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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094421-6
JPRS L/9599
- 1 ~ March 1981
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South and East Asico Re ort
CFOUO 1 /81)
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JPRS puhlications contain inform,3tion primarily from foreign
newspaoers, per~odicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasrs. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; ttiose from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and
o[her characteristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. F'rccess~ng indicators such as [Text]
or [Excerpt] in the {irst line of each item, or foll.o:aing the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original ~nformtztion was
processed. Whare. no processing indicator is given, the infor-
mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were nct clear in the
original but have ~een supplied as a~propriate in context.
Other unattributed parenth etical notes ~aith in the body of an
item originate with the source. Tines within items are as
given by source.
, 'I'he conten*_s of this ptiblication ~_n no way represent the poii-
cies, views or ~.~titudes oi r_h~ U.S, Government.
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P. O. Box 2604
Washington, D. C. 20013
2G Pebruary 1981
NO'I'L' I~ROI~i "I~ili DII:I:Ci'OR, FBIS:
Forty years ago, tlle U.S. ~overnment inaugurated a new
service to monitor foreio public broadcasts. A few years later
- a similar group was established to exploit the foreign press.
I~ro?~ the mc;rger of t}iese organizations evolved the present-day
I?3IS. C1ur constant goal througiiout has been to provide our readers
wit;i rapicl, accurate, and comprehensive reporting fro;~ the public
meclia worlclwicle.
O~i I;chalf of. all of us in FBIS I wish to express appreciat.ion
to our reaclers wlio llave guided our efforts throughout the years .
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JPRS L/9599
12 March 1981
(FOUO 1/81)
Japan Suspends New Zealand Meat 1
Inform4tion on PRK and SRV Military Units 2
Pen Sovan In~terviewed on PRK Developments, Foreign Relations
" (Pen Sovan Interview; BOHII~'fIA, 23 Jan 81) ~
Japanese Trade Contract With PRK Noted
(YOMIURI SHIMBUN, 2l~ Jan 81) 7
Phoumi Vongvichit Interviewed on Indochina Situation
(Phoumi Vongvichit Interview; BOHEMIA, 16 Jan 81) 8
Information ~n Lao Military Units .......................e......,. 13
Brief s
Pakistan Airforce Buildup 20
- a - [III - ASIA - 107 FOUO]
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JAPAN SU~PF.NDS NEW ZEALAND MEAT--Tokyo, 13 Feb (JIJI PRESS)--The Agriculture,
, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry said Friday it will ban meat imports from
New 'Lealand if the disease, discovered in pigs at a farm south of Christchurch,
is confirmed as Eoot and mouth disease. The ministry also said for the time
- being, it will ask New Zealand to suspend meat shipments to Japan. Those
wtiich have already arrived in Japan will be kept from the market, and will be
returned to that nation or destroyed if foot and mouth disease is confirmed,
it added. According to tr~e Japanese Embassy in Wellington, the disease was
detected in 28 pigs on farms at Temuka, south of Christchurch. The New
Zealand Government immediately slaughCered all pigs on the farm, voluntarily
halted animal exports and banned the movement of animals into and out of
South Island. Samples from the 28 pigs were sent to the animal viruses
research institute in Pirbright, Britain, for analysis, [Text] [OW131453
Tokyo JIJI in English 1435 GMT 13 Feb 81]
CSO: 5400
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[The following information was extracted from Phnom Penh Domestic Service
broadcasts at 1200 GMT unless otherwise indicated or from Vietnamese press
material as indicated. Unit designators and locations are as given. The
remarks include a brief summary of the information available in the source]
~ VPA Unit 73, Moungrussei Bistrict Contributed to success of district as _
Battambang Province evidence by KPRC reward of Third
Class Award. Describes assistance
- given by VPA to district, presents
impressions of district women ass~ciation
chairman regretting departure of VPA ~
Unit 73 (20 Dec 80)
Zd Company, 7th Battalion, Clash with enemy remnants at ar~ unspeci-
Brigade A fied mountainous region in Kompong Chhnang
(1 Jan 81)
4th Company, 5th Battalion of Correspondent article on growth and out-
Kompong Chhnang Armed Forces standing performances (3 Jan 81)
7th Mass Agitation Group, Svay Describes how this group operated in
Rieng Provincial Armed Forces aiding p.~ople to maintain security,
and expose enemy propaganda attacks
(10 Jan 81) ~
Company No 2, Battalion 2, Units have been str.engthQned, discipline ~
Thmar Sar Commune, Botum Sakor observed, Combatants are engaged in
District, Koh Kong Province education, mix with people, fight enemy
_ with determination, assist people in
various domains and presents impressions
of company commander (20 Jan 81)
91st Battalion, Koh Kong Province's Correspondent article introducing
Armed Forces (Visal Chey), model officer of transport
un~t, describes his lifestyle which is
marked by his honesty, friendliness toward
subordinates and industriousness
(22 ,ia~n 81)
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VPA 73d Unit, Moung Russei District, Ceremony held late last October to hail
BBttambang achievements of local inhabitants in re-
construction efforts. Tells of affection
of people for VPA Unit which helped people
- rebuild hometown and in production. Says
people loved Vietnamese troops like their
own sons. Describes how unit he~ped people,
providi~g them with security, protecting
them fram Pol Pot bandits and sharing
rations with them. (4 Feb 81)
2d Bn, Dong Thao Engineer Brigade A bridging unit. At Phnom Penh in
January 1979 when it served the 7th Division,
Cuu I.on.g Corps ~ P~litical Offi.cer:
PHONG 16-22 Dec 80 pp 1, 3)
. B.33 Gp, Sth MR Serving outside of the SRV. (QUAN DOI NHAN _
Song Lam Gp Serving in Kampuchea. Located in Pursat
Province. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Dec 80 p 3)
CSO: 4212
i ~
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Ha~~ana BOHEMIA in Spanish 23 Jan 81 pp 80-81
[Interview with Pen Sovan, vice president of the Kampuchean People's Revolutionary
Council [KPRC), minister of national defense and commander in chief of the Kam-
puchean Revolutionary Armed Forces [KPRAF]~ by Pedro Rioseco; date and place not
[Text] The smiling man who receives us is a legendary figure for the Kampuchean
people. Under his command were the troops of the Revolutionary Army that put an
end to the regime of terror which in scarcely 4 years took no less than 3 million
victims among the Cambodian people in what is one of the most barbarous cases of
genocide in history. A guerrilla from the age of 14, at the beginning of the
1950's, he was already an adjutant division commander with decorations from the
High Militar~ Command. From that time on, the name of Pen Sovan has been very
well known and what is more, beloved and respected by his people and all Indo-
chinese fighters for liberation and progress.
He stands before us now, the guest of our party's Second Congress, that same hero
of so many battles, but now as a statesman. On 8 January 1979, the National Con-
gr.ess of the Representatives of the People elected him vice president of the Peo-
ple's Revolutior~ary Council (highest organ of government) and he was named minister
of national defense and commander in chief of the Kampuchean Revolutionary Armed
' The simple, affable personality of our guests helps us overcome the obstacle of
the double translation (Spanish-French-Kampuchean). His answers are brief and
concise, in the military manner. And yet, we needed nothing more to share the
confidence and certainty with rahich he spoke to us of the future of the people's
revolutionary socialist Kampuchea.
[Question] Could you briefly explain the process of the historical formation of
the Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea?
[Answer] First of all, allow me to express my gratitude to the Communist Party of
Cuba, the government and the Cuban people for the support they have given to the
Kampuchean people in their fight for liberation.
' As time has passed, our army has solidly gained in strength. ~rom the time of the
liberation, we have enjoyed successes and little by little, gained experience.
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Our Revolutionary Armed Forces were formed on 19 June 1951, born of the people
themselves under the leadership of the People's Revolutionary Party. Following
the victory over the French colonialists, our KPRAF went on to obtain another vic-
tory over the North Americans on 17 April 1975�
Following the victory over the Yankee imperialists, the reactionaries of Pol Pot-
Ieng Sary tried to transform those People's Armed Forces into an instrument of the
policies of Peking. Faced with this fascist reality that devastated an entire so-
ciety and murdered nearly 40 percent of our people, the Revolutionary Forces
rebelled in order to overthrow the government of Pol Pot-Ieng Sary and liberated
our people from the genocide to which they had been subjected on 7 January 1979,
in cooperation with the People's Revolutionary Armed Forces of Vietnam, transform-
ing the People's Armed Forces into an instrument of the Kampuchean people for de-
fending their freedom and their right to build a new life. At the present time,
our Revolutionary Armed Forces are an instrument of the working class and our
people. '
[Question] What is the current situation of Kampuchea from the military and
political standpoint?
[Answer] First, I shall speak to you briefly about the internal situation in Kam-
puchea since its liberation up until today. Our people have infinite confidence in
the National United Front for the Salvation of Kampuchea from the political, eco-
nomic, health and cultural standpoint and for their security as well. All the
geople now believe in the People's Revolutionary Council which controls the country.
Internationally speaking, the line of the Front for the Salvation of Kampuchea
- and the People's Revolutionary Council has been to consolidate friendship and
solidarity with the countries in the socialist camp and all countries which love
peace and justice in the world. Thanks to this correct policy, international sup-
port for our country is growing every year.
[Question] What can you tell us about the process of democratic openness that is -
occurring in your country?
- [Answer] At the present time, ai.l of our people have perfect equality a.nd true
democracy and a new, just society is being built. _
[Question] How have you viewed the voting in the United Nations for the seat
corre~ponding to Kampuchea and the imperialist policy that endeavors to impose
the positi.on of two Kampucheas?
[Answer] In the trial of the People's Revolutionary Tribun~~ of 15 August 1979s
our people tried and convicted the criminals Pol Pot and Ieng Sary and currently
oppose the maneuvers of some countries in the United Nations aimed at allowing
- those cri.minals to remain in the United Nations. Those who voted for the Pol Pot-
Ieng Sary clique are the same ones who betrayed truth and justice.
~ [Question] What are Kampuchea's relations with its neighbors in Southeast Asia?
[Answer] In the political program of the National United Front for the Salvation of
Kampuchea of 2 December 1978, it is clearly stipulated that the foreign policy of
- 5
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Kampuchea is a policy of friendship and cooperation with all countries, especially
neighboring countries--mainly Vietnam and Laos--in Southeast Asia.
[QuestionJ How do yos view the current situation in the Indochinese peninsula in
relation to Chinese aggression in Vietnam and Laos and the role of ASEAN [Associa-
tion of Southeast Asian Nations] and particularly Thailand in this strategy?
[Ar~swer) The Chinese reactionaries have lost Kampuchea for good. Our people know
this very well. They want to commit aggression againsc Vietnam and Laos and are
trying to use Thailand as an instrument for acting against the Kampuchean revolu-
tion. That is why our people are constantly strengthening their militant solidar-
ity with the peoples of Vietnam and Laos, in order to check the maneuvers and ac-
tions of China against the three Indochinese countries. At the present time, the
Chinese traitors have incited countries in ASEAN in order to divide t~iem, but these
maneuvers will also suffer certain failure.
[Question] A great deal is said by the imperialist press ab~~ut the so-called prob-
lem of the Kampuchean refugees. What can you tell us about this?
[Answer] The so-called problem of the refugees arose because of the instigation
of the Chinese and consists in mobilizing Kampucheans to turn them into refugees
in Thai territory so that they will serve as one more force to use against our
revolution. Actually, our people did not want to leave the country. Those who
have spoken and continue to speak about this are peop le in the Western world who
want to slander our revolution.
[Question] What are the main tasks you propose to carry out in the current phase
of. the Kampuchean revolution?
[Answer] Our main problem consists in training and developing our cadres to re-
build the country in all the branches which the Pol Pot-Ieng Sary clique totally
destroyed, in strengthening the government, which is a true people's government,
restoring and developing the economic sector to serve our people and cure them
of the physical and mental wounds resulting from the genocide to which they were
[Question] One final question, which I do not wish you to consider as a formal
one: How do you feel among our people, who so love the people of Kampuchea?
[Answer] As a representative of our people, I can un derstand the feelings of the
party, the government and the Cuban people towa rd our people very well. We are
. far From one another geographically, but in ou r feelings, we are as brothers.
CSO: 4410
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Tokyo YOMIURI SHIMF3UN in English 24 Jan 31 p 9
[Text] According to what was revealed by the Japan-Kampuchea Trade Association
(joined by 20 trading firms; Chief Director: Koshiro IWAI) on the 24th,
210 tons of kapok (s emi-finished textile goods resembling cotton), under the
firs:~. contract with Cambodia, reached Kobe port recently and completed customs
clearance procedures. This is the first foreign trade contract approved by the
Heng Samrin regime of Cambodia. It is expected that trade between Japan and
_ Cambodia will further expand within this fiscal year.
Industrial Circles Expecting Rapid Recovery
The Japan-Kampuchea Trade Association sent a trade delegation headed by Chief
Director IWAI to CamUodia in August last year, and exchanged a memorandum
concerning trade transactions, in Pnompenh, with the Kampuchea Export-Import
Public Corpora tion [Kampekishim (TN: phonetic] whicr comes under the Co.nmerce
Ministry Foreign Trade Department of the Heng Samrin regime. As a result,
Kampekishim on the Cambodian side and the Japan--Kampuchea Trade Association
on the Japanese side have come to decide on conditions for transactions and push
shipment business, etc., acting for trading firms. Thus, direct transactions
have revived for the first time in six years, and for the Cambodian side, too,
this has become the first agreement as private trade, including socialist
Kapok, which is a product under the f irst contract, is pro duced in the western
area close to the Cambodia-Thailand border, and it is used as a material for
pillows and cushions. Upon the arrival of the first goods, the Japanese side
says that "The interior of Cambodia has recovered rapidly, and we can place
expectations in the future, too" (Chief Director IWAI).
The said Association is planning to import about 1,000 tons of kapok within
this fiscal year, and it is sounding out the Cambodian side on the import of
high-grade lumber, natural rubber, lignaloe, coffee, and s undry b eans. It is
checking into the export of machine parts, textile raw materials, etc. The
accoi~nt is to be settled in German marks. However, as Cambodia is short of
foreign currency, the form of barter trade is to be taken.
In the age of Prince Sihanouk, direct trade transactions b etween the two
countries amounted to 7 bil].ion yen both ways. However, direct transactions
came to an end with the establishment of the Pol Pot regime in 1975.
COPYRIGHT: Yomiuri Shimbunsha 1981
CSO: 4105 7
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, Havana BOHEMIA in Spanish 16 Jan 81 pp 64-65
[Interview with Phoumi Vongvichit, member of the Political Bureau ~f the Lao Peo-~
ple's Revolutionary Party, deputy priune minister and minister of education, sports
and culture of the Lao People's Democratic Republic [LPDR], by Pedro Rioseco; date
and place not given]
[Text] From the faraway country "of the million elephants," the Lao People's Demo-
cratic Republic, which along with its neighbors and brothers in struggle: Vietnam
and Kampuchea, constitutes the vanguard of Southeast Asia and at the same time, the
front line against Chinese expansionism, we recertly had the honor of the visit,
_ on the occasion of our party's Second Congress, of the prominent Lao leader and
great friend of Cuba, comrade Phoumi Vongvichit, member of the Politburo of
the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, deputy prime minister ar_d minister of educa-
tion, sports and culture.
The first question put to the representative of a country� now facing an undeclared
war waged by China cannot fail to concern the policy of aggression of the Chinese
clique and the current forms which its aggression against the Lao people takes.
Vigorously, but measuring his words, comrade Vongvichit replied:
- [Answer] The current opportunistic clique in Peking, which calls itself the Com-
munist Party but whose true nature is the system of bourgeois ideas, which wants
to expand and exercise superpower hegemony in order to dominate all the regions in
Southeast Asia as shown on its maps, continues to apply Maoist thought and has not -
~ built socialism. Rather, it is fighting the Soviet Union, against alI socialist
countries, against national liberation movements and those who fight for peace and
democracy and against imperialism.
Due to the application of the policy of independence and self-determination, Viet-
nam, Laos and Kampuchea march firmly down the path of socialism, without submitting
to the Peking clique, without permitting the use of its territory in order to
attack other Southeast Asian countries. The reactionary clique in Peking has used
- all methods of aggression: political, military, economic and cultural, combining
them in a cruel and savage manner. They apply the policy of "divide and conquer"
to the three Indochinese countries. They applied the policy of genocide in Kam-
puchea. They used armed forces in their attack on Vietnam. They have stationed
four divisions along the Lao-Chinese border in order to threaten Laos' security.
8 .
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At the present time, the Chinese clique is using soldiers of fortune, guns, planes
and warships, violating territorial, air and maritime boundaries of Vietnam. They
protect reactionaries who take refuge in their territory and use them alongside
Chinese soldiers in order to infiltrate them into Lao territory and sack our people.
They engage in psycholcgical warfare and use maneuvers aimed at bringing about
regressive transformations in a peaceful manner. They carry out acts of sabotage
and incite Lao citizens to follow them.
All of these aggressive maneuvers on the part of the reactionary clique in Peking
, do harm to our people. The nations of Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea, united in the
~ struggle, have firmly defended themselves against all their intervention and aggres-
sion. If they continue to persist in this war of adventure against our peoples,
they will in the end be defeated.
_ [Question] ~haring borders with China on the north, Democratic Kampuchea in the
south, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the east, Tr~~iland in the west and
Burma in the northwest, the Lao People's Democratic Republic is in the very center
of the Indochinese peninsula, at the same time it is the only landlocked country in
Southeast Asia. Our second question to comrade Vongvichit was based on its strate-
gic geographic position, a question having to do with his view of the situation on
the Indochinese per.insula with respect to the maneuvers of imperialism and ASEAN
[Assor_iation of Southeast Asian Nations].
[Answer] American imperialism, in collusion with other imperialist countries aiid
the reactionaries of the Peking clique, is trying to destabilize Indochina. By
applying the maneuvers of the Peking administration, it is trying to use Chinese
residents as the instruments of divisionist Fropagancia between the countries be-
longing to ASEAN, frightening them Vietnam, Kampuchea and Laos in order to
conceal from those countries the danger which the expansionistic and hegemonistic
regime in China represents. At the present time, the Chinese reactionaries have
forced the Thai reactionaries to supply arms to the so-called Kampuchean refugees
for the purpose of threatening sucurity all along the Kampuchean-Thai border.
They closed the Lao-Thai border unilaterally, initiated an economic blockac'e of
- Laos and used armed forces to engage in provocations along the border, which is
prolonging the tense and complex border situation. And yet, the provokers are
- definitely being defeated since the countries in ASEAN have no re~,son to fear
Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea, inasmuch as these three countries have just emerged
from an aggressive and destructive war of American imperialism and international
reactionaries. They have no intention of attacking any country and in addition,
they want peace in order to build and rebuild their countries. If, in spite of
this, our three nations are attacked by outside forces, they will unite in order to
bring about the complete defeat of the aggressors so as to safeguard the indepen-
dence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of ~heir homelands.
[Question] Having an economy based on agriculture and forestry, with only 8 per-
cent of its nearly 237,000 square kilometers (nearly twice the size of Cuba)
tillable and over 60 percent covered with thick forests, its nearly 3.5 million
inhabitants basically depend ot~ the sale of wood in logs, the cultivation of rice
- and soybeans, a half million head of livestock and the working of tin, which along
with wood constitutes the main export product.
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What are your main economic reconstruction difficulties? What are the main tasks
which the party and government have outlined in order to develop the country?
The Lao leader thinks briefly, settles down comfortably in his chair, and sayss
[Answer) In the current socialist construcr_ion and transformation of our country,
- which has small-scale agriculture that is backward, scattered and dependent on
nature and which has an illiteracy rate of 20 percent, we are projecting the
construction of socialism in the midst of these conditions. In order to lead the
country toward socialist industrialization, it will be necessary to travel a road
strewn with difficulties because our country suffered a war of aggression for over
30 years which affected most housing, means of communication and the people's
material goods. At the same time, imperialism and international reactionary forces
_ sent bands of terrorists to carry out subversive arts in the interior for the pur-
pose of preventing the union of material and human forces in the task of nation-
_ Nevertheless, these difficulties are tempora.ry. We have many possibilities: the
correct political line that responds to the interests of the people, the current
circumstances, the sensible leadership of the Central Committee of the Lao People's
Revolutionary Party, an authenticly Marxist-Leninist party. We have our cadres and
our people, who have the experience of a relentless fight for national salvation
lasting over 30 years, and we have the expe.rience acquired over the past 5 years
of transformation and construction of the country. Moreover, our brother socialist
countries have given us and continue to give us their support, which increases our
Our future task will be to unite all the multinational people (NB: There are
68 national minorities.) in a solid force behind the Lao People's Revolutionary
Party and to strengthen and develop our national defense quantitatively and quali-
tatively. We must transform and rebuild the country's economy in a socialist eco-
nomy, using as its base our forest agriculture for the gradual devicelopment of in-
- dustry, with the participation of all ethnic groups and nationalities and with the
introduction of modern science and technology in order to achieve a high yield.
Education and public health have progressed greatly. The literacy campaign will
come to a close next year in order to continue improving the cultural level of
those between the ages of 15 and 45. Elementary education will have concluded by
the end of next year.
In completing these tasks, we have to face still more difficulties already mentioned,
as we have done on previous occasions.
[Question] The r.eference to aid from the socialist camp causes us to ask his
opinion about the importance to Lao of economic integration with the socialist
, [Answer] CEMA is of great importance because it is responsible for helping so-
cialist countries develop their economic construction rapidly. The Lao People's
Democratic Republic is a new socialist country that requires the aid and cooperation
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of developed socialist countries. At the present time, we are participating in
CEMA conferences as observers. We are con~~inced that in the future, our country
will be admitted honorably as a full member of that organization.
[Question) As minister of education, sports and culture, a government post he
holds while being a member of th e Politburo of the party, we believe that
comrade Vongvichit is the person b~st able to explain how, on the cultural level,
the ideological struggle is manifes ted in the face of imperialist attempts to
penetrate and distort Lao society culturally and ideologically. The question did
not in fact surprise him and his response was quick in coming:
[Answer] During the imp erialist domination of Laos, they tried to distort the
ideology of the Lao peop le to make it lean toward the bourgeois ideology. During
- the time of the American occ~pation, they incited young people to learn the capi-
talist language and culture, thereby turning them into servants of the pro-American
bourgeoisie, running af ter money, f orgetting about patriotism, justice and love for
their country. They en couraged looting, crime, gambling, hippy organizations,
prostitution, and the young people sold everything they possessed for money, total-
- ing serving American imperialism, Lao patriots were repressed and the country was
led toward neocolonialism. Instability reigned for over 30 years of the war of
aggression. A large number of inn ocent Lao citizens died and poverty increased.
After liberation, ths imperialists and the international reactionaries took advan-
tage ~F the aftereffects of the society and culture of the old regime to promote
the fig~it against change. And yet, over the past S years, the maneuvers and at-
tempts at bribery have continually failed. Our party has successively organized
political study for the Lao people, thereby training young people to be able to
make a clear distinction between the cruel and dangerous maneuvers of the imper-
ialists and Lao f eudalists and und erstand the real nature of the nation and the
fighting spirit of the Lao people. This would in turn lead to national indepen-
dence, the weakening of capitalism and imperialism and the benefits of the new
socialist regime.
. At the same time, our p arty set up youth and women's organizations, trade unions
and the National United Front so as to continue educating its members in Marxism-
Leninism, proletarian internationalism, love for productive work, socialist
patriotism, revolution ary conduct and discipline and the duty to apply the differ-
ent guidelines set forth by the Central Committee.
- Reeducation and the measures put in to practice enabled the majority to abandon the
~ bad habits of feudalism, capitalism and the regime of exploitation, establishing
' and strengthening the ideology of the working class, eliminating the individualist
ideology, creating the collective mentality and improving knowledge in order to be
the new man, the Lao so cialist man, capable in every way of bringing about the
transformation and construction of socialism in our country.
The reeducation of inen left behind by history is not an easy task, but thanks to the
application of a corre ct line by ou r party, the majority of the Lao people have now
become the owners of their country and society. However, there remains a small
group of drug addicts used to stealing, given over to unhealthy diversions during
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the time of imperialist domination, who have not yet renounced these habits. We
have therefore sent them to rehabilitation and reeducation centers until they re-
cover and are once again useful to society.
[Question] Finally, we wished to learn the impressions of our distinguished
visitor on this new stay in our country at such an important time for our people.
[Answer] This is the fourth time I have visited Cuba. (7n thi~ ~ccasion, we have
seen a great change in your country, where the working people oi Cuba show their
great artistic culture.
From the time of my participation in the First Congress of the Communist Party of
Cuba until now, I have observed that fine buildings have been built, the economic
base has been broadened and wealth is growing daily in socialist Cuba.
Every time that we visit Cuba, we feel the friendship and hospitality of its leaders,
officials and the Cuban people, which gives us the impression that they live along-
� side our Lao people. Just as before, the warm reception for our delegation to the
Second Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba gives us great satisfaction and joy.
The Second Congress of the Communi~t Party of Cuba has been a success. The organ-
ization, welcoming of guests and visits showed discipline. The central report by
comrade Fidel Castro, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist
Party of Cuba and the speeches by Cuban and foreign comrades provided us with
much experience.
I am very satisfied with my visit to Cuba. I should like to take advantage of this
opportunity to thank the Central Committee of the party, its leaders and all the
people of Cuba, who have shown us the friendly, fraternal and true spirit that
gives us the impression of being in our own country.
I wish all our Cuban comrades good health in order to successfully carry out the
resolutions of the Second Congress and at the same time, continue furthering the
growing and lasting communist solidarity between the peoples of Cuba and Laos.
CSO: 4410
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[The following information was extracted from Vientiane Domestic Service
broadcasts at 0400 GMT unless otherwise noted on the dates indicated, or
from Lao press materials as indicated. Unit designators and locations are
as given. The remarks include a brief summary of the information available
in the source.]
Kommadam School of Oudomsai Province Attended 16 training in past 5 years
(6 Dec 80) _
Cultural School under Savannakhet Built four houses, one school and two
Provincial Military Command warehouses this year (6 Dec 80)
Southern Region Military Command Distributed food and clothing to victims
of recent fire (6 Dec 80)
Military Training School, Vientiane Campleted rice harvest (8 Dec 80)
Cultural Training School of Military Scored brilliant achievements to welcome
Command, Savannakhet Province National Day (8 DeG 80)
Construction Battalion "B", Report on growth and development over past
Xieng Khouang Province 5 years; achievements scored by cadres and
co~abatants attached to this battalion in
building living quarters, schools, hospi-
tals, bridges and roads and boosting
production cited (10 Dec 80)
Hospital No 101, Xieng Khouang In November cured 181 patients and fulfilled -
Region other specialized tasks while promoting
production (10 Dec 80)
Military Command, Northern Region Held sports tournament in Luang Prabang
~ Frovince to celeb-rate National Day anni-
versary; art performances staged on this
occasion also cited (10 Dec 80)
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Engineering Company, Siang Hon Report on 5-year achievements of cadres
District, Sayaboury Province and combatants in studying politics,
boosting production and consolidating
their unit (10 Dec 80)
J Battalion "A" Command, Hin Boun On 8 December held ceremony to confer
District, Khammouane Province medals on second group of outstanding
cadres and combatants for their achieve-
ments over past 30 years (18 Dec 80)
Northern Region Hospital Medical workers cured 2,007 patients;
raised 28 animals since early April
(18 Dec 80)
Army Hospital, Savannakhet Province Displayed traditional medicines on
Lao National Day celebration (18 Dec 80)
Army Auto-Transportation Battalion "A" Recently completed short-term emulation
Vientiane campaign to score achievements to welcome
Fifth National Day Anniversary (20 Dec 80)
Company "C" att~ched to Planted rice on more than 3 hectares;
Battalion "A", Sayaboury Region grew various vegetables in addition to
breeding animals and opening political
training for people between February
and November this year (22 Dec 80)
Battalion "C" attached to command Enthusiastically studied culture during
of Battlefront No 1.A, past 11 months (22 Dec 80)
Pub lic Security Forces, Champassak Fulfilled specialized tasks while boosting
Province production since early this year
(22 Dec 80)
Primary Army Officers' Training Organized to implement plan to score new
School, Vientiane achievements to welcome 32d f.ounding
- anniversazy of LPLA, 20 January 1981
(23 Dec 80)
Army Technical School, Vientiane Primary technical training course opened
for third group of army students
20 December (23 Dec 80)
Battalion "E", Sayaboury Province, Stepped up efforts to increase crop culti-
Northern Region vation and livestock raising in late 1980
24 Dec 80)
Battalion "E" attached to command Stepped up political and military study
of Combat Zone No 1 in late 1980 (24 Dec 80)
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Army Artificial Limbs Factory, Visited by delegation led by Brig Gen
Viengsai (~'ithou~nala) of three departments of
National Defense Ministry 13 December
(26 Dec 80)
Signal Company of Battalion "A", Training ended 23 December (26 Dec 80)
Army brick factory, Xieng Khouang Scored outstanding achievements in
Region past 5 years (26 Dec 80)
Army garment factory, Vientiane Fulfilled production target for second _
~ Region half of 1980 (26 Dec 80)
Battalion "S" attached to Held ceremony 25 December to confer medals
Signal Corps, Vientiane arid commendation certificates on out-
standing cadres and combatants (27 Dec 80)
Army brick factory, Viangsai Region Produced 86,364 bricks in past 3 months
ending October (27 Dec ttC)
Signal Trai~ing School attached to Preparing to open training course for -
Northern Region Command second group of cadres and combatants
(28 Dec 80)
Regional Armed Forces Battalion "P" Fulfilled 1980 p13ns, saying they harvested
Houa Phan Province 11,200 kilos of rice and large quantity
of other crops while breeding animals and
carrying out specialized task of maintair,:-
- ing public security (28 Dec 80)
Batallion "S", Sayaboury Province Has striven to consolidate its strength and _
work~system in 1980 (29 Dec 80)
Medical Training School, Xieng Stepped up food production in November
IQzouang Region (29 Dec 80)
Regional forces, Siang Kho District, Stepped up military and political training _
Houa Phan Pr~ovince in 1.980 (29 Dec 80)
Hospital 101, Xieng IQzouang Military Studied politics and military subjects
Region while fulfilling spec~alized tasks
7-15 December (30 Dec 80)
Army Transportation Department Held meeting in mid-December to review
attached to Battlefront No 1.A. 1-year achievements in transporting
supplies, repairing vehicles, boosting
production and raising animals (30 Dec 80)
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Automobile Department, Battlefront Iteport on 1-year achievements in carrying
1.A. out political and ideological as well a&
logietics works; their actual deeds in
repairing vehicles, studying political
_ doc~ents, building roads and bridges,
transporting supplies, planting rice
and breed~ng animals cited (30 Dec 80)
Central Regi~+n Hospital Strictly maintained disciplines while
carrying out patrol activities and treat-
ing sick people during past 6 months
(30 Dec 80) ~
Military Training School, Closed its traii'i3ng course for second
Battlefront 1.A. grou~ of students in early December
(30 Dec 80)
Regional Armed Forces, Houa Phan Endeavor in implementing logistics work,
Province on S-year acr3vities and achievements of -
cadres and combatants attached to regional
forces of Houa Phan Province in planting
rice, breeding animals in line of self-
sufficiency, Says they reclaimed 53 hec-
tarea of wasteland for rice farming, dug
13 tishponds and grew various types of
vegetables. Hails th~ir success in
promoting self-sufficient production
(30 Dec 80)
Army saor~uill in Vientiane SawQd 243,926 cubi~ meters of wood late
- last year (1 Jan 81)
In_fantry Battalion "A", Northern Studied doctunents on army regulations in
Region DecembPr (1 Jan 81) _
Military Training School, Vientiane Fulfilled plan for November and December
(1. Jan 81)
Army Hospital, Oudomsai Province Opened first basic medical course for local
cadres (1 Jan 81)
Northern Region Signal School ~reparing material and equipment for
opening signal course (2 Jan 81)
Medical Off ice in Saravane Province Examined, vaccinated and dispensed medicine
to people on 4,552 occasions last year '
(2 Jan 81)
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Battalion under Southern Region Studied several po litical documents and
Infantry Corp engaged in agricultural production la~C
year (2 Jan 81)
Army Agricultural Settlement No 1, Fulfilled 1980 pro duction plan (4 Jan 81)
V~.entiane -
Army Logistics Department, Vientiane Army electrical, auto repair training course
for first group of students closed
30 December. Lt Col Thongmuang, representa-
tive of Army Logtstics Department, hailed
training achievements, noted significance
of training cours e, and called on a11
trained studente to put what they have
learned into actual practice (5 Jan 81)
Army Auto Repair Factory, Central Improved arnry dis cipline and specialized
Region branches in June last year (7 Jan 81)
Battalion "E" under Luang Prabang Attended six poli tical and military
Provincial Command courses and harvested 3,720 kg of rice
- and 4,730 kg ef o ther crops in 1980
(7 Jan 81)
First Battalion attached to Completed construction of army sports
Infantry Corps in Vientiane field late Decemb er (8 Jan 81)
Battalion "E", Vientiane Studied rank clas sification system late
last year (8 Jan 81)
Artillery Battalion "B", Vientiane Fulfilled plans for 1980, particularly task
- of attending pol i tical, military and cul-
tural courses and increasing self-sufficient
food production (9 Jan 81)
Third Production Unit attached to Fulfilled product ion plan for 1980. They
Xieng Khouang ~.Qgion Production ~~lanted rice on 10 hectares and raised
Group 52 animals last y ear (9 Jan 81)
Honor Company attached to Defens~~ Practiced sports activities since 6 January
Unit "A", Vientiane in preparin.g to c elebrate 32d anniversary
of Army Day, 20 January (10 Jan 81)
Battalion "CH", Napang Canton, Women's union in late December gave a number
Saithani District, Vientiane of food and othe r staple items as gifts
Province to unit operating in Canton (11 Jan 81)
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Primary Medical Training School Actively etudied specialized subjects
in Vientiane since mid-August. They have also strived
in boosting production while breeding
a animals (12 Jan 81)
Army Battalion "B", Ban Okmuang ~eople held blessing ceremony for unit
Village, Na Keo Canton, Sanasomboun operating in area (14 Jan 81)
District, Champassak Province
Marxist-Leninist Ideological , Held examination on historical material-
Training School, Southern Region istic and dialectical philosophy for
students (14 Jan 81)
Infantry Battalion "B", Vientiane Emulating to strengthen and consolidate
their units and carry out defense
and logistics work (15 Jan 81)
_ First Company, Signal Battalion "A", Fulfilled plans for 1980 (15 Jan 81)
Southern Region
Battalion "S", Combat Zone No 1-A Scored brilliant achievements in con-
solidating their units in past 5 years
(16 Jan 81)
Ground Artillery, First Infantry Scored outstanding achievements in
Battalio.n, Vientiane shooting practice in December and early
January (16 Jan 81)
Political offices, various units Organized study on regulations on ranks
under command of Combat Zone No 1-A system in early.January (16 Jan 81)
First Company of Logistics Unit Scored outstanding achievements in
of Combat Zone No 1-A spec3alized work in past 5 years _
(16 Jan 81)
Infantry Battalion "S", Central Report on activities boosting production in
Region 1980; their achievements in growing various
vegetables and rearing fish cited
(18 Jan 81)
Army Cultural Training School, Medical cadres vaccinated cadres, combatants
Viangsai and people in varous areas on 25 December-
6 January (18 Jan 81)
Defense Battalion "B", Vientiane Fulfilled tasks for 1980; their activities
in maintaining public security, providing
guard for leaders and foreign guests as
well as people's bases, studying politics,
mi~.itary sub~ects and culture cited
- (19 Jan 81)
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Public Security Forces, Saravane Completed in carrying out various tasks
Province while studying politics (19 Jan 81)
Battalion "S", Central Region Battalion paid 2ttention to helping people
harvest rice, build houses and carry out
other tasks (19 Jan 81)
Battalion "0" under Regional Forces, Held 15 political courses for local people
Houa Phan Province last year (22 Jan 81)
Political Office of Combat Zone 1-A Organized political study 19 January
Command (23 Jan 81)
Army Aviation 0'ffice, Southern Scored outstanding achievem2nts in
Region Military Coimnand transport work in 1980 (23 Jan 81)
Planning unit attached to construc- Scored outstanding achievements in drawing
tion branch, Viangsai Region designs for various construction projects
and carrying out other specialized tasks
in 1980 (31 Jan 81)
Anti-Aircraft Battalion "B", Studied military subjects and upheld
Southern Region vigilance to defeat enemy sabotage schemes.
(3L Jan 81)
Vientiane Military Training School Held ceremony 31 January to celebrate
32d anniversary of LPLA (3 Feb 81)
Infantry Battalion "A", Vientiane On field practice held for 3 consecutive
days, noting their achievements in prac-
tice shnoting (4 Feb 81)
3d Air Defense Br Pol Off. Boun Nhi; as~sisted people in
Thiu Keo village (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN
11 Nov 80 p 2)
CSO: 4206
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PAKISTAN AIRFORCE BUILDUP--According to Indian sources Pakistan is continuing its
program of strengthening its airforce and foresees the construction of 12 new
airbases in the coming years. Between now and the end of 1981 Pakistan will acquire
three new fighter squadrons eq uipped with A-5 Fantans of Chinese manufacture and
two new squadrons equipped with Mirage 5s presently on order. In addition these
~ same sources report that Pakis tani pilots have been trained on the F-5E and three
squadrons of these aircraft can be rapidly formed once these aircraft are "loaned"
by three "east Asian nations." At present the Pakistani airforce has 40 airbases
- and plans to purchase F-16/79s as well as future Mirages of different versions.
[Text] [Paris LE MONITEUR DE L'AERONAUTIQUE in French Feb 81 p 9]
~CSO: 4200 END
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