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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200070008-4 ~ , ~ RF ~ 3 APRIL 1988 CFOUO 2r80) 1 OF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ON1.Y JPRS L/9015 - 3 April 1980 East Euro e Re ort - p p - ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS CFOUO 2/80) A ~BIS ~O~EIGN BROADCAST INFORMATI~N SERVICE - FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. rlaterials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and _ other ch-~racteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in tha first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation. was summarized or extracted. _ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are , enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- ~ . tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriat~ in context. Other unat*ributed parenthetical notes within the body of an _ item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- - cies, vitws or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content - ca11 (703) 351-3060. _ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN ?tEQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. 9 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - JPRS L/9015 3 April 1.980 EAST EUROPE REPORT LCONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS (FOUO 2/80) - CONTENTS PAGE , CZECHOSLOVAKIA CSSR Improvements in IL-62 Eff~ciency Explained (TECHNICKY TYDENNIK, 26 Feb 80) 1 Growth of SSR Agricultural Chemicals Enterprises Discussed _ (Jozef Demecko; AGROCIiEMIA, No 11, 1979) 3 ' Problems and Achievements in Metallurgy in 1979 (Editorial; HUTNIK, No 12, 1979) 10 , I _ a _ [.T_ I I - EE - 6 4 FOUO ] FOR OFFICIAL' USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , CZECHOSLOVAKIA CSSR IMPROVEMENTS IN IL-62 EFFICIENCY EXPLAINED Prague TECHNICKY TYDENNIK in Czech 26 Feb 80 p 16 [Text] Historical events are taking place at the Ruzyn hangars since the 15 November 1979. This day, an 80-member team of inechanics of the Czechoslovak airlines and specialists from the Soviet air industry have ~ undertaken an extensive remodelling work on our largest transport aircraft the IL-62. These repairs, which in their content and extent are being done - in Czechoslovakia for the first time, are expected to continue until ap- proximately 15 March 1980. The reason why the Czechoslova;k airline management has decided on this step is, first of all, the desire to extend the number of flying hours ; and the range of the planned operations caithout a general overhaul. A general overhaul of this silver bird is scheduled on completion of 6000 hours of flying time. This overhaul is very demanding and from the opera- tional standpoint not very efficient. The reconstruction at Che Ruzyn - Airport is expected to enable the utilization during the life of the air- craft without a single general overhaul. . The management of the Czechoslovak airlines submitted this proposai to the designers and top management of the Soviet aircraft industry. They also took _ advantage of the opportunity of the visit of the chief IL-62 designer, Novo- zilov, in our country. As can be seen, they have confidence in the capabil- _ ity of our mechanics: they entrusted them with the modifications. ' Modelling [of operationsJ without general operations [sic--general overhaul?] has shown that the intended task will reduce the overall maintenance and . repair costs by 40 percent. An important contribution has also been made by researchers of the Air Research and Experimental Institute in Letnany who, in less than 3 months, have produced a simulated operation of the I1-62 aircraft. On this model they were able to test the contribution of the new maintenance and repair scheduc~e during ~~he life of the aircrai.:. Today, one of these aircraft, registration OK ABD Kosice, lies parti;~ d~s- assembled in the hangar. The aircraft interior in no way reminds one of the modern, comfortable environment so well known to the passengers. Around the aircraft and in its interior it looks very lively as the various ' 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - specialists inspect every inch; they are using ultrasonic equipment, flaw detectors, and x-rays. The electrical systems are being rewired, floors, walls, and ceilings replaced. Our civilian air industry initiated with this repair a new era in an important transportation area. It is evident already, that after the experience in reconditioning the IL-62, the TU-134 and JAK-40 will similarly undergo this type of repair. The CSA management has again gained full understanding of the Jakovlev and Tupolev designers for this idea. The many millions in savings which will be effected by this step are _ a contribution to our natiotial economy. The other airlines of the CEMA countries can now follo~a our example. A goal conscious cooperation of developmental construction of the production , enterprise and operations brings large results. And that is what it's all - about. ~ CSO: 2400 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CZECHOSLOVAKIA GROWTH OF SSR AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS ENTERPRISES DISCUSSED - Bratislava AGROCHEMIA in Slovak No 11, 1979 pp349-351 ~ [Article by Jozef Demecko, CSc., of the Institute for Scientific Economic ~ Management ~ystem, Bratislava] [Text] In evaluating the activity of agrochemical er.~;erprises in the SSR - within the framework of the documentation effected on standard bases for the entire CSSR, we obtained information which enables us not only to judge the status of construction and the start of operatio~s, but at the same time, to work up measures for their further construction. The basis for the building of agrochemical services of a new type in the agrochemical enterprises (ACHP) is the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Decree No. 2/1975 of the Collection of Laws of the CSSR concerning cooperative _ relations in the development of specialization and concentration of agricultural production, which was supplanted as of 1 January 1976 by Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Decree No. 159/1975 of the ~ Collection of Laws of the CSSR concerni~g cooperation in agriculture and f.orms of cooperation. In Table 1, we cite figures on the establishment of agrochemical enterprises in the SSR. ' Table 1. Survey of the Establishment of ACHPsi:n the SSR by Kra~ Number of ACHPs,established in the years - Kral � � 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 ~ West Slovakia 2 1 2 1 4 1 - Central Slovakia 1 1 1 - 5 4 East Slovakia 1 2 2 2 5 - - SSR 4 4 5 3 14 5 3 _ ~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ! The largest number of enterprises (14) were established in 1976. Up to now, 35 agrochemical enterprises have been set up in every � _ okres except for Cadca. One of the first a~,rochemical enterprises founded in 1972 was the ACHP in Zohora for Bratislava-Vidiek Okres, with a capacity thus far for one cooperative district. Then there is the ACHP in Hlinik _ nad Hronom [or Ziar nad t{ronom Okres, and one in Nitra and another in Vel'ka Lomnica for Poprad Okres. In Table 2, we cite some basic information from which it is possible to calculate the increase in the membership base and the agricultural land areas and cultivated lands of the member enter- prises, for which the agrochemical enterprises are obliged to provide - for the protection and fertilization of plants at a high qualitative level, - on the principles of a purposeful and scientifically based system of plant protection and fertilization. ~ - Table 2. Basic Data on Agrochemical Enterprises in the SSR for 1976, 1977, and 1978. Year Indicators 1976 1977 1978 ' Member agricultural enterprises (JRD and SM), . 561 681 715 number Size of agricultural land area of inember - enterprises (ha) 1,502,619 1,852,337 2,035,836 Size of cultivated lands of inember ent~rprises (ha) 977,962 1,171,374 1,339,245 ~ Other member enterprises with agricultural ~ land, number of 48 55 62 Size of agricultural land of other member � enterprises (ha) 95,711 115,805 137,187 - - Size of cultivated land of other member enterprises (ha) 78,423 91,141 104,293 , Total size of agricultural land of - member enterprises (ha) 1,598,330 1,968,142 2,173,123 ~ Size of agricultural land of inember enter- prises, expressed~in perce;it of total size of agricultural land in the SSR 79.2 85.0 ~c~6. In 1978, the.membership base of the' ACHPs already amounted to 86.1 percent of the total agricultural land in the SSR. With.respect to the _ increase in member enterprises and in agricultural land, it is possible to regard tfiis as a satisfactory trend in the development of agricultural ~ - enterprises. Table 3 provides a picture of the increase in the number of ACHP - workers in the SSR. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Table 3. The Number oE Workers of Agrochemical Enterprises in the SSR Status as of 31 Dec _ Category of Workers 1976 1977 1978 - Operational Workers 633 1,008 1,365 Tec.hnical-Economic Personnel (director's staff) 405 668 820 Workers of regional a~ricultural laboratories and technical-administrative workers 73 113 147 Workers engaged in auxiliary activities 34 61 40 - Total ACHP workers 1,145 1,849 2,370 ~ The greatest rise was noted in.West Slovakia K.raj. In 1977, we detexmined the skill structure of workers of the specialized departments - for the protection and fertilization of plants, which were separated from the Machine Tractor Stations and transferred to the ACHP as o� 1 January 1976. Investigations at 15 selected ACHPs have shown that only - 25.2 percent of the workers had higher education, 52.2 had intermediate school education, 12.2 percent had vocational school education, and 10.4 percent had elementary education. For operating and providing scientifi- cally-based plant protection and fertilization, the use of computer _ equipment for indicating and recording harmful factors, the introduction of mathematical-statistical methods, and the compilation of plans of chemical preparations for plant protection with the use of an automated control system, the current skill structure is unsatisfactory. - - Investigation of the equipping of agrochemical ' the most ir.~portant machinery, such as transport equipment and application - ~ equipment in regard to both chemical protection and fertilizing with commercisl and organic fertilizers, and of other needed equipment showed that with the current growth of equipment in the ACHPs, it is impossible , to count on offering services to member enterprises for ~he total area of agricultural land up to 198s. The results of the investigation are shown in Table 4. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` 'Pabic 4. Number of Machines and Equipment at the ACHPs Status as of 31 December _ :adices 1976 1977 1978 S-ton capacity tructcs 271 375 446 of these, type IFA 258 375 434 Trucl:s, 10-ton capacity and over 13 38 85 of these. type Tatra 815Z 0 1 2 - D 032 synthetic f.ertilizer adapter spreader 107 162 211 - R C W 4, 5, 6 il 22 2 T815 Z Adapter 0 0 0 VLH Tatra 148 tank trucks for lime materials 22 52 57 T 148 PAH 118 transporters for alkaline substances 0 0 . 17 Raj special railroad cars 10 12 15 Tank truck spreaders, 13 25 31 Tatra 148 CAS 10 Tractor-mounted tank spreaders, HTS 100.17 17 20 20 Fecal superstructure for the T 815 Z 0 0 0 Manure spreader for the T 815 Z 33 60 0 _ - 'I'ruck cranes 4 8 10 � Tractor-mounted Kertitox prayers 43 63 72 Kertitox sprayer on a truck chassis 3 9 35 KV-70 freight car unloader 4 6 17 Chemical fertilizer crushei~ 0 0 5 As of 31 December 1978, 8 agrochemical enterprises did not possess a single Kertitox sprayer, and in another 13 ACHP, only one or two sprayers were available. The inadequate equipping of the material and technical base of the ACHPs can be seen from the example of the Kertitox ' brand sprayers. For example, with a 300 liters.ha-1 portion of liquid spray, and an average output of 1,875 hectares per sprayer per season, the ACHP, with their own application equipment (with 106 sprayers) could treat a total of 198,750 piants. For treating 70 percent of the farm land area of the member enterprises, which amounts to an area of 1,521,170 hectares, 800 Kertitox sprayers would be needed. The current , number of sprayers covers roughly 13 petcent. As a result of the shortage of sprayers, which have a relatively low service life because of the corrosiveness of the pesticides applied, the member agricultural enterprises are forced to provide chemical protection with their own equipment and workers, using the old routine method, which does not _ give concern to the principles of a scientific system of plant ' _ protection. - The construction of storage facilities for dry synthetic fertilizers - is lagging seriously. As of 31 December 1978, only 6 storehouses with a total capacity �or 44,000 tons of commercial goods were in operation. The perspec*_ive concept, which stems from the assumption of 6 ~ FOR OFF:CCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX 2.54 million hectares of farm land in 1990, an intensity of fertilization with 325 kg net of NPK.ha-land a 2.5-time repetition rate, is counting on the construction of 169 storehouses for dry synthetic fertilizers. In view of the fact that the expansion of the production of liquid - fertilizers is also being considered, plans are being prepared for their construction. [Sentence as published]. As of now, only the ACHP in 7.ohora and in Hlinik nad Hromom have had smaller capacities built foz the ~ storage of liquid fertilizers. Insofar as the construction of storehouses i for pesticides is concerned, the long range plan counts on the constr�~ctio~ ~ of one ready-use storage facility in each ACHP with a capacity to 120 tons. No consideration is being given to their construction at application centers. Investigation shows that thus far, only three storehouses for pesticides are available. For crop-dusting activity, which is a decisive factor in the provision of protection and fertilization of agricultural crops, the construction of airfields is inevitable. The results of investigation show (Table 5) ~ that the shorta;e of basic and operationalstripscontinues. The best ` ~ condit~.ons relatively for crop-dusting activity exists in West Slovakia j Kraj, which r,as 133 working air strips at its disposal. Since the ' optimum economy in crop dusting activity is attained up to a range of 4 km, it will be necessary to reevaluate the current status of hard- surfaced and operational stripsand to carry out a construction plan. I Table 5. Status of Building Fields for Crop-Dusting Activity in the SSR ~ According to Kraj Status as of 31 Dec. _I Indicator Kraj 1976 1977 1978 ~ Hard-Surfaced air ,strips West Slovakia 2 5 12 I Basic strips Central Slovakia 1 2 4 _ ~ East Slovakia 3 4 12 ~ West Slovakia 49 118 133 i Operational strips Central Slovakia 9 14 30 East Slovakia 15 23 10 - The extent of certain main activities in the protection and fertilizAtion is provided in Table 6. Table 6 shows that the volume of the main acti- - - vities of agricuitural enterprises is increasing moderately from year _ to year in accordance with the growth of inechanization. The share of agrochemical enterprises in providing protection and fertilization of plants is not satisfactory. If we consider.the need to spray 70 percent of the agricultural land of inember en_terprises (in 1978 ~his involved an area of 1,527,400 ha), the ACHPs with their own application equipment sprinkled perhaps 7.8 precent and t:~e subcontractors, by means of Machine-Tractor Station equipment, did 4.7 percent. A coverage of 28 . percent was accounted for by agency of Slovair. The crops on the ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY remaining areas were sprinkled by the agricultural enterprises with their own application equipment. If the total agricultural land arPa of inember - enterprises ~yuals 100, then the ACHPs distributed cow manure with their own application equipment in the amount of 13.3 percent. . ~ Table 6. Volume of Cartain Main Activities of the ACHPs in the SSR - Ind~cator Actual activities durin;: ,~R76 1977 19~ Lime treatment of soil (ha) 41,606 93,307 138,437 _ Distribution of solid synthetic _ fertilizers (ha) 94,545 168,313 290,335 Distribution of solid synthetic - fertilizers (t) 61,930 133,406 206,249 Application of liquid synthetic : fertilizers (ha) 20,568 40,497 76,276 Aviation activities--fertilization _ of plants--average (ha) 475,638 710,525 871,553 --chemical protection of plants-- average (ha) 264,756 328,157 396,758 Ground protection of plants with ACHP means 34,87U 62,271 119,1?8 Ground protection of plants by subcontractors (STS) (ha) 62,081 67,334 71,244 - Application of organic fertilizers (t) 9,309 63,882 ~ 138,627 Application of seable manure (t) 352,381 639,348 1,129,904 - of these, with the use of , manure slingers(t) 232,436 398,334 514, 864 Production of composts (m3) 11,418 36,388 77,900 - - ' ` According to the volume of the activity conducted, it is necessary to classify the agrochemical enterprises in the group of enterprises that ~ are in the starting phase of their activity. This refers here to those ~ enterprises which thus far do not own application equipment.and offer theri survices exclusively by subcontracting. The optimi~:ation of work in the protection and fertilization of agricultural crops is based on the supplies of materials and equipment and the needed personnel, and the - implementation of a scientific system of protectiun and fertilization of plants. _ The real deadline for the augmentation of the ACHPs with respect to materials, equipment and personnel, and the basis for oFtimizing _ their work in the protection and fertilization of plants is in 1990. _ 8 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY However, this requires an unconditional approach in working out a r.ealistic program of construction and the development of ~..:tivity, the study of draft programs in party organs and central administrative - bodies, and the assurance of financing for the program. Finally, it is necessary to bring it about in such a way that in spite of the many objective and subjective difficulties, the agrochemical enterprises will be strengthened and will expand their activity in volume and structure, and will demonstrate their viability in concentrated and specialized agricultui�al..production. - COPYRIGHT: ALFA, Bratislava, 1979 5800 CSO: 2400 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 rux urrl~itiL u~r, ULVLY - C'L'ECHOSLOVAKIA - PROBLEMS AND ACHIEVEMENTS IN METALLUBGY IN 1979 ~ Prague HUTNIK in Czech No 12, 1979 pp 441-442 [EditoriaJ.] [Text] The beginning of this year tested very concretely our ability to manage and cope with the unusual difficulties that mainfested themselves in = all enterprises of VHJ Hutnictvi zeleza [Ferrous Metallurgy Economic Production Unit], VHJ Hutni Vyroba [Metallurgical Production Economic Production Unit], VHJ Kovohute [Nonferrous Metals Economic Production Unit], and in the plants of the VITKOVICE sectoral enterprise. Because - - of the objective losses incurred at the beginning of the year resulting from the limitation in electric power output and in operations, it was a fact, that within rhe departmental framework of the Ministry of - Metallurgy and Heavy Engineering, the regular share of the annual plan = for gross and commodity production was not fulfilled during the first months of 1979. However, the majority of the metallurgical enterprises ~ succeeded in making up the January time lag during the course of 1979. _ For example, the share of the annual plan fulfilled for the production of ; crude iron and steel already ~mounted to 65.0 percent in August 1979. The annual plan share fulfilled in the production of high-quality carbon steel amounted to 69.7 percent; that of alloyed steel reached 68.1 ~ percent, and that of rolled metal, 66.5 percent. In general, the enterprises of the VHJ Hutni druhovyroba [Metal Products Enterprises ~ Economic Production Unit] and VHJ Kovohute coped with the gradual fulfillment of the regular share of the annual production plan. ~ The past year of 1979 was so much more of a challenge than the preceding ~ ~ years of the Sixth Five-Year Plan, because, in addition to making up for : time losses in production, it was necessary in an increased degree to cope with obligatory limits on imports from capitalist countries, with ~ limits on the consumption of inetals and energy, and with oth~r problems - involved with supplies from narrowly-specialized ancillary departments. ; Attention was focused on the better utilization of reserves, which include fuel, energy, metals, exports from capitalist countries, and labor. _ = New progressive approaches, which were used in the preparation of the ~ plan for 1979, turned out favorably. We are not just speaking about the 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i - timely specification of the guidelines for 1980, which were submitted to the enterprises immediately after the formulation of the plan for 1979, ~ but also about the fact that efforts were made ~iuring the course of all : _ ~ stages of pl~n preparation to compile a draft plan for. 1979 with the maximum interc~ordination. A plan was submitted Eor the oper~~tion - , of productton units And equipment, Including the pr.oposed tntensirication = ' of same. All indicators were subjected to precise analysis. The fact I that the united apgroach between the party and economic organs was strengthened even durther during the compilation of Che plan was also a very favorable thing. - ; - However, under the influence of ~the effects of objective factors, certain ! divergences from the stlte plan guidelines manifested themselves within ' the framewock of the entire nat3onal economy, and on this bas~ts, the ' entire dynamics of the growth of the formation of resources was lower in 1979 than what had been attained in previous years. This was reflected, ~ especially, in the dynamics of growth of the national income this year. In addition to the objective influences, certain deficiencies in the _ i production structure, especially in the quality and technical level of production, which have been inexistence in the Czechoslovak economy for j a long while, had a part to play. The rise in prices of imported raw materials and energy continued on and ong and this was reflected in - ' the worsening of exchange.ratios in foreign trade. The desired improvement did not even occur in the qualitative ratios of the plarr, for example, in the ratio of labor productivity growth and averages, and in the j utilization of basic assets. . ! As far as capital outlays are concerned, it must be stated that even though ; the total volume of investment in 1979 within the structure ~f the Ministry of Metallurgy and Heavy Engineering did not diverge mo~e obviously from the ~ plan provisions, changes occurred in the structure of its fulfillment. ~ Whereas in construction projects of over 2 million koruny in value, the investment plan is going unfulfilled to great mea'sure, in contrast, ~ investments in construction projects:of under 2 million koruny of ~ budgeted investments and of structures not included in the budget are ' being exceeded. In connection with these divergences in the structure _ ~ of investments, the conditions are not being met for putting c~pacities ' into operation in the planned time period, and a surfeit of unfinished - construction projects persists. _ ! In the metallurgical industry sector, in the atea of capital ~rojecte ~ realized in 1979, a favorable assessment can be given to the fact that _ this year, one of the largest capital investment operations of the - ; Czechoslovak metallurgical industry--the new pipe rolling mill in the ~ Sverma Iron Works national enterprise in Podbrezova, with a total - investment of about 1.8 billion korunas, went into operation in April, - and during 1979 already, turned out 37,000 tons of small-diameter pipe earmarked mainly for the aircraft, chemical, and sutomotive industries. _ The ma,jor portion of its output was supplied to the USSR. According to ~ the long-term contract, an average 50,000 tons of pipe will be supplied 1 ; 11 -j FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY , - ~ ~ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ to the USSR annually. Another tandem furnace was put into operation at the Nova Hut' K. G. Ostrava [Klement Gottwald New Metallurgical Works , in Ostrave--also NHKG Ostrava] as a replacement for two open hearth furnaces. The realization of this construction project was the - culmination of the tandem concept of steelmaking, and prerequesites were cre _ created for the production of 4.3 million tons uf steel at the NHKG Ostrava. ' At the East Slovakia lron Works in Kosice, an extraordinary overhaul of blast furnace No. 2 was carried out. This overhaul was connected with - the rebuilding of the existing furnace volume of 1,700 cubic meters ~ - into a volume of 2,400 cubic meters. By increasing the volume of this ~ blast furnace, the output of pig iron at the East Slovakia lron Works is to be increased by from 350,000 to 370,000 tons annually, and at _ ~ the same time, a higher degree of efficiency in its production is to be assured. With the use of evaporative cooling of furnaces according to - a Soviet license, the installation of non-bell capping of the furnace, _ - and further modernization and intensification of the equipment, it will be possible to lower the energy requirements of pig iron production. ~ - This will show up especially in the reduction of the regular consumption - of coke and coolant water. At POLDI-SONP Kladno [United Steel Works, national enterprise, Kladno], _ the government deadlines for the construction of a blooming and billet mill and the initiation of test operation of the capacities in a new ' plant on the Drina have largely been assured. The test operations are ' those of the blooming train by 31 December 1979, those of the billet ~ train by 31 March 1980, and the testing in sequence of the cleaning plants by 30 September 1980. - _ A serious deficiency in the capital projects area in the metallurgical industry, however, is the fact that certain very important construction projects which had been counted on in the.plan could not be put into operation on schedule. This applies especially to the medium-thin rolling mill and the construc"tion of coking battery No. 11 at the NHKG Ostrava. - The prolongation of the construction of coking battery No. 11 at the NHKG and the chaotic condition of coking battery No. 2 at POLDI SONP and the poor technical condition of the coking batteries in the rest of the ' metallurgical and mining enterprises is leading to a situation wl~ere - this year, less coke will be produced than had been established by the ~ state plan. Likewise, in 1980, it is expected that for this reason, considerably less ' coke will be produced as against the established targets. Therefore, ; we have to look for emergency measures, especially in regard to lowering - the expected shortage directly in production, but also in regard to ~ reducing the supply of coke for small users and for the pxport of coke ~ - to socialist and capitalist countries. 12 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200074408-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A positive assessment can also be given to the efforts of our metallurgical enterprises to improve the quality of their products in 1979, it is - possible to note that Trinecke zelezarny VRSR [Trinec Ironworks of the . Great October Socialist Revolution] together with the NHKG Ostrava, POLDI-SONP Kladno, and the Orava Ferroalloys Works began in 1979 to develop and apply a complex quality control system, as the first In the VHJ Hutnictvi. For this, use was made of the experiences of fraternal - Soviet metallurgical plants, which have already had several years of _ experience in applying this system. The complex quality control system is to be implemented in its full extent as of 1980. Some of its individual - principles we re already implemented in 1979, for example, the complex ' quality plan, the significant component of which ar.e quality criteria, which establish the quality indexes for individual sectors, and set forms - of material incentive. The efforts are concentrated in the working up of - enterprise standards of those activities, which have the greatest influence on products quality. In 1979, the results of thestatewide competitions for the support of the state plan for complex socialist rationalization were evaluated. These ~ were the nineth annual competition: "For the rational use of fuel and energy," and the seventh annual competition: "For economizing on metals, - ~ raw materials, and producer goods." i In the nineth annual statewide competition: "For the rational use of fuel I and energy," on the basis of departmental ratings and the investigation o� i demonstrated savings, a total of 50 prizes were awarded. Of these, 15 (or 30 percent) were wond by the problem solvers and problem solving -I collectives in the metallurgical industry, sector. In the seventh annual ' statewide competion: "For economizing on metals, raw materials, and producer goods," the evaluation commission moved to award 50 prizes and ' two special awards. Of this number, 16 prizes were awarded to the problem solvers and problem solving collectives from enterprises of the ~ metallurgical sector. It is no small fact either, that in the thematic . ~ competitions for jurnalists publicized in support of the statewide problem solving competitions, the journal HUTNIK was given first place in the ~ category of departmental monthlies in both aforenoted competitions. ! The aforenoted shows that Czechoslovak metallurgical industry workers have set forth with great activeness and initiati've~toward solving such ' serious problems as the rational consumption of fuels, energy, metals, ~ raw materials, and producer goods, which, in view of the new situation in the World economy, have become the key problem, especially in connection -i with the further substantial rise in petroleum and raw materials prices. ~ ~ In 1980, in the CSSR, an increase in the consumption of primary fuel and = ~ energy sources by 3.2 percent is anticipated, which is roughly the same ; growth as in 1979. Great efforts will be concentrated on the further ~ reduction of electric power consumption. As against the past years of the 1 ~ i f " 13 _i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074408-4 ~ 1 vl\ vl L tvtcau vulj UI~Ll Sixth Five-Year Plan, when this consumption rose about 4.5 percent per annum, in 1980, the cuts in electric power consumption will be made , deeper on the basis of the detailed analysis of the development of consumption in 1979. _ Considerable attention will be devoted in the metallurgical industry sector in 1980 to the maximum limitation of breakdowns in coke production. In this regard, it will also be necessary t�o to lower the regular - consumption of coke by about 2 percent per ton of pig iron as against the actual 1979 consumption. With respect to supplying domes~ic consumption . of rolled metal and steel pipe in the neede~ assortment, it is necessary to direct the enterprises toward an increased use of consumer reserves. In the plan for the export of inetallurgical products in 1980, it is necessary to improve the structure of export for the purpose of limiting the - unfavorable influence of the current share of exported semifinished products. - Attention is also being focused on the attainment of relative cuts in basic metallurgical products in the consumption of machine building _ departments in the amount of 3.5 percent minimum, and in construction departments, in th~ amount of 2.8 percent. In 1980, it will be necessary - to create the conditions for the gradual utilization of ~~servesy~~which , depends on the utilization of basic assets, in well-ordered investment ~ actions, and in longer completion terms of capital construction. . - It is necessary to make more effective use of the SNZR [~pansion unknown] - categories for intensifying modernization and rapid recovery actions and _ to lower substantially the extent of new construction starts. In this ; regard, the 1980 plan is creating the conditions for improving development ; at construction projects of over 2 million korunas in value, and for the gradual replacement of the import of foreign capacities. - P~rticular attantion will be paid in 1980 to putting capacities into operation. Th;.s applies especially to the VTZ Chomutov [Metallurgical Plant and Roiling Mill in Chomutov]--increasing the output of AK pipes; POLDI-SONP Kladno--blooming and billet rolling mill; Dratovna Hlohovec�.. [Hlohovec Wire Mill]--producing steel cords; NHKG Kuncice--stage three of the medium thin plate rolling mill; to the POLDI-SONP Kladno coking - battery, and to other construction projects earm~rked for production start up or for completion in 1980. It is necessary to determine whether all workers in metallurgical enterprises were familiarized in accelerated fashion with the targets of the 1980 plan. Only through the concentration of the forces of the entire collective of the metallurgical workers on the main open probl.ems, through the ; - development of up to date positive experiences, and through the personal interest of each worker in solving the problems will it be possible within the framework of the entire national economy, to contribute to building a solid foundati.on for the plan for the Seventh Five-Year Plan period, and thus, to make possible the raising of the living standard - of all citizens of the CSSR. _ COPYRIGHT: SNTL-Nakladate;.stir techa.~.icke literatury n.p. 1979 , 5800 E~ ` CSO: 2400 14 " - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070008-4