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Approved For Release 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP80B01676R 10oo~i la SEP 1958 Mr. Jarosiaw Stetzko President Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations 18 Arbor Street Yonkers, New York Tour letter was received by Mr. Dulles prior to hiu departure from Washington. He has asked me to convey his regrets that it will not be possible for him to see you at this time. You may be assured that the question of nationalisir is under constant study by this Agency. It is, as you say. unquestionably a potent force, although its aspects may differ widely between nations of the Middle East and :-hose of Eastern Europe now under political dominat, on of the Soviet Union. will continue to analyze and evatuat its significance. z-:incerely. STATI?igned: for DD/P 8 Sept STATINgigned: Chief, SR/ 3 8 Sept STATINffiDp/SR;I ns (8 Sep'L 58) Distribution: orig - addressee Acting Executive Officer 1-DDCI 2 - A.DGO (1 for ER)vith basi .-t 4""' / 1-RI 1 - DD/P SR-3 Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003900010031-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003900q ustritutl6fts ved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003900010031-7 ?lit - AM I w MP/SR I ILLE(N 13 September l-)53 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Director of Central Intelligence VIA : Deputy Director (Plans) SUBJECT : Letter to the Director from Jaroslaw S. STETZKO 1. Attached herewith is a response to the letter from Jaroslaw S. STETZKO for the signature of the Acting Director. 2. Jaroslaw S. STETZKO is the President of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, a union of exile groups of Eastern European nationalities dominated, or at least strongly influenced, by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, BANDERA wing. He is at the same time BANDERA's chief lieutenant in the OUN. 3. It is believed that no useful purpose would be served by granting the writer's request for a meeting with the Director. Chief, SR Division Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003900010031-7 Approved For Release 2002/Q /,,59 : CI61ROP 00BO1676ROO390001 ANT I=DOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS (A. B.N CENTRAL COMMITTEE Munich 8, Zeppelinstra8e 67, Tel.41069-364235 - Cablegrams Address: ABN Tel.41069 Munich N.......84............ PRESIDIUM OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE: President: JAROSLAW STETZKO Former Prime Minister (Ukraine) Vice-Presidents: VELI KAJUM KHAN President of National Turkestanian Unity Committee (Turkestan) General F. FARKAS de KISBARNAK (Hungary) CHRISTO STATEFF Former Minister (Bulgaria) Secretary-General: Prince NIKO NAKASHIDZE (Georgia) Chief of Press Service: DIMITER WALTSCHEFF Former Secretary of State (Bulgaria) PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLES' COUNCIL: President: Prof. Dr. FERDINAND DURCANSKY Former Foreign Minister (Slovakia) Vice-Presidents: General LEV PRCHALA, D.S.O. (Bohemia) Prof. R. OSTROWSKI (Byelorussia) Dr. OSCAR LOORITZ (Esthonia) Secretary-General: J. GYTIS, Editor (Lithuania) MEMBERS: Committee "Free Armenia" Bulgarian National Front Byelorussian Central Council Cossack National Liberation Movement Croatian National Liberation Movement Czech Movement for Freedom ("Za Svobodu") Czech National Committee Esthonian Liberation Movement Union of the Esthonian Fighters for Freedom Georgian National Organization Hungarian Liberation Movement Hungarian Mindszenty Movement Latvian Association for the Struggle against Communism Lithuanian Rebirth Movement Polish Christian Social Movement Slovak Liberation Committee National Turkestanian Unity Committee Ukrainian Hetman Union Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists COURT OF HONOUR: Chairman: Dr. jur. Dimiter Waltscheff COMMISSIONS: Commission for Problems of the Nations of the U.S.S.R.: Chairman: Veli Kajum Khan Commission for Military Affairs: Chairman: General F. Farkas de Kisbarnak Commission for Foreign Politics: Chairman: Michael de Alschibaja M1" Tdi, 16 Arbor Etr et Yon? erE , "ir. Allen W. Dulles I;irector of the ^tentr;l Intelli,ence Agency 33 F. street, 1?.1V. r:r=hin~ton, r, C. or m,:ny ye, rs, it h.,s been may iit i ,Ft (-l:-.ire to come to thiE- country and to meet thi - i- inn t -aging pe:? onnlities,, such as yours' lf, ir or(: i,.!, ortance. Now, when I am here, it if m,,, r o e jcu will a. ree on our coming together with the tl.t, ore to deliber,-.te upon concepts of r.'li cy ane i tra tF lea'in to American keople and t5us;ian captive na.t.innF. o Ye-Fe Tiber-,tion movements I have the honor rind r cil u < t.o ret;resent. Bein : Ukrainian myself, I am Fu:4 e ynr ; T e aware ::f the role and potential Of tlVra_ine rind eople in the ,,reat crusade against F:.u. ian ,,a .ion from within the tuEeian Lhl )ire. I am ai chr. vinced that our deliberations would reaul t In = cf rite contribution to the cause of freedom, eace ?r< r rt-3 , for all mer. tu6yinL: your addr-..c of April ..6. sli d b vere efore the ZT.F. Chamber of Commel-e, take the f c ll.ovrin ob; erv.-.tions: 1.) It is documented that the JTkt?ainir'n ietioralist "Zoverlent dedice.ted to free Ukrr the a`' ....o i'ueFian occupant, already durinr ,r3 e T'ar E-6, _ ''? any since, has predicted the develo:rlents o'` the u: Flien economy. This could have been reverted n the "e .-tern Fosers, pursued the line of lihC--tinr - the subjugated ne.tions. The present aLarmin< strei h of the Russian economy i: chiefly the resul"; of a) unscrupulous exploitation of the "c- i er? countries (from the Flhe River to the ; outs chin, , P) b) methocicril thefts, by -1iFrien into sense of I',e?tern inventions, scientist, .;t`F olrr; , enL;ineersj s,f>y-: ctivities, etc. c) skilful exploitation of the eEte ?rl inactivity to prevent the growth of usaien eeonnei' over.., a) the free hand given by the F - t tc tt e Russian: to exploit the manpower and the re-our-Fr-r -P 'the subjuaatetc.people4 .) e, the Ukrainian na>ticn&lia;.i, hctrc lon:v feared that tfus;ia in time will ;iurnnPr. t Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003900010031-7 . rt Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003900010031-7 West in the armament race and thus r chieve the balance in this in- portant field. The decision to win the global contest vr.ill necet- saril,; shift to other power-fields, es ecially to fields of psy- chological-ideological handlinE, of the great human mrsees of .Asi-, Africa, Europe, anca even Latin Prerica. The decisive weapon against the never ending Russian aggression is and will be nationalism of" these nations and sup; ort of revolutionary liberation movements. .) Russian is rapidly gaining over the tiest cuali- tatively especial -y in the fields of science; and with both ruan- titative and qualitative superiority, ussia may well gain the psychological and strategic supremacy over the West in tr = cold war. The West should, therefore, stress the rallying of the quantitative factor in her favor - the nationalistic drive of the sulk jugated peoples - reversing, it into quality and aiding this deep rooted nationalism to side with the West against Russi-. 4.) Nationalism is an will be the decisive factor in Asia, Africa and Europe. The U.g.A must seek and turn this nationaliim into an ally and fight iusda with a weapon thei so cunningly used in the p at. a.) To keep the Near last and the Arab nations on the side of the the U.E.A shculd adopt a oiic,- ra.vraring, nati~u li.m, s p ^_ia11y by giving support to the nations subju- gated by the ussians (e.L:. Turkestan, Azerba.jd7an, etc.) 6.) If Russia is allowed to continue to gain in the power bloc more rF.pidly than the West, she will eventually win over to her sine all of Asia. Thy: ~."piddle East may fall into the orbit of Faissian imperialistic desires oveLmight. Europe will indeed stand bra+rred, in great danger of being neutrli7ed or dominated by Russian Communism from within. Could the U."-.P then protect her sovereignty in isolation with success s ? Having hid a lifelong experience in this field, I aan assure you, ;";r. Lulles, that the nationalism of Ukrsine, Hungary, Turkestan and other nations subjugated by RwE&ia, rre the treat potentid.dl and natural reservoir-of friendship for the U.E.A. It should be one of the main, pursuits of this country to win them as allies. ',ith, the adoption and actualization of a. liberation policy, heL a n,xtion: , with ~ roi er world-wire , uF or t, co-ordination and direction from the free nation: can decompose am destroy the Russian menace frmm within. In view of the afore said, I sincerely desire to meet with you to have an opportunity to -trees and e>plair the aims of the Ukrainian liberation movement and that of the A.E.P. nations I am priviledged to represent. We are endevourin_ to win American friendship and offering alliance with the libee- tion movement. of the 1.13.N nations. I am in the position to produce detailed information an the conditions of the reri st-rc Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003900010031-7 r Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003900010031-7 movement of Ukraine =n6 other nations, our an~:Iysis of strenrtT and weaknesses of the iuesian Co7nnmunist power, an( our sub e, bone a;? to the most effective means of counteracting ryas, ian I elm on and off in te? 'ifyirg before the House of ui:-Pmerican Activ .tie Co?nnitteer and Houte Committee for Foreign Afft-ire anc I feel assured that you, 1r, ',kill d time to give me an audience, Very truly your,.., Jdnt Approved For Release 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP80B01676R0039000100'3