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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R0002000600'17-5 ~ 14 MRRCH 1988 CFOUO 1r80) ~ 1 OF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 rOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y JPRS L/8976 - 14 March 1980 USSR Re ort p - ENERGY (FOUO 1 /80) _ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INF'ORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200064417-5 NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. ~ Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in bracke.~s - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Textj or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processEi. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are ~ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~.tems are as - . given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 346t3 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS RRPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION 0~ THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 � 1 1`.1t~L vor. vLV.~,z JP~S L/8976 ` 14 March 1~80 USSR REPORT . ENERGY ~ (FOUO 1/so) - CONTENTS PA~~ ELECTRIC PUWER Electric Power Industry's Results in 1979; Goals for 1980 (Ye� I. Borisov; TEPLOENERGETIKA, Jan 80),,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 _ Energomashproyekt and Electric Power in Industry (L. Ya. Donchak, Ye. P. Zelenskiy; ENERGOMA~HINOSTRO- r YENIYE, No 12, 1979) 9 1:xper:ienc~ at the Sayano-Shushenskaya GES (ENERGOMASHINOSTROYENIYE, No 12, 1979) 15 _ Arch Dam of the Ingur' GES (V�I� Bronshteyn, et al; GIDROTEKHNICHESKOYE STRO- ITEL'STVO, No 12, 1979) 18 Iiriefs Construction Work Shortcomings 39 FUELS Advances Made, New Developments Planned in Ukrainian Coal Industry (S.A. Saratikyants: UGOL' UKRAINY, Dec 79) 40 Ukrainian Coal Industry Nine Month Production Results (UGOL' UKRAINY, Dec 79) 51 Seventy-Fifth Birthday of Sergey Andronikovich Volotkovskiy (UGOL' UKRAINY, Dec 79) 57 a - [III - USSR - 37 FOUO) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I;LI~;(;1'R IC f'UWLR unC 690.9 - ELI:C`I'RIC PUWLR INDUSTRY'S RESULTS IN 1979; GOALS FOR 1980 Moscow TEPLpENEgGETIKA in Russian No 1, Jan 80 pp 2-4 ~ rticle by Ye. I. Borisov~ USSR First Deputy Minister of PoNer and Elec- trification~ "Results of Work by Electric Poxer Engineers in 19?9 and Tasks fcr the Final Yesr of the lOth Five-Year Plan'~ ~TextJ Our c:ountry has entered upon the final year of f~alfilling the tasks of the lOth Five iear Pla.n. The historical 25th Congress of the CPSU set before the Soviet people the Etreat task of further reinforcing the economy of our state and of carrying out the ta,sk of increasing the efficiency of the entire na,tional economy, based on the achievements of scientific and technical progress. In solv- inq these ~roblems an important role i.s being pla,yed by electric poxer en- ~ineering as one of the economy's most important sectorsi to a la.rge ex- tent, the pro~ress of other sectors in the national economy depend on the development and successful operation of this seci~r. Having unleashed a socialist competition for carrying out the decisions of the 25th Congress of the CPSU and the tasks of the nationa,l economic plan, the country's electric poxer engineers by their intensified labor are ensuring a poxer supply to industry, tra,nsportation, and the public~ they are also ma,king a great contribution to the econom,ical use of our homeland's fuel and energy resources. During the first four years of the lOth Five-Year Plan the production of electric power incre~,sed by 20 percent in compe~rison With 19~5, while the production of thermal poxer increased by 25 percent. The annual production of electric poWer at AES�s exceeded 50 billion kii- hrs., and at CES's it surgassed 166 billion kfi-hrs= this alloxed the coun- , try to save approximately 60 nillion t. u. t. ~ot fLrther identified~. In 19'j9 the production of electric poker throughout the country exceeded 1,24s billion kW-hrs.i that produced under the 3urisdiction of the USSR Ministry of Poxer and Electrification amounted to 1~148 billion I~W-hrs, During the year the country's eleetric poxer potentia.l achieved further development. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 ~ V ua, VL~LL _ Durinq 1979 the production of electric poxer throu~hout the country ex- ceeded 1,245 billion 1cW-hrs, xhile under the ~uriadiction of the USSR Mi- nistry of PoWer and Electrification it amu~u~ted to 1,148 bill.ion kW-hrs, includin~t 930 billion kW-hrs at thermal electric poWer sta,tions, burning or~anic fuel. The centra~ized discharge of heat from enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Poxer and Electrification reached 840 million Gcal. (Gigacalories). ` Now during a 24-hour period 1.5 times as much electric power is produced in the country as for an entire year in tsarist Russia. At the present time in compar~son with 1940 the poxer-~orker ratio in in- dustry has increased 7-fold, while in agriculture it has increased 14-fold. Durinq the first t~~i:r years of the lOth Five-Year Plan more than 40 wil- lion kW of neW electric power cape,city xere introduced, as well as more than i20~000 Ian (kilometers) of hi~-voltage (35 kV and higher) electric poxer transmission lines. In fulfillin~ their socialist pled~es, th3 electric poWer builders en- sured in 1979 the introduction into use of new electric power equipaent with a total of approximately 11 million kW. The folloxing were put into operations the first poKer unit With a capacity of 500 MW at the Ekibastuzskaya GRES-1, inaugura,ting a series of poxerful electric poWer stations to be built for thia magnificent fuel and ener~}? complex, a poWer unit xith the same cape,city at the Reftinskaya CRES, poxer units each having a cagacity of 300 MW at the Iriklinska.ya GRES and the Stavropol'ska,ya GRES, po~er units xith 210 MW capacities at the Mol- davskaya, Gusinoozerskaya, Maryiskaya, and Surgutskaya GRES's, la.rge- scale~ district-heating units ~ith cagacities of 250 and 1%5 MW respec- tively were introduced at the Mosenerqo TETs-25 and the Novo-IrkutBka,ya TETs, with capacities ranging from 13S to 110 Mil at the Ivanovskaya TETs- 3, the Minsk TETs-4, Khar�kov TETs-5, Nizhnekarnskaya TETs, Saranskaya TETs-2. Mosenergo TETs-9, Krasnoyarska,ya TETs-2, Saratovska,ya TLTs-~, Ir- kutskaya TETs-9, Ufimska.ya TETs-2, the Orlovskaya, Ust'-Ilimskaya TETs�s, and others. Hydroelectric poWer en~ineering was also successfully developed during the year 3ust passed. At the 3ayano-Shushenskaya CES (the xorld's largest)~ - thanks to the self-sacrificing labor of the hydroelectric power builders, installers, and operators, the second and third units, with a capacity of 640 MW each, kere put into operation. This hydroelectric poxer station, situated in places ~here the tsarist ~overnment exiled Rusaian revolu- tionaries, xhere V. I. Lenin lived and xorked during the period 1886-- 1890, i~ the embodiment of his great ideas regarding the Nidespread elec- trification of the country. Units have been introduced at the Inguri GES xith a capacity of 260 MW and gt the Kegumskaya CES with a cagacity of 56 ~IW. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The builders, installers, and operators of the Nurekska,ya GES, by develop- in~ a progressive form of organizing a socialist competition among xorkers in closely related fields, raised this hydroelectric poxer station to ita full capacity--2.7 million kW--a year earlier than the deadline. For this remarkable victory the group of buildera, inatallers, op~srators, nachine builders, plannera. and al?. those who took p~rt in building the ~ - Nurekska,ya CES Were c:ongra~tula,ted by the General Secretary of the CPSU Cen- tral Committee, the Chaixman of the Presidium of the US3R 5upreme Soviet, Comra,de L. I. Brezhnev. He remarked that this victory once again convin- cinqly de;~onstrated. the poxerful force of socialist competition, in the � course of xhich hydroelectric power builders ~rom Tadzhikistan, machine buildera from the U1~aine, I,enin~ra.d, and the lirals, as well as Workers - from the country~s other industrial centers were united i~n order to achieve the coa~mon goa,l. In his greeting it was sta,ted as folloKSS "It is right and just that the ~Workers� Baton'xhich came into being on your construc- tion pro3ect xas taken into the struggle by many ].a,bor g~raups. It is gratifying to note that the Nurekskaya G~S, along ~aith generating cheap electric power, has alloxed the eotton fields of three fraternal re- - publics to be liberally irrigated, and it has almost completely returned to the national economy the flirxds xhich Kere expended on its construction. This is a fine example of the comprehensive utilization of natural re- sources and increasing the effectiveneas of capital investa~ents." An important characteristic of the deveJ.opment of the country's electric power en~qineerin~ during the year just past xas the ateppin~-up of the rate of construction of nex capacities at atomic electric power stationa and the rapid Rrowth in the production of electric poxer by them. At the present ti~ne the country has 22 active AES porrer units xith a total capetcity of more than 11 million kW. Opere,ting steadily at the present time the Leningrad AES, xith a capa- city of 3 million kW, the Chernobyl'skaya, and Kurska,ya AE5's, with a ca- pacity of 2 million kW each. An important moment in the development of the country�s ato~ric electric power engineerin~ Was the start-up at the Novovoronezhskaya AES of the main porrer unit, havin~ a capacity of 1 million kW with a reactor which is cooled by water under pressure. This la,id the foundation for creating a nex series of poxer units of this type. Another important event in the development of the cou,ntry~s atomic electric power engineering during the year just passed xas the completion of the structure of the third unit of the Aeloyarskaya AES, having a ca,p~city of ' 600 MW xith a breeder reactor e ui. q pped xith a liquid-metal cooling agent. The pace has been stepped up on construction and installation operations with regard to building AES electric poHer units Hhich are scheduled to be Put into operation in 1980 and during the first few years of the next five- , year plan. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 ~ va ~ iviaau UJL VIVLI The genera,tion of electric poWer at AES's during the last two years has increased at a rapid rate--by more than one-third each year. And al- thou~h the AES share in the production of electric poxer on a nationwide scale is still rela,tively modest, a steady trend toWard its groxth is to be observed. In the ~ropean part of the country alone, where an acute need for ensuring a supply of or~anic f~.~el is p~articularly felt, the AES ahare of electric poKer production in this re~rion has alrea,dy amo~~ntecl to ; approximately 10 percent durin~ the current year. In 1979 the US5R Ministry of PoWer and Electrification ct~mpleted construc- tion on and put into ov~eration a number of important electric power trans- mission lines and substations xith voltages of 330--500--750 kV. The fol- loxin~ electric power transmission lines xere also built xith a voltage of 750 kVt Kuraka.ya AES--Novobryanskaya Substation and Chernobyl'skaya AES section--Zapadno-Ukrainskaya Substation from the AES to the intersection with the Zhitomir--Rovno Line with a voltage of 330 kV, as well as the high- voltage line from the Leningradskaya AES to the Leningradskaya Substation, which was built to transmit electric power from the 1000-MW poxer unit No. 3 of the Leningradskaya AES. Also put into operation xas the 500-kV high-voltage line from the Reftin- ska,ya GRES to Kozyrevo, xhich was designed to tra.nsmit electric power fro~ poxer unit No. 9 With a capacity of 500 MW, introduced at the Reftinska,ya , CRES. The On~k--Petropa,vlovsk electric po~er transmission line was sxitched on= it has substantially increased the reliability of feedin~{ power to the Pe- tropavlovsk electric poaer region of Tselinener~o and has ensured the trans- miasion of power from the first power units of Ekibastuzakaya GRES-1. 'I'he introduction of an autotransformer group at the Megion 5ubstation per- mitted a sxitchover to the rated voltage of SOOkV at the Surgutskaya-- Megion Line, xhich increased the reliability of supplyin~ electricity to the oil-and-~as-bearing deposits of Nizhne-Vartovska and Samotlor. Lar.~e-scale and very deta,iled xork is being conducted by the country's elec- tric poxer en~rineers in carrying out the most im~rtant decisions of the Party and the government~ directed at effectin~ savin~qs in fue:l ax?d power resources. During the elapsed four years of the lOth Five-Year Plan the specific outlay of fuel for the production of electric and thermal power throughout the US5R Ministry of Poxer and Electrification as a whole ~as reduced by 9.1 g per kW-hr and 0.5 kg per Gcal. In 19?9 the specific out- lay of fuel reached 330.5 g per kW-hr and 173.1 kg per Gcal. Fuel savings over the past four years amountect to 7_4 million tons, In order to increase the economizing effect of the existing electric poxer plants, a great deal of work is bein~ done on planning measures for the five-year plan xith regard to raising the technical level of operation, as wcll as on redesigning and m~e~izing the equip~ment. A large effeCt is 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY bein~ attained by replacing the flow-throuqh part of turbines with power units and by instal.ling more efficient Uurners in steam boilers. A considerable reserve in loxering specific fuel outlays on producing electric power remains~ as before, an increase i;~ the effectiveness of in- troducin~ district heating systems. During the pe~at four years of the five-year plan the proportionate share of electric power production xith re~ard to the district heating cycle has increased by 1.5 percent, and last year it reached 21.6 percent. This trend must be developed even f`urther. There has alao been i~nprovement as a xhole in the structure of electric poxer production by means a� reduain~ the proportion bein~ produced by poorly economical equipaent. The coefficient of use for condensation- type eleetric poxer stations at a pressure of 9 MP (megapascalsj during the current five-year plan has been reduced by 2.2 percent, and in 1979 it amounted to 60 percent. As a result of a great deal of Kork on assimilating the poxer-unit equip- ment the specific outlay of fuel on a,n average for the group of poxer units With a capacity of 800 MW for 1979 amounted to 330.2 g per kW-hr, [ for units of 300 MW it kas 335�4~ and fcr 200-MW units it was 358.4 g per kW-hr. The loHest specific fuel outlay for electric poKer produced - was achieved by the 800-MW po~er units at the Zaporozhska,ya GRFS (using fbel oil) with an amount of 322.0 g per I~W-hr, and by the 500l+iW poWer units at the Troitskaya GRFS (using Ekibastuz coal as fuel) rrith an amount of 330�5 g per itH-hr. The best indicators among electric power stations with a ca.pacity of 300 M1~1 xere possessed by the folloxin_qo the Kostromskaya GRES (using fuel oil)--319.0 g per kW-hr. Sredne-Uralska.y GRES (usin~ gas and fuel oil)--316.5 ~ per kW-hr~ Reftinskaya GRES (us- inR ~kiba.stuz coal as fuel}--331.1 ~ per kW-hr. Among electric power stations equipped with power units having a cap~city of 200 MW the best " indicators with re~ard to the specific outlay of fuel have been achieved - at the Beloyarska.ya GRES (using Kuznetsk coal as fuel)--335�6 8 Per kli- hr. The loxest specific f~el outlays for the production of electric poxer--less than 170 g per kW-hr--xith the turbine units operating on a district heatin~ system cycle xere as follows in 19?9: A1ma-Atinskaya ' TETs-3, Dzhambulskaya TETs-1, Kachkanarska.ya TETs, Mosenergo GRES-1~ Ufi- mskaya TETs-1, and Chelyabinskaya GRES. It should be noted that far from all electric power stations are waging to the necessary degree the stxuggle to seek out ceserves to econo~ize on fuel, and their groups have been insufficiently mobilized for a more complete utili2ation of the reserves xhich they have to inerease their economical quality by means of inigroving the quality of ca,rryi,yg out the repa,ir of equipleent and the technical level of its operation. As a re- sult at several electric poxer stations an over-expenditure of fuel has - been noted in comgarison With the established norms. Included arnong them are the folloxing: the Zmievskaya, Pribaltiyska,ya, Ali-Bayra,mlinska,ya, Yayvinska.ya, Novocherka,sskaya~ and Slavyanska,ya GRES's, the Irkutskenergo S FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 i�vt. vL�rl~,lrL., UJG U1VLY TETs-10, Kazanskaya TETs-2. Novokuybyshevskaya TETs-2, Kirovskaya TETs-4, ` and the Tol'yattinskaya TETs. Durinq the final year of the lOth Five-Year Plan, xhich sun~s up the re- sults of the Soviet people's heroic labor wi~th reqard to implementing the historical decisions of the 25th Congress of the CPSU, the country's elec- tric poxer en~ineers will have ta solve the very ~reat taska of further developinq the sector, further raisin~ the level of opex~ating the electric poxer systen, the effectiveness of producing electric and thermal energy, - and improving work quality. In 1 980 xe Will be confronted rrith the problem of conducting an enormous amount of Work with regard to repairing electrical power en~ineering equipment, buildings, and structures, as well as the fuel a.nd transpo~ta- - tion system. There must be capital repair of equipment of electric poWer stations xith a tota.l cape~city of more than 50 million I~W. La,rge-scale opera,tions should be conducted in electric and thermal systems. - It is necessary to intensify our attention to measures providing for the ` modernization of equipment as the most important matter connected with further reduction of specific fuel outla,ys~ as Kell as to measures for increasing the reliability of electric poxer equipnent operation. 'I'he ~-roxth of the electric poxer engineering system and the volume of re- pair operations is bringing about a need to convert capital repQirs to a year-round cycle, ~nd this requires a further improvemen� in guaranteeing the supply of spare garts and equipnent units on the gart of supplier- plants. ~ - It is necesAary to constantly improve the conduct of the electric power en~ineerin~ system in the struggle to economi2e on energy resources. Important tasks remain to be solved during the coming year xith regard to introducing electric power capacities and the construction of electric poKer transmission lines. In the field of atomic electric t~oWer en~ineering xe must increase our _ attention to the assimila.tion xithin brief time periods of the rated ca- pacities of the AES poKer units which xerp sta,rted during the year ~ust Pagt. Durin~ the current year xe must complete construction on and put into operation nex AES power units Kith a total cap~city of 4.8 million kW, includin~ completin~ the construction of the Leningradska,ya AES, whose capa,city xill reach 4 million kW, and to put into operation the first poxer units at th~ folloxing three new atomic electric poxer sta- tionsi Smolenskaya, Yuzhno-Ukrainskaya, and Rovenskaya. In 1980 construction Kill be continued. at the sites of AES's already underway~ and operations xill be begun on the assimilation of new sites. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Inst~llation is bein~ done on large-scale poxer units xith capacities of - basically 1 million kW each With RBMK-1000 and YVER-;000 reactors, while at the I~r?alinskaya AES operations are proceeding on our country�s first poxer unit havin~ a capacity of 1.5 million kW xith a RBMK-type reactor. The rapid introduction into operation and assimilation of these facilities xill allox us to make a neW qualitative leap in the developnent of Soviet electric poNer en~ineering and to make a si~nificant improvement in the country�s fuel-ener~}r balance. Every million-kW power unit introduced at an AES xill save the country about 2 million tons of fuel oil per year. From the very be~rinninR of the development of Soviet atomic electric po- _ wer engineerin~r a great deal of attention has been paid to the safety of atomic electric power stations. During the last fex years particula.r im- portance has been ascribed to these problems in connection xith the ra- pi31y groxing scope of atomic electric poKer engineering. Power units are being equipped with itnproved systems for ensuring safety, systems of cool- ing doxn the reactor in case of an accident, as xell as systems for lo- calizing accidents xith protective shields and various types of air-lift- condensation apparatus. In 1980 the scientific-research, design, and planning organizations of a number of ministries must continue to carry out a broad front of research and developnent, aimed at both guaranteeing a high level of operation of the existing power units as xell as at creating a nex type of poxer units, including the creation of atomic TETs�s and heat-supply stationsi their construction kill be carried out during the llth and 12th Five-Year Plans. During the current year our country's largest poWer un it, with a cap~city of 1200 Mii. Will be put into operation at the Kostromskaya GRES. All told this year, new electric poxer ca,p~acities of about 14 million kW are planned to be put into operation. In the construction of high-ca,pacity electric poxer stations particular im- portance is attached to further improtiing the qua,lity of the equipment be- ir?g supplied. In connecti~n Kith thi~ , an especially iniportar,.t initiative xas taken by the scientific and technical committee of the "Elektrosila," NFO (Scientific-Production Association) with regard to product�~on Q~tput under the motto~ If it s made at 'Elektrosila~, it's been made very Well." The country~s electric power engineers welcome this initiative, a,nd, for their part, they have called upon the eleetric poxer engineering plants and those engaged in electrical engineering machine building to support it and to give the national economy only high-quality equipanent. _ In 1980 a most important is the construction of electrfc power trans- mission lines, designed to transmit poKer from the newly ~n;ilt electric - pover stations and to lncrease the through-put capacities of inter-s,ystem connections as follo~s: 7 . FOR OFFICIAL USE (1NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 ~ . v~. ~.L . a-~. ~cu. u.~1: v~rLi to a volt.~,ge of 750 kV~ the Kurska.ya A~S--Metallurgicheskaya, Smolenskaya - AES--Novobryanskaya, Chernobyl'skaya AL'S-~Zapadno-Ukrainskayai to a voltage of 500 kV~ Ryazanskaya CRES--Tambov, settings of the 500-kV lines Lipetak--Balashov to the Novovoronezhskaya AES, Kostromska,ya CRES-- Voloqda, Pyt'-Y akh--Dem�ianekayat to a voltage of 330 kVs Kurskaya AES--Zhelezno~orsk, Smolenskaya AES-- Roslavl', Kol'skaya AE5--Monchegorskaya, settings of the 330-kV lines Pobuzh�ye--Ukraina to the Yuzhr_o-Ukrainska,ya AES. - Important op~rations ~rill also be carried out with regard to buildin~ high- - GES's. Unfts xill be introduced at the 5ayano-Shushenskaya GES, the Inguri GES, and the Nizhnekamskaya GES. Operations are being con- ducted on preparing to start up units at the Zagorska,ya GAES, xith a catoa- city of 1.2 million kN, as well as at ~he Kurpeayskaya and Koly~askaya hy- draelectric power stations. Completing the tasks of the final year of the lOth Five-Year Plan requires a great amount of organ~zation xork in all the units of electric power en- ~ineering, a widesgread development of socialist competition among groups of associations, electric poxer systems, construction and insta,lla,tion sub- divisions and construction pro,jects of the USSR Ministry of Power and Elec- trification Nith regard to mobilizing efforts in the cause of further aug- me~ ~.n~? the country's electric poxer ~~ngineering potential, of raising the te^r.,;ical level and the e#'ficiency of operation of electric power engineer- ing product~.on, of economizing on fuel and energy resources in the system of electric power production as well as throughout the country�s entire national economy. CC)PYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Energiya", "Teploenergetika", 1980 2384 CSO: 1822 w 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE O:JLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i~'I.I'.t"f'I; I(' i'UIJf;[; � uDC 338.45 ENERCOI~IASHPROYEKT AND EIECTRIC POwER IN INDUSTRY Moscox ENERGOMASHINOSTROYENIYE in Russian No 12, 1979 pp 28-30 jArticle by L. Ya. Donchak, Candidate of Econon~ic ~ciences, and Ye. P. Zelenskiy, E~gineer~ "Determining Effective Directions for the Sector's Developvnent (Energomashproyekt�s Experience)'J ~Text~ Dstermining effective directions for the development of i~ll units of the country's national economy and, in the first pla.ce, of the industrial aectors on xhich the groxth rate of the country's economic ~otPntial depends, ha$ becoue xith regard to its essence, purpose, and tasks a necessary ele- eent in the plannirig administra,tion of the socialist economy. v The role and significance of this process for poker ~eachinery build ing t`?as been intensified by the circwnstance that the fliture prospects for the de- velop~nent of electric poxer engineering are determined by the plans for the r~oat important tarqeted px.,ag~8 of the natianal econorey and the developwent of society as a~rhole. V. I. Lenin esphaa~zed that "it ie impossible to ~+ork xithout havin~t a pla~ xhich has been designed for a lengthy period and for serious achieve~ve~nt." Experlence in ~achine bui2ding has shoxn that only about 50 percent of in- vestrnonta provide a return xithin five years, 30--35 percent--Within ten Years, and 15--2~ percent--~?ithin later time periods. Thua, the five-year and lonq-term plans have proved to be interconnected. Sep~ra,ting the five- year plan from the long-term plan, on the other hand, could lead~to serious errora in the practice of administering the developnent of sectora and of the national economy as a xhole. we are faced xith a t??o-part dependency~ increasing the role of detereining the rost effective directions for developing the national economy and a more pzofound development of practical directions, supplementing the theoretica,l fundamentals and disclosing the essence of the specific forms of planning the * V. I. I,enin, "Poln. sobr. soch.'~ ~Coaplete Collected ilortas~ , Vol 42, pp � 153--i~r. 9 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 rux urrl~lEw US~; UNLY developnient of individual sectors, prod�uation associations, and enter- prisea. Taking into considera.tion the indissoluble bond betNeen the ma- _ terial-technical and socioeconoaic elements of production complexes, t~eir developnent muat b~ carried out ~ithin the framexork of the scientifically ~r~tuided proportions of tha contribution to the national-economia end re- aults and to the satisfaction of the aocioeconomic intere~te of workers' ,groups , - 'I'he pY ~ncipled potential and fruitf~alness of auch a~yst~ms approach to de- tormining the ~pecific directione oP investment policy in poKer machinery building for a five-year period and for the more diatant f`uture has been reinforced by the experience of Energomashproyekt--the sector's main plan- ning organization. Energomashproyekt is the developer of a model schene for developing and dis- tributirag enterprisas--a pre-plan document Nhich reflects the resulta of in- - tra.- and fnter-sectorial technical-economic research on providing the r~roundwark for rational territorial proportions of development and distr~.bu- tion, specialization, and the overall developreent of the sector. For the firat ti~e such a scheme xas ~orked out for the period until 1980, then un- til 1990, and the year 2000. The scheme constitutes a draft lon~q-range (up to 20 years) plan with regard to a number of technical-economic indicators of the s~ctor's development. The five-year plan for the developnent of power machinery building, in can- - trast to the lon~-teria pla,n, constitutes an instrument of plan direction, a xell-developed administratlve solution, and hence it is a directive-type . plan. The draft of the long-term plan is a system of interconnected fore- cast~ xhich may in the future be incorporated into a plan, o~~ they ~nay not be. When one cansiders that among economists, both Soviet and foreign, there is no unanimous point of viex regarding the contents of the forecasting process, ae applted to the ta,sks of the scheme it may be defined as the process of de- termining the ind~,-ators which characterize the dynamics of the sector's de- - velopment and its tndividual directions in the fliture~ ba,sed u~~n the action ob~ective economic laws and an analysis of the "And who does not knox~" xrote V. I. I,enin, "that if xe consider hox suita,ble a social pheno- menon is in the process of its developinent, then there will always turn out to be in it the remnants of the past, the fundamentals of the gresent~ and the eniUr.yonic beginnings of the f~ture?"* Th9 basis for the scheme's development is the forecast of the needs of the nationai economy far the sector's output, taking into consideration the de- velopment of user-sectors~ as Nel1 as the influence of the factors of scien- tific and technical progress on the structure of output consua~ption, the pro- cess of renovating and modernizing it, the formation of production capacif:ies - and the technical-economic paralneters of associations, enterprises, etc. A ~ forecast of needs is xorked out ~ith +,he participa,tion of all the scientific- # V. T. Lenir_, "Poln. sobr. soch.,N yol 1~ p 181. 10 FOR OFFICIAI, US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200064417-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY research, planning, and pla,n-technological organizations of the eector, and it ie refined (every year ur once everyr tWO years). The refinements do not introduce any radical changes, but most often they require specific ad~ust- ments in the quantitative proportions of produ~tion and, consequently, in ~ the propsram and forms of reproduction. The principal user of porrer equipment is the USSR Ministry of Po~er and Elec- trifica,tion= hence, the sector�s tain organization--tl~e N~0�s (gcientific- - Production Asaociatior.'s) TsKTI (Central 3cientific-Reaearch and Planning- Deaiqn ~oiler Turbine Institute i~eeni I. I, Polzunov)--hss aimed the devel- opeent of forecasting the needs for the output of poxer machinmry building at forecastin~ the developpent of a model scheme for the ceuntry's poxer syatem. The developers of this scheme--the All-Union Institute for Plann- ing Electric Pouer Transmi$sion Lines and Sub-stations--~ in turn, has , studied the development of the sectors using po~ter, and, on the basis of balanced accounts of the expected production and the consuntption of elec- tric poxer, it has prep~red possible variar~ts for satisfying the foreQasted requirements of the national economy. The varian~s conta,in proposals on , the modernization of existing electric po~er stations, their redesign and expansiono as Well as the construction of neW ones. The influence of fac- tors of technica,l progress finds its expression in the specific forms of a power system's developoent. At the present time the general trend in satisf~ring electric poNer neede is to build atomic electric po~er plants (AES), as ~ell as to increase aigni- ficantly the unit ca,pacitias of the poHer un3ts of atowic and thermal elec- tric poxer stations. ~ 'I'he requiresents for poKer equipnent rrhich have been disclosed are being re_ fined in the appropriate aubdiviRions of US5R Goaplan. Taking into conai- deration the forecasted proportiona for the development of sectors o4 the na- tional econon~y, based on the opinions of specialists, the max~um and mini- raum levels of future needs for power equipment are being determined. In order to monitor th~ forecasted needs for equipnent comprising a po~rer system, we have ca,rried out a retrospective analysis of the ties betxeen the rated cape~city of electric power sta,tions, the production of el~ctr~ic porrer, the requirement for electric power by industsy, and, the groxth rate of the - total volume of production (See Table beloK). From the data in the Table xe can see the clase ties betWeen the groxth rate of the capacities of the elec- tric noxer sta.tions, the production of electric power, its consumption by industry~ and the increase in the total volume of production. During the period from 1950 through 1975 the difference in ra,tes remained within the bounds of 10 percent. , Havin~ such a prolonged and steady conformance to principle at our diaposal, We can be confident that it will not be altered essentia,lly in the immediate future as xell. The deviation in 1975 of the rates regarding the introduc- tion of cap~ cities from the steady trend, in all likelihood, does not sig- nify a violation of the principle but is rather an individusl instance~ _ having particular causes. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200064417-5 - ~ ~..y... ..u~ v~rL i i ~ ` ! ~ n ( sab~,uaozad u~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~nc~~no ~ ~ a o o. .�o + . . . . . 'i j'ejz~snpu~ 3o aumton '�o~ a�~o ~ ~ ~ N + o ZB~o~ ay~ u~ ~e~~ y~MOx~ ~ ~ ~ us - ~ (sa88~uao~ad u~~ o 0 sn oo r~ ~ c~ > ~ ~ 6.t~snpu~ . . . . . ~ n�, ~Cq .zeMOd o~a~~ata ~o uo~~ o� a�`o ~ ~ c�n ~ y, ~ ~ -dumsuoa aq~ u~ q~MO~~ r' r' ~ ~ N � .N O ~ v - ~i ( u~ ) oo ~ ~ o` ~ ~ ~ suo~~B~.s zaxod ~~.z~aeja 30 �o o�~o ~ � o w o se'F~~aBd~~ u~ se~B.z y~HO~~ ~ ~ ~ o a (sa~s}ua~aad u~) ~o cv N i~ ~ . . . . . saxod ~~x~~ata ,~o ~�o~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o uo~~onpoard u~ sa~~z y~MO~~ . ~ ~ > ,~y ~ o ~ ('sZy-MX 'tZq u'F) c~ .o ~n ~ oo $ u`~i ~ ~Gz~~npu~ ~f4 .zatiod vi r~ ~ v. oo .o ~ ~ ~~.z~~eta 3o uo~~damsuo~ ~O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - U ~ ~ O ~ O 4+ N ~ ( � MK ~ noy~. u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ = suo~~~e~s aeKOd ~ . . . . . . oo ~ ~ o~a~~ata 30 ~S~~o~ed~ ~~E~I ~ c~ ~ ~ N ~ o . 0 ow~ ('ssy-MX 't~~l ~T) c~ cv cv r- rn~ a ~ .~e~od a~,z~~ata 3o uoj~~nPo.zd o~ ~ ~�n ~ o w v ~ ~ ox~ ~a * ~ m o v~ o v~ o v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d o~ O~ ~ ~ ~ .-r .i j 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY On the basis of this data, E`nergomashproyekt is enabled to determine the requiren~ents for production capacities necessary to produce the appro- priate types of output in the amounts called for a,nd, coneequently, for the supplementary ca.p~cities which~ at a specific moment~ muat be added to the existing capacities or to those which are atill in the stage of being created. Taking into consideration the need for a conprehensive and rrell-balanced development of the sector, there has also been a deter- mination, at the same time, of the anticipa,ted requirement for facilitiea in the non-production spheres apartaent houses, facilities for cultural and everyday purposes, etc. The Council for the Develope~ent of Production Forces under the ~urisdic- tion of USSR Gosplan has recomAended the posaible variants for the ais- tribution of the sector's enterprises. pn ana.lysis of the proposed va,- ri.ants and their economic eva,luation is ca,rried out by Energoaashproyekt at the stage when the plans are being r?orked out. It could be said that in xorking out the schen~e a strategy is deter~ined for developing the sec- tor--the goal of develop~nent and the tactias--the means of attaining the goal ?rhich has been set for us. Naturally, the means of attaining the goal xhich has been set for us (in e this case--capital investments in the developnent of the sectDr�s produa- tion cap~cities up to the necessary level) depend on those poseibilitiea _ which the sector's associations and enterprises have at their dis~osal at a given n~oment. The deterrnination of these posaibilities, taking into coneideration reserves possessed but not full,y utilized, as Nell as the - discovery of hidden reservea for increasing the voluaes of production, occupies an important p18,ce in the process nf xorking out a scheme. This work is conducted in accordance xith the ~aethod of analyzing the use by asaocia,tione and enterprises in the sector of the fixed production as- aets in the pre-planning stage, as developed by Energomashproyekt in con- junetion xlth the Department of Ecanon~ic Analysis of the Leningra.d Ins- titute af Finance and Econoaics i~eni N. A. Voznesenskiy. At the concluding stage there arises the ta,sk of the most ef- fective directione in making up deficient production ca,pacities. Its so- lution ~eq~:~res a Jmorrledge of the specifica of associations and enter- prises, as well as of those "bottleneck~" xhich li~ait production output in ~ach of them. Genera,lly speaking, an increase in production ca.pacities is possible xith the aid of technical re-tooling, modernization, the ex- p~.nsion of existing enterprises~ and the construction of new ones. If Hg take as a un:t the cost of cap~city being introduced in crc~ating a ne~ enterprise, then in expanding an existing enterprise, according to ~ergomashproyekt s experience~ it ainounts to 0.8, in modernization 0.6, and in technical re~tooling 0.3. But all these forms of reproduction have 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 " a +~i.+++ V~II.., V1\LL natural limits of iaeplementation. In garticular, technical re-tooling is _ limited by an enterprise's existing areas, the characteristics of the shop buildings, the industrial site, etc.~ modernization--by the areas and characteristics of the production Rhops, expansion--by the dimensions of the industrial site~ the possibili+,ies for enlarging it, and so forth. Thus, the development of the schen~e's first variant is proceeding, as it xere~ along an ascending lines that Which cannot be achieved by a loWer " form of reproduction is supplemented by a higher one. Moreover~ taking into consideration the experience of the plannera~ a selection is made of the optimwn scales of production (for example~ the construction of foun- dries or forge shops prcxiucing less than 30~000 tons of output annue~lly is not optimum xith respect to net production coats. utilization of pro- duction areas, etc.). _ In principle, many variants of the scheme for the sector's developnent could be xorked out. But in its operating procedures Energomashproyekt limits itself to a calculation of two or three variants, ensuring the sec- tor's develo~nent. Among these it chooses the most economica,l Kith re- gard to the criterion of the expenditures cited above. It xould be in- correct, hoxever, to use this basis only in considering the best of the variants reviewed as satisfactory. Therefore, along with ca.lcula,ting the economical qualities of the variants, consideration is given to the an- ticipated technical-economic indicators of the associations, enterprises~ and the sector as a xhole. Their correspondence to the anticipated rate of develo~anent of the national economy is mandatory. In xorking out. a scheme consideration is gfven to the specialization of asaociations and enterprises~ xell-b~lanced proportions of developnent and tie-ins of the capacities being introduced, social and everyday con- ditions, and volwaes of housing construction, but each of these proble~ns constitutea the object of an independent examination. As a result of ~?orking out a scheme, the folloxing factors have been de- termined: indicators of the sector's developnent throughout the U3SR, the economic regions, and the Union republics, the ba,lance between output con- sumption and production, a list of new construction pro3ects and a list ~f enterprises sub~ect to modernization or expansion, capita,l investments in the sector�s developnent with regard to types of reproduction, capital inve:ztments in facilities in the non-production sphere, the principa,l in- dicators of production specializations and the pxincipal techical-eco- nomic indicators xith rega,rd to the sector. After they are examined and approved, these indicators comprise the basis for xorking out technical- econoeic grounds and dra,ft plans. - Taking into account the iinpor~ance of such pre-planning Kork. Energomash- proyekt in conjunction ~ith the Ministry~s GIVTs (~4ain Data Processing Center) has begun at the ~resent time to prepa,re methods to implement it, usin~ the cor~puter s abundant possfbilities for optia~.3zation. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", "Energomashinostroyeniye", 2384 1979 - 14 CSO: 1822 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i�:i.~;c~~rrt ir, i~~~wi~.rt EXPERIENCE AT THE 3AYAN0-SHUSHENSKAYA Gffi Moacow ~iERGOMASHINOSTROYENIYF in Ru~eian No 12, 1979 pp 40-41 ~ IArticle by the Scientific and Technica,l Council~ �'On the Results of In- stallation, Operation, and Full-Scale, Natural Research at the Sayano- Shushenska,ya GES'J ~~TextJ The NTS (Scientific a,nd Technical Council) has exaieined the question ` Experience in the Installation, Operation, and Early Results of Full- 5cale, Natural Research on Hydroelectric Turbines xith Interchangeable Run- nere at the Sayano-Shuahenskaya GES and the System for Regulating 2heA." In 1975 the II+IZ (Leningrad Metal Plant ~aeni 23rd Congress) ~rorked out an engineering draft for the turbine ~ equipnent, xar?ufactured it in 19'j7, and on 19 December 1978 put into operation the firat asaenbly unit of the 3a;- - yano-3hushenskaya GES. In xorldKide hydroelectric turbine building prac- tice there rras created for the firat time a radial-axi~ turbine xith a rated capacity of 650 MW (aegaWatts) at the desi~ head of 194 m(setera), cape,ble of developing a maximum capacity of 735 MW at heads of 212 a and higher. Paran~eters of the Hydroelectric Turbine Equipment at the Sayano- Shush~nskaya GES Maximum head (in meters) . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Design head (in meters) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~, Minimu~e head (in meters) . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Start-up head (in meter.s) . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Dia~eeter of the regular D1 runner (in meters) 6~7~ Frequency of rotation~n (r.p.m.) . . . . . . . . . 142.8 Maximwn coefficient of efficiency (percentage) . . , ~ ~ 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 �va~ vri't~.t[u~ UJL' V1YL1 The first txo units have been equipped xith interchangeable runners xith a diameter of D1 = 6.05 m~ xhich are designed for operation with heads ranging from 60 to 140 m, xhile the capacity being developed therein va- _ ries f'rom 130 to 400 MW. _ The regular runners (xeighing 150 tons) are being made as welded out of _ stainless ateel OOX12N3D, while the interchangeable runners (Keighing 90 tons) are made of carbon steel. ~ith the facing of the convex side of the blades made of stainless steel. ~ In pla,nning and manufacturing the hydroelectric turbine equipnent for the Sayano-Shushenska.ya GE3 ~ use ~ra,s made of the folloxing nex, progressive, design and engineering solutionsi large, all-xelded runners, made of stain- less $teel, individua,l servomotors, oil pressure in the regulating system equal to 63 kgs/sq, m(kilogra.aa-force per square meter)~ spiral chambers operating in con~unction ~ith the unit�s armature, segmented rubber bear- inqs, desi~ed for a specific pressure of p~ 7 kgs~sq. m and a linear flow velocity of v s 15 m~s (meters per second), a regulator using inte- qral microschemes, etc. Based on the solutions adopted, highly effective equipnent Has created, technically good in its manufacture and installa- tion~ suitable and reliable in its operation. The desia3n of the assemblies and installation fittings allorred large-unit installa.tion to be carried out, by means of which la,bor consumption Kas reduced and the cycle of insta.llation operations was curtailed. FTith the aid of a special crosshead (with a hoisting capacity of 300 tons), xhich iras worked out and manufactured a.t the plant~ it becane possible to as- semble at the installation site and then trar!sfer into the plant xell units of the completely assembled controlling appe,ratus (the turbine cover, base of the servomotors, the servomotors themse~ves. the bearing suppo~t, etc.). Such a solution considerably facilitates installation and improves its quality, while the presence of a beam-crane xith a hoisting capacity of three tons alloxs installa,tion ?rork to be conducted when the generator roofing has been installed. By means of increasing the rapid action, a hydroelectric turbine with a ca- pacity ot' 65o Mw was installed in a unit xhich had been designed for a tur- bine with a capacity of 540 MW. This allowed the number of units to be curtailed, the length of the CES building to be reduced, and the most pro- gressive assea~bly of the hydro-complex as a whole to be xorked out. Z'he installation at the first tKO units of the Sayano-Shushenskoye GES of interchangeable runners has allowed a beginning to be made in operating the - station with lower heads and a,n incompletely built daa~. The firat unit Kith an interchangeable runner ?ras put into industrial operation at a head of 60 - m txo years ahead of the intended deadline (19 December 19?$). The unit operated for 2,000 hours and produced 200 million kW-hrs of electric poKer= it developed a maximum cap~city of 130 MW, xhich corresponded to its opera- tional characteristics at the given bsad. 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - The opera,tion of the hydroelectric turbines rrith temporary runners has per- mitted us to abtain data whir�'t~ are necessary to finish equipment linked xith the future further impr~~ve~nent in the designs of individual elements and schematic solutions= it has also alloxed the service peraonnel of the GES to be given up-~o-date training. Thus, in addition to the economic effect derived from the supplementary - output of electric poxer, a definite effect is obtained from the tiniely finishing of equipment, an increase in its reliability, and its akilled operation. Experience in manufacturing, installa.tion~ and successful operation has confirmed the eorrectness of the deaign and engineering so- lutions rrhich xere adopted With regard to the hydroelectric turbine equip- ment of the Sayano-Shuahenskaya CES, and it aleo teatifiea to the high quality of the equipment Manufactured at the I1~lZ. At the present time we have made it possibl~ to introduce the results of - research on finishing the unit's control syste~n, Khich Must increase the pressure in the regulatin~ system to the design level of 63 icgs per aq. cm. The Scientific and Teehniea.l Council 3ection has recommended that approval - be accorded to the Work of the "Lenin~rad Metal Plant" Planning Unit and the "Khar'kov Turbine Plant" Planning Unit ~ith rega.rd to the planning and introduction of model schemes for installing units xith interchangeable runners at the Sayano-5hushenskaya GES and the Nurekskaya GES. In order to accumulate experience in operating the units with interchange- able runners at the Sayano-Shushanskaya GES in 1980--1981, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive~ full-scale~ natural tests. It is also recommended to the turbine plants and Gidroproyekt that in their future solutions to the problems of grouping hydroelectric turbine equip- ment, they should pla,ce the hydromechanical pe,rt of the regula,tor and the " oil-pressure unit as close as possible to the servomotors of the controll- ing apparatus, thereby ensuring convenient access ta the equipment as Well as good operating conditions. In vieW of the abandonment of the policy of assembling spare parts at the plant (in accordance With the USSR Ministry of goxer and Electrification) the IMZ has groposed to conduct a supplementary examination of the prob- lems of improving the technology of their ~aanufacture and control, taking into consideration the experience of insta,llation. COPYRIGHTs Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye~~~ "Energomashinostroyeniye", 1979 2384 CSO: 1822 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 ruK ur~r~lc:lAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC POWER UDC 627.825:621.311.21(479.22) ARCH DAI~i OF THE INGUR' GES1 Moscow GIDROTEKHNICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian Plo 12,1979 pp 3-1? [Article by V. I. Bronshteyn: candidate of technical sciences, and engineers I. I. Lomov, A. Ya. ~1enabde and G. V. Rubinshteyn] [Text] From the Editorial Staff The ~Final design decisions and changes, introduced into the plan during formulation of the working papers, are stated in this Froposed article. The changes indicated are associated with refining the nature of the dam's operation under load as a result of obtaining additional . data from engineering surveys and investigations. Such changes in the design noted in the article, as the replacement of the reinforced concr~te saddle with an expanded concrete saddle (primarily for considerations in facilitating the work and decreasing the expenditure of reinforcements), the im~rovement in the shape of the dam, the elimination of water conducting equipment from the second level, the change in quake-proof reinforcements, the design of the saddle's fracture zone, etc., will arouse undoubted interest in the reader of this journal. - 1The technical design for the arch dam at the Ingur' GES was developed by the Moscow d~partments of the "Gidroproyekt" Institute imeni S. Ya. Zhuk together with the Institute's Tibilisi branches. The working design- planning documentation is published by the Moscow departments of the "Gidroproyekt" Institute with the inclusion of specialized organizations (Gidroproyekt, the Special Design Bureau of "Mosgidrostal"') and the participation of Gidroproyekt's Tibilisi branch. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the opinion of the editorial staff, it would be help- ful to state in greater detail a number of questions while they are in the process of development, in particular, the _ evaluation of the engineering-geological situation of the construction platform, the idea of quake-proof reinforce- ments and the improvement of the dam's structure. On the eve of the 61st anniversary of the October Revolution, the first power unit of the Ingur' hydro-electric power station was placed under an industrial load. The station is the primary step of the hydro-electric station casr.ade on the Ingur' river which uses the river's fall downstream. Comprising the structures of the Ingur' GES are: an arch dam, a deep tunnel- type water intake, a diversion pressure tunnel (with more than a 100 m head) _ 9.5 m in diameter and 15 km long, an underground station building with five vertical 260 P1W power units, each with a 3 km unpressurized discharge tunnel. The full static head of the GES amounts to 409.5 m, of which 226 m is com- prised of the arch dam and the remaining 183.5 m is from the diversion structure, consisting of the pressure and discharge tunnels. The rated power of the Ingur' GES comprises 1300 MW (total power of the Ingur' GES cascade is 1640 MW) and the mean long-life electric power output is 4330 million kW�hr (for the cascade as a whole--5460 million kW�.hr). Engineering-geological and seismotectonic conditions along the line of the damare being carried out under complex engineering-geological conditions in an area characterized by high background seismic activity (8-scale). The foundation of the dam is composed of limestone, dolomitized limestone and (3arremian dolomites (bottom chalk), strata of which have an acute (50-60 degree) monoclinal gradient toward the under water (with a slight anti- clinal discontinuity in the riverbed portion of the ravine). The bedrock is composed of stable rock strata (with a temporary compressive strength on the order of 80-90 megapascals), but they are greatly fissured with deformation moduli in the relief zones from 4-8 megapascals and less, and up ta 13 megapascals and greater in the natural safety zones. According - to the nature of the composition, the physical-mechanical properties and the degree of fissuring, six bands of rock strata from 40 to 150 m in thickness have been isolated. The main disjunctive dislocations in the line of the dam are: an edge dislocation where the Jurassic and chalk strata meet, traveling for 1.0-1.5 ' km above the dam; an Ingirishskiy upthrust shift with a vertical amplitude on the order of 1000 m, located 1.4 km above the dam: a tectonic fracture with a vertical amplitude of 100-120 m, but without signs of recent dif- ferential shifts, and a leading Ingirishskiy upthrust and intersecting right-bank abutment of the dam 110 m below its crest (the right-bank 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 ~..a..... v.,a: vnL~ fracture). Pertaining to the fractures of lesser order are about two dozen large fractures with a width of 10 cm at the mouth as well as lesser frac- turing. Six primary fracture systems have been formed in the strata that have develo~ed here. The thickness of the conglomerate river-bed alluvium on line with the dam reaches 38 m. Sink-hole phenomena occur only in the foundation of the high left-bank bench where caverns as well as leaching of carbonaceous strata along the fractures and layers are observed. The seismic danger in the construction zone, according to investigations = done by the Gidroproyekt's depa rtment of geophysical surveys and research, is determined by earthquakes which may arise in the earthquake-generating zones of the Caucasas enumerated below in the region of the Major Caucasian Fault (magnitude of maximum possible earthquake is MMAZ 6.75-7.0, depth of the seat of the disturbance h=20-30 km, minimum distance from the dam o~ 30 km); in the region of the Ingirishskiy fault (h1MAx- ".5, h=5-10 km, 0~0); in the tail segment of the Major Caucasian Fault, in the region of the Kakuro-Uskurskiy upthrust (MMAx-6.5, h=20 km, 0~25-30 km) ; in the reyion of the discontinuities in the middle portion of the Abkhazo- Svanetskaya step (MMAx=5.5, h=5-10 km, ~~10-15 km) . The maximum seismic effect in the line of the dam can reach 8-scale. In order t~ describe the earthquakes named above, which present a danger to the structure, an assembly of accelerograms with much more liekly maximum acceleration values of 0.11-0.26 g was constructed in the Gidroproyekt's department of geophysical surveys and research (I. P. Kuzin, A. I. Savich, ~ A. V. Suvilova) on the basis of the genetic approach. The indicated peak acceleration values conform well with results of cal- culations from the Gidroproyekt's department of dynamic research in the Scientific Research Sector (V. M. Lyatkher, A. D. Kaptsan). These cal- culations were carried out by a statistical method of treating data from earthquakes that were classified according to macroseismic intensity, taking into account the structure's time in service and the frequency of earthquakes of the calculated intensity. With probabilities equal to _ 0.5-0.97 that there would be no earthquake effect exceeding predicted values for the structure's period of controlled status T= 100 years, the maximum acceleration values determined by this method, carried out for the bottom of the canyon, are within limits of 0.08-0.20 g. The shape of the dam. The dam is an arc with double curvatures and gravity abutments on the upper points on both banks (fig. 1). The overall con- 5truction height of the dam is 271.5 m, which puts it in first place among 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200064417-5 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY arch dams worldwide. The length of the dam along the crest is 758 m, including the length of the abutments--118 m. The design of the coupling of the dam with the foundations on the upper points on the right bank, where the strata are characterized by lowered moduli of deformation (on the order of 2.0 megapascals) and a consider- able decrease in strength characteristics during irrigation, was selected as a result of comparing the accepted version (gravity foundation with an anti-filtration stub-wing, and cementing and drainage aprons inclined toward the upper water) with alternative versions in the forms of ~a con- crete slab-block, a dipping crest (of the "Kurobe"-type) and a pile foun- dation made using a mining method. The dimensions of the foundation can be reduced through further designing, since the magnitude of the forces transmitted by the dam to the foundations will decrease as a result of - widening the saddle at the upper points and improving the shape of the dam. These changes are provided for in the working drawings. The supporting section of the structure is made in the shape of a saddle, separated from the arch portion of the dam by a smooth perimetrical seam. In comparison with technological designs the saddle is considerably widened and expanded in height as a means to decrease pressure on the foundation, the quality of which turned uut to be lower than estimates made at that , phase of the engineering plan. The "plug," included in the body of a single saddle for the entire supporting periphery, has been eliminated as an independent structural element. The height of the saddle is 15-20 m along the sides and reaches 50 m in the lower portion of the ravine. Coupling the arch dam with the foundation in the form of a saddle, sepa- rated from the arch by a perimetrical seam, has made it possible to: (1) reduce the compression stresses transmitted to the rock mass by increasing the area of the supporting surface and differentiate the stresses in relation to the supporting capacity of the rock; (2) decrease the danger of the appearance of tensile stresses by opening the perimetrical seam, equipped with special seals that guarantee its water impermeability. These stresses could arise in the foundation's area of contact as a consequence of a non-uniformity in the foundation, as well . as from seismic effects, and could lead to a fracture in the cementing apron; ~ (3) accelerate the filling of rock excavations in the foundation pit with concrete in order to prevent the development of an unpacking process in the rock, and, in connection with this, to decrease the additional volume of rock. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 rvn vrrll.ltll, U~~ UNLY . r \ ~ ~ I1 1 / ~ ~ ~ 1\ ~ ~ B ' J ' -~l ~ � ~ --r ~L. ~ ~ ~ _ _ i / _ / ~ S I ~ / j i ~ ~ l ~ 4 / ` ~ ~ i ~ i ~ , 1 ~ ` y ` ' y'~ ~ ~ \ ` ~ ~ ~ . N \ ? ` ~ l " / ~ '1 n ` :ti ~ i ( _ ~ ~ I ; `1 ~ a~ ~ Fig. 1 Arch dam of the Ingur' GES a-Plan; b-Section through the Hny y~:uo 4'~~~iz�5 ~z�,5 _ - - - = zsso central console. 1-Structural - ~ ~ ~ apertures; 2-Deep water outlet; 0 3-Surface water outlet; 4-Peri- metrical seam; 5-Saddle; 6- ~r~~;r,a ,~�~s � Right-bank fracture; 7-Gravity ~z foundations; 8-Water inleti 9- (tovepPae)- o v'tio~ Cementation aproni 10-Drainage aprons; 11-Long~.tudinal seam; 12-Border of first line of the ~ ~ ~ ~ 81,o dam; 13-Reinforcing cementation tr 50, 0 4 ~ o y 4z~~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 1- --5 - _ _ o - ~ ~ i yi/-----~ ~ Ry-YO,p ~,T 1 ~~70, 0 ~ � 120,0~9 v~_ ~ b~ ~ . 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (4) Smooth out the effects that local irregularities in the rock ~urfac~ along the foundation contour have on the arch dam. In cooperation with the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute imeni Kuy byshev - (A. D. Dobysh), an original analytical device was constructed using two independent polynomical functions: a function for the mean surface and a generalized function for the thickness [1]. The unknown coefficients of the polynomial expressions are determined from the minimization conditions of the weighted sum of the squares of the differences between the given values, taken graphically from the drawings of the dam and from the unknown functions. The development of a description of the dam's geometry created the pre- requisites for properly carrying out calculations of its stress and defor- mation states and for solving the problems of designing the dam's elements. It also made it possible, with the aid of a computer, to automate extremely labor-consumptive operations in delivering the coordinates of the construc- tion bl~~cks, columns and sections to the construction site. The economic impact from putting.into practice just the automated system for calculating the coordinates and parameters for on-site delivery of the blocks amounts to 50,000 rubles per year, owing to a reduction in labor-consuming calculations. - 1'he configuration of the perimetrical seam was selected taking into account the mean direction (in the mean-square sense) of the dam's reactions in the presence of six various combinations cf loads and reactions on the structure, including the hydrostatic pressure, the natural weight of the concrete and the temperature and seismi.c effects. The perimetrical seam in cross-section normal to its centerline describes an arc (fig. 2) of a circle with a radius equal to double the thickness of the dam at point M and a center, the angu- lar displacement n of which relative to a unit vector t of the tangent to the mean surface of the dam is selected from a condition for the passage through this center of an mean (in direction) resultant of the forces R transmitted from the dam to the foundation. The thickness of the dam in the cross-section of the central console com- prises (see fig. 1) 10 m along the crest, 50 m along the perimetrical seam and 90 m along the contact surface at the foundation. The total volume of concrete in the dam, determined by the engineering design, is 3.96 million m3 (including the gravity foundations and the anti-leakage wing on the - right bank). _ The dam is erected in an assymetrical line with a near-parabolic shape and a ratio of length (along the crest) to height equal to 2.3:1. ~ : 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240060017-5 - ~v~~ uoL V1VL1 t~l ! O - ` 1 r� ~x \ � ~ ~ - ~ ~>,s'' 'Q M~ ~ ~ - ry . . ' . 1 _ Fig. 2 Scheme of the structure in cross section at the peri- _ metrical seam. 0~rd ro --Center and radius, correspondingly, of the arc of the circle MBMM,,; n--Unit vector normal to the mean surface at point M; R-- Vector of the resultant forces in the dam at point M; t--Unit vector re~ative to the mean - surface at point M; a--Angle between vector t _ - and the straight line OM. The dam's shape was chosen as a result of its subsequent development, begin- ning with a circular configuration on the basis of numerous estimated theo- " retical write-ups and experimental research on flexible, friable and geo- mechanical models in which the All-Union Scientific Research Institute, the Gidroproyekt Scientific Research Sector, the Georgian Scientific Research _ Institute of Power Engineering and Hydrotechnical Construction and other - organizations took part in the research along with Gidroproyekt. The dam variant which had been adopted in the engineering design has continued to be improved in the course of the working design's development. The dam possesses ares of a five-centered configurations whose stressed state is characterized by a high level of compressive stress vM�X on the order of 10 megapascals (i~n the case of a fundamental combination of stresses and - r�eactions), by the smallness of the values and the propagation zones of the tensile stresses and, at the same time, by considerable nonuniformities in the body of the dam. Optimization of the structure's shape was done by a _ series approximation method. The problem was solved by an estimation method [2], and the results of the solution were checked on a large-scale (1:150) geomechanical model at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of _ Hydraulic ~Engineering imeni B. E. Vedenev (S. S. Antonov and L. E. Kogan 24 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY were responsible for executing the work). In the first step, the dam's mean surface was optimized for fixed thicknesses that wPre smoothed out in the mean-square sense and reduced somewhat (on an averaye of 3 percent) relative to the thicknesses in the adopted variant, but satisfying the pre- vious principle of their distribution in the dam. As a result, a more uni- form distribution of stresses in the body at the dam was obtained in com- parison with the adopted version, the greatest compressive stresses were reduced by up to 1 megapascal and the volume of concrete in the dam was reduced by approximately lOQ,000 m3. The dam's mean surface in the working drawings is characterized by~an absence of rapid changes in the curvatures and the stress concentrations associated with them. These are unavoidable in dams which utilize multicentered curvatures, as well as strict regularity in both horizontal and vertical curvatures for the description of its arch elements. The reduction obtained in the greatest compressive stress~s has made it possible to raise the question of decreasing the thicknesses in the dam while preserving the stress level that satisfies the confirmed engineering design. The following circumstances demanded consideration during the solving of this problem under conditions of intensive construction at the dam: - (1) a variation in the dam's geometric parameters may be carried out within such limits as would insure that the changes in the shape of the dam would not appear to be a reason for delays in the course of design and construc- tion wot~k; (2) a smooth coupling (to the second derivative, inclusively) of the lower portion of the dam, laid according to the geometry of a refined engineering design, with its upper section; (3) trimming of concrete can be carried out only from the dam's downstream face, since changes in the upstream face would require changes in the design of the passages for the inclined gates, the position of the anti-leakage and drainage equipment, the galleries and the shafts; (4) a new geometry of the dam must have an analytic description , Through calculations that were carried out and confirmed by testing done on a geomechanical model, a contour for the trimming was established which, when the volume of the body of the dam was decreased by 50,000 m3 (pri- marily w~thin the limits of the upper third of the structure), ensured minimal changes in the stressed state relative to the original version with its optimized mean surface (not more than 0.5-0.6 megapascals). A diagram ~ 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 rux urr1~1[~. US~; UNLY - of ihe trimminc~ is represented in fig. 3. Along the height of the structure the triirnning from zero on a certain given point Zo grows to a maximum, after which it diminishes to zero on the crest; in the horizontal cross-sections it increases from the key to the perimetrical seam. The maximum extent of the trimming is 2.6 meters. In the final versio?; of the dam's geometry the - ares have varying thicknesses, increasing inconsiderably from the key to the abutments in the structure's central zone and increasing sharply near the abutments. The geometry also posses gradually changing variable con- _ tours with maximums at the key and at the abutments of the ares. A ~Z71,5 ~ 1715 ~ , J J/ 1~'~.' i~~~ f~' ~~/~/.:,J ~ ~.~s~, s ~is~, s . ~ a) A z~ s b~ _ n ur o. m. . _ _ - s ~si, s ~ - . . ~4rs, Z, a 19/s, zl C~ J Fig. 3 Scheme for trimming concrete from the dam's downstream f ace. a--View from the side of the downstream face; b--Cross section from A-A; c and d--Diagram of change in thicknesses in the horizontal and . _ vertical cross sections of the dam, respective- ly~ with the area of trimming depicted in cross-hatched lines. The str�ess-deformation state. The stress-deformation state of the final version of the dam's geometry with fundamental combinations of stresses and reactions (hydrostatic pressure with a normal backwater level of 270 m and a supported level of 210 m, the natural weight of the concrete and the - temperature effects) is based on dam calculations done by an automated method of test stresses [3), as well as by research on geomechanical [4) and temperature [5] models. The results of calculations and experimental research are in satisfactory agreement with one another. The dam's stress 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY field is characterized by good uniformity, a high degree of utilization of the conc~�ete's strength under compression (the greatest compressive stresses amount to 9.4 megapascals) and a practical absence of tensile stresses in the arch portion of the dam. In order to evaluate the stress-deformation state of the structure during seismic activity, calculations have been carried out on the linear spectral- . dynamic theory by methods of test stresses [6] and of isoparametric terminal elements (at the Gidroproyekt GVTs [further expansion not provided]); research has been done on the harmonic mode of friable models with the mod- els brought to destruction on a seismic platform [7); experimental- analytical research has been done (at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering imeni B. E. Vedeneyev) with loading of large-scale models placed on the VP-1000 vibrating platform and with the help of an impulse sour~ce and computer calculations of stresses that cor- respond to the given accelerogram of an earthquake; the Gidproproyekt's scientific research sector has carried out calculations based on a solution for overall equations of narrow moment envelopes by means of a method of finite differences for the seismic reaction given by the accelogram [8]. While carrying out the latter calculations they took into account three components of seismic reaction, a change in the latter along the foundation contour, as well as the feasibility of opening the inter-section, block and perimetrical seams of the dam. . Structural elements of the dam. The body of the dam is divided into 38 sections by helical inter-section seams, normal in each horizontal cross - section to the axis of the corresponding arc. The seam axes are constructed on the mean surface of the dam at a distance of approximately 16 m from each other. In the riverbed portion of the saddle (the plug) the sections are erected in three columns; in the arch porti~n of the dam to the 176.0 m mark the sections are built in two columns; higher up they are huilt in one col umn . The 1 ongi tudi na 1 seam, ~i; ~~ry n; �h` uu;,; secti ons i nto the upstream and downstream columns, is made approximately along the mean surface of the dam. The joint operation of the individual sections and the structure's columns is insured by vertical toothing and cementing of the inter-section and longitudinal seams. The initial cementing of the seams is accomplished at closing temperatures established on the basis of analysis of the overall stress state of the dam. The analysis is done according to the criterion of technical economic expe- dience in co~ling the concrete work to some bonding temperature or another, with consideration given to insuring the extent of the seam opening nec- - essary for cementation; the saddle and the arch porti4n of the dam up to the - 120.0 m mark consolidate at a concrete temperature af 10�C and the arch por- tion of the dam over the 120.0 m mark at 12~C. The design of the cementing 27 FOR OFFICIAL I'SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 , ~�vi~ vrrtVlt~1, UJ~ UNLY outlets makes it possible to carry out repeat and frequent cementation of the dam's seanis. Five floors of service galleries located approximately every 50 m along the height of the structures and continuing in the form of cementation and drainage t:~~nels in the sides of the ravine, ~s well as several additional galleries, including perimetrical galleries, are being constructed for cementation of the seams during the construction period and their repeat cementation during the structure's period of service, for the intake and discharge of leakage water, for observation of the drainage operation, for controlling the status of the structure and executing repair work, far internal dam communications, for laying communication lines and for the placement of communications equipment. Each level represents a system of longitudinal and transverse galleries having an exit to the serv- , ice bridges located on the downstream face at 20-25 m intervals along the height of the dam. For communications between the gallery levels and the crest of the dam, the installation of freight elevators and staircases has been provided for. Anti-leakage seals in the form of brass sheets with hinged expansion joints are installed in the dam's seams. The number and width of the seals are determined as a result of the allowable pressure gradient in the presence of leakage in the concrete. The accepted gradient is equal to 40. With a 200 m head or greater, there are three rows of seals 1360 mm wide; with a 100-200 m head these are two rows 1360 mm wide; with a 100 m head or less-- 7 rows 687 mm wide. 7he drainage system in the body of the dam has undergone essential changes in comparison with the engineering design. In the lower two-thirds of the structure, drainage is accomplished with the help of horizontal drains installed in the top part of the concrete work blocks in 1.5 m increments along the height of the dam. They lead to drainage sumps located in the inter-section seams. In the upper third of the dam drainage is accomplished in the form of blind apertures of 105 mm diameter that are bored out of the longitudinal or transverse galleries. The erection of the dam is accom- plished in two lines (fig. 1). Reinforcement. In the technical design, provisions were made for the rein- forcement of the dam's faces, the perimetrical seam, the saddle, galleries, elevator shafts and drainage sumps, as well as for a special anti-earthquake reinforcement with an overall expenditure of reinforcement steel on the order of 70,000 tons and a specific expenditure per m3 of dam concrete of approximately 17.5 kg. In addition, the number of reinforcements was determined from~conditions under which the reinforcements were to absorb all the tensile stresses in the concrete. These were the stresses that arose in calculated cross sections in the presence of the worst combinations of estimated stresses and reactions, taking into account the concentration 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ of stresses around the aperatures, excluding those cases when the tensile forces did not present a danger to the stability and long life of the dam or its elements. As a result of carrying out additional computational-experimental processing and refining the computational schenfe and stresses, a transition was made from the principle of reinforcing according to the overall tensile stresses to a structurally dispersed reinforcement [9] that exceeds the concrete's limit of resistance to tension. A dispersion-rei~~forced dam located in iones where tensile stresses arise works practically like a monolithic _ concrete structure. According to the dispersion scheme, a vertical rein- forcement of the dam is carried out, as well as reinforcement of the - structure's sections in the horizontal (arch) direction. The number of vertical reinforcements in the inter-section seams is chosen - for a condition in which they absorb the overall tensile stresses, since the seams do work under tension. In the engineering design provisions were made for a reinforced concrete saddle structure with an average expenditure of reinforcements of 40 kg per m3 of concrete. In the working design based an additional computational- structural processing and the analysis of results of research done on geomechanical models, the engineers were practically elim- inating reinforcements from the saddle, except for two small areas on the structure's downstream face where tensile stresses of considerable magni- tude occur, directed along the foundation's contour, and for several local- ized areas located in highly fractured and non-uniform areas of the foun- - dation, where, as a result of reaching the rock strata, there have been - formed acute fractures in the foundation's surface. Provisions have also been made for reinforcing the downstream face of the saddle, the surfaces - of the perimetrical seam and the areas around the galleries and the s~mps. The unit expenditure of reinforcements has been decreased to 6.5 kg/m of cement in the saddle--a total reduction of 11,500 tons. The average expenditure of reinforcements in the first line of the dam com- prised 8.2 kg/m3 in which a considerable portion of these went for rein- forcing the concrete around the galleries and shafts as well as for sec- tional reinforced concrete iri the balconies, gallery linings and inter- ~ section seams. - In order to approximate a flexible type of deform~tion for the dam during seismic activity of the calculated intensity, an original design was devel- oped for the horizontal reinforcements in the upper quarter of the structure, in which the reinforcements pass through the inter-section seams. A fore- gone notion about the operation of the arch dam only during compression was the reason for the unfounded objections to the estimated reinforcement of individual portions of a dam that was in the form of a distended arc. For 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 rux ur~r~lCiAL USE ONLY example,when there is a considerable drop in the water level in the Ingur' GES reservoir (up to 90 m) its upper zone turns out to be not ready for service. In this case the inertial forces during seismic activity cause considerable off-center stretching which cannot be absorbed with the inser- - tion of the estimated reinforcement. As experimental research has shown [14), ir. the absence of such reinforce- ment the oscillations in the dam are accompanied by considerable opening of the inter-section seams and the formation of open horizontal cracks in the presence of accelerations that are considerably smaller than those calculated. Such a state for the dam ~s not permissible. The accepted layout for anti-earthqua~ce reinfor~.ement has made it possible to improve the operational characteristics of the structure while simultaneously reducing the number of anti-earthquake reinforcements by 10,000 tons in - respect to the engineering design. The reliability of the dam, along with the special selection of a shape for the dam and the anti-earthquake reinforcements, is guaranteed by the instal- lation of seals of enhanced dependability in the inter-section and perim- etrical seams. It is also insured by protecting the contact area between the dam's saddle and the rock in the lower portion of the ravine on the _ upper water side with asphalt mastic; by covering the pressure face in the lower third of the dam with epoxy resin waterproofing; by installing in the concrete a system for repeat and multiple cementation; by installing a developed drainage system and a system of passages and ga7leries in the sides and the body of the dam, making it possible to conduct repair opera- tions in case it becomes necessary; as well as by engineering measures for making the foundation monolithic. - The underground contour. Engineering reinforcement measures in the founda- tion. In the body of the dam's underground contour there are: reinforcing cementation in the foundation to a depth of 30 m, having a design volume of 250,000 m3; an antileakage cementation apron, having in the plan an overall length of 1106 m and a depth of up to 120 m, made from six layers of cem- entation passages in outgoing and ascending fragments; and a drainage apron up to 70 m deep in the riverbed portion of the ravine and up to 150 m in the sides of the ravine. The strength of the dam is based upon calculations done by a maximum equi- - librium method for the shore foundations with the required safety factor of 1.8, and by calculations fior the stress state of the foundation, which is considered as a flexible, plastic medium, as well as by a terminal element method [10, 11]. The calculations which have been carried out have estab- lished the necessity of filling in with concrete the right-bank fracture and five large-scale tectonic fractures of 25-30 cm and greater in width. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY They are filled in primarily with clay and heavy loam with calculated par- ameters of shear strength tg~=0.65; c= 0.05 megapascals. Filling the fracture (fig. 4) is accomplished by a mining process in the form of a solid concrete massif approximately 10 m thick in its upper portion adjacent to the body of the dam (within the 115-150 m marks) and columns of 10 x 8 m cross section in the lower part of the dam (within the 75-115 m marks). Such a design provides for a gradual change in the rigidity of the fill and makes it possible in this manner to reduce the stress concentrations and distortions in the seepage flow in the surrounding rock. The overall length of the fill is 150 m, the depth 75 m and the volume of concrete in the solid portion is 22,000 m3 and 12,000 m3 in the columnar portion.* For reinforcing the rock massif in the vicinity of the fill in the fracture and the cracks, as well as for eliminating the unfavorable effects of weight redistribution during the cutting of the passageway~, provisions have been , made for a reinforcing cementation of 100,000 linear meters total volume. It is connected to the reinforcing cementation in the foundation of the dam and the anti-leakage apron. Provisions have been made principally for a solid concrete fill in the cracks, with the removal of virgin rock from the foundation massif in the peripheral areas of the fill, where the stresses are not great. The volume of fill in the cracks is 42,000 m3 of concrete. The calcu1ations carried out for the foundation have also shown areas of plastic deformation in the rock massif at the downstream face of the dam, at the lower marks in areas of shallow cutting. The formation of the plastic regions in the foundation is associated with a local increase in itS deformability, which adversely affects the stress state of the dam. With the aim of neutralizing this effect, reinforcing measures have been planned in the under water of the dam at the lower marks on both banks. These reinforcements are in the form of a concrete slab and the installa- tion of prestressed anchors. A special design for that area of the saddle located over a fracture [12], represented ~in fig. 5, has been developed in order to compensate for pos- sible near-surface differential shifts in the vicinity of the right-bank fracture, the appea rance of which might be induced by the construction of the dam and the formation of the reservoir, which accumulates a great mass of water. The height of the saddle over the fracture has been increased to twice its thickness, and the saddle itself is sectioned by two systems of smooth seams which guarantee the foundation a certain freedom of move- ment. The seams of thQ first system are oriented approximately along the fracture. Some of the seams join up with the inter-section seams, while others are located within the sections and partition the saddle from the surface of the rock to one half of its height. The seams of the second system are oriented parallel to the mean surface and lead as far as the middle of the saddle. *Here and further on, the design volumes of the reinforcement measures in the foundation are cited, The actual volumes have grown approximately by a factor of 1.5. 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 , . ~ ~ , ~ i ` 1 ~ . ~r I,` .r~;,~~,n o . _ , ~ n ~Y~ ; ~ } , ~ V �~i~ Ic~ - , ~ _ _ v v v l v .~-Z ~5~ ~ - -'`-~~.1 ~ v ~--y--,~--~, Fig. 4~ Sealing the right-bank fracture. ~ 1--Solid concrete fill; 2--Columnar fill As the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering's investigations have shown [13], such a design for the saddle insures that shifts of up to IO cm will be absorbed practically without change in the dam's stress state. ~iJater-discharge installations. In the body of the dam, 182.5 m below the crest, seven deep apertures 5 m in diameter have been made. Four of them, equipped as free-running water outlets, are capable ~f passing a 1200 m3/sec ' maximum structural discharge with a 1 percent probability of overrun when pressure heads are 25 m or greater. With a 271.5 m forced,backwater level ~ and installed current deflectors, the discharge is 1860 m3/sec with a 0.1 percent probability of overrun. After construction of the Ingur' hydro- accumulation electric power station with attached dam, which is planned for the future, five of these seven apertures will be employed for bringing water to the power ~units of the GAES, while the two remaining will be used _ as the dam's water outlets. The Mosgidrostal' Special Design Bureau has developed a unique mechanical apparatus, designed to absorb the static head _ and to regulate the discharge with pressure heads of up to 181 m. The 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY development indicated has made it possible to eliminate the second level of water-discharge apertures, the installation of which had been provided for in the engineering design. , ~ t ~ / ~ i y\ . ~ * i z/"~ 1 ~ ' ~ i `J i o~,~ .~0~ ~ ~ `''~9~''~ . . lvode ' ` % ~ ~ a ,~A.~ s ~q ~f}_~6 , ~ / jT' _ _ '4: S.,Q . ~ ~ a ) 6 ; ~ b ) Fig. 5 Design of the saddle's above- fracture zone. a--Right-bank abutment of the dam; b--Node A; 1-- Inter-section seams; 2--Perimetrical seam; 3--Ad- ditional seams~ oriented along the fracture; 4-- Longitudinal seam; S--Additional seams, oriented parellel to the mean surface; 6--Fracture. The primary regulating and emergency repair flood gates have been built, in the design sense, as flat slides. The special configuration of the blade, developed for the operational flood gates insures compactness of the water stream with any opening of the flood gates and the absence of cavitation on its downstream side. The design of the emergency repair flood gate with its accompanying ring makes it possible to considerably reduce the dynamic stresses on the dam. In order to seal the flood gates, polyethylene seals had been used at first. These seals had been developed at the Mosgidrostal' Special Design Bureau and guarantee greater strength and a lower coefficient of friction with smaller dimensions than those of traditional rubber seals. The elimination of the two-level design solution for the deep water outlets has made it possible to reduce the dam's cost by approximately six million rubles. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 A surface spillway with 6 apertures, each 9 m wide, is planned for the crest of the dam. It is calculated to pass 1200 m3/sec with a normal backwater ~ level. With a 1.5 m increase in the water level, the spillway is capable of passing a maximum calculated flood with a 2500 m3/sec peak (0.01 percent probability of overrun with guaranteed correction). In addition, the max- imum outlet discharge through the surface spillway reaches 1800 m3/sec. Three auxiliary apertures of 3x5 m cross section, intended to pass the winter flooding in a discharge up to 400 m3/sec, have been built in the plug of the dam in order to pass the discharge of water in the period between the closing of the construction tunnel and the commissioning of the deep water outlets. At the present time these apertures are closed from the upper water side by plane flood gates, intended to absorb pressure heads of up to 160 m. Provisions have been made for filling the apertures with concrete after the first power units are placed into service in 1979- 1980. In order to protect the riverbed and the banks from erosion when the water outlets are operating, provisions have been made for a damping sump in the under water of the dam. With the aim of lightening the sump's apron, it has been made in the form of a reverse arch resting on the banks on concrete massifs. Natural observations. Within the body and the foundation of the dam are installed control and measurement devices which are included in the struc- ture's complement of 7000 instruments. These devices are intended for oper- ational control of the stress-deformation state; the seepage and temperature conditions; the displacements; the operation of the water-discharge apparatus and conditions in the under water; as well as for the control of long-term r�esearch into seismic phenomena and tectonic shifts in the earth's crust, beginning with the erection of the dam and the filling of the reservoir. Qy the time operations had begun, 1278 monitor-measuring devices had been installed, of which 11.3 percent had gone out of service. Qasic stages of construction. The construction of the arch dam had been - begun in 1965 with the cutting of a construction tunnel, 560 m long and - 130 rn2 in cross section, in the left bank of the river. The tunnel was com- pleted in 1969, the Ingur' river was spanned and operations expanded on the development of the dam's excavation pit, which had been started in 1967. The depth of the excavation had been determined by the stability and strength - of the bank foundations with consideration given to the depth of the eroded zone and the relief of rock on the banks which amounted, on the average, to 35-40 m on the banks and about ~0 m in the riverbed. The development of the excavation pit was carried out in descending steps using a smooth blasting method and the transport of rock on intermediate roads on the banks of the 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ravine. The overall (section) volume of the excavation amounts to 2.6 million m3, including 1.7 million m3 of rock. The preparation of the rock foundation under the concrete work was carried Qut in three stages. First, rough excavation was carried out down to the design depth. Then, an additional removal of rock was performed according to data from the geological documentation and special geophysical investi- gations. Finally, the final finishing excavation and cleaning was done in order to obtain a rock surface of the necessary quality (with a longi- tudinal seismic wave propagation velocity of vw>1 km/sec). The first concrete was laid in the left-bank saddle of the dam in 1971. The laying of concrete during the years when the first line of the dam was under construction was accomplished in the following volumes: 1972 - 48,000 m3, 1973 - 185,000 m3, 1974 - 268,000 n~3, 1975 - 332,000 m3, 1976 - 350,000 m3, 1977 -~50,000 m3, 1978 - 530,000 m3. The delivery of concrete in 1.5 m blocks was accomplished using four cable cranes with a 934 m run and each with a 25 ton lifting capacity. M350 and 612 Concrete, the primary batch of which (batch 3) had been awarded the State seal of quality in 1978, was prepared in a continuous-operation plant with a productivity of 300 m3/hr and in cyclic-operation plant with a productivity of 100 m3/ hr. Construction was accomplished in two lines. The first line of the dam (fig. lc:), which had insured the commissioning of the power units with a 170.0 m backwater level, was built up to the 171.5 m mark along upstream columns and from the 140.0 to 161.0 m mark~ ~long the downstream columns. Consolidation along the upstream columns hac heen done from the 161.0 to 164.0 m marks, and to the 120.0 m mark along the downstream columns, i~ncluding the cementation of the longitudinal seam. The dam's stress state in the first line, based upon the Gidroproyekt's cal- culations and model research at the Al1-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, is characterized in the following manner: the compressive stress does not exceed 4.0 megapascals in the direction of the console and 2.3 megapascals in the direction of the arch. Slight tensile stresses in the console (0.7 megapascals) obtained from a calculation in the central portion of the upper water face, will be converted into com- - pressive stresses with finishing work on the dam and the raising of the water level to the normal backwa ter level. The design forecast for the dam's stress state in the first line is con- firmed by data from devices which measured the dam's deformation under loaci. The data were obtained by the Georgian Scientific Research Institute of Power Engineering and Hydrotechnical Construction after the water level was brouyht up to the starting mark of 170.0 m. 35 ~ FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 In Decernber 1977 the first line of the surnp apron, 210 m long, was com- pleted, after which the Ingur' river was tlirected through the structural = apertures in the body of the dam, while the construction tunnel was closed and sealed off with a concrete plug. In April 1978 the flood gates in the structural apertures were lowered, the flood gates of the operational water = outlets were tested, and the first stage of filling the reservoir was accomplished (to a depth of 60-65 m). In the subsequent process of filling the reservoir to the starting level, the water level was reduced three times by a depth of more than 10 m. In October 1978 the dam and its underground contour were filled with the - minimum volume of concrete needed for the start of operations (by November l, 1979 2.08 million m3 of concrete had been laid). At the beginning of November the level in the reservoir reached the starting marks, and on November 5 the first power unit at the underground GES was connected into the Transcaucasian consolidated power system. 6y the end of 1978 two more units were placed into industrial service, after which the installed power of the first step of the cascade in the Ingur' GES reached 780 MW. By the end of August 1979 the Ingur' GES had produced its first billion kW�hr of electric power. The start of the fourth and fifth power units is planned for 1979-1980. After which the GES will reach its design output of 1.3 million kW. The completion of construction of the dam is planned for 1982. - BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Uobysh, A. D. "On the Problem of the Geometrical Form of the Arch Dam. The Moscow Civil Engineering Institute," in "Matematicheskoye programirovaniye i raschet stroitel'nykh konstruktsiy" [P1athematical Programming and the Calculation of Construction Designs], No 83, 1970. _ 2. Bronshteyn, V. I. "On the Question of Designing Equistable, R1inimum- Weight Arch Dams" "Materialy konferentsiy i sov~shcheniy po gidrotekhnike: 'Predel'nyye sostoyaniya gidrotekhnicheskikh cooruzheniy [Materials From Conferences and Councils on Hydraulic Engineering: "Limiting States of Hydrotechnical Structures"], Leningrad, ~ Energiya, Vol 124. 3. Ivanishchev, V. F. and Bronshteyn, V. I. "Development of Calculations for Arch Dams by the Method of Test Stresses with the Aid of an - Electronic Digital Computer," TRUDY GIDROPROYEKTA, No 28, 1973. 4. Antonov, S. S. and Kogan L. E. "Investigation of Engineering Methods for Reinforcing a Foundation, Done on a Geomechanical Model of the - Ingur' GES." "Izvestiya VNIIG" [Reports of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering], Leningrad, Energiya, Vol 124. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ 5. Qedukadze, G. V. and Chiiingarishvili, G. I. "Research on Stable Models - of the Stress State of Arch Dams, Dependent upon a Change in the Tem- perature of Environment During the Service Period--Proceedings of the _ Coordinating Committess on Hydraulic Engineering," "Issledovaniya po termike betonnykh i zheleznobetonnykh gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy" [Research on the Thermal Properties of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Hydrotechnical Structures], Leningrad, Energiya, Vol 103, 1975. 6. Ivanishchev, V. F., Kolobova, H. A. and Potapova, A. I. "Calculations of the Earthquake Resistance of the Ingur' GES Arch Dam Utilizing the Test Stress P1ethod," "Trudy koordinatsionnykh soveshchaniy po gidrotekhnike: 'Seysmostoykost' bol'shikh plotin [Proceedings of the _ Coordinating Conferences on Hydraulic Engineering], Leningrad, Energiya, Vol 87, 1973. 7. Napetvaridze, Sh. G., et al. "Research on Mlodels of the Nature of Destruction of the Ingur' GES ConcrE~te Arch Dam During Seismic Activity," "Sbornik nauchno-tekhnicheskikh statey GruzNIIEGS" [A collection of Scientific Technical Articles from the Georgian NIIEGS], Moscow, Energiya, Vol 2, 1974. 8. Lombardo, V. N. "Metodika rascheta napryazhennogo sostoyaniya arochnykh - plotin na zadannyye smeshcheniya opornogo kontura. Sovershenstvovaniya metodov rascheta i proyektirovaniya gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzher~iy, _ vozvodimykh v seysm-icheskykh rayonakh" [A Method of Calculating the Stress State of an Arch Dam for Given Displacements of the Foundation Contour. Improving the Methods of Calcula tion and Design of Hydro- - technical Structures Erected in Seismic Regions], Leningrad, Energiya, 1976. - ~ 9. Zubritskaya M. A., Minarskiy, A. E. and Sokolov, I. B. "On the Dispersion Reinforcement of Massive Hydrotechnical Structures," GIDROTEKHNICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO, No 6, 1979. 10. Taycher, S. I. and Magalobelov, Yu. B. "Raschety ustoychivosti skal'nykh beregovykh uporov arochnykh plotin" [Calculations on the Stability of Rock Shore Foundations for Arch Dams], Moscow, Energiya, 1972. 11. Maglobelov, Yu. B. "Research on the Stability of Concrete Foundations for ,4rch Dams With Consideration Given to Flexible Plastic Deformation," TRUDY GIDROPROYEKTA, Vol 33, 1974. 12. Antonov, S. S., Kogan L. E., Lomov E., et a1. "The Arch Dam for Seismic Areas With Tectonic Fissure~.," B. I., no 33, 1977. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200064417-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ , 13. Antonov, S. S. and Dzhishkariani, D. I. "For hlodel Research on the Influence of Design Reinforcement on Fracture Formation in the Arch - Dam During Seismic Activity," "Sbornik nauchno-tekhnicheskikh statey GruzHIIEGS," ~loscow, Energiya, Vo. 3. i976. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Energiya," "Gi~rotekhnichesko~re stroitel'stvo," 1979. ~~5~2 CSO: 1822 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY e~ ELECTRIC POWER BRIEFS CONSTRUCTION WORK SHORTCOMINGS--At its 16 August ~979 session, presided over by First Deputy Minister P. P. Falaleyev, an economic commission on canstruction work examined the economic results of the work of the USSR Minenergo's construction and installation organizations for 197$ and the first half of 1979~ In the discussion of the report particular attention was de- voted to existing shortcomings in the work and to the measures necessary for improving the results of economic activity, in . particular, in the organizations of Glavzavodspetsstroy, Glavenergokompleksstroy, Glavgidroenergostroy and Glavenergostroy. In the process of discussing the question, many concrete proposals for the further improvement of the work r~f construction and installation organizations were introduced. LText] [Mo~cow ENERGETIKA I ELEKTRIFIKATSIYA Seriya: EKONOMIKA ENERGETICHESKOGO STROITEL'STVA in Russian No 10, 1979 PP 29-30] 951z cso: 1s22 39 FOR OFFICZAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY F'iTEI.S uDC 622.33.103.3:658.589.011.46(477) ADVANCLS rIAD~, NEW DEVELOPMENTS PLANNED IN UKRATNIAN COAL INDUSTRY Kiev UGOL' UKRAINy in Russian No 12, Dec 79 pp 1~_g _ ~Article by Director of Donetsk Scientific Research Institute of Coal, Candidate of Technical Sciences S. A. Saratikya,nts: "Main ?'roblems in Development of Coa1 Industry of the Ukrainian SSR and Realization of Sci- entific Developments"~ LText] In the years of the Eighth and Ninth Five-Year Plans the increase in coal extraction in the was primarily achieved thanks to the improve- ment in labor productivity based on the technical re-equipping of the coal ??ines. In this period mechanized stoping complexes were created and intro- ~3uced with special scope~ which was the most prominent qua.litative shift in the coal extraction equipment. The complexes became the basis for the technical re-equippin~. Re-equipping of the breakage faces was accompanied by the use of new technical solutions in all links of the production chain of coal extraction. - However~ w~.~th time an inevitable obsolescence occurs of both the equipment and the technology. In addition~ ~Ehe coal industry is characterized by nega,tive shifts in the conditions of working mainly associated with the depth and with the reduction in output of the beds. The spread of inecha- nized complexes at the Donbass mines is accompanied by the involvement in working of beds with unstable wall rocks (9'J of the longwalls in 1973? and 36% in 1978), The mining pressure, temperature, ga,s release into the drifts, number of vibration-dangerous beds and intensity of the sudden emissions of coal, rock and ga.s are increased with depth. To prevent the negative effect of these phenomena on the technical and economic indices of the mine operation qualitatively new scientific, technical and organi- _ zational solutions are needed. The purpose of the article is to present the possibilities for realization of such solutions. in the Ukrairiian. m~.nes ~ in the next decade that are a~ca,ilable in the arsenal of scientific, ' planning and design organizations. _ F erfection of inethods for preparing the mine fields and systems of working. 4 A n important link in gua,ranteeing tr,e conditions of highly effective use of the equipmeni; is the constant perfection in the spatial-planning solutions and regulation of the mining. Development of the preparation and systems 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of working the gently sloping and inclined beds occurs in a direction of transition towards more progressive methods of preparatiu~.~ panel and layer- by-layer. The only ~estricting factor in the application of ~he layer-by- layer meth~d is the angle of incidence of the beds. Currently a highly effective utilization of such preparation with stripping of the beds by up- walls (downwalls) is atta.ined with angle~ of incidence to 6~ (maximum to 8�). Fulfillment of work by scientific research and planning-design organiza- tions to modernize the complexes of equipment for their use in - exca.vating coal by upwalls (downalls) on beds with angle of incline to 12- 1F3� will permit a considerable expa.nsion in the volume of the layer-by-layer rr.ethod of prepa,ration (complex KM-87 in a new layout of the equipment~ etc.). In 1978 the columnar system of working was responsible for about 70qb of the tota.l coal extraction. The transition to columna.r systems in past years in - ma.ny cases wa.s accompa.nied by an increase in coal losses in the 9nter-long- wall blocks~ and at deep layers the spa.tial-planning solutions with preser- va.tion of the drifts in blocks become ever more inefficient. Such preser- va.tion results not only in an increase in coal losses in the depths, but also in a rise in the volume of drifts made, cauaes increased danger of. gas-dyna.mic phenomena., collapse of the longwalls and drifts in the zones of - influence of the blocks left in the neighboring beds, complicates trans- porta.tion and increases the gas abundance of the excavation sections. Broad realization of the recommendations [l~ by Donugi [Dontesk Scientific Research Institute of Coal~ will begi.n~in the mines in 1980. For comp~lica.ted mining and geologica.l conditions block-free systems of prepa,ration and stripping the excavation fields have been worked out, two of which are presented in 1. The realization of joint scienti.fic developments of Donugi and VNIMI LAl1- Union Scientific Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Sur- veying] in the area of utilization of protective beds will promote the f~ther improvement in the spatial-planning solutions and increase in the safety of working forma.tions tha.t contain beds prone to sudden emissions of coal and gas. In long-term plans [2~ a specific definition is given for each mine of the order (sequence~ of stripping the beds in the formation . based on their relative danger for emissions, the completeness of the pro- ~ tection, and the extant state and outlook for development of the - operations. On the whole the set of ineasures to improve, order of conducting work and broad realization of scientific developments will permit: the volume of application of the panel and layer-by-layer method of pre- E~airing gently sloping and inclined beds respectively to be brought to 49 and 3~; an increase in the participation of the columnar system pf working in the total coa.l extraction to 81~; 41 FOR O]~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` ~ I 1 f _ ~ G.'... _ ~ T.,,~ r ~ 'r � �7 T ~ ao~rw~,;,. rS -r-~F~ `,i(~,~.~_ C:- , .H~. ,.~`{'f� "l. 'l~~ t-{~ ~t^rL. f .+~c~' I i I f ~"r' i ~ ~ -~1.1' ~ ~ /r ~'4. ~ r- n~ ~ IN 1; ; J~ Il l " - f- ~ilr_. , . ~i,y ( I ~ ~ ~ e c~~f'~~ ~~j~i~~j ~`/~j,: _ p{ ii _ ~ ~ 'M �G l �r,~~' J I ~ I ~I II I I ~ f ' Y . I~ ~ ~I I+I ~M I -+j + . j� h i~ l ~)i,I r', . ~ i =i--Trn~J?_'~~--.yVdl~ 1�_- r,~i'_ 'r h I ~i ~I ~ U ;~~I~;.i~~ ,i,;�~ ; ' II~ 'r~~"y I~ , ~ '"1-~~'~c-----, - ~ �~~c~ ~ - = =_.s,t==,~ , - ' ~ . db~ Figure l. Method of Working Bed by I,ong Colutnns along the Spread (a) and Lip.rise (b) with Making of Air-Feeding Drifts in the Section~ and Ventilation Drifts after the I,ongwalls Tha.t Gua.rantees Direct-Flow Ventilation of the Excavation Sections with Freshening of the Issuing A ir Stream guarantee in stripping roughly 60~ of the excavation sections according to the block-free plans; an increase by more than 2-fold (as compared to 7.975) in the number of breakage faces in the explosion-dangerous beds to be stripped under com- plete protection. Mechanization of Work in Breakage Faces The primary coal extracting machines at the mines of the Ukrainian SSR Ministxy of the Coal Industry are the complexesKM-87, K~{-97 and "Donbass" that were 10-15 years ago. The area, of their effective use that covers bvds with favorable mining and geological conditions has bsen practically exhausted. A further increase in the volume of use of th.e complexes will result in an impairment in the technical and economic indices of their - operation. The real lowest limit of use of these complexes is with bed thickness 0.9-0.�5 m with a ha,nging wall not�lower than the average ~ stability. It needs to be remembered that in 10-12 years the level of com- plex mechanization of the operations will rea,ch 8~f, while the level of extraction by the resource~ oj' machine extraction 1 0. plexes must be set up and introdticed almost for all the%mininera~re com- cal conditions (thin beds, unstable hanging wall, steep beds)g geologi- ~ 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060017-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY u~-"~ - 18OM 14 ~ N'fW - ll ~ cn-rme { ~ _ _ ~ ~~1~