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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 FOR OE'FICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9475 ~ ~ 9 January 1981 Worldwide Re ort - p NtiRCOTiCS A~1D DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO ~ /81) . Fg~$ FOREIGN BRORDC/~ST ~NFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 NOTE _ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [ExcerptJ in the first line of each item, or following the lasc line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, ~iews or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWi~tERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIIV REQUIP.E THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ JPRS L/9475 9 January 1981 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 1/81) ~ CONTENTS ~ ASIA AUSTRALIA Five Sentenced on Variety of DrLg Charges (ZHE WEST AUSTRALIAN, 1 Nov 80) 1 Study Fin~is Link Between Drugs, Auto Accidents (Philip McIntosh; 1IiE A(~, 11 No~; 80) 2 B rie fs Cannabis Grower Jailed 3 - Howlett Senten~ed 3 MAIAYSIA Teenage Addicts Sent to Sarawak Rehabilitation Ceater (BORNEO BUI,LETIN, 1.5 Nov 80) 4 Briefs Heroin Seized 5 Heroin Arrest 5 Constable on Trial S Broke Into Clinic 5 _ Treatment for Addict 5 PAK ISTAN Briefs Poppy Cultivation Decreasing 6 = Contraband Goods Seized 6 Opium Seizure in Multan 6 Opium Smu~glers Arrested 6 Smugglers Caught at Border 6~ Yolice Seize 1100 kg Opium 7 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] FnR (IFFI!'TAi TiSF. (INi.Y - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 PEOPLE' S REPUBLIC OF CHIN a ~ive Opium Peddlers With Previous Records Arrested (ZHEJIANG RLBAO, 6 Sep 80) 8 Qver 3Q Drug Addicts, Dealers Apprehended, Sentenced (NANFANG RL3A0, 23 Sep 80) ........................o...~....... 9 _ IATIN AMERICA BOLIV~ Briefs Cocaine Traffickers Arrested 10 COLOMBIA DAS Chief Discusses Recent Qperations (Hector Rc~driguez Villa; EL TIEMPQ, 17 Oct 80) 11 _ Judge Fired for Involvement With Traffickers ; (E? ESPECTADOR, 16 Oct 80)..e 15 ' Cocaine, Marihuana Plantations Raided (EL TIEMPO, 18 Oct 80) 16 � Traffickers, Marihuana Plantation Seized (EL TIEMPO, 20 Nov 80) 17 - Santa Marta Military Seize Marihuana (EL TIEMPO, 24 Nov 80) 18 Seizures in Sincelejo, Magdalena Listed (EL TIEMPO, 13 Nov 80) 19 _ Ipiales Police Fired as Traffickers (EL TIEMPO, 20 Nov 80) 20 Briefs Coca Plantation Discovered 21 MEXICO Results of Antidrug Campaign Repoxted (EL SOL DE S~TALOA, 4 Nov 80) 22 Further Details on Capturecl Trafficker, Murderer (EL SOL D~ SINALdA, b Nov 80) 23 Notorious Trafticker, I~FS Agent Killed (EL MANANA, 5 i~~v 80)....~.~ 24 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLy APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Marihuana Plantation Discovered in San Rafdel (LA VOZ DE LA FRONTERA, 19 Nov 80)..~ 28 Pill, Marihuana Trafficker Arrested (EL DIARIO DE NUEVO IAREDO, 17 Nov 80) . . . . . . . . . . 29 Pill, Marihuana Traffickers Receive Jail Sentences (EL MANANA, 14 Nov 80).~ 31 Briefs Camp aign Receives Extra Helicop ters 3~ Police Corruption Probed 32 Zone 006 Campaign Inten~ified 32 Defense Secretary Instructions 33 Fugitives Caught With Mari.huana 33 Dan gerous Trafficker Captured 34 URUGUAY Youths Arrested for Selling Hallucinogenic Drugs to Addicts (EL PAIS, 17 Oct 80) 35 NE AR EAS T& NO RTH AFRI CA I RAN Briefs Zhirty 'rons of Drugs Seized 37 Narcotics Lab Seized 3~ Eight Smugglers Executed 3~ Drugs, Arms Contraband Discovered 3~ KUWAIT Briefs Hashish Sellers Arrested 38 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Briefs Eight Kilos of Opium Confiscated 39 WEST EUROPE DENMARK Danish Police Arrest Turks Suspended of Heroin Smuggling to FRG (BE RLINGSKE TIDENDE, 28 Nov 80) 40 Cus tom~ Men Seize 12.5 Kilograms of Raw Opium From Pakistan (Bent Bak Andersen; BERLINGSKE TIII~NDE, 27 Nov 80) 41 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 r'ox ur~r~l~~EU. u~~ UIVLI ` . Brie fs 42 - Tougher Drugs Smuggling Sentence NETHERLANDS = a Rotterdam Police Arrest Swede in Cannabis Smuggling Case 43 ~ (Leif Dahlin; DAGENS NYHETER, 19 Nov 80) NOFdr1AY C~slo Child Protection Agency Stuciies Drug-User Mnthcrs 45 (ARBEIDERBLADET, 24 Nov 80) . . . . . ~ . . Briefs 46 Drug Fight Funds Voted SWEDEN Home Cultivation of Cannabis Shows Great Increase 4~ (Lotta Schullerqvist; DAGENS NYHETER, 25 Nov 80) � � � � � � � � � � � Enforcement Measures Successful in Reducing Prison Drug Use 49 ' ~ � (Dag Bjerke; SVENSRh DAGBLAII~T, 23 Nov - Report Indicates 10 Percent Increase in Drug Deaths 51 - (Ingrid von Bergen; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 22 Nov 80)..-�������� Customs in Gothenburg Seizes Largest-Ever Hashish Cache 52 (Margareta Artsman; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 1$ No~ 80)�.���������� Customs Officials in Helsingborg Seize Recard Drug Amc~"nt S~ _ (Per-Erik Langqvist; SVENSKA DAGBLAllET, 18 Nov 80) . . . . . . -d- FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONL'~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 AUSTRALIA FIVE SENTENCED ON VARIETY OF DRUG CHARGES Perth 1HE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 1 Nov 80 p 29 [Text] Four men and a youth were gaoled yesterday after pleading guilty to drug charges. Mar-k Anthony Rewi (22) and Ian Stanley Hall (35), were described by Judge Ackland ~ _ in the District Court as the go-between and the supplier in a drug deal at Lee- derville in March this year. Rewi, a labourer, of Flinders Street, Mt Hawthorn, and Hall, unemployed, of Cold- stream Street, Leederville, were each sentenced to two years' gaol with a mini- - mum of 12 months. Shane William Evans (21), unemployed, of The Strand, Bayswater, was sentenced to 21 months on each of twu charges involving the Fossession and sale of cannab~s. Judge Ackland ordered the sentences to be served concurrently and set a nine- month m~nimum. He told Evans that he had dealt in cannabis for a profit. Such people had to - be dealt with severely, he said. Student Mark Ian Groves (24), a medical student of McMillan Street, Victoria Park, was - sentenced to two years' gaol, with a 12-month minimum, for possessing cannabis in July witl~ intent to sell or supply. Anthony Robert Waddell (20), hotel yardman, of George Street, North Beach, was sentenced to 12 months with a six-month minimum for possessing cannabis with intent to sell or supply it at North Beach in May. - CSO: 5300 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 ~USTRALIA STL'DY FI~DS LIVK 3ET:Jc.E\ DR[:GS, ali i0 ~CCIDEVTS 'telbourne THE :~GE in Eng lish 11 ~ov 80 p 16 [Article by Philip `Iclntosh: "Road C rashes Linked to Drug-Taking"] [ T. e:c t ] , Widely used mind-3ffecting taken canuabis. "Theq indiated. hc said. Dr VV'ilson said peopte drugs appeared to play a iiovvever, [hat psycbo~ctive taking psychoactive drugs shou}d significant role in traffic ~SS. ~e~~r ~1one or with realise chat the drug m~ght lm- ueensland alcohol, p1aY a si8aificam ro1~ ~ pair their drivirg abil~ty by up accidents, a Q causing fatal and non-fatal traf- to 10 per cenc. ~ Government study has found. ~ a~~dents." he said- "W~n "Alcohol might impair their The Government Medical Of~i- cannabis can ~~�~Qd~ ability also by 10 per cenG But cer, Dr D. G. Wilson, said che sratistics, the significanoe w~11 be if they take the two together, fi~ng prav~d the need for doc- even more obvious." the impairment is compounded tors to warn pacients not to ~t mu~t be the du~7 ot eve~rY and it is much more than 2(1 PeT drink or drive while. akin8 doctor to uad+erstand fuHy tbe cent," he said. tain dru&s� properties of every dnr8 he .Pr~" Dc Wilson said that cannabis, Autopsy statisiics showed that scrilxs and W~mew~~~ ry because oi its cridesPread use, a significant percentage of Bris- not to d~iv~e. ope was a particularly dangerous hane moconsts were dnvmg after oT drin~C a~cohol while takin8 psy~~~tive drug. certain druSs." Dr wils�n said. ��~ere is evidence that the 17 _ taking mind-affecting drugs� to 24 age group is over-repre- Dr Wilsoa said it was unfor- "If che doctor doesn't ceH t!'?e tuna~e that some druB manufac- paiient, the patient should ask." ~nted in cannabis use - as they turers had not adopted a volun- 'Ihe resuits of the study wen are in road accidenc statistics." tary code of atcaching appropriate pu~}~;hed in the 'Australian Dr W~lson said two mechods warnin labels on drugs ac:ing for detecta?g cannabinoids in g Journal ot ~a~a~ ~~ry a~go bt~ were used in Queensland: on the antSal necvous sYstem. Said cho PharmacY radio-immunoassay and another Autopsies on 88 drivers killed had a duty to attach vrarning technique knovm as ED~[IT� showed that ruore chan 10 oer ~~~5 to each packa8e al a d~+8 'i'he Governrnent Chemical Lab- cenc had taken sl~ifica�~ acting on the central netwaas ~~ri~, a-hich is respousible for - amounu of a psyci~oactive drug, - forensic toxicology ~n Qu~~l~ ~ somerimes wich alcohol. Phycha SYu~� had chosen the EMIT system. active drugs found in ti~e blood H~ said t~e `lational Th~~' ..D~~ties have arisen in this of ~rash v~ctims mcluded the ~~1C Co.-ntaittee had ro- ~n~que and, to date, no an~Y- ~ommon?y prescribed diazepam, ~~~~aed this u a~l~~ry tical resulu r.ave been used to _ _ methaqualone, propoayPhene and ~~~ers 3~ave ~p~n a caarge of drivmg under imipramune. adopted the recammendatioo; the influence at cannabis, Dr Dr W~son said the figures did o~ers. aafoctunaLelY. 1ssv~ not," Wilson said. not inclvde driv~ers who had , CSO: ~300 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 AUSTRALIA ~ BFIEFS . CANNABIS GROWER JAILED--A man was sentenced in the District Court yesterday eo two years' gaol for a cannabis offence. Judge Acklaad set a one-year minimum for Harry Leslie Caine (39), unemployed, of Leonard Street, Victoria - I'ark. Caine was found guilty by a Fremantle magistrate in August of possess- ing cannabis at Victoria Park on March 25 with intent to sell or supply. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. Judge Ackland said that Caine was convicted in 1973 of ano~her charge involving cannabis. Caine was intelligent and had committed the present offence with his "eyes wide open." Caine had, in effect, ~ defied the law. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 4 Nov 80 p 26] }IOWLETT SENTENCED--A drug supplier who i~sed a 17-year-old heroin addict in a deal was gaoled yesterday. Michaeal Caine Howlett (25) was sentenced to six years' gaol with a three-year minimum before parole. Howlett, silversmith, of ldarerloo Crescent, East Perth, was convicted by a Supreme Court jury last month after pleading not guiity to two counts of supplying morphine to another at Leighton on June 20 this year. Mr Acting Justice Pidgeon said that Howlett supplied SOg of Morphine to the 17-year-old boy and then went with him to the Entertainment Centre car park. He waited in the background while the boy ' negotiaCed with a drug buyer. [Excerpt] [Perth THE I,TEST AUSTRALIAN in English a rrov $o p 34 ] CSO : 5300 ~ 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 ~IALAYSIA TEEN~GE ADDICTS SE:1T TO S~R~,wAK REHABILIT~TIOV CE:iTER Kuala Belait BORNEO BULLETIN in English 15 :Zov 80 p 10 [Excerpt) ,y,i~, _ Five students, one a IS-year-old, have been amoc~g - the drug addicts sent to the state government's rehabilitation centre in Kuching for treatment since it opene~ in January. ~ Of the five, three were at school in the Fourth Forru, one in the Third Form, che other the Fifth Form. Re}ubilicaaon cenve (between 20 and 30), officer Encik Daljit Chiaese and invdved in Singh gare the informa- various criaxs-robbery, tion at an anti-drug fo- extortion and theft. rum in ~firi to show He also axntioned the the zge level drug abuse other places where ad- u reaching ia Sarawal~. dicts are prevalen~ arc He remarked it was Kuching, Sibu and Sa- ~hocking children of i~ r'tFei, while police hsve should be involved. also found some in Lim- " The forum wa~ held bang. is part of che opening Deputy head o4 ~Siri late last month of the Ctutatu Encik Fnakie Fourth Division branch ;~iyunhoi told the fo- of the Persatuan Lfence- ntm his department is gah Salahguna Dadah strrogthening iu anh- Malaysi3 (Pemadam for drug unit, and more offi- 9hort - the rutional an- cers are to be sent to ri-drug abuse association). Austnlia, thc li nited Encik Daljit said 100 Snres and West Gersaa. addicu had been seat co nv tor traininq. the centre (che total in- The Pemsdam bnn^h cluding two grn~ernment wu opened by Aui~tant servancs). ~tany had Welfare ~tinister Puan - been addicted for xvenl Hxfiah Huun, who hu . yean, wme for aimost a bxa to the focefronc in decade; most af them are uue effons to fight the Chinae. dru6 men~,ce. The centre's courx of The brinch sdded an- treatment unully l.uu other link to the chain; riz months and af those there aze groups admitted ~}4 have now in Kuehing, Sarikei, feft afur being c~auiFied Bandar Sri Aman and, - ~ ~u~� also recendy, Bintulu. ~firi police mprcxnta� $he aiso reiterattd a tive Inspector Gob $eng call for total involvement Hock taid the addiction oE the public i~ the war problem in this district against drugs. Equally, began malcing its pre- she hopes the public will xnce felt chxee vean a3o. acceot baclc into society '~fost of those now be- thoae addicts cured by inR caught ue young the rehabiliution centre. CSO: ~300 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 : - MALAYSIA BRIEFS HERO~N SEIZED--Police have seized 12'~ pounds of No. 3 heroin and arrested eight sus- pected drug traffickers in two ambushes at Alor Star and Butterworth. The first seizure occurred on 2 November at a taxi stand in Alor Star. Three packets of hero- in weighing about 2? pounds were confiscated and three men were arrested. Four _ others were arrested in a follow-up operation. On 3 November police laid an amb ush at Pantai Berseh on the road north of Butterworth. When a motorcyclist stopped near a car parked off the main road, police moved in and seized 10 packets of heroin weigh- ing about one pound each. One suspect was arrested but three suspects in the car es- i caped. [Kuala Lumpur NEW ST RAITS TIMES in English S Nov 80 p 32] ; HEROIN ARREST--Amiruddin bin Mohamed, 28, a laborer, todaq received a 7-month sen- tence for possession of 0.19 grams of heroin and 0.02 grams of mnrphine on Jalan Hume in Ipoh on 8 September. [Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 13 Nov 80 p 7] CONSTABLE ON TRIAL--Police Constable V. Karunanethe, 23, is being tried in Johore Baru for possession of 42 tubes of heroin weighing 3.80 grams in the bachelors' quar- ters at tne police depot here on 15 February 1979. [Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES � 13 Nov 80 p 11J - BROKE INTO CLINIC--Jong Fui Leong, 21, of Kampung Lopeng, Miri, has beet. given a year's probation for breaking into Dr Victor Lee's clinic in Miri on 7 September and stealing Roche pills and capsules and some liquid morphine. Jong, an addict, was treated at the government polyclinic while awaiting trial and is now considered cured. [Kual.a _ Eelait BORNEO BULLETIN in En glish 15 Nov 80 p 10] TREATI~NT FOR ADDICT--The Miri District Court has directed that Tan Hock Seng, 25, of Jee Foh Road, Miri, be sent to the Kuching dru~ rehabilitation center for treatment. [K~sala Belait BORNEO BULLETTN in English 15 Nov 80 p lOJ CSO: 5300 ~ 5 i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 PAKISTAN - BRI EFS PUPPY CULTIVATION DECREASING--Poppy cultivatCon has been brought down from 31589 acrea in 1975 to 8874 acres in 1979-80, according to a Press statement by Ikramullah Khan of Drub House, member Provircial Council N.W.F.P. The statement - said ~hat the United Nations Drug Abuse Control ~'rogramme could not have been successful in the Frontier Province without the active cooperation and firm imple- mentation of control over poppy cultivation by the Provincial Government, It said that the credit for this achievement goes to the Governor of NWFP Lt. Gen. Fazle-Haq who has recently attended an international seminar on drug abuse control arranged by U.N. at Paris in which the policy of the Government of Pakistan has greatly been appreciated. [Text] [Peshawar KHYBER MAIL in English 5 Dec 80 p 8] CONTRABAND GOODS SEIZED--Bannu, Nov. 28: During drive against the anti-social _ elements, a number of person s were arrested and contraband op ium and charas r~covered from them. One shot gun, 440 cartridges and 2,000 gms. of gunpowder _ - b esides 1500 gms. of opium and 150 gms of charas was seized. [Excerpt] [Islamabad THE MiJSLIM ir. English 29 Nov 80 p 6] OPIUM SEIZURE IN MULTAN--Police have arersted Zamir Gul for allegedly possessing four kilo opium c~sting to about Rs 2 lakh. [as published] The accused, it is ~ alleged is stated to be linked with a gang of smugg.lers of narcotics. [TextJ [Karachi DAWN in English 22 Nov 80 p 8~ OPIUM SMUGGLERS ARRESTED--Lahore, 29: ~ao contraband charas and opium smugglers have been brought to book by the Range Crime Police in collaboration with the Excise staff here on Monday. A raiding party, headed by the S.P., Mr Saleem Tariq Lone, made a ring round the house of Ghulam Mohammad alias Kugree in Nasir Park, Bi]al Gunj, and succeeded in hauling the contraband Charas worth Rs. 6 lakh. It weighed 2 1/2 kil.o. Qn ha~ing fallen to the trap, the smuggler pin- ' pointed another den in Baghbanp~ira. The raiding staff immediately reached the house ~ ~ and held Munir Ahmad, who w~as leaving for the delivery in car No. LHA 2662 to his accomplice. [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 30 Nov 30 p 10] SMUCGLERS CAUGHT AT BORDER--Lahore, Dec 10: Two smugglers were apprehended, trying to take opium to India, near Pakistan-India border here Burki police party, headen by SHO Fazal Ahmed Masud, held Sadiq Masih and Siraj Masih, of village _ Maniala and recovered 2 1/2 klograms of opium from their possession.--PPI [as - published] [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 11 Nav 80 p 4J 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 I , POLICE SEIZE 1100 KG OPIUM--Lahore, Dec 14: Misri Shah Police raided the house of KY!urshiduz Zaman and Moha~nad Zaman alias Bugoo resident in Farooq Ganj and stated to have recovered 60 kilograms of contraband charas, 1100 kilogram of _ opium, a sten gun and a foreign made revolver from their possession. The accused have been arreste3.--PPI [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 15 Dec 80 p 5] CSO: 5300 ~ ~ 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 PEOFLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA FIVE OPIUM PEDDLERS WITH PREVIOUS RECORDS ARRESTID Hangzhou ZHEJIANG RIBAO in Chinese 6 Sep 80 p 3 [Article: "Yueqing Country Uncovers Z`wo Narcotics Cases"] ~Text) Recently, the Public Securitq Bureau of Yueqing County [Zhejiang Province] uncovere3 in rapid succession two cases of opium peddling and arrested five crim- - - inals, Lu Jiaofeng [7120 1293 7685], Zhu Chenshan [2612 7115 0610], Chin Xinkang " [6855 2450 1600], Wu Kanghuan [0702 1660 3883] and Zhou Qingchang [0719 1987 2490] - in accordance with the law. Un the morning of 3 May this year, Zhuo Tengzang [0587 4098 5661A], an Industry and Trade Administration cadre in the Hungqiao District of Yueqing County apprehended ~ a woman by the name of Lu Jiaofeng carrying opium on the road from Danqi Commune to the town of Hungqiao. Armed with this lead, the Public Security Bureau of Yue- qing County immediately assigned the necessary personn~l to look into the case. It was found that on 25 March, Lu Jiaofeng and her cohort Ch~n Xinkang had gone to the Huai Battalion of Huatan Co~une in Yongjia County and bought 7.3 liang of opium from Zhu Chenshan. They then proceeded to Gansu Province with the intention of selling it. However, the deal fell through when they f ailed to agree upon a price. They were caught by Comrade Zhuo Tengzang while Lu Jiaofeng was in the process of returning the opium to Zhu Chenshan. During the trial, the Public Security Bureau of the county further discovered that Ching Xinkang, aside from dealing in narcotics on that parti~cular occasion, had, _ - together with Wu Kanghuan, Zhou Qir.gchang and Wu Bujian (0702 2975 0256] bought 5 liang of opium at the Hua~an Commune in Yongjia County in Jar.uary of this year and had sold it in Linxia County, Gansu. The bureau then assigned somebody to go to Gansu to investigate the case. With the assistance of the concerned authorities in Gansu, he learned that Chin Xinkang and Wu Kanghuan, after having brought the opium to Gansu, had sold it at a high price and reaped a great profit. Lu Jiaofeng, Zhu Chenshan, Wu Kanghuan, Chin Xinkang, and Shou Qingchang had all been sentenced to prison terms in the past for drug trafficking or forgery. In ac- cordance with the provisions of Criminal Law 171 of the People's Republic of China, and witn the approval of the People's Court in Yueqing County, the Public Security Bureau put the five culprits under arrest. 9621 CSO : 5 300 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA _ OVER 30 DRUG ADDICTS, DEALERS APPREHENDID, SENTENCID Guangzhou NANFANG RIBAO in Chinese 23 Sep 80 p 2 [Text] A number of drug addicts and drug dealers from Hong Kong, posing as passengers to Macao, have recently been apprehended for resorting to devious means of smuggling such narcotics as heroin and morphine into China and for engaging in - illegal drug traffic for profit, to the detriment of public order and the health _ of the people. In July and August alone, public security authorities in Guang- zhou have apprehended 34 offenders in flagrante delicto and hane seized a quantity of narcotics and drug paraphernalia. In order to uphold the law and to take effec- tive measures against the criminals, the public security authorities in Guangzhou, with the approval of the People's Court of that city, put the drug a~dicts and dealers under arrest. Five of the offenders were given prison terms. Seventeen were sentenced to labor reformatory. The rest were either put under administrative detention or given monetary fines. , Some of the offenders were also found to have engaged in criminal acts such as smuggling. For example, drug dealers Chen Fanghua [7115 5364 5478] and Zhu Hancang - [2612 3352 5547) smuggled in and sald a quantity of heroin and then bought a quantity of gold from a worker by the name of Ho who was attached to a certain unit from another province. They were caught by the public security authorities while trying to smuggle 516 grams of gold out of ~he country. To cite another case, Lin Wenqiang [2651 2429 1730] was caught by the customs authorities and fined 1,000 yjan for trying to smuggle expensive medicinal herbs and musk out of the country. On 14 Au- _ gust, he was ~aught on the spot while trying to smuggle narcotics in from Hong Kong. With the approval of the People's Court, the three offenders Chen Fanghua, Zhu Hancang and Lin Wenqiang were arrested and dealt with in accordance with the law. ~ 9621 CSO: 5300 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 BOL IV IA ' BRIEFS COCAINE TR.AFFICKERS ARRESTED--The National Dangerous Drugs Directorate reported that during a raid carried out this week in the La Floresta district, in Montero, the police arrested three persons involved in the trafficking of cocaine. It - also reported the discovery of a cocaine processing factory 3 km southeast oE Buen Retiro. [La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish 9 Dec 80 p 9 PY] CSO: 5300 10 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 COIAMSIA DAS CHIEF DISCUSSES RECENT OPERATIONS _ Bogota EL TIEI~O in Spanish 17 Oct 80 p 7-B (Article by Kector Rodriguez Villa: "One Hundred Eighty Dismissals in 6 Months; Seven Agents Killed by Traffickers") [Text] One hundred eighty employees of the Administrative Department of Security (D~AS) were dismissed this year, iil:t~e 1I18ti~IIt20S~S~m4~aliz~ng_*,~~ive-~; ~c~eii~dlln~to the national chief of that agency, Manuel Guillermo Silva Gonzalez. ~ T ~ s m ~ ~'y5' yf~ S `~j~ s : ~ t ' , ~ '~i`~' : $ ~ / z" ~ . ~'4 t A~ . ~ , fi~fy ~v~ ,.g ' S~'~. ~ ~ ~ y~ S ~Q~ ~ - t ~~S : � .F ~ e F ~ .k 7 ,Y . ! : y t . ~ 6~ s;~ t r s n K ' d 3~ z ~ ro -.s' ~ h~ ~~,c~Yr .h.. . y'~ f~ ~ 9a , S ~ i ~iS ~ ' ~I ~ ~ Z ~ ~ % R ' ,t ~ ~ .L.. n' i, L~ 1~~: A ~ it Y 1 ? , n . ~w;. . . ~ . ~ . . . F.. . . ~ : ; i�. G.; . r ~ ~ , t "f , ~f u x ` �S e+' Y ~ ~ ~ t'." . ~ ~ i~ c� ; ~ ~ . . 4q , ~ . W. ~.~n' fw . ` ~F - ` Danie! Mana Ruben Enrrque Milbe~ valietti Machado tiled~na Da~l Og~~o M~dina Dall'Ogliu Pwq FleurquM Eugen~o Ferrru.i 9674 CSO: 5300 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 IRAN - BRIEF~ THIRTY TONS OF DRUGS SEIZED--Tehran--Over 108 billion rials and about 30 tons of narcotic drugs were accumulated during a 7-month anti-narcotic campaign, said Hojjatolesla~ Sheikh Sadeq Khalkhali. The Persian press quoted the anti-drlig chief as having informed that the confiscated properties and a ~ stock of about 30 tons of narcotics including morphine, hash and heroin will _ bz registered and listed under the supervision of concerned authorities and handed over to the High Judicial Council. Khalkhali was reported having quoted specific figures in millions spent for charitable activities and con- structive measures implemented by deriving from the amounts accumulated during the anti-narcotics drive. [Text) [Tehran TEHRAN TIMES in English 8 Dec 80 p 1] NARCO'TICS LAB SEIZED--Tehran (PARS)--The anti-15arcotics Strike Force of Nojjatoleslam Khalkhali discovered a narcotics laboratory during the last 24 hours, PARS reported yesterday. In this operation, 10 narcotics dealers in possession of large quantities of opium were captured. Hojjatoleslam Khalkhali said, in this discovery, 1204 kilogra~nes of heroin, 500 grammes of morphine, 20 liters of acetic, 94 kilogracrnnes of opium, 4703 kilogrammes of opium extracts, 200 grams of burned opium and 5 ki~ograms of hashish were f ound. [Text] [Tehran TEHRAN TIMES in English 3 Dec 80 p 2] EIGH'r SMUGGLERS EXECUTED--Tehran--PARS reported Thursday that the Anti- Narcot~cs Court headed by }lojjatoleslam Hoseyn Safai sentenced to death eight d rug smugglers and traffickers on charges of distributing narcotics. The sen- t ences were carried out at dawn on Wednesday. [Text] [Tehran TEHRAN TIMES in F.nglish 6 Dec 80 p 1] DRUGS, ARMS CONTRABAND DISCOVERED--The public relations office of the Gendarmerie of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced: The gendarmerie of th e Islamic Sistan va Baluchestan region during the past days dis- covered 12 weapons, 1,772 kg of ammunition, 75 kg of opium, 107 grams of heroin, 13,460 kg of hashish, 255,420 packets of foreign cigarettes and large quantities of contraband goods. In connection with these discoveries a number of people have been arrested and handed over to the law authorities. [Text] [LD131400 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1030 GMT 13 Dec 80J CSO: 5300 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 KUWAIT _ BRIEFS HASHISH SELLERS ARRESTED--The CID of Qibla District yesterday nabbed two Indians for trafficking in narcotics, Police investigations had said that Nigel W, 22 and Stanely A, 25, were narcotic pedlars. A police informant was able to hoodwink Nigel into believing that he wanted some stuff for personal use. Nigel accompanied him to an Indian restaurant near the Ministry of Finance where the second suspect gave him the hasheesh for cash. At a signal policemen closed in upon the two suspects, caught them and recovered the marked currency notes, The full story unfolded with further interrogation. The second suspect said he used to obtain - narcotic drugs from ships berthed at the Shuwaikh port and take them into the city. The first suspect distributed them. He reportedly admitted to the police that he had more hasheesh in store at home. The second suspect too confessed to his complicity in the case, which was referred to the District Attorney. [Text] [Kuwait KUWAIT TIMES in English 23 Nov 80 p 3] ! CSO: 5300 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES BRIEFS EIGHT KILOS OF OPIUM CONFISCATED--The Dubai police yesterday arrested a member of one of the largest narcotics gangs in Dubai after a chase that lasted 13 days between Dubai and A1-'Ain. Lieutenant Ahmad A1-Naqib, an investigative officer of ~ the Dubai police, was able to arrest the head of the gang, Nasir Ahmad, who had concluded a transaction in Iran with one of his accomplices for eight kilos of raw opium, He then returned to the UAE by way of Muscat to receive the delivery from an Iranian agent who had undertaken to smuggle the opium to him by sea. [Text) [Sharjah AL-KHAI,IJ in Arabic 9 Dsc 80 p 1] CSO: 5300 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 DENMARK DANISH POLICE ARREST TURKS SUSPECTED OF HEROIN SMUGGLING TO FRG Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 28 Nov 80 p 5 [Text] Danish narcotics police believe they have found two of the men behind the smuggling of Kurdistan heroin from Turkey to West Geraiany. This happened in connection with the investigation into the Turkish heroin gang that was uncovered when the narcotics division in Copenhagen detained 31-year- old Fethi Yxulemz who arrived by car from Munich where he works fox the ~ _ [Augsberg-Nuernberg Machine Factory, Inc.~ concern. The Turk had only been in Denmark for 2 hours when the police stopped him on Sunday, 2 November, at 0500 hours on his way to Copenhagen. They found 4 kg of pure heroin hidden in the car. The sales value is around 40 million kroner. Later five more Turks were arrested in Copenhagen in the case against Yxulemz. Telephone wiretapping and hidden microphones, one of them in a room in a hotel in Copenhagen, provided the police with evidence against the gang. A few of the Turks in the gang live in West Germany. - Uncovering the heroin gang was solely the work of the Danish police and in the further investigation they also discovered two men in Ankara who are believed to be the main suppliers of Kurdistan heroin te various dealer organizations in western Europe. The narcotics division of the Copenhagen Police is going to ask the Turkish po- lice to arrest and charge the two men. No decision has yet been made about send- ing Danish policemen to Ankara. If tiiis is done it would be the first time Danish policemen worked in Turkey. The Danish narcotics division is now working with the West German police on the case. The detention period for the five Turks runs out today. Police will ask for a 4-week extension. 6578 CSO: 5300 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 DENMARK CUSTOMS MEN SEIZE 12.5 KILOGRAMS OF RAW OPIUM FROM PAKISTAN Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 27 Nov 80 p 5 [Article by Bent Bak Andersen] [Text] A suitcase full of opium and heroin gave a 20-~ear-old Algerian cold feet yes terday when he arrived at Kastrup Airport. The street value of the _ drugs is more than 20 million kroner. The narcotics courier came in on a Pakistan Air Lines plane but when he got into ; the transit area and had to go through customs he became so nervous that he left ~ the suitc ase standing there and tried to go through customs without it. ~ But the customs men pointed out to him that he had left his suitcase behind and an a gent was kind enough :.o get it for him. When the suitcase was opened the drug s spilled out onto the counter. In the suitcase they found 12.5 kg of raw opium and in a pocket in the suitcase they found several small transparent bags con taining 1.115 kg of heroin at a cost of 10,000 kroner per gram. The heroin was packed in bags marked "Dextrose," a totally innocuous substance. If the r aw opium had been refined into heroin it could have brought in 10-12 million kroner on the drugs market. The confiscated drugs probably come from Turkey which has once again become a big producer and supplier to the West European market. The narc otics police did not wish to provide further inforcnation on the case - yesterd ay since a large-scale investigation is underway to wind up the Danish _ receiving net~+TOrk. The Algerian will be brought up before the examining magis- trate to day behind closed doors. 6578 CSO: 5 300 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 DENMARK BRIEFS TOUGHER DRUGS SMUGGLING SENTENCE--The Eastern District Su~erior Court gave a stiffer drugs sentence to 28-year-old Allan Wiermann, from 1 to 3 1/2 years in prison. He was sentenced for having smuggled in on three trips around 300 grams of heroin from Holland to Denmark and for. having assisted in getting a batch of 3-500 kg of hashish through customs. After having originally con- firmed in detail the heroin smuggling charge he claimed in court that he was in Holland for the purpose of selling batik elephants. This explanation was re- jected by both Copenhagen M.unicipal Court and the Eastern District Superior Court. The superior court explained the stiffer sentence by pointing to the - numerous trips abroad while actively partici ating in the smuggling of "not in- significant" quantities of heroin. ~Text~ ~Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 14 Nov 80 p 5] 6578 CSO: 5300 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 NETHERLANDS ROTTERDAM POLICE AP.REST SWEDE IPI CANNABIS SMUGGLING CASE Stockholm DAGENS NYHETER in Swedisn 19 Nov 80 p 35 [Article by Leif Dahlin] [Text) A 30-year-old Stockholm man has been arrested by Dutch police in Rotterdam on suspicion of taking part in one of the biggest narcotics smuggling cases ever uncovered in Holland. The Swede was on board the fishing boat on which 1,500 kilo- grans of cannabis, worth tens of millions of Sweaish kronor, were seized last Friday. Those arrested along with the Swede included four Dutch men and a Dutch woman. Ac- cording to reports, the boat had come from a port on Spain's Costa del Sol and was going to sail on to ~~enmark after a short stay in Rotterdam. It was by accident t~~at some police and customs officers noticed the boat last Fri- c,ay. It was navigating so strangely as it passed through a lock that they decided to go on board for an inspection. One of the customs officers also thought that he recognized the boat. The former name on the stern had been painted over. Further investigation revealed that the vessel had sunk off the Dutch coast in 1974 while involved in the smuggling of 300 kilograms of cannabis. Police have now learned that the boat was subsequently salvaged in secret and again used in smuggling. Cordoned Off , The boat was taken to the wharf, and the area was cordoned off by police with dogs trained to detect narcotics. The boar, measuring about 20 meters in length and 6 meters in width, was searched. Sacks containing a total of 1,500 kilograms of cannabis were discovered in secret rooms. All six of those on board were arrested. Through INTERPOL, Dutch police requested cooperation in the investigation from the Swedish Criminal Police Corps. - _ Police Sup~rintendent Karl-Erik Augustson of the Narcotics Section confirmed that several house searches were made as a result of the Swede's arrest. But the investigation shows that the Swede, who once worked as a taxi driver in Stockholm, does not have a criminal past. He left Sweden last summer, telling his relatives that he intended to visit a Mediterranean country. 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 Reticent The Swedish Consulate in Rotterdam has not received any inquiries concerning help for the Swede. On the contrary, the police have been very reticent about what the ~ interrogation has revealed so far. ; According to Superintendent Augustson, it can be regarded as probable, regardless of the role the Swede played, that a large portion of the confiscated shipment of can- nabis was intended for the narcotics market in Scandinavia. 11798 - CSO: 5300 44 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 NORWAY - OSLO CHILD PROTECTION AGENCY S'TUDIES DRUG-USER MOTHERS Oslo ARBEIDERBLADET in Norwegian 24 Nov 80 p 3 [TextJ "The Child Protection Agency in Oslo has reported an increase in the number of young girls who ar e drug addicts and who become pregnant and give birth. Until now we have handled them as individual cases. But we recently decided to take up the situation as a whole in a meeting de~~nted entirely to it at the Child Protection Agency, and that meeting will be held in January." So said Ka~_ Ekanger, chairmaa of the Oslo Child Protection Agency, in a comment on - ARBEIDERBLADET's report on Saturday which said, "New drug concern in Oslo, addict mothers give b irth and keep the children and continue to use drugs." "We have to have a reasonable and thorough discussion of the remedies available to the agency," said Kai Ekanger to ARBEIDERBLADET. "Are our remedies sufficient? Should we continue to handle addicted mothers and their children as individual cases? Or do we need something more, some entirely special remedies in addition?" ~ "What remedies are available to the agency today?" "Now and then we put the infant in a foundlin~ home, other times the mother and the child are sent to a home for mothers, and a third solution is supervision. "It is not easy. Now and then the mother is so young that she herself is also a - client of ours. Other times the mother is much older. Our problem is how to synchronize these different and individual cases." Kai Ekanger said, "We are aware of these increasing numb ers, and we will discuss them in January." 9287 CSO: 5300 ~ 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074410-4 NORWAY BRIEFS DRiJG FIGHT FUNDS VOTED--Oslo, 28 Nov--Yesterday the Storting appi~opriated 16.~ million kroner--10 million more than the government had requested--for special projects for drug abusers. The measure was adopted after a unanimous recommen- dation from the Committee on Social Affairs. These funds will be used by the Ministry of Social Affairs in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Narcotics Problems for so-called "untraditional projects." An appropriation of 1.5 million was also approved in this year's budget to set up a new section of Gaustad hos- pital. for heavily addicted drug abusers. The new section will be located in the ~ former director's quarters of the hospital. The Storting also approved 11.4 _ million kroner for the government clinic for drug addicts at Hov i Land, and to _ the government recovery center in Oslo. [Text] [Oslo AFTENPOSTEN in Norwegian 28 Nov 80 p 3] 9287 CS 0 : 5 300 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 SWEDEN HOME CULTI'JATION OF CANNABIS SHOWS GREAT INCREASE Stockholm DAGENS NYHETER in Swedish 25 Nov a0 p 37 [Article by Lotta Schullerqvist] [Text] "The growing of cannabis in Sweden has increased sharply in recent years. It is being cultivated almost everywhere in the country, from Skane in the south to Vilhelmina in the north. And the cannabis that is grown is at least as strong as imported marihuana. We have found samples that are stronger than hashish of normal quality." So says Marianne von Wachenfeldt, a chemist at the National Criminal Po- lice Registry and Forensic Laboratory (SKL) in Linkoping. She works with analyses cf cannabis and says that the number of cannabis cases has doubled in a coup~e of years. The increase involves chiefly homegrown cannabis. "Today there is certainly more Swedish-grown marihuana in Sweden th~n is smuggled in. It will be risky if its cultivation spreads, because most people do not take the - dangers of homegrown 'grass' seriously. They do not realize that their plants can have such a high THC content. The highest we have found in 'Swedish' cannabis is 7.5 percent." _ (THC is the intoxicating substance.) In 1972 the SKL examined 50 samples of confiscated hashish. At that time, the THC . content varied between 0.3 and 10.5 percent. "There are hundreds of cannabis growers in Uppsala. We could spend a whole month doing nothing but confiscating t~ie fields we know about. But we can't spare the time," says Detective Inspector Tommy Fredriksson, who works in the Narcotic:s Divi- sion of the Uppsala Police. "Marihuana is grown in the open, on roofs, on windowsills, on balconies, and in closets using greenhouse lamps. And it is the real thing that is being grown. If the ban on cultivation for one's own use is lifted, as many people wish, there will r be no mor~ barriers against anyone smeking it--since, of course, it will not even . cost money." _ According to Marianne von Wachenfeldt, home cultivation of cannabis is quite a new phenomenon. 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070010-0 "It began in the summer of 1973 here in Linkoping, when police discovered that mari- huana which young people had picked from a farmer's field outside of town was being smoked in large quantities. The farmer was growing it for his pigs. The press played the story up big, and thus the word sprea