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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 ~1 ol 28 FEBRUARY 1988 (FOUO 8r88) i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFF;CIAL USE OT1LY JPRS L/8933 20 February 1980 Worldwide Report _ NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 8%80) . FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERO/ICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 NOTE = JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. . Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] - - or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or f.ollowing the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was ~ processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in paren*_heses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- - cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. Fur further information on report content call (703) 351-2811. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTkICTED FOR OFFICIAI� USE ONLY. 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8933 20 February 1980 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DAMGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 8/80) CONTENTS ASIA AUS TRALIA Federal Pulice Begin Campaign Against Drug Racketeers (Various sources, various dates) Commissioner's Press Conference, by Brad Lawson, Russell Schneider Narcotics Chief Reassigned _ Intelligence Center Formed New Campaign Analyzed, by Paul E1.l.ercamp New Approach Needed, Editorial South Australia Plans for War Against Drugs (THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 12 Dec 79) Que.ensland Drug Aid Service Given Greater Autonomy ~ (THE COURIFR-MAIL, 18 Dec 79) - Government Urged To Take Action on Drug Problem (Editorial; THE AGE, 17 Dec 79) PAGE 1 7 8 9 Briefs Syndicate Member Jailed 10 _ Drug Plan 'Success' 10 - Dangers in North 10 Marihua na as Cancer Drug 11 Alleged Smugglers' Trial 11 New Zealander Sentenced 11 - Alleged Ringleader's Denial 12 Warning on Stolen Tablets 12 _ Regional Conference Planned 12 Sydney Marihuana Rally 12 Cannabis Resin Smuggling 12 Heroin Import Attempt 13 Woman on Heroin Charge 13 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page BURMA - Authoxities Destroy Poppy Plantations (BOTATAIJNG, 22, 23 Jan 80) 14 - Campaign Launched UN Ofiicial Takes Part Briefs Heroin Traffickers Sentenced 15 Heroin in Taunggyi 15 ~JAPAN Briefs Ttao Japanese Arres ted 16 NEW ZEALAND New Zealand To Join With Australia in Antidrug War. (THE WEST AUSTRALIA.'V, 14 Dec 79) 17 Briefs Move on Drug Vehicles lg - PAKISTAN Briefs Big Hash Haul 19 Charas Seizure 19 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Briefs War on Drugs 20 PHIZIPPINES Marcos Considers Denying Bail To Arrested Drug Pushers (PNA, 7 Feb 80) 21 SINGAPORE Briefs Alert to Drug Harvest 22 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) page SOUTH KOREA Seven Arrested for Smuggling Stimulant Drug - (THE KOREA HERALD, 20 Jan 80) 23 Briefs - - Philopon Smuggling 24 THAILAND ` Hong Kong Smugglers Arrested With Heroin ~ (NATION REVIEW, 12 Nov 79) 25 Ttwo Italians Caught With Heroin (BANGkOK POST, 14 Nov 79) 26 Opium Seized at Lampang Rnadblock (BANGKOK POST, 15 Nov 79) 27 Truckload of Marihuana Seized in Pattaya ~ (BANGKOK POST, 25 Nov 79) 28 Briefs Heroin Tour Bus Seizure 29 _ Wanted Dealer Arrest in Chonburi 29 Australian Sentenced 30 Arrests in Chiang Mai 30 EAST EUROPE HUNGARY Increased Use of Narcotics Evokes Stifi'er Sentences (NEPSZABADSAG, 11 Jan 80) .........................o... 31 LATIN AMERICA BRAZIL Antidrug Program Initiated for Sa4 Paulo Studenta (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 30 Dec 79) Drug Cases Involving Police Untried After Five Years (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 6 Jan 80) - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 32 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) p8ge - Briefs Cocaine Traffickers Arrested 36 Marihuana Seized in Amazonas 36 COLOMBIA Police Seizures for 1979 Summarized ~ (EL TIEMPO, 20 Dec 79) 37 Atlantic Coast Seizures in Early December Listed (EL TIEMPO, 19 Dec 79) 39 National Antidrugs Coalition Founded (EL TIEMPO, 6 Dec 79) 42 Bensinger Calls for Heavier Penalties (EL TIEMPO, 7 Dec 79) 43 - F-2 in Triple Strike at Traffickers (Francisco Cristancho; EL ESPECTADOR, 6 Dec 79)....... 44 Police Close Dow-i Major Cocaine Operation (Cadena Nucional, 23 Jan 80) 47 DrugS, Forty Eight Traffickers Seized (EL ESPECTADOR, 20 Dec 79) 48 Total of 500 Kilograms of Cocaine Seized in Bogota (Ramiro Castellanos; EL TIEMPO, 18 Dec 79)............ 50 Traffickers, Drugs Seized at Bogota Airport (EL ESPECTADOR, 12 Dec 79) 52 Briefs Traff ickers Fined 3 Million Pesos 55 ~ Large Cocaine, Marihuana Seizure 55 Ship, Marihuana Seized 55 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Authorities Seize Plane Carrying Two Thousand Pounds of Marihuana (Angel Valenzuela; EL NACIONAL, 11 Jan 80)............ 56 ~ i 9 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTFNTS (Continued) Page _ Further Details on Seizure of Plane Carrying Marihuana (Antolin Montas; LISTIN DIARIO, 12 ,Jan 80)....,....,.. 58 Investigation of Pilots Request for Surveillance _ - MEXICO _ Briefs Guadalajara Drug Ring Seized 60 PJF Seizes Heroin, Traffickers 60 ~ _ Peruvians Seized With Cocaine 60 ~ _ Traffickers, Toxic Pills Seized 61 Drugs, Six Traffickers Seized 61 = NFAR EAST t1ND NORTH AFR.iCA IRAN - - Van Full of Heroin Seized Near Qazvin (Tehran Domestic 5ervice, 7 Feb 80) 62 - WEST EUROPE - DENMARK Tao 'Narcotics Kings' Arrested; Smuggled Morphine Base - From India - (BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 8 Dec 79) .................0 63 ` Ten Arrested for Smuggling Ton of. Hashish (BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 5 Dec 79) 64 - FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Ministers of Health, Interior Interviewed on Drug Problems � (Gerhart Baum, Antje Huber Interview; DER SPIEGEL, 14 Jan 80) 65 Interior Ministry Conference Deals With Drug Problem - (Peter Weigert; DIE WELT, 2 Jan 80) o.. 83 West Berlin Police Report Increase in Drug Deaths (DIE WELT, 29/30 Dec 79) 85 - , e - FOR OFFICI.AL USE ONI,Y ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6 ; CONTENTS (Continued) Page Paper Applauds Federal Laender Investigation Unit (Editorial; DIE WELT, 2 Jan 80) 86 Drug Scene Causes, Remedies as Viewed by Addict (FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU, 15 Dec 79) 87 Ttao Sentenced for Heroin Trafficking (Erwin Tochtermann; SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, 13 Dec 79) 91 Briefs _ Few Smugglers, More Drugs 92 FINLAND - Customs Official: Dogs Find 90 Percent of Drugs - (WSI SUOMI, 11 Jan 80) 93 - PORTUGAL Morphine Dealers Arrested by Judiciary Police (0 DIA, 27 Dec 79) 96 ' - f - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 _ AUSTRALIA FEDERAL POLICE BEGIN GAMPAIGN AGAINST DRUG RACKETEERS Commissioner's Press Conference Canberra THE AUSTRALIAN in English 11 Dec 79 pp 1, 2 [Report by Brad Lawson and Russell Schneider] [Text] The Fedtral Government yesterday deelared war on organised crime and is about to begin deliberate haxassment of people it believes to be major criminal syndicate leaders. The campaign is expected to include the use of telephone listening devices, electronic "bugs" and around-the-clock surveillance of the crime bosses. Although principa,lly using new anti-drug powers, the newly-formed Australian Federal Police will also employ other federal laws, including currency and banking regulations, to get convictions against ringleaders. Special teams of police will probably be assigned to gather evidence on leading criminals. The Chief Commissioner of t.he new force, Sir Colin WooGS, disclosed part of the fedei�al plaii Yesterday iii warning that �tlie gloves are o(f" against drug traffickers. FIeads of the federat and six State police forces will meet in Melbourne todaY to discuss further co-opera6ion in the fight against drugs. But the new federal plan is understood to go beyond drug trafficking to involve most major organised cr.ime. Federal officials believe there are criminal "busines- ses" operating in Australia, all wlth some involvement in drugs. But their operations extend also to prostitution, gamb- ]ing, moncy-]aunderizig, and, occaslonally. murder. listening devices to gather evi- dence on drug traffickers, but these powers would not be abused. Sir Colin said he thought it wiong not to make heroin the top priority in the fight against the drug trade. His stand was backed by Mr Brian Bates, a former seniur officer in the disbanded Fed- eral-Narcotlcs- Saceau and now a consultant adviser with ttie police, who said heroin was the big problem in Australia and "that's ahere our energies and efforts will have to go". Mr Bates said: "I thlnk to cloud. the Sesue by.+:talklrYg about something else wauld�be dodging the main issue: It is as simple as t:iat " Sir Colin said policemen thought there were' more import,ant targets than mari- juana, especially federally, al- though police believed mari- juana led to the use of harder drugs. He said: "I thlnk the drugs The force is expected to con- cecitrate its energies on "tar- geting in" on the heads ot these businesses. Sir Colin, declaring liis in- ten'tion of attacking the $100 million-a-year drug trade, said yesterday he was personally shocked at the nature and ex- tent of trafficking and drug- related crime in Australia. Fie Lold a press conference in ' Canbena that: THERE:was a sufficient num- ber of "Mr Bigs" on the Aus- tralian crime 'scene to main- uninterrupted itow of narcotics into the country, even when one master crimi- nal was removed; HE WOULD press for greater co-opexation with State law- enforcement authorities to co- ordinate anti-drug police work; . MANY, mem4ers of the old. Customs Narcotics Bureau would be sworn in as federal police; and POLICE would use eler,tronic 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6  problein facing this country is our chances of success become ipate a bumper harvest in of immense propor6ions_ far more hopeful." 1980:' "I kiiovr the scene in other Sir Colin said there were Sir Colin said a meeting of ~ countries and I have been in people in Australia the media assistant commissioners from Autitrzlia now for sufflcient liked to call "Mr Big". State and federal police forces I.imc to.makc un zssessinenL of Hc ,said: �It ls an astonishtng wtll start a two-day conterencc Llir si6uation liere. and sad fact that these people in Melbourne today Lo assess "Policemen are supposed to can exi$t as they do. the state of drug trafficking. Uecome immune to many -'Saddest of all is the iact State police have promised to ttiiiigs, but I am personally that in Australia' there are co-operate fully with the prop- snocked by the nature and ex- sufficient of these people to osed federal crackdown. tent of the illegal drugs and maintain an uninterrupted The West Australian Minis- - related crime situation in Aus- flow of narcotics into the ter for Police, Mr O'Neil. said _ tralia:' councry, even. when one of his force was ready to help in He was convinced it was time their number is removed from any moves the federal police _ the police had extra powers to the scene. saw fit in the continuing fight _ conduct electronic survell- "The communitv cannot against the drug trad'e. lance and the opportunity to allow the scale of crime I ain He said the State's poliee had mount a national offensive. Galkicig about to continue. expressed concern at the in- He said: "The purpose of this -It is the job of the police as creasing incidence of drug new power is to help police to the protectors of the commu- abuse and the tendency of ad- lock up criminals who import nity to see that it doesn't " dicts to turn to crime to sup- narcotics into this country and He said that, in the past five port their habits. distribute them. years, �the amount of heroin There was also concern in - "It is a power that will not be seizec'. by federal authorities Western Australia that drug- ahused by police, for, to abuse each year increased fivefold, affected drivers were becom- - i6 would, in a society :;ucli as from just under 6kg to almost ing a factor in the road fatal- this one, be the best w�ay to 30kg in the past 11 months. ity rate and this trend would lose iL. But intelligence reports worsen if drug use were al- "Ttie targets for our surveil- showed that only oetween 2.5 lowed to spread. lanr,e are tio respecters of the per cent and 5 per cent of In Brisbane, a spokesman for riglits of tlie individual. heroin imported w�as seiaed. the Queensland Commis- "These people exist because ,This means that, already in sioner of Police. Mr Terrv _ they arc ruthiess in their pur- 1979, between 600 and 1200 Lewis, said the federal drug sui6 of illicit gains. kilograms of import-quality officers would be given the ut- ^Thc new powcrs given to heroin may have been brought most co-oncration. Llie Australian Federal Police into this country. " mcaii that we have now taken ,Intelligence from overseas the gloves off and, as a result, su��ests onium growers antic- = Narcotics Chief Reassigned - Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in English 11 Dec 79 p 3 - [,Text;] CANBERRA. - The head o[ the dismantled Narcotics Buresu, Mr Harvey Bates, has parted company wilfi the tront ranka of Austratla'a anH�drug forces. He hax gone back to worlc with the Ftderal Goverement'a customa ofHcelrs, from wUae he came 10 yeara ago wheo the Narcotics Bureau was set up. �endve and detcetlon area of the Bureau of Custome. For reaaona w6ich the head of the Federal PoBce, Sir Colln Wooda, left open yesterday, Mr Bated decided aot to go wlth the Narcotica Bureau'a agents to the police torce w6en t6ey were tranaferred lesE mont6. "Harvey BnteY and I 6ad sordlal aad frank dLcoulona, and. I wish hlm an enormoualy sucsessful job soroeehen else," Sir Colin said. Mr Bates ia not divornd enlirely from the eHort. He worlct now as assistant eecretary - for specisl proJects in the pre� APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 Intelligence Center Formed Melbourne THE AGE in English 13 Dec 7 9 P 3 [Text] An Australian crime in- - telligence centre will be gy LyNDSA7 lviUR'uMH, oa Chief Poliee ;teMsrtsr set up in Canberra next year. police from � Victoria, New South Wales and Soufih Australia was _ The centre wiri COllate in- formed af2er a police commis- - formation from all States sioners' conference in Canberra and overseas last week to draw up a master . A Melbourne conferencx of top police from a-ll States and New ptan' But #he scheme was star.ted by Zealand yesterday agreed on rules the head of the Federal police, Sir Colin Woods to stop corruption in the centre. . One of the rdles is :believed to He is in New Zealand thle be that staff in areas susceptible R'eek, for talks with senior police to corruption do not work at the there about closer co-o.peration. centre for long periods. Victoria's deputy commis- Some State police forces were gioner, dVlr. A. W. Conn, who re:uctant to agree to a eentral charred the conference, said late intelligence unit unless there Yesterday that working parcies were guarantees of tight secur- a'ere set up to follow up infor- ity. mation exchanged during the two The qentre, to employ rr.ore - than 100 people, wiil be flnanced days. Palice sonrces said Mflcers through the Australian Federal from each force outlined details Police, police sources sald last of big investigations. nigh[. Police said this was the fltst Intelligence experts frorn all titne ,the forces had -been pre- Australian forces would work at Pazed to tell all they knew of ' the centre on a rotating b2sis. drug synd icates under investiga� _ The c;entre will get a free flow _ of criminal intelligence from all tion. , palice expect the intelligrnce forces. centre to analyse and monitor It will also collate and pass the movement of dtvgs especially on information from overseas in- the $50 million a yeaz heroin telligence networks. trade, into Australia. Senior Police believe the cen- Tho Police FeQeration of Aus- _ tre will stop duplication of in- tralia Tast night welcomed the centre but called for action on vestigation, especially in the dtug field amon Australia's forces the recommendations in 1978 of , g . This had previously been im- British police expert Sir Robert possible because of open distrust Mark. ben,veen the farmer Federal The federation president, In- Bureau of Narcotics and State spector Tam Ripgnn, said Aus. Eral~ia's palice forces should urg. _ police. The 2wo-day Melboume confer- ontlq consider the estabtishment ; ence of about 30 senior police, of a central forensic science la,b� ~ which ended yesterday, decided oratory, computer system, re- search and planning unit and poi� on ,the guidelines tor� the estab- ice college - lishment and management of tha . centre. - A working party of senior APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 New Campa,ign Analyzed Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in English 12 Dec 79 P 7 [Article by Paul Ellercamp: "Beating the Drug Menace"] [Text] SIR Coiin Woocis cement- industry, patticularly the or- w'ho, in thc way of the Eng- ed his control over the ganiscrs of the heroin trade. lish civil servant. i, restrain- Commonwealth's anti- For the first time, all `ed and softly spoken. - drugs effort this week forces are W pool intel(igence In what he acknowletiged characteristicall ~rj~ Y and resources through a National Crime Intelligenee as a new era of police co- uperafion all police 1'urces a press conference. Centre, aimed not solel at Y , pool. intelligence an , ac- will - lt was in marked contrast narcotics, but at all crime. ii tivities and make sure that to the style of the former And extraordinary are the two forces aze not, chasiqg Narcotics Bureau which op- Poevers of elGCtronic surveil- the asma target. _ , crated curiously through sec- lance - bestowed for the What, then, was the prob- retive and often dramatic first time upon a non- security organisation and lem before? " tips to the press, radio and telcvision , aimed specifically at organ- Well, I think it is the normal busine;s of fcderal- . Thc press conference has ' ised drug rings. 'I'hiy is where the cheating ism that one dces tend to think of thin s in a State g come to be Sir Colin s hall- mark since he took over the comes in. Other forces have contezt;' he said. "This dces new Australian Federal Police been known to use listening devices and telephone taps have advanta es, but it also g in September, and the hall- mark of the o e force he withont worrying first about has disadvantages when the problem we are talking about p n has promised, cttin g the ~wer to use h is very much a national one. He has also promised re- em. In some cases it is the "We were previously pcatedly that the new force , result of confusion about organised to compete in the ' = will not eheat. He said it what constitutes a tap, and t think street, which I don again on Monday., in others the requirements of ever leads to good co-opera- ' Rcferring to its newly gain- gragmatic police work. re after the same tion. We ed powcrs of electronic sur- it is such pragmatism and informants, the same people ~~eillance - eavesdropping oversight which creates pub- ~ the same business - hence microphones. and telephone " lic ''distrust of police forces, my belief that in operational ' - taps - he said they witl and which Sir Colin must terms, it s far better to join not be abused by police, tor io abuse thcm will be avoid if the AFP is to have a the big battalion than to " ' the hcyt wxy to lose them. rcal impact on crime in Aus- compete with it "I havc stated carlicr and tralia. He stressed the signiti- ' I will repeat - we will not The heroin market alone cance of the National' Crime chc;jl," realises betwecn $Sp Intelligence Centre, as op- I'crhaps he is assuring a million and $100 million an- posed to a"narcotics" centre _ pupulalion not known for itz he said, describing nually -"major crimes are incx- concern about matters i , the problem as like "a dceply tricably.linked with narcotics " And the "Mr Bigs;" crimes pol tic, but his rationale is rooted tree, with branches . ihai, for the Australian Fcd- ' ihat � conlinue to grow and while organising the latte[. - eral Police to succeed, it cast their sinister shadow are inextricably linked to the ~ must have public backing, further across the country." former. ~ cspccially in the sensitive Policemen +vere "supposed Sir Colin has appointed a arca of narcotics, whcre ex- to become immune to many new Assistant Commissioner, traordinary measures are things," he saici, "but I am Mr John. Reilly, to head the oFtcn reqmred. _ - peisonally shockcd by the AFP's narcotics activities. Extraordinary for the pol- " " nature e yet 1S ~n ice, at least, is the new era legal drnga a d related~crime fo mer many arc t~ s N of co-operation among thc situation in AuStralia Bureau officers will be ab� State and Federal forces workin� a�ainst the narcotics . The words� are incongru- sorbed into thc AFP's drug ous cominQ From Sir Colin, division. All have been sworn APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200054435-6 - in as "special mcmbers" of _ the forcr., pending decisions on thcir future, which arc expectcd by the end of next week. lt is far from certain that all bureau agents will be taken into the Eorce. For a start, the rclevant Act may havo to be amended to allow people to be sworn in as - policemen without neces- - sarily serving first as protec- tive security officers - one of the major functions of the former Eommonwcalth Poticc. a Sir Colin has travelled Australia, and has spoken ta . evcry Bureau agent he could to explain thcir positions and the need to reconcile the for- mal requirements for police- men with the "undoubted - wealth of specialist skills and, o.perticc." "I have told them that as potential police uflicers, thcy must be acceptable not only to me, biu to my police col- - Icagues in the States," hc S81 Cl. ~ "But far,from seeking to - exclude them from police - rankx, I shall ne looking for reasons to include as many as possible, consistent with commomense and good judgment." 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200054435-6 -11 New Approach Needed _ Cariberra THE AUSTRALIAN in English 11 Dec 79 p 6 [Fditorial: "The Appalling Facts ab [Text] "Tfl E gloves are off," said Australia's new Federal Police Commissioner, Sir Colin Woods, outlining his plans for an all-out war on drug trafficking in Australia. Sir Colin is well rualified to make such a statem~-11. With a repulation as a racket-buster in the United Kingdom - within the police force as well as outside it - he promises a new -approach to crime prevention, unshackled by past� associations and law enforcement dogmas. And a new approach is certaiNy needed. The appalling drug trade, with its huge profits for those ruthless enough to take advantage from it at the expcnse of broken bodies and destroyed minds, is no longer something we just read about in the newspapers. r1s Sir Colin saiil yesterda,y, it has become a"deen:y rooted tree with branches that continue to grow and cast their sinister shadows further across the country." The figures quoted by Sir Colin alone deserve consideration: lkg of heroin can be bought in South-East .Asia for $8000 and after all expenses have been deducted' can be sold in Australia for at least $80,000. The heroiii marl:et is no longer the preserve of small, backstreet operators. It is big business: worth between $50 million and $100 million a year, and its growth rate in recent years would be the envy of many legitimate enterprises. Sir Colin has a reputation for fraNkness, and it was refreshing to see cso: 5300 out Drugs"] yesterday that at least One Australian policeman is prepared to admit the existence of organised crime and of "Mr Big" crime bosses, and to plan to do something about it. It was also reassuring to be tald that the extensive powers the new Federal Police have been,given following their absorption of the Narcotics Bureau - -including wide-ranging powers to. conduct electronic surveillance of suspected drug traffickers - will not be abused. As Sir Colin wisely pointed out, the abuse of such powers would, in a free society, be the best way of losing them. Intelligent use of these powers - plus the armory of other Commonwealth laws - should provide the police with the weaponry they need to carry out the war (and it is unarguably a war) - against the people who thrive on the misery of the drug trade. Sir Colin has the machinery to carry out the task: he now has e1 duty to live up to his promise. Australia's pcrformance to date has not been all that impressive. Only between 2.5 per cent and 5 per cent of all drugs coming into the country are seized by the'law enforcement authorities - which means that between 600kg and 1200kg of heroin may have been brought undetected into Australia this year: The seizure rate to date is just not good enough. It must be improved, and the people behind the trade put where they belong: behind bars. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 AUSTRALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA PLANS FOR WAR AGAINST DRUGS Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in Eiiglish 12 Dec 79 p 3 [TeXt] . THE South Australian Gov- ernment is drawing up its own battle plans in the national war on drug abuse. - The governing LibeTals yes- terday declared themselves allies to the Federal Govern- ment, whlch is using the new Austrailan Federal Police to- speaxhead a campaign against the drug trade. State Cabinet mtnisters will direct 8outh Australia's assault, drawing on the re- sources of key government agencies and the police to gen- erate 3ublic awareness and = condemnation of illegal drugs, _ their trafficking and abuse. The Premier, Mr Tonkin, said yesterday a Cabinet com- mittee wculd survey the prob- ]em and define the objectives before deciding on a stateQ.y. He said he was appalled by ti:E nature and extent af the drug trade in Australia, as re- vealed on Monday by .the Chief Conunissioner of -the federal pollce, Sir Colin Woods. _ "We're particularly con- cerned about hefofn and the fact that it gues hand in hand _ with organised crIme;" Mr Tonkin said. ' The State's campaigtt was - ]ikely to involve the Depart- - ments of Healt2:, Community Welfaxe.. and Education, as well as the police. _ Mr TQnkin said he believed the campaign must be based ~ on "total communitq�involve- ; ment" to be successful. , cso; 5300 7 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 AUSTRALIA QUEENSLAND DRUG AID SERVICE GNEN GREATER AUTONOMY Brisbane THE COURIER-MAIL in English 18 Dec 79 p 23 [Text] 131ackall.--Queensland's Alcohol and I1rug Dependence Services will be made a sepaxate brancil of the Health Depaxtment. State Cabine6 approved the move yesterday on the recommendation of a Public Service Board in- spection of the service, the Health Minister (Sir William Knox) said. Sir William did not re- lease the inspector's re- port but saici it recom- mended a numbe; of changes designed to iTn- prove thepervice. Fie said that there would be greater emphasis on the service as a research and resource centre. The investigation was carried out by two bar- risters, Mr. B. W. Am- brose (in private 'pcac- tice),�and Mr. R. J. How- aLson (a' Public Service Board commissioneri. Sir William called for the investigation into the organisation, manage- ment and operation of the Alcohol and Drug Dependence Services fol- lowing the resignation of the service's director (Dr. Alan Freed). Dr. Freed cited, as rea- sor.s for resignln;, Uie problem af "serving two masters" as a profes- sional catering to the needs of palients and tneir families, and on the oeher harid, as a public SCCVfl11C. Sir William said one major aspect of the "new look" AlCOhol and Drug Dependence Services, would Ue greater empha- sis on preparing schemes of prevention and pro- grammes relating to the treatment oP patients by institutions such as pub- lic hospitals, and by the large numbers of volun- t a r y associations who work in the alcohol and drug dependence field. Fewer stoff He said the report pointed outthat when the service was estab- lished with the prospect, qf , "financial a9sistance, Srom Ehe P'ede~'al Govi ernment, a total,staff of. 224 was envisaged for the Biala Detoxication and Treatment Centre !n Roma Street. ' The Tederal Govern- ment support did not de- velop as expected snd the Biala sLaff now a�as slightly more 6han 100. Sir William said this resulted in some over- supply of top positions and imbalance between staff in various areas. Measures had been sug= gested to overcome these difficulties. cso: 5300 $ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT URGED TO TAKE ACTION ON DRUG PROBLEM - Melbourne THE AGE in English 17 Dec 79 p 11 [Editorial: "Action Needed on Drug Problem"] _ [Text] WICE last week warnings were aounded Tabout the extent of the illicit drugs trade in Avstra(ia. The flrst warning came from t;ie new head of the Federal police, Sir Colin Woods, . who said he had been "personally shocked" at - the extent of illegal drug trafficking and of drug- . related crime in Australia. Sir Colin said that an estimated 1200 kilograms of heroin had been - smuggled into Australia this year, and that the pra5lem was growing fast. The heroin trade in this country could now be worth between $50 million and $100 million, he said. It was past the stage of peing an incipient ,problem. It was now like "a deeply raoted tree with branches that continue to grow and cast their sinister shadaw across the country". - Sir Colin's warning was followed .by cIaims by Professor Harry Messel ttat hard dc+ugs were -being smuggled into Australia along remote areas of the northern coaat!ine with apparent impunity. Professor Messel, the head of the - school of physics at Sydney University, is not an expert on drugs or crime. Nonetheless he has spent most of the past ftve years exploring and surveying tidal. estuaries in north Australia; and he has often seen light aircraft and boats landing_in isolated areas for no apparent reason. Pro'fesaor 1Vleasel saye that because t'here is no radar coverage in theae parts, small aircraft are free to come and go as they please, landing at one of the numerous landing strips along the - coast and its estuaries. The presumption - prubably a fair one - is that theae alrcraft are involved in illegal drug running; and that the money being spent on fighting the drug rr,anace in the south is not coming to gripe with the heart of the problem which is the ease with = which drugs can be smuggled into Avstralia along the aorthern coast. cso: 5300 Since Sir Colin sounded his alarm, police from all States and from Nev Zealand have met in Melbourne. The result was a deciaion to aet up a crime intelUgence centre ln Canberra next year. The centre will collate crlme Information from all States and lrom overseae. In the past, open distruet batween the police and the now- dis'banded Federal Narcotics Bureau has prevented any pooling of information. The Me15aurne con'ference mazked a breakthrough 9n tha.t for the 8rst tlme repreaentativee of the various police forces were prGpared to diwige details a'bout their awn investigations to one another. However, it is clear lrom the revelations of both Sir Colin Woods and Prafessor Messej that sharing in'formatIon ia only the flrst step in what ahould be: a syatematic high-level and co-ordinated attack on trafHeking, The courts can do their bit, as they have been doing lately, by imposing beavy sentences on cortvicted dru8 trafflckere. But the prdtiT~em_Rarts -a ]ong way back-at the point of entry into Australia-and it is here that the authorities should concentrate their: energies. It may be, as Professor Measel iuggests, that we need to enlarge radar coverage along the northern coastline. It may be that tive need .a much-expanded coaetal pstrol boat service. It may be that -narcotics agents need to be placed at strategic ,points like Darwin where the drug pra5lem is well-advanced: What is oertain is that drug running and drug addiction has the makings of a huge and destructive social malaise, and that if the police forces and the Federal Government do not rapidly get together to devise ways and means of combatlag it, it will take an irrevocable hold, 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 AUSTRALIA BRIEF'S - SYNDICATE MEMBER JAILED--A member of a sydicate which tried to import heroin worth almost $6 million into Australia was sentenced yesterday to 14 years' jail. In the District Criminal Court, Judge Hicks said Keith Arnold Wilson - was one of three men who made an ingenious and carefully planned attempt to - bring in a large and valua,ble consignment of heroin from Malaysia. Wilson, 43, club consultant, of Cronulla, pleaded guilty to a chaxge that between = January 1 and May 31, 1978, he was knowingly concerned in the importation of 9,893 g-rams csf heroin. The other two, Richaxd Kennedy and Dennis John Carter, - have already been sentenced by Judge Hicks to jail terms of 20 yeaxs and six yeaxs respectively. Judge Hicks said yesterday that on May 20, 1978, Kennedy and Ca,rter arrived a-t Sydney Airport carrying identical suitcases. Kennedy had travelled from London posing as a respectable businessman. In Malaysia he and Carter had swapped suitcases so that when they arrived in Sydney, Kennedy was - carrying the case containing the heroin and Carter the other case which con- � tained clothes. Judge Hicks said the plan probably would have been successful - if it had not been for a dog which sniffed out the heroin. Judge Hicks fixed - a nonparole period to expire on August 27, 1985. [Excerpts] [Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in English 21 Dec 79 p 12] DRUG PLAN 'SUCCESS'--The Odyssey clrug treatment programme had achieved success with drug addicts well within the limits of its own time schedule, the Victori- an director, Mr. Joe Lamberti, said yesterday. Mr. I,amberti, who worked for the NSW Odyssey programme before coming to Melbourne, said seven addicts had graduated from the NSW treatment centre within the 24 month programme. Mr. Lamberti was responding to criticism from the Lower Plenty Action Group that the Odyssey drug treatmeiit programme results were disappointing in view of the public funds allocated to it. Mr. Lamberti said that Odyssey had been successful 3.n keeping 400 others drug-free while on the programme. [Excerpts] [Melbourne THE AGE in Engliah 15 Dec 79 P41 DANGERS IN NORTH--A great qua.ntity of hard drugs almost certainly enters Au- stralia through its unguarded northern coastline, according to adventurer, academic and renowned crocodile-reseaxcher Professor Haxry Messel. But Professor Messel, who heads the University of Sydney's school of physics, says the rape and depletion of maxine resources in northern waters is a fax more serious problem for the north than drugs. His research vessel, the Haxry 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 Messel, returned to Sydney yesterday a.fter a five-year study of the coastline and river estuaries in the north of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland. But he declined to expand on his claims about drug-running, saying: "I remember what happened to Mr Mackay" (the anti-cl.rug crusa.der from Griffith, NSW, believed to have been murdered). [Excerpt] [Canberra THE AUSTRA- LIAN in English 14 Dec 79 p 31 MARIHUANA AS CANCER DRUG--Sydney; A team treating young cancer victims has ad- vocated the use of the active ingredient of marihuana as a drug to lessen sick- ness in children receiving cancer treatment. The team has used the ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, on about 20 children being treated for cancer with powerful aiiti-cancer drugs at the Royal Children's Hospita,l, Melbourne. They report in the Medical Journal of Australia that THC is significantly better than other anti-emetics in relieving nausea and vomiting. Team members, led by Dr H. Ekert, director of the hospital's clinical haematology and oncology depaxtment, say they obtained the informed consent of parents and children to their using THC. They say that the only sho-rt-term side-effect of THC was a = bad "trip" in one pa,tient. This was experienced by one of the only two pa- tients to report a"high" while receiving THC. [Excerpts] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 14 Dec 79 p 101 ALLEGED SMUGGLERS' TRIAL--A 24-year-old fisherman had a.d.mitted bringing a _ briefcase which he believed contained heroin through customs at Perth Airport - last yeax, a senior naxcotics investigator alleged yesterday. William Taylor, of the Australian federal police, told a Supreme Court jury that Mark Henry Abbott made the admisiion during an interview on August 28 this year. He was giving evidence on the second day of the trial of Abbott, of Sackville Terrace, Scasborough, and Kim Anthony Hunter (26), unemployed, of Barnes Street, Innaloo, on conspiracy and drug charges. They have each pleaded not guilty to three sepaxate charges of conspiring with each other and persons unknown between July 1, 1978, and December 31, 1978, to import heroin into Australia. [Excerpt] _ [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 13 Dec 79 p 301 NEW ZEALANDER SENTENCED--Darwin.--A 26-yeax-old New Zealand man was yesterday jailed for 12 years after plea,ding guilty in the Supreme Court to importing and possessing heroin. He is John Anton Horwood, who had been living recently in the Perth suburb of Cottesloe. Passing sentence, Mr. Justice Muirhead said . Horwood had admitted attempting to smuggle 846 grams of number three heroin, worth almost $1 million on the street, into Daxwin from Bangkok. He said Hor- - wood was arrested after a raid by narcotics investigators on a motel room in Daxwin on September 29, The heroin ha,d been secreted in a large torch, Mr. Justice Muirhead fixed a non-paxole period of six years. EText] [Melbourne _ THE AGE in English 8 Dec 79 p 31 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 ALLEGED RINGLEADER'S DENIAL--Sydney; Mr Antonio Sergi (44), the man named in the Wood.waxd report as a key figure in the Griffith drug ring, has denied the allegations against him. He said on the ABC television programme "Nationwide" last night that he ha.d never been involved in the growing or distribution of maxihuana. On "Nationwide", Mr Sergi denied he was a. "godfather" figure and said he did not know what the term meant. [Excerpts] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRA- LIAN in English 5 Dec 79 p 241 WARNING ON STOLEN TABLETS--Thieves who broke and entered a Southport dental technician's office on Monday night and stole drugs may be risking their lives. Southport police yesterday issued an urgent warning when it was found that a- mong the items stolen was a bottle containing 50 Nembudeine tablets. They were advised that anyone taking a number of the tablets, paxticularly with alcohol, could be risking their lives. The tablets were taken from the office of R. S. Henry and Associates, dental technicians, of Nerang Street, Southport, on Monday night. [Excerpt] [Brisbane THE COURIER-MAIL in English 5 Dec 79 p 21] REGIONAL CONFERENCE PLANNED--Australia will host a major international confer- ence on drugs and alcohol in February. Countries from Asia and the Pacific re- - gion will meet in Canberra and more than 800 delegates are expected to attend. The conference is being organised by the Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and I7rug Dependence with the Internation Council on Alcohol and Addictions and the World Health Organisation. The executive director of the foundation, Mr Pierre Stolz,.saids "No country in our region can effectively control the illicit drug trade without facing up to the socio-economic problmes which sustaing the Golden Triangle." Mr StolL said the Federal and State Governments - were supporting the conference. [Excerpts] [Canberra THE AUSTRALIAN in Eng- lish 4 Dec 79 p 41 SYDNEY MARIHUANA RALLY--Sydney: The police arrested. 60 demonstrators at a ' marihuana rally in Sydney on Saturday. About 4000 people, many smoking maxihuana cigarettes, attended the meeting and concert in Hyde Paxk, organised - by the Maxihuana Petition Organisation. The police moved in when scuffles _ broke out and people began throwing beer cans. The axrested people were taken to the Darlinghurst central police station and charged with drunkenness and _ assaulting the police. At the end of the rally about 200 people marched to - the central police station and demanded to be arrested. They passed marihua,na cigarettes among the crowd and changed: "We smoke dope. We smoke dope." The police took no action. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English = 3 Dec 79 p 107 CANNABI5 lIESIN SMUGGLING--Perth.--A Melbourne man who was caught at Perth air- port smugg_ling canna,bis resin into Australia was sentenced to seven years' jail yesterLlay. Two Sydney men also caught at the airport with cannabis were = sentenced to aix years. Fahrettin Eski, 48, of Glencairn Avenue, Coburg, Riad Hussein Taha,, 31, and Elia Faraj, 35, had Ueen convicted by Supreme Court juries. [Text] [Melbourne THE AGE in English 19 Dec 79 p 27 ~ 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 HEROIN IMPORT ATTEMPT--A fisherma,n was convicted by a Supreme Court jury last _ night of attempting to import heroin into Australia. The jury of nine men ` and three women told Mr Justice Wickham that they believed that Mark Henry - Abbott (25) had attempted to import more than the trafficable quantiy of two _ grams of the drug. Abbott, of Sackville Terrace, Scaxborough, was remanded in custody for sentence. He was found not guilty of importing heroin into Australia on or about September 22, 1978, but guilty of the iesser charge of attempting to import heroin. [Excerpts] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 18 Dec 79 p 311 WOMAN ON HEROIN CHARGE--An unemployed woman, 22, set fir; to a narcotics a- gent's notes of a coversation between them when the agent left her in an interview room, the Magistrate's Court was told yesterday. David Terry Hutch- inson claimed he left Caxmel Francis Childs, of Dornoch Terrace, Highgate - Hill, in a room with a male friend at Childs' request on November 1. He said _ he returned to the room, at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics Headquaxters in Eagle S'Ureet, about three minutes later to find the notes burning in an ash- tray. Childs was committed to the criminal sittings of the District Court on Januaxy 21 chaxged with having possessed 0.82 grammes of heroin reasona,bly suspected of havir_g been imported. She has pleaded not guiZty. [Excerpt] t [Brisbane THE COURIER-MAIL in English 19 Dec 79 p 31] - cso: 5300 L. 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BURMA AUTHORITIES DESTROY POPPY PLANTATIONS Campaign Launched Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burmeae 22 Jan 80 p 4 BK [Text] Ngaungshwe, 14 January--The team launching operation "Bloom of the Hell" under the command of the commander of the 94th Infantry Regiment went to Wa-mu village in Nyaungehwe townahip on 29 Deaember and destroyed nearly. 200 acres of poppy plantation. UN Official Takes Part - Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burmese 23 Jan 80 p 4 BK - - [Text] Mcng Nai, 9 January--Peraonnel of the party, council, army, people's police force, people's militia, Lanzin youth organization and Red Croas Society and working people of Mong Nai township in Southern Shan State today went to Kongmong village tract in Mawlmai townehip and deetroyed _ poppy plantations. A representative of the UN Program for Drug Abuae, accompanied by Deputy Commander Col Myint Aung of the Eastern Burma Comanand Headquarters, the commander of the 99th Infantry Regiment, the director general of police and the commander of the Shan State people's police force, arrived at the _ scene at 1100 in a helicopter and took part in the destruction of the poppy plantations. = A total of 38 acres of poppy plantations were destroyed in the Naloi village tract in the Mong Nai township and in the Kongmong village tract in the Mawkmai township between 1 and 8 January. _ CSO: 5300 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BURMA a BRIEFS HEROIN TRAFFICKERS SENTENCED--Rangoon, 22 January--The Seikkan township court, with U Saw Wir~ as chairman and U Tin Shwe and U Hla Kyi as members, today sentenced defendants Tin Aung Swe, Thein Shwe and Tin Thuang to 7 - years imprisonmer.t at hard labor each as they were found guilty under Sections 6(B) and 11 of the Narcotic Drugs Law. The case was that on 20 December 1978, Sub-Inspector of Police U San Myaing of the Division _ Narcotic Drugs Suppression Squad and his team searched the defendants near - - Hiedan wharf, Morton Street, Seikkan township, and seized eight heroin packages from them. Charges were then �iled against them. [Text] [Rangoon - MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 23 Jan 80 p 7 BK] HEROIN IN TAUNGGYI--Taunggyi, 21 January--Sub-Inspector of Police U Tun Myinr of the Shan State Narcotic Drugs Suppression Squad and his team searched the house of U Hla Maung at No. 321, 2d Pyidawtha Road, in - Taunggyi this morning and seized from the shirt pocket of U Hla Muang's - son, Win Myint, 9 packages of heroin worth 10 kyats each, hidden in match boxes. ThP Taunggyi Myoma police station has taken action against U Hla Maung and Win Myint under Sections 6(B) and 14(D) of the Narcotic Drugs _ Law and investigation is underway. [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 26 Jan 80 p 5 BK] CSO: 5300 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 JAPAN BRIEFS - TWO JAPANESE ARRESTED--Kobe, 12 Feb (KYODO)--Police have arrested two per- sons for allegedly attempting to smuggle 1 kg of amphetamines from South - Korea with street value of about 300 million yen. Police said Hatsuo Hirakawa and Toshiaki Yatabe, both of Hiroshima Prefecture, tried to smug- gle the drug in two bags hidden in stone lanterns they imported from South _ Korea in January. Another unidentified man is wanted by police in con- - nection with the case. The lanterns were found in a container aboard a South iCorean freighter at Kobe port here according to police. This port is the world's busiest container base handling more than 20 million tons of containerized cargo a year. [Text] [OW120533 Tokyo KYODO in English 0519 GMT 12 Feb 80 OW] ~ CSO: 5000 ~ 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 ;(EW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND TO JOIN WITH AUSTRALIA IN ANTIDRUG WAR - Perth I'HE WEST AUSTRALTAh' in English 14 Dec 79 P29 [Text] ~ WELLINGTON Thurs: ' New Zealand and Auptca� ' . lian polioe, will � ootnbine I in a crime iateIItgebce _ I bureau being iet DD .;o - catch the top �offenders ~ in Auetrei:ada's drug tra111cking, : i Tne move waa an� nounced today 6y Aue- tralia's newly appolnted - Pollce .Comtnlesioner, Sir - I Cqlin Wvod#, amd Netv - Zeaiand's Cqanr*eioner, - - Mr ; Bob Wslton~ at a I preas eonierbnQe here. _ Sii Colln'isl- tn'#ieliing� ton for Aalke;: oA the ' ' establls}}it*,nl � i~~.'. the. - : buresu, a ,catuept ~ which New Ze~: 746sam}e: . sioners hs*.', pe~.yri adva- _ cafinB for 12;yeam : 31r Colin- sald fhat. re� - � searcH oia the 'bureau wa~ being :Qerried out by - senior Auqfralian police ar.d a repoft. irom them . woul4 be due in midJan� . f uary. . The_ . pur~ose. ot , the bureau woWd be; tir ex� - change atriiilable inior� mation that had.not been I coordinAted;, 1 cso: 5300 17 - 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 NEW ZEALAND BRIEF'S MOVE ON DRUG VEHICLES--Wellington, Sun: Aircraft, boats and vehicles used in _ drug smuggling or dealing will be liable to confiscation in New Zealand next yeax. A Government caucus committee said new legislation would be introduced to enable forfeiture of any means of conveyance used in drug deals. The report said the law would be changed to remove the present time limit for launching - prosecutions in drugs cases. Court action at present must be started within four years of an alleged drug offence.--AAP. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRA- LIAN in English 17 Dec 79 p 281 cso: 5300 is APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 PAKISTAN BRIEFS BIr, HASH HAUL--Rawalpindi, .ian. 4: The diatrict Exciae Staff, Attock recovered one kilogram of smuggle hashish worth of million rupeea, in a - raid near Attock laet night. According to details, the Staff informed that a Toyota car (LEE-2455) was used for the amuggling of hashish to Punjab. The Exciae Staff, on this tip, raided the car last night and - recovered the smuggled haehiah. The Staff has confiscated the car and hauled up three accused amugglera, Mehmud Khan, Riaz Mohammad and Abdul � Ghafoor under Shariat Lawa.--PPI [Islamabad THE MUSLIM in English 5 Jan 80 p 3] CHARAS SEIZURE--Attock: Jan. 6: The Excise and Police Departments of Attock district have recovered 10 KGs of charas from a Rawalpindi bound car (LEE-2455), and arrested three persona in this connection, here Friday. A case has been regiatered with Sadar Police Station. In another Police raid Mohammad Irfan, Incharge Police Post Attock Fort, recovered 570 grams of charas and a pistol. The police also recovered a revolver from the possession of Sattar Gul s/o Tota Gul, a resident of Peshawar. The police have registered different cases under Arms and Excise Act in this regard. [Excerpt] [Islamabad THE MUSLIM in English 7 Jan 80 p 6] CSO: 5300 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 I PAPUA NEW GUINEA - BRIEFS WAR ON DRUGS--Port Moresby, Mon: Papua. New Guinea had been used as a transit - centre for traffickers taking drugs from South-East Asia to Australia and New - Zealand, the PNG Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Olewale, said today. Mr Olewale told Paxliament that the Government co-operated closely with drug authorities � in Australia and South-East Asia to combat the traffic and this had resulted in some big hauls. PNG had specialist anti-narcotics section in its Police and Customs Department and intend.ed to form a nationa,l drugs bureau, he said. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 4 Dec 79 p 371 cso: 5300 Zo APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 PHILIPPINES MARCOS CONSIDERS DENYING BAIL TO ARRESTED DRUG PUSHERS OW071711 Manila PNA in English 0230 GMT 7 Feb 80 OW [Text] President Marcos last night issued an arrest, search and seizure order against all drug pushers facing charges before the courts. He also disclosed the drafting of a decree that will soon deny the grant of bail to drug pushers. Instead they will be committed to a rehabilitation center. The president noted that once on bail pushers resumed their illegal activ- ities. In justifying the stronger measures against pushers the president said he considers them dangerous criminals. CSO: 5300 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 SINGAPORE BRIEFS - ALERT TO DRUG HARVEST--Singapore, Wed: South-East Asian drug authorities axe _ tightening up airport and checkpoints after reports that this yeax's opium-poppy harvest has staxted. Western naxcotics agents today confirmed - that the harvest ha.d staeted in the mounta,inous Golden Z`riangle area where the borders of Laos, Burma and Thailand meet. "Last yeax's crop was down and the raw-opium price went up by about five times, but his yeax's crop looks like being a bumper one," one Western agent told me. Officials of Singapore's Central Naxcotics Bureau said tha,t a regional alert had gone out to narcotics agents and customs officers in Thailand, Malaysia, Singa,pore and Indonesia. ~ This meant that searches and surveillance at airports and border checkpoints` would be intensified. Western agents said that the alert would ha,ve the ef- fect of cutting down supplies to 5outh-East Asia. But the Australian and European markets would inevitably be flooded with heroin after this yeax's - harvest.--Richard Gill. [Excerpts] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English - 13 Dec 79 P 541 - cso: 5300 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 SOUTH KOREA ~ SEVEN ARRESTED FOR SMUGGLING STIMULANT DRUG Seoul THE KOREA HERpI,D in Engliah 20 Jan 80-p 8 (Text] Prosecatora lor ZpOWwon-pec:kllogram - yesterda' arret d~q tbro ,hnot'lee resldent anleEel"..ran dlInclu ~ Chbw" , e, .aia. Tha two k4~~ Ail1e are a ~.ireated. wa:el, . now hel m~ong Clw~ Ym. ok, od'e o1 t6 16ur smuggl�d 300 llon~� won arreeted-Moreitds anC.~tn worth ' oi ltim i~et ;+dr~~ ofiicW o4,t4ie M~~pp - mAtertali into 16b ti~w6� . Cw ~ rveetern Oitice, 'War charged' ~#Yth laat Septem~er iot Nlokpo receivi 1 mllllon 'won from 'Il~e Supreme Proaecutoe'i ~e ~ by. lillowing the - Ottlce l: searchlng ior veieel smn~le tti the _ thf": cOaYrabsiitd. persoas, includt~ t~to' The ~ttreited.;poticetl~ah, - C6taam, In connmrqn wk4 SlNar. Pitroimain`'Yurl..Churi- tLe rmugglipg. , idP. `ot 'i;he Molcpp Piblic.e The three arreefed CWn~aeo Statlon, a~ae ~p oplcteq ' of Incitided ~ C}~,�~Dp~, ot rkeitot it. mllli~t Noa trpm eha impo Mand@rin. Lee foh Condbhlnr the Adcprding to Chaag wae chq~d :e p of 70 Chiq~b~ . amu glin 1,600kg ot crew me~bere ~ot tlfe vy~ materiale gfor fhe itiqtt~nt are nOV ho1d bj CurtOttj ~~'u8, PoPulacly known h' . ~arl oTticlab~~q, . ~ hlroppon, 'into thearrive4V"fYq a r~ect~~',~th tlie rtnu whenthe veesel Mokpo last'5ept. 18. ~e ~s~~Y[an =1i~ . Chang atored' the coa- t~fl' .~1'�Ye~r6b of Padiltm6t treband in a twuse 4wned;b7' a r~KIemj~d'to imajmle reeldent. Chlneee�.operatlttgg - Chlneae mediclne e6op In. contr~b ~af6rg~h;:',Et~.~ Mokpo and sold thre, mBWriale weeterci ',po~rt ;Iilohbn~ - laat Dec~tivber,' ; 4 ' � ~ CSO: 5300 . 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 SOUTH KOREA BRIEFS PHILOPON SMUGGLING--Pusan, 2 Feb (HAPDONG-KYODO)--A South Korean resident in Japan was arrested Friday on a charge of attempting to smuggle out of _ the country a kg af philopon worth 420 million won. Mrs Kim So Won, 50, of Yamaguchi Prefecture, was nabbed by customs agents as she tried to board - the Pusan-Shimonoseki ferry with the stimulant hidden in a suitcase. [Text] [Tokyo KYODO in English Time not given 2 Feb 80 OW] CSO: 5300 =R ~ 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 THAILAND _ HONG KONG SMUGGLERS ARRESTED WITH HEROIN Bangkok NATION REVIEW in ] [Text] Two Hong Kong ChI- nese were arrested at Don� Muang Ai ort yesterda~y for attem p~ing to smaggle out nearly 10 kgs of heroin which was found stuffed inside 10 dried fiah. ;nglish 12 Nov 79 pp 1, 8 They said they wero ever, stood firm that the psid SO,OQ~O Hong Kong two were memb ars of � an dollars each (about international drug traffiok� 200,000 beht) for ttie ing gang. The two were de� misaion. . tained at the Crlme Sup- Cuatome offlcials, haw- pre~aion Dlvleion for fldr- Customs officisls ~her intorrogation. . , booked the two, identified as Hung Wai Man, 27, and Lin Pak Him, 25, when they were about to board a SAS plane flight SK 976 for Pans together. with the heroin No 3, weighing 9.3 kgs. Officials searched the duo's luggages at the de- parture lounqe and disco- vered the 10 dried fish, the stomach of which were stuffed with the heroln which was neat~ly packed in aluminium foil. . Officials said the price of the heroin, estimated at about one rrullion baht in local black market, would jump to 200 million baht ut Pans. SMUGGLERS ' Ttie duo turned doo an allegation that they were drug traffickers, say- ing that theY were hired ' by a man in Hong iCong to travel to Bangkok where . they met a dnu_g agent at the President Hotel who gave them the heroin to take to Paris. . Suspects Hung Wai Man, left, and Lin Pak _ Him, pictured with the fish which were - cut open by customs officials. The of- - ficials alleged they found 9.3 kilos of hero in ins ide the f ish , CSO: 5300 25 _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 THAILAND TWO 1TALIANS CAUGHT WITH HEROIN Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 14 Nov 79 p 3 BK [Text] TWO Itanan tourists were arrested at Don Muang Airport Monday night on charges of pos- sessing and attempting to smuggle heroin out of the country. Mrs Giuli Liana Fargnali (24) and her brother Rolando (23), were nabbed by a Customs Department nar- cotics squad as they were siaout ta:.,board.:a..That.. internaLiapal pdane. ~ound for4,lpAR� . Customs offioials then searched the two and tound heroin packed in nine condoms strapped around the woman's waist. The drugs weighed about 310 grammes. �Customs officials said, that the two tourists hid in a toilet inaide the departure loynge after the check-in. Only when there was an announce- ment tor passengers to board the plane did the two emerge from. the tailet. . , . "L`u'ZTaK'o cdHhb'(29);'was rO'1ib � 1rrreAfV9'at" bbn Muang Airport 'last Wednesday with 140 grammes of heroin. The woman arrested at the airport Monday night shows customs officials the heroin CSO: 5300 in condoms strapped to her waist. 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 TNAILAND - OPIUM SEIZED AT LAMPANG ROADBLOCK Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 15 Nov 79 p 5 BK [Text] . - . LAAlPAN6 Htt~h ~ Pat_tip-'polhx Tnaday iuCtWed a track drlver atter aUesedly. tlnding, 0 kllogrammes oi raw oplum hMdeti aboatd the . BaHgkok�bound ten�wheeler. Pollce are aLd looklna for another m . Sa�nga ThakruM,'~whoid ti"ri travellinQ In the tiuck. He hak,been uleaoed eartier`�atter a brleP , detentlon but Is betng eolughtaa1n. r � The d&er, Itooneong OneanQkham, wae � ar- reeted at 6 e.m: $lteedey when the truek wlth Lampang ltceAcp plates wta stoppe8 at a highway checkpoint at Kllometre 858 of;.Pqpa yotA$n HlQhway near~n Fon villaQe ln MuenQ Dletrlet. Boonsong told.,, poliae he was taking a ciirgo of suQar to BanQkok. However,,a poUct search revealed 18 paciwgee ot raw oplum htdden ln kerosene cane on the truck. CSO: 5300 27 BoonsonQ reportedly told polke, he had no knowledge of the oplum. Hf clalmed Sa� nga m1Qht., have known about lt rtqce thQ tnick's ownec rrAr 3a�nga's relodve. But Sa nQa abo deNed knowirg anythlnQ about the oplum and wae releued atter bMef In�, tenogarica Hlgaway police. clqlttied they ltad no grounde on whlch to hold him. Hoonsong wae lpter handed over to I:ampong provlncial potiCe. Lmputg pollce chiet lnspecto.r, Lt Col Amphol NQarmchlt, atter readlnQ o report on the incldent, Immedlately oMered the arreet of 3a� nga ai an accomplice ln the matter. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 THAILAND TRUCKLOAD OF MARIHUANA SEIZED IN PATTAYA Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 25 Nov 79 p 3 BK [Text ] pA'rTAYA noon, police said. POLICE arreeted !!ve Several policemen people and seized more wese deapatched to the than 1.3 tons of marl-. vicinity of the rendez� - - iuana neu a hotel, in this voue to wait tor the traf- I seaaide reaort Frlday. fickers and the conetgn� The flve peeple wers ment. At the agreed tlme, identified as Pinyo a Flat sedan with four oc- Paaomaap, Suvat cupants etopped eear the Charuratananont, Som� hotel, police said. - sak sae Kwo, Mre Porn The undercover agent Khookaew and Chareh then approached the four ThunQchai. Atl were people and wae eventual- _ detafned in poTice lY led to a neuby ten- cuatody on a'charge ot wheel truck to e:aiaine posaesslng narcotlce for the marfjuana. After e:- - aale. amining a sample, the - Pollce wM that an uw agent signalled the - dercover agent had con- wdtliig policemen, who tacted a Beng of marl� made the awoop, ar- ,iuana trafflckers In reetlng the, four people: Panasnikom Dlatrict,. and the truckdriver, Chon Buri, for the poltce reported. purchaee of 1,500. A search of the truck - kilogrammee of the drug revealed 64 sacke of mui� _ - at atwut 1.5 mfllion baht. iuanp, weighing 1,282 A. deal was made and lt kilogrammea, under a - was arranged for the cove;ing load of suQar - marijuaaa to be cane, and anpther SO delivered near the Orchid �kqogrammea were fonnd L.odge Hotel Friday aiter- in the aedan, police eaid. CSO: 5300 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 THAILAND BRIEFS - HEROIN TOUR BUS SEIZURE--Two kilogrammes of heroin were seized on a tour coach heading for Bangkok and an alleged trafficker arrested in Lampang , on Saturday night, police reported yesterday. Police said the heroin, worth about 500,000 baht on the local market, was found concealed in two plastic bags in a passenger's travelling bag on board "Viriya Tour." The alleged bag owner, Thawee Malipol, was arrested and charged with possessing heroin with intent to sell. Following a tip-off that the heroin will be transported to Bangkok on the company tour coach, police were sent to intercept the coach. Police said two kilogrammes of heroin were found in a leather bag tieside Thawee's seat. He denied being the owner of the bag, police said. Thawee was taken to Muang District police - station of Lampang for further questioning, while the tour bas was allowed ~ to continue its scheduled trip to Bangkok with the rest of the passengers. [Text] [Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 19 Nov 79 p 3 BK] WANTED DEALER ARREST IN CHONBURI--Chonburi--A woman who was sought by _ police for over a year on charges of narcotics trafficking was arrested in :4uang District here early this week. The suspect, Mrs Ooh Chanthana, was walking on Soi Sermsanti in Tambon Ban Khode near her house when she was recognised by a man living in the neighbourhood. The man informed the - police and Mrs Ooh was apprehended shortly afterward. Mrs Ooh was alleged to be one cf the biggest heroin wholesalers in the eastern region. She ` disappeared when Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan last year ordered a - crackdown on narcotics traffickers by exercising hia absolute powers under Article 200 of the Constitution during the pre-election transition period. [Text] [Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 15 Nov 79 p 5 BK] 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 AUSTRALIAN SENTENGED--Bangkok, Thursday.--A young Sydney ma.n sen-tenced to 10 years' jail yest;erday for attempted heroin trafficking became a drug addict as a result of a near-fatal accident on Sydney Harbour when he was a child, _ the Crimina,l Court in Bangkok was told. Christopher Charles Retallack, 23, of Beecroft pleaded guilty to illegal possession of 537 grams of heroin, but - not guilty to attempting to export it for sale. The court accepted that the heroin was for his own use. Medical evidence from Sydney said Retallack ha,d been hit on the head by a speedboat when he was swimming in Sydney Haxbour - when he was eight yeaxs old. He ahd suffered ma.ssive head injuries from which he never fully recovered. Afterwards he had become dependent on drugs. At the time of his arrest in February Retallack was about to board a flight ` for Bombay. Police said Retallack had visii:ed Thailand six times in the past twa yeaxs. The 10 months Retallack has already spent in custody will be re- _ garded as part of his sentence. [Excerpts] [Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in English 14 Dec 79 p 2] ARRE5TS IN CHIANG MAI--Bangkok, Thurs: A New 2ealand woma.n and an American ma,n arr.ested in the north Thailand town of Chiang Mai last month for alleged possession of about 300 grams of heroin have been remanded in custody for another week. No charges have yet beel laid against Andrea Karmela Resetax (25), from Auckland, and Ma,thew Gosio (22), an American living in Auckland, - who had been due to appeax in court yesterday. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 14 Dec 79 p 551 cso: 5300 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 HUNGARY INCREASED USE OF NARCOTICS EVOKES STIFFER SENTENCES Budapest NEPSZABADSAG in Hungarian 11 Jan 80 p 9 WA - [Text] Under the instruction of Dr Laszlo_ _ Kuhne, the Supreme Court has reuturned a verdict in the case of Budapest resident I,aszlo Pellek. _ Six years ago, the 21-year-old, unemployed accused began abusing a dangerous drug. He obtained the drug--which makes some people euphoric, produces a sensation of floating and even occasionally results in hallucinations- by accident. Since the young man could not obtain the narcotic legally he obtained it through devious methads. As a result he was soon tried in court for drug abuse. He was sentenced to 6 months in jail which was then suspended to 2 year0 probation. Additional legal action was soon taken against him for theft and offences against property. It was found that some of the crimes were cortunitted for the purpose of obtaining the narcotic while others took place under its influence. On this occasion he was also charged with criminal idleness and sentenced to 9 months in prison. Last May at a restaurarit with friends he drank _ wine, beer and hard liquor, and took six or seven tablets of the drug in the course,of a few hours. In the evening the group continued their binge at one home. While playing they wrestled and even fenced with kmives. When the flxn got so wild that they broke a potted plant, the host told his guests to leave. This was when Laszlo Pellek took a _ kitchen lmife and stabbed his host and friend in the stomach. The rest of the group immediately called the rescue squad which was able to save the young manls life. Laszlo Pellek's defense was that he acted under the influence of drugs and in a conflxsed state, and that he had no intention of killing his friend. His defense was not accepted. It was argued that the accused knew that the drug combined with alcohol had a narcotic effect and that was wh at he was aiming for. Persons who come under the influence of drugs of their own volition must be Judged as though they had acted while of sound mind. Pellek t�ras sentenced to 8 years imprisonment for attempted murder. His past recard made the offense more serious as did the faet that crimes d.nvolving murder and bodily injury have increased in Budapest. Zhe fact that use of narcotics is on the upswing ca11s for increased severity for the good of society. The Supreme Court therefore approved the sentence which thereby became final. CSO: 5300 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 BRAZIL ANTIDRUG PROGRAM INITIATED FOR SAO PAUTA STUDEr1TS Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Pbrtuguese 30 Dec 79 p 6 _ [Text] Sao Pa.ulo--Ten out of every 100 students in Sao Paulo State have alread.y used drugs for nonmedicinal purposes. On the basis of this deter- aina.tion the Secretaxiat of Fducation is beginning in 1980 an educational program for the prevention of the iaproper use of drugs. The program xill even be incorporated into the curricular manual for the entire state educa.tional systea, Khich serves approxinately 4 million students. - ~ The Secretariat of Educa.tion of Sao Paulo State conducted a survey prior to formulating this "public health progra.a for students of the firat and second grades" in the form of eight projects xhich are to be implemented through 1982. The objective, according to Benedito Campos, is not "to solve the problem but at to minimize it. This is not, " he explains, va short-term effort but rather an atteapt to prepare a generation to cope - xith, and live xith, the problem." The Survey The first step in approaching the drug problen in the schoole xas a survey carried out by the Institute of Social Medicine and Criiinology of Sao Paulo (IME5C) to obta,in data concerning the "phenomenon of the iaproper use - of drugs (drug dependence) anong the urban population of young people enrolled in the public and private schools." The collection of data involved a sample consisting of 5,612 students of the Metropolita,n Region of Sao Paulo, and the initial result xas atated as _ follows: "Drug experiments.tion is more prevalent than drug use. It can be said tha.t in general, nine or 10 out of every 100 students surveyed have _ alread.y used--or experinented xith--drugs for nonsedicinal purposes, xith - the ratio of experimenters to users vaxying betxeen txo to one and three to _ txo." _ The survey also indicated that the v,reater numbar of users and experiaen- ters attend school at night and axe in the 14 to 18 year old age group. It xas also determined that tranquilizers axe the type of drug mc>st often used initially, follox8d by sleeping pills a.nd marihuana. . 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 After almo-, t 3 yeaxs the survey xaa concluded last June, and in August the program "Public Health Patterns Among Students of the First and Second Crades: Drug Dependence" xas launched, cansiBting of eight projects xhich xill be implemented staxting in 1980. According to Benedito Roque da Silveira Campos, chairaia,n of the Coordina- - tion Group for the progra.m, the projects (xhich range from training the teachers to orienting the pasents) are ba.aed on LaW No 6,368 of October 1976, xhich prescribes "measures for the prevention and suppression of the illicit traffic in, and improper use of, narcotic substances." - Ca.lling the program "eminently useful in preventing the improper use of drugs," Benedito Roque da Silveira Campos says that implementation of the projects is nox under xay, i-ith 50 Secretariat of Education technicians from throughout the state a�ctending a Pblice Academy narcotics course in _ Khich the legal, medica.l and social aspects of the problem axe studied. Funding is simultaneously being arranged for introduction of the problem into the curricular manuals under the chapter heading "Practices Harroful to Health" in the section on "Sciences." The question is also being dealt - xith in civic institutions. The next phase of tne program xill feature the - joint publica,tion of books for teachers and students concerning the "nature and eff,,;cts of substances that ca.n cause physical or psychologica.l depen- dence." One of the projects is designed to shox the parents "how to deal with the - problenc of drug dependence in their chil3ren," together with a Karning against the "chemical paxa.dise in the home," given the fact that "many - parents unknowingly help to craate in their children a predispoaition to drug dependence by keeping medicines in the home that can lead to this type - of dependence and are not alxays used properly." - The program also involves the Secretariats of Justicc, Health and Public ~ Safety, with a view to an exchange of orientationa and even to more direct - action, as for example in the identifica.tion of traffickers inside or near - the schools. ' In the viex of Benedito Roque da Silveira Ca,mpos, "the previous laxs = contained a taboo: they embodied a feax of bringing up the driig problem. - , But the problem exists," he says, "and must be dealt with in the proper manner." The chairman of the Coordination Group for the prograw points out, however, - that there is an urgent need for the creation of a na,tional system for the investigati^n and contzb 1 of the traffic in, and usse of, narcotic sub- stances. "The draft of the bi11 has already been sent (in late October) to the - Presidency of the Republic," he a.dded. "It provides thai, the principal organ of the system xill be the Technical Chamber fox Narcotics and Irugs of the National Health Council of the Miniatry of Health. Our program is = _ already in conformity with tt-.e norms of the Chamber." _ 10992 CSO: 5300 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 - BRAZIL - DRUG CASES INVOLVING FOLICE UNTRIED AFM FIYE YEARS Rio de Janeiro JORNAI, DO BRASIL in Portuguese 6 Jan 80 p 26 [Text] Although more than 5 years have pa8aed, none of the 82 individuals accused of trafficking in narcotice in the Morro do P'e,z QueA Quer diatrict of Rocha Miranda, ha,s been brought to t,rial. A'wng the accused are 21 = policeaen, an Army sergeant, a meaber of the Fire Depa,rtment, a gua,td at the penitentiary, and an enployee of the Felix Pacheco Institute, a11 of xhom corered up and facilitated the traffic in eschange for aoney and - drugs furnished by the group hec.Aed by Milton Goncalves Thiag+o, knoxn as "Cabecao." - In March 1978 the presiding judge of the 23rd Grimina,l Jurisdiction, Sergio Cavalieri Filho, ruled that 13 of the accused, aould be tried that sasie month. Nothing definitive occurred, hoxever: inveatiga,tions xould 1iave to be carried out. Nox another judga, J. 5inwea Coata,, has groniaed to render a decision "next xeek." Many Involred In October 1974 the Naxcotics Control Division of the Regional Superinten- dency of the Federal Pblice Depa,rtaent began the investigation into the case and confirAed the activities of drug traffickera xho xere ee111ng principally marihua,na, and cocaine. I-lw- xas not difficult to identify �Cabecao" as the leader of the gang. - There xas insufficient evidence to xarrant an indictaent, a,nd Proeecuting - - Attorney Caxlos Bisca,ia--xho had been appointed eapecially to handle the case--uas able to charge only 41 of the accused but requested the preven- F tive arreBt of all of then. To date only 15 been arreated, -hoxever, and.four of these have obtained their Conditione.l release. The other 26 have Fled., and during the past 2 yeaxa three of the accused have died. _ Because of the exceseive nunber of accused persons the trial xas divided - up in order to avoid xaiting for the indictments aga,inst each individual to be concluded. There are nox 13 xho can be placed on trial. The firet definitive decision in the case caxe at the beginning of 1975, Mhen il of _ 34 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 - the accused who had been arreated at the outset of the investigatic,n~ 1rer4~ - convictad in addition to Cabecao, who at that time xas a fugitiveo Cabecao xas sentenced to 11 years in prison, but because he Kas not apprehand6iri _ until 29 April of that same yeax (and had c:ontinued as leadex of the gar_g) he xas reindicted. He iB one of those xhoa the 3udge is acheduled to sentence xithin the next fex days. The "fronts" used to conceal the sale of narcotics xere the Bel-Car Aii�to- aobile Agency, on Quoaaru 3treet, and the Morro do Faz Quea Quer Neighborhood Association--both located in Rocha Hiranda. At these loc.a- tions the police found books and notes xhich implicated the group of - traffickera led by Cabecao. - All the investigations ha,ve involved persons who not only are charged in - this trial xith using their status as poliGemen, military peraonnel oz civil servants to facilitate the naxcotics traffic but nany of thaa--as i:'ox ~ exaaple the detective Ivonio Ferraz Yiana, knoxn as "Yianinha"--are also charged xith murder in trials distributed asong the four jury-�iirial cowcts. _ _ Who They Are � In addition to the leader of the group (xho heade the list), the roster of those who are scheduled to knox the outcone of their trial xithin the next ~ fex days includes "Yianinha," who xas arrested Rhen he xas working in the - = Naxcotics Division. He is accused of interceding in behalf of the axreated traffickers and also of obtaining weapons for Cabecao. In addition to this - charge against him there aae 26 other inveetigations in progress xherein he iB accused--together xith others who are also inplicated in the aforeaen- - tioned trial--of conplicity in 36 deathe. This first group includes five [sic] police personnels Otto Correia de Mello, Orlandino ("Dino") Montovani, and Claudir Monteiro, all of rho� axe charged with ,urder together xith Yianinha. - 10992 CSO= 5300 bz, 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 SRAZIL _ BRIEFS = OOCAINE 1RAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Eduerdo Carrulo, 37, and Joel de Araujo Venancio, 19, xere arrested d.ay before yesterday by agents of the Narcoiica Division in Ladeira dos Taba,3aras, Copa,ca,bana,. Joel Kas in poaseasion of 50 grams of cocaine but alleged that it belonged to Ca,rrulo. The drugs xere sent to the Criminalistics Inatitnte for ana,lysis, [Text] Rio de Janeiro 0 GIABO in Portugueae 5 Jan 80 p li] 10992 MARIHUANA SEIZED IN AMAZONAS--Manaus--Agents of the Federal Police Depart- ment seized almost 2 tons of marihuana being grown in the municipalities of Anori and Careiro. The Indians--nine of whom were caught in flagrante delicto--had been induced by traffickers to plant marihuana, which was - then distributed in other regions of Ama.zonas, Para, Rondonia and even - - abroad, Each of the growers received 4,000 cruzeiros per kilogram for his product. The first person to be indicted was the farmer Jose Rodrigues - Verdeza, a Colombian who has lived in Amazonas for more than 28 years. He - had devoted more than 5 quadras [one quadra equals 17,424 square meters] of cleared land to growing marihuana, of which the police destroyed approxima.tely 800 kilograms. Other such plantings were discovered in Anori - near the villages of Cunha, Cuinha and Anama, and six planters were arrested - at these locations. [Text] [Brasilia CORREIO BRAZILIENSE in Portuguese 3 Jan 80 p 8] 10992 CSO: 5300 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 coLorBTA POLICE SEIZURES FOR 1979 SUMMARIZED Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanieh 20 Dec 79 p 4-C [Article: "Drugs Worth 2,117 Million Colombian Pesos Seized by the Police in 1979"] [Texti Gocaine and marihuana for a total value of Col $2,117 million - were seized by the national police between January and Novembe: 1979, - according to a report on the activitiea of that organization released yesterday to the press. According to the suxve y, during the same period 78 policemen were killed - on active duty including 3 officezs and 7 nonconanissioned offlcers. As regards kidnappinga, 13 individuals held captive were rescued while - 28 kidnappers were arrested as were 77,511 common criminals. Too, 93 rowdies, 65 of them considered highly dangerous, had clashea with the - police. _ The following are the principal figures contained in the report: - Arrests: Cammon criminals, 77,511; drug traffickers, 445; highly dangerous criminals, 396; and handits, 79. Ki.dnappings: Individuals rescued, 1.3; peraons released, 6 individuals = now in the hands of (cidnappers, 2; fiild abciuctors captured, 28. Weapons: Various types and units of arms aeized, 5,386; atmnunition of various calibers seized, 26,055. ~ Psychotropic substances: Cacaine aeized, 1,252 kilograma; laboratories = for the processing o� drugs, 31; cocaine leaves, 270 kilograma; cocaine plants, 185,700; marihuana, 304,462 lcilograms; marihuanu plants, 398,210. T'ne impounded drugs as well as the planrs were deatroyed in accordance with the legal regularions i_n elCect. 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 _ Similarly seized as responsible for drug traffic were 378 Colombian men and 29 Colombian women and 4 foreign men and 6 foreign women. According to a quantitative estimate the impounded cocaine had a value of 944,914,000 Colombian pesos. The laboratories were evaluated at 2,204,060 pesos; the cocaine leaves at 115,000 pesos; the cocaine plants at 23,858,000 pesos; the marihuana at 543,982,600 pesos; and the marihuana plants at 601,941,400 pesos. This makes a grand total of 2,117,015,960 pesos. 2662 CSO: 5300 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 COLOMBIA ATLANTIC CQAST SEIZURES IN EARLY DECEMBER LISTEA Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanieh 19 Dec 79 p 3-A [Article: "Poaitive Resulta in the Fight Againat Drug Traffickers"] [Text] The goverrunent released a positive survey o� the operations _ effected on the Atlantic Coast during the past week to check the - cultivation, trafficking, and consumption of narcotics. It disclosed that in the past 7 days 26,380 kg of marihuana, 6 aircraft, and 19 vehicles were seized. In a report of the Ministry of D efense it was noted that in that connection 36 Colanbians and 12 foreigners involved in drug traffick3ng ~ were arrested. The communique etated the followin,;: _ In the period between 7 and 14 Decewber 1979, in the courae of operations effected on the Atlantic Coast to check the activities of drug traffickers, the following results were obtained: _ 8 December 1979: In the locality of Guanabano in the town of San Juan del Cesar, Carlos P1ata Toncel, Guatavo,Rafael Dazs, and William Salvador Garcia were arrested. The following materials were seized from them: 1. One F-350 truck; and _ 2. A total of 77 packages of marihuana weighing 3,080 kg. 8 December 1979: At the Santa Marta airport a amall two-engine plane bearing registration No N-21-L with three crew membere on board: Anibal Badeb (a Colombian citizen), J3.mht Otter, and Natte Smith (U.S. citizens) without identification documents. 8 December 1979:. In Barranquilla, during a search made in the Pico de Oro cockfight ring, Juan Elias Bendeck Pareja and Adalberto Ruiz Berrio were arrested. The following materials were seized from them: 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 1. Six 9-millimeter caliber pistols; and = 2. One long-barreled 38-caliber revolver. 9 December 1979: In Punta Escondida, jurisdiction of Budilla, district of Riohacha, the following were arreated: Pedro Jose Cerchan Iguaran, � Fertnin Jose Cerchan Ceballos, Nicolas Martinez, Nelson Rafael Gneco F~Udenta, Jorge Antonio Gneco Cerchan, Carlos Enrique Daza Cordoba, Marco Peralta, Francisco Alberto Martinez Mora, Jairo Martinez Morales, Juan Onata Guillot, Lucas Gneco Cerchan, Ernesto Gustavo Pimienta Gaviria, _ Hebert Jose Martinez Pineda, Jacobo Trinidad Lopez Ortiz, Nestor Francisco Redondo, Jacobo Cotes Moscote, Santiago Pineda Barrios, and Milder Barrios Linder. The following materials were seized fran them: 1. Various vehicles; 2. Three raceiving-transmitting automobile radios; 3. Tao standard radios; 4. One radio battery; - 5. 229.5 packages of marihuana weighing 9.180 kg; and 6. A total of 400,000 pesos in cash. 10 December 1979: In the locality of Saloa, district of Curumani, the following individuals were arrested: Martin Antonio Rodriguez, Jose Manuel Pallarea Zabaleta, Ramon Meneses Perez, Martin Pulido Trujes, ' Carlos Cera Cutierrez, Ignacio Rivera Perez, from whom the following materials were seized: 1. Four vehicles of varioua types; and 2. A total of 39 packages of marihuana weighing 1,560 kg. 11 December 1979: At the Simon Bolivar airport of Santa Marta a two-engine plane bearing registration No 5694-D was seized with three crew members on _ board: Thomas Caffo, Donald Leetwelss, and Christopher Russeu Kigdun [sic--? Kidgun], all U.S. citizens. They had no flight plan nor permission to land. - 11 December 1979: At Barranquilla airport a Cessna 310 aircraft bearing I registration No 777DN was seized with two crewmen on board--Earl Robbin Bowers and James Edward Watts--U.3. citizens, lacking identification docianents. They had neither a flight p.lan nor permission to land. _ 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 li December 1979: On the road leading to Cueatecitae, jurisdiction of - Riohacha, the follawing materials were impounded: 1. One F-350 truck; and 2. A total of 48 packagea of marihuana weighing 1,920 kg. 11 December 1979: In the locality of Punta de Camaronea the follaaing materials were aeized: _ 1. Three hydraulic preeaers; and - 2. Seven small pressers. - 13 December 1979: In the locality of Poponte, juriadiction of Curumani, the following individuala were arrested: Jorge Cordoba, Araujo Penalosa, - Waldo Diaz Torres, and Gustavo Tancer. The following materials were - seized from them: 1. Tao vehiclea; and 2. A total of 106 package.s of marihuana weighing 4,240 kg. _ 13 December 1979: On the E1 Pajaro airstrip, jurisdiction of Riohacha, 2[sic] C-60 aircraft in good condition bearing registr.ation No 519E2, one Centurion aircraft in good condition bearing registration No 98837, and 5 U.S. citizens without idenCification documents were seized. 13 December.1979: On the Caricari airstrip, jurisdiction of Camarones, one Beechr_raft aircraft bearing.registration.No [omitted from source] was found abandoned. 13 December 1979: In the locality of La Playa Costa Verde, jurisdiction of Cienaga, Jose Vicente Vargas was arrested and the following materials were seized from him: � 1. Two vehicles of different types; and 2. A total of 160 packages of marihuana weighing 6,400 kg. , 2662 CSO: 5300 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 . COLOMBIA NATIONAL ANTIDRUGS COALITION FOUNDED - Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 6 Dec 79 p 8-B [Text] The National Antidrugs Coalition of Colombia inaugurates at 0900 today the National Founding Convention in an act to be openecl by a delegate of the nation's attorney general. Sessions will be held until 2000 in the Comfenalco Auditorium, 19-85 4th Carrera. The order of presentations is as follows: 0930: Fausto Charris Romero, national coordinator of the National Antidrugs Coalition. 1000: Physiologic and Psychic Effects of Drugs: Dr Jose Francisco - _ Socarras psychiatrist; Dr Elsa Strauss, psychologist and technical director of the Caminos Rehabilitation Center of Cali; Dr Antonio Guerra, 1rID, PhD in pharmacology; Dr Gabriel Nahas, IrID, advisor to the UNO [National - Opposition Union] on drug abuse; Dr Maria lsabel de Lince, psychologist, - founder and director of the Prometeo Rehabilitation Center of Bogota. 1500 to 1800: Economic and Social Problems of Drug Traffic: Dr Maximiliano - Londono, economist, Andeari Labor Party's (Plan) national executive committee; Muhammad Sal2.huddin, vice president of the National Antidrugs Coalition of the United States; Victor Moreno A, president of the Trade - Union Federation of Colombian Workers, Festracol-CTC [Trade Union Federation _ of Colombian Agricultural Workers-Confederation of Workers of Colombia]. - 1800 to 2000: How to Stop International Drug Traffic: Dr Luz Stella Torres, chemist-pharmacist, administrative chief of the Ministry of Health's Rotating Drug Fund; a representative of the nation's attorney general; - Dr Juan Torres, MID, president of the National Antidrugs Coalition of the - United States; Dr Max Dean, lawyer, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Flint, Mfchigan. 9341 CSO: 5300 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 COLOMBIA - BENSINGER CALLS FOR HEAVIER PENALTIES Bogota EL TIEMF'0 in Spanish 7 Dec 79 p 7-A _ [Text] The administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Adminiatration, - Peter B. Bensinger, called for heavier penalties for marihuana and , cocaine traffickers. "Assistance is needed," he said, "to suppreas the flow of druge in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. For this reason we must make long-term plans and control the eradication of crops with the support of the diplomatic corpa." Bensinger considers that a recommendation to approve legislat3,on on "the - high seas," for American citizens and ships "is extremely necessary to close any unnoticed possibility of evading the law of controlled substances, - which allows ships loaded with marihuana and cocaine to sail the aeas with impunity." , - - The United States should belong to tha convention on psychotropic drugs, signed in 1971 and as yet not not ratified by the senate of the United States. He said there has been a drop of 6.6 percent in retail sales of heroin between 1976 and 1979, which has meant a decrease in the death rate from 150 per month in 1976 to 30 during 1979. He specified that the number of heroin addicts dropped from 560,000 in 1975 to less than 440,000 in 1978. "The control that the United States muat exercise in the face of the threat _ posed by the opium production of Iran, Pakistan and Afghaniatan, estimated at some 1500 tons, will be a worthy taak in the fight against druga," , Bensinger concluded. 9341 CSO: 5300 43 r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 COLOMBIA - F-2 IN TRIPLE STRIKE AT TRAFFICKERS Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 6 Dec 79 p 22-A [Article by Francisco Cristancho] [Text] T~ao of the largest and most sophisticated cocaine-processing _ laboratories ever found by agents of the F-2 antinarcotics group were impounded during a triple strike in the capital and suburban areas of _ Fusagasuga and Girardot. In addition to discovering the two laboratories, agents of the national police's secret organization also captured eight subjects and confiscated 10 kg of cocaine and 20 kg oc cocaine paste ready to be processed. Three Phases The operation set up by F-2 agents was carried out in three phases. The first phase took place on Tuesday at 1930 hours in apartment 202 at 74-92 13th Avenue, Bogota, where 10 kg of pure cocaine were confiscated and several subjects were arrested: Pedro Jose Santamaria Lago, Rafael _ Eduardo Diaz Ramirez, Julio Cesar Murcia and Armando Nieto Cartagena. Also found at the apartment were two presses, four very large, false- bottom suitcases used to transport the alkaloid, a plastic-sealing machine, " two .38 long caliber revolvers with lots of ammunition, several rolls of _ plastic used to package the substance and two vehicles: a 1979 white Nissan - Patrol station wagon with free transit plates number 4242 and a 1978 Dodge-350 ` - truck carrying plates number MC-3880. Laboratory in Fusa _ After tiaveling almost an hour on the Bogota to Tolima highway, the F-2 _ agents found a large cocaine-processing laboratory near Fusagasuga, inside a farm called La Fonda Mia. 44 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 _ Here they arrested Santiago Tobon Gaviria, from E1 Toto, Valle del Cauca; Elibardo Salinas Garzon, from Quipile, Cundinamarca, and Bernardo Munoz, f rom La Dorada, Caldas. A epokesman for the sec.ret arganization said that among the items confiscated at the La Fonda Mia farm were five plastic gallon containers wi[h ether in them, six 5-gallon plastic containers, four glass demijohns, eight cocaine- drying lamps, three containers of hydrochloric acid and a precision scale. The Girardot Operation In the third and last of the operations, members of the F-2 antinarcotics group, the organization which has distinguished itself by dealing the heaviest blows against drug trafficking organizations in the past few years in Colombia, entered the La Marinita farm, belonging to Aiberto Duarte French, at approximately 600 hours. Here, Siervo Humberto Jimenez Jimenez, from Junin, Cudinamarca, who said he - was the manager of the farm, was arrested. Inside a room of La Marianita, the agents found items used for processing - cocaine, including 12 powerful cocaine-drying lamps, several test tubes, 2 boxes of hydrochloric acid, 6 drums containing acetone and ether, a _ plastic-sealing machine, suitcases suitable for transporting the drug, several sheets of filter paper, a roll of plastic to wrap the substance _ and countless plastic containers used to mix the acids and the cocaine paste. Farm Rented It must be noted that, according to preliminary investigations of the F-2 ~ agents, the farm was rented by its owners almost a year ago to a man wha - identified himself as Ismael Pena. The latter is now being sought by the police, since he is accused of being one of the leaders of the drug trafficking band. - Yesterday, a source outside the F-2 said that it is very possible the drug trafficicers arrested in this operation might have something to do with - the recent arrest of Francisco Trimino, the race car driver, who was _ discovered the previous Sunday with 77 kg of highly pure cocaine, in a luxurious apartment of a residential area north of the capital. 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 w ~ } t�' .fi~kt 1., In the mist of the materials that formed the two largest - laboratories ever found, appear seven of the eight persons _ who were arrested during the triple strikes carried out by the F-2 antinarcotics group. 9341 CSO: 5300 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 COLOMBIA POLICE CLOSE DOWN IrLAJOR COCAINE OPERATION PA232207 Bogota Radio Cadena Nacional iu Spanish 1730 GD1T 23 Jan 80 PA - [Text] Bogota--One of the most spectaoular blows was dealb today against the i.nter- - national drug trafficking gangs operating in Colombia. The Admintstrative Department of Security [pAS] discovered a plantation with more than 3,000 heatares of ooca leaves - - in the middle of the jungle. The operation was carried out by the police command in Guaviare near CaJ.amar, MiraPlores and (Tiobarba). 3everal persons wore arrested. It was reported at noon today that the DAS seized a shipment of proaessed aoca, the 3,000 - hectares of coca, a large and modern laboratory, U.S. and Colombian aurrenoy, outboard - motors and several launches. Several officials of the attorney generalis office left for the area today to help in the investigation. _ It was said that this is one of the largest seizures of aocaine in the history of tihe struggle against drug trafficking. The investigation of this case started several = months ago when Rafael Poveda Alfonso was the DAS direotor. _ It was reported that the drug braffickers used Indians of the region to aulbivate the drug. The suthorities reported that many persons, bobh Colombians and foreigners, _ - were arrested in the operabion. The Indians received mc+ney and other items in exohange for the product which'was subsequently processed in the modern laboratory that the authorities found. The druq rras transported in light planes whioh landed at clandestine airstrips, or in launches with outboard motors. The authorities had tn penetrate sevAral kilometers - using horses and then launches to at the place where the drug trafficking aenter operated. One oP the DAS agents said that it is impossible to estimate the value of ' everything that was seizod but noted that it may be worth many millions of dollars. _ CSO: 5300 47 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 COLOMBIA DRUGS, FORTY LIGHT TRAFFICKERS SEIZED Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 20 Dec 79 p 8-A ('Text] The armed forces dealt a severe blow to drug traffir.kera operating - on the Atlantic coast during the week of 7 to 14 December 1979. In this period 48 individuals involved in that unlawful activity were ~ arrested while six aircraft of various types were also seized by the ` - authorities. Also impounded were 19 automotive vehicles of various - types, 7 short-range weapons, 10 hydraulic pressere,5 radios, and 659 kg - of marihuana ready for export. The volume of drugs confiscated in such - _ a ahort period makes it possible to deduce that said trade continues at its peak. The following persons were arrested: Anibal Badeb, 3imht Otter, and NatCe Smith, the first of these being a Colambian citizen and the other two U.S. citizena,'who were seized in Santa Marta together with a small two-engine sircraft. Carlos Plata Toncel, Guatavo Rafael Daza, and William Salvador Garcia, _ were captured in the locality of Guanabano, in San Juan del Cesar. One _ truck and 77 packages of marihuana were taken fran them. = Juan Elias Bendeck Pareja and Adalberto Ruiz Berrio were arrested in - - Barranquilla. One revolver and one pistol were taken from them. In - the district of Dibulla, municipality of Riohacha, Pedro Jose Cerchan Iguaran, Fermin Joee Cerchan Ceballos, Nicolas MarCinez, Nelson Rafael Geneco Pimienta, Jorge Antonio Geneco Cerchan, Carlos Enrique Daza, a Marcos Peralta, Francisco Martinez Mora, Jairo Martinez Morales, Juan - Onata Guillot, Lucas Geneco Merchan, Ernesto Pimienta Gaviria, Hebert Martinez Pineda, Jacobo Trinidad Lopez Ortiz, Neetor Redondo, Jacobo - Cotes Moacote, Santiago Pineda Barrios, and Milder Barrios Linder were arrested. Nine autnmobiles, 5 car radios, 229 packages of marihuana, _ and 400,000 Colombian pesos in cash were seized from them. Martin Antonio Rodriguez, Joae Payares Zabaleta, Ramon Meneses Perez, Martin Pulido Trujes, Carlos Cera Gutierrez, and Ignacio Rivers Perez were also arrested. This occurred in Saloa, municipality of Curumani. In this instance, 4 automobiles and 39 packages of marihuana were also seized. ' 48 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 Thomas Caffo, Donald Leetwelss, and Chrietopher Rueseu Kidgun were arrested in Santa N~.srta in a two-engine plane. Earl Robbin Bowers and 3am-!s ~ Edward Watts, also with a two-engine aircraft, were seized in Barranquilla. In Riohacha a truck and 48 packagea of marihuana were impounded. In - Punta de Camaronea 10 presaers were found. In Poponte, Curuma,ni, 106 packages of marihuana and 2 automobiles were impounded. Jorge Cordaba, - Araujo Penalosa, Waldo Diaz Torres, and Guatavo Tancer were arrested. In the locality of Pajaro in Riohacha, three aircraft and five U.S. citizens were seized. On the Caricari airsCrip a plane which the - traffickers had abandoned was discovered. In Costa Verde, Cienaga, Jose - Vicente Vargas was arrested. He was found to have in his posaession 160 - packages of marihuana and 2 vehicles. " 2662 CSO: 5300 49 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 COLOMBIA TOTAL OF 500 KILOGRAMS OF COCAINE SEIZED IN BOGOTA _ Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 18 Dec 79 pp 1-A, 15-C [Article by Ramiro Castellanos: "A Total of 500 leg of Cocaine Seized in Bogora"] [Text] The second largest shipment of cocaine in the world valued at 2 billion pesos on the black market in the United SCates was seized by - the anCinarcotics group of the criminal police of Colombia's Public _ Prosecutor's Office. The shipment, consisting of 500 kg of 95 percent pure cocaine had originated fran Eastern Plains region in a station-wagon with a double _ compartment and a luxury aut anobile. The operation, characterized as lightning-like by the authorities, was carried out yesterday afternoon near the E1 Campin coliseum at a time when several of the members of a band of drug traffickers were moving the valuable smuggled goods along the ma3or arteries of Colombia's _ capital. A patrol of the antinarcotice group arrested as suspects in drug traf- - - ficking the following individuals: Oscar Arcila, a native of Urrav (Antioquia); Rodrigo Ayala, a native of Palmira; and Fabio Garcia, born in Manizales. Together with the drugs a atation-wagon bearing license plate MC 3838 _ and a Dodge 1800 automobile with temporary licenae plate No 7775 were - seized. - In the first vehicle, in a double compartment located in the body of the station-wagon, more than 490 kg of the alkaloid subst$nce were being ' transported duly packaged in plastic bags. Another 2 kg of cocaine were - being carried in the automobiTe. - According Co the information given to EI, TIEMPO, the three arrested ' individuals tried to bribe the personnel of the Public Prosecutor's - Office's patrol and offered them the station-wagon in exchange for the return of the shipment of cocaine and their release. - - Obviously, the representatives of the law-enforcement agency refused - the offer. 50 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 A spakesman for the antinarcotics group noted that this attitude was due in large measure to the honesty of all its members and to the good salaries that allow them to be above bribery. _ The 500 kg of cocaine, on the basis of the known details, were to be - _ delivered in Bogota to a network of drug traffickers which would have seen to forwarding the shipment to the United States. '1'liis is tlie second largest cocaine sliipment seized by thc peraonnel of Colombia's Public Prosecutor's Office in 1979. In February 1979 some 200 kg were impounded in an operation carried out in Turbo (Antioquia). - The largest cocaine shipment in the world was seized by the F-2 unit of the [?anny's] general staff in Bogota on 11 September 1979. It involved 800 kg valued at 256 billion pesos, nearly twice ColomUia's budget. ` _ In that operation effected in var_ious residences of the special district, - several laboratories earmarked to the processing of the drug were discovered. A virtual fleet of modern vehicles was also seized while ~ 16 persons, including 2 foreigners, were arrested. I Together with the valuable cocaine shipment estimated at billion pesos are the three drug traffickers arrested ~ yesterday in Bogota by the personnel of Colombia's Public ' Prosecutor's Office. 2662 CSO: 5300 ~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 COLOMBIA TRAFFICKERS, DRUGS SEIZED AT BOGOTA AIRPORT - Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 12 Dec 79 p 14-A [Article: "Drug Traffickers Seized at Eldorado Airport"] [Text] A Colombian citizen and a U.S. citizen were seized yesterday . at Eldorado International Airport when the former tried to smuggle - - in 70 kg of cocaine paste and the latter attempted to transport 2 kg - of pure cocaine to Guatemala. The arrest of the drug traffickers was made by agents of the criminal - police of the antinarcotics group of Colombia's Public Prosecutor's Office who had been alerted by a customs official. The latter was the one who discovered the valuable shipment being carried by the Colambian in two suitcases. The U.S. Citizen - Richard Terry Bassey, a native of California, U.S.A., was seized yesterday morning as he tried to take out of Colombia a shipment of pure cocaine made up of 2 kg of the drug. The foreigner; who was on his way to Guatemala, carried two slim leather suitcases with a sophisticated double bottom where he had concealed - the drugs. _ The arrest of Richard Terry Bassey took place at 0900 hours in the morning as he was about to board a plane of the Aerocondor company whose first _ scheduled stop was Medellin. The special agents assigned by the Public - Prosecutor's Office to the criminal police noted that the individual behaved in a very nervous fashion and they decided to subject him to intense questioning which made it possible to discover fihe drugs. The U.S. citizen was about to take a return flight after spending - 8 days in Bogota, a period during which he undoubtedly made the contacts necessary for the acquisition of the drugs. 52 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 A total of 70 kg of Paste In a second strike effected at about 1600 hours in the afternoon, the agents of the Public Prosecutor's Office, alerted as was mentioned by a customs official inside the air termina.l, seized two suitcases in which they found 70 kg of cocaine paste carefully packed. - On this occasion the Colombian Fabio Yanguas Valenzuela, who had arrived from La Paz, Bolivia, on Aviance's flight No 80, was arrested. _ Because of the manner in which the drugs were being transported,some - experts in dicated to EL ESPECTADOR that there had never been a similar - _ case given that the two suitcases seized were built uniquely and ' exclusively for the transportation of said paste. This suggested that _ the suspect had planned to meet a key individual at the airport, for otherwise he would have tried to conceal the valuable shipment. It was also reported that the cost of the drugs after processing could easily reach some 100 million Colombian pesos. _ Falsified Passport Yanguas Valenzuela, who tried to outwit the action of the authorities, at first identified himself as I'abio Gallego, a Spanish citizen. However, - after a thorough check of his passport, No 656867, it was possible to - deteztnine that it had been falsified. - The drugs were wrapped in three packages which, after being unwrapped, - were discovered to involve plastic containers that were protected by thick - pieces of plastic which in turn were secured by broad strips of adhesive - tape. - The Colombian Fabio Yanguas Valenzuela is accused of falsifying documents and drug trafficking, a spokesman for the Public Prosecutor's Office _ said. In the last few days that organ has managed to seize approximately 200 kg of narcotics whose value on the black market would be incalculable. 53 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050035-6 Fabio Yanguas Valenzuela, quien fne capturado ayer en. el aeronuerto Eldorado cuando pretendfa : introducir al pals un cargamento de '70 kilos de pasta de cocalna, cuyos paquetes aparecen dentro ; de las maletas que se aprecian a la iaquierda de la ' grgfiaa. (Foto de Posada). �~:~l.. ~N � 1 � 1 ! ~`~~~it, . . � y '.