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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100060048-2 ZZ~ , ,T~ , iOF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064448-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ - ~PR5 L/8537 22 Juna 19']9 r - TRANSLA`CrONS ON USSR INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS (FOUO 7/79) r U. S. JOINT P4JBLICATI~~lS R~SEARCH~ SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE O~ILY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 - ~ - NO'T~ JpIt5 publications contain informaCion primarily frt~m foreign newgpuperg, periddtcal~ ~nd bdnks, buC nlgo ~rom news ~g~ncy ' _ tx~nsmisginns nnd br~~d~~ges. M~~eri~ls from f~reign-langua~e ~nurce~ nre rrgnsl~Ced; thdse frdm E:nglish-l~np,u~g~ SdUYCes , are trgnsc~ribed nr reprineed, with the origingl phr~~ing ~nd other char~cCerisCic~ ret~ined. _ Headlin~s, ediCorial reportg, and m~teri~l enclbsed in br~CkeCs are supplied by JpR5. Prdcessing ittdicators guCh as ('I'extj or (~xcerrtJ in the firgt line df e~rh ieem, nr following ehe l~st line ~f ~ bri~f, indie~te hdw ehe driginal in�nrm~tion wns proreg~ed. 4h~ere no procegsing indic~tdr is given, the infor- m~tiun w~s sumcn~rized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or translirerated are enclo~ed in parentheses. Words or n~mes prereded by ~ ques- tintt aa rk and enclosed in perentheses were not clear in the original but h,ave been supplied a~ appropric~te in context. Other unaCrributed parenthetiral c~otes within the ~ody of an item originate wiCh the source. Times within items a re as given by source. 'The contents of this publication in no way represrnt the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.5. Gover?~ment. COPYRICHT IAWS AND RECtlU1TI0NS COVEttNINC 0'WNERSHIP OF MATERLALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE 'hiAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICT~D FOROFfICIAL USE OI~I.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~t~E2 0~'FICIAL U5~ ONLY , JPR5 L/A537 22 June ].9 79 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR INDUSTRIAL A~FAIRS (~ovo ~/~9~ CONTENTS PAGE hI~TALWORKING FQUIPMENT Machine Tnol and Tnol Building Plane for Che Fourlr.h Yesr of the Tenth Five-Ycar Plan (STANKI I 1NSTRUMEN'r, No 1, 1979) 1 New Marhine Tools at the Expoeitton of Achievemenks of the National ~conomy of the USSR - ' (I.R. 5hvart~; STANKI I INSTRUMENT, No 1~ 1979)......... 7 New Machine Toola Deacribed - (STANKI I INSTRUMENT, No 1, 19i9) 12 Go~ls of Forging and Preaeing Machine Suitding in 1919 (D.I. Polyakov; KUZNECHNO-SNTAM~'OVOCHNOYE PItOIZVODSTVO~ No 1, 1919) 19 5cienCific and Technical Progreas in the Muchine Building Industry (V.A. Paehevich; STANKI I INSTR1Jt~NT, No 2, 1979)....... 28 Moecow Tool Plant Impravea the Quality of Cutting Tools (A.M. Leyn; STANKI 1'_VSTttUMENf, No 2, 1979)............ 34 Improving Production Quality in the Orahanskiy Krasnyy Borets Machine Tool Plant (A.K. Miloserdnyy; STANKI I INSTRUMENT, No 2, 1979)..... 37 Automatic Lines for Mass and Large-Seriea Production (L.S. Bron; STANKI I INSTRUMENT~ No 2, 1979)............ 41 Automatic Lines Made Up of Unit Machine Tools (N.M. Voronichev, M.A. Kunin; STANKI I INSTRtJt~NT~ No 2, 1979) 48 - a - (III - USSR - 36 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOIt OF~ICIAt. US~ ONLY CnNTCN'r5 (Continued) pe8~ Automatic Lineo for Machinitiig Part~ of the 5olid~ df Itdtigtion Type (N~Yu. Anikeyev; STANItI I INS'TitUM~NT, No 2~ 19~9)....... 53 ~xhibieinn nf 5wias Mnchine Tool~: - ~ (M~Yu. Yevstegneyev; 5TANKI I INSTRUMENT~ No 2, 1979)... 61 Experience in the Introdurtion of Machine Tools With bigital Program Contral - (V.b. NP?.yubin, F.I. ~edorov; STANKI I INSTRUM~NT, No 2~ 1979) 70 = ~ New Machine Tonlg in ehe USSR (STANKI x SN5TRUMENT, No 2~ 1979)...~ 73 5ocialisC Competition of Labor Collectives in the Third Year of the TenCh Five-Year Pl~n (V.P. Demin; VESTNIK MASHINOSTROYENIYA, No 12, 1978).... 85 -b- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OR O~~ICIAL U5E OrR~Y Mi~.'~W~EZKSNQ ~tTll"M~N~.' MACHINE TOOL ANb TOOL 9UILUING PLANS FOR THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE TENTH F~VE-Y~AR PLAN M08CbW STANKI I INSTRUM~NT in Ruagian No 1, i979 pp i-~ [Unsigned arCicleJ [TextJ Our homeland has come to the year of 1919, the fourth year of the Tenth Five-Year Plan with prominenC labor achievemenCa. The Soviet people ~ have successfully solved the historical problema stated by the 25th Congresa of the CPSU. 'The resolut'ons of the November (1918) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CP5U, tlie apeec?: at the plenary sessior, by Secretary ~ Ceneral of the Central CommitC,~e of the CPSIJ, Chairman of the Preaidium of che Supreme Council of the USSR~ Comrade L. I. Brezhnev ~re th~ program for the further struggle to impr~ve the effer_tiveness of socia: produc~:lan and o~crating quality. ~ During three years of che Tenth Five-Year Plan, the economic power of the - country hns increased ~ignificantly, the vital level of the people hae been raised, and the pasition of the Soviet Union in the world economy has been - improved. Dur~ng this period the country has produced 1.4 times more in- dustrial production than during the first three yeara of the preceding five-year plan. More than 700 new large-scale industrial enterprises have ~ been put into operation, and almost one f~urth of the fix~d capital of ! our industry has been renewed. Our industry is now producing more than all of the countries of WeaCern Europe taken together, the population or which exceede the population of the 5oviet Union by one third. On the basis of the mechanization and intensification of production, large- scale qualitative changes have taken place also in agriculture. The mean annual volume of gross production of agriculture was 125 b~.llion rubles in g three years of the current five-year plan, which exceeds by 1.5 times the ~ indexes for the same period preceding the March (1965) Plen~nn of the Central " Committee of the CPSU. The gross grain harvest in 1978, in spite of com- - plicated weather conditions, was 235 million tons. 1 . POR 0^FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ FOit ~F~'tCIAL U5~ ONLY The July (197~) Plenum nf th~ Centrul Committee of rhe Cnmmuni~r ParCy of Ch~ Sovi~C Union devoted rn rhe probl~m~ of the future development of USSIt ngriculture w~s an even of enormous imporCance in Chp life of nur country. The I'lenum of the Centr~l CotmniCCee of Che CpSU adopted imporrant regolu- Cions, Che implement~tion of which will p~rmie acc~lerntion of the ntCain- ment of the primnry goal of the pa~Cy--persistently to imprdve the senndard of tivinR of the workere of our cnuntry. The plenary session defined the - ettsur~nce of comprehensive dynamic developmettC and significant improvement of eh~ efficiency of all branches fur furrher. growth of the atandard of livtng of the people as Che principal goal of agriculture on Che new l~vel. 'This will permie the consumption of tlie most valuable food producCe to be increased, the demands of Che Soviet people to be mor.e completely met, and the mnterial nnd cultural living conditions of the city and country tn be brought closer together. 5ovieC science is making a weighty contribution to the development of the national economy. OutsCanding progreas in the atudy and conquest of apnce is one of the confirmations of rhe powerful scientific and technical po- tential created in our country, Che fruiCful operation of Che numerous crentive collectives with respect to the entire front of modern acience ttnd engi.neering. 1'I~e record flight with respect to its 140 day duration of Soviet cosmonauts V].adimir Kovalenk and Aleksandr Ivanzhenkov concluded a phase of the saturated . aperations program of the orbital scientific research Salyut-6-Soyuz complex. Ttie successful conclusion of the new space age convincingly demonstrated the high level of Soviet space engineering. The active foreign policy activity of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government in the past years of the five-year plan has been aimed at the preservation and strengthening of detente, the checking of the arms race, the strengthening of peace and socialism. The new significa~it problems of economic and social development with respect to s~ale and complexity will be solved in the fourth year of the Tenth - Five-Year Plan. The state plan for the economic and social development of the USSR and the state budget of the USSR for 197Q adopted hy the Supre~ne Council of the US5R provid_ for the implementation of the aet of large-scale measures aimed at solving the basic social-economic problems of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the volume of industrial production will increase by more than 33 billion rubles as opposed to 28 billion ruhles in 1978. The pro- duction-engineering potential of the machine industry created in the country, the presence in its branches of highly qualified industrial workers, spe- ciali~*.~ and scientists will permit the solution of more and more complex problems aimed at improving the efficiency of social production in the na~tional economy. The basic productive capital of the machine building and metal working branches of industry will amount to 22.5 percent of the capital of all industry. In 1977, the proportion of the machine building and metal working production in the overall production volume of the industry reached 25.9 percen~. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOEt OF~ICtAL US~ ONLY In 1976-1977~ more then 5,400 modele of new types of machinee, equipment, npparatu~ and inatrwnents w~re 6uilt. Th~ indexes of the technical-economic 1eve1 of production and qualiey of prnduction output were improved~ ; In three yeurs of the Tenth Five-Year P1an, about 9,000 nomenclaturee of machines, equipment and instruments cerCifiad by the etate eymbol of quglity were manuf~ctured, In rwo quarters of eh~ paet year alone,the etate symbol of quality wns awarded to 1,254 new producte of the machine building in- - duetry. In 1919 on the whole wiCh reapect to machine building and metal working the pl~n ca11e for increasing rhe production ouCput by 8.2 percent. Provision ~ hay been made for furCher changea i~ the atructure of machine and equipmenC ~ production. 'I'he Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Minietera adopted n resolueion for the further develogment of machine building in 1978-1980 in 1978. This resolution of the Central Committee of Che CPSU and the US5R C~uncil of Ministers has defined the implementaCinn of pracCical measures in accordance with the resolurions of the 25th Congresa of Che Party, the December (1977) and July (1978) Plenume of the Central Committee of the CPSU with respect to the further development of machine building~ , [he improvement of the production structure, improvement of the technical level of the machines, equipment and inatruments output for acceleration of technicnl reequipment and improvement of the efficiency of socinl prnduction~ the improvement of the quality of the production output in all branches of the national economy and more complete gatisfaction of ~ne demands of the population for national consumer goods as the moat important goal of the machine building ministries, the associationa suhordinate to them, the enterprises, scientific research, planning and design, and technological organizations and also the party, trade union and komsomol organizations. The resolution obligates the machine building miniatries and to provide for the assimilation and production of machines, equ~pment, instruments and automation means in 1978-1980 with an output capacity no less than 1.5 to 2 times higher than the 1975 level, permitting acceleration of the operationa with respect to complete mechanization and automation of the production processes in all br~ncl~es of the national econumy. The ensurance of the machine building production volumes planned in the Tenth Five-Year Plan and improvement of the production efficiency in machine building depend to a great extent on the development rates of the mashine tool and tool industry, the improvement of the quality of the machine tools~ machines, tcols and instruments produced. ` The enterprises and organizations of the machine tool and tool industry have given special attention in the current five-year plan to the reaolution of the large economic and scientific and engineering problems defined by the 25th Congress of the CPSU and the five-year plan for the nai:ion~l economy. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOit O~F'ICIAL USE ONLY Amnn~ ehem nrc rhe #ollowing: exp~nsi~n of eh~ production of heavy xnd unique metal cutting machine tools, presses, high-precision machine Coa1g; lending development of the produceion of ineta~l equipment wirh digital programmed conerol; an increase in tHe producCion ouCpuC of euro- m~ted lineq Eor rhe machine bu3lding 6rancheg; accelerated development of casting machine building and the organization of compleee dellveriea of equipmene for casring production; further expansion of the production of new types u~ met:al cuCting tools wirh the applic~tion of natural and syntheeic diam~nds and al~o other superhard materials. In the pasC Chree yenrs of the five-yenr plAn, Che ratea of incrense in production outpuC o� the machine tool and tool induatry correspond Co Che level. planned hy the five-year plan: 9.9 percent in 1976, 10 percenC in 1917, 8~7 percenr (according ro the preliminary data) in 1978. In 1979 ehe increase in commerci~al production output by 9.9 percent is to he ensured. SimulCnneously provision has been made for further leading of the growth rates of rhe ndvgnced typea of products for satisfying the machine building requirements for highly efficient equipmenC and tools. All of the enCer- prises of Che branch are faced with the problem o� cnrrying out the planning assignments boCh with respect to Che Cotal volumes of production and established nomenclature and with respect to the delivery times. ~ The manufacture of the �orging an~ pressing machines and equipment �or casting productton will receive leading developmenC in the metal working ` equipment. The production of heavy and unique, sutomated equipment and new types of metal cutting machine tools with program control has heen increased significantly. In 1978, the output of speci~l, specia].ized and unit machine tools increased by 23 percent by comparison with 1975, and in 1979 provision w~~s made for a further increase in their output by comparison with 1978 by , almost 9 percent; the output of the machine t~ols with digital program control tn 1979 by comparison with 1975 must increase by 53 percent. New models of :nultitool machine tools are being created with devices f.or auto- matic changing of the tools, and rheir production will increase by more than 1.5 times in 1979 by comparison with the preceding year. It is necessary to accelerate the solution of the scientific and technical pro6lems with - respect to improving the technical level of inetal working equi~nnent with digital program control. This pertains primarily to the production of machine tools with small electronic program monitoring and control units. The operations with respect to the creation of the complexes of high-output metal working equipment controlled from a computer will receive further development. The specialized plants and design organizations of tfe branch must provide for satisfaction of [he planned assignments with respect to the creation and tbe production of new automated lines for large-series and mass pro- duction. The output of automated lines in 1978 increased by 35 percent by comparison with 1975; in 1979 it must increase another 9.5 percent. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Olt n~'~ICIAL USE ONLY The p].~.n fnr ehree yeary o~ the flve-yenr p1~n for the development of gC~@riC0 nnd h~s bEen fu1Fi11ed. 2n 15~6 Cn 1978, more Ch~n 2,200 ~xperim~nt~l madel~ of new products have been manufacCured, and mare chnn ~i00 produr.CH of nhqoteCe d~signe kinve tieen raken out of producrion, 1 ~ i w i~~~c~:H~nry to inc:rc~aee the prnpnrtton of Che proclucr~ ~f rhe higher. yu;.i].iCy r.~aregory !n ~ht overall volume of producrion outpur; thus, with rcypect tn metal curting machine rools provision has been mad~ for Chi~ index to be hrougt~C eo 40 percenr in 1979 as oppnsed tn 29 percent in 1978. Speclal nttention must 6e given to the execurion of the plana for all around techc~ical reequipment of the enCerprises, the implementation of the plans for introducing odvanced technology, mechanization and automaCion of the production processes provided for in the five-year plan. In the past three ye~rs of the Tenth Five-Year Plan the aseignments with respect to the intro- duction of advanced technnlogy throughout the branch have been completely satisfied. A great deal of new equipment has arrived at the enterprtses, including h3gh-precision machine tools with digital program control and special machine tools. As c~ result of the work ~haC has been done in this ~nren alone and the ~mplementation of new measures, in 1979 it :is proposed tt~at the producCiviry of labor be increased by 3.5 percent and savings be obtained from lowering the cost of the producti~n out~,ut by 35 million rubles. Further improvement of tl~e growth rares oE the productivity of - labor and the effective use of the labor resources require bro~der intro- duction of the means of inechanization und automation of manual labor. In tlie ne.~r future the number of workers engaged in manual labor muet be clecrensed hy no less than 20 percenC. For the machine tool industry the greatest reserve �or the growth of pro- ductivity of labor and reduction of production cost is the eparing, efficient ~ utilization of material resources, primarily metal, Reducing the metal consumption of the products, decreasing the waste and increasing the use coefficient of the metal must be at the center of attention af the scien- tific research, planning and design process and production enterprisea of tlie branch. It is necessary more 6roadly to introduce welding struc.tural designs; by compari~on with 1975, in 1979 the production of welded struc- tural elements must increase by 26 percent. On the whole, throughout the brnach the consumption af ferrous metal roll.ed products must be reduced by no less than 4 percent. The 1979 plan is an import link in the implementation of the resolutions of the 25th Congress of the CPS~J anJ the assigrtments of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. The plan is che principal tool for realization of the economic and social policy of the party. It is necessary to provide for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of lhe planning assignments with minimum expenditures and high technica.l-economic indexes. The industrial workers, engineering and technical workers and office workers of the machine tool building and tool industry, just as all Soviet penrle, widely engaging in socialist competition for early fulfillment of the plan S I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in 1979, W~.ii nchieve new succesaea in the iinplemenrarion of the reeolutions ~ oP the 25rh Congxesg ~f rhe CPSU nnd the Tenth Five-Yattr P1~n. ~ COPYRIGHT: IzdaCel'sCvo "MashinosCroyeniye","SCanki i instrumen~", 1979 L0845 CS0:1821 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 1~OIt OI~~ICI'At, IISI~: nKC,Y M~'1.'ALWO~IC[NG ~(~UIPML'NT N~W MACHINE TOOLS AT THE EXPOSITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY , nF Tl{~ USSR Moscnw STANKI I INSTKUMENT in Russian No 1, ~979 pp 35-36 (ArCicle by I. R. Shvarts] _ (Text] The exhibit on the work experience of the advanced collectives of , Che MinisCry of Machine Tool Building and Instrument Indust~ry--winners of noci~.list competition to improve production efficiency and production quality has opened in the machine building pavillion of rhe Exposition of Achievementa of the National Economy of the USSR for SepCember to December ' 1978. - ~'or nchievement of the highest results in the All-Union Socialiat Compe- tition, pravision of stable indexes and execution of the plans and increased socinlisk obligations, the Minsk Production Association for Automatic Linea imeni 60th Anniversary of the GreaC October Revolution and the Gork'iy Machine Tool Building Production Association were awarded the Challenge Red Banners of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the USSR Councii of _ Minis[ers, the All-Union Central Trade Union Council and the Central Com- mittee of the All-Union Lenin Young Communist League, and they have been posted on the all-union board of honor. . The Minsk Product{.on Association for Automatic Lines imeni 60th Anniversary ` of ehe GreaC Octobe~r Revolution lias special ized in the production of suto- matic lines for maciiining autc,mobile and tra~:tor parts, automatic lines fur turning disk and flange type parts 200 to 500 mm in diameter, units and speci~lized machine tools (including the specialized and multiple tool machines with digital program control) and the circular saws. ~ Among the exhibits is a special model SM879 machine tool for drilling three center holes in turbine vanes with automated removal of the billet. The orientation of the billet is realized with respect to 5 degrees of freedom. The machine to41 is part of Che aeries of machine tools designed for the base surfaces of turbine vanes with optimal tolerance distribution over the curvilinear surface of the fin. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 - ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY '['he special.ize~i verticnl muleispindle model SM80~+ ~utomnCic machine tool is deslgned for dr~.lling holes 8~5 mm in diametier ~.n 40 pares simultnneouHly; - the ouepuC capac:tey 1920 per hour. The horizonral two-way ~0-apindle auCo- ~ mut~ic madel AM9586 dr311 is deaignpd eo dri11 holea 27.5 mm tit diameCer in wriyr pins. IC is equipped with a four pos�ltion raCating dr,um on each fnce of whic:h faur pnrts can be machined simultaneously. 'Che ouCput c~puciey of ehe machine is 116 parts per hour: The multinomenclarure LM-700 automatic line is designed for complete , machining (milling, dri111ng, thread cutting and boring) of flat pa~~s ~ such as cleats, plates, levers, prisms, and so on 200x500x500 mm. includes four mulritool machine tools with digital progrFUn control. The control is from an M6Q00 computer which stores and distributes the control programs with respect to the machine tools, undertakes dispatch conCrol of Che line mechanisms, optimization of Che rouCing of the machining, de- Cerminarion of the order of loading the billeCs, moniCoring the cond~.tion of the tool, and so on. The meChods of clamping the machine parts a!Zd automaeic orientation of them in the satellite permie Che latter to be ad~usted in 3 to 5 minutes. This makes frequent read~ustmc:nt of the line possible, which is needed under individual and sma11 serie~ production conditions. The line is services by two operator;z. IC replaces 20 all- purpose machine tools and increases the producti~rity of lab~r by fivefold. The automated set of equipment for complete machining of the connecting rods for truck engines includes five auComatic lines, 56 metal cutting ~ machine tools (including those forming part of the lines), 4 automatic assembly unirs and 39 interoperation trxnsport uniCs. The output capacity - of the complex is 390 units per hour, there are 21 service personnel. The introduction of this compl~x provisionally relieves 375 workers; the annual cost benefir from introducing it is 800,000 ruhles. Giving pr.imary attention to the production of high-output equipment for the leading machine building branches, the association workers do not for- _ get aUout national consumer goods. They are as responsive to the develop- ment and manufacture of these goods as to the basic product. Thus, in the production of door locks which have won great popularity among the population, the automatic layout stamping unit and the coining and molding semiautomatic stamping machine (the first of them made it possible to improve the pro- ductivity of labor by fivefold and the latter, by 2.5 times) and other efficient attachments are usPd. In rhe association a great deal of attention has been given to introducing advanced equipment. The introduction of 52 machine tools with digital program control (including 4 multitool machines) has led to a 47 percent increase in productivity of lahor, the production cycle has been shortened, and 65 machine tool operators have been relieved. In the machine tools . produced by the association 5road use is made of welded construction and plastic parts (.there are about 270 different plastic parts), which promotes savings of ferrous and nonferrous metals. _ 8 FOR OFFICI??L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OR tl~~IGiAL U5~ nNLY t.n ~t~~ v~riou~ phngee nf the t~Ct1t1tl1dg~Cg1 pCt~CGHg Urnad u~e i~ ~r~~d~ nf the different ~tt~~tur,ent~~ Amdng them ~rp th~ pn~um~ti~ Cl~tnping t~ttarhrn~r.t Edr milling f~ceg (tnprnvement df prdduCtivity by 1~4 timp~)~ th~ ~tt~ehmenC for milling in~ide trepaxnidgl thre~d~ on th~ ~cr~w Chrpad cueting machinp wiehnut rh~nn~lin~ of th~ tool (a two t~ ehr~~f~id inerpa~e in produ~tivity)~ nn ~tt~rhm~n~ fr~r grinding eh~ p~riph~ry of flae ~amg in ~n Ar~himedeg gplenl, ~nd gn nn. Their applicgr,ivn nv~ only InCr~~~~~ th~ prndur~ivity of ldbdr, but it al~d prdmoe~~ improved util:txntion of the pqutpm~ne and _ imprdvement ~f thp laber ronditiong. Amung the high-output tn~l~ it i~ n~e~ggary to tak~ ndtp nf th~ ~~mbinpd (p~dg~ge nnd boring) hgrd ~lluy ~utting tool, thp gugpr de~p drill~ thp prea~~embl~d worm milling cutter with 16 mm modulug (25 kg ~gving nf high gpe~d ~C~pl per cut); thp ~et of preaeg~nbl~d end-type milling cutterg type~ aith el~c~r; the knuriing foo18 for applying number~ gnd divi~iong co di~1~ and gcaleg (impruvement of productivity by t~nfold, r~nd uciliz~tion oi the jig boring m~ehines); ~ n~gn~ti~ Cub~ fnr mnnitnring ehp lin~ar dimengiong and pr~ci~idn of ~~tual plarement di the parte nn th~ ~dntrnl - glab in thre~ cvordingte plnnp~. ~rvm year to year the quality of the ae~nciatina production hag improved. _ lah~re in 1917 the production output aith rtatp eymbol af quality amounted to ~nly 8.3 percent~ in 1978 it wae 35 percent, aad in ~9$0 it muet increage td 61 pprreni. ~very sixth worker in the geeocietion i~ an gfficiency expert. 13 percent of the workers have a personal quality etamp~ and 155 heve b~en aaarded the rank of "Excelient Qu~lity Worker." The Cvrk'iy Machine Tonl production Associatinn ie one of the larg~~t ent~rprisea of the machine too~ building industry. It produces more than Lb pere~nt of th~ milling maehinee and ebout 20 percent of the machine too14 aith ~igital program control out of the total numbec of machinee producted by the br~nch. 7t~e association has gn automared production cnntrol system vhich controls tt~e technological preparation of the production facilitieg~ the operecive control of basic prnduction operations~ the control of material and technical supply~ quality control and bookkeeping. 71~e creatfon of a complex quality control gystem ig aim~d at improving the prodvction quality and the produccivity of labor in the planning, design~ production~ operacian and maintenance phases of the machine tools. A~ a regult of introducing this syetem, 90 percent of the productioa is accepted by the technical control division on firat presentation. The annual cost benefit from improving the eervice life af the brecket milling machines exceeds 700,OOU rubles~ the proportion of the production certified by the stace symbol of quali[y exceeds 30 percent of the total output. Advanced technolcgicel processes are being actively introduced in the associatfon. Thus~ in the casting production the prefabriceted core boxee made of normalized metal elements are used. In the machine shops, broad use is made of a cutting tool equipped ~+ith elbor-R and VOK-60 mineral ceramic~ including end-type milling cutters, boring cucters aad boring heads~ combination turning tools and so on. 9 F4R OFFIC.tAt. ttSE ONi.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~~t~ c~r~tctnt, usr dNt,Y Th~ cener~i pi~n~ of th~ aa~o~i~tcinn ia thp Cdrk'iy Milling Mg~hin~ Pi~nt. It h~~ ~agimilat~d eh~ prc~du~eion ~f m~~hin~ eoaig wi~h digit~l pr~gr~m eon- trdi on~ nf thp flrgt in thp br~neh ta dd ~d. In eh~ p~~t 20 year~ it hgg gdnh frnm eh~ fir~e br~rk~t milling m~ehiep with digital pregram eonerol to mnd~rn milling ~nd bdring m~~hin~n with a magazine hoiding up ta 40 ~ tool~. `Che mgchine t~v1~ vith di~it~l pragr~m ~~ntrdl m~nufgctur~d during th~ Ninth F'iv~-Yeer P1~n m~de it poe~ibl~ eo reiieve ~,5~0 ~u~lif:pd machinp to~l op~r~tore ~t th~ plante of ehQ 5ovipt Union. The produeeion of rh~ ~~~~~iation he~ b~~n ~xport~d td 70 counCri~e of th~ w~rld~ '~t~e ~eri~~ of milling mgchinpa. d~vploped by th~ ~g~oeiati~n ~rp di~tingui~h~d by n high d~grpp nf ~c~ndardir,~cion: in th~ brack~t miiling machinee O.g7~ ~nd in th~ ldngitudin~l milling machine 0.77. 7`he propnrtion nt udv~nc~d equipment in the agsociation i~ groaing continu- _ ougly. At eh~ pr~s~nt time there ar~ about 100 machine toole with digitAl prdgr~m conrrol in thp ~~~aciation ehop~ on ahich parte beionging to about ~,SdO n~m~nclaeure~ are cnachin~d. 'The gagociation hns built the ASK-11 ~ompl~x ~utamat~d gpction d~~igned for machining ~ broad nomenclatur.e of houeing parte to 631x631x630 mca in ~ize under ~m~ll-series production c~ndition~. Thp baeic unir nf the ~~ctian ie ehe multitnol mod~l GF1~80 machin~ toolg wich digitgl program control ~oin~d , by a Warehouging and transport syatpm. The eection is controlled from an M600b computer. The eection hae made it poseible to improve the productivity of lebor by ehreefold, provisionally reliev~ 37 machine tool operators, and s~ve more than 150 mm2 of production area. The association praduces n number nf machine toola for farm machine building. Uuring th~ Ninth Five-Y~ar Plan 436 sp~cialiaed machine toole aerp designed~ manufactured ~nd delivered tn the farm machinery building enterprisee, improving the productivity of labor by 2 to 2.5 times. Thef.r introduction , has promoted accelerated assimilation of the mass production of the K-700. K-701, K-150 and T-130 tractors and the Kolos and Niza combinea. The association collective hes more thnn 900 inven~tore and efficiency experts. During the Ninth ~ive-Year Plan 30 inventions and 3,789 efficiency expert prapc?sala Were introdured in the association aith a eost benefit nf 1,642,000 rubles. A1l of the collectivea and workers of the association are working under the slogan of "In che battle to improve e:ficiency and operating quality no one mu$c lag." In 1977 12 of the asgoriation Workere were aWarded the rank of "Beat Worker of the Ministry of Machine Tool Building and Tool Industry~" 35 people received the authority to turn over production With their personal quality stamp. Th~ rrork under personal programs provided up to 35 percent of the total increase in productivity of labor and made it possible to produce 252,000 rubles Worth of production abuve the plan. 10 ~OIt OFFICI~.~ I;SE (~NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~~dtt ~~~r.r,tl~t~ usr hNLY 5ev~nty-eighe p~raent nf thp pn~in~pring And t~~hnie~i aork~r~ ~r~ adrkin~ und~r p~r~~ttgl ~nd rdiiertive ~r~gtiv~ pi~n~. Th~ cri~pridn fdr ~v~lu~ting thp p~rticip~ting nf ~n ett~in~er in ~ociali~e comp~titinn i~ Che coeC bene- fie fr~m inrr~du~in~ hi~ rr~ative plan. A soCial inep~ction of ehe ~E~i~i~~ey di th~ ueili~atinn of r~w m~t~ri~la, met~ri~l~ and fu~l end ~n~rgy r~~hurc~~ i~ made ~nnu~lly in th~ aeeocigti~n. Ir~ 1977 morp then 60 pprcent of th~ wc~rkpr~ p~rri~ipgt~d in thia i~ep~ction. The ~?ork ~xp~rience of th~ CO1~.@Ct~V@9 af thd two m~ehin~ taoi buiidin~ ae~ociatidn~ mu~t become Ch~ pxdp~rty ~f the pntir~ br~neh~ COf'YRIf}I~: Ixc~~t~1' gtivn "i~~hin~~tro~niy~" "St~?nki i in~tru~nt", 19'~9 ine45 C50: 1~21 11 ~Oa OFFICI.~L ~ti~ UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OFFICIAL U9E ONLY M~AT~JOI~tCCN~ ~~UI~ UDC 62L.914.4 IVCW MACNINE TdOLS U~SGRIg~b Mo~~ow STANKi ~ INSTRUM~NT in itue~ian No 1~ ~979 33~35 (Uheign~d ~rtiei~_] (~exeJ '~hp model 6M61~~1 l~ngitudinal multiop~ration milling gnd boring mechin~ aith digital progr~m control (g~p page 1 of th~ foldouc), mgnu- fgctur~d by th~ Minsk Machine Tool p1anC imeni Oceoher it~volution, was dp~ign~d for all around machining of pgres by thp method~ of milling, drilling~ nnd boring~ The milling and boring etock is of the ~lide block typ~ with vertical apindle and rdrating ~ec~ head (the apindel of ahich has ewo operating endg) permite mnchining df part~ in one setting from three sidee, and ahen using a replace- ~b1e end type angul~r head, from five sides. 'fhe structure nf che digital positioning and rectangular control (the ttazmer 2M-1104 type) provides for automatic displacement of the bench, the stock ~nd th~ slide block to a previously given position and digital indication oE the coordinates. There are three controllable coordinates (two simul- tnneously cdntrollable); the discretenese is 0.01 smm. - , Tt~e machine tool is equipped aith a rigid portal aith'eeationary crass- m~mber. The moving asgembliee gre automatically clamped. In the main drive and in the feed driv~s bC motore are u$ed. In the stock and 91ide block feed drives gcreW-nut rocking transmissiong are used. The verti~al guides of the bench are hydrostatic; the horizontal guideg are reinforced aith antifriction faceplates. Provision ie made for automated centr~lized lubrication of all the guldes and gears; telescopic unite are uaed [o protect the guides. In the Worm gear of rhe bQnch drive there i9 a device for sele~ting clearaoces required for climb milling. The possible executions of the machine tool are as folloas: With positional digical program control system (P2), aith loop c3igital program control syetem (P3), aith loop-poaitional control and automatic tool replacement in the vertical spindel (I~4); with additional horiaontal tnilling etocke on pedestals; vith different length of bench. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 , FOR d~FiC~AL US~ ONLY - ~ A ennl hdld~r with ~~~t d~ m~ndr~1~, th~ ~nd eypp milling ang~l~r h~~d and bpn~h fnr r~pldCmn~ne nf ehe hpavy too.l arp deliv~r~d it~ addition en the basic ~et of ntracha~~nte for gn additional pric~. ~'hchnirai Sppcificdti~ng Dim~neion~ (width x lpngth) of rh~ operating sur�ac~ of the b~nCh, mm 1000x3150 nverai h~igl~r of th~ machinable produce (during milling), mm 800 L~ng~~t ~trok~ of thp bench, mm 350 Uigtnncp frnm th~ end of the vertical gpindlp Co the dper~ting ~urfgcp nf Che benrh, mm 70-970 Great~ge trgngv~rge displacan~nt of the vertical ~tack, mm 1900 ~ Numb~t~ of inech~nically gwiechable 9t1p5 in the apindlp rpm 4 5pindl~ rpm limit, rpm 10-1250 ~eed limits, am/min: Of ehe bench 4-3000 Of the v~rri~~l ~tock 3-2400 51ide block of the vertical gtnck 3-2400 5peed of the fast atroke of the bench, the vertical ~tock ~nd the glide block of the vertical gtock, mm/min 4800 Cre.~Cegt mags of inechinable products~ kg 8000 Uvcrnll dimensions of the machine tool (aithout the .yttachment replacement unit), mm 10~300x1,000x5,400 Weight with electrical equipment, tons 42 UDC 621.941.24 The model 1M63B screw-cutting lathe manufactured by the Ryazan' Machine Tool Plant is designed for various turning operatione under the conditions of unit and small-series production. It is poesible to use it for external turning, boring, drilling and also cutting of inetric, inch and modulsr chre~rds. The range of adjustmenc of the spindle rQm and the feed rpm permits m~ching of parts made of ferrous and nonferrous ~uetals. The model 1M63B machine tool has a number of peculiarities b~? comparieon with the bnse model 1M63. They include increased rigidity and atrength during cutting, expanded feed range and remote switching, and a gear box of improved design. 'The precision of the geometric ahape of the cylindrical shape of the surface of the models machined on attachment of them in the chuck is characterized by the following indexes: constancy of the dianoeter in the transverse cross-section within the limits of 8 microns, nonplanenesF of the end surface no more than 15 microns; svrface roughness Rg = 2.5 microns. 13 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ FOEt d~FICIAL US~ ONLY _ _ _ . y ~ 4'?;~ ' i ti ~ac,.a� 1 r;..ryr at ~+i;k'';~'~ +i~siw?!tsFwc+~"t ~ "M!.r~~ s. _ r ~tr r ~.~'~.'kv~ ~ : t ~r i- . ~r . . i a' ~ z m 3 ~ 4+~ t'~ ' ~ F ~ ~ 1 ~ + .i~: ~ iL ~ ~ 1^;~:, i F, Figure 1. Model 1M63B Screw-CuCting Lathe T~~hnical SpecificaCidns Gre~test di~meter of m~~hin~ble product, mm: Above the bed 630 Above the slide 350 Greatest diameter of n bar pasaing through the hole in the spindle, mm 65 Greatest distanc~ Uetw~~n centers, nan 2~00 Rpm litt~ies of the spindle (22 stepe), rpm 10-1150 ~eed limits (36 gteps), mm/rev: Longitudinal 0.061-1.90~i; 0.03-0.952 Transverse 0.022-0.705; 0.011-0.352 Tool slide 0.019-0.595; 0.009-0.298 Power oi the main elecCric motor, kilowatts 15 Overal dimensions of the machine tool (Length x width x height), mm 4950x1780x1455 Mass with electrical equipment, kg 5350 UDC 621.992.32 The model 5993U thread cutting lathe designed by the Odessa Special Uesign Office of Special Machine 1'ools and manufactured by the Chita Machine Tool Plant is ~iesi~ned for c?itting cylittdrical M12-M42 ouCside threads on pre- viously m,~chined nnd urtmachined (rough) rod billets, skelps, bolts and other parts. A roCating thread cutting head serves as the tool. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Oit OFFZCIAL US~ ONLY _ _ ; ~ : . - ; i ~'i,.~.~. . ~ '~jfl-. ~ 4 ~ ; aSS ~~~�,'~f ~igure 2. Model 5993U 'Chread-CutCing Machine Tool 'The machine tool is manufacCured in two executiono: with manual (basi~ execution) and with elecCromechanical (delivered aC addiCional co~t) clamping of the product. The machine tool ie distinguished hy a simplified structural design. Its composition promoteg convenience of inep~ction and repair; ehe control units are located so they are convenient for aervicing. E~rovision is made for cutting threads with third class preciaion (All-Union State Stundard 16093-70); the surface roughneas of the thread Rz = 20 microns. 'Technical Specifications Sizes of thread, mm: ~ biameter 12-42 Pitch 1.75-4.5 , Greatest length 280 Greatest carriage stroke, mm 400 Utameter of the basing surface of the spindle, mm: Outside 900 Inside Greatest diameter of installed product, mm 56 _ Rpm limits of the spindle (6 steps), rpm 45-250 Power of main electric motor, kilowatts 3 Overal dimensions of the machine tool (Length x width x height), mm 1585xS~1Qx1125 Weight, kg 1a.50 uL^. 621. 923 . 5-i:.i ..1-52 : 621. 833 The model SB703 high-precision semiautomatic vertical gear shsving machine designed by the Vitebsk Special Design Office of Cear Shaving Machine Tools and manu�actured 6y the Vitebsk Machine Tool Plant imeni Komintern is designed for shaving cylindrical straight and spiral-toothed gears with outaide engagement and also gears w'._th barrel-shaped teeth by the method of longi- tudinal and diagonal feed. It can be used under conditions of small-aeries, series, and mass production. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY - , ~;Y. .~4.._ : 6. a ~a,u~ ^i~. c ~ ~S3~r"; . ~ - j~~r~~,?~r 1` , ~ ! ' i t: 'li'~ - ~ ~ : , ~~1 ~ ' ; ~ e'a ~5:. `~::i.,. , ~j . ~igure 3. Model SB703 Vertical SemiautomaCic Cear Shaving Machine This semiauromaCic machine is equipped with a syetem for auromatic fast play- free engagement with the machine gear. Sy individual order and for extra cust it is equipped with a special lifter far installing geara weighing up to 130 kg. The structural characteristics of the device include the presence of the . barrel shaping and radial feed mechanisms, the device for feeding the ahaver to thc machined gear, and spring-loaded attachmenC of the tool head. As a restilt of machining on the semiautomatic shaver, the precision of posi- tioning the adjacent tooth profiles is increased by 30 to 50 percent, and the surface finish, by on~ clasa. Technical Specifications Diameter of installed praduct, mm 140-500 Modulus of machinable gears, mm 2-10 Greatest width of rim of machinable gear, mm: Without longitudinal modificaCion of the tooth 150 With longitudinal modific~tion of the tooth 140 Greatast dimensions of the tool, mm: Dividing diameter 280 Width 40 Rpm limits of che product (10 steps), rpm 50-400 Power nf the main electric motor, kilowatts 3 Overall dimensions of the semiautomatic unit - - (length x width x height), mm 2260x1265x1930 Weight with electrical equipment and attachmenta, kg 4000 UDC 621.923.5-111.1-52.621.833 The SA915 vertical semiautomatic gear honing machine designed by tfie'Vitebsk Special Design Orfice for Gear Shaving Machine Tools and manuf~etured by the Vitebsk Machine Tool Plant imeni Kac?intern is designed for finiahing 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE aNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OF~ICIAL US~ ONLY rhe t~eCh of he~e tr~.~ted cylindrical g~ar~ with exeernnl g~~ring wiCh gerni.ghC and epir~l r~eCh nnd also with barrel-ehaped reeth. Tha aemiautomatic unit operates 6y Chp meChod o� knurling wirh an ~brn~iv~ - g~~r hone, By sp ecial order ~nd nC extr~ coet it can be equipped witih a lift fnr installing and remov~ng the m~chined parey weighing up to 150 kg~ Tti~ uniC ig p~re df a new range of gear t~oning maChine tnole gss ~n~lnred by the plant; it cgn he used to machine geara under Che condiCions of emall- g~ries gnd maea produCCinn in the various branchea of machine building. 'I'he kinematic circuit is mnde up c~f four independent chains: roration of ttie product; axial feed of ehe hone; radi~l displacement of the cnrriage; rotation and fixing of Che hone spindle. All of the feed movemenCs (long~tudinal and diagonal) are conuttunicgted to the hone which ia located in ehe rear of the product and can turn by the angle of croasing. 'The rot~ting guide unit is insralled on Che cnrriage. The latter is located on the horizontal guides of the bed and receives the preseC movement from ehe screw of the radial diaplacement mechanism. ~ ~~~~'ly o,,~~ `4 y ~ ~ , x R. ~ sib~+: ~+:7 ~ , ~f~y 3'~~~ f . Figure 4. Model SA915 Semiautomatic VerticAl Cear Hpning Machine The spindle rpm of the product and the magnitude of the axial feed are ad3usted by replaceable gears. The numher o~ double strokes per gear honing cycle is set on the control panel. AfCer switching on the "Cycle" switch, the entire gear ho ning process is automatic; on completion of machining, all of the mechanisms of the semiautomatic unit return to the initial position. The product is loaded and unlvaded hy the operator. The machine provides for decreasing the roughness o� the machines surfaces of the teeth by one to two classes and also removal of burrs and fine nicks. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ' ~OR OFF~CIAL US~ ONLY Techn3cal Spec~.f ic~?tiona biamerer of inetiall~h?].~ gears, ~mn 140-500 Great~sr modulue of thE Aona6le gearg~ mm ~2 Great~~C length of eooeh of ehe honable gears, nan; WiChout longieudinal modificat~.on of the tootih 150 With longieudinal modification of ehe tooth ~4d Greatese lond, kg: 80 lt~dial 16 Peripheral Rated sizea of Che inatallable hone, mmt 250 Di~nerer 40 GreaCest wideh 160-500 Spindle rpm lianits of ehe produce (6 sCepe), rpm Limita of axial feed of the hone (10 stepa)~ mm/min 30-~20 Power of the main electric motor, kilowatCg Overall dimensions of the semiautomatic unit 22gpX1500x1930 (lengCh x width x height), nnn 4300 Weight with elecCrical equipment and attacMnenCs, kg COPYRICHT: Yzdatel'stvo "Mashinoatroeniye" "8tanki i instrument", 1979 10845 CS0:1821 ~ 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Ott OFFICIAL USE ONLY I~iL~'ALWORKI'.N(~ ~QUIPNIEN'I' UDC 621.13:658.2 GOALS UF ~ORGING AND PRESSING MACHINE BUILDING IN 1979 _ Moscow KUZNECHNO-SHTAMPOVOCHNOYE PROIZVODSTVO in Russian No 1, i979 pp ~-4 (ArCicle by Deputy Minis:er of Machine Tool Building and the Tool Induetry of the USSR D. I. Polyakov] (TextJ ~ur ~reat homeland has successfully completed the third year of the 'fenCh Five-Year Plan. In 1973, ~ust as in precpding yeare~ the Soviet people have enthusiastically worked on fulfilling the hisCOric reeoluCione of the 25th Congreas of Che CPSU. In the repoet to the 25th Congresa of the party, Che Secretary General of Che Central Committee of the CPSU, Comrade L. I. Brezhnev noCed the basic rnle which is played by machine building in the solution of economic, - technical and sociel probleme facing our eociety. This explaine the enor- mous attention which the perty and government are giving to m~chine building. Accordingly, the Central Conmittee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers have adopted the reaolution for "Further Development of Machine Building in 1978-1980." In the resolution it was noted that during the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the machine building output increased by more than 1.6 times, new produetion facilities were put into operation, and many of the operating machine building enterprises have been expanded and rebuilt~ the rates of creation - and assimilation of advanced forms of machinea, equipment and inatrumPnta have accelerated, which has promQted an increa~e in the productivity of labor and production efficiency in the branchea of the national e~onomy. - In addition, the achieved production volume and technical level of certain types of machines, equigment and instruments sti1l do not fully correapond to the requirements of tl~e future development of the national economy. In the machine building branches weak uae is made of the production reserves, the shift index of the operution of equipment hae slowly risen. In order to eliminate the existing deficienciea, the Central Comnittee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers have defined the moet important goals with respect to improving the structure of production, improvement of the technical level of the machines, equipment and inatruments for accelerr~tion 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Ott OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY nf rhe ti~chnic~l reequi.pmene and improvement of efficiency of eocigl prn- duceian, ~mpxovement of the quallty of the producCioc? ouCpuC in nll branches of th~ national economy and more nompleC~ e~tis�action of th~ needs of rhe populat~io~t �or narional consumer ~oode. Thp r~solueion providee for the epecific aseigng �or Che machine building ministries: The ~ssimilation in 1978-1985 of the production of machinery, equipment~ instrumente and automarton means, the level of productivity of which ie n~ less tihan 1.S to 2 timea higher than Che productiviCy 1eve1 for 1975, permiering acceler~Cion of Che operariong with respect to complete mechaniza- tion and automgtion of ehe production processes in a11 branches of the na- tion~l economy; The developm~nt and organization of Che production of new types of machinery ~ in addieion eo ehe assignmenCa established by the five-year plan; Improvement of the proportion of the production of higher quglity category in the production of the machine building coamiodities; Implementation of ineasurea to increase the service life before capital repaira of the basic types of machinery, equipment and instruments; A reduction in weight of the manufactured machinery and equipment, and a decrease in metal losses during the production of them; Reinforcement and expansion of the experimental bases of the ecientific research, planning and design and of te�hnological procesa organizations; ~acpansion of the production of the complex technological process linea, nnita and installations with a high degree of factory and inatallation prefabrica- tion ~nd an increase in the volume of the patronage inatallation operationg with reapect to agsembly and adjuetment of them. All the machine building enterpriaes and organizations muat adopC measures for the implementation of the reaolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers in 1978 to 1980 on the further development of machine building. In 1978, our country has taken a new, large atep ahead as a result of the broad development of socialist competition and it hag successfully fulfilled the plan of the third year oE the Tenth Five-Year Plan. The increment of industrial production in 1978 by comparison with 1977 was 5.0 percent, and the productivity of labor increased by 3.6 percent; three fourths of the increment of the industrial production wae obtained as a result of improvement of the productivity of labor. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OIt 0~'~ICrAL tJ5~ ONLY The ~nC~rpri~~s nnd or~~niz~Cions of the Ministry of Machine Too1 Building ~nd the Tool Tndueery have glso succeseful~.y deglt with the assignmenes of th~ tihird y~gr of th~ T~nCh ~ive-Year P1an. 'TI~~ inrrens~ in cnmmodiCy output in 1978 by comparieon with 1977 was 9.7 perc~nc, Che productivity of lgbor increased by 7.3 percenC, Che machine rnnl du~:pue increac;ed by 1.4 percent with respect to number and as n resulC of prod~~cing mor~ complex mgahine tools, by 8.8 percent with respect to Cb9C. The production of Eorging nnd preasing machines hae increased by 3.7 percent with respece ro quaneity and by 9.4 percent with reapect Co cose, The production output of Che eapecially ahort apecialized and unit m~chine Con1~ has been increased by 12.9 percent, machine toola wiCh digital prngrnm cunerol by 12.9 percenC, nutomatic and semigutomatic lines for machit~e building and metal working by 13.3 percent, the equipment for caeting prnducCion by 12 percent, the hydraulic.drives and hydrgulic automation by 13,g percent. _ I~i 1978 the indugtry of oui counCry manufactured 55,500 uniCs of forging and pressing equipment, 38,900 unita of which valued aC about 450 million rubles were manufacrured in the enterprises of the Miniatry of Machine Tool Building and Tool Industry. At the specialized enterprises for the production of forging and presaing equipment, the structure and the types and aizes of the produced machinery 1�ve been improved significantly. The prnduction of high-output forging and preseing automntic machinea, ~utom~ted complexes, machines with programmed control, heavy and unique machinery, equipment for precision billets, casting machines for procesaing plastics, has been provided for at leading rates. The basic areas of development af the national economy of the USSR in 1976 to 19~J adopted by the 25th Congress af the CPSU, along with an increase in production volume of the forging and pressing equipment for the most com- p1eCe sntisfuction of the requirements of industry provide for leading development of the production of automated equipment, complexes, including the use of nutomatic manipulators with program control (robots), automatic lines, eyuipment with program control, and equipment for obtaining precision billets, heavy and unique presses. By 1980, the KPO production as a whole throughout the country will increase by 18.4 percent with respect to quantity in the five-year plan, and by 69 percenC with respect to value. The KPM production in machine tool building and the tool industry must increase by 28 percent with respect to quantity and 71 percent with respect to cost. The production of heavy and unique machines must increase by 1.7 times with respect to volwne in the five-year plan, and the production of special and specialized muchines must double. The proportion of the auComatic equipment in 1980 must be 28 to 30 percent (close to 17.5 percent in 1975), and the production of machines ~?nd complexes witt~ program control must increase by more than four times. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Special aCCenr.ion has heen given Co Che development o� producCion of the mnsr efficient equipment, in pareicular, automat~ for pressing gnd calibra- tion of pnrre made of powdered metal mareriale ~nd hnrd alloys. Aiirt.lyHl;+ HI?c~wd that wiCti r.esp~cC ro the mr~~urity nf cnregories nf udvanc~d _ eq~iipmenC ~l~e nchieved mean annu~l growt}i rACes of the producCion volumes � wi11 ensur~ the fulfillment of the contr~l assignmente o.E the five-year plan. However, with respect to the produceion of cerrain types of equipment there is a 1ag in connecCion with which Che enterprises and organizat:lons must Cake measures to supporC Che furCher ~.mprovement of the structure of Che KI'0 outpue. The course adopCed for Che leading development of the production of ~uto- mated equipment rec~uires intensificaCion of the operations with respect to specialization and concentration of the forging and stamping production of the cnnsumers of Che forging and preasing equipment, under the conditiona of which the applicatinn of this equipment is most efficient. In the developed measures wiCh respect Co improvement of the technical level of the forging And pressing equipment, the coefficients of the growth of productivity of the produced machines are defined as a result of an increase in the number of passes, improvement of the level of inechanization and automation, expansion of the nomenclature of ~he automated equipment. The indexes have been established with respect to the typea of equipment as a result of improving the structural designs of the machines and the equipment af theJn with automation means. With respect to groups of machines on the levels of the type structure, basic areas have been defined for improvement of the structural designs, and the equipment with automation means has been extended to the equipment for sheet and volumetric stamping, the equipment for primary and secondary operations, the equipment using strip and ribbon material, bars, piece billets, powders and plastics as the initial materials. In 1979, Che naCional economic plan also provides for high growth rates of the industrial producrion output at the enterprises of the Ministry of Machine Tool Building and Tool Industry. In 1979, by comparison with 1978 at the enterprises of the Ministry of Mactiine Tool Building and Tool Industry, provision has been made for in- creasing the commodity production volume by 9.9 percent. The manufacture of the equipment for billet production will increase at leading rates. Thus, with an increase in the machine tool production by 9.4 percent, the forging and pressing equipment output will increase by 14.3 percenC, Che process equipment for forging production, by 20 percent. In 1979 the KPO product;~n in the country will reach 57,570 units with a total volume of 584 million :ubles, including 40,570 units in the amount 514 mi;.lion rubles produced by the enterprises of the Ministry of Machine Tool Building and the Tool Industry. 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~d~ tl~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY 7'h~ new ~yufpmhr~t pi~n in 19~g pruvid~~ fnr ~~fgnlft~~n~ vdlum~ nf ~p~r~- tlun~ ~im~d dt the ~urthpr fmprc~v~nment oC ~h~ pr~duc~ion ~~~ru~eur~t t~chni~~i duc~mhntati~n wi11 be d~v~loppd far gi n~~ ~pri~~ K~M, y7 m~dpr~l of ~xppri- mentnl indu~tri~l gppcim~n~ of high-pr~duetion, euedmxit~d ~c?rgin~ ~nd pr~~~- ing ma~hineg and dutomati~ m~~hinpe wiii bp m~nuEg~tur~d Whi~h ke~p th~ :e~~ulrpmpntg nf th~ high~r quglity ~~tegory, dnd rhe prdd~~tinn ~f eh~ machin~� ~t the indu~tri~l ~eri~~ df 7g mdd~l~ uill b~ ~~~imil~r~d, eorr~rponding tu che mdd~ern requirc~a~nt~ nt pi~~ei~ f~.~a e~rhn~l~gy ahi~h h~v~ b~~n pr~~ p:~r~d ~c~r ~eriee prdduetinr tn gatir~fy th~e demgnd~ of ttti~ n~Ei~nai ~~on~~ay; ttie dbsulhtp dr~~igng of Z4 rr~odels df KI'M whiCh h~v~ b~~tt rppi~~~d by tn~d~rn machine~ will b~ taken dut n.f prndu~~idn~ In order to carry out the ~s~ignm~nt~ di th~ new ~quipn~~t ~lAn~, th~ eft~rfi~ o~ the ~nt~rpri~e~ nnd drganizgtiong wi11 b~ dir~~t~d ~t th~ fdl- lowing: ~f~~ as~imiigtidn ~f new rnndels and typ~~ n~ m~~hin~~ tn ob~~in prp~iai~n btiletg, including ,:rdnkah~f~ ~h~dr~ fnr pre~i~ion euteing r~f n~a m~d~l~, hydraulic autnmatic pre~s~~ for fini~h binnking, pr~~~p~ for igdth~em~1 seamping, multiplunger pregapg fdr burrlee~ gt~ping~ farging roll~, pquip- ment fdr eold nnd hot volumecrir ~t~mping~ preeseg and autnm~ted maehin~~ for poWder met~llurgy~ ~quiproent for machinin~ mat~rials ueing fmpu~~~ load~~ ~~ncf xo on; A~;simil~tion of new mndelg of autc~mati~ m~chine~ ~nd machinery aith gutd- ~tion means, including ~quipment complexes. Provieinn ie madp ~'or th~ assimilatian of gfie~t shenrs aith automativn mean~, ~heet bending roll~~ t~ori~ontnl fvrging machines, freme type bihydraulic pre~e~s for ehe~c scamping, and single-~t~nd pregaes, ~nd ~o on. Out of the plane to b~ - develnped in 1g79, 80 percent ere plana for autometir marhinpe, automation, cy~ipment conplexes afld ~utomation a~ean~; 'fhe ~~xp.~nyion of the oper~tiong with respect to the creati~n of machine~ an~: c~ompluces With program control. Proviaic~n is made for the agsimilotion oE che sheet bending presses of nea types and siaeg~ pipe bending machinee~ machine:~ with rotating flexible roll, radial reduring machinea, aheeC bendin~ m~chines, and ghears; ?he pErCorYaance of vperations r+ith reapect to cre~ting nQV typeg of complexeg of manfpulat~r presses~ including the complpxes bng~d on hoc gtamping and cotnin~ press~s, presgee for c~ld ~xtrusion, singl~ crankehafc cloged presses. The aumbec of types r~nd sizeg of complexes baged on the gingle cr~nkshafe open presges hae been expandec'; A~~ic~tl,~tion of neu models of heavy and unique machines, including pressee: direct-action double crankshaft (longeron) pregsee vith n force oF 6.300 cons, the direct-action tour-crankghaft pregs aich 1,600 tone, hydraulic for l~~therm:,l stamping at 4~000 tone and so on. 23 . cOR OP~ICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 F4t~ dFFfCtAt. U9~ ONLY Nnt~n~ ehe it~~fmii~t~d m~~hin~~ tl� hi~hly ~f~i~i~nt m~chinp~ with pul~~ ~nd pul~~eing ii~eure ef ~ppil.~:~tiun df ~h~ i~~ds ~hp~~r~ ~dr pu1~~d ~ut~it~g df ~~id m~~~l, dti Qiectr~hydra ~tDpUigp pre~~ ~~r ~h~et ~t~tnpin~, ~ mg~hic~~ fnr pu1~~ briquetein~ af the ~iitng~, ~nd g e~mpipx b~~~ed at? ~ hyd~quliG pe~~~ Wieh pulg~tin~ p~eg~. in tt~e pl~n~ tnr ~h~ neW ~qutp~~nt prdvi~idn i~ mad~ fdr ~h~ ~~~imii~eior, ~f hea typp~ ~nd mhd~i~ n~ m~~hin~~ ~nd ~ut~~t~d Cf~lp~@7t@~ Ear th~ i~~ding b~~n~h~~ nf indug~rys auecjm~biie, ~ractn~ and farm machtne building, avi~tidn, poupr ma~.hin~e buildin~, ~nd gd ~n. `~hp ~r~~~~d ~zqui~ta~nt i~ degignpd f~r veri~u~ ~r~d~ztit?a ~~nditianr~s m~~~, g~ri~eg, individual. in 19~~ th~ annuai d~~ign nrg~ni~nti~ng af ~h~e branrh ~r~d th~ e~chndidgie~~ i~gtitut~~ n~ thp Gnuntry ~r~intly With eh@ pl~ntr~ and prdduetidn ~~~oci~- ti~ns ~~re cnntinuing ~h~ir udrk em p~rform ~~mplpx~~ ~f ~~i~ntifi~ rpge~rch and plunnfng ~nd d~~ign Wark aith r~~p~e~e er~ ~ix mo~t imp~rtah~ pr~gr~m~ appt'ov~d by tttc GKNT d~ th~e U5Stt. The solu~f~n nE t~he~e prnbl~emg t~u~h~~ dn vacie~~ be~nrh~~ vf th~ n~eidn~l ~~on~~y ~ueh ~g th~ rre~tidn of the ~~mpi~c far hde ~e~mpfng nf thp dr~i1 bille~$ up to 45 t~n in diamet~r, a t~ledyn~mic-~Gtic~n ~ngting machine vith en ini~r~inn vnlwne nf 125 cm~, ~quipmpnt for preg~ittg productg made df peWder met~l td 40U tong, en ~utcmati~ 1in~ for ~h~~t gtamping df l~rge autambbile p~rtg, equipment fnr pc~~~ing abregiv~ di~k~, automaced ~quip~ent ~or che eompie~e use oE ~rood afl~ a n~mb~r ~f ~eH~r pi~c~s of equipment. In the ~tinth Fiv~-Year p1~~, thp e~ertifiCatidn df f~rging ~nd prps~ing ~quiprnent W~~ ~t~rted in the brgnch uith re~pecf ~n thr~r~ yuality categoriee, whtch offer~ th~ paggibility of acr~lerati~n r~f the rtpmoval oE db~nl~t~ d~sign~ from prdductidn and td inrr~a~~ the output o~ s~~rhinery prr~viding f+nr ~t~e mc~d~rn techhira~. l~ve1. In the last p~riod, ch~ propnrtion of m.~chtne~ uith the symbol of quality incre~sed with r~gpece to numb+~r n~ models output from 1.8 percenr in 197Z to ?0 percent in 1978, th~ pro- portion and the overal~. volutne of the cmuaodity, frnm l.b percent to 23 percent. By the end of the five-year plan, the proportion of thct production of high~r qu~lity cate~ory must be no 1~~~ than 40 percent. it ig neceg- sary co nc~te that nchievem~nts of che Voronezh E'roduction Aggo~iution nf 'TMi' which for che b~st re~ult~ r+ith regpect to production output vith chp state symbol of qu~lity wag aWarded the certifi~~te of th~ All-Unian Gpntral "'r~de Union Coun~il and the US5tt Ccy~~t~ndare. Good resule~ h~ve been achieved by the Uneprnp~tropek prdductton Aggoci~tion with regpeec to heavy press output nnd by the Khmel'nitgkiy Pl~nt K~'0 a~nd a numb~r of oth~r enterprige~. in additinn, at n number di the entefpriseg, the ~+ark on improvtng the equipnet~t output end pr~p~ration of it for rertifiratic~n is bein~ carcied out ~atisfactorily and requireg gignifirant improvement. 24 FOK 0~'~ICIAL USE Gii~Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~'OR f~~~tCtAL U5~ ONLY `I'h~ hn~i.C dee~~ u~ d~v~idpment di th~ n~tidnnl ~r-dnnmy in th~ Tpnfh ~iv~e- Yp~~ t~idn peavid~e fnr ~igni~i~an~ i~epravpm~nt in thp qu~lity ~f th@ ~quip- m~nt nutput, imprdv~m~nt af ie~ ~~�hnieni i~v~1, dutput c~pgCity ~nd fAi1- ~af~n~~~. In ~onn~Ct~on with in~r~~~in~ the prnduCtien in thig fiv~-yp~r pl~n nf morp complpx equfpm+~nt with r~~p~~t to d~~ign, th~ probl~ms of improving ehe r~li~bi]ity ~nd th~ ~~rvi~~ 1if~ ~rp ~rqu~ring ~~ppc~eily gr~~t ~ignifiran~~. tt mus� b~ ndt~d ~t~~~ in ~t~~ Ninth i~ive=Y~er ~lan eh~ pr~~s ~~n~eru~eion ~nterpri~~~ ~nd arg~ni~e~ieng h~v~ ~~rri~d duE ~ignificent aork ~rieh r~gpeet tn Imprnving thp reii~bility ~nd dur~tian df eh~ K~'M. ~n 1971-1975~ th~ ag~d~i~ti~n~, pl~nt~ and dh~ign offi~~~ c~rry ouC morp than ~00 me~~ur~~ ~d d re~ult of which eh~ r~~~rve ef forging ~nd pre~~ing m~chinea aas in- crpa,~ed by per~cent bn the ev~r~ge. buring 1976 to 198U, th~ plan r~11g fdr inrr~~ging th~ KI'M re~~rvp by 20-50 ppr~enr by imprnving the ~tru~tur~1 d~~i~n~ af th~ maehineg, th~ prdc~~s tor m~nufa~turing b~g~ and r~~pangi6l~ m~~hin~ p~rts gnd oth~r mea~ur~~. '~tie tmprovem~nt af the t~Ghnir,~i level~, quality, reii~bility and ~~rviCp lifp of th~ 1tI'0 aill be nchi~vr.d by further intrnductinn intn produ~tinn nf the united widely atdndnrdized r~flg~~ of m~chin~e~ having ~ high degr~e af atructur~i ~imii~rity boch within Che dim~ngiona~ g~rie~ of the rnnge and betae~n range~, equipmene of the production farility vith acandardiz~d ~n~embli~s nnd me~ns u~ mecfianixation and eutomation. ~'he brc~~d asgiteilgtidn of the Btandgrdized rangeg of marhineg nnd is exp~nding the poggibilitieg of improving che technological pracege for thr ap~lir~cion of gpeciali~ed m~chine ca~lg, group equipment aith parte, the b~st uge di the mt~chine todlg With digitel program cnntrol, ~nd a re- du~tt~n in the labor ~on9umption in production. tn Lg79, the enterpriges, the design organir.aciong, th~ ~NIKmaeh Institute and other subdiviaions must give special attention to the dperationg with respect ta the introduction of che most improved eleccric drive ayetema~ ele~tronir. contrvl units for the machineg, rcncpl~x~e nnd aucomated lines b~sed on lc~rge intcgrated rircuita, programmed ir?gtruction units, computers and other reli~bl~ moderrt devic~s. As before~ ~pecial attention must be given to the e~spansidn nf the typee ~nd, improve:oent of the layouta and quality of the hydraulic drive ~nd hydr~ulic autoc~tion. The Ci1C1'C(1T~8Cg nf the VPb 5oyuxgidravliki, the VNIlgidrnprived Insticute must realize the necessary measurea in 1979 co improve the quality, reli- ability, and servi~e lifc of the hydraulir driveg ~nd hydraulic automation. All of the enterprises and organizatidna of the branch mugt provide for the - implementation of the plan measures and realize addi[ional complmtes of 25 POtt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OFFICiAL U5B Ot~t,Y ap~r~tion~ ~n~uring an inc~~~~e in eh~ ~~rvice iif@ of eh~ KPO before capieal � r~p~ir~~ 'Ph~ praUl~mm af r~ducing eh~ mgg~ ef the menufnetu~ed m~rhin~~ i~ exermnply urgene. 'fhe p~rform~d ~naiy~i~ nf eh~ wei~he par~mee~r~ of th~ pr~~~~g of eprt~in pl~nts in the Br~neh h~~ d~mmonaer~t~d that eh~r~ are reaerve~ fnr g~ving m~tal in eh~ br.t~nch, A d~~r~~~~ in m~~~ df eh~ ~dr~ing and pr~~~ing machinee i~ png~ibl~ eg ~ r~~ult of th~ follouing: 3implitic~tian of th~ g~h~matic~ di th~ in~Crum~nt~, r~~xaminaeion of the ~tru~eur~1 d~~ign of thp ba~ic pgrCg; ~'h~ ~pplicdtiot~ within bro~d limit~ of the g11~y st~el ~nd high-etrength Ca~t lren, eh~ intrnduation of th~ r~sules of ecieneific r~s~ereh ~nd ~xp~riment~l op~r~tion~ pertaining to th~ mor~ preci~e d~finition of th~ prdc~dure f~+r c~lculating eabl~s, glide bloek~ and th~ pr~e~ croe~memberg; 'The c~nver~ion of the productlon of thp producte from f~rrou~ metal8 ta p1~~ti~g, the conv~r~ian of eh~ c~ge part~ to w~ided partg, broeder ~pplicg- tion nE th~ bent and stamp~d profile~. A significant regprve for reducing the ma~~ of th~ pre~~ing equipment ig a r~du~tinn in mags and gixeg of the kit producte. In ~rder to place the kit devic~g of in~rea~ed ovprell dimenginng on the bede~ large sized receesee ~re required. Thig le~d~ rd additional increaee in masg of the machineg. 'Chis mugt be taken into account by the supplier enterprises of the Minietry oE the tilectroterhniral Indu~try and the Ministry of Inetrument Making. Mc?chin~ building hag ~n influence on th~ technic~l progrees of all branches of the ngcional economy. Therefore it is very {mportent to reinforce the cooperatian among them, videly attracting scientista and apecialiete of the vc~riou~ miniatrip~ co the creation and prRducti.~n of ne~ ...,..:r~.~r.:. All of the e~saciation~ and plantg nf thp subbranch must analyze the weight pnrameters of the equipment produced, develop meaeures for further reduction nf the masg of the forging and preseing equipment. The production resolution and plan~ provide for the exp~nsion of production ~~nd the delivery of kit equipment co th~ national economy. One of the meuns of realization of this gval is expansion nf the nomenclature and output of the nutomated complexes ~nd automatic lines. In the Tenth Five-Year Plan che output of the comple~ces is to be increased by eight times; in 1978 the ~ctual production of this equipment exreeded the 1976 level by four cimea. An important initiative w~s manifested by the Yoronezh Production Association for Neavy Mechanical Presses~ the collective of which has concluded an agreement on creative cooperation with the Avto2IL MoscoW Association, planning to deliver 35 automated complexes to the MoscoW Workers. 25 FOR OFFICIAL U5B ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 F~R ~F~ICtAL US~ ONLY ~n drd~r ed prnvid~ f~r ehe furth~e dev~lopm~ne of th~ br~nch, prnvi~idn ig m~d~ fc~r th~ Cr~~tion of n~w pi~ne~ fnr eh~ produeeion o� forging end pr~e~- in~ ~quipm~nr~ tn nngw~r to ehp cnnc~rn oE the p~rty ~nd eh~ gov~rnmen~ fnr improvinA the genndard o~ living of ehe ppople, the dev~lopmeet of ehe bren~h~ thoueande of ~cipnti~e~, ~peet~li~tg, innov~tore, end adv~ne~d production workere gre mobilixing all of th~ir knowledge, th~ ~xpprience and capacity fnr ~olving eh~ pr~bi~m~ st~ted for maehine building by the 25th Congreee of the CP5U. ~bpy~~~N~; ixdatei'~tvo "MashinosCroeniy~", Kuzhechno-shtartQovochnoye proizvddstvo", 1975 10845 C50:1~21 27 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OFFICiAL U3E ONLY AtETALWORKZNa ~QU~~M~NT . SCIL~N'CIFIC ANU TECNNICAL F'ItOGRES3 IN THE MACNINE BUILDING INDUSTRY t4oscow STANKI I INSTRUM~NT in Ruasian No 2~ 1979 pp 1 Z [Article by V. A. Paehevich, deputy chairman of tha Centr~l Board of rhe Sci~ntific and Technical Society of the Machine Building InduetryJ (TextJ The year of 1978 wae marked by new progres~ of the Soviet people in fulfilling the resolutione of Che 25th Congrese of the CPSU. The industry workere, widely engaging in eocielist competition, have successfully fulfilled ehe plan of the third year of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. A grear deal of work with respect to the faeteat use in the national economy of ehe achievemPnta of ecience and engineering ia being don~ by the ecienti~~c and technical aocieties of our country, among which a worthy role is played by the acientific and technical eociety of the aiachine building industry~ including more than 3000 primery organizations and ~oining about 950,000 people in their ranks. In performing the resolutions of the 7th Congreas of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Machine Building Industry, the primary organizationa and members of the society are concentrating their efforta on the aolution of the most important problems in th~ field of machine building to improve the productivity of labor, accelerate the rates of complex mechanization and automation of production, the creation and introduction of equipment for theoretically new technological procesaes. In 3 yeara of the Tenth Five-Year Plan the Scientific and Technical Society of Machine Building developed more than 50,000 recommendations and proposals with reapect to further improvement of engineering and technology, mechanization and automation of the machine building production, improvement of the quality of the producte, the saving of inetal, fuel, electric power and the improvement of the condi- tiona o� labor of the machine builders. The most important area of activity of scientific and technical aociety is the introduction of the achievements of science and~engineering into produc- tion. In his speech at the November (1978) Plenum of the CEntral Committee of the CP3U, Secretary General of the Central Committea of the CrSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR~ Comrade L. I. Srezhnev notes the aeading role of machicp building in increasing the productivity of labor and technical progreae in all branchea of the national economy. 2a FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OI~'~ICIAL USC ONLY Th~ t~IICC~HgfUI. ~x~~uei,nn o� th~ ~eg~.gnmen~g wi,Ch r~app~e Cn new ~q~ipmene ie b~ing prumnt~d by th~ ~11-union, ~oei~l in~p~ceion o� Ch~ ~ulEillm~nt of eh~ pi~ng for gcipnei~ic r~~~arch work and Ch~ uCilixaCi,on of th~ achi~ve- m~nC~ n~ ~Ci.~nce gnd ~nginp~ring in the naCion~l ~conomy perform~d annually by ehe Centrnl Bn~rd ~ointly with mgchin~ buildi,ng induetriee and th~ ~~ntral Committ~e of th~ Cr~dp uniona nE m~chine building werkers. . The ln~t ingp~Ceidn wn~ pa~rticipated in by 1538 primary organizationg and mar~ Chan 535~000 members oE the society. More than 40d,Od0 propn~al~ by Che pnrticipants in the ingpertion were introduc~d intn produCtion. The greatest progregg in eh~ in~ppctinn was achieved by Chp primary organizgtiong of tt~e I~~1ettv~ Artifici~i Diamond and Diamond ~001 Plant imeni SOth Anniveregry of the US5lt, th~ Khar'kov Machine Tool Building P1anC imeni S. V. Kt~osior, Che 5cientifiC ~nd ProducCion Aesociation o� thp ~NIMS institute, Che U1'y~novo Main Specigl Deeign Office of Neavy and Mi111ng ~ t~tnchin~ Tnnls, rhe ENIKmash Tnstitute, the Troitskiy Machine Tool Building I'lnnt nnd ~ number of orher ~nterpriaes. The work experience oi the Snr~tov Oblast go~rd of the Scipntific and Technical Society of the Machine t3uilding IndugCry with reapect ta aseimllaCion of new equipment and above n11, marhine eoolg with digiCnl prngram control ie of interegt. The me~sures performed in this grea (raids to check the use o~ equipment~ - scientifie and technicnl meeCinga, inspections �or introduction of Qquipment, the couraee fer edv~nced training of gpecialieta~and so on) have in the Tenth ~iv~-Year P1an made it poasible to inCroduce 148 machine tools with digitnl program control at th~ enterprisee of the abl~st and to increase their uge coefficient. The workersoE ttie m~chinc tool building and tool induatry are faced with tarRe goals with respect to the creation of the automated linee and high�- output eyuipment for the mechanization ~nd automation of forging and atamp- ing production of billet~. the creation of complex auComated sections for m~chining nE parts, the sections controlled from a computer and based on utilizing machine tools with digital program control~ They are insuring a significant increase in the producti.vity of labor. There is also a great de~l oE work to be done with respect to the creation and asaimilation of high-ouCput tools made of synthetic diamonds, superhard polycryaCalline - materials, new types of solid ulloys ttnd high-apeed ateel with wear-reaistant coetings; the creation and assimilation of the production of automated maniputatora with program concrol; the development of new technological proccsses for manufacturing castings and Che creation of casting equipment with a high degree of automation, and so on. - Tfie State Plan for Economic and Social Development of the USSR in 1979 provides fnr leading developmenC of machine building and metal working. On the whole, with respect to machine building nnd metal working, the increase in production in 1979 is 8.2Y,; the plan calls for asaimilating the series production o� about 800 new [ypes of machine building products. The increase in productivity of the metal working equipment will be ~~ccompanied by further improvement of its structure. The output of forging 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOit OFFICIAL U3E ONLY ~nd pr~s~ing ~nd caee~,n$ equ~,pmenC~ ~peeial~ gppc3al~.zed ~nd un~.t machl,n~ ennl~, hi~h-pr~Ciaion ~nd multironl machin~ Cnol~ witih digie~l prngrcun control ~nd dpvi.c~~ ~or aueomatic replaaemene o~ the toola w~.ll be increc~~~d, and ehe nomenclaeure df he~vy end uniqu~ machine Coo1a w311 be expanded~ Th~ goal of Ch~ org~ni.zaeion~ o� eh~ gcieneific and t~chnical socieri~~ nf the enterprises gnd the organizati~n~ o~ m~chin~ Cad1 building and tool indugCry is coropreheneively Co promoCe Che eolurion of rhe problems etnted b~fnr~ rh~ braneh. In 1978 the Centr~l, Beloruggian and L@ningrad bd~rda of th~ society ~ointly wiCh th~ U5SR Minigtry o� Manhine T~o1 2ndustry held an A11-Uninn, gci~nti�ic ~nd Technical Confere�ce wieh reep~cC to Che prog- pe~Cg for the developmene of a cutting tool and improvement o� the ef�iciency of ieg use in machine building and also the firat All-Union Congresa of _ ~oundry Workers. The recommendaCiona and the deciaiona of these con~erencee gr~ aimed at Che introduction of the lateat achievements o� science and engin~~ring into ind~arry. Im m~chine building wiCh the gctive partieipation oE the organizatione of the Scientific and Technical Society, a greaC deal of work is done to improve the technical level of the enterprisea, for m~chanizaCion and auCo- mation of the production procesaes in the basic and auxiliary production Egcilities, improv~menC of the operating and introduction of new technologi- cal procegs~s. In ~cCOrdanee with the plans for technical reequipment of Che enCerprisea in the TenCh Five-Year P1an, measures are being realized wliich by 1980 will permit rhe mechanization o~ labor'of more than 150,000 workers. A great deal of work with respect to the reduction of manual labor ia being performed by the organizaCions of the Scientific and Technical Society of the ?fachine Tool Indu~try of the 2aporozh'ye Oblast. The oblast workers have assumed obligations by the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan to cut the proportion of manual labor at the industrial enterprises in half. The experience of the organizations of the Scientific And Technical Society of Chelyabinsk Oblast deserves attention where, as a result of the analysis nnd the realizations of the complex measures, the annunl increase in level oE mechanization of labor will exceed the mean throughout the country by approximntely 2 times. The most important areas of activity of the organixations of the Scientific ~nd Technical 5ociety of the Machine Building Induatry are improvement of the technical level, qunlity and reliability of the produced machinea, equipment and devices, an increase in their productivity, a reduction in the material capacity of the products, technical reequipment and reconatruction of the machine building enterprises. At the second plenary session of the Central Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Machine Build- ing Industry, a great deal of work Was planned for the organizationa of the Sverdlovsk Gblast with respect to the technical reequipment and reconstruction of the machine building enterprises. The councils of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Machine Building Enterprises of the oblast regularly inveatigated the plans for the flow type process lines, sections 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 r FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY ` ~ ~nd n~w ~yp~g nF sp~ci~lix~d equipm~nt ae ehe3,r m~~ringej ~ap~c~,fic r~comm~nda- eidn~ ~nd x~goluClnn~ ~r~ develop~d here, Ch~ ~o~ig1 con~rdi oE the cour~e af r~con~truCtion of th~ mo~r 3mpdrtanr pro~~ct~ i~ realized, and oxgani~a- Cinn~l ~nd t~ehnicel ae~i~eanc~ 3,s rend~red for inerallae3on~ et~reup and ed~u~tment op~rge3nne gnd the beginning of the operation and mnintenance of the n~w equipment~ 'Ch~ org~nixation~ ot the a~ciety ar~ p~r�orming e aignificant amount of work with r~~ppCe to eaving metiel~ A reducCion in the metal conaumprion of th~ mnnufgctur~d m~chineg and equipment, a decre~se in the meral 1os~es during th~ir prdduation consCituCe one o� rhe mo~e imporeant a~~igmnents of the m~~ehine buildin~ industriea def3npd by the rasoluCion of the Centrgl Commiteee ~f the CPSU and the USSR Council of Miniatierg "On Fureher bevelop- ment nf Mgchine Building in 1978-1980." In 197$ the Pregidium of the Central Board recommended for broad diesemination ehe iniCigtive of the acCive membera of the Scientific and Technical Society of th~ MAChine Building Induetry of Cor'kiy Automnbile Plant wieh reapect to rhp nrg~nizetion by the ecientific and ~ngineering-technical workera of a mase, creativ~ genrch for the zes~rves to eave metal and other materigls, improv~ quality and reducp the labor consumptian of the prnducte. The group of scientist~ developed personal creative plgne in 1978, the realizaCion of which will insure savings o� more than 35,A00 tone of inetgl, the aesimilation of 15 machine tools with digitrel control, the appl3cAtion of math- em~tical methods of experimental planning for the solution of technical prob- Iems, the introduction of new structural designs of the units and the c~dvnnced technological proceasea. A11 of this will significantly improve the qu~lity of the products and it will lower the labor coneumption of the manufacture ~f them. The orggnizgeions of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Machine Ruilding Industry are doing a great deal of work with respecC to populariza- tion of their achievementa of acience and engineering, improvement of the qualifications of the machine building workers. In 1978, more than 35,000 courses, seminars and schools with advanced experience were organized, about 140,000 lectures were given, and more than 40,000 members o� the Scientific and Technical 5ociety were in the scientific delegations at the advanced enterprises and in the institutes of the country. There are 492 public universitiea of technical progresa and economic skilla working in the primary organizations. It is necessary to give fixed ~ttention to this area of activity in the fuCure. I[ is very important that the seminars and the schools of advanced experience, the Iectures and reporta familiarize the workers, the engineering and technicc~l workere and ofzice workera with the latest achievementa of scie~ice and engineering, and that they promote the application of the skills obtained in dc~ily practlcal work. With each year the number af primary organizations and membere of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Machine Building Industry r- ~ 31 POR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ` FOR OF~IGIAL USE ONLY pareieipant~ in Ch~ Al1~Union SoC1,~1i~e Cnm~~eitii.~n Rx~w~ng~ L~~G y~~r eh~ S~i~n~iEi~ gnd Teehnirgl SoGiety df eh~ Machin~ 6ui.lding Zndu~Cry wa~ ~eC~v~1y. ~ng~gpd 3n soci~liee compe~ition o� the iabor Golleetives 3n hondr o� the �i,r~t annivereary~ o# th~ new con~e~,tueion o� the USSR eo futfill rhe ag~i.gnment~ 3 year~ of rhe TenCh Fiv~~Yp~r Plan by OcCob~r 19~8. By ehe initiariv~ of th~ primary urganizati.on~ o~ Sverd~ovgk, Khar'kov, Kipv and ~n on, many df rhe or~anizaCione of ehe 5cienti�ic and Technical 5oei~ty nE eh~ Machine Building Tndu~try adopt~d ~oci~li~t obl~ggtion~ ~im~d at rpdu~in$ th~ eimes.and improving the qualiCy of th~ ~eientific r~search nnd pl~nnin~ ~nd de~ign aork ~nd introdueCion of ehem into produceien ahead oE s~h~dule, by 3 O~tob~r 1978. The d~veloped creativ~ pl~ne wer~ aimed at Eu1E111m~nC of the a~signments with reepect to the mechanization and auto- mation of thp production proceages, improvement of the quality of the pro- duetion dutput, e~clinicai raequipmene of the ~nterpriees, e�ficient and p~~nomic eonsumption of inetal, fuel and eleeCric power, ~nd improvemene of thp ~ffi~ien~y ~f labor and quality of work. Uuring the couree of gonialiae competition fdr the worthy ~~lebr~tion of the first anniversary of Che conatitution of the USSR, many of the primary organi- zations of ehe Scientific gnd Technical Society hnve concentrated attention ~ on the goluCion nf the most important scientific and technical problems, nnd they have establiahed control of th~ course of the fulfiliment of th~ pro~ram~. ~or guCCegeful fulfillment of the eocialist obligatione, the pereonal and collective creative plang adopted by the orgnnizationa of the Scienti�ic and 'Cechnical Socipty of the Machine Building Induetry in honor o� the firet nnniversary of the cnngtitution of the USSR the primary organizatione of the VNIIgidroprivod Institute (Khar'kov), the Novoeibirsk branch of the State 1'echnnlogical Design and Experimental Institute of Orgstankinprom, the Production Assnciation for Heavy Pressea (Dnepropetrovsk), the GosNIImash Institute imeni Academician A. A. Blagonravov (Mosco~), and the Zaporozh'ye Irstrument Plant imeni P. L. Voykov have been awarded Che VSNTO certificates ar,d the honorary certificatee of the Central Board of the 5cientific and Technical Society of Machine Building. In order to improve the operating efficiency of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Machine Building Industry, further improvement of the maes- orgnnizational work of the boarda and primary organizations ia required. The most important anzd urgent scientific and technical prablems of machine building and metal working must be at the center of attentinn of the Scientific and 'L'echnical Society of Machine Bui.lding Induatry. It ie necessary to organize the daily control o� the implementation of the adopted resolutions and recorrtnendatio~s and the introduction of them into produc- tion. 'Che Central Committee of the CPSU has stated importent goals for the organi- zations of acientific and technical societies with respect to solving the basic problems of technical improvement and intensification of production, 32 ~~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 xOR OF~ICIAL U9E OI~fLY ~h~ d@v~lapm~nt nnd inrroducCion o� hi,~hly produc~i,v~ me~n~ m~ch~nl,za- ei~n and ~uenm~eidn, ~dvnnc~d eechnology, ~ci~nti�ic er~~ni~a~i.on of l~b~r ~nd ~r~duGCinn, Ch~ ~trengrh~ning of thp r~lAeion o~ ~ci~nc~ e~ pxoducCion, th~ reduGCion di timp~ ~nd improvement ~f qu~liCy oi th~ ~cienCi,fic ~ee~arch work, Che ~ffeceive appiication o~ the achievanenes of tiechnical progrege in eh~ naCiongl ~canomy~. T'h~ m~mber~ nf the S~i~neifi,~ ~nd Techni~al 3ociety of the ~fachine ~ui~ding tndu~try ~r~ ~pplying ~11 of the3r ~kiil~ and creat~,ve energy eo carry ouc ~h~ Htnted gdal~. CO~YItS~~C: ~~d~t~].'s~vo "M~shi~noatro~niy~" "Stianki i in~trument;" ~ ~.g79 10845 CSO: 1821 33 POR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~~R AFFICiAL U9E ANt.Y M~T~t,WORKINd Et~UXPMEN'~ UDC 621~9~02~01S MI~SGOW TOOL PLAN`T ~4'ROV~S THE QUALtTY 0~ CtTT'CING TAOL3 Mo~coa STANKi i INSTRUMENT in Ru9~ign No 2, 1979 p 3 [Areicie by A. M. Leynj (m~xr1 '~he Mogcnw Tool plant [Mi~] ig an enterprie~ for ~mall~eeriee gnd individual production of inetal cutting toolat gear-cutting~ broaching, thread-cutCing, pipe-cutting and eleeve-cutting tooie. S~vergl thoueend ~greementg for delivering toole ere coaciuded gnnually beta~en the p~an~ and the consumers. The s~~es o� th~ lots gre smaii from s~veral piec~s to a~veral tena of producte. Por sma11-gerie9 and individuai production, the insurance of a high ~evel of technological digcipline and Atability of the technological proceee ~cquir~a ~peciel eignificance. It is the basie for high-qu~lity production output. Ae the plant a compi~c plen has been deveioped, approved and ie being r~alixed for improvin~ the tool qu8l~ty in the Tenth pive~Year P1en. On the bagis of this plan, the annual plans are being devploped for improve- ment of production quality which is a component part of the plans for the organizational and technical measurea and technical reequipment of the plant. Un~ nf th~ basic quality indexes of a metal cutting tool is ite precigion. 'Ch~refore the means of inguring and checking accuracy are given special ~ttention. The chief inetrologiet'~ aervice wae organized in 1977 et the piant, including the laboratory of linear-angular measurement means and ~he rontroi and measuring instruments laboratory. The fleet of available inetru- menta ig continuously b~ing improved and filled out. Thus, in recent yeare~ the instrument for complex monitoring of hob cutters under ehop conditions~ new taboratory instrumente, pro~ectors with different magnification and other instrumenta providing for the monitoring of a tool for the machining of high-precision gears have been asaimilated and introduced. The strength of n tool is a no less important quality index of it. In order to improve the strength of the produced toole. the following meaeure8 are taken: grinding of the tooi aith elbor, aynthetic diemond end monocozundum dieca, end so on (Which insurea high quality of the eurface layer of the cutting eurfacea of the tool); hard chrome plating of gear shapere (in order to reduce the friction on the gear aurface~ of the tool and prevent 34 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Ott ~~FICIAL USC ONLY ' ~dh~ginn df eMe m~~hi,n~d m~e~r3,~1); ~h~e ~,n~xodu~ti~n ~f Gy~ni,dati,nn n~ 1~db c:uee~r~ ~nd ~h~p~ra i~ pl~nned~ In drd~r en in~ur~ high quali.ey dE m~chini.n~ ~t the p]~nC, SS uniCe a~ ab~~1~e~ ~quipm~n~ w~r~ rapl~~ed~ a numbgr.of high-precigion machin~ toola w~rp it~trndu~ed, ~nd g seCtion of iathe~ dig3tal pro~ram control wa~ org~n~~ed. Th~ in~rdduCeidn nf the ~E70V~2 and 3~731 model maehin~ t~ol~ fdr e]~ctrn~h~tniCal diamund profil~ ~rinding has madp it po~ei.ble �or thp plnnt tc~ in~rpn~~ eh~ prddu~~ion ~f such high-precisi~n eddls ae h~rd- .~lld~+, rhre~d-~utting ~~ping Cool~ of complex pro~il~ d~~ign~d �or working pip~ in th~ di1 indu~try. Th~ replac~m~nt of Ch~ obsolQCe gnd modificgtion d~ np~r~eing equipm~nt, the introduCtion of ep~ci~l equipment, the applica- _ tian ~f pgpeCi~lly high-pr~ci~iom m~ehine tools have m~de it poegi,ble for the plnnt eo improv~ the e1a~g of the produced toole~ the proportion of the rre~i~idn toolA in th~ ~ver811 output exc~edg 70R. In th~ ~l~n for imrrdvin~ ch~ qualiey oE produce3nn output, ~p~ci~l att~ntion h~n~ be~n ~iv~n ed th~ billpeing and thprmal nper~t3one ahich dir~ctly in~ur~ gr~bility df eh~ technologi~~l prnces~. The gccepe~nce mon3eor~ng di the rolled productg m~d~ nf high gr~de atepl cnming to the plant hgs b~~n nrg~nizpd and i~ regularly appl3ed. Stamping of the billete �or ghapere, thre~d cutring rol].:a ~nd hob cuCt~rg number of sizee) has been introduced; in ehe n~ar futur~ st~mping nf ~utomatic milling cutter~ and cams for thread cuttin~ hendg will be introdu~ed. ~or qu~nching and tempering of high-apeed steel toolg, ~emi~utomatic units nre us~d with the application of a new qu~nchin~ medium in~urin~ high quality of h~at treatment. An importnnt element in quglity control is the systemntic testing nf the b,~~ic types of tnolg pprformed by the base laboratory of the plant. The op~rc~~Ing index~s di the tested tool are compared with the normative date and the re~ults di testing the tool from the leading foreign companies. The constant relntions with the consumers also will permit monitoring of the opernting indexes of the produced tool. Work ig being dnne at the plant to introduCe a complex production quality control ~ygtem based on the enterprise gtandards. The gonls of the complex productinn quality control system ac the plant, its compositi.on, the ch~r~cterigti~s of the standard~ ~~nd the b~sic f unctions of the divieione and shnps in s:he quality cnntrol system gre deEined. New enterprise stnnd.~rds hr~ve been developed which are oimed at impraving the responeibility of each executive agent for the dut~es with which he is charged~ the specific evaluation oE the p~rsonnl contribu[ion to production and, on the whnlr, for the achievement o� the basic go~l improvement of operating efficiency ctnd preduction quality. tR order to develop and introdue~ the complex system ~or production qunlity cdntrot, a Working group has 6een Aet up at the plant. It includes the chief engineer ef the plant, the chief technologist, the c}~ief designer, ct~e chtef of the technical control divtsion, the chief ineteorologiet, the 35 POR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Olt OFFICIAL US~ ONLY reli~biliey l.~bdr~eory ehi.~~, d~,r~ceor o~ ehe eti~nd~rdizae~,on grnup~ and Ch~ chi~�~ o~ th~ t~chnic~l o�fine~ nf the b~s~.c produceton shope, 'fh~ qun'LiCy eonCrol plane is carried oue in thp pxodur.C~.on and conrrnl hh8~~~ 'Che fnllowing t~chnical documentaCion has be~n developed ~nd inCro- clur~cl �or ehi~ phage: ingtructions with respc~cr eo acceptance monitoring nf th~ Cdol materiolg, a seG of insrructione with respect ro procuremenC op~r~Cions, Che ~et o� 3n~tiructions �or hpat trea~ment, the standard C~chn~logic~l proce~a for ehe pr~paration and monieoring of precieion gear cuC~ing Coo1~, bro~ch~s, hard-a11oy ehread-cueCing chgsing Cools; the ch~rts Edr rnntr~lling the ~~;uipm~nC �or epchnoingic prec~.s~.on; the chares for ch~cking th~ technologic~l processe~~ and go on. At Che pre~~nt time th~ plant has developed 28 enterpriae standarde wiCh regpe~t tu th~ cnmplex gysCem of production qugliey cnnCrnli in 1976 to 1977 th~ eechniCUl ~pecificntiona for 18 types o� toola were reexamined. In 1g77-1978, Che p1~nt developed and introduc~d about 30 enterpriae atandarde which ure ~ compon~nt part o� the complex qual3ty control syaeem, As a rule, Che preparation of the products for cerCification for the et~ee symbnl of qunlity is gccompanied by reexamination o� the strucrural deaign ns a whole and more precise definition of the baeic preciaion parameters, reexnminaCion oE the technologicul procesa and monitoring system in order to discover All possible re servea for improving quality. The mosC complex ~nd important measures are included in the proapective plan ~or improving the qu~lity of the basic products of the plant ~or the current five-year plan. Th~ above-~numerated measures have made it possible to certi~y 11 typea of praducts for higher quality category, including the following; the hob cutters of precision class AA; the hob cutters in precisi~n clas's A and B; the ctrcular high-speed broaches wiCh hard-alloy smoothing teeth; the faceted broaches for outside broaching; the gear cutting shapers ~or cylindrical wheels, the end-Cype hard alloy milling cutter; the threaded hard alloy chasing tools for cutting conical threads on pipe, and ao on. The production awarded the state symbol of quality accounCs for 30% of the total volume of commercial production (including 60~ with respect to the gear-cutting tool and 25% with respect to the broaching tool). By Che end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the proportlon of production with the state symbol o� quality is to be brought to SOY. This requirea a great deal of intense work on the part o~ the entire plant collective with respect to carrying out the planned ~,mprovement in quatlity o~ the product~.on output. COPYRIG~: Izdatel'stvo '~Mashinostroeniye" "Stanki i instrument", 1979 10845 CSO: 1821 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OR OF~'IC~AL US~ ONLY M~'CALWditKZNG ~QUIPM~NT ? UllC 621.9.06.b02.23~t65~.2.012.122 IMpitOVING pitUbUCTION C~UALI'CY IN TNE OR5HANSKIY 1tttA3NYY BOR~T5 MACHIN~ TOOL pi.AN'T Mn~cdw 5TANKt t ~NSTItUMENT in itun~ian No 2~ 19~9 p 4 ~Article by A. K. Mi1o~~rdnyyJ (TextJ on the bagig df many years nf work exp~rt,ence to improve the pro- duction qu~lity and culture df production~ the Orshengkiy Kr~enyy Bor~t~ M~chine Tool Building P1~nC hag created ~ eCientifically ~ub~t~ntiet~d : production qunlity control gy~tem operating on varioug levels. 'I'he developed system reflecte the epecific problemg of all af the plant ~ervtcex, it raigeg th~ reeponaibility of ~gch executive agent and director for uork in hie section and on the Who1e with reepect to the plant; it requireg constant improvement af the sygtem for moral and material incencive~ tf~c~ drvelopm~nt of gpecific technicnl and economic indexeg with reepect to lmprnving the quality of the producrinn outpuc (the compilation of pros- pective, annual and quarter plana), th~ mnnitoring of the observation of the standards, che technical specifications and other noraiative-technical documentation. ~ 'Che formation of the complex quality control eygtem aae preceded by a great de.~l of work. A etudy was n~de of the experienc.e of the advanced enter- priA~~ of 5aratov, Yaroelavl'~ Kremenchug~ Minek and L'vov, and recommendations were taken into account from the All-Union Scientific Reaearch In~tltute of 5tandardiza[ion and the $c~loru~uir,n Republican Adminiatration of th~ USSR Cosstandart. A careful unnlyais was made of the quality probleme at the plant itself. For r.his purpose, a coordinating and working group headed by chief engineer of the plnnt for the developmenc and introduction of a complex production quality control system wae created. The plan developed by the coordinati~n and warking group jointly vith the plant specialists provlded for the creatinn and introduction at the plant of Sl encerprise standarde. These staidards constitute the organizational- technicat and legal base for the quality control eystem tntroduced at the planc. The advantage o� the enterprise standards over other forais of documents lies in their organic relation to the state standards. 37 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR 01~ptCtAL U~~ ONLY At th~ pr~~~nt e~rn~ th~rp ~xp 54 ~nc~rprl.~p ~t~nd~rdg ~t ehp pian~ ahich ~nedmp~~g a b~cnad el~~~ d� qu~itty controi p~ra~r~m~ in ~h~ ~t~~~~ o~ dev~lnpmen~, predur.tion~ dpexetidn and maine~n~ncp~ ~n ~hp d~vplopm~nt gt~g~ thpr~ ar~ ~ix ~nt~rpri~~ ~t~ndard~ aith ~h~ h~ip df ahiEh ~uch prob- 1pm~ th~ '~C@aLCf~Ofi gnd deveiapment of inieiai d~~a for improvemene oE th~ pradue~ion outpue and neu pignning ~nci d~eign~ maauf~ccure and d~~ivery of ~xp~rim~nt~i med~i~ oE ~h@ producta ~r~ b~ing ~oived. 'Ch~ intrddu~tidn of th~ indie~~~d ~e~nd~rd~ hag m~d~ ie pa~~ibi~ eo b~gin ~h~ ~~~imiiaeidn nf ~h~ n~+ aidpiy ~tand~rdi~~d r~ngp of ~urf~c~ gr~nding m~~hin~~ ~15 mod~lg); 1~ m~def~ w+~r~ re~~imn~nd~d far g~rip~ ptioduetion. Wit1~ regp~~~ ~o d~gr~e nf aueom~ei~n thpy ~r~ divid~d int~ th~ machin~ eo~lg nf ~li purpo~~ de~ign Ceh~ mod~i~ ~Y~71iV, 3Y~7i0V=1, ~Yp710A~ ~Y~71iV-1), the tn~chine tdoi~ aith pr~gr~nnn~d r~m~v~i df ~h~ m~~hinin~ aiiowanc~ an8 digi~~l diepl~y (madrel~ ~Y~711Vt~1~ 3Y~711A~1~ 3Y~~21VF1-1); th~ machine td~lg fdr ghn~ed grinding equipppd aith ~ p~cd~~~eor (mod~l 3Ye~1~YgV-~1); the m~ehinp taol~ uith digit~i progra~a c~ntt~ol (mod~i~ 3Y~71ii~F3~1~ 3Ye721V~3-1). 'Che m~~hing t~oi9 in tM~ n~s+ grnu~ ara with r~gp~cc t~? tp~hniral l~v~l n qu~lit~tiv~ly n~a 1pv~1 by ~omp~rie~n With the previou~ly produc~d on~~, ~~nd th~y ar~ on the 1~v~1 of th~ be~t aorld modelg. 'Ch~ average level of ~tandardiza~ion of thp graup i~ 77X. `~h~ prndurtion qunlity control programs in the production etage encompage the entir~e prddu~tion eyel~ for th~ manufaetur~ and th~ improvement oE thp prtiduction ~utput. Th~y refl~cc the ~nt~rection nf all oE the production subdivi~inn~ ~nd ~ervicea of the plant. The plant sctgch~s e~p~cially important significance to the golution (wich the help of enterprise standards) of the follnWing problpms: 1) metrologic support ahich occupies one of the leading placea i� the qunlicy control gystmo, for al] of the producti~n .~ctivicy ig quanti~ntiv~ly and qua~itativ~ly ~stimated on th~ level di the meggur~mentg (thi~ is ch~ mosc significant When produciog tools aith high and ~~p~cinlly high pr~cieion, wh~n ch~ meaguring meane Wich a grele diviaion vf 1, 0.5 and 0.2 microns ere used in production); 2) insurance of rhythrnicity af produccion; 3) organizacion of acceptencp monitnring dnd quality cdntral nf th~ production outpuc; 4) the procedure for certifying produ~tinn and granting euthority to the ~x~cutive egente for gelf-monicoring; 5) the training of personn~l. The "ev~luation of the quelity of labor of the executive agente in the collectivee~ brigadee~ shifts~ shopg, divieiang and other servicee of the plant is ef�e~tiv~ly influ~nrin~ th~ quality icrd~r~~ ~f th~ ~nterpri~~ ata~dards. The coeff icient Kk o~ quality o� de~ect~~ree labor ha8 been introduced for detenainacion o~ the awral and material incentives of each r~+orker of the division, the shop with reapect to the results of the opera- . tiong for the month~ the quarter and che year. The calculation is being realized on a comput~r. 38 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR O~F~CtAt, U3~ dNLY in nrder ed ~ wn up th~ e~~uit~ nf th~ wdrk~ th~ divi~idn n~ th~ ~uCntn~t~d ptiddu~einn cunerdi ~y~eert~ ig pr~pgring ~ tebui~gr~rn ui~~kiy~ Thp ~in~i t~buingr~m f~r tha rnanth i~ bping produ~~d ea rp~kon ehe px~,z~ ~ot~ ehe ~hops, thr H@Cf~~fl~~ divi~inng ~nd ~ach wnrker ~or Kk�1~0 ~0 0.8y, ~n pxr.~etl~nt ra~in~ i~ giv~n, and th~ r~ekon@d prlee i~ peid in full~ For Kk=d.~5 to 0~7~, ~h~ ~o~d r~eing i~ giv~n, ~nd the prize i~ e~eo paid in fuii. ~or Kk=0.75 eo O.b, g gati~fa~tory raEing i~ giv~n, gnd eh~ reckoned priz~ i~ rpdu~~d by 257:j fnr Kke0,6, a paor r~eing is given, and eh~ r~ckoned pri~e i~ redue~d by 50X. Thp nrgenix~tidn of th~ g~~epC~n~~ mdniC~ring of thp mat~rigl~, th~ 4nt~r- medintg pr~du~t~ ~nd kit prnduetg deliv~r~d by cooperation With other ~neer- pri~hg i~ regul~t~d by th~ ~nterpris~ etandgrd introduc~d at the plgnt. ~~pe~ially ~r~gt ~ighifi~nn~p ig ate~chpd to the monitoring o� pwnp~~ hydr~ulic eylind~r~~ ehp di~tribueing hydr~uli~ panels and ~lectric motore. ~ ~or rh~rking ~nd tpgCing thmn az the plc~nt, a~eceinn hg~ be~n orggniz~d for ncc~pt~n~~ mdnitdring ~quipppd with thp necesg~ry t~st unitg ~nd attactunentg. 'Chi~ monitoring e~t~blighee thp fitne~~ nf Ch~ arriving producte before th~ir ug~ in produ~tinn~ Thig off~r~ the pos~ibility not only of iwpoeing claime fdr rh~ qu~lit,y of th~ produet~~ but alen ~ointly aith the eupp~ier, the . develnpm~nt of m~g~ures aimQd ac improving the qu~lity o� the delivered productibn. "Quglity d~y~" gre being held at the plant. 7'saice g month at meetinge in the ~hnp~ and with the plgnt direetnr thpre are diecu~giona of the probleme of improving prnduction qu,~lity. Organization and technical me~auree eimed nt imprdving tha production quality and prevention of waete are confirmed~ and th~ pxecutioa of the pr~viously made deci~ions ia controlied. In gddition, by the approved annual g:aph, control checkg are made of the technical culture of the shops (the quality of machining the parte, obaerva- tion of the cechnological dieaipline, the condition of the equipm~nt~ and so on) and also the rnntrol analyeis of the machine taole and aeaemblies with checking of them for correapondence to the draWinge, the technological procegg and technicel epecifications. With respect to production culture the plunt cnmmisaion, ahich includps tt~e eection chiefs~ the leading gpecialists, the r~pre~~ntatives of the socinl organizations and shope ia making a weekly round nf tt~e work ~reas. The opergtion of the plant subdiv~ginn~ with respect to m~intaining a stable high level of production quality ie monitored by a permanent quality coa~migsion which nt ita meetings heare the reports of the aeryice directors. Jt controls the course o~ the performance of the measures aith reapect to impcoveroent of the quality, it analyzes the cases of violationa by the executive ag~nts o� the pri.nciples of che production quality control systeai, it solves the problems of certification of the parts. assemblies and technological processes for the plant quality symbol. 39 FOR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 . FOR Of'~ICIAL U3E ONLY A~ ~ r~~u1e ~f inCrodu~ing eh~ compl~x px~du~C~,on qu~liey ~ontrni gy~t~m eh~ p1~nt th~ io~~e~ from re~~at~ have been decr~a~ed by 37~: by eomparieon with 1975; more than 98~ of th~ produc~ion ~cc~pt~d en eh~ FirgC pr~~~nt~tion., 'Chp ~tntp ~~rtifi~etion of thp maehine ~~ol~ ~roduced by the q1anC gumA up ehe muleif~~~tpd and int~n~~ work o� th~ cnlleceive with r~ap~cr to m~intgining ~ high i~v~1 of prnduCeion quality. In 1967 ehe model 3711 ~~p~ei~lly high pr~~i~ion aurfac~ grinding machine produced by Che plane wag th~ fir,~t in th~ USStt ~mong the meral cutting m~chine tnols to be award~d th~ ~taC~ ~ymbol of qualiCy. Annu~lly eh~ p1~ne av~rfu1fi11a the planning ~~gign~ wiCh re~pe~C to the autpue ~f high~r egt~g~ry produceion. At the pr~~~et eime the etate gymbol af quality hg~ b~~n gward~d rd five modeig of ma~hine eddlg. COI'YI2I(}tim: ~zd~tel~stivd "Mn~hinogtiroeniye" "Stanki i in~trument", 1979 10845 CSO� 182~ 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR O~FZCIAL U9E ONLY M~'CALW~ORKING EQUI~'t~t~N'r UDC (621.9.06-52:658.527~:658.526+65 8.524.01~.1 AUTOMATIC LINES FOtt MA3S ANb tARGE-SERZBS PRODUCTION Mo~cow STANKI I iN3TRUM~N'r in Ruasian No 2, 1979 pp S-6 , ~Articl~ by L. S. Bxon~ (Text~ The p~rformed analyeis of the proepecte ~or the developm~nt of advanced methoda of obtaining billete at the eeterpriBes of large�~seriee and ma~g produCtion demongCr~ted that befor~ 1990 it is pogeible to expect n decrease in the proportion of the billete manufactured on metal~cutting equipment nnd other mechanical machining methods and an increase in the pro- porrion nf tih~ billets manufgctured by the high output methode on the forging and pree~ing gnd casting equipment (the volumetric atamping and cold - ~xtrusion, casting in a chill mold and the forma made of fast-herdening mixes, pressure caeting, centrifugel caeting, and eo on). tn addition, the complication of the etructural designe o� the parte (in particul~r, houaing parts) and fmprovement of the requir~nenta on accuracy predetermine in the future the use of high-output metal cutting equipment for machining them. In cnnnection with what has been pointed out, the autoaiatic machining lines and complexes of lines which insure multitool and multipoaitional machining af the billets and also transportation of them in the automatic cycle will remain the basic equipment for the machining of parta in large-~eries and masa production. In the Tenth Five-Year Plan the mechine tool buildera have designed, manufactured or are manufacturing new advanced autotnatic lines and camplexes of lines. At the institutes and organizationa of the USSR Ministry of the Machine Tool Industry, scientific reseurch aork is being produced~ the purpose of which is to improve the cyclograms of the automat~c l~,nes and methods of monitoring them j1J, reduce the auxiliary tiane j2]~ develop and introduce improved methods of calculating the productivi.ty of the automatic lines~ the creation of new methods of reception and acceptance te$ting of the automatic lines I3]. 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~bit C1~~~CIAL US~ ONt,Y 'Cf~~ nper~Cion~ ar~ b~ing conduGeed with r~gppee ed Ch~ ~r~~Ci~n df more udvnne~d ~utomatic line~ �rom Ch~ uni~ and ~p~~ializ~d m~chine Cool; n~w types n� nenmet~l Gt~tti.n~ ~quipmen~, hi~h-du~put ~ool~, monieoring ~nd _ m~n~uri,ng i,nA~rum~ne~ ~nd ath~r m~chines and dpvi~~~ ar~ b@ing d~veloped. Among them ~r~ thp ~ollowin~: Che rough and finieh milling machine~ built intn the automatic 1ine~ uging rh~ 50-60 kiloweCt he~d~toeks, broaching m~~hin~~ for braaehin~ th~ k~y~ und~r eh~ cover~ o� th~ crrnkehaft bearings of the Cyiinder block~ (machinin~ prec3~ion no lese Chan 0.024 mm, devi~tion from planene~~ -0.01 mm), boring machine~ for machining second - elggs hnl~e (curring rnt~ 100 to 400 m/min); a honing machine for obtaining ~ Eirgt Cl~~g hol~s; ~nd-type milling cuCCer~ and boring bare equipped with n~nr~~herp~nable Cipe; driLl~ for deep drilling; monitoring and meaauring devicp~; ehe complexe~ of t~chnical means based nn the applicotion nf com- puter engin~ering far conerollin~ th~ op~ration of the autom3eic lines. '~h~ sci~ntific ~nd techniegl d~velopmenCg creeted by the institute~, organi- zationg gnd plgntg of the Ministry of the Machine Tool Industry constitut~ ehe bag~ for ehe manufaCture in the nexC decade of technic~lly improved high- output automgtic lines and complexeg of linea for machining houeing parts, pistong, sleevea~ bearinge, ehafts of gtepped and complex cnnfigurations gnd other p~rtg. The ~uCom~tic lines and com~lexes of lines are as a rule~ specinl equipment destgned for maehining one or geveral such pnrts (in connecrion with which c}~e schematics and compogitiong are developed for each automatic line and line cnmplex, and the nomenclature of the built-in machines ia selected); thr ~nnual output capacity of lines and complexea corresponda to the pra~ram fur the productinn of finished products outfitted with these parta. There- fore, the forecasting of the technical level of the~automatic lines and complexes of lines can be done approximately with respect to a number of quality indexes, the basic ones of which are the following: the number of units of equipment insuring the given output capacity, the occupied produc- tion area, the complexness of the machining (number of technological opera- tions required for complete machining of the part), the machining precision, the technical-economic effectiveness, attd so on (4 and 5j. Beginning with wh~t has been discussed, it is poasible to formulate the following basic areas for further improvement of the technical level of the autnmatic lines and complexes of lines for large series and mass production in the next decade. Improvement of the output capacity of the automaCic lines (one flow or one set of automatic line equipment~ by 1990 by 1.7 Co 2 times. This can be realized either by a direct increase in the output volume of the parts (in the case of production necessity~ or a decrease in number of units of the builtin equipment and occupied production area (~f an increase in output _ volume of the machined parts is not required), 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OE~ O~~~CIAL U5~ ONLY An inCregs~ in eh~ nuepue ~ap~~ity nf rh~ guComgtic line~ c~n be ~ehi~ved by ehp reali,;~Cinn of th~ m~g~ur~~ ~numarated below~ 1. A deCre~~e 3n the machining tolerances ae e result o~ the epplication nf high-qunllty biilet~, ~h~ ehar~e and size~ of which approach to the m~ximum the ~nalogoug parameeera oP th~ fini.~hed p~rt~~ 2. 'The ~tgbilizaCion of ehe CeehnologiGal proaese ae a reeulC of a decrea~e in Ch~ ~e~t~~ring of th~ hgrdnegg o� the caet and �orged billete. Forcing of Che cuCting conditions in ehe 13miting operaCione by the appli- c~tinn o� advanced types of tools~ The tool equipped with mineral ceramic nonresharp~nable tip~ in~ur~s opergtion with given atability with cutiCing 8peede of 300-500 m/min (miliing) and 160-400 m/min (Curning and boring). Thp Cddl~ equipp~d with minersl reramic tipe will permit el.gnificant improve- m~nt of the ~urting Conditions in Che case nf finish machining of the partg m~de nf cttst iron, alloyed et~el~ and nCh~r mat~riale tiiat are dif�i- cult to machinp. The grinding discg made of elbnr provide for operation gt cu~eing raCes Co 100-150 m/sec (finiah grinding) and to 100 m/sec (power grinding). 4. The reduction of the auxiliary time by increaeing the rateg of tr~ne- porting the billetg to 30-50 m/min, the ratea of fast idling o~ the power unit to 20 meters/min and n in the time for fixing and locking the � billets to 1-2 seconds. 5. Increasing the coefficient of general and technical use of the auto- matic lines ae a result of reducing the idle time of the equipment (planned, accidenCal and for nrganizational reasons~. 6. Improvement of the reliability of the equipment built into the automatic lines (power, transport and other standardized unite; unita of pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical equipment) and tool equipment. 7. The use n� the comptexes of technical means for control of the operating cycles of the automatic lines (with the poasibility of recording~ correcting and altering the program by application of key panels) equipped with timers ([o monitor the cycle time and individual transitiona of it) and different types of auxiliary in�ormation devices (including units to signal the loca- tion of failures and devices which record the operating time and idle time of the autnmatic line equipment). In the complex automatic linea it is expedient (in order to improve the operating level and increase the general use coeFficient) to use a small computer to analyze the operation of the equipment, 8. The introduction at che manufacturing and customer planta of acceptance testing of the automatic lines with reapect to the parametexs o� output capacity, reliability and machining precision (to detet~u:ne the baeic defects in the manufacture and assembly of the automatic iines and also the products making them up before acceptance in operation). The procedures developed at the ENI1iS Institute [1 and 3J for acceptance testing of the 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~0lt O~~ICIAL US~ ONLY gutomnriG line8 bas~d on pxoc~asing (by computex) a~.~rg~ emount of arnti~tiC$1 materi~l ~n eh~ ~Cru~l oper~ting reli~bility a~ the bu~,lt-i,n equipment wij,l permie ~wiCh ~~omparativ~ly ama11 tegt vdlum~ and C3m~) quarantee of ~ai1-e~f~ opexati,on of the eutomgtiC lines during opergtiion with a high degrep nf prob~bility. incr~g~ing the complexiey nf Ch~ m~chining on the automatic lineg, that is, rp~lix~tion of all of thp rechnologic~l operaCions on th~ automatic linea xnd compl~xp~ nf rhem �rdm the bagic operations (machine by ~utting) to th~ nuxiliary opergeions (washing, drying, assembly, moniCoring, packing and se dn). F'or this p~rpoge iC is necegeary eo solve a number o~ technical end orgnniz~rional probiemg connected wiCh Che deaign~ manufacture and a~rie~ productidn of broad nomenclnture of procees and standardized intermachin~ Cool and interline traneport eyatema (above all, fnr the parts nf complex configurgtion). Tt~e improvemene of the machining precision on the automgtic lines is cau~ed by the growing requirements on th~ accuracy and gCability of the basic sizes nf machined parts. 'The poseibilities of manufacturing billets with high precisinn parnmeters on Ch~ automnric lines (deviation from planenese 0.04-0.06 mm per 1000 mm of lengCh; the machining of shafts and holes in clnsses 1 to 2; c:utting of clnse 1 threads, and so on) are determined by the presence of finishing machinea built into the automatic lines (boring, milling, honing~ hroaching, and so on) equipped with acCive mnnitnring instruments and devices for automatic ad~ustment of the tools~ The improve- ment of the finishing equipment used on the automatic linea and the r.reation of new equipment which is more advanced ia one of the mgin probleme of specialized organizations and plants of the Ministry of the Machine Tool Industry. The improvement of the precision of the parts machined on the a:.tomatic lines will be promoted by using small computera to organize the quality control. 5everal versions of the computers used for these purpoaes ere possible: the application of computers for direct control of the monitoring and measuring instruments in the complex (including the amall-purpose measuring machines for monitoring and sorting parta of complex configuration) with output of systematized information about the atate and the necessity for adjusting the tool attachmenta of the finishing equipment, the application of small second-level computera to obtain information (about the dispersion of the dimensions nnd other factors insuring timely regulation or replacement of the tools to improve the machining preciaion on the poaitions of the automatic lines equipped with monitoring and measuring instruments, and so on. The broad utilization of computers in the automatic line and line complex design stage for the solution of the following basic problems; 1. Storage, research nnd output on request by the designers of data on the automatic lines designed and manufactured in preceding ye~rs. 44 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 , ~o~ o~~xtcinL usE o~t.Y 2. C~lcul~eion d~ the ourpue capgeiCy nf ehe ~ueom~ri~ lin~e ~nd 1in~ camplexeg ~including the gelection o� ehe optimgl lengeh o~ the li,ne:cy~l~ ` with rigid enupling ~nd tihe individual mach~,np toole of the automatl~c lines with .~lexible coupl3n~ and cutring conditione in ail operating poeitione based on th~ d~e~ on Che equ3pmene ~nd eooi r~li~bility cdn~~,d~r~,r?g limited reliabilitiy of ehp initial data). 3~ Cglculation of the coord3nates, compilation of epecificatione~ Che drawing of general typee of epindle boxes and compiletion of the programa fnr machining their houging p~rte (6j~ 4~ Calculation and the planning and deaign of hydraulic and electrical ~yaeems ~f the automatic 13nes with aimultaneaue praparation of the programe Enr the introduction into the complexee of technicai means which control the operating cycles. S. Th~ cnmpilation of a data bank and calculation of the reliability of the mechanisms and aesemblieg of the automatic lines~ 6~ The planning and degign of thp technological processes the ~yatema for machining standard parts on automatic lines for ma~s production. The creatinn of the ad~uatable automatic linea of the following typea: based on the amall unit machine tools �or machining houaing part~ of ingtruments, on the basis o� the unit machine toole for machining the fittings; on the basis of unit machine toola for machining large body parte of buaes, for machinery and other medium-serfea production producte. By the adjuatable automatic linea (in contraet to aectiona of machine taols with digital program control) we mean automatic linee deaigned for aucceseive machining of a previously defined nomenclature of like parta. In order to increase the production output and expand the nomenclature of parts machined on the ad~ustab2e automatic lines the following are necessary; 1) more precise determination of the efficienct areas of application of auch automatic lines; 2) development of theoretical principlea of planning and d~sign; 3) the creation of a number of standard normalized aesembliea (power benches with automatic switching of apeeds, dividing and rotating benches with multiple spindle boxea, manipulators for loading and unloading the billets and so on); 4) the creation o� automatic lines with satellite attach- ments (and without them) based on the tail apindle heads �or machining emall housing parts, and so on. 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~?elum~ of mAnu~ac~ur~. ~ '~ypeg of automatic lin~~ and ~ znaludinA ad~u~t- mn~h~,nabie pArt~ Toe~t eble Lines arr rr~~.w.r .irw~~r ~i Eor mach:tling etepped gh~ftet up eo 300 mm in di~met~r ~nd 1A00 mm lang ~0 3 ~'or m~chining diecs, flang~s and gears 10 4 ~or machining Che pietons and sleeves of automobile and tractor engines 4** ' For machining parts of complex configuration (crank~hafte and distribution ahaftg, connecring rods, cams, arms, and eo on) 10 - ~or m~chining hou~ing parts 34* 4 ~or mgchining valveg ~nd wri~t pin~ 4 - ~or machining, monitoring and aesemblin~ parts and bearings ag a whole 10** - ~or machining bolts and pins for automobile and tracror engineg 3 - For assembling the unite and mechaniama of automobilee, tractors, electric motora, and so on 5 - Other automatic lines 10 - *Including 2X for machining ama11 housing parta and the parte o~ inatrumc~nte. **There ig a possibiliCy of ad~usting Che automgtic linpe for machining analogous parts in a defined range of eizes. In order to increase the production of automatic and automated asaembly linea it is neceasary to develop requirementa on the producta aubject to eutomatic assembly and create high efficiency attachmenta for the aeaembly linea (devices for holding of bolta and nuts, torque wrenches, devices for quality control of threaded connections, and ao on). On the basis of studying the requirements for automatic lines~ the following approximate enlarge atructure of the typea and sizes of automatic lines to be built in 1985 to 1990 is expected (see the table). BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bron, L. S.; Zhilin, D. D. "Monitoring and Inveatigation of the Operating Cycles of Automatic Lines~" 9TANKI I INSTRtJ1~NT [Machine Tools and Tools], No 12, 1976. 2. Bron, L. S.; Zhil~n, D. D. "Determination o� the Optimal Speeda of the Fast Strokes of the Units on Automatic Linea~" STANKI I INSTRUMENT~ No 7, 1976. 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ntt O~~~C~AL US~ ONi,Y luti.l-5. YEDINAYA M~TnU~KA p1tlY~i~-SDATOCNNYKN ISPY'TAN1',Y AVTOMATICH~9KiKN LiNIY NA ZAVODE~IZGO'~OYITELE [RME1-5~ Unified M~thad of Ace~pe~nc~ T~~eing d~ Autom$tir Linee at the Manu~actur~,ng Plantj, Mo~r.ow, Nt~m~~h, 1975~ 4. V~~ii'y~v, V. S.; grnn, t,~ 9. "Be~ic Area~ of Compl~x Autom~tion of th~ M~chining of parCe i~n M~s~ Produ~ti,o~," STANKi i IN3TRUM~N'T, No 4, 1975. 5. nrnn, L~ S.; Cherpakov, 9. i. "Tr~nd~ in the D~velopm~nt uf AutomgCic Lin~~ fnr Machining~" STANKI I INSTRUM~N'r, No 3, 1975. 6. ~~dorov, S. I. "De~igning Unit Machin~ Tooia and Automatic Lines by Comput~r," STANKI I INSTRUMENT', No 8, 1975. COF'Y~tI(}~C: Izdatel~~tvo "Maghinngtiroeniye" "S~~nki i ingtrument", ~979 10845 CSd: 1g21 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ou o~~tciaL us~ orn.Y M~7'ALWO~KiNQ ~QUIPM~NT UbC 621.9.06-11Z-S2t568.5Z7 AUTOMATIC LINE3 MADE UP OP UNIT MACNINE TOOLS Mo~eow 3TANKI I INSTRUMENT in Ruasian No 2, 1979 pp 7-8 [ArCicle by N. M. Vorontchev, M. A. KUninj ~rext] in the next decad~ aignificant changes ~re expected in the etructure b~ th~ Savi~t m~ehin~ tool ~1e~t, the ba~ic an~~ of which ere enum~ratad be1oW. 1. Tl~e demand for automatic lines, unit and apecialized machine toole is inCreaging gignific~ntly in connection aith an increase in the proportion of mnss gnd lgrge-s~rieg production. 2. rh~ proportion of machfne toole With digital program control is increae- ing gharply. 3. The proportion of machine tools for bi~leting and atripp~ng operations (ag a result of using improved billets) i~ diminiehing, and the proportion of machine tools far finish operations ia increasing reapectively. 4. A aignificant amount o� equipment ia appearing ~or automation of aesembly opprarione. S. The proportion oE machinea for complex automation of technological procesaes in machine building will grow (for washing parta and aeaemblies, for metA1 coatings, heat treatment, conaetwation, testing for seal, and ~o on). Great changes are expected in the orgaeization af production control, Which will have an influence on the structural design of the machine tools, machinee and automatic lines. For example, for ~nany types of equipment the possi- hility of efficient connection to the automated technological proceas control systems and automated ahop control ayatems t~ll become a mandatory reguire- ment. The structure of the fleet of unit machines and automatic linea made up of unit machinea will change in the folluwing way: 1) the proportion of euto- matic lines will increase sharply. for many of the parta Which are today 48 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 F~R O~~tCIAL U5~ ONI.Y' m,~r.hin~d dn the unie m~Gl~ines (~nd all~hurpo~~ maehin~ ena1~) wiil b~ advnne~g~ouply m~chi.n~d ~n ~uedm~tic 1in~~ w~eh ~ gr~win~ uuCpuG volum~; 2) A~IOi'C aUC0111~C~,G lin~~ mad~e up o~ multipo~ieion unit mach3,ne tools wiil bp rr~need ag a r~~u1e o~ bro:~d ~nCrodua~it~~ d~ guedmatic dev3ces for 1o~ding ~nd unloading pnrt~); 3) ~~ignifi~ent numb~r nf ad~upeable auCometic machine ~ooi~ ~nd ~~tomati~ 1in~~ wiil ~ppear for group mach~ning, ~n partic- u~ar, fnr m~chining 1arg~-ecai~ parr~; 4) a~tomated lin~~ fnr per�orming ' ~ssembly op~r~tian~ wi11 find bro~d application. '~hp furCh~r d~velopm~nt of ehe gtructure and the structural designe nf aue~m~tie linee and unie m~chinp tools wi11 be determined by the following b~~ic factor~; 1) the m~~t ~omplete ~~ti~�~cCion of the conetantly growing r~q~ir~m~nte of con~umpr~ on Che p~rt of output cap~ciey and machining pre~fgi~n; 2) an inrr~a~~ in ~dmpl~xity of Che automgtin iin~s by guCnmaCion ~~nd m~Ch~niz~einn af e11 di the technologic~l procegg oper~tiona; 3) an inCre~gp in ~quipm~nC reli~biliey; 4) the use of the latest achievementR of ~tCtEtl~h nnd engineering wh~n designing ehe equipment. ~xpected chnnge~ in the technical speciEicatidns of unit mgchine tools and nutomr~tic lineg made up of machine tools. As ~ re~ult of improving the quality of caeting, the machining tolernnces muat be decreased for cnet iron and steel billets from 5-8 to 3-4 mm, and for aluminum billeta, from 4-6 to 1-3 mm. The precision of locating the holes in the gluminum casting muat be � ~15 mm. The teehnological process o~ machining muat become more atable ~s ~ regult nf decreusing the dispereion o� the hardneae of the cast iron billets (Ernm 25 to lOx) and improvement of Cheir machinability.~ The possibility will gppear for the machining of part~ from new materials (gr~phite, high-etrength aluminum, steel and alloys that are difficult to machine). The output capacity af the automatic lines in one f low muat increase by 1.6 times when m~chining aluminum parts and by 1.5-2 times when machining cast irnn p~rts. This increase in output capacity will become posaible as a res~ilt of increr~sed relinbility of the equtpment, the Application of ~dv~ynced cutting tools (including those equipped with hard alloy with special contings, hexalite, elbor und mineral ceramic) and improved drives for the power units nnd transport devices. The cutting additions in euch operations es milling large surfaces, finish boring, drilling deep holes~ will be improved. The following changes are expected in the structural designs of the unit machi~e tools. The machine tools will become more complex, busically multt- positional. No less than 50% of the machine tools will be equipped with devices for loading and unloading the p~trts, which wi.ll significantly ` increase the degree of the3~r automation~ Procedures will be developed for the applicntion of an adaptive control aystem on individual operations during multispindle machintng. 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ r0it Ui~'~YCrAI. US~ ()NI~Y Th~ feed driv~~ of Ct~e power un~.~s will remain one of rhe two Cypes; hydraulic or electromechan3cal. In connen~inn with an increase in speed n� th~ idle d~.sp~.acemene by 30 to LOOX ehe atrucrural deaign o~ the drive of both rypea wi11 chgngp signi.ficantly~ In the hydrnulic drive braad use wi.ll be mad~ ~f th~ standard enlut3ons, and modular unite will be used which will mak~ ie more reliable. The improvement of rhe r~l~ability will also ~ be Urogdened by gpecial coaCings of the internal cavities of Che h,ydraulic cylinders, new types of seals and the appl3ca~ion of oil~ the viacosity nf which wi11 not chnnge on variation of the temperarure. The inCroducti~n of various gyatems of hydraulic storage units and multisectional pumps will permit a sharp decrease in the number of hydraulic atations and the area ocCUpied by them. The elecCromechanical drive will be made on ~he basis of the high-moment electric motors which will increase the speed and accuracy vibration of the drive. In ehe drive of both typea provision will be made for devices ~or ndaptive control. From the other structural changes of the sCAnd~rdized units, the broad introducCion of mounted guides, Che coating o� the guides of the moving units with special plastics to improve the service life, the creation of units of increased power and rigidity, and the introduction of the united centralized lubrication system with control of iCs arrival at all points are proposed. Significant changes are expected in the structural design oF the spindle assemblies. In connection with the application of advanced cutting tools, the machining conditions have become approximately twice as critical. This requires the application of new types of hearings~ Glvboid worm gears, undulating reduction gears, toothed and ha1f~V belts are �inding application in the main propulsion drives. Milling stocks with increase power are required. In order to make use of adaptive control and automatic tool ad~ustment, standard spindle assemblies and mechanisms will be created. For the ad~ust- able automatic lines and unit machine tools, structural designs will be created for fast-change spindle heads and boxes wiCh telescopic spindles. The base parts of the unit machine tools will be basically made welded. In order to reduce their metal consumption, it is proposed that frame structural elements made of rigid elements combined with decorative elements be tested. The systems �or cooling and removing the shavings must be simplified by using centralized shop systems for feeding the cooling and lubricating liquids and removing the shavings. The following changes are expected in the structural designs of the auto- matic lines. Depending on the required output capacity the automat~ce lines will be made single-flow or multiflow (several~parallel flows),; SO FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 , ~ntt n~~ICLAL U5~ ON1,Y A11 nf et� autmm~tic lin~~ wi11 be e~mpl~x~ In gddiei~n ~n th~ m~~~1- . wnrkfn~ hquipm~nr~ m~~hin~~ wi11 b~ built inen eh~m fnr int~rro~di~t~ d~g~v,bly of pnrt~~ fdr mnnienring th~ pr~cieion param~e~r~~ ~or removal ~ of burr~ int~rmpdi~e: ~nd fin~l w~~hing, h~~e treeem~nt ~nd oth~r operetinne. Along wirh th~ automaric lin~~ d~~ignhd for me~~ producCion, eutomatiie - linea will be manufectured for lgrg~-~erl,ea ~nd ~eripe prdduction~ 5p~~ie1 m~chin~ toni~ with digitrnl prngram eontrni wi11 b~ built into auch guto- m~t:c 1ine~. The prnpnrtion of linpe fnr automgtQd ese~mbly nf Che mgae prndurcion unitg will in~rp~B~ eignificantly in the ov~rall output of nutdm~~tic lin~g. 'Ch~ numb~r nf autoca~tic lin~~ madp up nf mulCipoeition~l mncl~in~ coois will inereae~. Si~nifiCdnt chnnp,es are expected in the ~tructurel deBigng of the trens- port sy~temg for th~ eutdmatic 1#.neg: the conv~yorg with r~t~het mgchgnieme Will diggppenr, f~r the raee nf theix digplgcement ie limit~d; the etaCker rnnveyer~ will beedm~ the most widpspr~~d; p6rCa1 loaders witl find eppli- cation fr~r p~rtg (pxc~pt houeing pgrte); brogd u~e will be made of Che ~utomntiC lin~s with a,~ynchrnnnue tr~ngport and auComatir 1inp~ With ggtellite attr~chmentg~ ' Tt~e number of different devices including thos~ for ~ctive monitoring of exar.t dimengions will increase. Deviceg will appear for sorting the parCg Nith rcerect to nceuracy cles~es. The delivered e~t will include the device~ for final monitoring of the finieh~d partg. The pneumatic devices - For monitnring the pnsition of the part~ in the opereting poeitions and tli~ deviCe~ f~r mnnitoring the condition of th~ cutting tdol will find broad application. ~or :~d~ustment of the automatic lines (in the case of veriation of the m~chined part) each section of the line muet have a reserve position. In nrder to improve the conditions of labor and safety engineering all of the autom~titic lines will be protected by housinga with electric blocking. They will be equipped with inspection sites and site~ for replacing the tool~ sign.~l units, and ,Lf necessary, loaders and televieion sets. In order to improvc the coefficient of technical utilization, the gutnmatic lines aill be equipped with devices for technical diagnosie of the condition of the - mnchine cools~ mechunisma and tools. ~ [:xpected changes in the control syetems of the automaCic lines and unit machine tools. The basic goul of the control sy~:e~;,s remaine reliable qupport of the operation of nll of the mechanistas nnd to~ls in the given ~equence with observation of the time of all elementg of the c,ycle, - In addition, the modern requirements on the organization ~f operations in thr ,~hops ~1nd the operation oE equipment has stnted a qualitb*tvely new problem for the control system~ continuous tr~cing oE the operation df ~ equipment and timely communication about all oE the malfunctions in order S1 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOEt ~~~IGtAL tf3g ONt,Y tn r~du~e ~n ~ mi,nimum eh~ tim~ ia~~e~ td ~iimin~~e ~r~gni~~Eion~i ~nd thchnl,eai ~au~~~ oE pquipm~n~ i81e eim~~ it i~ prdpa~~d Ch$e th~ p~rinelpi~ rl' dix~cCic~ndl eaneral h~ m~i~eain~d in eh~ unit m~ehinp eeo1~ end ~uto- mr~tie 1in~q~ Aa th~ r~~~n~or~ ~nd ~~rvn~l~mpnt~ (ineermedi~t~ b~twe~n thp cr~ntrol ~y~~~m ~nd th~ driv~ el~m~ne), g~ ~ rule~ eontaeEle~~ d~vie~~ wi11 b~ u~ed Cpath ~eneor~, th~ ~l~m~ne~ fnr m~hu~i f~~d af th~e i~~~~u~tibn~, thr equipm~ne for ~witching an eh~ drivp elemene~). Th~ ~yci~ ~~on~rnl wil~ b~ t~~~lixhd by ~ eene~ctl~~~ ingir~ti d~vi~~ Whieh ha~ ~il of th~ n~e~9~~ry ingi~nl cnn~rul funrti~n~ ~nd fr~~ prograanning, and it i~ eoupled eo eh~ nutpue ~l~m~nt~~ Ali af thp pquipmr~nt particip~Eing in th~ ov~rall t~~hndln~ic~l proe~~g, d~p~nding nn ehe fl~eur~ nf Ch~ pr~dueeinn, ai11 b~ combin~d inco dn~ or ~~v~r~i gyet~m~ in Whteh th~ edne~~t1~~~ logic~l devic~ W111 do eccounting, ~ngly~ie ~nd predietion di the op~reei.,n of the QquipmenC~ ~xp~cted requireme~tg on th~ ~cCUr~ey of inenuf~~turing unie m~rhine tne1~ gnd autbmgtiC 1inp~. A~ignific~nt inrr~~~~ in ~ecurary ~f def~ning thp r~quir~mpnrg on th~ pre~i~ion df mnnuf~cturing thp d~fining p~rtg of the ~utnmatiC lin~~ ~nd unit machin~ tool~ i~ ~xpect~d. Thi~ pertnine - ~~ppri~lly ed pr~ri~ion nf th~ spindle a~eembll~~ of th~ milling machin~~ and bdring machine~~ For ~x~mple, end-typ~ gnd radi~l b~~Cin~ nf the machin~ tnol ~pindle fnr high ~pe~d ~nd poWer milling mugt be nn more thnn O.OU2-O.bb3 mm. The r~quirpments on th~ pr~ei~ion of manufacturing thp gearg~ houging parts of the attachmentg and epindle aegembliee Will be increag~d gignificantly. Ae a result of the technicAl improvemente enumerated dbove~ an increae~ in output capacity of the unit machiee tool by 1.5 times and the automatic line~ by 1.5-2 tiaes ie expected in the next deeade. COpYRi(3HT: Izdatel'atvo "Mashinostroeniye" "Stanki i instrum~nt"~ 19'~9 lOg4S CSO: 1821 52 FOR J~FICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~o~ o~~�icr~. us~; ortLY M~`CALWnitICING ~QU~~MENT UDC ~i21.9.06-52~658.527 AU`COMAmIC LINES ~'OR MAGHINING PAItTS OF ~'H~ SOLIDS OF RO~ATION 'TYP~ , Mo~cnw S'CANKI I INSTitUM~NT in Ruegign No 2, 1979 pp 8~10 [Arti~l~ by N. Ya. Anikeyev~ (Tpxt] The p~rte d� the typ~ of eolide of rotation amount to a significant prnportian of thp mnchine building producrion. They include the following: th~ be~ring ringe, the p~rtg of gutomobile and tracCor enginee (valvee, bolts, Crankeheft gnd di~eribuCion ghafCg~ eleevee, pietons, wriet pine, bu~hing~), and go on. Significant growth of th~ productivity of the auto- mnbiL~g, trgctnre nnd otf~er farm m~chine~ requirea further improvement of the guenmatiC line~ which are the basic types of equipment for machine p~rt~ of the type of ~olide of rotation in mase and large-seMies production~ Cnngid~ring the ba~ic trends in the development of the proceaeing of the parte nf the type of golide nf rotation, in the eext 10 or 15 yeare the following are expected: an increase in the nomenclature and output volume of th~ produccs~ an increas~ in their precigion and mechanical etrength~ brnnd ~~utomation of praducCinn procesaes (both machining and finishing � operations); brdad introductior? of automated production control syatema uaing compurera. . The introduction of advanced methods of forming parta of the type of solida of rotation (plnstic flows in the cold state, centrifugal casting, and so on) will increnge the precision of the billeta and will give aignificant sgvings of inetal as a result of obtaining billets, the shape of which ie close to the shape of the finished products with preciaion obtained during turning. This will reduce the volume of turning and increa8e the proportion nf equipment for abrasive marhintng. Incr~aein~ the nomenclature and production volume of parts of the type of soltds of r~tation will permit the creation of automated lines which are convenienr in operation with optimal output capacit,y and high load coefficient of the built-in equipment. 't'he ~utomation of the produc[ion processes in machining and o[her technolog- ical operations will increase the proportion of automatic lines ard apecial aucomntic machine tools in the overall �leet of equipment and will give rise . to the necesaity for the broad introduction of automated production control gystems ueing a computer. 53 ~OR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR O~FtCIAL U~~ ONT~Y 'Ch~ bn~ir ~r~a~ of Ce~hnical imprnVpmenC nf Che ~ut~maric line~ and equip- m~~n~ built ~.ntn them ~r~ enumer~t~d below. 'Che ~11 around eppro~~h eo ehe solution o� th~ problem of obtaining chegp and high-qugLiey production with minimum expenditures nf m~rerinl~ labor . nnd power~ Standardizaeion nf the pgrtg of Che rype of golide o� roCgtion by the Ce~hnoldgtcal principip and development o� seandard technnlogicgl procgsse~. Autnmarion of producCion proceeses not only in mage producrion buC alsn in lnrge-~eries ~nd series production. Improvement of Che nuCput capacity o� the equipment and the quality of machining in order to satiefy the growing requiremente of the coneumera. Th~ intrnduction of new technological processes buile on the lateet _ gchievem~nt~ of science an.d engineering~ Imprnvement of the reliability of the automaric lines and machines, and nn increase in their aervicp life. 'The introducCion of logical and adaptive equipment conrrol ayatems. 'Che introduction int~ the automatic lines of monitoring syatems (for the operation of the equipment and the quality of machining) with control from a common computer; the use o� a computer also to control the operation and maintenance oP the automatic lines. As a rule, the application in the automatic lines of equipment capable of mactiining parts in a defined size range. Broad standardization and unitization of the developments, including for the creation of original automatic lines. The maximum uae in the automatic lines of the equipment prod~ced by the enterprises of the USSR Ministry of the ttachine Tool Industry (when develop- ing the indicated equipment it ia necess~,ry to consider the fact that it ia built into the automatic lines and the posaibility of equipping with additional devicea for automatic loading and unloading of parts). _ Reduction of the labor consumption of the installation and ad~ustment operations and times for assimilation of capacity. Improvement of the cost benefits �rom the automatic linea and special machin~ tools. The purpose of avtomatic li.nes for the machining of parts of the type of - solids of rotation, depending on the nature of production in the next decade, will not change significantly. The automatic lines for masa pro- duction must be adjusted to produce a defined product. The equipment and 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 For~ n~rtcrnt. us~ orrt,Y CrunNpdrt m~din mu~e ~~rmie ~t~e p~~~ibtliCy n~ ad~u~tim~nC o~ Che ~uComntie lin~~ en deh~r l~k~ pxodu~C~ within th~ 1~.mie~ o~ tih~ d~fined sl,ze ran~e~ 'Ch~ ~utdm~CiC lin~~ fnr ~~ri~g prddu~tion mu~C b~ ~d~ugCgbLe fnr output af yev~rnl specifir like pr~ductg similgr wieh respECt Cn ~3z~ ~nd m~rhinh with r~gp~ee t~ a unieed r~chnnlogicnl proC~e~~ 'Th~ creat3on of th~ mulCinnmencl~turp auromatic lin~g for geries produceinn of g~veral part~ (diEf~ring signifieantly witli rp~p~ct to s~ze and technical epecification~ and mnchi.ned by diff~rent t~chnnidgieal proc~~~e~) in the~ majoriCy of casd~ t~ ~c:hnomically in~xp~dient~ fdr th~ u~e Cne~ficient o� the equlpmenC ie dec:rensed, the idle eime a~ a reeult of cnmplexity of ad~usCmenr ie incrensed, It ie ttlgn inexpedienr to build autom~eic 1in~e for assembling cdmpl~x~g m~de up of differene number~ of p~re~ of d~ffer~nr configuration nnd purpoge, fdr in thie c~s~ ehere ie gignificant idle time of the equip- ment both during the ~djueement time and dperation. 'Che cdmplex~:g of line~ (ehe automatic lin~ systema) m~gt r~alize the CompleCe t~chnnlogiCU1 cycle n� mnchinin~ p~rt~ and in the genergl case be made up of ~uCnm~Cic lin~s fdr dbt~ining preci~ion bill~eg, �nr complete machining~ fdr ti~ne treatment, �or conerol, cvnservation gnd pgcking~ In the nutom~tic lines it is neceegary to prnvide devicee fnr monitnring the geometric p~rnmeters, the quality of the heat treatment nnd equipment for dressing producCs of shaft type. The gutomatic linea for aseembling th~ product~ must be equipped wiCh trnnapnrt media realizing automatic feed of the kit elementa from the holders and storage ~lemente to the assembly machines. If the equipment needed fdr automatic linea ia not produced by the machine tonl building plante, then when designing automatic lines it is neceeeary to provide the posgibility of installing this equipment in the line (with respect to the initi~i aatg of the consumer) and corresponding traneport devices. As a rule, the automatic lines must be standard (that is, created on the basis of the technically substantiated standard technological process), which permits us to make the transition to Che modular conatruction of the automatic lines and built-in equipment; transport and loading media must also be atandard. The modulnr construction of the automatic lines will reduce the time for planning, design, manufacture and the installation and adjustment operations, and it will also improve the conditione of aeaimila- tion, opera[ion nnd maintenance of the automatic lines (including servicing nf them and repair operations). The outpur capacity of the automntic lines must be increased as a reault of implementing the foll~wing measures: decreasing the tolerances on the billets, that is, nbtaining parts with deviations with res}~ect to geometric parameters o� no more than 0.1-0,5 mm (on the billeting operations) and O.aS-0.1 mm (on the turning, milling, broaching and other operations with the application of cutting tools); improving the cutting conditiona when machining with a cutting taol 1.5 to 2 times by the application o� new types of tools Cmade of elbor, hexalite, mineral ceramic and tools 55 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OR O~t~'~CIAL US~ ONLY equipped wi,th nonreeharp~n~b~,~ ti,pa); an incregee ~.n ~p~~d~ en 80-120 m/~ec and eran~v~re~ gpee~a to 15-25 mm/m~.n when machindng with ~n ~br.~~ive tooi by ehe gppli.caCion nf new eypes o~ abr~~iv~ diece ~nd Coniing and lubric~eing liquide, effectiive finiehing the operneing sur�aces of the abrAeive tiools~ j , y ~5 5 G ap y 5~; ~ ~ - t~:t~ ~ Figure 1. M~510L0 aut~matic line for machining wrist pine ~ Ty~~ I ~E~~~ , ~ ;-s~W' :.a;. w . ~=a _ r ,y r i s,~ ~ ' r r k'~A ~ Figure 2. NE57aL0 automatic line for machining the fastening bolt of a bearing cover 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~0lt nC'~tCtAL USL ONLY A ' ~ ~ ~vf.!i~ ~ , . . , ' ~ ~igure 6L439 ~utnm~tic linE df sleeve m~chining 'Che technicnl meu~ures and the prpdiceed volum~ of introdurtion of th~m b~fnr~ 1990 for the ~utom~tic 1in~~ fdr the productidn of benring ring~, boltq, vnlves, wrigt pins ('Cable 1) ~nd for uutnmatiC lineg for the produc- tion of sl.eeveg, pistons (Tnble 2) nre preg~nted in Che tnbles. Tnble 1 predicted volume of introducrion. 9~ Technicnl measures 1976-1980 1981~1985 1986~1990 Crindtng with a cutting speed of, m/yec: 35-50 98 35 10 50-80 2 60 40 80-120 - 5 50 Use of billets obtained by: }{ot stamping with up to 5 mm al.lowance 85 25 20 Prer.tston hot stamping, extrusion and rolling with a machining allowance to 2 mm 2 45 20 Pr~cision celd stamping wLth m~chtnin~ allowance to 1 rtun - S 30 C~~ld extrusion .ynd stamping with a machining allowance to 0.6 mm 13 25 30 Applicatian oE power grindin~; instead oE turning S 15 20 Coordinated grinding of sever.~l surf~'1CP.3 15 20 25 Adap[ive equipment control system 2 15 30 System for self-optimization of the machining cycles - 5 25 57 F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR O~~ICIAL USE ONLY ` Tablp 2 ~r~diceed yolume ef i~nCroducCion, x ~'ae.hnic~l m~~~ure ' 1976~1980 1981~1985 1986~1990 Cutring conditiens: Eff~cC~.v~ ~t the present time 100 30 20 tncreaeed by 20X ^ 70 2Q Incr~n~ed by 40~ ~ " 6~ 'The ~pplic~eion of diamond~ and diamond eubseitutes in f~ni~hing operntions ltl 20 25 M~tched grinding of ~everal eurfaces 10 ZQ 25 Adaptive equipmen~ cot~trol eystem ~ 15 50 Sy~Cem for ~elf-optimization o� m~chining cycleg - 10 40 Sy~tems for 1o$ical cnnCrol gnd rhe control of ~utomatiC lines from computerg - 10 50 The development and~introduction of predicted eechnicgl improvements of a~tnmatic lines require the solution of serious scientific and Cechnical problems connected with the creation of new types of equipment and the performance of experimental research work. Fdr further improvement of the grinding machinea and improvement of their operating conditione, the modular principle of construction ie neceseary where the machine tool is made up of standardized moduler units and in this case the modules for the same purpoae but different execution are inter- changeable. In order to insure high cutting epeede ~80-12Q m/sec for circulnr grinding machines and 80 m/sec for internal drilling machines) the following are needed: the introduction of powerful high-speed epindles on hydrostatic supporCs and on roller bearinga; the application o� automated or semiautomated balancing of the disca; the inaurance of ~ stable grinding speed with disc wear; the creation and inCroduction of flat and half-feed belts capable of transmitting high power at high angular velocities. In order to improve the reliability of the machine tools,~the broad applica~ tion of screw Cype rolling pairs, powerful and high~momentum drives, rock- ing guides and hydrostatic guidea, hydraulic and electrical equipment with long operating time per failure, is needed~ In order to reduce the suxiliary time it ia neceasary to inerease the rates of fsst diaplacements of the asaemblies and the transport loading mechanisma, to dress the disc not with respect to the cycle but with reapect to the ' actual necessity (determined by the machining pre~ision~ the level of vibration, the increase in load, and so on~. 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR O~~ICIN. USE ONLY 'Ch~,i~i.on n~ th~ m~?chin~ng gnd ehe euepue c~p~Ciry c~n h~ ~~,gnl�3cr~neiy iner~~~~d by lneroduc:ing rhe ~qu~pmene controi ~y~r~nt and the sy~tem �or ~~1f~dpt3mi~~tion o~ the cyci~~~ Th~ s~1~~peim3xgei~n ~y~Cem is mgdg up of high�preci~ion, fa~~~~cti~,ng instruments which noti only Contrnl th~ quallty and mach~.ning output c~pacity of the given Ctme~ but also they optimally change the cycle program Cehe eraneitione withi,n the cyc1~, the machining condition~~ Che spindle rpm of rhe product~ th~ osciilatiun frequency and the elamping dow?1 forc~ of the product g~ a fun~tion nf the trane3tion)~ ~or Cust d~tarminaCion and elimination o� f~,ilure~ in th~ equipment provision will be mgde fnr the syet~ms for diggnoeing the cgusee of fa3lur~s~ Anglugou~ probleme muet be aolved for the creation of other special machine toolg for machining parta of Che aolid of revolution type~ In nrder to insure effinient operation of the automation linea it is neceasgry Co build standard Crgneport meang (atorage elementa, magazines, 1o~ders, conveyers, and so on1 heving ehe poseibility of ad~uetment (or univerealiCy) with a high degree o� reliability~ The elecCrical industry mueC acceleraCe the ~~similation nnd output wiChin n wide range of the h3gh-momentum electric motors (with built~in Cacho- genpr~eorg and electric brakea) and the control syatema for thea?. The demand for high-preciaion electric motora (with a vibration level of leas than 1 micron), small devices for ad~ueting the rpm and the line ~~lectric motors, and the program control units (with atepping drive and digital display) and a number of other d~vices and system~ is increaeing. It is necessary to continue the operationa with respect to improving the reliability of the electrical equipment ~nd the apparatus ueed in the auto- matic lines and the sutomatic line control syatana~ It is also necessary to provide for Che completion of hydraulic equipment made from standard modulea obtained by aynchronized production by epecialized plants. In order to improve the caachining precieion and the operating stability, the machine tools must be equipped with hydraulic drivea which operate on hydraulic cylinders having an elastic baffle. The outpuC capacity nf the pumps must be ad~uaCable. The broad application of hydrostatic guides and hydrostatic apin~le aupports - requires centralized output of spec3,al~,zed hydraulic etationa~ Specialized ' manufacture o� the stations for centxalized feed of the lubr~.cation with automatic control and signalling ~.n the case o� emergency aituations ia also needed. At the preaent time automatic lines are being manufactured for the parts of the automobile induatry using technical improvementa indicated above. 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR OFFtCiAL U9E ONLY - Th~ M~510L0 gutomaeic l~,nee (~~,g i) ~or wr~.~e pi,n~ ~re m~de up of ~even unite o� technolog~,ca1 equipmene connected hy ~n aueom~,t~.c canv~y~r~ On the aueomati.c l~.nea rough gr~,nding of th~ out~ide surface~ grinding ef th~ ~nde and faces, semi~inieh and �~.nieh ~rl,nd~,ng o~ rh~ oure~d~ sur~ac~~ finiehing of tihe ~utside eurface, w~ah~,ng and drying are per~ormed~ The wriet pine are produced wiCh a devi~tion no moxe than 7 microne wieh respecti Co outaide diamerer and 1. to 2 microns With reepec~ to ovalness~ con3calnee~ ~nd �acing. When mgnufacturing tihe f~stening boles �or tihe bearing cover on th~ M~S78L0 nutomatic lines (~ig 2)~ th~ Curning ~.e repl~ced by power grind3ng~ The 6L439 automatic lina deeigned �or broaching Che hole and ~inieh rurning of the gleeves is illustrated in Fig 3. The final bro~ching of the sLeeve~ is done by a eool made o~ elbore with a curting epeed o� 420 m/min~ COPYItIdI~!': Szd~tel'g~vo "Nhahinoatro~niy~" "S~gnki i insbrument"~ i979 10845 CSO: 1821 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR Ut~i~ tC iAL UJ~ tlNLY MC~ALWOItKING ~QUI~M~NT UDC 621~9.06(494)=A61.43(47+57) ~XNI~ITION 0~ SWISS MACHIN~ ~UOLS rtogcnw STANKI I iNSmRUM~NT in Ruesian No 2, 1979 pp 27~30 (Articl~ by M. Yu. Yevetegney~v] CTextJ In Octob~r 1978 an exhibi,tion of Swi~e machine toolg was held in the Snkol'nichegkiy ~xhibition Complex under the moCCo ~'The Future of Nigh Precision ttgchin~ Tools." About 70 companies, basically membere o� the "tnols ~nd measuring ingCrumentg" group of Che association of Swisa mgchine tool builders ahowed metal cutting mach~nee, equipment for machine withouC filing removal and also attachments, measuring machinee and fittinge in an area of 5000 m2~ ~ In eccordnnce with the traditional area of development o� machine tool building in Switzerland, the autombted high~precision epecialized equipment wae predominant at the exhibit. - Lgthe group of machine tools. In spiCe of a comparatively small (13) number of exhibits, all of the basic types o� lathe equipment were preaented which are characteristic of the Swias industry, including two machine toole aith digital program control (type CNC and t~iC), five copying lathea with digital progr~m cor.trol, and five automatic machines with cam control, and one all- purpose screw-cutting lathP. For all af these machlne tools, the tendency toward increas~d preciaion (especially by controlling the thermal deformaCiona) with high output capncity is characterietic, insured by the application of the cnrreaponding control gystema and increasing the cutting apeed and the idle speed. The REV 60/8 lathe with dig~tal program control (~iabegger Company) is designed for the series of machining of parts. It i.s equipped with An � 8-position revolving head and four transverse sides~ one of which can be replaced by the copying attachment. Its di,atinguiahing feature is the broad limita of operating feeds (5:to 8000"mm/m~n) xnd the extremely high idle speed (15 m/min for the revolv~ng side and 22 m/mi,n for traneverae side) provi,ded by the hydraulic drive under pressure in the hydraulic system oE 40 kg-force/cn~2. The limits o� the spindle speed are 52 to 4000 rpm. 61 FOR OF'FICII,L U~E UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Oit h~~ICtAL t)5}s ONLY `Ch~ `CAIt-M/num6S machin~ ~~01 wiCh digie~l pro~r~nt eon~rol (~ar~x Comp~ny) which i~ ~n~io~nus wiCh re~~ect tn purpose wae o� ~.ntiere~e to the v~,~i.eor~ Erom the of view of ~h~ des3gn of iCs CurreC-copying un~,t (~~,g 1) combini,ig the c~pying ~lides and the drive of Ch~ ~.nCerchan~eabl~ 8-posit~.on r~vdlving h~ad~. Dapending on ehe shap~ o~ ~he machine product, th~ rutir~t ~oyping unie c~n be inetall~d verticaliy or ~.nclined. '~h~ Tdrnn~ Campnny h~~ pre~entpd the ~in~1e-~pindle MS-7, R-LO and 1tR-20 ~urnm~tic machin~~ and th~ A5~14 ~nd BS~14 mulrispindle aueomat~.c ~egchinea. 'rh~ MS-7, R-10 nnd Rit-20 aueomatie machine~ degigned for mac~ining b~re 10, 12 and 20 mm in diameCer, respect3vely, are equipped wirh ~ Barboy Cype loader made by the same company~ These machine tools have sp~.ndles whieh are mouneed ~n Che begringe of the Micxonic syetem and wh~ch are - edmpl~eply 1ond~d from the eension of the drive belt. The Cdol modul~ is d~liv~r~d in fiv~ ~nd gix-cutter ~xecutiong. Th~ 8-~pindl~ automatic BS-14 inaures Che posei.biliCy o� aimultaneous machining of rwo p~rte as a result of the preeence of Che loading poai.tiona. '~he machine Coo1s of thi~ eype ttre equipp~d wiCh devices ~or gtopping r~nd lncating Che apindle in rhe oriented and in any position, which permirs Che use of special ateachm~nts~ fnr example, a device for Cransverse drilling. Thp bed of the automatic machine is a welded atructural element filled with concreCe. linth ~f th~ displgyed multispindle automatic m~chines nre equipped with a deV~Cp fnr operative diagnosig. One is the 8~10 position circular awitch with degignation of the moat Cypical failureg insralled on the bed of the machine tool and connect~d to a signal light. Wh~n necessary the operator can determine the location of the failure by a light that burns when Che switch is rotated. � One of the most interesCing exhibits at the exhibition was the 125-CNC lathe with digital program control (the Schaublin Company) (see Fig 2). In the main propulsion drive, an asynchronous motor, a belt variaCor and pneumaticglly controlled gear box were used. The feed drive ia made up of a high-momentum motor with resolver and the screw-nut rocking transmission with preliminary tension. The rotation of the revolver head ie realized by a pneumatic device, and the indexing, by toothed rims with endRtype teeth. The widespread use of the pneumatic devices made it poasible to do away with the hydraulic system. The machine tool is equipped with the HNC type control ~ystem with built-in small computer and a memory~ o~ 8 K 16~b~.t words~ The memory is made up of two parts designed fox programming the movement o~ the slide and the auxiliary functions o~ the machine tool (tihe ~i,rat part~ and the geometric parameters of the parts (second part). Seventy-tvo subroutines have been introduced into the computer memory, including aubroutines for rectilinear and curvilinear displacements, for multipath thread cutting, and so on. 62 FOR OFFICII~L L'SE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ FOEt O~FICI:AL USL ONLY ~ � , ~~~3~ ~ E~, :j Y~ ~Y ~f~`t Y' ~ ,-lil~~ l~,l ~3 ~igure 1. Turret-copying unit of the TAR-M/num65 lathe made by the Tarex Company c.,~U!' ~r: r . g � . t ~ . . u" , ~ ~ ;'~`'"j' ~ ~ ' 3f't y}~~ ~ 1 . ,``s ~ ' ' ~+,`Y ~.~.z` ~*{~f'+,~le~x ~ . � s. 'Yt ,,,d; 5 , r . , i ~ kb a.::~ ~ y d w ~ ~ t~:~:;~t:. . . . . . t.~.~FF~~4~~ x ~~'~~z y~,,, . , . ' V ~ ; ~`rt t r ~ Y ~ ~'x~ i. i � , z 0 ."k..:. f ~N*~ F~ t . ~ _t~ J; e;~ ~~;:ii ~ ! ~4i o.~ t"t~~ ~ri'~~ 9 ~ ' ~ { ~ 3~ ~-.~c~~ f; u.:=e:N . *.:~~Si::-..~s:~:.~' : "i'ta~a i". ^ l Figure 2. Model 125-CNC lathe bu~,lt ~~.gure 3~ Model 125~SEV tool~ by the Schaublin Company gr~, bu~lt by the Agaton Com~any 63 FOR OFFICInL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 P'OR 0~'I~'ICIAL USF. ONLY The operator w~l], perform rhe cod~,ng by a dxa~t~,ng o~ the ~art the reference code Cables~ It writea the code on a apec~,~l ,�orm ~rom by Che butrona and eoggle awitchea locaCed on Che control panel ~.t is enrered in th~ computer memory. When necessary ~he program can be edited r~nd wriCCen on A compacti caeae~te. The program can be reproduced bnth from m~mory and from the cassetCe. The program a~.ze is uaually no more Chnn 50 frames. Technical Specificationa Height of centera, rnm 125 C eatese disCance between centera, mm 350 No of posiCions of the revolving head � 4 Rpm limita of the apindle (38 atepa~, rpm 4$-3000 Speed, mm/min: with respect to 7-axis 0-1000 with re~pece Co X-axis 0-500 Fase stroke speed, m/min: along the Z-axis 3 along the X-axis 2 _ DiscreCeness along the X and Z axes, microns 5 Power of the line drive, kilowatCs 3 rtass, kg 1215 Machine tools for abrasive machining. Twenty machine tool, building companies have presented more than~40 units af the equipment in this group. The basic trend for the grinding machines traced by Che exhibition materials is a broad application of the means of active monitoring of dimensions during the cutting process and automation of the machining cycle. The model 200 automatic machine built by the Voumard Company to grind cylindrical and conical holes and the end of the fuel ~et housing is of great interest from this point of view. The automatic machine has two operating positions: in the first position the central hole and outside cone are ground, and in the second posiCion, the end surface and the seal cone. Two ~ets are machined simultaneously. The machine tool is equipped with mechanisms for automatic compensation of the wear of ~the grinding diac. The Agaton Company showed the model 125-SEV machine tool (see Fig 3) designed for manual electrochemical grinding of a hard--alloy soldering tool along the rear, front and aux~.l~ary~ surfaces~ The or3.g~.na1 design o~ the circular bench perm~,ts the cutting tools to be ground at any requ~red angle, it � permits grinding of the rad~,al cutting edges~ the roughness of the machined surface Ra~0.125 to 0.25 microns~ A high degree of automation d~,st~,nguishes the sur�ace gr~,nding mach~,ne tool model MHPE 500 bu~,lt by the Tripet Company with dimene~,ons of the working area of 500x200 mm, wh~ch inaures planeness o� 2 m~crons. The maehirie tool 64 FOR OFFICItiL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ' rc~Ei ~~i~r~.c,rn~, u~t: nN~,Y . lx ~~r~ufp~~ed wteh n dc~vtcr Enr digital. di~pl.ay n~ Che di~plqr.~m~nt c~f th~ - kr~.n~~ing ~tc~r,k nnd the tran~v~r~e ~lid~g, The twn-bie nw~.r~h.~~ m~k~ ie nnHylble tn ~elect eh~ verCieal �~ed o� th~ di~c with r~vereing of Ch~ hench. The feed ie frdm n etepping mntdr~ Th~ machin~ Conl i.~ ~qutpppd with rnugh (ZS micron~) and fine (1 micron) finieh filters~ The switches for revereing the benrh faeCpned ro magnets and int~reCting wieh eh~ small, ~~nntnctlhg~ terminal brenker~ ar~ o~ ~ignificnnt inC~rest~ 'I'he poy~ibilitie~ nf the method ~f in~feed grinding ar~ dpmon~ergted by the Rpecintized ~emi-uutomatic R53-B2 with digital program cnntrn] (th~ ~wag Compnny) for grinding multicutter rool (reamer~, milling rurter~, Caunt~r- ~inkq) and rotnting tipg. A disCinguiehing featur~ nE the machine Cnol i~ t~~c f;~rt tt~dt the feed for in-cutting (diecreten~s~ 2~5 micrnne) is re~~ltzed by xtepp[ng mutor~ Thc~ automntic dividin~ aCtaehment with the steppi~i~ motor provide~ fdr four nr eight revolution~ at edd angles with a pr~~ct~iun of S4". 'Che oper.~tin~ cycle ia programmed u~ing plugd and t~n- pog it ion Kw itCheg. 7'hc broad utilizntion of ~lectronic cleviCeg (the Studer~ Nnueer and ~weg Companies) tnr determining the contuct time of the digc with the product _ with outp~it to a pointer, a loud~peaker or headphones nnd which some of thp dt~c sreed ha~ attracted attention. Urilltn~;-milling-boring group of machine tools. It is poasible to note the ~ .~ppearance of espectally thin r,?ultitool machine tonls digitr~l program c�ontroi based on the pr~cision all-purpose equipment~ An inccrestinP design for the multitool 5IP 800/65 machine tool verticgl spindlc., was presented by Che SIP Company. The baeis for the deaign is a c?.osed ri~id frame which does not have visible deformationa under high cutting forcF~s. For di~placementa with respect to three axes there are ro11nC Yu1dCh with E,reliminary tension. The spindle atock is cast in the :;ame ~~nit with the gearbox and guides, which guarantees high precision of the location of the spindle axis. The lutter is turned at a frequency of 10 to 3~~0 rpm by 10 kilowatt electric motor with n apeed variator and ~ 3-pn~ition seler,tor. The stroke of the bench (the X-coordinate) is 1200 mm~ the gCroke af the stock (tlie Y=coordinate) is 900 mm~ the atroke of the mov- ' ing c~roHS member (the Z-coordinate) is 950 mm. 'Che rate o~ coordinate ~ rltspl.~cements is 0-6 m/min with u feed drive motor power of 1.5 kilowatCs. Tt~e ~pindle feed (in the horizonCal plane) is 0.001~6 mm/rev. The control Sy:~Cem provtdeR for correction of 15 values of the r~dius and 40 valuea ~f t}~e tool len~;th. _ The dtsplacement drive along the Z-axis (see Fig G) is of interest~ in wtiirti ttie m~vement of the ends of the crosa piece is m~ttched by means of line~r inductosy-ns. wh~ch durtn~ moti.on i,nsures parallelness of the croas memher c~ith reapect to the plane of the bet~ch. According to the company ~f~ta~ tt~c~ mean square deviation of the errors on inatallation, ~ust as the GS FOR OF~IC1r,L CSE OiJLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ ~~E~ tlH'FICtAL U~1: (1NLY ~rrur~ r~u~pd by bincktng and r~v~z'ei,ng !.s no mdr~ th~n 1,5 mi,cron~~ Th~ m~~hine tnol w~~.~hr~ 31 enn~~ ~t ~ t f ~ ~e~r~ . 4 ~igur~ 4. CdnCrol eystem for the moving crnee bar of the 5IP 800/65 m~chin~ Cnol built by th~ SIP Company: 1-- cross bar; 2-- linear inductosyn; 3-- ecrew-nut rocking trnnsmission; 4 ~lectric moeor The multitnvl NM4MCT mgchin~ ro~l built by the Oerlikon-Buhrle Company is cquipped wieh an original system for replacing tnole in which the used tanl i~ inetnll~d in the nearest free recess; new information ie then _ enteeed in the computer memory on the positian of the tool. 'The operarion of finishing the cone nf the tool by rotnting brushes ia included in the " tool replacement cycle. An interesting example of a machine tool which combines high precision with the advantages of program control is the DIXIF330EV boring machine of the bIXI Compnny (see F'ig 5). It has a two-column design with high rigidity ~ and is equipped with an optical aygtem for reckoning the diaplacements with respect to all of the ].inear coordinates (discreteneas 0.001 mm) and a18o turning the table (discreteneas 1"). This insures a precision of the linear di~plncements of �0.002 mm, and nngular displacements of +2". The poasi- bility of rotation around the C-axia (by means of a special auxiliary verCical bench) will permit the product to be machined i:1 one setting alang all planes and in practice at any angle in apace. The application of the digital program control syetem of the CN-DIXI- Vidimatic type made it possible signi.ficantly to reduce the machine time, first of all, of the products'with high complexity. The positioning takes place in two stepst initially, the rough setting using pickups (precision +0.015 mm), then exact positioni,ng (precisi.on +0.001 mm) using the line measure (scale) installed on the bench~ the reading of the data from which is accomplished by the Vidtcon type televisi.on camera. The _ scales are made of heat-atabilized, chome-plated steeel. 66 FOK OFFICI~tL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 H'Ok cll~CtC;1AL U~I: nNI,Y Th~ ~pindle dz~,v~ i~ H ki.lnwaCta~ Thp ep~~d limita ~r~ ~ en 1600 rpm. The epindl~ hng nri.~nt~d halt with prpc~,gi,nn dx 10�~ 'Che fged along the X, Y r~nd 7. nxp~ is cnntinuoug (hydraullc dri.vp) wi.Ehin Ch~ limi,Ce of 3^990 mm/min, mh~ machi.n~ tnol~ of Chig Cype cgn be equipped a d~vice for guCnmatir Conl replaCem~nt with ~ Cnp~ciCy af up to 144 todl~ and a syaCem fdr l~op prngrdm cdntrc~l whiGh cnnv~re~ Chem Cn >>recieion mulCitnol ma~hinp rools~ 'I'h~ trend in equipping ehp gll-purpoge milling machin~a with simplified control gygtems is traced w~ll nn the 41~ type marhine tnolg of the Mikron Company, Thes~ m~chine touls have either onLy a reading syetem (the Ileidenh~in Company) bas~d on ehe glase lin~ grids and the digital coordin~Ce displ~y (gtnring th~m ig pnggibl~) or n gimplified eyst~m with digit~l pro- gra?n contrnl with progrununing nf the rectiline~r circuits~ In the latter case ehe progrnm i~ realixed ~n~nu~lly by ~ keybogrd, 'The given values of the coordinnCes ~re often 1lghted on n digplay~ The editing of the program and the ednn~ction of the recording unite on magnetic Cape with simultaneous ~ ~ut nf the progrnm is pos~ible~ The programming is simple and cjn~s not require ~pecial programmer's qunlificntions nf the operaCor. 'fhe palimatic 100 NC2 drilling-milling-boring machine (the Fehlmann Company) ie equipped with this type nf system. The coordinate bench drive contains a stepping engine and a screw-nut ball pair. The control of the operating diyplacement of the spindle is cyclic (standard cycles are programmed). The structure of ttie digital program control o~ the machine tool equipped witt~ small computer will permit realization of the loop mact~ining ns a resutt of the presence of linear and circular interpolators. The progrrim put together in accordance with the outline of the part is recorded on a form as the codes for the process~ins[ructions and geometric data. The operator inputs the program directly at the work area~ The machining pro~ ~ram c~n be repeated many times. When storage is required, it is recorded on a magnetic tape. Tl~e all-purpose tJF3-CNC millinP, machine built by the Mikron Company is - designed Eor milling complex curvilinear outlines; the dimension~ of the working zone are xXyX2-SOOXSOOX320 mm. The stepping moCOrs inaure an c~perating feed within the limits of 1-G00 mm/min and a fast stroke speed of l.2 m/min; the speed limits of the spindle are 50-2240 rpm (12 steps). The control system 4f the CNC type model FPK-8 (built by the Andron gmbh Company) - of this machine tool is executed in the form of an operator panel with display insuring the possibility of manual progrfumning, checking and editinY of the programs~ The proRram carrier is in the form of magnetic discs wt~ich, i.n the opi,nion of the company, insures the best preservation ~f the program with high information densi.ty. The ready-access memory f.ur the system is 8 K. 67 FOR O~FICI~;:. USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OR OFFICIAL US~ OtJI..Y M~r,htnC enale of thc ~;~~r grindin~ group~ Thr~ g~n~rnl dir~cCinn of d~v~lupmpnti and improvement o� Che Swi~~ genr grind~,ng machin~a con~~.etg in the precieion and outpuC capsCi,Cy~ pxpanding thp Cpchnologienl ond the appllGarion of the eleetronic control gyatem~. AC thp rxpoeir~on �ive cdmp~nies pre~enCed 12 equipm~ne unite for ~ear grinding nnd moniroring of ehp gearg; some o� the machine rools were ehown for ehp fir~t time. Atee~einn wag gttrgcted by Che ItKZ 400 machine tool bui1C by the Reiehauer Company design~d to grind ringe up to 400 mm in digmeter and wiCh a modulu~ to 10 mm. The belt~drive rolling mechanism ia combined in it with ~lectronic conerol of rhe nd~u~tment and ehe machining cycle~ The vert~cal dieplgcpment of Chp carriage of the grinding diac is realized ~long the rolling guides frdm a hydraulic cylinder. The machine Cool is quickly ad~usted and, accnrding eo Che company daCa~ provides grinding precision which ig a degree higher than uaual on this Cype of machine Conl~ r ^d" ~ ~ ^'k: ryl . icy g�~-~ t~ y a~ ~fK ik :Y ~ ~1~< . X t. . g t { ei ~ e, ~g ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! Tj l ~r ;~~~;.k! '~t,,,dtt~ 2Mh~~~4y~ . � ~ . ~iC r w~ � . hY ~ : I T ' l,: Figure 5. A DIXI F330EV boring machine built by the bIXI Company The A33 machine tool built by the Mikron Company is an example of a fast- adjustable gear grinding machine which is eepecially advantageous under the conditions of small-series production. It is designed to machine wheels up to 80 mm in diameter with maximum modulus to 2 mm, and it has plugboard control of the machining condiCiana and also a swivel head which is auto- matically switchable to different numbers of teeth. The loaders models W31, W38 and W25 bu~lt by the Wahli. Company for gear ~rinding machine t~ols are prospective i,n the opinion o� the apecialista. With a capacity of 20,0~0 to 200~000 p~eces~ the loading time is 0.3 to 1.5 seconds. 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OR OFFICfAL USE hNLY ~rh~ Qlectrnphysiench~mi~el equipm~nC grdup wng r~pregpntpd ~C ehe pxpneiCidn by rhrQ~ marhin~ Cno1H bu~,le by Chp AG~~ Comp~ny~ The copying bro~chinp, machines mdd~le ~MS 2.20 and ~tS 3.30 ineure machining oE the hol~~ cuviti~~~ mhe ~truceurai deeign nf Che oeniilnt3ng hegd will permit Chig - mg~hining ~l~d at nn angle. proviaion ie made for remote co~trul ra~ the frequ~ncy nf Che p1~n~C~ry move~n~ne nf the ~1ect~odQ in the Cr~ck~ng regim~ c~nd step v~ri~tinn of th~ ~mplitude nf the output voltage. Th~ d~.splay unir fdr th~ ~t~biliey ~f thp procege inst~lled on the control panel permiee th~ op~rgeor e~ oprimize the machtne condieinns~ High-momentum ~leetric motnr~ nr~ u~ed in eh~ f~~d eervodrivea~ 'Che mndel U~M-2S0 el~ctrnero~ion ~lorring machine is equipped wiCh a Ktationr~ry brncket with device~ ChgC provide for varying the slope angle dE the wir~ and thp mggnitud~ of the bracket ~pening. The digitel program conCrnl eyeCem mod~l Agimerique CNC providee for five-coordinate conCrol (displnc~ment di the bench wiCh regpect Co the X c~nd Y axes and diaplacemene . of the verCic~l guide of the wire wieh resp~ct to the X, Y and 2 axes) ~nd ,~uComntic correction of the program gs a function of the aceual posiCion of the part on the bench of the machine tool~ COF'YRI(3~: Izd~t~1'atvo "Nlashinostroeniye" "Stanki i inatrumenti", 1979 10845 C50: 1821 69 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOtt OF~ICIAL US~ ONLY MG~TALW4RKIN(i EQUI~'MENT UDC 621.9.06-529 . ~XPERIENCE IN THE INTRODUCTION OF MACHINE TOOLS WITH DIGITAL PROGRAM CONTROL Moscow STANKI I INSTItUM~NT in Ruseian No 2, 1979 p 30 [Article by V. D. N~lyubin, F~ I. FedorovJ [TextJ Ae the enterprise there are 160 model ~'F~-Ss, FP-7, FP,9~ FP-17~ 6N13GN1, 1K62PU, ATPr2m12s machine Coola d~,gital program control in operation. The five-coordinate FP-14 ml milling machine, the MA-655A multitool machine, the FP-17IrIId three-coordinaCe milling machine tools (with built-in N33 interpolACor) and the KFP-250A Chree-coordin~te milling machine tool are in the aesimilation stage. Parta with more than 1800 nomenclaturea are being machined on machine toole with digital program control. The installation, ad~ustment and acceptance of machine tools with digital program control are being carried out by the chief power en~ineer aervi~es which include specialized laboratories (hydraulic and electrotechnical). The acceptance of the machine tool by the shop is formalized by a document. Further servicing and repair of it are the business of Che shop mechanic services which include the electronica groups. Specialized sections of machine tools with digital program control for machining standard parCa have been set up in the mechanical shops. In addition, the machine tools are grouped with reapect to type of machine materials (ateei, nonferrous metals and alloys). The machine tools of the lathe group (models 1K62PU and ATPr2m12s) have also been grouped together. This organization of the sections will make it posafble to introduce a multiple machine tool servicing. At the preaent time 57 of the operators are aervicing 76 machine tools with digital program control for two~shift operation. - The following procedure has been established for the transfer of the machining of parts to machine tools wi,th digital pxogram control~ When starting up a product far production, the complex brigades including the shop technologiats, the specialists in the chief technologist's division 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 FOR q~~ICIAL USC ONLY gnd rh~ progr~m canrrol divie3.on ~.n~p~cC Che dr~tw~,ng~ ~nd mek~ ~ 13eC nf p8rt~ Co be mgchined ~n rhe machine too].e wirh digital prngr~m conernl~ On ehe baeie of. th~ li,st, ehe machine ehopa ~oinrly with ehe progr~un conrrol divlAion put tngether an annual plan ~Eor eranefer of the mach~.n~,ng of the pc~rte to the mar.hin~ toole witih digi,t~l prograro conerol~ Thi~ plan which i.~ ~pprnvpd by the chief engin~er contains the nam~ nf the part, th~ numb~r ~~E the drawing, the times �or preparing and introducing the program~~ Ah ~quipment liet ie al~o compiled in para11e1 which 3ncludes ~ list of - mgc:hin~ tool atrachments and rouls needed to manufacture ehe part~ the deeigner, the manufacturer and the manufactur~,ng times~ dn the bgais of eheae charts~ the machine shops are a plan ~nnu~lly to inCroduce machining of Che pares by the programa. Thie plgnning sygtem will permie prnper determination of th~ loading o� Che machine toole digieal program conerol and a demand for them aud also wi,ll insure tim~ly preparation of Che progr~ne and equipmenC. 7'he cglculation nnd preparatinn of Che programs are done by the program control division. It includes the proceae ahop, the circulaCion groupa~ the computer mainCenance office and Che progranuning automation group. The calculntion groups are ateached to the machine ehope, 'The developmenr and introducrion of the programs are realized as followa. mhe technologists of the machine ahopa make up a technical assigrnnent for the preparation of the programs for each part~ In it the type of billet~ the required number of passea and programs, the parametera of Che cutting tooly, th~ syetem for basing and attaching the part (or the machine tool nttachment) and the type of machine tool are indicated. On the baeis of the rechnical assignment, the technical office of the program cantrol divieion develops a proceas calculation flow chart which indicates the dimenaions requtred for calculating the programs, the tra~ectory of motion of the cutting tool in the XOY plane and the drops along the Z-axis. By the dimensions of the drawing and the data from the calculaCed procesa flow chart, the calculation groups write the programs for machining the parts. The programs for the milling machines nre written using the automated SAPS-9 system executed on the Minsk-32 computer. In order to decrease the volume of initial data in the description of the geometric parameters of the parts having standard elements, 30 procedures have been developed for such elements. When preparing the programs for the lathes, the Minsk-32~ the Nairi and the small R-602 camputer built by the Olivetti Company ~?taly~ are used. The programs are recorded on magnetic tape using the LKI~PM and the UMS-2 interpolators. In order to monitor the correctness of the tra~ectory of motion of the tool, the UKP~1 and MCh-1 control benchea are use~. _ The programs for machining the parts are checked out and introduced by the program debuggers in the machine shops ~ointly with the technologists from 71 FOR OFFICIAL JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~Ott 0~'~ICYAL US~ ONI,Y ehe prngrgm cnntrnl d~,vieion, The firse machined pares ~tre ancepeed by a edmmi~gion inClud~,ng Ch~ rechnoingi~es, Che shop contrnller and the program Control divieion techndlogiat~ gy th~ anceptance r~eulte~ ~ document i~ m~d~ up for inGroducing eh~ pxogram, gfeer which the magneCic Capes ara trgnsfprred to th~ shop~ The flow chart �or machining Che pares ~.n which a sk~ech nr diggrnm of the mgchining prnceae, the progr~m number, the ~ype of mgchin~ eool and aCCachmenG~, ehe par~meters nf ehe cueting ronl, the ~pindle rpm, the coord~nates of the initial poine~ ehe machining are indicgted n~ tr~ng�erred simultaneou~ly w3th ehe Cape~ On ehe basis of th~ge daen ehe technoingists of the machine ahope correct ehe working docu- ments. ln order to measure Che parts with epecially complicaCed oueline~ Che UIr-2 device h~s be~n dev~lnped for preparing rhe program~.l Its operaeing principle consists in insuring a conseane clearance between the probe in~t~lled in the spindle and rhe machine tool and the aurface nf the pare using ~lectric contact dischgrge~ The conrrol of the placement of Che probe along the outline of the part 1o manual and automatic. The coordinates of the reference pointa of the ouCli,ne of the part are read �rom the diale on the machine Cool. A mod:ificarion of machine tools with digital progrgm conCrol is also mad~. ~or machining parts more thnn 3000 mm long the length of the longitudinal stroke of the FP-7 machine tool bench was increased to 4400 mm; for machining the parta of greater heighC, Che operating stroke along the Z-axis on the ~P-1) machine tool was increased to 800 mm. For machining the fitting parCs (of the type of an angle or cross piece), Che ATPr2m12s semiautomatic latt~e has been modified. On the PFP-5s machine Caol the tape drive mechaniam of the panel has been finished which has made it possible to run the program not only with normal speed but also at double speed, tn order to establish the defined order of compiling the programs for machine parts and elements of the equipment, the enterprise standard has ~ been developed and put into operution which contains recommendationa with _ respecr to laying out the outlines of the parts, machining of which is provided for on the machine eools with digital program control (~or Che workers in the chief designer's division), the manufacture of standards designed to monitor these parts (for the shop designers?, making the drawings for the attachments (for machining and assembling the products), the elements of w}iich are manu�actured by the programs (for the designers and manufacturers of the attachments) and for acceptance of the parts (for the technical monitoring equi.pment workers). COFYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroeniye" "Stanki i instrument", 1979 1Q8G5 CSO: 18'll lAuthor's certificate No 463101 G05B 19/42. 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~OIt O~~tCYAL US~ ONLY PICTALZJORKING CQUIP2t~NT UUC 621.923.6-52 :IEW *[ACHINE TOOLS IN THC USSR Mogcnw STANKI I IN5TRUMENT in Ruasian No 2~ 1979 pp 32-35 (TexCJ The model 3614G aemiautomatic machine (aee Che �ront cover) designed by the Moscow SKTBI Inatitute and manufactured by the ViCebek Tool-Grinding Machine Plant imeni 22d Congress of the CPSU ie designed for dtamnnd diac grinding of quenched M27-M52 round diea (All-Union SCaCe Standard 9740-71) along a c~rvilinear front aurface. The semiautomatic machine built for rhis operation in Che USSR ~or the firaC Cime can be used under the conditions of aeries and large-aeriee production at Che tool planCa. The loading and orientation of the die in the diaphragm chuck, the mave- ment of the stock into the work zone and removal of it, the diviaion by the number of filings openings, cut-in feed, oscillation of the product stock, rocking of the spindle of the grinding stock and unloading are all realized automatically. It is only necessary for the operator to inaert the billet into the mechanical arm. The presence of the required blocking insures fail-safe automatic operation of the aemiautomatic machine. On the upper plates of the box-type cast bed, a product stock, a apindle stock and loading mechanism are installed. In the inaide cavity of the bed there are the mechanisms for oscillatior? of the product atock, the electric drive for the reduction gear, the electric spindle and product cooling assemblies, Che device for feeding the oil mist to the cutting zone and the conCainer for collecting the finished products. Before the beginning of the operation o� the aemiautomatic m~chine, the operator installs the die in the mechanical arm on the orienting,pi.n, presses the "start" buttoni the operating cycle continues further automatically. The hydxaulic cylinder turns the mechanical arm 90� by means of a ram until it coincide with the axis of the product stock apiridle. A terminal breaker responds, which sends an inatruction to install the die in the diaphragm chuck. At the end of the die installation pasa, the 73 rOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 rn~ ~i~rtc;rn~. us~, t)NLY rerminal br~aker re~ponde which.eende rhe ~,nstructi.on to c].amp ehe die in the chuck. A preseure relay gives gn ~.n~eruC~ion ~or tih~ mechanic~l arm to withdraw~ AC ehe end of the wiehdrawal pae~, ~ Cexmi,nal hrp~k~r xp~r~nde sends nn instruce~.on to reeurn the mechani~gl ~xm eo tihe ~ inirial posieion; at the ~nd o~ roeating the nrm, rhe eerminal breaker rp~ponds which gende 8n insGructiion to move ehe producr etock inro th~ wnrking znne. The head o~ the grinding ~tock ig unlocked ~imuleaneou~ly, and ingrrucCione nre gettC eo fe~d Che sleeve and rock Che grinding stock spindle. At the end of the �~ed hydrnulic cylinder ~troke, a Cerminnl breaker responde which senda instructions (with a dwelling time delay) eo wiehdraw Che product sCock for diviaion, to bra~ke and Lock the gr~,nding atoCk sp~ndle, _ swiCnh off ehe product stock ogcillarions and return the feed hydraulic cylinder. Then an instruction is sent Co unlock Che produac stock apindle, nnd on completion of the unlocking, the terminal breaker is senC an inseruction for division and displacemene of the product stock to the working zone. Afrer machining the lasr filing opening, the producr stock withdrawa, nnd division takes place. On compleCion of the division, Che C~rminal breaker sends an instruction to return the product atock to the initial posiCion, and on completion of reeurn, ehe other terminal breaker sends an insCruction Co unclamp Che chuck. The die ia knocked out of Che dinphragm chuck by a spring pusher. Then the cycle repeata. mlie structural deaign of the semiautomatic machine makes it possible to do unit by uniC assembly. WiCh respect to architectural design it is on the level of the best modern machine tools~ The control elements are compositionally combined in Che optimal operatin~ zone~ The semiautomatic device has simplicity and service convenience, and it can be adjusted to another diameter of the machinable dies. It permits organization of multiple machine tool servicing. The precision of the machining of the dies is characterized by Che ~ollow- ing indexes: a difference in ra~:es of the sharpened die on the inside thread diameter of +5�, a difference in width of the vanes within the limits of the die lot of +0.2 mm. The machined surface roughness Ra^0.95 microns. The precision class of the semiautomatic machine is N according to All-Union State Standard 8-71. Techn~cal Spec~,fications diameter o~ the mach~nable dies, mm 65; 7S; 90 Thickness of the machinable di,est mm 14~36 Number o~ f iling openings 5--9 Diameter o� the ~iling open~.ngs, mm 11,19 Diameter of the circle on the filing open~,ngs are located, mm 37-61 Machining allowance for machining one vane, mm 0.3-0.7 74 FOR OFFICIni. UtiE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 C0~ OA'FICtAi. US~ ONLY UinmeC~x o.~ ehe kx~,nd~,ng di~c~ mm 8 CutCi,ng spc~ed~ m~mnC 30 Di~pl~cemenC o# the gx~,nding aeock~ mm , 45 Na n~ o~c~, o� ~he gtci~nding head per m~,nuCe ~0-140 Lccentric~.Cy o� tihe ~rinding di~c~ mm 0~5 Displncementa o# ehe disc, dur3ng automatic feed, mm 0,1 ~eed nF the grinding disc p~r oscillaCion~ mm 0.01~0~05 Spindle rpm 72 000 Diaplncement of Che product stock, mm 115 bigplncem~cYt of the product atock for osc~.llation~ mm 6-25 No nf double nscill~Cion strokea per minute 180-250 Angle of rotaCion of the mechnnical arm, degrees 90 Power of ehe main drive, kilowatCe 1.5 Overall dimenaiona of the semiaueomatic machine With 1470X1625X aeenched equipment (lengChXwidthXheighC), mm 1900 Weighe of ehe semiaueomatic machine, kg 2800 UUC 621.914,4.012.3 T'he model 6625U plano-milling nnd boring machine designed by the Ul~yanovskiy GSKD besign Office for heavy machine tools and milling machines and manu- f~ctured by the U1'yanovskiy heavy and unique machine tool plant ia designed for machining large products made of cast iron~ steel and non^ ferrous metals by end-type, shank and diac milling cutters. The machine tool is made with two milling atocks~ vertical (slide block) and horizontal (with telescopic tail spindle). The presence of a slide block stock with mounting aeaemblies permita boring and drilling of the machine tool in addition to milling on five outside and inside surfacea of the part in one setting. For convenience of installing the vertical stock, the mounting assemblies and the heavy tool there is free space on the left column of the machine tr.~ol. The composition of the tool pe;mits high~output milling (using a horizontal stock), drilling and boring in the horizontal plane of the part (using a vertical stock), complete machining of the vertical planes of the parta and machining of rhe inside surfaces of the large housing part (uaing an angular head). In the feed drives, DC electric motors are used, the feed for which comes from thyri,stor converters. In the main drive of the vertical stock a DC electric motor is used an ad~ustment range of 2.S11 at conatant power. The machine tool ~s controlled ,from a suspended panel. The bench displace- ments are reckoned by a 3lgital display~; the d~,gital d~,splay ~s led out to the suspended machine tool control panel. The preaence of the digital display permits gig boring of the holes in the~paxt. 75 FOR OFFIrI./.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~ntt n~~ICIAL tfSE: nNLY w ~k + Figure 1. Plano-milling boring machine model 6625U The assemblieg of the machine tool, including Che milling stocks, are standardized with the assemblies of the analogous machine tools produced by the plant. The architectural design o� the machine tool corresponds tn the modern requirements of engineering esthetics. The model 6625U machine tool is parti of a united series of plano-milling and boring machines assimilated aC the U1'yanovskiy Heavy and Unique Machine Too1 Plant. The precision of the machine tool is characterized by the following data: nonplanariCy of the upper surface and nonrectilinearity of the lateral surfaces of the part no more than 50 microns over a length of 4000~-6300 mm; nonparallelness of the upper surface to the base of the part no more than 80 mir.rons over the same length; nonperpendicularity of the lateral sur- faces to the upper surface of the part no more than 35 microns over a length of 500 mm; inconstancy of the diameter of the bored holes no more than 30 microns in the transverse cross section and no more than 40 microna in the longitudinal cross section over a length of 300 mm; nonparallelness of the axes of the holes 300 mm long bored in the part with bench and slide block feed of the vertical stock no more than 30 microns, with feed of the horizonCal stock tail spindle o� no mare than 40 microns; non- perpendicularity of the axis of the bored hole to the milled surfuce of the speciroen no more than 30 microns over a length of 300 mm~ [dhen milling, drilling and boring from four directions in one setting the output capacity is 3.1 times more (with the same machining prec~,sion) than for the trad~ti.onal technology used at the plant �or machining parts separately on the milling, drilling, planing and boring machine tools~ 76 FOR OFFICI~,L U~E UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 i~'OEt 0~'~~GTAL U5t: dNLY Technical Spec~,~ic~t~,one nim~n~ions ~f the eur�~tce o� tihe bench (w3.dChXlength), mm 25QOX8000 Gre~tieat long~.tudi,nal a~roke of the bench' mm 8500 Spe~d of faeC d~.splacement,o~ the bench, m/min 6~7 - Limits of bench feed (nont~,mtous regulat~,on) ~ mmf mini . with ~hif ting 1 ~ S-~.OAO without shifring 3,20Q0 Cre~tear atroke of the slide block stock croaeways~ mm 41S0 Ui~tance from the end of the vertical spindle to the surface of the bench, mm 0-~2095 Diatance from Che end of ehe horizontal epindle to the middle of the bench, mm 1055~1410 Greatest seroke, mm: ~ of the tail spindle 350 slide block 630 Cromsbar 1950 Speed (continuoua regulation) o~ the stock apindle, rpm~ slide block 10~630 with teleacopic tail spindle 20~1000 Power of the mai,n drive for the atock~ ki,lowa,tta; slide block 45 with teleacopic tail spindle 30 Overall dimensions of the machine tool (lengthXwidthXheight)~ 22500X7250 . ~ X7100 Mass of the machine Cool (with the 135 equipment), Cons UDC 621.941.25~187.4 The model 16M05V high-precision mechanized lathe designed by the Odessa Special Design Office for apecialized machine tools and manu- factured by the Kirovakanskiy Preciaion Machine Tool Plant is designed for copy-turning by diamond and hard-alloy tools. The machine tool is universal, for it provides for Curning i.n the centers, in the chuck, in the collet and also thxead cutting (metri~, module, inch), and it can be used at the enterprises of the inatrument making and tool industry and other branches of precision machine building~ On the machine tool provision i,s made for automatic maintenance of consCant cutting speed when mach~,n~ng step parta a rat~,o of the atep diameters to 1:4; it has high rigidity~ and v~brat~.on res~.stance~ On the machine tool prov~.sion is made for automation o~ the copy tuxning by a hydraulic slide wi,th the servosystem and the long~tud~nal aupporC assembly; the machine tool can operate with manual and aignal~pass automatic displacement cycle of the slide. Nydrostatic bear~ngs are used in the 77 FOR OFFICI~IL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 I~'OEt OFi~'~C IAL US~ ONLI' sp~.ndle support. A11 of the assembl~,es are btta3,c souzcea o~� vibraCions are insulated from the bed. ~ ~~r deCex~min~t~on of the comparative output'ca~ac~,ty~ of the 16M05V and the 16S05A machine tools (:the base machine tool) 20 parts of the aolid ot revol~uCion tyrpe (billet marerial ereel 45, machi,ning aLlowance 0~2 mm) were machined on them by the T15K6 hard~alloyed cutter~ Tt was eatab- lished that on the model 16M05V machine tool the output capacity is 2.3 rimes higher. a rt~ , , - 1~~ , i ~t' Figure 2. Model 16M05V mechanized screw-cutting lathe The machine tool insures (with fastening of the chuck) constancy of the diameter in the transverse cross section within the limits of 1.5 microns, in any cross section within the limits of 3 microns in a length of 100 mm; uniformity of the pitch o~ the thread within the limits of 7 microns in a length of 50 mm; nonplanarity of the end surface no more than 2.4 microns on a diameter of 100 mm. Technical Specifications Greatest diameter of machined product, mm: above the bed 250 ~ above the slide 145 Greatest length o~ machined pxoduct, mm 500 Greatest d3,mensi,ons (.di,ameterXlength) o~ the pzoduct machined by the hydraulic, zmn 80X420 Greatest bar di,ameter, mm; through the spindle opening 26~5 installed in the collet 17 Maximum spindle rpm (continuous regulation), rpm 16--3200 78 ~ FOR OFFICIn,'.. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 H�nk ~~r~tr,tnl, us~: nHt,~~ ' I' I cnc Cut thzegd; mr.trlc~ mm p~Z..2g y mndule~ mm O~l~l4 lnc~li~ number nf thrends p~r inch 9f,~5 1'~~wrr ~f rhe m~in drivH~ kilowatt~ 2.35 ~v~~rnll dim~nsidn~ o� the machine tnol (1~ngthXwidth 1995Xy35 Xhright)~ mm X158U ' Mnad of the mnchine tool (.w~Ch ~1ecCric~1 ~qui.pmenr and with pur~hag~d hydrMUlic unit), kg 1910 UbC 621.g24~~~187~4 'I'he model 3Ye711YeV-1 high-preci~ion surfdc~ grinding machin~ wieh crne~ benCh und t~oriznntal spindl~ ~nd wiCh a pro~ector for shaping operations desipned by tl~e Vit~bek 5pecinl Design Office for gear-cutting, grinding nnd tonl-qrinding mnchine roole (SKgZSh5) and manufncCured by the OrvhF~n~kiy Krasnyy nr~reCs Mnchtne Tool nuilding Plant ie d~eigned to m~rhine fnced surfaces by the m~Chnd of outlining wieh respecC to an enl.~rgrd dr~wing fnstened Cn Che pro~ector ecreen. ~ ~~ce dregsing of the grinding disc up to 40 mm wide, mnchining of Che Cace profile of the product nnd flat sur�aces ~re pnaeinl~ on the machine tool, ~ , -r;~ M' `Yt'.~ ~ : . :_~t:.:'_ `..i-:~%3'a�: .F r~.~': -r } F'igure 3. Model 3Xe711XeV~1 sur~ACe gri.nding machi,ne tool The mact~ine tool is part of a complex range af surface grind~ng machine tools a cross bench and hori,zont~l spindle; t61s range was develo~ed hy the Vitebsk 5KH7.ShS 5pecial Design Office and has been .lssimil.lced by the Orshanakiy Krasnyy Borets M~tchine Tool Building Plant. The 3Ye111YeV-1 machine tool is structural similar to the range of - . machine tools~ and the degree o� its standardization with them is up to 77X. 79 POR ONFICIAS. l,'tiE UN[.Y ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 Cdlt n~i'l~C[AL U:+1: C)N1,Y The ~CrucCur~1 p~culigri,ti~~ nf th~ ma~hin~ rool a~~ ag ~ollow~3 1) grinding h~gd, b~nch end cxnes ~lidp are mauneed on ~e~~l xe3,nforc~d ~win~ $uid~s; 2) the bgse parC~ of the m~chine Cool havp $reaeer manu~ fnceur~.n~ pr~Gisinn and rigidiey; 3) in rhe machine rnol~ in addieion ed Ch~ ba~ic grinding hend provi~ion mad~ for gn oeci.lLaCing grinding h~ad; 4) Che hydraulic units and in part the control unit sre led out �rom the m~chin~ eool b~d; 5) lubr3cation is ~ed ro a11 of the workin~ eLement~ . nnd ehe wnrking ~urfnce~ ~,n the eool; 6~ rhe vuyumetric gnd ~p~eial ~eruceur~ of the machine eool corre~ponding eo Che requiremene~ df indusrry is chnrgce~riz~d by effici~nC gnd funCrionglly expresr~~d compo~ition of th~ basic forming elemente (~Che bed~ Che bench~ column, cnnerdi unir, electric bay and pro~ecror); 7) prnporeinnai and acaLing r~tins of the bed nnd b~nch~ ehe bed and control unit, the cdntrol unit nnd Che elecCric bny, ~xpressive ahape of Che d3qls, th~ controL handleg nnd ehe houeing of rhe grinding diac correapond to Che hi$h ~erheric qual~ ity of the machine tool. After m~chining on thig machine ennl, eh~ gurface error ig no mnre rhnn 60 microng (wiCh 10-fold mngnificntion of Che drnwing) nnd no mnre than LO microns (with 50-fold magnificgtion); the roughness ia no more than tta=0.5 microns. Technical Specification~ Greut~st dimensions of the machinable producr (lengthXwidth), ~ 220X200 Greatest height of the product, mm: during operation of the basic ~rinding head 22Q during operdtion of the oscillating grinding head 165 Gre:~test distance from the spindle axie of the grinding disc to Che surface of the bench, mm 445 Createst cutting spped, mm/sec 35 Spindle rpm of the grinding diac, rpm 2670 Overall dimensions of the pro~ector acreen (widthXheight), mm 400X400 Magnification of the pro~ector X10; X25; X50; X100 Power of Che main drive, kitowattg 2.2 Over~ll dimenaions of the machine tool (lengthXwidth Xheight), mm: without consideration of the attachment equipment and 1700X1700 the stroke of the moving paxts X1915 with consideration of the attachment equipment and 2850X2400 stroke of the parts X1915 Weight cf the machine tool, kg: with~ut attached equi,pment 2400 with attached equi.pment 3200 80 - FOR O~FICU,L UtiE c)NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 COk UNt~'I:CtAL I151: UNI.,Y ' Unc 62i~g24~6-187~4;62i~833.382 The model 5K8H1, high�~recisi.on, gemiautomatiC worm machin~ designed�and manuEactured by the Moecow Gig Boring Tool P1dnC i~ dp~igned fnr grinding various shnpes of single and multithre~d worms during geriea or large~seri,ea producrion in the automobile, machine eool building ~nd oeher br~nchee o� industry, The ghap~ n� rhe worms is ground by a single-tf~read disc in the semi- nu~om~tic Cycle with operating etroke of rhe bench in one or Cwo directiona. The ~emi~uenmatic mgchine enter~ into the compoeition and ehe complex rang~ nf Chread grinding And worm grinding machine tool~; the degree of seandardization wieh the machine tools is up to 80~. The follnwing seand~rdized nssemblies are used in the semiautomati.c machine: the grind- ing atack, the drive of the devices for dressing the diec~ the compeneaCion mect~nniem, the grinding disc apindle, ehe machine tool houaing, the lubri- c~tion Cnnks, cooling tankg~ and so on. r ~ aa ~ ~ Figure 4. Model SK881 semiautomatic worm grinding machine The semiautor~atic machine has the following atructural peculiariCies and advantages by comparison with its prototype (the model 5881). For auto- matic variation of the product spindle rpm range and the dressing apeed oE the grinding disc during rough and finish pasaes a thyristor drive is used in the automatic cycle. A new, more rigid structural design of the drum-type grl.nding atock will permit simultaneous rotation o� the device Eor dressing the disc by the helix angle � of the worm spiral, the electric motor of the disc apindle dri,ve and the disc spindle. Volumetric~�ormers are used to dress the gri.~d~,ng disc, which made it possi~ile to Leduce the ad~justment time, The power of the electric drive motor for the product is increased to 1.15 kilowatts. The aemi,automatic unit is incloaed in a common housing with the telescopic screens. The rotating control panel is conveniently located in the service zone. The structural design of the mechanism for 81 FOR OFFICIItL U~E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 ~t~It ~1~'F'tCTAL USL UNLY tr.nngver~e Ce~d d~ ehe gr~,nding ~tock ineuree eh~ a� uei,ng ttuCnmatiC rrnngver~~ $e~d or m~nua~l f~~d (~,nd~p~nd~ntly of egch nthpr)~ The precis~.on n~ rhis ~emiguComaCic mnchine i~ chgrgct~riz~c~ by Ch~ followin~ d~Ca; when machining wormg witih modules 6 mm and 6 rhr~nd~ the devint3on o� the axial pi.tCh is no mdre thgn �9 micrdn~; tih~ rndigl beue o~ ehe worm turns ig no mor~ ehan 12 microne; when machin3ng worms wieh ~ mm module nnd 3 ehre~dg, the deviat~.on of the axial pi.tch ie no morp thdn +7 microng, rndi~l be~e o~ ehe worm turns is no more thgn 9 microns; when mt~chining ~ingle-Chr~ad wnrms wiCh ~ 3 mm moduLe eh~ devigtion of the axi~l piCch ie no mnre than +4.5 miCrons, Ch~ radinl b~~e of the worm rurns is no more than 5 mi.crons. Th~ roughnesa of ehe machin~d surfaces is no more Chan R~@0.5 microns. On rh~ semiautomntic SK881 machine, an increase in precision nf the worms by 1 degree of precisi.on is achieved in accordance wiCh 5T 5~V 311-76 and nn increase in outpue capaciry by 1~61 times by comparison wiCh Che precision and output cgpacity achieved on the model 5881 semiautomat~.c mnchine. Technical Specifications Grearese dimensions of the insCalled produce, mm: diameter 125 lengtti 360 Greaeest stroke of the bench, mm 21~ Parameters of the ground worms: diameter, mm 2-125 module, mm 2~6 number of threads 1-6 grr.atest helix angle, degrees +35 Cutting speed (with a disc diameter of 400 mm), m/sec 35; 50 Limits of product rpm: operating 0.3-45 acceleraCed no more Chan 82 Power of the main drive, kilowatts 3(by special order, 5~ 5) Overall dimensions of the semiautomatic un~.t 1810X2050 (lengthXwidthXheight), mm X1710 Weight of the semiautomatic unit, kg; without attachmenC e~uipment 4300 - with attachment equipment 5505 82 FOR O~FICInL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060048-2 l~nk UA'i'IC CAL USL UN[,)' UUC 621~923~5~~112~52 'I'ha gppni~l mnd~1 VSh~6~0 4uCam~Cic ~pheric~l grinding m~eh~,ne designed by eh~ ViCebt~k SK$ZSh5 Spec~,u1 D~gign 0~.�ice ~nd mgnufactured 6y th~ Vi.eebgk Machin~ Tnol Build3ng P1ant imeni Kirov ie dee3gn~d For cnntinunus grinding of the aph~rical ende nf conical rollere or roller bearings under the cond3Cions of larg~~~~ries gnd mas~ producti~.on. '1'hc ~gpeci~lly high precigion autiomaeic machine corrpeponda to the require- m~ntg of ehp indueCry, it ie standardized with eh~ centerless grinding mgchine~ prnduced by rhe mgnhine tool plant, The archieecrural design of the gueamaCic machine corresponds ro the modern requiremen~g of engineer- ing egeherias. 'i'hQ horiznnral ~pindle of the grinding disc is inatalled on the hydrodynamic bearing whinh insures higt~ operating qualiCies, service life and vibra~ion registance of the automatic machine. The grinding stnck is diaplaced ~l~ng the cloaed swing guides; its stroke provides for replac~ment of the grinding diace without additional with- drawal of the product sCock~ 'The latter has established dieplacement and rotation in the horizontal plane; afCer a�~~ustmenC of the automatic machine it is locked on ehe bed~ The machine ia provided wiCh a diec dressing mechanism. ~ .;