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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9672 20 April 19~ 1 Ja an Re ort p p (FOUO 25l81) FBIS ~OREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 NOTE .TPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcri.bed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times with in items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Governmer.~. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O~ILY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR O~FICIA~L US~ ONLY � JPRS L/9672 20 April 1981 JAPAN REPORT (k'OUO 25/81) CONT~NTS POLITICAL AI~ID SOCIOLOGICAL Liberal Democratic Party's 'Factional Strife' Up-Dated (YOr1IURI SHIMBUN, 2 Feb 81; MAINICHI SHIMBW , 2 Feb 81).....~.. 1 Tanaka-Fukuda Rivalry Fukuda Influence on Suzuki MILITARY Increase in Defense Initiatives Reported (NZKKEI SANGYO SHIMBUN, 1 Jan 81; NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN, 6, 12 Jan 81) 5 - Competition for Contracts Antiaircraft Uefense System JDA Direc~or General's Interview SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Quest?.on of jJeapons Exports Debated by Diet, Industry (Akio I~tatsumoto; NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN, 23 Feb 81) 17 Nuclear Energy Development Programs Discussed (Various sources, various dates) 21 Nuclear Fusion Research Export of Nuclear Reactors Types of Nuclear Reactors Nuclear Training Center Cleaning Workers' Clothing Increased Plant Operating Time Robots for Nuclear Plants Inspection Systems Instrument Calibration Center Research Cooperation PWP, Automatic Control System MITI's Subsidy to ABWR - a - [III - ASIA - 111 FOUO] FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Nagoya University Fusion Research - Reactor Material Plutonium Reprocessing MITI's Budget for FBR Commercial Nuclear Ships Import of CANDU Reactor Radiation Ciean-up Technology Reprocessing Negotiations With U.S. Australian Talks on Reprocessing _ Nuclear Powered Steel Mill Nuclear Waste Disposal Revision of Nuclear Programs Uranium Enrichment Model Plant Nuclear Energy Exploitation in Industry Outlined (Toshikazu Hayashi; GENSHIRYOKU KOG~O, Dec 80) 67 Alternative Energy Source Stra*_egies, Policies Outlined (Various sources, various dates) 87 Wind Power Utilization Projects Practical Applications of Battery Ligneous Biomass Conversion Project Coal Liquefaction Technology Race Advanced Technology Flexibility Needed Increased Energy Budget Requested ~ - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY POLITICAL AND 50CIOLOGICAL LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S 'FACTIONAL STRIFE' UP-DATED Tanaka-Fukuda Rivalry Tokyo YOMIURI SHIMBUN in Japanese 2 Feb $1 p 2 [Text] The "Tanaka-Fukuda rivalry" by the two former prime ministers, Tanaka and Fukuda, is about to surface from the undercurrent of what seems at first glance a calm "very stable political situation." Since the Tanaka-Fukuda battle in 1972, - these two have taken the leading roles in the political strife as long time rivals - and now these two are important pillars supporting the Suzuki government. On the occasion of the large increase in the Tanaka faction at the end of last year, sparks have begun to fly over such issues as the primary election, factional revival and ~_he resulting reshuffle in political circles. With the confrontation between the "Tanaka shadow" and the "Fududa shadow" as Che backdrop, Prime Minister Suzuki's strateg~ of groping for a long term government while maintaining a balance between these two has become intertwined, and the relationship of these Lwo will be an extremely important factor coloring the polit:ical situation--from the party and cab- inet personnel changes expected in the latter half of this year and the end of ~ Suzuki's term of office as president in Novembet of next year to the decision on the Lockheed incident. Prime Minister's Strategy of Maintaining Equilibrium Becomes Entwined "Primary election." Regarding the primary election, former Prime Minister Tanaka ~ insists that "the primary election be continued for the sake of party members who paid five years dues of 10,000 yen per yeax." At it~ executive council meeting in January, the Tanaka faction decided on continuation of the primary election, rejecting the thinking of the leaders, Chairman Nikaida (LDP Executive Council cha3rman) and Vice-chairman Ezaki (former minister of MITI). It is said that the former prime minister's (Tanaka) voice of atithoriCy was behind it. - It was understood that the Tanaka faction decision was aimed solely at a"containment" of Economic Planning Agency Director Kawamoto who is proudly being Number Ore in acquisition of party members support. However, there is no doubt that this faction (Tanaka faction), which flaunts itself as the largest faction in the LDP, is ver.y conseious of the existence ~f former Prime Minister Fukuda who regularly advises Prime Minister Suzuki to take decisive steps on discontinuation of the primary election. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Visit to Reagan _ As soon as the Reagan administration came into being, Executive Council Chairman Nikaido visited the U.S. twice--at the end of last year and for the presidential inauguration in January, and he held talks with the Reagan team and leaders of the Republican Party, and boasted "I was able to establish a wic3e channel of co~nunication ~ with them." - The Tanaka faction plans to put forth Executive Council Chairman Nikaido a foreign minister in the next post-Suzuki cabinet reshuffle, and his U.S. visit was to pre- - pare the foundation. However, former Prime Minister Fukuda will also attend and address the Japan-U.S.- F.urope conference to be held in Washington at the end of March. President Reagan, who knew this, expressly mentioned in his r~cent telephone conversation with Prime Minister Suzuki, "I understand former Prime Minister Fukuda will be coming shortly, but I would also like to meet wtth you soon." The rumor has quickly spread that "former Prime Minister Fukuda is going to carry 'Suzuki's personal letter" as a special envoy." (LDP source) Former Prime Minister Fukuda, who intends to visit the U.S. with his wife, is full ~ of enthusiasm even though playing innocent with "this is a honeymoon trip," but at the present stage it does not seem that he will carry a personal letter since several U.S. visits will come one after another, the foreign minister in March and the prime minister in April. However, there is a deeprooted view within the LDP that "Chief Cabinet Secretary Miyazawa, who disliked the Tanaka faction's Reagan approach, set up the Fukuda trip to the U.S. as an official visit. It was understood that those around Suzuki recognized the Reagan administration "attached importance to Fukuda" and are trying to maintain a balance between Tanaka and Fukuda. Opposition Party Reorganization and Factional Revival Former Prime Minister Tanaka and Council Chairman Nikaido place a high value on the movement toward making a new party--a concentration of centrist power by the Komei Party, the Japan Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), New Liberal Club and Social Democrati~ League. They put their hopes in the movement of the Komei Party and DSP, saying "o ur country's political situation will be stable if there is the tri-polar structure of the LDP, centrist bloc and the socialist-communists." On the other hand, former Prime Minister Fukuda and Science and Technology Agency General Director Nakagawa are very close to Kasuga, permarient adviser to the DSP, and it is a matter of common knowledge in political circles that they regularly ex- change opinions. It is said that Kasuga is aiming at a reorganization of the po- litical world whieh will include the right of the Socialist Party and, in the event of a split in the LDP, part of its conservative wing. This subject comes up - often in his meeting with former Prime Minister Fukuda. There are also some in the leadership of the Tanaka faction who look with anxiety on former Prime Minister Fukuda's closeness with Adviser Kasuga, even though they say "there is no one :n the LDP who shows any interest in Kasuga's thinking, although Mr Fukuda and Mr Nakagawa may be interested in it." 2 i~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Analysis with the Party "Because Mr Tanaka hustles, the sleeping Mr Fukuda (his political ~pponent) will wake tlp. It seems that recently Mr Miki (former prime minister) has also been in contact with Mr Fukuda. So if Mr Tanaka becomes too strong, there is the possibility that the Suzuki faction, plus Miki and Fukuda, will ~oin together." (Senior member of . non-faction group) "The fact that Prime Minister Suzuki looks up to Mr Fukuda is also a public pose. Behind the scenes, he keeps in contact with Mr Tanaka." (Key member of a leading faction) The views vary, but it seems the "uneasy relationship" of Tanaka and Fukuda will con- tinue to smolder in the future. COPYRIGHT: Yomiuri Shimbunsha 1981 Fukuda Influence on Suzuki Tokyo MAINZCHI SHIMBUN in Japanese 2 Feb 81 p 2 [TextJ Fukuda's Influence on Suzuki The fact that Prime Minister Suzuki places importance on former Prime Minister Fukuda is conspicuous. Especially with regard to diplomacy, it is said that Suzuki listens to Fukuda's advice so much so that there are those who say "it may be said he 'leaves diplomacy to Mr Fukuda."' This tendency can be seen in the intra-party managemenL, such as on the question of continuation or discontinuation of the LDP presidential primary election, and it-_is certai~ that dissatisfaction has s~arted to appear in the Tanaka faction, the other side who supports the Suzuki regime and whose relationship - has always been close to Suzuki--- "the prime minister is maintaining too much bal- ance (between the Tanaka faction and the Fukuda faction)." It has been six months since the Suzuki regime came into being. It s~~ms that his aim is to shift the power distribution without destroying the balance of power of the "whole party structure" in order to establish his "own self=dependent Suzuki government" before - the bud~et committee discussions of the first ordinary session of the Diet. The prime minister has maintained vEry close contact with former Prime Minister Fukuda on the diplomatic questions since the beginning of the year, such as the prime minister's tour of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the reconstruction of Japan-Korea relations after the end of Kim Dae-jung's trial. As for the prime minister's visit to the U.S. planned for April, it is thought that he will entrust his personal letter ~or President Reagan to Mr Fukuda who w3.11 make a U.S. visit before then. Mr Fukuda places such great importance on Southeast Asian dip?.omacy that he is called "ASEAN's Fukuda." He is an Asia authority known from his "Fukuda" With regard to the prime minister's recent trip abroad, it is said that he has had pri~r contact with Mr Fukuda so much so that it was called "a continuation of Fukuda di- plomacy." Fukuda has broad channels of communication with Korea and wiCh the U.S. Republi.can Party camp; so he is a good adviser for the prime minister whose weakness is diplomacy. 3 _ FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Prime Minister Suzuki's posture of git~ing importance to Fukuda can even be seen in intra-party operations. At the end of last year, those around Fukuda aa~.d, "on the ~ question of the LDP presidentjal primary election, the prime mLnister has had con tact with Mr Fukuda who is an advocate of discontinuation and there is no major difference in their thinking." It is said that Fukuda himself understands that since the cir- cumstances are such for rhe prime minister ~~who advocates "peace politics" that he has to place importance on consultations with all factions, it is difficult to take immediate action Qn discontinuation. As for the LDP presidential primary election question, it is closely entwined with the battle for successor to the LDP p residency--what will happen after President Szuuki whose term ends in November of next year, that is, will President Suzuki b e - reappointed or will it be either Nakasone or Kawamoto, or will it suddenly go to the new leader group, such as Chief Cabinet Secretary Miyazawa, Chairman Abe of the Policy Affairs Research Council or Noburu Takeskita. Since it is said that "there is no great difference in thinking: between Suzuki and Fukuda, that is Fukuda's major influence on the prime ministe r who originally was an advocate of continuation. The relationship between the two has been good from the beginning. The view is now held that in this recent honeymoon there may be a second coming of the "Ohira (Suzuki)- Fukuda coalition" which was the key to the birth of the Fukuda cabinet in 1976. There is the viewpoint that the prime minister's strengthening of the "Fukuda clos e- ness" coincided with the time when the Tanaka faction exceeded 100 members in numb er last year and caused all manner of shock within the party. The LDP leadership com:- plained, saying "the growth of the Tanaka faction will not be pleasant for the prime minister." It is natural that even though Prime Minister Suzuki had an extremely close relationship with the Tanaka faction until now, it would not be connFortable for the prime minister who has his own faction. Likewise, the growth of the Tanaka faction has caused anxiety since last fall to the prime minister and those around him who are planning for a cabinet reo~ganization--- "let's hope this does not become the cause for a crack in the whole party structure." Either way, there will be no difference in the "potential threat" to the president's faction. It should be seen that at this point the importance the prime minister places on Fukuda does not go beyond the limits of intra-party balance. It means that "because the Tanaka faction is strong, the b alance can be main~ained by the pr3me tainister drawing closer to the Fukuda faction." Moreover, iC must be understood that since the prime minister's political management unCil now has often been ~sferred to as a"lack of leadership " or "a party leadership," the prime minister's aim is the establishment of "his own administration" with a Suzuki coloring at a time when six months of his term in office have passed and he is stxengthening his self- confidence with his first trip abroad. The more the prime minister who has been consistently close to "Tanaka" and sometimes a"part of Tanaka" in the "Tanaka-Fukuda ba~Cle" which has always been the undercur- rent of intra-party strife since the presidential election of 19%2 (Tanaka vs. Fukuda) draws a line between himself and "Tanaka" and shows a closeness to "Fukuda," the more he gives the impression of "being ~ndependent." COPYRIGHT: Mainichi Shimbunsha 1981 9400 CSO: 4105 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MILITARY : ~ ~NC1~F,ASE IN DEFENSE INITIATZVES R~~ORTED Competition fc+r Contracts Tokyo NIKKEI SANGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 1,Tar. S1 p 9 [Text] The Defense Agency's FY �il equipment budget prescribes a procurement of many large front-line equipment weaponG, which the defense dndustries interpret as a momentum toward quantitative expansion. International opinion is also work- ing toward promoting a fully equipped Self-Defense Force, and all in all, it is certain that the importance of electronics technology will be furthered. Taking this opportunity, the positive posture of the general electrical machinery makers - in commercial competition has become more apparent siiice the latter half of last year. This year the defense industries are likely to engage in the.most exhaustive defense order contract contest ever held, In this climate, major makers headed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have consolidated their position to engage in a"Competition in Pursuit of Quality." "It is the improvement of tech- nological standards that makes it possible to obtain more orders" (reporter, Kawabe). Since the latter half of last year, Hitachi-Nissan Motor and Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries-Toshiba, the two groups of four companies that represent the Japanese assembly industry, have been striving to set up swiftly a joint develop- ment system for defense equipment technology. "With major industries as an axis, we must expediently upgrade the standard of weapons technology" (Tomio Tanatsugu, chairman of the Japan Weapon Industry Association, incumbent vice president of Toshiba Corporation). This is the basic concept and it is anticipated that these groups in their organizing activities will begin dealing in earnest in the new year. The year 1981 can be called a cornerstone for the defeiise industries. The Defense Agency was able to determine the view of the administration to take positive action to procure front-line equipment, the weapons used for actual engagement with a confronting enemy, during the compilation of the budget for the new fiscal year. In conjunction with this, the speed of procuring large equipment is also likely to be accElPrated. I'urthermore, the Mid Term Defense program (MTDP), which is the Defense Agency's basic concept of equipment procurement and standardization will be ready for r.eform this year, 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY The current IOE was decided on in May 1979, with FY 78 as a base for the period FY 80-89. The new IOE, called IOE 81, reviews IOE 78 and also envisages programs for the next 5 years. Accordingly, each company "will try to integrate the IOE into its own development projection, and get ready for an all-out sales battle" (a person in charge of operations at a ma~or equipment maker). He added "chat the new models of missiles, torpedoes, mines, aircraft and high-speed naval vessels to be named in the programs "will ultimately be determined by the Def.ense Agency, but th~y will also be infiuenced by the competence of the person in charge of defense operations on the manufacturer's side. This does n ot mean, however, that the industries are blessed by only a tail wind. In August last year the Defense Agency discontinued the procurement of the domesti- ~ cally developed C-1 Transport in favor of changing the model to the American-made C-130 Transport. The aircraft industry interpreted this decision to be schematized something 1 ike this: America's request for Japan to reinforce its defense capa- bility + the trade in balance = import of American-made weapons. "The standard of independent technology m~t be rai:ced considerably lest a similar case spread to other weapons" is a concern still lir~ge~ing in the industries. Al- though the defense industries appear to have favorable winds, the sentiment that "this is the year to work for technological improvement" is enhanced by the backdrop as described above. Thz electronification of major equipment such as tanks, escort ships and combat planes have advanced yearly. How to cope with this is the "big job for makers to address" (Ketiji Ikeda, an executive director of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries). Mitsubishi Heavy Industries determined last year "to seek the enrichment of their ~ technical skill with a view to stressing electronification, and to continue to do this in the future" (same person). Kawasaki Heavy Inudustries and Hitachi Ship- building and Engineering, as well as machinery and equipment makers such as Teijin Seiki and Tokyo Precision Instrument, are ali setting up an "Electronics Reinforce- ment Plan." Corresponding to these moves, electrical machinery and equipment makers which self- confidently say "electronics is the leader in modern industrial technology, and the same is true in defense technology" (Tanatsugu), have intensified their desire to deal with defense technology, with the maj or makers as central figures. Nippon Electric Company (NEC), Hitachi, and Mitsubishi Electric, the three major electric machinery and equipment companies, have altered and augmented their corporate structures one after another since last summer, aiming at strengthening the defense operations and technolo~y departments. Among them, Hitachi installed a Defense Technology Promotion H~adquarters (chief of the headquarters, Susumu Isa, executive d irector) and investigated a concrete business expansion policy, and consequentl y agreed to a joint research setup with Nissan to advance into the rocket control field, in contrast with the past practice geared to electronic sensors, wh ich claimed the majority of orders received. The Hitachi -Nissan group will add Fuji Heavy Industries to the group to seek a futrue primary contract for missiles. Fuji Heavy Industries, which has been secretly desired for a primary contract for missiles, will be greatly "reinforced" 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300144435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY by forming such a common front with top general electric machinery makers. Mean- ` while, Toshiba and Ishikawajima Harima are also eager to set up a cooperative relationship, and a def in ite joint research pro~ect will be formed before the end of this year. The percentage of the cost of electric machir.ery and equipment to the unit price of equipment is approximately 40 percent even in the case of tanks, for example the type 74 tank (current major tank model of Self-Defense Force), in which power is deemed life and soul. With the new model to be developed (commonly called type 88), the percentage is estimated to be about ~0 percent. The rising wave of electronification and the grouping of other makers to counter the top defense - maker, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, are the two elements which will be delicately intertwined in the future movement that is to be broadened in the world of indus- tries. Qn the other hand, in the commercial competition for 1981 orders, the De�ense Agency will complete the basic p lan for renovation of BADGE (base air defense ground environment) by suc~er, and the post-BADGE commercial competition at an estimated scale of some 250 billion yen will at last be fought in earnest. The Defense Agency completed preliminary investigation in the United States by the end of last year, and the basic and detailed design will be unveiled to the makers as soon - as the plan is confirmed, although it is expected that the initial schedule of _ decisionmaking on the bas ic plan by next spring orill be delayed. Major computer makers su ch as Fu~itsu, Hitachi and NEC are assuming that "key machinery and device technology can later be converted to civilian use high- performance technology" (Fujitsu), and are collecting information to prepare for the commercial competition. A man connected with the industries predicts: "American makers' technology may be adopted in the stage of basic planning and basic design, but a policy favoring domestic products will be laid out for detailed design and manufacture of the machinery and devices." In addition, for domestically developed equipment, the primary contract maker for the development and production of the MTX (next term medium jet trainer), estimated - to cost a total of 250 billion yen, will be virtually picked by the end of this - year. Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Fuji Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the three major makers, are due for the f~nal round, but the industries view this as a duel between Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Fuji Heavy They may say that Fuji Heavy Industries invested more funds for preparation of installations for the development, but it is very diff icult to say which of the two companies has the greater advantage at the moment. In the field of naval vessels, the focal point is the outcome of the AS submarine tender, a 3600-ton standard displacement class, and the missile escort ship DDG, ~ a 4500-ton standard disp lacement class. Kawasaki Heavy Ind~istries aims at the AS model as a start for "reentry" into the field of surface vessels. It is "the best opportunity for surfacing" (Yoichi Madono, director of naval vessel operations) for Kawasaki Heavy Industries, which has been partial to receiving orders for sub- marines. With the DDG, Ishikawajima Harima is determined to cut into the orders monopolized by M~:subishi Heavy Industries. Furthermo re, in FY 82, it is very . 7 FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY likely that the Defense Agency will procure hydrofoil high-speed missile craft, and Hitachi and others are about to take assertive action in anticipation. The most competitive market will be in missiles. Battles will be fought continuous- ly over the primary contract for a"portable SAM," a portable surface-to-air - missile, over the license anc~ domestic production of "Sidewinder~" an air-to-air AIM-9L, and ~ver the receipt of orders for post-Nike missiles. The missile companies--top missile maker Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Toshiba and NEC, which is putting everything it has on only receiving orders for guidance and control systems--are all sharpening their teeth trying to get the new models. "Nowadays, t he Americans are showing their cooperative attitude toward Japan by granting most advanced technology such as missiles and torpedc~es" (Yoshikazu Oyama, director of first and second defense operations, NEC). The Defense Agency also admitted a total reversal of the American attitude compared t~ the trend per- ceived up to last summer, and reasoned: "The new trend is the result of the en- - hancement of closer Japan-U.S, cooperation and the rise in Japanese tectuzological standards" (Atsuhiko Bansho, technical adviser). Setting aside the Japan-U.S. cooperation, the up grading of Japanese technological capacity ha s brought bargaining power (negotiating ability). A typical case that demonstrates this phenomenon is the domestic production (initially to be procured by import) uf the AIM-9L, with wh.ich the F-15 fighter wi11 be equipped under license. Furthermore, the ma~or electric machinery and equipment companies have started to show their genuine interest in defense orders, and the "ma~or defense companies" of yesterday, such as shipbuilders and heavy industries, can no longer remain uncon- cerned, because "it is predicted that we will enter an era when those satisfied with being nominally the primary contractor will lose actual leadership to the company that is in charge of key sections" (Tetsu Senga, adviser for the Defense Production Committee Council, Keidanren). Top makers conCend: "We do not intend to make the race for orders rough and tough for everybody" (Zenji Umeda, president of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and Toshimasa Mitsui, vice president of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries), but the technical and operational staff's sentiment boils down to: "We need to unfold a technological race and therefore an exhaustive battle , for orders will be waged. Otherwise, no future outlook is in sight." A director of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in charge of defense operations, said: � - "The defense equipment budget increase do~s no~ s imply mean that we concentrate on competing for quantitative expansion of orders to be received. If the a.,mesi:i- cally produced equipment standard is low, imported equipment will talce over the market. To the same extent that the Defense Agency is eager to expedite replenish- ment of major equipment, the American and European weapon makers are hungry for the chance to sell their products." In sum, in appearance the defense industries have entered "the age of expansion of work volume," but irL reality they are about to see an earnest op ening of "the age of improving technological capability." $ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY Research and developmen t expenses are the key point for independent ~echnology development. The Defense Agency's budget for FY 81 calls f~r appropriation of - some 30 billion yen, but those connected with the tndusCries agree that "this is , too little." In particular, the budget bill was formulated, after all, empha~iaing the apprapriation for front-line equipment, which resulted in "short changing the _ research and developmen t sectox" (Tetsu Hara, administrative vice minister of the agency). , The research and development expenses for the Defense Agency have been changing in the last few years and come to 1.2 percent of the total defense budget. 7'he same " ratio in European nations and the United States amounts to 3-10 percent. The ~ defense industries strongly complain, saying that "the ratio and the yen amount are less than that allocated by a single company, Toshiba" (Tanatsugu) . To give an example, Japan Telegram and Telephone Public Corporation appropriates 2-3 percent (over 70 billion yen in FY 80) of the business expenditures fo~ the research and development budget. ~ In the defense industries, subcontxacting parts makers called venders have m~re stringent business income and expenditures than the assembly (final fabrication) makers. They say: "Since often a company's own funds are advanced for the develop- ment of new models, average venders operate without any real profit" (association of the wzapons ind~stry) , The entire industry is likely to get a headache due to the lack of research and development expenses, but in the days ahead the burden - will continue to be felt more keenly by the venders than by others, just as before. ' This year, warplane makers will shift to full-scale domestic production under � license of the F-15 and P-3C, two great models, involving activities from the manufacture of parts to finishing the entire craft, and the CCV (control configured vehicle) trial model, far which the basic design was completed last autu~, will be made by remodeling the initial craft, the T-2, a high-class trainer. Nlakers of other sectors also have a pile of long-term research and development projects. = They are PGM (precision guidance missiles) such as torpedoes and bombs with control and guidance systems including missiles, anti-electronic fighter equipment and devices such as FCM and FCCM, new tank models and 200mm class large caliber guns. In spite of the problems they have, the industries appear to be going full-speed ahead toward enrichment of technological capacity. COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 19fi1 Antiaircraft Defense System Tokyo NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN in Japanese 6 Jan 81 p 1 [TextJ The Defense Agency has consolidated th~ policy of developing BADGE X (next term base air defense ground environment), a key air defense preparation for Japan, primarily through domestic production. The current BADGE system was im- ported from the American Hughes Corporation. This is the first time that the agency will switch to the development of air defense key equipment through primarily domestic production (2) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (1) (9) (9) G(~R 62.0' S9.3 68.5 67.2 70.3 67.2 69.0 69.9 67.6 69.9 10.6 69.7 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)'(1).(t) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) ~~f 62.0 71.2 6d.8 61.6 59.1 62.0 37.3 54.1 39.2' S4.8 d9.3 61.2 (1) (3) (4) (5) CS) (8) (~0) (13) C14) (18) (21) (2~ (~J~S~1~~='~'~R773'+ Cii~7t~~7xP~6~M~Jc) x100(�.b).~i~~vrl6~~~fc. 13 3 W R:e~7k~~e71Cf~. P W R 4a'11p~}C~~kl~. G C R 6a H~I~77~'i^a0~~~ � 36 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - KEY: 1. 1969 [the next figures are years running consecutively from 1970 through 1980] 2. total 3. Nore: Facility utilization rate = power produced t(permissible output x time function x 100 (Y). The number in parenthesis is the number of plants, BWR is boiling water type light water reactor, PWR is pressurized water type light water reactor and GCR is Japan Atomic Power Company's Tokai gas cooled reactor COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 R.obots for Nuclear Plants _ Tokyo IIIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 12 Jan 81 p 5 [Text] There has been a sudden rise in activity using the industrial robot, ahout wh{ch Japan can boast the world's top-level pr.oduct for mastering the so- calle~~ three major problems in the nuclear power industry: assurance of safety, minimization of human exposure, and improvement of utilization rate of facility. In its studies related to the future vision of nuclear power generation technology (contracted to the Industrial Development Laboratory) the Ministry of International Trade and Industry is urging all-out promfltion of robot utilization, and 3t proposed a"nuclear power generation supporting system" be developed over a 5-year period starting in JFY 80 to develop operational control systems and automated inspection systems for the containment vessel. On the receiving end of this proposal are the six companies--Hitachi Ltd, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, - Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industry, Mitsubishi Electric, and Japan Atomic Power Industry--which formed a system development group. At the same time, each maker is developing its independent robot technology, and Kawasaki already has at hand its in-service inspection rabot (IS, ir~spection while in operation), Mitsubishi Heavy Industrie~ has its eddy current detection robot for steam ~ generator use, Toshiba has its automated fuel exchanger and remote-controlled contro'_ rod drive mechanism (CRD), and Hit~ch:L Ltd has its automated robot for welding nuclear power distribution lines, which are all about to become practical. _ Furthermore, the use of these robots will not end at power generation, but they wi11 be used iz spent fuel reprocessing plants and high-level radioactive waste disposal operations and the decontamination of nuclear power plants which have come to the end of their days. The need for robots in the nuclear power field is increasing, and there is an increasing pattern of their use #bout the major equipment of nuclear power facilities. The "robot for welding nuclear power distribution lines" developed by Hitachi Ltd and used at the No 4 reactor of Fukushima. No 1 power plant is a robot which - looks most like a robot. This robot has visual and feel capabilities and can detect from a considerable distance away any breaks in the weld or the condition of the weld, and if necessary it can correct the welding condition, therE'uy displaying its great flexibility in capabilities. Repair operations of - distribution lines at atomic power plants are beset wfth the problem of lack of operating space as well as the presence of a radiation field. `This radiation level becomes more intense the closer the site of operation is to the reactor 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY core, and the time the welder is preser.t has to be limited to a very short period in order to keep his exposure within permissible limits. This is whv the practice in the past was to use,a number of welders who successively spelled each other. The weldin~ robot for nuclear reactor distribution lines was developed to resolve this problem and to enable welding the distribution lines within the containment vessel by remote control from a safe site outside. First, a guide ring is attached to the distribution pipe, and the welding unit, sensory unit, and drive unit are placed on the three carriers on this ring. There is a visual device attached to this welding unit. The carriers with these units are linked together and travel around the circumferential by action of the drive unit over the guide ring. It feels for the open break with the touch unit while a complete pass is made around the distribution line, and the point of the break is kept in memory. Next, all = information about this site is progressively extracted, and the welding torch _ is positioned in line with the information, after which the weld is made auto- matically. During this time, the spread of the welding pool and the aim on the center line are monitored with the visual unit and di splayed on a screen. The _ welder views this screen and manipulates knobs on the control panel whenever the weldine conditions become inappropriate to correc t the situation. When the welding operation is completed, the welding unit is replaced by a grinding _ unit, and this unit together with the touch sensory unit are used to remove the _ ~ unevenness on the bead by grinding. By replacing thi s grinding unit with an ultrasonic flaw detection unit, the weld can also be examined for defects . Effective in Lowering Exposure to Radiation; Toshiba Develops Mechanism To Replace Fuel Rods The occasions of periodic parts replacement and repair opertations at a power plant are numerous, and more o�ten than not these operations are performed under condition of high radiation. This is why remote-cont rolled operations have long been the rule, but there has always been the hope of introducing robots to enable greater automation. The "automated fuel exchanger" developed by ToshiUa i s a type of robot equipped with manipulators to remove and handle fuel rods, and it has already been put to practical use. The fuel exchange operation of a BWR is perfcrmed during the periodic inspection of a nuclear reactor which is made annually, and the spent fuel from the core is removed during this rest perio d of the reactor and new fuel rods are inserted or fuel rods are redistributed througrout the core . Iri these operations, performed in the past by a team of experienced workers and many - assistants, the fuel rods in water were removed whil e sighting from above. This routine was conducted by teams of four men each in a three-shift rotation over a period of 15 days. . Because of the type of operation involved, the automa ted fuel exchanger was developed in order to reduce the radiation exposure, shorten the work duration, and improve reliability. This unit is comprised of an exchange unit main body, fuel handling tool, mast and control and drive equipment, and a computing system 38 FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to serve as judgment device and isaue commands to th~ control and drive equipment. With the development of this un3.c, the operating time for fuel replacement has been reduced 15 percent from ~Iiat was required before, and one operator working by remote control can do the work formerly required by four workers, thereby effecting conservation of labor. At the same time, the exposure has been reduced to one-fifth, and this unit is already being used at the No 5 reactor of Tokyo Ele~tric's Fukushima No 1 plant. In addition, there is a"remote-control control-rod drive mechanism" (CDR), also developed by Toshiba, which is a maintenance robot. The exchange of control rods is also per�ormed during the periodic inspeetion, and roughly 25 percent (35-50 _ rods) are removed from the lower reaches of the pressure vessel, inspected carefully, and reinserted once more into the reactor pressure container. The CRD is long--4.7 meters long overall--so that its removal and reinsertion is - a formidable task. At the same time, this work has to be performed in a high radiation field and in a very limited space, makir.g this operation a classic example of worst possible working conditions. The actual operation involves the use of an electrically operated winch and a sliding mechanism. A team of five men stand on a platform to do the work (there are five shifts, for a total of 25 men), and they do most of the work manually. The ~erformance of this routine by mechanized remote control is the work of the remote-control CRD unit. This mechanism has made it possible to replace the control rods from a control panel located in a safe environment. Automated Inspection System Within the Containment Vessel There have been intensified efforts during the past few years to introduce automation and remote control to handle routine operations in high radiation fields - of nuclear power plants such as fuel exchange. On the other hand, the capabilities _ of these units are fairly limited, and the development of robots with much higher - capabilities has become necessary in order to make safety at a nuclear power plant more reliable. - For example, located in the contral room from which a nuclear power plant is operated is an operating crew of five or six people who look over a battery of - 300-400 instruments and 1,000 or so alarm devices from which they receive information on the status of the reactor and select the necessary s~itches from the array of 500-600 switches to ad~ust ttie operation. In this manner, a - tremendous burden i~ placed on these operating personnel. In addition, the containment vessel which houses a large number of the measuring devices is an _ area of very high radiation, making it impossible for a worker to enter the area when the reactor is in operation and some of the equipment is nat functioning properly, If a supporting system to lighten the burden on the operators or a robot which can be moved about the containment vessel while the reactor is in operation to check the situation within the vessel were introdr.ced, the reliability of the reactor would be enhanced one step further, exposure in the event of trouble or acci.dent could be minimized, and the worker's safety could be enhanced, which 39 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY should contribute greatly to improved safety and increased utilization rate of ; nuclear power plants. ' Thp "nuclear power generation support system," which is the target of a 5-year program initiated in 1980 by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry~ ia this ministry~s answer to this need, and the development can be divided into ~ the instruction system and the automated point inspection system for use within the containment vessel. The first mentioned member uses a computer to grasp ' the operating status of the power plant through the various pieces of equipment ' and suaimarize the information, transmit the status of the system to the appropriate terminals, and make the appropriate operational directions. The automated point inspection system for use within the containment vessel runs on a rail installed within the high radiation Zevel interior of the containment vessel or on the floor of this vessel interior and examines the condition of the various pieces of equipment within. The point inspection system as it operates within the containment vessel includes a point inspection dolley which runs on the floor, a space scanning type inspec- tion vehicle, and a manipulator and detectors for this vehicle. The space scanning unit checks uumps and valves from above; the floor traversing dolley checks the various parts from below for air, water, and oil leaks; while the manipulator observes the equipment through a television camera and performs whatever operations can be performed by remote control. The responsibilities have been divided up between the various companies so that Hitachi Ltd is in charge of the space scanning equipment, Toshiba the floor traversing dolley, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries the manipulators. The private interests' nuclear power generation support system development group which was formed last summer by the six companies sent a survey group at the end of last year to the United States and Europe, where it minutely surveyed robot technology development and the status of its introduction. The results of this survey have not been compiled as yet, but i.t has been said that the situation with respect ~ to robots for observing and operating within a containment� vessel is virtually ur~developed. In light of this, the development and introduction of this type of robot in Japan should draw international attention, and the robot may become a future export item. Robot for Spot Inspection _ The point inspection robot is used mainly with ISI. ISI is the periodic inspection _ which is conducted once a year with the reactor shut down in order to check the safety aspects of the nuclear power plant. Fuel bodies removed from the _ core, and the distribution lines inside and outside *_h:. core, valves, pumps, and their support members, are g~.ven a thorough examinarion. The inspection of the welds of and to the containment vessel and the weld sections of the distribution lines are the main focus of these examinations, and the inspection methods include ultrasonic testing and visual inspection. Even when ultrasonic testing is used, the equipment has to be operated by hwnan hands, and the time any worker can spend on the job is~limited by the amount of ~ 40 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY radiation he receives, making for low efficiency. At the same time, the working quarters eo narrow that the worker often cannot come close to the working aite. T"tie answer to this problem is the "ISI Robot System" developed by Ishikawa~ima- Harima Heavy Industries. This system was developed in a cooperative effort with the comprehensive research laboratory, Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) of _ the United States, and the system consists of an ultrasonic flaw detector, liquid damage seeking device, remote control and sutomated transport device to carry the above detection units, and automated recotding and processing units for recording and processing ttie data accumulatsd. ~ Another point inspection robot is the "Steam Generator Eddy Current Detection Robot" developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The PWR steam generator consists of several thousand small heat transfer pipes where the heat from the primary coolant water is transferred to the secondary line, which is then used to generate steam to operate a turbine. When viewed from the standpoint of radiation control, this section serves as the "breastworks" which shields the radiation - from the primary side. This is why these heat transfer tubes must always be in good shape, and the point inspection of these tubes is given particular attention during each periodic inspection. The robot developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries can cover these fine tubes completely for a given inspection and has the merit _ of lowering the worker's exposure to radiation and conserving labor. _ COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Inspection Systems Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 12 Jan 81 p 3 [Text] Japan's energy strategy, which is focused on promotion of nuclear energy as the main force to effect disengagement from oil, involves increasing the scale of power production from nuclear sources to 53 million kW by 1990, according to the cabinAt decision adopted during the oil substitute energy deliberations of November last year. In other words, there must be local preparation and site selection for new plants to generate 23-25 million kW (23-25 reactors of the ' 1-million-kW class) over the next 10 years. This is why greater emphasis is being placed on assurance of nuclear safety and greater utilization rates o.f facilities, and improvement in observation systems which can spot an abnormal operation of a reactor at an early stage has become a pressing problem. Nuclear power generating systems wl-~ich are constantly increasing in size and capacity are designed from the outset with safety in mind, and great weight is placed on safety protection measures. This is why a pressu~~ized Iight water - reactor (PWR) operated by Kansai Electric at Takahama No 2 power plant (820,000 kW - output) recorded 320 days continuous operation (from 21 Novemb~r 1979 to 6 - November 1980) and a boiling water type reactor (BWR) of Tokyo Electric, the No 4 reactor of its Fukushima No 1 plant, recorded 283 days continuaus operation (from 22 November 1978 to 31 October 1979), thereby establishfng new records. 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - On the other hand, Kansai Electric~s Mihama No 1(340,000 kW) suffered from an error in the selection of coolan~, which resulted in corrosion of the fine tubes of the steam generator, as a result of which the reacCor has not been operating for 6 years. It is an example of an extreme case in the other direction. Delay in detecting minor troubles and lack of proper treatment can effecCively stop operation of a nuclear power generator plant, which is a product of massive science and technology efforts. The reduction of radiati4n exposure to maintenance w~orkers and repairmen during the periodic inepections is also considered an important ob~ective in establishing industrial safety in nuclear p~wer generation. One step in this direction is the recent activity in developing and introducing remotely operated observation equipment. This introduction is not complete, and the present situation is that the exposure suffered by the workers has emerged as a major social problem. In another direction, the improvement in utilization rate of nuclear power generation facilities is considered very important from the standpoint of plant locations and stabilized supply of electric power. The utilization rate during the past few years has run the cours~ of 41.8 percent in 1977, 56.7 percent in 1978, 54.6 percent in 1979, and 61.2 percent in 1980, showing an improving trend to a higher rate. Facility utilization rate is directly tied in with power generation cost. If a _ 1-million-kW class reactor should suapend operation for a day, the loss would total 100 million yen, while a 10-percent reduction for the entire electric power industry would cost 30 billion yen. The high-performance fuel rods that can be used for hi~h burnup and for long periods before replacement which the power industry is energetically promoting or the development of load pursuing type fuel rods are attempts by the power industry to increase the utilization ' efficiency. , The greatest factor responsible for lcawering facility utilization rate is the so-called ISI or periodic inspection. This periodic inspection usually requires _ 90 days including the replacement of fuel rods. In other words, the reactor is idle at least one-fouth of the time even when it is trouble-free. Robot technology has recently has been coming to the fore as a possible solution to this situation. Japan's robot technology has advanced to such a high level that robots presently are being exported to the United States in a situation ~ust the reverse of what used to be. Acc~rding to a survey by the Japanese industrial robot industry, production for 1980 totaled roughly 65 million yen, and this is expected to increase to 240 million yen in 5 years and to 45Q-600 million yen in 10 years. Tfie atomic power world plans to transfer the world's frontrunner robot technology to the subjugation of the so-called three primary problems in nuclear power generation: assurance of safety, reduction in radiation exposure, and increase ' in facility utilization rate. One of the reasons robot development is bzing emphasized so much is that during the U.S. Three-Mil.e Island incident a robot named "Bex~?an" was used with great effect. This robot has a base which runs on 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY ' caterpillar treads upon which are placed manipulators and television cameras - which all are operated by remote control and are used to make radiation measurements within the nuclear reactar structure and operate valves and perform aimilar manipulations. The inroads of robot technology into the atomic energy indu~try are fairly sma11 compared to the automobile industry, the electrical industry, and the general machine industry. On the other hand, remote-control units with handling capability or visual capability have made their appearance, and it is thought that this will be the opening by which the use of robots for atomic power requirements will hence- forth see great expansion in line with increasing needs for safety and other related items. Robots for nuclear power use can be classified under the three large categories of operational, maintenance, and spot-inspection use on the applica~~cn at hand, and producta which fulfill these ends are now making their appearance. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Instrument Calibration Center Tokyo NIKKEI SANGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 12 Jan 81 p 14 [Text] The RadiaCion Measurement Association Inc (director, Masahiko Murakami) will conduct calibrations of radiation measuring instruments over the entire country starting this month. The accurate measurement of radiation is a most _ basic and important sub~ect from the standpoint of exposure control and nuclear power development. The practice heretofore has depended on the instrument makers to make their own uncontrolled calibrations, but the Radiation Measurement Association, making use of the standard radiation facilities of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute in Ibaraki Prefecture, has developed a highly reliable calibration capability and plans to serve as Japan's calibration center. Standard Facilities at Tokai Laboratory When an instrument for measuring radiation is used over a long period, the measurement begins to drift as the result of radiation wihin the instrument itself and other causes. The function of calibration is to brtng these errant _ values to their proper place. Radiation measuring instruments are used in a wide _ area of application, including nuclear power plants, laboratories, hospitals, and radioisotope (RI) handling establishments, and these instruments need to be calibrated on the average of once a year. In the past, when an institution purchased radiation measurement equipment it drew up an agreement with the vendor, and a trusted worker took the instrument to a maker or at times to the Agency for Industrial Science and Technology or JAERI which has capability for the calibration. This practice resulted in considerable variation in the reliability of the calibration, while imported products were associated with the problem of a large number of handling steps~ 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ In order to resolve these problems, the Radiation Measurement Association was established in October last year. Since ell the equipment which was ordered has been accumulated, it is about to take up its appointed duties. The calibrations will be made relying on the "Radiation Standard Facility" located within the Tokai laboratory of JAERI. Although this facility is not 100 percent complete, it is provided with a number of standard radiation "yardsticks," which can be used as standardizing equipment for the calibration and maintenance control of survey meters, environmental monitors, and neutron rem counters. The building is a two-story structure with one underground floor~, a floor area of 1,900 square meters, and it houses irradiation rooms, laboratories, and spot inspection and repair rooms. There is a very low-level radiation room for measuring x-rays and gamma rays at very low levels, rooms where low, medium, and high rates of irradiation can be performed and a neutron irradiation facility. At present the national standards for dosimeters and sources are kept in custody at the Electrotechnical Laboratory, and this facility has standard measurement equipment and standard sources which are compared and calibrated with the national _ standards on hand, which can then be compared with th~e measurement equipment in question for the calibration. The cost of this calibration is about 22,000 yen for a GM survey meter for gamma use (not including shipping and repair costs) which is said to be somewhat less costly than the other routes. COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 Research Cooperation Tokyo NIKKEI SANGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 12 Jan 81 p 14 [Text] The Central Research Institute of the Electric Power Industry and JAERI have decided to enter into intimate interchanges on nuclear fusion development, including technological information exchange. The ground-breaking event for this liaison was the first "roundtable on nuclear fusion" was cosponsored by these tw~o organs and held in December of last year. It is planned to hold these seminars periodically to enhance this exchange. Nuclear fusion is considered to be a very powerful energy source for the future - where the electric power industry is concerned. It is said that it will be ~ at least 2020-2030 before this type of reactor will operate on a commercial . scale, and preparations for a practical reactor must be accelerated if this timetable is to be met. Research and development on nuclear fusion is now in the stage af shifting from research centered on plasma physics to engineering research with practical adoption in mind. That is to say, research is now at a crossroads, and it is the belief of the Central Research Institute that now is the time to initiate � studies on the practical reactor so that the electric power industry can a 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 I~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � smooth introduction of fusion power in the future. It is said that these studies will be ~iewed particularly f rom the user~s standpoint, taking into account reactor economics, reliability, operation, maintenance, and environmental problems. ~ The Central Research Institute se t up a research group on nuclear fusion within its Energy Technology Development Headquarters as one example of the manner in ' which studies related to the nuclear fusion reactor are being r�romoted, and the tieup with JAERI is planned to pu sh this development even further. COPYRIGHT: l~ihon Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 PWR Automatic Control System Tokyo NIKKEI SANGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 13 Jan 81 p 6 [Text] Mitsubishi Electric has embarked on the development of nuclear reactor instrumentation and opexation control systems to enhan~e safety and enable complete automation of the pressurized light water reactors (PWR). A demonstration system wi11 be built within its Kobe plant which will serve both as an experimental facility and a demonstration facility to the consumer. It is said that the - danger of radiation exposure to operators and maintenance personnel is less than that experisnced with the boiling water type reactor (BWR). Demand for PWR instrumentation and control type automated systems has been weak in the past, but the trend toward increasing the s ize of nuclear reactors has led Co increased demand so as to lower the burden on operators and increase the facility operating rate through automation, and Mitsubishi Electric is demonstrating sensitivity to _ these requests. Construr_tion of Demonstration Fac ility Control is exercised over a large number of control systems such as the reactor pressure cooling system, the output control system or water circulation system, and the control of turbine and generator systems in the operation and control room of a nuclear power generating plant. A large number of gages, meters, and operational equipment are assembl ed here, and there is a good possibility that a _ slight error might end up as a major accident. This places tremendous responsi- bility on the operational control personnel. In the particular case of the BWR, coolant water which passes through the core also circulates through the turbine section in the construction that has been adopted, and direct entry into the plant equipment to make inspection and measurement is very difficult because of the radiation exposure involved. This is one impetus for the installation of a central observational capability. The computerization of the operation and - control systems along with the introduction of robots are being urged to attain this end, and BWR makers such as Toshiba and Hitachi have introduced systems names "Podea" and "New Cam 80 " which they developed. In contrast to the BWR, the PWR has a cooling system divided into the primary water system which circulates through the core and the secondary water system wtiich circulates through the turb ine section, a:zd the net result is that there i~ _ less exposure of workers, making unnecessary the development of a concentrated central observation and control system such as that required by the BWR. This 45 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ i~ the present view. On the other hand, i.f the prQmise of increased plant safety for the future location of even larger nuclear power plants is to be implemented, the PWR will undoubtedly also be made difficult to operate in an error-free manner, and demands for a reduced burden on workers are increasing. This is why the Ministry of International Trade and Industry is providing subsidies to aid the development of such systems. Mitsubishi Electric is a member of a PWR makers group which has handled instru- mentation and control systems and has compiled an impressive record, and it has decided to engage in development of systems of greater capability and conserva- tion of power compared to previous systems, including capabilities such as color display devices and voice input-output. One phase of this development will be the establishment of a demonstration system which is a compilation of the technology to date, at a cost of several hundred million yen, which is expected to aid research and development as well as to be useful for explanations to users and actual training of technologists. COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 MITI's Subsidy to ABWR Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHI?~'BUN in Japanese 14 Jan 81 p 1 [Text] The Ministry of International Trade and Industry has decided to aid development of the "Improved Boiling Water Type Light Water Reactor" (ABWR), which is intended to be the standard Japanese type reactor on which five companies both domestic and foreign from four nations have started work, including Toshiba, Hitachi Ltd and General Electric (GE) of the United States, as one phase of the third improvement standardization (nationalization of light water reactor) technological development which is part of a 5-year program initiated in 1981. The ABWR is an international development on a private base which was started due to demand for development of an even better BWR. Meanwhile, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry was looking at the ABWR as the next generation BWR, and it has incorporated this concept into the nucleus of the third improve-- ment and standardization pro~ram, thereby entering into its development. The ministry informally explained its policy to GE, Toshiba, and Hitachi Ltd among others, as well as to Tokyo Electric Power as representative of influential BWR users, and the net r.esult is that technological demonstration tests on the nuclear reactor internal circulating pump (internal pump) will begin in 1981 as the start of a"Made in Japan" ABWR. First Internal Pump Technology - ABWIZ development was instigated under the leadership of GE, which solicited Toshiba, Hitachi, Sweden's Acea Atom and Italy's Ansuld Mechanico Nuclear to form a five-company, four-nation group of BWR makers, and this development was started about 2 years ago. The technological sector of each company formed teams which incorporated basic BWR concepts of the past into the conceptual design which they then subjecfied to new stages of development. 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 ~ FOR OFFICIAL IJSE UNLY ~ - . Tokyo Electric has maintained a forward looking attitude toward the developments being made by these five companies, but recently other companies which have introduced BWR are also displaying forward looking attitudes toward the day when the ABWR becomes practical. ~ In another direction, since 1975 the Ministry of International Trade and Industry has been engaged in improvement and standardization of second-generation light water reactors and has looked toward independent Japanese technology in this area, which heretofore depended on technology introduced from the United States. With the energetic cooperation of the electric power industry, the light water reactor makers such as Toshiba, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries saw their technologies make great advances. With this background, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, in its _ efforts to come forward with a more nationalized light water reactor technolvgy, emerged with a policy of improving and standardizing the third-generation reactors starting in 1981 and put forth a call for domestic technology to tackle _ the nuclear reactor interior, which up to now has been the most difficult to nationalize, and truly aim for a Japanese type light water reactor. The ABWR concept fell right in line with this line of thinking, and it was decided to finalize the third-generation improvement and standardization plan in ttie form of ABWR development. The idea is for the two powerful companies which are influential in ABWR development, Toshiba and Hitachi Ltd, to be the member makers for the improvement and standardization of this third-generation model to support this activity. In the specific matter of the technological test demonstration of the internal - pump which is one of the prime items in this third-generation standardization, a budget of about 480 million yen has been allocated for 1981 with a funding of 8 billion yen projected for the next 5 years for pump-related costs. The overall cost is expected to be about 20 billion yen. It is S31d that the power companies are expecting 1990 to be the approximate date of ABWR introduction, and development of the Japanese label ABWR is aimed at the start of the decade beginning in 1985, with all the power companies taking fo rward looking attitudes toward this standardization plan. - ~he Ministry of International Trade and Industry furth~r believes that once the ABWR becomes practical somewhere in the post-1990 period, that important data related to approval will turn out to be "nationalizable" from within the standardization operations, and this may prove to be another ma~or plus. GE believes that the advancement of research and development funds by the Japanese Government will benefit future sales, and this unusual international joint development seems to be starting off with various expectations. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 47 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 HOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Nagoya University Fusion Research Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBITN in Japanese 14 Jan 81 p 4 - [Text] The Nagoya University Plasma Laboratory (director, Hidetake Kakihana) will embark on a third 10-year plan on plasma research in which deuterium (D) and tritium will actually be burned in a DT nuclear reaction (R plan). The experimental facility in which this reaction will be conducted is a mediwn-class tokamak of about 15 cub ic meters volume. Because this facility was trimmed to the minimum size which would still allow experiment, some of the benefits which will be realized are: 1) the experiments will be easy to conduct, 2) many experiments can be run, and 3) a small amount of tritium will suffice. The plans involve preparational research and design and fabrication of the facility up through the first period to abo ut 1887, a~ter which the actual facility will be set up in 1988 at Doki City in Gifu Prefecture, where actual burning experiments with the injection of DT are expected to be initiated in 1989. Nuclear fusion research to date has been involved in experiments with light hydrogen nuclear reactions, and these nuclear fusion core plasma experiments are expected to be the first in the world. Many nations are putting forth great effort on the theory and experimentation of nuclear fusion, which is expected to become the new energy source for the 21st century. The tokamak-type plasma experimental facility, which is the mainstream of this development, is now undergo ing construction as very large facilities such as the JAERI "JT-60," the American TFTR, and the European alliance JET, with the hope of attaining critical conditions in 3-5 years. These facilities will represent ma~or advances in plasma confinement and heating, but none of them will get to the stage that an actual DT combusion will be involved, although some altogether different reactions will be achieved, so that any analysis of the actual fusion reaction will have to await later experiment. Representative nuclear reactions include DT and DD reactions; the DT reaction has a very high reaction rate, and nuclear fusion research utilizing this reaction makes up the bulk of this type of research today. On the other hand, tritium, which is one of the reactants, does not exist in nature as a natural form, making it necessary to produce it from lithium, which has to be reacted with neutrons produced by a nuclear reaction. This is the shortcoming of this fuel. On the other hand, deuterium, which is present in abundant quantity in the natural world, enters into a DD reaction of a low reaction rate, and a DD nuclear fusion reactor may become an eventuality because it does not require the breeding of tritium. The plasma at the core of a fusion reactor contains an abundance of charged particles from DT and DD reactions, and their free energies are of the same level or higher tFian the thermal energy of �uel plasma. It is said that this fre~ energy is responsible for various instabilities such as thertnal instability of rhe core plasm3, thermonuclear instability, or diffusion through thE radially directed electric field. - 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In light of this situation, the Nagoya University Plasma Laboratory is proposing its R plan, which is not limited to the DT reaction but aLso includes the study of nuclear reaction plasma research necessary to the DD reaction using a compact version of the DT tokamak and following the various phenomena induced into the core plasma as the result of nuclear reactions. The experimental facility for this purpose has a 15-cubic-meter volum~, a 0.6-~meter minor radius and a 2.1-meter ma,jor radfus, which is roughly one-fourth the size of the JT-60 which JAERI is constructing. Included in the design is a plasma current of 1.8 mega-amps, a toroidal magnetic field of 50 kilogauss, a discharge time of 1.5 seconds, a neutron particle injection heat input of 15 megawatts, and a high frequency heating of 5 megawatts or more. - Consideration has also been directed to safety measures regarding radiation, and shielding will be provided by the wa11s of a spherical concrete structure 15 meters in internal diameter which is to be constructed. The first wall (0.5 meters thick) will be of boron containing heavy concrete, and the second wall (1.5--meter-thick concrete) will shield the injection device and fCs surroundings. The ceiling of this structure will be 0.5 meters thick, and it will be located 500 meters away from the nearest building. These measures are planned to produce weekly exposures - of the order of 0.1 millirem per week, which is less than one-tenth the amount occurring in nature. The plasma. which is the objective of this research wil have a temperature of more ~ than 120 million degrees at its center, a density of 1014 per cubic centimeter, and a c~nfinemant time of 0.1 second according to the target figures. - The plans involve a new construct~on on a 76,000-square-meter plot in Doki city, Gifu Prefecture. The first 3 years, up to 1983, will involve control of impurities (such as oxygen, carbon), nuclear reaction plasma measurements, and safe handling ~f tritium and radiation-type preparatory research, after which the 4-year period starting in 1984 will be taken up by design, construction and equipping the experimental facility. The facility is expected to be completed in 1988, at which time a year and a half will be allotted to tests with injections of ordinary hydrogen, and then experiments with llT nuclear reaction plasma are e~ected to begin in earnest in the fall of 1989. The construction costs include 40 billion yen for the tokamak test facility main body, and more tr~an 50 billion for the related facilfty costs. There will be a complement of 60 research personnel and 90 assisting personnel, for a manpower total of 150, indicating the magnitude of this project. At present, the American TFTR and the European alliance FET are also aimed at conducting experiments on the DT nuclear reaction plasma, but these are large- _ scale pro~ects which incorporate many problems so that the plans are reportedly encountering one delay after another. This is why there are great expectations . that the world's first combusion tests will be conducted at this compact facility which is paY~t of th e Yt plan of Nagoya University. 49 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFF'[CIAL USE ONLY The promotion of the R plan is tied in with various plssma technology developments accompanying long term operation of the JT-60 which will be mutually supplemented by fuel mode front info rmation to contribute to Japan's future reactor technology test facilities. These will also be useful in the development of the plasma teChnology necessary for future DD nuclear fusion. Joint research on the part of ~ all the universities in the country is necessary if this program is to be promoted - in the universities. At the same time, the training of young researchers is considered vital to long term nuclear fusion research and development. Director Hidetake Kakihana of the Nagoya University Plasma Laboratory made the following statement: The combustion of real fuel is important to nuclear fusion development. I hope this will be done as quickly as possible. JAERI's JT-60 is a very large affair, while the R plan is only the size of an eyeball. If we succeed in tying together the results of these two projects, Japan will become - a leader in the field of the practical implementation of nuclear fusion. - COPYRIGHT: ~Iikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 - Reactior Material Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 15 Jan 81 p 4 [Text] The two countries which are intensifying their unity with regard to nuclear fusion development, Japan and the United States, have decided to enter into a joint study, the "RTSN Plan," on reactor materials development using a large acceierator in the United States. According to releases from the Ministry of Education, this accelerator is the higli dose damage use accelerator (RTNS) located at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL), where irradiation experiments on reactor materials will be conducted over a 5-year period starting in 1981 by Japanese-American joint effort, and this program is expected to be continued with the next stage accelerator, RTSN2, now under construction. The Japan-U.S. nuclear fusion research cooperation agreement ratified in May 1979 was started off in the form of the Doublet III plan, from which considerable information such as that relating to plasma characteristics is being derived. This reactor materials joint development plan is the next large pro,ject involving use of experimental facilities which follows the Doublet III, and the results are being awaited with great interest. Reactor materials is a key technology to the practical use of nuclear fusion - reactors. This is why the Ministry of Education built the "Octavian" for generating 14 mega eV at Osaka University star.ting in 1978. At the same time, the Research Institute for Metals at Tohoku Umiversity started on the development of superconducting magnet materials in a project budgeted for about 3 billion yen (for a 3-year period starting in 198~). In addition, the University of Tokyo will work on a high irradiation research facility with 4-5 MeV capability (3-year pr~~ect starting in 1981) on funding of 750 million yen. The development of wall materials for reactors is the most important element in reactor materials, because these materials are subject to 14 MeV high energy irradiation, which is one order of magnitude highter than that received by 50 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ the cladding tubes of fission reactors, and materials which can w3.thstand such high irradiation and still not suff er volume expansion (avoid swelling) for at least 10 years are needed. Other means to be utilized in these material developments being considered are 1) the super high voltage el ectron micro scope (the 1 MeV electron beam which operates this electron microscope can be used as damage causing irradiation, and swell~Lng experiments using electron microscopes is a popular sub~ect), 2) nuclear reactors, and 3) accelerato~s. Japan is limited to the 1 MeV neutron facility, which is the ma.terials testing reactor (JMTR) at JAERI, and there is no facility which can deliver heavy irradiations on the order of 14 MeV such as will be generated in a fusion reactor. In contrast, the nuclear fusion reactor use material research in the United States is considerably advanced, with the availabil ity of the RTSN at LLL and the large irradiation use accelerator "FMIT," construc tion of which at the Hanford National Laboratory is being promoted. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has asked for Japanese participation in these two pro~ects based on the Japan-U.S. - nuclear fusion research cooperation agreement, as a result of which the Ministry of Education hammered out its policy for~cooperation in the RTSN plan starting in J'FY 81 and allctted an initial year's outlay of 350 million yen. If possible, researchers will be dispatched as early as 3une to start Japan-U.S. ~oint experi- ments. If an RTNS scale accelerator facility should be constructed in Japan, the cost will be at least 4 billion yen and will require 5 years to complete, and developing nuclear materials based solely o n the use of our own capabilities will greatly delay nuclear fusion reactor development. In this respect, the present Japan- U.S, agreement is thou~;ht to play the role of a primer in the advancement of nuclear fusion development. - COPYRIGI3T: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Plutonium Reprocessing - Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 16 Jan 81 p 5 [TextJ The Tokai reprocessing plant of the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (DONEN), which is targeting a goal of reprocessing 80-120 tons (uranium conversion) this year, is gradually establishing itself as a leading plant on a worldwide basis. This is because the degree of cleanliness of its external environment and its working environment gr~atly surpasses that of other leading reprocessing countries. On the operating end, this plant topped the previous record of the French af 16 ;.ons continuous operation, which had ` been considered almost unbeatable, by a perfo rmance of 28.5 tons continuous processing. If the goal targeted for this year should be attained, Japan will surpass the United Kingdom and West Germany and close in on F'rance. This operating record is attracting attention both at home and in foreign circles, and there is no doubt that its success is contributing greatly to the construction of a second reprocessing plant by private effort. We asked the director of the Tokai 51 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY _ plant, Hideo Yasukutsu, to discuss the status and prospects of reprocessing technology, including the operational plan of the Tokai plant, and he said: "The Toka.i plant is just about ready to enter the stage of competing with '~:.ance for top position, and the reprocessing-relateri technology which was nurt~red as a national pro~ect should serve as the base for the immediate constriction of a second reprocessing plant by domestic technology. We will certainly cooperate in such a venture," he emphasized. - J The Tokai plant was constructed by technology imported from the SGN Company of France, but what made this plant a truly independent Japanese plant was the acid - recovery vaporization can, which was considered to be the most formidable problem in this processing (holes had formed at weld sections in MaHch 1978, and operarion was suapended for 1 year and 3 months). This was the opportunity which enabled the Tokai plant to become autonomous, as a result of which the denitiri- fication facility which had been treated as an inferior process and in which France had no real experience registered the amazing record of 206 hours continuous operation. The quantity of fuel processed between July 1977 and November last year totaled 79.2 tons, but the production was 60 tons for the year starting in November 1979 after the repair to the acid recovery volatilization can had been made. We - , were able to process 28.5 tons for the C1 campaign and 20 tons for the C2 campaign. It is said that these operating records of the Tokai plant are even surprising the French. The track record of the French, which to date has been the leading reprocessing country in the world, has not been the best where operating ' efficiency is concerned. The Karlsruhe Plant in West Germany called WAK (35 , ton/year reprocessing capacity, initiated operation in 1971) has only reprocessed 114 tons over the past 10 years, and it is not operating at present because of - - a leak in the dissolution tank. At the same time, the Windscale Plant in the - United Kingdom (400 tons, started operation in 1969) has developed trouble and is not operating at the present time, and the plant has yet to hit the 100-ton mark in fuel reprocessed. Ttie La Arg reprocessing plant in France (400 tons, started in 1976) reprocessed a total of 250 tons for the 5-year periud up to June last year. When we consider the low operating rates of these foreign reprocessing plants, it appears that problems with the shearing mechanism and th~ filter equipment used to filter the dissolution liquid from the dissolution of sgent fuel elements in nitric acid are the major obstacles. When plant directors of the foreign reprocessing plants including the French visited Japan, what interested them most was the blade of the shearing ma.chine, and there was the inevitable question: "How often do you change the blade7" This is because the French use a mode in which the fuel assembly is held vertical for the shearing, whereas the Germans leave the fuel rods in scattered array while the knife suspended like a pin descends on these rods. This practice is hard on the knife blade, necessitating frequent changes. In addition, we put great effort into minimizing radioactive discharges to the environment, and we registered the value of 26 curies discharge for the year, _ 52 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY which is ciose to the limiting value in the inspectional operations preceding actual operations up to the end of last year. This is several thousandths of the 45,000 curies of the French and the 80,000 curies of the British., In this manner, despite a late atart Japan's reprocessing development is compiling good results, and this is having a sharp effect on the operations of the other leading countries. Up to 27 December last year, the Tokai plant received a total of 615 fuel rod assemblies which converts to 132 tons of uranium, of which 79.2 tons were reprocessed. From this process, 450 kg of plutonium was recovered and 74.5 kg of uranium. Full scale production will be initiated on 17 January, and the total Co be processed within a year will be a maximum of 140 tons, based on 200 days operation for the year. Since a 1-million-kW-class light water reactor will produce 30 tons of spent fuel per year, this plant will be able to handle only 4.5 million kW reactors per year. This year's operational plan calls for a division into two periods in which 50-70 tons BWR fuel will be reprocessed, while the latter period will be devoted to reprocessing PWR fuE1, and a total reprocessing capability of 80-120 tons is targeted. If this goal should be realized, the total processed thus far will be more than 160 tons, including what has been reprocessed in the past, which will put us a~iead of the British and West Germans and close to the French. Now, when we come to the second reprocessing plant era, although some actual experience may be necessary, it will be necessary to reprocess fuels of high burnup of as much as 40,000-50,000 megawatt days/ton. Thia 'nigh burnup fuel will not dissolve completely in nitric acid, resulting in tr~e f~rmation of insoluble residue (dregs), thereby creating uncertainty regarding tl.; solvent extractions which follow, The Toka.i plant has reprocessed 28,000 megawatt-day/ton fuel from the Genkai power plant of Kyushu Electric and we had considerable anxiety over this insoluble residue although there were no serious consequences. We are preparing for the coming days when we will be involved in the reprocessing of these high burnup fuels through the solution of these problems. COPYRIGHT: Nikka.n Kogyo Shiv,bunsha 1981 MITI~s Budgpt for FBR Tokyo NIKKA.N KOGYO SHIlKBUN, in Japanese 19 Jan 81 p 1 [TextJ Taking aim at the period from the latter half of the decade beginning in 1986 to the 21st century as the period for the practical implementation of the fast breeded reactor (FBR), the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) will engage in development surveys of both the technology front and�the economic front starting in 1981. The FBR is being promoted by various countries throughout the world as a"miracle nuclear reactor," but MITI is preparing itself for the day when the FBR will actually become practical by setting up the necessary preparations such as siting systems, power transport systems, 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY establishment of nuclear fuel cycle, and setting up nuclear nonproliferation safeguards and is making all posaible preparations in order to create a vision of a practical FBR. Research and development on the FBR is now taking place _ centered on the Science and Technology Agency and DONEN, but it will come under the administrative umbrella of MITI once it becomes practical, as a reault of which MITI will be handling a new area. This is the first case in which MITI has considered FBR-related items in the budget. Focus on Location and Nuclear Fue1 Cycle The FBR is a reactor which can utilize uranium extremely efficiently, and its appearance is awaited with great expectations by the various countries of the world as the powerful successor to the light water reactor. France has been the most active in promoting development of the FBR, and developmental efforts in Japan have been spearheaded by the Science and Technology Agency and DONEN, which have centered their efforts on self-developed technology. Regarding actual construction, the experimental reactor "Joyo" (thermal design output 280,000 kW, went critical in April 1977) is being followed by the prototype reactor "Mon~u" (280,000 kW electrical output) wk~ich is targeted to go eritical in December 1987, and research and development is gradually being advanced. The plans for dem~onstration reactors of the 1-million-kW class to follow "Mon~u" are gradually assuming concrete form, and MITI believes that the FBR will make the transition from the research and development stage to the practical stage sometime in the latter half of the decade beginning in 1985. MITI initially placed a 20-million-yen item for FBR development in the budget - for 1981, and it may be said that behind the vision created from the technological and economic fronts, including practical implementation of the FBR, is the situation that the initial schedule has been followed by and large, and Che - self-developed FBR development is gradually taking shape. T'he envisaged creation of the FBR in which MITI plans to engage in this new f3scal year will be entirely directed at the practica~l development of the FBR, and MITI plans to take up as quickly as possible the necessary technological and economic problems which Japan will facQ with the practical implementation of the FBR. It is anticipated that the problem of the location of the practical FBR will be considerably greater than what was experienced with the light water reactor. This is because there is not only the question of power output end but also the - need to locate the nuclear fuel facility at the same site. The problem of just where in Japan to locate these large energy bases will become a major economic problem of the people, and it is necessary to establish a location image and an FBR base image. At the same time, it is expected that a netw~ork of power distribution lines throughout the nation to deliver power from zhe FBR bases to the power demand areas will change greatly with the advent of FBR, and early attention must be given to the technology and economics to bring this about. 54 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE (9NLY - In addition, we must establish technological evaluation of the practical FBR. At the same tiune, the positioning of the practical FBR in Japan~s overall nuclear fuel cycle must take place as rapidly as possible in order to effect nonprolifera- tion of plutonium and its regulation. In this manner, MITI hopes to engage in development of utilization systems for the FBR from this new fiscal year. Recently, the electric power industry also appears to be moving vigorously toward a practical FBR, and it may be that the placement of FBR development on the budget by MITI will accelerate Japan's practical development of the FBR. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Commercial Nuclear Ships Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 19 Jan 81 p 9 [Text] The research and development plan for a reactor plant for an improved ship, which is the practical goal of the nuclear powered ship for the 21st century, is undergoing renewed activity this year through a government-private industry joint effort centered on the Japan Nuclear Ship Development Agency _ (director, Kazuhiko Nomura). Plans call for development of a 100-150 megawatt output pressurized water reactor equivalent to 30,000-50,000 hp shaft output, to be placed aboard high-speed container ships which will be mass produced, and for establishment of technology for safe shipping. The first step will be a 5�-year program starting in 1981 during which time the selection of the reactor along with conceptual and test design drafting and design evaluaticns will be conducted. This agency is to set up the developmental office under its technological department and to involve academic and industrial sources in coming up with preparations and procedures by March. Agency To Come Up with Conceptual Design in 5 Years A nuciear powered ship has such a high output that there is no comparison with a diesel powered ship, and it is ideally suited to serve as high-speed container vessel or superlarge tanker or even an icebreaker. When viewed from the standpoint of the limits of oil energy, its development is a must where Japan - is concerned. The development of nuclear powered ships in Japan has been delayed because of t:e radiation leak incident on the nuclear powered ship "Mutsu," but the Western countries have not naglected long-term development. Th~ U.S. plans were delayed from the orig~nal timetable, and studies are underway to come up with a large number of nuclear powered co~ercial ships 3.n the latter half of the eighties. West Germany is conducting transport tests on a completed ship and reportedly is now developing a superlarge container vessel of 240,000 hp. - It is only natural that the greatest attention be directed to safety in the development of nuclear powered commercial ships, but the economics is also important. In the case of power generation on land a higher output will provide the "scale of profit," but this is not directly applicable in the case of a ~ 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ship, so that the development of small and low cost reactors or the problem of fuel must be resolved before practical realization is attained. Re~earch and development on nuclear powered ships was conducted centered on the "Mutsu," but the emergency parliament of last year amended a section of the law pertaining to this nuclear powered ship working group, and the way was paved for emphasis to be placed on the establishment of ma.npower and technology for the day when the nuclear powered ship will surely make its appearance. At the same time, the time limit for this law was extended in the past, but the limits to this working group have been abolished, and administration will be simpiified by merging this group with JAERI or DONEN by the end of 1984. In the light of this, this working group has decided to point toward research and developm~nt on reactor plants for ship use parallel with improvements to the nuclear powered ship "Mutsu" and experimental voyages. The budget in 1980 for reactors for ship use was about 20 million yen, to which will be added the 1981 reaearch and development funds of 190 million yen, indicating the government's view of this pro~ect. In the matter of the dir~ction in which this pro~ect should be promoted, "the theme" for JFY 81 will be: "What kind of reactor shall attention be directed toward?" (senior managing director Masaaki Kuramoto of the working group). Preparations for making a major start will be under way for the rest of this - fiscal year, and it is thought that not only will this working group be involved but a committee will be formecl, including representatives from the academic world and industry, along with the establishment of working sections to wark in this direction. In the first stage starting in 1981, the core of a pressurized water type light water reactor plant, which is thought to have the potential to become the power plant for nuclear powered ships in the near future, the primary system equipment, and a number of types of the shielding structure will be test designed along with the ship body and land support facilities. These will be evaluated, and the concept will be established. Some specific research sub~ects are: 1) comparison and evaluation of unitized reactor and divided reactor to aid in selection of reactor type, 2) program development and analytical research that wi11 enable evaluation of the reactor itself with respect to fuel behavior and heat transfer flow, 3) actual irradiation tests in case the fuel becomes critical using an experimental reactor, and 4) information gathering. Except for the experimental research, there will be a shift to execution starting in JFY 81. The program after this second stage will involve checking the established concept from all angles, after which the basic design and test fabrication and testing - of various items of equipment will begin. At this time, particular attention will be directed at improving the economics. There will be another check and review before the third stage is entered, after which the construction and operational tests on the improved prototupe reactor for ship use will be finally started, according to this plan. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 56 FOR OFFIC[AL USE O1VLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Import of CANDU Reactor Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 20 Jan 81 p 3 [Text] The cries for the introduction of the Canadian type heavy water reactor (CANDU reactor), which were concealed for a while, have arisen again recently. ' When Minister Tanaka of MITI visited Canada a while back, he told the Canadian prime minister: "Please exert all possible effort (for the introduction of this reactor to Japan)," indicating an all-out attitude for the introduction of the CANDU reactor. During the summer 2 years ago, the CANDU reactor was hit by the conclusion of the."goodby to introduction" issued by the Atomic Energy Commi.ssion, but MITI and the Electric Power Development Company still burned with - the desire to acquire this reactor, and they used this recent expression on the part of Minister Tanaka to intensify their efforts. Let us look at the past history of this so-called CANDU problem. In 1976, the Electric Power Development Company, 3ust as former undersecretary of MITI Yoshihiko Ryosumi became president of the company, initiated a plan to introduce tt?e'CANDU reactor. The CANDU is a heavy water reactor developed by the Atomic Energy Public Corporation of Canada (AECL), and it is a self-developed Canadian reactor which burns natural uranium with good efficiency. It has one of the best operating records in the world, and for the six reactors exported to five developing - countries, this reactor has had a good record. It is a strategic export item of Canada. The question of the introduction of this reactor was initiated at the new-type _ power reactor development discussion sponsored by the Atomic Energy Commission in 1978. In the meeting of presidents of the electric power industry in November of the same year, the conclusion was to appr~ve the intx'oduction of this reactor as a"test demonstration reactor." At this time, the new power reactor introduc- tion roundtable appeared to have a forward looking attitude. Now, along about the end of March 1979, the Thrae-Mile Island incident occurred, as a rsult of which the self-development principal overtook the Japanese nuclear power industry, and the Atomic Energy Commission drew the conclusion of "goodby to introduction" - in August of that year. MITI and the Electric Power Development Company reacted stro~gly to this ~ situation and announced their policy of "continuing technological studies aimed at introduction," and the Electric Power Development Company even budgeted 700 million yen for developmental preparations for testing this reactor in 1981 and has decided to continue fts studies along the technological front. One reason MITI and the Electric Power Development Company are so earnestly promoting introduction of the CANDU reactor is that this reactor will complement - the light water reactor as far as reactor types go. The other reason is that this introduction may serve long term stable assurance of access to the oil, natural gas, uranium, and coal of Canada. In other words, by introducing the strategic Canadian export item, the CANDU reactor, stable supply of resources will be assured. In this matter, MITI and the Electric Power Development Company claim that the Atomic Energy Commiasion Zs completely off base as far as stable - energy supply is concerned. 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - At the same time, however, the safety of the CANDU has been suspect, as Under- Secretary Ob of MITI said: "The CAhDU reactor is operating smoothly in developins countries. Is Japan a backward nation where nuclear power is concerned?", i~idicating that there is a conflict in technological viewpoints. It was with such a background that Minigter Tanaka of MITI made his forward - looking statement with regar.d to the CANDU introduction. There will be a meeting of Japanese and Canadian economists in May, followed by a(summit) meeting of leaders of the leading co~,ntries in July, both in Ottawa, and the possibili*_~? that the CANDU problem will deveYop anew cannot be denied. - COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Xogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Radiation Clean-up Technology Tokyo NIKKEI SANGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 20 Jan 81 p 9 [Text] Kurita Kogyo plans to put its strength into development of radiation decontamination technology. The electric power companies have come to put , efforts into safety management of workers in nuclear power plants and their decontamination, while the increasing number of years of operation of nuclear power plants will necessarily entail system decontamination and disassembly of shutdown reactoYS, and this company hopes to be ready for these situati.ons. In this respect, this company is developing remote control and automation technology as well as research on v~olume reduction and solidification of decontaminat~on solutions in its policy. An installation such as a nuclear power plant undergoes periodic inspection ~ once a year, at which time the necessary equipment is decontaminated of its radioacti~~ity before it is used again. If this decontamination treatment should be insufficient, workers may be exposed to increased radiation, and this will mean the use of more workers and more time. In this manner, efficient and safe decontamination becomes an important problem in the operation of nuclear power plants from the standpoint of worKer safety, cost, and time economy. Kurita Kogyo has a record of having decontaminated a large number of items such as recirculating pumps, spent nuclear fuel racks (storage shelves), and waste gas treatment devices. These decontamination procedures involve both mechanical and chemical procedures, and this ~ompany has top records ~.n both cl3sses. It is expected that the decontamination problems to be faced in the future will � be even more formidable. When the decontamination of an entire system becomes the problem, there may be situations in which existing technology may not be able to cope with the situation, and there will be even greater developmental efforts. This company received orders to clean the nuclear power plant equipment and systems of the Japan Atomic Power Company's Tsu:uga atomic power plant No 1 and the Kansai Power~s M,ihama atomic power plant No 1 before they went into operation and has accumulated informatian and experience on nuclear power plant equipment and systems wbich will provide it with powerful weapons for its future development. The Dow Chemical Company of the United States went thrvugh several 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY years of preparation to decontaminate an entire nuclear power plant system in the , form of the Dresden nuclear power plant No 1, but it still has not been able to complete the pro~ect. This is a technology in which there is no example anywhere else in the w~rld, and Kurita Kogyo appears to realize it is necessary to accumulate considerably more technology in the future. In another direction, the decontamination r~olutions produced by past - decontaffiination were contracted to and processed by various power companies, and this company is studying means by which it can concentrate and solidify such wastes. This company has embarked on waste water treatment for removal of heavy metals and other contamination, and this technology will. be applied together - _ with the development of solidification in asghalt. COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 Reprocessing Negotiations With U.S. - - Tokyo NIHON KEIZAI SI:IMBUNSHA in Japanese 21 Jan $1 p 1 [Text] With the inauguration of the new president of the United States, Reagan, - the Japanese Government has decided to strongly urge a review of the September 1977 agreement between Japan and the United States which has proved to be a crippling influence on the promotion of Japanese nuclear power policy. A government negotiating team will visit the United States in i~rch to initiate negotiations. The ~oint agreement drawn up during President Carter's administra- tion imposed limitations on the reprocessing of spent fuels, which is the key point in the establishment of an independent fuel cycle. The government claims this agreement is a major impediment to ~he operation of the reprocessing plant now in use at Tokaimura in Ibaraki Prefecture and the construction of the second;reprocessing plant now being planned, and is asking for 1) an extension of the operating period of the reprocessing plant and 2) a large expan~ion of capacity of the reprocessing plant. _ Take a Second Look at the 1977 Agreement , The September 1977 agreement between Japan and the United States, which has proved to be a ball and chain to Japan, includes a basic policy of "reprocessing all spent fuel." It states "the total amount of spent fuel which can be reprocessed in Japan hereafter during a 2-year period will be 99 tons or less." Agreement was reached on this issue because Japan responded to President Carter's fierce efforts to limit nuclear proliferation. . After this ,joint agreement was drawn up, the operating period of 2 years for the reprocessing plant was gY�adually extended, and the present situation is that it can operate up to the end of May this year. In addition, the quantity handled is expected tn be increased 50 tons as an emergency measure accompanying the initiation of operations of the reprocessing plant at Tokaimura, but it will still be under 149 tons. - Up to now the government has been able to cope with the pruvisional extension (2-year period) and expansion with respect to extension of the period of ' operation and expansion of the quantity reprocessed but: 17 the Tokai - 59 _ FOR ~FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 ~OR OFFI~CIAL USE ONLY - reprocessing started operations in January, and the limiting quantity bolstered by an increase of 50 tons (for a total of 149 tons) will be surpassed son~etime this summer, and 2) a second reprocessing plant under private capital has already beeri initiated (Japan Nuclear Fuel Service) with the target date of i990 to initiate aperations. Thus, the need to review the ~oint agreement has become more pressing. The government is of the opinion that President Reagan will be much more flexible regarding Japan~s requests for the operation and construction of reprocessing plants than President Carter. It is thought that President Reagan's nuclear power policy will be enunciated near the end of February, when he decides on the staff for nuclear power-related positions, and Japanese Government circles say: "During the presidential race Reagan's speeches and the dialog between Reagan's staff and Japan's nuclear . nonproliferation principle. On the other hand, he will probabZy push for fast - breeder reactor development and will in all likelihood push the nuclear " nonproliferation demands on Japan ~ust as President Carted did." Because of this situation, the government views the Reagan inauguration as "a chance to eradicate the ~oint agreement. "A government negotiating team will~ be dispatched in March to renegotiate this agreement. Even before this government group makes its visit, a good wi11 group mainly of power company people will visit the United States to discuss the expectations of the industrial world to ~ngage in nuclear gower development in a plan now !inder consideration. The specific conter~a of this renegotiation will be discussed between MITI, the Foreign Office, and the Science and Technology Agency, but a great extension in operating period and large increase in reprocessing volume are sure to be requested. COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 Australian Talks on Reprocessing Tokyo MAINICHI SHIMBUN in Japaneae 21 Jan 81 p 9 [Text] According to a disclosure by government circles on 20 January, the Japanese and Austrialian Governments will meet in Tokyo on 21 and 22 January for ~ the sixth Japan-Australia leaders' meeting, at which time the revision by this fall of the Japanese-Australian nuclear energy conperation agreement will be discussed. The spent fuel reprocessing system will be handled in the rather mild form of "consensus beforehand vn the contents," and this is where the modifications are to be made in which the Australian wishes for strict nonproliferation measures raill be combined with Japan's desire for a stable supply of uranium. The government hopes that this new agreement will become a model of two-country agreements and is atriving to draw up similar agreements with the United States and Canada. The revision sub~ects in the Japanese-Australian agreement include the long- standing problem which involves the Australian proposition made in 1977 th~t 6U FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "each time there is a reprocessing, both parties come to an agreement beforehand." This proposal is in line with U.S. President Carter's stand that reprocessing essentially will be prohibited, and the Australian Government has maintained that "as long as the agreement is not revised, there will be no new contracts for - uranium export," presenting its very stern vie~apoint. In answer to this stand, the Japan~se Government said: "To have to come to agreement each time reprocessing is performed at any point will make the red tape unbearable." At the preliminary negotiations last December the Australians proposed "consensus beforehand on the cont~ents." This proposal makes it incumbent on the uranium- consuming nation to summarize its nuclear power utilization plan and submit it to the uranium-producing nation, which then determines the extent of reprocessing that should take place within such a framework. This revisional negotiation will be pursued vigorously during the meeting of leaders of the two countries . In addition, there w'ill be a business meeting in March with the hopes that final signing will take place in June. The government hopes that this new agreement can, if at all possible, be presented to the emergency meeting of parliament this fall. If not, it hopes _ that it will be ready by the regular session of parliament which will be convened near the end of the year, after which it hopes to enter into negotiations with the United States and Canada. COPYRIGHT: Mainichi Shimbunsha 1981 Nuclear Powered Steel Mill Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 21 Jan 81 p 4 [Text] The Nuclear Power Steelmaking Technology Research Group (director, Ichiro Fu~imoto, president of Kawasaki Steel), which faces an uncertain future because of the failure of the nuclear powered steelmaking research and development proj ect utilizing a high-temperature gas reactor sponsored by the MITI Agency for Indus- trial Science and Technology, will hold a meeting on 23 January to determine future operating pnlicy. At present, the view is to somehow avoid the worst possible case--that is, dissolution--and possibly participate in r_he soft area of projects such as coal gasif ication in a sort of moonlighting effort until the promotional plan is reactivated. On the other hand, this group was subjecCed to a ma~or shock when the 1.5-megawatt heat exchange capacity high-temperature helium test loop, which is indispensable to safety research on nuclear powered steelmaking and which had been requested in the 1981 prom~tional funds, was ~eopardized by the withdrawal of some 200 million yen from the budget, and the country's nuclear policy f rom h2re on may cause withdrawals and even dissolution of the group. In any event, the multipurpose high-temperature gas reactor development, which durin~ the past couple of years had been considered the ticket to disengagement from oi]. and was given increasing budgets each succeeding year, saw the principal member of its utilization system, nuclear powered steelmaking, collapse. This has rocked the long term multipurpose high-temperature gas 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY reactor utilization plan for the uae of nucl~ar heat to the very foundations, and a new look by the government is in order. The Nuclear Power Steelmaking Technology Group, which was established in May 1973 on the basis of the Metal Industry Technology Research Group Law, is comprised of 15 companies, including Kawasaki Steel, Shin Nittetsu, Ishikawajima-Harima, Toshiba Ceramics and the Japan St eel Association. That year the f irst-stage plan was initiated, including development of constitutive element technology for high-temperature heat exchangers and reducing gas production facility for a nuclear powered steelmaking plant, and du~ ing the 8 years since then it has received about 12.35 billion yen from the Agency for Industrial Science and Technology. This sum was augmented by self-produced funds totaling 330 million yen up to the end of October last year. Then the second stage (up to 1994) was to be entered in 1981, at which time the utilization system was to be docked to the JAERI high-temperature gas e~cperi- mental reactor (50,000 kW theruial output, expected to go critical in 1988). In the previous stage (up through 1980), Isl~.~icawa~ima-Harima was to install the steam reformer at the high-temperature helium test loop with inlet temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius of the primary system helium loop, which had beex~ completed in 1978, and to check the properties of new thermal insulating materials at the helium bypass which uses trao types of new alloys developed for heat exchanger use, and these efforts were to be funded by a grant of about 13 billion yen which also incl.uded improvements and safety dempnstration tests of the utilization system. ~ The group had requested 2.2 billion yen fo r this project, but the Agency for _ Industrial Science and Technology gave the following reasons to effectively "freeze" the project by cutting its budget to zero: 1) there is excessive steel-producing capacity, 2) development ofi the experimental reactor at JAERI has been delayed, 3) there has been no request from the Nuclear Safety Bureau of the Science and Technology Agency for a safety demonstration test, and the Agency for Industrial Science and Techno logy cannot run ahead on its own, and 4) even when the safety test is not perfo rmed, the results obtained in the first-stage studies can be directly applied to the experimental plant. As a result, the group tried to pass on these resul ts Co JAERI and requested the Science and Technology Agency and JAERI for this transfer of technology, but this effort also failed, and the requested maintenance and management funds for the high-temperature helium test loop (for one year's government agency inspection as required by the High Temperature Gas Handling Law) of 120 million yen also was slashed to zero. Conversely, the extraordinary situation resulted in that 200 million yen was allocated for the removal of this loop. In response to these actions on the part of the government, some members of the group claim that these actions do not constitute freezing of funds but a cancellation of the pro~ ect, and any chance of restoration is very slim. In th�is manner, the future operational policy of this group is in a turbulent stage. . The group seems to be planning to participate in the coal gasification pro~ect after the end cf 1981 and to part icipate in the survey on nuclear heat utilization 62 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ by JAERI. On the other hand, the removal of the high-temperature helium test loop has severed the pathway to a safety demonstration test plan, and increasing weight is being given to the thought that the nuclear powered steelmakirig project has failed. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Nuclear Waste Disposal Toky~ NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanpse 21 Jan 81 p 1 [TextJ MITI will embark on development of a"system to receive solidified material reprocessed and returned from foreign countries" with an outlay of several billion yen, according to a 3-year program starting in 1981. This system will be comprised of hard and soft technology centered on the remote-control operating technology necessary to handle safely high-level radioactive waste from reprocessing plants for spent fuels which are solidified in glass. The nine electric power companies, including Tokyo Electric and the Electric Power Development Company for a total of 10 companies, contracted back in 1977 and 1978 to have their spent fuels reprocessed in the United Kingdom and France, as a result of which high-leveZ radioactive waste solidified in glass will be shipped back to this country starting in 1990, and there will be a need to develop domestic technology to safely receive this waste product. - Return From France To Start in 1990 The spent fuel the 10 power companies contracted to the British BN~'L and ~ the French COGEMA public corporations for reprocessing in 1977 and 1978 totaled 1,600 tons per year. The 1,500 tons of uranium which had been contracted to the same two companies before these 2 years was reprocessed with the agreement that the high-level radioactive wastes produced by the reprocessing would be disposed ~ of by the respective reprocessing countries. On the other hand, the wastes from ~ the fuel covered by the 1977 and 1978 contracts are to be solidified and sent back to Japan starting in 1990. These solidified high-level radioactive wastes will be shipped back from these two countries, and experience in receiving such material is a first for Japan. In order to be able to receive this material safely, development of a domestic technology for the safe receipt will be needed. The technologies for soli3ification of high-level radioactive wastes and their storage are being gradually developed by DONEN, which is operating Japan's first reprocessing plant for spent fuel, but the technology to safely handle radioactive waste in solidified form after its shipment from abroad is something completely missing in this country. This ministry plans to start development on this technology over a 3--year period = starting in the new year for the safety of the peo ple of the nations, and the main attention will be directed toward remote-handling technology. High-level radioactive wastes are products of nuclear fission and emit both heat and radiation, making their handling very important. The most common 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY international practice is to solidify the wastes in glasa, store the glass for a ~ long period to extract mc~st of the heat, and then sub~ect the glass to ultimate dieposal. It is not clear in 3ust what form the two foreign companies will ship back the - wastes to Japan, but these companies are required by contract to notify Japan of the specifications as to size, form, concentration, and shape of enclosing container by 1 January 1982. Japan has up to 1 January 1984 to respond to this specifications proposal, and the system to be developed by MITI will take these specification3 into account. The ministry has budgeted about 400 million yen in JFY 81 for development of this system and is studying a contract to ~he Nuclear Power Environmental Control Center. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Revision of Nuclear Programs Tokyo NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN in Japanese 21 Jan 81 p 4 [Text] The Atomic Energy Commission (chairman, Ichiro Nakagawa, director of the Science and Technology Agency) announced on 20 January its policy of making an overall reassessment of the "long term plan for nuclear power research and development which was set up in 1978, in vizw of the changes in the nuclear power environment during the past few years. This situation is the result of the considerable advances made over the past 3 years in the area of light water - reactors, new converter reactors, the fast breeder reactor, and even the fusion reactor, as well as adverse effects brought about by the Three-Mile Island nuclear gower rea.ctor incident, which complicated nuclear reactor location problems, and the emergence of the treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes as a social problem. Thus, some major changes are taking place in the nuclear power situation, and the long term plan should be revised accordingly. The Atomic Energy Commission has plans to involve all. its subsidiary organs in initiating these changes as quickly as possible and in coming up with a new long-range plan by this August. This long-range plan will encompass the entire field of research and development over the next 10 years. It was first drawn up in September 1978 and was to be revised every 5 years. Since it is the opinion of the Atomic Energy Commission that the worldwide situation in nuclear power has changes so much over the past 3, a reassessment of the plan is in order. This is why the commission pushed ahead the date of review by 2 years and has listed this revision as one of the most important items for 1981. It is expected that those areas in which changes have been most significant ov~er the past 3 years, such as nuclear fusion, fast breeder reactor and treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes, will be given~ the greatest attention in this reassessment. Nuclear fusion is undergoing.development through a national pro~ect involving a tokamak-type facil ity, but research on modes other than _ 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY tokamak are taking place at Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Nagoya University, among others, with considerable success. Now, the plan of 3 years ago mentioned only the tokamak, and research at ~niversities was considered simply for ref erence purposes. The A~oinic Energy Commission said: "It will be too much for the budget to continue developing the modes being pursued at all the universities. The results must be reviewed and condensed quite a bit before further nuclear fusion reactor research is continued in our long term plan" (Koyonari subs tituting for the coummission chairman). In addition, rather specific plans are in the offing for the future of the demonstxation reactor, raizich will be the next step f~llowing the prototype reactor "Fugen" in the area - of new-type converter reactor and t?~e centrifugal separation method, the operation of which was initiated at Ningyo T~;;e in Okayama Prefecture. COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 Uranium Enrichment Model Plant Tokyo NIHON KEI ZAI SHIMBUN in Japanese 22 Jan 81 p 7 [Text] The Sc ience and Technology Agency on 21 January issued a permit for nuclear fuel use to the Asahi Chemical Industry Company for the chemical exchange uranium enrichmex~t model plant facility which this company is planning to cons:.ruct at Himukai city in Miyazaki Prefecture. With this receipt, the company will apply for a construction pernit from Miyazaki Prefecture and start construction during JFY 80 if possible. If this company should succeed with this model plant, it is believed the way will be open to the construction of a 1,000- ton year uranium enrichment plant, and Japan's domestic enrichment of uranium plan, which is based on the national project of the centrifugal separation method now being developed by DONEN, will be backed by another member. The chemical exchange method is an epoch-making uxanium enrichment method which this company ha s developed and is the first of its kind in the world. Wher. tetravalent uranium and hexavalent uranium of differing chemical properties exist together, use is made of the property that the uranium-235 which is used in nuclear fis s ion concentrates tu the hexavalent side to bring about enrichment. ~ The principle of this separation was thought of some 30 years ago, but Asahi -3 Chemicals was able to develop high-performance ion exchange resins and developing solvents suitable for this enrichment and come up with the basic technolcgy. The model plant which is to be constructed to establish the technology and develop the economics to enable the next step to commercial application. Four chemical exchange towers of one-twentyfifth the practical scale of 1-meter-diameter and 1.5 meter-high will be set up to produce 3 percent enriched uranium for use as fuel in iight water type reactors. When this plant goes into full operation, it will be able to produce 500 kg/year of 3 percent enriched uranium, but this product will b e mixed with depleted uranitffi (material whose uranium-235 content is less than the natural abundance ratio) for reuse so there will be no accumulation of enriched uranium at this plant. Ashi Chemical e~ects to complete this plant by the spring of 1983 a~d to complete operational experiments and economic evaluations by 1985. The development and 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 ~'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY resesrch costs are expected to total 12 billion yen, but since this is an important technolgoy which is tied into Japan~s enex�gy assurance and the nuclear diffusion problem, two-thirds of the total cost will be supplied by MITI and the Science and Technology Agency as a subsidy, and developmsnt will proceed undet' government direction. Plans involve the nrocessing of 5 tons of natural uranium per year in this : facility, but the Science and Technology Agency deemed that there will be no _ problem of waste materials countermeasures or discharge of radio active agents to the environment so that it issue~j what amounts to a building permit but is actua.lly a permit to handle nuclear materials (permit prescribed by the Nuclear Reactor Law) . There is a belief that it may require some time to receive a building permit from Himukai city where the plant is to be located. COPYRIGHT: Nihen Keizai Shimbunsha 1981 2267 ~ CSOc 4105 ~ 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 , ~L USE ONLY 5CIENCE AND TECHIQOLOGX NUCLEAR ENIItGY EXPLOITATION IN INDUSTRY OUTLINED Tokoyo GENSIiIFtYOKU KOGYO in Japanese Dec 80 pp 47-56 - [Article by Toshikazu Hayashi, i~vestigation officer, Planning Office, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute] jText] 1. Curtain Raising to Development of Alternate Energy for Oil It can be thought that the energy situation in the leading industrial countries for tfie 1980 decade will be greatly controlled by the manner in which the countries deroelop tfie~r development strategy on oil. substitutes to counter the long term strategy~ on the part of OPEC to raise the price and lower produc~ion of crude oil. Ti~e long term stra.tegic plan of OPEC was studied and draf ted about 2 years ago under the leadership of Oil Minister Yamani of Saudi Arabia, which country accounts Por rougtil.y 40 percent of OPECfs total exports, and a consensus is being aimed at with regard to this long term strategy at th.e 20th anniversary of the founding o~ OP~C wfitch w~Il be observed on 4 November of this year in Baghdad, Iraq, at which time tFne crude oil pricing policy is expected to become the principal = sub~ect. At the general meeting held in Algiers in .Tune, there already was effected an increase in the per barrel price of oil, which had been left untended for awh~le, from 32 to 37 dollars (Saudi produced oil to 28 dollars, Iranian oil to 35 dollars, North African oil to 37 dollars) from which there was to be a systematic price adjustment at the 30 dollar lev el. OPEC itself was to maintain a strong price cartel, and thereby plan long term stability of OPEC to counter the - _ developments 3.n oil substitute energy expected on the part of the leading indus- trial On the other hand, the seven leading industrial countries met at the so-called Summit on 22-23 June of this year, at which time discussions were held to counter the series of adverse envirornnents associated with increase in oil comsump tion - rise in cost of oil - inhibition of economic growth. Agreement was reached on long term policies, and this event has been published as the Venetian declaration. The i.tems in this doclaration related to the energy problem can be summar.ized in the following mannex. 1) There is need to effect conservation of oil and high level production arcd utilization of substitute energy sources. 2) Invite oil ceilings and oil stockpiling policxes studied and proposed by EC, IEA, and OECD. 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3) No new oil fired thermal power plants for base road use should be constructed, and conversion from oil to other thermal fuels should be accelerated. 4) Plan to increase energy sources other than oil by 15-20 mi~lion barrels/day oil equtvalent during the next 10 years through a great increase~ in use of coal and expanded use of nuclear energy, while striving for a long term increase in production of synthetic fuels, ~olar energy, and other reusable energy. 5) Improve _ tha infrastructure of each country to enable doubled production of coal by 1990 while putting forth all effort to prevent adverse environmental effects as the result of increased production and combustion of coa.l. 6) Assure public healtn and safety while increasing the power generation capacities of nuclear power plants, perfect methods for handling spent fuel and radioactive wastes, assign maximum prioritp order, assure stabilized supply of nuclear fuel, and minimize the danger of nuclear proliferation. 7) Strongly urge taking into consideration the afore- mentioned INFCE operational results when each country draws up its policies and plans for peaceful use of nuclear energy. 8) Adopt a comprehensive energy policy for tFie 1980rs wi~ch wil.l reduce oil demand such that the ratio between the rate of increase in energy consumption and the rate of economic growth (energy elasticity value) for the summit countries will decrease to about 0.6 in 10 years wfiile the fraction taken up by oil in the total energy demand will decrease from tfie present 53 percent to about 40 percent in 1990 so that a balance can be struck between demand and a permissible price. T[iese were the items on which consensus was rea.ched . - Ag is evident from the above discussion, the important item here is that oil substitute ~nzrgy will be increased over th.e next 10 years by the combined efforts.of seven participating countries to provide 15-20 million barrels/day (oil equivalentj wfiich is equivalent to a billion t/year production af ter 10 years. To be sure, tfi.e list of substitute energy includes nuclear power, coal, tar sand, oil sfiale, and b~omass, and the f igures presented above are the target value.s wI~cfi tfi.e seven participating countries coms to agreement on. In ano ther direction, the development targets on substitute energy for th.e y particigattng countries which were reported in IEA were on a daily basis 9.5 million barrels for the United States, 1.3 million barrels for West Germany, 1 million harrels for Canada, 0.7 million barrels for Italy, 0.3 million barrels for the United Kingdom, and 3.2 million barrels for Japan. France does not participate . in IEA, but I~as announced a goal of 1.5 million barrels, and the total of 17.5 million barrels/day is the present target. � GThere Japan is concerned, the "Long Term Provisional Energy Demand and Supply Estima tes" compiled'by the Advisory Committee for Energy in August of last year - set development targets of 1.2 million barrels/day through coal, 1.1 million barxels/'day tfirough nuclear energy, and 0.9 million barrels/day from other sources, and ~his is an example in wizich the summit declaration and a nation's plan are in agreement on an international level. - In this ma.nner, Japan is planning to lower its dependency on oil in keeping with tfie common goal of the seven leading industrial countries, and a policy of active promotion development and introduction of oil substitute energy and assurance ~f tfiis country`s long term energy security was initiated this fiscal year. T[ie budget details and other policy details have appeared in a number of other publications [1], and the following are the four ma~or items. 6g ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 ; )R OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1~ The rate of t~ie electric power development promotion tax was increased - ir~ order to assure the necessary funde for the long term, the disbursement area was expanded, and tFie disbursement area of the oil tax was expanded (see Table 1~. 2) A power development diversification account will be newly established within tB~e power development promotion specail countermeasures account as a stabilizing and planned budget management while the coal and oil countermeasures special account will be renamed "Special Countermeasures Account for Coal, Oil, and Oil Substitute Energy," and the oil account will be altered to "Oil and Oil Substitute Energy Countermeasures Special Account." 3) Th.e "Law Related to Promotion of Development and Introduction of Oil Substitute Energy" will be enacted to promote development and j.ntroduction of oil substitute energy. 4) A"New Energy Comprehensive Development Organ" (special corporation) will be establisfied as tfie central promoting organ for executing policies. The related legal items necessary to the above program have already been set up at the 91st ordinary session of parliament. The "New Energy Comprehensive Development Organ" is expected to initiate activity on 1 October of this year, and it will be funded by a 4.7 billion outlay from the goverrYment along with funds le�t over frem the Coal Industry Rationalization Work Group (absorbed and incorporated) as well as some funds from private sources. It will be comprised of a total of 337 people (of which 250 will be transferred from - tl~e. coal work group), and the scale of its activities involves a budget of 36.5 billion pen including related accounts (see Table 1). What is of note here is that where nuclear power development is concerned, it is assumed that a develo - ment system has already been established centered on the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, and nuclP~r power is not included in tPie objec~ives to be handled by this new organ (established in Arti~le 39). Board Chairman Watamori of this new organ, while assuming fiis new position, said, "I cannot understand why nuclear power, which _ should be tTie backbone of substitute energy, is not included," and there remains the questi.on on the scope of this new organ`s activities of just how to go about substitute energy development which requires the utilization of nuclear heat, a subject to be amplified later. ~ In another direction, the industrial world established the "New Energy Foundation" - on 12 September in order to put together all of its forces and engage in all out participation in the development of oil substitute energy. Th~.s foundation has 49 participating companies, and will be initially capitalized at 1 billion yen while its scale of activities entails an expected outlay of 8.6 billion yen in .TFY 1980-1981. It is expe~ted to promote substitute energy along with local energy, small scale hydropower, and geothermal power utilization and development. 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. Status of Converston to Alternate Energy According to the most recent long term electric power plan, it is planned to convert 9.5 mtl.lion kW power production originally intended to be fueled by oil to some otfier fuel during the 11 year period between 1980 and 1990, and coal is ezpected to fuel 600,000 kW, LNG to fuel 7.65 million kW, and LPG to fuel 1.25 gW', according to this plan. To this end, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, in a~oint effort with the Electric Power Development Company, is planning to construct a COM (coal and fuel oil mixed fuel~ production plant (most recnet scale: 5 million t/yea.r) at Komeihama in Iwaki City of Fukushima Prefecture to respond to this expansion in coal utilization. TFiic plant is expected to take up ground area of 350,000 m2, total construction costs of 70 billion yen (excluding grounds cost), and go into operation in 1984. Coal wfill be handled through the No 7 pier of Komeihama port, while the facility ~or fiandling COM shipments crill be newly constructed at the Fuji Kyosan site. Tn another effort, Tokyo Gas and Showa Denko have set up a joint plan for the - effective utilization of coal gas in which the Rsurumi Plant of Tokyo Gas and the Kawasaki Plant of Showa Denko will be connected by pipeline whereby the coal gas produced for city gas use at the Tsurumi Plant will be separated into - high calorie msthane gas and hydrogen (raw material for the manufacture of ammonia) at the Kawasaki Plant of Showa Denko, and the methane gas will be used by Tokyo Gas while Showa Denko will handle the hydrogen. In this manner, Tokyo Gas iwpes to ob tain high calorie gas (5,000 cal/m3 ~ 11,000 cal/m3) to keep up with the rapidly increasing demand, while Showa Denko, which is producgin ammonia ~ from the relatively high priced raw material naphtha, hopes to switch away from dependence on oil products. Construction on this pipeline is expected to start ~ri.tfiin the year . _ On an international scale, tha 11 countries comprising IEA (Japan, the United States, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, Norway, Holland, the United R~igdom, Sweden~ and EC held a special COM conferer_ce on 8-9 October of this year at Paris; a formal signing of an international joint program on COM - technology development was observed, and it is expected that joint research ~ will be initiated. This pro~ect is expected to focus on (1) large scale continuous production technology, 2) shipping transport technology, 3) long-term stable storage technology, and 4) development of ~arge capacity COM pumps capable of operating wi*_h high viscosity fluids and with high wear resistance. In addition, IEA, in November 1975, set up the ~oint program "Economic Evaluation of Coal" as a research and development effort on the part of eight countries, including the United States, Canada, H,olland, and West Germany. This program will look into 1) cost of conversion technology for gasification, liquefaction, and power generation involving coal; 2) evaluation of treatment technology for ash, dust, SOx, and NOX and the effects on the environment; 3) transport cost of coal; and 4) cost somparisons with other Forms of energy. Joint research on these four subjects is being promoted. The Energy Development Committee (CRD?, whiclz is a suborgan of IEA, held a meeting at Tokyo on 24-25 September of this year, and Japan made use of this occasion to be formally made party to this international agreement. 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In this manner, it may be said that the various industries within a given country and tfie various countries on the international scene have initiated development in rap~d tempo of evaluating the economics of developing and intorducing alCernate energy at an early stage, as well as evaluating the effects on the environment. 3. Development of Utilization Technology of Alternate Energy Natural gas and coal are resources which can be readily utilized as laternate energy for oil. Coal is a natural resource with abundant reserves, and it is not polariaed with respect to source distribution as are oil and natural gas, making it very advantageous from the standpoint of assurance in energy security. As a result, ~t fias suddenly come into the limelight as a substitute energy resource. Now, it is well known that when coal is burned directly, it produces sulfur components, nitrogen camponents, and ash in quantities which when compared on a Fieat output basis with oil, are several ten times as large, and the ash oufiput - is several hundred times as large, and it becomes necessary to install smoke desulfurization facilities, smoke denitrification facilities, and dust collectors to prevent environmental pollution. At the same t.'me, nonpolluting counter- measures need to be adopted for the ash which is discarded. In the practical technological developments along this line, such as that taken by a coal fired power plant, there is the 4,000 Nm3/h pilot plant which was started in line with tFie Mochirai [transliteration] No 7 power plant (250,000 kW), which is a thermal - power plants operated by the three companies of Tokyo Electric, Tohoku Electric, . and Tokiwa Kyodo, in which a cQmprehensive smoke removal and treatment system is undergoing demonstration tests, and the dust removal rate of greater than 99 percent and desulfurization rate of greater than 90 percent have been achieved with an electrical dust collector and a wet desulfurization scrubber. In addition, denitrification rates of more than 80 percent have been attained by the high . dust denitrification method (case I) and the low dust denitrification method (case II). On the otf~er hand, these facilities are several times larger than comparable facilities for oil fired thermal power plants, and the cost and ground space required are ma.jor problems. While the ash treatment countermeasures vary with the type of ash, the burning of coal produces 15-25 percent ash, and developments are being promoted to enable use of this ash as fill for marshy land, mix material for construction work or with cement, or as potassium silicophosphate, which is - a major component of a new fertilizer. In order to promote development of utilization technology of coal ash, the industrial world formed the "Coal Ash Utilization Council" on 11 September which is expected to look into directions of utilizion development. In this manner, utilization of coal makes necessary new coal storage sites, ash treatment facilities, harbor facilites, transport equipment, and storage f acilities, and coal centers which have restacking capability, ash storage and accumulation ' capacity, ash mixing capability, organized custom clearance capability, and supply capability for spot demands are envisioned. There are already candidates far 10 million ton scale facilities such. a.c Tomakomaki Higashi in Hokk.aido, Sakido in Nagasaki, and Kyonan. 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In addition, it is known that coal.can contain a number of radioactive components, depending on tfie source, and calculations of the expogures to be expected from a 1,000 MWe scale pow~er plants have been reported [2J. ~rt tfie part~cular sub~ect of environmental problems of substitute energy, the '~E'mrironmental Safety Ttems" which were not in the original proposal of the Mi'nistry of International Trade and Industry were addPd with the comment of "being cognizant of environmental safety" in Artic~e 3, Item 2 through the strong ~nsistence of the Envirornnental Agency circumventing the ~forementioned "law concerning development and introduction of oil substitute energy." In addition, the Environmental Agency set out on 13 August of this year to c~nduct surveys relative to the effects on environmental pollution accompanying the combustion of substitute fuels, and will set up a study group during the course of this - year. In a separate action, a new national level discussion is expected to be proposed in the form of the Minist.ry of International Trade and Industry's "rea.ssessment of environmental stan.'~ards" (easing of standards). ` As discussed above, the direct utilization of coal involves environmental, siting, and cost problems, and this is why one naturally ;.iust look at the utilization of processed coal as c?assified in Table 2, or look to conversion ' utilization. The development of coal conversion utilization technology has been promoted s~ce JFY ~974 in tI1e form of the "Sunshine Plan" under the Agency of Industrial _ Science and Technology of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. The solvolysis method for coal liquefaction is under joint development by the Electric Power Development Company, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and Mitsubishi Cfiemical IndLStry, and a 1 ton/day pilot plant is already in continuous operation. At tFie same time, the solvent treatment method was jointly developed by the - Electric Power Development Company, Sumitomo Coal, and Sumitomo Metals, and a 1 ton/day coal processing pilot plant is under constructian. It is also , expected that construction will soon be initiated on a 2.4 ton/day pilot plant for the direct water addition method. In the area of coal gasification studies which are being conducted in parallel , - manner wi.tIi the liquefaction efforts is the low calorie gasification test plant (5 ton/day coal capacity)which was developed by the Coal Technology Laboratory, and this is being scaled up to a 40 ton/day pilot plant which is presently under ; construction and is expected to enter into operation this year. A high calorie , gasif ication method is being jointly developed by the Electric Power Development - Company, Hitachi Limited, and Babcock-Hitachi, and a 7,000 m3/day pilot plant is being constructed at the old Tokiwa Coal grounds. This plant will be used to test the hybrid gasification technology in which COM is pressurized and gasified _ by a fluid bed method and pressurized water addition gasif.ication technology in wfiich hydrogen is introduced under pressure. It is expected that these tech- nologies will be developed into practical form within 10 years and become commercialized. ; Apart from the.Sunshine Plan projects mentioned above, there is another solvent , treatment liquefaction method which is under study based on the Japan-United States Science and Technology Agreement by which an international effort on the part of 72 , FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Japan, the Uni.ted States, and Flest Germany on the ~ni. LL pro3ect of the Gulf Corporation oP tfie United States is under way (6,000 ton/day: under construction). ZTiere are also the joint enterprise of K~obe Steel, Mitsubishi Chemical Industries, and Nissho I~wai on tfie"KOMINTC method" which is intended to liquefy Australian peat under a Japan-Australia agreement, for which a plant in Australia (50 ton/dgy) fias been constructed, and the EDS project (250 ton/day: under construction) being promoted by tfie Exxon Company of the United States, in which a Japan Liquefaction Technology Development Company consisting of 12 Japanese companies headed by Idemitsu Kyosan is participating. On the other hand, the energy required for the production of one of the oil substitute energies described above has to be provided by fossil fuels, and this ~rill involve "mutual eating into each other behavior" of fossil fuels in the future as the production scale is expanded. In order to prevent such an occur- rence, tfie utilization of nuclear energy which can deliver a large quantity of energy from a small quantity of resources using a compact source and causing little environmental pollution seems to be the most effective approach [3]. 4. Production of Substitute Energy by Utilization of Nu~clear Power The production of secondary energy from nuclear power has up to the present time, been through the medium of nuclear power plants such as the light water reactor, gas cooled reactor, and the heavy water reactor. Now, as shown in Fig 2, the '~Long Term Provisional Energy Demand and Supply Estimates" proposed by the Advisory Co~ittee for Energ~ projects that of the total energy supply of 807 million kl (oil equivalent), 35.7 percent will be supplied by electric power and 64.3 percent by nonelectric power, and the nonelectric power forms are expected - to supply more than 60 percent of the overall energy supply. Assuming that a multiple purpose high temperature gas cooled reactor with the specifications given in Table 3 will become practical sometime during the decade including 1995, calculations were performed for combinations of various practical scale production plants by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, with the cooperation of various makers [4]. Examples of cost calculations for different plants are shown in Table 4. The price of crude oil at the time these calculations were made was 13.6 dollars/barrel, which later rose to 30 dollars, and is expected _ to go up to 60 dollars, as a result of which the comparison of production costs - cannot be made very readily, but there are prospects that superior economics can be rea.lized over methods of the past. The operating rate is generally an important problem in a nuclear power utili- zation production plant. There is a legal obligation to suspend nuclear reactors once a year (for roughly 2 months to conduct periodic inspection), but suspending tfie utilization system during this period fias some�adverse economic effects, and the use of a combination of several reactors is being considered to shore up the utilization rate of the utiliza.tion system. According to studies conducted by , the Energy Comprehensive Engineering Laboratory, under contract to the Mir.ister oP Tnternational Trade and Tndustry, a secondary energy center is envisioned in wh.ich.four multiple purpose high temperature gas cooled reactors (of which three are operating and one undergoing periodic inspection~, each of 1,000 MWt output, - 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ axe teaiped ~titF~ tfixee units of coal processing plants [5]. There are five types of unit models Being considered; tti.e gases under consideration are the three different types of Si~IG, LNG, and CL ~liquefied coal oil~ . The principal spec~f~cat~Ans o~ tfie mult~ple purpose high temperature gas coolec~ reactor are giWen in TaBle 5, wfiile the general items of the coal processing unit model are given in Table 6. As shown in Table 7, examples of calculations related to each unit model show the cost values of tiie ma~or products to range between 57-160 yen/104 cal, and these _ are tFcough.t to come to the same le~~el as costs in the past. 5. Development of Multiple Purpose Gas Cooled Reactor Attempts to utilize the heat from nuclear reactors for local heating and steam supply for factory use were in vogue during the first half of the 1960 decade in - Staedesz and the ~7nited Kingdom. Development of a high temperature gas cooled rea.ctor to supply~ process heat for coal gasification or liquefaction found sharp x~se ~n acti`vf.ty~ as tFie 197Q decade taegan in West Germany and th.e United States [6] . Development of the multiple purpose high temperature gas cooled reactor has been promoted in Japan since JFY 1969, and it is recognized that the technological foundation ha.s bPen established [7]. The results of this development have been reported at nine research report seminars (once a year; this year's seminar will be on 25 September), and many reports covering results in various areas such as design, fuel and materials, reactor engineering, high temperature equipment, and high teinperature irradiation technology are offered [8] . The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute has begun detailed design of an experimental reactor from this Japanese fiscal year following the development schedule siiown in Table 8 to operat~ an experimental reactor during the first izalf of th.e decade including I985 in which a"temperature of 1000�C" will be targeted for the higI~ temperature gas to he generated as ,part of the "Long Term Plan for Nuclear Power Research and Development Utilization" which was proposed by the Atomic Energy Commission. Needless to say, tfie co nstruction and operation of the experimental reactor is an indispensable precursor to the deinonstration of technological feasibility of the practical rea.ctor slated for the decade including 1995, and this will provide _ a minimum level of bargaining power necessary for Japan in order that i~ maintain its posi.tion in its international cooperative developments with the United States and West Germany. The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum reorganized the "Multiple Puroose Utilizarion of Nuclear Rea.ctors Roundtable" whicli had continued activities since 1969 to "Nuclear Reactor Hea t U tilization Roundtable" which will collect information from the private sector to promote development on the utilization of nuclea~ heat, and it may be said that the development of nuclear reactors and their utilization systems fia.s now entered the stage of a national project in which the cooperation of the private sector is the foundation of this promotio.n. (20 September 1980) 74 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Bi.bliography [1] Hiroshi Tsuda: "Explanation of Laws Concerning Development and Introduction of Oil St~bstitute Lnergy," DENKT KYOKAI ZASSHI, September 1980, pp 2-14. [2) J.~. McBride, et al.: "Radiological Impact of Airborne Effluents of Coal and Nuclear Plants," SCTENCE, Vol 202, No 4372 (1978~. I3] Hiroshi Murata: "Energy Problem and Multiple Utilization of Nuclear Reactors," in plant data of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (December 1979) . [4] Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute: "Survey Report on Utilization System for Multigle Purpose High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors" (September 1979) . j5] Energy~ Comprehensive Engineering Laboratorp: "Basic Research Report on Futur Lnergy~ Cost Predictions and D~versification of Energy Sources. Survey on Industrial Utilization of Nuclear Heat" (March 1980). [6] Japan Atomic Industrial Forum: "Trends in Development of Nuclear Reactor Heat Utili.zation." GENSIiIRY~DKU CHUSA JIIiO, No 29, May 1980. [7] "Report of Special Committee on Idew ~rpe Power Reactor Development," Atomic Energy Coimaission (August 1976} . [8] Japan Atom~c Energp~ ResearcI~, Tnstitute: "Status of Research and Development on Mu1t~ple Purpose High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor." Reports 1-9 (1972-1980~ . 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~Y 1 i Yt t;. .:4 f5, 2 f~! ~;g~ ~a Ik 4~'l~i f~', 3t t$ 6[ ~R 640P9/kQ ~ 3.5% IR~~Itlf(B.Stt/kWh/ 30ix/kWhi ti`~f?110fs1/kQF~{k . i~i$}fs~t f@i,~1G~C 6 1.569tlP9 8312!!F~ 2.520tlF~9 1~ A27t~l~J 11 :i92tlF9 (21.5if/kWhl@"3) 1&5iI/kWh1~31 5 ~ ~e~cu~:s~~us~KYz~. (~]~.5'fi~l~ii~a~lAX~indt) 1.257tlP9 ~:�-HSU+~pu ~ ~ ~ ~ 2~.t ?af i!A I 13~'~J41f~~ftla=~l~~-i1Di 1,~1~3~~iriUl~ ~ 15~~~ciLbiUli~ ~ I~%~~ba.m2'fi~@. 3G~) (PFd~) i (IB~1#7A~) ' 1 � ~ 34(1t~=~/L$-~94"q) ~ i ~ i ~ j 2(6 ~ ii 3fE) ~(~~ifgi~n~-~9~t; . ' i 1 1.Sjii~~~l~~'it 5~2~572)~1.~ IIa25 Bri3( 6561j 1.'~E91~~i~ 36 13 1.~~7~1~47 ?2 ~ 1.~1~~1~1i}Z}~JY611I/~89i ~ ~14SMi[ 37 (30 48 ~ 1 9ila~E~?1~~~f 20( 0)I b'~'~~`~a}~A142f 6)i .~8 2.19RA~1SE ~ ~ 2~R~47i1~l~6~173b75) I i~1414Atit~ I60( 623) 2.l~91ili$!lf ~ 39 g j IA~11^~Nt'~9 (3fl~ 3~A1Yit4~ 121 63Lf~~'$~1~~:6~ 10011321 1 2.1R'6~19~ 497U56)~ I ii~lN.ING~A. b~:l'~150 (391 . 64iA~1 /5(331 ~ 2.19 i2 ~ L461(1.1861 I 'Ld~-at'r9- ~ ~~iNRll61 (89 ~ ~ ~ I ~93t1i4 2/( 91 1 14~'illBf~~1 (1001 I ~ 41 5 2 125 ~ ~2QiR1Tii#~A~$ 166~ 151)~ 3'J-i-ixi411~Bi 53 ~AO'1-i1~~~3 (1nl I ~OSR~29 1.135I 64111 1E~::,'~t~~i'~i (2Til 66 11~11) 2 3FIf~~9~41kl~f~ 72( ~ ~ 1.#~'~fi~1'~ 42 ~ 5*IRi~~~#-G~1(#I~if; (18~~ � ~ � ~ ~i~#~l~t~ilf 3 ( ~ . 2 4.7~i4pR~$~1la~i 1H2(1T3) ~''lh+fi~+7~~30 110~ 16111 ~g~~1t�i~x1t 44(1391 SEf.~b ~6 451 j ~ ~~'~t~~11t#1~1 45 (2U 1t~:~~li5 ~ ( 4~ I ~ ~~r~t~~ 3 i~e( o) ~ 5 B(~ i 2 5.~~iL~ Z6~27)i /M~5?Ai32 68l 17115.{~ffi46 11 FBRltei~t ~9 ~39Ai . ~{~1L~ ~3 R4( ill)~ 5.{~IL~ 60 261 2 8. It 1. 3Q9 U.243; I 8 t8 3 2, 4R4 U, 9~1 I g 1! 2 3 349 g It 2 3 827 j S Et 2 3 599 (5~5) ~ig~re 1. Special Energy~ Related ~ccounts and Budgets Key: 1. unit: 100 million yen 2. crude o~l. customs 640 yen/kl, provisi,onal increase of 110 yen/kl 3. oi1 tax 3.5 percent, expanded disbursemes~ts _ 4. Electric Power Development promotion tax, tax rate xaised (8.5 cents/kWh ~ 30 cents/'k~J expanded disbursements S. 125.7 million yen 6. 156.9 m~].lion yen 7. spec~al account for coal, oi~. and oil substitute energy 8. 3I.2 bi~llibn yen Q. 252. Q Bi~l.liotl y~en 1Q. 82.7 ~S~l.l~.oa yen ~equi~ralent to 21.5 cents/k~ ( Electric Power Development Account~ 11. 39.2 b~ll~on yen CeQuivalent to 8.5 cents/kWfi) 12. coal account 13. oil and oil substitute energy account (revision and expansion of oil a-count) 14. diversifi.cation of electrical sources account (newly established) 15. poazer sources sitin.g account (�ormerly poFrer sources specia.l group) 76 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300144435-9 FOR OFFICIAIo USE ONLY Key to Figu~re 1 (contin.ued~.: 16. rat~onalization and stabilization measures 17. raur material coal storage measures - 18. mineral damage countermeasures 19. mineral damage restoration subsidy 2Q. coal producing district promotion measures 21. aid to unemployed miners, etc. 22 . o thers 23 . to tal 24. oil countermeasures 25. exploration 26. bas~c surve}r on oil and natural ga~, prospecting funds, etc. 27. stoclc~il~ug 28. subsidy for private stockpil~ig ~ 29. publtc stoclc~iling 3Q. technological development, etc. 31. new fuel oil 32. heavy oil cracking 33 . o thers 34. subst~tute energy countermeasures ` 35. oil substitute energy~ countermeasures 36. overseas coal development 37. prospecting, financing, etc. 38. conversion of facil~t~es 39. loans from Development Bank 40. convers~.on of facilities, LI1G ~mport, coal center 41. promoting popular use of solar energy 42. technolog~cal development 43. coal utilization tecfinology 44. coal liquefaction, gasification 45. subsidy for practicalization of technology 46 . o thers i 47. hydropower development 48. geothermal development 49. promoting introduction S0. coal f~'xed tfiermal power 51. de~monstration of technology 52. technological development 53. lo~z calorie gasification 54. geotFiermal related tecfinology 55. solar enexgy related tecfinology 56. nuclear power 57. chemical enricTiment metfi,~d 58. second reprocessing tecfinology 59. RBR construction ~ 60. otfiers 61. funds ~or siting countermeasux~s 62.. sa~ety~ weasures agai.nst nuclear explosions, etc. 63. contracted sa~efiy~ measures aga~nst nuclear explosions fi4. subsid~es fi5. grants 66. otfiers 77 FOR OFFICIA~. USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300144435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1. New Energy C~mprehensive Developm~nt Structure Budget (New Energy Related Fraction) (Unit: 100 Million Yen) 1 l. i~f~NtOAR~~~ 13 2 C1) i~fFptRttMlt (1t~~t~. M~1t~R7~~'. 4~+16.59:) (3!) 3 C2) ~lFNENR(A~3A'.~E (~t4~9i~Ii1'MRAnI/2ft70x ' ?'IR 1l~RISf9) ~ 5~ 4 C~) ~v~fl! (OLRa1Rffi01~. ft~R~fl~) ( 4> 5 Sqt=#ti~-L~NtOAR 15 g tv~rt vSUt+l[It (15) 7 3. 1An=~~~-lilFitNR7f ~ B (1) f~kiMft ( 18 5. {olty ~M~tl!lft. *6~~i5~tlt) 16 _ 16 6. 01;i 1F ~ 176 ~ l~ (1) tfl[?lIR1i. ~:b~0-ilxlt ~ 18 C2) SRC-Q s}~B! 7S 19 CJ) ~o~ (YilO�oS6. IRMM~tf[iZ1i5A000~~'irfi ~ A) p 20 fF ~ 21 (iE) MIk~M~ill � Key: 1. promotion of overseas coal development 2. overseas caal prospecting fund (expanded ob3ectives, loan ratio 70 percent, interest (i.5 percent} . 3. assurance of loans fnr overseas coal development (to account for 70 percent , of one-half total of cities fraction and Export Bank fraction, 15 times multiplication rate) 4. otl~ers (survey of potential development sites, geologic structure survey) 5. development of coal energy technology 6. Sunshine coal liquefaction 7. development of geothermal energy technology 8. technological development (~ot water utilization power gen~rati.on, geothermal prospecting technology, deep layer hot water supply system) 9. survey (geothermal development promotion survey, comprehensive all country , geothermal survey) 1Q. assurance of geothermal development funds 11. large scale deep geothermal survey ' 12. development of solar energy technology 13. solar photoelectric power generation 14. others (industrial use solar systems, electric power storage systems) 15. others (~iting funds, business operational cost funds) 16. related budgets 17~ solar power generation, high calorie gasification 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300144435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key~ to TaBle 1. (continued1: 18. SRC-II support fund - 19. others (among the continuing activities, those which are conducted at other - facilities until new facilities are constructed) 20. total 21. (Note) final manpower 45 people Table 2. Classification of Coal Util~_zation Technology - , ~ St~~rc~#~1tIN ic;~z~ _ i~~f;tt3 ~ ~'x~- 1#~I Ri Q S} iAI ~c ~t L~ i Ilifl ~ ! ! 17~ ~ i1 ~ itR ~rl!@ #~1 H1 - 1121A ~ ~ ~ - 10 I 1 1 x 9 ~1 I~+~ J~ ~'i bU i i9 a C O Ai iiE 5 0'J ~ Lt 16 R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,r ? ~~,o~~- ~ t!!#9~1 ir SO x it iXl ~ i{~ 21 fr i~tl 'J 'J 22 } 9 / - n 1r ~i'il ~ ~ 23 {If~; : ~ct~ < T~Itf_',#G'it~i~lliill~it L 7~ff~~~1i1 24'~I1) f~131%!~, Iff{S~iEV:1~iX~~. 1-f_~~~'CIi~i3iAo'CI3$hs' }'1't'. 9'ri~-!~t?~'t'~. - 2~ ~2t ~ : o : ~HtD1 K~y : 1. util,izat~or~ classi~icat~.on. 17. utilization for conversion 2. transport mode 18. gasification ~ 3. ut~l~zation technolegy a~ powex plant 19. low calorie gasification 4. oP tFie past 20. high calorie gasification 5. gas Burning 21. Iiquefaction ~ 6. oi1 Hurni`rig 22. production of inethanol 7. fine coaJ, powder burning 23. remark: the section bounded 8. ~lu~dized Bed boiler by the large enclosure is 9. compound poFrer genera,t~~on ut~liz~ng the objectives of the new gas tur~'~? tecIinology 10. coal 24. Note (1) mass refers to lump 11. direct utilization coal and liquid to liquid lla. utilization ~or working use. transport material. Conse- 1Z. mass quently, the transport ships ~ 13. water slurry can be classified into bulk 1'f . mass/~liquid carriers and tankers 15. Iiquid 25. (2) 0: suitable, " - I6. modificatton study needed ~ 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIvZY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 P5t!~!;%~~~I~~~~-, 2 ~P9~~~~~iJ~ ~ o~f~ : m ~~t~ s . � ~ 111F. ~ ~~sx~ ~7 q 11 ~ ln ~~g~j (35.7SK) , j~ (61.3%! ~ ~9t~` 4 j6tr;I~1~#-f#te N ~6Y?i e.onekac~~~x) ~ - i~~D~~~ 1bCx*~~i~-~t~f y c~w ~o ~:dt) ~ F~gure 2. Primary Energy Supply for Japan (JFY 1995) Key: - 1. new ~uel oi1s, new enexgy, others 2. domestically~ produced oil, natural gas 3. domestically~ produced coal _ 4. wa ter powes , geo tfiermal 5. domestic productibn 11.10 p~.~rcent - b, nuclear power 7. domest~c production 55.5 percent 8. electric power 35.7 pexcent - 9. oil 1~. it$port 88.9 pexcent 11. ~onele.ctric power 64.3 percent 12. irnport 44.5 percent 13. coal 14 . o i1 15. coal 16.. tatal enexgy~ supply~ 80] million kl. ~o;t,7. equivale.nt~ Ta,b`~e~ 3. Fr~c~pal Sgeci~~.'`catibns f'or Practical I~ultiple Purpose - ~Tigfi. Te~4pesature Gas Cooled Reactor for Mult~ple Applications 1i9~ 2~ ~ - I 3 q x _ 4! i ~7vFfl:� 5 1 ~J1dJ~~R ~~ht~~. ~~+~IC. ~k*f~83. 19 ^vRf1~U~fA 20 ~ 2 A!~~ilt 1 ~ 21 7 3 1f.~SAM~f~] 3.OOOMW A 1 ~1}?R3P713C i~~161P Q 2 9II A!~3~~*ttlR~ 1 ~ 1 ffi ~p s v~8[1Rt2~L"~ (1lifid4 23 ~ if[19) 7 ii s ~t ~ ~t 24 - 12 3 M tt1 ~ ik ~hMM~}RPAirrtiF2~k~BtA,T14l~2S l.j ~ HC~h-~~ B~'-~ G6 14 5 DP.i~3AYd~tltboffx~ll 1.OOOL - 1�`' 6 1f.~iPT83Atiffjl V.o) ~Okg/cm~G ~ 16 7 /,!~3~~~ PCRV 1 ~ e x3t~~a~,~~ ~2_~c~w,n~ 2728 lA 9 i~~~Rk 8~ FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100035-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104435-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ke.y to Tab 1 e 3. 1. number 2. :[.tem 3. specification - 4. plant type s. utilizattnn system type 6. nuclear poF~er steelmaking, coal liquefaction, hydrogen production, various thermal utilization applications 7. thermal output of nucle3r reactor 8. final cooling mod e 9. specifications for basic reactor unit 10. fuel 11. coolant 12. coolant system 13. number of coolant loops 14. coolant gas outlet temperature of nuclear reactor 15. nuclear reactor coolant pressure (inlet) 16. nucleac rea.ctor container 17. nuclear reactor containment vessel 18. projected years of use 19. nuclear power steelmaking, coal liquefaction, hydrogen production, etc. 20. various thermal applications - 21. one unit 22. sea water coolan t - 23. block type coa ted particle fuel (using low enrichment uranium) 24 . Iielium 25. witfi intermediate hea.t excfianger and se~ondary coolant system ?.6. 8 loops 27. completely doubly conta.ined type 28. 30 Ta,B].e 4. Butlirte o~ Practical Sca~e Plar~t �or Nuclear Heht Utilization _ _ _.~_'__._T".___'" _ _ . _ ._a.+~ ~ ~ 1 y~. F~ ~]l~ ~ R'~ic~3iHt"~4�~l.ll l 511. ri"~g !7 M1O 3" j ~S1s~~x F g iBi~Cr:l?lri ~'2.800(t l1.Oha 121201~ ~~~316.9TU/~ I.86x10~ikcal I - f3.00UMWt) ~ I I 14 I15 2.71pg/kc~l 1B ~~~~r~~y~ ~l,3621Ifq 6?Sha g1,1Bl,li IX, 9.91K10~T/~ fAllt~ir', 1.01r1pT 21 31,000{q/kll _ ~~~IJIC~6k) 2(~) A~�-~i~. 1.82x10~T 2~ 37,000{g/kf ' 2 ./.3/x1trT/~ 2 C~) 1.lIx1pT 24 37,OOOpg/k! - 2(Cl) 1~?l. 1.86x]akWh 28 9F1/kWh 37 2(~1) SNG, 1.38x10~Nm~ ~ 22Fg/Nm~(LNG) 300T~ kt/~ 3(~) LPG, 2.29 x 10~T '~i 31, 300pg/T ~ ~ CdJ) ~&~k~~~,=T1.15x10ST 3~ 60,OOOf~/T 3 CWl) 4~7 2.93x1aT 3~ 7,OOOFq/T '~l d~ ' ~~I~~1~{Cy9v 7.333{~{q 280ha 1,225A StC. 15.1x10~T/~ SNG 7.2x10~Nm~ 43 22p9/Nm~(LNG) f ~ (~~~FGfU 500 kf I ' 4~I~c. 12.8x10~T/l~Q2 I Cp~) 1g~ 1D.7x10~kWh q4 I 4F 9F1/kWh ~ 1!!?1~l~tky7i I 5,340tRFJ ~ 195ha 1,680A SEXCICIk)51 ~A S.OxIO~T 56 59 ~,5ppF9/T 4g~ (~R~xr_2 1.75x1aT/~ ~l - b tl[!L!'!t*.~) I 4 3 50 (C7) 1[3~ 11. I x 10~kWl6 7 60 9 f9/1cWh J 530h kI/$. C a~(67. Sy, Fe) y t- 8.1 x 10fZ' - ) 61 5 2 7. 6 x]0~'2'/~. 5 g 7.8x7pT/~fi3 I . F4 Qtxt/.Ox]6+Nm~/~. 6fi 1616 Y,7xl0~T/$t E'2 1) ~Lt}tl3 1979 ~66#3'Cf.fl9ftS, l~btlWb$~~+1~ f9R~~[Sit. F3 2) !kl~a'o#Alil6!~lPn1ll~~oRAfSlJ. R 4 9) TIi~ - F n- . F vyY3:t. ~F C~)123.l3~. ,~o~,d w u o~ C9 A.u O u A d ~~ef ~ a ~ a ~ ,o d ~v ~ at u ~ ,�a,A m~ u u�u,�~" uo ~o e�ou"e ro o ov~ ~o ~ a ~ a~~ 3~ ~ � i~ ~ Y C O rl . ~ L Y GI L rl L 'J 'O L G~ ~ L+-~ t0 ~ a0 p~ C 6 Ir G ~ ctl Y u~tl u1 O L L Y NC.~1 ~0 O Ol ctl L O N O 0 M O M'C7 G O af N ~0 CI 00 t9 v1 M CMI 01 v1 M M ~-1 t0 C 71 C'C N 1~ e~ u1 A u1 U tq F+ a C 0 ~-I R G. ri 1+ C.~ 7 6.C L y ri d N N~ N O N 01 M O.O~aOU~D 4r10 G W M W`dOY `m.0 `O.e'1 O C1A 6 6.Cd a~CA .-1 N P'1 V1 ~ . . . _ ~ _ ~ ~D . 70 m 00 ~ . 90 ~ . _ ~ . W ~ . tl �rG t~j ..Oj rl G J~J+, 1+ r-1 C~tl M U 6 dl ~ 8 .-~i rl ~O u ,�a w� ~ a u a,~ ,a, w a v~ u. w�, � w, u o,~ . ~ y aa ~ uw o m u W N L C~J w ~ 1+ t0 N 6 +~PI N M'i ~+'7 W ~ C O N ~~-I U 7 ` ~o,+ a a+~ a e o o~i w,~ u . a9 7+ U N �~tl 61 C L r~l L M L('O.' . W O a~ i W v~ I ~ r P l 0~.~ j y tD N ~-i 0~D M U a a u u M tLl W � ~'p x~,y 7 L% O` m ~'~f rl N'C ~ ri O C! .-1 O O Cp A U .i GO U C! V 7~ ~9 O M~p O. O � M U tJ W H C U U u C ta/1 r-1 'C C d ~ A a~ ~~~ppp d 1~+ ~ O.4G 0 N 6 C.~~1 ~G ; ta0 rui ~ ~ 06 GI W ~ O .G N 6 Q 'O M ~ ~ .C ~ ~ L W ~ ~ M 0~0 ~ ~ 'O '9 O C~1 ,t ar V7 . ~-1 6.-1 W U a0 7 O CJ ~ 7 M O s~ ~ ttl O~ ~0 O etl ttl '-I ~ ~ 'O 0. W M R7 � M F+ 1+ iJ ~ fA M rl C'l. +1 'O W 'C7 '-1 y pp u' V L ~ ~tl W+1 O O\ t0 M rl ~y W U~A ~.1 C.O C O+i Y~-1 O N Y C L r~l rl rl O M N F a 00 N C W W y 7 71 t0 al rr v~l C 1tl /0 v1 L L R 0. a~ PI +i L 1J CL .C q U L G! M~ r-1 Y1 8 Y i~ m l0 i0 O ltl W Y.Y U{! rl W U ~'1 M.~6 ~-d M O~ GL ~d rl W r-1 Fi 41 7 t r~ W N O c0 af m rl 10 O a.i ~ Q1 Q N M y O o ~ d wac~do~ m u u aod a?~ ar ~Dwticn> d.n ud a d uy a n n r~. � ~ ^ a^o 0 co n n a~o ~ z 0 ~Na U W p p ~ ~ y I ~ M V u W G r~i ~ 0. ~ O ap u.i t0 W 7 tl t0 ttl 71 7 U a ~0 W a4 7 u tp O O rl ~ C N ' ~l F+ ~ ~O U 1.' M ~.~d OC L U v1 Y L~ ~ 'L1 'rl d ~p a~ 00 O C D N N +i ?6 a+ M m ~ ~ ~ O G U W'~ O f-~i 0~G ~-bl .C 7 u ~-~i p+ O U C a+ ~ O 6 C O.~ ~0 C O r. C O a0 .i 3 rl M M~C U ~ f0 O C C ri ~-1 N L.C 'O :J 7 R 61 L vl v) 00 M O 7 00 C3l 4 'O u ~Ulp O~ 41 61 U ri ~rl t0 ~0 t0 tJ C d A N p6 C W y M 7 V G G's~ W S r~I O~,T. u d O M R C ~ x U MU~ O~~ M O Y~. ~-1 N 6 N 6 ar 0 0 M O M 0! Ol 1 7 V M r.i ,G U.G ~tl ~0 t0 rl ~ B U W 01 C F U td W i1 > au M d ~ m o v~ ~ a oom Y ~c~ ,,i u m u ~o o~ a~ M M t0 O VI q'O U D O rl ti m eae~v ax m,, a e,~ ro d o~ a� e c�~ x ~ ~ ~ v ~ a u+ ~ G.~ a e c~ v a V C M O C M I G+' ~ d t M O+ i d,~ ~ W U Q LN .`F'..C3 t0 C~L LL3 M~ NV ~ LM rl ~U mM 8 9 p gV g f0~-1 +~1 OI~r1UTJA L 1~ TJ rl +i +i W 47 ~0 t0 ar ~.1 Cl r1 +i V1 .O O 01 1-~ a+ O O O O 0 a1 O C O A 0! q.G +1 ~tl etl R ~ 7 y u`7 .~6 m 7 F 7 7 7 CO t D.T. rl ru~ L N u~ ~J u O EL a C O U vd N.-1 O~pD ~ M~0 09 01 m O t0 rl 7 f0 .1 40 t0 Cl W GI 0 O M 6 W 7~~~ M~ V M Y 00 O. u t9 ?L r1 p M M rl O;0 .C W C+~ C+1 +i O.1 M TI