are acted
upon by external control signals ui * and u~i*, which determine, respectively, the
photoreceiver number i0* and aperture length ~i* in direction X. Signal ui0*'
along with the voltages of divider 5, produces the summary input voltage distribu-
- tion of neurons 61 of the first layer of unit 6, illustrated in Figure 6a. The
. reaction of the first layer of threshold neurons in consideration of their ~
properties (see the table) is shown in Figure 6b, and the reaction of the second
layer of threshold neurons 62 is illustrated in Figure 6c. It f~llows from
Figure 6c that of all the output signals of the neurons of the first layer of unit
6, only one is not zero, and that i.s the output signal of the i~*-th neuron. This
signal is "weighted" with weight kio*, and, passing through adder 8, is applied to ~
the first stimulating input of all the neurons of unit 10. To the second stimulat- i
ing input of these neurons is applied the voltage from the corresponding tap of
- divider 9. A diagram of the summary stimulus at the input of the neurons of unit
10 is shown in Figure 6d.
A neuron, as follows from its static characteristic, is sensitive to just positive
- input signals, and therefore the distribution of the output voltages of the control
neurons of unit 10 will acquire the form shown in Figure 6e.
'fhe output signal of each of the control neurons goes to the retarding input of the
corresponding key neuron of unit 11. The key neurons are connected through the
other retarding input to the outputs of neurons 61, and the retarding input of the
i-th neuron of unit 11 is connected to the output of the (i + 1)-st neuron 61.
As a result of this connection, as is shown in Figure 6f, the first (i~* - 1) key
- neurons have the highest threshold, the i~*-th key neuron as the zero threshold,
~ and the thresholds of the other key neurons increase linearly with the number of
neuron in the unit.
External control signal uDi*, which determines the length of the aperture in
- directian X, goes to the stimulating input of the key neurons. For the above-
examined distribution of thresholds, of all the key neurons, those with the
numUers from i~* to il*, inclusively, are activated, and the number of these
neurons depends on the size of applied signal u~i* and is calculated in accordance
with expression (5). We note that in order to create a single-element aperture,
- 114
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r ~ R R~ Rn R n- U
~ ~HS
L _ ~
L- ~ - - Z ~ ~ . . . h6~
_ - - _J
- ) l
r ~i
L ~ - . . . - - ~ :
r 1 Z n
. L - -J
_ I ~z ~R R~ ~Bs~,~ R ~z 9
- J
r-- - - -
I 1 Z � � n ~o
L -
I -
L Z �-�-n - J11
{ur~ }
_ Figure 5. Detailed diagram of X channel, controlling aperture
neurons: 1-- from third neuron; 2-- from (n + 1)-st neuron.
as follows from expression (5), it is necessary also to apply the corresponding
control signal, since when u0,* = 0 activation does not occur.
After activating the key neurons form the spatial output signal distribution
pattexn {u } in channel X, shown in Figure 6g, and the size of the output signal
of each of the activated neurons is 0.501, and the output signals of the other key
- neurons are zero.
~ 'fhe spatial distribution_pattern of the Y channel output signals is formed in the ~
same way.
, The output signals of the X and Y channels, being applied to the aperture neuron
matrix, form a reading aperture of size ~i* x in the corresponding region of
the imag~ field. With the aid of this aperture the signals of the corresponding
image fragment are fed simultaneously into a parallel computer.
- Application of Processor
The c}iaracteristic features of the examined processor are the use of a matrix -
photoreceiver, high homogeneity (basically the same type of microelectronic -
neurons are used), the parallel structure and layer by layer execution of logic
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+ -
' ~ _
, o ~
i a ~
_ +
+ b -
+ ~
i ~ ,
s~+ . :
+ e' ~
6 ~ ~ ~
o I
+ ~ I
~ ~
ai i' i v io. i~ n~
Figure 6. Diagrams of spatial distribution of
signals in neuron units of X channel for case
examined in text: 1-- input B61; 2-- output
B61; 3-- output dB62; 4-- input B10; 5--
output B10; 6-- threshold input B11; 7--
output B11 {UXi}.
operations. These properties of the processor not only help to improve the speed
an3 reliability of the reading and input of images into a parallel computer, but
also to take ad.vantage of a number of additional opportunities. These additional
opportunities consist primarily in the feasibility of combining the image reading _
process ;aith preprocessing, in particular by dividing an image into fragments by -
means of successive assignment of the corresponding levels of the external control -
Another possibility is the use of functional transformation (for example expansion =
into a spectrum) of an image fragment within the aperture.
- We mention in conclusion that the processor also can be used as an external system
of general purpose computers. The optical signal storage mode, in which the
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matrix photoreceiver operates, provides a high signal to noise ratio during im~ge
input into a computer.
1. Yaroslavskiy, L. P., "Vvedeniye v tsifrovuyu obrabotku izobrazheniy" [Intro-
ductiun to Digital Image P.rocessing], Moscow, Sovetskoye radio, 1979.
2. "Obrabotka izobrazheniy i t sifrovaya fil'tratsiya!' jImage Processing and
Digital Filtering], edited by T. Khuanga, Moscow, Mir, 197~.
3. Krasikov, V. A. and M. V. Khatunr~eva, "Aerospace Research," "Obrabotka
_ videoinformatsii na EVM" [Video Information Processing by Computer], Moscow,
Nauka, 1978, p 213.
_j 4. Stamopoulos, C. D., IEEE Tr ans. Comput., 1975, Vol C-24, No 4, p 424.
-1 5. Svechnikov, S. V., M. A. Popov, A. b1. Shkvar and D. I. Chus', MIKROELEKTRONIKA
[MicroelectronicsJ, 1979, Vol 8, No 4, p 362.
; 6. ~ordella, L. P., M. J. B. Duff and S. Levialdi, IEEE Trans. Comput., 1978,
Vol C-27, No 10, p 904.
_I 7. Preston, K., "Sb. Raspoznav aniye obrazov pri pomoshchi TsVM" [Collection:
Pattern Recognition with Di gital Computer], Moscow, Mir, 1974, p 143.
8. "Skaniruyushchiye ustroystva na ELT vysokogo razresheniya (dl;~a EVM)" [High-
Resolution CRT Scanning Systems (for Computers)], edited by S. T. Vas~kov,
Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1978.
9. Svechnikov, S. V., M. A. Popov and A. M. Shkvar, MIKROELEKTRONIKA, 1977,
Vol 5, No S, p 388.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Mikroelektronika", 1981
- ! 7872
~ CSO: 1863
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Moscow EVM I VYCHISLITEL'NYYE SETI in Russian 1980 (signed to press 20 May
80) p 220
~ [Table from book "Computers and Computer Networks" by Vasiliy Nikolayevich
Kruisbin, Inna Nikolayevna Buravtseva, Nina Mikhaylovna Pushkina, and Nina
Grigor'yevna Chernyak, Izdatel'stvo"Statistika; 18,000 copies, 328 pages]
[Excerpt] Table 8.5. Basic characteristics of magnetic disk storage units
of tt~e YeS [Unified 5ystem of Computers].
Technical YeS-5050 YeS-5051 YeS-5052 YeS-5055 YeS-5056
- Characteristics USSR USSR Bulgaria GDR Czechoslo.
Type of Accumu- Replace- Perman- Replace- Replace- Replace-
lator able ent able able able
Capacity, Mbytes 7.25 125 7.25 7.25 7.25
Number of Work-
ing Cylinders 200 384 200 200 200
- Number of Tracks
in a Cylinder 10 1 10 10 10
Number of Connect-
- able Channels 2 2 2 1 2
Average Access .
Time, usec 90 250 '156 156 156
Speed of Data
Kbytes/sec 156 83.25 156 156 156
~ Code of Control
Unit YeS-5551 YeS-5551 Ye5-5552 YeS-5555 Ye5-5551
[Table continued,
next page]
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[Table 8.5 continued]
Technical YeS-5058 YeS-5061 YeS-5060 YeS-5066
Characteristics Czechoslovakia Bulgaria Hungary Bulgaria
Type of Accumu- Replace- Replace- Permanent Replace-
lator able able able
Capacity, Mbytes 7.25 29.17 0.8 100
Number of Work-
ing Cylinders 200 200 256 404
Number of Tracks
~ in a Cylinder 10 20 1 19
Number of Connect-
able Channels 1 2 - 2
Average Access
Time, usec 110 50 10 32
- Speed of Data
Kbytes/sec 156 312 150 806
Code of Control
Unit YeS-5558 YeS-5561 - YeS-5566
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1980
- 11,176
CSO: 1863
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~ UDC 681.3
Moscow AVTOMATIKA I TELEMEK~'~,NIKA in Russian No 2, Feb 81 pp 164-174 manu~cript
received 23 Jan 80
[Abstract] Optimization of the processing system uf multiprocessor computer
systems by the lowest cost criterion for a given productivity is solved in the
article. The number of computer systems, the structure of the multichannel i
- switch and the traff ic capacity of each communications channel are used as
- variable parameters for a homogeneous nultiprocessor computer system with shared
computer resources. '!`he steady state instruction processing mode is examined ;
and edge effects in mode switching are ignored. The throughput of a communica- :
tions channel in relatioii to its cost is assumed to be given. Trunk line,
radial and loop switching systems are selected for the study. Trunk line and ,
radial switches are not suitable for a system with many modules, and local
switching of shared computer resources is preferable. Figures 1; references 3:
2 Russian, 1 Western.
- [127-7872]
- 7_20
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UDC 681.
- Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 2, Feb 81 pp 13-16
[Article by Candidate of Technical Sciences Ye. I. Artamonov]
~ [Textj Development of automated design systems (SAPR) is one of the most important
~ state tasks which largely determine prc~duction efficiency and product quality.
I Automation of design is transformed from the "popular" theoretical field to an im-
- portant constituent for incrEasing labor productivity, for example, in such sectors
as aviation and motor vehicle building, the electronics industry, radio engineering,
f construction and architecture. SAPR are used extensively in creating complex parts,
I desiqn of large integrated circuits (BIS), processing of geophysical information and -
I constructiizg geological profiles and so on.
Development of SAPR is a very laborious and prolonged process and is possible only
~ because of a large collective of developers. Therefore, combining the efforts of ~
~ the leading organizations that design systems in different sectors of industry be-
~ comes a timely problem.
~ The Institute of Control Problems, USSR Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Instru-
~ ment Making, Means of Automation and Control Systems, several years ago adopted -
~ measures to combine the efforts of a large number of organizations to develop the
; base of wide-use SAPR. The base for development was the Grafika system developed
~ earlier at the Institute of ControZ Problems. The creative cooperation of the in-
i stitute and coexecutor organizations was completely justified and is yielding the
first results.
Some problems related to the hardware and software (MO) which occur during develop-
ment of SAPR are considered in the article and possible ways of solving them are
~ indicated using the Grafika system as an example.
- The Hardware of SAPR
Hardware can be divided into three main groups, distinguished by the capacity of �
computer devices: medium-capacity computers, small computers and intellectual _
terminals. Computer devices may in the general case be combined into a network of
various configuration which utilize, for example, medium-capacity computers at the
- upper level, small computers at the medium level and intellectual terminals at the
lower level. The use of several levels of hardware makes it possible to organize
collective work of users, to solve problems of different conplexity, beginning, for
~ 121
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example, from simplP problems of editing and conversion of drawings or alphanumeric
information at the lower level, storage of standard graphical images, solution of
individual calculating problems at the medium level and ending with organization of
information retrieval systems and solution of problems of modelling complex proces-
ses at the upper level.
Thus, the qeneral Motors Company (United States) utilizes a medium-capacity computer
operating with several Applicon systems (1] constructed on the base of a small com-
puter. The Applicotl system is used to finish drawings of parts ar.d to prepaxe con-
trol information for machine tools with ChPU [Ntunerical program controlJ. The auto-
motive concern of the Leyland Gars Group in England [2] uses a dual IBM 370/158
_ computer and automatic ICpngsberg drawing machine for its own purPoses.
Systems which include medium- and low-capacity computers operate at a number of com-
puter centers [3, 4]. The appearance of microprocessors made it possible to signif-
icantly expand the functional capabilities of terminals. The use of networks of
these terminals facilitates the solution of many practical problems with minimum
expenditures [5J. -
Each group of computer devices can be equipped with a wide array of external devices
which provide various information input and output modes in the SAPR. The input in- i
formation can be entered directly into the system from the keyboard of a console
typewriter and the keyboard of alphanumzric and graphical displays in terms of a I
special input language. Information can also be entered from traditional input de-
vices such as punch card, punch tape, magnetic disk and tape readers.
Devices for moving a special marker on the graphic display screen (a light pen,
functional keyboard, sensory panels and so on) permit one to select the required
data from the list displayed on the screen, to control the position of individual
elements and the elements themselves and to edit the images. Automatic and semi-
, automatic drawing input machines permit acceleration of entry of preliminarily pro-
- duced drawings and projections of an object for constructing three-dimensional
drawings, level lines for subsequent plotting of terrain relief and so on.
The inf.ormation in SAPR is retrieved to such devices as card and tape perforators,
magnetic disks and tapes, printers, graph plotters, coordinate graphs, cathode-ray
- and light beam tubes [6], machines with ChPU and alphanumeric and graphic displays.
Vector and raster displays and also plasma panels are known among operating graph-
ical information display devices. 'I'he appearance of matrix type printers made it
possible to retrieve drawings at a higher rate than on line graph plotters, how-
ever, this led to significant complication of the software (PO), the function of
which includes scanning the image pre-formed in the computer memory.
SAPR may contai.n a diverse set of extern~l devices as a function of the capabilities
of the user and the designation. In this case, computer entry from a teletype key-
board in terms of an input language, printout to a graph plotter, matrix type
printer or intermediate carriers for subsequent control of production automatons
can be used in the minimum configuration. The initial configuration of hardware is
almost always sul~sequently expanded in a significant manner.
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Thus, a wide range of computer devices distingu~shed by the capacity of the memory,
speed and capabilities of the operating systems, is used in SAPR. The external de-
vices have different accuracy, methods of encoding and forms of information display.
Thege factors significantly affec~ the structure of the software and selection of
~he basic prograitmiing language.
Z'he Software of SAPR
Software solves a wide range of problems occurring at all stages of design, begin-
- ning with postulation of the problem, synthesis and analysis and ending with the
contract design and technological preparation for production.
The software of modern design systems includes two main components: the first con-
tains means of describing graphical images, storage of libraxies of standard draw-
ings, editing, conversion, control of exterz:al devices and so on. These devices
, are usually called machine graphics devices. They significantly affect the effi-
ciency of SAPR and determine their structure, universality and viability. The sec-
ond component contains the means of solving applied problems toward which the SAPR
~ is oriented.
! The software for these components may in turn be divided into two groups: program
i packs and systems. Program packs should obviously be the basis of any systems ex-
i actly the same as~the fwlctional assemblies of the component base are the basis for
~ construction of computer devices.
Packs for synthesis and analysis of control systems, solving pr.oblems of ma-hine
graphics [7], p~rforming work at the contract design stage and so on are now known.
Organization of software in the form of packs when solving specific problems re-
quires that the user combine a set of subroutines by means of the operating system,
which piaces definite restrictions on the level of the user's occupational training
and makes an interactive operating mode difficult.
i Development of a prflgram system is a more complicated process which requires coord-
~ ination of the efforts of a large collective of developers. Program systems com-
i bine packs and have a unified data base and task control and data base control
language. Development of a program system places rigid requirements on standard-
! ization and unification of individual blocks of the system.
i A fixed condition in development of software is their circulabil_~y or mobility [8],
i.e., the programs should not d~pend on the hardware utilized. The experience of
developing the Grafika system showed that FORTRAN-4 with minimum number of subrou-
tine-functions and specific operators such as DATA must be used for these purposes
as the basic programming language. The software should be constructed on the
small-module principle, which permits rearrangement of its structure according to
hardware of different configuration and of the internal storage capacity. Addi-
tional difficulties related to the characteristics of operating systems are en-
countered when using some types of dome~tic computers. Yhe operating systems of
these machines permit configuration of program segments only by interfering in the
- body of the programs and this taks place in a different manner on different ma-
chines. A number of translators have no specific COMMON blocks.
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The capability of deve.loping universal algorithms and programs should also be taken
into account in development c~f software, which is sometimes disregarded even in
those cases when the design algorithms are rather similar. A large number o� pc~si-
toning, layout and configuration programs is known for designing printed-circuit
card templates, microassemblies and integrated circuits and for design of schema~ic
and wiring diagrams. There is also a set of subsystems for modelling digital, an-
alog-digital and analog devices. Tn such cases it is practically possible to util-
ize a unified software structure which li.mits the set of basic program modules that
realize the main algorithms and a set of service modules that take into account the
specifics of the problem being solved.
Thus, the main requirements on the basic software oF SAPR can be formulated: a uni-
fied simple user language, an integrated data base, high cir~ulation ability, uni-
versality, the possibility of free accumulation and unified connection of program
Let us enumerate some characteristics of the Grafika system that we feel meet the
- given requirements.
Main Characteristics of the Grafika System
The Grafika system was developed on the basis of the ICL-4-70 and M-6000 computers
and is now supplied for all types of YeS EVM [Unified computer system], M-4030,
M-400, SM-2, Mitra 15/38 and ICongsberg machines. The system provides communications
with various types of external devices; the SIGD vector display, three-color
Tompson display, the TsGT color scanning terminal, r^.,I~I-703, EM-712, KPA-1200, YeS-
7054, Benson, Printronix, Kingmatic and Numericon graph plotters and coordinate
graphs, EM-709 graphical informati~n reader, EM-549 photo composing device and in-
dividual types of drilling and cutting machines.
Tl~e Grafika system permits solution of the problem of synthesis and analysis of the
structures of specialized computer devices, specialized software, arrangement of
compoaents on a plane, layout of the connections between components, formation of
a data base and input, conversion and output of drawings for a wide range of exter-
~ nal devices.
- The system can be used independently or in combination with applied software. To
- do this, applied programs may be connected to a special, so-called "dynamic" input
of the system without interfering in the software or directly into previously
stipulated locations. The system operates both in the pack and interactive modes.
- It is used to design specialized computer devices, to produce both diagram anc3 de-
sign documentation for these devices, to design BIS and magnetic domain memory
templates and to design and manufacture individual types of parts. The graphical
part of the system is used in a geophysical complex (SM-2 and PS-2000) as a visual-
ization system; examples of display of geophysical information on a TsGT screen
and a matrix type printer are presented on the cover page.
Let us also consider some principles that are the basis of selecting the structure
of the software of the Grafika system.
Synthesizing the Structure of SAPR Software
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Example of Printing Geophysical Information on Color Graphical Terminal
~ Synthesizing the structure of SAPR software is an important component of the proc-
~ ess of developing these systems which significantly affects the a--ea of use, pro-
spects and possibiiity of free accumulation.
- Let us formulate the main task of synthesis on the basis of the following exar.iple.
Let us assume that the software is designed to perform the followinq functions
(Figure 1).
1. Entry of drawings to the computer memory (block P1), editing by means of iunc-
tional keyboard F K, display on the graphical display screen GD with memory P1' ana
_ making the accompanying calculations V1.
, 2. Entry into memory P2 of the computer from the graphical information reader SG,
making calculations V2, storaqe (block P2') and retrieval of information to co-
ordinate graph i~', for example, to produce highly accurate documents.
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� '
Example of Geophysical Information on Parallel Type Printer
c~r i ~r et rr~ ~ ra
c~ r nt ez nz' xm
,urp ro~t nt ei nd 3 cc
- K y na e~ na' m
Figure 1 ~
3. Entry into the memory P3 of the computer from the keyboard of the alphanumeric
display ATsD for describing parts in terms of the input language, making calcula-
tions V3, recording the results in memory P3' and preparation of control informa-
tion for drilling machine SS.
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, 4� Entry into computer memory P4 from teletype keyboard K for describing the
_ model of the device, modelling of calculations V4, storage of the results of model-
ling (block P4') and retrieval of the fu.-~ctioning diagram to graphic plotter GP.
Converters Pri are used at the input and output of the system to coordinate the
internal and external information display. Each block of the internal storage Pi
is accompanied by a nonvolatile memory (the cross-hatched rectangles in Figure 1)
for storage of standard drawings, standard descriptions of models and so on.
It is required that the structure of the system optimum in memory, speed, number of
program modules (or operators of the basic programming language) and the number of
contacts between modules be determined.
In the general form, one of the versions of constructing the system may be repre-
; sented as shown in Figure 1, i.e., in t~:e form of a matrix of program blocks which
perform the corresponding operations. Each i-th program block is characterized by
~ accuracy of display 8i, the method of encoding ai, the form of information presen-
tation ~i and the functioning algorithm Ai.
~ Publications are now known in which systems that realize only individual lines of
' the indicated matrix are described. These solutions cannot be recognized as satis-
factory since they make suasequent development of the system difficult. Combining
the lines of the software matrix permits one to solve in a complex manner p.roblems
of design and provides access of each output device to each input device. This
combination is possible due to the connections of blocks Vi and to ~ome complica-
tion of them.
1'he structure shown in Figure 1 has considerable redundancy due to the large number
of blocks Vi in which identical operations can be found and due to the consider~ble
number of converters at the input and the increased number of programs wh.;.ch serve
to organize the nonvolatile storage of information. The total number of blocks can
be reduced by combining certain blocks. The following rules should be used when
combining two blocks: the accuracy of information display in combined blocxs is
selected as the larger of 8i, 8~ [S~ = max (di, d~)]; the method of encoding and
- the form of information display in a combined block are determined by the external
devices; and the resulting structure should not have a speed less than that pre-
viously given.
One of the versions of sequential combination of blocks is shown ~.i Figure 2. In
this case all the calc+alation blocks are combined into a single block V and natural
display of information not dependent on the codes of tne external devices is em-
ployed. The accuracy of display and the method of encoding are dptermined by the
; display for blocks connected to the qraphical di~play.
The combined memory blocks at the input of the system Pvkh and selection of informa-
tion display in terms of the user's input language permits one to significantly re-
duce the memury and conversion blocks. Only the convert~r PrSG remains, since in
the general case the reader codes may not coincide with th e user's i.nput language.
The memory block at the output Pvykh can be reduced if a unified method of encoding
the output graphical information is adopted. It is obvious that the form of in-
formation display related to modelling and to the graph may differ; therefore, an
independent block for storage of the results of modelling PM remains. Joining of
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blocks P1 and Pvykh is known. This leads to an increase of the accuracy of dis- ~
play of the combined block, which will be redundant for the display. However, this ~
version makes the system oriented to specific hardware~
Solutions are known when some funct~.ons o� block V are transferred to the conver-
sion block at the input (output) of the display PrD., In this case a group of blocks
is tormed determined by the dashined line in Figure 2, which can be used independ-
ently for input, output and per�orming individual operations on drawings. This
. group of blocks is called an intellectual terminal.
I ~
j n r rQ . ~
I ~a ~
~ I
~ ~ _ -J
np7 Km
ci r ne. e
nP~ cc
�M n~' rn
x ~
Figure 2
Combining the output conversion blocks is actually impossible since parameters di,
ai and ~i of these blocks differ considerably. However, analysis of the internal
structure and algorithms of the conversion blocks led to an interesting trend in
programming--design of adjustable information integration blocks [9]. Adjustable ~
integration information blocks significantly reduce the time to connect new ex- I-
- ternal devices to the system being operated.
Consideration of the example was begun with preliminary separation of the algo-
rithm of functioning of the entire system into larqe operations. Let us attempt
to determine this process somewhat more precisely. Let us introduce the concept =
of "local" algorithm. Let us call the connecting algorithm of sequential perform-
ance of mathematical operations characterj.zed by unified accuracy, form of in-
formation display and one that utilizes a single method of encoding a local algo-
rithm. Then the initial separation of the algorithm of functioning of the entire
system can be carried out if b~ # 8i, a; ~ a~: A+~11~~ # f~�
It should be noted in conclusion that the discussions presented above were taker.
into account when designing the structure ~of the Grafika system. A more detailed
description of the structure and description of the user language is presented in
1. Automated design systems are a oomplex of hardware and software. Development
of SAPR requires coordination of the efforts of a large number of engineers, pro-
- grammers and systems engineers.
2. Development of basic software for interactive wide-use design systems is now _
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3. Implementation of ineasures to standardize and unify individual program~ modules
is required of SAPR developers.
4. Programming should be carried out in minimum FORTRAN-4 language to develop
_ s~ftware with circulation ability (mobile software).
5. An important task is development of adjustable information inteqration blocks.
2. Garret, K., ENGINEERING MATERIAL AND DESIGN, Vol 22, No 6, 1978.
3. Bobkov, V. A., Ye. A. Golenkov and V. A. Perchuk, "A Graph Packet for the
' BESM-6 and Elektronika-100I Minicomputer Complex with UGD-43 Graphicai Dis-
~ play," AV`!'OMETRIYA, No 5, 1978.
9~. Vinokurov, D. I., "Sistema programmirovaniya graficheskago dialoga DIFOR"
i [DIFOR Graphical Dialogue Programming System], Minsk, ITK AN BSSR, 1978.
~ 5. House, C. H., ELECTRONICS, Vol 53, No 5, Feb 28, 1980.
i 6. Glazkov, I. M., "Oborudovaniye dlya proizvodstva fotoshablonov i vypolneniya
operatsiy fotolitografii" [Equipment foz~ Producing Photo Templates and for
i Perft~rming Operations of Photolithography], Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio, 1975.
i 7. Bayakovskiy, Yu. M., Yu. M. Lazutin, T. N. Mikhaylova and S. T. Mishakova,
Grafor: A Conplex of Graphical Programs in FORTRAN," Preprint No 90, ITM i
, 'VT AN SSSR, No 5, 1975.
! 8. "Mobil'nost' progra~�nnogo obespecheniya" [Software Mobility], edited by
P. Brown, M~oscow, Mir, 1980.
9. Tremba, V. Yu., "Proyektirovaniye sredstv informatsionnogo sopryazheniya v
SAPR. Avtomatizatsiya protsessov inzhenerno-psikhologicheskogo issledovaniya
i proyektirovaniya cheloveko-~3shinnykn sistem" [Design of Information Inte-
- gration Devices in ASPR. Aut;,mation of Engineering and Psyc'.ological Investi-
gation a= 3 Design of Man-6lachine SystemsJ, edited by D. I. Ageykin, Scientific
C~uncil on the Complex Pr.oblem "Cybernetics," Moscow, AN SSSR, 1980.
10. Artamonov, Ye. I., "Principles of Constructing Interactive Design Systems,"
Loc. cit.
COPYRIGFiT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye"."Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981
CSO: 1863
- 129
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press 23 Sep 80) pp 2-4, 332-336
~ [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from book " Fundamentals for
_ the Unified Computer System", by Viktor Davidovich Aynberg and Yuriy Veniaminovich
Geronimus, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 50,000 copies, 336 pages]
[Text] Computers of the Unified System (YeS) replace second generation computers.
The YeS EVM [Unified Computer System] is a t~nily of computers with compa~ible
programs intended for scientific-technical, economic, administrative, and other
special tasks. Z'hey are used in various automated control systems and in data
processing systems. This book on progra~ning is based on the technical and logical
possibilities of the YeS EVM and its software. It provides basic information on the
logical structure and operating principles of the YeS EVM, it presents the basic
resources of the Assembler language, it examines FORTRAN-IV progrananing in detail,
and it describes the DOS YeS operating system.
The material's presentation is accompanied by examples of programs written in
Assembler and FORTRAN, and by examples of jobs performed wfth such programs using
the resources of the DOS YeS operating system.
The book is intended for engineers and operators using the Ye5 EVM system, and
, primarily for beginning specialists; the book would also b~ camprehensible to persons
with a secondary ~ducation. .
Contents Page
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Part 1
Basic Concepts
Chapter 1. Organization of Contacts Between Man :~nd Computer 5
- 1. Principles of Automatic Data Processing � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Resources for Communicating With the Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 2. Values and Their Proces~ing Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1. Expressions Used in the Com~utation of Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2. The Structure of an Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
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Part 2
Logical Organization of YeS Computer M~odels
_ Chapter 1. Architecture of YeS Computer Models 22
1. Z`he Eqttipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2. The Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3. The Main Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ' 23
4. External Input-Out Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
_ Chapter 2. Data Formats . , , . . . . . . . . . . 24
1. Forms of Data Processed by YeS Computers . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~4
2. Representation of Whole Numerical Values . . , , , , . � . . � . . . � 25
3. Representation of Real Numerical Values . . . . . . . . � . . . � . . 31
4. Representation of Symbolic Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chapter 3. Representation of Computer Instructions 3h
1. Instruction Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . � � . 36
2 , RR ":'ormat Instructions . . . , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' '
3� RX Format Instructions . . . . . . . , . � � � � . � . . � � . . . � 38
4 � RS Format Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 39
5. SI Format Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . � � � 40
6. SS Format Instructions . . . . . . . . . � � 40
7. Introductory Remarks on the�Principle.of Addressing
"Base + Shift" Operands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Chapter 4. Program Execution . , . . . . . . . . . . . 42
l. The Problem Program and th~ Control�Program 42
2. The Program Status Word , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � � ~ � � . ~ � ' 42
3. The Role of the Instruction Address and Condition Code
PSW Fields in Determination of the Sequence of Program
Instruction Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4. Interruptions and the Concept of Their Processing . , , , , , , , , , ~5
5. A Processor's Program States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
_ 6. Memflry Protection Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Chapter 5. Information on External Storage Media 49
1. Data on External Media and the Basic Concepts of Their Processing. 49
2. Data on Punched Cards (the KPK-12 Code) . . . . . . . � � 49
3. Information on a Printer Line . , , , . , , , , , , . � � . . � . . 52
4. Magnetic Tapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5. Magnetic Dis~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Chapter 6. Input-Output O,rganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1. Data Input-Output . . . . . . � � . � . � � 55
2. The Channel and the Concept.of Overlapped.Processing 55
- 3. Selector and Multiplexor Channels . . . . . . . 55
4. The Concept of Pz�ogramming Input-Ouput Operatioris . at the
Physical and Logical Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Part 3
The Fundamenta7.s u~ Programming in Assembler Language
Chapter 1. The Concept of Algorithm Description by Means of YeS
Computer Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
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1. Int.roductory Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2. Some Operations With Real Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3. Conditional Transfer Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . , 63
4. Calculating the Value of a ~'unction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5. Addition, Subtraction, and Loading of Whole Values C6
6. Calculation of the Sum of Real Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 ~
7. Program and Data Shiftability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Chapter 2. The Basic Elements of Assembl~r Language . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
l. Introductory izemarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 ~
2. Language 5tatements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 ~
3. The Coding Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4. The Concept of Assambler Computer Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5. Processing Indirect Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
~ 6. The Simplest MetYiods for Determining Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7. Examples of the Use of the Language's ~implest Rw_sources 87 ~
8. Z'he Simgslest Memory Reservation Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 ~
_ 9. Indexing Indirect Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 ;
_ Chapter 3. Constant and Storage Determination Instructions . . . . . . . . . 93 _
1. DC Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
2. Types of Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3. DS Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
- Chapter 4. Assembler Computer Instrtictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 ,
1. Computer Instruction Operands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2. Symbolic Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 !
3. Self-Determine8 Tesms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 104 -
4. Literal Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5. Address Counter Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 '
6. ReferencP to Length Characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 ;
7. Arithmetic Combinations of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
8. Representation of Operands in Computer Instructions of Different ,
Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 ~
9. Specification and Addres sing Errcrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Chapter 5. Control of Program Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 ~
1. Int~ ~ductory Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
2. Loading Instructions Generating the Value of the Result Operation 114
~ 3. General Description of Comparison Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4. Comparison of Numerical. Values Repres~~nted in Binary Fixed
and Floating Point Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 ,
5. Comparison of Plhole Values Represented in Packed Decimal Format 7L19
- 6. Comparison of Symbolic Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7. Special Instructions for Loop Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 :
8. BAL and BALR Jianp and Return Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . s . . 124 .
Chapter 6. Data Processing (Nwperical Information) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
l. Operations on Values Regresented in F anc? H Formats 126 ~
2. Operations Performed on Real Values Represented in E Format 131
3. Operatians on Whole Val ues Represented in P Format 132
4. Conversion of N�.?merical Data Forn~ats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
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- Chapter 7. Data Processing (Syn~olic Information) . . . . . . . . . . . 14'l
1. Operations on Symbolic Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 142
2. Data Processing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 145
3. Entry Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . 145
- 4. Logical Associations Between Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Chapter 8. Program Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
1. Program Sectioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 155
2. Determi.nation of Base Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
3. Fictitious Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
= 4. Association Between Tndependent Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5. Calling Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Chapter 9. The Macroenvironment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
1. Z'he PurPose of Macro Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � 166
= 2. The Elements of Macro Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
- 3. System Macro Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
4. Macro Instructions for Punchcar3 Data Input and Printed Data Output . 168
5. Some Other System Macro Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
- 6. A Progra~t? Segment Employing System Macro Instructions 171
Part 4
_ Progranmting With FORTRAN Algorithmic Language
Chapter 1. FORTRAN Algorithmic Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
- 1. Purpose and Unique Features of FORTRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
2. Example of a FORTRAN Porgram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
3. Writing FORTRAN Programs on Coding Forms and Coding ~hem on
Punched Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
4. FORTRAN in the Ye5 Computer System . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Chapter 2. Structure of the FORTRAN Proqram and Types of Data Processed . 181
1. Basic Symbols and Key Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
2. Types of Data Processed in FORTRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
3. Identifiers. Implicit Dsscription of the Types of Value 184
- 4. Executable and Nonexecutable Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
5. Structural Features of the FORTItAN Program and Its Program Units 185
- Chapter 3. Programming Aritt~.metic Operations in FORTRAN . . , . . . . . . . 186
1. The Arithmetic Assignment Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
_ 2. The Arithmetic Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
3. 'I'he Arithmetic Expression and Types of Operands . . . . . . . . . . . 197
4. The Assignment Statement and the Type of Value Being Assigned 198
Chapter 4. Control of the Execution Sequence of the Statements
of a FORTRAN Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
1. The Sequence of Statement Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2. Transfer of Control Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
3. Conditional Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
4. Examples of Programming Branching Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2(?3
5. The DO Loo~ing Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
6. Examples of Loop Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
7. STOP and PAUSE Statements , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 213
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- Chapter 5. Logical Constructs in FORTRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
1. The LogicaJ. Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
- 2. Examples of Using Logical Expresaions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Chapter 6. FORTRAN Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
l. Declarative Part of the FORTRAN Program and Declarations 218
- 2. Explicit and Impla.cit Description of Type, the IN~LICIT Statement 218
3. The DIMENSION Statement and Other Resources of Array Description 220
4. 'I'he Explicit Type Description Statement, Assignment of Initia~
- Va~ues, the Data Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
5. Examples of Descriptions and Organization of Array Processing 223
6. The EQUIVALENCE Declaration and Control of Main Memory Location 225
7. 'I'he COMt40N Declaration and Creation of Common Memory Areas 22~
Chapter 7. The System of FORTRAN Subprogram~ . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . 231
1. The Main Program and the 5ubprogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
2. ~"he Structure of the SUBROUTII~ Subprogram and the CALL Statement 232
3. The Structure of the FUNCTION Subprogram and the Function Name 235
_ 4. A~signment of Information to a Subprogram and Exchanye of 23~
Inforniation Between Program Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. C~ntrol of the Return From the Subprogram . . . . . . . . . . . . o . 240
6. Access Between Subprograms, and the EXTERNAL Statement 241
7. The ENTRY Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
8. The Rc~le of Subprograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Chapter 8. Data Input and ~utput With FORTRAN Resources 245
- 1. The Concept of Physical and Logical Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
2. Methods of Data Access E~nploying FORTRAN Resources 246
3. Input-Output Statements for Sequential Access Units 247
4. Input-Output Specifications in READ/WRITE Statements . . . . . . . . . 250
5. Interaction ot READ/WRITE and Format Stateinents . . . . . . . . . . . 253
6. Punchcard Data Input and Printed Data Out.put . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
- 7. Formats ror Transmission of Numerical Values . . . o � � � - � � � � 258
- 8. The Format for Tran~mission of Logical Values . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
9. Formats for Transmission of Symbolic Data . . � � � � � � � � � � � � 262
10. Formats for Editing Information During Input-Output 265
l~. Examples of Information Edil:ing i.n Conjunction With Formatted� 26~
_ Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � - � � . 27.~
- 12. Array-Assisted FORMAT Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2~4
13. Formatted and Unformatted Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1~4. Control Statements for Work Wittz Sequential-Access Files 2~5
Consisti;ag of Magnetic Tapes and Discs . . . � � � � � ' ' ' � ~ ~ ~ 276
15. Defin~.tion of Random-Access Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
16. Input-Output Statements for Random-Access Units . . . . . . . . . . .
Part 5
~xecution of Programs Under the Control of the DOS YeS Operating Syscem
Chagter 1. The DOS YeS Operating System and Its General Flow 281
1. Purpose and Possibilities of the DOS YeS Operating System 281
2. Organization of Program Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
3, The Composition of the DOS Ye5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
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4. Distribution of the Main Computer Memory Between the System and
the User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
5. Operating.Modes�of th~ DOS YeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2g6
6. Flowchart for the DOS Ye5 in Single-Program I~bde 287
7. The Physical and Logical Input-Output Units of the DOS YeS . 28g
8. Ruruzing the User's Programs in the DOS YeS Operating System 291
9. The Resident Disc Pack~ge and the Concept o.f Operating System
Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Chapter 2, Basic Job Control Language Statements . . . . . . . . . . . 294
1. Control Information for the JOB CONTROL Program . . . . . . . . . . . 294
- 2. Job Identification, Program Execution, Mode Set, Commentary 2g5
3. Elementary Proqram Translation, Editing, and Execution Jobs 298
4. Assignment of Physical Units to Logical Units . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
i Chapter 3. Assignment of Information on Magnetic Disc and Magnetic
i Tape Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
1. Magnetic Disc and Magnetic Tape Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
I 2. Definition of Magnetic Disc Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
3. Service Statements Used in Magnetic Tape Control . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Part 6
= The Programming System of the DOS YeS Operatinq System _
Chapter 1. Program Editing 307
~ 1. Program Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ � . . ~ 307
2. The EDITOR Program, Its Purpose and Possibilities 308
3. Initial Information for EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
4. EDITOR Control Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Chapter 2. The System's Li.brary Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
1. Z"he Library in the DOS YeS Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
2. The LIBRARY Program and Its Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3. Initial Information for LIBRARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
4. Nbdule Catalogi~g in the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 317
5. Library Co.rrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
6. Library Status Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
7. Copying, Creating, and Merging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
8. Personal Libraries and the Unique Features of Their Use . � 325
9. Typical Jobs Associated With Qrganizati~n and Use of Personal�
Libraries . . . . . . . . . 326
; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~ Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
The YeS EVM is a family of program-compatible third generation computers intended
for a broad range of scientific-technical, economic, administrative, and various _
sorts of special tasks. -
Industrial assimilation of the YeS EVM has been the result of the joint efforts of
socialist countries represented in CEI~--Bulgaria, GDR, Poland, Hungary, USSR, and ~
- Czechoslovakia.
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The Ye5 EVM includes several models differing in productivity, from the YeS-1020
(with a speed of 20,000 operations per second) to the YeS-1060 (with a speed on the
order of a million operati~ns per second). _
A unified software system was created for YeS computer moaels with an eye on program
compatibility, and it is continuing to develop. This software system controls all
of the system's hardware, and it contai.ns the resources for 3utomation of programming
operations and accumulation of libraries of programs, both ones intended for general
use and problem-oriented appl.ications programs.
The literature on the YeS EVM is oriented for the most nart toward the reader with
experie;zce in programming other computers.
The exp~rience of the authors in education has shown that a certain subset of the
logical resources of the YeS EVM can be fnlly applied to the training of beginners.
- This book immediately introduces a reader totally unfamiliar with the subject to
the mainstream of the technical and logical possibilities of the YeS EVM, to include
its software.
- , I
Much atten~ion is devoted i: the book to the basic programming concepts. The mater~al j
is accompanied by a large nutnber of examples. '
The authors hope that the book will 31so assist specialists who already have pro- -
- gramming experience with other computers to learn how to work with ~he YeS E~9M.
- The book examines not the complete system of instructi.ons of the YeS EVM, but only ~
a certain part, enough to write more or less sur.stantial programs. Only basic infor-
' mation is communicated on the architecture and logical organization of the YeS EVM,
- and on the concepts associatea with program execution and channel operation. In '
precisely the same way, the concepts and resources of Assembler language are not
presented in their entirety. Z"his approach makes it possible, in the opinion of the
authors, to avoid cumbersome details that could overshadow the basic iaeas. The
authors also believe that refraining from a complete description of the logic of the -
YeS, its system of instructions, and all resources of the Assembler language is
justified because the general user will not as a rt:le use the computer-oriented _
language for his tasks, turning instead to languages of a higher level. The novice
reader noping to become a systems programmer will be able to use the information on _
instructions and on the ASSembler language in this book as a basis for studying more- ,
specialized literature, for example (1, 16). -
FORTRAIV is one of the high-level languaqes intended for applications programs wri~ten ,
to solve computation problems. Programming with EORTRAN algorithmic language is _
_ presented in the book in detail. A reader who assimilates this presentation will
be able to write all programs he might need for his professional uses in FORTRAN.
- Concurrently the reader wi11 be prepared to understand the more-complex programming
languages of the YeS EVM, primarily PL/1.
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Knowledge of a programming language alone is not enough to permit access to the
computer. The programmer must under.stand the resources of the operating system
with which he debugs and runs the programs he writes, and with the assistance of
which he runs pr~written programs. The book presents the basic concepts of the
DOS YeS operating system, which has enjoyed broader use with more-recent YeS EVM
models than the more-developed OS YeS operating system.
- The information on the AOS presented in the book and the information on FORTRAN are
enough to support qualified practical work.
Concurrently, an acquaintance with the of the DOS will make it easier
for a reader desiring to broaden his knowledge to study the resources of the OS YeS.
Parts 1 and 3 were written by Yu. V. C~ronimus, parts 4, 5, and 6 were written by
V. D. Aynberg, and Part 2 was written jointly.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Ma~hino~troyeniye"; 1980
~ 11004
~ C50: 1863
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Tashkent VOPROSY KIBERNETIKI in Russian No 108, 1980 pp 120-126
[Excerpts from article by I. Pulatov, B. M. Mukhamedov and M. U. Rakhimova]
[Text] One of the main objectives of the development of the time sharing computer
center (VTsKP) of the UzSSR Academy of Sciences is to provide an opportunity for
clients to edit and debug programs without the use of intermediate information
carriers (punch cards and perforated tapes). The client is equipped with a
' "Videoton-340" alphanumeric display (ATsD), rrom which programs and raw data can be
- fed into a BESM-6. This enables the client to debug a program on-line and quickly.
Connection of the "Videoton-340" display directly to BESM-6 is not effective, si~ce
it takes 15-200 of the BESM-6 processor time just to feed in and print out informa-
tion from display terminals. Therefore VTsKP of the UzSSR Academy of Sciences has
a bilevel hierarchical structure (Figure 1), on the top level of which is a large
computer of the BESM-6 type, and on the bottom level a minicomputer of the A4-400
The M-400 minicomputer is a data concentrator and it performs the functions of a
- processor to which the subscribers are connected. In addition, some of the func-
- tions, related to the conversion o.f information, are transferred from BESM- 6 to
- M-400.
- An interrupt signal comes from the terminals every 800 us. All of the programs of
- the operations system are written in ASSEMBLER M-400 language.
It may be said on the basis of the material presented above that by connecting
terminals through minicomputers it is possible to make more efficient utiliz ation
of t}ie useful time of a large computer; t.he operations system is so develop ed that
it is casily supplemented with new programs without major changes; the bilevel
structure of VTsKP gives other machines and terminals access to BESM-6 through
_ M-400 without major expenses and without altering the BESM-6 operations system.
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~S ~
_ Conso le-
M-40U 260
- PL-150
US 2
. ~
M-6000 "DNEPR" "Video- "Video- 'Video-
ton-340 ton-340 on-340'
1 2
Figure 1.
[US Interface]
CUP~'RIGHT: Redaktsionno-izdatel'skiy sovet AN UzSSR, 1980
78 72
CSO: 1863
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unc 68i.3.o6:658.o1z.o11.56
Moscow IZMERENIYA ~ KONTROL' ~ AVTOMATIZATSIYA in Russsian No l, 1981. PP 57-65
[Article by V. K. Sheremet'yev, engineer]
[Excerpts~ Development of I,anguages and Packages of Applied Programs for Automa,ted
Process Control Systems in the USSR in the 197o's
The principal stages in the development of languages and packages for automa,ted
process control systems in the U55R. Two periods can be distinguished in the
development of languages and packages in the 1970'ss
1) ].970-1.975--search for the directiona of developmen�t and ttie creation of the
first Soviet systems permitting softwaxe praiuction;
2) 1975-1980--systema,tic work on software standardization, including the creation
of libraries of standard algorithmic and program modules~ the development of
- automa,ted software generation systems, etc.
By the start of the 1970's a number of original automa.ted process control systems
Yaad been developed in power engineering~ chemistry and metallurgy. As a rule the
programming ha,s been done in ma.chine codes and in Assembler; high-level languages
were practically not used~ in particular, due to serious limitations of the machine
memory volume and an absence of corresponding translators. The operating system~
ha,d limited possibilities and at times were developed by users for specific systems.
The software was not designed for production even for ~ystems rela+,ed in tech-
nology and therefore, when the problem of production of mod.els of
automa.ted process control systems arose, the cost of the programming work rose
sha.rply. More and more new organiza.tions, at times without adequate experience,
have been drawn into work on automa,ted process control system programming~ and the
general level of tha.t work, in contrast with the programming of scientific and
technical problems, was very low.
At the star-t of the 197o's at the Severodonetsk Scientific Research Institute of
Control Computers (N`IIUVM), the 5ta,te All-Union Central Grder of the Red Ba,nner of
Labor Scientific Research Institute of Complex Auto?nation (TsNIIKA~, and _later in
the Experimental Desi~n Bureau of Automation (OKBA~ and a number of o-ther organiza-
tions they stasted work on the automa.tion of automated process control system
programming. By that time the direction in the 3evelopment of work on auto-
mation of development was the creation of pr~~blem-oriented languages and
.,~r.� n*n v
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packages. In the Severodonetsk NIIUVM a system was developed with the input lan-
" guage OSKURT (Qpisaniye Sis+~em Kontrolya, i Upravleniya Tekhnologicheskimi protsess-
- ami--Description of Systems for Monitoring and Control of Technological Processes).
This system consists of a package of applied progra,ms with an input language of the
"fill in the foi^r~" type r33~� The starting data needed for processing the para-
meters is recorded on forms of two types. The ma,in form contains informa.tion
needed for the interrogation and required primary processing of the technologica,l
- parameters. Informa.tion on types of processing not required for all parameters is
contained on a supplementar~r form: checking for technologica,l reliability, smooth-
ing, correction of expenditures and realization of the principal laws of direct
digital control.
In the TsP1IIKA work wa,s started. on the creation of standa,rd. automa,ted process con-
trol systems. A component pa,rt of that work is automa.tion of the planning of func-
tional, algorithmic a.nd program softwaxe for automa.ted process control systems. In
_ particulax, a langua~5e was developed for description of algorithms for monitoring
and ca,lculation of VPVI (Vvod, Pervichnaya obrabotka, Vyvod~ Informatsiya--input,
prima,ry processing, output, information) indicators, one serving as the input lan-
guage of a problem-oriented programming system. The langua,ge resources include
five forms, cAntaining starting data for organization of the input, processing and
output of information to displays. The processing form h~,,,s some means of non-
_ standard procedural processing which use apparatus of macrod.efinitions [34~].
' The first systems constructed with use of a c3ata base [35~36] have appeared. The
ba.sic idea of data organization consists in the separation of ineans of lin-
guistic declaration, the corrversion and arrangement in the memory of programs and
- da,ta processed by those programs. This permits assuring independence of the chan-
~es made in programs and data, files. The possibility ha.s arisen of expanding and
changing the set of tasks accomplished by the syste~ in proportion to its develop-
ment, which is especially important for automated process control systems.
Programs cease to be dependent on data, of a specific object, which permits creating
systems tuned to thP ~at.a, of various objects~ and by ths same token solving the
problem of mass automatic process control systems.
Dy the mid-1970`s a certain amount of experience ha,d been accumulated in the devel-
opment of soft,ware systems and modern ha.rdware and operating systems
- of machines with program continuity (the YeS EVM~ ASVT and SM EVM) permitted accu-
_ mulating and improving packages of programs in the course of many years.
Work on software standardization ha.s become systematic. In the TsNiIKA the method.
of' mass production of automa,tic process control systems--the creation ol systems
of standard solutions--has been developed. Systems of standa.rd solutions ha,ve
arisen as a form of generalization, unificz,tion and distribution of experience in
automa,tic process control system development. Standar~. solutions are being devel-
oped in the area of hardware and of organiza,tional, informational and ma,thema,tical
software. In the area of software standardizati.on, work is being done on the cre-
ation of libraries of program modules, input languages of packa,ges of applied pro-
grams, data structures and methodical materials on system generation and
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Work on softwaxe standardiza,tion includes automated process control system classi- _
~ fica,tion~ the creation of standards, the establishment of a single terminology, th~
compilation o~ catalogs and descriptions of algorithmic and program modules and the
creation of systems for packages of applied program generat~:~n.
Intrasector work directed toward the coordination of software developments for
automa,ted ~rocess control systems of vaxious mi.nistrie;, also been developed.
The USSR Sta.te Committee for Science and Technology ha,s adopted special resolutions
envisa.ging, in particular, the development and introduction through the State Fund
of Algorithms and Programs of standard decisions on automa.ted process control sys-
tem software.
Coordination work plans been created and the leading organization and user
organizations been designated ~or each sector. The scientific organizational
leadership of the work is performed by the TsNIII{A, and responsibility for the
running of the program as a whole ha.s been entrusted to the Ministry of Instrument
Making~ Automa,tion Equipment and Control Systems.
~ The main content of the work is the compilation of collections of algorithmic ma3-
_ ules by sectors, the creation of libraries of program modules and proofreading
equipment of libraries and the development of problem-oriented packages of applied
programs for computer-assiated genera.tion of automated process control system soft-
ware [37] � -
Main directions of.the development of problem-oriented packages of applied programs.
In proportion to the development of problem-oriented packages of applied programs
the ~ollowing main directions been formed:
--systems with program generators; -
--mixed systems with program and data generators;
---systems with data base generators.
The transition from program generators to data base generators involves increase of
problem orientation, a higher degree of adjustability and complica.tion of the data
= structure. Systems constructed by means of prograam generators have a number of
merits and shortcomings which make them similar to systems constructed on the basis
of procedural la,nguages. A problem orlentation of systems is clearly reflec~ed in
data base generators. On tl^.e methodologica,l level the transition from "pure" pro-
gram generators to data generators or mixed mOdifica.ti ons of them involves a
transition from the modular construction of systems "upward" toward a structural -
method based on the construction of program systems "downward." The modular ap-
proach was developed in the first stages of systema,tic work on software standardi-
zation, which involved the creation of collections of algorithmic and program mod-
ules. The cre.a.tion of program module libraries requires, in turn, the development
' of program generators uniting those modules in sy~atems.
- Program generators assure the ordering of informa.tion communica.tions between modules ~
and data to be processed, and also the forma.tion of leading programs which define
the starting order of individual modules and the of leading programs to the
- operating system. A traditiC r~-I ~ DC ~C r~-I 5C ~C ~C r~-I ' -
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construction more complicated. In most cases, therefore, the necessary trans-
mission reliability is achieved either by computer programs or by hardware
and software of the user sta*ion. Table 12.2 below gives the technical char-
- acteristics of units for protection against errors [UZO's] related to the
_ YeS remote data processing system.
The UZO-4800 is designed for work with user stations that are not included in
the catalogue of the Unified System of Computiers, while the UZO-48000 is for
intermachine data exchange and the UZ0-2400 for operations with AP-2 and AP-3
~:ser stations.
The automatic call devices (AW's) autamate the establishment of connections
- in switchable networks and are subdivided into units designPd for work on
tel~graph (YeS-8063) and telephone (YeS-8061 and YeS-8062) communications
- channels.
The following standarus for unified interfaces have been establisfied in the
YeS remote data transmission system to standardize the interlinking of par-
ticular units: interface S1 for signal conversion devices with communica-
~ tions channels; interface S2 for signal conversion devices and automatic
call devices with data processing equipment; interface S3 for error protec-
tion units with data processing.
Devices for interlinking computers and data transmission equipment consist
of data transmission multiplexors (MPD's) and communications processors.
The data transmission multiplexors are the central units of the remote data
processing system and determine its capabilities and configurations. These
units provide:
a. interaction between the computer and the usar station
through communications channels, with performance of
. essential data conversion, partial buffering (tlie main
computer memory is used for complete buffering), inter-
ference-stabilizing coding, and the like;
b. execution of data control algorithms realizable for each
user station. and containing procedures to establish and
break the data linkup, for identification and inquiry,
- and for data transmisaion. The execution of the pro-
cedures is initiat~d in the data transmission multi-
plexor by a sequence of channel programs and commands;
c. control of data transmission cfiannels and equipment;
in other -;~ords, it insures logical and electrical inter-
linking of the computer and the data transmission
The YeS remote data transmission system presupposes several types of data
transmission multiplexors that differ by the number and variety of pieces
of data transmission equipment, user stations, and communications cfiannels.
In all data transmission multiplexors the computer is connected to the
multiplex channel and the structure is similar, consisting of a unit to
_ 208
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interlink with the co~puter input-output channel which performs parallel
data excnange between the data transmission multiplexor and the computer;
a two-channel awitch that m~kes it posaible to work with two multiplex
channels and different models of YeS computers; and, line adapters that
take account of the special characteristics of the user stations that are
being ~onnected. The number and composition of line adapters depends on
the type of data trans~nission s~ultiplexor and the configuration of the re-
mote data procesaing system.
Table 12.3 below gives the technic~l characteristics of data transmission
multiplexors that have been realize%1 within the YeS remote d.ata transmis-
sion system, All the multiplexors are connected to the multiplex channel
of the computer through a standard input-output interface; they are con-
nected to the data transmiseion equipment through an S2 interface and
directly to telephonp channels through an S1 interface.
The MPD-lA (YeS-8400) data tranemission multiplexor allows up to 15 dif-
ferent user stations to be connected to the computer througfi communications
channels. These stations may be AP-61, AP-63, AP-70, RTA, and any model o�
YeS computer which includes an MPD-lA. The transmission speed by physical
- lines and telegraph communications channels is 75 bauds; by telephone
channels it is 200-4,800 bauds.
Telegraph communications channela and physical lines are connected to the
multiplexor either separately or through a signal conversion unit; tele-
phone channels are connected through a Modem-200 or Modem-2400. All in--
coming and outgoing connections are made automatically. The only excep-
tion is establishing autgoing connections on switchable telegraph. lines.
This operation is done, on the initiative of the computer, by tfie ~perator,
who manually dials the number outputted tiy the computer.
The fo~.lowing line adapters have been developed for the MPD-lA: AD-1 for
work with page-printing telegraphs through switcfiable telegraph communi-
cations channels; the AD-2 for work with the AP-%0 through assigned tele-
graph channele; the AD-3 far work with AP-61 and AP-63 tfirough the Modem-
2400 and assigned telephone channels; the AD-44 work witfi AP-1 and AP-70
through telephone channels and the Modem-200. These adapters provide
- a semiduplex mode of data exchange. The AD-5 adapter carries on communi-
cations among models of Ye5 the duplex mode~ The synchronous
adapter AD-6 is used for work with all synchronous user stations (AP~s)
on non-switchable telegraph lines. For the purpose of connecting the line
adapters the MPD-lA has an adapter connection block (BPA) tfiat communicates
with the block for interlinking with the channel, and an adapter synchroni-
zation block (BSkhA) for control of the adapters.
Figure 12.3 below shows one possible configuration using the MPD-lA,
The MPD-3 (YeS-8403) data transmission multiplexor carries on communica-
tion between YeS-1020, YeS-1030, YeS-1050, and YeS-1060 computers with
four user stations. The AP-l, AP-3, AP-11, AP-70, page-printing telegrapfi,
= or YeS computer with MP-3 may be used as user stati_ons.
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,t~n~o ~sn z~i~r.~.~o ao~
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w w w N O
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a F+ cn r~ ~n ~n ~n c~, ~n
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_ f~ ~ 6 � Q' . w w w ~ . ~ � w ~-I Ul
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J~'INO ~SCI 'IVIJI~30 b0.~
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j '~Ko~Hy~upyeMe~~ ~enezpa_m D~~
AQ-f ync Hb~KaNa~ c ~'su ~J
~ i _ I J ' r----~ ,
6~k ~A_Z ( y~~
~ Be~aeneNNa~~7 ~enezpa~- q~ y? ~
38M 6CK ~ L__J
Nb~l KONQn c esu
, I 2~ ~R Rq-3 9 MokM-24D0 ~ B~QGNNBlII /~:7C~OH _ A
q~f-63 u
Nbl MONO/!' C AJ(/
~ 6CzR qQ-4r ~ ~NoBe~+-200 KOMH r~ eHOi~3 ~en ARn-70u
. ~5 , ` '~ONNDIlI MQHO/! c a-
l , I ~
~ Mn,q-rA (MPD-1A) ' ~ .
= Figure 12.3. Configuration of the YeS Remote Data Trans-
mission System Using the MPD-lA.
Key: (1) Computer;
(2) Block for ~nterconnection with the Input-Output Channel of
the Computer;
(3) BSK;
(4) Block for Connection of Adapters (BPA);
(5) Block for Synchronization of Adapters (BSkhA);
- (6) Line Adapters Nos 1-4;
(7) Signal Conversion Device Switchable ~elegraph Communications
6hannel Page-Printing Telegraph;
(8) Signal Conversion IInit + Assigned Telegraph Communications
Channel AP-70;
(9) Modem-2400 4- Assigned Telephone Communications Channel +
AP-61 or AP-63~
_ (10) Modem-200 f Switchable Telephone Communications Channel
_ AP-1 or AP-70.
This multiplexor has the following types of line adapters:
a. the TA-1 start-stop adapter, with which AP-1 and AP--70
user stations are connected to the MPD-3 tfirough the
Modem-200 and AW-TF automatic call device on switch-
able and assigned teleplione channels;
b. the TA-2 start-stop adapter, which facilitates communi-
cation with user stations that have telegraph equipment
_ by the MPD-3 on assigned telegraph channels. Only hard-
_ ware control of the information being transmitted is
carried out in this case;
c. the SA-1 synchronnus adapter, through which the AP-11 or
the MPD-3, which is similar to it, are connected to the
multiplexor on assigne~ telephone channels. Communica-
tion passes through the Modem-2400. The method of pro-
tection against errors is use of a cyclical code with a
forming polynomial x16 + x12 + x5 + 1;
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d. the AA-1 asynchronous adapter, by which AP-2 and AP-3
user stations are connected to the given multiplexor
through the UZO-1200 error protection device and the
Modem-1200 on switchable and assigned telephone channels.
The MPD-3 can be provided with various types af line adapters to provide a
semiduplex mode of data exchange. For work in the duplex mode the DA-1
line adapter, which operates with user stations not included in the set of
YeS equipment, and DA-2 line adapters that provide intermachine exchange
are used.
Information is transmitted on commiunications channels at speeds between 50
- and 4,800 bauds. Figure 12.4 below shows the configuration of a remote
data processing system using the MPD-3.
i 1 .
~ TA-t ~ ~y. KoMNy~upyrHa~J u duae- uav~
' ' ~ ENMU 7CQeQ10NNAI /!Q- A/~-~~
~ bQK HQn Conau
6Ch' Tp'2 ~ ~ y~g}iBe~BeneNHa~ renezpa~ne~u PTR
3BM xaNan c nau
� ~ ~2) ~ A ~ L----~
~ 8e~8eneHNeiu ~ent~oNNau, qn_�
6 ~ Ej I _ XOHd/1 C A3l.~
1~ ~ Ra-r ~ y3o-.+zoo OBCN.~t~KI KOHH 7U Rn-3
~ ~ neNNa u_ rene-
LMn,q_s (MPD-3) J on""c~AS"u�
Figure 12.4. Conf iguration of the YeS Remote Data Processing
System Using the MPD-3.
Key: (1) Computer;
(2) Block for Interr_onnection with the Input-Output Channel of
the Computer;
(3) BSK;
(4) Block for Connection of Adapters (BPA);
_ (5) Line Adapters Nos 1-4;
(6) - SA-1 Synchronous Adapter;
(7) Modem-200 Switchable and Assigned Telephone Communications
Channel AP-]. or AP-70;
(8) Signal Conversion Unit Assigned Telegraph Communications
_ Chanr.el Page-Printing Telegraph; _
(9) Modem-2400 Assigned Telephone Communications Channel
(10) UZO-1200 ~ Modem-1200 4- Switchable and Assigned Telephone
Communications Channel AP-3.
The MPD-1 (YeS-8404) data transmission multiplexor provides connections
with user stations on 32 (with possible augmentation to 64) switchable and -
assigned telephone channels and non-switchable telegraph channels, as well
as on physical lines. The speed of transmission may be 50, 75, 100, 200,
600, 1,200, and 2,400 bauds. -
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The MPD-1 has three types of adapters. The TA-1 works with AP-1 and AP-70
stations through switchable and non-switchable telephone channels. The
TA-2 works with telegraphs, and the TA-3 operates with AP-61 and AP-63 sta-
tions through non-switchable telephone communications channels. The MPD-1
includes u mem~ry block that has two modules with 32 addressable cells
_ apiece, containing the control words of the lines. One module has a -
capacity of 2,112 bits and is linked to the TA-1 and TA-2 adapters; the
other, with the capacity of 2,240 bits, is connected to the TA-3.
The MPD-2 (YeS-8402) programmable data transmiasion multiplexor is designed
to organize large aystems within the Unified System of Computers. It _
carries on data exchange between computers and all types of data trans- _
mission multiplexors and user stations included in the hardware of the YeS
remote data transmission system.
. The MPD-2 makes it possible to connect between eight and 176 communica-
tions lines, increasing by increments of eight. Non-switchable and
assigned telephone communications channels and physical lines are used for
- this period. The transmission speeds are 50, 100, 20il, 600, 1,200, 2,400,
and 4,800 bauds.
Unlike the har3ware-type data transmission ~nultiplexors we have considered,
in which the assort~cent of user stations is always limited, the MPll-2 can
connect various types of user stations. This advantage greatly increases
the flexibility of the system, helps broaden it when necessary, and in-
creases the number of connectable user etations.
New user stations are connected by copying a program into the memory of
the multiplexor with.out making changes in its circuitry. The MPD-2 in-
cludes a disk memory unit with a capacity of 4,096 72-bit words and a
- microprogram control block. T'ne multiplexor uses these devices to perform
functions related to the execution of concrete exchange algorithms. In
addition to these devices the MPD-2 has a main memory unit whicfi stores
the control and information words of the lines for all communications
, The 1JMPD remote multiplexor (YeS-8421) concentrates 20 non-switchable
telegraph communications channels working at a speed of 50 bauds and ha1ing
user stations at .*.he ends into one non-switchable telephone line with a
speed of 1,200 bauds. The use of this multiplexor makes it possible to
significantly reduce the number of co~unications channels and greatly
increase the efficiency of their use. One of the possible configurations ~
~ of a remote data processing system using the UMPD is shown in Figure 12.5
below. `
Eecause the functions of the remote data processing system related to
analyzing titles, establishing orders, editing messages, and polling the
state of the user stations are done by computer, further development of -
the YeS remote 3ata transmission system presupposes development and intro--
duction of special communications processors and, in connection with this,
the rediatribution of remote data transmission functions.
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- . Berr7eneNNe~u
- ~ NoaeN- ~eneq~oHHa~u A~- ~
. . -?00 " xoHan c R3u An
~ BeiaeneNNb~u
a BaigeneNHa~r7 ~ene- . MaaeN- Tene ONHbIl1 A~~62
- a8M Mr~q-2 yHnq MoBeN-f2oq ~OHHO/Q KONO/! HO~~'"~~o HnQ ~_p~~� KaNan c nau unu
1 2' ' 3 4 ~S~cen3u (4) 3 Rn-s4
~8) ~ene2p
~ria u . PTA
~rar+an c n3u
Figure 12.5. Configuration of a YeS Remote Data Process-
ing System Using the UI~D.
Key: (1) Computer;
(2) MPD-2;
(3) UI~D;
(4) Modem-1200;
- (5) Assigned Telephone Communications Channel;
(6) Modem-200 f Assigned Telephone Communications Channel
AP-1 or AP-70;
(7) Modem-200 Assigned Telephone Communications Channel
AP-62 or AP-64;
(8) Assigned Telegraph Communications Channel -r Page-Printing
The use of communications processors in place of data transmission multi-
plexors helps reduce the workload of the computers and increase system
flexibility and reliability and the possibility of employing them as
message switching centers in computer networks. In most cases communica-
tions processors are minicomputers with sp~=cia1 software. The functions
of interlinking the minicomputers with the central computer and trans-
mission units are performed by linear adapters.
OPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1980
CSO: 1863
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UDC 681.3
Russian 1980 (signed to press 15 Oct 80) pp 2, 4-5, 358-359
- [Annotation, excerpt of preface, and table of contents of book "Fundamentals
- of Automa.ting Control of Production Processes" by Vinfrid Kal'fa, Valeriy
Valentinovich Ovchinnikov, Oleg Mikhaylovich Ryakin, Gans-Yurgen Sebastian,
and Vladimir Vasil'qevich Smirnov, Izdatel'stvo "Sov~tskoye radio", 8,000 copies, ,
_ 360 pages] '
[Excerpts] Annotation
This book considers automated data processing systems that provide
optimal control of production processes on the basis of mathematical
models that take into account the indeterminacy of a number of parameters
_ of the control process. The development of data processing systems in
- two directions is shown: the organization of large collective-use systems,
= and the establishment of systems of s~~nall computers. The authors des- neans and methods of improving the reliability of information in
different stages of its processing.
- The authors present results obtained by them in the development and intro-
duction of ineans for automatin.g control at enterprises in the Soviet Union
- and East Gemany.
The book is intended for scientific workers and engineers who are spec�
ializing the the fields of control system design and data processing.
There are 79 illustrations, 42 tables, and 134 bibliographic entries.
In the first section of the book, Chapter 1 considers the basic tasks
of designing automated control sygtems for production processes, and then
Chapter 2 describes certain new m~thematical models of control of
processea characterized by a large volume of manual labor and lack of
intermediate data on the performance of particular operations (movement
of freight, constructaion-installaion work, and other jobs). Techniques
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are developed for this kind of model to aptimize r_ontrol processes with
- due regard for incomplete information on the eontrolled objects. These
techniques have been used at a number of construction industry enterprises
in East Germany and offer new possibilities of raising the productivity of
these p rocesses. -
The second part of the book analyzes the principles of const~ructing a col-
_ lective-use data processing system capable of serving a number of rem~te
users at the same time and oriented to models of the YeS [iJnified System]
- f3mily of computers (Chapter 3). Such a system based on a computer center
has been developed and introduced in East Germany. Chapter 4 considers the
questions of organizing and using data banks in integrated data processing -
syatems for control of production processes (using examples from enterprises
in the USSR, East Germany, ar.d W~st Germany).
The third part of the book is devoted to the use of "small" third-generation -
computer equtpment to automate control. Chapter 5 considers the questions ~
of using microcomputers and microprocessors, while Chapter 6 deals with the
special characteristics of using minicomputers. Substantial attention is ~
devoted to the principles of modularity, mainlining, and microprogramability
for this class of computers and to the organization of input-output inter- _
faces for "small" computers.
The first part (Chapters 7-9) considers the primary methods of insuring data
- reliability in automated processing systems. This is accomplished by soft-
ware and hard~rare means accompanying the computing processes. Chapter 7
describes m~thods of noise-immune input of initial data. Chapter 8 deals
_ with the basic methods used to insure the reliability of storage of data
files. Chapter 9 covers methods of monitoring computations in the central
The preface and Chapters 1 and 5 were written by V. V. Ovchinnikov (USSR).
Chapter 2 is written by G.-Yu. Sebastian (East Germany). Chapter 3 was
written by V. Kal'fa (East Germany), Chapters 4 and 6 were written by V. V.
Smirnov (USSR). 0. M. Ryakin (JSSR) wrote Chapters 7-9. In addition,
Section :3.1 was written jo~.ntly by V. V. Ovchinnikov, G.-Yu. Sebastian, -
and V. Kal'fa.
The authors are grateful to their reviewers, corresponding member of the
Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences V. M. Amerbayev, doctor of technical -
sciences and professor V. A. Gorbatov (USSR), and doctor of natural sciences
' and professor A. Sheffer (East Germany). The authors tried to make maximum
- use of their suggestions and remarks in writing this book.
- Table of Contents Page
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Part 1. Principles and Models of Control of Production -
Processes. -
Chapter 1. Basic Tasks of Automation of Control of Production
Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
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a '
1.1. Optimization of Control of Production Processes 6
1.2. Forms of Automatioz~ of Data Processing in Control
- Systems for Production Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3. Characteristic Features of A?gorithmization of
Problems for Automated Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4. Analysis of Software and Hardware Means of ~
Automated Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5. Reliability of Information with Automated Data Processing 22
Chapter 2. Models of Optimal Control of Production Processes 26
2.1. Optimal Control of Production Processes in Manufacturing,
_ Transporting, and Using Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
?_.2. Planning the Process of Production Control . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3. Mathematical Models of Analyzing a Control 5ystem
for Production Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.4. Methods of Dynamic Optimization of Control Systems
- for Production Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Part 2. Collective-Use Systems in Control of Production
Chapter 3. Collective-Use Data Processing System . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.1. Requirements of tl~e Collective-Use Data
Processing System (CUDPS) . . . . . . . . . . . � � � � � � � 89
3.2. Structure of the CUDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.3. Topology of the CUDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 :
3.4. Work Regimes of the CUDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Chap~er 4. Data Banka in Control Systems for Production Processes 142
4.1. Principles of Data Organization in Control Systems
for Production Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
4.2. Data Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.3. System for Control of Data Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
4,4. Data Base Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
4.5. Data Bank Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
4.6. Examples of Realization of nata Bank Control Systems
and Data Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Page 3. Minicomputers and Microcomputers in Control Systems
for Production Processes
_ Chapter 5. Data Processing Systems Based on Microprocessors and
_ Microcomputers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
5.1. The Development of Microprocessors and Microcomputers
as Widely Used Data Processing Equipment . . . . . . . . . . i75
5.2. Characterigtics of Microprocessors ana Microcomputers 185
5.3. The Machine Language of Microprocessors and Microcomputers . 196
- 5,4. The Use of Micropz�ocessors and Microcomputers in Control
Systems for Production Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
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Chapter 6. Minicomputers in Control Sysr.ems for Production
Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
_ 6.1. Characteristics and Distinctive Fea..ares of Minicomputers . 224
6.2. Mic roprogram Control in Minicomputers . . . . . . . . . . . 233
6.3. Input-Output Interfaces in Minicomputers . . . . . . . . . 246
_ Part 4. Insuring the Reliability of Data in Automated I
Chapter 7. Ins uring the Reliability of Raw Data . . . . . . . . . . . 263 ~
7.1. Preliminary Processing of Raw Data . . . . . . , , . . . . 263
7.2. Formalization of Raw Data in Document Form 264
7.3. Algorithmization of the Processes of Noise-Immune
Input of Documentary Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
7.4. Logical Foundations of Automated Monitoring . . . . . . . . Z23 -
7.5. Monitoring Documentary Information Represented
in Symbolic Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 '
7.6. The Automated System for Noise-Immune Input of
= Documentary Information in the Unified System of
Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Chapter 8. Insuring Reliabilit,y in Data Storage . . . . . . . . . . . 305 .
8.1. Reliability of Information in Storage of Data Files 305
_ 8. Z. Monitoring Work with Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
8. 3. Res toring Information in Files , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 323 ~
8.4. Noise-I~une Coding To Correct Errors in File Entries 327
8.5. Reconfiguration Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Chapter 9. Reliability of Computation in Processors . . . . . . . . . 337 -
9.1. Means of Monitoring Errors in Central Processors 337
9.2. Monitoring Machine Operations in the Processor 338
- 9.3. Detection of Program Errors in the Processor 342
- 9.4. Restoration of the Computing Process After Errors in
the Pr~cessor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
- Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
_ Subject Index . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 354
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 1980
CS 0: 1863
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UDC 681. 3
Russian 1980 (signed to press 15 Oct 80) pp 89, 99-102, 107-112, 118-119
[Excerpts of Chapter 3 of book "Fundamental~ of Automating Control of
Production Processes' by Vinfrid Kal'fa, Valeriy Valentinovich Ovchinnikov,
- 01eg Mikhaylovich Ryakin, Gans-Yurgen Sebastian, and Vladimir Vasil'yevich
- Smirnov, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 8,000 copies, 360 pages]
- [Excerpts] Chapter 3. Collective-Use ~ata Processing Systems
3.2. Structure of the Collective-Use Data Processing System (CUDPS)
General Diagram of the CUDPS
Fi~ure 3.7 below shows the general diagram of the CUDPS. The processes are
linked to the system through terminals; the terminals may be used by just
one process or by different processes sequentially. But for each process
there will be at least one dialog module (or one problem program) containing
the algorithm for control of data input-output. This diaglog module sh~uld
have the capability of referring to the data bank and/or data array affili-
ated with one or several processes.
The operating system has two levels of data control: the problem program -
, data arrays/data bank, and the problem program - terminal. Both levels
are shown in Figure 3.7 where T1, T are the terminals; F1, F _
- are the common arrays of data for the problem programs and system p rograms
of the operating system; ITF1 UF are user files; ]III1 IIIIR are
problem programs; and, II1 II are ~he processes. General control of the
system is exercised by the opera~ing system (shown by double arrows).
- Thus, the operating system se~es that each process can use the CUDPS as its
- own computing machine with virtual terminal addreasing. To expand the capa-
bilities of the CUDPS it is necessary to add the operating system and sys-
- tem software. A change in the functional capabilities of the CUPDS is
achieved by reorganizing the structure of the operating system without re-
designing the hardware. Many books and articles have been written on ques-
tions of the work of different types of operating systems. The best, from
the standpoint of the CUDPS, is monograph [7].
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~ f, uf,
~ 6tlMK �
~ DQNN~/K ~
f~� Uf~
Figure 3.7.
nn, . nnR OnepQyuaNNaA
Key : (1) Data Bank; ~L~m~~~2
(2) Operating System.
Tj TZ Ts 7~
- ~ r~ , 1' f'l
~~~J L J . . . L J
We will note here only the most important functions of an operating system
for a CUDPS, namely: interrupt control, organization of exchange with ex-
- ternal data storage, analysis of errors and emergency situations in the
computation process, and rapid retr�L~val of system control and processing
programs from the library and piitting them in a ready state. Thr problems
of insuring protection of the operating system against destruction when an
unprepared user is in dialog with the CUDPS occupy a special place.
The main thing necessary to execute the problem programs is increasing the
working speed of the central processors. The YeS-2040 processor, for
example, multiplies numbers with floating decimal points in 10 microseconds
with a mamory volume of :~,024 kilobytes. In terms of capabilities this
model is at the lower threshold for use as a central processor in a CUDPS.
- Processors in the CUDPS perform the following functions:
a. processing problem and system programs;
b. control of data tranemission channels in the "terminals-
concentrator" contour;
c. control of channels for transmission between main and
external memory (channel control);
d. control of interrupts based on multiprogramming;
e. storage of data in main memory.
An example of a multipurpose processor that transmits data by telephone at a
speed of up to 48 kilobauds is the MPD-4 (YeS-8404) m~.nicomputer produced
by the Robotron Associatiou in East Germany.
Terminals for work on a real time acale are used in control systems for
complex production processes that envision the possibility of automatic
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~~ollection of data on situations in production processing. Data are trans-
r~iitted to the CUDPS, pracessed, aitd the results (parameters controlled)
transmitted back to the terminals. The raw data may be transmitted from
sensing devices, automatic monitoring and measuring devices, or operators.
W'hen working with such terminals it is essential to provide special linkages
between the measurement complexes or devices and the hardware of the base
Minicomputers and microcomputers with microprogramming can be used to in-
crease the speed of data transmission equipmant. The YeS-8505 user station
for collection of data in different sections of production processes, shown
in Figure 3.12 below is an example. These terminals are used in systems to
w~~^~t + ,4+~:
t` ( k'n~,ti~-~
x~~ eY~ ;u.
; .
'`7. ~:iM,:
- Figure 3.12
monitor and control transportation, the condition of the environment, the
supply of water, electricity, and gas, care of patients, and so on. Table
3.6 below gives more detailed characteristics of the YeS-8505 user station.
Table 3.6. Characteristics of the YeS-8505 User Station.
Total Number of Dispatcher Points 15
(DEP) for Recording Data on Ongoing
Production Situation
Method of Recording
DEP-A Digital Input-Output
DEP-B Digital Input, Alphanumeric Output
- DEP-C Alphanumeric Input-Output
[Table continued next pageJ
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[Table 3.6 continued)
Method of Data Transmission Conversion of Sequential f~de To
(Through YeS-8002, 8006 or UPSN, Parallel Code in Conformity with
and YeS-8028 Modems) Standard CCITZ'V24
Method of Linkage To MPD-4 Data Through a 12ESEP Device by "Start-
Transmission Multiplexor (YeS-8404) Stop" Signals or Through a Standard
SIF1000 Interface
Directivity of Interface Semiduplex
Speed of Data Transmission (for 12ESEP) 200, 600, 1,200 Bits/Second
_ Transmitted Code KOI-7
Error Protection Standard VRS/LRS Code
Dimensions of:
DZA Decentralized Pollin~ Unit 800x500x1,130 mm3
Data Array Generator 880x500x960 mm3
DEP Dispatcher Point 1,210x805x1,065 mm3
AST Asynchronous Control Device 540x380x290 mm3
Length of Connections
Direct Connection DEP-User Station 20 Meters
Linkage of DEP-Expander and 1,000 Meters
DUE-User Station
Independent automatic systems for monitoring, measurement, and control which
do not have remote communications with the base computer have become rivals
_ of these terminals (taking into account the reduced expenditure for electronic
elements and memory units). The automatic systems have an advantage if direct
control of the ~hiect through the ~i111P~ is not required aa~l *he data may he
delivered to the computer center on magnecic tape. This could apply, for
_ example, to servicing machines and mechanisms working under field conditions.
Specialized terminals for production operations depend on the software of the
controlled process and have numerous modifications. The advantages of their
application in the CUDPS are that data is collected directly from the source,
time losses for collecting information are reduced, and precision is greater.
The specialized unit that monitors com~ercial transactions is an example.
It can include a reading unit, a keyboard with numbers and letters, a printer,
a display for operational information on transactions, buffer memory,
cassette accumulators, a simple arithmetic-logical unit based on a micro-
procc3sor, programmable logical matrices, a synchronization block,
and a block of modems and interlinking devices. The last four elements may
be included in minicomputers or microcomputers.
Data is collected by means of a decimal digital keyboard (10-20 bit posi-
tions), special working keys, a table reading device, a monitoring light
indicator, and logical and control memory units. These terminals are used
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in banks, systems for reserving places in libraries, hospitals, and poly-
clinics, in transportation, and elsewhere.
"Intel.~ectual" terminals are devices that contain minicomputers, micro-
computers, or microprocessors and provide for programming the input-output
- of complex assignments. The contemporary "intellectual" terminal may
have its own main memory (with the possibility of enlarging it by sup-
plementary external storage) and a processor. The terminal is con-
- nected to the base computer and its external memory through appropriate
interlinking devices. It is capable of performing control programs for
transmission of compacted data independently. As a result, time expendi-
tures for data transmission and loading communications channels are sig-
nif.icantly reduced.
Figure 3.13 below shows the hardware of the KMU-400, which is part of an
"intellectual" terminal of the Baukombunat system for control of production
processes designed for an East German construction-installation enterprise
that does jobs involving shipping large amounts of large-dimension freight
over long distances [10]. The basic units of these terminals and tfieir
indicators are shown in Table 3.7 below.
~ ~s~;
i ~lil ~I
; Figure 3.13
i ~;kM1~�~
Table 3.7. Units of the "Intellectual" Terminal
- Main Memory 16�1,024 Words, each. of which
- contain 16 bits; access time 1.3
Arithmetic-Logical Unit with Fixed Performance Time for Operation of
Decimal Point Addition - 65 Microseconds
[Table con~inued next pagef
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[Table 3.7 continued]
Concentrator Channel for Cannecting 12 Devices
To Control Data Input-Output
Channel for Direct Access to Memory Group Copying of Data Between
Memory and Input-Output Devices
at a Speed of Up To 1 Million Words
a Second
External Accumulator
Magnetic Drum 98,304 Words
Magnetic Tape Length - 360 Meters; Width -
Roughly 12.6 Millimeters
Magnetic Disk 10-15 Megabytes
. Peripheral Devices
Character Synthesizer 10~ Characters per Second
Punched Tape Block Up to 1,000 Characters a Second
Typewriter 10 Characters a Second
Magnetic Tape Cassette 45,000 Words
Display Videoton 340
Punched Card Reader 500 Cards a Minute
Data Transmission Devices
An important part of the CUDPS is devices to transmit data between terminals
and the base computer or among several computers. The volume of data to
be transmitted and the time necessary for the response depends signifi-
cantly on the software of the ob~ect (process). When the b~se compute: is
significantly removed from the ob3ect of control the process of data trans-
mission requires solving a number of fairly complex problems:
1. the use of telephone channels to transmit discrete
2. coordination of the carrying cagacities of telephone
and telegraph channels with the carrying capacity of
- the computer;
- 3. reducing the level of errors occurring in channels to
acceptable values.
The difference between the carrying capacities of communications channels
and computers (see Figure 3.14 [not reproduced]) is compensated for by
buffer memories which are used for both transmitting and receiving messages.
~ The volume of buffer memory differs. It depends on the method of trans-
mitting symbols from terminals to the computer and in the other direction.
With asynchronous transmission from a teletype it is sufficient to store
just one symbol; for synchronous transmissions from a display 1,024 symbols
must be stored. In the latter case the channel is free to transmit data
from other terminals.
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The package of inessages is first accumulated in buffer memory, and then -
transmitted to the channel. This job is often done by data transmission _
multiplexors (1~IDP's) in the base computer [Z1] .
Modulator-demoduZatora are used to coordinate the signals with the frequency
band of the eommunications channels of the system. The telephone network
usually has a frequency range from 300 to 3,400 Hertz. Therefore, it is
- necessary to convert signals to high frequency signals by means of ampli-
tude, frequency, or phase modulation. The high frequency signal is de-
- modulated at the user station and converted to digital code. Because two-
way communication between the base computer and peripheral devices is -
usually requi red, both devices (the modulator and demodulator) are joined
in a single d esign unit called the modem. Without a modem transmission
is possibla only for short distances through cable or wire lines. Data on
modems and transmission devices by cable lines are given in Table 3.8
below (12].
~ Table 3.8
Method of Data
_ ~~T~ ef Device Speed, bauds Wcrk Regime Transmission Number of Lines
YeS-8002 200 Duplex Asynchronous 2
Ye5-8006 1,20Q Semiduplex Synchronous 2x4
YeS-8028 2,400 Semiduplex Synchronous 2x4
9,600 Duplex Asynchronous
External Memo ry Units
Table 3.11
Average Ac- Maximum
Type of
cess Time To Exchange Recording Capacity of
Computer Accumu- Accumulator, Speed, Density, Accumulat~r
Mode:l Firm lator microseconds kbit/sec bit/mm M Bytes
YeS-~052 Elka Disk 90 156 35 7.25
~ (Bulgaria)
YeS~-5061 Elka Disk 90 312 88 29
- , (Bulgaria)
3470 Siemens Disk 20 - - 420
- YeS-5017 Zeis (GDR) Tape S 64 32 732 (15 mm gap
in block)
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Sovetskoye radio", 1980 "
- 11,176
CSO: 1863
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UDC 581.3
_ Russian 1980 (signed to press 15 Oct 80) pp 142, 162, 164-171
[Excerpts of Chapter 4 of book "Fundamentals of Automating Cuntrol of
Production Processes" by Vinfrid Kal'fa, Valeriy Valentinovich Ovchinnikov,
Oleg Mikhaylovich Ryakin, Gans-Yurgen Sebastian, and Vladimir Vasil'yevich
Smirnov, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 8,000 copies, 360 pages]
[Excerpts] Chapter 4. Data Banks in Control Systems for Production
Table 4.1.
Minimum Ca-
Type of Data First pacity of
Bank Control Developer- Year Main Memory, Type of
System Country of Use K bytes Mode of Use Computer
GIS USA 1966 128 Batch IBM/360-40, 50
_ MIS/360 USA 1967 256 Batch, time- IBM/360-40, SO
DBOMP USA 1967 32 Batch IBM/360-25
MARK IV USA 1968 384 Batch IBM/360-40, 50
MARS III USA 1968 512 Batch CDC 3170, 3300,
MARS IV USA 1969 256 Batch, dialog CDC 6400, 6500,
- DMS 1100 USA 1969 384 Batch, dialog CDC 6400, 6500,
- 6600
SESAM FRG 1969 128 Batch, dialog IBM/360-40
SIEMENS 4004/135
POLIS FRG 1970 64 Batch, dialog IBriI/360-40
CICS ~ USA 1970 128 Batch, dialog IBM/360-40
- FMS-8 USA 1971 384 Batch, dialog UNIVAC 1000
IMS/2 USA 1971 128 Batch, dialog IBM/360-40 50
DIS/DISDIA FRG 1971 128 Batch, dialog IBM/360-40
ADABAS FRG 1971 128 Batch, dialog SIEMENS 4004, IBM-
_ BASTEI GDR 1972 128 YeS-104Q
[Table continued next page]
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[Table 4.1 continued]
Minimum Ca-
Type of Data First pacity of
Bank Control Developer- Year Main Memory, Type of
System Country of Use* K bytea Mode of Use Computer
BANK 2000 USA 1973 256 Batch, dialog -
UNA 1071 FRG 1973 256 Batch, dialog -
SINBAD USSR 1975 128 Batch YeS Computers
NABOB USSR 1975 128 Batch YeS Computers
BAZIS USSR 1975 256 Batch, dialog M-4030
BANK USSR 1976 64 Batch YeS Computers
SIOD 1, 2 USSR 1976 32 Batch YeS Computers
OKA USSR 1976 138 Batch, dialog YeS Computers
USSR 1976 256 Batch, dialog YeS Computers
INES USSR 1979 5]2 Batch, dialog YeS Computers
DIAMS USSR 1977 16 Batch SM-3, SM-4
IMAGE USA 1976 128 Batch, dialog HP-3000
* Determined by latest publications
- The BANK data base control system is a set of languages and software for or-
ganizing data banks of random composition on magnetic disks for the YeS com-
puters. The p rogram package of the system is designed for work under the
control of the YeS disk operating system. The BANK system presupposes two
levels of use:
- 1. the administrator level, in which role it operates as
a programmer who creates and maintains the data base;
2. the problem programmer level; this is the level at which
- the users of the data bank who form requests for processing
- and shaping output reports work.
The languagea of the BANK system consist of the language for describing the
structure of th e data base and the language for access to store data. Both
languages are sets of macrocommand. The problem programmer can write his
own requests us ing the macrocommands of the access language; in this case
the level of access corresponds to the level of the logical input-output
system of the YeS disk operating system.
- The logical level of data of the BANK system consist of fields, entries,
and chains. There is a logical address corresponding to each logical entry
which determines its relative position in the data base. A chain consists
of several typ es of entries. Entries of one type (the maximum number of
types is 255) should have identical composition and a fixed length. Within
a chain entries are interconnected by logical addresses. The chains may
_ contain entries which are physically located on the disks of different pack-
ages. The same entry may be included in several chains. In each chain one
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entry is alwaya the main one: the chain begins and ends with it. Within the
chain entries may be arranged by order of increasing or decreasing values of
the entry fields declared by key entries. The connections that form the chain
may be one-way or two-way and may also provide a reference to the main entry
of the chain. Thus, data structures of the list, tree, and network types are
In physical terms, the data base controlled by the Bank system may consist of
- several files and take up several packages of disks. The whale memory of the
, data base is broken into blocks which are called pages. The maximum number
of blocks of the data base should not exceed 65,535. The size of a block is
limited t~y the length of the disk track. Each file should consist of blocks
of the same aize. The number of different types of entries within a block
is arbitrary. Each block contains a mandatory entry formed by the system
which indicates the main entries of the list of free sectors of the block
(tracks) and lists of entries of the given block. The system uses these
lists in record-keeping and distributing memory for new entries.
The administrator of the base selects the method of locating entries in
blocks of the base from the set ~f inethods offered by the BANK data
base control system:
_ a. for locating an entry the programmer should indicate
the correct address, the logical address: the block
number ar~n address of the entry in the block;
b. use of the system randomization procedure , which com-
putes the number of the block by the value of the entry
field declared by the key;
c. entries are arranged in the same block where the main
eztry of the chain is located or close to it;
d. filling blocks in order beginning with the first;
e. filling blocks, skipping intervals assigned by the user.
In the data description the developer should also assign the technique for
retrieving entries: direct, using the key randomization procedure, or
through the chain.
The problem programmer when developing the program must envision memory
fields in it for interaction with the BANK data base control system:
a. at least two buffers whose dimensions are equal to the
largest block being used;
b. working fields for all entry fie~ds and keys with which
he will work;
c. four communications fields (four bytes long each): a field
containing the logical address of the last entry used;
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a field ta notify the programmer of error situations; ,
two more fields that assign the beginning and final
addreases of the block (or entries) for $roup retrieval.
Access to the BANK data base control system 3.s possible from programs written
in Assembler ~(using dee].arative macrocomma.nds) , Cobol, and PL/1 (using the "Call"
statement) by indicating the ~ddresses of the tables of parameters. The BANK
data b~se control system provides the programmer with the following procedures:
"Open," "Close," "Store," "Find," "Remove," "Modify," "Copy," and "Transfer
on Condition."
The description of the data base maq be done b~ seven macrocommands with key
parameters. The .order of description macrocommands is fixed.
Protection of the data base involves monitoring the parameters communicated
by the user wher. referring to the base. A systPm log and restoration pro-
_ gram are used to restore integrity. The system log is put on magnetic
tape and all changes over a certain period of time are recorded on it. The
creation of copies of the data base should be envisioned by organizational
- measures.
The BANK data base proceasing system contains programs to form and correct
data bases, programs for reorganization and restoration, and programs to
compile tables and describe the structure of a data base.
Three modules are used for the work of the problem program: the base
description module, the procedural module (in one of two variations: for
retrieval only or for retrieval and updating), and the data base control
system resident module. The resident module occupies four kilobytes; the
procedural model occupies a maximum of 14 kilobytes of main memory.
, The BANK data base control system was uaed for setting up a specialized bank
of normative-reference data at an industri~al enterprise [8].
Examples of Data Banks
The Data Bank Used at Machine Building Enterprises
An interesting example of this type of dat~ bank is the BASTEI system [1, 27]
developed by the scientific research center of the East German Robotron Com-
- bine.
The raw data for the BASTEI bank is design specifications and production
route cards. These documents are the basis for organizing the production
process at machine building enterprises.
The developers sele~ted key sp ecifications from the broad range of different
types of specifications because, as experience has demonstrated, the volume
of essential data here is relatively small. Moreover, the use of tfiem al- ,
lows changes to be made in the data with comparative simplicity.
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- In addition to the raw data mentioned above, there must also be data on
work positions and all materials, parts, assemblies, and articles (called
objects) used and manufactured at the combine.
Each specification contains data relating to the parts and assemblies of
one level of assembly; only data that reflects the structure of the assembly
on this level (list of parts and their number) is given. Al1 the remain- _
- ing information characterizing the parts of the assembly or the initial
� materials is omitted from the particular specifications. This same prin-
ciple is applied to all other types of data: objects, industrial routing
cards, and work positions. -
The industrial routing card corresponds to assembly specifications and
has data on the order of operations performed during the manufacture of
~ an object made up of parts or assemblies on o:ie level of assembly. Tfiis
may include the number of the work position, preparation and conclusion
time, the type of norm, the job rating, and instructions on performance of -
operations. Data depending on the work position at which the operation is
performed is not included in the industrial routing card.
_ Data on work positions includes information on each work position, the pro-
duction capacities of the equipment, calendar plan norms, and the like.
Data or_ objects, which means all objects handled in the production process, _
occupies a speeial place. This comprises raw material, semifinished ma-
terials, purchased parts, standardized parts, assemblies, and articles, and
the like.
All the data used by the BASTEI system is recorded in direct-access memory
(replaceable disks) in four files: ob~ects, specifications, industrial
routing cards, and work positions. Each installation is assigned a code
in advance. The connections among files are rigid and give the addresses of
the corresponding entries in the given or other files. Chain addressing is
widely used. Its basic purpose is to attempt to minimize large, labor-
intensive sorting jobs which are inevitable with conventional f ile data
- organizat~on.
The BASTEI syst`m has ~ complex of control programs that are used for 'ioad-
- ing, correcting, and reorganizing data. Users are offeXed a set of macro-
commands for performance of practical tasks. -
The record of each file consists of two parts: information and control.
~ The information part conta~ns the data considered above and is called data
for the users; the control part contains the addresses of the linkages that
are used by the control programs. The control parts of each entry are formed -
in the process of loading raw data.
The raw data for the system is prepared on punched cards and loaded into
memory in a definite order because of the need to know certain information
about files already l.oaded when load~�ng the next file.
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Data loading begins with feeding data on the ob~ect and construction of the
file of objecte in a predetermined area on replaceable magnetic disks. A
distini:t file entry corresponda to each object. The control part of the
entry reserves a place for the addresses of the first application of the
particular object in the specification file and the industrial routing card
- After the subject f ile is loaded data on specifications is fed and the spe-
cifications file is created. Each part has its own entry. The control part
of each entry of this file farms the address of the corresponding entry in
the object file, the address of the next part of this assembly or article,
and the address of the entry that d~termines the next use of tr e particular
part. Thus, a connection is established with the entries of the ob~ect
file and a chain list of all assemblies or articles which include the given
- part or assembly is formed. At the same time a whole number corresponding
to the degree of inclusion of this ob~ect is formed for each object (part,
assembly). The degree of inclusion for articles is taken as equal to
= zeLo, while for the parts and sesemblies of each previous level of assembly
it increases to one. The degree of inclusion is used for monitoring during
the process of loading and correcting the specifications file and for con-
trolling the beginning of production of articles during work with the sys-
tem. �
The file of work positions is loaded next. After data on each work position
is fed, the control part of each entry reserves fiAlds for the address of
the first entry of the industrial aperation and the address of the first
entry for use of the work position in the industrial routing card file.
These fields will be filled during the loading of this file, and thus a
connection will be established between the work position file and the in-
_ dustrial routing card file.
The industrial routing card file is the last to be loaded because a
knowledge of the position of entries in the object and work position files
~ is necessary to s'hape its entries. For each part manufactured at the com-
bine there is a corresponding list of industrial operations, work posi-
tions, and other information. The control part of each entry contains
the address of the corresponding entry in the object file, the address of
the entry in the file of ~aork positio:~s for each operation, the address
of the entry of the next use of the given work position, and the address
of the next operation in the sequance of industrial operations for the
particular part.
_ The BASTEI system enables users to receive specifications and industrial
routing cards in different forms of notation, cards for the applicability
of parts, and cards for use of work positions. Processing the specifi-
cations file makes it possible to receive three types of specifications:
assembly, structural, and composite. These specifications are essential
and convenient documents for organizing aad controlling production, fcr
design bureaus, design changF.;, for material-technical supply subdivisio:s,
ar.d for calculating requirements of parts and materials,
The cards for appl-~cability of parts are also produced by processing the
specifications file. The following variations of applicability cards are
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possible: single-stage, structural, and composite. The structural and
composite cards of the applicability of parts indicate the degree of inclu-
sion, which makes these documents graphic and convenient for the technical
service concerned with changes in the design of articies and preparation
for production. ~
The industrial routing cards, supplemented with time norms, batch size, _
ands ertain other information, may be used as production assignments.
Combined use of the work position file and the industrial routing card file
makes it possible to receive a card for the use of the work position.
The organization of data we have considered permits comparatively simple .
modification and supplementation of stored data. If a certain article
must be taken out of production, all that is necessary is to eliminate
the corresponding file in the ob~ects file, the industrial routing card
file, and the specifications file and correct the addresses of the linkages
- of part applicability for the particular article in the specifications file
and the addresses of linkages in the industrial routing card file. These
actions are performed automatically by the BASTEI system.
- The BASTEI system was employed in the USSR to develop the automated control
system at the First Moscow Clock Plant [23].
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo"Sovetskoye radio", '_980
- CSO: 1863
- 233 -
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UDC 681.3 _
- Russian 1980 (signed to press 15 Oct 80) pp 175, 192-195
[Tables 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8 of book "Fundamentals of Automating Control of
Production Processes" by Vinfrid Ka"1'fa, Valeriy Valentinovich
Ovchinnikov, Oleg Mikhaylovich Ryakin, Gans-Yurgen Sebastian, and Vladimir
- Vasil'yevich Smirnov, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 8000 copies, 360 pages]
[Excerpts] Chapter 5. Data Processing Systems Based on Microprocessors
ar_d Microcomputers
- Table 5.6 -
Type of Microprocessor and ~ V, P
_ Company or Manufacturing tsec N N K words K words use,
Country L,bits u K p mwt
EA 9002 Electronic Arraus 8 0.5 60 26 4 8 700
F-8 Fairchild Semiconductor 8 1 70 65 64 64 500 _
CP-1600 General Instru. 16 0.8 87 8 64 64 750
8080 Intel 8 0.5 78 7 64 64 780
- 8050 Texas Instruments 8 0.5 78 7 64 64 780
9900 Texas Instruments 16 1.3 69 15 64 64 1,200
6800 Motorola 8 2 72 5 64 64 600 -
Elektronika 60, USSR 16 5 78 16 4 33 1,200
Elektron.ika K110, USSR 8 3-5 78 24 64 64 1,800
' Nnp Nint Ndac Change Cross Comp
_ EA 900~ Electronic Arraus 1 3 1 yes yes yes
F-8 Fairchild Semiconductor 3 4 2 yes yes yes
CP-1600 General Instru. 3 3 2 y~~s yes yes
8080 Intel 3 4 2 no yes yes
- 8080 Texas Instruments 2 4 2 yes yes yes
- 9900 Texas Instruments 3 4 3 no yes no _
6800 Motorola 1 4 2 no yes yes
Elektronika 60, USSR 3 3 no yes yes yes
Elektronika K110, 'USSR 3 4 no no no no
Key: Npr - Power source rating; Nint - Number of interrupt levels; Ndac -
Number of channels with direct access to memory; Change - Possibility of
changing content of microprograms; Cross - Assembler cross-system; Comp-
Compil~r from PL-M and Fortran-IV.
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Table 5.7
Type of Microprocessor and
_ Company or Manufacturing L~ tk, Vo; Vy,
Country Technology bits usec NK Np K words K words
PB-96 Digital Laboratories bipolar 8 0.4 18 18 1 4
3002 Intel bipolar 2 0.15 40 12 0.5 2
8086 Intel CMOS 16 ~ 0.5 62 16 4 8
IM6100 Inter. Ing. CMOS 12 1 70 4 0.25 1.5
_ 10800 Motorola ESL* 4}~~0.1 128 5 16 64
COSMAC CDP1801/18016 RCA CMOS 8 1.3 57 17 64 64
SM3000 Scientific Micro-
_ system. bipolar 8 0.7 8 ~ 8 16
SX 160 Essex Inter. I2L* 4 1.6 41 2 1 2
Elektronika NTs-03, USSR CMOS, bi-
, polar 16 2-3 192 24 65 128
Elektronika 80NTs, USSR CMOS 16 6-8 78 8 16 64
Elektronik 8260, GDR TTL* 16 5.5 112 16 16 64
K580IK80, USSR n-MOS 8 2,0 120 - 64 64
mwt Npr Nint Ndac Change Cross Comp
PB-96 Digital Laboratories 10,000 2 4 2 yes yes yes
3002 Intel 1,000 1 8 no no yes yes
- 8086 Intel 600 2 8 2 yes yes yes
IM6100 Inter. Ing, 10 1 8 2 no yes yes
10800 Motorola 1,400 2 8 2 yes no no
COSMAC CDP1801/18016 RCA 30 1 4 2 no no no
SM3000 Scientific Micro-
- system. 1,500 1 4 3 yes yes yes
, SX 160 Essex Inter. 120 1 no no yes no no
Elektronika NTs-03, USSR 180,000 2 8 no yes yes no
El~ktronika 80NTs, USSR 9,000 2 8 no no no no
Elektronika 8260, GDR 8,000 2 4 no no no no
K580IK80, USSF, 750 2 - - _ - _ _
* [Expansion unknown].
Characteristics of Equipment for Communication between Microprocessors and
Obj ects
Table 5.8
Interface Elements Purpose, Features Effect of Use
Duplex Amplifiers of the Type Normalization of signals Permits increasing the
HP98032A, Intel 8216, 8212, in lines of system trunk line with 50 m
~ K580 K55 trunk line segments or sarving up
to 10 terminrsls (print-
ing, listing programs,
_ graphics)
� [Table continued, next page]
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(Table 5.8, continued]
Interface Ele~ents Purpose, Features Effect of Use
- Three- dimensional branches Increase in speed, group Permits speed of exchange
of the type HP98036B with camouflage function, dis- with computer installa-
parallel code exchange, tribution of terminals tions of more than 800,000
Intel 8255 in space words/sec for CMOS and bi-
polar technology with
= monopolar regime
Three-dimensional branches Same as preceding, but Reduces the cost and im-
_ on semiconductor m~lti- exchange in sequential proves the reliability
- plexor base of type code of the system by reducing
HP98041B, Intel 8253 the number of cable links.
Speed of data exchange is
more than 500,000 words/
sec for CMOS and bipolar
technology in monopolar
_ Linear amplifiers (analog Coordinating modem Reduces volume 6-8 times
keys) of the type with microcomputer and improves reliability
HP98011A, K590H-1 of linked telephone
Linear adapters of the Coordination of microcom- Reduces volume 2-3 times
types HP98033A, Z600 puter with telegraph and improves reliability
channels (purposeful use of linked telegraph
of optical electronics) equipment
Telsat, YeS-8001, 8005, Coordinating microcom- Reduces volume 2-3 times
8010, 8015, and 8019 modems puters with telephone and improves reliability
channels, based on digi- of linked telephone
tal techniques of analy- equipment
sis and synthesizing
harmonic signals
Discrete communication de- Exchange in sequential Reduces the weight of the
vices HP98036A, Intel 8251, code in conformity with cable system and improves
8273, K580, IK51 GOST-18077-73 in ASU the reliability of the
_ for industrial prc~cesses, ASU for industrial pro-
and the like cesses, systems to auto-
mate experiments, and
the like
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 1980
; [111-11,176]
CSO: 1863
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~ UDC b81.3
in Fussian 1980 (signed to press 15 Oct 80) gp 206-210
[Excerpt of Chapter 5 of book "Fundamentals of Automating Control of Pro-
duction Processes" by Vinfrid Kal'fa, Valeriy Valentinovich Ovchinnikov,
- Oleg M3.khaylovich Ryakin, Gans-Yurgen Sebastian, and Vladimir Vasil'yevich
Smirnov, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 8,000 copies, 360 pages]
[Excerpt] 5.4. The Use of Microprocessors and Microcomputers in Control
Systems for Production Processes
Control of Industrial Processes
It is common knowledge that industrial processes are constantly becoming
more complex. In addition, there are frequent changes in work regimes
and swift replacement of equipment and output being produced. Under these
conditions the use of conventional means of automation leads to conserva-
tism because this equipment has a very narrow range of parameter control.
The use of microprocessors as control organs for local aggregates, in par-
ticular to collect and process information and for control, is a funda-
mental means of changing this situation. Then a change in the nature of
the work of some part of an automatic line leads to nothing but replacing
- one microprocessor program with another. This is especially imporrant
when only a part of the industrial process, not the entire thing, is sub-
ject to change.
~ distinctive feature of the use of microprocessors to control industrial
processes is that they can be designed as built-in assemblies of the in-
dustrial equipment.
When designing automated lines with microprocessors, however, it is
necessary to solve the problem of coordinating all the microprocessors
to make them a single cqntrol system. In some systems they are concen-
trated around a more powerfu.l computing machine which guarantees protec-
~ tion and readiness to work in fluctuating conditions and supplies pre-
processed and presorted data. In other systems the microprocessors are
formed into a homogeneous system with a data bank distributed among them.
The second way is usually more complex because a careful time balancing
_ of information flows is necessary.
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The most important requirements imposed on microprocessors by industrial
processes are high reliability at average speed, small bit format (up to 12
- binary characters), and uncomplicated software.
The use of microprocessors in this sphere of production is justified by the
following properties of these units: small dimension; low cost; low power
conaumption, high operating reliability (the time to restore working condi-
tion in a system with a microprocessor is much less than for any other kind
of system); availabiiity of computing capacities to perform elementary jobs
- where the use of computers was formerly considered inexpedient (solving
simple linear differential equations, integration and differentiation of
functions, and the like); and, broad opportunities for specialization owing
to the infrequency of cliange in the structural configuration and the sim-
plicity of replacing programs in permanent memory.
Microprocessors are most often used in external devices and controllers to
control switchboards and communications lines with objects, and to devise
inexpensive, low-speed equipment (screen consoles and tape-drive mechanisms)
and "intellectual" instruments and terminals (automatic testers, registers,
and the like). Figure 5.6 below gives a generalized diagram of a micro-
processor system for control of an industrial process. The diagram contains
two input channels and two output channels linked to the ouject as well as
a computing complex (BK). A distinction is made between the analog input
channel (AK), the analog output channel (AB), the digital input channel
(I~K), and the digital output channel (l~B). The computing complex has two
microprocessors: a 16-bit device to process digital inf~rmation on control
of the object (M~RO ~ and an eight-bit device to control the input channels
and to interlink with thp base minicomputer of the upper level of control
of the production process (KMTt). In addition to tfie microprocessor the com-
- puting complex includes a main memory module with a capacity up to 64 kilo-
bytes and controllers (KYBB, KYOU) with external memory devices on mag-
netic disks and tape (YBTT) and data display units (YOK) (printing, screen,
input-output on punched cards and tape).
The analog input channel includes analog sensors (AA1-AAi), amplifieY~-
shapers (Y~1-Y~) and analog data trar~smission multiplexor (AM1TA), ar
analog-digital convertor (AI~Tr), and a controller tor input-output devices
(KyBB), The digital input channel contains the digital sensors (I~G1-L1~),
amplifier-shapers, a digital data transmission mult.ipYexor (l{M1T1~, and a
controller of input-output units.
The analog output channel provides control of automation and remote control
devices (actuating mechaniams) at the ohject (JIA N TM) by means of a
- digital-analog convertor. The digital output channel provides code con-
trol over individual actuating mechanisms or a group of them at tfie object
through the controller of external memory unfts and the discrete signal
shapers (~AC).
This scheme works in two regimes: centralized and network data process-
ing. In the former case the signals of the analog and digital sensors
pass through the amplifier-shaper, data transmission multiplexor, analog-
digital convertor, and controller of external memory units, are switcfied
in digital code by means of the eight-bit microprocessor, go through
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_ ~ a.?o0aa yB/J yDM (
I ~xr,90M I
� I
~ M~O,Q (69 KOQQerJ A'Ml1 K9al! A'y0 I
I ~x ~ - ~e -1
al O~ N9D ~ ;~1.1 ~ A'YB ~ i A'90 I X9
~ ~ i )I
I ~ u~~ ~ 7 ~Q~ )
i AMl1 ~ i ~ ZO Yt~ 9~~
~ I ~2 ~ ~
ZO y~~ . yC+l C21 ~l Y TM I_J I
I ` I I I
(23 ~t, ~,4c ~ i ~
~ 24 I ~ 25 ~oaeNanei~ ~ I (
~ ~Ma~c.o,.~n
a,,,~ ~1----------~----L----~
- Figure 5.6.
Key: (1) Computing Complex (BK);
(2) Base Minicomputer;
(3) External Memory Devices on Magnetic Disks and Tapes (YBTT);
(4) Data Display Devices (y0N);
- (5) Microprocessor To Process Digital Information (MitOA);
- (6) Main Memory (64 Kilobytes);
(7) Microprocessor To Control Input Channels and Links with Base
Minicomputer (KMT1~;
(8) Controller for External Memory Units (KyBTI);
- (9) Controller for Data Display Units (ICYOV?);
(10) Analog Input Channel (AK);
(11) Digital Input Channel (11R);
(12) Analog Output Channel (AB);
- (13) Digital Output Channel (I{B);
_ (14) Controller oF Input-Output Units (K,YB3);
(15) Analog-Digital Convertor (Al1Tl');
(16) Digital Data Transmission Multiplexor (I{Mii~);
(17) Digital-An~,log Convertor (uA1T) ;
(18) Discrete Signal Shaper (~AC);
(19) Analog Data Transmission Multiplexor (AMTTP~;
(20) Amplifier-Shapers;
(21) Digital Sensors;
(22) Automation and Remote Control Devices;
(23) Analog Sensors;
(24) I~nalog Signals;
(25) Digital Signals
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initial processing in the 16-bit microprocessor, and then are transmitted by
the eight-bit microprocessor to the base minicomputer for final processing.
This minicomp uter exercisea analog or digital control over the ob~ect tfirough
the eight-bit microprocessor and the chain, controller of external memory
units - digital-analog convertor - automation an~ remote control units or
- the chain,controller of external memory units - discrete signal shaper -
automation and remote control units. In the latter case the 16-bit micro-
- processor Performs complete data proceasing, exchanging with the distributed
- bank of information in the memory of other microprocessors for processing -
digital infnrmation by means of the eight-bit microprocessor. -
Sensors are the most widely used measuring instruments. They provide infor-
mation and mo st frequently are an essential part of industrial equipment.
- Devices to f ilter the signals of the sensors are built into the individual
channels and located right at the point of performance of the industrial
operation. The amplifier-shapers are usually connected to the analog data ~
transmission multiplexor by a short linkage, and the multiplexor may com-
bine the functions of the at~lifier-shaper and multiplexor of signals.
The analog data transmission multiplexor employs analog keys which have a
con trolling digital input. These keys (IS series 590) pass an analog sig-
nal with an amplitude of �10 volts through the resistances of the open
channel (100 ohms) with a certain code in the controlling input. The con-
trolling inputs for the IS series 590 are compatible by levels of logical _
signals with most domestic microp rocessors used as input channel control -
- units and also with the TTL [expansion unknown] elements from which most -
min icomputers are made. The amp lifier-shapers may be connected to the
digital data transmission multiplexor by longer linkages (coaxial cables -
~ up to 100 meters long) through mainline amplifiers based on series 559
integrated circuits (K559IP1-K559IP5). These integrated circuits provide
transmission of digital signals with an amplitude of 0.2-2.4 volts from
TTL elements on a matched cable with.auspended load resistances (SO or 75
ohms) and contain several mainline transmitters and receivers. The eight-
bit microprocessor controls the analog datta transmission multiplexor
through digital inputs and the digital data transmission multiplexor by
_ special command (the eight-bit code makes it possible to connect 28
amplifier-shaper lines) .
The digital signals go through the controller of external memory units, _
which are external microelectronic blocks with tfieir own contcolling memory -
(in terface cards) that perform a numbeY of control functions related to
message transmisaion, and the microelectronic analog--digital convertor
(for the analog input channel), to the "common line" interface devices and
then to the 16-bit multiprocessor, the eight-bit multiprocessor, or the
min icomputer. The microelectronic analog-digital convertor can be built
with series 590 integrated circuits with suspended resistors that provide -
a threshold voltage to unlock the logical circuits.
The 16-bit microprocessor for processing digital control information is
sometimes b uilt inro the industrial equipment to convert certain parameters
- (for example pressure) into others (humidity). In this case the multi-
processors are digital sensors that transmit the results of comput:ations
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through the digital input channel and 16-bit multiprocessor of the next level
of control of the ob~ect. This is possible b ecause SBIS's [very large scale
integrated circuits] have been developed recently (the 8741 CB; East Germany)
which contain on one n-channel metallic oxide semiconductor crystal plate the
analog data transmission multiplexor, analog-digital converter, controller of
external memory units, and an eight-bit microprocessor (a complexity of 280,000
elements). Such systems of very large scale integrated circuits may be mounted
in a sealed case right on the ob~ect and can transmit signals to the micro-
processor of the next level by the analog or digital iuput channel.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 1980
CSO: 1863
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- UDC 681.3
in Russian 1980 (signed to press 15 Oct 80) pp 230-231
[Tables 6.1 and 6.2 from chapter 6 of book "Fundamentals of Automating Control
- of Produc~ion Processes", by Vinfrid Kal'fa, Valeriy Valentinovich Ovchinnikov,
Oleg Mikhaylovich Ryakin, Gans-Yurgen Sebastian and Vladimir Vasil'yevich
Smirnov, Izdatel'stvo "S ovetskoye radio", 8,000 copies, 360 pages]
[Text ] Table 6.1.
_ Type of ASVT-�M Minicomputer
Specifications M-6000 M-7000 ~ M-40 M-6010 M-400
Length of Processed Words, bits 16 16 8; 16 i6 8; 16
Permanent Memory None None C~mmands Micro- None
Capacity, words - - 4,000 4,000 -
Cycle Time, microseconds - - 0.6 0.35 -
Word Format, bit - - 18 36 - _
Performance Time for Basic Qperations
(with Fixed Decimal Point of RegisCer~
Memory TYPe)~ microseconds ~
, Addition 5 2.5 - 2.0 2.5
Multiplication 45* 5* - - -
Division 60* 10* - - -
Main Memory
Capacity, kilobytes 8-64 8-256 1 8-64 8-128
Cycle Time, microsecands 2.5 1.2 2 2.5 1.2
Word Format, bits 18 18 18 18 18 -
Type of Control Parity Parity Parity Parity Parity
Type of Linkage (Interf ace) 2K 2K 2K 2K "Common
Line" '
* Through arithmetic expander.
[Table continved next page]
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[Table 6.1 continued]
Type of ASVT-M Minicomputer
M-6000 M-7000 M-40 M-6010 M-400
Number of Computing Installa- 54 54 11 32 8*
tions Connected with One-
Stage Addressing (Using Input-
Output Expanders)
KTDP [Channel with Direct Access
to Memory]
Number 2 2 0 0 0**
Speed of Data Transmission, 800 1,600 - 740 (by 1,600
kilobytes/sec Microprogram)
Maximum Number of Computing 4 4 - 32 -
Installations Connected through
One KP~P
* Up to 4,095 with the use of wiring blocks
The computer and memory modules are connected to the common line without
a KPDP; its functions are given t~ the controller of the appropriate unit.
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Table 6.2.
Type of SM Computer
Specifications SM-1 SM-2 SM-3 SM-4
Length of Words Processed, bits 16 16 8; 16 8; 16
Storage of Microcommands
Capacity, words 8,192 4,096 256 256-912
Cycle Time, microseconds 0.16 0.25 0.3 0.16
Word Format, bits 18 36 40 56(88}
~ Time of Performance of Operation
with "Re~ister-Memory" Type Fixed
Decimai Point, microseconds
Addition 2.5 2.2 5.0 1.4
Multiplicatio~z 36.6 10 - 10
Division - 17 - 13
- Main Memory
_ Capacity, words 32,000 128,000 28,000 124,000
Cycle Time, microsecands 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Word Format, bits 18 18 18 18
Input-Output Interface 2K 2K Common line Common line
Number of Connected Computing
Without Expanders 10 - 8 8
With Input-Output Expanders 55 55 Up to 4,095 Up to 4,095
(or Wiring Blocks for the
"Common Line")
Through RIM A714-5 Interface 1,728 1,764 - -
Number of KPDP's 2 2 - -
Maximum Input-Output Speed~
words/second '
Through KPDP 250,000 700,000 800,000* 800,000*
Without KPDP 30,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
* ~he computer and memory modules are connected to ttie common line without a
KPDP; its functions are given to the controller of the appropriate unit.
- COPYRIGiiT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 1980
CSO: 1863 244
- END -
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