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9 NOVEM6ER i979 CFOUO i2179~ i OF i
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JPRS L/8757
- 9 November 1979
U SSR R~ ort
CFOUO 12/79~
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JPR5 L/8757 ~
9 November 1979
- (FOUO 12/79)
Progress in Construction Materials Industry Reviewed
. Qn Modern Urbanization and Suitable Ilimensions for Soviet Cities
MaY-Jun 79) 6
~ Ferrous Metallurgy for 1981-1985 I}iscussed
(S. V. Gubert; STAI~', No 8, 1979) 14
- a - [III - USSR - 36 FOUO]
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Moacaw STEKLO I KERAMIKA in Russian No 8, Aug 79 pp 2-3 _
[Unsigned article: "Taward Builder~s Day"j
[Text] Builder's Day in the fourth year of the Tenth Five-Year Plan is to be
celeb rated by a multimillion army of Soviet builders and workers of the con-
struction materials industry in an atmosphere of tremendous political and
labor enthusiasm. In three years of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the sector~s -
work made a ma~or contribution to the solution of social-economic taska aet
by the 25th CPSU Congress.
During this period fixed production capital of the national economy grew 24
percent and its value now amounts to one trillion rub les. More than 700
lar~e industrial enterprisea, a number of po~wer complex and more than 300
million square meters of housing space were put in operation. _
- In 1979, the amount of state capital investment is set at 116.5 billion
rubles, or 4.9 percent more than was utilized in 1978. The cost of fixed
capital put in operation amounts to 111.7 billion rubles. A significant
- share of capital investment has been allocated for the development of heavy
industry sectors. Thus,compared to 1978, capital investments f or the devel-
opment of the petroleum, gas, coal industry and transportation nf petroleum
and g~s increased 25 percent, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy--10.1 percent,
chemical industry--12.8 percent and machine building--12.2 percent.
In the fourth year of the five-year plan power capacitiea will graa 12.3
million kilawatts. Atomic energy is developing at a fast pace. A power
unit with a capacity of 1 million kilawatte is going into operation at the
Lening~ad AES, the first high-speed neutron unit with a capacity of 600,000
kilawatts at the Beloyarsk AES and the second power unit with a capacity of
410,000 kilowatts at the Armenian AES.
There will be put in operation large animal-husbandry complexes fur Arawing :
_ and fattening of 33,200 head of cattle and 849,000 pigs and poultry f.actoriee
for 6.9 million bearing hens and 7k.2 million poultry for meat.
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The construction of f acilities for housing, municipal services and cultural-
everyday use and for education and health care is proceeding on a wide scale.
This year residential buildings will be conetructed with a total floorspace
of 112.3 million square meters, as well as children~s institutions for 588,000
places, schoola for 128,800 pupils and hospitals with 55,300 beda.
In the past yeara of Che five-year p lan, all sectors of the conetruction mate-
rfals industry, including the glass and ceramic aector underwent further deve-
lopment. Capacities were put in operatfon for the production of 21.1 million
square meters of windaw glasr, 3.93 million glass b locks, 3.65 million square
meters of facing tile, 1.5 million square meters of floor tile, 1.67 ~nillion
square meters of facade tile, 980,000 sanitary-ceramic products. Consumer
goods were produced in a sum of appro~d.mately 35 of high-qualit3~
w are . .
High production technology is being introduced, ensuring rapid grawth in the
output of architectural-construction and windo~w glass of improved quality.
The experience of the Saratov Plant of Industrial Glass has demonstrated that
modernization of WS [exp unknawn] systems with th~ use of the latest achieve-
ments of science and technology and organization of production significantly
increases the capacity of the enterprises and increases labor productivity. .
During tha present fi~~e-year plan, the production of large-size glas~ packs
fsteklopakety] has been started at the I3or Glass Plant imeni M. Gor'kiy and
the Saratov and Sai~~at industrial glasa plants at a total capacity of 2 mil-
lion square meters a year,
The technical reequipment of construction ceramic enterprises ie succeasfully -
continuing; these plants manufacture various kinds of tile followinR the
introduction of high-production conveyor lines with tawer spray dryersand
slotted ovens. At the present time more than 170 such lines are in operation
- at ceramic plants and combines, producing more than 50 percent of the total
volume of tile production.
A ma~or contribution to the development of the glass and ceramic induatry has
been made by the collectives. of en.terprises and or~anizations which are the
initiators of the All-Union Socialist C~mpetition for Ahend of Schedule Ful-
fillment of the State Plan for 1979 and ~allectives that have been awarded
transferab le lted Banners of the CPSU Central Committee, th~ USSR Council of .
Ministers, the AUCCTU and the Komsomol Central Committee for achieving high~
indicators in ~.978. They include the Bor Order of Lenin G1ass Plant imeni
M. Gor~kiy, the Gomel~ Order of Lenin Glass Plant imeni M.V. Lomonosov, the
Slavyanak Order of the Labor Red Banner Ceramic Combine, the Dyat'kovo Order
of the Labor Red Banner Crystal Plant and the Tbilisi Combine of Conatruction _
Materials and the winner of the republic competition in 1978 the Lobnya Plant
of Construction Porcelain. _
Good work indicators will be used to celebrate Builder's Day by the initiator
of socialist compeiition with the alogan "For the fiftieth anniversary of the
First Five Year Plan--10 shock work shifts" the collective of the lledovo Ce- ,
ramic Plant, which for three years in a raw has held the transferable Red
. 2
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Banner of the RSFSR Council of Ministers and the AUCCTU, the collectives of
the Lenin~rad Plant of Ceramic Products, the Bun'kovskiy Order of the Labor
_ Ked Banner Plant of Ceramic Products, the Likhoborskiy Plant of Heat Insula-
tion and 1'iniahing Materials and many other collectives.
71ie hi gl~ socialist commitments they assumed in 1979 are bein~ succeasfully
fulfil led by the initiatora of the competition V.K. Korotkov, a p~lasa-pullinp,
machine operator at the Bor Glass Ylant imeni M. Gor'kiy, the brigade of '
blowers of crystal products at the Dyat~kovo Crystal Plant headed by A.A. Ko-
lodin, floor-tile presa operator R.P. Gnilitskaya at the Slavyansk Ceramic
Combine and f oundry worker Ye.A. Gagarina at the }iun'kovskiy Ceramic Products
P12.nt and others.
More ttian 15,U00 workers have fulfilled their personal assiRnments for more
than f our years of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. Floor-tile press opexator
N.I. Voskolupova at the Slavyansk Ceramic. Combine in 3 years and 6 months
, has fulfilled two five-year assignments. Collectives at 17 enterprises, more
than b,000 shops, shifts and brigades and 62,000 workers have decided to com-
- memorate the 110th annivereary of the birth of V.I. Lenin with ahead of sched-
ule fulfillment of five-year assignments and plans,
Builders and workers of the construction materials industry noa~ Yiave a fine
tradit ion,on pointing out achieve d successes on Builder~s Day, to cancentrate
their attention on unresolved tasks and to outline new further-development
targe ts .
_ A most important task is that of raiaing the quality of conatruction; its
soluti on depends to a large degree on the construction materials industry.
No mat ter how talented the work of an architect might be or hvw well individual
buildings and whole ensembles might look on drawingboards or acale models in
terms of expresaion or harmony, if there is a lack of good-quality and beau-
- tiful--particularly beautiful--construction materials snd products, the real
thing inevitably becomes a distortion of the plan. Furthermore, the needs of
construction for finishing materials are being satisfied far f rom fully both
quanti tatively and qualitatively.
Production of new efficient materials is grawin~ at an inadequate rate. For
several years now collectives at the Khar'kov Tile Plant, Kuchiaskiy Ceramics -
Combine, associations of Minskstroymaterialy, Bun~kovskiy Ceramic Products r~
Plant and the Tselinograd Ceramics Combine have started mass production of -
lar~e-size different-color facade alabs. Facing with them f acades of larRe- ~
panel houses involuntarily draws attention and cheeis one's eyes. But the use-
ful experience of advanced enterprises is being disseminated slowly. Thus,
for example, 23 enterprises oi construction ceramics af the RSFSR Construc-
tion Materials Industry produced in 1978 only 300,0~0 aquare meters of large-
size facade slabs.
Constructian is experiencing a no less acute need for larRe-size ~loor ceramic
tile. But enterprises of the s ame ministry are slo~w in increasinR the pro-
duction volume of such tile as a consequence of which large outlays of labor ,
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are needed for putting floors doFm. Enlarging tile to 15X15 and 20X20 cm
size would malce . it posaible to double the labor productivity of finishers
_ who lay the tile.
As we knaw, rug-mosaic glass tile is being widely used for the finishing
of large-panel buildings. Facades faced with white baffle alabs look at-
tractive. At the same time, the use of slaba of only one color reaulta in
monotony. Glass plants basically put out white slabs, which impoverishes
� the architectural appearance of our cities and villagQS. The settinR up of
mass production of colored glasa slaba is an urRent task. At the same time,
sizes of slabs ahould be increaaed and their form ehould be varied.
An effective finishing material is to be found in colored safety shaped ~lass
[profil'noye steklo] whose production has been initiated in the country for
the first time by Krasnyy May Glass Plant. Lodges [lodzhii] and balconies,
shielded with colored shaped glass, have ~nhanced the appearance of houses
built in Moscow, Klin, Lyubertsy and other cities. This glass has received
approval, but it too is made in insfgnificant quantitles. Art Rlass and
colored glass blocks of different configuration are produced in small quan-
Production development of new efficient materials and products for canatruc-
tion constitutes a first-priority task for workers of the glass and ceramic
industry. The quality of erected buildings, their architectural expressive-
ness , soundness and comf ortableness largely depend on this . The key to ttie
solution of the problem is to be found in the faste~t possible reequipment
and modernization of ~nterprises on the basis of scientific and technoloRical
achievements and widespread dissemination of advanced experience and a rise in
the level of s ocialis t competition. .
, A major role in the acceleration of technical progress, increased efficiency
and quality of operation of the glass and ceramic induatry is played by sec-
torial scientific-rese arch institutes and planning and design organizations.
The realization of a number of their researcY~es and developments ha.s contrib-
uted to a significant degree to technical improvement of production and
gr~wth of labor productivity.
But still higher demands are being made today on scientists, planners and
desigr?ers. They must significantly raise the level of work in Ch~e creation
of essentially new, highly efficient manufacr.uring processes and equipment,
means and syatems of automation and in the creation and development of pro-
duction of progressive products of high quality from gla~es and Geramica for
construction and other sectors of the national economy.
a Of tremendous i~ ortan ce to the continued progress of our country on the road
to communism is the decr~e recently adopted by the CPSU Central Comndttee ~
"On Further Improvement of Ideological and Political Educational Work." In
implementing the tAaks set forth by this decree, workera of aasociations,
enterprises, scientific-research institutes and planning and design organi-
- zations of the glass and ceramic industry must intensify Che s truggle for the
f as test possib le introduction of the achievements of scienc~, technology and
_ . ,
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advanced experience, greater respon~ibility for the entrus ted task~ econoiny?
and a thrifty attitude toward socialist property and againet waste, bureau-
cracy and regionalism.
"The Soviet man," it is stated in the decree, "must clearly realize the social
importance of his personal p articipation in �he f ulfillment of the national-
economic plans, acceleration of acientifirtechnical progreas as a decisive
condition of the further strengthening of the might of the Moth~rland and the
victory of communism."
Workers of the glass and ceramic industry will apply all their energies in
order to ful.fill with honor the targets of the fourth year of the five-year '
plan and to make a worthy contribution to realization of the grandioae pro-
gram of social and economic development of our Motherland adopted by the
25th CPSU Congress.
COPYRIGHT: Stroyizdat, 1979
769 7
CSO: 1821
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UDC 911.3:711~432/435
VYPUSK 3, May/Jun 79 pp 227-232
[Article b;~ N. T. Agafonov, S. B. Lavrov, 0. P. Litovka1]
[TextJ The problems of urbanization are attracting an ever increasing
- amount of attention from specialists. Urbanization (especially during the
past few years) has been the topic of a large number of artic~es, topical
collections and monographs. Representatives from a number of the sciences
are actively involved in the multifaceted complex of issues associated with
urbanization. It is only natural, then, that a number of different (and
occasionally contradictory) points of view are shaping up and that there
is a great deal of discussion on urbanizatiori as a whole as well as on its
individual issues. Among the most debated are two questions: 1) that of
the essence of the process of urbanization and its role in the system of
social and historical p~ocesses; and 2), that of "optimum" dimensions for
cities. ~
The complicated and dialectically contradictory process of urbanization
provokes not merely interest but even amazement among some groups~of Soviet
urban specialists: expressions such as "the phenomenon of urbanization"
which, according to the meaning of the word "phenomenon," implies nothing
that is out of the ordinary or exceptional in this process, have crept
into scienti.fic practice. Over the past few years, some urban specialists
have literally come to interpret urbanization as a relatively independent
social and historical process. This position has been developed most
clearly by Yu. L. Pivovarov who views urbanization as a self-generating
process from the lower forms of settlement to higher ones while remaining
abstract from the nature of property and the sociopolitical structure.
_ This type o~ position demands as a minimum the following rebuttals.
1 The immediate cause for writing this article was the publication of Yu.
L. Pivovaro's book [9J which was followed by a review by Ye. D. Mikhaylov.
The authors agree with neither the premise of the book nor the review.
6 ~
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The essence of urbanization is not a transition from aome forms of settle-
ment to others (albeit higher), but the development of urban relationships
and their spread into the countryside [1]. The development of f orms of
settlement and th e transition from its lawer f orms to higher ones is impor-
tant, but it is only one of the typea of manifestation of the proceas of
urbanization. Proceeding from this, neither the problems of urbanization
as a whole nor the more frequent problems of settlement and the development
of a network of popula~d points can be viewed outsid~~ the context of the
_ entire problem s tructure of the development and distribution of industry
as a dialectical unit of production forces and producti~n relationships,
~ but can be viewe~ separately from th2 problems of the development and dis-
tribution of the production and social infrastructure, the territorial
organization of production forces, the regional-systematic organization of
. society with the necessary allawance made f~r the peculiarities of the
given socioeconomic formation as a whole [12]. This is one of those general
scientific truths without which it is difficult to imagine the development
of the Soviet economic-geographic and demographic sciences and the practice
of Soviet city p lanning. Equally unacceptable is the removal of the issues
qf.urbanization f rom the problems of population growth as well as from
_ problems of duplication and the use of labor resources and the work force,
which is prominent in certain works on urbanization [4, 5, 8, 9] and others.
In the Yu. L. Pivovarov book cited above, the acknowledgement of these
truths is, in our opinion, of a particularl~ formal nature. As a result,
his proofs of the "self-genEration" of urbanization spring up. Corres-
pondiiigly, in examining the pr~blems of urbanization and settlement, the
author wo~ks on a"global level," totally unconcerned in some cases and
only slightly concerned in others with the associations between these
issues and forms of property among the resources of production ~primarily
land) and the level of the development of the productive forces of a
- society and its technical capabilities. From this type of approach there
follows an abstract "pattern of evolution of the forms of settlement:
from city to urb anized regions and zones" via an agglomerative process that
has been accepted without criticism from foreign literature and is, in
fact, derived from the urban-sociological concept of societal development
along with other concepts such as the ecolo,gical (an ever increasing mastery
of nature), the geohorological (an ever increasing development of ecumenism),
the resource (resources as the determining factor of a society's develop-
ment) directed at finding a substitute f or the Marxist concept of social
development from one mode of production to another, replacement df which
determines the pattern for the development of a settlement. It is not by
accident that the "scheme of evolution for forms of settl.ement" totally
ignores such types of settlement as rural population points just as it
also ignores the issue of the penetration of urban relationships into
the c~untryside (the interaction of urb an and rural populations and�the
problem of urbanizing the countryside, respectively) .
The position of "self-generation" in urbanization can be subjected to
even more thorough criticism although it appears and has been said enough
that to draw conclusions about it is fruitless and erroneous.
� 7
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~ i
The question of optimum dimensions for cities is being actively debated -
in domestic as :�~ell as in the specialized foreign trade press. To be
speciffc, in the works of some Soviet urban specialists, a great deal of
attention has been f ocused on criticizing the concept of "optimum" cities -
and attempCs to prove the economic and social effectiveness of Zarge cities
in comparison with snall and moderate-sized towns.
It is first necessary to emphasize that fighting the concept of an
"optimum city" is to do battle with phantoms. This concept has been '
= completely debunked in Soviet urban science. It is another matter that a
number of Soviet urban specialists (including the authors of this article)
feel that in any country, and even more so in a huge nation like the USSR, -
the existence of cities of various sizes is appropriate. The essence of
this position consists of the fact that the sizes of cities depend on the
functions of the latter, and accordingly, e.ach type of city has its own
best parameters for the size of its population.
The modern level of scientific urbanology does not as yet make it possible
to establish a well-founded, integral and orderly theory of urban optimiza-
tion in the necessary form on the basis of which, direct planning for all
- aspects of deve~opment--economic as well as social--would be possible.
However, the practical aspects of social development surely call for such
plannin~ or at least regulation of the basic parameters. For this reason,
complex economic and social planning wtiich is becoming increasingly popular
is also developing on a largely empirical basis (theor}~ is separate from
It is true ih~atl~ver the past few years, a number of general works have
appeared ] and others), many premises of which have been directly
put into practice, but this is clearly inadequate for purposes of develop-
ing an integral theory of urbanization and the development of cities
within the USSR as well as ~or a formalizPd answ~~r to the question of the =
most effective dimensions of cities.
Whiie not claiming in the least to be oracles, we will discuss some of the
. deliberations on this question. '
An overwhelming percentage of Soviet cities are presently included in
the category of small ones and the developmental trends are such that ne4:
small urban settlements will also appear in the future. By the same
token, a percentage of small cities is making the transition to the cate-
gory of moderate size, medium-sized cities are mbving to the category of
larger cities, and the large cities are be~~ming even bigger. This is
an objective process which cannot be stopped or prevented. However, within
the setting of a socialist society, this process can and should be regulated
~ according to a plan.
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We ~ccept as an immutable truth that any regulation of the growth of _
cities should be, fi-:�st of all, a result oi the criteria for economic and
social effectiveness (the inadequate level of theoretical and methodica3.
work on this question cannot ch ange the fact of the position). This
means that only economic and social foundations can play a decisive role
in determining the best parameters for urban development.
In the very general plan, the issue must be decided thusly: the dimenslons
and distribution of urban settlements must match the Ievel of development
and distribution of socialist production. Because of this, there may be
some question concerning the relati~nships of economic and social criteria.
We conceded that there is no ob~ect fur discussion here since the discussion
is not of the greater or lesser importance of any given criterion, but
only about the order of their importance; as soon as the pattern for the
. economic development of a city has been set, it must be ad~usted with
allowances made for the objectives and tasks of social development.
Industry is a basic city-�planning factor for most cities at the present
stage.~ The level of urbanization of a country or individual regions and
the structure of urban settlements are determined primarily by its develop- -
ment. Proponents of unlimited grawth for large cities cite the ob~ective
advantages of concentrating industrial production [9, 11] as the main
economic argument. However, the reference to the concentration of industry
is altogether incorrect. The fact of the ma.tter is that all industrial
production is objectively divis ible into two groups: those that noticeably
improve their economic indicators with an increase in concentration and
others where concentration has no such effect. ~
Along with the difference in production in regard to the effectiveness of
concentration, their differences in terms of the effectiveness of using
~ such forms of industrial organization as specialization, cooperation and
combination are quite substantive. Thus, among the total number of indus-
tries, item-by-item and technological specialization has a great effect.
Its use generally appears to be associated with the estab lishment of a vast
main enterprise and numerous subcontracting enterprises whose sizes are
generally somewhat smaller. In the overwhelming majority, these subcon-
tracting firms can be located at considerable distances away from the main
plant and from each other. The latter estab lishes ob~ective grounds for a
multiplicity of suitable variants of their distributian.
- 2 For more detail on the question of the effect of concentration and other
forms of the social organization of production on the developa~ent of
cities, see [3].
c - '
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- Merging, as a form of industrial organization, is quite effective in
metallurgy, the paper-cellulose industry, certain sectors of the chemical
industry, and to some extent, the power and ore-extraction indusrries.
On the other hand, many sectors are "indifferent" to mergers. Induatries
such as the electrical and radio equipment industriea, instrument building,
the clothing and knitwear industries, where merging has taken place, ehaw ~
almost no economic effect. As a result, for a number of enterprisea
that are "indiff erent" to merging, the multiplicity of distributional
variants is amplified. -
In conjunction with the above, the issue of the complex distribution of
production takes on exceptionally important significance; for some enter-
prises it seems unquestionably necessary while for others its effect is ~
In an examination of industry as a major city-planning factor, it is
possible to come to the following conclusions. -
Industries in which the effectiveness of concentration and combining is ~
high are characterized by the presence of large and extremely vast enter-
prises with significant personnel contingents. At the same t-i:ne, the
- largest enterprises are also powerful industrial conglomerates which draw
other sectors into their own. On one hand, their city-developmental role
is reinforced by this while, on the other, the number of suitable variants
of distribution is severely limited.
Industries in which the effectiveness of concentration or combination is
only slight are characterized by relatively small enterprise dimensions. .
Many small and moderate size enterprises have only a slight tendency
tawards agglomeration. For this reason, they have a relative4"loose
distribution" (multiplicity in the variants of distrihution).
Thus, in our opinion, the economic aspect of the problem is not ~vhich
cities to develop--the large or small ones, but what industry in which
cities should b e developed.
3 The discussion here is about the complex distribution of enterprises
within the confines of an industrial center and not within an industrial
region. In a regional complex, each enterprise should be entered in prin-
ciple although it need not necessarily become a part of any one complex of
the center where it is located. Such an enterprise may also be located _
separately, forming an independent industrial point.
4 When the question arises about the distribution of such projects, the
discussion should not be on any specific city (point), but rather on
the region in different parts of which the economic indicators f or a given ~
enterprise are approximately equal. It is first necessary to determine
all such points within this region and then finally resolve the question
on the distribution of enterprises on the basis of a11 other, including
noneconomic, factors.
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The criticism of extremely large cities contained in the works of many
urban specialists is justified to a limited extent. In the nation's largest
cities, we are inevitably confronted with a whole aeriea of acute pxoblema ~
that are difficult to resolve. They are a result of disparity between
the dimensions of such cities (the amount of space, the size of the popula-
tion, the scale of industry) and the existing capabilities for organizing
and develooing an industrial and social infrastructure. This ob~ective -
contradiction must have a two-fold resolution: improving the infrastructure
and limiting the rate of growth for such cities. From this, it is obviously
necessary to refrain from locating any enterprises that are strong agglomera-
, tive industries within them. At the same time, it is totally necessary to
avoid placing such enterprises in larger cities that are characterized by
a significant "loose distrtbution." Explaining precisely what enterprises
should be included in one category or another is a matter which is not as
_ complex in practical terms.
If such an explanation is made, organizing the appropriate control can be _
entrusted to the elements of the USSR Gosstroy. As we imagine in ~his
instance, building only those enterprises in the largest towns that are
functionally necessary to the development of any given city can become a
In our opinion, this principle must be applied for even those enterprises
~ that do not have multiple variants of distribution. If the optimum
variant presupposes disturbing enterprises within a cit}* whose growth has
tended to slow for awhile, in the majority of instances, it is obviously
better to skip this variant and choose another. Adherence to this principle
must be especially stringent when it comes to enterprises that might
become strong, industrial conglomerates. ~
Thus, the discussion is not about prohibiting industrial construction in
_ large cities altogether but prohibiting or restricting the construction of
certain categories of enterprises within them at a certain stage. Later
on, when the infrastructure in any city has been shaped to comply with its
size, it will be possible to drop any sort of limitations on industrial
development; that is, to make use of the ~~conomic advantages of a large
In discussing the "optimum" dimensions of, there are also certain
~ other asgects that merit attention. It is amazing that both the proponents
of the "optimum" city and the proponents of large cities are, in practical
terms, out of touch with the listing of functional differences among cities
and particularly with their economic organizational (regional organizational)
role. We know, for example, that an extremely high proportion of the
nonindustrial sector in the total population make-up is cr.aracteristic for
oblast and republic centers. The actual number of workers employed outside
of industry in such cities depends primarily on the economic and demographic
potential of the respective regions. The specific nature of this relation-
ship needs additional study. In particular, a comparative analysis of
materials from the c.ensus counts of 1959, 1970 and 1979, which makes it
possible to see the characteristic and substantive trends of development,
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iH moal inter.e~ting. There iH no doubt that �urther etudy of thie rela-
tionship will help to provide a more ob~ective unewer. to tlie queet~ion
of what the suitable dimensions for citiea of various functional types
should be. ~
We will note yet another trend: centers whose regional organizational
influence is limited solely by their ob lasts are smaller, as a rule,
than centers in inter-oblast, and even more so, the large economic regions
~that are on approximately the same level of industrial development.
Census materials from 1970 show that all the latter centers have already
surpassed the upper limit of any optimum adopted by city .planners. To a
large extent, this has occurred as a result of the regional organizational _
functions of such cities. In this arrangement, the energetic grawth of ~
the nation's largest cities is an appropriate result of the development
of the national economy and an intensification in the territorial division
~ of labor. Therefore, in the search for suitable urban dimensions, it is
necessary to refrain absolutely from any sort of dogmatism in the solutions.
We view any extreme point of view as being dogmatic. In the proposal to
develop p�rimarily the large cities, there is every bit as much dogmatism
as in the search for "optimum" parameters. The best dimensions not only _
can, but must be different for cities of different functional types. For
the largest regional organizational centers, the upper limit of optimum
might be quite high. ~
Efforts to find the optimum dimensions for cities stem from efforts to
find a universal means that could be helpful in solving most, if not all
the inner-city problems that occur. In this process, these efforts .
start from the fact that all problems (or a majority of them) must
necessarily be solved more successfully than in "non-optiinum" conditions.
We talce yet another position and feel that each type and class of city
ob~ectively has its awn problems. This concept can be expanded: a
specific range of problems should correspond to every stage of city devel- ~
opment. As the development of a city progresses, some problems are
replaced by others. For this reason, all the efforts to find a means to
create "problem-free" cities are doomed to failure. It is even more,to
the point that nearly every city must resolve its own individual problems
occurring as a result of the specific conditions in which it finds itself. ~
The essence of the matter is not to build a city that does not have
prob lems but to resolve its problems (all of them or the most important ~
ones) in a timely and orderly manner. It is also essential not to create
"unnecessary" problems resulting from practical errors in cities.
Without pretending to have an unequivocal solution to the issues noted �
or even a complete and exhaustive statement of them, we would like to
note that, given the importance of a comprehensive approach to these
problems, the decisive group of factors is now the economic. Therefore,
it is with primary regard to these factor that it is worth prolonging the
debate and to establish the creation of a comprehensive *_heory of city
development on this basis.
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1. Marx K., Engels, F.; "Complete Works," Vol 46, Part I, p 470.~
2. Materialy XXV s"yezda KPSS jMaterials from the 25th Congress of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union), Moscow, 1976.
3. Agafonov, ~1. T., Lavrov, S. B., Pavchinskiy, B. R.; "Sovremennye formy
obshchestvennoy organizatsii proizbodstva i razvitiya gorodov" [Contempo-
rary Forms of Social Organization in Industry and the Development of
Cities] in "Problemy urbanizatsii v SSSR" [Problems of Urbanization in
- the USSR], Moscow, I2d. MGU, 1971.
- 4. Vand, L. E.; Voprosy regulyativnogo analiza gorodov" [Issues of Regula-
tive Urb an Analysis], in VOPROSY GEOGRAFII, 96. "Urbanizatsiya mira,"
Moscaw, "Mysl i974.
5. Dolgiy, V. M, l,evada, Yu. A., Levinsov, A. G.; "Urbanizat~iya kak
sotsiokul'turny,y protsess" in VOPROSY GEOGRAFII. "urbanizatsiya mira,"
Moscow, "Mysi"', 1974.
6. Mikhaylov, Ye. D.; Review of book: Yu. L. Pivovarov, "Sovremennaya
urbanizatsiya," Izd. VGO, Vol 110, No 1, 1978,
~ 7. Murav'yev, Ye. P., Uspenskiy, S. V.; "Metodologicheskiye problemy
planirovaniya gorodskogo rasseleniya pri sotsializme" [Methodalogical
problems of planning urban resettlement under socialism'1, Leningrad,
Izd. LGU, 1974.
8. Pivovarov, Yu.. L.; "Sovremennaya urbanizatsiya: sushchnost', faktory
i osobennosti izucheniya" [Contemporary urbanization: the essence;
factors and characteristics of studyJ in "Problemy covremennoy
urbanizatsii" [Problems of contemporary urbanization], "Stat~istika,"
Moscow, 1972.
9. Pivovarov, Yu. L.; "Sovremennaya urb anizatsiya," Moscow, "Statistilta,"
10. Pokshishevskiy, V. V.; "Naseleniye i geografiya," [Population and
geographyJ, Mos.cow, "Mysl 1978.
, 11. Pchelintsev, 0. S.; Formy rasseleniya i razmeshcheniye proizvoditel'
nykh sil" [Forms of Settlement and the Distribution of Industrial
Forces] in "Urbanizatsiya, nauchno-tekhnicheskaya r~evolyutsiya i
rabochiy klass" [Urbanizatsion, the Scientific-Technical Revolution _
and the Working Class], Moscow, "Statistika," 1972.
' 12. Khorev, B. S.; "Problemy gorodov" [Problems of Cities], Moscaw, "Mysl
COPYRIGHT: "Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva," 1979
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Moscow STAL' in Russian No 8, 1979 pp 570-571
[Article by S. V. Gubert, Director of the State All-Union Institute for
the Planning of Metallurgical Plants, member of the Presidium of the ~
Central Board of the Scientific and Te~chnical Society of Ferrous Metal-�
lurgy: "The Basic Directions of the Development of Ferrous Metallurgy
for 1981-1985"~
[Text] During the coming five-year period (1981-1985) in addition~to a
further increase in the produc~ion of ferrous metal:;, a great deal of
atten-L-iun will be devoted in our country to solving the problem of ar,
essential improvement of the quality of inetal output, to an expansion of ~
assort:nent, an improvement of ~bhe entire complex of consumer properties
of the branch's output, and to an increase in the strength chaxacteristics
of inetal output and in the efficiency of the use of inetal in the econorrly.
The ~+th Plenum of the Central Board of the Scientific and Technical Society
of Ferrous Metallurgy which took place in Moscow in May of this year was ,
devoted to participation in the solution of these problems.
There w~,s an extensive exchange of opinions at the Plenum about existing
reserves for production and for improving the quality of output and about
the ways of realizing them. �
At the pre~ent time the development of the country's ferrous�metallurgy ~
is characterized by high production growth rates, a continuous expansion
of assort~nent, and outstripping growth in the production of progressive
types af rolled goods, piping, and hardware. This outstripping.growth
will be the basic direction in increasing the efficiency of the use of
- metal in the econoiqy in the future a1so.
Thus; it is planned to increase the proportion of sheet in the total pro- -
' duction of rolled goods to ~+5 percent. The production of a number of new
types of output (whose production was begun during the current five-year
plan) will increase: Bethlehem beams, sheet with polymer coatings, steel-
aluminum wire, and others . ' ,
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~here will be a substantial increase in the proportion of steel which is
worked in a cacuum, by inert gases, and by synthetic slags.
In order to satisfy the increased demands of consumers it is planned to
achie ve the industrial mastery of the production of rolled goods
chrome, aluminum, and other metallic coatings, of galvanized rolled sheet
with subsequent polymer coatings, of electrolytic galvanized sheet, of
the finest sheet iron with tin-free platings, and of high-grade rolled
goods made of steel smelted with metallized pellets and with a guarantee
_ of high mechanical properties snd high quality surface finish; of thermo-
mechanically machined hi~h-strength sheet and other types of rolled goods;
large-diameter welded pipes for northern use designed for a pressure of
10 MT ('100 at), and new types of cold-deformed pipes for thermal and atomic
electric power; and high-strength wire for ferroconcrete structures, in-
cluding stabilized and galvanized wire, brass-plated wire, aluminum- and
polymer-plated wire, metal cord of an improved ~esign, and other hardware. ~
The econo~y's growing need for metal output will b~ met to a substantial
extent through a further improvement of the.quality and an expansion of
the assortment of ferrous metals. An improvement of the consumer proper-
ties of inetal yields an econoir~y of around 50 percent of the total physical
increase in the production of finished rolled goods. The level of the use
of inetal in the econoir~y will ir^rease as a result of an expa.nsion of assort-
ment, an improvement of the quality of ferrous met als, an d an improvement
of inetal working. _
In rolling production it is planned to achieve the industrial introducti.on
of production processes for the production of cold-rolled transformer
steel with 1ow specific losses and for obtaining cold-rolled c~}mamo steel;
forthe production of bent sections made of high-strength steels--welded,
closed, and with various types of platings; for the sorbitization of rod
wire; and for the production of high-grade rolled goods and Bethlehem
beams of continuous-cast billets. We will master the thermo-mechanical
machining of high-grade rolled goods, the production of a wide assortment
of inetal output with various types of platings, including differentiated
and unilateral, the production of steel sheets with a tin-free plating
(chrome and aluminum), and the production of sheet metal with zinc-~.luminum
and steel-zinc platings. Approximately 500 hot-rolled and cold-rolled ~
sections and 200 to 300 new steels and alloys will be mastered during each
five-year plan .
- In order to accorriplish this task it is planned during the next five-year
plan to build several plate mills and a narrow-strip cold rolling mill
in order to supply rolled stock to cold rolling shops. It is planned to
build a number of rolling mills for alloy metal,
During the period being considered it is planned in pipe production to
master production processes for the production of multi-layer and two-layer
lar~e-diameter pipes and others; it is planned to increase the production
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of pipes of a,ll types and, at~ove all, for the petroleum and gas extracting
industry wit~ a simulta.neous shift to new types of thread joints, to pro-
duce drilling pipes with welded locks, and to increase the proportion of
high-strength pipes in the total production of driving, drilling, and
compressor-pump pipes.
In har~iwarc production it is planned to introduce a process Por pl~.ting
_ wire with aluminum and polymers, the production of high-strength fitting
wire and grids with anti_-corrosion plating and of rope subjected to plastic
draft, electro-contact heating with liquid contacts, thermo-mechanical
hardening, and the electro-chemical purification of welding wire.
It is planned to substantially improve the structure of the assortment of
har�dware on the basis of an outstripping growth in the praduction of highly types of hardware: metal cord, powder wire, cold-rolled strips .
- a.nci :~tiaped section~, h~.rdware made of a11oy and high-carbon steels, thermtal-
ly treated steels, plated steels, and others.
The increase in the production oF hardware during the new five-year plan
will be ensured by the construction of specialized hardware shops at hard- .
ware and metaliurgical plants.
In the field of steel smelting production the use of new production pro-
cesses is scheduled for the period being planned--electrosmelting involving
the use of inetallized continuous-loaded pellets. Converter smelting with
bottom blowing, the production of electrotechnica.l steel in converters,
argon-oxygen refining of non-rusting steel, the continuous vacuuming of
steel on MNLZ [expansion unknown], the casting of a wide assortment of bil-
lets on horizontal-type MNLZ, and athers.
It is planned to further improve the structure of steel-making conversions
--to increase the proportion of converter and electrosteel-smelting produc-
tion. In addition, it is planned to substantially decrease the absolute
amount of marten steel smelting by means of decommissioning a number of
obsolete shops (especially those with furnaces which operate on the basis
of hard charging). Scrap metal resources will increase; the use of inetal-
lized raw materials on an industrial scale wi11 increase.
The planned increase in the production of iron is to be ensured by the
commi.ssioning of a large blast furnace and the reconstruction of operating
furnaces at a number of plants.
In accordance with the development of basic metallurgical production it
is planned to re-equip and develop the ferroalloy, refractory, scrap pro-
cessiz~g, coke-chemical, and ore mining branches of ferrous met allurgy.
It is planned to introduce new production processes--for the enrichment
of oxidized iron ores, the cyclic-flow line and flow line mining of rock
or masses, the dry magnetic separation of ore, and others. '
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During the future five-year plan a large amount of attention will be devoted
to carrying out a program of environmental protection and improvement and
also to the rational use of all types of natural resources. In order to
ensure the cleanliness of the air it is planned to carry out a complex -
of work to create protected zones, to install equipment which produces a
minimum of discharges into the atmosphere, and others.
A number of ineasures have been planned for the protection~~of bodies of
- water against pollution, including by means of the construction of instal-
lations for the utilization of hard and liquid production waste. There _
will be a substantial increase in the proportion of water circulation sys-
tems; at new facilities it is planned to have only such systems without
the discharge of polluted sewage waters.
In order to increase the efficiericy of the development of the branch anrl -
to make rational use of material resources measures are being planned to
. reduce the materials intensiveness of inetallurgical production. The expen-
diture of coke per ton of iron will decrease; thanks to a further develop-
ment of continuous steel smelting and the use of heat insulation and exo-
thermic inserts and other factcrrs the expenditure.of steel per ton of
finished rolled goods will decrease. Higher renewal rates for fixed cagi-
tal are essential in order to further decrease the materials intensiveness
of inetallurgical production; additional capital investments have been allo-
cated for these purposes.
During the next five-year plan an important place will be assigned to ac-
complishing the tasks of decreasing expenditures of fuel and electric ener-
' gy and of making efficient use of fuel and ez~ergy and material resources.
'IThe share of ferrous meta.llu.rgy in the country's fuel and energy balance
will decrease: this is being ensured by an outstripping development of the
fuel and energy complex in the econo~y' and by the influence of technological
progress in ferrous metallurgy on decreasing ener~y expenditures.
A.~reat deal of attention will be devoted to the problem of decreasing the
number of workers and increasing labor productivity.
= The decommissioning of obsolete shops and equipment, the introduction of
new equipment, an improvemen~ of existing production technology, production
concentration, and increase in the unit capacity of equipment, the mecha- ~
nization of labor consuming operations and production automAtion will make ~
it possible to decrease the number of workers of the branch and use them
in other jobs and at new facilities and to increase labor productivity.
An outstripping development of ferrous metallurgy is planned for`Siberia
and the Far East.
The realization of the development plan f~r ferrous metallurgy for the years
1981-1985 will make it possible to substantially raise the technical level
of the branch and the economic efficiency of the production of ferrous
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metals and to basically accomplish the socio-economic tasks which have
- been set for metallurgical workers in the decisions of the party and
A Pleni.un of the Central Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of
Ferrous Metallurgy has adopted a dec~ee in which it has bound republic~, ~
oblast, and territoriel boards, the councils of the primary organizations . -
of the Scientific an d Technical Society, and branch sections:
~ To concentrate the efforts of engineers and technicians on solving the
chief problems of technological progress in the branch;
to bring about a wider enlistment of the engineering and technical and
scientific workers of plants, scientific research institutes, and planning -
institutes in the development of long-term plans for the development of
to make reco~nendations and proposals on the re-equipping of shops in order
to substantially increase technical and economic indicators.
The councils of the primary organizations of the Scientific and Technical
Society of the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy have been ordered to and technical workers for the punctual fulfillment of
higher quality planning work.
It has been recorrnnended that the editorial boards of the scientific and
and ~the "Chermetinformatsiya" ensure the extensive treatment of materials
on the b asic directions of technological progress in the branch.
COPYRIGHT: Isdatel'stvo "Metallurgiya", "St~.l'", 1979
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