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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-R~P82-00850R0009 000600'I 2-'I
~ ~ ~
~ ~ 6 JUNE i979 ~ ~ ~ ~ C FOUO ~ 24179 ~ ~ ~ . i~ ~ OF i
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JPR5 L/850~
6 June ~9 79
~ ~ ~
(FOUO 24/79) ~
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JpItS publicaCions contain information primarily from fareign
newspaper~, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions ~nd bro~dcasCs. MaCerials from foreign-language
sources ar~ Cransl~Ced; Chose frdm ~n~lish-language sources
' are Cranscribed or reprineed, with the original phr~sing nnd
oGher characreristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackcCs
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicarors such as [Texr]
" or (Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how Che original informaCion was
processed. Where no processing indicaCor i~ given, rhe infor-
maCion was summarized or extracted.
- Unfamiliar names rendered phoneCically or Cransliterated are
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JPRS L/850~
6 June Z979
cFOVO 2a/~9)
Brisbane Newspaper Investigatea Queenaland Drug Scene
(Jack Lunn, Geoff Brcoks; THE COURIER-MAIL, 9, 10,
11 Apr 79) 1
~ Citizens Urged To Support Queensland's Drug Lawa
(Editorial; THE COURIER-MAIL, 12 Apr 79) ~,3
Joir.= Drug Squad 14
Increased Drug Traffic 14
Auatralian Heroin Trail 14
'Operation Autumn' Destroys Poppy Plantationa in Namhkam
(BOTATAUNG, 12 May 79) 15
Heroin Seizures in Rangoon 16
Heroin Seized in Pabedan 16
~ Drug Gang Leader Arrested 16
East Mergui Court Jails Man 16
Raw Opium Seized 17
Poppy Suppression in Lashio 17
Australian Tip Helps Catch Indian Narcotics Smuggl~rs
(TII~tES OF INDIA, 30 Apr 79) 18
Bank Allegedly Involved in Marij~iana Racket
(Various sources, 9 May 79) 20
~ Eleven Arrested .
Alleged Foreign Exchange Racket
a- [ I I I - I N T-13 8 F 0 U 0]
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CONTENTS (Continued) page
Briefa ;
Seatnan's Opium Found 22
Drug Ring Arreste 22
- List of Government Peraonnel Involved in Drugs
(NEW STRAITS TIMES, 10 Apr 79) 23 `
Drug Seizurea by Cuata~~s in 1978
(BUSINESS TIMES, 20 Mar ~9) 24 ,
Drugs ~teportedly Smuggled in Cadavere
(NEW SxRAITS TIMES, 13, 14 Apr 79) 25
Dead Babies
ReporC Denied
Drug Shortage Results in Break-ins ,
(NEW STRAITS TIMES, 7 Apr 79) 26
Drug Offenders Automatically Discharged From Army
(BORNEO BULLETIN, 17 Mar 79) 27
Narcotics. Arrests, Tria:.s, Sentences Reported
(Various sources, ~�arious dates) 2g
_ Heroin Sentence
Prisoner Char~ed
Guilty of Drug Charge
Heroin Trial
Heroin Arrest
Airman Sought
, Soldier Sentenced
Brunei Case
First Life Sentence
Witnesses Sought
Court Refuses To Deport Singapore Drug Offenders
(THE STRAITS TIMES, 10 Apr 79) 33
Smuggled Goods Recovered 34
-b- -
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CONTENTS (ConCinued) p~8e
Move To Give More Help to Drug Offendere
(THE STRAI'TS TIMES, 7 Apr 79)............~ 35
Gan~a Galore Deep in Jungle
(COLO1~0 SUN, 24 Apr 79) 36
Course in Drug Suppreasion 37
- Briefs
Cocaine Incineration gg
Marihuana Seized 39
Peasants Cultivate Coca 40
Clandestine Marihuana Plantation 40
- Antidrug Trafficking ~quipment 40
Marihuana Peddlers Shot 41
Drug Traffickera Arreated , 41
Cocaine Lab Explodes 41
' Marihnana Plantation 42 -
Marihuana Plants Destroyed 42
Coordinator Reporta on Results of Antidrug Campaign
(EL SOL DE SINALOA, 19 Apr 79) 43
Members of Psychotropic IIrug Trafficking Ring Captured _
(EL MANANA, 6 Apr 79) 45
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CONTENTS (Cont:lnued) Pnge
Heroin, Marihuena Traffickere Captured by ~ederal Police
(EL MANANA, 11 Apr 79) 46
Heroin Traffickers, Proceasing Laboratory Seized
(DIARIO DE NOGALES~ 6, 7 Apr 79) 47
13 Traffickera ArresCed
Ringleader Known, Being Pursued ,
= Cocaine, Marihuana Smugglers Seized in Nogales
(DIARIO DE NOGALES, 5 Apr 79) 49
Heroin, Cocaine, Marihuana Traftickera Arreated
(Various sources, various daCes) 50
Five Arrested, Druge Seized
Preliminary Statements Made
Trafficker Charged With Hired Killing in Jail
(Various sources, 18, 20 Apr 79) 52
Suspect Captured
Charges Denied, Suspect Held
� Briefs
Heroin Traffickera Caught 54 -
Traffickers Sentenced 54
Tr.aff icker Escapes Jail ' S5
Pill Laboratory Seized 55
Marihuana Smugglers Caught 55
Inmate Denies Heroin Trafficking 56
Heroin Trafficker Dies 56
Eight Convicted Traffickers Released 56
Attempted Escapee Testifies 57 ~
Crackdown on Drug Pushers 57 (
_ Drugs in Bus Terminals 58 '
_ Briefs
Coc~ine Seizure 59
Police Show Impressive 1978 Record in Drug Fight ~
(LA CRONICA, 25 Apr. 79) 60
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CONTENTS (Continued) pgge
Investigation Ordexed in Accuaed Traf�icker's beath
(LA CRONICA, 25 Apr 79).....~ 62
Arrested Diplom3t Said To Have Two Female Accomplicea
(LISTIN DtARIO, 26 Apr 79) 6~
~ Dominican Diplomat Expelled f~r Drugs 64
Cultivation, Export of Opium Is Increasing ~
(ROSE AL-'YUSUF, 26 Mar 79) 65
Jail R3oC, Attempted Escape 68
Largest Dru~ Se3zure in Israel's History
(Yoram Bar; JERUSALEM POSx, 11 Mey 79) .................a 69
Narcotics Consiscation ~p
Year's Drug Haul ~1
~ Release of UK Drug Prisoners 72
~ Oven iew of Drug Enforcemen[ Effart for 1918 Given
(Enrique Beotas; YA, 8 Apr 79) 73
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CONTENTS (Con~inued) Pgg~
TncYease :.n Number d� Addicts Reported
(~nrique Beotas; YA, 11 Apr 79) 75
Amphetamines Becoming Ma~or Problem
(CAMBIO 16, 29 Apr 79)...~ ~8 ~
Drug Treatment Center Opena in Madrid
(ABC, 20 Apr 79)..........~ 82
Women Traffickera Detained 84
Hashish Confiscated in Malaga 84
Drug Smuggling Uncovered 85
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Brisbane THE COURIER-MAIL 1n En~lish 9~ 10, 1:l Apr 'j9
� [Article by staff investigators Jack Lunn and Geoff Brooks]
[9 APr 79, P 3]
_ [Text] [Begin COURIER-MAIL editor's note] Today~ the Courier-Mail takes a
ne w step in investigative journ~,"lism.
Two staff investigators assigned to report on the drug scene in Queensland
have come up with a three-part s~ries that discloses wide use of illicit
drugs and their supply by some doctors. '
Today~ they look at the drug problem and its effects Tomorrow, at the
victims and~ on Wednesday, at the sources.
Fe w people were prepaxed to discuss with our investigators the use of illegal
drugs. Fewer were prepared to have their names published.
Individuals contacted were subject to different fears. Former heroin addicts
were afraid they would Zose their jobs if Suburban marihuana users
said their standing in the community could be affected.
Fe ople close to drug users said they were afraid of wha.t would happen to them~
or their families. And user~ didn't want tneir sources to dry up.
This meant many dead ends when seeking drug information. But enough people
spoke, both on and off the record, to get this picture. jEnd COURIER-MAIL
editor's note]
~ 16 y~a, and under 17 to 18 19 to 20 21 yrs.t
6.63 96 20.86 96 2b.29 %~48:1196
_ Age 6reakdo~?n of Anstralian drog offenders.
QueEasl,nd,follows the SAn~e ~patbern. ;
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Cr;tvltil; Lr:ad:~ Lo Prosi;~.tu.tort
Sotn~ doctor~ ~.rQ prescribing addict3ve and d~,ngerous drugs to addicts, some-
times withou~t even seeing them.
Teetiage gi.r'ls and boys, desperate for money to feed. their drug habit~ aie
turning to prostitution.
Thcsc ~rc 'u'st ~~ivo of thc cvcry day t~ct~ of And ~cvcrul ;iddict~ s;iid thcy uf'tcn 4auld gct
the Quccnslan~ drug sccne, cxacUy whut thcy askcd f'or frum somo
_ '1'hc growtn of illegal drug usc and abusc has doctors.
mushroomed. Dr. Richardson, at thc Gold ~aast ~ Drug '
~rum the social "joint" at s trendy party fiva Information and Refcrral Ccntre, stltcd flatly;
~years ago~ Queenslanders are now taking and "Some doctors on the Gold Coast aro prescribing
~usin~ harde~ drugs. ~ the drug mandrax to patients without sccing
In 1973 thcre wcre 442 drug uscrs arrested thom:'
~ in Quccnsland. Ay 1977 this had jumpcd to 1759. Mandrax~ a slccping tablct, bccomcs a
It wus thc fastcst gro,wing offcnce brought before vehicle" to euphoria when taken ~ in largo
the St3te's lowcr courts ovcr that pcriod. quantitics~ or when mixed with alcohol. But it is
titatibtuts cxpcrts 3es$i ateg ai udt 30~10 ! iii ~agY to take an ovcrdose and~ it can bo fntal,
trcatcd, br. Ric6ardson~ 31~ said. ~'hcre arc doctar~
Quecnsland, with 1600 of them in ~risbane. on the coast - I mm ~ot saying n lot - but thcre
Thcxe addicts are hard liners - not just are doctots who prescribe maadrax without cven
thrill scckers who take the occasiotral puff of pot. saing t~e paticnt.
They're hookcd on heroin~ moi{~hine and t6is they receive S8 a~time. I'et
' mandrax. . mandnut is one of t6e most destructive drugs
5oFt drugs aro fraly ava'ilet~bTe to- a, t around. Bnin damaRo is one of its cffects."
every tcenagcr. Asked aboutDr.Richardson'c cammcnts~ : r
Mari6uanu grows wild from Cooktown to the ~[unt Sba~rp said the Pharmaccutical 5ocicty ancl
border. A cottage industry has gro~~ up ia home the State Health Dcpartmcnt wcrc aware of some
grown ~rass. problcma within th~ mcdical professlon.
Thc State is paying the priae: Dtug suictides~
intcntional or the result of averdose~ bave Mr. Hunt Sharp said; "It sccros to me that .
� thcsc doctors - and there are only a few of thcm,
jumpcd, fewcr than 10 arc known to us m Brisbane -
� 'The evidcnce of hard drug addiction is most must surel
evidcnt in thc city night lifc of Brisbane and the y rcalise that they are doing absolutcly
nothing to hclp addicts.
Gold roasc.
Dr. Rob Richardson, the Gold Coast.Drug At least one doctor believes that if you give
Council president�gaid some doctors thare wcre addicts drugs they will not need to resort to
prescribing dru~,c~~r!it u~ ~~ci~~patiea~ts. violence to obtain money for ipcgal drugs, This
will kce
'I'he A~ustralian Mc ical Assocation Quccns- p t~em out of socicty's hair.
land presidcnt (Profcssor Ryan) said: "If anyone . But this irresponsible and unncccssary
should prescribc potcntially add~ctive or danger- prescri6ing means an addict asn go away wilh
ous drugs without secmg the' pat#e~t, it%~ very morphine. pethidine, or barbituratcs.
bad medicine. ~ "A considerable numbcr of pharmaci~ts arc
"T6ere always are aome people in ' a reluctant to dispense thcse prescript~ons and quitc
community who are irresponsible; but I doo'E kaoA a few refuse.
how ,the ~l,.M.A. can police this."~ "Most pharmacics do not stock narcotics at
"The State Health Department and the all qow becase of problems encountercd with drug
pharmaceutical spction of the Federal Health addf~:ts:
Departmcnt should be able to monitor any "IE there is a legitimate nccd~ c~temists will
exces~ive prescribing of dangerous drugs. and I bring the narcotic in."
- would hore thcy would act on this:'
Nclsc~n hlcnt Sharp; thc Quccnsland
' Ph,trmaccutical Socicty presrdcnt, also ~s criticat�
uf somc doctors.
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Parent5 Of~ten To f3lamo
PARH:N'I'S deserved much o[ the blao~e tor the druQ problem amun~ school chlWre~n, dafd Mr~
Duvid 11~~pstone, indusMal prpanmme con~ult~tnt, Alcoho! And Drug Probleme As~oclation of
Queensland. '
"Many women who have probiems with prescribed ~'of a headache in school thay wonid profer te eend him
drugs atc guilty of giving their chtidren pilis in bottles or her for a run, or a sit outs{de, raEher thsn administor
to tuke to~school 9n caso they nedd them.' as irin or somo othcr patn killer,, ~
"'I'ho kids come to think that it't acceptablo to pop .~hey knew the child would bo given piUs ~it home,
P any ray~tapstonb nlso was conserned about children
~ i . , M
~ going thruugh courts alone, a crisis most fuund it hurd
~ ~ to forgct,
"Wl~cn thcy cnd up in court s~nd are dcalt �~ith
''Kids ha~~e told me that our organis~tion ahould be according to:thc law, the anxieties tha~ lo~, to iheir
niminR the education programme ~t parents ~s w~ll ps taking drugs usu~lly turns into anger. ~ti;
children," Mr. Mapstone said. "This angar loads tu more anxiety and s4~lh~ cycle
Tcanc~rs had told him that (f a chiid complained gocs on. , ~
Marihuana Easy To Start On `
I1rug dependants who have asked Mr. Ira Smith; clinical psychologist, for he].p,
- almost without exception started off on so-called non-addictive drugs, like
"Therefore my view is that anything tha.t alters a person's level of awarenes;;
is potentially addictive, because the person becomes physically dependent~"
he said in his Wickham Terrace suite.
_ Mr. Smith said one of the biggest mista.kes was to assume that one had a"non-
addictive" per~onality.
" "When a person is on haxd drugs the dependence changes from psychological to
physiological. There is no such thing as non-risk experimenting drugs.
"The possibility of a cure for an addi~:t, that is, complete abstinence--is a
matter of motivation--success depends ~~n the level of motivatior.."
One of the most interesting phenomena,.ze saw were the addicts who came in
wanting to get off hard drugs so they could staxt the cycle over again.
The need for higher kicks meant more expense, and as the required drug becamt~
more expensive and harder to, the addict looked back to cheaper drugs.
This led him to want to temporarily "dry out" so he could return to softer
drugs and still get a kick.
"I work only with those who are well motivated and axe prepaxed to follow rr~y
instructions over a long period," Mr. Smith said.
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He 13kened the move through illegal drugs to the ~attorns oi' alonhc~:Lism, An
addict went from possibly a very impure form of marihuana pro~ras~:i.vely thxou~h .
- a number oi' sta~;es to hard. dru~s. -
Mr. Smith said he had been offered marihuana to sampl.e its efiects.
"I practise what I preach and am not prepared to experiment. It i:~ su:f~'icient
to observe the effect in others," he said.
- The Ones They Use
HERE are some of or smokcd, but is more
the commonly used commonly injected.
drugs and their METHADONE is a
, charecteristics. synthetic narcotic. It
MARIHUANA, the has become widely used
most widely used illegal in dctoxification of her-
drug, is prepared by oin addicts, but tole~-
dryi~g the leaves and anee � and physical
flowermg tops of the dependence can
- plant cannabis sativa to dcvelop. . '
make a tabaccalik~ COCAINE is thc
material, strongest stimulant of
Thc Cannabis plant natural origin and is thc
grows � anyw~ere principal activo in- `
between Melbourne and grcdient of the South
Far North Queensland American coca plant.
and necds sunlight and It is a whitc
water, crystaline powder and is
The principal usually "sniffed".
psychoactive � substance Cocaiae is one of the
in cannabis is rarer illegal drugs in
dcita�9-THC, a unique Australia.
chemical found na LSD is an abbrevia-
whcrc else ~n nature. tion for lysergic acid . `
Cannabis usualiy is diethylamide. It is a
smoked in the form of ~ semi-synthetic com-
� looscly rolied cigarett~:s , pound produced from
or "joints". It produc~;s lyscrgic acid, a natural
a scnse of well�bein.;, substance found ~irt a
can altcr scnsory per- fungus of rye.
ccptions, and thcre is lt can affect optical
much debate an perception, appcar to
whethcr it is~ ~ntcns~fy. light and
addictive. create bizarre visions
HEROIN is an ex-! with bright colour~.
tremely addictive nar-i
cotic: �First synthesized' ' -
from morphine in 1874,
heroin was used for
many years in medicine.
Pure heroin is a white
powder, but pure heroin
' ~s rarely sold on the
strect. It can be sniffed
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[10 Apr 7g~ p
[m~xt~ Heroin Addictg Have To Find ~840 a Week
`~AgnU'C $8~(1 a week. In rnugh, rot~nd fi~uree tha~ i~ what tt cn~te a h~roin
~,:~Addirt to feed a habit. .
~ The commonly ~ccepted street pi~ice for heroin in Queensl~nd ie $120
a~ram. That gram may not b~ exact, and the heroin ~vill be of varying
' quality, .
8ut 31~0 s,"deat" ft ta, up from =100 recently. Dr. Rkh~M~on do~kb lhe~e le ~"Mr, 81~" be-
Al1 the expert~ eay sn sddlcc w1U use f~hat much Mind the beroln trsttle. "2 thlnk thera an ~ num� ~
heroin da?1y, wlth ttttle troubte, ber ot UWe M~. 81p," be rrld.
' At heroin !a � ~e~~en day ? week hablt thla The H~ven ~t Coorpsroo ~n elegant, pe11�
_ meana ~ need W flnd 18~0 a week, spsrt Ipom kcpC home plth rride,versnd~?~e where men ~nd
money fo~ other If~�Ing expenaea, ' wotaen with drug problems ~eek rehebllltallon,
To obtafm m~ne,v on thta acale addscte taoK to Tb~ ~~r 1~ir~ Brunt aetd It wa~ aelt known
thett, mbbe~y, prostttut~on - both mate and fe- tha~ pomen bec~mP tn~blved tn proetftutlon to
tnale - ~nd to ~~desling" wtth other addfcta. psy for ~ druq habft but ft wae not Q~nenlly un-
Mate proetltuUon le hequeet amon~ drnR ad� derstood tht! thit atao happened wlth yonng men,
~Icts saye D~~Id Brunt ~ho hae dlrecteA a reMabl� ~~We certalnly haLe had a numDer ot young
tltatfoe proRramme tor ~ounR people wlth ~rns men th~ou`h here rrho hsve bc~n 1m~o1vM In male
problenu fo~ tlre year~ pratltullon.
Mr. 9runt, 97, ia d~recto~ of rhe HRVen, 1n ~~guameu men ha~e p~ld tl~em tor pornogrs-
Bheketpesre 8treet, Coorparoo, phk~phota. In other cira lhey 1u~ve been kept end
dold Coast Drua Councll p~~ealdent tDr. Aob aupplled with dru~ Mhlle aclln~ u proetttute~"
Rlchardaon? beUe~~ed moat ~.ddic4 trY to flnance he ~aid,
themaet~�ea bp getfing other ~.~eoyle hoored.
~~tt'a a rough rule ot thumb that an i?ddict can Th~ ~OUng peopk ~vho hed gone throuah The
flnance a habtt by sttr~cting another ilve peo~ ~ven fn hft five yeaa had been tr~n~lent~ tver- -
who wilt buy trom hfm, ag1a~ � ttay ot tbres monttu, altbou~h one had
�ured 1! months.
. ~ ~ At praeat, tl~e meu wa twe wotnen ~L~r
ther~ dold~ lhelr o~?n eookla~ and m~lo4lnlo~
r,'~O the RtouaA~ and We ~tyfb6 old 6ome.
~ The younattera ~et chemaclvee g~aU, and try
to keep to them while the Sa1v~Llon Artnybacited
"1'tUa 1a why heroln uae fa a contasfow eW. ~+~en tNes to belp rvlth advice.
ase." ~r. Bivn~ ~1so h~a
Dr. Slc6ardwn arana that hcrota adNel~ found thaL parenta try
rUonld be reparskd trom wcleV -~Lou!! be ~nt , to Neic advloe from Ths
+O ~~�~~r H a v e n about mar!-
ThU arould not be aa a punlshr.unt. merelr to huaas 1n ~n rffott W
contlne the contaglout dlaeaae. Every hetoln ad� kpuale fac4 and flc-
dlct ~vu a pusher. tton.
"Atter they are utowed bsck inb ~odetr thq?� p~~b~r
~houtd ha~�e a computsory once�a-+reek urlne tett. ~s ~~~~y ~
If herofn sho~n up then back they go," he uld. p~p~e
He ettlmakd there ~vere sbcut ~pp htroin ad� ~e d~~p~ of' p~r-
dlcts on the aoid Coaat. and about ~000 occasto~nat enta L thai an expert
users. many of ~hom were on the ~vay W beoomint ean argue that 1t 1t
addlcta. harmful ~nd anoeher
tt coutd take about SO to 100 "h1b" to becorne txpe: t thst 1C L not�
an addic~ but addictloe partlaliy pas dependent r{ye tr~ to tioint o~t
on the tlme apan o~er whlch the drug was taken. tt~e webl Imollatlons
About one hemin o~crdose � Meek was talctq tha~ ~K ~a~ro~red be.
to the Tarced Heads Haapftal, dependlnt on the csws ft b lUepl,� Mr.
avallabWty of ~upplq. g~o~ ~
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Drink ~ . . Snif~' . . . 5moka ~
w~?~ .
7'H~~~lim man witM'~ona~ unkempt hatr,~an~`'a itg~it
~e~d~Tdeked exar~ly ~vhat h~ wp~
- ae he walked into the Geld Cos~! chemlet ehop.
'i'he m~n waa s he� Refert~l Cenfre, Hur� 8111y d1~d !n a gulkr, Z'ONY eald Yfe heA
rojn addlct, wnd In ~ ~etgh Hrede ~n hour ~ WctW o!�druat ~tEer been growtng cannabla
~ dreary volce aaked te~ h e r e~ e o~ e d advfce for hla oan u~e snd Lhe
fater, the afght o~ ~lx
tha Clevernment-epon- ~,y.~ ~~d 13 W 16 ate s~ut the dimaze thW ute ot frfend~,
wred mefhndom treat� could do to hlm, Ne haa been roWfna
ment whfch wlll binck une!cpected 1t tn the dol~ Cosac
much of the feeltna The boy~, fna! et pi0~ hinkrl~rfd tor ~evenl _
th~t herofn gfve~, thrro blonde and wn c e e d e d, t.~e mld�60a ypa~a,
Methadone f~ s eyn� ~nned, were bron~ht Engllth ~ed~n drlven by ~ony ta nbt ~ member -
thetfa n~tcotfe, and the lhere br two fnotMen ~e =nett~adona muf ot ~ communltr, He 1s
becwee lhe~ h~d been
~ddlCt dtRnk the or- from the cbemla! ~hop 40 yeore o1d, ll~�In~ wtlh
u?~e coloced ituld in f�~� puUed up ab0ut 60 met- hta Nffe and fnur chtl-
iront ot tbe chemlat� P e r ~ o n n e 1~0 ttH rea ~a~Y trom � tt~ dKn.
"2'tl psY you P'rfday," them~ how p~etro~l
enif~t~- ~~L }te ~ald he had neve~
the young man sald ea Whw the ~nlce fln� he~rrd ot ~ m~er eource
he wstked out ot the ~nq could dam~e brdn ~b~ ~~nt f0 younR� of cannabta on the dold
and Itver functfona,
ahop end atepGed lnta a sten lrom ths krvia Coset~ wd that t6e In�
mid�SOs LnBl~sh udan. An hour takr~ ~gafn .~Wced down b 61~ cu. dnstr~ was runir ~
At the Oold CoraC st Neranq, B111r Lepla, The~ aere itllt t6en cottap indwtrr, u~tl~� ~
Drug Intormelfon and ~s, was cremekd. lult xu 6our bter. ~1~p~ V~~p~~ ~M~~n-
roente~ _
Tony earrfc~ cm~ll
quantitfea ot mar?-
huana everya here he
qeea and fee1~ free to
emoke tn the r.ompany
ot ~tnngen N1~o do ao~
'Pony would not thow
t n y o n e hlt qrowlne
ptot He tald lt aould
be sWpid to r~�veal 1t.
"6reyone M ho Rro~
the ~lufl ~cep~ It ~11
~ws~ from t6e benes In
the nW tOR~t area."
_ 6e esid.
During a Md aPaion.
Tonr goes ~nW Lhe
mauntatns. The gtvt 1~
top qutltty thero.
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5~~ching for a ~riend
"THEB~ ha~ tn b~ somenne ~vhn will be my frie~~d with�
out being my helper:' .
Thls la ~u~?~ one ot tho "Att~r being on . he� eaay Eo geC for noEhing ~
concerne ot Mike, 90, roln i would no~ be sat- ott doctore, 2 ueM to
who 1e t~ying to ety? tatlM arlth grase, . It ~ peeter thetn llke he11
away trom Arugs, arould be I~ke ~n aloo- an~2 aome ot th! dooton
Atkr atartinq wtth ho11c ~topping a~ helt a dld no6 aant W traue
marthuana at 1H, bitke beer. with me,
aald he'~~ried the l06 - '~Marlhuena helgh- ~~8ome wcre vcry gen-
ba~blturatea, I.BD, I~e� tene percepllon, but the utne end pould no! gfve
beet way I can deactlbe me s ching buo thers
Noa he haa been off heroln fa that ft mnkp ~re~e othera t oould ~fve
- drugt for tour ~f th1, ' y o u I f v e f,o r tlfe a dlfter~nt name !o ~
livea at Th~ y Ven, Are~ent,+' � r e~ch Eey and they
~Odorptroo, r?~here hetre 8la I~Mltodwlbn �.te would ~Ive me more or
fa a rehab111taNon pra� herotn cune a! la w6en leae w1fa~ I~ked for."
Etramme tor people wlth h e t t a r! e d~eortlnK Ati aold OoteC
d r u g problema, and n t t t I n r) wlut 1M
th~ee aeeks ago he Won`ht wa~ cocalee. tour monttu aao M1ke
etarted hta ftrat Job 1n When he went Lo ~ked the Drua Refer-
' Yeara. ' Nea 2ealand on holf- r~l Centn how he could
BuL he ~eeeu b be a d~r he eufte~ed wfth� "Be~ ott dope" They
man conaumed r?ith drsaal armptoma and aent htm to The Naven.
worriea. Mike worrles realtaed what lwd hap- "t aaa on sereAax, ft'a
t6st n.,e ot hL fnU p~~~, s houaewite'a drug, 11ke
name In thls ~rtick vgllum, but I w~sn't
conld co~! hlm h4 Job taking one or tao, mors
a. clesaer, Hb em� ~ Ilke a ahole bottie.
plo~er knows hb W~ck� MW}~ I~~e to The
i~rrorlc do not~ ot6en ~C~~O Aaren I had a ref:ure.
tt Nu Wce aa epileptle
H e' Norrlea about ~'Br i p1+ on the fl~ I thlnk It�,~ t6e
k e e p i n g swap from ~~~~one proQranuna ehallc la rour mteta I
drugs - Is concerned phen ~u are Pre- wae la the ori~V tnom -
that he wi11 never eee u~~ ~ d~6 ahich fa two rreelca." ~
h1s atte and chitd blocka herotn's appesl. ~ one atep toartrda
again - deapaira of ~ u t coming oft
making a friend aho methadone left me ~vtth etopplnQ s return to
wiU accept him on hu s�me ot the worat wtth- drugs he a~eara a medal
own tevel - aameone d~~~ s3'mptoma I've ~~nd hla neck asrn-
whe ls not a"big broth- had. I rvaa sweatlnR ing helpers that 1n case
snd uncomfortable for of accfdent, morphlne
er." a y~r� ahootd not be adminta-
- 'Che rond to iheae
vrorrtes atarted st tA B~ thli ti~ne MUce
a~ith hfs introductlon bad marrfed and ts- Aa snother step he
W marfhuana. t h e r e d a son and haa cu~ hlmrelf off
"Mfnd you, I don'C wotked whlle 6e wen! lrom &il hls old frienda. ~
thfnk manhuans 1~ ad- s t r s 1`h t" fo~ two ~~If I go back to the
dlcttve. The prublem U ~an. "t mwked Xra~s, o1d envimnment i could
that the aame euy you bnt I cWisit~ thst as end up on drugs agsln.
can illegslly buq grast deal~6t~" 6e ~ald. Bu0 I'm 1onelq, I havs
irom wtlt fltegalty aell "bIy wlfe lett me then no triends apart !rom
you heroln:' Mike aald. attd I trfed W]cflt my. '~p~e a~ The H~ven.
D e s p f t e hla con- eelt b~ averdosing ~vlth �I don't aan! to be !n
iidence that !t is non- heroin But I arolcR up s~~~ helped titu-
addlctlve, he ~afd he on ihe b~throom floer.
coutd not go baclc to ~~I then dfacovered +?ttoa I pant to atand
manhuans. that barbiLurstea were on mq oam t~vo tee~
"I can't go to the pub
_ . acene uny more becxxiue i
druga are there."
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EEN A :~,56~ : . . .
~U SL. HD , .
~ ~ ~t
00 ~ .i
, ~ ,
~ ~t ~
: ~
442 ~ �
1912 �'13 '13 �'14 '14 �'13 75 �'16 '16 -'~1 '11 �'I6 J
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
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C 11 Ar~r~ 7~~ t~ 'i)
~TBxt] Drug~ from th~ Golden Triangle
Urug profiteer$ ar.e combining funds to bring heroSn lnto Qu~ensland ~rom
South-Ea~t Asia~
The flnnncfera tske ao rfeki Auetnlla cadae from the � ~
thlmaelvei, They reanift una tclanate," iolden Bccauae of ~he hu~e rewarde tn
people~ mtnY ot whom drua tr~fflokfn~ brlbery and eor-
Y� T1~ f~ f~he ace~ ~round the 9ur� ruptlon h~w been endemlo ~mon~
a uggle" on commerclal tUehta, ma, Th~lond aed L~o~ botder~ many potlc~ dru~ ~quu~ ~rour.d
e unu~~lera.'we cont~tnere and Mr, Bly~~ ~enu moNWr theworld.
etrspped to the body or cor~ceoled heroln movementa. Much ot lt Qoe~ ,
1n body ~avltlea. !a AuieraUa Enou~h for Mr. B1y W Md it feequmtty hu been
Other fmporten ~ltl1 gsmble on 1abe1 AwlnW y~Q. ~yt~ ~aC 11
tr~dttlonat melhoda, Uke faUe�bot- tlm counery," Po ~e kNp b~ck p�t
tom aufteuei, eome ~impiy pU~re To tlv~ an ldea ot the cea~rd~ ot 4ru` h~uta ahfoh o~n be'blin�
~ ted" when they w~nE ~tteeu,
u~Q?eu ot heroln unon~t clothina Mr, 81y afd e catrl~r eould ity in -
1n n overnlghti beg, rvtlh on~ k11o~n ot W per oent ~.I p~ D~.0, irt~uron ruoq .
ey ~rork on !he prfnclpte thoC pure No. 4 M1w heroln caela~ ~~t~Y to YN quat~on ot NlNt~hl~
only s un~?11 perceneoge of pse~en� abou~ 5190,000 ttrapped to hi~ or lhli h~ppefu 1n qyeen~l~nd
~e� ott fnlern~? fu~bu are ber body, Mt h~v~ be~n ofriar !n ol~ ot
uted to aubmft W n ieorch. ~~When 1!'i ou0 doan to what We !he dru~ pwd' foe tf~ y~n ~na
llnd on the pclnolple Wa! the re� ~ddlcfa lnJeoC lnto thembivei it'~ fhere tuy~r ~ bow ~yr ~oe~or~q
w~rda are to ~reat ehat s11 ih1D� orJr about 6 to 0 per centi pure, ~videace of oor:uptfai~~
m~nta don't tuve to aet throuah. dnd !t could have a ~treet v~tue of "And 1t'~ tba~ ~ur to tfnd �
ileate Drug Bqu~d chief c2n� i1,~.G00~2~n,10~,Q, . . ~leh marlbwna l~ h!`b1~.
~plc~or 'hrry Ferauwn) eafd: Mr. Batei ufd !'Mers1 a~at~, ~~Y Po11a ~?ould ~ nland~r 11
'Tbe protftee� behfnd thae ahlp- both nu~cotf� u~d CwWnu, !n on any~" Ia~p~oWor
mNnv are very hsrd to ~et a~ AwtrW~ !n 1~8 a~pWred almat ~8 +v~
Some ot them ue M BH~bane �
~od ue keown !o aa. 8ane ot 4} k~,o~aranubf �e ~ i~ooaopated Nltl~
!b!m would b~ keown to tM pubUo
~a H IeRltlmate capaClty" Inap~obe Fetpuon ~ald tha~ la
i n a p e o t o r Fer~. eon~ Federat Q u e e n ~ t~ ti d a~l1o~ dndeteonr
Ndreotlca Sureau CommWloner Wenfa ~n boklo ~!oe /ntfloken
IMr. Hsrvey 8atee) .n Carfberra, nlher t~n w}n.
and Unlted 8eaka Lrug Eaforce- ~~re haw had a bf~ increw fn
' ment AdmlrJatrst!en Far Eaee proeecuWn` people pho uU drugi,
8ectloa chief (Nr. Rlchard 81y) !n and !t L~ratltyfn~ that oourtt u~e
Waahfngton ali W1d Z~he Courfer� ttartin~ to tmpoa~ heavfer peaal-
Mail that tde bulk of heroln 1n t1a on tbe~e yeoPk "be ~atd.
, 30,000 Are Smoking Pot in Queensland
At least 30,000 people--that is a consE~rvative estimate of Queensland's mari-
huana smokers.
This estimate xas made by Queenslar,d Divg Squad chief (Inspector Terry Fergu-
son) xho said there xere neK suIfily trE~nds among users of this most xidely
used illegal drug.
"There is a great tendency nox !'or people to grow their own cannabis in pot
"A fex years ago it xas very unusual to find it in private homes. Nox it's
common to find six or seven plants in a private home. We have even found
plants in homes in heated conlltions with artificial lighting~" Inspector
Ferguson said.
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Cannabis ~rew anywhere along the Queensland coast, but plantations had been
found near Cairns~ Stanthorpe~ Tamborinp~ Greenbank, Malen~�~ Toowoomba~ and
Inflation a,~f~cts drug prices a1an. Inspeator Ferguaon said two yeara ago a
28 gram "dna1." of marihuana cost ~30~
Today the deal was 14 or 15 grams for ~30~
"Thi~ increasing expenae is one reason why peopl~ are resorting to their own
pot plants. Another is that they don't have to go to a dealer~ and they feel
safer in their own home. '
"But whatever they do they will be caugh~ out in the end because someone is a1-
ways going to talk~" Inspector Ferguson said~
Federal Naxcotics Bureau commissioner (Mr. Harvey Bates) said from Canberra
that in 1978 narcotics and Customs ~gents aeized 7.6 tonnes of marihuana com-
pared with 17? k3lograms in 1971.
They captured 98 kilograms of cannabis oil 1n igj8~ and none of it in 19?1.
Inapector Ferguson confirmed thare kas an increased amount of cannabis oil on
the drug market~
The big rise in cannabis oil--and marihuana--capture could indicata increased
efficiency by the police. But it could also indicate a huge increase in quan- ~
tities of theae drugs on the market.
011 is the most potent form of cannabis. It might be 10 times as powerful as
the leafy tops of the plants, which are the most popular and well-knoxn by- ~
product of cannabis. ~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
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~ f1fl j~ ~ -
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F14URE8 sbop reposted drn~ ofiencea in qyK~~d
Pollce resions ior 1l77-78.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
I'e~cu ~'i~.:L :C~ ~ Ki11er �
I n eryaialilne, ~1mosE *
YBERC~IO A C i d 1~Wdery form, PoP can be
teken oruly; as s ilquld tt SOSVNY R?88 buated
:Dlethlamide, or cun be inJected; or ~c oan bringing a~ eouple
LBD, ts out of vogue b^cco
or lesvesnof
nitnt und of grams o! smack
in AusCralia now, pro- ~ amoked, (heroin) back lnto
bably because oi 1ts Vlctoria irom over-
g~nnorally a g r e e d * seas,
dangers, tf'~~S$~~ a she c~ama t~at Ifke
Hat� then la concern fn "drug murder" many ot,here, ahe aas eup-
At~},talla at 'whaE eome meant the end of drug Po�~B her hsb1E by takfng
money irom wherever ahe
usete~tee ss an alternatfve addieElon and pushlna could get it~
d"'~' ior Wally Trenehard. 'rhe vrorat teature ot the
Lt ~ t e phencyclldlne During hfa perlod ot he� buaE wss t1taE once peopte
(~rOP9' snd potlce fn Aua- hemtn ddlef~fon, Vva11q hlghor in the drug traf-
nt j~ e selted Ewo bat� puehed ~Qa to euataln hla f I o k f n g hiersrehy dla-
2t 18aeld that the Amerl- own habl~. , co~ea~ed that ahe had been
ca,~ ~reclpe fot the chem- $ut during n deal fn Oc� caugh6, Lhey teolc advan-
~ ~~rrry concxted drug, tober, 1877, he ae~w one te1- fa~e ot th~ uEuaton. _
wn~n ~wa~ tlreE developed loqr ahoot another d~d They offered her a clean
es an ~anlmst tranqul111aer durlna dlnpube. D~Poh wlth s new name,
W~tlly then nallsed haw whlch theq Apparently eas�
and pl~aesthetfc, fa now e~a p~~~ fty obtalned by paying
being crsnemitted around , rackat' woi ond Aow ch S1000 to wmeo~e well up fn
Au~ttatla, lq It dealt ~v1th humsn Uefe. the Qovernment bureau-
T~f ~tT~e II.B. where ft fa He attrt~d on drugs cracy.
call~d ~"The Peace PIII" a when he waa gfven s~ofnt "I chfekp~ed out of dofng ~
Cor~greesfonal report haa by W i elder bmther, the trlp eround tihe world
brandeQ PCP a danaeroue Talce he "dlned out" $~Rkok whet? K ~
kttlor~druq. ' while an herotn. The fire0 frlend of mine aaked me
The ~ dru g, knocvn 1n tfine wae ~vhen he eernd a abou~ the ~uaper6 they
Australlg as "MReI Dust" aix�month Ja11 krm for ~d So~ me.
c a n t n d u c e homlcidal Po~~sfon of drugs. ~~I ~~Bht Lhat 1f ~he
matffa, and the effecta of Tha recond wae the~lasE ~~nY Deople
thc drug can laa~ for tlme, snd waa petrt~anen~ ~0a'~' $0~Y ~tld.
we~ka, He aatd he waa auppliM 8he clafm~! that !hb
Flrst developed !n the ~'~~h d~~ ~ pu~ by s wea haw fhe awr~eo~ druQa
1950s by s phsrmaceutical buainesamsn who managed were kept on the muket~
company 1n the U.9. lE was a~~r n1 . '~e P~p1e at fhs top oi
alt~drawn from use on hu- B Dn~tq t h e orgayeation dever
mans In 1985 after com- ~4~~ Qubn~~~ ~hfs Come into contACt alth the ~
plaMta that 1t damaged vl- fellow~ and I aiao uaed to drugs at a~. They do not
efod and hesring and in- & f~' blt lrom two Wuch them and they do
duoed dellrium. NewcuWe blkiea, not directlr puah lhetn.
"i chink chey uaed to gec "There ue a lot of druQ
In 1967 it . aas revlved m~~ of the etuft from the running ayndlcsEee in Mel-
and,reet'ricted to veterlnarq C3rfftlth area. I wouldn'~ be boutne. formuta leaked aun whether much came *
out~trf the iate 188Qa and la ~~m overeaa,"
noa~ 'ptoduced by uaers tn ~ ahat he knowi of D~Hd nruat, dlrector ot
No~th ,America lrom in- t}1e (bld Coaa w
Rreafents leaeliq obtalnable now Ifvea end workaeWelle s~a 7a
~rdire~lp~t h~ero~fn
from chemlcal firma. q a d d i o t s' Ille ~~sotane~
aaid the ecene there wu
~11 the 1nRredlents aro "pretty heavy". from hL espedence ~vIW
available tn Auatralls buE ~~It~ ~e ~ h~~ ~ t6em wa~ RboaO t8 ee t8
the ma~ componenl; the anqwhen. Surtera bdng 7~r ot ase,
cataiysl~+le aold only under ~
atrlct F'edenl gufdeilnea d~a� up irom the aouth Thst flgure Ls depend-
and both b1g and amall ent upon the addlct atsrt-
for veterlnary purpoaes. buelnea~anen are rerq much 1ng on hemta before the a~e
Although the caWYst involred, of ~l." he aald,
can be msnutactured by �3ome of the people 1n- Ciovernment medicsl of-
mlxing several other chem- volved ofkn hold hl hl flclals aald fhat no atudq
icals, alao ~?vsllsble in this g q hsd been done on a heroln
country. the formula fa dlf- I thlnk
ilcult to lmvlemen~ s lot of w would be aur_ addlct'i life expectsncy.
~ Prlaed, if we found out Juat but that they uaually dled
who ~a inrolved," he aafd. ~~rY Youna.
cso: 5300
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Brisbane THE CQURIER-MAIL in En~11sh 12 Apr 79 p 4
~Ed3torials "Drug Growth Is A].arming"]
~BE Courier-blail's investigatiot? Lito i,he . In a soclety where milllons ot dollars
State's drug scene dld not pre~eat a arC spent annualty on socfally-aeceptable
pretly story. drugs such as alcohol and tok~acco, ft may be
Among the frfghtening facts is the coet more dliflcult to convtnce many would-be
or~ a~ neroin habtt: about a840 a week. To lind hard drug users of the rfek to their llves.
tiy~.r.orE oi money, the victtms have to rob or Yet vigorous public education achemea
Bt~oai, become involved in prostitution, or be- aimed mainly at adolescenta, should be mafn-
come pushers themselves. tained, There must be no under-plsying Lhe
The alarming growth of drug oifences in peril o! drug abuse. Addicts who wanL to kiclr
Queensland, wlth more than 2100 cases fn the habit ~hould be encouraged to ioit? re-
197.?-78, indicates that users are not being habilltation progran~mes, ~
deterred by the 8tate's penalEies, already the parents should look at their o~am~ drug
toughest in Australia, attitudes, and th~ use ot~common h~ttaehold
~ Nor are these stift laws having much drugs. The Alcohol and Drug Problems As-
impact on the drug scene's most despicable 8octation says parents have a 2ot tb ~nswer
operators, the get-rich-quick ~'busineramen" ior~-irequently encouraging their children to
who reap enormous financial beneiita use ~'druga prescribed for their own use. Pill-
Clearly, there is no simple solutlo:~. It ia Popping can easily become a drug hablt.
unrealistic to expect the tough 8tat~ and ~It is obvious that although QUeensla~nd'a
Federal laws, and determined polic ng o! dru~ ~problem !s sertous, !t has not reached
them, to bring a return to the years when drng the level oi some other States. Public under-
abuse was something that hardly eve ~ haR- atanding ot the situation may help build up
pened, reslstance to any increasr in drug traftic,
, But support for tough drug law., par-
tfcularly against pushers, appears thr; only
way to contain the situation, and to make
the spread ot drug use more ditficult.
cso: 5300
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JOINT DRUG SQUAU--The federal nnd New South Walea governmenta gre setting ~ _
up a~oint drug squad and, if it's auccesaful, it may lead Co similar
squads being set up in oCher sCates. The new force will involve elementa
of the sCaCe and federal police and the Federnl Bureau of Narcotica and
its main Cgsk wi11 be to aecure the convi.ction of people engaged in drug
tr~fficking. It will operaCe independently of oCher law enforcemenC
agencies. The estnblishment of a new drug squad follows recommendarions
from lower commissions on drugs and drug Crafficking conducted by the
federal and New South Wales governments.
INCR~ASED DRUG TRAFFIC--Canberra, May 23--Herain seizures in Australia hawe "
more than tripled in Che last four years, while the amount of cannabie
recovered jumped last year to nine timea the level of 1975. The minieCer
for buaineas and conaumer affairs, Mr Wallace Fife, whoae department cove:ra
customs mattiers, said today his department had seized 17.8 kilograms of
heroin last year compared with 5.9 kga in 1975. Narcotics agente netted
7648 kga of imported cannabis last year--a massive ~ump on the 703 kgs
detected in 1977 and a 763 percent increase on only four yeara ago. Mr
Fife said it was not poaeible to estimate the quantity or place a value
- on the druga being illegally imported into Australia, but the heroin trade
nlone is understood to be worth more than 100 million Ause dollars a year.
Mr Fife said the department was loathe to place a cos~nerci~l value on
seized drugs because it was fe1C this may encourage drug smuggling and
trafficking. (Text] [Hong Kong AFP in English 0845 GMT 23 May 79 OW)
AUSTRALIAN HEROIN TRIAL--Sydney's central court was told today that police
had broken up a conapiracy ring which allegedly imported heroin worth ~5
million into Australia. The court was told at least four men were in~aolved
in the alleged conspiracy but one was now in England and another in Italy.
Before Che court were (Sergio Dimali), aged 40, and (Antonio Bruskino), aged
23, both from Sydney. They are charged with conspiring to import heroin
into Sydney between March 1978 and February this year. The crown prosecutor
said it would be alleged the ring had imported about 1 kg of heroin on at
least six different occasions. He said (Bruskino's) brother, who wae also
alleged to be involved, was now facing extradition after being arrested in
England, and a fourth man who absconded from bail was believed to be in
Italy. ;Melbourne Overseas Service in English 1230 GMT 29 May 79 OW]
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Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burmese 12 May 79 p 5 BK
(ExcerptJ Namhkam, 6 May--Beginning from the aecond week o� February,
membere of "Operation Autumn"--township people'e police force membere and
etaff of the agriculture deparement, health department and land recorde
department--under the guidance and leaderahip of the Namhkam townehip party
unit and councils, started desCroying illegal poppy plantationa in dense
woodland and hilly regions of Namhkam townahip in northern Shan atate.
With aseistance from aoldiera of Che 4th infantry regiment and people's
miliCia units, members of "Operation Autumn" deatroyed 114.5 acrea of poppy
in Loi-long, Ta-kun and Panghsang village tracts.
As a result of last year's operation and because of educating and organizing
the people, not a aingle poppy plant was culCivated thia year in Kawngweng,
?anghka, Maimawng and Patmar vill~ge tracta--Che areas where poppy wa~
cultivated in large scale previously.
CSO: 5300
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g , y--A crime prevention squad led
by Sub-Inspector of Police U Tin Oo aeized abouC K 100 worth of heroin from
two men in the heart of Rangoon yesterday. The two were identified as
Maung Tin Moe (20) of Natchaung lst Lane, Tamwe, and Maung Shwe Thein (24)
of Bazaar Road, Kyaukmyaung. Similarly, a aearch on one Ah Saing alias
Tin Shwe (24) of 16th SCreeC, Rangoon, near the Cana1 Street and 23rd Streer
junction on 8 May led Co the aeizure of a packet of heroin worth abouC K 100.
Police are taking acCion against the three men under Sections 6(b) (posaea-
sion) and 14 (d) (failure to register for treatment) of the Narcotic Druga
Law. [Text] [Rangoon WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in Engliah 11 May 79 p 1 BK]
HEROTN SEI2ED IN PABEDAN--Rangoon, 12 May--Police SCation Commander of the
Crime Prevention Squad U Aung Soe and party seized a packet of heroin with ~
a street value of K 25 from a young man at the corner of Merchant Street '
and 30th StreeC, Rangoon, yeaterday evening. The police personnel and Ward
People's Councillors aearched the room of Kyaw Win at No 85 (Third Floor),
30th Street and seized another packet of heroin from the room. Police
arreaCed Kyaw Win and booked him under Sections 6(b) (possesaion) and 14
(d) (failure to register for treatment) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Text]
(Rangoon WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 13 May 79 p 1 BK]
DRUG GANG LEADER ARRESTED--Taunggyi, 3 May--A team of policemen led by
Inspector U Ye Myint and Sub-Inspector U Tun Myint of the Shan State Nar-
cotic Drugs Suppresaion Squad arrested heroin gang leader amputee Tun
Shwe at his house at No 30, Kyantkaingye Road, Pyidawtha Quarter, Taunggyi, -
yesterday. They also seized from his house two packages of heroin worth
25 kyats each and discovered five bottles of heroin hidden underground in
cans. The drugs seized were worth 2,000 kyata at the local market. Both
amputee Tun Shwe and San Tun--viaitor from Keng Tung who was found at the
house of amputee Tun Shwe--were arrested and action has been taken against
them under Sections 6(b) and 10 (b) o� the Narcotic Drugs Law. It has
been learned that amputee Tun Shwe was wanted by the Rangoon people's police
force. [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 10 May 79 p 6 BK]
EAST MERGUI COURT JAILS MAN--Mergui, 3 May--The East Mergui township people's ~
court yesterday handed down a 5 years imprisonment sentence to U Aung Shwe
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of Knnna atr~eC, Kangyi ward in Mergui, afCer finding him guilry under
Sectiion 6.B [of the Narcotic Druge Law] for poeaeasion and ea~.e o~ nar~
cotic druge. In April last year, acting on a eipoff, Police Subinspector
' U Tin Lwin and a party, with ehe aesistance from Che ward council, raided
U Aung Shwe's reaidence and found 25 sma11 packetp of raw opium. U Aung
- Shwe was sent up for trial under Sections 6.B and 10.B (of tihe NarcoCic
Drugs Law]. [Text] [ltangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese 11 May 79
p 5 BKj
RAW OPIUM SETZED--Namhkam, 29 Apr--The party, councils, army and people's
militia have b een to effectively suppress the trafficking of raw
opium from the Shan ataCe to Mandalay Diviaion and Kachin state. As a
result, on 29 April, a people's police platoon led by atation officer U Tun
Tun arrested near Hosang village three peraone, including Markam of Nam-hsan
village, who were preparing to carry and transport to Kachin atate three
bales of raw opium weighing about 60 kilograma. [Text] (Rangoon L~KTHA
PYETTHU NEZTN in Burmeae 5 May 79 p 7 BK]
POPPY SUPPRESS ION IN LASHIO--A ceremony was held at the conference hall of
the AgriculCure Corporation in Lashio on 27 April to present gifts to pea-
sants who aubstiruted poppy with other crops. At the ceremony, deputy
[Shan] StaCe agriculture manager U Tin Aung and deputy townehip manager Daw
Nan Thuza presenCed to the peasants from 21 villagea 500 hoea, 252 bags of -
"T-auper" fertilizer, 700 baga of urea ferCilizer, 210 bags of potash fer-
- tilizer and 10,000 kyats--all of which were gifts of the state and the
United Nations Drug Abuse Control program. [Rangoon LOKTHA PYEIT}iU NE7,In
in Burmese 7 May 79 p 4 BK~
CSO: 5300
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Bombay TIMES OF INDIA in ~nglish 30 Apr 79 p 5 BK
[Text) New Delhi, April 29 (UNI)--The directorate of revenue inrelligence _
(DRI) in cloae collaboration with the Australian narcotic bureau (ANfi) has
unearthed an international network of narcotics smugglers operating in
India through a novel method of cargo switching.
The gang was detected recently following a seizure at Sydney airport of a
consignment of 95 kg. of cannabis reain (hashiah) worth Rs. 30 iakhs at
the international drug market prices, which has been booked from Delhi as
incense sticks (agarbathi).
The Union minister of state for finance, Mr. Satish Agarwal, said that the
officials of the DRI succeeded in arresting two gang members who had dis-
closed their modus operandi in their statements to the investigating offi-
cials. A hunt is on for their accomplices.
Mr. Agarwal said that the ANB had been informed that the Australian contact
of the smugglera' gang came to India in November and paid RS. 40,000 se -
the first instalment for ahipping the contraband.
The minister said that the DRI officials had seized four cratea of agarbathi
at rhe Delhi godown of an international airlines, which bore airway bill
numbers identical to the one seized at Sydney.
The airline was not able to give a satiafactory explanation for their pre-
sence in the godown as the records indicated that thia conaignment had
already been sent to Bombay through Indian Airlinea for onward shipment to
Australia. When the customs examined theae four crates, they were found to
be genuine. ~
Investigations revealed that the two arrested persons and their accomplices
had taken these four genuine crates and four others containing contrabr~nd
to Palam airport.
The four genuine crates were put up for customs examinations and later the
other four were also taken into the airlines warehouse.
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Mr. Agarwal e~id ChnC in collu ion wiCh Cli~ c~mploy~ e of ehe clearing ~genta,
~tic eu~eome e~~l wn~ pue on all the ~tghe er~C~e~ Th~ four conraining
~nntr~b~nd were loaded.
'rhe �our ~~nuine cr~Cee, were left ar another location in rh~ airporr,
but rhe culprite did not heve enough time to remove the originai csrgo
from godown.
Mr. Agar~,rnl eaid that in the confeasional srarea~ent one af ehe err~~ted
peraona etated tihar an Australian national, RobQrt Richard, had approached -
them in November with a plan for smuggling haehish from India to Auetralia
and introduced him to tao other Indians in hie gang who were Co co-operate
in the amuggling operation.
The bRI officials had also seized incriminating documents from an aircargo
company and another firm baeed in Delhi, which had been involvQd in booking
the coneignment.
CSU: 5300
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Eleven Arreeted
MadrAe THE NINDU in 8nglieh 9 Mey 7~ p 7
~Text) New Deihi, May B.--The Minieter of State for ~ingnc~, Mr. Satish
AgraWal, roday ieformed the Ra~ya Sabha that the Enforcement DirectoraCe
of the ~inance Miristry had bueted an internationAl racket involving haehieh -
of the value of Rs. 45 lakhe and foreign exchange worth pe. one cror~.
tle told ~r. Lokesh Chandra~ Mr. Perkesh Mehrotra and Mr. A. G. Kuikarni
that 11 persons had been arreAted by th~ Directorate in coneection With
thie racket.
He eaid that in this international racket an Indian banking compaey and
Thomag Cook vere involved.
He to~d Mr. Kulkarni that Mr. Aehok Biria wae not arrested in this connec-
tion. Inveetigatione aere still in progrees and anybody found involved
Would b~ arrested irrespective of hie atatus.
Mr. Agrawal said that he had not heard anything about foreign money being
received by Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute. '
Alleged Foreign Exchange Racket
Calcutta TIIE STATESMAN in English 9 May 79 p 7
~Text~ New Delhi, May 8.--The Directorate of ~nforcement has unearthed
gn alleged racket in aystematic transfer of funde outeide India, auspected
to be over RS 1 crore, the Ra~ya Sabha Was informed today, report PTI and
The ~iinister of State of Finance, Mr Satieh AgarWal, told Mr F. M. I~an
and Mr Mulka Govinda Reddy tha[ the racket came to light following a series
of operations carried out in Bombay, Delhi and Jullundur.
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Ne eaid three IndiBne in Bombay and Delhi, an offfcial ot'c~n Indian bank,
two of�3cia18 of a for~ign trav~l agency~ a Tan~anian nationai and a
~ foreigner of Indian origin have baen arreeted under the ~oreign Exchange
Regulation Act.
- The racket hae two facete--one of clandestine tranef~r of foreign exchange
ont of India and the oeher of v.nauthorized daalinge in narcotice.
CSO; 530Q
21 ~
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. ~
SEAMAN"5 OPIUM FOUND--Nagoya May 11 KYODO--Police and cuseoma officiale ~
announced Friday the arrest of an 18-year-old Greek seaman on a charge
of violat:;~g the Opium Control AcC by caching 35 grame of crude opium in
his cabin aboard a Greek freighter naw anchored at Nagoya port. Acsording
to invesCigatore, the opium wae found when cuetoau officialA checl.ed Che
10,700-tion Pleiae on ite entry to the port Thureday morning. The drug,
worth yen 7 million in etreet velue, vae iu five caramel-sise papur packete
in a cloth bag in the youth's loc~Cer, they eaid. The seaman wae quoted es
saying he bought the opium about one month ago at Colombo, Sri Lanka. ~
[Tokyo KY~DO in Engliah no time given 11 May 79 OW)
DRUG RING ARRESTS--Shizuoka, 18 May--Police have arreated 98 persons on ;
charges of buying or selling amphetamines amuggled from South Korea. Police ~
said ttam Yong-hak, 44, of Nagoya, illegally brought in 6.1 kilograms of ~
stimulant drug Worth yen 2 billion from South Korea in aix tripe to Pusan
With his wife Yi Yoeg-chu, 43. Nam purchaeed the drug from a cousin in
the port city and sold iC through rings in five prefectures, including Tokyo ;
and Osaka, according Co police. [Text~ [Tokyo KYODO in English 0258 (~fT
18 May 79 OW~
CSO: 5300 ~
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Kuc~ ]n Wmpur N~W S'C~At'TS TIM~S in ~n~li~h 10 Apr 7g p 1
(1'~exe 1
MENTRI Beear Tan Sri Ha~! ~e atate C~overnment to tind out o on a?na In thl~ n~ ce,
Othman 8aat eaid he haa the extent ot dcug aatlvt ea among @ co�o rat~on s�
Q r_ Cioverntnent eervanb~ ~e Mentrl ~ nmen~anddethi P~o~u
obtalned a st of ove n Be1~r eafd laet nlght, Pe Important~" hs Added,
ment aervanta suspeetec~ ot g~gking ac a~~Preie NI ht"
being involved in drug ae- g~ven by the State Ciovernmen~ tor MNJor problem
NvitCes. membere ot the maee m~dfa and Tnn 8r1 Hni1 Othman
He added the 11et revealed that the informatfon Department, Tan ea~d to~tunuiety ~~du~
thcre wae at least one pereon con� Srf Ha~f Othman �aid: ' kune" hsd 1Ate1 o me
nected wtth druqe In every State ~~Approprfate aotfon w111 be torw~~M to Ip t �
dovernment department. taken agalnet theie Oovecnrnent e*nment ~ tt~ !
The 11et wae prcpared and eub� aervante who are 1nvolved in pB~~~~~t the dru` maa~
mltted by the headi oi the vartaue etther drug tnkln~~ trnttleking or a~ Hr ~ald ln the 1 t tew
departments re~ently to enable even dfetMbutfHe ~~utd ~b~ daye, sn aoute ~ ~
wae s ms o~pr~oblem ot d~�u~e had Inot+~~u~d
the ~~ri"ce ot deup
faced by ~he ~overn� A~Idlet~ who ~ um
ment and ~top~ ought to ~b1e to ~et thulr ~upp11~~
~ . be taken before the eltu� had b~en plaked up In
atlon ~ot out ot hand, pathetfc condltfon snd
The M~ntrf 8ttar ~om~ h~d avan dt~d.
added there were be� ~ TAn grf Hail Othman
twren a0,000 and ~0,000 ~~a{d tM Pn~s ~houtd un�
peopie In th~ 8tate~ mat� dentand why h~ad~ ot
Iy youtlui, lnvotved In Q o v~ r:~ m~ n t d e�
drut abu~e. partm~nb vrere reluc�
He ~eld . the exl~Nng tant to ipeak to them.
tacllltfes~ and aecom� ~~It Is not that theY
modatlen at the drug re� refuee to co�operate wlth
habilltatlon centre here the Prees buj they a~c
was not ~utttetent tor govcrned by eertatn
treatment ot all thc ad� ~~es," the MentM Besar
"But the tlght at~eln~t ~afd,
the drug menAe~ Fiu to
CSO: 5300
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Kun 1~ t.umpur 13USINESS `C~M~5 ~n ~ngli~h 20 Mar 79 p 3
~ I Ext TH~ large number ot ~gMoue torme laet year, tlvene~~ ot the countryhe ~
drua eef:ure~ whfeh are lneiuding 33o kflo~rsm~ effort~ 1n tacklln~g E
belng made n~uIsriy by (848 pound~) o[ raw problem, the LTnlted
Cu~Eome otiieer~ In oplum~ 9,000 gram~ ot $tatee Cu~tom~ 8ervfce,
Ma1ayels ehowa that the p*!pg*ed oplum and aA fn partleular, hu pro~
count~y 1r makln ~d k11o rame ot Qanable vfdec! vaMou~ torme ot ~
progreu In theg ifght (gan~a), asefstance to the Roys1
egainet drug ~trattleking, He commended the MalayNan Cwtom� De�
the Ueputy PYnanae Mfn� ~Yal Cuetoms snd IDx� partment,
leter, Oatuk Neo Yee a~~e Department tor The afd prov1dad In�
Pan eafd yeeterday. thefr ~ucceie, cluded the provldon ot
He wae .epeakfn~ at Pofntfng out that the ~oUne~ fn the tlnlted
t h e o p e n 1 n g oT a dru problem 1~ an In� atstes, the eondueting ot
nareotlce In~tructa~ de� te~attonat one snd cour~N by UB ottlceri In
velopment eourie ~t the therefore requfree In� Mslay~is, the provi~lon
Koysl Cuatome Trafntnr ternatfonal eooperatfon ot cour~ee In tfie US on
Coilege In M~lscaa. The 1n Ib suppreufon, Dstuk the he?ndling ot nsrcotlc~
cour~e~ eonducted by ot� Neo reveaied that the deteetor dogi~ and the
ttclale from the US Cw� ~glayalan Cwtom~ De� ~upplying ot the Ilr~t
toms Seevlce~ wu the P~~ent hu begun to ~ucb dog~ to torrn the
tl~at o~ it~ kind con� work eto~ely wfth Ib ~yucleu~ ot ~n ~ntt�
du~ted 1oc~lly. c o u n t e r p a r t~ f n narcotte� dog uNt. ~
. Aeaoedln~R to Datuk AmeMea~ l~wtralla and Thankln the Ud ~
Neo~ the Cwtoms au� ~~anr to deal wlth ~
tho~ltle~ ~el:ed la~rge the menue. ernmant and tb GVatom~
quanllttee ot dru~ ln To lncreue the ettee� ~~~p
~ration,~ DstuTc Neo
~afd the two�week eoune '
whleh he opened ye~ter-
day was et another
torm ot as~~etance trom ~
the US. ~
Datuk Neo aald the
drug problem In ;
M~laY�la li a ~eNous
ane.~~n the baiV ot a ~
United Nattons eitlmate
that only one tn ten drua
addleb� are detected, he
~ald the reeord fn
Malayda ~ugge~b that
there are qpproxlmately
300,000 addicts In the
country. Mo~t of them
ib ~~oung people aged 16
CSO: 53i~0
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MI~ 1 AY" l A
Dead Babies
Ku~l~ Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in Engl3sh 13 Apr ~9 p 28
('CCx e] NONO KONCi~ Thura. ~~'~'he mag~slne ~ald the
- Smuggiere hsve �muggler~ kllled the
ueed dead bables ~ble~, removed the Im
etutted wlth heroln to ternal organ~ and ~tutted
trare ort the dru the tonoe wlth heroln,
~ P B Tho bodle~ were then
acroae the Tha1� oarcfed over the bo~der
Mala atan border~ the '~a~ ~pparently rleepIng
Fctr ~aalern ~conom- br?be~-fn ths a~m~ oi si
tc Rev{ew ~afd today. ~deanate parent~," tt
The weekly ma~sfne, ~ ~e bable~ had to be
quoting reporti trom under two ean old ~o
Haadynl fn South~rn thst lon rpertod~ ot
Thalland, ~afd mat ot ~ g
the babfe~ had been kld� ~~~1eQP~~ Would not sp~
napped ~'thou~h ~ome pear unnatu~~1. The
wece ~o1d to �muRrler~ corp~e~ had to be wed
by thelr parenta wFio are wltF~in 14 hour~ ot deeth
belleved to have been un� Wh11e the t~ce~ retalned
aware ot thelr intended thel~ colour~ the maga�
fate." sine ~~fd, - Reuter.
Report Denied
Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in ~nglish 14 Apr 79 p 18 ~
ALOR $TAR, Frt. - told the New 8trafta The ~eport aald thc~ Ne i~dded, huwever,
Police and Cuetome 7'imea today thst during ~'ar Eaa~ern ~conorntc the~e had been ctue~
otlieer~ actlvely em� ~~tiveyearaototdeehe Revtewpubllaheda~tory where Infantr wer!
ployed on antt�amug� ~d not come acro~ any quoting ~eporta t~om s m ug led In t~om
gling du fee on the ~ch ea~e. Raadyal (n 8outh Tha!� Thalan~ snd then ~o1d to
~ . Datuk Kudtu. who li land that the �musglers chlldle~~ Malay~lan
Kedah and Perlii ~~io the commarida~t of kllled babie~, ~e~noved couplea.
trontlere bordeClng the apeclal antf�amu~g1� thetr Internal organs and
Thalla~d have na} Ing unit operating I ihe ~tutfed thelr tonos wlth The head ot the Pre�
Come acro8a any cate swo ~tates~ waa commen� heroln. , eentlve Ofvldon oi the
where heroln stutted tfng on a.torel news Kedah and Perlfs Cw�
a enc re Datuk Kudus ~aid that p
in dead bablea waa ~ Y por [rom although It war pwelble Charern $Intachat 8 a n
a m u g g 1 e d 1 n t o on Kon yeaterday that �mugglees might iald he had not come
etating tha~ �mu~
Malayaia. had uaed dead baWa adopt ~uch a tactlc. -he acrosa a ca~e where a
Kedah and Pe~lli atutted wtth herofn to had ~o tar not received dead baby wa~ wed to
Chle! Police atl c
e r D a� t a k e t h e d r ug a c r
a t h e ~Y ~ntormatlon or re� ~ m u g g t e t n d r u g s.
tuk Abdul Kudus A1faa Thal�Malaya ian border. P o r t resa r d lna i t.
CSO: 5300 '
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rtni,nYS1 n .
i~itUct SEIU~:CAGL RCSUL'i'S IN ~It~AK-iN5
Ku~l~ Lumpur t1EW 5'CEZAIT5 TIM~S in ~nglish 7 Apr 79 p 10
('l'ext ~
Drug addlotd here are
now satd to bo breaklng
Into Glovernment bulld�
Inge to get thefr euppllas.
Police belleve tfiat ad�
dlcte were involved fn
the break�fn at the Cen�
tral Narcotles Bureau at
Jalnn Mahmoodlah asd
the cAurt building at Ja�
lan Yahya Awal eariy
thfe weck.
In ~ the oase ~ of the
break�in at the Narcotlca
Hnreau they took away a
ematl amount ot opfum
but mfeeed a large
amount ot herefn and
morphine whlch had
been taken ~way tor ex�
hlbition eiaewhere.
Burglare took away a
clock and two tana trom
the court bulldfng atter
tafling to find drugs
among the court exhibita
Following the break�
tna at theae two placea,
poltce are now keeping a
cloee watch on premlaea
where drugs may be
The polfce hsve tn�
atructed ownere ot phar�
macles here to poat
night�watahmen on the
- premfaes or at leaat to ~
iensure'that thcir druga
are aecure.
The current ahortage
_ ot 'drug~ la sald to havc
been eaused by In�
tenattled. pollce and cus�
tomf.�action at the
bordeN~ - �
CSO: 5300
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
_ Kua1a Belait BORN~O BULLE~IN in English 17 Mar 79 p 32
KUCHINO. - M~� pect ii tound, � urine
I~ynlan Army penonnel teu toliow~. '
(ound tiJcln. po~u(n~ '"The ~m?y can de~l
or tnftkktnr in dn~g~ with ~n ~ddict't cae in~
aro dbmtued (roip the unde~ a month - much
krvice~ lrrerpecdve ot tuter than clviUan pro�
ehe r~nk ehny hold, nyr ceduni, Sut the legal
one ot it, !op men. procedure~ ~re ~Iway~ ~
We don t ooadons~ toilowed betone a man
t1ru~ addleb In tAe u� i~ diimiued."
my~ , remulced M~)or ~ The office~ ala ex� ~
(3eneral Datuk 2`aln pidned ehat the ~rmy
MaF?mud Huhtm, the dldn't juu turn an ~d�
Deputy Chiet ot the Qe. dtct loae on an umw�
neral Statf, addln~ thtt pecting iocl~ty= it flne
the ~ervice wa~ tatteg a eried to ~tve ali the me�
. krtow view on 8anw~k't d1ca1 treahp~nt It could
drug�taktnR problem, to provide a cure.
Ne a!d "a number" On army, penonne)
~ ~he decltned to give the in~u=tltnR dru_p tnto ehe
guro) ot army men in unte~ Datuk Huhim aid
ehe ~tste had been thero i~ a weU or~aaiied
caught wit~ drug~ ond proadura to comlut ehi~,
had been diimtned. with expero ~utioned at
Many ot ehem were a11 poind wherr umy
' new recruia and wete, ano eome te.
mo~t likely~ already ~d� He added that thae
dicted when ehey joieed� ~pa1~~y tnlned oG
~omehow ehey manage~ ficen w1w ~earch every
to e~caQe detection dur� ot lu~ga~e s man .
ins the~r medical ex~m� jn froai Peniniu�
lnation. lu ala~nia~ by afr or
Bi~t Datuk Nuhtm~ ~eA.
sold weh p~eople cannot ,And ehe atrny in Sa�
hide eheir habit a11 the nM?ak har ata earried
efine and are caught out a recent campatgn
e~intually. Once a iw� ~R D~~nnei w ery
aad ~chieve an aMnre-
na~ ot the drug men~ce.
CSO: 5300
- 27 ' .
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
DtAI ~r~Y ti I A
H~roin SentenGr
K~~lg t.umpur N~W STRAITS TtMES in ~n~1i~h 5 Apr 79 p 5
['r~xc l ipoH~ w.a. - v. ~a~n~.~�
by~ t~hew8~iu~ldoni ~Cotiut lo
thne y~~ ~UI ~nd o~�
dec~d to r~c~lv~ dx ~troke~
ot tha rolan tor pou~wlnr
~i~ sdmltl~d haWn~ A.1
ramm~~ ot h~roln at ~
~iow~ In Jal~n KopUan, ,
9unto ~t about 4 p,m. lut
Muoh~. 1~"or tNfi h~ wu ,
jsUtind ord~tM
o~ ricefve ,
dx ~trokw ot th~ rotan.
ti~ alw ~dn~ltt~d havln~
O,f4 rrunm~~ ot morphln~
at tti~ um~ tlme and pl~ce. ~
H� wu ~~ntenc~d to � ~
reu'~ ~d1 tor thf~.
TM court oreend that
th~ Nnt~ne~~ run concur
nntlr. . ~
Prisoner Charged
Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIM~S in ~nglish 6 Apr 79 p 9
[ TeXt ) O H O R E B A R[I ~ Awal ~t x.blt p.m. on
Thuru.- An Inmate of ApNI �
the Johore Baru prt~on ~Mg ~trnte sautee -
w a e y e s t e ~ d sr ~g~~Mohsmed tlxed
eh4r ed In court wfth ~he esse tu~ t~ot and
the ~leaal poseerMlon ~entenoe on May 14.
ot heroln In ibe pMson. I n~p e e t o r A s I s'
Hsmld 6ad eaNle~
Abdul Rahman Ah arked tor a post�
mwd,t7t,pteaded~ullty ponement on the
t o t h e 111 e R a I Rrounds that . he had
possesslon ot one not recelved a
I~tic tube ot leerola chemist'~ ~eport to de�
Pn block'A' oi the ptle� termlee t6e ex~?at
on at Jslan Yshya amount ot herolo.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
c~uilCy c~[ Uru~ Chnrgc~
Kur~1~ Lumpur NEW 5`Ct2A~7'S mIM~5 in ~ngli~h 10 Apr 79 p 10
(TexC ] 1POH Mon~ - 1~~ 9tlvu~~
~oi?~ ~dr~
wu ~Iied
~or ~ r~~jr b the
mR~f~teeu'~ aourt ~i~n to~ _
611vRe~~ah admltt~d hsw
In~ O,tlO R~mmN ot h~roln _
st Jdan Rsllw~Y ~t ~bout
~1,~0 ~,m, on P'~b ~e,
M unemplo~ man J,
ts6 w Mu tint~
ol ~~taNdtrlv tWUoaw wttt
w h~rd on 14y
Heroin Trial
Kunl~ Lumpur NEW STRAITS '~IMES in Engligh 13 Apr 79 p 28
~'~eXt ] ~ 1POH, 'Chun.~ Two men
t~rnm g~~ater.wort~f~who are
ilcklnr ehit~i had thil
caee t~an~terred to'the Hlgh
Court from lhe ~eplone
court here todsy. .
Whan the two men wero
produced In lhe couH loday,
pro~ecutlna otqco~ Woman
Chlet Inipecto~ Ko 81~w
Oalk lenderod s coneent let�
te~ trom th� Publlo Pro~e�
cuto~ tor th~ ca~~ to be
t~an~fe~red to the Hlsh
~ Wm Ah 8~s ~Ilu Llm
Chow Kow, S~, a labourtr,
and ~econd�hsnd oar d~~ler
clen ~n` Hoo, 37, w~re
lolntty char~ed wlth trat�
lickln~ In f01f.7 geamme~ ot
heroln In Jalsn Nuueln
here at ~bont 11.60 p.m: on
8ept. o lut ~esr. �
They were at~o Jolntly
charsed witA trstticklna In
~8 Sramma of mo~phlne at
the ssme place anQ tlme.
Heroin Arrest
K~ula Belait BORNEO BULLETIN in Fnglish 17 Mar 79 p 14
[ Tex t~ ICVC~tO. A pa eliat he had a matehbox �
liam~a tamd ~eK bo~ which oont~ined
~vlo~ ~ m~~1~e~ ~ OS4 ~rtmma oE t!~ ~
tamilr m tbe C~~ ~Le~, Z0~ oE ~dao HaJi
Thaae Wt October S T~ ~ru reatenced to
While PC Rani ~rar ebree roontlu� _~ail. M~�
~raEcWnf tba movf~� ~btnte Mr WDliam 3.8.
~rofd wu pae~ed eo 66s Lee aid that becawe of
tluc wmebodr ~ru tn sbe inerak in el~e crime
~oE t1,e~t1~� f~
the~iat~et~?~t6 pub~.
tre. The oo~ue~ble rnae lk aad toe tLe ~outh'~
out aad lound Le~ joon am ~ood~ ha 6ad ro ba
ICim; a ~ar~ch raveakd Jatled.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
Airm~n Sc~up,ht
Kuri I;i Nc~ 1ri I t ItclltNl~,n ISUI,I~1~,'('iN in t;n~;l iHt~ 17 Mr~r. 7h 15 ~
[ I:xcc~rpt ~ KUCNINO~ 7'here wou allowed a itAy ot
~ wu a nsuty wrp ri~e in executton on the ~entenc~
itore toc 3iaw Ho Mee pending an appeal he i~
when he ~tood ~urety on nuking ~g~in~t laing the
a5000 bail tor a tr{end ball money.
ticinR a providonal 9taw'~ trouble~~~tuted
drug~ cha~ge. vnc~ ~il� with Yahaya bIn Moho~
ed out, the trtend t~ led tnad Ywot, 26, ot thc
to roturn to court, Aoyal Malayda Ai~
~'hat meant ml~tartune Force, beln~ provi~ionally
to~ Siaw, becauu he wa~ charged wfth havinR cwo
ordered eo tortett the bail grnmme~ ot heroin n~
money. And ~ when he ' Electra Howe here lv~t
. wid he couldn t pay, he September 1. He wu re�
wa~ kntenccd to a year'~ ka~ed on ZS000 b~11 with
jail, two people ~tanding wre�
But he hai now won ty tor thG~ and wu ~up�
a ~epri~we on that; he paed to reappear in
� court on November 2,
Soldier SenCenc~d
Kualn B~lait li0RN~0 BULL~TIN in ~nglish ~ Apr 79 p 1 ,
[~xcerptsJ ;
KUCHING. An Army private may become the first person ~
to be whipped in Sarawak under tougher drug laws now in force. ;
On Monday, a msgistrate ordered a five-year jail term and six
strokei oE the rotan for 30-year-old Tan Kiak Chang, following hu
conviction for podsessing a large quantity of heroin �at the gate of hi~
camp near herc last Novembex. �
Ne hai. 10 day~ , to tence oE 14 years, a rai� Detence counul Mr
ladge an appeal agsuns~ nimum ot thrce, and a Richard C. S. Chua said
the tentence, but had mandawry ux strokes oF that although it was a
not done ao by mid�week. the mtan. urious oftence hc a~ked
it the rotan penalty is ThS law applied for for leniency. Tnn was a
carrled out~ it will be posscuion ot (ive or more fint otfender~ had been
the (tnt use ot a train� gramma of heroin - in ehe army mon than 10
ed whipper who u and in Tan'~ csue ehe yean and would be di~�
based at Kuching Pri~on. aniount had been 72.1 ~~d�
The case was ehe fint gramma. Mother private al~o
tried in a Suawak court ASP Wong added that charged tor paseasion
under the Dangemu~ the prevalence ot drug, from the ~ame incident,
Drugs Ordinance which offenca in the state ~s Abdul Rahim bin Ahm4d,
wa~ extended to t'he state now :uch that the legi~- q6 of ehe same brigade,
last year, laton have had to take hail h~ hearin~ ~djourn~
Proeccuting o(fieer a seriou~ itand, ed until next week.
ASP Harrt?on Wong uid
the offence for which
'Tan had been charged
under the ocdinance
carried a maximum sen�
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
I3runc~i Cn,~e
Kiiiil;i Nel~iit g0(iN~U 14ULIJ.'CtN in ~:n~li;~h 7 Apr 7~J In ~
~'I'c~xl ~
KUAI,A B~LAiT, bnx cnntaining~ o pnwder
A young man convicteQ was tnund in Yunos' ~or.~
on a hernin ~I~nrge, woi ket, Chemical analyais in
told by a maglatrate to ~in apore al~owed it to
havc weekly urinn teet~ ~d ~�i h~dru WA~ charg�
carried out to en~ure Fie g poisca~ion.
wa~ atE thc drug~ It wa~ Yuno~, a pipe tittcr
nne of the conditions ap� at the Public Works De�
plied by magi~trate Mr Pertment~in Kuala Belait,
Kona Seng Kwong in ac� said hc earned ~239 a
ceptinq Z2�year~old Yu� month and wa~ recently
nos bin Jaya'a plca Eor m$rried, He was thc only
leniency; he was placed bread�winner, Mr Kong
on a year'~ good behav ~g~ E~e would not l~e
iour bond, ailcd tor this would
The court heard olice ~~g~c hi~ wife deetitute,
~to ed a car in Loron Nowever, there would bc
pp g conditiona to hi~ bond
3, Jalan Utara, Seria, ;ncludinp~ the urine te~t~
laat November 20, There under police wperviaion,
were five people inside dail reporting to the o�
and when they were ta� liceYand not leaving phe
ken to the pollce ~tatfon district without police
and rearched, a match pem~Iufon.
First Life Sentence
Kualu Belait BORNEO BULLETIN in English 14 Apr 79 p 1
SANUAKAN, - A 29. counael, Mr Lau Ngan '1'he case was tried in Police ~s~id ~ they were
year�old heroin tratticker Siew, February, Jutticc Datuk 'acting oa a tip�oft when
_ wid goodbye forever , to Tan wa~ found guilty raerving hi~ judga they arreited one ot:the
the outside world ~1ast of hiving'56.49 ~rammo~ ment until la~t week. ~roup ouuide the Sab~h
week, when he became of heroin for trafticking Tan, from Malacca, Iiotel and fourid him in
the firet pepon untenc- pur~wes in Auguu last ~~ked compoaed as the poueuion of a 9in ttraw
ed to lite imprisopmeAt , year. Some of the supply judge pronounced sent� Wbe contsining heroin.
in Sabah for.a drug of- was f~und under a rug at ence but his prognant It was eitabliahed he
fence. the Sabah Hotc1, where Saba}ian wifc (they have had bo ht it (mm Tan.
Tan Nyiap Teng~ a. he worked, and thc rcst ~
hotel room boy, wai rthe under a bed at ht; home. ~`~'o other chilcfren) was Folice seued 8.42 gramn1.
lint pu~her convlcted un� Justicc Datuk B. T. N. ~een fi~htinR back tearo e~ ot the drug from un�
der the tough new Dan- I,ee~ (n the High Court, aa ihe Intened to the ver� tkr the doo~ rug of onc
geroua Drug~ ~Ordf,naoce iaid' the untenCe mwt dict. of the hotel room~ and
which e;arrie~ the reElect t6e "public horror ~ Tan was arratec! on ~ rest frocn hi~ house
death, penslty' at iu .al� and condemnation" of At~gust 7 with aeven ot1~� at Mile 1}, North Road,
ternatrve ~entenc~er the o([ence and~bat Tan ee people, five men and Deputy Public Praecu-
He doe~ not intend ap- had been "peddUrdt with ~"o women, who wcre tor Misa Mary Robert,
pealing, acco~'t~ to hia deatli" tor tinanclal pia �a'"~y nightclub waiter~ ~ppearing for the pm~e.
� and dance hateaaa, But eotion, asked for a tough
Tan was ehe only one ~terrent sentence ao
c6arged with a uriow ut- drug tratficking "wi~l not
fence; the othen were blosaom into a poppy fla
convicted on minor char� wer." -
g~w, fined and reka~ed,
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
WI ~Il(`44G'H ;~~,u~;l~r
Kiualu Ifc:lztll BUkNLU I3ULl,ls'l'LN in Lngli~h 14 Apr 7y p 16
[L''xCerprq] ' KUCHING, 7'wo
witnesui - one thought
' to be in Hrunei, the oth�
cr in Peninsular Malay
aia are being sought
for a hard drugs case
They are wanted� by
ehe detence in a hearing
of a case ot allegcd her�
oin pos~eaion again~t 9;.
_ ~ yesr~old Haron Sa11eA
bin Haji Kassim,
Haron, unemployed, ia
alieged to have had 1,2
grammea of the drug
when police raided a
houee. in Jalan I.intang,
� near Buklt Antu here, on
June 23 last year,
Nyan Mee Lee, said
to be in Brun~i, and a
Corporal Alimad, thouqht
to be wmewhere in Pen�
ie~ulu Malaynia, were
to have been callcd as
pro~ecudon wltneues,
but they could not br ,
" Another developmenc~
in the case when it came
before the court last
month was a self�confes�
sed drug addict being
impeached as a hwtile '
Haled bin Ratnbli, 24,
told the court a differont
itaty from what he gaw
the police in an �eariier
� statement.
CSO: 5300
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
Singnpc~r~ 'I'N~ S'C~AITS 'CtM~S in Bnglieh 10 April 79 p 7
(Text ~ ~~N~ ~rlod ot thMe ~a11 ~~o- ~
~PPev ~d~U? tN~e.'a, lY rrould
7'AW' ~f1 Mntenort h~vi e~pJt~ ch~r~w In
~ ~~f~~
~ 81e~apan S~e~fn~ over
ourt tLdr 6Mdi,
- ~
a~ dlm~ed td ~ D~ ~d - ~ ~t
appeal~ ot Abdiil RaAm~n wo~Nd a
bla Mtn~~ 78. aad Raml! ~t10a 6~ a Ew
bin IObasod~ 31. rbo w~1'r �~btf~s
convfcted oa Oet ~b ` L s[NO~tO~i, oD~~ew
yar toc importlo~ , ~,�ho~wc~ wlt~
cW~i~LPUd ~bow. ~ ~ Weo~a~~w ~ar~~
1be App~ Oouct a1w t~ d~pei'latlon ocd~e~.
- a~der~a ibRt ce. pm a t9~+w, tl. a~.oa. rree+t
1V2p0,83Z (SffO,fin lbmd ln aommlttb ontttd~ ~In`a
_ P~~ D~ tai'lelbd. poe+~. 9~oo~d4. t~e'~ Mu
xow~eMer, � tee ~upame tM an ot t~
Oourt et~coannead~tloo that ot -
eo~e ee a~o~aa no o~ a awa
B~QOf'f N~i OY!!WNld ~ 1M~0 Y'~DII~ dMd 00
by fbf ApQl~~f L'0@L VCb il'~ ~01T. fb! !llOt
~n aa anl ~ud~ement~ 1tr traonctloor a pcooeblop.
Ju~tlo~ N?oodboun taW tbat NO'!~t Unde 81~apae~'~
oa tbe que~tlon a the a~poe- Vr~, Impoetatlon oe asoct
tatloo t+ecommendttfoo, tb~ M~n 1S pamt~ a~ Derain
court ~s beto~ adctd to careier � m~adatocp dt~t~
reca~nf~e that atter the loos ~eneaooe.
C50: 5300
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
SMUGGLED GOODS RLCOVERED--The Peehewar Cuatome authoritiee have recovered
mo~or epare parte and foreign cioth worth about Re. 4 lakh from e truck
in an operation near Akora Khattak on Wedneeday. A cuetome pr�es release
eaid that the emuggied articiee were concealed in the truck and three per-
sona inciuding ite driver and cleaner have been arreated. In anotiher
operation, 64 kilograma of opiwn ~tas aeized. In yet anoCher operation, an
aetempt to evade exciae duty worth about Re. one and half lakh on beveragea
was foiled by the Cuetome etaff. (TextJ (Peehaaar KHYBER MAIL in Englieh
10 May p 1 BK~
CSO: 5300
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
Singapore THE STRAITS TIMES in Beglish 7 Apr 79 p 13
THE Prl~on4 ~p~rtment may be Approachtd to ewatlon ~ tce:~eow
~ p~artt~
~~~ve and e~ctendve ~oelal tiw~menc
a~ne cembmudvr
It wf11 aYo b~ ulad W~~.
~ w~ +~~e tin.m~ Involv~msnt
..~ana ~n ~ e..r .~e m~e ~c
r~ ~�~'�a~i.~'n~ ~'or�~e ~y?~,�~�~invo~w~a
v~lth w~p~ d cbe eututloo ot
DlrectoWof Pr1~oe~, aoW ~'1be hct tl~t tb~d~
~~ac~ Woer ~ In tY c~aa~ conld
eerea MIt~ tee S~apoe~ co~no~ r':
o i
Md~Nat~eotky ArocWloe r~filcb kd to hb coastnlthl
c~Aw �~o a.e~. w~ e.v~ aer~n a~n~
a c ~eemia.~ w~~b
tAe addlcb at t!~ d~t~stloo ~ .
` pr,~~P~�t tAe
tioydal~~~ f~n A i
~ ~"ti~
~ ~ ~�'~~,,~",`~a ~
We advbocr ~ommfeo~. on h~ee~
tnatment aod redEWtatloo acteod~d Erom ~ month~ to
wlt6 8aa~'~ �O~ ~ ~
p'rent a,~tem t~t VAO eu M wonld ~ to th~
ao caotact ~Ith t~e a~ da~i~aeed a~~f a-~bo~~me
ceaa~e aod ~o d
aot a~c~ ~0~�~'~'
p~~~ Mr 8ae~? ~e~ed mo~+e 81~
~lap caertltwab to vo~
da~ teer a~ attee+ne~ o(lfoees, u
oI a
s 5
~ at pwent 8~a~ sNdrd 70
s~ ~ m o n v
u o
w e s t r o m S N
and a campal~n to tec~dt ~ are imoaa deu~
VAOs at ~ commndt~r ~ ~ ~ ~~r~
ceatre. w aer �ald a Nbom 42 are und~r
tamllycentrcd ioclal seev- ~ aad '0 ~t111
ka aad la~tltutloo~l resa� y~,
~ C50: 5300
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
Colombo COLOMBO SUN in English 24 Apr 79 p 1 BK
['T~xC ) ~pe Policr, carrylnt or tbe1~ ouads, The pollce N~rcotld
Iaknslre operatlow ~nle~t ~3ure,u tn Cotombo ye~te~dir
t~e Prodneer~ ~ed tratflcren estlwAted the value ot th~
et aatooNp Mare dlsonrered haul rt Ets, 40,Opp,
a~eniere � punfapon Thl~ r~td w~a tAe reauit ot
de~e~p In the nn le oi Se~vur. a ae~rch ot ~ row ot ahops Ar
Er~vur Pollce ~ouod tho ~n� We Police I~at weeh
chea~ on Saturd~r~ ~t ~ep. Polfce iaid tb~t tf~er h~d
p~ndi~ near alnilikul~m. ~c~ found ~ tma11 quintlqr of l~n.
cordln~ to i report each~ntt fn the houte ot a tnder
Police Nadqur.nen yes,terd~r here. DuNng tewqtig~tlons N
The report a~id th~t' trro aia rtveUed th~~t the dru~s
nerwru had been taken into h~d come trom ~ chen~ fn tA~
a~tody in thla connection. ricinlly.
tremethli~ p/in!
~tlon reportedi~ tor Chindraieo~a ~ oi br En~r
~efRhed more 'th~n 5,000 tr~ced the chen� on S~tu[dur
CSO: 5300
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060012-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064412-1
COt1R3~ iN DRUG SUPPR833ION--As part of an effort to incraasa efficiancy in the
narcoCice auppraae3on work, eha Narcotice Control ~oard will today convena a
10-day training courea for narcotics euppreeaion coordinators. The training
will be conducted at 3i Nakharintharaairot Univereiey in Phiteanulok Provinca.
About 70 repreeentative~ from government unite and private organizatiore
eituated in the centrai ragion of the country wiil participate in the train-
ing. According to an official raport~ Thailand hae about 600,000 drug ad-
dicts who epend about 10.8 billion baht yearly for narcotic druge. The Nar-
cotice Control Board eaid the preaent narcotics euppreeeion doer.not~rork ef-
fectively deepite cooperative efforte of tha people from varioue circlee
because it lacks official persoanel in thie field of arork. The training of
narcoti~s suppreaeion coordinators ahich ie to be opened today ie expected
to partly help alleviate the spread of narcotic drugs. Meanahile. the nar-
cotics prevention and atudy offica of the Mineitry of Health eaid it aleo
organizee treining on naYCOtice dangere for people, local officials and
teachers in crder that this danger and its prevention can be knoan and die-
seminated to more and more people. (Text~ (Bangkok Do~aestic Service in
Bnglish 0000 Q~lT 21 May 79 BKj
CSO: S300
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COCAINE iNCINERATiON-~-Interior Minieery off3cials incineraeed 125 kg of
coc~in~ in Santa Cruz de 1a S3erra a few days ago. The cocaine tiae been
canf~ecated from cocaine processare end traffickera in the first 3 months
of the year in over 20 operationa. The larg~st haul was made in the cas~
of traEEick~ar (Fe1ix Bedoya) with (?62) kg. ~La Paz Radio Panamericana
Network in Spanish 1130 GMT 26 May 79 PY~
CSO: 5300
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MARIHUANA SEI2~D--The drug diviaion of the crims inveetigntion department
of Sao Paulo seized 217 kilograms of mar3huana brought from Paraguey by
three drug traffickers to the city of Cajamar, near Sao Pnulo, in a p~ckup
truck. [Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 30 May 79 p 8 PY]
C5U: 5300
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PEASANTS CULTIVATE COCA--Bogota--Camilo Corte~, commiseioner of San Joee
del Guaviare, eaid today ehat the Mafia hes encouraged the~peaeante of
the region of Guaviare to increaee their cuitiva~ion of coca. The
Indiana prane coca for eheir pereonal uae but they are encouraged to
ircrease their cultivaCed land in order to eetablieh large-ecale produc-
- tion of cocaine for export. He added ehat although there have been offi-
cial commiseione (words indietinctJ this eituation hae not bean eolve~3
(worda indiatinctJ. He eaid that the uncontrolled increaee of coca cul-
tivation can be prevented through better government policiea ro promote
the planting of rubber. (Text~ [Bogota Radio Santa Fe in Spanieh
1730 GMT 4 May 79 PA)
CLANDESTINE MARIHUANA PLANTATION--Bogota~ 7 May (AFP)--The Colombian arnry
moved into a 10,000 h'ectare (40 equare mile) clandestine a?arihuana planta-
tion in the norrh of the country over the aeekend, the Defense Minietry
announced laet night. The crope capable of producing some 30,000 tone
of the weed, Were to be burned off thie ~aeek. Fifteen people were
arrested at the Caribbean ehore site on the Gua~ira Penineuta aomQ 1~200
km (750 miles) north of here, the communique said. An An~ertcan plane
preparing to fly out 10 tons of hashiah wae seized in the eame regian
Sunday, the statement added. Pilot and copilot escaped. Colombian
authoritiea have aeized more than 50 ahipa and planea engaged in drug ~
trafficking aince the beginning of their current antinarcotice drive.
(Text) (Paris AFP in English 0642 CMT 7 May 79 PA~
ANTIDRUC TRAFFICKING EQUIPMENT--Bogota--Foreign Minieter Diego Uribe
Vargas has announced that the United States will provide new equipment
'for Colombia's fight againet drug trafficking. Special equipment to
detect and capture traffickers' planes fonns part of the materiel that the
United States will turn over to Colombia as part of the new anti-narcotica
agreanent that will be signed by the two governmente in Che (?next month).
(Text] [Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spaniah 1100 GMT 3 May 79 PA]
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MAItINUANA PEDDLERS SROT--S~nt~ MnrC~, Colombi~, 16 May (Et~~)--Si.x r~porred -
mnrih~ana p~ddl~r~ wer~ ~he~C her~: in an ~rm~d cla~h wieh ~ s~cr~t palice
pnrrol. Ac~ording Co tihe police, th~ p~ddl~rs w~r~ memb~rg oE one of t{~e
~ mogt f~urgome narcot3~s bnnds operating in the north~rn Cnl.omb3an co~~e.
A noncnmm3saioned police offic~r wt~e shoC !n the cissh r~nd tiwo d~tectilv�~
w~r~ wdunded. [M~drid E~~ in 5panish 0516 GMT 16 May 79 pA)
URUG TRAFFICK~itS ARRESTED--Bo~ota--'['wo drug traff~ckers, members of an
int~rn~Cion~1 r~ng op~rarin~ in Colombi~, Ecuador, Peru ~~nd Bolivin, hnvc~
bern c~rr~sted ~nd found in po~~~ssion ef 6 kq of cocn~nr. They ,hrc~
Igc~inH Larioe ~nd Juan de Jes~ig Paez, both of whom hsva exeensiv~ po1~.c~
r~cords in drug trafficking. [BogoCa Cadena Radi~l Super in Spanigh
0000 GMT 22 May 79 PAJ
COCAIN~ LAB EXPLODES--Corinto, Colombia, 23 May (EFE)--The gecret police's
(F-2) narcoeica department has reported that a cocaine laboratory exploded
here tod~y, seriously in~uring four drug traffickers. The explosion
c3estroyed tihe house where the laboratory was set up. It was locaCed in
the luxur~ous auburb of "La C~~lombina." John Hoover, a U.~. citizen,
operated the laboratory in Cali to proceea the drug obtained in Bolivi~
gnd subsequently sent to the i~lack market in the United States. ~Madrid
EFE in Spanish 0430 GMT 24 Ma~~ 79 PA]
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_ _ _ _ ..y._..._..,.._..~.,----~
MARIHUANA PLANTATYON--One of the largest plantatione of marihuana yat die-
covered wae found on a ferm S houra from the Buenoe Aires volcano in
Puntarenae. Lt Cnl Aldhen Vega, chief of the Narcotice Department, disclosed
thaC 2,100 planta were deetroyed. [San Jase LA NACION ic~ Spanish 13 May 79
p 12-A PAj
MARIHUANA PLANTS DESTROYEU--The Coata Rican Rural Guard destroyed over
50,000 marihuana plants on a p~antAtion loeated in Bombonin, near puerto
Limon. Part of the crop was destroyed and the rest bYOUght to Puerto Limon~
from wt~ich it will be sent on to San Joae to be deatroyed by Che government
ministry. [San Jose Radin Relo~ in Spanish 1630 GMT 21 May 79 PA)
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~n:x i co
Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in,Spaniah 19~Apr 79 pp 1, 5
~Text~ "Our main ob~eceive ie to exerc3ae atrict control over the growing o�
druge, in conducting the permanent campaign againaC the drug traffic cover-
ing the s tate of 3inaloa and the boundary with :the star~e of Durango and Chi-
huhua; and the date thaC we have aet for thia ia within the next year."
The foregoing atatement was made to EL SOL DE SINALOA by Cr~~z Lopex Cnrza,
. coordinator of thia program under the Office of the Attorney Gener~l of Jue-
tice, who eaid that they would thereby have an opportunity to intensify the ~
battle againat other types of activities which also affect the connnunity
and which are included among crimes againat health.
"Our miasion ie not limited merely to the destrucrion of poppy and marihua- ~
na plantatione; it is also aimed at preventing all kinds of crimea againat
health, and we must be very watchful to prevent the spread uf other types
of activities which are detrimental to mankind," remarked Lopez Garza.
The coordinator of the campaign against the drug traffic explained: "The
planting, harvesting, diatribution, shipment and marketing of these plants
is a crinie, and the coordinatora of Zone 06 are complying with the laa
in deatroying them, in addi tion to the toxic products which are being aold
in en apparently 1ega1 Tnanner, such as pills and syrups, for example, which
also come within our ~urisdiction, because the excessive usa and large-
scale marketing of them are included among the categorieg oF crimea that we
must combat.
"The positive results that we have accrued have evoked great interest in the
neighboring country to the north because, in addition to complying with the
terms of Mexican law, we are directly contributing to the prevention of a
spread of addiction in the United States."
Our informant stated: "The data available ia this regard show that the entry
of drugs manufactured in the Me~cican Republic into that country has been
reduced to a minimum; snd also, the pure quality, which was previously 8.4
has declined to 2.4, thereby preventing the d~aths of individuals from over--
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Lopez Garza noeed; "The eC~t3etice nn our work also indicat~ a declin~ in
a11 are~e of the illegal activities that are being conducted becguse, where-
ae in March we made 62 arreate, thus far in Apr31 we have ~rrested only 20
"Ndw Ch~r we have nearly a11 the poppy planting under conCrol~ we have been
able tn devote roore atrention to Che destruction of marihuana plan~aCions,
In March, 206 kilograme of that grase were seized; gnd in April we hnve al-
ready geixed 11 tons and 503 k~.lograme." ~
The coordinator explaineds "IC should be emphasized that the ~oine effort
that we have made with both forcee from the Mexican Army and membere of
the office of coordination ia whathas made it poaeible to ach3eve thie
great succees in the batCle againet the drug traffic~ and many of the eei-
zuree that have been made were carried out ~ointly.
"Whereas we confiecated 3 kilograms and 19 grame of opium gwn in March~ thie
amount dropped to 59 grame in April; which indicates the efficiency with
which our two departments have been working on this taek for the benefit of
"Now that the number of helico~~tere has been increased~ so that we may en-
gage in more activity, we shalt eucceed in eliminating the ~;rowing of drugs
within the time 1i~ait that we liave set for oureelves. Wher~as, last month,
we managed to aeize eix ehort-l~arreled and six long-barrele~l weapona, 1,378
rounds of annnunition and a labnratory, we think that seizur~~s of thie type
will be minimal in the future."
Our informant streesed the facC thaC: "The comparative da ta on the areas
deatroyed between March and thia date in April are aleo indicators of the
constant activity thAt we have been carrying out; because,in March we
destroyed about 586 poppy plantatations and 43 marihuana plantations cover-
ing an area of 397,18~ and 20,255 aquare me~ere, respectively; and in April
the figures were 344 and 1.257 plantations, covering areas of 63,302 and
292,655 square meters of poppiea and marihuana~ reapecCively."
CSO: 5330
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Nuevo Lttredo ~L MANANA in Spgniah 6 Apr 79 Sec B p 3
[Text] As o� yesterday morning, federal agenCS led by Comdr MargariCo Mendez
Rico had succeeded in capturing most of the members of the paychotropic drug
trafficking ring which was broken up on Sunday in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon,
thanks to the inves tigations begun in this town. It was reported tha~ over
20 persons are now under arrest, and that seizures have been made of 10
vehicles, a sma11 airplane loaded with marihuana and several thousand toxic
pills, in addition to the million of the latter confiscated on Monday.
Reauming his work as head of the coordinating office of the AMPF [Federal
Public Ministry Agency], A].fredo Aaron Juarez Jimenez announced that, during
the past few hours, several members of the powerful gang disbanded by the
agents commanded by Mendez Rico had been captured in various towns on the
United Stares border. ~
, One of those arrested is Horacio E].izondo Gutierrez, who was captured in
Reynosa, Tamaulipas. He was a leading member of the ring, l~ecause he was
responsible for coordinating the deliveries of shipments of psychotropic
' drugs to traffickers in this town, who in turn were exporting them to the
United States. ~
Moreover, on a farm near 1KonCerrey, Che agents continued seizing more raw
material yesterday, as well as a large number of implemenCs used for making
the psychotropic drugs.
A1so seized was a 1975 Cessna light plane, with license number XB-EUR, ~
which contained 250 toxic pills and a large amount of traces of marihuana.
The source added that it was very likely that the aforementioned plane had _
been used by the traffickers to export large shipments of psychotropic drugs
and marihuana by air. _
Many more individuals have been arrested, but since the investigaCions have
not been completed their names were not disclosed, because it is quite like-
ly that some of them are in no way connected with the incidents under i.nves-
ti ga tion .
CSO: ~330
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Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 11 Apx 79 Sec B p 3
[Text] On Monday.night, the Federal Judicial Police dealt the organized drug
traffic three severe blows: One of them took place in Monclova, Coahuila,
when four criminals were arresCed and 309 grams of heroin were aeized from
them. In Saltillo, two individuals riding in a truck which was carrying a
ton of marihuana were arrested; and, in Reynosa, 17 kilograms of cannabis
indica were confiscated.
The foregoing announcement was made yesterday by the coordinator oF the
Federal Public Ministry agencies. He disclosed that federal agents detailed
to Torreon and Saltillo went to Monclova on Monday night, and there arrest- ~
ed Francisco Salinas Garcia and the brothers Jesus, Luis Humberto and Fede-
rico Garcia Martinez, seizing from them 309 grams of heroin, as wel: as a
1977 pickup truck with license plates EV-3957.
' Moreover, agenCs from the Federal Judicial Police and patrolmen from the
Federal Highway Police intercepted a 1978 Dina truck, with licence pla tes
C-2326, which was apparently carrying bananas, along the highway from Sal-
tillo to Matehuala, at a site known as "La Concha de Oro" [The Golden Shell].
- Under the fruit, the agenCs found about 1,000 kilograms of carefully packed
marihuana. Riding in the vehicle were Pedro Salas Arellano and Alfonso Ochoa
Acosta, who had picked up the vehicle with the marihuana in Puebla, and were
driving to the border at Reynosa.
Finally, it was reported that federal agents detailed to the Reynosa bo rder
who were making a tour of the Rio Bravo marshes discovered two plastic bags
containing 17 kilograms of marihuana at a location known as "Las Coloradas."
CSO: 5330
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~ M~XtCO
- 13 Traffickers Arrested
Nog~l~g UTARIO DE NOCALES in Spanish 6 Apr 79 p 4
(Text) Cuagave, 5inaloa, 5 Aprll--Agentn of Che ~ederal Judicial Police ar-
rpsted 13 presumed drug traffickerg in this town, dismanCling a clandestine
laboratory in which 1.5 kilograms of opium that was confiscated was to be
The investigation, headed by Comdr VicCor Manuel Cordova Olvera, began at
the E1 Batamote communal farm in this municipaliCy, with the arresC of Hi- ;
ginio Contrera~ Felix and his wife, Bernardina Obeao Rios, in whoee residence
the laboratory had been set up.
Later, Francisco Olaiza MQra, owner of the Aenavides Pharmac:y, who was sup-
plying the drug traffickers with chemicals which they used to manufacture '
heroin, was arrested. Others under arrest are Macario Galv~z, Jaime Celay~
_ Reyna, Efrain ~azueta Beltran, Amador Mascareno Felix, Ruben Heredia Romero, -
and Marcelino Valdes Favela, as well as the brothers Juan and Pedro Sanchez ~
- Romero.
One of the main ringleaders of the gang, whose name was not disclosed, was
issuing orders from Nogales, Sonc~ra, and his capture ie anticipated at any
Ringleader Knowri, ~teing Pursued _
Nogales UTARIO D~ NOGALE5 in Spanish 7 Apr 79 p 4
(Text) The Federal Judicial Police a7�e on the trail of the ringleader of the
gang of drug traffickers caFtured the day before yesterday in Guasave, Sina-
loa, where they caught Victor Manue?. Cordova Olvera,Hig~nio Contreras Felix,
Bernardina Obeso Rios, and Fran:.i.sco Olaiza Moreno, and also succeeded in
dismantling a laboratory in which heroin was being processed which was sent
to Nogales.
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Th~ polic~ gourc~ reporred that th~ ringleader ie ~ re~id~nC of our euwn,
and hae been �u11y identifi~~t; hecause h~ a"f~e fieh" wetl known in th~
drug tr~f~icking world.
The rin$leader's name was noe diec].osed, so ae noC to inCerfer~ with the in-
ve~t~.gaeion, and he ie expecred to be caught eooa~ eince he cannot eacape
to the Unired SCutee, because he is wanted by the netghboring counCry's
narco ties auChoritie~.
Other members of the ring under ~?rrest are Macario Calvez, Jaime releya Rey- `
- na, Efr~in Zazueta Belrran and Marcelino Valdez Favela, who cla3med to have
been responaible for shipping the druge to Nogales.
A total of 1.5 kilograms of optum, which was to be processed, was confiscated
from the ring in custody.
~ CSO: 5330
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Nogales DIAitIO DE NOGALES in S>>anieh 5 Apr 79 pp 3~ 4
(Texej The Federal Judiciel Po~ice in Nogalee dealt the drug traffic ~nother
heavy blow when they broke up a ring of drug traffickere which had been ope-
rating f,or eome time, taking druge inro Che neighboring cauntry. 1'hey ~uc-
ceeded in ~pprehending four individuals~ including a woman, and confiscated
a large amount of marihuana and cocai,n~.
The commander of the Pederal Judicial Police, Joae de Jeeus Gerardo 5errano,
announced that, after an exhauative inveatigation which began 2 w~eks agn,
they captured on~ of the leading drug aupplfera in the state of Sinaloa~
named Fausto Camacho Millan, who had been sending large amounts of marihuana ~
and cocaine to Nogales for several yeara.
Continuing the probe, the federal agenta captured Vicent~ Fa~ardo Molina,
alias "~1 Mono," who claimed to have been engaged in drug trafficking aince
1976. He was an associate of the not~rious trafficker, Criatobal Valdez
Temaura who, it may be recalled, was shot to death in the downtown secrion
of town on account of a debt owed to drug suppliers.
The source said that Fa~ardo Molina had been watched for aome time, buC did
not fall into the hands of the police because he brazenly concealed his il-
legal activities with a shop known as "Veronica's Curios," located on the
Plaza Azteca, where it was said that transactions involving the purchase and
sale of drugs took place.
Another one of those arrested in connection with this heavy blow was Fa~ardo
Molina's distributor, Jose Juan Lopez Corral, and a woman named Yolanda
Estrada Esquer. The source added that, aeveral years ago, the police cap-
tured Jesus Fa~ardo, Vicente's brother, in connection with the confiscation
of a ton of marihuana, which had been shipped by Fausto Camacho Millan.
The federal source also reported that the individuals in custody were wait-
ing for a large shipment of heroin which was due to arrive from Sinaloa,
and that the arrest of four more drug traffickers is expected. Those under
arrest, and the seized drugs, were turned over to the coordinating agent of
the Federal Public Ministry, Humberto Garcia de Alba.
CSO: 5330
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F3ve Arrestad~ Druge Seized
Nuevo Laredo EL DiARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanieh 14 Apr 79 Sac C p S
(Textj ~ive indi~iduals who were mambere of a"gang" engaged in drug traffick-
ing in this border pore were arreeted by forces from the Office of the Aetor-
ney General of the Republic, headad by Margarito Mendez Rico and Mexio Ara-
gon Zambrano.
The capture of Mauro Guzman Jaaeo led to the arreet of hia accomplicee in the
. illegal buainess involving hard drugs. After Guzm~n Jaseo's arreat~ the
following were taken into custody: Raul Sergio Madrigal Hinojoea~ aged 41~
and a resident of 2118 Morelos; Alfredo Pruneda Maldonado, eged 5E3, who ap-
parently resides in Nueva Ciudad Guerrero; and Joae Craciano Diaz, known as
~ "E2 Italiano~" who residee at 108 Waehington and claima to be a native of
the s tate of Durango.
In a prese conference, the coordinating agency for the anti-drug Campaign
announced that when Guztt~n Jasao Was arreet~d, he had in his poesesaion 26
graa~s of a dark brown powder which appeatied to be heroin; and later Gregorio
Escalante was arreated with 200 grams of marihuana in his poeseaeion.
The Federal Judicial Police seized 20 grams of cocaine from the eume group~
and the inveatigations to which the members w~re aub~ected dieclosed that
they were earning $1,500 for each ounce of the drug.
The Federal Judicixl Police did not disclose further details on tliis group -
of captured drug traffickera, but co~ents were heard in the corridors of ,
the Federal Palace to the effect that it ia almost certain thaC more "fat
' fish" will be caught.
Preliminary Statemente Made
Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 19 Apr 79 Sec B p 7
[Text] Yesterday, five members of a well organized ring of presumed drug
traffickera appeared before the third district judge to make their
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pr~li.min~ry ~t~e~m~ne, during rh~ c~urg~ of th~ 3nv~~eig~Ci~n; und eh~y
add~d eh~e they h~d n~v~r eng~ge8 in th~ i11~ga1 bu~in~g~ of di~rribue3ng
drug~. 'Ch~ individunl~ invdlved ar~ Mauro Guzman Jn~sc~, Cr~gnrio ~~calane~
Cru~, Itnul Serg3o t13no~oea, Jose Craciano Diaz, aliae "C] ~rali.~n~~" ,
and Alfred~ Prun~da M~ldonndo~
Prnc~~d~ngg No 102-g79 were broughr ngainet ehem, ci.eing eh~~ pr~~un~bly
guilCy of commiteing a r.rim~ again~t health in ite var3oue degrees. All of .
them were capCur~d on 11 and 12 April.
Th~ f3r~t to be eaught wg~ Mauro Guzman Jaego, who ronf~~ged that he wa~ en-
gaged in heroin tr~fficking, and that he was supplied the drug by Jnse Gra-
riano who, in turn, was prov3ded with it by Etgu1 S~rgto Madriga]. Nino~o~n.
Maurn Guzman turned ov~r about 25 grams of heroin end a gma1L amount of ma-
r3hu~na which he had concealed in his backyard.
it~ul Sergin Madrigal s taCed thaC he had been enggged for eome time in the
purehgge and sale of heroin, which he obtgined from a woman whom he visit~d
in Mazatlan, Sinaloa.
CSO: 5330 ~
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Suspect Captured
Nuavo Lgredo EL MANANA in Spanieh 18 Apr 79 Sec B p 3
~TextJ On Mondey night, agente c~f the CAttle Judicial Police of the etete
of San Luie Potoei eucceeded in capturing the presumed drug erafficker Da-
mian Gallegas who, according Co the local police authorities~ ie coneidared
the intellecrual perpetrator of the murder of federal convict Juan Jose Lopez
According to charges made by Leoncio Jaseo Valadez, alias "La Agonia~" Jesus
Gonzalez Hernandez, alias "E1 Agilitae," and Antonia Pusnte Madrigal~ they ~
were each to receive payment of 5~000 pesoe because th+n firet two of them
(both inmatea of CERESO [8ocial Rehabilitatinn Center~) "executed" Juan Jose
Lopez Benavidee. ~
Ramiro 2arate Morales, the inveatigator from the prosecutor's office who ie
responaible for initiating the pYeliminazy peaal investigation of thia inci-
dent, said that, after a request had beea aent to the Potosi authorities, on
Monday night he learned from a phone call that they had captured Damian Gal-
legos in that capital.
Two agenta were im~ediately assigned to go to San Luie Potoei in order to
pick :up Gallegos and bring him to thia town. He wae expected to arrive here
last night. Damian Callegos paid for the "execution" of Lopez Benavidee be-
cause the deceased vas a Federal Judicial Police informer, and "put the finger"
on several traffickers, including the ring headed by Gallegoe of which Anto-
nia Puente Madrigal was a member.
The foregoing reaulted in the death of Lopez Benavides~ whose life ~as priced
at 15,000 pesos by Gallegoa who, in the long run~ paid only $100 to have
him killed.
Charges Denied, Suspect Held '
Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanieh 20 Apr 79 Sec C p 5
[Textj Damian Gallegos Hernandez denied hie participation in the murder of
Juan Jose Lopez Benavides, but admitted to the state prosecutor that he was
engaged in drug trafficlcing.
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Cv~n ehaugh h~ h~~ d~ni~d rh~ ehargeg, Gail~~o~ wi.11 b~ ~e eh~
digpog~l df eh~a penal ndurt of eh~ f~.ret in~tanea, ~].nng with Anedni~ Puenee~, Leoncio Jaeeo Va18d~z, aliag "La Agon~it~," and J~~u~ Gonx~l~z Her-
nand~z, ~lia~ "E1 Aguitas," eo enswer for ~he crime of eondition~l homicid~.
Rnmira Z;~r~e~ Moral~e, eh~ prae~curor in ch~rge c~f the tnve~tig~tion~ told
L'L bIA~ic~ y~sterdey thar the avidenc~ ~ga~n~ti Demign Gali~goe wae conv3ncing
and thnt, aithough he den3ed his copartn~rehip in the crime which took place
i~sg Snrurday inside the L~ Lom~ municipal prison, he would b~ turned over
ec~ th~ cnurt gs the intellectual perpetrator of Che murder of Juan Joee Lopez
_ g~n~vid~g.
~amird 7.~rate Moral~e remark~d that Damian Callegoa did h~ve conneCtions with
the d~cea~ed and with the other three individuale implicated in the affair~
and eh~t, upon making his etatQment to the agancy of the S~ate Public Mtnis-
try, Gaiie~o~ had ~aid rhat h~ eold marihuana to Antonia Puentea Madrigal on
Certain occaeions.
7'h~y Wi11 Also Remand Him to the ~ederal Judicial Po13ce
~amiro Zarate Morales announced that it is quite pos~ible thnt Damian Calle-
gos~ againsr whom proceedinga have been brought for a crime ~gainae healtli,
will be placed at the disposal of the Federal Judicial Polic~ sometime today.
It will b~ very difficult for Damian Gallegos to evade the a~tion oE the ~
courtg, because penal action will be taken against him both tn the municipal
and the federal ~urisdicCions.
'I'his individual is currently incarcerated in the La Loma muntcipal pris~n,
where he was sent last Wednesday upon being brought to Nuevo Laredo follow-
ing his capture in San Luis Potosi.
CSO: 5330
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KEROIN TRAFFICKERS CAUGKT--Thrae preeumed drug tiraffickere were caught by
surprise 3n their crimi.nal activities and captured by the Federal Judicial
Police on Wedaesday, in Miguel Aleman~ Tam~ulipae, and 32 grame of heroin
were se3zed from them. Im~licated 3n the eama cae~ is Cuadalupe Guzman
Jasao, who continued to aegaga in the purchaee and diatribution of druge
inside the "La Loma" prison. In that town the agente capturad Ce11a del
Carmen Robles Almazan, Agapito Munoz Villalon and Flavio Pruneda Pina~ be-
cause it was reported that they were erafficking in druge. They were ques-
tioned and confesaed that they had been buying and eelling large amounre of ~
heroin on an international ecale for some time. On Chis occasion~ Chey
turned over several envelopee containing 32 grams of heroin, and an 1978
GMC pickup truck with Texae license platee LF-1714 was seized from them.
Pureuing the inveatigation, the agenta questioned the individuals in cus-
tody, who eaid Chat on previous occaeions they had supplied regular quan-
tities of heroin to Guadalupe Guzman Jaeso, who is aerving a sentence for
drug trafficking in the muncipal ~ail. Several agents went to "La Loma,"
and aearched the cell of Guadelupe Guzman, fro~.whom they confiscated about
5 gran~ of the eame substance. It was reported that the Federal Public
Ministry would bring charges against the four aforementioned peraona for
the pertinent crimea. [Text] (Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanieh 21 Apr 79
Sec B p 3j 2909
TRAFFICKERS SENTENCED--Yeaterday, Cayetano Hernandez'Valencia, head of the
state's second district court, passed aentence on two drug traffickera and
an individual who was transporting illegal Mexican workers into the neigh-
boring country to the north. Jose Luis Alvarado Nunez, who was arrested
by the Federal J~idicial Police on 11 April 1978 while carrying several ki-
lograma of marihuana in his car along Sarabia Street, w~as aentenced to 5
yeara and 3 months in prison, and given a fine of 5,000 pesos, or anoCher
30 days' iacarceration, for a crime against health in the degree of mari-
huana possession. Alberto Bueck Beltran, alias "E1 ltata Giiera," was
sentenced to 2 years and 3 months in prison for supplying heroin. The
last one ta be sentenced was Filiberto Garcia Gamez, for violating Article
118 of the General Population Law. He was given a prison term of 3 years
and a fine of 10,000 pesos. [TextJ (Nogalea DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spaniah
7 Apr 79 p 4] 2909
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. ?
'Ctu1~~'~CKC~ ~SCAP~S JAIL--'Ph~ ~ed~a~~l Judicinl P~1 Lee ~r~ ryu~~ ei~ning 24
gu~rdg from the Nog~1a~ R~habilirarion C~nCer r~g8rdtn~ the ~~c~p~
nf drug eraf~ickar Ade].mn PB~~ Anguln, who, ~s mgy U~ ruC~~ll.ed, ~snep~d ~e
dnwn ~~i~ tinCurJay by ~limbing Che pri.~an wal.].H~ F~d~rn1 t'uhli4 Minislry
Al,~~~~~ Ilum~c~rt~~ Gi?r~:ln cl~ Alb~~ mnd~ tl~~ Cur~gaing announ~~un~~i~t, nottn~S rlint
tlt~ 2G ~uardg work~d ~n el~p ~3U0-070U houra and the 0700-15U0 hnuY~ ~titftd,
nnd th~e Che a~cape eoak place during one of the two, and was diecov~red ~r
2030 hour~. The �ed~ral pro~ecutor added th~t none of rhe guarde are under
~rregt, ~nd that they ~re b~ing ques tioned, one by one, unCil Che 8ecomplic~a
in rh~ ~gcape are discovered. It wa~ aleo reporCed ~hae rh~r~ are no clues
~hus far leading to the capture of the dr~ug eraffick~r, and it ie con~ider~d
a c~rtninty that he esegped from the country. (Textj (NogelCg DIA1tI0 DE
NOGAL~S in Spnnish 6 Apr 79 p 4] 2909
PILL LABOItATORY S~IZED--Mexico City, 4 April--The Federal ~�Tdiciel Police in
MonCerr~y discovered ~ clandestine laboratory equipped wiCh the most modern
m~chinery for manufacturing pills and amphetaminea, and capeured 10 drug
tr~ffickers. The federal agents found two mixing machinea with a 20-kilogram
capaciry, a tablet eifCing machine with a capacity to make 10,000 pills, a
tablet making machine with a 16-atamp capacity, a plastic p~~eka~ing machine, ,
gn ulrravioleC lamp, a powder drying oven and 300 cardboard boxee, as well
as shields, srrip makers and $45,000 in cash. It was noted that the traf-
fickers had already manufactured a million toxic pills, whic:h were s~ized ~
from them. This morning, Rolando Rene Florea Canales, Chapa Cabral,
ttodolfo Humberto Florea Canales, Juan Luis Pereda Felix, Julieta Fabpla
Beltran, Pedro Mon~es Azueta, Oscar Manuel Fabela and Pedro Higuera Valle
were arreated in Che Country Development in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo
Leon. [Text] (Nogales DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spanish 5 Apr 79 p 4] 2909
MARIHUANA SMUGGLERS CAUGHT--A powerful ring of drug traffickers which had
been taking marihuana in small airplanes to Che United States for some time
was captured in different operations conducted by a~ents of the Federal Ju-
dicial Police under orders from Comdr Gerardo Serxano. They confiscated a
small plane loaded with bags of raw and packaged marihuana, and succeeded
in arresting seven presumed drug traffickers, as well as destroying a ware- ,
house which was used to store large amounts of marihuana. The federal po-
lice source did not give the names of the seven arresCed drug trafEickers,
because the investigation is continued, and at least t0 more members
of the ring are expected to fall into the hands of the auth~rities. The
Federal Judicial Police carried out the operations in Cabor=a, Magdalena,
Santa Ana and Nogales, and they discovered several clandestine landing etrips,
in addition to others located on farms near the settlement of Cibuta, and on
the road leading to the "Las Cuevitas" farm. The seven individuals in cus- ;
tody and the plane and drugs which were seized are at the iiisposal of the
coordinating agent of the Federal Public Ministry, Humberto Garcia de Alba,
and they are still being questioned by the federal police. The blow dealt
by the Federal Judicial Police is cnnsidered one of the most severe achieved
recently, because it involves a ring that has been operating for several
years, sending marihuana shipments to the neighboring country, which was
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brok~n up when the main ringleaders were apprehanded~ [~ext~ ~Nogalee DIARIO
DE NOGALE3 in 3panieh 10 Apr ~9 p 4~ 2909
~ INMAT~ D~NI~S H~ROIN TRA~~ICKING-~~Federai prieoner Francisco Rivera Quezada,
againat whom the Federal Public Minietry broughe chergas invol.ving hi~
presumed guiit of the conunieeion of a crime again~ti h~aith in the degreee
of heroin poesess~.on and trafficking~ and the poeeeesion of peychotropic
druge, appeared before the secoad district ~udge yeseerday to make hie pre-
liminary atatement. During the course of the Rivera Quez~da admiteed
_ ChaC the Federal Judicial Police had fotu~d eome emall envelopee in hie cell,
but claimed that they contined "aniline" gnd noe haroin; in other worde,
ground prodoline ~ainted with ehoe dye~ which he claimed belonged to hie
wife, who obtained it with a doctor's pree~ripCion. Ae fnr the caBh Chat
was in hie cell, he said that it balonged to hie wife~ Maria de la Cruz Pa-
checo Ortega, who had receivad it from the eale of a plot of land. It may
be recalled rhat, a few daye ago, the Federal Judiciel Police made a eearch
of the cell at the Social Rehabilitation Center occupied by Rivera Quezada~
and found eeverai paychotropic eubetances and a moderate amounC of heroin.
_ He confessed that he had been selling doeea of heroin Co the addicta in the
prieon fnr eome time. The medical report that was aent by the head of the
Health Center to the Federal Public Minietry on ehe powder or eubetanca
found in Rivera Quezada's posaession showed a.poeitiva reaction to the heroin
teat. [Textj [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 21 Apr 79 Sec A p 2~ 2909
HEROIN TRAFFICICER DIES-,Yeaterday, Antonio Valentin Villegas, betCer known -
as "Negro Valentin~" died in a car which was taking him to the emexgency
roedical clinic, apparently the victim of an overdoae of heroin. Joae Pedro
Moralea, a friend of "Negro Valentin," told the police that he was in hie
reaidence on Reforma Street when several pereone arrived with "Negro Valen-
tin" in their arms, and asked him to take them to that clinLc. He agreed~
but on the way "Negro" died. Irb ralea did not realize the "Negro" was dead,
and so he took him into the cliaic in queation; but Dr Luia Contreras Sanchez,
the phyaician on duty, inforn~ed him that he had already auccumbed. The arms
of the deceased ahowed both old and new puncturea from a hypodermic need~e,
according to Puhlic Miniatry Agent Guty Cardenas, who ordered the body taken
to a funeral home ao that the legal autopsy could be made. "Negro Valentin"
was the son of Mrs Maria Luisa Villegas, widow of Valentin, with whom he
resided on Reforma Street. He aupplied heroin to addicta for many years~
and served several prison terms. Police agents were engaged in the investi-
gation, seeking thase who had been giving the drug to the deceased, as well -
as the locaCion where this occurred, and were pursuing the ones who were
supplying the heroin yesterday. [Text] [Nogalea DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spaniah
10 Apr 79 pp 3, 4] 2909 .
EIGEIT CONVICTED TRAFFICKERS RELEASED--Eight federal prisoners whom the Fe-
deral Judicial Police regarded as "fat fiah" when they captured them years
ago for their connections with the drug traffic will be leaving the local -
~ail next week, because the General Department of Coordinated Prevention
and Social Rehabilitation Services has given them Che benefiC of a
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pr~iimin~ry r~ieu~~. Thie announc~m~ne w~d m~d~ y~~e~rduy by P~dro N~cCor
CnrCig mr~vinn~ ward~n of thQ Soci~l ~chabil~.tae~.on Cenr~r, who wi11 go Cn
eh~ n~tiion'g eapieal n~xt Monday r~ r~naiv~ ehe wrira for rel~ae~ di th~
f~d~r~1 ronvieCe who hav~ b~nefir~d. Carci,a Tr~vino d@cl~r~d: "I thoughr
rhne nb~ut SO 3nmates wo~1d rec~~va th~ benetiti ~f a prelimingry ralQ~ee., �
bue th~ cgseg of mogt df Chem ara etill being ~Cudied. Only ~ight prieon-
ar~ wi11 be r~leased n~xr wp~k, and ehe re~C will remain uneil the PRS
(prev~nr~on nnd Soc3a1 Rehabilltation] department authorizes their releag~."
Thoge who will recover their fr~edom are inmates Juan Trevino Rodri~uex,
gonifa~io Cagero Perez, a11ae "La Paca," Ag~pitio Morales 2apata, Vidal Ee-
er~d~ Beltran, Gregorio Garcia Aguilera, Aurelio,Lozano ~enteria, Ftiancieco
Juarez Me~endgz and Nestor ~edrizco C~brera. Wh~n they w~re arrested, g11
nf them were identified as ma~or contactg of the underworld. AC pre~~nt,
the eight aforementioned individuals are serving individual ~ail Cerms for
drug erafficking. Garcia Trevino added that these peraons meet the require-
menta ee tablished by the Law on Minimal Standards, which demands, anang
other thinge, that th~y have good conduct, that they have participat~d in
spdrts nnd cultur~l events, that they have worked, and thati they have never
had tn be aub~ected to disciplinary meaeures. (Textj [Nuevo Laredn ~L MANANA
in Spanish 11 Apr 19 Sec B p 3] 2909
ATTEMPT~D ESCAPEE TESTIFIES--Today, personnel from the penal court of the
first ingtance will appear in the officea of Che Social RehabiliCation Cen-
ter to take the preliminary statement of drug trafficker Pedro Torrea Leon
and hia son, Jeaus Torres Rodriguez, whom the agent of the StaCe Public ~
Ministry has charged with several crimes. Charges were brought against
Torres Leon for the commision of the crimes of bribery, dangerous assault, ~
in~uries, damage to the property of others~ reaiating urregt and changing
names. His son will be answerable for the crimes of injury, resisting ar-
rest and dangerous assaulC. The preliminary penal proceedings against these
two individuals began when, at dawn on 16 April, Pedro Torres Leon attempted
to escape from Room 216 of the "San Jose" Clinic, where he had been taken
after his release from the "La Loma" prison to be treated `or an alleged
heart ailment. The pair beat and tried to disarm guard Jo:~e Cedillo Garcia,
who had been usaigned to guard the prisoner. They beat hi~n in vt~rious parts
of his body, whereupon policeman Ricardo Prado Espinoza in~:ervened and, with
his 9 mm caliber pistol, opened fire on Torres Leon, wound:ing him in the
arm. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 21 Apr 79 S~:c B p 3] 2909
CRACKDOWN ON DRUG PUSHERS--In order to put an end to the drug trafficking
rings operating in some of the country's educational insCitutione, the Fe-
deral Judicial Police have launched an intensive campaign which is being
stringently conducted by the federal forces in the northeastern area. Yes-
terday morning, the coordinating agency for the anti-drug campaign released
a report from the town of Torreon, where the group detailed there unnouaced
that, on Wednesday, it had arrested four individuals who were engaged in
selling marihuana to students and addicts. Pablo Hernandez Muro, Francisco
Hernandez Guerrero, Jose Felix Gonzalez Lara and Juana Soto de Gonzalez are
the na~es of those under arrest. A kilogram of marihuana and 4.5 kilograms
of seed of the same drug were confiscated from them. They said that they
intended to grow cannabis indic�a and then sell it to the students and ad-
dicts. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 27 Apr 79 -
Sec C p SJ 2909
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DRUGS IN BU3 TERMINAL3--Thp retail ~hope in Gh~ bus terminnls ~,n a11 Che
towna of the northeast area of the eountry, including thn~~ in th~ ~CgC~e
~f Nu~vo Leon~ Coahuila and T~n~aulipge, are being ineperred oEren by the
Fedar~l Judicial Police, b~cauee drug eraffickere are u~ing those faci],3-
ties for eending.;shipmente of ~~il types of druge from the southern parr oE
the republic Co the b~rder towne. The foregoing announcement wa~ made yeg-
terday by the Federal Public Ministry and, ~a Alfredo Aaron Juarez Jimen~z
claimed, thie method of investigation hae already proved succaeeful becauee~
during the paet few day~, iti ha~ re~ulted in Che thwarting of ma~or drug
traff~.cking operations. One of these insCances occurred on Tuesday~ when
federal agents seized a large heroin ehipment at the Torreon bus terminal.
The day before yesrerday, the Federal Judicial Police detailad to Reynoea
, upon searchirg the rerail ehop at Che bue terminal, discovered Cwo huge
packagee stored there. The proprietor cf the retail ahop eaid that the
parcele had been sent by bus from Guadala~ara~ Jalisco. T'he Federal Judi-
ciel Police in Torreon, Coahuila, confiscated 2 grame of pure cocaine which
were apparently to be used as a"sample" from the preeumed drug trafficker
Mauricio Humberto de Aguinaco Guerra. ~TextJ (Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in
Spanish 25 Apr 79 Sec B p 3~ 2909
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. ~
COCAZNE SEI2URE-~-A Coata Rican woman coming from Bolivia was arreated ~t
Tocumen Airport today for smuggling approximately 2 kg of ~'ocaine. The
woman, Maria Emilia Molinn Venegas, said thaC she w~?s on her way to
Costa Rica to deliver the cocaine. She said that she received the drug ~
in Santa Cruz, Bolivia from Cwo U.S, citizens who offered her $10,000 to
deliver Che drug to CosCa Rica or Miami, according to laCer instructions.
The street value of the cocaine in ~he United States was eseimated aC ~
several hundred thousand dollars. [Panama City Televisora Nacional
in Spanish 2315 GMT 24 May 79 PA]
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PExu _
Lima LA CRONICA in Spanish 25 Apr 79 p 7
[TexC] More than 2,400 kilograms of basic cocaine paste, nearly 200 kilo-
grams of marihuana, 9 kilograms of opium, 216 motor vehicles, 2 boata and
one aircraft, plus nearly 269 million soles in Peruvian money and dollars
are the unprecedented figures on the seizures carried out during 1978 by
the Investigations Branch of the Peruvian pol3ce in their fight against
trafficking in drugs.
These figures are contained in an official statistical summary provided by
the Public Relations Office of the Investigations Branch in which a detailed
- analysis is given of the results obtained by the police personnel, and they
indicate that severe blows were dealt to the Peruvian and international
organizaCions dealing in narcotics which are active in Peru.
During the period mentioned, the Investigations Branch intervened in 1,067
cases of trafficking in drugs and 769 cases of drug use, wiCh 91 percent of
- the cases occurring in urban areas. The largest seizures were those made
_ of basic cocaine paste, involving 1,279 cases, or 69.66 percenC of the total.
During the ,year, 3,312 persons were arrested, 2,267 of whom were dealers and
1,045 were users. In general, 1978 illegal dealing in drugs, as we11 as
their use, increased by 3.73 percent over 1977.
In the light of these statistics, it was determined that the ma~ority of the
consumers arrested in the course of the police raids used basic cocaine past~
and marihuana, since the number of those arrested for the consumption of those
_ two drugs constitutes 95.98 percent of the total. It is inte�resting that
the illiterate individuals implicated in the various cases became liable to
punishment for dealing in drugs and not for their use in any of the cases.
This indicates that the interest of the illiterate individuals who enter the
networks of narcot-!cs dealers is exclusively economic and is not the result
of an addiction or of a depraved sort of use of a specific type of drug, as
is the case with the great ma~ority of educated or literate individuals who
are implicated.
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Of ehc dedl~rg~ 85~51 per~enC hav~ had prtm~ry ~nd g~condery eduCnCion, while
~mong th~ ugere 72.34 p~rcene h~v~ h~d g~condary eduC~tion~ nnd ehi~ would
g~~m to indic~t~ th~e rhe d~grpe, or th~ intens~Cy~ of th~ ug~ of or tti~
d~ulin~ in drugs increa~es in dir~ct proporeion Co rh~ individual'g education-
al l~v~l, although the f~ct rhge Che ~ducational 1ev~1 ulmost alw~ye aoincid~~
with Che ir?dividual'~ economic level and gbility to acquire ag~eCg ~hould be
t~k~n intn cong~detiaeion.
In a prelimingry nnalygis, ir h~g a1~o been det~rmin~d Ch~C it se~mg eo be un-
married individugls, wiCh fewer family obligations and consequenCly with mnr~ '
~biliry ed ~cquire aseets Chan married people have, who become liable to
puni~hmenr more often, both for drug dealing and ug~ge, since 2,244 nf eh~
~~312 individuals arr~sted during 1978 were single~ and that figure repres~nts
67.75 percent of thp totnl number.
Also includ~d among the seizuree wsa g genuine "automoCive fleet" with 216
automotive vehicles~ 123 of which are automobileg, 45 are light truckg or
station wagong, 22 are motorcyclps and 21 ar~ trucks, plue two boat~ not
specifically described and otte aircraft. Also captured were enough weapons
to make up a small araenal: 29 revolvers, 21 pigtole, 14 rifleg und one sub-
mac}iine gun. It can be concluded from all this that th~ Investigationg
Branch of the police deglt the most overwhelming blow of recent decades to
~ the merchanta of vice in 1978.
CSO: 5300
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Lima LA CRONICA in Spaniah 25 Apr 79 p ~
(TextJ There are gtrange circumatances connected with Che death of a mnn
who h~d been detained in the offices of the N~rcotics Directorate of the
Investigations Branch of Che police, and who, apparently, has turned up,
drowned, in an irrigarion ditch in the district of Surco. The examining
magistrate on duty, Dr Manuel Marrull, has initiated an investigatiun
directed against whoever is reaponsible for the death of Julio Sobrado
, CasCaneda. _
Officers of the InvestigaCions Branch have stated that Sobrado CasCaneda,
who wns under investigation for trafficking in drugs, died last Monday dur- .
ing the night after having been taken to Surco to indicate the place where (
it was suspected Chat a clandestine laboratory for the producCion of coca~re
was located. -
They added that, when they were in the vicinity of some small farms, Sobrado
Castaneda attempted to escape, but that, probably because of the darkness
of the night, he fell into an irrigation ditch, striking his head against a
floodgate, and died of drowning in that way, in spite of the efforts of the
detectives to save his life. Judge Marrull went yesterday to the place where
the InvesCigations Branch said the death took place, and also to the Central
Morgue, in order to witness the diligence wiCh which the autopay was perform-
ed. The record of that auCopsy establishes thae the death of Sobrado
Castaneda was caused by asphyxia resulting from submersion.
In order to extend the steps that have already been taken, the examining
magistrate immediately initiated an investigation directed against whoever
is responsible for the death of this individual who is presumed to have been
implicated in drug trafficking.
9258 ~
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SanCO Uomingn LISTIN DIARIO in Spanish 26 Apr 79 p 3
[TexrJ The pollce rzported Coday that Aquilea Andu~ar, ehe former diplomaC
in Peru who was arrested when he tried to pass 19 kilograma of cocaine in the
" airport at Lima, was working with two female accomplices. ~
Cesar Fei~oo, the chief of the narcotics divisinn of tl~e Inv~stigations Branch
of the peruvian police, also pointed ouC that Mercedes Martinez, one of the
women involved, has been arrested; the other one is aC large~
However, Fei~oo explained Chat the 42-year-old Mercedes Martinez was arrested
as a resulC of a case of swindling and it occurred when her presumed illegal
acCivity with the diplomat was still unknown. The other woman, whoae name
is Martha, is said to have been an "intimate friend" of Andu~ar.
According to the former official of the Dominican Embassy, Mercedes Martinex
handed over the suitcase containing the cocaine to him shortly before board-
ing the plane which would have taken her to Panama, where she allegedly has
other contacta.
Aquiles Andu~ar was Crasferred to the Dominican Republic by two policeman
last Monday. Since the morning of 11 April, when he tried to pass the suit- .
case containing drugs, Caking advantage of his position as a diplomat, he liad
been under arrest in Lima, Peru.
CSO: 5300
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di~lomat Aquilea Eliseo Andu~ar, who wae arrested at Lima airport on
11 Apr31 for emuggiing druge, was expelled from Peru roday~ Flanked
by two Domittican pol3cemen, who arrived i~ Peru to pick him up, tihe :
diplomat quickly got on Che plane and refused to make any sCatemente~
Andu~ar arrived at the Jorge Chavez Airport in Lima accompanied by
Dom9.nican Ambassador to Peru Eduardo Garcia, who also refueed Co make
any atatementa. (Excerpta~ [Madrid EFE in Spanieh 2240 GMT 23 Apr 79 PA~
CSO: 5300 ~
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, Ca3ro ROSE AL-YUSUF in Arabic 26 Mar 79 PP '~�73
[Textj w~ii we soon be exporting opium?
perhaps; For th3s is what 3.s to be expected after the d3scovery af large
areas planted poppy plants 3n upper Egypt, and what the Narcotics
Div3s3on officia~s predict unless they are ~oined by the Mtnistry of Agri-
culture and Health and the 3nformation organizations in facing the danger
that looms in 1979�
Ma~ Gen Sam3. As'ad, director of the Narcotics Divis3on, says that figures
indicate a constant 3.ncrease in opiwn cultivation.
Ma~or General As'Ad says that figures indicate a constant increase in the
area of land planted w3th w31d hemp "hashish" and poppy "opium" and that the
fellahin in upper Egypt, especially in the Assiut Governorate, have become
very experienced in preparing these two types of narcotics for distribution
and conswnpt~on.
In the first 3 months of 1978, 5�5 million small poppy plants were seized.
This is twice the amount seized in all of 1977 when only 2 million were seized.
In the first raids by the Narcotics Division in ~979, led a few weeks ago by
Col Ibrahim Ha~~a~, 1.5 million poppy plants were seized--and there is more
to come:
The haahish plant also is outpacing traditional crops in the farmland of
upper Egypt.
During the previously mentioned 3 months of 1978, 1,078 wild hemp trees were
seized against 254 trees seized in 1977. '
The rate of increase in 1976 and 1977 was obvious to the officers of the
- Narcotics Division and, despite their great efforts, the amount of hashish
and opium plants increased in 1978 and is posing a serious danger especially
since the nation is gearing all its efforts to pro~ects to secure food.
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Lt Co~. ~'~th3 '~id~ ti~~d o~' tia~3on~1 ~:ffairs at ~h~ Na~r~ot~.~s nivis~.on, says
th~t th~ d~p~i~tmen~~ of the Mi.n~s~ry of Int~rior a~on~ ~re not suff'
Th~rc musti b~ a un3ted ~ffdrt by mdr~ than nne ~3d~. ~"oi~ ~xampl.c~ th~ Ni~�-
~stir,y df
Agr3~u~~ur~ is r~sponsib~.~ for gran~ing perm3t~ for agricul.ture and
ac~ual~,y supervis~s f'~rm~and~. ~t can eas~.].y uncover p~antatioria of w~,~d
hemp or poppy by esta~blish3ng an information network, especial].y s3nc~ th~se
plants ar~ ~as31y found by their appear~nc~ ~nd ero~ii.
As des~r3b~d by Col Hosni 'Abd A1-'Az~m, the plant grows from 2 to 4 fe~t
t~i~h and produces wh3te, red nr purpl~ flowers. Its leaves ar~ a d~~p gre~n.
It has un oval-stiaped head or capsul~ wh3ch reaches the s32e of a small orange
at m~turity, ~nd this is the sourc~ df opium.
How is ~.t extracted from the capsul.e3
lie said: the fellah slashes ~he capsule with a sharp 3nstrument and a milk
substance oozes out. Later, this subst~nce turns to the color of
Th3s is actually raw opium. The ne:ct day, 3t is gathered in spec3al contain-
_ ers. In upper Egypt, raw opium is also packaged and even prepared for con-
How? r
Raw opium does not reach the consumer's hands. The dealer mixes a ver,y small
quantity of the substance--1:5--so that he may obtain the maYimum profit.
~ Man,y substances are mixed with raw opium, wnich are called mixers. Among
them are the cola which looks like the echtyol o3ntment, and the fasoukha
which is burned milled corn, and coffee grounds. A11 these substunces can
be obtained at the spice store.
Why does the fellah take these risks when punishment can be 13fe :imprisonment
with hard labor2
Major General As'ad says: The incentive is the large pi�of3t he receives if
he succeeds in hiding and marketing the crop. A feddan of opium poppy yields
a minimum profit of 20,000 pounds while the feddan of cotton or wheat y elds
no more than 200 pounds. The head of the Narcotics Division affirms th~t ttle
antinarcotics organiz~tions alone are not enough to deal with the danger. He
feels that initially we must look at the problem in its proper perspective:
The fellah looks for money, the a~ricultural supervisor's limited salary is
not sufficient, and the antinarcotics organizations are conceatrated in Cairo
while mast areas plants are in upper Egypt. It is, therefore, imperative
that a national plan be developed in which the follawing would participate:
the Ministry of Agrieulture, the Mi.nistry of Justice, Health and Education,
AL-AZHAR, the information agencies, and all organizations whose activities
are related to the main production sources.
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Th~ 19~7 war resul,ti~d in the propagation o~' ~S.~d hemp plantatione, aecording
to I~~ Qen Mamduh 3alim~ aeaist~nt d~,rector of the Narcotioe~Div~s~.nn who ~
eaye: the war, the amuggl3ng outlets were oJ.oeed and hash38h pricea aky-
rocketed, thue tempting adventurers to plant the trees~ especialS.y in the
Assiut (~vernorate.
Modern industries were aet up in Cairo and ~uiza to process h~shieh, and
two factories were aeized where hashish was mixed at the ratio of lt3 with
. eycal.yptus leaf poader and colophony. .
How is mixing and proceeaing done?
Ma~ 'Atif Suliman 88y8 that the wild het~ plants are cut after they mature
and are spread to dry~ Then they are taken to rooms called ls~bor~toriee
where wa11s are covered with fabric. The plantm are ahaken so th~~ they
release a powder, which sticks to the fabr~.c~ This is collected and it ie
considered one of the pureat and best kinde of hashieh, called by the deal-
ers the "habu" or 'al-ghobara." The reat of the leaves are then ground on
large w3re meah until they crumble to the size of a eieve as uaed in Egypt.
Ttle resulting product is then taken and poured into fabric eacs ahieh are
expoaed to a ateam bath and then are placed in cotqpresaore that ehapea them
in the form of bricka. These are labeled and are then reac~y for as~le~
A scientific research paper describes the wild hemp tree as beautiflxl, and
calls it the "queen of weeds;" but, ssaures the paper, it poses serious
hazards for the physical and mental health of human beings. A~cording to
the off`icers who are fighting narcot3es, the danger of the "queen of the
weeds" is moving up from upper Egypt:
cso: 5300 .
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JAIL RIOT, ATTEMPTED ESCA1'E--prisoners in Bandar 'Abbas ~ai1 rioted aC
2000 lagr night, aetting pert o� the prison on fire~ An order to maintain
order gnd eo puti out the �ire was given, snd auxiliary forces and fire-
fighting vehicles were deployed in the prison premiaea. In an interview
wiCh our correspondent in Bandar 'Abbas, Pezhman, chief of police of the
coastal province, said the reason for the rioC was becauae the prisoners, i
moet of whom are drug addicCs, were unable to obC~in drugs. Our corres-
pondent adds: There is a rumor in Bandar 'Abbas that a number of prisoners
escaped during the riot. However, the police chief said none of the
prisoners has escaped and all have been tranaferred from Bandar 'Abbas' ~
old police 3ai1 Co the new prison. [Text] [Tehran Domestic Service in ~
Persian 1030 GMT 4 May 79 LD~
_ ~
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Jerusalem JERUSALEM POST in English 17 May 79 p 1
[Arriclc by Yoram Bar~
[Text] T~L AVIV. - A~saroh of the. "He dld not eoom overiy nervoua
luggage ot a paeeenger who arrived or excited untU wc resahed a larqe
1n Ierael Iaet week from Iran (vla eultcaee ho was carrying wlth hlm,"
Flnkeletetn es1d,
Alhene) 1ed to the dtecovery ot more ~~I opened the eultcsse snd atter
than 1,6 kq, heroln, worth eome taking everything out ot 1t I notfaed s
IL7.Om. Po11ce rpokeemen ~ald 1t cardbosrd Ilnfn~, I understood tt wae
wss the largeet druq haulln Israel's a double bo:tom and began to tear
hletory.� the oardboard, whfch wae etrongly
Llvtsn Farqula, 68, of 'hl Aviv, R1ued. When Farpula eaw that, he
_ who aleo has an Iranlan pae~port and eald: "You don't have to go on, thsre
who potlce safd hnd been under eur� are druRs there." He siw ottered ma
ve111ance for a long t1me, waa IL60,000 if I dldn't te11 anyone wh~t I
arreeted at Ben�C3urfon Alrport lnat had tound," ~ald Finkeleteln.
'1'ueeday 1n poeeeeelon ot 080 grams Atter hls arrert FarKula was taken
ot heroln~ Two dsys ister !he pollce ~o Tei Avlv to bo queetloned, Pollce
arreeted 90�year�o1d betly dancer eald they Iesrned he wa~ ~muqgling
Efat Maharparue In the llst of her under the cover of tradlnR In torelgn
manager, Mordechal Tehersnf. YV1ne antlquea and copper iteme.
'packagee, contafning 900 grame of Two daye atter Fargula'e arreat, a
heroln, were tound there, pollce eafd. . pollce unit broke Into a flat at ZO
Another euspect 1n the caee. Rehov Levanda. There they tound .
Yeheskel Melr, 90, a garage own ~r Maharparun, known proteeaionalt~
lrom Tel Kablr, wae arreeted un ~~~asiqulfa," and her mana~er
eueplclon ot ilnanclnq the purchase Teheranf. '~The two 1ay on mat�
ot part ot the dn~s and ot arrary~~lnR treeeee on the tloor. Neir thelr heade
tor thelr eale In Israel. ~~y nlne packaqee, contalnlnR 900
The tour were arreeted laet week f~'amee ot the beet herolhe, known as -
and remanded ln 16�day cuetody for "Perelan eoke," pollce said.
pollce queetfonlnR, but word ot thelr The arreeta led the narcotica
detentlon was not rcleaeed unt11 detectfvea to another man, to whom
yoaterday. ~ the poltce attrlbute the purchaee of
At a prese conterence yesterday, Tel about 100 grame oi herofne whlch
Avlv poUce head ot the central uNt h pakad Amnonu8hemeesh, head ot
3Ran�Nitsav Zecharla Banal told
reporters about what he called the Tet Avlv'~ central narcotlce drpart-
"Iranlan ~connectton." Ben�Gurlon ment, eaid ye~terday that the police
Alrport pollce head NitzavMiehne belleve that more people aro !n�
Avraham Mueatia dcacrlbed the volved tn the attafr, but "thfe tlme
paK hle men had playcd in the case. we cauRht the bfg ffeh."
Musatla ~aid the alrporl pollce had Shemesh eaid that recently there
_ f ntormatlon on FarRuln'~ d~uK� have been many casee ot the emuggl-
releted activltles, and whilc check- 1nR ot hard druRe trom Iran to Ierael,
ing hie paseport, policem~ iden- slthouRh there are no lonRer dlrect
alrllnks between the two countrtes.
t1Ued h1m, Atter briet coneultatfon~ a '~~~ye don't think anyone !n Iran
pollceman, 8erqeant Moshe PYnkels- WBnte to flood the Iaraelf market
tefn, wae aent to aearch hia It's elmply that thefr drug
� belonRtnRs. ta of very hiRh quaUty and much
chesper than ln other places 1n the
world," Bhemeah ~dd.
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NA~tCOTIC5 CONFISCATION--Tripoli, 20 Mny--Libyan authorities Gonfiecated yea-
_ terday 13-mi111on U.S. dollare worth of narcotics. Tripoli TV reported last�
night that the smugglers were uaing 39 cars and nine launches in addition to ,
wirelesa aets. All were also confiacated. On the other hand, the authori-
~ies also confiacated 28,000 bottles of foreign and locally made wines, dur-
ing a break into 26 secret wine factories. [Text] [Baghdad INA in Engllsh
1435 GMT 20 May 79 JN]
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YEAR'S bRUG HAUL--The Assembly--The black market price of dagga has risen
by about eight times in a year, mainly because of inCensified police
action. This emerges from the annual report of the Commissioner of Police,
General Mike Geldenhuys, for Che year ending on June 30, 1978. General
Geldenhuya also reveals a very steep rise in the amount of other drugs
s eized by the police. The police seized 237,952 kg of dagga, compared with
2 21,818 kg the year before, The estimated value of the da~;ga seized in
the year under review amounts Co R47.6-million--compared with only
R5.5-million for the year before. "The progressive increases in Che
estimated value of the dagga seized may be ascribed to Che high price
of dagga on the black market," says General Geldenhuys. (Text~
[Johannesburg THE STAR in English 2 May 79 p 11]
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REL~A5~ OF UK DRUG PRISONEIt5--Itusaia appeared yesterday to have embarked
on a"spring clean" of iCs labor camps, which 3ncluded rhe release of
four BriCuna serving long aentences for drug amuggling. The Soviet
authorities have told Whitehall that they are proposing to free the four
at the weekend and put them on an aircraft to London. The decision could
be part of a ma~or reappraisal by the Soviet leadership and KGB, the
security police, of its labor camp system, as well as being linked Co
relat~ons with the West. The four Britons are Laurence Donoghue, 28, of
Chiswich, Andrew Burgess, 26, of Sunbury, Lesley Kennett, 27 and Donald
Parkins, 30, of Wandsworth. [Report by John Miller] [Excerpt]
[London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in English 1 May 79 p 1 LD]
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Madrid YA in Spanish 8 Apr 79 pp 31, 32 �
[ArCicle by Enrique Beotas]
(TexC] The problem is not new or unique Co our country. One must go back
in time and history to �ind its true origin since this problem, wh3ch in Che
beginning was confined to certain geographical areas and social clasaea, has
become the greatest cauae of human and social deterioration, being, in addi-
tion the cause of many crimes, such ae crimes involving property, aafety and
personal integrity. Druge have now been introduced into all levela of aociety.
They can be found in some schools, where unscrupulous traffickers give children -
candy containing hashia oil in order to make addicts of th~m; they are found
in our universities, in places of work, in recreation centera. This great
specCer that extends its tentacles into the innermost recesses of the social
order reachea all phases of our activity.
But the problem worsens alarmingly in that part of the present which will
become the future because drugs in Spain are found in the 50 percent of our
youths who have tried them at some time, or are traffickers, or users and
~ ' traffickers at the same time. Drugs are today a business of billions and
billions of pesetas which has inundated the timid government represaxwe meas-
ures. It is a business that is exacting a high price, the will power of
many men, their money, their livea, and what is even more serious, their
self-respect. This is so widespread that according ta the Drug Brigade, last
year the police seized about 6,892,328 grams of various drugs, 166 marihuana
plants, 4,605 cubic centimeters of opium, morphine, and pharmaceuticals of
similar effect, and 52,185 stimulating or tranquilizing tablets.
Drugs in Spain
Much has been said and written about the place held by our country in the
world drug.traffic and with a certain ingenuousness, with dramatic frivolity,
it has been said that Spain is only a stopover in the great network formed
by the Craffic of the five continents. That is, the theory was that Spain,
as the point of intersection of the four great intercontinental routes, was
no more than a logistic support point for that large market which now can be
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found all over our country; but, logically enough, it is in larger ~iCiea
that the greatesC number of cases are recorded.
The main drug entry points in our country, in order of importance, are those
in the south (Algeciras, Almeria and so forth), the airports o� Madrid and
Barcelona, and the border points with Portugal and France.
This escalation has taken place in a few yeara, the young have seen themaelves
enveloped in a dramatic but uverwhelming reality with a total of 1 million
boys and girls who are drug addicts, obvious proof in itself that our country ~
has not only sCopped being merely a stopover but has become one of the most ~
important marketa. Proof of this is in the revealing figures provided by ~
the General Directorate of Security, according to which, for 1977 the increase
recorded in persons arrested was 65 percent (last year 8,858 peraona were
arresCed, a number that will certainly be surpassed this year). In reference
to drugs seized, there has been an increase of about 108 percent as compared
to 1977. One must emphasize thaC heroin, which had a 28-percent increase as
mentioned above, was for national use, whereas in other yearsthis drug had
only passed through to other countries, for we must not forget, as we blithely
stated above, that Spain serves as tranashipmenC point for other European
countries of heroin from Southeast Asia and of marihuana (marihuana, hashish,
_ hashish oil) from Morocco.
If specialized history books often tell us that the fixst use of narcotics '
was for the purpose of sub~ugating the people of oriental colonies under ~
imperialist powers or even to maintain slavery without difficulty in certain
societies, drugs are now aimed at the young with a triple ob~ective: to de-
stabilize the present generation, to subvert the family nucleus established
as the basic cell of society, and to provide a rich market which brings large
profits to unscrupulous big traffickers who with impunity blithely play with
Drugs Seized by the ~olice in 1978
Marihuana planCs 115,500 grams ~
Marihuana seeds ~ 166 plants
Marihuana 4,133 grams
Hashish fr',525,768 grams
Heroin 9,000 grams
Pharmaceuticals 3,275 cubic centimeters
1,848 tablets
Cocaine 14,950 grams
LSD 4,332 doses
Psychotropic drugs 51,757 grams
Stimulants and tranquilizers 50,337 tablets
CSO: 5300 74
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Mndrid YA in 5panish 11 Apr 79 p 23
[A~ticle by ~nrique Beotne]
[TexC] This year more than 2,000 psychotropic drugs have
been discovered in Spain.
FifCy-six percenC of those arrested as drug addicts by the
- police are between 19 and 25 yeara old~
LASt year 1.68 trillion pesetas' worCh of narcotics were
, sold in Che United States.
Drug stores as well as bona fide paCienCs suffer from
~he outrages of drug addicts who robbed almost 1,000 estab-
liahments in Madrid in the past year.
The use of paychoCropic drugs has risen by 400 percent in
1 year.
If in our previous article we pointed out in a general way the increase of the
use of drugs by our youth, we are going to deal more specifically with Che
reasons we have arrived aC this deplorable atate.
In the first place, it must be stressed ChaC more than 2,000 different pay-
chotropic drugs, that is, more than Z,000 types of drugs which have different
tranquilizing or stimulating characteristics, have been discovered in our
country during the last year. This figure, disturbing as it is, is much more
so if we compare iC with that of any European country where the number of dif-
ferenC psychotropic drugs scarcely reaches 100, an essential point in acquaint-
ing us with the magnitude of the problem.
The most significant reasons why the youngest sectors of our society are
beginning to follow the path of drug users deserve special mention. To start
with we will mention family proble;ns, peer preasure, snobbism, curiosity and
even their ~ocio-economic postion, all of which exert pressure on many youths
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Cd rid th~mg~lv~~ di th~ir nwn ~p@C~.f~.C problemg by follnwing Ghe �glge ~nd
c~rngCrdphiC path nf the us~ oE drugg. Druge gain gcc~sg tihrough peychdingi- -
cnl m~~ng, fnr unfaXtunaCely [pngmens~, Crgnslation noe nvailabl~], ~?ctuc~l
prn-nnrcoCi~~ campttigns are in exiet~nce whinh, perfectily orchaaCrxred,
frequ~nrly leave Cheir mark on yourh in iCg paychnlogiCal imm~Curity.
BuC alehnu~h it may ~ppe~r pnradoxicnl, the prohibiCion of repe~tied
wieh annnying frequency nnd the exgggeration of ehe,n~rasCrophic results of
th~ir uye are inducements so thae th~ young, who axe aCtrgcted by the lure of
the nfren give in eo the curioaitiy o� trying iC. '
These causes reeulC in figures such as those furniahed by tihe Central Drug
IirigAde which m~de 9,000 arresee ]nst year in our counrry for Che trafficking
nnd use of narcorics. Of those arresred, youths are ~ really high percent;
19 ro 25 ye~r olds make up exacrly 56 percent. The 16 to 19 year n1d group
_ m~kes up 18 percent of those arrested. '
The 25 to 30 year old group makes up 15 percenC while, amazingly, 1 percenr
were boys arrested for tra�ficking in drugs who were nnt yeC 16 yeara old.
An Affliction of riillions
Tn i1lusCraCe the statements which we have been making and to demosCrate th~t
they are not blithe and reckless fabrications let us examine the followin~
facts: ~
Last year narcotics were sold in the United States valued at 1.68 trillion '
pesetas. Bue what is serious for us is tt~at that country, with its problems
apparently so removed from ours, has no need to envy us, for in Spain there
are 30,000 addicts of opiates who spend 43 billion peseCas per year on the
dri~g. Experts even maintain that in Madrid and Barcelona alone there are more
than 13,000 heroin and opium addicts.
Fror.? the number of arrests in Spain last year it has been learned that mari-
huana, (marihuana, hashish and oil of hashish) is the largest selling drug
since the police discovered 7,431 addicts of that type of drug. This is fol-
lowed by Che psychotropic pharmaceuCicals (amphetamines, barbiCuates and so
forth), used by 870 persons who were arrested, while 470 Craffickers in
opiates such as morphine and heroin were arrested.
Juvenile Delinquency, Consequence of Drugs
The great afflictir~n of drug trafficking and its escalation manifests itself
above all in 3uvenile delinquency. No one can fail to notice its growth,
observable simply in the proliferation of signs in drug stores pleading "I
have no drugs or sCimulanCs. Do not break anything." More and more frequenCly
robberies of this type are carried out basically in an eager search for drugs
or, in their absence, for pharmocological substances containing some stimu-
lant. In 1975 only five drug stores were robbed in Madrid. The following
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year thie figure becnme an glarming 9,000. Lee each one draw hi~ own conclu-
eione from ehie.
Table 2~ Increase in Percentage of Druga Seized by Narcotics grigade
in 19~8 (compared wiCh previoue year)
Morphine 180 percent
Heroin 2g "
LSD 100 "
Peychotrop3c Drugs 400 "
Table 3~ Addicts ArreaCed in 1978 by Age
16 yeare 1 percent �
16-18 years lg
19-25 years 56 " ~
26-30 years 15 " ,
Over 30 years 10 "
~ ; , �t~�r; ,
CSO: 5300
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Madr3d CAMBIO 16 in Spaniah 29 Apr 79 pp 85~87
[Unattribu~ed areicle; "The Common MarkeC of Druge"j
~ [Text] While the Moroccana are the "hashiah gobblers,"
the Spaniards for many Northern Europeana are the
"amphetamine gobblexs." This is a drug tha~ is easily
, avai.],able in Spain and that is exported through a wide-
spread amuggling ring.
In their room in a third-rate boarding house in Benidorm, Jan -;eid Sven,
two Swedea who are still almost adolescents, are packing their bags for
their return to Gotenburg, Cheir hometown, afCer having spent 2 months
along the coast of Alicante. Everythtng is very normal except for their
underwear. In place of T-shirts~ the two Scandinavians are wearing thin
bags of cloth, full of little pouches, taped to them on the level of the
armpits~ Each pouch contains hundreds of pills which usually are called
"caviar" by a certain kind of drug addict, in other words, Bustaid, the
commercial name for metamphetamine, which is sold in any Spanish pharmacy.
"With this," says Jan in his guttural English to one of the editors of
_ this magazine, "we can pay for our 2 months o� vacation in Spa~n and we
wi11 have money left over." Each bottle of Bustaid cost them the equiva-
l~nt of $1; back in Sweden, "the goods" will have mul~ipled in value 20
or 30 times over, depending upon the variaCions on the black market in
drugs. Jan and Sven invested a modest $SO for the purchase of this stuff
in various pharmacies in different towns--~"where they give you the pres-
criptien back after they sell you the drug"--their cargo of amphetamines
whicti they hope will earn them between $1,000 and $2,000 in Gotenburg.
This is a new kind of business. For years, the Spaniards were called
"amphetamine gobblers" in northern Europe, while the Moroccans were known
as "hashish gobblers." Until a short time ago, S~.3in was the only country
in Europe where one could get amphetamines and barbiturates even without
prescriptiona. Things began to change only in 1977 when the situation be-
came toi+~her for amphetamine traffickers ard addices; this, by the way, is
a drug that induces euphoria. .
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Spa~ish echolarship students abroad, the emp].oyees of ranbaseiea, coneu].~eea,
an~l enterprisea with he~dquarteYe ~.n northern Europe or simple touriara pay
for their vaca~ione by simply smuggling some botitles of pharmaceutical druga
containing amphetaminea; thia includes both anorexics that take appetite
away and are prescribed for people who wanti to slim down, such as Busid, an
amphatamine mu1.Ci.p1e effacta, and many o~her similar p~oducta. On the
other hand, tnany summer touriete--French, Be~.gian, Scandinavian, Ger~nat?s,
and Bri~ieh--paid and sti11 pay for their vacations by tranaporting amphe-
tamines or epeed, in internaCional drug language, to their home countriea.
Control Difficult
SCarting in 1917, when the authoriCies decided to put out legislation on
psychoerop:Lc subsCances through Decree Law 2829 (whose proviaions are ad-
~usted Cd the Vienna Convention on paychotiropic druga of 1971), the sale
of drugs, which affect the payche, must be based strictly on prescriptions
and Che prescription is then kept by the pharmacist himself for further
"Right now," according to sou~ces in Che directorate-general of the civil
guard, "the amphetamine addict usually is almost always connected with
the theft of pharmacies, the forging of inedical prescript3ona, os the
stealing of prescripCions." But thaC also includes pharmaciata who.are
not conscientious in complying with the law and the probable existence of
underground factoriea of amphetamines--alChough Chis is difficult to prove
as of now--for export or illegal production by some legally es-
tahlished laboratories.
The control of amphetamines i:; difficult and tha~ only helps the illegal
Crade in this drug. Some doctnrs normally prescribe these medications
against depression or to take appetite away. There ia no need to smuggle
this medication to other counL�ries because the situa~ion is not strictly
conCrolled by the Spanish auChorities since travelexs generally are not
checked out as they leave the country. It is then left up to customs
authorities of other countries to prevent the drug from coming in, a task
which is not simple because of the small size of Che pills and the lack
of special odor that would make it possibte to use dogs for detection
purposes. In spite of all that, the Civil Guard managed to confiscate
almost 3 kilograms of amphetamines last year.
The methods that are used to get the drugs out usually a~ce simple, such
as those employed by Jan and Sven, although sometimes thay are quite in-
genious. Spanish police authorities on some occasions found nuts Chat
had been carefully emptied out and then f illed with amphetamines and then
glued together again; they were sent by mail as "dried fruit." Not long
ago, a shipn.ent, by mail, of hollowed out books was discovered, containing
several bottles of amphetamines. Without this kind of sophistication, the
inspe.:tion service of the Civil Guard recently diacovered a pa.tient~who
was a trafficker and who had forged medic~l prescriptions by using
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self-adhesive 1eCters Chrough which he had ~cquired 2~0 bottles of Bustaid
3n various pharmacies which he hoped to "export" Co Swed~n.
In api,te o� restrictivg 1.egislation, 5pain is stil~. wide open for the
ampheramir?e CraEfickera. This is so not only because of Che ~.ack o� con-
scient~.ousneas on the parC of some pharmacists but also because Spain is
the European country the :Largesti number of pharmaceuCical preparatiions,
in other worda, more than 25,000 brande of inedicinea whereas, according to
~he opinion of many medical authoritiies, 300 would be enough and tihat is
the number tha~ ~.s usually employed in hospiCals.
Thia commerc~,aL voracity of inedical laboratorias and the absence of s~rict
government con~rol result in a situation where "the 5paniards" continue to
be "the gobblera o� apeed" for many norChern Europeans.
'How to Develop Drug Dependence
There are ~ew students or former atudents who did not at one time or
another use Prophamine, Maxiton, Centramine, Sympa~ine or one of the
commercial products containing amphetamines, before exams. And it is
probable thaC many women, obsessed with their overweight condition and
concerned with having the right kind of shape, also frequently used am-
phetaminic compounds (Minilip, Sabacid, Preludin) in order Co eake their
a~petiee away.
Amphetamines have the advantage of producing euphoria, enChusiasm for Chat normally leaves a person indifferent, or that would even
cause re3ection and that would remove the sensation of. hunger and Chirst.
On the other hand, all of these sensations are maintained due to a sCate `
of anxiety and 3.rritability which gets worse as the effecCs fade away.
In contrast Co other pow~erful drugs, they do not produce physical addic-
tion although they can cause a heavy psychological dependence in some
persons is why, after a long period of consumption of amphetamines~ ~
they cannot get along without them. Generally, people begin by taking a
pill "to get more done" or "not Co fall asleep" and then they wind up
consuming ~ntire bottles. In 1971, the Spaniards consumed more than 25 �
million units of amphetanines and it is very probable that ehis figure
mulCiplied in recent years.
A person who geCs used to thes.e medications becomes the victim of a
vicious circle: "The harmfulness of amphetamines is pre~isely due to the
way ~n which it increases the. individuals's energy," says psychiatrist
Enrique Gonzalez Duro, author of one of the best-documented studies on
the consumption of ~.rugs that came out recenfily, "This energy is 13ke
� a forced loan from c~rtain physical and psychological reserves and that
produces euphoria whish lasts a few hours but that in turn is followed
by fatigue and depression. Ta avoid th~t depression, the sub~ecC must
again take the drug which means that, due to the progressive increas~ of
th~ dose, he ia quickly in a psychological-physical state of decline and
exhaustion of all of his reserves which he cannot restore with increasing
doses of the drug. It is then that he becomes a narcotics addict."
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The fin~l resulGs nre noti at a11 enviable: UnconCrollable ~ggreseivenesa,
persecuCion caaplexes, permanenC irritabiliCy, and psychological imbalance.
Frequently, those people who begin by taking nmphetami.nes out o� the:lr am-
bition "to produca more" wind up �ailing and all of their gaine are los~.
CSO: 5300
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Madrid ABC in Spanish 20 Apr 79 p 42
[Text] First center for drug addicCs to be opened ~
tomorrow in Madrid. It will provide free medical
assis~ance and rehab~.litation for all persons who
come there voluntarily. The first Spanish center
for drug addicts will be opened next Saturday in
Madrid according to press conference held today
in the presence of represenCativea from the Spanish
Red Cross and the Ministry of Health. This center
wi11 be a pilot facility and will serve as a testing
ground for other similar facilities.
It is located at 8 Jucar SCreet, in premises made available by the Madrid
Distr3ct and was eatablished in response to a cooperative initiative be-
tween the Red Cross and the c?irectorate-general of social services, Min-
istry of Aea1Ch. The civilian governmenC and the district also collabor-
aCed in its establishmen