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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 . ~ l~ _ FOR ~ ANO CORRELATIVE ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS 24 JULY i979 CFOUO~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 H'nit OF'H'ICIA1, l1SN: ONLY JPRS L/8586 24 July 1979 Translation - ACOUSTOOPTIC DEVICES FOR SPECTRAL - AND C,ORR~LATIVE ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS RY S~ V~ KULAKOV - FBIS FOREIGN BF~OADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 NOTE JPRS publicaCiong cdnCain in�ormaCion primarily from Eureign _ newspaperg, pQriodicals and books, but also from news agency tranamissions gnd bro~dcases. M~eerials from foreign-language sources are translated; those frnm English-language sources are trgnscribed or reprinCed, with the original phrasing and other characteristfcs rerained. Headlines, editorial reporta, and material encloaed in bracketa are aupplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such aa [TextJ or (ExcerpC) in rhe First line of each iCem, or followin~ Che last line of a brief, indic~te how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicaCor is given, rhe infor- mation was summarized or extracCed. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliteratpd are enclosed in parentheses. Words or nacnes preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originaCe with Che source. Times within ~.tems are as given by source. The conCenCs of this publicaCion in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Gavernment. For f~.~rther tnformatioii on report conrent call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, soc.iological, military); 2726 ~ (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING 0'~iNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION , OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTh`.ICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 ~ FOR OFF~CxAL U3E ONLY JPRS L/ 8586 24 ,7uly 1979 ~ ACOUSTO~PTIC DEVICES FOR SPECTRAL AND CORRELATIVE ANALYSIS ~F SIGNALS Leningrad AKU5TOOPTZCHESKSYE USTROYSTVA SPEKTRAL'NOGO T KORRE- _ LYAT5i0NNOG0 ANALZZA SZGNALOV in 1978 signed to press 27 Jul 78 pp 24-29, 4~-55, 80-103, 138-143 ~Exernts �rom book by S. V. Kulakov, "Nauks" Publishin,q House, � 144 pages, 2000 copies] CONTENTS PAGE 1.4. The Acoustic Light M~odulator [ALMJ as an Element of an Optical Signal Processing System 1 2.2. Multichannel Acoustooptic Spectral Devicea 6 Chapter 3. Correlative Acouatooptic Signal 16 3.1. Acoustooptic Convolvers and Correlatora 17 " 3.5. Dispersion Quadripoles Based on an Acoustooptic Device with ~nlarged Image of the Reference LFM [Linear - Frequency-Mndu].ated] Signal 10 - 3.6. Tim~ Scale Converters i~ased on Acoustooptical - Parametric Quadripolea 23 3.7. Selection of th~ Version of the Acoustooptic Correlator..... 40 e Bibliography 43 _ a _ [I - USSR - F FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 F'UK Ub'~'1G1AL US~; UNLY ~ . . N PUBLICATION DATA ~ � Engliah CiCle : ACOUSTOOPTIC DEVICES FOR SPECTRAL AND ~ CORItELATIVE ANALYSIS OF 3IGNALS ltuasian title : AKUSTOOPTICHESKIYE USTROYSTVA - SPEKTRAL'NOGO I KORRELYATSIONNOGO ANALIZA SIGNALOV Author (s) ~ S. V. Kulakov Editor (s) ; Publishing Houae ~ Nauka Place of Pvblication ~ Leningrad Date of Publication ~ 1978 Signed to press ~ 27 Jul ?8 Copiea ~ 200U _ COPYRIGHT ; Izdatel'~tvo "Nauka", 1978 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.39~..14 ACOUSTOOPTIC DEVICES FOR SPECTRAL AND CORRELATIVE ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS ' Leningrad AKUSTOOPTICHESKIYE USTROYSTVA SPEKTRAL'NOGO I KORRELYATSIONNOGO ANALIZA SIGNALOV in Ruasian 1978, Nauka pp 24-29, 41-51, 52-55, 80-103, 138-143 - [~xcerpCs from a book by 5. V. Kulakov) 1.4. The Acouatic Light Modulator [ALM] as an Element of an OpCical Signal Processing System pp 24~29 When solving ~giy~sis and syntheais problema, optical information procesaing systema take the form of a aet of individual elements with the correaponding - couplings betweet, them. The ma~ority oF the elementa of an optical ayatem (lenaea, free space layera, spatial band f ilters, and so on) are lin~ar with respect to the ].ight wave transmieted through them. For these elements~ in a number of papers [22, 77] both the transmitting functions and the reaponsea to the correaponding d-effects are defined, that is, the characterietica analogous to the characterietics of linear electric circuita are faund. Such electrical analogiea turn out to be highly useful when calculating op- tical aystema, for they permit the use of the methods and mathematical appara- tus well developed for aaalysia and synthesis of electric circuita and systems. The devicea used to input the processed information (signals) to the optical systems the spatial light modulators are also characterized by the _ transmission functions of the light wave incident oq them. These tranamis- sion functions are sometimea called transmission coefficients, traneparency functions, and so on. ' For the acoustic light modulator, along with the transmissinn coefficients it is expedienC to find Che frequency-dependent coefficient which defines the - linear transformati.on of the input electr:tc signal to an acoustical wave packet propagated in the acoustooptic interaction medium. This coefficient will be called the electroacouatical transmiasion coefficient. Let us also find the electrooptical impulse reaponse of the modulator. Let us define the spectrum of the spatial frequencies of the acoustic wave - packet corresponding to the elFCtric signals s(t). To begin with, we shall assume that f.n the acoustoopti.c interaction mediwn there is no damping of the - 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 ~OR O~~ICIAL USE ONLY elas~ic waves, and the electroopeical converter of the modulator has an in- f inite pMS~ band. _ Tl~e time-s~ace signal in the ~perture o� the acoustic 11ght modulator (the _ acouseic wave packet} correaponding to the input aignal e(r) can be written in the following form; 1~(s~ vt),Qrfj)/(ue-s), (1.4.1) where r(z) is Che weighC function defined by the ~aperture atop. LeC ua f ind the Fourier eraneformation of the aignals (1.4.1): ~hoo ~l,o� . , J ut) oxp (-lW.=) af ~ ~ r / (ut - exP (-lW.=) d=~ (1. y ~ 2) -co Here wz ~-W~~ ~ 2~~~audio is the apatial frequency [30, 77], w is the angu- lar dynamic frequency~ - _ , Substituting the variable in (1.4~2), we obtain +W +m - ~ l. I=: ut) e:P ds a eYp (-l~~,ut) ~ r(ut - U1 /(D) ~rP (IW.U) du� - _m _m (1.4.3) +m The integral of type ~ r(vt U) f(y)axp (futrJ~dJ ie very aimilar with respect Co _ '-m form to the integral defining the inatantaneoua spectrum [56]. Therefore we shnll call +W ' F"i (w� ut) = f r(ut - Y1 I~Y) exP l1W.Y)aU (1.4.4) the instantaneous spectrum of the apatial frequencies (ar the spatial instan- taneous spectrum) of the mirror image of the eignal, f(y). Let us rewrite expresaion (1.4.4) in the following form: +m ~ ue) _ ~ r (t1J(ut ezP IIW. (ue -:)1 d:� (1.4. 5) _m Taking the inverse Fourier transformation of the left and right aidea of (1.4.5), we obtain +W r(=)1(ut s). = 2R ~ Fi (W,, Jt) oxP I-!w. -=11 a~s�. (1.4.6) The expression (1.4.6) defines the spatial signal in the aperture of the ALM as the set of harmonic waves of the type exp [-~wZ (vt-z)]. - Let us express the spatial inatantaneous spectrum in terms of the apatial _ spectra of the signal and the weight function defint~n by the -~perture stop. . ~ 2 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 FOR dF1?ICTAL U5E ONLY Uging thc known Cheorem of the spQCerum of the product of two functione [12j~ ~ we 1�ve : _ Fi(w� ut)~la J ~lW~)~~W,-W;IexPf/~W,--W:)~'~la~:~ 1.4.~ -ao ~ ) * ~ where F(wZ) ia the complex-con~ugaee spati~l apecrrum of the signal, R(wZ) is the spatial apectrum of the weight function. xn ehe special case where ' 1 for L L - i 6s~-~- Z ~ r (s) ~ o foi� I=I> i ~ . (1~4.8) expression (1.4.7) assumes the form ~ L _ . ~ Afn (w, - wi) - v ~'L ~WI~ U~~ a ~ ~ `w~, 2 exp ~Wf W~) ut) d~;, ~1 � 4 � 9~ - . w, - . _ where L is Che size of the ALM aperture in the direction of propagaCion of the elasCic wavea~ +m Thus, r (=)1(~~ - = 2ic ~ exP ~'~W. (~t -:U dW, X - +m , sin - L 2 (1.4.10) x~ ~ W, e7CP I~ ~~r - w~) vtJ dw~. f ~m ~ Expression (1.4.10) defines the time~space aignal in the aperture of the ideal ALM. Now let us take into account the distortions which are introduced by the elecCroacoustical (most frequently piezoelectric) converter and the damping effect of the elasCic waves in the acoustooptic. interacCion medium of the modulator. - '1'he piezoelectric converCer can be considered as a linear quadripole with in- _ put elec.tric.signal and output electric signal, and a complex transmission coefficient K~(w) can be assigned to it. This transndssion coefFicient also takes into account the effect of the binding layer between the piezoconverter and a acoustooptic interaction medium, and it can be determined experi- mentally. If the inpuC signal s(t) has the spectral density S(w), it is obvious that - F' (~~,1= S' (~~.1 K': (1. 4.11) 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where * is Che rjign of complex con~ugat~,on~ Th~ actual acoustooptic interaction medium is characterized by the damping , coefficienC a(t~). Consequenely, tha time~apace aignRl in the gperture of the ALM muaC be represeneed by the set of damping elementiary waves of Che type ,Qxp,l-Ix ~w,)Ixl oxp I-~?w,(vt-z)), Thus, the actual time-space aignal in the a~perture of the ALM can be repre- aenred in the following form; 1 +m . , ~ f:) i(vt~ =1= zi~ ~ 8!A I- I a(W,I I=~ aaP I-/W, (u~ - s)1 dW, X~ - ~Fm G ~ atn - Z X K f S~ ~W;) Ka (w;l W~ _ Ws e:P U(~?, - w;) ut) d~;. (1. 4.12) ~ The presence of damping of the elastic waves in the acouatooptiic interacCion medium requirea the introduction of correctiona Co the determination, of the instantaneoua spectrwn of the spatial frequenciea. By the insCanCaneoua spectrum of the apatial frequencies of the time-apace signal in the rectangular apperture of the ALM we mean the apectrum defined by the expr~ssion ~ +m Ft (~n� s~ ut) ~ ezp a~~,~ ~=1 n f S' ~W:) Kn X sin ~:1 2 (1.4.13) ~ . , X _ W~ - e:P I/ ~W, - w;) ut J dW,. - Then ' ~ +m r(:1 a(v~, s) � 2a ~ Fi (W,~ s, vt) exP - s)1 dW, _m (1.4.14) � is the Cime-space aignal in the aperture of the real AI~M. The frequency properties of the real ALM are completely defined by the pro- duct ~ c~.. s~ ~ x, exp ~_i a cW,~~ c~. 4. ~s> which we shall call the ALM electroacousCical transmission coefficient. This coefficient establishes g unique relation between the spectrum of the input electric signal and the instantaneous spectrum of the spatial frequen- cies of the time~space signal in the aperture of a real acoustic light modu- lator. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 FOR U~~ICIAL US~ ONLY ~ On feeding a d pul~e to rhe ~,npue o� Che ALM ax the eime we call the time- ~ apace eignal in the a perture o� the AL,M Che electroacouetical impulse re- - aponse. Substituting the apectral density S~(w) R exp (~~wT) in (1~4~12), for Clie electroacouatical impulse response of the ALM we obtain B~~'~~ ~t~ � 2a J exP ~ a~w,) X . .~.oo � _ _ o~P ~`/W~ - a~~ dWS n ~ exP ~1W:~t) "~fa ~Wi~ x _ -oo � sin (w.'- w;) l , X w~ _ W~ exP U(W,-~:) ut) dW;. (1.4.16) Then the Cime-apace signal in the ~perture of the acousric light madulator with aperture input signal can be found using Che known expression r(:) s(ut, s) ~~+(nc) 8(~r~ uT, s) dns. (1. 4.17) . ~ It must be noted that the elecCroacoustical transmiasion coefficient and the impulse response of the SLM are not relaCed to each o~ther by the Fourier transformation. However, these characCeristics completely reflecC the frequency and Cime charucteristics of the linear process of conversion of - _ the input elecCric signal to the time-spsce signal in the ALM aperture, As was indicated in item 1.1, various operating conditions of the diffraction acoustic light modulator are distinguiahed. The modulation process is most simply described under Raman-Nutt conditions when purely phase modula~ tion is assumed. We shall limit ourselves Co the investigation of this case ~ here. Let the electric signal s(t) be fed to the input of the acoustic light modulator operating under the Raman-Nutt conditions. The plane light wave incident normally on the ALM e' (t, z) = F,o eap I/ ~Wa.~ - k~~x)~ (1) Key: 1~ light is modulated by the time--space, and at the output of the modulator it can be represented by the expression (t. ut) = Eo QxP /[Wer~ Ar I:1 i(vt, :)I, (1. 4~ 18) where A is the proportionality coefficient. With a harmonic input signal it has the meaning of the phase modulation index (the phase advance klightX which is insignificant to the following discussion will be omitted just as in item 1.3.) Thus, the ALM operating in the Raman-Nutt diffraction mode has the following transmission coefficient of the light wave incident on it: 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 I r~ ~ FOF. OFFICIAL USE ONLY T (ut, s).� exp (/Ar i (ut, :)j, (1.4 .19) Here ehe expon~nC in (1.4.19) is determined by Che diffraction acCivity o� ~l~e ilC0U9C00~)C~.C inCeriiction medium and Che expresaions (1,4.14) or (1.4~17) e~taUli~hing Clie relation beCween ehe inpuC elect,ric aignal s(t) and Che time- space signal i.n the aperture of the ALM. _ 'Ttie acousric lighr modulator ia a linear device with respecC to Che light wave normally incidenC on it. At the same time Che nonliaear traneformation of the input electric signal of Che type (1.4.19) satisf ies the generalized _ superposition principle [11]. This fact can be uaed both for analysis and syntheais of ehe acoustooptic devicea and, obviously, for the solution of the problem of linearization of their amplitude characteristics~ 2~2, Multichannel Acoustooptic SpecCral Devices pp 41-51 In radio engineering the problem frequenCly arises of analyzing a multidimen- sional signal made up of N elementary inlependent electric signals exiating - in separaCe channel:s or separated in space, As a rule, these elementary ~ signals are distinguished by initial phases. Specialized optical compuCers to the elemenCary signals are ~nput by means of multichannel ALM find ; application in the processing of multidimensional signals [3, 83, 97, 104, 121]. 5ometimes these devices are not so precisely called multichannel ~ acoustooptic epectral analyzers, ~lthough the Cerm "~hultichannel analyzer" presupposes the presence of N independent channels and, consequently, N out- put (in ehe general case, two dimensiehal) signals. In the investigated de- vice N elementary input signals (or one N-dimenaional input signal) forms one output (in the general case, three dimensional) signal. Inasmuch as the , operating principle of tbis acouatooptic computer consists in formation of the light wave spectrum modulated by the signals in the multichannel ALM, we shall ca11 iC a multichannel acoustooptic spectral device. _ The most prospective is the application of the multichannel acoustooptic . spectral devices for processing multidimensional electric signals of phased antenna arrays. In 1963, a multic~~annel acoustoopCic device was described in reference [83] for simultaneous observation of many radar targets. In this device the _ signals from the elements of the linear antenna array were fed after frequency conversion and amplification to piezoquartz electroacoustic converters � attached to one end of an acoustic polygon (a multichannel ucoustic light modulator). Here the phases of the signals trans:aitted to the polygon repeated ' the phases of the si~nals reaching the elementa of the antenna array. The I- distances between the electroacoustic converters on the scale determined by ~ the ratio of the lengths of the electromagnetic and elastic waves ccarreaponded . to the distances between elements of the antenna array. Thus, the total elastic wave created by the linear acoustic array was propagated in the acoustic polygon at the angle to the acoustic array at which the electro- magneCic wave was incident on the antenna array. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 , FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY - , The acoustic polygon was i11um~.nAted by co1l~.maCed light~ and in rhe rear focal plane o� the integxaCing ob,~ecC~,ve~ sex~,ea wexe f ormed, each pair of , which (wiCh small phase moduLation 3ndexes) correaponded to the radar CargeC - observed at ehe correaponding angle~ By measuxing the angular po~ition of rhe diffrnclion spot, it was possible to determine the angular coordinate - of the radar target~ In apite of the quite similar description of a device presentied in the indicated paper, it did not become widespread as a result of _ technical difficulties connected with execuCion of iC. In reference [97] a sCudy was made of the applicarion of the acoustooptic spectral devices for proceasing the signals of a phased antenna array (PAA)~ Two meehods of processing the signals of the linear receiving antenna array are described: 1) multiple time delay and 2) apatial mulCichannel nature. The combinaCion of theae meChods makes it possible to create a device for _ procesaing the signals of a planar PAA. Let us discuss them ~n more detail. The functional diagram ~f Che signal processing device of the linear PAA which uses the multiple time delay method is presented in Figure 13~ The pulse ~ - ~ signals induced in the elements of the linear PAA reach the frequency con- verters; then they are delayed by the corresponding Cime and summed. The � magnitudes of the time delay are selected so thaC the total aignal will con- sist of N radial pulses (where N is the number of elements of the PAA), the interval between which would be proportional to the angle of incidence ~ of - a plane electromagnetic wave incident on the PAA. The total aignal is fed to a single-channel acoustooptic.spectral analyzer. The position of the - main lobe of the diffraction peak of the f irsC order is determined by the average f requency of the total pulse and, consequently, depends on the angle The functional diagram of the acousCooptic signal processing device of the lin ear PAA executed by the method of spatial multichannelness is presented in Figure 14. The signals from the elements of the PAA are fed after fre- quency conversion and amplification to the corresponding electroacoustic converters of the multiichannel ALM, which is illuminated by a plane monochro- matic light wave I. A diffraction pattern is formed in the rear focal plane of the integrating objective. Here the position of the main peak of the first-order diffraction maximum reckoned along the wy axis is defined by the - ' angle A at which the plane electramagnetic wave is incident on the linear PAA. By measuring Che coordinate wy, the angle 6 is determined. - If the planar PAA has N columns and M rows, then an N-channel light modulator _ is used in the signal processing device of such an array~ and a bunch of N- ~ pulses is created in each channel by the multiple time delay method~ By measuring the coordinates wy and t~Z of the main peak of the first-order " diff raction maximum, the angular coordinates of the observed target are de- termined. In reference [97] the results are presented from experimental studies of an acoustooptic device with multichannel ALM with the following parameters: . ~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 I FOk OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ I ~ y y ~ ~ I ? � ~ I I ~ ~ . _ " t t t t ~ ' t i � i_ 3 3 3 3 3 I 4 . . ~ 3 6 ~ ~ . I Fi�ure 13~ FuncCional diagram of the PAA signal processing I~ device using the method of multiple time delay~ 1--- mixer, ~ 2~-� heterodyne, 3-- delay line, 4~~ adder, 5~~ spectral ana- i lyzer, 6-~ display, I-- plane electromagnetic wave front. i average pass band frequency of the channel 20 megahertz, duration of the pro- cessed signal in each channel 25 microseconds, wid~h of Che channel pass ' band 5 megahertz, number of channels 24. , The multichannel ALM is executed in the form of a glass cell filled with dis- tilled water with an array of electroacoustic converters made from an x-cut ~ piezoquartz plate on which gold electrodes are applied. The electrode width is 1.5 mm, the spacing beCween ad~acent electrodes, 3 mm. A 4 megawatt helium-nec., laser was used as the light source. The optical system was made of high-quality optical parts. Ths read-outs system is a photomultiplier with narrow slits (1 micron) in front of a photocathode fast~ned to a ~aoving _ platform. The signals from the photomultiplier were amplified by a logari- thmic amplifier and fed to an automatic recorder. The experiments were per- formed with specially developed PAA signal simulator. The angles of incidence of a plane electromagnetic wave on a linear PAA amounting to zero and 19.5� were simulated. For rhese angles the distribution curves of the light in- ~ tensity in the region of the first diffraction maximum were calculated. Then the actual light distribution was measured using the read-out system. The results of the measurements agree well with the calculation. The possi- bility of suppressing the side lobes by the weighted processing method was also checked out. In [104, 121J it was proposed that a multichannel acoustooptic device be used to process t:e radio telescope signals, in particular, the signals of ; ~ 8 i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 ~ ~Ok O~~I~IAL US~ OI~LY 9 B B 9 ~ , i t t t 1 t ~ ~ Z .L. 1 ~ exosei � � V~t . ~ "'y. ~ ~ ~ I 1 Y~ _ y~ ~ / Y: ` y ~ 1 ~ t~ ~igure 14. Functiongl diagram nf the signal processing device of the PAA by the method of spatial multi~hannelness~ 1~~ mixer, 2~- heterodyne~ 3-- mulCichennel ALM~ 4-~ ineggrating ~ ob~ective~ Key: a~ inputs a radioheliograph. An original optical system wae developed~ Obviously this is tY?e most proapective application of guch devicea. In the papers devoted to multichannel acouatooptic apectral devices, as a rule, studies are made of the factors determining the diatribution of the light oacillations in the output plane of the optical computer for the simp- - lest input signals. However, the procedure for calculating the output signals for arbitrary input signals is left out of these papers. Inasmuch as the investigated device belongs eo the linear spectral devices, it is expedient to determine ita instrument funcCion which in the given case will be multi- dimensional. When determining the instrument function we use the known principles of the theory of linear multidimensional ayatems [13]. The superpasition integral for systems with N inputa and M outputs ia written as follows: r ~ (v) = J G (V. � s (z) a:~ (2 . 2 .1) r. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 ~on o~~zcY~w us~ orn~x ahar~ ~(x) ~nd ~(y) gx~ ettp ~,npue gad oueput v~cCnr~ of ~he ~y~eem~ G(y~ x) i~ eh~ pu1~~ m~t~ix~ I~ u~ingle pul~e S(y - x) ie fed eo the ieh inpue of Che eyeC~m~ Ch~ ouCputi veceor of ehe ~yeeem h~~ eh~ form B,r (u~ x) gr (V~ s) ~ B,r (U~ 3) ~ ~ 8xr rI (2 ~ 2. 2) ~ , where g~i(y, x) ig ehe pu1~~ reeponse of thp ~th ourpue excieQd by ~ eingle ! pulge ae the ith input~ Fep~;ing the d�effecC to the remaining inputs~ we ~ det~rmin~ the pulse matrix of the eyeeem ; 8u x) 8'~~ ~V~ t) 8~N (D~ s) ~ ' ~ 8u tV ~ zI d~~ r) StN ~Y~ r) I a (u~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2, 2.3) ~ . qXt t~~ sI Sx~,tV~ txrv (V~ ; - for a system with N inpues and or.~e output the pulse matrix ie a row-maCrix ; I G ~Y~ x) ~ (B~t rY? 8i~ IY~ ~ _ ~ s�v(Y, 1], (2,2.4) and here ar(v. =)aB1fIV, (2.2.5) L~t us define the pulae matrix of a multichannel acoustooptic device~ the functional diagram of which is preaented .in Figure 14 on feeding d-inputs in the frequency? region to its inputs. This pulse matrix, by analogy with the instrument functiona of the single-channel spectral devicea, will be called the instrument matrix of the mu~tichannel acoustooptic apectral device~ Here it is necessary to feed a harmonic oscillation to the inputa of the spectral device . t,: (t) ~ cos (2. 2.6) (1) ~2~ Key: 1. input 2~ audio T'hus, the inpuC signal in the frequency region can be written in the form j~t ~w~ a(ra ~W T W~1~ T Tt ~W ` W~~~) SI for ~ f'i N~ \L ~ L~ I~ where ~i is the ith column of the unit matrix N x N~ that is, 10 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070031-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074431-9 ~Ott 0~'FICIAL US~ ONLY , d , i ~ - 0 ' ~r f-? iCh row. (2, 2. g) 0 _ ~ _ , 0 ~ mh~ planp 11ght wav~ I incidenr c~n the multich~nn~l ALM (~Qe Fig~r~ 14) is _ ph~ee-moduS.ated by h~rmoniC ~l~~ein w~veg. In the caee of idenCical chgnnelg of the AY~M, the 11ght wav~ at its output - can be described a~ followe: _ ; . cns ~~~~~t - A co~ (w~~t - k~.:,li .@~ f or - --~0.5N-(l--flla-(U,5(N-}-f)-t~6~ . e'(~u =i~ Y~1~ :U~C"`(U.5N-t)a--(-n.5(N-{-f)-1~6, U for -~-(U.SN--t)a-(0,5(N-}-f)-1Jb< ~2~2~9~ GU~~--(n,SN-t~a-(U,5(N-}-f)- ~ -(t-f)~b, 1Cf~N~ where a is the width of one channel of the ALM~ a+ b is the epacing between ad~acent channels. ~ . '1'he analytical aignal which can be repreeented by the fol.loWing expresgion corresponsla eo the narrow-band aignal (2.2.9) (w � w , A � 1): lighe audio , m~ ~ sa= W~~,~~e:C?~~E_h= s~] o P/ M) P/(~. -1~' ~ gr � for-~0.5N-(c-f))n-(0.5(N-}-f)-tJ6~ e'~~~ Yt~� 6Y~