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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R000200090034-3 i ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094434-3 FOR 06F(('IAL USF. ONi.~ JPRS L/9148 17 June 1980 ~ ~fietnann Re ort p C~OUO 5/80) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCA~T INF4RMATION SERVIGE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign - newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, edit~rial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indica*e how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were net clear in the - original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. - The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- c ies, views ~r artitudes of the U.S. Government. For further infc~rmation on report content - call (703) 351-3067 (Japan, Korea, Mongolia); 351-2760 (Vietnam, South and East Asia) . COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL US~; ONLY JPR5 L/91.48 ~ 17 June 1980 VIETNAM REPORT ~ (FOUO 5/80) CONTENTS MILITARY AFFAIRS AND pUBLIC SECURITY _ Information on Vietnamese Military Units 1 Information en Vietnamese Military Unite 24 - Information on Vietnamese Military Unite 27 - - a - [ITI - ASIA - 110 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 F(JR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MILITARY A~'FAIRS AND PUBLIC SECURITY INFORMATION ON VIETNAMESE MILITARY UNITS - [The following information on Vietnamese military units has been extracted from Vietnamese preas sources published ~.n Hanoi, unless otherwiae iadicated. - Unit designatora an~i subordinatfon are as they appear in the original source. The remarks includr= a brief summary of the salient information available in the newe item.~ - Unit Remarks 7th Gp, Hanoi Forces On 5 March 1980 was a~aarded a banner for being the best unit in the Capital Milf.tary Coimnand. (HANOI MOI 6 MF?r 80 p 1) 8th Gp, Capital MR Photo of inen in traiming. (HANOI MOI 7 Mar 80 p 1) Hoang Lien Son Infantry Gp Induction of VCP members in subordinate units Thac ~a Gp reported. (QUl~N DOI NHAN DAN 24 Feb 80 p 1) . Phong Chau Gp N.92 Gp B.68 Artillery Gp , "H" Corps [Binh Doan) Completed conetruction of 61 kilometers of new 019 Engineer Gp road. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Feb 80 p 1) B Gp A Gp C Gp , N.15 Gp Co~ended for conaerving gasoline while work- ing on the Truong Son Road. (QUAN DOI NHAN - DAN 24 Feb 80 p 2) S.73 Anti Aircraft Artillery Gp, Photo of tug of war match. (QUAN DOI NHAN - Tay Nguyen Corps [Binh Doan] DAN 24 Feb 80 p 3) 36th Gp, 4th MR Subordinate unita construct bridgea and = H.33 Regt build sc'~oole in mountain. areas for local H.45 Regt people. (QUAN DOI NHAN I~AN 25 Feb 80 p 1) H.71 Regt 1 FAR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 - FOA OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks _ 19th Regt, 33T Gp Loca*_ed at a bor~3er area. Photo of anti- aircraft machir_~~~ gun crew. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Feb SO p 1) - Technical Noncommissioned Making preparationa for new training cycle. Officere School (QUAN DOI NiiAN DAN 25 Feb 80 p 1) N.67 Gp Commended in an editorial for work that benefitted local people. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 F~b 80 p 1} _ 2d keg[ Political Officer: Le Ngqc Ldi [LEE NGOCJ LOWIJ]. A wayward company is restored to . a pr~per sense of duty. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Feb 80 p 3) lst Tank Gp Conducts combined training with militia and - self~defense forces in its vicinity. (NHAN DAN 26 Feb 80 p 1) 62d Bn, Haiphong Air Defense Photo of missile prepared for launching. = Forces (NHAN DAN 26 Feb 80 p 3) Chi Lang Gp On 23 February 1980 was visited by a - Buigarian military delegation. (NHAN DAN 26 Feb 80 p 4) 927th Air Force Gp " " " " 172d Navy Gp " " " " Mien Tay [WestPrn Area] Corpe Inducted 1,300 VCP memb ers during 1979. p [Binh Doan] (QUAN DOI NHAN TAN 26 Feb 80 p 1) lst Bn, Ba Gia Gp Photo of tactical trainin$. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 26 Feb 80 p 1) Rear Service Academy Iasuing of VCP membership cards reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 26 Feb 80 p 3) - Huor.g G:,ang Corps [Binh DoFin] " " " " = Quyet Thang Corps [Binh Doan] Training activities of subordinate units B.9 Gp reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Feb 80 pp 1, 4) Trieu Hai Regt Vinh Dinh Regt - _ Thach Han Regt Artillery Regt B . 8 Gp Thu Do Regt 2 ~ FOR OFPICYAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Unit Remarks M.2 Gp [Division level] Ba Vi Infantry Regt Song Lo Infantry Regt Thang Uong Infantry Regt H.41 Antisircraft Artillery Gp ' Tat Thang Artillery Gp H.99 Engineer Gp H.02 Armored Gp ~ 40th Signal Gp Khe Sanh Infantry up . Photo of four tanks. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN - 27 Feb 80 p 1) ~ 17th Gp, 7th MR The mam ~ good qualities of ~this unit are pointed out. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Feb 80 p 3) 50th Gn, 7th MR The shortcomings Af this unit are noted. ~ (QUAN DOI NHAAT nAN 27 Feb 80 p 3) SOOth Armored Gp Commended for training activities in 1979. ~ (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Feb 80 p 3) 5th Co, 14th Gp, 2d MR This unit makes frequent moves. Photo shows that equipment includes twin barreled ant3 aircraft weapon. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Feb 80 p 3) ~ 113th Sapper Regt Decorated for past military exploits. (27 Feb 80 p 4) ~ 200th Gp, 4th MP Self-support farming results ~iven. - (NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 1) Song Thao Corps [Binh Doan] � A.16 Infantry Gp X.55 Infantry Gp Signal Fcirces Self-support fartning activities reported. SCh Gp (NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 3) Nam Lien Gp Vien Thong Gp A6 Gp, 4th MT � � - 23d Co, 528th Regt, 367th Anti-- Photo of gun crew. (NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 3) _ Aircraft Artillery ~ 3 FOB OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Dong Bang Gp Training activities reported. (QUAN DOI "Heroic & Victorious" Regt NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 1) Kinh Thanh Artillery Regt Tay Tien Regt B.56 Gp, No~th Western Area Makes preparation for training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 1) 7th Artillery Gp Begins 1980 training. (QUAN DOI NIiAN DAN 2d Gp 28 Feb 80 p 1) 3d Gp 17th Bn 12th Co, 3d Bn, B.68 Artillery Gp Photo of inen rolling gun into position. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 1) Than Vu Gp ~ Photo of inen servicing artillery piece. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 2) V.30 Depot, Technical Materials Political activities r~:ported. (QUAN DOI - Supply Department NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 3) 21st Armored Gp Marked improvement in discipline noted for 1979. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 28 Feb 80 p 3) F3.11 Gp, Cao Bang Province Forces Recently held a military akills meet. rI.69 Gp (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Feb 80 p 1) . Song Thao Corps [Binh Doan] " " A .16 Gp B . 50 Cp - Song Dien Signal Gp, Air Defense " " Furces Radar & Signal School Improvea quality of instruction. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Feb 80 p 1) - 157th Gp, Ha Bac Province VCP membership cards issued. (QUAN DOI Command NHAN DAN 29 Feb 80 p 3) lst Regt, B.18 Infantry Gp Nearly all ~init members are from Nghe - Tinh Province. Last cited io~ation. - was at Giang San. (QUAN DOI NH~'~N DAN 29 Feb 80 p 3) - 4th Regt Discipline improves in a company of this unit. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Feb 80 p 3) ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks lOth Detachment, M.56 Gp Training results for 1979 were good. Photo of unit artillery piece. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Feb 80 p 3) 275th Gp Unit member commended for upright behavior. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Feb 80 p 3~ - , 36th Co, To Hieu Radar G P Unit conducts training against infantry attack. (NHAN DAN 1 Mar 80 p 1) _ Huong Giang Corps [Binh DoanJ Unit members become VCP members. (NHAiV B.24 Gp DAN 1 Mar 80 p 4) 095 Gp 073 Gp H.03 Gp 673d Gp A television program about troop living conditions in this unit was scheduled to appear in Hanoi TV on 1 March 1'380. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 1 Mar 80 p 4) 7th Infantry G~, Capital Military Aasists local cooperative in transplanting Forces rice. (HANOI MOI 1 Mar 80 p 1) llorder Defense Forces Construction of fortifications and cther Border Defense Post [BDP] 163 security activities reported. (QUAN DOI BDP 167 NHAN DAN 2 Mar 80 p 1) BDP 16~ BDP 189 BDP 171 _ BDP 181 BDP 179 12th Border Defense Regt Conducts training to enhance ;ombat effectiveness. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 2 Mar 80 p 1) 2d Division Photo of unit personnel riding on armored vehicles of 22d Armored Gp. (QUAN DOI - NHAN DAN 2 Mar 80 p 1) 22d Armored Gp Photo of unit vehicles transporting infantry pereonael of 2d Division. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 2 Mar 80 p 1) 4th Bn, Engineer NCO School Self-support farming results given. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 2 Mar 80 p 2) . 14th Gp, Sapper Forces " 5 FOR OFFICIAL OSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 ruK U~XICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Border Defense Forces Unit members assist families of wounded BDP B.02 veterans. (QU_AN DQI NHAN DAN 2 Mar 80 p 2) BDP B , OJ. $DP S.71 270th Regt, 5th MR Unit driver disciplined. (QUAI~? DOI NHAN ~AN 2 Mar 30 p 2) 16th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn, Physical f itness activitiea reported. Dong Bang Gp (QU?aN DOI NHAN DAN 2 Mar 80 p 3) - 52d Artillery Gp, Capital MR Photo of gun crews manning pieces. (HANOI MOI 2 Mar 80 p 1) 47th Gp, Capital Forces Completed cadre training course. Commenc- ing 1980 technical and tactical training. (HANO I MOI 2 riar 80 p 1) - B,90th Gp Based in Trung Son District, Thanh Ho~ Province. (NHAN DAN 3 Mar 80 p 1) 'rt.l lani: Gp Photo of tank~ maneuvering. (NHAN DAN 3 Mar 80 p 1) Bor.der Defense Past 207 Located in the Hoanh Mo region along the " PRC border. (NHAN UAN 3 Mar 80 p 3) _ 12th Regt, Border Defense Forces Photo of unit members patrolling. (NH1~N DAN 3 Mar 80 p 3~ - "ori~ D~o Gp, Tay Bac Forces Unit living conditions reportecl. (NHAN DAN 3MarnOp3) 3~ ~ Military medicine activities reported. S~Lh &egt (NHAN DAN 3 Mar 80 p 3) 75bth Gp E'actor.y X.2 5th biilitary Hospital 7th Military Hospital 203d Military Hoapital Thanh Loa Missile Gp Conducts physical fitness activities. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 riar 80 p 1) B.3 C;p, Quang Ninh Province Forces " " " " El . S Gp, 9th MR ; 39th Regt, 4th MR Completes 39 pro~ects to honor the 50th anniversary of the VCP. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Mar 80 p 1) 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks 19 May Engineer Gp Completed construction project ahead of schedule. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Mar 80 p 1) - 813th Gp, Hai Hung Province Forces VCP activitiea reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Mar 80 p 3) 108th Military Hoapital Unit dentiet conanended for dedication to duty. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Mar 80 p 3) Ba Be ~adar Gp Unit singled out as an exemplar of the Radar Branch. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN �3 Mar 80 p 3) Tay Nguyen Corps [Binh Doan] Conducted classes for 1,200 personnel. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 1) 26th Armored Gp, 7th MR Conducted classes for 382 cadres from ~ Company Commander and h3gher included the Commander of the Chi Lang Division. - (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 1) Chi Lang Div Unit commander attended tactical course at 26th Armored Gp. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 1) N.48 Gp, Hoang Lien Son Province Conducted cadre training. (QUAN DOI 2d Artillery Gp NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 1) 3d Artillery Gp 6th Artillery Gp 9th Artillery Gp B.29 Gp Subordinate units construct athletic fields, B.65 Gp water conservancy pro~ects for local B�73 GP people. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 1) B.66 Gp B.68 Gp Artillery Regt, Dong Bang Div Photo of artillery pieces housed in shed. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 1) H.19 Engineer Regt, Huong Giang Helped f ight a fire at a work site ~ Corpa [Binh Doan] together with elements of M64 Artillery Gp. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 2) M.64 Artillery Gp Helped to fight afire at a work site in con~unction with elements of the H.19 Engineer Regt. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 2) 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI~R.Y Unit Remarks 42d Infantry Gp E~tablishes good relations with local populace. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 3) 8tt! Infantry Gp Unit members demonstrate martial arts, (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Mar 80 p 3) An Lao Regt, Sao Vang Gp A mobile unit on the northern border. (NHAN DAN 5 Mar 80 p 3) Air Force Officers School Increases number ef ~lying hours. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN S Mar 80 p 1) . N:.68 Artillery Gp, Tay Bac Forces Conducted training for company grade _ officers. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5Mar8Qp1) lst MR Maintaining combat readin~ss. (QUAN DOT - Chi Lang Gp NHAN DAN 5 Mar 80 p 1) _ Thang Tam Gp Cao Bac Gp Sao Vang Gp Song Cau Gp B . GO Gp S.O1 Gp Ha Long Gp 78th lin, Co Do Missile Gp Scored well in a military skills meet. ' (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Mar 80 p 1) . ~ 125r.h Gp, Hai Hung Province Forces Conducting training for platoon, company and battalion c~dres. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Mar 80 p 1) :i83d Cp Located in Hai Hung Province. Conducted tactical training in its area of responsi- bility. (QUAN D~JI NHAN DAN 5 Mar 80 p 1) 4th Gp Located oa th~ northern border. Self- support far.ming activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Mar 80 p 2) Hung Vuong Engineer Regt Elements of this unit are widely scattered. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Mar 80 p 3) 2d Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gp, Photo of unit antia3reraft guns in place. 9th MR (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 6 Mar 80 p 1) , 125th Navy Gp Commended �or safe delivery of large quantities of cargo. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 6 Mar 80 p 2) 8 FOx OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks X.`~4 Gp Stationed in a high altitude area. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 6 Mar 80 p 2) Dong Bang Gp New VCP member profiled. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 6 Mar 80 p 3) _ Tay Bac Forces Maintain combat readiness. (NHAN DAN Dien Bien Gp 7 Mar 80 p 1) gong Lau Gp Tan Trao Gp 606th Gp B.14 Gp 052 Gp Female signal personnel commended. (QUAN _ DOZ NHAN DAN 7 Mar 80 p 1) - 026 Gp 33d Gp, 5th MR Produced 10,379 tons of grain in 1979. (QUAN DOI I~IiAN DAN 7 Mar 80 p 1) - lst Regt, B.91 Gp Truong Son Recently completed 12 kilometers of road. Corps [Binh Doan] (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 7 Mar 80 p 1) 44th Bn, 273d Missile Gp Located in Ho Chi Minh City, (QUAN DOI r NHAN DAN 7 Mar 80 p 2) Factory 45, Technical General Conducts classes in party theory f or VC~' Department members. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 7 Mar 80 p 3) 14th Co, 13 Engineer Gp, 3d MR Unit memb er commended. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 7 Mar 80 p 3) - Song Thao Corps [Binh Doan) Maintains combat effectiveness. (NHAN DAN ~ B.45 Infantry Gp 8 Mar 80 p 1) 16th Infantry Gp - X.55 Infantry Gp Hoang Lien Son Infantry Gp Training activities reported. (QUAN DOI B.52 Gg NHAN DAN 9 Mar 80 p 1) M.94 Gp H,54 Gp 9th Gp Commander: Nguy n Van Hien [NGUYEENX VAWN HIEENFJ; Deputy Political Officer: Tinh [TINH;. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 9 Mar 80 p 3) Quyet Thang Infantry Gp, 3d MR Military skills competition conducted. ` (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 9 Mar 80 p 3) ~ 9 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks A.16 Gp, Sonh Thao (,,rp [Binh Doan] Conducted party activities. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Mar 80 p 1) Vinh Quang Infantry Gp Produced training aids. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Mar 80 p 1) 64th Misai~e Bn, Song Da Gp Plioto of communications center. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Mar 80 p 1) - Thanh Loa MiesilE Gp Training activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 1Q i~iar 80 p 3) M.51 Gp, Haiphong Military Command Condu~cs cadre training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN10Mar80p;3) 24th Regiment, Vinh Quang Qp Improvem~nts 3n unit noten. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Mar 80 p 3) 16th Co, 180th Regt Photo shows unit patrolling aeacoast. (NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 3) Thanh Laa Missile Gp, Hanoi Training activities described. (NHAN DAN A~.r De!"�Anse Div 11 Mar 80 p 3) 034 Signal G~, Accampliahments in combat, concern for troops living conditions reported. (h1HAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 3) lOt~h Navy Gp Maintaining combat readiness. (NHAN DAN - 11 Mar 80 p 3.) lllth Flotilla 112th Flotilla ' Zd Navy Gp Safe sailing accomplishment, marksmanship Vessel OS training noted. (NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 3) - Vessel 06 Vessel 07 Ve~sel 08 Vessel 10 _ Vessel 11 ~ Vessel 20 103d rtilitary Hospital Increases number of hospital beds available. - (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 1) Sth Gp, Huong Giang Corps Description of activities indicate that th~,s is an armored unit. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN lZ Mar 80 p 1) 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY~Y Unit Remarks Vinh Qua:?g Infantry Gp, Huong Element of this unit selected as a pilot Giang Corps [Binh Doan] training unit. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 1) 24th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gp Photo of gun with crew. (QUAN DOI�NHAN DAN Quyet Thang Corps ~Binh Doan] 11 Mar 80 p 1) Le Loi Gp, 4th MR Self-support farming activities reported. (QUAi~ DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 2) Factory X.28, Rear Service General Speeds up production and economizes Department materials. iZUPN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 2) _ M.79 Gp Located in Cat Hai District, also called ~a~ Hai Island. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN - 11 Mar 80 p 2) Proland B Ente~prise, Rear Service Produces st3mulant for breeder fish. General Department (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 2) 110th Military Hospital Unit doctor commended. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN - 11 Mar 80 p 2) 3d Bn, lst Armored Gp Activated less than 1 year ago. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 3) 33d Military Transportation Gp Providing transportation support for Kampuchea. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 - p 3) 12th Co, Duc Hao Gp Errant soldier repents. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Mar 80 p 3) 610th Gp, Capital Forces Maintaining combat readiness. (HANOI MOI 11 Mar 80 p 1) Rear Service General Depar~tnent Political activities reported in subordinate N.71 Truck Transportation Gp units. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Mar 80 p 1) X.77 Cement Factory College of Military Medicine Commo-logistics Station 18 Ba Gia Gp In�antry troops shown fording stream. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Mar 80 p 1) Vinh Quang Div Celebrates 30th anniversary. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Mar 80 p 1) 11 FOB OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OP'FICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Tam Dao Engineer Gp Road construction in the highlandeo (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Mar 80 p 2) 07 Quartermaeter Depot Depot driver commended for honesty. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Mar 80 p 2) lst Bn, 25th Gp Commended for personnel management. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Mar 80 p 3) - - 47th Infantry Regt, Capital MR_ Training activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Ma.r 80 p 3) 24th Gp, Vinh Quang Div Mentioned in article rnarking 30th anniver- sary of the Vinh Quang Division. - (NHAN DAN 13 Mar 80 p 3) 5th Co, Thong Nhat Anti-Aircraft Photo shows grim faced unit members. Artillery Gp ~NHAN DAN 13 Mar 80 p 3) Factory 31, Technical General Completes plan for first 2 months. (QUAN llepartment DOI NHAN DAN '13 Mar 80 p 1) Song Tfi:io Corps [Binh Doar.] Activities of women unit members high- A.16 Tnfantry Gp lighted. (QUAN DOI NHAId DAN 13 Mar 80 p 1) B,45 Gp ~ Z.55 Infantry Gp 89th Engineer Gp EnCerprise 2, Map Department, Used 1:5000 air photomap to produce General Staff 1:1000 topographical map. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Mar 80 p 1) 9t~~ 8ng~neer Gp Constructed road in highlands. (QUAN DOI NHE1N DAN 13 Mar 80 p 2) $tti Infantry Regt Party building activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Mar 80 p 3) - 65.B Gp, 3d MR Unit driver commended. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Mar 80 p 3) - 7th Navy GP Equipped with landing craft. Photo shows ~ unit conducting river cross:tng. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Mar 80 p 3) Navy Officers School Inventiveness shown in production of training aids. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Mar 80 p 3) 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks 04 Gp An Hanoi defense unit. (HANOI MOI 13 Mar 80 p 4) _ Ol Cp ,r � � � Signal Regt, Capital MR " _ B.61 Gp Conducted party activitiea. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Mar 80 p 1) 179th Gp, Haiphong Forces Commended for good spirit. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Mar 80 p 1) _ 2d Bn, H.30 Transportation Gp Commended for economizing fue1. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Mar 80 p 2) M.98 Gp Located in the north. Subordinate units incl~e battalions. Political Off icer; - - Nguy Xu~n Dung [NGUYEENX XUAAN ZUNG]. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Mar 80 p 3) 205th General Depot, Quartermaster Commended for supply economy measures. Department, Rear Service General (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Mar 80 p 3) Department H.88 Gp, Quang Ninh Forces Assigned to border defense. (QUAN DOI _ NHAN DAN 14 ~Iar 80 p 3) 2d Artillery Gp Self-support farming results given. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Mar 80 p 3) 2d Navy Gp, Bach Dang Fleet Female unit member commended. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Mar 80 p 3) 067 Gp, Ho Chi Minh City Air Party act3vitiea reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN Defense Forces DAN 14 Mar 80 p 4) Mien Tay Corps [Binh Doan] Constructed five w&ter canservancy pro~ects. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 16 Mar 80 p 1) - B.G1 Gp, 4th MR Increases number and quality of party members. (QUAN.DOI NHAN UAN 16 Mar 80 p 1) 35th Gp, Truong Son Corps Worlced on Highway 6. (QUAN DOZ NHAN DAN [Binh Doan] 16 Mar 80 p 1) B.32 Gp Located in Kampuchea. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 16 Mar 80 p 2) 13 FO~t OF'FICIBI, USB ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOx 4FFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Unit Remarks ~ ' 52d Gp, Hanoi Forces Self-support farming activities reported. (HANOI MOZ 16 Mar 80 p 1) _ Sao Do Air Force Gp , Photo of pilots and planes. {HANOI MOI 16 Mar 80 p 1) - _ Thang Tam Infantry Gp Conducts realistic training. (NHAN DAN N,67 Gp 17 Mar 80 p 1) M.83 Gp T.52 Gp An Lao Gp, Chi Lang Corps [Binh Improvement noted in discipline. (QUAN Doan] DOI NHAN DAN 17 Mar 80 p 1) Radar Unit 560, 451st Navy Bn, Combines technical training with combat " 4th Naval Zone readiness. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 17 Mar 80 " p 1) 47th Engineer Gp, A~ored Branch Photo shows transporter for ferr.ying tanks . across river, (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 1.7 Mar 80 p 1) Song '1't~au Corps [Binh Doan] Training activities reported. (QUAN DOI ~i.5b Anti-sircraft Artillery NHAN DAN 17 Mar 80 p 1) Regt M.87 Field Artillery Regt R.50 Field Artillery Regt C.8 Infantry Regt M,48 Infantry Regt M.21 Infantry Regt M.24 Infantry Regt M.94 Infantry Regt 3d MR Subordinate units mentioned in passing in S.8 Gp article on passage of the Ho Chi Minh - - M.82, Ha Nam Ninh Province torch. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 17 Mar 80 p 3) Forces N.13 Gp B,66 Gp - H.73 Gp 1st [Armared] Bn, B.08 Regt, 3d MR Photo of inen and tanks. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN l7 Mar 80 p 3) lst Bn, Song Hong Gp, 3d MR Photo of unit hero. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 17 Mar 80 p 3) 14 F0~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOx OFFICIAI, USE ONLY Unit Remarks 14th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gp Unit members construct housing. (QUAI~i DOI 3d MR NHAN DAN 17 Mar 80 p 3) _ lst Artillery Co, Song Chan Gp, Photo of inen and gun. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3d l~t 17 Mar 80 p 3) B.26 Gp, Tay Bac Forces Decorated for fighting against the PRC inva3ers. (NHAN DAN 18 Mar 80 p 1) 14th Navy Gp Photo shows this unit providing infantry _ support for two tanks moving along a beach. - (NHAN DAN 18 Mar 80 p 1) N~67 Gp Occupying a defense position in the north. ~ (NHAN DAN 18 Mar 80 p 2) 7th Navy Ctp Located in Quang Ninh Province. Vessel 02 (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Mar 80 p 1) Vessel 03 - Veasel OS . Vessel 06 Vessel 10 Vessel 11 Vessel 83 70th Navy Gp " 72d Navy Gp Radar Det, 26.B Gp Photo of inen running to man their equipment. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Mar 80 p l)~ B.23 Gp, Quang Ninh Province Party buildin.g activites reported. Forcea: (NHAN DAN 19 Mar 80 p 1) B.95 Gp, Quang Ninh Province " " " ~ Forces Sapper Command Details on training, self-support farm3ng M.98 Gp provided. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 19 Mar 80 p 1) M.14 Gp 820th Gp _ _ 779th Gp 8.79 Gp M.12 Gp ' T.20 Gp - NCO School - Construction Corporation Self Training cadre provided by the 3d MR and Defense Regt Ha Son Binh Province Military Command. 79th Bn (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 19 Mar 80 p 1) ~ 106th Mechanized Bn 15 FOR OFFI('IAT, ttcF p~,y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 , ~Uit uFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks 5th Slgnal Gp Photo of female unit members operating radio equipment. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN - 19 Mar 80 p 1) 600th Gp, 7th MR 1979 farming reaults given. (QUAN DOI - _ NHAN DAN 19 Mar 80 p 1) ~ r1.98 Sapper Gp Responsible for a quick response attack in the event the PR~ invades. (QJAN DOI NHAN DAN 19 Mar 80 p 3) H.4 Regt, Vinh Quang Gp Account of unit's heroic acts. (QUAN DOI N~IAN DAN 19 riar 80 p 3) Song Da Missile Gp, Hanoi Air Photo of inen and missiles. (HANOI MOI Defense Forces 19 Mar 80 p 1) 87th Gp, Capital MR. Commences first training course f.or mobilized reservists. (HANOI MOI 19 Mar 80 p 1) 2d Bn, 7th Gp, Capital Forces Political Officer: Le Xuan ~i2p [LEE XUAAN DIEEPJ]. 12th Co, 234th AAA Bn, Tay Nguyen Photo of inen and a~tming equipment. Corps [Binh Doan] (NHAN DAN 20 Mar 80 p 1) B.95 r,p Conducted training for cadre up to regimental level. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Mar 80 p 1) Ist Bn, T.54 Cp Conducted training with live ammunition. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Mt:r 80 p 1) Tay Con Linh Gp, Tay Bac Forces Photo of inen practicing with anti-aircraft gun. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Mar 80 p 1) 09 Gp, "H" Corps [Binh Doan] Constructed cover for vehicles. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Mar 80 p 1) lst Co, 17th Gp Photo of inen in field. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Mar 80 p 1) 3d MR Subordinate units commended for training, 513th Gp economic activities during 1979. [QUAt~i 766th Gp DOI NHAN DAN 21 Mar 80 p 1) 179th Cp 666th Gp 1$2d Gp 16 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY " APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks MR Military Administration School 5th Military Hoapital Haiphong Military School AH-186 General Depot, POL Depart- Res~onsible for providing POL support ment, Rear Service General for the south, (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN Department 21 Mar 80 p 2) 26th Bn, 179th Commo-Logistics Self-support farming activities reported. Station [Binh Tram] (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Mar 80 p 2) - - 12th Regt, T.31 Gp, lst MR Un~t well provided with housing. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Mar 80 p 2) 103d Military Hospital Assists people of Thanh Tri District, Hanoi transplant 5th month-spring rice. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Mar 80 p 2) - lst Regt, Ch~.en Thang Gp Photo of unit members on firing range. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Mar 80 p 3) 44th Bn, Quang Trung Miesile Gp Unit officer writes on leadexship in his unit, (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Mar 80 p 3) H.52 Air Farce Signal Gp Assigned to the defense of Hanoi. (HANOI MOI 21 Mar 80 p 1) N.74 Gp, Hoang Lien Son Forces Photo of unit crossing foot bridge. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Mar $0 p 1) 13th Military Hospital, 5th MR Accepted the Ho Chi Minh torch as part of a political activity. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Mar 80 p 2) 110th Military Hospital 1979 accomplishments reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Mar 80 p 2) - 61st Radar Bn Photo of unit antenna. (HANOI MOI 23 Mar 80 p 1) B.42 Infantry Gp Training activities reported. (QUAN DOI lst Regt NHAN DAN 24 Mar 80 p 1) 52d Signal Gp, Air Force Co~nended for recent faultless per- - foYmance. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Mar 80 p 1) 17 1r0A OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 r~n vrri~tiw U~~ UNLY - Unit Remarks Tay Nguyen Cerpa [Binh Doan] Subordinate units practice on firing 06th Infantry Gp range. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Mar 80 p 1) 07th Infantry Gp OSth Infantry Gp Navy Youth union members conduct political - 70th Gp activities. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 1.Sth Gp 25 Mar 80 p 1) lst Gp 2 d Gp = 6th Gp Engineer Fo�rces Subordinate units conduct training, work Song Lo Gp on construction projects. (QUAN DOI Song Thao Gp NHAN DAN 25 Mar 80 p 1) N.37 Gp Thang Tam Gp N . 20 Gp ~ Hung Vuong Gp Song Da Gp Quynh Ptiu Artillery Gp Assisted local people with construction of water conservancy project. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Mar 80 p 2) _ H.79 Re,t, Engineer Forces Located near the northern border. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Mar 80 p 3) Song Lo Brigade, Engineer Forces Housing construcCion for troops noted. (NHAN DAN 26 Mar 80 p 1) Bong Lau Gp, Engineer Forces Compl.eted work on H~.ghway H.79. (NHAN DAN 26 Mar 80 p 1) 74th Artillery Bn, Tay Nguyen Photo of guns being served by crews. Coi-ps [Binh Doan] (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 26 Mar 80 p 1) 9th Gp Training of personnel for memberehip in the VCP outlined. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 26 Mar 80 p 3) - Vessel 24, 9th Navy Gp Ph~to of crew member. (QUAN DOI NHAN . - DAN 26 Mar 80 p 3) 091 Air Force ~p Photo of pilots approaching Mig aircraft. (NHAN DAN 27 Mar 80 p 1) 18 FOA OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Song Thao Corps [Binh Doan] There were 3,535 new members inducted A.16 Gp into the VCP since March 1979. Nearly B.45 Gp 6,000 members of A.16 Gp were designated X.55 Infantry Gp membere of the "Determined To Win Bxanch" M.48 Regt and nearly 15,000 members of B.45 Gp and Van Lang Regt X.55 Infantry Gp are studying to become - 8~th Engineer Regt "Soldierly Comrades of Grandfather Ho." (NHAN DAN 27 Mar 80 p 3) lOBth Military Hospital Use of computers noted. (NHAN DAN 27MarSOp3) 103d Military Hoepital " 19 May Engineer Gp, 3d MR Maintaine combat readiness. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Mar 80 p 1) Navy Gp Photo of inen manning anti-aircraft gun on land. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Mar 80 p 1) N.13 Gp, 3d MR Recently constructed a road connecting Da Bac to Tan Lac districts in the mountains of Ha Son Binh Province. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Mar 80 p 1) 26th Signal Regt, Cuu Long Corps Poor planning leads to poor farming [Binh Doan] results. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Mar 80 P 2) 5th Co, Thong Nhat AAA Gp Photo of inen snd guns in dug-in positions. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 28 Mar 80 p'1) Technical General Department Youth Union activities reported at aub- Factory O1 ordinate factories. (QUAN D02 NHAN DAN Factory 19 28 Mar 80 p 1) Factory 27 Factory 31 Factory 53 Thang Long Air Force Gp Logs high rate of flying time in effort ~ to maintain combat readinesa. (HANOI MOI 29 Mar 80 p 1) ~ Air Defense Forces Maintaining combat readiness, inducta 18th Gp, 077 Force new members into the VCP and engaged in 21gth Gp self-support farming. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20th Engineer ~p 30 Mar 80 p 1) 19 FOR O~FICIAL OSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks ~65 Force 063 Force Song Dien Signal Gp 061 Force Haiphong Armed Forces Maintaining combat readiness to mark 50th Gp Ho Chi Minh's birthday. (QUAN DOT NHAN M.79 Gp DAN 30 Mar 80 p 1) ~ M.80 Gp 04 AAA Gp B,48 Artillery Gp N.6b Gp N.b7 Gp - Enterprise 71 Trung Uung Machine Enterprise 3d Bn, 34H Gp Photo of infantry men crassing river. _ (QUAN DO7 NHAN DAN 30 Mar 80 p 1) B.61 Air Defense Gp, Hanoi Air Photos of personnel in formation. (QUAN Defense Forces DOI NHAN DAN 31 Mar 80 p 3) 6th Na~.^~ Gp Youth Union members pled~e to work hard. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 31 Mar 80 p 3) 4th Cc, Ham Rong AAA Gp Studying anti-tank tactics. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 31 Mar 80 p 3) Ta Vinti Dien Gp, Anti-sircraft Maintaining cambat readiness. (QUAN DOI ArtilJ.ery Gp NHAN DAN 1 Apr 80 p 1) N.2t3 Ant~�~air.craft Artillery Gp, " " " " ~?o Chi Minh City Air Defense Forces 5th Co, Thong Nhat Anti-aircraft Photo of gun crew manning gun. (QUAN DOI ArtilL~ry Gp NHAN DAN 1 Apr 80 p 1) n? ? M.48 Gp, 4th MR itegimental Commander: Nguyen Ngoc Trinh [NGTIYEENX NGOCJ TRINHF]. Doing construc- tion work at the Quang Chau and Lach Bang aluice projects in Thanh Hoa Province. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Apr 80 p 2) En terprise 37~ Technical Depart- Builds good spirit and increases produc- ment, Air Defense Branch tion. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Apr 80 p 2) Sao Do Air Force Gp Photo of aircraft on runway. (t~UAN.DOI NHAN DAN 3 Apr 80 p 3) 20 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFP'ICIIlL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Lam Son Air Force Gp Photo of Aircraft on runway. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Apr 80 p 4) 8.76 Engineer Gp Located in Kampuchea. Has assisted people in Kompong Thom and Kralanh. [QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 6 Apr 80 p 1) 26th Armored Gp, 7th MR Photo of tank crewmember. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 6 Apr 80 p 1) Engineer Forces Conducted training for instructora. Thang Tam Gp tQUAN DOI NHAN DAN 7 Jan 80 p 1) Song Lo Gp Song Thao Gp N.20 Gp N.30 Gp N.37 Gp Armored Branch Youth Union members in subordinate units 21st Gp strive to become VCP members. (QUAN DOI Armored Officers School NHAN DAN 7 Apr 80 p 1) 25th Gp 500th Gp 700th Gp 7th Engineer Gp, Tay Nguyen Corps Wins prize f~r physical fitnessi- [Binh Doan] (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 7 Apr 80 p 3) - 3.M Gp, Tay Nguyen Corps [Binh Doan] n r~ � Dong Bang Gp, Tay Nguyen Corps " [Binh Doan] Song Lam Gp A company commander commended for - instructional ~bility. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN7Apr80p3) B.37 Gp, Chi Lang Corps [Binh DoanJ Conducted training for 500 cadres up to N.2 Regt regimental 1eve1. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN $ Apr 80 p 1) 23d Co, N.28 AAA Gp Located in Ho Chi Minh City. (QUAN DOI vHAN DAN S Apr $0 p 1) Ha Son Binh Province Forcea Subordinate units achieve self-sufficiency N.87 Gp in food. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8 Apr 80 p 1) 87th Gp 21 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' Unit Remarks Technical General Department Self-support farming activities reported. Factory O1 (QU,61~T DOI NHAN DAN 8 Apr 80 p 2) Factory 05 ~'actory 53 Factory 57 Factory 79 2d Regt, 9th MR Constructs swimming pool. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8 Apr 80 p 2) Lam Hong Gp, Tay Nguyen Corps Training activitiea during 1980 described. [Binh Doan] (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8 Apr 80 p 3) 27.B Armored Brigade, Tay Nguyen Photo of unit conducting field training. Corps [B3nh Doan] (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8 Apr 80 p 3) 1'oet 814, Border Defense Forces Located in Cuu Long Province. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8 Apr 80 p 3) 175th Military Hospital Located in the south. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8Apr80p3) 2UOth Cp, 4th MR Ztctensive farming ~ractice~ reported. (QUAN DOZ NHAN DAN 9 Apr 80 p 4) N.13 Cp, 3d MR , 74th Gp Located in Hoang Lien Son Province. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Apr 80 p 3) B.32 Gp Located in Kampuchea. (QUAN DOI NHAN ~ DAN 10 Apr 80 p 3) 2d Gp Located in a border area. Maintains good relatione with local populace. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Apr 80 p 3) 3d Gp 4th Gp � 7th Gp n n lst Bn, 368 Artillery Gp Phoeo of guns. (NHAN DAN 13 Apr 80 p 1) Dong Bang Gp Maintains combat readiness, promotes agricultural production. (QUAN~DOI NHAN DAN 13 Apr 80 p 1) 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY Unit Remarks Quan Tien Phong Gp Subordinate units worked on Highway 6 35th Regt between Ha Dong and Hoa Binh. (XAY DUNG 36th Regt No 10, Oct 80 p 32) SOth Gp~ 3d MR Commended fur good physical fitness. _ (THE DUC THE THAO 1 Mar 80 p 3) Signal Officers School Thanh Loa Misaile Gp 92d Gp, Air Force Officers School " " Navy Officers School 22d Gp, Signal Officers School " " Sapper Officers School " CSO: 4209 23 FOx OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 , ~'Ott OFFICIAI. USE ONLY MILITARY AFFATRS AND PUBLIC SECURITY IN~ORMATTON ON VIETNAMESL MILITARY UNITS (The following ~nformation on Vietnamese military units has been extracted from Vietnamese press sources published in Hanoi, unless otherwiae indicated. Unit designatora and aubordixiation are as they appear in the original source. _ The remarks include a brief summary of the salient inf~rmation available ' in the news item.] ' - Unit Remarks Signal and Liaison Forces Agricultural activities of subordinate Signal Technical School units reported: Hai Van Cp -Thong Nhat Gp -Worked in the Central Highlands and along the Truon~, ~on Road. -Vican Thong Gp -cultivated land in the Mekong River - Valley. - (NHAN DAN 14 Apr 80 p 1) Sth Co~ 2d Bn, Gia Dinh Photo of inen negotiating obetacle course. Ho Chi Minh City (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Apr 80 p 1) I,am Kong Gp, Tay Nguyen Corps Conducts training while maintaining combat [Binh Doan] readiness. Photo shows unit member with ' snipera rifle. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Apr 80 p 3) ; cluyet Tha~ig Regt Unit learns that there cannot be any relaxation of training standards. (QUAN ' _ D01 NHAN DAN 14 Apr 80 p 3) N.41 Gp Located along the northern borders at Hill 600. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Apr 80, p 3) , Sapper NCO SchaoY Political activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Apr 80 p 3) l,~th A,[1A Gp, 4th MR Photo of unit guns in field. (NHAN DAN ~ 15 Apr 80 p 1) � 24 FOR ~OFFICIAL IISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Unit Remarks Haiphong Forcea While many other units are primarily - 179th Gp concerned with economic construction 50th Gp duties the listed uni.te are primarily Slet Gp in a combat~ready s~ate. (QUAN DOI . 14th AAA Bn NHAN DAN 14 Apr 80 p 3) Quyet Thang Corps Training activities of subordinate . $�x2 ~P units noted. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN B.9 Gp 15 Apr 80 p 1) 2d Armored Gp ~ OS Artillery Gp H.99 Engineer Gp Capital Regt B.9 Artillery Regt - 24th Regt, Ha Tuyen Forcea Moves to new location where it constructs housing, plants crops and conducts training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 15 Apr 80 P lOth Gp, Ground Forces Off icers Photo of trainees participating in School No 1 combat training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 15Apr80p1) 3d Co, 9N Gp Reestablished good relations with local highlanders following misbehavior by some unit members. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 15Apr80p2) - Chemical Warf are Forces -C.6 Gp -Combat ready. Constantly training with apecialized equipment. -Unit 978 -maintaining vehicles and checking out gas and radiation detectors. -Unit 18 _ � -Unit _ n ir n -Chemic~l Off icera School -Graduated hundreds of officers . during first 3 months of 1980. (NHAN DAN 16 Apr 80 p 1) Chemical Warfare Forces Commander is a Senior Colonel. (QUAN DOI N4iAN DAN 16 Ap r 80 p 1) Cao Bac Gp, Cao Bang Se1f-support farming results given. Province Loca1 Forces (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 16 Apr 80 p 1) 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 run urrlt;tEw u~L UNLY Unit Remarks Artillery Officers School Second phase of VCP memberahip cards conducted recently. (QUAN DOI NHAN - DAN 16 Apr 80 p 1) 6th I,ong Distance Signal Unit Preparea training texts and trains instructors for internal training. - (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 16 Apr 80 p 1) Huong Gia~ig Corps [Binh Doan] Youth Union activitiea conducted at B Infantry Gp ahbordinate units to mark 90th anniver- - 04 Artillery Gp sary of Ho Chi Minh's birth. (QUAN DOI 022 Gp ~ NHAN llAN 16 Apr 80 p 1) r:. 64 cp 5.06 Engineer Gp . 019 Gp 110th Mi].itary Hoapital Deputy Commander: Ta Luu [TAJ LUWU]. Article ~ecalls hectic days in 1979 when PRC invaded Vietnam. (QUAN DOI _ NHAN DAN 16 Apr 80 p 3) College c?f Militazy Medicine Sends students and cadre for practical training with front line units. (QUAN I?OI NHAN DAN 16 Apr 80 p 3) 2d 1~z6~ Political Officer: Ha Trung Chinh [HAF TRUNG CHINHS]. Photo of inen wading in swamp. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 16 Apr 80 p 3) ~.2th Infantry Div Squad leader training stressed. lst Regt ' --2d Regt -Political Off3cer: ~s Phong [DOOX PHONG]. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 16 Apr 80 p 3) 73d Armcred Gp Commander Lt Col ~~inh T~ [ WX DINHF TUWJ . (QUAN DOT NHE1N DAN 16 Apr 80 p 3) Factory A.76 Located at Gia Lam Airfield. Mission is - aircraft repa3r. (TO QUOC Apr 80 Back Cover) 21at A~nored Brigade Youth Union activities reported. (THANH NIEN Feb 80 p 32) C50: 4209 - 26 FOR OFIrICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MILITARY AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC SECURITX INFORMATION ON VIETNAMESE MILITARY UNTTS - ['Phe following information on Vietnamese military units has been extracted from Vietnameae press sources published in Hanoi, unless otherwise indi- cated. Unit designatore and subordination are as they appear in the ori- ginal source. The remarks include a brief summary of the salient informa- tion available in the new items.] Unit Remarka 701st Gp Located in the Central Highlands. - Photo shows personnel growing duck- _ week. (NHAN DAN 18 Apr 80 p 2) Chemical Warfare Forces Combat readiness, training, mainten- 06 Gp ance and self support farming activ- Unit K, 6 ities of subordinate units reported. Unit X.1 (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Apr 80 p 1) NCO School Unit 978 Unit 479 - Unit 18 Unit 07 0�ficera School . - 32d Gp Harvesting precious lumber in the Ha Nung Zone, Gia Lai-Cong Tum Province'. (QUAN DOI NFIAN DAN 18 Apr 80 p 2) 71st Gp, Rear Services General Photo of inen loading cut logs on Department trucks. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Apr $0 p 2) 65th Regt, 12th Gp Conducte training for squad leaders. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Apr 80 p 3) AH.190 Repair Shop, POL Has high productivity record. (QUAN DepartmenC DOI NHA.~1 DAN 18 Apr 80 p 3) 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 P'UH OFFICIAL USE ONLY 186th General D~pot, Rear Service Exceeds agricultural production goals. General Department (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Apr 80 p 3) 2d Bn. 95th Gp Photo of inen doing caliathenica. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Apr 80 p 3) Signal Forcea Outatanding physical ~ducation activities Unit D.1 of subordinate unlts reported. (QUAN - Unit D.41 DOI NHAN DAN 21 Apr 80 p 1) General Depot 30th Gp � 32d Gp 38th Gp 39th Gp Quang Ninh [Pr~vince] Forces Subordinate units stationed in tribal B.95 Gp areas maintain good relationa with local G.67 Gp people. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Apr 80 p 1) Truong Son Corps [Iiinh Doan] Road construction accompliehmenta of 8.44 Gp aubordinate units noted. (QUAN DOI NHAN , 8.70 Gp DAN 21 Apr SO p 1) B.73 Gp 8.91 Gp 12th Co, 234th AAA Bn, Tay Nguyen Photo gun crew manning twin barrelled Corps [Binh Doan] gun. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Apr 80 p 1) Song Dien Gp VCP activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Apr 80 p 3) 15th Engineer Gp Supplies food to residen~s of Kompong ~ Cham, Rampuchea. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Apr 80 p 3) 5th Bn, Quyet Thang Regt, Conatructs training aids on Sunday Haiphong Forces holiday (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Apr 80 p 3) Quang Ninh Forces , -B.41 Gp -Builds bridge for ~.ocal people, - pun3ahes unit members who mis- : behaved toward local people. -08 Gp -captures enemy spies and recon- naisance troops with assistance of local people. -H.88 Gp " (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 21 Apr 80 p 4) ~ 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Quyet Thang Corpa [Binh DoanJ Has more than 6,000 VCP membera. (QUAN Tat Thang Artillery Brigade DOI NHAN DAN 23 Apr 80 p 1) _ 2d Gp, Song Lam gorcea Photo of combat training. (Q'UAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Apr 80 p 1) 53d "Dien Bien" Miseile Bn Outetanding young unit memoers com- mended. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Apr 80 p 3) H.4 Regt, Vinh Quang Gp Being used as a standard of behavio�r against ~thich other units cnmpete. _ (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Apr 80 p 3) M.53 Regt ARSiscing local population by con- structing water conservancy works. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Apr 80 p 3) _ v B.22 Div A staff officer: Ma~or Le Minh Tuyen [LEE MINH TUYEENR]. Deployed in north against Chinese. Is a mobile unit. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Apr 80 p 3) Armored Officer School Improvemente fn training, equipment maintenance reported (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Apr 80 p 1) 4Ch Artillery Gp Photo ahows that unit equipment in- cludes howitzera. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN ?.4Apr80p1) 120th Navy Gp P1ans to net 1200 tons of fish between Vessel 706 19 Mar and 19 May 80. Unit vessels Vessel 723 varlously powered with 135 hp, 400 hp and 600 hp engines. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN24Apris0pl) 13th Bn, Armored NCO Technical Unit members help local people fight = School fire. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Apr 80 p 2) S.61 Gp, POL Department, Rear Spread out over five provinces along a Service General Department 500~600 kilometer POL supply system. _ (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Apr 80 p 3) H.Ob Ar*~~ored Gp, 4th MR Young unit members commended for var- iety of accomplishments. (QUAN DOI NHAN ~ DAN 25 Apr 80 p 1) 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY 2d Song Lam ;nfantry Gp Photo of recoilless rifle crew. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Apr 80 p 1) 2d Regt, 9th MR Seek to emulate accomplishments of H.4 Re~t, Vinh Quang Gp. Regimental Com- :nander: Trgh ~inh Than [TRAANF DINHF THAANj. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Apr 80 p 3) Navy Officera School Photos of various sepects of training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 25 Apr 80 p 3) Navy Subordinate Units conduct training. lst Gp 6th Gp -Truong Sa Gp -Improves isla~id defensea. - (NHAN DAN 2 7 Apr 80 1) Truong Son Corps [Binh Doan] Road construction woxy by subordinate F.44 Gp utiits. (NHAN DAN 27 Apr 80 p 1) B.70 Gp B . 91 Gp 3d Bn, T)on~ Bang Gp, Quyet Photo of tactical training. (NHAN DAN Thang Gorps [Binh Doan] 27 Apr 80 p 1) 5.10 Gp, Capital Forces Training for new troops completed. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Apr 80 p 1). 26th Si~naJ. Gp, Rear Service Geta the measage through. (QUAN DOI NHAN Genera:l. Department DAN 27 Apr 80 p 1) Veasel HQ.03 Photo of veasel. This a combat ship. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Apr 80 p 1) Signal & Liaison Forces Commander is a Senlor Colonel. (NHAN DAN 28 Apr 80 p 1) "ong Lam Tnfantry Gp Defending the Kampuchean border. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 28 Apr 80 p 1) 028 Gp, Quang Ninh Forces Maintaining good relationa w~th local B.5 Gp population. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 28 Apr 8.59 Gp 80 p 1) B.13 Gp - B.9 Regt, B.91 Infantry Div, Constructs a bridge. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN Truong Son C~rps [Binh Doan] 28 Apr 80 p 1) 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY H.1 Gp, Armored Forces Training ~tith in~antry. (NHAN DAl~T 29 Apr 80 p 3) Truong Son Corpe [Binh Doan] Has cadre from higher echelon units meet 70th Gp with the troope. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Apr 72d Gp 80 p 1) 73d Gp 91st Gp 44th Gp - 98th Gp 6th Co, 6th Gp, Chemical Warfare Photo of personnel donning gas masks. Forces (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Apr 80 p 1) 4th MR National defense factories in military Engerprise 46 region produce consumer goods from scrap Enterprise 41 and local resources. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN Enterprise 74 29 Apr 80 p 1) Enterprise 20.C Song Dao Gp Located on the northwestern border. ' (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Apr 80 p 3) 969th Forcea Youth Union members seek to emulate accomplishments of H.4 Regt, Vinh Quang Gp. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 ~pr 80 p 3) 673d Border Defense Post Patrol members chastised for shooting deer. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 29 Ap~� 80 p 3) Tay Tien Regt In the front line on border defense. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 30 Apr 80 p 1) National Defense Factorq 15, Achieved 50 percent increase in production _ Technical General Department in 1979 over 1978. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 1May80p2) Factory M.65, POL Department, Products include hand operated gas pumps. Rear Service General Department (QUAN DOT NHAN DAV 1 May 80 p 3) _ CSO: 1~209 END 31 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090034-3