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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200020054-8 ~ ~ ~ 29 NOVEM6ER i9T9 CFOUO S0l79~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY JPRS L/8789 ~ 29 Noverr~l~er 1979 V1/orldwide R~ ort _ p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 50/79) - FBIS ~=OREICaN BROADCA~T INFORMATION SERVICE FO~t OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primar~ly from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets = - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ - or [ExcerptJ in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief,, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phoneti~ally or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an - item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- c ies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. [ For further information on report content - call (703) 351-2811, ~ ~ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULA'TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION ` OF THIS PUBLICATIQN BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE O:JLY JPRS L/8789 29 November 1979 ~ WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROU~ DRUGS (FOUO 50/79) _ CONTENTS PAGE ASIA AUSTRALIA Heroin Found en Singapore Ship in rremantle (THE STRAITS TIlKES, 26 Sep 79) 1 BiJRMA - - 'DAIZY' Reports Advances Made in Naxcotics Control (Editorial; WORKING PEOPLE'S DAIZY, 5 Nov 79) 2 - Near L~,000 Acres Poppy Fields Destroyed in Three Months - - (WORKING PEOPLE'S DAIZY, 2 Nov 79) ................o.. 1~ - Brief s Five Years ior I1rug Possession 5 Heroin Seizure in ~Salewa 5 INDIA - - Brief s Ganj~. Seized 6 MALAYSTA r ~ U.S. Assistance for Campaign Agair~st l7rug Abuse _ (NEW STRAITS TTMES, 29 Sep 79) 7 ~ Defects Seen in I1rug REhabilitatio~ Program (Editori al; NEW STRAITS TIMES, 29 Sep 79) 8 Over 11 Percent of Surve,_yed Students Have Used Drugs (NEW STRAITS T1-MES, 18 Sep 79) 9 - Drug-Laced Food Found in School ~anteens (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 25 Sep 79) 10 - [ I I I - WW - 13 8 FOUO ~ ~ FOR OFFICIr~L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : - CONTENTS (ConL.inued) Page N~.r~,oL~ics Arres~;;;, Trials, Sentence:, Report~:d ~VaI'lOll~ .iOl1T~CP.S~ various dates) ~_Z Heroin Sentence - Life Sentence Escapes Capital Charge S~nuggling Route - Life Sentence for Trafficking Heroin Possession Opium Traffickers Caught Heroin Charge Death of Add.ict Heroin Arrest _ Charged With Possession NEW ZEALAND Chinese Syndicatie Reported~Active in Heroin Trade _ (THE EVENING POS`T, 18 Oct 79) 16 ITrug Enlorcement Boosted With Add~.tional Manpower, Vehicles - (THE EV'~NING POST, 17 Oct 79) �������..��.��..�...�..a. 17 Brief s - X-Ray Check on Mail 18 - Hashish Seized at Airport 18 I}isposal of Drugs 18 Hercin Importer Found Guilty 18 PAKISTAN Brief s - Chaxas Smugglin~ Attempt Fails 20 _ Ten Kilos of Charas Seized 20 Narcotics on Pak-Afghan Border 20 _ Sri Zankan S~nuggler Held 20 PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA " Brief s I}rug Peddlsrs Deported 21 PHILIPPINES Regions Identified as Marihuana Producers (PHIZIPPINES DATLY EXPRESS, 26 Oct 79) 22 - b - Fdx OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = CONTENTS (Coritinued) Page SRI LANKA ~ Br~efs ~ Pakistanis Arrested ~4 - THAILAND Heroin Traffickers Seized in Bangkok - (BANGK~JK POST, Oct 79) 25 ` Airline Official Arrested, Linked to Traffickers in Hong Kong - (B~t1GKOK POST, 5 Oct 79) 26 Police Raid Chinese Opium Den ~ (BANGKOK POST, 28 Sep 79) 27 ~ - CANADA Commentator Urges Legalization of Heroin - ~ (Gerry Bellet; THE WEEKaiD SUN, 20 Oct 79) 29 Peruvian Jailed Eight Years on Cocaine Charge (THE GLOBE AND MATI,, 2 Nov 79) 32 Brief s B.C. Appeals Heroin Act Decision 33 - Drug Zaboratory Discovered 33 Drug Raid in Alb~r~a 33 EAST EUROPE - CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Brief s Drug Addi~tion Figures 3~ I~ATIAi AMERICA BAHAMAS Brief s - Maxihuana, Colombians Seized 35 - COLOMBIA Seizures to Date in 1979 Surrunarized _ (EL ESPECTADOR, 2 Oct 79) 36 - c - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - CONTENTS (Continuad) Page - Atlantic Coast: 3 Million Kg of Maxihuana to Date . - (EL TIEMPO, 18 Sep 79) 38 Six New Seizures, Raids Described (EL ESPECTADOR, 2 Oct 79) 39 Cocaine, Million-Plus Dollars Seized (EL TIII~I?P0, 15 Sep 79) lGl Briefs - U.S. Report on IJrug Money ~3 Aircraft, Weapons, Drugs Seizure 1~3 ECUADOR Traffickers Arrested en Route to Colombia (EL UNIV~O, 8 Oct 79) Lt4 - Cocaine Confiscated in Hua Quillas ~ (EL TIr`~IPO, 15 Oct 7y) 46 PANAMA Brief s Drug Arrests ~47 VENEZiJ~I~A (~ocaine Traffic:ker Arrested in Caracas (EL iTNIVERSAI:, 16 Oct 79) 48 Briefs - I1rug Seizure 50 - - NEAR EAST & NORTH AFRICA IRAN Briefs Drugs, Arms Haul 51 - = ISRAEL = Heroin Smuggler Gets 9 Years (Yoram Bax; THE JERUSALEM POST, 6 Nov 79) 52 - d - - FOR OFFICIp.L U5~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Contir.ued) Page . USSR WHO Drug Seminar apens in Moscow, Contimaes in Dushanbe (KOMMITNIST TADZHIKISTANA, 9 Oct 79) 53 WESTERIV' EUROPE - FEDER.A.I~ REPUBLIC OF GERMANY - Editorial Views Heroi.n Problem, Measures Taken (SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, 18 Oct 79) 5lt 91 Kilograms of Hashish Found in Mobile Home (StTEDDEUTSCHE ZEIT[TIJG, 16 Oct 79) 56 _ Increased Smuggling, Use, Effects of Cocaine Described _ (DER SPIEGEL, 22 Oct 79) 57 FRANCE Teenage Students~ Use of Ihugs I7iscussed (Thierry Desjardins, Gerard Jovene; LE FIGARO, 15 oct 79) 61 TURxEY - Heroin, Hashish Use on the Rise . (GUNAYDIN, 5 Nov 79) 67 . _e_ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 nus~ritn~,;,~ - HEROIN FOUND ON SINGAPORE SHIP IN FREMANTLE r Singapore THE STRAITS TIMES in English 26 Sep 79 p 1 [Text] A TIP-OFF from the from Ball. - Singapom authorlties has The director of the Cen- helped Ai~stralian customs tral Narcotics Bureau ofGcers'make the bigqest (CNB), Mr Tee 1~a Ba, stngle heroin haul iri Aus- told the 5traits Times last tralian history yesterday night that the tlp-otf was from the Sfngapore pas- aiven through an Austra- senger and cargo shtp IIan Hlgh Commission ofti- Kota Ball at its western cial�here. - port of Fremantle. "We came acroes thls - Reuter reports that the in the course ot our inves- waiting officers seized 12 tigatioas into a syndicate kilos ot heroin, said to smuggling heroin between have a street value well in Indonesia and Adsttalfa. excess of A:1 mllllon We had intoefnatton t6at (S=2.41 millioh), atter thls shlp N~s searching the ship. heroin at~d w! . psexed They also quesdoned on W the rele~Vant author- several crew member~ o! ittee," Le a~W. N.a. the ship, which arrived K[J'1'I"Y. CSO: 5300 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 . BURMA 'DAILY' REPORTS ADVANCES MADE IN NARCOTICS CONTROL Rangoon WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 5 Nov 79 p 5 BK [Editorial: "Narcotics Control] ' [ Tex t] HE recent annoancement by the ~ Central Narcotics Control Board that over 3,000 acres of poppy fields were destroyed during the first quarter of 1979 is in3icative of the continuing energetic ,efforts being made in the field of narcotics � suppression. Since the commencem~nc of the campaign agair~st narcotics drugs production, traf~ick~ag and abuse many years ago, Burma has rr~ade considerable headway in combat~ng this scourge of ~ l~umanity. ~ We were aware from the very beginntng that this kind of problem with its deep physical, psychalogical, sqcial and econo- mic ramifications would not lend itself to easy solutions. What }s more, the very nature of tetrain in which poppy is ~ grown-ruggedly juogled mountain areas m some of the most inaccessibte regions of the country, confronts u~ with immense logistic problems in our efforts to elirni- r~ate the plantations. ~Iow~ver, we have quietly ~one on to deal with the problems, wh~ch though - great are not totally. unsurmountable. The insurgent elements who felt them- selves safe in their mountains soon found _ 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 out that the jungle fastness could .~o ~ longe~ provida them $anctuary. One ! r~fining plant after another was destroyed ; and plantations were put to the torch by the Tatmadaw even in the deepest of j~ngles and the n~Qst difficult terratn. ln closer arsas, ~eambined forces led by the Tatmadaw #'requently went out on search and destfoy missiods. Tbe ~ total acreage destroyed during the first qitarter of. 1979 is very nearly 4,000 acres and includes plantations found in Shan, KaChin and Chin States as well as Sagaing, Magwe an~ Ma~dalay Uiyisions. ~ One of the most effective tools in - na~rcotics control has beon found to be the people themselves. The information provided by responsible-minded villagers through th~ local People's Councils has been iastrumental in the elimination of a lot of such secret plantations. i This is in itself indicative of the kind ~ of public confidence which has been i nurtured right down at the grass�raots ~ level. The energetic eftorts being made I for the introduction of substitute cash ~ - crops where there used to be poppy plants ~ has also helped to ensure permanent solution to the problem. The knowledge that what they are doing for their liveli- hood is in effect brioging much suffering Yo others has helped to make such plan- ~ ters switch over to harmless cash crops which are as paying. No wander that narcotics control measures at the grass- ` roots level have been bringing such s~tisfying results. ~ CSO: 5300 - . 3 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 ~ BL RI~fA NEAR ~,OQO ACRES POPPY FIELDS DESTROYED IN THREE MONTHS Rangoon WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 2 Nov 79 p 1, 8 BK - 1 [Text] Rangoon, 1 Nov--A total of 3969.7 acres of opium poppy cultiva- tions were destroyed in Shan, Kachin and Chin States and Sagaing, Magwe and Mandalay Divisions during the f irst three months of 1979 under arrange- ments made by the Central Narcotics Control Board. ~ The destruction of opium poppy cultivations was carried out by People's - Police Force No 5 Security Regiment, members of the State and Division Police Forces, local Tatmad3w regiments and units and militias with the - cooperation of the local populace. State and Division Police Forces, with the c~opE:ration of the local nationals and under the guidance and l.eadership of the local party and - People's Councils, also destroyed clandestine mari~juana plantations in the eastern and western part of Pegu Yoma, Irrawa~dy Delta and the eastern ~ part of Western Yoma areas. Law enforcement organizations took action against 1,886 drug cases and seized 539.63 kilo of opium, 11.05 kilo of opium solution, 3.72 kilo _ heroin and 53.93 kilo marijuana during the first.six months of 1979. Narcotic dru gs control work is continuing in Burma under the guidance and leadership of the Party and People's Councils in accordance with the resolution adopted by the fourth meeting of the First Pyithu Hluttaw , ~ [People's Assembly] calling for a national movement for combating narcotic drugs abuse. NAB CSO: 5300 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 BURMA - BRIEFS _ FIVE YEARS FOR DRUG POSSESSION--Mergui, 27 Oct--The Mergui East Township Court No (1) yesterday ~entenced Ko Kyu Lun and U Yaung Gwan of Kangyi Ward to five years' imprisonment each under Section 6(b) (possession) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. The case was that police seized four packets of - opium and a bag of opium residue from the room of Ko Kyu Lun, a tenant _ at Daw Hla Yin's house in Kangyi Ward here, in March last. Police _ arrested Ko Kyu Lun and Daw Hla Yin and sent them up for trial before _ the township court. The court found Ko Kyu Lun guilty and sentenced him to five ye~rs' imprisonment. House owner Daw Hla Yin was acquited. Similarly, 54 packets of opium were seized from tT Yaung Gwan of Kangyi - Ward and he was sent up for trial before the township court which sentenced him to five years' imprisonment. [Text] [Rangoon WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 3 Nov 79 p 8 BKJ HEROIN SEIZURE IN I:AI,EWA--Kalewa, 28 Oct--Two bottles of heroin eacn worth _ about K 450 were seized from one Ko Chit Sein of Ooywa village, Minkin Township, by a combined party of police and Ward People's Councillors on ~ the night of 26 October. Police of Kalewa Township narcotic drugs abuse _ suppression squad and Ward People's Councillors seized two small bottles ~ of heroin from Ko Chit Sein near the r^ire Services Departmer.t on the night of 26 October. Acting on information given by Ko Chit Sein, the police party searched Ko Zaw Weik of Shardaw Village, Minkin Township, at the jetty here and seized three bottles of heroin from him. The two men _ to?d the police that oil mill owner U Ba Yone of Shardaw Village asked them to sell the heroin ior him. Police are taking action against Ko Chit Sein and Ko Zaw Weik. under the Narcotic Drugs Law and are interro- gating the oil mill owner. (296) [Text] [Rangoon WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY ~ in English 5 Nov 79 p 8 BK] CSO: 530a 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240020054-8 I - INDIA _ BRIEFS GANJA SEIZED--About five maunds of ganja, valued at Rs 76,000, were seized by the Central Striking Force of the F~;cise Directorate, West Bengal, from a house in the Narkeidanga area on Saturday. The drug was kept in 85 packets, each weighing more than 2 kg in tea chests. A man was detained, Excise Directorate sources said. [Calcutta THE SUNDAY STATESMAN in Englisit 21 Oct 79 p 7] A large amount of ganja, valued at more than Rs 68,000, was seized by the Central Striking Force of the Excise Directorate, West Bengal, at a h ouse in the Beniapukur area of Calcutta on Friday night. Three per- sons wexe arrested. Central Striking Force sources said on 5aturday that the ganja was in 77 packets hidden in tea chests. [Text] [Calcutta THE SUNDAY STATESMAN in English 28 Oct 79 p 7] CSO: 5300 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 ~ - MALAYSIA U.S. ASSISTANCE FOR CArtPAIGN AGAINST DRUG ABUSE Kuala C,umpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 29 Sep 79 p 13 [Text~ KUALA LUMPUR, enforcement ofticere tional aeaiatance ln the Fri. - The United auch as the police and matter. Statea will provide cuatoma. On lnvestment, DatuR i1~Ialayaia with various Datuk Rals, who ie Rais eaid he had general forma of 89aiat8nce in- 8~ao Mentri Beear ot Ne� diacuaaiona wtth aeveral c 1 u d i n m o n e t a r ~i ~mbilan, sald. that US induetrfalieta with a 8 Y thls document would be ~1ew to aecuring inveat- gT81~tB in lte efforts to submitted for atudy to ment for Negri $embilan. combat drug traffick- the Cabtnet Committee ing and abuse in the on Drug Abuae, headed Country, the national by Deputy Prime Min- c h a i: m a n o f Ister Datuk 3eri Dr. Pemadam, Datuk Rais Mahcthir Mohamad. Yatim said thie eve- He also aald the US nin Government would give g' a direct grant ot Detaila of the as- US=7b,000 to Pemadam sistance and cooperation for the last quarter of the between the two coun- year to turther ita ac- trlea are contained ln a tlvities. joint Malayaia-US Mem- He hoped that the next orandum of Under- Asean meeting on druga standing aigned 1n Waeh- w,ould take a collective ington during Datuk atand to eolve the prob� Rais's two-week vieit ~em and to en:iat interna- there. Spe aking to reporters op Fiia return from the US, Datuk Rata said this , aqreement showed that the US was serioualy con- cerned about the drug problem in Malaysia. He said the memo- radum called tor US as- alatance in terma oi en- forcement, counaelling and rehabiliation. Further assiatance from the US would take the torm o[ training for CSO: 5300 . 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 Mni,nYS i n - DI:F[?C'CS S[~,I;N I N DRUC RLHAB].Li.1'ATION PROCRAM - Kuala Lumpur L~EW STRAITS TIMBS in English 29 Sep 79 p 16 [Editorial: "Only Holding"] [Text] On the enforcement side Maiaysia has ter-caxe centres, appoint and train the per- scored several victories in the war against son~el and make changea in the prison sys- drugs this year. There has been a drop in the tem? The anawer to date is no: - the facil- amount of druga transiting through our . itiea available are atill ludicroua in rela'tion ports and local addicts are finding drugs to the need. For all the talk the only people increasingly difficult to get. Now thn,t the - who aeem to care axe the police. understaffed and underpowered Narcotics We cannot sit back and wait for the prob- Bureau has been reorganised under the CID lem to go away. All conditions are conducive - a further crackdown against traffickers can to an even grea4er growth in the addiction be expected. But let us not tooY ourselves that rate. Large numbers of young people will _ these victories are any more than tactical. continue to drift Into tvwna, where the . One of the reasocis. for the reduced flow of abaence of family ties or any alternative drugs is a drought in the Golden Triangle - social life and all ~ the problems of urban after the next poppy harvest the presaure living will pueh them towaxds the drug will be on again. culture. And the numbers at risk are increas- We pointed out in this column aix months ing as girla become more mobile and there- ago that enforcement alone is only a holding fore more open to the same influencee. A action - that only by cutting demand recent survey of addicta in Selangor found through reducing the addict population will that more than one in three addicts is no~�~ any real inroads be made on the drug prob- female. It is e~ey to pasa punitive lawa lem. We asked then if the government was against traificking and satiafying to hit out prepared to make the kind of investment at individual auppliera - but when is necessary to rehabilitate addicts - to build Malayaia going to get down to the hard part detoxification units, rehabilitation and af- - rehabilitating the addicta? _ CSO: 5300 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 t~v~t.nvs z n , OVER 11 PERCENT OF SURVEY~D STUDENTS HAVE USED DRUGS - ' huala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 18 Sep 79 p 24 _ [Text] PENAI~G, Mon. - A drug study ha.s shown that 11.5 per cent of school chil- dren have taken one or more drugs without any medical reason. The majority of these atudents are ex- perimental or occasional uaers and hence are _ not dependent on druga, while a minority are regular and experienc~d ueers. � This was diacioeed to- ~ 8lxteenpe i cent gave day by Univeraiti 8ains coping with problems ae reaearchers Dr. V. g~~reasonwithl4pe r Navaratnam and Puan cont claiming that tFiey - Azizah Haji Ahmad in a uaed druge as an aid to paper on ' brug abuae tn etudying. Malaysia" at the CAP - aeminar on health, food Preseures and nutrition The more chronic Dr. Navaratnam la dru de ndenta cited in� - with the National Drug nuence of iriende as the Defence Research Centre reuson tor iNtiation.,wfth while Puan Azizah ia with the National Drug financial or emotiot?al Dependence ResearcF~ preaeurea of life as the Centre. second inductor. The atudy, which wa$ � The paper also dis- carried out among 16,168 cloaed that up~t~ i~Sd, secondary school chil- ~g ad dren, defined non-raedi- ~en identified, of which c a 1 d r u g s a s a m- 70 per cent were between phetamines, tran� ~he agea ot 15 and 24 quilliaera, sleeping pill$, Yeara. ganja, mx pllla, pay- The PBPer aaid that of chofropic compounds, 8~1 druga, the poteatial of heroin, morphine and ~coming hooked wu o ium. greatest with heroin. / pThe paper diacloaed The paper reveal~ed that curioeity and in� that heroin wes also the fluence by frienda ac� main form� of drug talcen - counted for 80 per cent of by 78.6 per cent ot addicte all reaaona glven for in� ~ Malaysia The ~ecor.d ttiation to drug uae. most popular drW~s were gania and morpb~ne. ~ CSO: 5300 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 _ r~n~~nYS Ln DRUG-LACED FOOD FOUND IN SCHOOL CANTEENS Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 25 Sep 79 p 6 ['fext ] K UALA L U M P U R, day that hia ausptcic?n reaort to all rorti ot `im- flcer, hae made a study of Mon. - SChoola have ~'oueed when the mickt lncluding mWhg �drug addiction among been werned to be on naei lemak and the sometoodwithdrugslike ~choolchildrenintheKa- the look-out fofr un- ~eehoon he ate on two, gania or beroin," he iaag aret~. acru ulous eo le of� separate oceaeione at added ~ .During his etudy, p p p certain canteens made He said that no survey ~pread over three yeara, - fering food mixed with him feel droway. had been made by ot- ~~sted about 80 boys gan ja to children. "pn ~arrying out my ficfals trained in drug de� ~d 81r1s who wen on A n o f f i c i a 1 o f own inveetigattons, I was tection to ~Ind out to wbat dl'~Bs. Peraadam (the National convinced that either extent ~choolchlldren Anti�Druga Abuse Aa� gania or hernin had been were baing esploited by Dg~y COIIt$Ct eoclatioa) came acroea ~1xed in the food, cantean operatore on a~ two casea receatly of nas! "3chool canteen ope� national ecale. "We have to be oa the lemak snd meehoon aold ratore quite often lease "Sirce more thaa look�out for Qut~iders in achool canteens con� out part of their premisea milllon of our ohildrat whe msy try to ~ell drugs talning traces oi ge~a tohawkersto~ellavarie� areinschoobandquttes.~ to chtldren after' de- - nnd heroia. ty of food. nLmber of them lrepWnt liberately glvln6 them a In an intervlew wlth "The trouble etart~ caateen~, it would be in, taste of t7~sm thrnugh the New 8traits Tlma, w h e n t w o o r m o r e thair intereit to earry out ' gau~a mixed tood. - Dr. M. Kaslnathan, who hawkers aell the ~ame such a aurvey,' he ~aid ~~T ~p go ~ ~ to V an executive olHcial ot type of lood. Dr. Ka~tnsthaa~ who L say that principals must the ae~oclstion, said to�_ _~o boo~t ~aler, they a PsYchiatrlc medical oi- be very careful ~vhen em- ~ ~ - ploying watchme gar- denera, trattic wardeas ana omce boy.. "They must en~ure that these people do not have any recordi of drug addiction, "61nce theq would be in dally contact wlth schoolchildren, they could be the maln puahers." he iaid. Dr. Kaaltiathan ia abo~one ot the officer~ at the _ Pemadam centre in Ulu I.angat ia Kesj~. He wid oae of the mo~t eKective waye oi amon~ ichoolc6ildren - wa~ to train teaoher~ to re~gai~e ~ymptoma. CSO: 5300 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 Mni,nY s ~ n NARCOTICS ARRESTS, TRIALS, SENTENCES REPORTED Heroin Sentence Kuala Lumpur NE[d STRAITS TIMES in English 8 Sep 79 p 4 . ~ Te x t] IPOH, k'ri. - A magistrate's court' heze today otdered Shahlan tiin Ahmad Judi, 28, to be released after sentenc- ing him to tour and a hal[ montha' jail for a drug of- fence. The court impoeed the jail term when Shahian t pleaded guflty to lllegal ~ poasea~bn of 0.05gr ammee ~ o[ heroln at a houe~ in I Gopeng Rosd. I 3hahlan was, however, ~ ordered to be releaeed as the I eentence waa to take eltect trom the date of arreat, April ~ 11. Life Sentence Kuala Lumpur NE~J STRAITS TIMES in English 14 Sep 79 p 17 - [ Tex t] IPOH, Thurs. - A Thai waa eeated alone three woman, Leela Bahar, aeate behing the driver, - 24, was yeeterdey eea� the court was told. tenced by the 9essione In her deteaca, Leela Caurt here, ty iite� Im� said that t6e bAg avas prieonm~ent when she glven to her by a lrtend was foundgu Ilty of trat- whom sHe Identitled ae tlcking 2,108 ~r~ns oi "Palc Din." 3de esid cannabls on Dec. R8, Pak Dln 6ad aekod her last year, at the Alr Pa- to hand over the pack� nas caetome check� age to someone In polnt near Rroh. . Penan~. A paclcet coataining Leela clalmed that brown leavea, sus� ahe dld not know the p~cted to be ganJa, wae contents In the ba~. tound by a custome of� During sn earller ' ltcer In a bus whlch hearln~, Nordln Hamid, etop at the che~k- commonl~+ Icnown as - poin enroute to Batlag "Pwlc Dtn, had denled trom the Malaysia� that de had glven a Thal Bordor on Dec. 28 packet conta/'ining laet year. The leaves in drugs to t6e aceusad. t h e p a c ls e t 7v e r e He admftted he wae a w r a p p e d u}. ' 1 n "plrate taxf" drlver, but polythene, and glaced told the court he did not in a baa Stve anythlnato t6e ac� The bag was tound cuaed on Dec. ~6, Isat near t6e accused who year. 11 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 Escapes Capital Charge ' Kucila I,umpur NEW STRATTS TIPi~S in English 14 Se{~ 79 P 32 ~ ('1'c~xt ] 3INGAPORE, Thurs. toma otticers, acting on a - An American wom- tip-otf. an, who originally During a eearch, a ' faced a drug charge condom etutted with 1t1.8 carr in a mandator ~�t a p�"'dery ~ub- _ Y g Y atance wae diacovered in - d e a t h a e n t e n c e, her vagina and ahe waa pleaded guilty to a charged with tratticking lesser charge of in more than 100 gm of _ possession here today heroin. and was remanded in The law - cuatody until next � Monday for eentenc- Under the Singapore ing. Mieuae of Drugs Act, The maximum penal� anyone in poaaeeaion of - ty she now facea ia 10 more than 15 gm ot hero- years' jail or ;20,000 fine in in presumed to have or both. had the drug for tratfick- A 1 e n e C a I i o w a y ing and tacee death by Finlay, 50, from Houaton, han ng. Texas, ~ras aneated ae 8 nce the law waa !n- she was about to board a troduced three yeara ago, plane here for San Fran- two people. a Malayeian ciaco on Aug. 29 by Gtis- and a Singapo~ean, have been executed. - Reuter. Smuggling Route F:uala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 19 Sep 79 p 1 [Text ] KOTE~ BARU, Tues. - Pengkalan Kubur in the Police have arrested a Tumpat diatrict. ~ 30-year-old Thai wom- It was to }ie taken by an at a bue station here road to Johore to be ~ amuggled tnto Sing apore on Sunday on suapi- by boa~ through Masat, a - cion of drug smuggl- , amali village in aouth ing. Johore. A total of 441b of ganja, Poitce said the woman ~ worth thousands of doll- dfd not have any travel _ ara in the black~arket, document when arreated. was seized trom the They deacribed the ar- woman who had earlier rest as "a major auccesa" arrived here from Pat- for the anti-drug aquad tani in aouth ~'hailand. aet up recently. - Following her arrest gernama. at 3.30 p.m., a police party ~ ' picked up a 52�year-old 3ingaporean at a nearby ' ' taxi atand. ~ `Major success' , Fi~ is suapected to be a member of a syndicate reeponnible for traffick- ing druga irom Thailand - to Singpore via Kelantan. Police esid the woman was arreated when ahe was about to board a bua tor Johore Baru. Police believe the woman had been on aeveral aimilar miaeiona betore. It is also believed that ganja was taken from Golok into Kelantan via 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 I`e Sent~nre for 'f'rafficking Kuala Lumpur NEW STIL4I'I'S 'TITff:S in English 19 Sep 79 p 7 ('I'c~ x t) KANGAR, Tues. An Oct. 21, 1877. ex-eoldier was today Bakar, who oRrrled sant~ncAd to Ilte lin� the drus In an al~ prt~onment and or� Iumfnlum pot; was 4r� dered to be gfven ulx reeLed by memben of etroke~ o! the rotan by the spectal Antl-Bmug� the Seaefons Court here g~~ng Unit. tor drug traitleking. Mc Kar al Sin h a Court Preeident, Mr peared [or Balcar whf e W. Satchlihandhan, [ound Bakar bin IB- ~he proaecutlon was mall, 44, ullty ot trat� led by 8enfor 3upt. ot - ficking 2~30 grams of C u e t o m s, M r gan ja at the Padang S. S u b r a y a n. Besar bue etand on Bernama. Heroin Possession ' Kuala Lumpur NFW STRAITS TIrIES in English 21 Sep 79 p 9 [ T2x t] P~NAN(i Ttiur~. - The 3esalone ~ourt today ~er+- tenced Lee Swee Choon, al, . to three year~' ~afl and or- dered that he be given six stroke� of the rotaa tor pos~es~lns 6.68 6rams of h~roln. 7\ao other man - Llm Kee Chqe. 22. and (ioay Eng Chal. 39. - 3o~n chaeg~d - with Lee, clalm ~ The three were arrested by a ralding poltce party ahen they were found fitUag plestlc tubee with heroin at a houee !n Prarigla ~state on July 2~1. Opium Traffickers Caught Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMGS in English 25 Sep 79 p 28 [ 1'e x t] 9hartit's car at the 1Sth ALOIt 8~A$, Mon. - mlle oi t6e Kan gr. !or two houro at a lane Two men were aen� Alor 8tar road at 7.16 ~nAlr Hltam before the tenced to Ilie Impison� a.m. on Au 7,1878. car psssed t6elr posl� ment today when the 6� tlon. Hl h Conrt fonad them In passina eentenoe. L~nolk MUe saW they gu~ty of trattlcking tn Mr duatice Datuk Gunn ohssed t6e oar for 81,278 grame ot raw Chit 7`uan eaid he wss sbout 1~i4 mlle~ betore oplum about three not Imposing the death forcins It to a~top. yeare ago. e.~entence 1lecauee both Bb~HK, ~?ho wss the The court aleo or� were ttrst ottenders. Ariver ot the oar, end _ dered that the twn - He eafd publlc In� Naw~s6 wen eaus6t car eslesman Shariti terest had to be coa� adter s chase on loot In bin Kaeatm, SS, and bl� sidered In view oi the s~ad1 Aeld, 6e added. cycle repalrep Hamsah big amonnt ot opium In� Enolk Amin wid 6fs bin Talib, 98 - be qfven volved. pnrty to~nd !0 slabs ot - 14 atrokes ot t6e rotan At an earller hearip6, aplam Lldden la flve each. Customs ofpcer Amin plsoer' W tLe car. T6e prosecutlon esid 61n Iemail told the DPP Joha O'Hsra tde oplum, valued st court that he and fau eoreoated while Mr ' i120.000. was tound la other otifoers waited t~d~~~pp~srea - 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 Eferoin Charge . Kua].a Lumpur ;VEW STRAITS TIrtES in English 27 Sep 79 p 6 [ T e x t] KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. - - Nledlwri Foo Chin Teng~ ~s, wa� iantsnCed to three yeatw' ~~tl by the megte- trate'~ court today for un- lawful poeeee~bn of 17 tubee - of heeoln weighing 9.88 gr F~oo pleaded gutity to committln the ottence at a - house fa ~pong Jalan Temerloh. 8etapak, at about 7.ib p.m on July Z& - Death of Addict Kuala Belait BORNEO BULLETIN in English 22 Sep 79 p 4 [Text ] , KUCHING. - A 20- waa brought into the ha- yeu-o3d youtkt died in pital uncanuiow� and - Kuching General Hapi- he tried to revive him by t8I A dAy btl~g TC- IIf1Jig O7CYgCII 111~ 1!]N� kased from a cell st uging hn - kaa~a police ttation, Ku- A forma~ j .,'f`eo ching coroner Mr~ C~lsn Choon Ek, 27, wid he _ Kay Poh ~waa wld on had been arreaud iA Wedneeday last week. May last year for fight- Mr Chan waa inquir- ing in the open sir mar- _ ing into the death of ket and ~hared s cell song Yieng Youn, oi witt? J~on6. althouBh he ~alan Chawaa, Ruching, knew him aa Ah, Pui. who daed in hospital on Teo said J~oaR told _ May 23 laet year after him he was a member of being found unconscioua the Simpang Tiga gang' on the five foot way in ' and ~was taking drugt but front of the Rapit Hotel had plans to go to Sin- in Pad~ingan Rbar3. gapore and turn over a Dr Sivaraju~, 40, of ne~r leaf. the central laboracory at Supt Yee, 33, ir? _ the hospital, said he ~harge of the major carried c~ut a po4t mor- csimes unit at Kuching tem examination of central police atation, Jsong on 1VIay 29 in tl! said .Tsong had been de- presence of Mr Chan tained in April laet yeat and Assistant Superin- at ~karna police atation tendent af Police Sup- un r emergency reRula- hen Yee and found tions; h~ ws~s released, on many old and new need- Mav 23. _ le marlcs on Jaong's arma He to3d M:~ ChAn that ar.d legs. a few m~onths befoce he He said the cause of died Jsong had been in- death avas heart failyn wlved in a~pcht wit?+ - probably brought on by two people who had used a drug overdose; there a changkol and had split _ were no signa of external a crash helmet TsonQ phvsical injury. was wearing; Jcong had Hospita] aasistant En- been seriously mjured. cik 1?~rninic Nawe anak The inquest is'continu- Nijenig, 48, said Jsong ing. 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 Heroin Arrest - Kuala Belait BORNEO BU~LLETIN in English 22 Sep 79 p 16 - ('1'~~xt ~ KUCHING. - A pat� July 12 and waa jtuled - rolling pqlice corutable for eix month~. on duty in Market 3treet, � Encik Eddy aaid Tea Kuching, thought a 20- had been jailed for aix - year-old youth was drunlc months for a familu of- because he was walking fence in 1977 and it waa strangely and behaving in ~ous thia had noc done a suspicious manner. him any good a he would But when Consta- have to go to jail again. ~ b~le Buhun Monbal ap� proached Tan Chiang - Min he found a tube cou- = taining 0.053 gra,mmes of heroin, Kuchin~ Dietrict Court heard last week. Before magutrate En- - cik Stanley Eddy, Tan, alias Alfried Tan, alias Ah Chaw, of Rai Loo T.ane, Kuching, admitted possessing the heroin on Charged with Possession Kuala Belait BORNEO BULLETIN in English 29 Sep 79 p 4 [ Text ] KUCHING. - po- , lice are atill waiting for' a chemist's report about ' what they suspect to be heroin found in the_pa- seuion of a 2l-year--aild man. And it means Yeo Eng Hua will have to wait until Novembet 7 before the case against him for possessing 34 tubes of heroin in a building in Ban Hock Road, Kuching, can bd heard. When he appeared in Kuching District Court - again last week ~enior magistrate Madam Agn- - es K.L. Wong a~llowed _ him j5,000 bail plua two suretia. Yeo had been re- manded in custody at _ the requat of Inspector Stanlee Teng, prosecut- ~ng, but after submis- sions by Yeo's lswyer, Mr Anthony Tai, he wa~ allowed out on bail. The offence was ~aid to have been committed oa May 24. ~ CSO; 5300 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 NEW ZEALAND CHINESE SYNDICATE REPORTED ACTIVE IN HEROIN TRADE - Wellington THE EVENING POST in English 18 Oct 79 p 38 [Text] AUCKLAND, Today (PA). They ha~e also been im- - An internatianal Chinese porting diamonds from crime syndlcate 6as ctepped Malaysia and selling them - iote' tYe New Zeala~d 6eroin locally with the assistance of - traae, accordia~ to tbe an Auckland confederate. "Auckland Stu's drug in- Huge sums of New ve~tigative team. Zealand from Bangkok and = The syndicate - with Penang, by the Pings. origins in Malaysia - has The syndicate numbers at filled the vacuom created hy least 15 ethaic Chinese - intense police pressure this some of whom are illegal year 'which saw the local immigrants - and abaut heroin market badly five Aucklanders, iacluding disrupted. two women. The "Auckland Star's" Criminai sources report a team has learnt that the number of azranged mar- "Ping" syndicate first made riages this year betweee the Its uresence felt in Janurary Chinese aad local girls. this year when it imported a �And ip a bid to estaDlish quantity of heroin through a legitimate trading front, a Wellington. pumber of businesses 6ave However, the Pings have ~n eitber bought or set up since moved to Aucklaad ~ Auckland since Janua _ where they have prospered go~ ~e Auckland drryug in the wake of drug squad squad and the Crjminal activity against local heroin . dealers. Intelligence SecGoa (CTS) - 6ave been keeping the syaid- cate nnder surveillauce. Linked B~~ ~ The Pings have linked n~j~~~ t~~e~. " successfuliy with known ~ ~ Auckland criminal elements - and have been involved in drugs, prostution and gambling. CSO: 5320 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 NLW ZLt1LAND llRUG ENI'ORCEMENT BOOSTED WITH ADDITIONAL MANPOWER, VEHICLES Wellington THL' EVENING POST in English 17 Oct 79 p 4 [Text] POLICE drug law enforcement received a boos~ from the Government today with the announcement of 22 more staff, _ 22 more vehicles, and finance for the purchase of more equipment. The Minister of State (Mr field, particularly Uaffict- By March 31, 4Z more Thomson) told the Police ~ng," he said. vehicles would boost the Association and the Police "The additionat r~ae- total to 903, he sald - the Officers' (',uild, in separate power, velticlea and nlehesl in pollce history aAdresse:, that the Govern� communications equipment As well, the Govetument ment h~a approved 2a more are the best posstble last year apptoVed 101 extra staff for drug work. - evidence of that statf - Sa solely to~ dra~ Police neede~ extra deteriaill~ti0p:' ~aw eniorqbment, MrThom- mobilit to edsare these son said. y Iksplbe Ws wunia~ for staff were as effective as tight budaettnQ on (iovern� _ possible, so the Government ment spending, howevat, IKr yeste~day approved the pur- 7'homeoa sa~d that Mr Gill cha~e o( 2~ more cars for aould be recommetiding a use in drug and related further increase in ataffing mvestigations, be said. levels to deal witb "aang Mr Thomson, speaking on miscondnct and gensral behalf of the Minister of preventive work:' Police (Mr GiU), said D ~communicatiom needed np- r TOYYI1Se ' � grading also to match the Mr Thomson said the growing sophistication of drug ofiending.. Government h~s hoaoured ('or this reason, the its promise "W see that you Government has approved have what is cequired to finance to buy radios and maintain the iniUaUve." other equiprt:ent for dru~ By June 18 this year. the investi~atjons, ' Government had apprm~d a totalpolice strea th oi 4860, ~ the hlgdeat statt~nQ level in _ I~3,esolve poliCe history. Police "The Governmenl is de- civllian strength ~as been - - termined to give thepo lice increased by 135, and at the means of countering March 31 this year the developmenU in the drug pollce vehicle fleet wat 861 vehicles - 17~ more than in 1975. CSO: 5320 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 NEW ZEALAND BRIEFS - X-RAY CHECK ON MAIL--The new X-ray machine at Wellington Central Post Office is being used by Customs Department officers to check as much international mail for drugs as they "physically can." The assistant - Collector of Customs (Mr Malcolm Natta) said today that since the machine was installed about two months ago, a number of prosecutions had teen made but figures on exactly how many were not yet available. Officers in the Post Office used it to check all first class inter- national airmail, as much first class surface mail as possible, and any "doubtful" or "suspect" packages or parcels. The machine cost $20,000 and was installed by the department as part of a Government effort to = complement traditional measures taken against drug trafficking. Mail sent from suburban offices goes through the central Post Office and is screened as well, Mr Natta said. An X-ray machine was also installed at Auckland, more recently, and one is planned for Christchurch's new central Post Office. Similar measures in the United Kingdom have been effective in drug detection. [Text] [Wellington THE EVENING POST in English 17 Oct 79 p 52] HASHISH SEIZED AT AIRPORT--Suva--Liquid hashish valued at $250,000 was - seized by customs officers at Nadi Airport yesterday. An Australian man and an Australian woman will appear in Nadi Court today on drug charges. [Text] [Auckland THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD in English 18 Oct 79 Sec 1, p 1] DISPOSAL OF DRUGS--Wellington (PA)--Confiscated illegal drugs are destroyed by burning under the supervision of the Health Department, the '.�finister of Police (rir Gill) told Parliament yesterday. A small amount was kept for education purposes under strict control. The Minister was J answering a question f rom Mr W. R. Austin (Nat., Awarua). [Text] _ [Christchurch THE PRESS in English 19 Oct 79 p 1] HEROIN IMPORTEJ~ FOUND GUILTY--Auckland (PA)--A jury in the Supreme Sourt at Auckland yesterday found Brian James,Curtis, aged 45, guilty on a charge of importing heroin into New Zealand. The ~ury reached the ver- dict after a retirement of more than three hours. Mr Justice McMullin remanded Curtis in custody fo~ sentence. Curtis, a self-employed property developer, of Glen Eden, had pleaded not guilty. The Crown said that he 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 had imported heroin valued at $1M into the country at Karamea on March 9. It said he had obtained the heroin in Bangkok after a yacht voyage to , - Bali wi~h three other persons. Curtis had denied being involved in the ~ importation of heroin or that he had any knowledge of any importation. Alternatively he said that if the jury found there had been importation it was something carried out and executed by three persons who gave evidence for the Crown. Mr E. R. Winkel and Mr M. J. Ruffin appeared fcr the Crown at the trial, which lasted eight days. Curtis was repre- sented by Mr G. F. Little and Mr R. W. Walker. [Text] [Christchurch ' THE PRESS in English 18 Oct 79 p 3] CSO: 5320 r 19 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240020054-8 PAKISTAN BRIEFS CHARAS SMUGGLING ATTEMPT FAILS--Bannu, 21 Oct--An attempt to smuggle out charas worth about Rs 20 lakh to abroad was foiled by Custom's Intelli- gence Staff in Bannu today. The smuggled charas was contained in the hidden cavities of two trucks, RIE 9997 and PC 4290. The case was - detected near Tanai check post.--PPI [Text] [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES - in English 22 Oct 79 p 7] TEN KILOS OF CHARAS SEIZED--Ten kilograms of contraband charas was seized by the Excise Staff in a surprise swoop on Thursday morning. Shaukat Ali, who hails from Peshawar was taken into custody at the - Lahore Railway Station when he allegedly tried to smuggle the charas from Peshawar. The Excise authorities conducted the raid following a tip. [Text] [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 26 Oct 79 p 7] NARCOTICS ON iAK.--4FGHAN BORDER--Seven maunds of apium was recovered and . seized from a vehicle on the Pakistani-Afghan border in Baluchistan yester- day by the Zhog militia. The vehicle and the driver have been taken into custody, and he will be tried by a su~ary military court. [Textj [BK100308 Karachi Domestic Service in Urdu 0200 GMT 10 Nov 79 BK] SRI LANKAN SMUGGLER HELD--Karachi, Nov 4~-A Sri Lanka national ~oas arrested at the Karachi airport yesterday while allegedly trying to smuggle seven kilograms of contraband charas. Police said accused Palagi Pannathurai was also charged wi~h using a forged passport issued from Colombo under ~ name. The accused is being interrogated by the police.--A.P.P. [Text] [Peshawar KHYBER MAIL in English 5 Nov 79 p 6] CSO: 5300 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 ~ PEOPLE~S REPUBLIC OF CHINA BRIEFS DRUG PEDDLERS DEPORTED--The Guangzhou public security organs have respec- � tively detained, f ined and deported three criminals from Hong Kong (Yang Yishou), (Xiao Jinwei) and (Liu Weiwen) who peddled and took drugs, _ engaged infights and caused trouble in our city. Since his arrival in Guangzhou on 23 August, (Yang Yishou) sold drugs many times and was criticized and educated by the public security organs in our city. However, he continued his criminal activities of peddling drugs. On the morning of 19 October, when (Yang Yishou), (Liu Weiwen} and two other drug peddlers from Hong Kong were selling dr.ugs to (Xiao Jinwei), they started to quarrel and a fight broke out. (Xiao Jinweij was seriously beaten and knocked unconscious. After the incident, the cadres and police- men sent by the Renmin neighborhood immediately hurried to the spot, sent (Xiao Jinwei) to a nearby hospital and rapidly organized people to arrest the escaped criminals. With the masses' cooperation, the public security workers arrested (Yang Yishou) and (Liu Weiwen) in the Xinhua hotel. In order to protect the socialist legal system and public order, the Guangzhou public security organs decided to strictly deal with (Yang Yishou) and the two other criminals. (Yang Yishou) was fined 200 yuan and detained for 10 days. (Xiao Jinwei) was fined 100 yuan aiid detained 7 days. After completing their terms of disciplinary detention, (Yang Yishou) and - (Xiao Jinwei) were deported by the public security organs and (Liu Weiwen) was also ordered to leave before 28 October. [HK051159 Guangzhou Guangdong City Service in Cantonese 0430 GMT 3 Nov 79 HK] CSO: 4005 21 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 . PH1L1 NPINI:S REGIONS IDENTIFIF.D AS MARIHUANA PRODUCERS Ttanila PHILiPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in English 26 ()ct 79 p 2 [Text] FERTILE Cagayan Valley is the main source of marijuana grown in the country, according to the Dangerous Dru~,s Board. Secondary producers of the iilicit weed were iden4ified as 3he Bicol region, Ilocos,,Southern Tagalog and Central Luzon. Of the 49,436 marijugna plants seized last year by government ;antl-narcoticsagents,31.52percentwa, found tn have been cultivated in - Cagayan, the board said. _ ..;;c.. - ~ - Blcol accounted for 25 percent of the total; Ilocos, 1 G.85 percent; Southern Tag~log, I3.16 percent, and Gontral Luzon 11.61 percent. ~s* THfi SEtZED plants can~e from 32 provinces in those fiva regions compared with 28 in 1977. in 1971, there were only nine such provinces, the board observed by way of underscoring spread of such illicit planting. Thc board said Cagayan production in 1977-78 jumped by 17.52 percent, or from only 14 to 31.52 percent, and Bicol by 14 percent to 25 pQrcent.. The increase broadly indicated that growers consider the two regions "safer' than the othors, the bolyd suggested. As a result, the guvernment has put up stricter surveillance in the two a reas. _ (iffectiveness of government ~fforts against msrlju7nacuttivation in the three other growing regiuns is reflected by productiex~ declines, the baard - pointed out. s*s THE PREV[OUS 35 percent production of the Ilocos went d~wn to 16.85 percent in 1978, ur by a steep 19.R~ percent; Southern Tagalog by 5.16 percent, or Prom 18 tu 13.16 percent, and Central ~.uzun from 17 to 11.61 percent for a drop of 6.61 percent. Marijuana continues to be the preferred item by drug abusers in the cuuntry the majority of whom are found in Metro Manila, according tci the board. A total of 1,151 abusers were arrested last year, 74.5 perccnt of whom used marijuana. Abusers of non-dangerous pharmaceutical drugs consisted of 11.2 percent; regulated dnigs, 8.4 percent; proiu'bited drugs, 3.2 percent and glue, ? 4 percent. �Ms !N LOOKING at such statistics, thc bo~rd said matijuana uscrs were on - the tncrease since they constituted only 72 percent in 1977. Also risin� in 22 ' . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 numbers were abusers of regulated and pruhibited drugs whilc those who go for non-dangerous drugs and glue appeared to be decreasing. ~ While Mctro ManllA continues to be the center of the dr~g abuse scene in the ccwntry, incidence in the city area decreased to 44.3 percent from 55 percent in 1977, the board said. [ncidence went up in four other regions: Central Luzon, frnm 17 to 20.6 percent; Ilocos, 6 to 11.5 percent; Bicol, 1 to 4.7 percent, and Central Visayas, l to 3.2 perccnt, the board said.. ~ [n the casc of Southern Luzon, the board sald it secros to be following the Manila trend with a de~;rease ~ incidence, from 14 to 8.4 perceat - Aslde from merijuana, tro othtr opium or coca bush cultivation was detected �by*~ the government last year, the bo~rd said. Ab::ence of such cultivation was interpreted by the board to the potcnt government effort6 against the more deadly oplates and success of the inforn~ation effort against drug abuse. On the whole, howevcr, the board saiu that while thc drug ahuse problem in the country is well under control, it is no r~~ason for all segments of society tu let 4heir guard down since the tl~reat to the community is a continuing one. - DF.PTHnews . CSO: 5300 - 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 SRI i,ANKA BRIEFS PAKISTANIS ARRESTED--Most of the foreigners caught by the police with narcotics ir_ their possession have been deported to their respective countries on the payment of the fines imposed on them. Two Pakistanis, _ who were caught by the police with 50 pounds of hashish in their posses- sion, were fined 255,000 rupees and 155,000 rupees respectively. However, - they have not yet paid up their fines. Narcotic bureau sources said that - in the event they do not pay up the fines, customs will be taking steps , : to deal with them according to the law. The sources added that if they are produced in court and sentenced, they will have to serve their jail sentences before returning home. [Text) [BK Colombo International Service in English 1045 GMT 3 Nov 79 BK] CSO: 5300 2!~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 ~rE~ni i.ANU fil?RC1lU TR~1FI'IChI?RS SFI'I.ED IN BANGKOK li,inc;kul: IiANCKOK YOST in English 4 Oct 79 p 1 ['Cext ~ NARCOTICS Suppresaion police yester� d~y swld tfiey hNd nnQShed o~ngkok� Hong ~Conq druQs gang, wlth the errest of lour people and the selzure oC 4.7 kllogrammes ot No, 3"brown sugar" heroln. Police eaid the drug wae about to be smuggled to Hong Kong, end detelned for Interrogatlon live women thought - to be the intended couriers. The flve ~';:y were later releesed. Among thoee arrested wae Cheng Yang, a Hong Kong Chlnese alleged to ' be the leader ot the gang. C,~$ '~,K The pollce ection tollowed a tip~ott that Cheng Yeng had rented an apart� ment In Sol 81, olt Sukhumvit Ro~d, , ~ and used it tor storing heroin aad ' ~ ~ . 'k::', ` ~r. meeting with couriers. ~ Police sald when they raided the ~r> r . place, they (ound Lantom sae Lim, Chooenk Pholenong and Miee s' . Charuwan VaJarapimolmltre In p room -~3 In whfeh �10 �p~~ekagee ol �heroln : ` welghing 4.7 kiloe were hldden. ' 1- ,x 1'he three named Cheng Yang and , another man, lam Sompart, es the bos~ ses of the operatlon, police eald. in� ~ tormed that Iem was In Chlang Mal, potlce alerted the narcotica pollce In that province, and It has been reporttd thet I~m hea been arrested. Cdeng YAng was arrested later In the , day In the Leng Suan area. SecreteryGeneral of the Otfice ot the Narcotlce Controt Board Pol Ma)� . Gen Pow Saresln clalmed ye~terday ':~z~;~,,,:, ~ thAt the gang had been smuggllag j` heroin between Bangkok'and Hoag � - ~ � Koeg tor e long tlme. TT~rN iwpeb arevit~d y~~ttrday on r~arcottca charg�~ art aeen with herotn and Cheng Yang hed trequently vlsited P�?~P~~�l~ P~n ~�Y they /ou~td !n an apartn~ent o/( Sukhumuit Road. Fl'om fe/t, they Bengkok, whlle Iam travelied otten to ~O^~~ Yang and Choo~ak Photanong. the North to obteln heroin tor the gaag, he eald. CSO: 5300 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 THAILAND AIRLINE OFFICIAL ARRESTED, LINKED TO TRAFFICKERS IN HONG KONG Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 5 Oct 79 p 1 [Text] ~E chief of Thal Inter- to help drug courlers part. national's paasenger ncgotiate Customs He was repoCted to handling aection was ar� checks, using hia poslUon have admitted acquain- rested yeaterday and and familiarity with sir- tance with Iam, but to charged with involve- port routine. have esid thelr buaineet - ment with a Hong Kong- police alleged that dealin~swerenot relnted Bangkok heroin gang, of ~mmai was a frequent to druQc. which four alleged visitor to Hong Kon~ He wae iriitially members were aneated himself, a~nd had recenWr charged wlth cotuplcln~ on Wednesday. returned from the Brltish with the four people ar - Sommai Satraprung, colony. rested on Wedneeday. chief of the passenger ~mmai was taken for ,y~ter eeveral houn of handUng secUon of Thffi a search of his houae, International's Traffic where police said they intenslve interrogaUon, Department, based at found "useful" docu- S�mmal wAa brouQht for Don Muang Afrport, was ments implicating hlm in further questioninQ at the Crlme Suppreselon taken by NarcoUcs Sup drug trafflcking with Division. iJpon arrlval presalon Police irom other membera of the there under poiice ercort, Paolo Memorial Hospital, gang, inctuding Iam Som- he demanded to aee a where he had gone for police colonel and to be heart attack treatment. The anest wae made Qiven immedlate ball. So after pollce claimed to far ball has not baen ap~ have "sufficient" proved. evldence to prove that On Wednetday, Nar- Sommai had conspired cotice Stippre~sion poUce with the Hong Kong arrested CbenQ Yon`, Lntom we Utn, Choaak Chlnese, Chen~ Yong Pholaqon~ ~nd� �~tlir (alias "Tiger") to smu~- Charuwan " Ya� gle heroin from BanQkok i~p~p~~ ~ raid~ ~t to Hoag Kong. ~ op~pt ln So1 Al, AccordlnQ to polfce, ` ofiSukhumvilReadand� Sommal had teamed up .rented howe Ir .~ol Lan~ with (~eng Yon~ and his Suan. police sald 4.T aileQed Thai�Chfneae , kllo Tsmal~~ of Na ~ ilnancier, Iam Sompart, hercdn wsi'i reised.. � , Eannyi ' CSO: 5300 26 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 THAILAND POLICE RAID CHINESE OPIUM DEN Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 28 Sep 79 p 3 [Text] A combined police force raided an opium den alleged to have been in operation for more than 10 years and arrested its operator a guard snd eight opium smokers in China Town Iast night. Police also confiscated a quantity of drugs and opium smoking equipment. A team of 20 police, from the Anti-Narcotics Office, Special Task Force and Crime Suppression Division, went to house No 30, in the narrow Soi Kanmatayaram, Charoen Krung Road in Pom Prab District, about 9.30 p.m. The house located near Chakrawad Police Station, is an old two-storeyed structure. It has three gates and was guarded by one man. Police nabbed the guard, identified as Mokseng sae Yim, before he could sound the alarm and then broke open the three..gates. - The opium smokers, startled by the s~prlse ra~d,.scrambled upstairs to escape through a secret exit in the ceiling. Some tried the back door. , ~ Eight of them were arrested. Police also arrested the alleged operator of the den, Yonglee sae Lao, and late last night were searching for the - house owner, Kao (Zast name unknown). - A number of opiumsmoking pipes, lamps, tea pots and kettles, pillows, and other related equipment were seized along with 110 grammes of cooked opium and 15 grammes of heroin. The arrested were detained at Crime Suppression Division headquarters for further questioning. . , 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 ; ~ � ~ ~ ~ ~i: .~.y , , ,c f :i- r~ ~ 'k;.. . ~ C J t' ,r`, l.~yJw"� '1 . . f~ ~`y~ r~ ! ~I ~ " ~5..: _ ~ l~iw . . n r . ~ + 4 _ M.. ~ - ,t E!G!!T opi+uR amoAt~n and an optum-den operator ltnad Yp /or photographing at the Awti- Narcotkr OJJice, alortg with opGun�an~oking equlpment ~elstd /rom the den whick'olice alleged hw beon !n op~r+ation /or mon than /0 yeor~. (;Sc): 5300 2~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 CANADA CONINIENTATOR URGES LEGALIZATION OF HEROIN Vancouver THE WEEKEND SUN in English 20 Oct 79 p AS [Commentary by Gerry Bellet: "Heroin: Make It Legal"] [Text) BEMEMBER talking to a bunch of cona aad juet about anyone elee Stelnhauser and m the B.C. Penitentiary during one oi her coa~mittee oi cone could think of invit- those drug meetinaa prison worker in~ wen gathered in the priron gymwsi- Mary Steinhauser organized in t6e hope of um. convincing the authorlties to set up a pllot hemin maintenance prngram. Steinhaueer In the 4fternoon came the slide ahow. was to die in a hail of bullets flred by TheY ~~ed the liQhta, aot too mach, be- guards at Andy Bruce, thls province's most cewe other ~hovrs in that nnna had pro- intamous heroin addict-toatract killer, vided ~nn oceneion for aettlinQ acone with a = wbo tu?d taken her aad others hoataQe. ahiv; with all those judgee aod policemen arouad, no oae wae taking any chinces. She eatlmated that more than 80 per ceat . of thz prisoners in the pen wen there for While the PA paehed out throbbing crimea related to drugs. Most of them were bur~ts of ditturbinQly aensnal electroNc addicts. muaic the knen w~e Ut by t mont~ae oi All that the cons at the meeting wAnted ellde~~ eome fla~6fna quickly, eome ltnQer- was dope. The desire seemed to coneume ~�a' thelr wakinQ hours. Aa aoon as they got out At the bednninQ I thou~bt the slidea oi jall, they s~id-theae were the ones who were for the beaefit of the digniteriea weren't ln for murder and could see a cou- whqm tlu cons wete tryinQ to invei~le into ple of years ahead - the first thing they'd p~qla~ for kgalized horain doaee. But no. do wae get a!k. The ehow w~a P~ Po~~',PtiY~ v~~ They'd all been throu~h withdrawal s~nd ot a type only the cons could ~ppnciete. were supposed to be clean. Tpe maeic came out fretuted or exhaust- But none had any intention uf getting otf ed and the pictutes twitched la atep aod We hemin. It might be hell on eArth for the reat audieace wxs treated W d~hts of iundes of us but being a junkie didn't bother them. shonting up, needles glinted against glow- The oNy thiug that did'was getting a fix. ing candlea, lllthy bathroome and sta~hed Methadone? You muat be ioldng, said '~u-~ea, syringee, ~ndmoreaeedlet one - they gave it on a apoon! He liked -~~?e face of a dead iunlde who'd OD'd end lay therc puxpk-faced with iroth ~ - sticking a needle into a veia. If 6e had to mucous covering Ws mouth and noae. take methadone that'a ho~v he aanted lt be- cauae he got oif oa aeedles. ~~Vhile aU thia w,~ Qoin~ on tLe cons tid~- eted orlth euppree~ad iruttret~o0. P~~ I remember one meedng in which the ju- with ~a ache that only t ceadle, i ~poon, a diciary, police, social workers, reporters ayrinae, and i86 worth oi over-diluted ~mackcould relieve.. 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 It convinced me. With addicts Uke tbet it without a key, which is never kept on the you could either shoot them or give them premiees. heroin. No oWer solution. It'a all designed to keep addicts at bay. The politlcians who decide we don't need heroin maintenance and persist in the be- Heroin addicts are uadoubtedly the main lief that ~ail sentences will control addic- compoaent in the com~nunity of stickup tion live mostly in the East. IE they lived artieta. and worked i~ Vancouver they wouldn't be B~nk robberlea whlch net very little, g~s so smug. It iF wishful thinking combined station and store boldups which net almost with a large doae of cynicism to advocate nothing, have become ao routine they are- non-mainteaance treatment programs. n't news anymore. As long as heroin is illegal it's uncontrol- Addicts commit 80 per cent of all rob- lable. berles, police say. We might as well give up on the junkies Drug-lnspired murders are common- we've got now: They'll go to the grave place. craving a fix. We ahould coacentrate on the - next generation, preventing creation of yet We pay for the addicta' habit by having another brood of addicts. And the onlyway our houeea burglarized, by being strong- to achieve this is to get contml of the druQ armed and mugged and by sufferin~ all the once and for sll. other crimes committed by addicts for Give the addicts maintenance doses. readycash. Treat them as medical or mental casee but Traditionally, eddicts were non-violent not criminal. and could maintain their habit by ahoglift- Considering the enormous cost we are ina. Dope used to be fAr cheeper and forced to ay to keep addicts away from strnnger than the watered-ci~own stuff on P the atreet today. But once the crlme syndi- dope it's time to ask if the battle's worth it. cates made drugs blg businesa in the '80s In the early '70s Vancouver was secoad the price zoomed and the quality weat oaly to New York for the amount of hemin down. handled on its streets in the twilight world The amall addict population that hed of addicts and pushers. hung out around Ha~tings Street exploded ~ No one,will agree on the number of her- and every part oi the Lower ~ainl~nd ba oin addicts we have except that 60 per cent c~me contaminated. of the Canadian total live here. Figures for The price increaae combtned with the B.C. such as 10,000 hardened users and dilutioa made it eisential for addicts to get _ three times that many casual usere are their h~ads on larae amounta of money. baadied around. ShopliftinQ couldn't brtag in enough. Only No on~ seems to know. Addicts don't ern?ed robbery offered the chance of a blg advertiae. eaough ha~l. What ia known ia the effects of this trade Ia it surpriaing that cynics woader if the that's right up tbere with Exxon and provlncial goverament s forced treat- - General Motors. ment" program is any?.hing more than a For Instance, lw~ many of those conven- ~a~c to acare addicts out of the province? ience atores, the ones wnich stey open after It e a nlief that the B.C. Supreme Court re- l0 p.m., haven't beea rnbbed, not ~ust once ~d W sanction the attempt. but numeroua times? ~ T6at cleare ths way for us to follow the Britieh exemple and ezerciee contml over Go into some of those atores and aee the the addicta by otate provisioa of mainte- notice sticking in the window, the one nence dosea. Conaidering the meas we find which saya there's no money kept amund our9elves in today, would we be woree ofi? at night. It'a a message to the addicts. Critics wIll argue thet the acheme ia a You'U see the same aotice in gaa atatioqs. tallure in Britain. But that country hasn't Special f]oor vaults have had to be con- nearly the problem we have in North structed in these buaineasea eo money can Amerlca. Let aayone polnt to a clty In Brlt- be locked away immediately, preventing ein thit can match Vancouver s problem. anyone, including the staff, from gettin~ at Under our sy~tem the r8te of addiction hae infected our lives to tn extent uakno~vo 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 in Britain; stW we are told that the wey to cure lles in detual. Four years ago Ralph Salerno, that ex- traordinary New York policemaa who heada tLe Queece Dietrict iatelli~ence sec- tloa, wne lure to ~ive ~ txlk to Vancouver pollcemen. He Jnentioaed heroin, and at the end waa Qeked whtt waa the annver to - tt. Without even thin~uq, 6e aaid: m~ke it legal. Thet way the mob would be deprived of one of its maior aourcee o~ revenae snd a halt would be called on t e activitiee of puahere whose one obhM in life wao to in- duct new devotees into the myateries of mainlining. Salerno's no patay; anythin8lees 11ke a "bleeding-heart liberal" would be difCcult to ilad. He ia the epitome of the tou~lt cop. If legalizing ia good enough for Ralph, it'a - good enouQh f~r me. C S0 : 5 320 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 CANADA PERUVIAN JAILED EIGHT YEARS ON COCAINE CHARGE Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL in English 2 Nov 79 p 8 [Text] SRAMPTON - A Peru- The judge emphasized He said that in addition vian woman who carried l.6 deterrence but also laid she could not speak Euglish _ pounds of cocaine to Toron- emphasis on Miss Ruiz's and that she would not have to ,International Airpon in pleading guilty at the first the privilege of her tamily _ September to pay off a$400 opportun~ty despite advice visiting her at the Kingston debt before her marriage to the contrary from sever- Penetentiary for Women. was sentenced yesterday to al lawyers. Evidence shmved that eighl years in penitentlary. Her lawyer, Davld Cole, Miss Ruiz worked as a sec- _ The narcotics had a haQ told th~ court that after retary for the director, of street value of $600,000. hearing about her family the school for naval war- - Ivette Ruiz, 28, will be background and cirCUm- far~ in Lima. He tather was considered for parole in stances he and other law- a chief purser witEi'BraNtf about two years and eight yers had recommended that 'Airways. months, a third of her sen- she pYead not guilty, test the Jud~e I,angdop .said al- tence. Ctovi+n's case and hope for a thoug~i he agreed wlth the Provincial Judge Ken- lucky break. prosecutor that courJers are neth Langdon said an eight- Judge Langdon, a ire- chosen because of their year term was the most quent critic of the mini- spotless backgroWfd, I~e compassionate sentence he mum term, called if "a could not Completely lgnore could impose. Draconian minimum of her background. - He said Miss Ruiz had seven years." Miss Ruiz, who h8d crled placed herself in an "unusu- He found that because continuously during her ally vulnerable position she came from a good fami- first court appeara~ce Oct. because of her intended ly and enjoyed "a gentle 19, appeared calmer yester- marriage and the fact that station in life" in Lima, a day. He brother, who had� - she wanted ta start it off on jail term would. be "more flown in tor the appearance, a even keel. He rejected the traumatic, for this ac- was absent durittg yester- suggestion by a tederal cused." day's senfencing. _ Crown prosecutor ~that - cocaine was as deadly as heroin and that Miss Ruiz should be jailed for 12 - years. Judge Langdon did r~le that cocaine was more seri- ous than marijuana and said he was adding the year to the mandatory minimum seven-year term for import- ing narcotics into Canada. - - CSO: 5320 [ I 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 CANADA ' BRIEFS B.C. APPEALS HEROIN ACT DECISION--The B.C. government is appealing the judgment of B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Allen McEachern that the Heroin Treatment Act is invalid. The Court of Appeal will be asked to set aside the judgment made last week. However, the province did not say on what grounds the appeal is based. Meanwhile, Wednesday in a clarification of his ruling, the chief justice found that voluntary treatment as well as compulsory treatment of addicts by the province is beyond its jurisdiction. A spokesman for the B.C. Alcohol and Drug Commission said no comment could be made immediately on the status of 200 addicts undergoing voluntary treatment under the provincial program. [Text] [Vancouver THE VANCOUVER SUN in English 18 Oct 79 p A2] DRUG LABORATORY DISCOVERED--Toronto (CP)--A courageous robbery victim followed a holdup man to his home Tuesday, then called police who seized chemicals capable of producing $3-million worth of the drug commonly called speed. Bill Trentos, a pizza-shop employee, followed the robber, who got $300, even though he had been struck with a rifle butt and was bleeding from a scalp wound. Trentos then led police to an apartment where they found a makeshift laboratory containing a pound of - methamphetamine and 19 pounds of chemicals that they said could be made into methamphetamine with a street value of $3 million. Gerald Russell, 24, was charged with armed robbery, possession of a dangerous weapon and using a weapon for crime. John Reynolds, 22, was charged with trafficking in a narcotic and possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking. Police said Trentos, who needed three stitches to close his wound, would be recommended for a civilian citation. [TextJ [Windsor THE WINDSOR STAR in English 31 Oct 79 p 38] DRUG RAID IN ALBERTA--Edmonton (CP)--The RCMP and city police have raided a laboratory ~r~aking methamphetamines on a farm about 130 kilometres norCh o� Edmonton. In a joint release yesterday, the two forces said the lab- oratory. was capable of making half a pound of near-pure methamphetamines a day with a street value of $26,000. A large amount of laboratory equip- ment and about 28 grams of the drug were seized. Michael Brian Nelson, 28, and Evan James Tarleton, 32, both of EdmonCon, were charged with possession for purpose of trafficking. (Text] [Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL, . hT~'EKEND EDITION in En~lish 3 Nov 79 p 11] ~ CSO: 5320 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 czt~,cttosr,OVAKIA , BRIEFS ~ DRUG ADDICTION FIGURES--At a press canference held in Bratislava on 16 Octo- ber, Dr Iur Frantisek Omelka, directox of a department of the Slovak General Prosecutor's Office, said, among other things, that although drug addiction in Slovakia is "not a serious problpm," the "increasing number" of drug addicts cannot be ignored, particularly among young people under 20 years _ of age. In Bratislava, Omelka said, 122 drug addicts are registered; in _ the Senica District 21; in Levice 16; in Galanta 21; and in Kosice 116-- _ and their number in this city is increasing by 8-10 cases annually. [Bratislava ROLNICKE NOVINY in Slovak 17 Oct 79 p 2 AU] CSO: 53U0 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 BAIIAMAS BRIEFS MARIHUANA, COLOMBIANS SEIZED--Nassau, Bahamas, 20 Nov (LATIN-REUTER)--Eleven Colombians, arrested Sunday night aboard a Colombian-registered ship, must appear in court today. They charged with the importation and possession of some 2,000 bags of marihuana. Bahamas DeFense Force Cmdr William Swinley said the marihuana valued at "millio'ns of dollars" was unloaded to be presented as evidence at the trial. Commander Swinley said the Bahamian Government vessel, Abaco, ?Zad intercepted the Colombian SO-meter- tong ship, Irma, near Cay Cape close to midnight while the Abaco was searching for a vessel. ~n distress, the Gris, which was found later. The U.S. Coast Guard captured four vessels in southern Florida waters. According to afficials, they were linked to the Irma. Commander Swinley confirmed that the steel-hulled Irma is the largest vessel captured thus far in the anti-narcotics operations taking place in the Bahamas. [Text] ~ [PA202236 Buenos Aires LATIN in Spanish 2011 GMT 20 Nov 79 PA] CSO: 5300 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 CULOMBIA SEI7.URES TO DATE IN 1979 SUMMARIZED Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 2 Oct 79 p 22-A [Text] To date the military forces have seized a total of 91 airplanes and 76 boats from persons involved in drug trafficking. Most of these confiscations took place on the Atlantic coast, where a vast operation is underway to prevent illegal drug trafficking from continuing to - thrive. In accordance with existing regulations on the matter, many of the air- planes and boats seized have been turned over to the military forces to be used by t}iem, while the remainder are being processed routinely su that appropriate decisions can be made as to what will be done with them. 1,557 Arrested According to the official information available, 1,557 persons have been _ arrested in this battle against drug traffickers and charged with drug trafficking. Of these, 205 were identif ied as foreigners. In addition, the following items were confiscated: 170 long-range weapons; 587 hand guns; 23,411 cartridges; 309 vehicles; 88 radios; 61 pumping engines which were :~sed to irrigate land for growing marihuana; 35 scales; and 78 presses. It was also reported that 67,615 bales of marihuana weighing a total of 2,704,008 kg have been confiscated. The va]ue of the marihuana on the U.S. blackmarket would reportedly have been enormous. Also, numerous marihuana plantations were di.scovered covering a total of 10,275 hectares, of which it was only possible to destroy 800 hectares. New Blow by the F-2 Four men and one woman have been charged by the F-2 section of the staff in Bogota on charges of being mixed up in drug trafficking. The persons - were arrested at 13-61 73rd street, where tYie F-2 also found 5 kg of co- caine and two late model cars which were used to distribute the drug. 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 Ln addition, according to reports from Neiva, the following persons have been arrested in that city: Alirio Diaz, Julio E. Mejia, Arturo Cifuen- tes, Pedro Polania and Leonilde Perdomo. They were found in possession c~f 4 Ic~; c,f ~�c,caine. Rc~u~rl5 f rom Santa Marta state that tl~e f~~llow:in~; pc~rtic~nti I~av~, b~~cu ctiarged with possession of 27 bales of marihuana in that city: Urlando Corredor, Willia~r.. de Jesus Sanchez, Jose Duran, Martin Zubiria, Salvador Silva and Pablo Perez. In the district of Caloto, in the department of Cauca, National Police unit~ have discovered a marihuana plantation which will be destroyed in the next few days. They also confiscated 2 pounds of marihuana seed. Lisandro and Guillermo Silva were found responsible and arrested. It is an established fact that mar~huana plantations have increased con- siderably in Cauca, Cesar, Atagdalena and the eastern plains, primarily as a result of the restrictions imposed in La Guajira. Words of Encouragement _ It was reported yesterday that during the last session of the National 5ecurity Council--an organization which incl.udes several ministers and the heads of the security services--a motion was passed congratulating the Natioaal Police, and especially the F-2, for the eificient work thry have been doing to combat drug traffickers. The motion was made by Min- ister of Government Dr German Zea Hernandez. A U.S. commission recently visited police chief Brig Gen Pablo A. Rosas to tell him how pleased U.S. authorities were with the measures being _ taken against drug traffickers. One of the members of this commission was the chief of police of Los Angeles, California. 9494 CSO: 5300 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 COLOMBIA ATLANTIC COAST: 3 MILLION KG OF MARIHUANA TO DATE Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 18 Sep 79 pp 1-A, 6-A [Text] To date the army has confiscated close to 3 million kg of mari- huana this year on the Atlantic coast. This marihuana is estimated to be worth 5 billion pesos. The Press and Information Office of the Army Command has reported that yesterday army personnel counted a total of 2,701,576 kg of marihuana seized from the drug traffic gangs worth 5.402 billion pesos. Experts , in the struggle against drug trafficking revealed that 1 kg of marihuana is sold in the country for 2,000 pesos. In addition to this huge quantity of marihuana, the military confiscated 308 vehicles, 87 airplanes, 76 boats and numerous weapons and ammunition. The following are the results of the most recent operations carried out _ by the army on the Atlantic coast: In San Pedro de La Sierra, in Upper Guajira, the army found and destroyed 40 hectares planted with marihuana - and 50 kg of marihuana ready for export. In a place called "Castillete" near Tayrona Park, troops of the Cordoba Battalion confiscated a small airplane with LT.S. registry No N-6465Y as it was getting ready to transport marihuana to the United States. The plar.e's crew members fled when they saw the authorities approaching and _ an intensive search for them is underway. Finally, troops of the "La Popa" Battalion found a cache of 150 kg of . pressed cocaine in a place called "E1 Desastre" in the district of Bolivar. 9494 CSO: 5300 38 ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 coLOr~szn SIX NEW SEIZURES, RAIDS DESCRIBED Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 2 Oct 79 p 22-A [Text] During the last 24 hours National Police agents struck 6 new blows against drug traffic organizations in various parts of the country. _ According to reports provided by the press office of the National Police Directorate, close to 2,000 kg of marihuana were confiscated and a labo- ratory for processing cocaine was uncovered in Popayan. In Santa Marta The police report states: 17 bales of pressed marihuana have been con- fiscated in Santa Marta. They were being transported in a truck--license plate No PK-6063--which was driven by Orlando Corredor Corredor. During this operation the agents captured William de Jesus Sanchez, Jose Duran Trujillo, Martin Zubiria Piales, Salvador Silva and Pablo Perez, who were turned over to the appropriate authorities. - In Cauca A laboratory for processing cocaine equipped with modern devices has been discovered in Popayan, the capital of Cauca Department. F-2 detectives were able to capture Marco Antonio Perez and Javier Perez, who tried to bribe the detectives with 134,000 pesos when they were discovered. The official spokesman said the money and the devices from the laboratory were turned over to the judge of a court of criminal inquiry. In addition, police agents discovered a marihuana plantation in the rural area of the municipality of Caloto in this department. The plantation was being tended by Lizandro Silva and Guillermo Silva, who were found in possession of 2 pounds of marihuana seed which they were planning to plant shortly. - In Cundinamarca Police agents have captured Victor Manuel Garaon Canas and Antonio Leguizamon Salamanca in the urban area of the municipality of Tibacui, 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 Cundinamarca Department. They were found in possession of 12 pounds of mari}iuana which they were trying to sell in small quantities to the inhlhitants of that area., th~ bulletin issued by the press ofEice of the ~eneral. directorate states that the following persons were captured in Neiva: Aliro Diaz I'er- domo, Julio Ernesto Mejia, Arturo Cifuentes, Pedro Polania Castrillon 1nd - Leoni.lde Leonilde Perdomo de Diaz, a widow. They were found in possession - of 4,000 grams of highly pure cocaine and 5 kg of coca leaves. � 9494 CSO: 5300 !~0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 COLUMBLA COCAINE, MILLION-PLUS DOLLARS SEIZED Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 15 Sep 79 pp 1-A, 13-A [Text] F-2 agents seized more than $1 million yesterday from the powerful organization of drug traffickers they had captured a few days earlier, when they were able to confiscate the biggest cocaine shipment in the world. The detectives located one of the organization's houses at No 16-91 93rd Street, where the mafia had one of its "bases of operation." The money-- $1,048,500--was in a safe in the house, which was being guarded by the domestic servants, none of whom was arrested by the authorities. _ Col Miguel Maza Marquez, chief of the F-2 staff, said that the owner of the house, who is one of the most important leaders of the international organization, is apparently in Spain at the moment and investigations are underway to capture him. Along with the $1 million--equivalent to some 50 million pesos--the F-2 confiscated some valuable jewelry which also belonged to the organization. The jewelry is estimated to be worth about 2 million pesos. . The chief of the F-2 reported that the money confiscated, as well as the jewels, have been turned over to the judge who is trying the case, and the money will be deposited in the Bank of the Republic this morning. The officer said he was pleased with the operation and added that this is the second phase of the operation called "Bogota Against Drugs." 47. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 ^y. Y" -e+~' / , , 'V r '~F'~.�.:~~ ~ ~~er,' . .:;F` '"""*w.~..,r r' 'S:" xa j:.l^ ' �.,F. ..C~~ .j:~ _ ip~i ~ :1~i:;, s ~ d ' 'k ~ Y. : ~iar~~ ~ :~�54.. b"~'~`'t � . ~ t~~~_ s~~~ s ~E ~�z ~ ~ : 4 a ....:~an.~w'.:5. . T {F ~ ~:a~. s ~fw'""Ei' f i. . ~ ~ 4 . ~r . , � ~ ~ f : ~ ~Y ~ 1 t~ ~ 'v ',r 7 ~ 'r ~ . r:,~;~ - . Fy e ~ ' F .r - t.. - . ~~T' ~ . T . ~t l. Y r' ~j ~1. ~ h i 1 . t:~ .ww i . ~~'ti:.w;`', The photograph shows the $1 million and the ~ewels seized from the drug traffic organiz~tion captured by the F-2 a few days ago in possession of a cocaine . shipment which was the biggest ever confiscated in the ~ world. - 94 9.4 CSO: 5300 !~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 COLOMBIA BRIEFS U.S. REPORT ON DRUG MONEY--Colombian monetary authorities maintained silence today regarding a U.S. Government report that the Central Bank is reportedly depositing in U.S. banks dollars ste~ing from traffic in marihuana and cocaine. Finance Minister Jaime Garcia Parra abstained from commenting on the U.S. Treasury Department report and said any statement in that respect must come from Rafael Gama Quijano, manager of the bank. Gama Quijano was not in the city today and it was not possible to get any statement from deputy manager Alvaro Ortega. According to the U.S. report, the surplus _ of dollars registered by Colombia as a result of the drug traffic has forced the Central Bank to deposit millions in cash in the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank in Miami. [Text] [PA142357 Bogota Radio Cadena Nacional 3.n Spanish 1730 GMT 14 Nov 79 PA] AIRCRAFT, WEAPONS, DRUGS SEIZURE--The government has confiscated four air- planes registered in the United States in the course of the campaign it is _ waging against drugs on the Atlantic coast. The airplanes were confiscated in Las Flores, in the distirct of Barranquilla; in Camarones, La Guajira; in Rancho Grande, in Mingueo; and at the Riohacha airport. The airplanes had the following registration numbers: XB-ATC, N-9061M, N37103 and NA- 571402. The following items were also seized during these operations: 23 weapons of various calibers; 1,497 rounds of ammunition; and 164 bales of pressed marihuana. In addition, the government discovered 450 hectares planted with marihuana, which constitutes a harsh blow against the drug traffic mafia. The authorities found the small airplane bearing registra- tion number NA-571402 in a swamp next to the Magdalena River in Las Flores, in the district of Barranquilla. The police arrested the airplane crew members following an operation during which the crew members managed to leave the plane before they were arrested. The persons arrested were: Michael Michone, Dave Clark and Pheophileos Evangelous. [Text] [Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 9 Oct 79 p 2-A] 9494 CSO: 5300 ~t3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 ECUADOR COCAINE TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED EN ROUTE TO COLOMBIA Quito EL UNIVERSO in Spanish 8 Oct 79 p 11 [TextJ In recent days Pichincha Interpol has arrested seven Ecuadorean and Colombian drug traffickers and is seeking two other citizens from Loja because of their involvement in the case, aecording to a press rel~~ase. During the operation against drug traffic, Gustavo Adolfo Jaramillo, a Colombian, and Ecuadorean Jose Elvio Salinas Agila, a native of Loja, were caught carrying about 1.25 kilograms of cocaine paste, cleverly hidden. The drug was acquired on the southern border and was on the way to Colombia. With the help of the Immigration Service of the National Police, also arrested were Fernando de Jesus Guevara Naranjo, a Colombian, and Ecuadorean Luis Fernando Castillo Castillo of Gonzanama canton in Loja, when they were transporting 920 grams of cocaine paste, bought in Loja, to Colombia. The Pichincha Criminal Investigation Service assisted in the arrest of Gonzalo Burbano Cabrera, Marco Vinicio Pacheco, and Galo Oswaldo Solis Sanchez, as they were traveling to Cuenca with 448 grams of marihuana, bought in Quito. _ Loja residents Servio Castillo and Hipolito Castillo are wanted for trafficking in cocaine paste. Those arrested in the various drug and marihuana traffic cases have been consigned to the Men's Prison in Quito at the disposition of the Head of the office of Jury Impaneling of the Judicial Department. ~4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 ~ IS '`(t f,, iRAYfCT yQ ss~P ~ . . ~ ~ - ~ yi $ . ~i~tihZT: ~ } ;2~ k3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ +y~~ RS. .4} i ~2� 5.11~.. g ' S~ ' ~ .Y ~ t ' `I ~';i. . ~ ..~5 ( ` . ; . > q f k~j,d ' : . ~ . 6 < - 3 < Y>*.~'iE:E { .a, , . . y . ' ~ a ,x~? t , ~ ~ : t ' . ; : . ` < ~ w. ~,.r . . ~ : Galo Oswaldo Solis Sanchez, - Y;;:>:. Marco Vinicio Pacheco, and Gonzalo Vicente Burbano Cabrera. " r.~ .u. : ~ >;~ss~f :Yi�. . n . ~,s,i;;"~~y~e: ..,Y..:j;' ~ ~ ' ' . � ' . ~ F ;...Y? : x:. ~ .'...3?.;...,::-::i.::;, ;.....:~5;;~..;.'~. . 8507 CSO: 5300 ~5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 ECUADOR COCAiNE CONFISCATED IN HUA QUILLAS - Quito EL TIEMPO in Spanish 15 Oct 79 p 24 [Text] HUA QUILLAS--Rural Police stationed here under the command of _ Chief Maj Telmo Erazo Saavedra and with the cooperation of Capt Zhuppy Paredes and officer Mario Garcia Pinos, have begun a cleanup campaign against drug traffic. As a result, on 5 October they entered a house belonging to Ecuadorean Maximiliano Castillo Avila located at 401 Hual- taco Avenue, and seized a navy blue bag containing about 2.5 kilograms of cocaine paste from a Peruvian named Mauro Guarniz Pineda. How the Drug Was Found As we were told, the drug that is causing so much harm among our youth ~ was discovered thanks to a tip that Castillo Avila had been selling cocaine for some time. Capt Zhuppy Paredes therefore ordered a thorou~h operation, during which officer Mario Garcia Pinos and several other policemen watched the house and Castillo Avila at all times. The Quito Interpol was also involved, since the Rural Police work had outstanding results, catching the criminals red-handed. It must be noted that the Rural Police, and especially Maj Erazo Saavedra, have been working tire- lessly against the rise of drug traffic that has been developed here by people who have come from other parts of the country. - The Drug and the Prisoners The prisone rs, Maximiliano Avila and Peruvian Mauro Guarniz Pineda, and the cocaine were sent to Quito at the disposition of the Head of the National Central Office of Interpol, as order.ed by the Interpol National Directorate. It should be remembered that on other occasions the Rural Police have seized 2 kilograms of cocaine and two vehicles, were also sent to Quito for due process of the law. We congratulate them and hope that there will be more such arrests. Carry on, and we will continue to inform the country about what is happening on the borders. - 8587 CSO: 5300 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 PANAMA BRIEFS DRUG ARRESTS--Boyce Guillmette Munoz, a U.S. citizen, and Jose Besa Silva, a Chilean, were arrested at Tocument International Airport for _ possession of cocaine which they purchased for $30,000 in Lima and were pl.anning to sell in the United States. The two me:. are university stu- dents in Davis, California. [PA112045 Panama City CRITICA in Spanish 10 Nov 79 p 32 PAJ ' CSO: 5300 ~7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 VENEZUELA COCAINE TRAFFICKER ARRESTED IN CARACAS _ Caracas EL UNIVERSAL in Spanish 16 Oct 79 p 4-32 - [Text] The arrest of a drug trafficker carrying a shipment of c~~caine estimated at a million bolivars led to the discovery of an underw~~rld organization that has been the scourge of banks and the arrest of three gang members. The cocaine trafficker was identified as 20-year-old Jesus Alfredo Herrera. He was arrested in house 4 of Lot 63, Altos de Lidice. He had with him a large sum of money, money bags from the Bank of Venezuela, and that bank's stamps from its Valencia branch. "We also seized a kilogram of cocaine, two M-26 grenades, a 38-caliber revolver., 79 cartridges for a 9-millimeter pistol, the payr~ll list f rom a construction company that was robbed recently, several bundles of bills of various denominations totaling 68,380 bolivars," said Col Luis Eduardo Altuna Poleo. "Personnel from police district 5, headquartered in E1 Calvario, made the arrest," he continued. Jesus Herrera Rodriguez also had in his possession some partly burned checks and pay envelopes from several companies. Col Altuna Poleo said that after the arrest was made the Metropolitan Police launched an operation to try to catch the rest of the gang that has become the scourge of the banks . Three Robbers Arrested and Another Three Sought - Starring with the arrest made by the Metropolitan Police, the Robbery _ Division of the Judicial Technical Police [PTJ] began an operation in the capital area that led to the arrest of three more robbers and the identification of others, all members of an organization known in the underworld as "Los Ruf ianes." !~8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200020054-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200024454-8 A Casuaity Je~~;u;; AI frc~dn Ilt~rrerri hudri~uez 5afd yestc~rcl~?y that he wnnt.c~d n~~ contlrt - uf :iny Icind wt tl~ thc~ ~~r~~tiy. lle cidmtttcd kli~t }ie had dru}; traCf Ic~ r.ecc~rd, but said he liad not htng to do with tht~ cocaine tl~al w~ns tietzed or with the goods or money the police found in Lidice. "1 just happened to be there." In the meantime Metropolitan Police say they have conclusive evidence against the accused, and it is all linked with a job the Intelligence 1)ivision is working on. The PTJ has a press conference set for today, during which it coill present the three men arrested in connection with the bank robberies and will release the names of the other gang members still at large. ~ 1 ~A :1'~. -L { ~ I ~~ ;i Z4: ' ' ~;?i; , . :.:n . :'.~'.+~{:2":t '.,5. ~~:A:Ai;:ti ~ ; �:i:::, ' ' il :~y~,t'~`::;::.t _ ~ ��.S Y~ Y~~ i:Sj:~ . i v ?k >S. ; [S 'i"'~~~~%�:t ~iS,S,'r'.l�i:;5.