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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9444 15 ~7ecember 1980 - U SS R Re ort p . . - ~ ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ~ (F4U~ ~fi/803 - FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL iJSE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in bracke ts are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information wa s processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor - mation wa; summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. - The contents of this publication in no way represent the pol i- c ies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS A ND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATI~N OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 F(Ht OFFiCIAL USE ONLY - JPRS L/9A44 15 December 1980 USSR REPORT ~ ELEC7RONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (FOUO 16/80) CONTENTS ~rrr~xx~s Reduction of Nonlinear Distortioas ~n Reception of FM Signals by , Using a ~ao-Ring Trackiag Filter Circuit . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ CIRC.UIT THEORY AND PRACTICE Comment on the Article "Accuracy of MQasuring the Frequency and ~ Angle of Arrival of Signals Recaived by aii Antenna Array Agaiast a Baclcground of Interfereace With Acoustic-Op~oelectronic � Processing" g � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 9 � COP4IIJIJICATIONS, COI~IUNICATION EQIIIPMENT, RECEIVERS AND 1TiA1+TSMITPERS, NS~ORKS, RADIO PHYSICS, IlATA TRANSMISSION APID PROCESSING, INFORMATION THLORY _ A Study of the Stability of an Algorithm for the Filtering of a Pseudorandom Signal Subject to the Action of Similar Capturing Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Noncoherent Coxrelation FiltPring of Camplex Signals . , . . . . . . . . 25 Optimization of Coumunications S~stems With Noise-Like Signals aad Correcting Codes . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 36 Resolution and Compression of Space-Time Signals . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ [~,l~, - Three Scientists in Fiber Optics Awarded A. S. Popov Prize 54 COMPONENTS AND CIRCUIT ELEI~NTS, WAVEGIIIDES, CAVITY RESONATORS AND FII,TERS Aspects of Design of Narrow-Band Filters of Surface Acoustic Waves 56 II~ECTROMAGNE`PIC WAVE PROPAGATION, ELECTRiODYNAMCCS Evaluations of the Effectiveness of Determining Parameters of the Marine Surface and Atmosphere by SVCh (Microwave) Radiometry,.,.,, 64 ' a- [II~ - USSR - 21E S&T FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 FOR OFFICIAL IISE 6NLY INSTRUMENrS, I~ASURING DEVICES ArID TESTERS, MET~DS OF MEASURING GENERAL EXPERIl~VTAL TECHNIQUES Scanning Device for Contact-Free Measurement of Temperature 71 Light Beam Splitter for Calibrating the Photametric Scale of Uptical Devicea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 - OPTOELECTROIIICS, QUASI-OPTICAL DEi1ICES Precision Servo System for Optical Interferoaneters. v 80 PflOTOELECTRIC PHENOMENA AND DEVICES, ELECTROLi1t~IINESCENCE, ION DEVICES Photocell With High Time Resolution for the Vacuwn IIltraviolet. 83 QUANI'[TM ELECTRONICS Dynamic Holographic Monitoring of Internal Heterogeneities of Semi- conductor Materials in the Near Infra-Red Region. . . . . . . . . . . 85 RALIARS, RADIONAVIGATION AIDS, DIRECTION FINDING, GYROS Potential Direction-Finding Accuracy of Z`racking Goniometers Uaing - Amplitude and Phase Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 ~ Yu. B. Kobza~ev Awarded A. S. Popov Gold Medal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 SEMLCOPIDUCTORS AND DIELECTRICS, CRYSTALS IN GENERAI~ A. V. Rzhanov Awarded Order of Lenin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 ~ . ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ANTENNl~S UDC 621.376.4.019.4 REDUCTION OF NONLINEAR DISTORTIONS IN RECEPTION OF FM SIGNA.I,S BY USING A ~4J0-RING TRACKING FILTER CIRCUIT Kiev IZVESTIYA WZov: RADIOELr.~CTRONIKA in Russian Vol 23, No 2, 1980 pp 48-52 manuscript received 26 Jun 78, after revision 5 Jul 79 [Article by G. L. de-Ribas] ~ ~ [Text] An analysis is made of the operation of a two- ring tracking filter that is a kind of threahold- reducing circuit for FM reception. A system of non- linear differentiaZ equations is derived that describes the operation of the circuit. It is shown on the b~sis of solution of this system that the proposed circuit reduces nonlinear distortions of the received signal as compared with conventional filters. ~ One :aay to improve interference immunity in reception of FM signals is - to include a tracking filter in the i-f channel of the receiver [Ref. 1]. The tracking filter is usually an isolated tank circuit K(Fig. 1) with _ a central frequency that is tuned by a feed~ack Input Outp t circuit consisting of amplitude limiter A0, ~X ~ A~ ~~~X frequency detector 4�Q, low-frequency filter ~F14, modulator M and adder C. The passband of the tracking filter tank is narrower than the M ~ spectrum of the received FM signal, which im- proves the threshold characteristics of the ~ M~ receiver. However, because of the mismatch between the instantaneous signal frequency and the central frequency of tank IC that is inherent . Fig. 1 in tracking filters, there may be considerable nonlinear distortions of the received signal. Such distortions can be redu~ed by supplementing the tracking filter with another feedbar,k ring [Ref. 2J that includes a tunable frequency detector - f14,q with central frequency tuned by modulator M1 and [low-frequency fil- ter] ~F141. The main conditions of effective operation of the two-ring _ tracking filter are identical laws for tuning of the central trequencies 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 ~ ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~f the tu.nable frequency detector and tank circuit, and also fast action - of the supplementary feedback ring. The first condition is met with the relatively small t~:~ing band relative to the central frequency of the - tank wli�~ch is the case for the proposed circuit. The second condition is sat.tsfied by the wide band of the resonant system of the tunable fre- _ quency detector and extra low-frequency filter [~F141). In virtue of the identity of laws of tuning of the middle frequency of the tunable fre- quency detector and the central frequencq of the tank circuit, the vol- ~ tage across the output of the tunable frequency detector is proportional to the mismatch between the instantaneous signal frequency and the cen- tiral frequency of the tank circuit. In the adder, this voltas;e is com- bined w~th the main control voltage, reducing the mismatch, ar,d hence redu~ing the nonlinear distortions of the received signal. To analyze the two-ring tracking filter by the method of reduced coordi- nates [Ref. 1J, the tunable tanlc circuit ~f the tracking filter must be - replaced by a conditional equivalent circuit comprising two mixers, be- tween which is a fixed tank circuit with passband and tuning frequency respectively equal to the passband and central frequency of the tunable tank circuit. In tr?e first mizer, the phase of the tank control voltage 0y is s~ibtracted from the phase of the output signal, and in the second m3xer the control voltage phas~ 6y is added to the phase of the signal _ passing through the tank. When FFi signal U(t~ =Umcos (~pt+0(t)) acts on a fixed tank circuit with passband 2aH and tuning frequency wp, the following system of nonlinear differential equations [Ref. 3] is valid for phase ~K(t) and amplitude V(t) of the voltage at the output of the tank circuit_: ~K ~ U v x SiFI (e - ey - ~K~ . y~ + a,~y = aKUm cos (6 - e, - ~K) (1) The phase of the signal at the output of the tunable tank circuit is ~m = ~r 8r� ~ 2) If it is assumed that the amplitude limiter does not introduce phase- frequency distortions, then the phase of the signal on the inputs of the frequency detectors 4,q and Il4A is also described by expression (2). Then we can write the following relations for the elements of the f eedback rings that describe their operation: *_he voltage at the output of low-frequency filter ~Fi4 with complex propa- ~ation ratio K(p) equal to U~(t) ~ SyA~~(t)K(p), where S,.~ is the dis- crimination of frequency detector the frequency of detecta~ f14,t~:va~cieB~gn accordance with the law f~yA(t) = S~ySM~~(t)K(p), where SM is the discriminat3:on^ofmodulator Ml~ 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY the voltage at the output of the tunab].e frequency detector is propor- tional to the difference between the inatantaneous frequency of the signal and the instantaneous tuning frer~uency of the tunable frequency detector: U~yA(t) = S~y,q (~~(t) - SMSyA~~~(t)K(p)), where 5~,~ is the dis- - crimination of the tunable frequency detector; the voltage at the output of filter o,~-~yl with complex propagation ratio ~ K1~P)~ U~l~t~ ~Snti,~Kl(P)~~~~t)-SM~yA~~~t)K~P~)� Since the control voltage consists of the sum of the voltages on the outputs of filters ~ti4 and ~Fi41, the tuning frequency of the two-ring tracking f ilters varies in accordance with the law f ~t) = SM~SyA~~~t)R(P) +S~y~~~(t) (1 - SMSyAK~P))K1 ~P) J ~ where SM is the discrimination of modulator M, which is equal to the dis- crimination of modulator M1 under condition of identity of the laws of _ . tuning of the central frequency of tank circuit K and the middle fre- quency of detector fl4,q. - Accordingly, the control phase is e er - s t ~T~ dT = S~~P~ [S.aK (P) -f- Sp.AKs (P) (1- S�S.,aK (P))l� (3) 0 When the ~H found from (2) is substituted in (1) with consideration of (3), system of equations (1) takes the form - Sx~4 ~SaAK ~P) -F- Sn~~(`t ll+~ ~ 1 _ 'Sr~aR ^ lpl~ - _ (Uma,~/V ) Sin (6 - ' (4 ) j/~ CxY ~ C~xUm COS ~e - - Introducing the notation for the phase difference of signals at the input and output of the two-ring tracking filter 9 - cp~ (5 ~ ` , and substituting (5) in (4), we get ; _ _ . _ _ _ _ e; . ~m~ S1Il ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~li l"'9A" `PI ~ v714A�`~V'~ \~~~yJOV7l" V'~/~J ~ ~ � ~V/ V' ; ~j' _ ~cUn;COS ~ l Thus the operation of the two-ring tracking filter circuit is described by a system of nonlinear differential equations analogous to the system ~ that describes the operation of the tracking filter in Ref. 3. A com- - parative analysis of these cir~cuits can be made with respect to the form 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' of their equivalent frequency responses. The equivalent frequency re- sponse is the ratio with ~hich the circuit propagates the frequency deviations of the input signal Ky(p), and is defined as the ratio of the amplitudes of frequency deviation of the voltage at the tank output �~p and the frequency deviation of the FM signal at its input 0[Ref. 1]. The equivalent f~-equency response of the two-ring tracking fllter ia found from solution of equations (6) in the linear eteady atate, i. e. under the conditions that sin cos ~1 [sic], V'= 0. In this case, the solution of (6) takes the form A � - 1-~- {(aA/P)/[ 1- KK (p) K,K: (P) KK~K Ks (P)J ' where SMS~ = K and SMS~yA = Kl . Coefficient Ky(p) is found by transformation of expressions (5) and (7): K, (p) = g ~ j ,i- {P~a*1[1-Kr (P)l} , (8) - where Ky(p) is the propagation ratio of the controlling circuit: Ky (p) = KK + K,K, (p) - KK1K (p) K, (p). (9) Expression (8) is analyzed under condition that filters ~hi4 and ~I-141 are integrating links with respective propagation-r~tios - K ~P) = a/~a P)~ ~ 10) K~ ~P) = a~/(a~ P); . (l 11 After substituting (1`0) and (11) in (8) and making simpleb!ut cumbersome transformations, we arrive at the following expressions for the modulus and phase of the propagation ratio respective2y: I K4 I= l~ AZ + B2,/(~-r~), (12) ~p arctg B/.A, (13). where A = a.,~ [azoc~ac,~ ~ZacZ (a,~ - a,K, -f- a,KK~ ' -t- c~^~ai - aK uKK!) (aK - aK - aiKi)]~ - B = waK {aza,, (1- K - K, KK1) - - ~2 [aatKKi - r~z a= (I - K) ai (1 - K!)l}~ C=�,�r - c~~~ D s~~~ a- Ka). based on the known relation for the equivalent frequency response of a tracking filter _ 1 K4~~ = 1 -I- {P/~ [ 1- KY (P)l } ' ~ 14 ~ where Ky (p) = KK (p)~ (15) 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 - - FOF OFFICIAL USE ONLY - and substituting (10) in (14), after appropriate transformations, we can get expressions analogous to (12) and (13) for the modulus and phase of the propagation ratio of frequency deviations ~f the tracking filter, - _ where ~ = aK ~a~ + Wza,~ w~acl~~ B = ~ ~w2 ac~ - ayl~; (16; C = ~ - WZ: D = c~ -I- a - Ka) ~ " Shown in Fig. 2 are the moduli and phases of the propagation ratios of frequency deviations of the two-ring tracking filter and the conventional ~racking filter as ~alculated from formulas (12), (13) and (16) for dif- _ ferent circuit parameters. IK,I ~ p3 _~o - /1 ~ ~ 6 94 _ . ,l0 ~ 60 pg 4 ~ 30 5 0.60 y B 12 /6 ZO _ Fig. 2 _ Curve 1 ie the modulus of Ky of the tracking filter computed at K= 0.9, - a= aK = 10 kHz. Curves 2 and 3 are the same for the two-ring tracking filter at ocl = 50 kHz and a2 = 5 MHz respectively. The addition of the supplementary feedback ring, as can be seen from Fig. 2, ensures more exact reproduction of the frequency deviation (less than the spread of the modulus of Ky), and introduces smaller phase shifts (curve 5 for the two-ring circuit as compared with curve 4 for the conventional tracking filter). However, in this case there is an expansion of the band of the equivalent frequency response of the two-ring tracking filter, i. e. the interference immunity of the circuit is impaired. Variation of al over a wide range (50 kAz-S MHz) has little influence on - the band of the equivalent frequency response at the same K1, whereas an increase in K1 ~eads to appreciable expansion of the equivalent fre- quency response (curve 6, where K1= 0.3, al = 5 MHz). A reduction in K _ at constant K1 leads to impairment of the effectiveness of the additional - ~ ring. For example curve 7, plotted for the conventional f~lter at K= 0.7, practically coincides with the curve for the two-ring filter calculated at K1~ 0.1. Greater effectiveness of the two-ring tracking filter can be realized by increasing K1, but in doing this, as can be seen _ from curve 8 plotted for K1 = 0.3, the band of the equivalent frequency reaponse is considerably expanded. The influen.ce of the additional - feedback ring on operation of the two-ring filter circuit shows up in improvement of the control coefficient Ky(p), i. e. in an approach of Ky(p) to unity. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY After making simplifying assumptions about the frequency independence of the feedback rings, i.. setting K(p) =1 and Kl (p) = 1, and from the condition of circuit stability assuming K< 1 and Rl < 1, we can draw the following simple conclusions by studying the expression fo~ the control coefficient Ky = K+K1 - KK1 at the maximum: The maxima of Ky at different K are reached when the condition K+K1 = 1 is met; the absolute maximum of Ky is reached a.s K approaches unity, and as K1 correspondingly approaches zero. Hence it is clear that one cannot realize equally good characteristics of the circuit by reducing the propa- gation ratio in the main rdag-faiid increasing it in the supplementary ring. It makes sense to introduce a supplementary ring only in a sufficiently effective tracking filter circuit (K = 0.9 or more), where even a low K1= 0.05-0.1 can produce a ga in with respect to nonlinear distortions. One can detexmine this gain ~y comparing the two-ring tracking filter with the conventional tracking filter that is equivalent in interference immunity, i. e. a tracking f ilter in which the band of the equivalent frequency response is equal to that of the t~wo-rrfng~~~~cking filter. In the equivalent tracking filter the initial equivalent band of the tank circuit 2aK 3He is not equal to the actual band 2aH, but is aider, and is found from (16) by substituting the band af the equivalent fre- quency response with respect to a level of 0.7 taken from the curves of Fig. 2 for the two-ring tracking filter. The use of such a computa- tional model is convenient fo r illustrating the physical processes in the circuit since nonlinear disto rtions are determined mainly by the width of the passband of the tank c iucuit. To define the nonlinear disto rtions, we use a method [Ref. 4J according to which the following expression is derived for the phase difference of - signals at the input and output of the conventional and two-ring tracking f ilters: _ ec~ sin ~f 1 L(p) p+ 2 a` Acil'sins ~t ~ P.-F L ~P) 6 P+L ~P) P -F- ~ [P -~L ~P)1' ~ (17) _ where L(p) = aH/Il - Ky(p)], and Ow is the maximum frequency deviation. To calculate the nonlinear d istortions with respect to the third harmonic the amplitudes of the third and f~rs~ harmonics are respectively faetored out of (17) and divided; the calculation for conventional tracking f il- ters was based on on aH 3H8, while the nonlinear distortions for two- - ring tracking filters F~ere calculated from aH. The Ky for conventional filters was found from (15), and for two-ring filters was found from (9). Fig. 3 shows tne results of calcul~tion of nonlinear distortions. Curve 1 is the percent ratio of linear distortions in the conventional filter to those in the two-ring fil ter on different frequencies, and shows the b FOR OFF'LCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY % - /15 150 i75 /00 0 2 4 6 B f ~ Fig. 3 improvement in nonlinear distortions with introduction of an additional feedback ring by 150-180X on frequencies below 5 kHz and about 150% on high frequencies. Th~ effectiveness of a properly designed two-ring tracking filter (K fairly high, and R+ K1 = 1) with various other param- eters of the circuit is approximately the same as in the given compu- tational example. Measurements of nonlinear distortions of an FM signal (carrier frequency 6 MHz, upper modulating frequency 10 kHz, maximum frequency deviation 20, 50, 200 kHz) done on a pilot model of a two-ring tracking filter with the same circuit parameters as used in the calculations without and with activation of the supplementary feedbaek ring show~d good agreement with the calculated data (curve 2). = REFERENCES 1. A. S. Vinitskiy, "Modulirovannyye fil'try i sledyashchiy priyem ChM" - [Modulated Filters and Tracking FM ReceptionJ, Mpscow, Sovetskoye radio, 1969. 2. B. S. Troitskiy, G. L. De-Ribas, "A Receiver of Frequency-Modulated Signals" Soviet Patent No 493925, Patent Bulletin No 44, 1975. 3. V. A. Dorofeyev, "Analysis of Filterless Systems for Tracking FM Reception," Trudy NIIR [Proceedings of the Scientific Research In- stitute of Radioj, Moscow, No 4, 1968, pp 18-21. V. M. Dorofeyev, "Nonlinear Distortions in Tracking FM Demodulators," Trudy NIIR, Moscow, No 3, 1973, pp 5-12. COPYRIGHT: "Izvestiya vuzov SSSR - Radioelektronika", 1980 _ [308-6610] 6610 CSO: 1860 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL L1SE ONLY CIRCUIT THEORY AND PRACTICL I UDC 621.397.193 COMMENT ON THE ARTICLE 'ACCURACY OF MEASURING THE FREQUENCY AND ANGLE OF ARRIVAL OF SIGNALS RECEIVID BY AN ANTENNA ARRAY AGAINST A BACKGROi]rID OF - INTERFERENCE WITH ACOUSTIC-0PTO~ECTRONIC PROCESSING' Kiev I~VESTIYA WZov: RAI)IOELERTRONIKA in Russian Vol 23, No 7, Z980 p 104 manuscript received 22 Feb 80 [Letter to the editors by G. S. Nakhmanson] [Text] In Ref. 1 in an analysis of the correlaCion function of distri- bution of intensities of the light field in the output plane of an acous- tico-optical processor when a linear antenna array receives a narrow-band ~ormal random process against a background of white noise (expression (12)), a number of terms were left out, which in some cases leads to - inexact results. With consideration of corrections, the expression for the correlation function of distribution of the light field in Che output plane of the acoustico-optical processor (formula (12) [Ref. 1]) takes the form _ _ . _ . ( (L t~)1,~ t~) - ( t~)> ( tJ) a ~ A~p sinc3 ~ N sinc~ { 4 IG~Z (X~' Y ~X~ )'1 I~�~?' -t- (X~ )=1-f- (�i ) (�i ) f�~ ) (l+~~') (X~ ) (3C2 ) cos 2~,~oT'�Y -r- 2Q ~(�i ) ~X:+) (W_~~') -I- ) (N~ ) ~X�)1 ~Z+) sinc 2 -f- -F 2Q H�i ) (X�) ~�z ) -4- (�z ) sinc 2 -j- ~ I (Z+)' sinc~ 2 (Z-)' sinc~ 2 J 4 , ( ~ ) L ~ where all notation in (1) coincides with Ref. 1. - Use of the corrected expression (1) in analyzing the statistical charac- texistics of estimates of the frequency and angle of arrival of the re- ~eived normal random process in Ref. 1 leads to the following results: the probability that the threshold will be exceeded at the output of the 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 ,~.~..r.....~..,~.,~~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY channel of the optoelectronic system (i, e. the threshold corresponding - to the parameters of the random process to be analyzed) decreases mono- tonically from 0.94 to 0.58 as the normalized threshold y changes from ' 0.2 to 0.9. Graphs for the relative shift in the frequency estiu~ate /fp as a fun~tion of Y are slightly higher than curves according to the results ~ given in Ref. 1. It should be noted that the corrections that have been introduced do not ~ - influence the variances of the estimates of frequencies and angles of arrival of narrow-band normal random processes. REFERENCE 1. G. S. Nakhmanson, "Accuracy of Measuring the Freqi.iency and Angle of Arrival of Signals Received by an Antenna Array Against a Background of Interference with Acoustic-0ptoelectronic Processing," IZVFSTIYA - WZov: RADIOII~EKTRONIKA, Vol 23, No 1, 1980 p 3. ~ COPYRIGHT: "Izvestiya vuzov SSSR - Radioelektronika", 1980 [308-6610J 6610 CSO: 1860 9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 - - FOR OFFICIAL OSE ONLY ~ _ COMMUI~CATIONS , (AI~lIJNICATION EQUIpME~NT, REC~IVERS AND TRANSI~ITERS, NET6~pgRS, RADIO - PFiYSICS, I~ATA TItANSrQSSION AND PROCESSING, ~ ~ ' _~iF~~tAT~CQ~i THEORY UDC 621,391.2 A STUDY OF THE STABILITY OF AN ALGORIT~i FOR THE FILTERING OF A _ PSEiTDORANDO~i SIGNAL SU~JECT TO THE ACTION OF SIMILAR CAPTURING INTERFERENCE ~ Moscow RADIOTEKANIKA I ELEKTRONIRA in Russian No 8, 1980 pp 1629-1638 _ manuscript received 5 Dec 78 , [Article by V.P. Ponomarenko] [TextJ The stability of a two circuit synchronization - system which realizes an optim~n f iltering algorithm for a pseudorandam radio signal subject to the action of a similar capturing~'interference is studied. The dqnamic characteristics whf~h make it possible to esti- mate algoritl~ stability with a change in the system and ir.terference parameters are determined. _ 1. Introduction. Formulation of the Problem The solution of the probleffi of synthesizing an optimcmm filtering algo- rithm for wideband pseudorandam phase keyed signals (ShPS) for a broad class of cases where the processes of change in the information para- meters of the signal are that the phases 6(t) and delays T(t) are modul- ated [1, 2] by Wiener and gaussian exponentiallq correlated random processes respectively, leads to the following equations [1, 2j for estimates 0* and T* of the parameters 0 and T: A'= k'[R(T-T')sin(8-6")+n,(t)], P (1) k= 7"-To= ID(T-T')cos(6-9')+nz(t)}. 4+T`=~ ~~r 10 FOR OFFICIAL CJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICTAL IISE ONLY Here, p- d/dt; R(T - T*) is tl~e autocorrelation function of the signal; , D(T - T*) is a nonlinear characteristic def ined by an algorithm for generating the error e~ T- T*; TD is the known constant value of the delay T; T1 is a time constant; kl and k2 are parameters; nl(t) and n2(t) are the noise camponents of the signal. The technical realization of algorithm (1) is realized [1] in a two- _ circuit tracking system with crossed feedback loops, consisting of a filter-free autamatic phase tuning syst~ (FAP) [PLL - phase locked loop] and an inertial static delay tracking system (SSZ) with s f irst order integrating filter. Camplicating the models of the information - _ parameters 0 and T, as is well known [1, 2] influences only the type - of filters in the PLL and static delay tracking subsystems, without changing the fundamental structure of the optimum filtering system. _ A study of the quality of algorithm (1) without taking into account the action of interference (nl(t) = n2tt) = 0) for the purpose of estimating the stability in a large two-circuit filtering system which realizes this algorithm was made in paper [3). One of the imporr,ant problems - which came up in studying the noise immunity of systems for tracking signal parameters is protectioa against intentional simulating inter- ference [4, 5J which is intended to disort Xhe useful information and make automatic tracking of the signal parameters impossible. A wide- spread type of such jamming in ShPS [wideband pseudorandam phase-keyed signal] systems is a capturing ShPS similar to the useful signal, but differing frc~m it fn a~plitude, frequency offset with respect to the ~ carrier frequency and having a time shift which changes monotonically with the c~urse of time. - Under cnnditions of exposure to similar interference, along with the problem of filtering algorith~n optimization, which leads to more - complex correlational compensation processing algorithms, there also arises in connection wi. the probl~ of realizing these algorithms that problem of estimating the stability of algorithm (1) with respect ~ to the s~milar interference. The property of stability is understood to here to be the capability of algortliim (1) of ma3ntaining its own characteristics within a specfied range when the interference parameters change (intensity, frequency and time differences). A characteristic feature of ShPS filtering algorithms is the presence - of aperiodic nonlinearities R(T - T*) and D(T - T*). Under conditions of exposure to capturing interference, this leads to the fact that the stability of algorithm (1) depends on whether the system is synchronized ~ or not at the point in time when the interfereQCe arrives. In the case of simultaneous arrival of the useful and interfering ShPS's, the interfering signal influences the process of locking the syst gn into synchronization. In this case, the stability of algorithm (1) can be ' disrupted at certain values of the interference parameters because of 11 FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the impossibility of eatablishing the signal tracking mode for these values of the parameters. In a number of situations [5], the inter- ference can lag the signal so much that at the moment of its arrival, the search can be completed and the useful ShPS parameter tracking mode - established in the filtering system. The impact of the interfering , �ShPS can lead here to a break in th~ tracking, which also entails a loss of stability for algorf.thm (1). _ The solution of the problem of the imonunity of algorithm (1~~ is campli- cated by the substantial nonlinearity of equations (1) and the presence of the noise components nl(t) and n2(t) in them. For this reason, to ascertain the general laws governing the influence of similar inter- ference on the stability of algorithm (1), it is expedient to limit ourselves to the simplest case where the noise components nl(t) _ = n2(t) = 0 are absent. The results of a study of the stability of algorith~ (1) with exposure to simiiar capturing int~rference are given in this paper, which were obtaiaed by me~ns of studying the oper- ational modes of a model of (1), and determining the regions for the preservation and loss of tracking as well as the capture range. 2. A Mathematical Model of the Syste~m In accordance with the problem posed here, we shall assume that the input signal has the form: ~2~ y (t) =A,i[t-T,(t) ]cos 6.(t)+A�f [t-T.(t) )cos 6�~t), . where AS, TS, Os and An, Tn, On are the amplitudes, time delays and phase angles of the vseful and interfering ShPS's respectively; f[�] is a function which defines the law goveming the phase keying and assumes only two values: 1 and -1. We shall consider the amplitudes As and An to be constant. We shall adopt the following linear function as the model for the change in the delay Tn of the interference: ~3) - - _ T;, (t) ~T, (t) +T.+act, where T~ is the initial diff erence between the delays Tn and TS; a is the rate of change in the deiay Tn. With the ass~ptions made here, the equations for the estimates 68 and B of the parameters of the useful ShPS are written in the fo~n: 12 FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , - . . . . - ~4~ ~'s p' (R~T-T')sin(6.-8.')~'F~~~'.-~'.')sin(6~-9.') _ k, ~ T.~-T.= ID(T,-T.')cos(6.-6.')+ i +T, p +W~ (T�-T.~).cos (Aw-6: ) where u= AnAsl. By introducing the instantaneous phase tracking error OS - OS and delay tracking error x= Q'1(Ts - s), where ~ is the width of one element of the ShPS code sequence, and taking (3) into - account, we derive the equations for algorithm~(1) when sub- jected to similar capturi~g interference: __aT . - d~ - ~ - ~5~ =Y-R(z) sin ~-�R (a-Fso-F8i) siu (g~h~"9'~), 'dr - = b [~-z-aD (z) cos ~-�aD (a-f-z,i-st) cos ~p+9T) J, dT where T= klt; Y= p0~/kl and S= A-1(TS - TpP are the relative initial frequency and delay differences; a~ = Tp~-1; b=(k1T1)-1; d= akll; - - q= Stkll; S2 and ~ are the frequency difference and the initial difference in the phases of the interference and the signal respectively; a= = k2A'1 is the maximum relative delay selected bq the SSZ [in~rtial sta~ic delay tracking system]. The nonlinear characteristics R(v) and D(v) for one period of the change in v are determined in the following fashion [3]: _ - _ f -v, . 0~v~1~ . R(v) = i-}- i;, - i C v~ 0, _ 0, i~lv~~M-1, ' U~ 1~1~1~ - 2-v, ! ~v~2, D = ~ -(~-~-a), -2~v~-i,. a~ 251v~~R~-2* where M is the number of elements of the code sequence i~n one signal period. The case where M� 1 is the most practical real case; then it can be assumed that R~v) = 0 for ~v~ > 1, D(v) = 0 for ~v~ > 2, i.e., one can assume the nonlinearities R(v) and D(v) are aperiodic with 13 - FOR O,?1?ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , , respect to v. ~'hen the right sides of equations (5) are aperiodic - with respect to the variables x and 'Thus, algorittmn (1; with the assumptions considered here is written in the form of a nonautonaonous system of nonlinear differential equations (S~ in the phase space X, T. 3. Steady-State Modes To solve the problem posed in this paper, it is necessary to first of all ascertain what steady-state modes of the filtering system are dete~ined by the established motions of the model (S). In the absence of interference (u = 0), the dynamics of the system are describ~d by the autonomous system of equations: - - - - a~ = 7-R (z) sin ~7) c?T ds - =b[~-x-aD (z)cos dr 10 ~=0 r a, e -a 0, 6 -J, S ` - 0, 4 O, 2 ~ ! /0 !0 Z � !03 k, T, Figure 1. In this case, the steady-state synchroni2ation mode wfth a constant phase difference ~s and difference in the delays xs is determined by - 14 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ the stable equilibrium state [3] of A1(~s, xs) on the cylindrical phase surface x. For value of the parameters from the capture ` range of DS: Y< Y*(g, b, a), the onset of the synchronization mode accurs for any intial values of the phase difference ~ini 8nd inftial _ values of the delay diff erence xini a R. The curves for Y~ Y*(S, b, a) are shown in Figure 1 in parameters of Y, k1T1 where a= 5 for values of the initial delay difference of s= 0, -0.5 and -1.5. It can be seen that size of the capture range falls off with an increase in the _ absolute value of the difference S. Sho~wn in Figure 2 are curves of B= B*(Y, b, a) where a= 5 for a number of values of the d~mensioniess - time constant k1T1 of the eystem, which define the region ~Q~ < 6*~Y~ b, a) of permissible values of the initial difference S; for which synchronization begins at any initial values of the phase difference _ _ - - a _ ? - . x~T �10 \ ZO ~ . !00 SO \ ~p ~ ~ ~ J000 ~ ~ ~ p 42 44. 46 48 Y Figure 2. For values of Y< Y*(S, b, a), the phase picture of the system when S< 0 is shown in Figure 3a; with theae values of the parameters, there , is stability on the whole for the equilibrium state A1 on the phase cylinder x. For value of Y> Y*(S, b, a) on the phase surface x, in the case of the presence of a stable state of equilibrium A1, there - is a stable ultimate cycle of the second kind (Figure 3b); with these values of the parameters, a beat frequency mode of the second kind can also be established in the system besides the steady-state synchroniza- tion mode, where the phase difference ~ increases without limit, while the difference in the delays x varies periodically about a certain - value. It follows from the results presented here that when u= 0, the stability range of algorithm (1) with respect to deviations from the steady-state 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is governed by the values of the parameters Y, b and a whicY? belong to the capture range DS. X X Z ~ -n - 0 A, a-at D A~ A 1 / i ~ ~ (,a~ Cb? Figur~ 3. When u# 0, by virtue of the aperiodicity of the right sides of system (5) with respect to x and T, the steady-state modes of the filtering system are determined by the 13ffiited steady-state motions of system (5) in the phase space x, z, i.e., by those motions during which the mapping point where < T 2 is an sutono~ious system (7) with a known picture for the behavior of ti~e phase tra~ectories. A stable trajectory LS, which is bounded with respect to the phase coordinates ~ a~d x when < T 0(or d< 0) coincides in the region x+ xp + dT ~-2 (or x+ xp + 8T > 2) of the phase space x, T with the ray RS~~ _~S, x= xs, and when T-? it tends to the ray RS:~ _~8, x= xs in the re~ion x+ x0 + ~T > 2 (or x+ xp + dT 2 is equivalent to the following system: . _ - d~ dT, ~7'~R~Z~sin 6, (9) . dz ~ =b,~~,fb,i,-s-kD(a)cos 61, dz, where fl=~+~+ qT and z= x+ xp +.ST are respectively the phase difference and the difference in the delays of the interference and reference signal; Y1 -~7 + q)u-l; S1 = g j- xp + 8b-x; bl ~ bu-1; 81 = du-1; k= ua; T1 =}IT. The tra3ectories of system (9), when the - time T1 increases, enter inside the phase space regions 61 + d1T1 < < z< Si + d1T1, where S1 = R1 - 81b'1 - k and ~i =~1 - dlbll + k. _ It follows from this that all of the solutions of system (9) are not _ bounded. By virtue of the absence of bounded solutions f or system (9), system (5) does not have any steady-state motions which are bounded with respect to the variables v and A when < T ~ 4, the parameter d is less than zero and the initial phase difference 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ varies in a range of (0, 2n]; the parameters of the system Y, b, s and a belong to the capture region D8 of the autonomous model (7), while the initial state of the system at the point in time T~ Tp is determined in the phase space by the point bn the straight line RS, i.e., by the equilibrium states (�8, xg) of model (7). Then when T> Tp, with the influence of interfe rence, the mapping point in moving in the phase space along the trajectory L8 is deflected from the steady-state status (�g, xg), hawever, with the course of time mones out into the region of x+ xp + dT i; F"- xN~". ~ T . 46 FOR ~DFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY As implied by (9), smooth cyclic scanning of radiation pattern (3) with quadratic phase response for predetermined deviation of epace frequencies 2w�! leads to time modulation of the space-time signal with deviation of the "time" frequencies equal to 2FM. Let us consider a system that realizes an algorithm for shaping signal (9) for the case of utilization of a discrete aperture. In this case, we have on the basis of (7)-(9) ~ ~ - ~ nr t-xT/~-i2T lx S (t, e) = s,1, ~ fi---~ (lo) Z Xexp ~ j f 2n f~t 2:skOxA n T" (t kOx i2~'l -f- ~o ~ \ r I ~ where ~X is the dis'tance between elements of the antenna array, and 2m + 1 is the number of elements in the array. ~ ~ yy ~ ~M PSl ~By _ Fig. 2 A block diagram of a system for shaping s(t;6) is shown in Fig. 2. Signals s(t) - Sp exp { j(Wpt + Qp) } from rf oscillator PBy are sent to the radiators of the array through distribution device PY and controllable phase modulators Qril. The controlling voltages for the phase modulators are shaped in accordance with t.10) by control device YJ~. The signals shaped by the system are uniformly distributed on plane ~t{ < T; (A~ ~ 6r,i (have a constant amplitude), are linear-frequency modu- lated with respect to both time and space coordinates, have identical shape in contrast to discrete-coded space-time signals [Ref. 5], and differ for different directions Ai, 6~ only in the time displacement of ~ s(t;8i) =s(t+~t; A~) by an amount ~t 9i-8 f I ~"~ent. The possibilities for resolution and compression of signal s(t;6) and evaluating its parameters are determined by the space-time uncertainty f unc tion ' 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ _ _ _ _ - T ~ - _ T ~~T~ Tl) = C I � s~t; g) ~~t t; 9-F- r~ dtd6 = sinc22nFx T- t~ eN (11) ~J ~ , ? _r " sin x where C is a normalizing factor such that Y~ (0; 0) =1; sinc x= X. Un- certainty function (11) has one main lobe and a comparatively low level of side lobes. Since the uncertainty function describes signal behavior at the output of an optimum processing system, the width of its main lobe with respect to axes T and n will characterize the degree of compression of the space-time signal. The width of the main lobe with respect to axes T and n respectively on the zero level is _ e~ - i ~2FM = 2T/2X,~,26~.: e,~ = i/2x� ~/2x~,~e~. The curtailment factor [Ref. 2] in the given case is determined by the product of the width of the space frequency spectr~ 2~ multiplie~ by the duration of the space interval 2A1�1, which by definition [Ref. 4] is the spatial bas~ of the signal. The temporal base of the signal, defined as the product of the width of the time frequency spectrum 2Ft�i multip.lied by signal duration 2T, coincides in the given instance with the spatial base 2FM2T = 2~26M. Let us proceed to examination of the particulars of optimum processing of linear-frequency modulated space-time signals. As in Ref. 5, we will assume that a field y(t;X) arrives at the aperture of the reception antenna system on intervals of time [-T~; T~] and space j-9~,,~ AI,~ with distribution density with respect to angle coordinate - - . y~r; e~ S, ~r; e~ a~e - et~ -f- n~t; e~, which is a mixture of space-time signals (5) reflected or re-radiated by objects located in sector [-6j,~; 6nq] with thermal additive normal inter- ferences uniformly distributed in space and described by the correlation function [Ref. lJ - (n ~t~~ ei) R"` ~tr 8~) = No8 (t1- t~ 8(6t - 8~� We will consider processing of space-time signals on the same intervals on which they were formed: T~ ~ T~; AI�I 9M ~q; Xr,i r~g~ = Xr,R t~pR� We will also assume that the angular spacing of the received signals exceeds the Rayleigh limit ~9i - e3~~ i/2~, and taking consideration of situations that actually occur, we will disregard the influence of signal envalope delay over the aperture. In this case the expression for the optimum output effect of the process- ing system takes the form 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY M Y ~e~ ~ ~ S~n~ ~e - kee~x - ~12~ r 1z X f So exp i- j~2nf ~t n T" (t - 8 8 I+~o ~ Y(k~8; ~ dt ~ \ ~ =r x� where Y(1t09; t) = f y(t; x) exp { j2nk~@x} dx; 2m 1= 2A~ oP,,,2~ DA =1/2y,~ Optimum processing algorithm (12) is ~ealized by the same system (Fig. 3) as in Ref. 5. The system contains an antenna array with pattern shaper, each of the (2m+1) outputs sending waveforms Y(k~A;t) to temporal pro- pattern ,QOC shaper ~ ~ ~ Q ALl A,Q H Fig. 3 cessing channels that consist of optim~ filters (GYD) and amplitude de- tectors . The resultant aggregate of discrete values of Y(1c~6) of the output effect T . 2 Y (k~8) = . f Y (k08; t) So exP { -1 2n f ot -4- n ~ (t 9 ~o ~ ~ - -T ` goes to the interpolator (1~ which shapes output effect (12). Let us consider the signal component YS(~) and the interference compo- nent Yn(8) separately in output effect (12) . In doing so, we will assume , that the only significant parameter of the received signal s(t;9) is the ' direction of its arrival z S~~; e~ = So eap ~ 2nf~ + n~." t- e~~+~a,} s~o - e,>. ( ~ 3~ l~ ~ . Substituting (13) in (12), we get L 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~n P - Y, (9) sinc 2n~ (A - kA6) ~ So exp l- j f 2rcf ~t -f- n T~~( ~ _r l. e� E x(r - e e~+~o J~ d~ y S~~; A) sinc 2n~~ (A - k~9) dA = --e~ (14 ) ~ I So2Te~~~~-~'~ sir1C 2JCgy ~(9 - 8,) sinc 2n T" (t - 6, g 7X ~ y . Xf 1- I t-9,T/Ay~ ll. ~ T ~ ~ Expression (14) implies that the signal component at the output of the optimum processing system is determined both by the characteristics of the reception system and by those of the space-time signal shaping system. The maximum value of the output effect YS ~X = S~2T is formed for the direction that coincides with the direction of arrival of the received signal. In contrast to systems with discrete-coded space-time signals [Ref. 5] where the shape of the signal component of the output eff ect depends on the direction of arrival of the signals, in the given case no such dependence is observed, and the processing system forms an output effect of identical shape regardless of direction ~6~~ 9M. Shown in Fig. 4 is an example of the form of envelope of output effect (14) S~(tl _ ~ - ~ I I ~ I ~ � T t~ r2 T t Fig. 4 for the case of reception of two space-time signals arriving from direc- tions 61; 92F [-0M; 6M]. The time position of each of the pulses at the out~ut of the processing system as read out relative to some fixed time is uniquely related to the direction of signal arrival ti = AiT/6M. In this relation, the spatial distribution of objects in sector [-AM; 6r,s] is transformed to temporal distribution on interval [-T; T], and curtate (compressed) signals (14) are produced at the output of the processing system. The resolution with respect to the time coordinate ~T= 1/2FM corresponds to angular resolution An = ~TAM/T = 1/2~. 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The interference component of the output effect is defined analogously to the signa] component m. T . _ _ (A) _ ~ sinc 2nx� (6 - ke9) So exp { - j [2~ f ~t k~-et � - T e� :~F�/T !t - 6T/8�)z ~o)} cit ~ n (t; 8) sinc 2~cx~ (6 - k06) d6 -e� and is a normal random process with zero mathematical expe~tation and - with correlation function - m - m ~ Y,a (e~) Yn (e:>; = Z ~ S~n~ ~X~ ~e~ - koe~x _ k+.-m q~-m T n - Xsinc 2~,~ (6~ - q~A) ~ ) So exp j `2~fo ~ts - t:) -f- n T" ~ (t; - 81 Q ~Y - L ~ -r e~ z, - - 82 eM J ~J1 ~ J ~ n ~t>; n` ~fs; e~ )X -e~ (15) Xsinc 2ny,~ (8, - k~8) si:,c 2~xw (62 - q~9) d6,d8t I= So2T 2~ sinc 2n~ ~pM ~e~ - 8,~ S111C 27[%r npA ~@, - 8~ I 1- ~ d' e~ eY ~l I. ~ i J Analysis of the energy characteristics of processing system (14), (15) shows that despite unification of all processing channels into one, - in contrast to systems with complex radiation patterns and simple space- time signals [Ref. 6], the influence of the interference acti~ig at the input of the processing system (Fig. 3) is attenuated by a factor of 2~�~26r,i. And with respect to its energy capabilities, this system is equivalent to an optimum multichannel system that realizes parallel - scanning of space. The reason for the reduced action of interference, as in the theory of linear-frequency modulated time signals [Ref. 2], is the increased resolution of the system with respect to angle coordi- nates. It should b e noted that output effect (14) can be shaped by a system that uses a scanning radiation pattern FcK(6) of the type F~(6) = sinc 2n~(6 - tBh,I/T) , 51 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 . . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - which maximizes the output effe~t when the maximum of the radiation - pattern F~(6) coincides with the direction of signal arrival. However the throughput of such a system will be limited since at the same instant ` of time the signals arriving from other directions of the scanning sector will not be received by radiation pattern F~(8). - - Thus the proposed algorithms for shaping and proressing space-time sig- nals enable shaping and compression of complex linear-frequency modulated signals with respect to both time and space coordinates, ensuring high angular resolution by extension af the spectrum of space frequencies without narrowing the radiat~on pattern. The proposed algorithms are distinguished by comparatively simple hard- ware realization. And in fact the circuit that realizes the algorithm for shaping linear-frequency modulated space-time signals is even simpler . than the analogous circuit for shaping discrete-coded signals [Ref. S]. Elimination of the rather complicated and cumbersome pattern shaper in the given case (Fig. 2) not only simplifies the hardware realization, but also improves the ~uality characteristico of the system ~y reducing energy losses and signal distortions in the pattern shaper circuits. - As for the circuit used in processing linear-frequency modulated signals (Fig. 3), it sl~ould 'oe noted that this is not the only possible con- struc[ion of a system for processing space-time signals. Analysis of the _ output effect of the space-time processing system [Ref. 1, 5J shows that _ with the same constraints as used in deriving (12}, space and pro- cessing can be accomplished independently, and the design pecuiiarities of the system will be determined by the processing sequence. For in- stance in writing (12), preference was given to carrying out operations of spatial processing first, which led to the necessity of using a pattern shaper in realization. On the other hand, carrying cut the � temporal processing opezations first leads to a system without a pattern shaper [Ref. 6], which in many cases simplifies the processing system - and improves its characteristics. REFERENCES 1. S. Ye. Fal'kovich, "Otsenka parametrov signala" [Evaluating Signal Parameters], M~oscow, "Sovetskoye radio," 1970. 2. Ya. D. Shirman, "Razresheniye i szhatiye signalov" [Resolution and Compression of Signals], Moscow, "Sovetskoye radio," 1974. 3. Drabovich, Orbi, Bonnas'ye, "Compression of the Radiation Pattern of an Antenna Ai=ay by the Method of Space-Time Coding," ZARUBEZHNAYA ~ RADIOELEKTRONIKA, No 3, 1971. 4. A. I. Pogorelov, "Using Complex Radiation Patterns in Direction-Finding Systems for Resolving Signals in a Broad Scanning Sector" in: "Radio- tekhnika" [Radio Engineering], Vishcha shkola, No 37, 1976. 52 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5. A. I. Pogorelov, "On the Theoxy of Nois.e-Like Space-Ti.,me Signals~~' IZVESTIYA VUZOV: RADIOELEKTRONIKA, Vol 22, No 7~ 1979 p 3. - 6, A. I. Pogorelov, "Analysis of Syatems with Complex Radiation Patterns" in: "Metrologicheskiye voprosy prikladnoy elektrodinamiki" [MeCro- logical Problems of Applied Electrodynamics], Proc. ~�f Metrological Institutes of the USSR, Leningrad, 1978. COPYRIGHT: "Izvestiya vuzov SSSR - Radioelektronika", 1980 [308-6610] 661Q CSO: 1860 ~ 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE OHI~Y TfIItEE SCIENTISTS IN FIBER OPTICS AWARDED A, S~ POPOV PRIZE Moscow VESTNIK AKADEL~I NAUK SSSR in Russian No 8, 1980 pp 135-6 [Arti.:le: "A. S. Popo~v Prize Awarded to G. G. Devyatykh, Ye. M. Dianov and M. Ye. Zhabotinskiy"] _ [Text] , , g j ~ ~rs~- ~ ` i ! ~f ~ ` ~ , . _ i'~ - - , y~~ ~t~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . : , t ~ f"~'rtlF~. ~ . . . ~ pY + 1.,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,y �aY, ~pSt, i41 .'�t ,~p F . L f ~ 4 . _ . ~ G. G. Devyatykh Ye. M. Dianov M. Ye. Zhabotinskiy _ The Presiditan of the USSR Academy of Sciences has awarded the A. S. Popov prize for 1980, in the amount of R 2,000, to Academician Grigoriy Grigor'yevich Devyatykh {Institute of Chemistry, IISSR Academy of Sciences), Doctor of Physics and Mathematical Sciences Xevgeniy Mikhay?nvich Dianov (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Scienc.:s) and Doctor of Tectinical Sciences Mark Yefremovich Zhabotinskiy (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, USSR Academy of Sciences) for research in the development ot low-less fiber optical conductors for information tranamisaion systems. _ The series of works which was awarded the prize is a camprehensive study of the F- physical and infoxmation characteristics of fiber optical conductors, the develop- _ ment of the methodology and technology for manufacturing low-loss fiber optical _ conductors, including purification and analysis of the initial materials, as - - well as development of the metrics for fiber opltical conductors and control over the manufacturing process. 54 FOR OFFICIAL IIsE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY Results of this work opened the practical possibility of creating wide-band optical co~nunications systems having the following significant advantages as compared with existing ones: 1) Being wide-band in nature while maintaining low loases (about 10 gigaHz/km) with lossea of lesa than 1 dB/km; 2) Immunity ta electranagnetic interference; 3) Small size and weight; 4) Replacement of scarce materials (copper, aluminimn, lead) by glass; and 5) the Possibility of wide introduction of standardized digital information tranamission systems (because of the grzat wide-band nature). The results have been introduced into industry. The fiber optical conductors which have been developed will fimd broad application in telephone systems, in cable television, in computer technology, in sircraft infonnation txansmission syatems, in systems for automating industry, transport and power engineering and in a n~ber of special devices. COPYRIGHT: IzdaCel'stvo "Nauka," "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR," 1980 [307-9194] 9194 C90: 1860 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE qHI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 FOR dFFICIAL USL ONLY CO~ONEN'rS AND CIRGUIT EL~II~I~S, WAV~G"JIDES, CAVITY RESONATORS AND FILTERS IIDC 621.37 2 .543 .2 ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF NARROW-BAND FILTERS OF SURFACE ACOUS~IC WAVES Moscow RADIOTEKHNIRA in Russian No 5, 1980 pp 22-26 manuscript received 18 Apr 79 [Article by A. Ye. Znamenskiy, Ye. S. Muratov, V. N. GulinJ (Text] Ir designing narrow-band filters of surface acoustic waves (PAV) with relative bandpasses ~,f/fp ~ 5 x 10'2, particular attention is given to the choice of filter structure, methods of reducing spurious triple passage signals (TP) and volumetric waves (OV), the need for accurate realization of inean filter frequency, accountinq for the effect of loads and destabilizing factors on fi?ter parameters. Let us exami~e each of these problems based on the specifics of design of narrow-band filters in particular. Choice of filter structure The primary material for sound guides of narrow-r,and filters is a quartz slab of thermostable ST-section (xyl/42�45'). At the preset mean frequency, the lower limit of bandpass (PP) of the ~ filter is constrained by the possibilities of photolithography on large surfaces (since the expanse of the interdiqxtal transducer (VShP) is inversely proportional to its PP), the increasing level of parasitic signals in expanded VShP (reflection, diffraction on apodized structures, signal attenuation in propagation) and the limited dimensions of existing sound guides made from the ST-section of quartz. Thus for relative PP L~f/fp about 10-2 and small intermediate fre~uencies fp, where long duration of pulsed filter response is necessary, it is more advantageous to use a cascade connection of individual links with a _ nonapodized VShP structure (Fig. lc) instead of the traditional one-link narrow-band filter PAV (Fig. la) consisting of apodized and nonapodized VShP [1]. This makes it possible to greatly reduce the effect of the aforementioned constraints. Figure lc depicts a two-link filter structure which theoretically permits production of a responoe curve of the type sinc4 x, where x=?L(f - fp)T, sinc x=(sin x)/x. ~ 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 . , - , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY With cascade connection of links of the type shown in Figure la, the overall dimensions of the device can be reduced somewhat by compactly arranging the apodized VShP. A natural bevel is produced on each slab which effectively reduces the level of signals reflected on the end face (Figure lb) . QI b~ 2T 2T el r ~z, r - FTT ~R~ I.-~"~o +~a/4 - Figure 1 - Spurious TP and OV signals - Existing methods of reducing TP signals, e.g. by arranging a metallized coating in the path of wave propagation resulting in a 180~ phase shift of reflected waves with 1.6 dB powec lass [2J or reduction in TP level (which, however, involves an increase in losses [3]), may be successfully usen for the structure in Figure Ia. For the structure in Figure lc, in [1] a method of TP signal compensation is used with introduction of the appropriate shift between VShP in each link: NP - H, (P - t ) a�12k. where H1, HP are distances between the transmitting and receiving VShP in the first and pth links of the ."-ilter, respectively; p= 1,2 k; k is the number of links in the fitter. This method does not introduce additional power losses. ' 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ For narrow-band filters PAV, the family of spurious OV signals situated in the direct proximity of the PP is the most hazardous; for example, for ST- quartz the nearest quasitransversal mode has a frequency which is 4.5 percent higher than the mean frequency of the filter f~ [4]. The relative � level of OV depends on the relationship of sound guide thickness t and surface wave length lambda0: thus for t/lambda~ = 152/Z ?r, the relative level of these signals is no greater than -30 dB. Furthermore, a family of rapid quasitransversal and quasilongitudinal modes is excited with frequencies of 1.61 fp and 1.82 fp with relatively high levels (about 7 and 10 dB, respectively, below the primary signal). These spurious ~V signals, aside from the methods of suppression noted above, can be effectively ~ reduced by the filter's external matching circuits. In [5] a method was considered for suppressing spurious OV signals by tapering the lower surface of the sound guide with respect to the upper one. Thus, in the example of a filter considered in [5) with a mean frequency of about 200 MHz and bandpass at a level of -3 dB of around 5 MHz, manufactured on a slab of ST-section quartz with a bevel of 3�, spurious OV signals were suppressed by more than 30 dB as compared to their initial level. Among the shortcomings of the method is the abrupt drop in effectiveness for relatively low frequencies 10-50 MHz. A method is also known for supressing spurious OV signals by construction of special two- channel receiving and transmitting VShP and a delay coating on one of the channels to support synphase reception of PAV and compensation of OV [6]. This method requires very precise parallelism between the surfaces of the sound guide and high precision of treatment of the lower edge to achieve effectiv~~ suppression of OV: this makes manufacture of sound guides complicated. Furthermore, high identity of channels is required to achieve total compensation, and this is also difficult to do for expanded strutures. ~ In tests run on narrow-band filters of the structure shawn in Figure la, the mean frequencys in the 40-90 MHz range, the level of spurious signals of the most hazardous OV (with frequency of about 1.045 f~) was reduced 12-15 dB by putting notches on the bottom side of the sound guide. When the sound guide is 2 millimeters thick, the depth and spacing of the notch constituted 0.8 millimeter and 1 millimeter, respectively. ~ ~ ~ Figure 2 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In combination with the absorptive coating applied to the notch which simultaneously is used for attachment of the sound guide to the housing, sugpression of these spurious OV signals was greater than 45 dB. For a two-link (cascade) structure of the filter shown in Figure lb and lc, spurious OV signals are no special problero, because with this design their relative levels in decibels are added. But when links are arranged on one sound guide to prevent OV t~ansition from one link to another (due to � overreflection on the bottom or side edges) it is necessary to use one of the met:iods considered. For example, in a two-link filter (Figure lc) made from ST-section quartz slabs 5 millimete~s thick, with a mean frequency of 12 1~II~iz and bandpass of 62 kHz, application of the aforementioned notch on the bottom edge and an absorp+tive c~ating on the lower and side edges decouples the links by at least 45 dB. Methods of adjusting mean filter frequency Deviation of inean frequency of a narrow-band filter from the theoretical level is due to: straggling of the rate of propagation of PAV Vp from specimen to speciemn on the order of+ 3 x 10-4; change in the rate of propagation V on the metallized surface of the VShP due to technological scattering of the wiuth of the digxts and thickness of the coating; by the relationshp of the rate of propagation V as a function of the angle of misalignment of the piezocrystal and photomask during photolithography, etc. Current methods for adjustment of inean filter frequency [7,8] are based on altering the rate of propagation of PAV in VShP by changiny the thickness of the coating. This is achieved by etching an already existing coating or by applying a new dielectric coating by the va~uum method of deposition. - Use of this methods for adjustment of Lhe frequency of narrow-band filters with expanded VShP causes some problems related to the constrained technological possibilities of producing homogeneous and identically thick coatings on large areas. A simple and accurate method for adjustment of the mean frequency f~ of narrow-band filters represented by a combination of a comb filter (GF) and matched filter (SF) with double bandpass (Figure 2) was described in [9]� _ The essence of adjustment consists in changing the frequency of the "working" peak of the comb filter traveling inside a wider lobe of the SF with doubled b;a;,~t,a3S. This is achieved by changing the delay between GF sections by mea~s of eli~nination (application) of a section of inetalliza- tion M. Therefore, in the case of narrow-band filters, the problem boils down to approximatioa of the required response curve by selecting SF with different bandpasses. 59 FOR OFFT.CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY As illustrated by the resulting function sinc`~ (x), let us consider the process of synthesis of VShP ensuring fp adjustment of the entire filter. 1. The function H(f) = sinc4(x) is product of the response of four identical SF: - h ~ Mec (x). (1) 2. Let us represent expression (1) in the form of a product of GF and - doubled bandpass response: sin x sin a( f- J�) T sia x( f- j~) T/2 sinc (x) - X � a(!-I�)T A( -1~ cosx(I-I�)T12. (2) Expressi.on (2) coincides with the ~dulus of filter response as con- structed in Figure 2 to within a constant ccefficient. 3. Let us define the unknown pulsed filter response from AChKh: N (n - si~ (x). For this purpose let us represent H(f) = Hl(f)H2(f), where Hl(f) and H2(f) are products of AChKh of GF and SF, respectively. Le~ us then use the known theorem on the product of two functions (11~: ~ � S 8(S) I(l- s) dt S F(M) Q(��) �i�r d��' ( 3) ~ where F( ~,J ) and G(~) are spectra of two signals f(t) and g(t), respectively. In this case, for pulsed reponse corresponding to H1(f), F(W) = G(cJ) _ - cos T('(f - fp)T/2; for pulsed response corresponding to H2(f), F(~.a) = G(w) - sin s (f-I�)Ti2 xc - r.~T~2 � By alternately performing the geaaetric operation of convolution in accordance with the left side of expression (3), for all four comb filter structures, we find one apodized VShP. By carrying out convolution for two equidistant structures, we find another apodized VShP. As a result, together with the remaining two equidistant structures, we have four . pulsed responses (four VShP) which We will combine into a two-link structure in Figure 3, where VShP 1 corresponds to convolution of pulsed responses of all four comb filters; VShP 2 corresponds to convolution of two equidistant structures; VShP 3 and 4 ccrrespond to equidistant d~ubled-bandpass SF structures; M are sections of inetallization, whose removal (application) ensures adjustment of ineanfilter frequency; Ap is an 60 � FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060025-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064425-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY arbitrary unit of length. Table 1 shows the theoretical values (in decibels) of change in levels of the first three side lobes of the function sinc4 (x) as a function of frequency detu?~ing of the "working" peak of function H(f) and mean frequency of the central lobe of function H2(f), in percents of the bandpass at a level of -3 dB. The tabular data show that this method of adjustment of the mean frequency in a very wide range of detuning has only a sl~ ,