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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200060006-7 ,i ' ~ 6 MARCH 1980 CFOUO 10~80) 1 0 F 1. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 FOR OFFICIAL l!~E ONI.Y . JPRS L/8965 - 6 March 1980 Wori~wrede Re ~ort _ I~ - NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS - (FOUO 10/80~ 1~ ~BIS FOREIGN BROADCAST IIVFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 NoTE - JPRS puolications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals atid ~ooks, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original pnrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [ExcerptJ in the first line of ~ach item, or following the = last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- matior_ was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phone*_ically o�r transliterated are _ ' enclosed in parentheses. Words or names p~eceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parenthe::es we=e not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriat~ in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an - item originate with the source. Times witY?in item.s are as - given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represer.t the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the ii.S. Goverzment. ~ ,I . For further information on report content = call (703) 351-281?. ~ ~ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIKE THAT DISSEMINATION - OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O~ILY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8965 ~ 6 March 1.98A WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANG~ROUS DRUGS ' (FOUO 10/80) CONTEf,TS ; PAGE ~ ASIA BURMA Briefs Kanbalu Opium Tr.ial 1 ~ - HONG KONG Drug Distributiion Ring Smashed, 13 Arrested (SOUTH (~iINA MORNING POST, 25, 26 Jan 80).....o....~.. 2 Heroin, Opium Seized T~ao Persons Charged - Wornan Carrying Heroin Arrested at Air~ort (SOUTH CHINA I~RNING POST, 29 Jan, 10 Feb 80).e..~.... 3 On Flight From Bangkok Jailed for 6 1/2 Years Anti-Drug Organization Adopts New Logo (SOUTEI CHINA MORNING POST, 29 Jan 80) 5 Man Admits Possessing Heroin for Trafficking (SOUTH CHINA MORNII3G POST, 6 Feb 80).........R........ 6 Raids Net Heroin, Opiiun; Six Arrested (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 8 Feb 80) 7 Briefs _ Student ~'aces Heroin Charge ' 8 _ a~- ( I I I - TaW - 13 8 FOUO ] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 1'Vi~ VLlllilt?L VJ1: VLVLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page INllIA Briefs French Woman Sentenced 9 - PAKISTAN Briefs Smuggled l~oods Seized 10 Charas, Opium Seized 10 Held for Selling Narcotics 10 Charas Seized at Airport 10 S P.I LANKA - Dope Sleuths Look for Local Link (Hiranthi Wijesinha; SUN, 25 Jan 80) 11 Briefs Narcotic Traffic From Afghanistan 12 LATIN AMERICA BOLIVIA Briefs Ammunition Smuggling 13 COLOMBIA ~ Cocaine, Nine Drug Traffickers Seized in Bogota (EL TIEMPO, 11 Jan 80) ...........................o.... 14 Pasto, Bogota Drug Rings Raided (EL TTEMPO, 4 Jan 80)..0 16 Cocaine Seized at Eldorado Airport (EL ESPECTADOF,, 22 Jan 80) 18 Briefs Mari.huana Haul 20 Drug Bust 20 - Cocaine Haul 20 ~ Marihuana Seizure 20 _ Palmaseca Cocaine Seizure ~0 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page CUBA Briefs Drug Trafficking Arrest 21 ECUADOR Roldos Receives Protest Note on Missing Airplanes (EFE, 19 Feb 80) 22 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA SENEGAL Inter-African Colloquium on Dr~.igs Held in Dakar (Sidy Gaye; LE SOLEIL, 8 Jan 80) 23 International Cooperation Needed To Stem Drug Use (Sidy Gaye; LE SOLEIL, 9 Jan 80) 25 Effective National Control Needed for Coordinated Antidrug - Struggle (Sidy Gaye; LE SOLEIL, 10 Jan 80) 27 - WEST EUROPE NORWAY NATO Soldiers Offe.r Narcotics to Norwegian Girls _ (ARBEIDERBLADET, 10 Jan 80) 29 ; - Several Large Drug Seizures Reported - (ARBEIDERBLADET, 27 Oct 79) 31 Narcotic Overdoses Killed 22 in Oslo Last Year (AFTENPOSTEN, 9 Jan 80) 33 Every 7th Norwegian Soldier Has Been Involved With Narcotics _ (ARBEIDERBLADET, 11 Sep 79) 35 - c - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 I FOR OFFICIAL USE CNLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page TURKEY _ Heroin Smugglers Arreste~l in Istanbul (CUMFiURIYET, 12 Feb 80) 36 Briefs - Heroin Seized in Kapikule 37 1 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 Bu~rra BRIEFS - KANBALU OPIUM TRIAL--Kanbalu, 24 January--On 22 January, the court chaired by U Nyunt Maung had handed down decisions for defendants�44-year old Ko Aung Khin and his 40 year old wife Ma Khin Myaing and 19-year old son Maung Myint Swe of Chatthin village, Kanbalu township, who.have been sent up for trial at the Kanbalu township court under sections 10(B) and 11 of the Narcotic Drugs Law. The court sentenced Ko Aung Khin to 15 years of imprisonment with hard labor under Section 19(b) of the Narcotic Drugs Law and his wife and son to 10 years of imprisonment each, with hard labor, under Sections 10(b) and 11 of the Narcotic Drugs Law. The court also ordered that their house and land be confiscated. The case was that on 17 April 1975, acting on information, station commander U Po Tha and party of the Chatthin people's police force searched the house of Ko Aung Khin - and Ma Khin Myaing and seized two pacl~ages of opium weighing .25 viss [1 viss equals 3.6 lbs] each, some small opium packages prepared for sale and paraphernalia used in weighing and packing opium. [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 30 Jan 80 p 4 BK] CSO: 5300 i 1 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 ~ HONG KONG DRUG DISTRIBUTION RING SMASHED, 13 ARRESTED Heroin, Opium Seized ~ Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORIVING POST in English 25 Jan 80 p 1 , � fText/ I h? JAMES WONO g~pg formed recently to of 6eroin and a pound of They said furthar arrests Narcotics aureau offiars ~h in on the dtug ahortage. barbitorie. ara ozpected, yaterdaY smaehed e drug It wta the first ayndicate A series of follow-up reids In another raid last night, d'utribuuon syndiceu follow- to be broken up by the bureau . were oenducted later in the oftiars of the Central Polia in a series of Colony-wide this year. day on Hongkon~ Island end Station arreated t t men in $ Inveseigatione into the thoNewTerritones. connection with drug of- ra~ds. syndicate begen about a In one of the raids in fenxa. Nine men and four women - I month ago Pollowing a tip-off. Shaukiwan, oFticers uncover- Acting on information, a have been arrested in connec- After detailed imqm~es ed an opium divan and arreat- party of 10 offiara, led by tion with dangerous-drug of- gnd surveillence, officers ed thra men found inside. 5ub-divisonsl Inspector Bill ~ fences. began following a syndicate A amall quantity of druga Morrison, searched two flata About S1 miliion worth of rourier. was also seized. and an open ground in Chung ; heroin, opium and barbitone About 6.30 am yesterday, Oftiars also unoovered Wo Lane ahortly after 6 pm. ~ were also seized during the officers intercepted the man another smeller divan in the The thra placx4 are be- raids, which were still contin- in Kowloon and allegedly area. lieved 2o be uaed as diva~s, I uing late last night. found h i m carrying about As more information came officers eaid. I Yesterday's operation, in- nine Ibs of opium. in during the raide, offiars A quantity of druga end i volving some 40 ofCcers, The man was arrested and begen tracmg tbe beckground amoking equipment were also ~ covered about 10 addresses taken back to the bureau to of the arrested men and plot- seized. I throughout Hongkong, Kow- assist inquiries. ting follow-upopcrations. The arreated, aged be� , i loon and the lYew Territories. Offiars later raided a ftat OfAara seid last night the twan 21 and 79. wen early The syndicate, officers be- in Mongkok and seized two, operation is expocted' to con- toda~ atil! being detained ~for : lieve, is one of the smaller more Ibs of opium. thra lb~' tmue today. - , inquines. - Two Persons Charge~ Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORrIING POST in English 26 Jan 80 p 7 /Text/ Two of the 13 people arrested by Narcotics Bureau officers on Thursday have been charged with possessing dangerous drugs for unlawful trafficking. The two men, aged 49 and 69, are expected to appear in North Kowloon - Court this morning. The others arrested--seven men and four women--are expected to be re- ~ leased on bail pending further inquiries into an alleged drug distribu- _ tion syndicate. 2 CSO: 5320 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 r ~ HONG KONG WOhtAN CARRYING HEROIN ARRESTED AT AIRPORT On Flight From Bangkok - Hong K~~ng SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 29 Jan 80 p 15 /Text/ _ - - - A 24yar-old woma~ was arr~sted at Kal Tak airport wba 6er da~at w+u ta0d ~ to coohl~ ieroi� wort6 SZ00,000. tbe Hi~ Cart w~s eow ye~caa.r. Kw~. Rd-Y~ P~~ ~~r ior~d~fl c4 ki~g. ~ Mr Co~i~eioner .Liu, ~C, deterred ~nt im81 Fernury 9 for ~~tioa - OmCl~'S flPA~. Crown co~~~el Fr~ek _ W Wd tdt at 11.50 pm on~tember Z6, Hwaa ~r- rfrea at Kai Tak drport oe a S~e had a- rfth6 (Hoa~- ~~P~P~ ~nd t6b was her t Mg o~We tbe Colo- pr� Ywse toW tbe customs ' oRiar r6e hd to de- clare, bnt 6e ~oNced~t ber 6~ai6~~ was ~earY a~d the sp~a betwa~ t6e ~ - orter aod i~eer fabric wu ~ery thiclc. ~ S~e was talcea isto the im~atl~aHo~ oiflce wbere the ~ wa' cut open. hi~ ~ wdWte w6sU a were fomd stuc~ to t6e ieeer tAbric of tbe ba~. 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 Jailed for 6 2 Years - Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 10 Feb 80 p 7 /Text / A 23-year-o!d woman de- daughtor. The man subto- I scribed as "a pawn in the queddy deeertod her. ' i game of iRternational drug She then maved in with trafficking" waa jailed for 6~fi , anot6a man by wbo~h she yars b Mr Commus.~ner ~d another dAU~ter. When Liu QC~ in the H~h Court ~e alao.left her ~T~e bxame a - , yaterday. dance hostess to earn mpney Kwaa Pui-yi wai arrested to kap herself and her two ' at Kai Tak ~trport on Sep- childreo. ~ tember 26 when heroin worth Her aocnnd lover then a~ 5200,000 was found oonceal- proached her and asked her ~o od inside the liningof a hand- ' bring wmething b4ck from bag sh~ w~s carryinj. . Ha~gkpk for himrelf and hit She pkaded guilty to poa- ~a~s� st~ion of dangerout druga for He promised 6er a fra trafficking. , trip and a fa of 510,000 for Mr Cc~'amiuionet Liu said ~ he acceptud Kwan may not Mr. V1/ong sei~i she war a have beer: aware oF t6e quan- g~mplaminded girl with a tity of drugg ahe was carrymg: ~~Y ~nancial burden and But he said: "Drug traf- ehe yielded to temptation. - ficking i: evil and must be 'I'be handbag was given W stamQed out with det.rmina- her in Bangkok and ehe had tion.' no idea' what, waa intide or Defence counsel. Mr H.L. where it aas 6id(len. Wong, sAid Kwan hed a pa- 'fhe judge said he thought thetic history! she must have had soaie idea She was born in Hongkong of the quantity and type of and at the age of 13 ba;ame gooda ahe was carryiag by the ~ the mistress of a middlo-aged siu of t~ fa thet was oYfer- ; man by ahom sbe 6ad t' ed to het. CSO: 5320 4 . I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 HONG hONG ~1~~I'I'I-DRl1G ORGl1NIZATION ADOPTS NEW LOGO Hon~, Kong SOUTH CHIiVA MORNiNG POST in En~lish 29 ,1an 80 p 11 /TeXt/ ~ He rxalled that over the ~ years. a number of deaigns had been submitted to ~ ' ACAN for consideration but - none was found to be aatisiac- tory. ~ He said the new logo was = aocepted becauee it was ~im- ple and its underlying conapt _ - could best reflect the aims of , ACAN. - �The logo will be used ~ extensively in all ACANp ub- ! � lications auch as pesters, leaf- ~ leta, narcotics reports and ' Film clips ao that membera of A new logu (above) has the public can xaeily identify been adopted by the Action ~ them with its anti�narcotics - Committce Agair.vt Narcot- ~ work." ip ~hicb has ban trying for ! - ~ - years to find a design tha: ' could beat representits work. _ The logo, deai$ned by art- - ist Victor La Ki-kwok, will now be used in all ACAN ~ publications. A spekesman for ACAN ' said that the logo symbolised two things: a man eapresaing - victory over drug addiction . - and a man appealin~ for - help in overoam~ng addiction and bcing given protxtion. - He explained: "The dot in ~ - the log o represents a man , r.ndle the fovr strands signify ACAN's fc+ur baaic pro- - grammes - law entora- ment, treatment and rehabili- _ tetioa, preventivs education _ and pu6licity. and interna- donal co-operation." , f;SO: ;"320 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 ~ HONG KONG ~t~\N ADh1ITS P~SSESSING HEROIN FCR TRRFFICECING H~n~~ K~~ng SOITH CHINr1 h]ORNING POST in English 6 Feb 80 p 11 - /Texr / A 33-year-old driver, trial of Lau Yim-kwan (56), gether with the two then went Kwong Yat-Scuen, yesterday a watchman for a paper up to the second floor of the pleaded guilty in the Hig6 factory, who pleaded not building where they found Court t4 a charge of possess- guilty to possessing 296.63 Lau. - ing 1,114.5 gtams of a miz- grams of a mixture contain- Heroin and equipmeAt for - ture containi~g I64.5'T grams mg 31.62 ~rams oC heroin the manufacture of the drug of heroin for unlawfu{ traf- together w~th Kwong aqd were found inaide a kitchen. ficking in Yau 1'ong an May Choi for unlawful trafFcking. According to the Crown, 20� The court was tald that admitted to customs offi- _ Another charge against about midnight on May l9, cers that he knew Kwong and - him was withdrawn by the custama officers who had Choi were manufacturing ~O'~'"� been kceping watch on the heroin inside the kitcheti. This concerned the manu-~ prcmises saw iCwong and He added that he received iacturing of heroin in Ko Fai Choi get out of a car and cigarette~ and snacks for _ Industrial Building, Yau enter the Ko Fai Industrial allowing them to carry on the j Tong, together with Choi Building. illegal activitses. Chun-mo (29), a fsctory ?he following morning, Crown counsel R. P. worker. Kwong and Chai were arrest- Noble said Lau was in control Choi failed to surrender to ~ as they were leaving. of the premises at the time - his bail on Monday and Mr Heroin was foand inside but he allowed the operation Commissioner Davies issued Kwong's pocket and inside a of a"lucrative and evil busi- - a warrant for 6i~ arrest. n~,^ Srntence on Kwong was baghewascarrying. The hearing continues deferred until the end of the The customs n~cers ta caday, I f:SO: ,320 ~ 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 a HONG KONG RAIUS NGT HEROIN, OPIli~1; SIX ARRESTED - Flon~; hc~n~ SOUTH CHINA ~IORNING POST in English 8 Feb 80 p 12 /Text/ - - Narcotics Bureau officers During the raids, officers = have seized about 5300,000 also uncovered a suspected ~ worth of heroin in a series of off-course betting centre in raids in Kowloon and the Duke Street. New Territories. A 48-year-old man was Two women and a man arrested and a number of bet- ~ _ have bcen arrested in connec- ting slips were seized. - tion with Wednesday's sei- ~ The man has beon releas- ~ zure of about 19 ounees of No ed on 55,000 bail and has to ~ 3 heroin. report to Kowloon Ciry Police ` The raids were launched 3tation on February Z0. _ after intensive inquiries into ~ Customs oFficers yes- the drug distribution activi- terday raided a flat in Village - = ties of a gang. Road, Happy Va11ey and seiz- OfCars first arrested a ed 450 grams of dehydrated 37-year-old man and his 35- opium and 900 grams of pre- year-old wife at the jui:rtion pared opium with . a retail oF Cheungshawan Road and value of 560,000. Nam Cheong Strat. The raidin~ officers also They also seized about 17 seized an opium pipoe 'and ounces of heroin. other opium smoking para- A fwther 10 raids were phernaUa. ; later carried out at variaus The raid was car-ied o~t~ ~ addresses in Kowloon and the after a surveillance by cus- ~ _ New Territories. toms officers, i , A 62-year-old inan, his i In one of tnese raids, a 31- 52'Y~r-old wife and another ~ ~ear�old woman was arrested Woman, aged 53, were arrest- ~ inside a flat in Yuk Wah ~ ed in zonnection with the sei- Strat, Tsz Wan Shan. zure. About two ounces of sus- ~ A spokesman for the Cus- , pected heroin were found. ; toms and Excise Service said The trio are being detain- ' ( last night that the trio are . ed for inquiries. ; being detained and are assist- ~ ~ They are expected to be _~ng officers in their inquiries. ~ , charged with possessing dan- gerous� drugs for unlawful traf~cking and will appear in Causeway Bay Court ta;ay. CSO: ~i"320 7 l APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 HONG KONG ; - BRIEFS STUDENT r^ACES HEROIN CHARGE--A 19-year-old Thai Chinese student was yes- _ terday charged with possessing heroin worth $3 million for unlawful traf- ficking. Jang Are-fong is alleged to have had 20 lbs of No 3 heroin in ' a flat at Ferry Point, Yaumati, on Tuesday. No plea was taken. Mr A. G. , T. Wane at South Kowloon Court adjourned the case until Monday for further ~ inquiries. Jang was remanded in police custody. /Text/ /Hong Kong SOUTH ~ CHINA MORNING POST in English 8 Feb 80 p 13/ i - I . . . ; _ ~ CSO: 5320 ' ; , ! ~ 8 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 INnin BRIEFS FRENCH WOMAN SENTENCED--A French national, Mrs Hanger Golfier of Paris, who unsuccessfully tried to smuggle over two kilograms (4.4 lbs) of - - opium was f ined 3,000 rupees (375 US dollars) and sentenced till the _ rising of the court by the additional chief ;netropolitan magistrate oF - - Delhi today. Mrs Golfier, wife of a French army officer, was arreated at Delhi airport on January 23 with 2.4 kgs (5 lbs) of opium concealed in her coat collar and on her person. Mrs Golfier, who pleaded guilty, sought lenient treatment.from the court as she said she had become addicted to tha drug. She said her kidney was damaged while working in Vietnam as an optical assistant and opium helped her. Mrs Golfier said she could not resist the temptation of smuggling the contraband. [Hong Kong AFP in English 1238 GMT 4 Feb 80 BK] CSO: 5300 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 ~ PAKISTAN - BRIEFS SMUGGLED GOODS SEIZED--As a result of the campaign launched by the Fron- tier Constabular;~ against smuggling, the F.C. men posted at ~ara, have foiled the attempts of smuggling 12 kilogram of liquor, about nine kgms con- traband charas, 350 grams of opium, 219 yards of foreign cloth, 660 litres kerosene oil, 29 bags of gur and one 32 bore pistol al~ng with five rot~nds, the other day. Later, the accus~d alongwith the seized articles, were handed over to the concerned authorities for further legal action. [TextJ [Peshawar KHYBER MAIL in English 24 Jan 80 p 6] . . CHARAS, OPIUM SEIZED--Bannu, Jan. 22: About 130 maunds of charas and 15 maunds of opium was seized by the Customs Intelligence Staff in an opera- ~ tion near village Prova (Tank) in D I. Khan District, as last night. Cus- toms Gources said that the contraband material was concealed in secret cavities of two trucks and a motor car. The three vehicles have been impounded.--APP. [Text] [Lahore `rHE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 23 Jan 80 p 7J HELD FOR SELLING NARCOTICS--Gulfam of Peshawar on Saturday was arrested from Naulakha Bazar near Railway Station on the charge of selling narco- ~ tics. Contraband charas weighing 2,400 gram worth Rs 10,000 was seized from his possession. The accused was coming on foot from Bharat Nagar with - a packet of charas when the Misri Shah police apprehended him on receipt i of information. A case under the Islamic Law was registered against him. ~ _ [Text] [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 20 Jan 80 p 3] ~ CHARAS SEIZED AT AIRPORT--The Peshawar Airport Security staff Sunday seized , 12 kilograms of contraband charas worth about Rs 20,000 from a foreign national, booked for the Karachi-bound flight of P.I.A. Tine accused, Mr Treuqe St Lee possessed passport issued in London in September 1978. The contt~aband charas was concealed in a suit case and was recovered in the presence of the Chief Security Officer Shah Wali Khan and operation officer Humayun Naseer. He has been ~anded over to West Cantt, Police, Peshawar, for further investigations. [Text] [Peshawar KHYBER MAIL in English 28 Jan 80 p 1] CSO: 5300 ~ 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 SRI LAN1~A - DOPE SLEUTHS LOOK FOR LOCAL LINK Colombo SUN in English 25 Jan 80 p 1 BK [Article by Hi:ranthi WijesinhaJ [Text] Police and Customs parties last morning carried out a series cf raids on houses in Colombo and the suburbs following the detection of a r.?assive consignment of hashish and opium on a Pakietani national who had been attempting to smuggle the narcotics into Sri Lanka. _ - The 18 slabs of tiashish and one ounce of raw opium found in the false - bottom of a suitcase by Customs off icers at the Colombo Airport Katunayake has now been valued at 100,000 rupees. � Customs investigations have now revealed that this consignment which was to be held in transit in Sri Lanka was intended for markets in the United _ States. This consignment according to the Customs had a street value of over-one million rupees in the United States. Documents recovered from the Pakistani national who had emplaned from Karachi also gave the names of a number of Sri Lankans who are believed to be linked in a massive international drug trafficking network. Customs detection and intelligence reports n~w indicate that large quan- tities of hashish and opium are moving out of Pakistan to the Western capi- tals through Sri Lanka. Customs officers who had detected a number of foreigners bringing hashish into the country over the past two years have been aware of a Sri Lankan coi:nection but had not been able to uncover - it. Following the det~ction DIG R. Suntheralingam Crimes and Narcotics ~ yesterday rushed a team under OIC Terrence Perera to assist the Customs men in their investigations. Last morning's detection was made by Customs officers E. J. Anthonyra~aha, R. S. Samaranayake and Tidewaiter Wijesinghe, inquiries are being held by Assistant Collector of Customs S. Selvaratnam and assisted by Senior Cus- toms officer C. Nadaraja. CSO: 5.300 11 . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 A SRI LANICA BRIEFS _ NARCOTIC TRAFFIC FROM AFGHANISTAN--The government has decided to invite a narcotics expert here to make a full report o n the consumption of nar- cotics in Sri Lanka. According to Defense Ministry sources, in tr?e past few months a large quantity of narcotics have been smuggled into the country. Most of these had been smuggled from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nepal. The sources said that since the crisis in Afghanistan started, it h~s been easier to smuggle out narcoti.cs from there and international smugglers had made use of the si.tuation to their advantage, The Defense Ministry sources said that the expert would be a Malaysian. While in Sri Lanka he would meet education, police, prison and social service offi- cials and submit a full report to the government. [Text] [121045BK ~ Colombo International Service in English 1045 GMT 12 Feb 80 BK] _ CSO: 5300 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 BOLIVIA ' BRIEFS t~fUNITION SMUGGLING--Santa Cruz, 21 Jan--Customs officials and narcotics personnel have discovered tt-~e illegal entry into Bolivia of 50 packages containing a total of 2,600 rounds of 9-mm submachinegun ammunition. Officials stated that the ammunition is not a type used in Bolivia, since it is highly explosive and its sale has been prohibited by international - treaties. Hugo Estenssoro, who claims that the ammunition is for hunting, has been arrested. The ammunition was found in two suitcases aboard a Bolivian Airlines plane arriving from Miami. [La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish - 23 Jan 80 p 2 PY) CSO: 5300 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 COLOMBIA COCAINE, NINE DRUG TRAFFICKERS SEIZED IN BOGOTA - Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 11 Jan 80 p 14~C [Text] Drug trafficking gangs received another devastating blow when 40 kg of 100 percent pure cocaine was seized in a joint operation by the General - Staff and the F-2 of Bogota. The value of the drug on the black market i~ over 50 million pesos. In the ~peration, which took place in a lu.xurious residence on the north _ side of Bogota, 9 drug traffickers were captured and 2 vehicles, 2 revolvers and 300 shotgun cartridges were seized. According to information supplied by the F-2, the joint patrols at 2200 hours raided the residence number 108-45 of 19th Avenue, where they found the cocaine. At the same place nine persons who were in the house were arrested. The arrested persons were identified as Hector Garcia Angel, Bonifacio Castaneda Sierra, Jose Aguilar, Jose Gustavo Vallejo Cruz, Orlando Cubillos Nunez,.Blanca Yolanda Garcia de Lopez, Carmenza Garcia Castaneda, Jose Auli Lopez Chacon and Heliodoro Garcia Angel. The seized vehicles belonging to the gang are: Nissan Patrol J-OS10, another Nissan license 18505 and a 79 model Toyota, license plates EL-2022. Two 38 caliber revolvers with their respective bullets and 300 cartridges for a 12 caliber shotgun were found at the residence. The nine drug traffickers will be placed at the disposal of proper authori- ties today and the drug will be destroyed later, witnessed by officials of the Office of the National Attorney General. 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 ~ . Ye'dt~. ~,~.j~'f 3"-. ~�qa '~.:a K: t; *3VN ~ '.r# i ~ 4 .:3' ~ t .3.:, s.~^a Seven of the nine drug traffickers captured by the F-2 appear on the pboto with a shipment of cocaine seized from them in an operation conducted in Bogota. The value of the drug on the black market is estimated at some 100 million pesos [sic]. - 11634 CSO: 5300 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 ~ COLOMBIA PAST~, BOGOTA DRUG RINGS RAIDED ' Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 4 Jan 80 p 2-A [Text] Detectives of the DAS [Administrative Department of Security] dealt severe blows to drug trafficking organizations in the past few hours when they seized 16 kg of pure cocaine in Pasto and broke up a gang of marihuana distributors in Bogota from whom they seized 540 kg of the drug. In Pasto In Pasto the DAS, in coordination with agents from the Office of the National Attorney General, detected a shipment when it was being transported between Ipiales and Pasto. The drug was hidden in a vehicle coming from Ecuador. Angel Gomez Gomez, nativ2 of E1 Tablon (Narino), Conrado Guarin Obando, native of Restrepo (Valle) and Conrado Guarin Zapata, apparently a relative of the latter, and also from Restrepo, were arrested during the operation. _ The seized drug was later destroyed. In Bogota At the same time in Bogota DAS age~ts seized 540 kg of marihuana from a gang that was engaged in "retail" distribution in various neighborhoods of Bogota. The marihuana was found in two separate houses, one located on First Avenue : No 2-02, and the other on 12-A Street No 43-41 Altamira section. The following members of the gang were arrested: Jose Vicente Mora Robayo, Hector and Victor Manuel Arteaga Cubides, Alvaro Hernan Cardozo, Albeiro Ossa Lopez, Rodelfo Villanueva, Luis Carlos Jimenes Hurtado and Oliva Saavedra Calderon. According to statements by those arrested, the seized marihuana came from various plantations in Villavicencio. 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 a^~ ;~s k~ , P;. - a' ~ lubGrlos VlctorM~nwl r e~~J~ J~msla~,Nu~t~do . AAaOa Cubides r , . , ,G - ~ . '~l~: g C i~ .:f '+f '~f ~ ~ ~H~ctorAitNOa: AlvaroNirr~11 ~ Rodolfo ' Cubtdei Sard~y~�. . VtUanuwa 116 34 CSO: 5300 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 COLOMBIA COCAINE SEIZED AT ELDORADO AIRPORT Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 22 Jan 80 p 11-A [Text] Close to 4,000 grams of totally pure cocaine were discovered yesterday _ afternoon by agents detailed to the Judicial Police of the Office of the Naticnal Attorney General at the Eldorado International Airport. The drug--of the "fishbone" type--was hidden in two fine suitcases with double bottoms which have been returned from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. According to officials who found the drug, this is a new method used by the drug traffickers in order to throw off federal agents, because these - suitcases are not claimed until several days after their arrival at the destination. This makes it easier for the persons interested in the contents of the suitcases because they are carefully inspected, since it is returned baggage. The 4 kg of the drug were duly packed in the same number of secret compart- ments in each one of the tops of the two suitcases. Its initial cost was hard to determine, however it could reach $5 million on the U.S. black market because the drug is so pure. The two suitcases arrived at Eldoradci yesterday approximately at 1700 hours on an Avianca flight. This is the second blow dealt by the Office of Attorney General this year, because as can be remembered last 3 January several kilograms of hashish which were attempted to be taken to Europe and the United States were seized. 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 1I tl, ( 4 t ~ ~ jj~~, ~ ~ , , _ '..j' 1 Y~, 4i.. 1 _ J F -q ~'~n~.'~ri~~. . ~ . 3' h ~ ~ ~ � 'i~', ~ x~ ; . ' `l ~ _ , ~ � . a ~t ~ > T, ~,{.~t~~�.~,'`b~~,+`' .y.. .C lY+ u ~ Y~ w ~ :y~ y ..M, i. ` ~~I y~ ( ,~tt,~ , ~ I ~ ~ , ~ 'e t ~ ,1 a , j - - c i n~~ ,�(;;~s i ~ ` r v' ::q~ ~~r ii i ' ` ` ~ ~i ~M~~ yY,. 4i - ~ . '.v,. , - On the table we can see the 4,000 grams of pure cocaine which were hidden in two suitcases (one of which can be seen on the floor) which were returned from Rio de Janeiro on an Avianca flight. " 11634 CSO: 5300 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 ~ coLOr~ia ` - BRIEFS MARIHUANA HAUL--Santa Marta--La Popa battalion soldiers this morning inter- ~ cepted a U.S.-licensed, Douglas-built aircraft as it was taking off from a clandestine runway in Magdalena department with 2 tons of marihuana. After a shootout, the troop compelled the plane to land and arrested three Ameri- cans and a Cuban identified as Robert (Farbo), Will (Hemming), (Tommy Levins) and Manuel Carrasco. [Bogota Radio Cadena Nacional in Spanish 1730 GMT ' 20 Feb 80 PA] ' DRUG BUST--Bogota--A 20-kg shipment of marihuana camouflaged in boxes supposedly filled with religious literature was impounded by the authori- ties today as it was ready to be flown from E1 Dorado Airport to Central ! America. It was address~:d to the Biblical Society in the Dominican Republic. (Bogota Radio Cadena Nacional in Spanish 1730 GMT 20 Feb 80 PA] COCAINE HAUL--Bogota--A new blow was dealt against international drug traffickers yesterday at E1 Dorado Airport. No one was arrested, but sources at the general attorney's office said a shipment of 40 kilos of cocaine was impounded shortly after it was unloaded. The shipment came from Bolivia. (PA210345 Bo~ota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 1100 GMT 19 Feb 80 PA] MARIHUANA SEIZURE--Cali--Secret agents this afternoon seized 32,000 mari- - huana plants on four farms in northern Valle del Cauca department. The authorities arrested three persons--Olmedo Girardo, Jose Rosa and Jose Moreli Girardo Moreno. The farms are in Roldanillo Municipality. [Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 2330 GMT 20 Feb 80 PA] PALMASECA COCAINE SEIZURE--Cali, 17 Jan--The cost of the cocaine seized in the past few hours by agents of the Office of the Regional Attorney at the Palmaseca International Airport was estimated at 10 million pesos on the drug black market. The drug weighing approximately 12 kg was abandoned on the docks of the Customs Office located on the first floor of the air terminal. The cocaine, which was camouflaged in a red suitcase with a double bottom, was being carried by a passenger who was traveling on flight 953 of Bolivian Air Lloyd which was coming from La Paz {polivia). [Report by De Jairo Ortiz C.] [Text] [Bogota EL ESPECTaDOR in Spanish 18 Jan 80 p 10-AJ 11634 CSO: 5300 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CUBA - BRIEFS DRUG TRAFFICKING ARREST--Havana Jan 30 (PL)--The Cuban Foreign Ministry announced the arrest of four persons who violated this country's laws = in bringing in narcotics and enaging in illicit exchange of U.S. dollars. According to the Foreign Ministry note ttie four, who are identified as Eduardo Valentin Macias, Elio Moises Garcia, Jesus Lliteras and German Fauato Hernandez, live in Miami, in the United States and arrived in Cuba on a to~-rist excursion on 14 January. The Cuban authorities, states - the document, are studying the possible expulsion from the country of .Tesus Lliteras, holder of a Cuban passport and Fuastino Hernandez, bearer of a U.S. passport, while the other two continue under investiga- - tion. The Cuban (.;overnment, adds the note, provides all guarantees to foreigners and to members of the overseas Cuban community to visit Cuba, with full respect for their rights, so long as those persons do not commit actions that violate the Cuban laws. [Text] [PA292304 Havana PREI,A in English 2250 GMT 29 Jan 80 PA) CSO: 5300 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 L;CUAllOR ROLDOS RECEIVES PROTEST NOTE ON MISSING AIRPLANES PA191559 Madrid EFE in Spanish 0337 GMT 19 Feb 80 PA [TextJ Quito, 18 Feb (EFE)--President Jaime Roldos has been presented with a formal letter of protest in connection with the hijacking in the past 4 _ years of 3 planes with almost 200 people on board while on flights over Ecuadorean territory. The top authorities in Azuay Province, in the south, have sent President ~ Roldos a letter asking him to appeal to the international community "to help affirm the general suspicion that these are international crimes." The three missing craft--two Vickers viscounts and a light aircraft owned by the National Companies Saeta and Ecuavia--were declared missing in 1976, 1978 and 1979. Nothing has been learned since about their fates. Resources as varied as space technology, Clairvoyants and numerous foot patrols have been ussd in the search. The results have been completely ~ negative. The note sent to President Roldos and published today by the magazine VISTAZO, states: "Conjectures that have increased with the passing of time seem to indicate that these aircraft and their innocent victims have heen ~ taken beyond our national b~rders in order to impose on these victims who knows what type of distressing conditions." , This statemsnt is apparently connected with reports published in the Ecuadorean press according to which the missing planes may have been stolen by drug traffickers to transport drugs. According to these reports, the passengers, nearly 200 people whose fates - are unknown, would be working in the collection and manufacture of the drugs. - In view of thess circumstances, the signatories of the note ask President ! Roldos to keep in touch with the Colombian, Peruvian and Brazilian authori- ties in order to conduct ~the necessary investigations and "disprove the ' assumption that the solution to thi.s problem lies in the jungle areas of one of these countries. 22 CSO: 5300 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 SENEGAL INTER-AFRICAN COLLOQUIUM ON DRUGS HELD IN DAKAR Dakar LE SOLEIL in French 8 Jan 80 pp 1, 3 y - [The first of three articles by Sidy Ga,ye] [Excerpts] Late yesterday afternoon, in the School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mamadou Diop, the minister of Public Health, opened the firat international colloquium on drug problems in French-speaking African countries. This cere- mony, which was attended by representatives of four internatiunal organiza- tions (cf LE SOLEIL Friday 5 January) and participants from 25 Fr~nch-speak- _ - ing black African countries, marked the starting point of a common concer- - tation which will last over a week wi[h a view to establiahing an effective strategy fcr combating drug addiction in Africa. For a considerable period of time, two ideas were prevalent concerning drugs in African countries. The first was that which we ourselves, as Africans, held, namely that the drug problem was specifically related to our choice of a development model. Young people having been occasionally overlooked in de- velopment plans in several African countries, the only thing left for them - to do was adopt certain outlets in order to avoid the daily problems which an increasingly monetarized economic system was posing for them. Consequent- ly, according to this commonly shared point of view, one had only to revise the current systems to spare young people this scourga. We now realize that this is not enough. The second idea was that held by international opinion relative to the exis- - tence of drug addiction in Africa south of the Sahara. For a long period of time, in fact, it was maintained by international authorities that Africa had been spared the ravages of drug addir.tion, which, in the present context, was _ an aberration, for it has been proved in our time that drug addiction is not _ a problem exclusively affecting rich nations. Given the abundance of inex- pensive psycho-drugs, any and everybody can obtain them without having to spend enormous sums which the purchase of mari~uana or heroin, for example, would require. It is all the easier, moreover, if one si~ply cultivates plants the African soil harbors. To mention only a couple: metal datura, _ better known as 'katidiantiara' or also 'koubediara' and cannabis or Indian hemp (hashish) which we commonly call "yamba." 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 The debunking then of these two preposterous ideas gave rise to the idea of organizing a colloauium at Dakar for, as Mamadou Diop put it, in hia opening _ address, with regard to daily experiences, "we are now obliged to admit that the drug problem knows no confines and, ~ust as Europe, America and Asia, _ Africa is likewise threatened. The drug problem is in fact so complex and has such diverse implications that no country is able to solve it by itaelf by its own individual measures." This is why, no matter what economic sys- tem is in effect, in order to combat effectively this scourge, regional and international cooperation at a11 levels is necessary. In order to bring about such cooperation, the narcotics division of the UN, - the CIPAT (International Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse), the World Health Organization, and the International Narcotics Control Agency have made ' it known, through their respective representatives, that they are ready, at the end of this colloquium, to act in order to attain this objective. "It is certainly not our business to formulate orientations for Africans," Dr _ Ongue of the CIPAT said in so many words, "but we are ready to furnish them all the required cooperation to the extent of our ability. It is for these reasons that we are in Dakar." This colloquium will offer each representative the opportunity to draw up a balance sheet of the drug addiction situation in his own country, and to study, by means of the reports presented by various experts, the adequate measures to be taken in a struggle which will be effective, because it will - be coordinated, against the scourge which drugs represent. ThankS to the exchange of information and the development of regional co~per- - ation, on the one hand, and between the African countries and specialized agencies, on the other, there is room for hope that this colloquium will truly mark an important stage in the struggle undertaken to stamp out drug addiction in our modern society. 9330 CSO; 5300 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 SENEGAL INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION NEEDID TO STEM DRUG USE Dakar LE SOLEIL in French 9 Jan 80 p 3 [Second of three articles by Sidy Gaye] [E~tcerpts] The proceedings of the first international colloquium on drug addiction in French-speaking African countries truly got underway yesterd~y, featuring reports from several representatives on the drug situation in - their respective countries. All total, five countries followed one another to the tribune, Morocco, Algeria, Togo, Benin and Senegal in that ordero In all of the speeches, the lecturers revealed that insofar as drugs are concerned, only cannabis or Indian hemp [hashish], which we Senegalese call "yamba," constitutes, for the time being, a special problem in their country. This stems from the fact, of course, that this plant is generally produced - locally: this is the case in Morocco, in Algeria and, to a les~er degree, in Benin, but especially in Senegal, where our marshy regions are very favorable to the expansion of such cultivationo If in Algeria the phenamenon is on a sma11 scale, since heretofore it has been observed that users were recruited among retired persons because of the survival of certain traditions, this is no longer so in Morocco or in Senegal, for example, in spite of repressive measures which have been taken in these two countrieso However, in addition to the problezn posed by the use of cannabis, resort to psychotropes, which are medicinal substances which act on the user's psychism, has been especially deplored. In fact, if it is true that the International Agency for the Control of Narcotics has established an inter- national convention to regulate the import and export of such medicine, we are obliged to state that this has not done much to help alleviate the danger. Among French-speaking African countries, only seven have ratified the con- ' vention and if only one country dealing in psychotropes refuses to enforce the convention's provisions, this would suffice to render null and void the 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 efforts undertaken on behalf of the others. Thus we are witnessing in Africa an alarming development in the use of such substances which, event- ually, will amount to a substitition for drugs, produced naturally. Well then, international cooperation has proved to be necessary on this precise point, because limiting exports is our only hope of salvation. This second day also made it possible to detect among participating countries certain deficiencies in the struggle against drug addiction. The most suit- able example is Togo. In this country, which serves as a staging area for the drug traffic between adjacent countries, especially Nigeria and Ghana, - there is no institutionalized struggle against drug addiction. This may be explained, according to the speaker from Togo, by the simple reason that the use of drugs is not yet widely practised in his country. But in the opinion of certain participants, this is not a satisfactory reason because such - negligence harms neighboring countrieso It is, however, hoped that this colloquium will play an effective role in motivating Togalese authorities - to become aware of the importance of such questions. On a much more general level, it has became evident, as Jacques Bodin, an attorney, said, that the African legislator has heretofore been preoccupied with setting in place repressive institutions to discourage drug cseo This is insufficient because the drug addict was a sick person before becoming a delinquent: it is thus necessary to think about creating infrastructures to aid addicts reintegrate the social surroundings they hail from, Such initiatives would make it possible to avoid the contagious phenamenon which we observe especially in Senegal where the drug addict, who is generally prohibited from staying in regional capitals, constitutes a grave - danger for our rural populationso In order to accomplish this, the eternal problem of ineans arises, however, which is why an appeal was launched to developed nations, so that, at the end of this colloquiiun, increased aid may be granted to poor nations, 9330 CSO: 5300 26 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 SENEGAL _ EFFECTIVE NATIONAL CONTROL NEEDED FOR COORDINATED ANTIDRUG STRUGGLE Dakar LE SOLEIL in French 10 Jan 80 p 3 [Third of three articles by Sidy Gaye] [Excerpts] In order to struggle effectively against any sort of scourge, it is first necessary to have a complete, but especially exact, because - seriously established, body of information. The struggle against drug ad- diction is no exception to this postulate. This is why the participants in the International Colloquium on Drug Problems in French-speaking African countries dedicated their morning sessions yesterday to a concertation with a view to working out a common methodology which would require not only the collaboration of the scientific services involved (pharmacists, doctors, psychologists) but also that of the people in the field: services of re- pression, customs agents, sociologists, etc.... Discussions in workshops yesterday morning clearly revealed that such an ideal is difficult to attain. To be sure it is easy to record the number of people arrested for possession of or illegal traffic in drugs or medic- inal substances used as drugs but where the question becomes extremely dif- ficult is when it is a question of doing the same for those who use them in the atrictest secrecy. This invisible part of the iceberg, quite properly evoked by a gendarme (there are about 10 of them representing this group at the colloquium), constitutes the very crux of the problem of data gathering. However, the carrying out of an epidemiological and sociological inquest is the only guarantee of truly effective ackion. This is even vitally impor- tant, as Father Issa Lo said, and if we ~an take pleasure in noting that the _ Moroccan authorities have thought about developing substitute crops such as wine grapes in order to dissuade farmers from cultivatind cannabis, it is also apparent that such initiatives cannot succeed without firsthand know- ledge of the total area under cultivation, of the farmers involved, and of their fundamental motivation. This gathering of data at all levels involved is also necessary in order to carry out the international strategy worked out by the OICS (International Narcotics Control Agency) and the narcotics division of the UN. 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 In order to take better action in the countries involved, these agencies need reliable statistics which would make it possible for them to determine the scope of the phenomenon and make available to applicants required leg- islative or material means. Confronted therefore by the urgent need for information which had been col- lected in earnest, the participants in the colloquium emphasized that it was necessary for every country to eatablish a national commission to combat drug addiction. But it is equally necessary to reorganize all of the de- partments involved by creating in them statistics offices which will have, - among other duties, that of registering all drug addicts and giving a quan- titative idea of the toxic substances regularly taken. The creation of a centralized agency in each country and the compilation - of statistics, starting at scratch, which reflect the real situation would already constitute a great step forward in'the suppression of drug addic- tion in Africa. Effective control at the national level would further aid authorities to be- come aware of the danger represented by the spread of drug addiction in our societies. _ The initiatives the participants in the colloquium wanted to see adopted at the national level do not stop there. In the afternoon sessions they took up the application in a national context of control measures taken at the international level. From a"diagnosis" drawn up by Father Bayer of Hungary, it was evident that the list of psychotropic substances drawn up internationally in order to limit their use to medical and scientific purposes is not entirely complete. Greater cooperation at the national level is therefore required. Local auth- orities should e~:en if the need arise draw up supplementary lists in order to better adapt these international treaties. It is known that the scarcity of doctors in poor nations encourages certain paramedical personnel to write prescriptions even if they do not possess thQ required competency. Many pharmacists, likewise, sell medicine consid- ered to he dangerous, because it is made from artificial druas, without re- ~ quiring a prescription from their customers. This constitutes an enormous danger which drew the attention of the collaquium participants who hoped at this level also for stricter supervision on the part of the departments con- cerned. 9330 CSO: 5300 28 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 ~ NORWAY NATO SOLDIERS OFFER NARCOTICS TO NORWEGIAN GIRLS Oslo ARBEIDERBLADET in Norwegian 10 Jan 80 p 3 [Text] On 28 Febraary 2 yeara ago, a group of young girls, 13-17 yeare old, were offered narcotics by NATO soldiers at a dance at Moen's community center in Malselv in Troms. The nationality of the NATO aoldiers is not known. "At about the same time of the year English NATO soldiers were in Andselv with a truck and trailer. They had loaded it with alcohol which they did not want to take to England. The liquor was sold 20 kr a bottle. Young people under 15 years of age were in the line of those eager to make purchases." This is what the former youth leader in Malselv, Roar Schei, informs NORDLANDS FRAMTID. The above information is the domumentary basis for the charges which he has made recently in the media. He maintains that NATO soldiers who participate in maneuvers in North Norway sell both alcohol and narcotics and that it can be done easily because of the lack of controls on the part of the Norwegian authorities. He maintaina that alcohol and narcotics are sold to young people in Malselv. This evidence was to be presented to the Malselv m~~nicipal council today in connection with an inquiry into the matter, but the chairman of the municipality has waived summoni~ng the former youth leader. Deterring Counteroffensive "My wish in this is that the reeponsible suthorities will inv~etigate what actually is going on in this matter today and come up with a deterring counterattack. It would be desirable to obtain a permanent custome station for the mid-Troms district at Bardufoss to cover both military and civil needs. "I have found it necessary to come forward with this. In my previous ~ob as youth leader for this municipality, I wae to act as apokeaman for the 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 young people and to influence the authorities to safeguard the cultural environment for the youth of the community. Such conditions as described here are destructive to both the environment and culture," Schei says. Intensified Control - The commander of the defense forces in north Norway, Lt Gen T~nne Huitfeldt, informs FRAMTTD that it is desirable to intensify controls in connection with accepting NATO soldiers for maneuvers in north Norway districts from now on. "We want not only to provide better information regarding Norwegian alcohol and narcotics laws for visitors but also to develop preventive measures after they are on Norwegian soil. We shall begin inspections on their arrival and not only when symptoms appears". "Will dogs be used for this ~ob?" "Yes, I presume so," Huitfelt says. _ 6893 CSO: 5300 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 NORWAY _ SEVERAL LARGE DRUG SEIZURES REPORTED Oslo ARBEIDERBLADET in Norwegian 27 Oct 79 p 3 [Text] The customs service has made several large confiscations of narcotica since it was strength- ened earlier this year to increase control over narcotic smuggling. That is what acting customs district chief Bernhard H~iden tell the Norwegian Press Bureau. He is head of customs' district No 2 for ~atfold and the airfields at Fornebu and Gardermoen. Since August of this year special narcotic units have been established at the customa stations at Fornebu and Fredrikstad. - "Our experience with their work is so good that we shall shortly expand the narcotic unit at Fornebu from 3 to 5 officials, and from 2 to 3 customa officers at Fredrikstad," H~iden says. In addition, five aarcotics dogs are stationed in �stfold which is included in the plans for intensified narcotic controls at customs atations. Twelve narcotic units altogether have been established at the large - customs stations in the country, and 35 custom officials hold special narcotic poaitions. This is a result in part of the recommendations of the under secretary of state's commission for combating the misuse of narcotics, which lead to the cuetoms' budget obtaining appropriations to establish 12 special positions for controlling the smuggling of narcotice. The tightened narcotic controla at Gardermoen and Fornebu have also lead = to a tightening of the other controls. The customs people, in addition, - regard increased control over the transport of goods as an important task. "Otherwise, we now put great emphasis on plugging the holes which we know from experience were used in smuggling narcotics. In Fredrikatad the checking of passengers on trains from Sweden and the continent has increased. ~ We have gotten technical resourcea which enable us to note all emall plane traffic in Norway and hence to direct manpower from other custom statione to where they might be needed", H~1den eaid. 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 In addition to the train, small plane traffice, the customs officials in the 2d customs district can keep a bettar eye on the many travelers coming by charter plane from abroad. "Confiscations made at Gardermoen have shown that it is not only the traditional items such as tobacco and liquor which the tourists try to smuggle into the country but also narcotics", H~iden says. Trailer traffic from the neighboring countries and the continent will be watched more carefully. The experience of other countries shows that considerable quantities of narcotics smuggled in this manner. 6893 CSO: 5300 ~ 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 NORWAY NARCOTIC OVERDOSES KILLED 22 IN OSLO LAST YEAR Oslo AFTENPOSTEN in Norwegian 9 Jan 80 p 35 [TextJ Ztaenty-seven people lost their lives last year from narcotic over- doses last ,year, and death from narcotics seems overwhelmingly to involve young people. The chief of the narcotic division of the Oslo police departmnnt, Police Inspector Arne Huuae, revealed at a press conference of the chief of golice S~esterda}- that the reported deaths in 1978 involved young people 18 to 22 years old. ~aenty-two of the deaths occurred in Oslo. The narc~tic division has once again recorded a large increase in drug - offences. The 1417 police reports represent a 39 percent increase over the previous year. 1315 people were arrested, 420 were fined, while 289 were sentenced to prison. 27 of these were sentenced for profesaional dealing in narcotics. At the same time confiscation of narcotic substances has increased. Last year over 47 kilograms of cannabis were confiacated, 9 kilo~ more than in 1978. In addition 271 grams of heroin and 13 grams of cocaine were confis- cated. Police Inspector Huuse revealed that the use of amphetamines is decreasing strongl}, and that misuse involves inatead hard substances such as heroin. The misuse of substances involves steadily younger age groupe. _ Huuse did not want to estimate how many narcotic misusera there are in Oslo or how much stuff passes each day. They would only be guesaes, and - he only pointed to the increasing number of reports as a consequence of a ateadily larger misuse. In Sweden it is eatimated that only betwsen 5 to 10 percent of the narcotics smuggled into the country and distributed is seized", Huuse said. The narcotics division has taken the initiative in improving cooperation - among the Nordic countries and with the police departmenta in Norway where Oslo's narcotics police is the central organ for investigation. iiuuse knows that between 80 to 90 percent of the narcotic deals orginate abroad and hence it is urgent to have more extenaive international cooperation. ~ - 33 � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 "Narcotics d~ not follow the usual travel routes, but, for example, be sent from Copenhagen to Stockholm via Norway. There is therefore a clear need for expanded cooperation on both the operating and administrative levels," Huuse said. He underlined the necessity for the narcotics police to get at the big narcotic sharks as far as possible, and he believed that to a degree one - had succeeded with the 27 who were sentenced for professional dealing. He - _ pointed out that most of those apprehended were arrested for a combination of misuse and dealing. _ "We plan to catch the big narcotic sharks, but we are also focusing at the same time on reducing the tainted narcotic sections we have here in the city," Huuse said. The Oslo police are consequently interested in the experience which the Copenhagen police have had with the so-called unrest patrols in which narcotic investigators cooperate with officials from the law and order division. Police Chie� Rolf Solem emphasizes at the same time that the misuae of alcohol is the largeat intoxicating drug problem confronting the police. - ~ There is hardly a crime co~itted in the country which is not associated with the influence of alcohol, and by far most of the crimes for gain and violent crimes are committed by intoxica~ed people," he said. 6893 CSO: 5300 , �34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 NORWAY ~r, J t _ ~ EVER~t~.~7TEI NORWEGIAN SOLDIER HAS BEEN INVOLVED 'WI'TH NARCOTICS Oslo � ARBEIDERB~,ADET in Norwegian 11 Sep 79 n 3 [Text] Every seventh Norwegian soldier has been involved with narcotics ~ .eiCher be~ore~or after his first military servic~e began. That is evident from the.,'~igures which the defense establishment's special investigative , group copcerritng narcotics in the brigade in north Norway has presented, . according~ to MAIQNSKAPSAV~SA. - "The in~estigating group which at present is called "Narko-North" was estab~~ished in June last year and consists of 2 off.icers, a police official and a solciier in charge of the narcotics dog. Since its creation the group has used the majority of its time t4 travel around to the different military pasts to brief the command on narcotic problems and how the misuse of narcotics can be detected in the ranks", the enlisted men's paper writes. The f~Lst cases of narcotic misuse in the Brigade North were detected in 1971, one year after the first narcotic abuses were noted in military camps in the south. Everything indicates that the narcotic substances ~ found in camps in North Norway were obtained in South Norway by soldiers on leave. In only a few cases do narcotic misuses in North Norway military , camps have ramifications beyond the camp's bounds into the civilian community. ~ At a youth conference recently, arranged in Malselv, Lt Egil Rasmussen - from "Narko-Nord" warned young people against having too close contact with s~ldi~rs from foreign units engaged in ~aneuvers each wi.nter in the interior of Troms. On several occasions foreign soldiers have had along narcotics which they tried to sell on the civilian market. "On one occasion at Bod~, an individual soldier, from what I've heard, smuggled in cocaine with a market value of 100,000 kr. This is a very current problem", the lieutendnt said. - 6893 CSO: 5300 ~ 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 TURKEY HEROIN SMUGGLERS ARRESTED IN ISTANBUL ~ Istanbul CUMtiURIYET in Turkish 12 Feb 80 pp l, 11 [F~ccerpts] (Istanbul News Service)--Some 70 boxes of smuggled American - cigarettes having a market value of about 3.5 million liras and 700 grams of heroin having a market value of 1.5 million liras have been seized in Istanbul. Ten persons connected with these incidents have been taken into custody. After detectives learned that he was going to smuggle heroin outside of _ the country, they began to follow Alaaddin Cayir who works as a laborer in Germany and who had came to Turkey on vacatian with a woman of Yugoslav nationality, When the detectivea learned that Alaaddin Cayir, who has a previous conviction for carrying a pistol without a permit, had established contact with Sennet Kucukoz, who works as a butcher in Umraniye, they followed the other members of the gango Upon learning that the smugglers had bought tickets for Germany at the Sirkeci Station, the detectives arrested the suspects on the Marmara Ekspres as it was about to leave. In a search which was made of the smugglers, heroin which was specially packed in the suitcase of Sermet Kucukoz was ~ found; and 26,610 undeclared German marks were found on the Yugoslav citizen Hacer Ajkuni~. The smugglers Sermet Kucukoz, Hacer Ajkunic, Ahmet Kizgin, Ramazar~ Dundar, Mustafa Orhan, and Selahattin and Teoman Arkun have been Caken into custody, Alaaddin Cayir, however, succeeded in escaping. Officials said that the smugglers are being in~errogated. CSO: 5300 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7 TURKEY BRIEFS HEROIN SEIZED IN KAPIKULE--Edirne, (AKAJANS)--A quantity of 20453 km of - heroin which was intended to be smuggled abroad from Kapikule has been seized. The suspicious behavior of two individuals, Seyit Ahmet Yildirim and Mehmet Pehlivan who intended to depart the country on workers' pass- ports, attracted the attention of the Narcotics Bureau team, In the search which was made of Seyit Ahmet Yildirim's car, license plate No 67 SH 9044, 2,453 kg of heroin having a market value of 10 million liras were found in especially constructed secret campartments, [Text] [Istanbul TERCUMAN in Turkish 2 FPb 80 p 10] END CSO : 5300 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060006-7