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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084423-5
~ ~
~ ,
JPF~S L/9540
10 February 1981
~ ~JSSR Re ort ~
CFOUO 5/81) -
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JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign
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- are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080023-5
JPRS L/9540
' ~ 10 .February 19 ~l
; (FOUO 5/81)
Developing Elements for Low-Powered Digital Equi~ment 1
K587 Series Designed for Elektronika NTS-03 7
' K17RU2 Static Ram 11
_ Small and Medium Scale Integrated Microcircuits 14
; YeS, SM and Elektronika Specifications 18
; Hybrid Computing Systems 20
~ Using Hardware for Functional Operations in Specialized Compiiters... 23 ~
Apparatus Support of Mass Calculations 25
' Program P.roduction on BESM-6 and YeS Computers: The R-Technology... 27
' New Book Presents Fundamentals of Packages of Applied Programs...... 46
~ The Automated System for Information Support of Developmental Worka. 50
~ Savings From Computer Applications 63
I New Book Reviews Monitoring, Technical Diagnosis of Computer Systems 73
i'. The Automation of the Design of Operational Control Systems for
' Technological Processes 76
; New Book Reviews Optimization of Dynamic Systems of Random Structure 79
I - a- [III - USSR- 21C S&T FOUO)
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1 -
; .
! [Annotation, table of contents, foreword, and bibliography of book "Elements of
Micro-Powered Digital Devices," by L.S. Gorn and B.I. Khazanav, Atomizdat, 56 pages]
[Text] This book is devoted to elements of ecc~~nomical digital measuring devices. _
; There is a brief review of the fundamental properties of these elements and a more
' detailed consideration of structures using complementary I~IDP [metal dielectric
' semiconductor] transistors. The characteristics of base KrIDP [complementary
metal-oxide dielectric semiconductor] elemer~ts, integrated circuits with low and
, medium levels of integration, and pulse shapers and generators with KNIDP structures.
' Typical examples of large integrated systems with KNIDP structures are considered:
~ internal memory units and several types of microprocessors.
' The book has five tables, 18 illustrations, and 37 bibliographic entries.
Table of ~ontents Page
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- 1. Possibilities of Dissipated Power . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Base SY:ages (Cascades) on KI~P Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
~ .
' 3. Microcircuits with Low and Medium Levels of Integration 14 .
~ 4. Basic Characteristics of IQ~IDP Gates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
S. Pulse Shapers and Generators with KNIDP Structures 25
i -
~ 6. Large Integrated Circuits an IatDP Structures . . . . . . . . . . . 31 _
7. Static Manory Units on KrIDP Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
8. Microprocessors on KMDP Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
; 1
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Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 .
One of the most importa,nt and difficult problems of the many different prob-
lems facing the developers of instruments for radiation measurement is
constructing a device with the-least possible power input. A decrease in
power input is necessary both to improve the reliabi.lity of equiprient and
when making instruments that have limited power supply.
- A large group of articles in atomic instrument making are classif ied as _
"portable" instruments power from small storage cells and bat-
teries. Among them are instruments to evaluate the radiation situation
(portable radiometers), dosimetric monitoring instruments fpersonnel.? -
dosimeters, d.ose rate meters), and equipment used in prospecting for and
exploring radioactive and nonradioactive ot~. In these instruments reducing
power consumption makes it possible to prolong their work without'�changing
the power supp~y or lowering the capacity of these sources by reducing the
weight and d~imensions of the instruments. The problem of minimizing power
input is one of the key problems in making aerospace equipment, in particu-
lar instruments placed in arti�icial earth satellites and automatic inter-
planetary stations and used to investigate the characteristics of radiation
flows in near-earth and interplanetary space. Reducing the power consump-
' tion cf instruments makes it possible to put a larger amount of equipment
~ in the spacecraft and receive more varied and reliable information on the
processes or phenomena under study as the result of these very expensive
The reliability of equipment depends laroely on its power consumption. Re-
ducing dissipated power leads to a reduction in the difference between the
temperature of the elements and the temperature of the environment and de-
creases the frequency of malfunctions in electronic components. It is espe- _
cially important to mit.igate heat condition in equipment that has a high
density u� radio elements., In large integrated circuits, for example, re-
- ducing dissipated power by 0.05 watts lea~s to a decrease in the te~npera-
ture of the microcircuit that averages 10 degrees ~ and a doubling of its
r el iabil it y.
To lower th~ power consumed by equipmant used in~ radiation measurements re-
- quires comprehensive impro~vement in'the characteristics of the devices
- that make up this equipment and, in particular, improving the eff iciency of
secondary power sources (transformers), developing economic3l analog s~ages
(pulse amplif iers, shap ers, amplitude discriminators, and the like), ancl
making digital devices that have low power input. Each of these areas of ~
work has its own methods of problem-soTving and its own specific features.
. For a particular instrument the resulting increase in economy when the
power consumed by individual stages is reduced m%:y ditfer and depend on the
structura? diagram of the equipment. , ~ ~
r .
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' In recent years digital stages (cascades) have played an increasing part in
equipment produced and the reduction in the power consumed by them is be-
' ginning to def ine the general characteristics of instruments. Therefore,
equipment developers are focusing increasing attention on making economic5l
(ur, as they are frequently called, "micro-powered") ele~ents for digital
~ devices.
; From the standpoint of contir.ued development of the engineering of nuclear
, instrument making the problem of -~educing power input should also be re-
~ solved first of all for storage and processing devices in digital form. It
is with these devices that the prospects for building a new generation of
; equipment that has greater information value, lower error, and more conveni-
ent operation are tied.
Characteristics of Building Equipment with Microprocessor Elenents
' Like the microcircuits considered in the first sections of the book, owing to
their highly refined design, functional, and circuitry features large in te-
grated systems of microprocessor families can be viewed as elements of the
, equipment being built. But as already noted, these elements have signif icant
features, the fundamental one of which is universality, which is achieved be-
cause they are programmable. The different varieties of microprocessors
~ make it possible to build various types of equipment, both relatively simple
~ and inexpensive equipment as well as complex information-measurement systems,
' going all the way to multiprocessor systems.
! Construction of equipment using these elements makes it possihle to give the
equipment capabilities which are practically unattainable where logical cir-
cuits with a low level of integration are used. Among these capabilities
; are data process=ng in all stages of receiving and converting information;
elaborate control functions for both individual devices and an entire sys-
tem; adaptability (that is, reorganization of structure and modification of
' characteristics depending on results o~btained or measurement conditions) ;
an inerease in precision which is achieved by, in particular, automatic
calibration, error recording, and linearization of characteristics; auto-
; natic iden tif ication of trouble (self -monitoring); outputting data in the
' form most convenient to the operator, and ot hers.
- The use of these elements significantly i.mproves design and technological
characteristics. It makes it possi~le to reduce dimensions and weight,
- im~rove reliability, signif icantly cut the labor-intensiveness of equipment
manufacture, lower its cost, and simplify (with the essential base) the de-
sign of instruments and systems.
Therefore KNIDP large integrated systems may be considered the base elements
' of contemporary, economical program-controlled equipment.
~ l. Adams, Smith, "Comparison of Complexes of Microprocessor Sections,'~
~ rrl:CrxoNZCS, 1978, voi 51, rro 16, pp 25-34; No 17, pp 32-43.
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2. A1'tman, "Current Situation with Development and Production of Comple- ~
mentary Metallic Oxide Semiconductor Integrated Systems and Large
_ Integrated Systems," FLF.CTKONICS, 1975, Vol 48, No 10, pp 25-41.
3. Barilko, Sh.,I., Gorn, L. S:, and Khazanov, B. I., "Economical Scaler
on Magnetic Cores," PRIBORY I TEI~iNIKA EKSPERIMENTA, 1959, No 2, pp 91,
4. Bukreyey,~I. N., Mansurov, B. M., and Goryachev, V. I., "
Skhemy Tsifrovykh Ustroystv" [Microelectronic Circuits of Digital Mach-
ines], Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio, 1973, 247 pp.
5. Valiyev, K. A., Karamzinskiy, A. N., and Korolev, M. A., "Tsifrovyye
Integral'nyye Skhemy na MDP-Tranzistorakh" [Digital Integrated Cir-
cuits on MOS TransistorsJ, Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio, 1971, 384 pp.
6. Gaf arov, P. M., Minkov, Yu. V., ,~olomonenko, V. I., and Uxosov, V. N.,
"Memory Unit with 4,096 Bits of Capacity on Single-Transistor Memory
Cells," ELERTRONNAYA PROMYSHLENNOST', 1978, No 8(68), pp 5-11.
7. Gorn, L. S., and Khazanov, B. I., "Uzly Radiometricheskoy Apparatury
na Integral'nykh Skhemakh" [Asse~mblies of Radiometric Apparatus on
Integrated Circuits], Moscow, Atomizdat, 1973, ~228 pp.
~ 8. Dshkhunyan, V. A., Kovalenko, S. S., and Mashkevich, P. R., "The BIS
[Large Integrated Circuit] K587 Low-Powered Microprocessor Unit on~.
Complementary Metallic Oxide Semiconductor Transistors," ELEiCTRONNAYA
PROMYSHLENNOST', 1978, No 5(65), pp 15-19.
9. Zakharov, D. S., Klimashov, A., and Sulimov, Yu. V., "Construction
of Pulsed Cascades Using Integrated Circuits with CMOS Structure,"
Moscow, Atomizdat, 1979, pp 100-108.
10. Karamzinskiy, A. N. (editor), "Integral'nyye Skhemy na NIDP-Priborakh"
[Integrated Circuits in MOS Instruments], Moscow, Mir, 1975, 345 pp,
(translated from English). -
11. Yen, "Construction.of Pulsed Circuits on the Basis of Standard CMOS
Triggers," I:LECTRONICS, 1975, Vol 48, No 6, pp 51-56.
12. Krayzmer, L. P., "Ustroystva Khraneniya Diskretnoy Informatsii" [Units
for Storage of Discrete Information], Leningrad, Energiya, 1969, 312 pp.
13. Lipman, R. A., "Magnitnyye Nakopitel'nyye Schetchiki" [Magnetic Storage
CountersJ, Moscow-L`eningrad, Energiya, 1967, 144 pp.
14. Mayers,'"The Effect of Nuclear Emission on Semiconductor Instrtunents,"
i;LF.C'I'RONICS, 1978, Vol 51, No 6, pp 53-57. ,
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15. "Mikromoshchnaya Elektronika" [Low-Powered Electronics], Moscow,
Sovetskoye Radio, 1967, 288 pp (translated fro-~.~r~glish, edited by
; Ye. I. Gal'perin).
' 16. Valiyev, K. A., Ilyagilev, V. N., Lebedev, V. I., and Lubashevskiy,
A. V., "Mikromoshchnyye Integral'nyye Skhemy" [Low-Powered Integrated
CircuitsJ, Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio, 1975, 250 pp.
. 17. "The Elektronika NTs-03 Microcomputer," ELEKTRONNAYA PROMYSRI~ENNOST',
` I978 , No S( 65) , pp 54-55 .
18. Afanas'yev, M. M., Bagradcv, B. A., Gusakov, V. M., et al, "MQmory
; Unit with Potential Data Reading Capacity of 256 Bits," ELEKTRONNAYA
PROMYSHLENNOST`, 1977, No 3(57), pp 48-50. _
, 19. Ramachandran, "Low-�Powered CMOS Semipermanent Memory Unit with Erasure,
Operated from a Single Voltage Source," ELECTROIJICS, 1978, Vol 51,
~ No 14, pp 35-42.
20. Khart, Slob, and Vulms, "Integrated Injection T~ogic a New Area in
the Field of Bipola~ Large Integrated Circuits," ELECTRONICS, 1974, -
Vol 47, No 20, pp 37-47.
21. ~Khorton, Engleyd, and Makgi, "Integrated Injection Logic an Impor-
tant Advance in the Technology of Bipolar Integrated Circuits,"
ELECTRONICS, 1975, Vol 38, No 3, pp 24-34.
, 22. Bobrov, A. I., Gusakov, V. M., Krasil'nikov, A. A., et al, "Digital ~
Integrated Circuits on CMOS Transistors," ELERTRONNAYA PROMYSHLENOST~,
I974, No 10, p 28.
~ 23. Sharugin, I. I., "The Design of Digital Devices on Injection Logic
i Circuits," MIKROELETRONIKA, 1978, Vol 7, No 3, pp 247-260.
24. Englin, "Pulse Width Modulator on One CMOS Circuit," ELECTRONICS,
; 1977, Vol 50, No 13, p 55.
i 25. Arare, R. K., "Charge Cougled Devices Basic Operation and Principles,"
' MICROELECTRON. AND RELIABL., 1976, Vol 15, No 5, pp 475-483.
26. Flammiger, F., and Schindler, D., "Monostable CMOS-Multivibration,"
RADIO FERNSEHEN ELEKTR, 1977, Vol 26, No 17, pp 563-564.
~ 27, "4-Bit Processor S1ice, CMOS or STTL. Macrologic," ELE~CTRONIC
DESIGN, 1977, Vol 25, No 21, p 178.
: 28. "8-Bit Microprocessor, CMOS, CDP 1802," Ibid., p 130.
' 29. Iierzog, J., "Stand und Fortschritte auf dem Gebit der CMOS-Bauelement-
~ etechnik," RADIO FERNSEHEN ELEKTRONIK, 1978, Vol 27, No 3y pp 160-Z63.
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30. "Katalog Sowjetischer Hadleiter-Bauelemente Integrierte Scaltungen,"
Ibid., 1976, Vol 25, No 19/20, pp 645-646. -
� 31. Kbhlhaas, P., "Controlling Potential Static Charge Problems," FsL~CTRON.
pACKAGE AND PRODUCE, 1977, Vol 17, No 1, pp 71-73. :
_ 32. "Memory Design Handbook," Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California, ,
USA, 1977.
33. "RCA First in CMOS," ELECTRONIC DESIGN, 1977, Vol 25, No 22 (adver-
tisement on cover).
34. Turinsky, G., "Schaltungbeispiele mit CMOS-Schaltkreisen," RADIO
FERNSEHEN ELEKTRONIK,1978, Vo1 27, No 9, pp 551-553.
35. Turinsky, G., "Zusammenschaltung von Digitalen CMOS-Schaltkreisen mit
- ~ anderen Logik-Familien," RADIO FERNSEHN ELEKT'R~JNIK, 1977, Vol 26,
No 3, pp 76-78.
36. Young, A., "Getting To Know ths COSMAC Microprocessor I~; Simple," _
ELECTRONIC DESIGN, 1976, Vol 24, No 22, pp 136-145.
37. Zimmerman, T. A., Allen, R. A., and Jacobs, R. W., "Digital Charge-
Couple Logic (DCCL)," IEEE J. SOLID STATE CIRCUITS, 1977, Vol 12,
No 5, pp 473-485.
COPYRIGHT: Atomizdat, 1980
- [8Q-11176]
CSO: 1863
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i . -
[Chapter of book "Elements of Micro-Powered Digital Devices", by L.S. Gorn and B.I.
Khazanov: "Microprocessors on KrIDP Structures"]
i .
~ _ _
~ [Excerpt] Microprocessor Sections [MPS's)
There are two ways used by designers of large integrated circuits to make
multiprocessor sections using KrIDP [complementary metal-oxide-dielectric
semiconductor] technology, as well as other types of technology. The first
' way involves making multiprocessor sections whose architecture contains all
! the basic structural elements (with the exception of a system coritrol cir-
cuit) necessary to construct a functionally complete central processor but
� planned to process words with small bit configuration (most often four-
digit) and allowing consolidat~.on with the required length of words being
! processed without additional hardware in the central processor. When build-
ing systems using such microprocessor sections the designer has an oppor-
tunity to build up the bit configuration of the centrai processor arbi-
trarily, but will be limited to the framework of the architecture of the
; microprocessor sections selected. The K587IK2 multiprocessor section pro-
duced in the USSR will be considered below as an example of such multi-
processor sections.
The'second way involves development and manufacture of multiprocessor sec-
' tions that are not functionally complete in the form of large integrated
circuits. In Chis case each multiprocessor section is a m icroprocessor of
; low bit: configuration and the structure of the multiproc essor is broken
; down into the key structural elements such as the arithmetic-logical unit,
' the high-speed memory registers, the memory address registers, and others
and these elements are produced in the form of large integrated circuits
that permit both an expansion of bit configuration (element of each type)
and their consolidation into various combinations to construct a central -
processor with the required arc hitecture. Although it appears to involve -
the greatest complexity in building systems, the use of a family of this
type of large integrated circuit provides the greatest design flexibility
and imposes the fewest constraints. A typical example of sucr a family of
large integrated circuits is the Fairchild Company's Sexies 4700 micro-
circuits based on KMDP� technology (the MACROLOGIC famiJ.~) [2]. ~
7 ~ -
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The K587IK2 Microprocessor Section
The diagram of the multiprocessor section includes the structural elements
n~cessary for computation and data exchange with other units of the system: ~
the arithmetic-logical unit, the general-purpose register blocks which per-~
form the function of high-speed memory, working register (accumula-
tor), shift block, state register, three data input-output channels with ex-
change assemblias, a synchronization block, an expansion block, and a micro-
instruction receiving register with decoder.
The combination-type arit'~e:tic-logical unit is planned to perform conven-
tional aritfimetic (increme...ation of one operand, addition and subtrac_rion
of two operands) and logical (AND-OR, EXCLUSIVE OR, INVERSION) opera~~uns.
Any of the general-purpose registers or the acciunulator can be the source
of operands. The result is also moved to one of the ;eneral-purpose registers
or accumulator. The general-purpose register block contains eight four-
digit registers.
Logical or cyclical shift operations are executed in the shift block. This
block also generates the three state signals of the arithmetic-logical unit:
the sign of the results, zero results, and expansion (the presence of units
in shif ts) . These signals, acting on the corresponding triggers of the
state register, orient them to the appropriate state. In addition to these
triggers the state register also has one other trigger, the overflow
_ trigger .
Data exchange with units exterior to the multiprocessor sections is ac-
complished by means of three channels and the exchange control circuits
connected to them. All the channels a?-e figured for two-directional ex-
change (that is, for receiving and outputting data). Channels Ki and K2 -
are used only for exchange with the accumulator; channel K3 receives data
into the accumulator but outputs it from the state register. The exchange
mode (receive or oLtput) ~depends on the presence of the appropriate con-
trol si~nals f ed to the exchange circuits from ex~ernal units or issued by
exchange units to the external units.
The microinstruction receiving register stores the code of the micro-
instruction (12 bits) to be executed and the decoder produces at its out-
put the logical level which, acting on tne remaining blocks of the multi-
processor sections and [heir connected key elements, insure performance
of the required operations in the presence of synchronous signals from the
synchronization block. The total number of instructions that control the
operation of a multiprocessor section is 168. Two low-order bits of the
microinstruction determine its format. Table 5 below gives the distribu- ,
tion of microinstruction fields for four possible formats. The content
of bit Positions 2, 3, and 4 of all formats code the operations of the
arithmetic-logical unit; f ields Pi and Pj contain the codes of th~ registers
of the sources of operands and the receiver of the results of ttie operations,
while the fields in bit positions 8, 9, and 10 give the codes of the opera-
tions of the~ shift, exchange, and source and data receiver. Bit positions
5, 6, 7, and 8 of the third format contain a constant and bit position 11
indicates the need to record the states in the state register and output the
cont~nt of this register to channel K3.
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I Table 5. Formats of Microinstruction of K587IK2 -
Multiprocessor Section .
I Pa3 n~u~~ Paapx~~ onepauxotutop 4acrx MxxpoKOMaHUw ~b~
'i ~PMara g
p ~ z 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11
, o o xon anY(c) Pt P~ ac(d) .
~ 1 0 KOI7 AAY Pj KDII C,Q~e) BC
~ .
0 1 K017 AAY Koxcraxra (i~ N~h~ BC
l i KOfI AAY Pi KO.Nf 06M BC _
~ .
Key: (a) Bit Positions of Format; (e) Shift Register Op Code Field;
(b) Bit Positions of Opera- (f) Exchange Op Code Field
~ tions part of Micro- (h) Data Source and Receiver;
' instruction; (i) Constant.
' (c) Arithmetical-Logical Unit
; Op Code Field; ~ ,
; (d) Output Contents; ~
~ The microinstructions of the first format initiates register-register opera-
~ tions of the type (Pj ) F(Pi) where F is a function of the arithmetic-logical .
, unit in conformity with the op code. Eight different functions correspond
to the three-position op code field of the arithmeCic-logical unit: incre- -
mentation of the content of Pj and writing the result in Pj and the accumu-
lator (we will write this operation concisely as (P J�)+ 1-~ PJ�, A) ; subtrac-
tion (Pj ) - (Pi) P ,A; copying (Pj ) A; logical "AND" (Pi) (Pj ) P~ , A;
addition (Pi) + (P~ ~ p. ~A ; logical "OR" (Pi) (Pj )+Pj , A; nar,equivalence
~ ~Pi) ~Pj Pj , A; and coPYing ~Pi) Pj , A.
The microinstrurtions of the second format cause "accumulator-register" oper-
~ ations which may be conditionally described by the relationship [(A)F(Pi)] ~
i CDA A, where F as before is one of the functions of the arithmetic-logical
' unit and CDB is a shift operation on the result of the operation within
brackets. There are four shift functions: logical shift to the left and
~ right and cyclical shift to the left and right. Zhe four other code combina-
~ tions of the shift op code field code the following operations: inversion
of the results, execution of operations F with carryover or borrowing, exe- ~
~ cution of operations F without a shift, and recording the result in the pair
A, pi or only in A.
, Operations with the constant (third forma~) contained in positions 5, 6, 7,
~ and 8 of the microinstruction can be represented in the form (CONST) F
' (I[SR]) A, SR [state register], where I[SR] is the source of the second
- operand determined by the code of th4. data contained in positions 9 and 10.
~ This source may be channel K3, the state register, or the accumulator. The
i result of these operations is alway~b entered in the accumulator, and in two
~ cases in the state register also.
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The microinstructions of the fourth format initiate exscution of operations
in the arithmetic-logical unit (in conformity with the content of the op ~ode
field of the unit) on the operands stored in the accumulator and Pi; the re-
sult of the operations is always ]oaded into the accumulator. Before exe-
c~+tion of these operations copies are made from channels K1 or K2 to the
_ accumulator; the operations are completed by copying from the accumulator into
- one of the channels K1 or K2. The concrete form of the copies depends on the
code contained in the exchange op code field. The list of microinsCructions
- we have reviewed provides broad potential for using microprocessor sections
to process data in information-measurement systems.
The sections make it possible to consolidate word formats (multiples of four)
up to 32 bit positions in the multiposition processor without additional _
communication elements. In this case similar control lines are connected in
parallel, while linES from the outputs of the channels are joined into common
lines with a bit configuration that is a multiple of four. The distribution
of carryovers and shift positions from section to section during performance
of arithmetic-logical and shift operations is insured by an appropriate con-
nection of communications circuits of the expansion block.
In addition to the K587IK2 secr n trat we have considered, the K587 family
includes several other large integrated circuits with microprogram control
whose use siunplif ies the design of a microprocessor system: the K587IK1
self-contained module for processing and switching digital data, which is
designed to organize an interface; the K587IK3 self-contained hardward mul-
tiplication module; the K587RP1 address generator for setting up microprogram
- control; and the K530AP2 two-directional line former. Each of ttiese large
integrated circuits dissipates less than 10 milliwatts of power with a
supply voltage of nine volts. This makes it possible to build systems that
consist of a fairly large number of large integrated circuits with a power
input at the level of 0.1-1 watt. It should be noted, however, that these
large integrated circuits are intended�chiefly for specific use in the
Elektronika NTs-03 microcomputer [17] and when they are used for simpler -
program-controlled instruments or systems difficulties may arise. For ex-
ample, the general-purpose registers of the microprocessor section are
hard to use as instruction counters or other system registers such as stack
index indicator and the like as envisioned in many multiprocessor sections
under development recently. The K587RP1 microprngram control large inte-
grated circuit is made so that it is practically i.n:possible for a user to
_ program it. This significantly lim~ts the possibility of developing a problem-
oriented language for the system being designed. _
COPYRIGHT: Atomizdat, 1y80
CSU: ].863
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[Chapter of book "Elements of Micro-Powered Digital Devic~es", by L.S. Born and
B.I. Khazanov: "Static Memory Units on ?QrIDP Structures"]
[Excerpts] Large integrated circuits of main memory units with potential data read-
ing on IQ~IDP [complementary metal-oxide-dielectric-semiconductor] structures have
been developed and are being produced to build various devices with centralized
memory and low power input. Examples of such microcircuits are the K164RU2 and
K176RU2 large integrated circuits with memory organization of 256 x 1 bits and
the h564RJ2 with 1024 x 1 bits (USSR) .
. These microcircuits are functionally complete devices that contain, in addition
to the matrix of inemory elements, address decoders, amplifiers of the signal being
read, and control stages (cascades). They permit relatively simple consCruction
of internal memory units with large memory size.
Figure 9 below shows the schematic diagram of the 176RU2 large integrated circuit.
It is typical of the microcircuits mentioned above.. The memory is based on a matrix
of inemory elements that has 16 rows and 16 columns. The four low-order bits of the `
address Ao - A3 select one of the matrix rows through decoder 1, while the four
high-order bits A4 - A~ .select one of the columns through decoder 2. The output
read amplifier is an invertor with the switch boundary of transmission character-
istic U~ shifted in the direction of lower voltages. A complex invertor with three
states is used as an output stage (cascade) , which makes it possible to join the
microcircuits directly at the output while increasing the volume of the internal
memory unit. The microcircuit ouCputs both the direct output signal on output line
D and the inverse signal on line D.
The control unit, which receives the "crystal selection," "write-read," and "data
input" signals det~rmines the working mode of the microcircuit. When level 1 is
set on the "crysta.l selection" line the microcircuit is isolated from the data
input and output lines; only if the level on this line is equal to 0 is it. gossible
for control elements to in�luence other cascades and to read stored data. At
level 1 on the write-read line data is
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- Aa ~ ~a ~
d.~ b) (c)
" A+ ~ Mampuua
A= ~ b ~ i 3anon?uNarott4ux
~ ~t ~ 3neMerrmoB � -
A~ ~a= u ~ ,
Baix ,Q
u o -
KoMMymamo~(d) yc" KacKQd Bb~x,q(g)
, ~ (t,) eK z ~6 '
(i) 3/C y~en
ynpaB- ~1~ ~u~ 2
) BxQ neHUA .
(k) 6y~PO-
bl~ KQCKUd
Ay AS A6 A~
Figure 9. 5chematic Diagram of K176RU2 Large Integrated
Circuit of Internal Memory Unit
Kay: (a) Buffered address cascades;
(b) Decoder 1; ~
(c) Matrix of inemory elements;
(d) Multiplexor;
(e) Read amplifier;
_ (f) Output cascades;
(g) Outputs D and D;
(h) Crystal selection;
' (i) Write-read;
Data input;
(k) Control unit;
(1) Decoder 2.
~ read from the cell selected and when it is at 1 it is written into this cell;
after the data is recorded the state of the cell is determined by the level
of the signal (0 or 1) on the output D line.
The microcircuits we have considered permit the construction of a static in-
ternal memory un~.t with very low power input. The K176RU2 large integrated
circuit, �or example, can work at En = 4-15 volts and at En = 9 volts
uses no more th~n 0.1 milliwatt in the storage mode (that is, less than 0.4
microwatt per bit of. stored information). The Intel-5101 large integrated
circuit works at En = 2-5.25 volts and consumes no more than 15 microamp eres
in the storage mode (that is, less than 70 microwatts or 0.07 microwatts per
bit of stored information).
At the same time the microcircuits have entirely satisfactory time charac-
teristics. The K176RU2 microcircuit Izas an access time of not more than
0.4 microseconds and a write not greater than 0.2 microseconds. The Intel-5101
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, microcircuit has an access of less than 0.65 microseconds and a write
time of less than 0.4 microseconds.
Figure 12 [not reproduced]~gives time diagrams of the work of the K176RU2
microcircuit in the read and write mode; they are similar to the work di~-
, grams of other types of large integrated circuits for internal memory ~
i units.
COPYRIGHT: Atomizdat, 1980
~ [80-11176]
' 11,176
CSO: 1863
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_ ~
[Chapter of book "Elements of Micro-Powered Digital Devices", by L.S. Gorn and
B.I. Khazanov: "Small and Medium Scale Integrated Microcircuits"]
[Excerpts] Small scale integrated circuits.
Table 1 below shows typical microcircuits with KrIDP [complementary metal-oxide-
dielectric semiconductorJ structure produced in the USSR and abroad. Included
among them are various logical cascades, keys, universal logical cascades, cas-
cades for interlocking KrIDP and TTL gates, and triggers. Such microcircuits con-
tain about 50 elements in one body.
Table 1. Typical Microcircuits on KNIDP Structures
Nam~ of Microcircuit
Function Performed Number of El~ents RCA Com an Series K176
Two 3"OR-NOT" and an Invertor CD4000 K176LP4
Four 2 "OR-NOT" CD4001 K176LE5
Two 4 "OR-NOT" CD4002 K176LE6
Three 3 "OR-NOT" CD4025 K176LE10
Two 4"OR-NOT" and Two Invertors - K176LP11
Four 2 "AND-NOT" CD4011 K176LA7
Two 4 "EiND-NOT" CD4012 K176LA8
Three 3 "AND-NOT" CD4023 K176LA9
Two 4"AND-NOT" and Two Invertors - K176LP12
Four "AND-OR" CD4019 '
Nine "AND" and Invertor - K176LI1
Four "EXCLUSIVE OR" CD4030 K176LP2
Universal Elc~nent (two pairs of CD4007 K176LP1
transistors and one invertor)
- Five Interlocking Cascades with K176PU1
~ Inversion ~
Six Interlocking Cascades with CD4009 K176PU2
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Name of Microcircuit
; Function Perfor.ned, Number of Elements RCA Company Series K176
I , Six InCerlocking Cascades without _
~ Ittversion CD4010 K176PU3 _
! Two D-Triggers CD4013 K176PM2 -
i Two J-K Triggers CD4027 K176TV1
~ Four Two-Directional Keys CD4016 K176KT1 ~
, Four RS Triggers with Output of States
~ for Reso].ving Signal or High Output
Resistance in Absence of Signal;
R- and S-Signals 0-~ 1 CD4043 -
; Same, but R- and S-Signals 1-~ 0 CD4044 -
Three 3 "AND-OR-NOT" - K176LS1
I ~
; Table 3. Designation and Characteristics of Certain
! Series 4000 Microcircuits
~ Group of Standard Trigger- Average
I Integrated Desig- Function, Structure ing Power
Circuits nation Dissipa-
tion, uw
' Shift 4015 Two 4-digit registers containing 4 0~ 1 10
Regis- (IR2) D-triggers.with sequential data
_ ters recording and parallel, asynchron-
ous data output from each trigger;
! mass reset at 0
' 4035 Four-digit register with parallel 0-~ 1 10
j (IR9) data feed and synchronous output
j from each trigger; mass reset at 0
i 4021 Eight-digit register with sequen- 0-~ 1 10
~ tial or asynchronous parallel
~ data recording and data output
' from the last 3 triggers
~ 4014 Same, but with synchronous paral- 0-~ 1 10
; lel data recording ~
4006 Two 4-digit or 2 5-digit regis- 0-~ 1 10
(IR10) ters with sequential recording
~ and output from the
; fourth and fifth (in two regis-
; ters) triggers
4031 Four-digit register
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Group of ~Standard Trigger- Average
Integrated Desig- Function, Structure ing Power
Circuits nation Dissipa-
tion~ uw
l Pulse 4024 Seven-digit binary cuunter with 1-~ 0 10
Counter (IYel) output of state of each trigger;
mass reset at 0
4040 Twelve-digit binary counter with 1-~ 0 20,
output of state of each trigger;
mass reset at 0
L?020 14-digit binary counter with 1+ 0 20
output of state of each trigger,
except second and third; mass
reset at 0
4060 Same counter, but with pulse ' - 20
4 017 Decimal ring counter on five 0+ 1 10
(Iye8) triggers with output of state
in decimal position code ~
4022 Ring counter on four triggers 0} 1 10
(IYe9) with output of eight in octal
position code
4018 Pulse counter with assig~ent of 0-~ 1 10
necessary conversion factor be-
tween 3 and 10
4029 Four-digit bi.nary or decimal 0-> 1~ 10
counter with assigrunent of '
counting volume and output of
stat e of each trigger
4059 Four-decade frequency divider 0-~ 1 10
with assignment of counting
vo lume ~
Decoder 4028 Convertor from binary-coded - 10
('ID1) decimal code to decimal posi-
tion cod e; in selected po si-
tion high level at output,
but low level in other posi-
t ions
4055 Convertor of binary-coded decimal - 15
- ' code into septal position co�e to
control a liquid crystal; moduia-
tion of output level by low ~re-
quency signal (30-200 Hz)
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; ,
; Group of Star.dard Trigger- Average
; Integrated Desig- r~~nction. Structure ing Power
Circuits nation Dissipa- `
~ tion, uw
~ - -
4056 Same, without r~odulation but with - 15
internal storage of data
, Multi- 4051 Eight-channel multiplexor connect- - 1
plexors ing the output with one of the in-
' puts; control of binary code
4052 ~ao similar 4-channel multi- - 1
' (KP1) plexors
4053 Three similar 2-channel multi- - 1
~ plexors
Arith- 4008 Four-digit full suummator - lf, ~
; ~ metic (IM1) .
~ Unit
i At the present time the manufacturers of K1r1IDP microcircuits produce a fairly
; broad assortment of inedium scale integrated circuits~, Each year new de-
j vices are brought into production~ To illuatrate the capabili~ies of these
microsystems, Table 3(above) gives a list of the devices included in series
I 4000 (in addition to those listed, other integrated circuits are included in
i the series; in addition integrated circuits of series 4500, 4800, and others
are produced abroad). Some of these microcircuits are included in the
K164, K176, and K564 series produced in the USSR (in Table 3 their standard -
! designations are given in parentheses). In addition to them other devices
~ are produced in these series of integrated circuits which do not bave ana-
~ logs in the 4000 series.
i COPYRT_GHT: Atomizdat, 1980
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CSO: 1863
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Moscow EVM DLYA VSEKH in Russian 1980 signed to press 14 Nov 79 pp 41-42
[Excerpts from book by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Myasnikov, SerQe~ Aleksandrovich
Mayorov and Gennadiy Ivanovich Novikov, Izdatel'stvo "Znaniye~",~77,380 copies,
192 pages]
[Excerpts] Table 2. Technical Specifications of YeS [Unified Series] Computers
Specification Computer Model
1020 1022 1030 1033 1040 1050 1060
Mean speed, thousand 20 80 60 200 380 500 1000
operations per
Word length of 1 1 4 4 8 8 8
processor, bytes
Capacity of main
memory, K bytes 64-256 256-512 128-512 256-512 256-1024 512-1024 512-8192
Space occupied by2 ~
main assembly, m 100 110 150 120 200 200-250 270-300
Table 3. Technical Specifications of Minicomputers
Specification Computer Model
M-400 M-6000 M-7000 SM-1 SM-2 SM-3 SM-4
Mean speed, thousand
operations per
second 128 67 133 133 154 135 213
Word length (bits) 16 16 18 18 16 16 16
Capacity of main
memory, K words 8-128 16-64 16-128 16-32 32-128 8-28 32-124
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Space occupied by2
main assembly, m ~.5-40 20-k0 20-40 10-40 10-40 ],0~40 10--40
Tab1e 4. Technical Specifications of Microcomputers
Specification Microcomputer Model
~ Elektronika Elektronika Elektronika Elektronika
. S5-O1 SS-11 60 NTs-03
Speed, thousand -
operations per
' second 10 10 250 160
Word length (bits) 16 16 16 16 ~
~ Capacity of main -
memor.y, K words 28 128 4-28 64
, COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'srvo "Znaniya", 1980 -
I 8831
; CSO: 1863
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UDC 681.142.34
Kiev GIBRIDNYYE VYCHISLITEL'NYYE MASHINY in Russian 1979 pp 2, 163-164
[Annotation and table of contents of book, Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", 172 pages]
_ _ . _ .
- - . _
(Excerpts~ Annotation
This collection contains articles on the theory of hybrid computation and
the principles of developing assemblies for hybrid computers and comput-
in~ complexes. The articles consider the techniques of hybrid modeling
of problems of mathematical physics, the organization of work by parallel
computing systems, development of the computing equipment of hybrid com-
;~uting systems, and questions of the construction of problem-oriented
systems based on integrated arittunetic units and stochastic computers.
Some of the articles deal with peripheral devices and questions of analyz- _
ing the precision of hybrid systems and diagnosing them.
The book is intended for scientists and engineering-technical personnel.
Table of Contents
The Theo.ry of Hybrid Computations and Techniques of Mathe-
matical Modeling
Nevecherya, I. K., and Grif, A. G., Selection of a Methematical Model
in Solving the Proble.m of Estimating Hydrogeological Parameters Using
the Grad+OUT Progr~t" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Kofman, P. V., "Modeling One Class of Dynamic Processes 14
Algorithms, Algorithmic Languages and Software
Tursunov, A. U., "Questions of Digital Modeling of Nonlinear Finite
Equations and SysCems of Such Equations" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Bronshteyn, I. I., Glushenko, A. S., and Trakhtengerts, E. A., "The Prob-
lem of Minimizing Query Servicing Time in a Parallel System with
Decentralized Control" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080023-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080023-5
Goryachev, V. F., and Yefimov, I. Ye., "Organization of Static
Breakdown of Algorithms of the Computing Complex of a Physical ~
Simulator into Parallel Parts" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
i Murashko, A. G., and Chetverikov, G. G., "Mathematical Description _
i of.the Arithmnetic Relations of Binary and Tertiary Codes" 48
Computing Equipment
~ Gruts, Yu. N., "The Question of Adding Negafive N~nbers to a System
; of Remainder Classes with a Modulus That Is a Multiple of Ztao" . 58
Timoshenko, N. P., and Tsiganovskiy, M. Ye., "Device for Normalizing
; Binary Numbers" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Ovodenko, A. V., "Binary-Decimal S~mator in Fibonacci Code" 71
Kulakov, P. F., "Optical Computing Device" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
! Plyushch, Yu. A., "Har~aare Implementation of a Functional Conver-
' sion in Specialized Computing Devices" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Peripheral Devices
Kapitskiy, Ya. I., and Danil'chuk, N. M., "Digital-Analog Functional
' Convertors Based on Power Expansion of Functions" . . . . . . . . . 93
Pashko, D. I., "Technique for Refining the Matching of Measur~ment .
Results to the Time Coordinate for pouble Integration Measuring
~ Devices" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
. . . . . . . .
~ Kizilov, V. U., and Vladimirov, Yu. V., "Electronic Electricity -
Meter ~n a Frequency Squarer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Dubrovin, Yu. V., "Designing and Testing Deflecting Devices of
Image Transmission Systems" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
! Precision, Reliability, and Diagnosis
~ Levitskiy, V. G., "Insuring Precision in Ca.lculating Transf er Pro-
cesses in Linear ElecCric Circuits Using Frequency Characteristics" 117
; Godl~avskiy, V. S., Dotsenko, V. I., and Zavarin, A. N., "Indirect
~ Moniforing of Dynamic Systems" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
f . .
E Bol'shanin, A. I., and Tanaseychuk, V. M., "One Method of Improving
i the Reliability and Efficiency of Real-Time Computing Spstems" 129
~ Semereiako, V. P., "Algorithm for Constructing Tests for Sequential
Circuits Using Computation of Cubic Complexes" . , . . . . . . . . . 136
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Zemtsev, V. A., Svitel'skiy, A. I., and Shatokhin, A. D., "One Algo-
rithm for Solving the Problem of Constructing a Minimum Monitoring
- Test" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 -
~ I1'nitskiy, L. Ya., Sibruk, L. V., an~ Khoroshko, V. A., "Circuits
for Linearization of the Characteristics of Photoresistors 146 �
Lyubomudrav, A. A., "Precision Analysis of the Techniques of Linear
Approximation" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Verlan', A. F., and Manukyan, E. N., "Some Principles of Organiz-
ing Automated Systems to Diagnase Complex Objects" 154
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Naskova dtmnka", 1979
1i,176 ~
CSO: 1863
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UDC 681.325.5
[Article by Yu. A. Plyushch, Institute of Electrodynamics of the Ukrainian SSR
Academy of Sciences, Kiev: "Hardware Implementation of a Functional Conversion
in Specialized Computing Devices"] ,
[Excerpts] One of the ways to increase the information productivity of com-
puter equipment is to substitute hardware problem-solving for software
~ methods [1, 2]. The determination of the scope of d istribution into the
software and liardware parts in specialized and functionally oriented com-
puting systems and devices depends on many factors, in particular on the
volume of equipment and the functional cspabilities of the basic elements
being used.
This article reviews certain quesCions of construct ing matrix combination
decision blocks which perfo~ functional conversion in one cycle, with due -
` regard for specific types of basic elements. As an example we have selected
~ a seriea K155 microcircuit which is based on the functione "and/not" and
! "and/or/not." The typicaY features of using this basis are considered with
the examples of constructing a matrix multiplier and, as a particular case,
; a device for squaring. However, everything present ed below can be quite
simply transferred to the construction of o~~her matrix functional convertors
which realize. the interrelationship between digital input and output quan-
~ tities by performing the operations of algebraic and (or) logical addition
and multiplication of single-order quantit ies.
The structure of the matrix device for multiplying two numbers consists of
~ a matrix of combination single-order summators interconnected by inter-
~ digital carry coupl ings and a matrix of combination single-order multipliers
connected with the inputs of the single-order summators. In the binary sys-
; tem of notation it is customary to use logical multiplication cells ("and" ~
, circuits), in which the truth table coincides with the value of the algebraic
multiplication table. Figure 1[not reproduced] is a diagram of a matrix
` four-byte multiplier in which "and" circuits are used as single-order multi-
' pliers. As can be seen, multiplication requires 16 "snd" circuits and 12
~ complete single-order su~ators. The multiplication circuit (see Figure 3 ~
: ~ [not reproduced]) can be built quite simply on the basis of series K155
microcircuits. The registers of the multiplicand and multiplier can be made
from type K155TK1, K155TK2, K1555TM5, and K155TM7 microcircuits. The matrix
i ~
~ 23
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of combination multi-order summators and biock A can be made using K155IM1,
K155IM2, and K155IM3 microcircuits. The switching blocks B are quite
aimply made with K155KP2 microcircuits.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", 1979
. 11176
CSO: 186~
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; ~
~ .
~ unc 68Y,3z
~ ~
No 22 (39) ~ 1978 PP 115-126
, [Article by Ya. I. Fet]
[Excerpts~ G eneral Structure of the 5ystem
On the whble the system must represent a heterogeneous computer complex consisting
of a central ma,chine and a set of f~uict3 ona,l modules. The central ma.chine (a
; medium-capacity universa.l computer) performs the role of a dispatcher, accomplishes
. couplin with peripherals, stores_and services the system programs and produces
simple ~scaSar) processing. Ftznctional modules receive drom the central machine
tasks in the accomplishment of mass operations, and realize them autonomously.
Effective fl~nctioning of the system requires, of course, good organiza.tion of the
distribution of work array-arguments and the exchange of intermediate results.
The architecture under consideration is not new. We distinguish~ here, however,
the following distinctive features which seem important to uss
' --the large-unit cha.racter of special processor ~nctions;
~ --the high level of apparatus support (complex ba.sic o~erations of special pro-
~ --the possibility of providing sufficient "universa.lity" when there is a small
~ number of special processors.
~ Using the descriptive definition from ~32~, we can ca11 a traditional universal
ma.chine with its set of sca.lar oper_ations a system of "low qualifica.tions." The
above-considered computer system with a set of flinctional modules oriented toward
the appa.ratus realiza.tion of mass apera.tors is a system of "medium qualifica,tions."
The question ca.n be posed further regarding systems of "high qualifica.tions," in
which the appa,ratus support will be distributed over larger developments, sega,rate
important tasks and frequently used algorithms. Among special pro~essors of tha,t
designation are, for example, sorting networks [33], BPF [fast Fourier transformJ
, processors [14] and matrix processors for the solution of systems of differential
equations [34]. If necessary, such processors can be included in a universal
~ system, raising its "qualifications." _
If one takes as an estimating criterion the number of basic operations (cycles)
necessary for the realization of some standard set of tasks, the system of the
, described architecture can evidently assure high effectiveness.
~ 25
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1~. Yevteyev, Yu. I., et al. Apparaturnaya rea.liza,tsiya disrcretnogo preobra.zo-
vaniya'ye (Appa.ra~cus Healization of a Discrete ~'ourier Trans~orm~ . Mos-
cow, '�E~ergiya," 1978� ,
33� Batcher K. E~ Sorting Networks and Their Applications. In: AFIP5 Conf.
Proc., 1968, SJCC, Vol 32, pp 307-31~~
34. I1'in, V. P., and Fet, Ya. I. Parallel computer for solution of difference
equations of field-theory problems. Decision of the State Committee on issu-
ance of an Author's Certificate on Application No 2306000 dated.30 Max 7?~
COPYRIGHrc Institut ma.tematiki 50 AN SSSR, 1978
2174 ,
cso, i863
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080023-5
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BESM-6 in Russian 1980 sj.gned to press 16 Jan 80 pp 2-11, 17-29, 261-263
[Annotation, table of contents~ foreword, introduction and section 1.4 of Cha.pter 1
from book by Igor' Vyacheslavovich Yel'bitskiy, Vasiliy Nikolayevich Khod.akovskiy
' and Leonid Ivanovich Sholmov, Sta.tistika, 30~000 copies, 263 pages] ,
, [Excerpts] . A new Soviet automa,ted. technology of programming is described., one
, which permits considerably increa.sing the ]~;bor productivity of programmers. In
contrast with an individual technology of programmer labor it provides the possi-
bility of organizing large teams of programmers, which is especially important in
the creation of large program projects.
A description is given of the main concepts of the new programming technology and
the realiza.tion of technological complexes for program production on BESM-6 and
YeS computers.
The book is intended for programmers and specialists working with computers, scien-
tific workers and associates of computer centers studying questibns of system and
applied programming. It will also be useflil to students studying questions of pro-
' gramming technology.
Contents P~e
; Foreword. 3
Introduction ...........................~.............o........................ 5
Cha,pter 1. General Information on the F. Technology of Program Production..... 8
1.1. History of Its Development 8
1.2. Wha.t the R-Technology Will Give 9
1.3. Knawn Programming Technologies 11
~ 1.4. General Description of the R-Technology 17
1.5. A Very Simple Exa.mple .............o................................... 20
1.6. A Very Well-Known Example .......................................o..... 23
~ 1.7. Some Genera,l Conclusions 27
~ Cha.pter 2. Basic Elements of the R Technology of Program Production.......... 30
; 2.1. The R-Ma,chine Concept 30
; 2.2. R-Machine Abstract Stora,ges
' 35
~ 2.3. The R-N1a,chine 42
~ 2~
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Chapter 3, Main Stages of Work in the R-Technology~ 53
3.1. The Sta~e of Planning R-Programs........~ 53
3.2. Debugging R-Frograms.........~ 6i
3~3,~ ~ssuance of Documentation.~....o 7
3.4.~ Operation of R-Programs 75
3.5. Influence of R-Technology on the Development of Programming Languages. 76
3.6. Connection of R-Technology With Known Technologies....oo 84
Cha,pter 4~ Automa,tion of the Programtner's Work on R-Technology $9
4.1. The RTK Technological Complex of the Programmer
- 4.2. The Place of the RTK in the General 91
~.3. Areas of Effective Applica,tion of the RTK 92
4.4~. Use of the RTK for the Construction and Operation of Da.ta Banks, ~
Data Retrieval Systems and Packa.ges of Applied Programs
~.5. Connection of R-Technology With the Practical Realization of RTK
Technological Complexes and the Direction of Development of the Work.. 97
Cha.pter 5~ R~TRAN--the Input Language of the YeS Operating System
Programmer's RTK Technological Complex 99
5.1. Prelimina.ry Information 99
5.2. Progra.m Structure........~ ...........................o................ 103
5�3~ Conception of Standaxd 5torages. Description of Storages.........~... 106
5.4. Performa.ble Part of the Program 122
5�5� Library of Standaxd. Subroutines 130
5.6~ 'Pranslator from the R~TRAN I~a.nguage.��.~��.�~~������~��~�������~��~~�� 142
5.7. Methodical Recommendations on Recording Subroutines in R~TRAN......... 1j0
Cha.pter 6, Structure of the YeS Operating System Programmer's RTK
Technolog~ca.l Complex 153
6.1. Architecture of the YeS Operating System RTK Technolbgica,l Complex.... l~
6.2. Resources Used by the YeS Operating System RTK 1
6.3. Start of the RTK Technologica,l Complex on YeS Computers 155
6.4~. Operation of the Ye5 Operating System RTK Technologica,l Complex....... 1~6
6.5. The YeS Operating System RTK Library System 167
6. 6. Distinctive Features of the Realiza.tion �and- Operat~.on of the YeS
Operating System RTK 169
6.7. Principles of Construction of Packages of A~plied Programs in the
Ye5 Opera.ting System RTK 171
Chapter 7, The Text Editor 173
7.1. Description of the Text Editor 173
7.2. The Interaction Text F,clitor 180
Chapter 8, The Structure Assembler 185
8.1~ The Forma.t o~ Control Structures ..............................a....... 185
8.2. Ma,in Operators 186
8.3. Auxiliary Operators 191
8.~. Description Operators 194
8.5. Structure of a Program in the Language of the Structure Assembler..... 195
- 8.6. Error ldentification 195
8.?. The Printing Out of the Prograan 195
8.8. Translation and Execution of Programs 196
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Cha,pter 9~ The STELZ Metasystem 197
9.1. General Cha.ra.cteriza,tion of the Metasystem.....~ 197
9.2~ STELZ Archives .......................................o............~... l98
9.3. STELZ Description.......~ 199
9.4. Special Operations of the Metasystem 201
9.5~ Increase of the STELZ Rate of Recognition 202
9.6. Textua.l Stores 204
9�7� Examples of Use of the Metasystem 206
9.8. Organiza.tion of Work of a User With the Meta,system 208
Chapter 10. Input Programming Langua,ge of the BESM-6 RTK Technologica.l
Complex 210
10.1. General Information About the R~TRAN I,angua,ge 210
10.2. Rules for Input of Froposals (Ptuiched Card Patterns) of R~TRANS
From a BESM-6 Interaction Tarminal 212
10.3. Alpha,bet......~ 213
10.4. Elementary Language Constructions...........o 213
10.5. Section of Data Descri.ption (RBM 3torage) in the R~TRAN Language..... 215
10.6. Executive Section in the R~TRAN Language 221
Cha,pter 11. Libra.ry of Operations of Effect on the RBM Storage 230
11.1. Matching With Respect to Subroutine Connections and Subroutines
Accomplishing a Given Matching 230
11.2. Operations of Effect on a Stack Memory z33
11.3. Operations of Effect on a Register Memory 236
11.4. Operations of Effect on Text Files 238
11.5. Operations of Effect on Tabular Memory....... 24~1
11.6. Operations of Effect on a Memory of the MEMORY Type 246
11.7. Other Useful Opera.tions of Effect 2~7
11.8. Inclusion and Exclusion of Operations of Effect 2~J-8
C~,pter 12. The BESM-6 Pro~~^m~~'� .R"'K TecHnological. Com~lex. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . 2~9
12.1. RTK Technical Characteristics 24~9
12.2. RTK Coupling With the Dubna Monitor System 24~9
12.3. Task for Work in the RTK 250
12.~. Start of the R-Program to Count ...............................a...... 251
12.5. Synterms in the BESM-6 RTK 251
12.6. Use of the FORTRAN Language in the BESM-6 RTK 2~
Bibliography ..............................................................o.. 258
Programming technology is a new, rapidly growing directing in programming. Inter-
est in engineering questions about programs and details of the process of program
production and in the formation of an industrial culture of is caused
by increase in the labor-intensiveness and cost of program system production. At
_ the present time the cost of pxogram system production is several times tha,t of
computer hardwaxe. The tendency is such tha,t in 1990 the correlation between the
cost of computer software and ha,rdwaxe will be the same as between the cost of a
commodity and its packaging.
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The reason for the situation that ha.s developed is that programming formed as
a creative activity difficult to discipline. Programming officially was ca,lled an
art. Each programmer wrote programs without adhering to any sort of clear prin-
ciples~ standards or limitations. It almost impossible to analyze wha,t a
program w'ritten by another man does, and practically impossible to completely debug
;~uch a pro~r,ram. The situa,tion developed. in which it was easier to re-write a pro-
gram thari to analyze what someonc else ha.d done or cha.nge it slightly. As a result
about 80-90 percent of the functions e~.sting at the present time duplica.te one F
another ~inctionally~ and only 1- 3 percent of the total enormous volume of accu-
mulated is actively used. �
In the book offered to the reader a new and original Soviet technology (the R-tech-
nology) of programming is presented. That technology was formulated in the Insti-
tute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian 5SR Academy of Sciences on the ba.sis of basic
research on the theory of automata and ma,chines with a high-level structural inter-
pretation of languages. The ba.sis of the proposed technology is a new view of the
semantics of data processing as a process for which the structure of data with
processing algorithms suspended on it is the starting one. A characteristic fea-
ture of the new technology in comparison with known foreign technologies (modular
and structural, the I~IPO-technology, top-down programming, etc) is the
possibility of organizing the team labor of programmers and the possibility of
creating effective problem-oriented complexes for the production of progr`am sys-
tems. Such complexes been produced for the principa.l Soviet computers~ the
Y eS computers and the BESM-6 and have been checked in the creation of a number of
pxogram systems. The Ye5 RTK and BESM-6 RTK technological complexes for program
production also ar.e described in the present book.
T he presentation of material in the book is made-systema.tically and the material
requires no prelimina.ry special training. A description of the general principles
of R-technology and RTK complexes is presented. in the beginning, and then ~uidance
for programmers for work on RTK complexes. Thus, the book will undoubted-r~
1y be useful to a large axmy of programmers and spe~ialists studying questions of
system an.d applied programming, and also for scientific workers enga,ged in ~orming
an industrial culture of programming.
A. A. Stogniy, corresponding member of
the Ukrainian SSR Aca.demy of Sciences
I ntrod.uction
A cha.racteristic featuYe of the development of programming on the basis of algo-
rithmic langua.ges and existing operating systems is a sharp increase in the cost
of producing program systems. In 1971 the cost of program systems was the same
as the cost of computer ha.rdware. At the present time the software cost is
several times tha.t of the ha.rdware~ and program production is a serious problem in
ma,ny developed countries.
Starting in 1970, to lower the cost of production of program systems and increase
the labor productivity of pro~rammers, in our country and abroad there has been
wide use of inethods which regulate a high professional level of program writing
regardless of the, operating system, computer or problem to be solved.
- Such methods received the general name of programming technology.
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In 1976 a new programming technology was developed on the ba.sis of generalization
of a large amount of experience in the production of computer-aided systems to pro-
duce real-time programs. It ha.s received the name of the R-technology of pro~ram
- production, or two-dimensional programming technology. In that technology, on the
basis of b~,sic research on the theory of automa,ta and machines with high-1~v~1
structural interpretation of langua,ges, some principles of the forma.l breakdown of
the programming process into a number of simple subprocesses ha,ve been clearly dis-
tinguished, for the performance of which, earlier than in ordina,ry programming prac-
tice, means of automating the programmer's work by means of the computer itself axe
dra,wn in. The R-technology assumes a unif`ied ma,thema.tical apparatus for the entire
technological cyole of program production: planning, coding, debugging, documen-
tation and operation. The new technology permits carrying out the complete auto-
ma.tion of the programmer's work far more profoundly tha.n ha,s been done so far in
the better Soviet and foreign technologies. The applica.tion of the R-technology
permits organizing technologica.l lines for the mass production of programs, plan-
ning~ controlling large teams of programmers in the development of complex program
systems, attracting to programming a broa.d circle of users who axe not prof~ssiona.l
programmers and reducing by one half to two thirds the time required for the pro-
duction of program systems.
Very promising is the use of the R-technology to process symbolic or textua.l infor-
ma,tion and to collect program product from available program modules, different in
level and_programming langua,ge. That class includ�s tasks in the construction of
translators, microgenerators, package~ of applied programs, ASU, automated design
systems, informa.tion retrieval systems, etc. -
To automa,te the work of programmers on R-technology, on the Soviet computers,
the Ye5 computers and the ~ESM-6, R'ITK technological complexes been created.
The RTK complexes are, in essence, the first automa.ted technological program pro-
duction lines. The R-technologies and RTK complexes have pa.ssec~ ~ in a number -
of organi za,ti oris .
T he realiza,tion of technologica.l complexes for program production on the YeS and
BESM-6 computers is described in this book. The ba.sic conceptions of the new pro-
gramming technology are d.iscussed first. Then a detailed description is given of
the YeS RTK and BESM-6 RTK technologica,l complexes for program production. The
- description of the complexes is sufficiently detailed and rigorous and can serve as
a methodical and at the time working guide for the programmer.
In its structure the book is divided into 12 cha.pters. In the first four chapters
a description is given of the general conceptions o� the new technology without
reference to its specific implementation. The materials of those cha,pters reveal
from general positions the essence of the new technology, its connection with known
approaches to the automa.tion of programming and distinctive features of the auto-
ma,tion of various stages in the work of programmers in the new technology. In the
rema.ining cha.pters a description is given of specific developments of RTK techno- -
logica,l complexes for YeS computers (cha.pters S-9~ and the BESM-6 (chapters 10-11~.
Described in cha.pters 5 and 1.0 are the user's languages of interaction with RTK
technological complexes, and in Chapters 6 and 11 the questions regarding their
operation. In cha.pters 7, 8 and 9 the service pa.ckages for the effective work
of users according to the new technology of YeS computers are described. T here are
three such packagess the STELZ metasystem, the interac~tion text editor and the
structure assembler.
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'i'he ST~LZ metasystem is a new type of program system which permits creating evo-
lutionarily developing programming languages. The construction of such systems
became possible in principle thanks to distinctive features of information proces-
sing in the R-technology. By means of the STELZ metasystem a user can simply assign
any r~Cm~ding element standardized by him (STandartizovannyy ELement
STELZ), introduce it into the archive of the metasystem and apply it effectively
further in his work. Practically no limitations are imposed on the syntax of
STELZ assignment as well as on the method of its use in any program of the user.
The purpose of the remaining packages is evident from their name.
The material of the book is designed for various readers--system and applied pro-
grammers, scientific workers, designers of new computers, students, etc. T o assure
ac:cessioility of ma,terial of the book to a reader who is not a professiona.l pro-
grammer, the first four cr,apters, in which the concepts of the new technology are
described, use only Russian notation. In the realization of those conceptions on
- existing operating systems of Ye5 and BESM-6 computers the English notation custom-
ary for those systems was adopted. The conceptions of the new ~echnology are de-
scribed, not as dogma.~ but as a certain guide to action which the user can adapt
creatively to his own conditions in the creation of specific technological program
prod.uction lines. Therefore the description of the first four chapters contai.ns a
large number of simple examples and method.ical recommendations and is consciously
not formalized. It seemed to us tha.t such a presenta.tion of the ma.terial of those ~
chapters will permit effectively using the new technology to solve not only tacti-
ca,l but also strategic questions regarding the crea.tion of program systems.
In writing section 4~.4~ of the book the authors used materials presented by S. T.
Rodionov. Cha.pter 9 on the STELZ metasystem wa.s written with the use of workin~
materials of the author of that metasystem, A. L. Kovalev. The authors wish to
axpress their appreciation to those associates. The authors consider it their duty
to express their appreciation and gratitude to V. P. Breyev, L. N. Korolev and
L. B. Efros for valua.ble comments during the preparation of the book.
Cha.pter 1. General Information on the R-Technology of Program Production
The present cha.pter contains a description of the general conceptions of the new ~
programming technology. That technology has been called two-dimensional program-
mtng technology or the r~-technology of program production. The letter R in the
name of the technology has no special significa,nce and is merely a continuation of
previously introduced working notation. The programming is called two-dimensional
because representation of the prt~~-~a.m product in the form of a certain special
gra,ph forms its ba.sis.
1.1. History of Its Development
In the second half of the 1960's, in the Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian
SSR Academy of Sciences, on the ba,sis of the work of V. M. Glushkov on finite
automa,ta and automa.ta with ma,gazine memory ~1,2~~ investigations were started on
the formal description of programming langua,es. As a result a metalanguage was
created for the formal description of the syr?tax of langua.ges, ca.lled the R-meta-
langua:ge [3, 6]. The grammar of the language in tha.t (the R-grammar)
was presented in the form of a certain oriented graph, ~n the area of which were
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written symbols of the language and operations on any finite number of magazine
memories. T here were three such operations: recording~ rea,ding and empty. In the
operation of recording, any symbol can be written in any ma,gazine. T he operation
of ret~din~; was a certain condition of passage along the R-grammar arc. If t11e _
arguments of tha,t operation coincided with the symbols on the peaks of the corre-
sponding magazines, the transition along the R-gra.mmar arc was accompa.nied by read-
ing of the indicated symbols from the magazines. In the contrary case transition
along the axc was forbidden and the rea.ding wa,s not done. It is understandable ~
tha.t the syntax of any_programming can be described in such a metalanguage.
In contrast with the of Backus-Naur forms which wa:-~ widespread at that
_ time ~7,8~, the new had considerably better chaxacteristics with re-
spect to the rate of syntactic recognition of texts in programming languages (10-50
in structions~symbol for the R-grammar and 1000-2000 instructians~symbol for the
BNF grammar) . This is na.tural, as the R-metalanguage ha.s an essentially automa,tic
nature. Two other features of the H�ere less evident: compa,ctness of
de scription and simplicity (technological ef~ectiveness) of assignment of the syn-
tax of existing programming languages. For example, the syntax of the ALGflL-60
~anguage in the R-metalangua,ge occupies 5000 bits of computer storage, and in the of Backus-Naur forms, 10,000 bits [9]� The techno~ogica.l effective-
ness of the assignment of the syntax of programming langua,ges has been checked and
confirmed on a large number of languages of different levels: assemblers, proced-
ure-oriented (ALGOL~ FORTRAN, PASCAL) and problem-oriented.
In 1975 the concept of abstract memory was introduced into the R-meta.language, ~ and
simultaneously four new types of it: counter, register, carload (a generaliza,tion -
of the magazine type of astract memory) and tabular [10-12]. T he new types of
abstract memory permitted technologically describing in the R-metalanguage not ~
only the syntax but also the semantics of programming langua~es. T his means that
for the recording of semantics it is sufficient, on the ares of a graph giving the
syntax of the langua,ge in the R-metalanguage, to record the corresponding opera-
ti ons on new types of abstract memory. The semantics of languages are given in a
certain senss according to the technology as the syntax. The syntax and se-
ma.ntics of the AIG OL-60 and PASCAL langua.ges were formally described according to
t he proposed technology in the course of 1975-1976.
In 1971-1976 work was started on ASFP SINTERM (Avtoma.tizirovannaya, sistema proiz-
v odstvo progra,mm real'nogo vremeni--Automated System for Production of Real-Time
Programs) on the ba.sis of the Tha,t system was intended for the
production of specialized computer programs on the large BESM-6 universa.l computer,
called an instrumental computer. In the course of 1971-1976 three generations of
tha.t system were constructed for three different specialized computers respectively.
T he tota.l volume of software for an instrumental computer at the present time is
300,000 BESM-6 instructions. All three generations of the ASPP SINTERM system have
been introduced into industry and are operaCed effectively at this .
G eneralization of experience in the construction of the ASPP SINTERM ha,s also
served as the ba,sis for the forma.tion of an R-technolog3r for progz~,m production -
[15-17~]. In the process of such forma.tion the concept of the R-metalangua,ge and
syntactica.lly controlled translation has been gr~.d.ually replaced by more general
concepts of the R-ma.chine and the programming langua~e on it. In 1976 the R-
technology was successfully transferred to a state commission, and its ma,ss dis-
tribution started after that.
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1.2. Wha.t the R Technology Will Give
The new t~chnology ha.s been used effectively for the construction of transla,tors
from the g'4RTRAN and PASCAL langua.ges [18-19~, several assemblers, a struatural
expansion of ALGOL [20], the recoding of AIGOQ.-programs on the BESM-6 into ALGOL-
and PL-programs on the Ye5 computer, an information retrieval system [21]~ an auto-
mated information system for counting empty and occupied individual apartments of
Yerevan on the basis of the SUBD {Data Base Management System) "BANK" [23J, the
controlling part of a of programs for designing shells of complex struc-
tural designs [2~], programs for the forma.tion of syntactica,lly oriented listing
of PL-program printing, progr~ams ~or the automatic tra.cing of PL-programs for
interactive debugging [22], systems for the autc~anation of editorial and publishing
work [25-z6]~ progra.m support of shaxed collective-use centers, e*_c.
Experience in the use of the new technology shows that it substantially simpli~ies
and accelerates the four most labor-intensive stages in traditional programming:
- planning, debugging, documentation and operation, tha.t is, the accompaniment and
introduction of changes into a program system by other than its developers. In
the new technology the stage of program encoding does not differ in labor-inter_-
siveness from program encoding in existing high-level langua.ges. The ma,ximum labor
productivity of a team of programmers working on the R-technology amounted to 100
instructions per man per da.y in the time interval from the technica.l task agreed.
upon with the purc'na,ser to delivery of the finished and documented program product
with a volume of 60,000 instructions. This includes instruction of the purcha.ser
during delivery of the system. The labor productivity of programmers in doing .
simi.lax work according to the traditional technology eaxlier did not exceed 5-10 .
instructions per day for the same workers.
Such high labor productivity for a programming team using the R-Cechnology is not
a maximum limit as widespread mastery of the R-technology is only a beginning.
The users who fixst mastered the R-technology noted its following merits:
--the team c~iaraeter�of programmer's labor according to a cleax top-down plans all
the work is spread over bands and all pro~rammexs work rhythmically according to
a simple plan unified for all f~om the top down;
--independence of the technology from the qualifications of the performer and
their mutual transpositions in the course of the work. There is positive ex-
perience in the use of the R-technology by non-professional progra.mmers;
--stability of the technology toward errors in planning, ease of introduction of
corrections into initially accepted axchitectural solutions;
- --the possibility of effective control from above of the caurse of~performance of
the work~ the possibility of effective applica.tion of network planning af work,
the smooth connection of new actua~ors, the ~ossibility of strong elimina.tion of
duplica.tion of work and the organization of production rela.tions in the team;
--the presence of ineans of automa.ting work on the R-technology, means effective
and convenient for work, a volume of documenta.tion sma.ll and adaptable for
organiza,tion (in compaxison with tha,t of YeS computer software).
One to two weeks to 1-2 months axe required for the organiza.tion of R-technology.
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1.~. General Des~ription of the R Technology
In analyzing Figure ?.1 still another important conclusion can be drawn. All
existin~ methods of increasing the la.bor pralu~tivity of programmers are based on -
modif~c9.tibn of the superstructure, whereas the ba,sis, the principle of data ~o-
cessing in the computer itself, rema,ins unchanged. The meaning of work on the
creation of the R-techr.o~ogy consists in modifica.tion of the ba.sis in such a ma,nner
as to ~ s~:mplify the process of programming, to draw it nearer to a production pro-
cess more na.tural for man. For tha.t purpose a certain provisiona.l computer, ca.lled
an R-ma,chine or an RBM for short, realized for the programmer, is offered to him.
� Then a corresponding superstructure--a language ( and a programming tech-
nology (R-technology)--is constructed. for tha.t ma.chine.
Bafore describing distinctive features of data processin~ in the RBM machine for
the programmer~ we will dwell on shortcomings of existing computers. The main
shortcoming in the organization of data proc~ssing on existing computers consists
in the fact (Figure 1.5) that there is no direct connection between the data and
the program which processes them (the connection between them is implicit~ through
ma,n) . For a program on a computer, if it wa,s not constructed in a special manner
(and, cf course, artificially complica.ted in the process of planning), it does not
ma,tter which data are to be processed. In the construction of such programs all
connections and correspondences between the program and data on the input and output
must be kept in mind by the programmer. For the first computers, oriented toward.
computing tasks~ the volume of such connectims wa.s not great, and so un~er the
conditions of a primitive elementary such a principle of da.ta processing was
very progressive. At present the volume and complexity of the data to be processed
have increased so much tha.t the volume of connections which must be kept in mind
during the cor~pilation of a contemporary program ha.s surpa.ssed. the threshold natur-
- al for man, and this has led to a sharp complica.tion of the process of programming
for canputerJ with a traditional structure.
_ q~
H~~e /1po~~MMQ ~~e 1.5. principle of computer
data processing.
1-- Data 2-- Program 3-- Computer
In the RBM machine for the prograanmer it is proposed to include in the program it-
self an explicitly given connection with the data, for which the program flow-
chart is combined with the logical data structure and the funetiona.l part of the
program is distinguished sepa.rately (Figure 1.6). In the R-technology, to record -
such programs it is pxoposed. to use the most graphic of known languages--the
language of loaded oriented graphs. In tha,t language the logical data structure
combined with a program flowcha,rt is given by recording thP co~asponding symbols
and predicates on the ares of i:he graph, and the functions of Processing the given
structures are given on the gra.phs by recording a series of only linear state-
ments: assigriment statements, statements of appeal to procedure-~.inctions or _
statements of transfer between RBM memories. For such a program, in contrast with
a compu~er program, it does not ma.tter which da.ta axe to be processed. The pro-
cessing of data not corresponding to the logical data, structure is blocked--leads
to the halting of the RBM, in with the computer, and is similax to how
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~3} 1I02U4eCKdA CTps/k- .
rypp aQNNb/X (/lC,Q~~
coBMeu{eHHas~ c noZU- Figure 1. 6. Principle o~ infOxrrl~t~.on
(ncR) np~ Processing on the RBM ma,chine for the
1 ~2~ 1 Data
,QaNNb~e RBM 2 RBM
3-- Logical data structure combined . -
~4 ~?yHltquu obpa6oTxu with the program flowchaxt
Qa~deaer+Na~x crpyKryp 4-- Processing functions of separated
nozuaeckaA Aa2uyecka ^ Cere4ou 2pa-
c~pykTypu cxeHa /1/10- _ ~VK pO60T _
~ONNb/X 2pQM/Nbl
.3Qa~Hf/B~ _ ,Q00/1ElEl~!�ABHUA
) roro8a~u ~8~
~jT J1pp8J1a~MNHb(U
npoaykr ~
Figure 1.7. Programming technology for the RBM.
2-- Technica.l task 6-- Network oper.ation schedule
3-- Logical data structure 7-- R-technologica.l complex .
1~ Program flowchart 8-- Finished program product
ma,n himself processes data. It is obvious tha.t for the computer~ by virtue of its
universality, a program also can be constructed in which the proce~s~ng of data not
corresponding to the program flowcha.rt is bloGked and which also leads'~o halting
of' the computer in the of the processing. of incorrect information. In practice
' only such computer programs are constructed, as the others do not make sense. .
For the computer this is achieved through substantial complication of the program
and the process of its construction, but for the RBM this fl.ows from the very work-
ing principle of the R-ma.chine and requires no efforts f`rom the programmer.
The programming technology was changed for the RBM (Figure 1.7~. It is clearly
divided into two main stages. In the first the structure of the information
is formally determined without connection with any sort of algorithm for its pro-
cessing. In the second stage that structure is regarded as the logica7. diagram of
the correspondin~ algorithm for its p~ocessing and as a certain diagram (network
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~ graph) of the work of the t~ am of prograramers on predetermination of the starting
structure. The predetermination is accomplished only by linear operators. Used
' as such operators are either generally known (assignment statements~ or statements
obtained and standaxdized in the early stages of the development of wark o~x~ the -
R-technology~ or the user can introduce any of his own linear statementS, ~ecording
them in ~,dvance in one of the programming langua,ges of existing computers. At times
the initial logical da.ta structure obtained in the first stage is also mod.i~ied in -
the process of predetermination. As a result of predete�rmina,tion an R-program is
obtained which by �means of the RTK technologica,l complex,is converted (by auto-
ma.tic generatic,n~into a f.inished program product for work on existing computers.
1.5. A Very Simple Example
Let it be required to calculate the number of letter A's in a text bounded on the
right by the symbol The record3ng of the corresponding algorithm in the PASCAL
language--the most convenient of the programming langua;ges in general use for the
solution of such problems on computers, has the following form:
program C(~JNTLETTERA ( input, output) ;
var SYMB : chas; C: integer
, begin C: = 0;
repeat read(SYNID);
if SYNB ='A' then C: _~C + 1 :
until SYMB = ;
The first line of the program gives its name and the na.mes of the standarrl input
and output files. Such assignment of the input and output files in accorda,nce with
the syntax of the PASCAL permits omitting their names and recordings of
the operators read and writein in the baly of the program itself.
In composing the progra.m it was assumed tha,t the initia.]. text in which the number
of letter A's is counted is faund on a standaxd input file. The symbols of the
initial text are subsequently (in the repeat cycle) read by an opera.tor read
(SYMB) and recorded in the SYI~ working cell. The result of the work program--the
value of the counter (C~--the number of letter A's is formed by the operator
writein (C) on the standard output file and printed at the end of +,he program. The
rema.ining recordings in the program axe obvious. Also obvious from the presented
recording of the progra.m are the order of actions and the process of thinking (the
working technology) of the programmer during construction of the required algo-
rithm. They are traditional and generally known.
The process of designing~'the corresponding R-program starts with formal definition
of the structure of the starting text in which the number of letter A's must be -
, counted. The dcfinition is independently of any sort of algorithm for making
the count. The following loa.ded oriented graph is used for the definitions
e~ Au~
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- or more technologica.lly with use of only horizontal and vertica,l lines:
A -
. ~ -
where the arc without the ar~ow corresponds to identifica.tion of the peaks formed by
- it ~ ALL is the synterm or symbol of the R-ma.chine's ~ designating
in the given case that on the arc ALL can b~ any o� the symboZs used to re~ord the
initial text.
The presented graphs are R-ma,chine programs or R-programs. Those programs still
give only the logica,l structure of the initial text (the logica,l da,ta structure
In the given case they give tha,t structure as a sequence of any symbols, sepasating
in it the two symbols A and The symbol A. in accordance with the given struc-
ture, can be encountered any number of times at any place in the series (in the
- initial text) ; the symbol # always is the last in the series. For correct rea,ding
of the R-program one should adhere to a fixed order in exa.mining ares: top-down and
- left to right around each peak. Ares not containing recordings (sometimes such ares -
are noted by the metasymbol are examined next. The firs't stage of R-program
planning concludes with the construction of those graphs.
In the second and concluding stage the obtained R-program is determined more pre- ~
cisely for the algorithm for counting letter A's. For tha.t purpose the arc of the
initial installations (INITINST) is Frritten in the above-presented graph and the two
other graphs are determined with the following obvious linear operators:
A #
~~o nEy~ r
8ce Au~
Such a graph is a conclusive R-program. The recording of tha.t program for input
into the ma,chine has the following form:
counter C
INITINST counter. C= 0 COUNT
# PRII~FI' (C) output _
~ end
The first two lines of tha,t program are auxiliary and give the of the program
- and the RBM used by the counter memory (description of the RBM conf`igura.tion) . The
recording of the R-program and each RBM instruction are put in order in four col-
umns. In the first and last the maxks INITINST, CWNT and ou~cput ~ which give a,
series of steps in implementation of the algorithm, axe clearly noted. Tn the ,
second column information is recorded on the structure ~of the ini-tial text. That
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informa,tion is a certain condition for ~lfilment of linear operators of. the algo-
rithm, which are recorded in the third column o.f the R-program. Sf the correspond-
ing condition in the second column is true (that is, the current symbol on the RBM
ma,chin~ c~rresponds to the symbol in the second column~ or is designated by the
metasymUol (which always corresponds to the true condition regardleas of the cur-
rent symbol on the RBM input~, then the operators recorded on the line in the third
column of the R-program are implemented, and then a transition is made to
the mark clearly indica.ted in the fourth column.
The work of the R-program starts with ana.lysis of the first RBM instruction in the
instruction complex ca.lled INSTINST. In the ~given ca,se the complex contains one
instruction which always can be accomplished, as it contaa.ns in the second column
of the field of conditions the metasymbol Therefore the zero is assigned to the
counter C and control is transmitted to the following complex of RBM instructions
with the name COUNT . 2'hat complex consists of three RBM instructions. The first
is analyzed first. It can be accomplished if the first (generally the current
symbol of the initial task is the letter A. In th~.t the unit (C = C+ 1 is
added to the counter~ control i.s transmitted to the sa,me instruction complex--
COUNT , and the f ollowi ng i s sta,ted by the current symbol of the initial text .
If the first instruction of the complex must be accomplished, the follow~tng RBM
instruction is analyzed, etc. If none of the instructions of the complex can be
accomplished the R-machine halts, which corresponds to error in the ~ initial text
or in the R-program itself. Sn that ca,se the error is corrected either manually
by the programmer or automatica.lly by means of the corresponding algorithm for
error neutr.aliza.tion. Those algorithms axe described in chapters 2 and 5.
In the absence of errors the work of the R-progr~am concludes in the transition to
a fixed mark output in the second instruction of the complex COUNT . A condition
for the accomplishment of that instruction is the symbol # as a current one in
the initial text. In that with respect to the operator PRINT (C) the content
of the counter (C) is printed and the R-machine is halted on the work output.
If the third instruction of the complex COUNT is analyzed, tY~e current symbol of
the initial text is with any symbol of the system all ~ In the comparison
no effects are praiuced (since the meta.symbol * is recorded in the third column of
the instruction), control is transferred to the same complex of instructions COUNT,
the follow~g symbol of the initial text is the current one, etc.
1.6. A Very Well Known Example
It is knawn tha.t for a better understanding of the new it is advisa.ble to select
a counterexample which would be nontypica.l or d.i.sadvantageous for it. The class
of computational problems is such a count,erexa,mple for the R-technology. The R-
technology is now used ma,inly for tasks in symbolic data processing. Tha,t tech-
nology ha.s not been used for Gomputational problems and it is considered ~see
subsection 1.~) that an existing co~nputer with traditional is goal
for them. The example exa.mined below ir~, a certain sense puts the R-technology in
conditions disa.dvantageous for it.
Let it be required to ca.lculate the roots of the equa~ion
az~ bz c = 0.
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A kno~rn solution of tha.t equation is the formula .
-bt 6 -4ac ,
x~~~= 2a ~
wh~r~ the discriminant d= b2 - 4 ac.
Since the coefficients of tha.t eQua.tion a, b and c ca.n assume any values, the algo-
rithm for ca,lculation of the presented quadratic equation in the general case
appears as followss
Step 1. If a= 0, then step 5 or else xl =-b~2a, d= xi - c~a~
Step 2, if d~ 0~ 1:hen (1) ; d=~, x2 = xl - d, xl = xl + d output
Step 3, if d< 0, then (2); xz output
Step 4, (3) output
Step 5, if b# 0, then (4), ~_-c~b output
Step 6, if c# 0~ then (5) output
Step 7, (6) output,
where the different branches of the algorithm are designa,ted by maxks which have the
following meanings: "
(1 two. different real root.s; (Translator's Note: These numerical
2 two complex roots; designations also apply to Figures
3 two equal roots; 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11, and to the
one root, algorithms. Also add:
~ no roots;
6 infinitely many roots~ (7~ ~Puti (8) output
A of the presented algorithm in the of generally accepted block
diagrams is given on Figure 1.8. The recording of t.he algorithm in the ALGOI,-60
language has the following form: �
COPNTM: beQin real a, b, c. d, xi, z2:
AI~OR~HMt input(a, b. c);
EiA4AJi0: if a#~0 then
Bb~YIQi begin z1:=-b/(2Xa):
d:=xl T 2 - c/a:
lf d > 0 then
ApgK; begtn d:~sqrl(d);
z2:=xl - d:
zl:~zl d:
goto BbIX ~g~
~ ead
it d < 0 then
~,'Z~ AKK; begin z2:=sqrf(-d);
goto BbiX~$~ �
40 �
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_ ..T _ _ .
3} ,qpx: Qoto a~x (8)
, end
if b�0 then
- K0: beQin zi:@-c/b; Qoto Fj~jX end
else ~rS J
if c�0 then
- ~5) xH: Qota s~x (g) ~
_ 6 else
~8~ K6M: Qoto BbIX ~g~ .
BbIX: end
' ~1~ QPBk:
Bxod d
~7~ a~0 + zj~-~1/2a d>0 .~Y=x~-d
d=x; -c/Q _ . T,.x~+d
~2 ,qkK:
dt0 + z=~ -d o
_ -
K0: QAk: ~
B~o + r, _ - ~/B
T C #0 +C ~~H.
_ k6H: J
, Figure 1.8. Block diagra.m for ca.lculating
roots of a qua.dra,tic algebraic equation. -
Since we want to make a comprehensive comparison of the R-technology with known
technologies, we will present a recording of the algorithm in accordance with the
principles of structural Progra.mming. The corresponding block diagram is presented
- on Figure 1.9. A of the same block cLiagram by means of stylized struc-
tural diagrams is presented on Figure 1.~0. The recording of the algo-
rithm in the corresponding ALGOL structural modifica.tion ha.s the following form:
M: btQin real a, b. c, d, xl, x2;
" A~~B input(o, b, c); _
JIO: it a~#0 then
BIIsIN1 beain zl:m-b/(2Xa)~
d:~z 1 ~ 2 - c/a~
if d > 0 then
~ {X~ ApBK: beglo d:~sqrl(~;
x2:~x1 - d;
x1:=xl d
~ if d < 0 then
{2~ A~; z2:isqrt(-rn �
C~~ APK: t~ ft
end �
lE b�~0 then
~1F~ KO: x2:~-c/b
- � else
iP c~0 then
6 KH: etse
~ K6M: f~
_ N
. tl
' . end
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~ - - ~ - -
exo~ (7~
_ O+~
4 '1C1 ~ - ~ '
,~p; d.sf -c/a
s2 - -c/6
~6) - ~ + ' d + ~l~ ~
K6M~ ! pB
kN: i5~ + d.1~
d~ ~2-.~~ - d ,
~2~ x~�~~+d
~3~ Qkk:
QpK~ z~2_ ~
ae,XOa ~s)
Figure 1.9. Structural block diagra.m ~'or calculating
_ ' roots of a quadratic algebraic equation. ,
_ ~ +
e ~ o r, - - B/?a
_ + ~
- d= r~ - c/a
~ k0:
+ d> 0
- +
(6) ~5) _ d~o ~ Qaek:
k6M: KN: ~z = - ~ + Q' _ ~
' ,qKk: ,x? a x, - d
= apk. ai=1~ x~ _ + d
Figure 1.10. Recording of an algorithm for ca,lculating
roots of a qua,dratic algebraid equation by mea.ns of
� stylized structural progra.mming diagraans.
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I _ . .
i t A-~~,,~7o~~
~ a~ o QPB~[~~ d> 0 to~
~ z~ . - 4/?a d ~
' d~ st - c/a xz ~,x~ - d
x~ a a~ + d
' `2akK d ~ �
,~Z ~ ~
~ 3~jPk
Ck) B # 0
(5) ~#o -
~~;M B'
Figure 1.11. R-program for ca,lculating roots
of a qua.dratic algebraic equa.tion.
~ The R-program of the same algorithm is presented on Figure 1.11. The recording of
~ tha,t algorithm in linear form for input into a computer has the following farms
, _ . .
I ~ R-program ALGCIRITHM
g~~N counter a,b,c,d,xl~x2_ ANALYSIS
! HA4An0 � ~7~ ~--B$bA~Q~ b; c)-"_._. . - AHAJIH3
AHAJiYI3 a~#0: xl =-b/(2Xa), ~x} APBK
AN L SYS d-zt T 2- c/a .
~ KO 5~0: x1=-cJb ~a~ s~:oA
5 ~H c~0: . s~zoA
~~j . . s~xo~t
1 ,IjPBK d > 0: d=sqrt(d)~
x2~x1-d~ � ~
xl ~ xl.-}- d -sd:oA
~2~ j1KK d< 0: x2 a sq~t(-~ ; ~~xoR
3 APK d � =oae~i ~ s~zoA
1.7. General Conclusions
Analysis of the above-presented very simple examples permits drawing the following
general conclusions. -
Firstly~ the R-program is a very cleax method. of algorithm recording. This applies
to both the graphic and the~linear forms of R-program recording.
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In a li.near R-program all the logica,l data structure predicates are separated into
a single column (the second) and all the da~a structure processing operators into
another (the third). All those predicates and operators are also present in re-
cordin~s of the algorithms in PASCAL or AI~OL~ bu~t there they are sca,ttered
chaotica.lly over the program task, and in the R-program are distinctly chaxacter-
ized by recording place, by columns. This means that the traditional form of the
recording of programs in programming ~anguages is less technological (graphic,
' convenient for reading and understancla.ble) thaii the form of R-program recording.
, Therefore R-programs axe more effective in debugging~ study and operation tha,n
programs recorded in traditiona,l programming languages.
The positional method. of R-program recording has still another advantage over the
traditiona.l. In R-programs there are no key-words of the type of if, for, while
and others for the separation of predica.tes and the program logical scheme. Those
words are unquestionably useful in the teachirig of the programming language both
- for the recording of very simple sma.ll programs and in the first da.ys of program-
ming instruction. During industrial problem preparation those limitations clutter
the texts of programs and make them non-technological in the work and unclear.
In the R-programs themselves there also is an element tha,t was not present in
traditiona.l programs--the marks tha.t clearly give the order of R-program implemen-
tation. Therefore it can appear that the R-programs also are cluttered. However~
tha,t is not so, as the R-program ma.rks take an active part in their documentation
designating separate algorithm sections, their implement ers~ etc. In addition, the ,
R-program marks are brought out from the field of the program to the ed~es and
and are recorded strictly in the first and last columns. Therefere in reading the
R-programs, if it is unnecessary, the marks ca.n be ignored. This property of the
new recording form is especially evident on the example of the ALGORI'PHM R-program
(see section 1,6).
Now let us analyze the graphic form of the R-program recording. That recording
form reminds one very much of progra.m block diagrams. However, in contrast with
block diagrams, the R-program can be debugged on an RBM in the ordina,ry way in all
stages of its manufacture. After being coded in any programming language the block
diagrams become inadequate for the corresponding programs. The divergence between
them becomes larger in the process of debugging. The attempt to use block diagrams
as documentation for program product leads to an extremely complex programming tech- _
In contrast with block the graphic recording of R-progza ms is much more
technological. It does not contain complex profiles: rectangles~ rhombs, ete. A
graphic R-program and an R-program in a machine always ma,tch one another precisely
with respect to very simple recod.ixigs~ which always can be done by unskilled per-
sonnel or automa.tica.lly on a computer, with issuance to an alphanumeric printer or
graph plotter.
Secondly, to describe an algorithm in an R-program only linear operators of the
type of assignment statements, appeals to procedures, standa,rd operations of re-
cording, retrieval, etc, on various types of R-ma,chine memory are used. Tradition-
al cycle opera tors (of the type of for, while, repeat, etc), conditional (of the
type of if, case, etc) and unconditional (of the type of goto, exit, etc) of
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Table 1 Name of Pro~ram
Parameters for Comparison CpUNT
1. Number of symbols in program in PASCAZ langua~e 159
2. Number of symbols in program in ALGOL-60 language - 361 -
3. Number of symbols in program in structurized
ALGOL-60 language - 3~3
4~. Number of symbols in program in R-language 96 193
5. Ratio of number of symbols in program in known ~
programming language to number of symbols in program
in R-language 1.58 1~87 1�57
6. Integrated estima.te of the of writing cited
programs in R-language 1.67
transitions are absent in R-programs. There are no such operators in the third
column of the R-program, where all operators of the correspondinq algorithm are
recorded. Therefore the R-technology by ana,logy and ir_ contrast with structural
programming is ca,lled the~technology of programming on graphic data structures (it
is given ma,inly by the first, second and fourth columns of the R-program) without
the goto operators~ without conditional operators and without loop operators. This
feature makes R-programs transparent, unentangled and technologica.l for general appli-
cation. By this the R-technology is distinguished advantageously from known tech-
Thirdly, the R-program is the most compact method of algorithm recording. Usually
the R-program is shorter by one to two thirds (contains fewer symbols) than an
analogous program in a high-level language. In Table 1 it is shown that the R-
program has 39.6 percent fpwer symbols (159/96) than the corresponding program in
the PASCAL language, 46.5 percent fewer (361/193) than that in the corresponding
modification of the ALGOL language and 36.3 percent fewer (303/193) than a program
written in structural ALGOL. On the average for the two cited programs recording
in R-language is shorted by a factor of 1.67 than a recording of the same programs
in the widespread programming languages.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1980
[69-2174] ~
CSO: 1863
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Moscow PRIIQ.ADNYYE PROGRAMMY in Russian 1980 pp 2, 179-180
[Annotation and table of contents of book "Applied Prog~ ~ms", by L.I. Gurova and ,
S.S. Sakharov, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1980, 20,000 copies, 180 pages]
[Excerpts] Annotation
This book considers one of the basic lines of development in software for
current computers - packages of applied program.s. It presents the basic
concepts and the structure and general principles of their development. The ,
book describes methods of designing particular parts of a package with ap-
` plication to third-generation computers equipped with YeS [Unified System]
disk operations systems.
The book is intended for students at higher educational institutions who are ~
studying the questions of the application and development of special soft-
ware. It is a textbook that may also be useful to engineering-technical
personnel who are interested in these matters.
Table of Contents
. . . . . . . 3
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section One. Basic Concepts of Program Packages, Organi-
zation of Their Development, and Design Techniques
. . . . 5
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts and Information . . . . . . : : � � � . � 5
1.1. Computer Software, Its Structure . . . � � � . � 6
1,2, Problems of Software Development 9
1.3. Definition of a Program Package . . � � � � ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ 10
1.4. Classification of Program Packages . . � � � � � � � �
- 1.5. Basic Principles of the Development of Program 13
. .
Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . � -
� i
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Chapter 2. Principles of Organization of Program Packages 17
2.1. Simple and Complex Structure of Package
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2. Component Parta of a Package of Applied Program~ 18
2.3. Subj ect Area of a Package ~ Graph of the Sub~ ect
Ar ea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4. Input Language of the Package . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Chapter 3. Quality Indicators of Program Packages 32
3.1. Statement of the Problem of Evaluating Quality 32
3.2. Generalized Indicator of the Quality of Program
Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3. Particular Indicators of the Quality of Program
Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4. Requirements Imposed on Program Packages 46
Chapter 4. Organization of the Development of Applied Programs 47
4.1. Planning the Development of Large Applied
. Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.2. Stages of Development of Applied Programs,
Their Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.3. Organization of Collectives Which Are .
Developing Applied Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.4. Survey of Procedures for Development of
Applied . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.5. The HIPO Procedure and the R Procedure for
Program Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Chapter 5. Designing Program Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.1. Content of the Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.2. Methods of Controlling a Package of
Complex Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.3. Information Interlocking of Package Modules 68
5.4. Processing Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.5. Designing the Lead Modules and Translator
from the Input Language of the Package 76
5.6. Designing the Control Module, Excha.nge Module,
and Informator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Section 2. Packages of Applied Programs
Chapter 6. Program Packages for Critical Path Planning and
Control (CPPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.1. Basic Concepts of CPPC, Raw Data of Critical
Path Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10~+
6.2. Architecture of a Package of CPPC Programs.
Functions of the Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.3., Package Control, the Input Language of the Package . 114
6.4. Arrays Used with the Package. Raw Data for
Solving CPPC Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
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~~a,prer 7, Program Packages That Solve Linear Programming L20
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1, The Problem of Linear Progra~ing, Its Variations 120
7,2, Composition and Structure of Software Packages, 123
Documentation of the Package . . � � � � � ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ 129
7.3. Arrays Used with the Package, Data Formats 134
7.4, Input Language of the Package . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7,5, Example of a Program in the Input Language 141
of the Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 8. Charac~teristics of Constructing Information Retrieval . 143
Systems, Organizati~n of Data Storage 143
8,1, Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
g.2, Logical Organization of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
g,3. Physical Organization of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i Chapter 9. The SAVI Package of Applied Programs for an '
, , . 158
Information Retrieval Syst an � � � � � � ' ' 158
9.1. General Description of the Package � � � � � ' ' ~ ~ ~ 161
9,2. Arrays Used by the Package, Organizatian of Data 166
~ 9.3. Work Procedures with Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
9.4. Determination of the Structure of the Input 167
and Pri.mary Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.5. Assigning the "Store" Function . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.6. Assigning the "Search" Function . . � � � � � � � � �
9,7, Examples of t.he Use of the SAVI Package of 187
Applied Programs . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . �
Section 3. Applied ASUP (Automated Enterprise Control System]
Chapter 10. General ~escription of ASUP`s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
10.1. Designation and Structure of the ASUP, Tasks 190
of the ASUP . ' ' ' ' ' ' '
10.2. Description of.the.Information�Software of the ASUP 200
10.3. Stages in Development of the ASUP . . . . . . . . . . .
, . . 203
Chapter 11. Gen eral Description of ASUP Softwar e..����''... 203
11.1. The Concept of System and Applied ASUP Software � 206
11.2. Classif ication of Applied Programs bS~ Structure 207
11.3. Principles of Realization of Applied Programs
11.4. Classifications of ASUP Program P ackages by 209
Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 12. Typical Working Procedures with Arrays of Data
12.1. Statement of the Problem for an Automated Solution 224
12.2. G eneral Description of Model Procedures 231
. 12.3. F eeding Entries from a Sequential WPM Array
12.4. Outputting Entries from Main Memozy to Magnetic Tape,
Punched Cards, and the VII~II,SP Pri~ter . 234
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12.5. Feedi}~g Entries from an Indexed Sequential WIS
Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
' 12.6. Arrangemen~ of Entries of a KOMPN Array 23$
12.7. Packing Decimal Numbers PACK . . . . . . . . . . . 240
12.8. Internal Sorting by the Shell Meth~d SORTS 241
12.9. Macrodefinition of the Procedure of Multisign
Internal Sorting by the Sheli Method SORTM 241
12.10. Unpacking the Lines of the Top of a Table and
Printing Them at User Request SHAPKA 245
_ 12.11. Organization of Output Format by the tTser's
Stereotype with t~npacking of Decimal Numbers REDAK. 247
Chapter 13. Organization and Management of the ASUP Information
Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
13.1. Preparation of Initial Information for Forming
the Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
13.2. Designing Programs To Organize Arrays 251
13.3. Description of Packages of Applied Programs
Used To Form Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
- Chapter 14. Software of Functional ASUP Problems . . . . . . . . . 263
14.1. Use of Model Procedures To Develop Programs of
Functional ASUP Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,263
14.2. Description of Packages of Applied Programs
for Functional ASUP Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Sut~j ect Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1980
CSO: 1863
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UDC 519.6
Russian 1980 signed to press 20 Feb 80 pp 2-8, 18-19, 126-132, 175-179
[Excerpts from book~by V.R. Khisamutdinov, V.S. Avramenko and V.I. Legon'kov,
Izdatel stvo Nauka , main editorial office for physics and mathematics literature,
12,000 copies, 208 pages)
[Excerpt] Experience with the design, introduction and operation of the automated
system for developmental work information support (ASIOR) is treated in this book.
The set of system programs for the BESM-6 computer ma.kes it possible to provide ,
a wide circle of information services to subscribers. The programs permit the
selective distribution of information and retrospective search in documental and
factographic subfiles in batch and interactive modes using displays and teletypes. ,
Table of Contents
1, The composition and structure of the autamated system of scientific and 9
technical information
2. Information processing technology in the ASNTI [automated system of
scienCific and technical inf ormation] and the principles of information 12
interaction of systems 24 ~
3. Information servives _
Chapter One. The ASIOR Autonated System for Scientif ic and Technical 26
Inf ormat ion
. 26 ~
1, The function of ASIOR 26
2. General requirements placed on ASIOR 28
3. Information retrieva]_ and processing in ASIOR
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Chapter Two. Estimating and Controlling the Parameters of Information
Systems. Adaptive Systems 35
1. Problemtr of evaluating the quality of information system functioning 35
2. The study and regulation of the information parameters of ASIOR by
statistical methods 41
3. Statistical estination of the coeff icients P and F 43
4. Planning the volume of statisical data for the determination of the
completeness and retrieval with a specified precision 48
S. Planning the volume of statistical data for the confirmation of the
coeff icients of completeness and retrieval at a specified confidence
leve 1 53 ~
6. Planning the volume of st atistical data for the conf irmation of the
coefficient of campleteness, taking into account the accimmulated
statistics on the precis ion coefficient 55
7, The method of "tagged" doctmments for semi-automatic estimation and
regulation of the parameters of selective information distribution
(IRI) systems 59
8. Semi-automatic regulation of the parameters of selective inf ormation
distri_bution systems 64
9. An experimental study of ASIOR parameters in the process of optimizing
the service quality of a control group or subscribers 66
Chapter Three. The Functional Structure of MODIS [Software for Dialogue
Information SystemsJ 83
1. General characteristics 83
2..The data base and sets 96
3. Interaction language 111 ~
4. Information protection. The system administrator 126
Chapter Four. The Functioning of MODIS 133
- 1. System control 133
2. Input data diagnosis 138
3. Formative data processing 140
4. Automatic indexing 145
S. The insertion of data bases 169
6. MODIS retrieval capabilities 170
7. Data output on an output unit 173
Chapter Five. A Study of MODIS 175
1. The realization of data retrieval systems based on MODTS 175
2. Interfacing data retrieval systems to other inf ormation support _
systems Z76
3. An analysis of the lexicon of the data files and the construction
of dictionaries 179
4. A study of the information parameters of the ASIOR M inforrsation
- retrieval system 191
Bibliography 2~2
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- Foreword
Questions of imp roving the labor qu ality and efficiency of scientif ic workers,
and the fastest possibl.e practical implementation of the results of scientific
work have became and i.mportant factor in increasing the nation's econamic eff.ic-
iency at the present time. In this regard, questions of information support for
scientific research and developmental work have taken on special significance.
This is a problem involving multiple plans. An important part in the resolution
of this problem has been assigned to the program for designing the state system
for scientific and technical information, being implemented un3er the supervision
of the State Cammittee of the USSR Counci.l of Ministers for Science and Engineer-
ing. Considerable attention is being devoted within the framework of this pro-
grain to the development and introduction of automated scientif ic akid technical
information systems (ASNTI) and the network of autamated centers for scientific
and technical information (SATsNTI) .
As a rule, large collective~ of specialists in different fields of science and
engineering participate in the develcpment of models of new equipmerit and in the
sol.ution of complex scientific problems. Information support for comprehensive
programs is an especially complicated problem, since it is necessary to take in
a braod area of informati~n sources at the input to the informatic~n system. It ,
is clear, that a well-tuned system for coordinating the work on processing the ~
world-wide flow of published and unpublished infarmation is needed for the solu- ~
tion of this problem. The consCantly increasing volumes and cost of in~c~rmation
processing have brought about the necessity of ~rganizing a of labor and
inteYiacing information systems for the purpose of eliminating duplication of in-
formation efforts. Under these conditions, great hope is invested in the possi-
~ bilities of interfacing 2utomated information systems, both through communications
channels and by means of information e~:change v3a magnetic tapes.
With the existing ASNTI's in service, the success of information services is gov-
erned by the possibilities of adapting the system to the users, i.e., by how timely
a system responds to a change in the information demands by the specialists being
= Considering the fact that info~cnation support for real users, given the present
state oE the art of science and engineering, can be provided only where a network ~L
of interconnected systems is present, an important task is the design of an infor- _
mation system which is universal in terms of the interface capabilities and adapt-
able with respect to specific users.
The ASIOR automated information support system for developmental work was designed,
placed in service and tested in trial operation in a number of organizations during
_ 1969-1972, and an experimental cooperative of organizations was created, Koopin-
form, which operates on the principle of decentralized coordinated processing of
documents and information interchange via magnetic tapes for the BESM-6 computer.
The initial totals for Koopinform activity were obtained in 1974. The system
provied to be viable, and Koopinform has been in service up to the present; more
than 300,000 :iocuments on physics, mathematics, radio engineering, electronics,
automation, instrument construction and other sectors of science and engineering
are contained in the aggregate file. Several thousat~d subscriber with more than
10,000 queries are serviced in various organizations,
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TVie "publishing" of information on magnetic tapes is becoming increasingly wide-
spread in our country at the present time. Information began to be produced on
magnetic tapes by the All-Union Institute for Scientific and Te~hnical Informat~'..
VTNITI} the All-Union Scientific and Technical Information Center VNTITser?tr, tiie
InCernational Center for Scientif:c and Technical Information MTsNTI, the I._~t3tute
of. Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciettces,
INION, and other large information centers.
Practical operational experience with ASIOR demonstrated the importance of the pro-
blems being solved by local ASNTI's within the framework of the overall state sys-
tem. In this case , the tasks of teaching the users how to use the services of auto-
mated information systems are assigned to them, as well as learning to correctly
assemble local data files, work out mechanisms for adapting sys~ems to users, and
~ also develop schemes and technology for the utilization of the magnetic tapes ob-
tained in the interchange sector. _
~ In the process of operating the ASIOR software, botn its positive features and
' drawbacks were ascertained. A collective discussion of the prospects for the fur-
~ ~ ther expansion of the sof tware and taking into account the state of the art and
~ developmental trends in other damestic and foreign information systems have con-
; fronted developers with the necessity of selecting one of twe possible directions:
~ either modernize the sof tware for the ' old' system, or design a new complex, a
successor to the old one, but which takes into account all of the new requirements.
As a result of the discussion, the second aFproach was taken and requirements
i placed on the new system were f orn?ulated . The new system was named the ASIOR M
- I (MODIS - software for dialog information systems) . A special fPature of the
ASIOR-M software is the fact that it makes it possible to solve a practically un-
_ limited f ield of information problems, taking over a number of funetions previously
, performed by highly skilled personnel, and provides a high level of service both
- to the personnel and the users of the system. Despite the fact that individual
functional capabilities of the programs are well-known from the descriptions of
; other systems, the aggre~ate of the functional capabilities and informational ser-
I vices of such a volume in one package of programs apparently has no equals. -
~ ~
~ The,deve.lopment of ideas, the design of algori~hms and programs, as well as the
I introduction and operation ~f the large system are the results of many years of
i work by a comparatively small staff of specialists. Some of them are the co-
I authors of materials previously published ori the system and the reader will find -
i their names in the bibliography. Others have made a great contribution ta debug--
i ging the system as well as installing and operating it in various organizations.
, The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to all of them.
The authors are especially grateful to academician Andrey Nikolayevicn Tikhono~,*
for his constant attention, useful discussions and recommendations fox the
� development of the system.
, ~ * *
The problem of entering, correcting and editing the input information remains quite
complex. Only very recently have displays appeared which make it possible to
display up to 512 and more different characters on a~creen, However, it is nec-
essary to represent each symbol in the computer memory with not just one, but �
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rather three to f our bytes, and this complicates the operation of information
- input, both fram punched tape/cards and the keyboards of the displays. These
difficulties are of a common nature and their successful resolution would in
many respects facilitate the search for more efficient forms of cooperation in
quee~ioi~s.of interfacing information systems.
This is especially important for international cooparation, information in the
Russian language, even written in the standard counnunications format, cannot be
processed and printed out on the computers of the majority of European nations
using the Latin alphabet. First of all, there are only Latin alphabet symbols on
the printers of the information centers of these nations, and secondly, the pro-
gram packages used in these countries do not permit operation with Cyrillic symbols
or with characters represented by more than one byte.
There are several approaches to the solution of this problem. ~
--Purchase data output equipment (printers, displays) having both basic alphabets
for the cooperating information centers or for some of them;
--Provide the interchange sector only with information translated into English, with
the condition that this information be converted to a form suitable for processing _
using standard program packages (this approach is technically possible, but can i
hardly be realized econamically in the foreseeable future, since it would be neces- !
sary to significantly increase the staff of translators in information centers);
--Provide information in the foxm of a transliteration of Russian words using let-
ters of the Latin alphabet. Special routines are needed for this. However there
is doubt as to the value of this information for the information users, sir..r~.e i.':
is difficult in practice to read and translate it into other languages.
It is now understood what the problems are in the attempt to utilize information
on magnetic tapes which is published in nations using the Cyrillic alphabet, or in
other non-English speaking nations, for example, the Scandinavian countries. These
countries are themselves in a more advantageous position, since the magnetic tapes
of foreign systems can also be read and printed out on existing equipment. The
information is also campletely set up for the ma~or European languages.
t * *
5 4. Protecting Information. The System Administrator
The problem of protecting the information stored in a computer is a serious matter
- at present. The development of dialog systems and the utilization of large infor-
mation f iles has led to the necessity of making provisions in a system for those
measures which would provide access to the data for just those persons having this
Protective measures are provided in MODIS, which apply to the administrative,
hardware and program portions of the system respectively. These measures guaran-
tee the preservation of information, limit the access to the system and protect
the existing data against unauthorized use.
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4,1. Administrative cr~ed equipmertt proteetion. In order to protect any unit of a
system, it is necessary to shield it against access by persons not having permis-
sion for this. In this regard, definite levels of access and passwords are intro-
duced, corresponding to a definite hierarchy of users, specifically:
1) The system administrator;
2) System programmers;
_ 3) Privileged (system) users;
4) Ordinary users.
The protection system includes procedures, by means of which access to the relevant
information can be made available to a definite group of persons, as well as pro-
cedures which provide for this access. The responsibility for taking these actions
is assigned to the system administrator.
The information system hardware consists of the computer and the auxiliary equipment
which belongs directly to it. When solving information problems, the main
(immediate-access) memory in which specific M~DIS modules and the input/output in-
formation are located, is protected by means of the DIAPAK operating systems, which
includes blocking of reading and writing in a given memory region. The volumes
(magnetic tapes, magnetic disks) of the system on which the archive information
(data base) is stored, can be protected against unauthorized intervention if they
are incorporated in the DIAPAK ARKHIV operating system.
4.2. Program protection. Program protection tools have been designed into MODIS, .
which prohibit the disruption of normal operation of the system by means of chance
or intentional distortions of the working programs or the service and archive in-
The means of program protection provide for the execution of the following major
_ f.unctlons:
1) Monitoring the access to the system in interactive or batch modes;
2) Limiting access to the syst~ to persons regisLered with the syste~ adminis-
trator and the system;
- 3) Monitoring access to the data bases, the data sets and the service information.
which consists in checking the user's right to access data in accordance with
ttieir access level;
4) Lim~iting access tc the system, where this limitation permits servicing the
queries of users only from definite terminals;
S) rtonitoring the change and supplementation of the system program modules;
6) Providing for the preservation and restoration of information.
The most widespread method of prohibiting illicit ac~PSS to the data is the use of
passwords, user identification codes and access ciphers,
Three categories of access are related to each set of ,ata (data base) in the
system: For search, additions and modification. For example, if the list of
rights of a user contains only the access category for search, then he has the
right to use the corresponding data set during a search, but does not have the
right to make any kind of changes in it. Access categories are governed by the
appropriate access nunber, assigned to each user. The system administrator, when
registering the next user, assigns a definite access r~umber to him, i.e., includes
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him among the number of syst~m programmers, privileged or ordinary users, with the
corresponding authorizations.
A privileged user can be allowed access to definite data sets or bases in any cate-
gory; ~orresponding to the functions of maintaining the data files: insp(~CtidYf~
replenishment and modification.
A syste~n programmer aut anatically has access to any service set of MODIS or data
set of the system, as well as to definite data bases (at his or the system admini-
strator's discretion) with all the functions of the data sets and bases.
An ordinary user can have access only to certain data bases without the right of ,
- making changes in them.
An important part of protecting information is limiting access to the system, -
which consists in "attaching" specif ic users to specific terminals. In the case,
it is necessary for the user to not only know the system password, be registered
in the system and authorized for definite data bases or sets, but also to work
only from that terminal to which he is assigned.
Measures are also taken to protect the program software against unauthorized sup-
plementation or r_hanges in the system m odules. A new module can be inserted, or
one of the existing ones can be modified cnly by means of a special pi'ogram. At-
tempts to change any module by other methods leads to its annihilation.
There always exists the possibility of inechanical failure~(deformation) of the
vehicle, equipment failure and program interference from without when inf ormatian
is stored on magnetic tapes or disks, samething which can lead to the destruction
or distortion of same part of the information. The best guarantee of information
safety is the existence of copies of data bases or parts of them. In order to
avoid frequent duplication, there is the possibility of storing information (before
or after it is written into the data base) in auxiliary data sets in a system vol-
ume. A protocol is drawn up for all changes in the data bases or sets.
4.3. The Functions of the System Ac~ninistrator. The responsibility for the per-
formance of the major operations in the generation of a specif ic system configura-
tion, the description of the structure of the data bases, as well as the protect- j
tion of the software and data is assigned to a person (or group of persons) con-
veritionally called the system administrator.
The following can be singled out fram among the broad group of obligations of the
system administrator:
--Assigning passwords to users (registration codes) and changing them at any time;
--Designating and changing the access passwords for the system; the actual access of various persons to data sets by means of pass-
words and the appropriate access levels;
--Retrieving the status of service data and control tables;
, --Checking successful or unsuccessful attempts to access information;
--Temporary termination of access to the system or to individual data bases (data
sets) ;
--Monitoring all operating sessions with the system in all mc~des;
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--Making changes in the "dossier" of users or the registration of new users;
--Describing the structure of the data bases;
--Providing for the preservation and restoration of information.
The majority of the functions enumerated here is performed by the adminiStr~tor as
a system user. For more flexible determination and modification of the main author-
ization and protection attributes available to the system administrator, there are
means of storing li.m ited us~ information and a.special language: the system admini-
strator language, wh ich takes the form of a set of instructions which are executed
only in an administrator mode, and if necessary, fram a definite terminal. To
initiate this mode, ir. is necessary to co~unicate the password of the system admin-
istrator to the system.
4, 4. ~Yce Sz~stem Ac~ninistrator Instruction Language. Instructions which are per-
formed only in the system administrator mode are described below.
1, A change in a system password:
ZPS (system password)
The efficacy of passwords can be reduced when working wi~th them, as a result of
_ long term use. To cambat this phenamenon, a procedure is used to change the sys-
tem password.
2. A change of tt~e system administrator's password:
ZPA (administr.ator password)
It is desireable to change the system administrator's password only with a change
in the status of its owner or when it is suspecte~? that the password has been cam-
3. The establishing of the highest access level for a user (DOP). When registering
a new user, he can be assigned the access level of a privileged or ordinary user.
The highest access level (system programmer) can be established only in the admini-
strator mode in a dossier set up beforehand.
4. A change in the number of users simultaneously serviced by the system in a
dialog mode:
POL ( the number of users)
When generating a specific system configuration, the autamatic and simultaneous
servicing of two users is assured in a dialog mode. This instruction is used to
increase the value of this parameter.
5. The output of the contents of a catalog of system sets:
where P(or E) is the sign for printout (or screen [E] display).
The printout (or screen display) capability in a form convenient for reading the
contents of the overall system catalog (KATNAB) and the INFDOR data sets (INFZAP)
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is necessary for constant and operationally timely monitoring of the system
parameters: The distribution of the physical memory in the system volume; the
number of document data files entered and retrieved (queries) which belong to
particular users; the distribution of the memory among the user data files.
6. The removal of the violation,indicator in a user dossier:
SIN (user registration code)
- A user is given only two attempts to present the system password, the registration
code or name of a data base (or set). If he commits an error both times (has
indicated nonexistent names), then the session is terminated with the given user.
A note on the protection v iolation is entered in his dossier (the violation indica-
tor is increased by a unit), and he cannot start operation until the administrator
ascertains the reason for the violation and makes the corrections of the violation
7. The elimination of a user dossier:
VYB(ROSIT'] DOS['YE] (user registration co~e)
The instruction is intended to remove the dossier of a user who should not be
serviced by the system for any reason. All of the statistical information accumu-
lated in the process of working with the given user is transferred to a service
dossier of the administrator. Additionally, all of the permanent queries of the
user in the ZAPROS [QUERY] data set are liquidated. I
8. The elimination of a data base:
VYB[ROSIT'] BAZ[U] (data base name) ~
Following the execution of the given instruction in the OPISBD data set, the remo-
val indicator is assigned to the description of the corresponding data base, and
all volumes assigned to the data base being dumped are simultaneously freed in the
SPITOM data set. The information in corresponding volinnes is not destroyed.
9. Output to a tereninal of the information on users conducting a session:
The names of the users, the names of Che data bases (or sets) and the names of the
volumes opened ~established) at a given point in time by the users are fed out to
the administrator.
10. The transmission of inessages to the users:
PER[EDAT'] (administrator message)
The system administrator can transmit a message at any time to any of the users
conducting the session. This can b~ a message of operational session termination,
termination of operation with individual data bases (or sets), volumes, etc.
11. Closing off access to the system or to individual data bases (or seLS):
(svstem name)
ZAK[RYT'] {(data base name)}
(data set n~e)
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By indicating the system name or that of any of the data sets (or bases) in the
operand of the given instruc~ion, the administrator can temporarily stop all oper-
ations with the system, or the processing and utilization of the relevant data.
This in struction is used for service purposes (restoration, reorganization of data,
_ etc,).
1.2. Open up access to the system or to individual data bases (sets):
(syste~ name)
OTK[RYT' ] { (data base name) }
(data set name)
It is used as an instruction f or renewing operation with the system or its indivi-
dual components, previously cut off by means of the ZAK[RYT'J instruction.
Besides the special instructions, some other general instructions can also be used
in the administrator mode: POM[OSHCH'], STAT[TISTj, REG[iST], KON[ETS].
� 1, The Realization of Information Retrieval Systems Based On MODIS -
The autamated inf ormation retrieval system (AIPS), ASIOR-M, which has replaced
ASIOR, was designed around MODIS. During the process of trial operation of ASIOR~i,
all of the permanent user queries of ASIOR (4,000) were translated into the MODIS
f.ormat, a reference information fund (SIF) was built up, which consists of 15,000
documents, and a ninnber of comparative experunents were performed. The SIF docu-
ments were distributed among the INIS [International Nuclear Information System]
and SNEG [not further defined] data bases. The INIS data base is filled with the
documents of the INIS system in English, while the SNEG data base contains docu-
ments entered fram journals which are processed in Koopinform [22].
At the present time, this system is in active operation both in the IRI [selective
information distribution] mode using permanent queries of individual and collective
subscribersi as well as in the retrospective search (RETRO) mode to provide users
with information for one-time interrogations, and for paten~t engineering studies.
All of the dociunents incoming to the system are subjected to lexical checking, the
dictionaries are supplemented and the system capabilities and characteristics are
studied .
- In July of 1979, the ASIOR M had the following characteristics:
The ASIOR-M reference information fund consisted of:
--300,000 documents in the ASIOR format;
--35,009 documents in the MODIS format.
The GOSFAP automated information retrieval system was designed around MODIS in
the Computer Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where GOSFAP is intended for
the needs of the State Library of Algorithms and Programs. The GOSFAP system is
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in trial operation and is being used in both research (to study the applications
areas) and working service. �
- � 2. Interfacing Information Retrieval Systems ~o Other Information Support
The solution of large scientific and scientific-engineering problems, which are
as a rule complex in terms of their content, is accomplished by large collectives
of specialists in various fields of knowledge. The information requirements of
such collectives are polythematic. The interpenetration of the sciences and the
objectively existing laws governing the spread of information make it fruitless to
_ attempt to artifically limit information support for the scientific and engineering
and technical workers of scientific research institutes and design offices to nar-
row topical frameworks.
~xperience with the functioning of information retrieval systems has shown that
their major bottlenecks are the gathering, preliminary machine processing and
input of the data into the system. In the case of a large number of information
sources, these procedures have proved to be beyond the pawer of even large organi-
zations. For rhis reason, the majority of specialists served by systems encompas-
sing a small number of input sources quickly became disenchanted with such systems.
The results of theoretical studies and practical experience c~f a number of foreign
and damestic systems attest to the expediency of a division of labor in the proces- .
sing of information and the exchange of processing results [1-3].
Priority attention was devoted to the question of interf acing information systems
for the exchange of information via machine readable vehicles in the development
The ma~or question in producing cooperation among organizations of users of a sin-
gle information system consists in resolving the problem of interfacing computers
through magnetic tapes or disks [22]. In this case, a number of auxiliary problems
confront the software: the organization of data files on magnetic tapes (or disks)
in a form convenient f or interchange, strict monitoring of input errors and simpli-
fication of the operation of the programs. The problem of interfacing var3ous
information systems, realized with different types of computers, is also important.
This task includes the problem of interfacing different machines through plug-in
vehicles (magnetic tapes, magnetic disks), the problem of standardizing the input
information, i.e., caming up with some standard for the specification of the input
data as well as the problem of language compatibility of the syste~ms. This problem
is apparently being solved only at the natural language level, which has been
adopted as the basis for the construction of diverse service languages in many
An experiment in decentralized processing of documents, the design of collated data
files on magtietic tapes and providing the information fram these data files to
"tCoopinform" users is discussed in the literature [22]. At the present time, the
ASIOR-M, just as the ASIOR, is interfaced with the INIS International huclear
Information System by means of reading IBM magnetic tapes on the BESM-6 and trans-
lating the information from the INIS format to the ASIOR-M format. A"null granm~ar"
is assigned to all of the tezms ef the abstract (including the noninformational
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ones) and the descriptors, incorporated in the document in the indexing stage by
means of the INIS thesaurus, when translating to the ASIOR format. Such an algor-
ithm leads to large retrieval forms of the documents because of the large number ,
of assigned descriptors and terms in the abstr~ct, something which in turn produces
large lo~ses of time during a search. On the other hand, the lack of any lir.ks be-
tween the terms of the retrieval form of a docimment is a cause of the large outputs
of irrelevant documents (word combinations which represent descriptors are broken `
down into independent elements).
The MODIS is completely compatible as a successor to the ASIOR information data
files, regardless of their type of indexing (grammarless or with a grammar), because
of the presence of a converter whieh conver~s the data files to "natural form", as
well as a nim?ber of algorithms for automatic input data processing. The presence
of a data description language makes it possible to accept any information written
_ in an identification type fo~at in a natural language; in this case, the role of
the converter consists only in decoding the service information on a magnetic com- .
munications tape.
In turn, information retrieval systems based on MODIS can exchange information on
magnetic tapes, selected in accordance with any of the retrieval or service at-
tributes, both without preliminary syntactical and lexical monitoring (where data
bases of the same structure are present) and with monitoring at the input and
writing into any other (or its own) data base. In this case, the documents are
automatically inventoried in both instances. Moreover, such information retrieval
systems can transmit their own information files in the ASIOR format to systems
which are different variants of the ASIOR system. There is a converter for these
purposes in MODIS, which translates the information from natural form to the ASIOR
, format, automatically assigning grammatical categories to significant terms of
chapters and abstracts.
The algorithm for translating to the ASIOR fo~at takes the form of a simplified
variant of an auto-indexing algorithm, the purpose of which is to assign two major
grammatical categories (process, action, characteristics, properties; the appel-
lation of matter, energy or information as a major message unit) and the relevant
characteristics (qualitative, quantitative, unit of ineasurement, beginning of an
interval quantitative characteristic; the end of an interval quantitative charac-
teristic). The following experiment preceded this choice of grammatical categor- _
ies. To estimate the distribution of grauanatical categories among the terms and
data files of ASIOR, experimental data files were picked out having an overall
number of documents of about 42,000 (10,000 documents for each file) in accordance
with the following headings (rubric designator of the VNTITsentr [All-Union
Scientific and Technical Information Center]): -
O1 - mathematics; 02 - physics, mechan~cs; 12 - radio engineering, electronics and
- electrical communications; 07 - mining; 10 - machine building; 11 - power engin-
eering; OQ - metallurgy; 15 - water transport; 17 - polygraphy and motion picture
engineering; 23 - economics; 24 - the study of th e sciences; 25 - scientific and
technical information.
Us~^^, a program to generate a dictionary of stems, dictionaries were issued in a
word selection mode in accordance with the following grammatical categories:
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1. Process, action, characteristics, parameters, properties;
2. The appellation of matter, energy or information as a main message unit;
3. The appellation of the constituent parts, components, ingredients;
4. The a~Spellation of the acting factors, agents;
5. The appell.ation of transmitters and recorders of an effect (equipment, instru-
. menCS) ;
6. The appellation of the medium in which an object is present or a process takes
The results of the experiment are given in Table 19 [not reproduced], from which
it can be seen that in almost a11 of the subject areas, two major grammatical
categories predominate: 1 and 2. Among the remaining categories, S is singled out,
which is a special case of 2. For this reason, 1 and 2 were adopted as the main
categories when translating.
Considering the fact that the MODIS program software has a modular structure, which
is "open" to the expansion of the functional capabilities of the system, the con- ,
nection of any new converter is possible whenever this is dictated by changing cir-
cumstances. Thus, the utilization of data bases on magnetic tapes, prepared by
the automated ASSISTENT system (VINITI) [(All-Union Institute of Scientific and
Technical~Informat ion of t'~e State Committee on Science and Technology, USSR Council
of Ministers and the USSR Academy of Sciences)~ in the ASIOR-M is planned for the
immediate future. .
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka". Glavnaya redaktsiya fiziko-matematicheskoy
literatury, 1980.
CSO: 1863
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~ Moscow EVM DLYA VSEKH in Russian 1980 signed to press 14 Nov 79 pp 73-74, 78-80,
- 87-89, 91-92, 107, 110-112, 123-125, 128, 134, 172-174, 181-182
[Excerpts from book by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Myasnikov, Sergey Aleksandrovich
Mayorov and Gennadiy Ivanovich Novikov, Tzdatel'stvo "Znaniya~'~, 77,380 copies,
192 pages]
[Excerpts] Organization of thp Design and Introduction of Automated Control Systems
for Planning Calculations (ASPR's)
Work ~n the design and introduction of ASPR's in the republics is being carried out
under the direction of the USSR Gosplan.
In 1976 the interdepartmental commission accepted the f irst phase of the Lithuanian �
SSR Gosplan ASPR. The system's structure includes 10 combined, 19 industrial and
ninc supporting subsystems.
The Lithuanian SSR Gosplan has been assigned responsibility for the development of
six functional subsystems and for the overall design of a Gosplan ASPR for a Union
republic without division into oblasts. These subsystems include "Capital Invest-
ment," "Planning and Research," "Labor and Personnel," "Cost and Profit," and the
= industrial subsystems "Local Industry" and "Construction and the Construction In-
dustry." In addition, a"National Economic Balance" standard module is being de-
veloped for the functional subsystem "Combined National Economic Plan."
The number of problems included in the first phase is 190, of which 20 come
under the heading of longterm planning, 28 of inedium-term planning and 141 of
current planning.
One hundred and thirty-four problems have already been introduced (70 percent) and
- the remaining have passed experimental use tests and are ready to be introduced.
In October 1976 the first phase of the Ukrainian SSR Gosplan ASPR was surrendered to
the interdepartmental commission. It is characterized by the fact that problems are
solved by computer technology and their results are used for the purpose of develop-
ing indicators for the republic's national economic p lans; the problems are mutually
compatible in the technological and information sense, forming a system of inethodo-
logically compatible problems.
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T.he first phase o~ the Ukrainian SSR Gosplan ASPR i~r~c7.udes ~1 subsystep4s
(including seven combined and 14 industxial) by which p].anning documentation is
developed to the ~ull extent. �
_ The total number of problems solved is 574, of which 346, i.~., 60 percent, has;e
been united into 75 groups.
In the annual planning mode are solved 357 probler;s, or more than 60 percent of the -
total number of problems, in the f ive-year glanning mode 171 problems (30 percent)
and in the longterm planning mode 46 problems, i.e., 10 percent of all problems.
The effectiveness of the introduction of the first phase of the Ukrainian SSR Gos-
plan ASPR was determined by the savings gained in the republic's national economy
as the result of the optimization of planning decisions, as we11 as of the lowering
of costs resulting from the automa~ion of planning calculations. The annual savings
from phase one of the Ukrainian SSR Gosplan ASPR equals 10.73 million rubles, and
the expense recovery period equaled nine months.
Tasks Performed by the USSR Gosbank Central Computing Center
The Gosbank Central Computing Center (GVTs) processes the following types of data:
intrabank reporting, data on statistics and credit plaitning, on cash transactions
of the USSR Gosbank and cash transactions of the State budget, on overdue indebted-
ness with regard to Gosbank loans and on accounts not paid in time, on balance re-
porting, on longterm credit, on shortterm credit f or kolkhozes and on the flow of
kolkhoz capital toward capital investment, on the financing of capital investment
and other measures relating to agriculture, and on the starus of the expenditure of
wage funds.
The compilation and creation of a credit plan for many ministries and departmenCs
of the country are also carried out.
InPormation relating to all these tasks (with the exception of the task of calculat-
ing wages) arrives at the Gosbank Central Computing Center through communications
channels (a subscriber telegraph system) from all Gosbank oblast offices.
. The total amount of information processed for these tasks eq;ials, in terms of
punched cards, about 200,000 per month.
Since 1965 the USSR Gosbank GVTs has managed an industrial solution to the problem
"Receipting Interbranch Transactions" for all 34 Gosbank institutions in Moscow.
An experimental industrial solution is under way for the bank problem "Gosbank
Operations Day" employing two combined computers (data are processed from 33 rayon
institutions in Moscow). -
The problem "Foreign Trade Bank (VTB) Operations Day" is being put into service.
This prohlem is similar in terms of its structure and the kind o~ developments to
- be carried out to the problem "Gosbank Operations Day."
The entry into experimental industrial service of the "$ank" system with the formu-
lation of a solution using a computer to the problems "Ciosbank Operations Day" and
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"Receipting Interbranch Transactions~' have already made it possib~.e to cazry~out
= the overall automa~ion of the majority of bank processes. Furthermore, the quality,
- timeliness, completeness and number of devel,opments presented have been improved
considerably. In addition, the introduction of computers has made it possible to
draw the conclusion that a slowing will occur in the growth of the number bf tlte _
bank's accounting operations personnel as compared w3th the growth in the number of
operations performed by the USSR Gosbank.
After the entry into experimental industrial service of the "Bank" system in Moscow
the USSR Gosbank GVTs began to develop and prepare the organization of "Bank" com-
puting complexes for 14 large industrial cities of the country.
At the present time the problems "Operations Day" and "Receipting" are being solved
in Gosbank's oblast offices in Gor'kiy, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Chelyabinsk, Donetsk,
Sverdlovsk, Kuybyshev, Khar'kov, Alma-Ata, Odessa, Voronezh, Iricutsk and Kiev.
The USSR Gosbank Central Computing Center has also carried out scientific research
and experimental design developments relating to data preparation and transmission . -
equipment (APD).
A technological algorithm has been developed for the preparation, transmission and
receipt of data by the APD of the "Bank" system for the i*idependent problem "Re- _
ceipting MFO [Interbranch Transactions]"; a technological algorithm has been de-
veloped for the preparation, transmission and receipt of data directly from communi-
cations channels to computers of the "Bank" system.
For the purpose of transmiCting data the central computing center uses a subscriber
telegraph network making possible communications between the administration and
~ peripheral institutions of the USSR Gosbank.
The central computing center is continuing to develop remote communications for
~ the Gosbank f.or the country as a whole, which has made it possible to create the
foundation of a communications network including cable line facilities and a direct-�
wire, subscriber line and station equipment network and to develop experience in the
combined work of bookkeeping and technical personnel.
Employment of Computers in Power Engineering
The introduction of computer technology and the creation on its basis of ASU's
[aiitomated control systems] are being carried out in organizations and at enter-
_ prises of the USSR Minenergo [Ministry of Power and Electrificati.on] for the
following major levels:
An automated control system for a sector of industry (OASU).
An automated dispatcher control system (ASDU) for united power systems (OES's).
Automated systems for controlling (ASU's) power systems.
Automated systems �or controlling construction and installation trusts and enter-
prises of the construction industry (ASUS's).
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- ASU' s Eor e].ectric power plants.
ASU's for technological processes of large-capacity power plants.
'fhe. USSR Mit~energo 7ndustrial Automated Control System (the "Energiya" [~'dwa'x]
- UASU) is a c:oraplex system including the following:
An automated system �or organizational and economic control (ASOU).
An automated system for dispatcher control (ASDU) of the USSR Unified Power System
(YeES) .
An automated system for controlling consCruction (ASUS). -
Operations data on the technical and economic indicators of power systems and major
electric pocaer plants, fuel reserves, the presence of water resources in hydroelec-
tric power station reservoirs and the state of key equipment are transmitted every
24 hours through a hierarchical system for gathering alphanumeric data. Tnformation
processed at the USSR YeES TsDU [Central Dispatching Administration] by means of
computers and comp uter punching equipment arrives at the management of the USSR
Minenergo and cen tral administrations. Gathered and processed similarly every 10 _
days, every montti and every quarter are statistical data on the flow of fue1, the
generation and consumption of electric power, specific consumption of fue1, and on
construction progress and deliveries of resources f or the most important construction I
projects. ~
In the structure of the ASDU is solved one of the major problems of the operations
and dispatcher control of the power industry--optimization of USSR YeES conditions
- in relation to active output, taking into account the economic characteristic:s of
units and losses of electric power in networks, ma.king it possible to achieve a
~considerable savings of f uel. These calculations are performed every 24 hours at
23 interacting VTs's [computing centers].
Plans for the entry af power capacities into service are designed in the stxucture
of rhe ASUS. .
The "Energiya" OASU services 14 functional subdivisions of the USSR Minenergo
apparatus, for which as mar~y as 1300 estimates are made per year, and 82 forms of
_ operations estimates. In addition, 27 problems are solved and a total of 69,500
calc~ilations per year are performed for the USSR YeES TsDU.
The entry into service of the just the first phase of the "Energiya" OASU in 1975
~ made it possible to improve the economic efficiency of the work of the Unified and
of united power systems, taking into account the fulfillment of established norms
for the quality of eleciric power and the reliability of power service to consumers;
to reduce costs and to speed up power and subcontracting construction; and to reduce
the cost of industrial products and to shorten the time required for preparing the
pl.anning and estimating and information materials required for management of the
industry. ,
The annual savings from introducing the automated systQm has equaled 1.664 mi,llion
rubles, and the recovery period 2.6 years.
- 66 ~
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By 1976 had been put into service the first phases of the "Energiya" OASU, 7.0
OCS ASDU's, 18 power system ASU's, five electric power plant ASU~s, 14 ASUS~s
in construction trusts and in construction industry trusts and 48 ASUTP's [auto-
mated contrmi systems ~or technological processes] for large-capacity power plants.
In power system ASU's business management problems are solved, records are kept ~f
operating costs for fuel at electric power plants, records are kept and an analysis
. is made of the utilization of materials and equipment resources in the pawer sys-
tem's storehouses and bases, the presence and turnover of personnel at power system
enterprises are monitored, etc.
Automated systems for the dispatcher control (ASDU's) of power systems are created
- at all upper control levels as independent systems for their technological control
or as part of a combined organizational and technological ASU.
Control of Technologicai. Processes in Power Engineering
Data services for operatior~s personnel are made possible by means of ASUTP's.
- These include the retrieval of data for display, monitoring the key parameters of
the operating conditions of a power plant, the documentation of operations data
and,the recording of operating condition parameters for the purpose of analyzing
emergency situations.
ASU's based en small computers have been put into service at large-capacity thermal
electric power plants, such as, for example, the Butyrskaqa, Zmiyevskaya, Moldavian
and others. General station problems are solved in these systems in addition to ~
= solving problems relating to controlling power plants.
At the rioldavian GRES output forms issued by a computer represent the only documents
used for credieing personnel bonuses, summing up the results of socialist competi-
tion between watches and writing monthly reports.
- The complexity of the technological process and the advanced monitoring system have .
determined the desirability of using computers for controlling a nuclear power
plant (AES). Thus, new improved ASUTP's based on small computers have been created
at the Beloyarsk and Leningrad AES's.
The number of monitored parameters increases drastically with an increase in the
capacity of nuclear power plants. Computers installed at an AES perform the func-
tions of gathering data, controlling signalling and recording parameters, and of
calculating TEP's [technical and economic indicators].
At hydroelectric power plants and hydroelectric power glant series an ASUTP im-
plemented on the basis of computer technology makes it possible on the b asis of
centralized data to control a GES under normal and emergency conditions.
ASUTP's have already been put into service at the present time at the Vatchinskaya
and Saratov hydroelectric power plants. ASUTP's have been put into service at
other GES's, including at the Krasnoyarsk GES, the largest in the world. An ASUTP
is being developed f or the Sayano-Shushenskaya GES and the Zagorsk and Kayshadar
- GES`s.
- 67
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The ASUTP's of large GES's have been called upon to solve the pxoblems o~ the
automatic control o~ standard and emergency conditions taking into account the
effects of counteremergency and system autamatic equipment.
The average cost of an automated system for controlling a technological process
based on a third-generation computer equaled in 1971-1975 750,000 rubles, whereby
approximately 65 percent of the cost was due to hardware (approximately 40 percent
for computer equipment and 25 percent for automation devices and equipment).
The majority of ASUTP's pay for themselves in 1.5 to two years. The rapid recover-
ability of the cost of these systems is possible on account of a two- to
seven-parcent increase in prcduct output, a two- to four-percent reduction in the
_ expenditure of material resources, a two- to five-percent increase in tr.e output- _
capital ratio, etc. _
- The high effectiveness of these systems can be illustrated by other examples, too.
The employment of an ASUTP for the electrolysis of aluminum produces a savings
equal to 1.5 percent of the electric power consumed by this process.
ASUTP's for reheating furnaces, making it possible to heat an ingot before rolling,
make it possible to save 1.5 to two percent of the metal on account of the reduction
of scale losses. With a furnace throughput of 0.5 to 1.5 million tons of ingots R
per year one system can produce a savings of 7,500 to 30,000 tons of inetal.
Automation by means of computers of technological processes at the concentration
~ plant oF the Zyryanovsk Lead Combine has made it possible to increase the extractian
of key elements from ore by 1.5 to four percent (including by 4.39 percent for
copper, 1.97 for lead and 1.55 percent for zinc)9 to improve the quality of commodi-
ty concentrates, to increase the volume of ore processing by five percent, to reduce
the consumption of.auxiliary materials by three percent and to increase labor pr~-
ductivity by 66 percent, as the result of which the number of workers has been re-
duced by 100.
An automated system for controlling the primary oil refining plant at the Novo-
Yaroslavskiy Oil Refining Plant has increased productivity by three percent and -
has reduced the consumption of fuel by four percent, of water vapor by 16, of
circulating water by four and of electric power by four.
The "Karat" system for controlling mining transportation ?~uipment in operation at
the pit mine of the Yakutalmaz Association has made it possible to reduce the idle
time of. excavators and motor transport and to improve the employment of dump trucks
by seven to 10 percent, wh'ch in 1975 produced a savings of 680,000 rubles. The
cost of this system was paid back in less than one half year. A similar system
inrroduced at the Tamusinskiy Open-Cast Coal Mine has made it possible to increase
the output of coal with existing capacities by 4.5 percent.
An ASUP for the production of urea at the Severodonetsk Chemical Combine has made
possible complete centralization of control of the technological process and on
account of the optimization of operating mades of units has made it possible to
increase praduct output by 3.5 percent, to xeduce the cpnsumption o� raw materials
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by 1.5 percent, and to reduce harmful e~fluents eightfold. The number of operating
- personnel has been reduced by 7.5 percent.
At the Dzer.zhinskiy Plastics Plant an ASUTP for the production of phenolic a.catone
has made it possible to produce an improved-quality phenol, and this has m~de it
possible to award this type of product the St~te Emblem of Quality. In addition,
the output of finished products has been increased by 6.6 percent, the consumption
of raw materials has been reduced by 0.6 percent, the consumption of electric power
~ by six percent, and the number of management personnel by eight percent. As the
- result of introducing this system management of the business was centralized and
; the number of sections was reduced from five to three.
, With automation of the control of harmful and burdensome production processes in
the chemical, oil refining and petrochemical industry as much as 30 percent of
; machine operators working at large units have been released, and the remaining have
been removed from areas with harmful working conditions.
About 1300 ASUTP's will be put into operation in the lOth Five-Year Plan period
' (2.5 times more than in 1971-1975). The major portion of this program (more than
50 percent of the total work) is being carried out by heavy industries (the chemi-
cal, oil refining and petrochemical industry, ferrous and non-~errous metallurgy
and the like), which in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period gained great experience in
~ creating automated systems. More than 100 systems were created in the machine ~
building industry. Other industries (light industry and the food industry and the
like) will gain experience in using computers for controlling technological pro-
cesses and wiil create prototypes of systems.
A program of scientific and technical work has been devised for creating 75 ASUTP
prototypes �or key technological processes. This will make it possible to reduce
! considerabl.y the cost of developing systems for similar projects.
~ In keeping with overall programs approved by the State Committee for Science and
- Technology, methodological materials are being developed, governing the procedure
for creating ASUTP's, estimating their economic efficiency, calculating and norm-
setting the reliability of systems, etc. The same plari has called for the develop- -
m~nt of collections of standard control algorithms and of software implementing
them for various sectors of industry.
In conclusion it should be noted that ASUTP's should be created primarily for new
' or reconstructed technological systems, since the creation of systems at existing
, sites requires additional modifications of equipment.
For purposes of ensuring an improvement in the operating efficiency of complex
technological equipment on the basis of automation, new complicated technological
processes, units and production processes must be designed by emp~.oying automated '
control systems based on modern computer technology. The coordinated design of
technological equipment and ASUTP's as an inse~arable whole is today a necessary
condition for the creation of new effecti~ve technological complexes.
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Economic Ef�iciency o~ an ASU ~ar Trans~ortation
The development and introduction of an OASU in railway transportation has made it
possible to reduce by 0.5 percent the empty mileage o~ ears. The annual savings
has equaled 3.5 million rubles. The development and introduction of an ASU for
a sorting yard has made it possible ta automate current planning and to reduce the
idle time of cars and to automate the process of selecting the optimal sequence
for sorting trains at sorting yards. The calculation of full-scale sheets with a
computer has substantially improved the quality of documents and has practically
eliminated cases of the separation of documents and cars, which in the end result
has reduced the number of incorrectly sent and lost cars. The annual savings from
introducing these calculations has equaled 300,000 rubles. The introduction of the
first phase of the "Ekspress" system at the Moscow center has made it possible to
increase the number of occupied seats in a car by 2.5 to three percent on account of
the more efficient sale of tickets. The annual savings from functioning of this
system has equaled four million rubles.
In air transportation the development and introduction of an OASU has made it
possible to improve the profitability of Aeroflot operations, to gain an additional
profit as the result of an increase in f lying hours, to increase profits on account
of a reduction in the down time of aircraft equipment in waiting for modifications,
to increase the pay load of aircraft, and to reduce the down time of aircraft re-
sulting from a lack of spare parts. The annual savings has equaled nine million
rubles. ~
The beginning of the lOth Five-Year Plan period was marked bq the birth of the
"Start" ASU for air traffic. Its industrial utilization began in Leningrad. In-
formation on air traffic processed with computers helped the controller select
the most optimal and safe course for an airplane and to determine its altitude and
velocity. The "Start" system has not only impro~red the regularity of flights, but
has also helped considerably to improve the traffic capacity of an airport.
Highl.y complicated electronic equipment has become a reliable assistant to takeo~f
and landing "conductors."
An A5U has made it possible to reduce the time required, to improve the quality and
to lower the cost of repairs of the aircraft engine inventory at aviation plants.
The annual savings its introduction has equaled 400,000 rubles.
An airport ASU (for the Vnukovo airport, for example) has made it possible to
improve the regularity of the fulfillment of flight schedules and to reduce the idle
time of aircraft on account of the efficient presentation of data on the state of
_ preparation for the completion of trips, on account of an increase in flying hours
for an aircraft, a~ well as on account of an improvement in traffic safety because
of optimal planning of the destination of aircraft for trips and for equipment
servicing. The annual savings from carrying out this measure has equaled 300,000
The introduction of the "Sirena" [Siren] systPm at the Moscow center has made it
possible to increase the occupancy rate of seats in aircraft by three percent,
which produced a savings of more than three million rub~es for the first yeax of
operation (1972)� The labor productivity of cashiers and controllers increased
- 70
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three- to four�old. The system made it possible to autoiqate about 90 percent o~
all technological operations and procedures. It has made possible simultaneous
access to central computers by 250 cashiers and controllers in Moscow, at its
airpcrts and in a number of large cities in the country. Cashiers and controllers
have been supplied with displays and carry out their work with a compute~' by com-
municating with it in real time. About 500 more cities in the country have been
linked with the "Sirena" by a subscriber telegraph network. During the time of its
operation the "Sirena" has served more than 20 million passengers, including eight
million people in 1975.
' Computers in Public Health
In the lOth Five-Year Plan period the sector automated control system for public
health will receive additional development--the number of subsystems is being in-
creased and the number of treatment and scientific institutions serviced by the
ASU is being expanded. During the five-year plan period 47 new automated computing
and data processing systems and 29 computing centers will go into service.
The Statewide Automated Co~trol System (OGAS) �
At the present time more than 330 OASU's and 2000 ASUP's [automated enterprise
management systems] are in operation. The average time for recovering their cost
is about three years.
A few thousand general-purpose third-generation computers will be produced in 1976-
1980 for O~SU's, ASUP's, for scientific and planning organizations and for other
The course is being taken toward the creation in the country of large-capacity com-
puters (with a speed of five nillion, 10 million and more than 100 million opera- -
tions per second) and of control computers, which is the optimal course and corre-
sponds to world trends.
= Computer technology has become an integral part of the automation of complex tech-
nological processes in chemistry, petrochemistry, power engineering, ferrous metal-
lurgy and other industries (ASUTP's). Whereas prior to 1971 there were 170 auto-
mation systems based on computers, 619 systems were created during the Ninth Five-
Year Plan period. The time for recovering their cost is no longer than two years.
The intent is to create more than 1300 ASUTP's in various sectors of the national
economy in the lOth Five-Year Plan period (1976-1980). M�inpribor [Ministry of
, Instrument Making, Automation Equipment and Control Systems] will produce several
thousand control computers in the lOth Five-Year Plan period for these and other
purposes .
An analysis of the demand �or computers has shown that it is not being satisfied
completely by applicants with regard to control and general-purpose computers.
Computing centers (and now there are about 3000 of them in the country) have still
not been fully furnished with peripheral equipment (rapid printers, magnetic disk
and tape storages, etc.), and there is an insufficiency of data transmission equip-
ment and of operating materials (paper and magnetic data media, etc.).
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Tt-iese and other shortcomings (the unprepared state of tasks among users, the lack
o� readiness of space and the like) have hampered the effectiv~ utilization o~
computer technology (VT) and, in particular, have resulted in the fact that on
average the computer load in the country equals abou~ 12 hours instead of 16 to 18
- lio~irs a day. -
In spite of these shortcomings, as the experience of the Ninth Five-Year Plan period
has demonstrated, the effectiveness of capital investment in VT and ASU's is
greater than for other lines of capital investment. A planned savings of 33 kopecks
(an efficiency factor of 0.33) had been established in the Ninth Five-Year P1an
pe riod for each ruble of capital investment in a VT pro3 ect; the efficiency factor
a ctually equaled 0.4.
The OGSPD [Statewide Data Transmission System] should consist of communications
1 ines with a carrying capacity of from 200 to 48,000 baud (bits per second),
channel and message switching centers (TsKS's), data transmission equipment, etc.
A TsKS will contain in its structure speci~l equipment for consolidating, coding,
and, when necessary, encipherment of data. In the first phase they will be created
in large cities in which it is p3.anned to create communications networks, as well as
in VTs KP's [collective-use computing centers].
In creating the OGSPD it is necessary to provide for the unification of separately
aperating communications networks of various fiscal agencies for the purpose, of in- ~
c reasing their loas~. The reliability of data transmission by the GGS~D should be ,
not ~aorse than 10 .
For the purpose of creating the OGSPD it is possible in part to use the already ~
e xisting communications system. However, many problems must be solved from scratch.
Zt is necessary to consCruct.a new svstem of channel and message switching centers
and to increase the throughput of communications lines both by extending old C'~
and constructing new lines.
� COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Znaniye", 1980
CSO: 1863
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VYCHISLIT~L'NYKH MASHIN in Russian 1980 pp 2, 212-213
: [Annotation and table of contents of book "Technical Diagnosis and Operation of
Controlling and Computing Machines", Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", 224 pages]
[ExcerptsJ Annotation
a -
This collection of articles considers theoretical and applied questions of
_ monitoring and technical diagnosis of computing and contrelling systems
and devices. It presenCs methods and results of practical work on build-
ing and analyzing the functioning of computing complexes and monitoring
systems, techniques for evaluating the reliability of complex systems,
and procedures for constructing test programs to check the working con-
dition of the computing devices.
The book is intended for scientist,s, engineering-technical personnel,
graduate students and undergraduates at higher educational institutions
who are working on the problems of monitoring computing and controlling
Table of Contents
Gulyayev, V. A., "The Use of Extremal Properties of Dynamic Systems
with Defects to Organize Checks" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Voyevodskaya, M. G., and Kostandi, G. G., "Construction of a System
of Conditions for the Working Condition of Discrete Subjects of
lliagnosis with Memory" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Kushnir, M. I., "Optimization of the StraCegy of Functional Diagnosis
of the Technical Condition of Computing Systems" . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Belokon', R. N., and Chernyy, G. P., "Assessment of the Components of
the Reliability of Predictive Monitoring of Working Condition" 21
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rvn vrri~,ir~L t~aa w~i.Y
Shamin, V. B., "Frequency Method of Estimating the Parameters of
the Technical Condition of Discrete Objects" . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Skobt~ov, Yu. A., and Speranskiy, D. V., "Structural Method of
Constructing a Diagnostic Sequence for Synchronous Circuits with -
Memary~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Dotsenko, B. I., "One Method of Monitoring and Diagnosing Dynamic
Systems" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
- Skorovarov, A. N., and Chichikanov, I. V., "The Question of Pro-
duction Monitoring of Microcalculators" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Boldyrev, M. A., "One Technique of Organizing Inexact Correspond-
ence Diagnostic Vocabularies" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Zelenevskaya, Ye. A., Sereshchenko, V. G., and Totsenko, V. G.,
"Calculating the Reliability of Test Monitoring of Large Integrated
Systems during Manufacture" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Koyda, A. N., Kostandi, G. G., and Mozgalevskiy, A. V., "Organiza- ~
tion of Systems for Diagnosis of Objects with Complex Structure" 63
Zakhar'yevich, I. A., and Tyurin, A. V., "Technique of Modeling Cir-
cuits with Defects on the Basis of Reverse Passage" 71
Zakhar'yevich, I. A., ''Comparative Evaluation of Various Techniques
of Modeling Circuits with Defects" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Belov, G. I., and Derbunovich, L. V., "Synthesis of Discrete Units `
with Memory Elements That Are Suitable for Monitoring" 76
Kramskoy, V. V., and tetrov, I. I., "Generalized Structural Model
of an Infvrmation-Measurement Computing System for Monitoring
Digital Large Integrated Circuits" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Kiyasbeyli, Sh. A., Mamedov, V. M., and Vladimirskiy, E. I., "Appli-
cation of the Theory of Eroded Sets for Solving Certain Problems of -
Reliability Theory" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Podzin, A. Ye., "The Question of Ordering Information in Automated
Computer-Based Systems" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Logvina, N. I., Sarayev, R. A., and K~?oroshko, V. A., "Addressing
Unit for Information-Measurement System" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
I1'nitskiy, L. Ya., Khoroshko, V. A., and Kovtun, V. I., "Improving
the Precision of Measurement of Temperature" . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Likhttsinder, B. Ya., "Switching Algorithm in Sys~ems for Automated
Monitoring of Printed Assemblies of Radio Equipment" 108
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Dikarev, V. Ye., "Optimization of Redundancy for Linear Constraints
in a Heirarchical System with ~ao-Time 5ervice" . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Chernyshev, Yu. 0., "One Approach to a Method of Solving Combina-
tory Problems of Optimization" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Shul'ga, I. S., "Construction of a Domain of Trouble-Free Operation
of a Dynamic System with Random Parameters" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
- Shul'ga, I. S., "Determining the Parametric Reliability of a Dynamic ~
system" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Karaul'shchikov, V. P., "Methodology for Designing Operations Soft-
ware for an Automated Control System for an Industrial Process" 142
Artik, L. N., "Methods of Calculating the Nim?ber of Repair and Opera-
tions Personnel" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Pesotskiy, V. M., "One Approach to a Quantitative Description and
Evaluation of the Noise Resistance of Automated Control Systems for
Industrial Processes and Their Components" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
~ Stadnik, 0, A.,~ " Random Processes in the Investigation of
Parametric Reliability" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Nagornova, V. F., and Shapovalov, Yu. V., "Diagnostic Test for Con-
stant Errors for Uniform Combination Circuits with Functionally Com-
plete Base Elements" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Karaul'shchikov, V. P., and Shishonok, N. A., "Calculation of the =
Number of Repair Personnel for Automated Control Systems for Indus-
trial Processes" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Shcherbakov, N. S., "Analysis of a Test Sequence on the Basis of a
Pseudorandom N~unber Generator" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Godlevskiy, V. S., "Precision Models of Certain Monitoring Systems". . 193
Kosik, V. M., and Kramskoy, V. V., "Sof tware System of an Inf ormation-
Measurement System" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Tararukhin, V. S., "Organization of a Storage Driver on Magnetic Tape
in a Microprocessor Information-Measurement System for Monitoring
Large Integrated Systems" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka.", 1980 =
[81-11176] ~
CSO: 1863
- 75
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rvi~ Vll'lliltlL ~oc vivt,l
UDC 681.5.001.2
T~KHNOLOGICHESKIMI PROTSESSAMI in Russian 1980 signed to press 28 Dec 79 pp 4-5, -
7, 2$7-288
[Annotation, table of contents and excerpts from the foreword in the book by
G.G. Chogovadze, edited by Acadmicians V.A. Trapeznikov and A.A. Voronov, Doctors
of F.ngineering Sciences A.G. Mamikonov and O.I. Aven, and Candidate of Engineering
Sciences D.M. Berkovich, Izdatel'stvo "Energiya", 5,600 copies, 288 pages]
[Excerpts] Questions of automating the design of information and program complexes
which realize the operational control of production processes are treated in the
book. The basic principles of operational control system design theory are pre-
sented. MaChematical methods are widely represented, where these are used in the
solution of operational control problems. Problems are analyzed which are related
to the planning of data organization and the automated synthesis of programs.
The book is intended for specialists in the field of ASU design, directly im~olved
in the solution of information and programming problems.
An attempt is made for the first time in this book to treat the entire process of
developing operational control syst~ns for technological processes from unified
- v iewpoints, starting with the substantiation of the necessity of contro:l automation
and concluding with the development of a working project plan for the information
and program complex.
The materials of this book were the result of research carried out by the staff
� of the Department of Automated Control Systems of the Georgian Polytechnical imeni
V.I. Lenin, directed by the author.
The discussion of this problem area in the scientific collectives of the Department
of Cybernetics of the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, the Institute of
Control Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Higher Engineering
School imeni Bauman had a considerable impact on the quality of the material in
the book.
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; Table of Cont~nts
~ Foreword 5
' Introdbetion 8
; ChapCer One. The Process of Planning Operational Control Systems 11
~ 1.I. The classification of operational control systems 11
i 1.2. The composition and structure of operational control systems 11
~ 1.3. The structure of the process of planning operational control systems 27
~ 1.4. Major problems in the automation of operational control system planning 32
Chapter'Itao. Operational Control Models 35
~ 2.1. The classification of mathematical models in operational control systems 36 _
i 2.2. The operational control of continuous technological processes 42
I 2.3. OperaCional control models for discrete production 48
i 2.4. Models of operational d ispatcher control 57
Chapter Three. Modern Methods of Investigation 64
3.1. A description of the structure of continuous technological processes 65
3.2. The choice of the kind of mathematical model of continuous technological
processes 79
3.3. Methods of planning an experiment for continuous technological processes 94
3.4. The con~truction and correction of mathematical models 101
3.5. The description of the units being set up 104
3.6. The identification of desi.gnations in the modeling of the units being -
set up 121
- 3.7. Automation of *_he investigation of the units being set up and the
processing of the investigat ion results 126
Chapter Four. The Organization of Remote Data Processing 136 ~
4.1. The remote processing point in the planning and operation of operational
control systems 13b
4.2. The hardware for remote data processing 146
4.3. Froblems of information compatibility 154
4.4. Remote processing program software 157
Chapter Five. Planning the Organization of Data for Operational Control
~ Systems 170
5.1. Data structures 171
5.2. :,ontemporary concepts of data organization in a peripheral memory
of a computer 174
5.3. The language elements tor data m~nipulation in a hierarchical model 181
5.4. The elements of a reZational model of data 189
5.5. Problems in planning data organization in the form of f ile structures 207
5.6. Some questions of the structural design oi data bases 213
Chapter Six. Planning the Program Software for Operational Control Systems 225
6.1. The structure of operational control system pro~ram sof tware 225
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6. 2. Specif ic f eatures of the programming systan f or an operational
control system 236
6.3. The automation of the planning of the informational scheme for the
appli2d programs of operaticnal control systems 243
6.4. A general scheme for the generation of applied programs 248
Chapter Seven. Experimental Studies of the Major Components of an Automated -
~ System for the Planning of Operational Control Systems 254
7.1. Th e tasks of the experimental studies 255 _
7.2. The realization of the system for the automated investigation of .
production process units using the unif ied series of computers 256 -
7.3. The realization of the systeTn for the automated study of the units
set up using the unif ied series of computers 262
7.4. The realization of a svstem for modeling dynamic units 2~~
7.5. '~he realization of an automated program synthesis system 274 -
Bibliography 281
� ,
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stv~ "Energiya", 1980.
- CS~: 1363 -
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1980 pp 4-8
[Annotation and table of contents of book "Optimization of Dynamic Systems of -
Random Structure", by I. Ye. Kazakov and V.M. Artem'yev, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka",
3200 copies, 382 pagesJ
_ .
, [ Exc erp t] Anno tat ion
This book presents general and applied methods of solving the problems of
signal filte�;~Lng and statistical optimization of dynamic sqstems which have
different structure at random time intervals. Such tasks arise in the con-
trol of mobile objects, industrial processes, robots, and other technical
devices. ~hey are a result of full automation of complex control processes
in modern engineering. -
~ These problems are considered on the basis of the theory of conditional
= Markov processes whiGh leads to the need to determine the a posterior i d~n-
sity function of the probability of the vector of state. Approximate algo-
ritt4ns put in computers are also considered. They are illustrated with
The book is intended for scientific researchers, engineers, and advanced
college students who are speci.alizing in auromatic control. It has one
table, 48 illustrations, and 63 bibliographic entries.
Table of Contents Page
Forew~ord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 1. Stochastic Models and Problems of Optimizing
Processes of Random Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1. Processes and Systems of Random Structure 13
1.2. Mathematical Models of Stochastic Systems 16
~ 1.3. Optimization Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
. 1.4. ResQarch Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
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�v~~ vaa~l.aAai V?a~ VI~L~ _
Page _
Chapter 2. Markov Processes of Random Structure . . . . . . . . . . . 23 -
2,1. Continuous Vector Markov Process . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2,2. Stochastic Equation of a Vector Markov Process 3d
2.3. The Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equation . . . . . . . . . 31 ,
2,4. Processes of Raadom Structure and Their Stochastic
Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.5. Probability Characteristics of Markov Processes
y of Random Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.6. Drift and Diffusiou Factors for Markov Processes
~ cf Random Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 �
2.7. Processes with Distributed Conversions . . . . . . . . 51
2.8. Processes with Concentrated Conversions . . . . . . . . 5~
2.9. Classification of Markov Process of Random Structure . 64
2,10. Generalized Equations Tt~at Preserve Probability 69 _
2.11. Equations for Probabilist~c States . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.12. Normed Generalized Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equations . 77
2.13. Equations for Probabilistic Moments . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.~4. Examples of Markov of Random Structure 86
_ ~
Chapter 3, Method of Optimal Filtration of Processes of Random
Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
~ 3.1. Statement of the Filtration Problem . . . . . . . . . . 93
3, 2. A Posteriori Density of Probability for White Noise 100
a 3.3. Discrete Algoritlun for White Noise . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.4. Equations for A Posteriori Densities of Probabilities
- for Wnite Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.5. A Posteriori Probabilities of States of the
Structure of a Process . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . 109
3.6. E~uations for A Posteriori Densities of Probabilities
for Nonwhite Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
- 3.7. Analysis a.f. Equations for Continuous Filtration 112
3.8. ~xamples of Filtration Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 116
- 3.9. Method of Evaluation with a Given Filter Structure 119
' Chapter 4. Approx:Imate Algorittms for Fi~tration of Prace.sses of =
Random Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.1. The Foundations of Approxi.mate Algoritt~s 126
4.2. ?'iscrete Fi1~'~ration Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 127
4.3. ~aussian Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
4.4. Filtration for Distributed Conversions . . . . . . . . 144
4.5. Functional Approximation . . . . . . . � . - . . . . . 146
4.6. A Posteriori S~i-Invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
4.7. The V. S. Pugachev Approximate Algoritlma for
Filter Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Chapter 5. Filtration of Processes of Random StructurP . 164 -
5.1. Sequential Filtration of a Set of Random Processes 164
= 5.2. Equai:ions of an Opti~al Filter for 'Jnobserved
Switch Momen~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
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Pag e
5.3. Optimal Filtration of Two Processes Passing
' Through One Observation Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 178
5.4. Equations of an Op~imal Filter for Observed
Switch Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
5.5. Sequential Filtration of Two Processes for .
Observed Switch Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 `
5.6. Synthesis of the Angular Coordinatnr of a Source
of Flickering Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
= 5.7. Optimal Filtration of a Process w~th Two States
of Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 �
5.8, Equations of an Optimal Filter for Observed
_ Moments of Change in the Structure of the Process 205
- 5.9. Synthesis of the Angular Coordinator of a
Maneuvering Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Chapter 6. Optimal Filtration with Control of the Observation Process . 221
6.1. Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
6.2. Equations of an Optimal Filter Considering Control
for UnobGerved Moments of Conversions . . . . . . . . . . 223
~ 6.3. Optimal Control with a Quadratic Loss Function 228
6.4. Optimal Filtration with Additive Feedback in a
Nonl3near Observation Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
6, 5. Equat ions of an Optimal Filter Considering ~ontrol
i for Observed Moments of Conversions . . . . . . ~ . . . . 239 -
Chapter 7. Identif icat ion in Systems of Random Structure 243 �
7.1. Problems of Parametric Identification and Construction
of Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 -
7.2. General Algorithms for Evaluation and Identification 245
7.3. Approximate Gaussian Algorithms for Evaluation -
and Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Chapter 8. Methods of Optunizing Control in SystE:ms of Random
Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
8.1. Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
8.2. Criteria of Optimality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 -
8.3. The Principle of the Ma.cimum . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
8.4. Dynamic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
8.5. The Lyapur~ov Function Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
8,6. Control with Maximum Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
~ 8.7. Terminal Control 4lithout Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.8. Termi.nal Control with Restrici:ions . . . . . . . . . . . 302 ~
8.9. Method of Analytic besign of a Quasioptimal Equation 313
~ 8.10. Modernized Methods of Analytic Design of a Quasi-
optimal Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
8.11. Synthesis of Equations by a Local Criterion 328
Chapter 9. Optimization of Control Considering Change in Structure 334 ~
_ 9.1. Problems of Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
9, 2. Optimal Equations for Precise Measu~ement of -
State and Phase Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
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9.3. Optimal Linear Equations for Precise Measuremente 350 -
9.4. Optimal Equations for Non-Precise Measurements 357
9.5. Optimal Linear Equations for Non-Precise
Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 `
9.6. Optimal Control of Objects with Sequential
Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
- Name Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Sub~ ect Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
. COPYRIGHT: ~zdatel'stvo "Nauka". Glavnaya redaktsiya fiz3.ko~atematicheskoy
literatury, 1980
CSO: 1863
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